Page 1: Usain Bolt & Adam Ant Recycling your nutrition feature allows you to keep track of the amounts of water you drink and

Recycling your iPhoneCan you fix your iPhone and if you

can’t fix it, do you really own it?

Usain Bolt & Adam Ant

Because bedtimeThe reason behind the bedtime feature and its benefical purposes.

Page 2: Usain Bolt & Adam Ant Recycling your nutrition feature allows you to keep track of the amounts of water you drink and


The bedtime feature Lauryn Maree Plumpton.

Apple has continually worked on revamp the idea behind the use and inventions behind the phone. In June 29,2007 marked the 10th anniversary of the release of the first iPhone. In 2016 when the iOS 10 is when apple introduced the new ‘ bedtime feature.’ This new feature is said to be more of a pre planning and suggestion app to help encourage a healthier lifestyle for individuals. The overall idea behind this is that some believe our devices often are a key factor to why people are not be getting sufficient amounts of sleep. Apple believes that ‘why not use the same device to try and address the problem.’Although this feature tracks your sleep period schedules, it doesn’t specifically log the exact minutes you sleep. It calculates the number of hours you spend in bed by your motion and the devices usage. One improvement of this form of alarm system compared to others is the availability to use custom sounds

that are designed to gently fade in to gradually awaken you. When first enamelling this feature it explains all of the other benefits this program provides. Apples plan was to help enforce a healthier lifestyle for their customers, by having this all in one to an individuals health and wellbeing. The four categories that they provide are a daily activity tracker, nutrition, mindfulness and the bedtime feature.The goal was that when using a combination these features together will help enable healthier habits or help to reduce the impact of poor habits. The bedtime option has been seen as an investment to the already existing health records option available on the iPhone. This is true but I believe, it not only allows new advancements but now makes using your phone to help track health and provide the means to improve your wellbeing is easier then ever!The use of daily sleep graphs, in both weekly and monthly options allows users

Page 3: Usain Bolt & Adam Ant Recycling your nutrition feature allows you to keep track of the amounts of water you drink and


to not only be told how much sleep they are getting but to now be able see physical charts of this information. Giving the idea of “ seeing the bigger picture. “Like I said earlier this new feature of the iPhone the bedtime feature has three other options available within it, The daily activity tracker keeps the number of steps you’ve taken, Flights of stairs you’ve climbed and your walking + running distance , even the specific time these activites take place and collects this information into a clean interface that maps and graphs all of this data. The nutrition feature allows you to keep track of the amounts of water you drink and the option to list amounts of elements such as caffeine, fibre and protein. The mindfulness feature plays relaxing set recordings designed to relax your body. according to apple provides the state of active, open attention on the present. Being more mindful allows you to observe your thoughts and feelings, living in the moment and awakening to experience.

Having these four different options allows for the users experience while using the bedtime feature to be tailered to their own personal choice. Chosing as much or as little as they want to part take in gives the impression that it is not just a one quick fix.Sleep deficiency brought on by not giving your body the efficient amount of rest that is needed can cause you to feel very tired during the day. You may also not feel refreshed and alert when you wake up. Sleep deficiency also can interfere with work, school, driving, and social functioning.The different signs and symptoms of sleep deficiency may also be between children and adults. Children who are sleep deficient have been reported to be overly active and have problems paying attention. They also may misbehave, and their school performance can suffer in result of this.According to, In 2017 it was stated that 223 million people in the U.S alone own an iPhone. With the numbers

References: Evans, J. (2018). How iOS 10 Bedtime works. [online] Computerworld. Available at: [Accessed 8 Oct. 2018].Inverse. (2018). The iPhone Bedtime App: A Little “Shamey” or the Best Feature Ever?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Oct. 2018].

HuffPost. (2018). Surprise! Your iPhone Might Be The Secret To Better Sleep. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Oct. 2018]. Biersdorfer, J. (2018). Use the iPhone’s Sleep Diary. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Oct. 2018].Apple Newsroom. (2018). iOS 12 introduces new features to reduce interruptions and manage Screen Time. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Oct. 2018].

being this high accounts for approximately 83% of all mobile users, this is why Apple has strived in ensuring that their product is delivering the best experience possible. Developments over the past years now gives this new feature the opportunity for any individual to work on getting enough quality sleep at the right times , Graphs and maps activities and mindfulness courses vital for mental health, physical health, qualityof life, and safetyIn 2015 the American academy of sleep medicine and sleep research society stated that the individuals who do not get enough sleep become used to the sensations of this - being proven to suffer from significant reduction in cognitive performance, elevate the risk of diabetes, stroke and depression. Developments over the past years now gives this new feature the opportunity for any individual to work on getting enoquality sleep at the right times , Graphs and maps activities and mindfulness courses vital for mental health, physical health, quality of life and safety.

The bedtime feature Lauryn Maree Plumpton.

Page 4: Usain Bolt & Adam Ant Recycling your nutrition feature allows you to keep track of the amounts of water you drink and


� e daily activity is the space where the feature tells you the amount of sleep you gained that night, walking distance and � oors climbed.

� is is the mindfulness section, here is where set recordings have been designed to relax your body. In result improve your thoughts and feelings.

Each providing di� erent skills and techniques, proves that this is the all in one health and � tness app.

� is is the home page that when choosing ' more history ' you are directed to. � e four features are

displayed here

Page 5: Usain Bolt & Adam Ant Recycling your nutrition feature allows you to keep track of the amounts of water you drink and


As stated before, this is the the same home page as displayed that when choosing ' more history ' you are directed to. � e four features are

displayed here

� e four feautures have their own sections each providing unique

and a tailered experience for each individual.

Shown above is the sleep analysis data chart in weekly and monthly mode. � is shows the averaged time your

phone is able to pick up on, � e idea behind the graphs apposed to just listing is a challange to keep them


When challanging yourself in this way , physically seeing your progress

allows you to see where and when you messed up or didnt go as well and be

able to work towards improving in the future.
