Page 1: Use the date (six digit number – 00/00/00) for when services are to begin. This should be implemented as soon as possible following the meeting – but
Page 2: Use the date (six digit number – 00/00/00) for when services are to begin. This should be implemented as soon as possible following the meeting – but
Page 3: Use the date (six digit number – 00/00/00) for when services are to begin. This should be implemented as soon as possible following the meeting – but

Use the date (six digit number – 00/00/00) for when services are to begin. This should be implemented as soon as possible following the meeting – but be sure to get waiver signed if services begin before the 10 day period.

Use the six digit date to indicate the date by which services are expected to be completed. Remember, this should not exceed one calendar year from the initiation date of services.

Page 4: Use the date (six digit number – 00/00/00) for when services are to begin. This should be implemented as soon as possible following the meeting – but

Minutes Per Week in Setting

Document the minutes for EACH special education

and related services identified. Be sure that the minutes are clear to

parents and IEP team members. Never use “as

needed” or “when available” – unless the IEP stipulates otherwise (i.e., ESY, home/hospital services), the services would only be provided

on days school is in session.

Page 5: Use the date (six digit number – 00/00/00) for when services are to begin. This should be implemented as soon as possible following the meeting – but

Special Education Services – Outside General Education- Document the minutes for EACH special education and related services identified

Related Services - Outside General Education- Document the minutes for EACH special education and related services identified

Page 6: Use the date (six digit number – 00/00/00) for when services are to begin. This should be implemented as soon as possible following the meeting – but

This Area is to identify the total amount of time

spent outside the general education


Page 7: Use the date (six digit number – 00/00/00) for when services are to begin. This should be implemented as soon as possible following the meeting – but

Ages 3-5 Indentify the numbers of minutes Spent in a regular early childhood program and the number of minutes spent receiving special education and related services outside regular early education.

Page 8: Use the date (six digit number – 00/00/00) for when services are to begin. This should be implemented as soon as possible following the meeting – but

Ages 6-21 Bell to Bell Minutes – The TOTAL amount of

time a child spends during his school day from the beginning to the end, including lunch, recess, passing time ect…Check your school for the specific Minutes, because each school differs.

Minutes Outside General Education- The TOTAL number of special education and related services per week provided per week provided outside gen ed as indicated on the form.

Page 9: Use the date (six digit number – 00/00/00) for when services are to begin. This should be implemented as soon as possible following the meeting – but

When determining placement, the team should consider the least restrictive environment requirements stated on this page. An explanation should be provided whenever a child WILL NOT participate in general education.

Page 10: Use the date (six digit number – 00/00/00) for when services are to begin. This should be implemented as soon as possible following the meeting – but

To the maximum extent appropriate, students with disabilities must be educated and participate with students who are non-

disabled. Provide an explanation to the extent, if any, to which student will not

participate in general education classes or activities.

Page 11: Use the date (six digit number – 00/00/00) for when services are to begin. This should be implemented as soon as possible following the meeting – but

Removal has occurred because the nature or severity of the student’s disability is such that education in general classes with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily.

For example: John will attend a pull-out math and writing class to address his math and writing deficits.

Check Yes or


Page 12: Use the date (six digit number – 00/00/00) for when services are to begin. This should be implemented as soon as possible following the meeting – but

Provide an explanation whenever a child will not be provided with an opportunity to participate in a nonacademic or extracurricular activity due to a disability.

Check Yes or


Page 13: Use the date (six digit number – 00/00/00) for when services are to begin. This should be implemented as soon as possible following the meeting – but

Provide an explanation whenever a child will not attend the school he/she would attend if nondisabled.

Check Yes or


Page 14: Use the date (six digit number – 00/00/00) for when services are to begin. This should be implemented as soon as possible following the meeting – but

For a child who is deaf, hard of hearing, blind or visually impaired, parents have been informed of existence of the Illinois School for the Deaf or the Illinois for the Visually impaired and the services it provides, and other local schools that provide similar services.

Check Yes or


Page 15: Use the date (six digit number – 00/00/00) for when services are to begin. This should be implemented as soon as possible following the meeting – but

When completing this section, the team MUST document the reasons why placements were rejected –

For example: Reject Regular ED 100% - (Reason rejected)

John will not receive enough support to address writing and math needs.

At least 80% in regular education – (If accepted) Supports in place to ensure John’s academic success.

40 – 79% in regular education -(If rejected) Not enough support for math/writing for John.

Page 16: Use the date (six digit number – 00/00/00) for when services are to begin. This should be implemented as soon as possible following the meeting – but

Additionally, the team must consider and document any potentially harmful effect of the proposed placement on the student or the quality of services he/she needs.

Page 17: Use the date (six digit number – 00/00/00) for when services are to begin. This should be implemented as soon as possible following the meeting – but

The team MUST document at least three options considered (examples on previous slides). Although the option may have a potential harmful effect, the team may still determine that it is the most appropriate placement for the student. It is recommended that the team begin with the least restrictive environment setting when considering placement options.

Page 18: Use the date (six digit number – 00/00/00) for when services are to begin. This should be implemented as soon as possible following the meeting – but

Each public agency must ensure to the maximum extent appropriate , children with disabilities, including children in public or private institutions or other care facilities, are educated with children who are nondisabled

Be sure to check the “yes” or “no” boxes to indicate if the team accepts the placement. After determining special education placement, complete the “Placement” section on the Conference Summary Report page of the IEP.

Page 19: Use the date (six digit number – 00/00/00) for when services are to begin. This should be implemented as soon as possible following the meeting – but

If you check the “yes” box that the student will receive special transportation - specify how the transportation will be

