Page 1: US Navy NAVELEX Electronic Warfare Program Information · urgent need to reduce combat losses from specific threats. The strategic-oriented programs of the 1950's provided the technological



Page 2: US Navy NAVELEX Electronic Warfare Program Information · urgent need to reduce combat losses from specific threats. The strategic-oriented programs of the 1950's provided the technological
Page 3: US Navy NAVELEX Electronic Warfare Program Information · urgent need to reduce combat losses from specific threats. The strategic-oriented programs of the 1950's provided the technological


The NA VELEX Program Information Series describes

important segments of the Naval Electronic Systems Com­

mand's activity. This volume presents a brief history of

electronic warfare, current Navy capabilities and NAVELEX

plans for the development of electronic warfare systems.

Since the details of electronic warfare operations and tech­

nical data on specific equipments are generally classified,

descriptions in certain areas have been limited in detail in

order that this publication may remain unclassified.

Electronic warfare encompasses the military action

involved in using electromagnetic energy to determine, ex­

ploit, reduce or prevent the hostile use of the electro­

magnetic spectrum. The NA VELEX electronic warfare

effort is principally the responsibility of the REWSON

(Reconnaissance, Electronic Warfare, Special Operations, and

Naval Intelligence Systems) Project Office (PME 1 07). This

office manages the development of ship and submarine

electronic warfare systems, and, through PMA523, the devel­

opment of airborne electronic warfare systems. Work is in

progress on electro-optic sensors and countermeasures, elec­

tronic warfare support measures systems, and threat reactive

systems. The REWSON Office manages the Design-to-Price

Electronic Warfare System development, a new concept in

naval warfare system acquisition in which contractors com­

pete to provide the highest operational capability at fixed

production prices. The REWSON Office also cooperates

with the Naval Air Systems and Sea Systems Commands in

the development of electronic warfare equipments for air­

craft and ships, and maintains liaison with the Navy Intel­

ligence Command to assist in collection efforts and to utilize

intelligence information in equipment developments.

The Electronic and Special Warfare Division (ELEX 350) of the Research and Technology Directorate is re­

sponsible for exploratory development of the techniques and

devices essential to the formulation of future EW systems.

Their efforts are supported by the Technology Division

(ELEX 304) in developing new component technology. Un­

der NA VELEX direction field activities and laboratories

also take an active role in EW system development and test

and evaluation.

Page 4: US Navy NAVELEX Electronic Warfare Program Information · urgent need to reduce combat losses from specific threats. The strategic-oriented programs of the 1950's provided the technological

Electronic warfare (EW) tactics, techniques and equip­

ments capitalize on the fact that the radiation of electro­

magnetic energy is susceptible to detection, exploitation and

interference. As the navies of the world increased their

use of radio for communications in the early 1900's, tech­

niques for the naval employment of electronic warfare came

under study. Electronic warfare in World War I was concerned

mainly with procedures for intercepting and exploiting enemy

communications, and with the development of direction­

finding equipment to locate enemy radio transmitters. Direc­

tion finders installed in destroyers proved to be effective

in locating the positions of enemy submarines. The Navy

also established direction-finding stations ashore, with wire

communications to the flagship at Brest, where the bearings

on submarine transmitters were combined to determine

submarines' positions.

In the period between World War f and World War II,

electronic equipment developments stressed improvements in

radio receivers and transmitters, and electronic warfare tech­

niques changed very little from those employed in World

War I. The discovery of radar principles in 1922 set the

stage for a whole new field of potential EW applications,

but employment of electronic warfare in the Navy did not

expand appreciably until the beginning of World War II. XAF RADAR INSTALLATION IN USS NEW YORK, 1938



Page 5: US Navy NAVELEX Electronic Warfare Program Information · urgent need to reduce combat losses from specific threats. The strategic-oriented programs of the 1950's provided the technological


The great advances in electronic technology that took

place before and during World War II were quickly applied

to naval warfare. Electronic equipment was developed for

the identification and recognition of ships and aircraft, for

jamming enemy radar and communications systems and

disrupting electronic control systems, and for counteracting

enemy measures to jam our equipment. The effectiveness

of direction-finding equipment was also improved by imple­

menting the capability to cover higher communications and

radar frequencies, and by refining its precision and accuracy.

In some representative electronic warfare actions that oc­

curred during World War II:

• Luftwaff'e bombers equipped with special direction­

finding antennas rode beams generated by German

short wave radio stations to guide them on raids

against cities in England. To counter this tactic,

British "beaconing" (deception) systems repeated

the German navigation signals, thus confusing the

German bomber crews.

• A giant German Wurzburg radar, installed on the

French coast, directed the fire of long-range coastal

batteries against shipping in the English Channel.

A force of British paratroopers conducted a raid

on the site, capturing vital parts of the radar;

information derived from a study of the captured

equipment was used in developing jammers which

greatly reduced the effectiveness of the Wurzburg


• U. S. strategic bombers in Europe were equipped

with noise jammers having a power output of about

5 watts, to protect them from anti-aircraft fire

controlled by German gun-laying radars. In a raid

against Bremen in October, 1943, two groups of

bombers equipped with the jammers experienced

less than half the losses suffered by planes not

similarly protected.

• Both sides employed a very effective passive means

of confusing enemy radar in order to protect their

aircraft. Aluminum foil, cut into strips of about

one-half the wavelength of the enemy radar fre­

quency, was dropped from aircraft to present false

echoes to enemy radars. The material was code

named "window" by the British and Dueppel by

the Germans, and is now called "chaff."





Page 6: US Navy NAVELEX Electronic Warfare Program Information · urgent need to reduce combat losses from specific threats. The strategic-oriented programs of the 1950's provided the technological

• In 1943 the Germans put into operation two types

of radio-controlled missiles which threatened to

take a heavy toll of British and American shipping.

They were jet-propelled, and after release from a

mother plane which remained from three to ten

miles from the target, were guided by radio com­

mand from the mother plane. Two U. S. destroyer

escorts were quickly equipped with countermeasures

systems developed by the Naval Research Labora­

tory and dispatched to the Mediterranean. At

least ten German missiles were released against

these two ships without one hit being scored; a

crash program was then undertaken to equip des­

troyers in the Mediterranean with improved appa­

ratus of the same type. This equipment proved to

be so successful that no further hits were recorded

on capital ships for the remainder of the war.






Page 7: US Navy NAVELEX Electronic Warfare Program Information · urgent need to reduce combat losses from specific threats. The strategic-oriented programs of the 1950's provided the technological


The current electronic warfare program for U. S. ships

and aircraft has been largely shaped by cold war events in

the 1950's and the Vietnam War. In response to cold war

threats, countermeasures systems were installed in Strategic

Air Command aircraft in the 1950's, and at a later date

in the Navy's nuclear strike aircraft. The development of

electronic countermeasures was fostered by an appreciation

of the increased lethality of radar-directed gun and missile

systems. The introduction of surface-to-air missiles (SAM's)

into operational use by the North Vietnamese accelerated

the development of countermeasures for tactical aircraft.

A number of such countermeasures techniques were devel­

oped and employed, most of them directed toward increasing

the survivability of aircraft over a target area. Airborne

countermeasures of necessity progressed from planning to

operational stages on a quick-reaction basis, driven by an

urgent need to reduce combat losses from specific threats.

The strategic-oriented programs of the 1950's provided the

technological base for the accelerated development of coun­

termeasures which were employed in Vietnam. The devel­

opment of electronic warfare techniques and equipments

for ships lagged behind those for aircraft because ships were

not as likely to come under attack.


Faced with the task of penetrating the formidable

defensive network that the Soviets developed during the

cold war period, Strategic Air Command (SAC) planners

implemented advanced electronic warfare concepts to in­

crease the probability of accomplishing their mission. World

War II SAC aircraft were being phased out, being replaced

first by the B-47 and later by the B-52. The B-47 was fitted

with two barrage jammers to protect it from early warning

and GCI radars, and tactics were developed that would

enhance their jamming effectiveness and avoid self-inter­

ference. Six noise jammers with tunable receivers were instal­

led in the B-52, and crews included an ECM operator. The

B-52 also carried a chaff dispenser to confuse fire control

radars associated with SAM's and anti-aircraft artillery (AAA).

Just prior to the Vietnam War improved receivers and anal­

ysis systems, improved noise jammers, communications jam­

mers and infrared flares were installed on B-52's. The

Navy's strategic responsibilities during the cold war period

also required that its planes have the capability to penetrate

the Soviet air defense system, and the A-3 aircraft and later

the A-5 were equipped with countermeasures systems. The

Navy aircraft were not only smaller than SAC aircraft, but

were more weight-sensitive due to limitations imposed by

aircraft carrier operations. As a result their countermeasures

systems had severe size and weight constraints, which steered

the choice of equipment away from noise jammers and

toward the lighter deception jammers. The power level of

a reflected radar signal is quite small; deception jammers

which retransmit the enemy's radar signal can be relatively

low-powered and, therefore, smaller and lighter than noise

jammers. Several hundred of these jammers were built and

installed on A-3 and A-5 aircraft. The Cuban missile crisis

of 1962 generated a requirement for a deception jammer

that was effective against the Soviet missiles deployed in

Cuba; it was developed in a 30-day, around-the-clock effort.

Several systems were installed in Navy aircraft and readied

for use, and formed the basis for the Navy's deceptive

countermeasures capability which was to be greatly ex­

panded during the Vietnam War.




Page 8: US Navy NAVELEX Electronic Warfare Program Information · urgent need to reduce combat losses from specific threats. The strategic-oriented programs of the 1950's provided the technological

Chaff and flare dispensers for internal and external

installation were also developed by the Air Force and Navy

as a cold war measure, to supplement onboard jammers

and to provide a measure of protection against threat

systems not affected by jamming. The AN/ ALE-1 and

AN/ ALE-2 chaff dispensers were developed during this period,

with the AN/ ALE-1 being internally mounted. Both dis­

pensers carried chaff in packages which were shredded

mechanically before being released. Forward-launched chaff

rockets were also developed during this period.

During the various conflicts in the Middle East since

World War II, the lack of effective electronic warfare tech­

niques resulted in heavy losses on both sides. The Israeli

destroyer EILAT and a merchant ship were sunk near Port

Said in 1967 by Soviet-made STYX missiles. In the October

1973 clash, Arab ground forces made effective use of com­

munications deception and jamming, and their surface forces

inflicted severe losses on Israeli aircraft by means of SAM's

and mobile and transportable radar-directed guns until the

Israelis countered these measures by changing their tactics,

bringing in airborne jammers and using chaff and decoy

flares for aircraft self-protection. They also learned to

frustrate the STYX anti-ship missiles by firing rapid-bloom

chaff while executing evasion maneuvers. SOVIET "STYX" SURFACE-TO-SURFACE GUIDED MIS­




Page 9: US Navy NAVELEX Electronic Warfare Program Information · urgent need to reduce combat losses from specific threats. The strategic-oriented programs of the 1950's provided the technological


The Vietnam War resulted in the first major confron­tation between tactical air power and radar-guided surface­to-air missiles and guns. The Soviet SA-2 missile, introduced early in the war, proved to be very effective; the initial loss rate of U. S. aircraft to this weapon was unacceptably high. By 1972, the use of countermeasures and evasion tactics had reduced the los� rate dramatically, with the North Vietnamese firing large numbers of missiles for each aircraft that was shot down. At the beginning of the war, Navy tactical aircraft such as the F-4, F-8 and A-4 were not equipped to cope with the surface-to-air missile threat; in an effort to provide a minimum electronic warfare capa­bility, chaff bundles were carried under tail hooks and in the dive brakes. Heavy losses of poorly protected aircraft-· to-surface weapons provided a strong motivation to develop more effective countermeasures, resulting in the initiation of a number of development programs, many of them on a quick reaction basis. Major development efforts were concentrated on radar homing and warning receivers (RHA W) and radar jammers. Air Force QRC programs led to the development of the AN/APR-25 RHAW, the AN/APR-26 missile launch warning receiver, and the QRC-160 pod­mounted radar jammer. These equipments were first de­ployed on the Air Force "Wild Weasel" SAM hunter-killer aircraft. Since the B-52 continued to be the principal strategic U. S. bomber, a program to augment and update its electronic warfare systems has been carried on. Many of the older jammers have been replaced by equipments with higher power, special modulations, and variable band­widths. Installation of "set-on" receiving systems for jam­mer control has improved power management of the jammers.

Navy attack aircraft, operating from aircraft carriers off the Vietnamese coast, were mostly F-4's, F-S's and A-4's equipped under Project Shoehorn with deception jammers on a QRC basis. Radar and missile launch warning receivers

were added later. The carriers and the aircraft they launched were protected by specially equipped EA-3B electronic war­fare aircraft which monitored threat related electromagnetic radiation and provided warning and advisory messages.

The Vietnam War also saw the first employment of air-to-surface anti-radiation missiles (ARM). ARM's could home passively on enemy radars and constituted a serious threat to any operating radar. Both SHRIKE and Standard ARM were used in Vietnam. SHRIKE, developed about 1960, is a relatively short-range missile with a 95-pound warhead. Standard ARM is larger, with a longer range and a warhead double the size of SHRIKE's. After a few radars had been destroyed, North Vietnamese radar operators de­veloped a fear of these missiles and resorted to the obvious countermeasure-turning off the radar. Since this degraded the threat response, coordinating an ARM attack with the strike groups' arrival over the target proved to be an effec­tive use of this weapon, even when no radars were actually destroyed. Both the Navy and the Air Force also used specially equipped aircraft for stand-off jamming of surface radars to support tactical attack operations. The primary objective of stand-off jamming was to mask the strike




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aircrafts' indications on enemy radar scopes, degrading radar

acquisition and tracking capabilities, or denying detection

completely. The U. S. Air Force B-66 aircraft was used

extensively as a stand-off jammer. The Navy stand-off

jammer, the EKA-3, began service as a bomber (A-3), was

converted to a tanker (KA-3), with the stand-off jamming

capability being added later. The EKA-3 carried noise

jammers, set-on receivers, and a large capacity chaff dispen­

ser, with the jammers being managed by a crew of three


The most modern Navy stand-off jammer, the EA-6B,

was developed during the Vietnam War and was deployed

during its latter stages. Its primary equipment is a pod­

mounted multi band jammer (AN/ ALQ-99) which operates in

nine bands. The EA-6B is also equipped with a systems

integration receiver which allows coordination of the jam­

ming with onboard self-protection furnished by deception

jammers. The EA-6B carries three operators. The Marine Corps EA-6A stand-off jammer relies more on manual track-

ing than the EA-6B, being equipped with the AN/ ALQ-76

jammer and multipurpose AN/ALQ-31A jammer pods which

can house any of eight alternate jammers. The EA-6A

requires only a single jamming operator and is equipped

with deception ECM for self-protection.




The Soviet SA-7 short-range tactical infrared (IR)

guided missile was introduced by the enemy late in the

war and achieved a high kill rate against low, slow aircraft.

The initial high loss rates to the SA-7 generated an increased

interest in IR countermeasures; helicopter and gunship crews

were equipped with Very pistols from which they fired

flares in the direction of approaching SA-7's. Other coun­

termeasures efforts included installation of engine IR sup­

pression devices, steps to reduce sun glint, application of

low IR reflective paint, and the development of IR warning

receivers and IR jammers. These developments were late

in maturing and relatively few aircraft had been equipped

when the war ended.

When the battleship NEW JERSEY was reactivated for

coastal bombardment of Vietnam it was protected by a

special, custom suite of EW equipment assembled from avail­

able equipments in record time. The equipping of NEW

JERSEY with an EW defense suite was evidence of the

increasing appreciation of the need for shipboard tactical

EW systems, even for ships with heavy armor. The require­

ment to protect surface ships from radar-guided missiles

resulted in development of the SHORTSTOP shipboard

tactical threat reactive system being initiated in 1967. Two

complete systems were built. One was deployed in the

USS BIDDLE (DLG-34) and has been tested under combat

conditions, while the other system is installed at Dam Neck,

Virginia for training and evaluation.

Page 11: US Navy NAVELEX Electronic Warfare Program Information · urgent need to reduce combat losses from specific threats. The strategic-oriented programs of the 1950's provided the technological


As weapon systems become more sophisticated and

rely more heavily on electronic sensors, electronic signal

processors, computers and automatic trackers, they become

more vulnerable to the techniques and equipments associ­

ated with electronic warfare. Electronic warfare equipments

and techniques are usually developed as reactions or counter­

measures to new enemy weapon systems or capabilities. As

each countermeasure becomes operational, it induces an

enemy action aimed at reducing or nullifying its effectiveness.

This escalation of capabilities is eventually halted by the neces­

sity of facing up to various real-world trade-offs. An aircraft

can be made increasingly invulnerable to enemy weapon

systems by installing additional EW systems, for example,

but these systems impose weight, space, maintenance and

cost penalties on the aircraft design, at the expense of the

number of weapons that can be carried or fuel capacity.

In a similar fashion, if extremely sophisticated features

which would make a radar virtually jam-proof were to be

designed into it, the cost might well be prohibitive, and

in any case would be so high that procurement of the new

radar in large quantities would not be feasible.

In order to develop appropriate countermeasures, the

practitioners of electronic warfare must rely heavily on

inputs from the intelligence community, and may design,

manufacture and install the sensors required to collect infor­

mation on enemy systems. Detailed reconnaissance informa­

tion may also be needed to develop electronic warfare tech­

niques and procedures for exploiting enemy electromagnetic

radiations and for deceiving the enemy's electronic sensors.

It is this close relationship between intelligence, reconnais­

sance and electronic warfare that led to the formation of

the REWSON Office of NA VELEX, whose major function

is the planning and development of electronic warfare sys­

tems and equipments.




Page 12: US Navy NAVELEX Electronic Warfare Program Information · urgent need to reduce combat losses from specific threats. The strategic-oriented programs of the 1950's provided the technological

Electronic warfare systems, equipments and techniques in the fleet today can be broadly categorized

as Electronic Support Measures (ESM), Electronic Countermeasures (ECM), and Electronic Counter-Counter­

measures (ECCM) . ESM systems are generally passive, and are designed to intercept and exploit electro­

magnetic radiations, while ECM systems are generally active, being intended to confuse or deceive enemy

electromagnetic sensors. ECCM systems may be either active or passive and are intended to reduce the

effectiveness of enemy jamming systems.


Page 13: US Navy NAVELEX Electronic Warfare Program Information · urgent need to reduce combat losses from specific threats. The strategic-oriented programs of the 1950's provided the technological



Electronic warfare support measures (ESM) equipments

search for, detect, intercept and identify electromagnetic

signals. They are usually passive systems which perform·

functions associated with tactical reconnaissance, surveillance

and warning. They may be able to obtain a bearing on an

intercepted signal, and may provide for technical analysis

of signal characteristics for various purposes such as emitter

identification, the collection of information required to

develop electronic countermeasures or counter-countermea­

sures, or the determination of enemy presence, location,

size of force, or intentions. ESM systems range in complexity

from simple, special-purpose radio receivers to very complex,


multifunction computer-controlled automatic intercept sys­

tems. Even the simplest ESM system will include the fol­

lowing subsystems:

• Antenna(s)-One or more antennas must be pro­

vided to intercept the radiated signal. The antenna

system must also provide the direction-finding capa­

bilities if these are to be implemented.

e Receiver(s )-The combination of receivers and anten­

nas determine the frequency range and the type of

signals which can be intercepted. Receivers convert

the radiated RF signal to an audio or visual signal

which can be heard or seen by an operator, or

processed by an associated signal processor.

• Signal Processor-In the simplest system this may

be a human operator. In an automatic system it

is likely to be a subsystem which measures the

intercepted signal parameters, digitizes and analyzes

them to determine what information they reveal,

and passes the information on to a control and

display subsystem.

• Control and Display-This subsystem receives the

processed intercept information, reviews and/or anal­

yzes it for purposes of control or signal identifica­

tion, and prepares it for storage, display or transfer.

In automatic systems these functions are usually

performed by a computer.

Page 14: US Navy NAVELEX Electronic Warfare Program Information · urgent need to reduce combat losses from specific threats. The strategic-oriented programs of the 1950's provided the technological


ESM antennas may be directional, providing greater

system sensitivity and signal bearing information, or omni­

directional. The physical size of the antennas depends upon

their frequency range and their required directional charac­

teristics. Low-frequency antennas are almost always larger

than high-frequency antennas, and directional antennas tend

to be larger than omni-directional antennas covering the

same frequency range. An ESM system with wide frequency

coverage usually requires a number of antennas, as coverage

of more than a few octaves of frequency is difficult with

a single antenna. Systems with direction-finding (DF) capa­

bilities usually have more antennas than those which do not

provide directional information. The accuracy with which

an ESM system can obtain directional information is usually

a function of antenna size, numbers and patterns. It is

possible to obtain directional information with a single spin­

ning antenna, but most systems are designed with multiple

fixed antennas because of their greater mechanical simplicity

and reliability. DF antennas intended for operation below

50 MHz usually have low directional accuracy and present

severe problems for shipboard and aircraft installation. Stan­

dard antennas for aircraft and shipboard use are still employed

by some ESM systems, but most newer systems require

special antennas.


The characteristics of an ESM receiver will depend

upon the application for which it is intended; the design

may stress:

• Radio frequency coverage

• Sensitivity

• Selectivity

• Demodulation capabilities

• Bandwidth

The sensitivity of a receiver depends upon its bandwidth

and level of internal self-generated noise. In most applica­

tions the overall sensitivity, or the minimum signal which

can be detected by a given receiver-antenna combination,

is of great interest. A sensitive receiver can permit reception

of signals from an emitter when the emitter antenna is

pointed away from the receiver. Selectivity, or the capability

to tune to a single signal in an environment which contains

many signals occurring simultaneously, may be very impor­

tant. The receiver must be capable of demodulating the

received signal or recovering the base band information. A

single receiver can be equipped with demodulators to handle

double sideband amplitude modulated signals, the most

common radar type, or frequency modulated (FM) signals,

which are less common. The receiver bandwidth capabilities


should, in general, match the signal bandwidth. Most radar

signals have a bandwidth of about 10 MHz, so most ESM

systems have a bandwidth of this order of magnitude.

The principal ESM receiver types in use in the fleet

today exhibit a wide range of fundamental characteristics.

Among the more common types are:

• Broadband Crystal Video Receivers-Very simple

receivers used primarily for threat warning for both

ships and aircraft. They have low sensitivity, but

provide satisfactory intercepts when illuminated by

the main beam of a radar. When connected to an

omni-directional antenna, they have a high proba­

bility of detecting a high-level signal in the band,

but since they do not provide good frequency

resolution, threat identification may be difficult.

• Scanning Superheterodyne Receivers-Swept or scan­

ned through a given frequency range, these are the

most sensitive and selective of the receiver types.

They have the advantage of providing accurate fre­

quency information, but have a low probability of

detecting short duration signals. This type of

receiver is often used for reconnaissance or surveil­

lance, as it is capable of detecting a signal from

an antenna pointed away from the receiver because

of its high sensitivity.

• Instantaneous Frequency Measurement (IFM) Re­

ceivers-Perform single pulse measurement of fre­

quency by measuring the phase difference between

a pulse received over a direct path and the same

pulse routed through a delay line. An IFM receiver

can provide wide band coverage with good frequency

resolution and is suitable for a signal search opera­


• Channelized Receivers-Provide moderate frequency

resolution and increased sensitivity and selectivity

by dividing the frequency spectrum to be covered

into separate channels through use of contiguous

RF filters. They are frequently used in threat

warning receivers. These channel receivers may be

either crystal, video or superheterodyne type.



Page 15: US Navy NAVELEX Electronic Warfare Program Information · urgent need to reduce combat losses from specific threats. The strategic-oriented programs of the 1950's provided the technological


Signal processors are required in an automatic ESM

system to measure the parameters of the signals intercepted

for purposes of signal classification and identification. The

signal parameters usually measured are frequency, pulse repe­

tition, and pulse width. If the signal cannot be classified

by means of these parameters, the scan characteristics may

be measured. This is usually done only on selected signals

because scan measurements take longer to make and are

sometimes difficult to automate. In a system controlled

by a computer or microprocessor, the signal parameter

measurements are digitized and put into a format acceptable

to the computer. The computer usually performs the

functions of signal classification and identification, and

facilitates tracking of selected signals. The signal processor

may or may not be involved in determination of the direction

of signal origin. This function may be performed by a

separate receiver processor and the results digitized and added

to the signal parameter block for transfer to the computer.

A manual ESM receiver may be equipped with signal proces­

sors such as multigun cathode ray tubes, spectrum analyzers,

and counters to assist an operator in manual determination

of signal parameters. The human operator is very much

slower than the automated signal processor but can perform

detailed analysis beyond the capabilities of an automatic



In a manually operated ESM system the operator tunes

the receivers and adjusts the signal processors to permit

analysis of the signal. The operator may be alerted to the

presence of specific threat signals by a flashing light or

audible signal. He may be furnished :-vith a panoramic

cathode ray tube (CRT) display which indicates the presence

of signals by displaying a vertical line proportional to the

amplitude of the signal positioned on a horizontal baseline

according to the radio frequency of the signal. Establishment

of signal bearing may also be accomplished by means of a

CRT display. Signal searching receivers may scan across a

band and stop at signals preselected by an operator on the

basis of amplitude or frequency. Completely automatic

systems controlled by a microprocessor or computer will

accept digital data blocks derived from individual signals

by the signal processor, and attempt to classify and identify

them by comparison with preprogrammed data stores. These

systems can classify signals as of interest or of no interest,

and can identify a high percentage of the threat signals

for which they are programmed. Data on signals of no interest

may be discarded, while data on signals of interest may be

accumulated to permit continued surveillance or develop­

ment of tracks. Threat signals are usually assigned a priority

rating and may be the stimulus for an operator alert.





Page 16: US Navy NAVELEX Electronic Warfare Program Information · urgent need to reduce combat losses from specific threats. The strategic-oriented programs of the 1950's provided the technological

,------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-----� �

Electronic countermeasures techniques and systems are

designed to degrade or deny enemy employment of electro­

magnetic radiation in:

• Communications and tactical data transfer

• Radar, infrared and electro-optical surveillance and


• Fire control and weapon guidance radars

e Air-to-air, air-to-surface and surface-to-air missile


• Surface-to-surface and anti-shipping missile guidance

These are among the oldest forms of ECM devices,

and generate a noisy signal which obscures or obliterates

the desired signal in an enemy radio or radar receiver. These

jammers may be used for:

• Communications jamming-To drown out enemy

radio tactical command links, both voice and digital.

The jammer may operate on a single frequency

selected by an operator, or sweep back and forth

over a portion of the frequency spectrum (barrage


• Self-screening-To obliterate the radar return from

a ship or aircraft, thereby denying range and/or

angle information to the enemy radar operator.

• Stand-off jamming-To screen other friendly units,

such as a strike force, from enemy early warning





Deception jammers are usually automatic in operation

and consist of a transmitter and associated receiver. The

receiver monitors the signal environment and upon receiving

a pulse from a threat radar, modifies it in such a way as

to deceive the enemy radar and transfers it to the transmitter

which radiates it back to the victim radar. The radiated

pulse usually has a higher amplitude than the pulse reflected

from the target, and if returned with only slight 1-felay, may

be received as a legitimate target return. Depending upon

the deception technique used, the enemy radar may be

presented with false target range, angle or velocity informa­

tion. Deception jammers are usually used for onboard

protection of an aircraft or ship, and may be effective against

radar-guided missiles as well as the parent radar.






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The decoys currently in use by the Navy consist of

chaff or flares. Chaff is used to present false targets to

· enemy radars or radar-guided missiles. It may be dispensed

in packages or bundles from an aircraft, with the bundle

expanding into a chaff cloud as it hits the airstream. Ships

use chaff rockets which burst and distribute the chaff cloud

some distance from the ship. The chaff is cut to lengths

which depend upon the frequency range of the radar to

be decoyed, and are intended to confuse a radar operator

by providing him with a false target, or to defeat a radar­

guided missile by diverting it away from its legitimate target.

Flares may be dispensed from an aircraft in the same manner

as chaff, and provide high-intensity, bright targets for heat­

seeking missiles such as the SA-7.


The increasing deployment of weapon systems using

infrared and TV trackers, and of missiles using infrared and

electro-optical seekers, has generated a requirement for effec­

tive electro-optical (EO) countermeasures. Navy EO devel­

opments have been chiefly concerned with protection of

aircraft from infrared-guided air-to-air and surface-to-air mis­

siles, and protection of ships from infrared-guided anti-ship­

ping missiles. A considerable effort has been devoted to

reducing the amount of infrared radiation from aircraft and

ships, thus reducing their vulnerability to attack by this type

of weapon, and particular effort has been made to devise

ways of protecting helicopters and low, slow flying aircraft

from surface-to-air infrared homing missiles such as the SA-7.

These efforts have resulted in developments of IR warning

receivers and IR jammers similar in function to the older

family of radar warning receivers and radar jammers.



Page 18: US Navy NAVELEX Electronic Warfare Program Information · urgent need to reduce combat losses from specific threats. The strategic-oriented programs of the 1950's provided the technological

Electronic counter-countermeasures are generally undertaken in reaction to enemy use of ECM, and

are intended to ensure the use of the electromagnetic spectrum by friendly forces in spite of the enemy's

attempts to interfere. Most ECCM techniques can be classified as either anti-enemy ESM or anti-enemy




Emission Control (EMCON) techniques are concerned

with suppression and/ or control of our own radiation which

may be exploited by enemy ESM systems.

EMCON does present an effective means of preventing

an enemy from exploiting our more easily intercepted

radiations. Secure communications are techniques and equip­

ments used to make enemy detection and exploitation of

our electromagnetic signals more difficult. Detectability

may be decreased by using low-power noiselike signals or

by transmitting very short (burst) signals. Communication

security may also be enhanced by coding or encrypting

radio communications. Simple scramblers similar to those

used in overseas telephone transmissions were used in early

efforts at communication security. These rather primitive

methods have been replaced by more secure links using

pseudo-random codes, which are usually implemented with

digital transmission links.



Anti-jam or anti-deception circuitry can be built into

equipments either in anticipation of or in reaction to enemy

use of ECM. Anti-ECM measures also include the use of

procedures and techniques which can reduce or counteract

the effectiveness of enemy ECM. The set-on of enemy noise

jammers can be defeated by radars with frequency agility,

or the capability to change frequency very rapidly, perhaps

with every pulse. A common anti-ECM feature found on

many radars is the "Dicke Fix" which consists of a limiting

circuit followed by a narrow band amplifier. This arrange­

ment limits the effect of a high-power jammer while dis­

criminating against the jammer signal by means of the narrow

band filter. Weapon systems equipped with alternate methods

of target tracking can be highly resistant to ECM. If one

radar is jammed, target information is derived from another

radar. Or if all radars are jammed, the target tracking may

be taken over by visual, TV or infrared trackers. Weapon

and search radar operators can be trained to cope with

ECM by adjusting receiver and display controls.

Page 19: US Navy NAVELEX Electronic Warfare Program Information · urgent need to reduce combat losses from specific threats. The strategic-oriented programs of the 1950's provided the technological

Programs are being carried out in the Naval Electronic Systems Command, as well as the Naval Air

and Sea Systems Commands, to develop improved capabilities to meet the Navy's needs in the areas of ESM,

ECM and ECCM. Some of the NAVELEX programs are:

• Zuni Chaff Rocket

e Anti-Shipping Missile Electronic Warfare Suite

• Shipboard Infrared Countermeasures

• New Signal Intercept Processing

• Passive Electronic Warfare Shipboard Systems

• Lasers

• Signal Intercept Support

• Surface Electro-Optical Systems

• Communication Security R&D

e Infrared Search and Track

e Jamming and Deception

e Ship Advanced EW

e Ship EW QRC

e Multi-Mode ECM

• Low Cost EW Suite

e Shipboard Electro-Optic Surveillance

• Ships Signal Exploitation System

• New Signals-Threat Classification and Sorting




Page 20: US Navy NAVELEX Electronic Warfare Program Information · urgent need to reduce combat losses from specific threats. The strategic-oriented programs of the 1950's provided the technological

In cooperation with NA V AIR and NAVSEA, NAV­

ELEX is developing EW equipments for specific ships and

aircraft. Security restrictions prevent a complete listing of

all of these programs, but a few typical Navy EW programs

suitable for a non-classified discussion will be described.


The Navy's unique development effort in the electronic

warfare area is the program which has become known as

the Low Cost EW Suite. Its conceptual goal calls for the

development of a modular family of EW systems which were

specified in terms of ceiling costs rather than performance

specifications. Contractors were furnished with system

goals, a definition of the threat, a list of candidate platforms

and operational scenarios, and were asked to develop a

family of electronic warfare suites for various applications

at fully installed fixed prices ranging from $300,000 to

$1.4 million. Systems developed under this program are

intended to equip:

• 60 ships with threat warning capability, wide area

electronic surveillance and deception ECM at a unit

installed cost of $1.4 million.

• 115 ships with threat warning and wide area sur­

veillance at a unit installed cost of $500,000.

• 125 ships with threat warning capability only at

a unit installed cost of $300,000.

The initial operational capability date is the summer

of 1977. The program will result in all major combatant

forces having an EW capability appropriate to the threat

and the nature of their mission, if funding and equipment

production qualities are maintained at the levels currently




This program is to develop equipments and techniques

which can be employed against anti-ship capable missiles

(ASCM), and is to produce a family of decoy devices to

be used in a variety of operational engagements and ship­

board EW system configurations, and against missile seekers

of various types. TEWDS is related to, and draws require­

ments from, the Ships Advanced Electronic Warfare and

Shipboard Infrared Countermeasures programs.



ENEWS simulates various enemy missile threats with

hardware devices and computer models. The resulting simu­

lations can be analyzed and exploited in order to reveal


the vulnerability of the threats to countermeasures, which

should lead to increased fleet operational readiness through

improved countermeasures capability. Simulations of certain

missiles have been fabricated and are currently in use. The

original project has been expanded to include a coordinated

simulation program, which can meet Navy requirements in

terms of quick response to newly discovered threats, and

assist in the determination of optimum countermeasures.

Threat scenarios which have been developed for an open­

ocean attack on a U. S. task force have been used in the

evaluation of ESM and other EW systems.



The IRCM program is to develop techniques and

equipments to suppress IR radiation from ships and to

develop decoying and degrading active IR countermeasures.

Infrared signature suppression techniques are used to make

a ship a less conspicuous target. The capability of IR

seekers to acquire a ship can be decreased by eliminating

the differences in radiation between the ship and the sky

and sea background. Thermal radiation from a ship can

be reduced by shielding the stacks, using paints having low

IR emissivity, and cooling hot surfaces with air or water,

while IR seekers can be decoyed by flares launched as

the seeker approaches the ship.



Page 21: US Navy NAVELEX Electronic Warfare Program Information · urgent need to reduce combat losses from specific threats. The strategic-oriented programs of the 1950's provided the technological



This is a surface facility which provides instrumented

live simulations of threat weapons and related ancillary

equipments. It is used to develop EW tactics and to

evaluate the effectiveness of EW techniques and equipments.

Simulated equipments are realistically arranged, and facilities

include operations control vans, communications and sup­

port equipment. The range is equipped with radar and

visual tracking equipment which maintains a continuous

record of the positions of aircraft involved in the tests.


This development is intended to provide a versatile

integrated EW defense system for tactical aircraft. The

common system will perform the functions of radar homing

and warning, missile warning, self-defense ECM, and threat

recognition, which are presently performed by discrete sys­

tems. It will incorporate automatic control of active ECM

systems and automatic dispensing of chaff, flares and decoys

as required by the tactical situation, and will also provide

data for anti-radiation missile targeting. The project is still

in an early stage of development, and the model of aircraft

in which it will be first introduced has not yet been deter­





TASES is a design for a new carrier-based electronic

warfare aircraft ESM system to provide support to a task

force commander. The airframe will be a derivative of the

S-3A ASW aircraft; it will be equipped with a complete

suite of ESM receivers, and will be capable of performing

reconnaissance using radar and other sensors. The TASES

system will use many of the automated features built into

the S-3A aircraft, including a highly capable central digital

computer and computer-activated displays. The small size

of the aircraft, with a crew of four, will be compensated

for by the high degree of automaticity incorporated in

the system.


The Airborne Infrared Countermeasures project is to

develop equipment for protecting Navy and Marine aircraft

from air-to-air and surface-to-air IR-guided missiles. The

devices and equipments under development include IR warn­

ing receivers, missile launch detectors, active IR jammers

and flares.

Page 22: US Navy NAVELEX Electronic Warfare Program Information · urgent need to reduce combat losses from specific threats. The strategic-oriented programs of the 1950's provided the technological

The electronic warfare systems of the future will be

shaped by advances in electronic technology and changes

in weapon system designs. The two factors are not indepen­dent, since electronics technology influences weapon system design as well as electronic warfare equipments. Some

of the trends in technology that are apparent are:

• Increasingly dense electronic signal environments associated with all military operations and with industrial areas.

Use of higher radio frequencies for both commu­nication and non-communication services.

e An increased use of digital modulations and digital signal processors both for radio frequency trans­missions and for signal and information processing.

• An increased use of solid-state components, particu­larly at the lower power levels.

An increased use of integrated circuits rather than

discrete components.

An increased use of miniature computers and micro­

processors for automatic signal processing and system


Some recent trends in weapon system designs were

well documented in the 1973 Middle East War, in which

the Arabs employed the Soviet-built SA-6 surface-to-air

missile and the ZSU-23 mobile anti-aircraft unit with its

radar-directed 23mm quad battery. The SA-6, in particular,

caught the Israelis by surprise because their warning receivers

could not detect the CW illumination that was used as a homing signal by the SA-6 missile, and their jammers could not jam it successfully. The trends in weapon system development are:


• Development of highly mobile, fast reacting weapon systems.

• Development of guidance systems highly resistant to ECM, with fall-back alternate modes of operation.

• Increased use of electro-optical and infrared target and missile tracking devices.

The reaction of electronic warfare system designers to these

trends is to develop "smart" systems. Defense suits for

aircraft and ships are evolving from collections of independent receivers, jammers and chaff and decoy dispensers into

integrated systems in which the sensing elements (receivers)

detect and identify threats and a central control unit selects

the optimum combination of defenses necessary to neutralize the threat. EW system design is becoming more and more dependent on computer processing, as a human operator is not able to handle the dense signal environments that

typify modern military operations. Because of size, weight,

and particularly cost limitations, there is more emphasis on

smart responses and management of jammer power rather

than implementing a high power level response. An effective

increase in jamming efficiency can be achieved by tuning the

jammer accurately to the threat radar's operating frequency,

selecting the optimum modulation to confuse the threat

guidance system, and pointing a steerable antenna at the

victim receiver. Implementation of an adaptability to new threat types will be accomplished by replacing hard-wired threat identification logic with computer programs (software)

that can be easily changed as threat characteristics change.

The underlying principles of electronic warfare will not change in the future. As more sophisticated weapon sys-. terns are introduced, smart EW systems will be designed to counter them. These same smart defense systems will then be countered by weapon system advances in a never­ending cycle.

Page 23: US Navy NAVELEX Electronic Warfare Program Information · urgent need to reduce combat losses from specific threats. The strategic-oriented programs of the 1950's provided the technological

The NA VELEX tetrahedron symbolically depicts the

broad matrix of electronic systems and equipments required

to support the Naval operating forces, and the command

relationships between the various mission arenas.

Command and Control is at the apex of the tetra­

hedron; electronic equipment and systems must be developed,

procured, and supported for use at all levels-from the

commander of the individual ship, aircraft, submarine, or

Marine Corps unit to the President and Joint Chiefs of

Staff-in controlling the forces under their command. The

Command and Control function is supported by the devel­

opment of appropriate surveillance, communications, and

data management, processing, and display systems. Sur­

veillance and Communications system developments also

directly support implementation of NA VELEX's Electronic

Warfare mission.

NAVELEX addresses further responsibilities as the

central manager for Navy and Marine Corps electronic

technology by carrying out a vigorous research and develop­

ment program, and by developing, procuring and providing

support for electronic systems for navigation, air traffic

control and a variety of other requirements.

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