
UbuntuScheepjes CAL 2018

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Week 11: Border Part 5

“Ubuntu: I am because we are.”The belief that we are defined by our compassion and kindness towards others.

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Week 11: Border Part 5

Scallop from Round 17, again working OVER the ch-1 sp from Round 18. Ch 1 and join by making a sl st in the marked ch-1 sp after the Scallop. Remove this SM. Fasten off and work away your ends.*

Repeat from * to * until you have worked into each corner Scallop.

Stitch Count Per Corner Flower: 8 2-dc Bobbles, 2 ch-1 sps, and 7 ch-2 sps – not including sl sts

Corner Flower Row 2 (CC4)Except for the first and last joining sts, you will ONLY be working into the ch-2 sps of Corner Flower Row 1. Ignore all other stitches and ch-1 sps.

*Identify the marked sc from Border Round 18 before any corner Scallop. Join CC4 by making a standing BPsc around this sc. Do not remove this SM! Ch 1. (3-dc Bobble, ch 3) in each of the next 6 ch-2 sps. 3-dc Bobble in the last ch-2 sp. Ch 1 and join by making a BPsc around the next marked sc from the previous round. Remove this SM and place it in the next sc from Border Round 18! Fasten off and work away your ends.*

Repeat from * to * until you have a Flower in each corner.

Stitch Count Per Corner Flower: 2 BPsc, 7 3-dc Bobbles, 2 ch-1 sps, and 6 ch-3 sps – not including sl sts

We will now continue with the border.

Border Round 19 (MC)Join MC yarn by making a standing FPsc around any last Bobble from Flower Row 2.

If you need help with any of the stitches or techniques, you can find photo tutorials here:

Esther from I’ts all in a Nutshell has created video tutorials for the Ubuntu CAL. You can find the video’s on her Youtube channel:Right handed video: Left handed video:

PatternBefore continuing with the border, we will make a Flower in each corner. The flowers consist of two rows (Corner Flower Rows 1 and 2). Double check the placement of your stitch markers before you start!

Corner Flower Row 1 (CC3)Before you start, identify the 4 ch-1 sps of each corner Scallop from Border Round 17. Except for the first and last joining sts, you will only be working into these ch-1 sps. Ignore all other stitches and ch-2 sps.

*Join CC3 by making a sl st in the marked ch-1 sp from Border Round 18 before any corner Scallop. Remove this SM. Ch 1. (2-dc Bobble, ch 2) twice in each of the first 3 ch-1 sps of the Scallop from Round 17, working OVER the ch-1 sps from Round 18. (2-dc Bobble, ch 2, 2-dc Bobble) in the last ch-1 sp of the

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*Make 3 dc in the marked sc from Border Round 18, directly after the sc containing the BPsc from Corner Flower Row 2. Remove the SM and place it in the first dc of the 3-dc group just made. Hdc in the next st, which should be the fourth st before the next ch-1 sp. Ch 4. Skip the next 3 sts, the next ch-1 sp, and the next 3 sts (the first one of which will be hidden, here and on each repeat).

(Hdc in the next st, which should be the fourth st after the ch-1 sp. Make 2 dc in the next st, make a Cluster over the next 2 sts and the next ch-1 sp. Skip the next st, which should be the BPsc. Make a Cluster over the next ch-1 sp and the next 2 sts. Make 2 dc in the next st, hdc in the next st. Ch 4, skip the next 6 sts and the ch-1 sp) 10 times.

Hdc in the next st, which should be the fourth st after the ch-1 sp. Dc in the next st. Make 2 dc in the next st, which should already contain the SM and the BPsc from Corner Flower Row 2. Remove the SM. (FPsc around the next Bobble from Flower Row 2, ch 3) 6 times. FPsc around the last Bobble from Flower Row 2. This will form your corner.*

Repeat from * to * 5 more times, omitting the last FPsc on the last repeat. Join to the first FPsc with a sl st.

Stitch Count Per Side: 22 hdc, 46 dc, 20 Clusters, and 11 ch-4 sps – not including the corners, which consist of 7 FPsc and 6 ch-3 sps

Border Round 20 (MC)When making the BPsc into Corner Flower Row 1, it is easier if you turn your work towards you so that you can see what you are doing.

Sl st into the next st, which should contain the SM. Remove the SM. Ch 1, sc in the same st. Sc in the next 3 sts.

*(Make 4 sc in the next ch-4 sp. Skip the next st, which will be hidden anyway. Hdc in the next 2 sts. Dc in the next st, which should be the first Cluster. Make 2 dc in the next st, dc in the next st. Hdc in the next 2 sts) 10 times. Make 4 sc in the last ch-4 sp. Sc in the next 4 sts, the first one of which will be hidden.

Ch 4. (BPsc, ch 1) around each of the first 7 2-dc Bobbles from Corner Flower Row 1. BPsc around the last 2-dc Bobble from Corner Flower Row 1. Ch 4. Skipping all the corner sts and sps from the previous round (highlighted above), sc in the first 4 sts of the next side, the first of which should contain a SM. Remove the SM.*

Repeat from * to * 5 more times, omitting the last 4 sc on the last repeat. Join to the first sc with a sl st. Fasten off and work away your ends.

Stitch Count Per Side: 52 sc, 40 hdc, 40 dc, and 2 ch-4 sps – not including the corners, which consist of 8 BPsc and 7 ch-1 sps

Border Round 21 (MC)Identify the 6 ch-3 sps from Corner Flower Row 2 (in any corner). Join your yarn by making a standing sc in the third ch-3 sp, working over the ch-3 sp from Border Round 19. (Hdc, dc) in the same ch-3 sp, still working over the ch-3 sp from Border Round 19. Ch 1. Mark this ch-1 sp with a SM to help you identify it later on. (Dc, hdc, sc) in the next ch-3 sp, working over the ch-3 sp from Round 19. This is your first corner made.

*(Make 3 sc in the next ch-3 sp from Corner Flower Row 2, working over the ch-3 sp from Round 19) twice. Dc in the last ch-1 sp from Corner Flower Row 2, working OVER Border Round 19. Sc in the next 6 sts from Border Round 20. The last st should fall in the second sc made into the ch-4 sp. Ch 1, skip the next st.

(Sc in the next 11 sts. The last st should fall in the second sc made into the ch-4 sp. Ch 1, skip the next st) 10 times.

Sc in the next 5 sts. Dc in the first ch-1 sp from Corner Flower Row 2, working OVER Border Round 19. (Make 3 sc in the next ch-3 sp from Corner Flower Row 2, working over the ch-3 sp from Round 19) twice. (Sc, hdc, dc) in the next ch-3 sp from Corner Flower Row 2, working over the ch-3 sp from Round 19. Ch 1. Mark this ch-1 sp with a SM to help you identify it later on. (Dc, hdc, sc) in the next ch-3 sp from Corner Flower Row 2, working over the ch-3 sp from Round 19.*

Repeat from * to * 5 more times, omitting the last corner on the last repeat. Join to the first sc with a sl st. Fasten off and work away your ends.

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Stitch Count Per Side: 135 sc, 2 hdc, 4 dc, and 11 ch-1 sps – not including (marked) ch-1 corner sps
