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Copyright Joe Gorman 2002


*Continents are large land masses surrounded by ______________. *The seven continents are: North ________________, South _______________, Africa, Asia, Australia, Antarctica, and _______________. >Europe is often called __________________.


*Coastal Plain located along the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of _____________. >Broad lowland providing many excellent ______________. *Appalachian Mountains located west of Coastal ____________, extending from eastern Canada to western Alabama. >Old, eroded ________________. The ______________ mountain range in North America. *Canadian Shield wrapped around Hudson Bay in a ______________ shape. >Hills worn by erosion and hundreds of lakes carved by _____________. >Holds some of the oldest ____________ formations in North America. *Interior Lowlands located west of the Appalachian ______________ and east of the Great _________. >Rolling flatlands with many ___________, broad river valleys, and grassy hills. (ANSWER CHOICES: America, rivers, Mountains, glaciers, harbors, Mexico, mountains, rock, horseshoe, water, Europe, Plains, oldest, Plain, Eurasia, America)

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*Great Plains located west of Interior _____________ and east of the Rocky Mountains. >Flat land that gradually increases elevation westward; __________________. *Rocky Mountains located west of the Great ____________ and east of the Basin and Range. >Rugged Mountains stretching from _____________ to Mexico; high elevations. >Contains the Continental _____________, which determines the directional flow of rivers. *Basin and Range located west of Rocky Mountains and east of the ___________ Nevadas and the Cascades. >Area of varying ________________ containing isolated mountain ranges and __________ Valley, the lowest point in North _______________. *Coastal Range rugged mountains along the Pacific _____________that stretch from California to Canada. >Contains fertile ____________.

(ANSWER CHOICES: Plains, Coast, elevations, Death, Sierra, Lowlands, grasslands, America, valleys, Divide, Alaska)

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US1.2c: MAJOR BODIES OF WATER *United States bodies of water support interaction among regions, form ________, and create links to other areas. *Oceans: Atlantic, ___________. *Rivers: Mississippi, Missouri, ________, Columbia, Colorado, and Rio __________. *Lakes: ________ Lakes. *Gulf: Gulf of ___________. *Major bodies of water were used for trade, transportation, and _________________ .

*The location of the United States, with its Atlantic and ___________ coasts, has provided access to other areas of the world. *The Atlantic Ocean served as the highway for __________ , early settlers, and later immigrants. *The Ohio River was the gateway to the ___________ . *Inland port cities grew in the Midwest along with the Great __________. *The Mississippi and Missouri Rivers were the transportation arteries for _________ and industrial products. They were _________ to ports and other parts of the world. *The Columbia River was explored by Lewis and ___________. *The Colorado River was explored by the ___________. *The Rio Grande forms the border with ___________. *The Pacific Ocean was an early ________________ route. *The Gulf of Mexico provided the French and Spanish with ________________ routes to Mexico and other parts of America. (ANSWER CHOICES: Pacific, west, Clark, borders, Ohio, Grande, exploration, Spanish, settlement, Great, farm, Pacific, Mexico, Lakes, explorers, exploration, Mexico, links)

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USI.3a: FIRST AMERICANS *Prior to the arrival of ___________, American Indians (First Americans) were dispersed across different environments in North _____________. *Inuit tribe inhabited present-day ___________ and northern Canada. >They lived in ________ areas where the temperature is below _____________ much of the year, so many Inuits lived in igloos. Many know these fishers and hunters today as the Eskimo. *Kwakiutl tribe inhabited the Pacific ____________ coast, characterized by a rainy, ______ climate. They were fishers, hunters, and traders. >The Kwakiutl tribe also had potlatch dinners, would redistribute their wealth, and shared surplus crops. *Sioux tribe inhabited the interior of the U.S., called the Great __________, and characterized by dry ______________. They hunted buffalo and sometimes farmed. Many hunters lived in teepees. *Pueblo tribe inhabited the ____________ in present-day New Mexico and Arizona, where they lived in desert areas and areas bordering __________ and mountains. They were hunters. *Iroquois inhabited northeast America, the Eastern _____________, which is heavily forested. They were fishers, hunters, and farmers. Many lived in longhouses made of wood. *Geography and climate affected how various American Indian groups met their basic needs. >The American Indians (First Americans) fished, __________, and harvested crops for food. >___________ was made from animal skins and plants. >Their __________ was made of resources found in their environment (e.g., sod, stones, animal skins, wood).

. (ANSWER CHOICES: Clothing, Plains, Alaska, mild, Europeans, Southwest, cliffs, Woodland, grasslands, Northwest, America, freezing, hunted, shelter, Arctic)

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USI.4a: EUROPEAN EXPLORATION IN NORTH AMERICA AND WEST AFRICA *In the 1400's, 1500's, and early 1600's, major European countries were in ___________ to extend their power into North America and __________ the land as their own. *Motivating forces for exploration: • Economic - ________, natural resources, and trade. • Religious - Spread of ___________. • Competitions for empire and belief in superiority of own ___________. *Obstacles to exploration: • Poor ______ and navigational tools. • Disease / ________________. • Fear of ___________. Fear of flat world and "Sea of Darkness". • Lack of adequate ____________. *Accomplishments of exploration: • Exchanged __________ and ideas. • Improved _______________ tools and ships. • Claimed ______________. *Regions of North America explored by Spain, France, and England: • Spain - Francisco __________ claimed southwest United States for Spain. • France - Samuel de _______________ established the French settlement of Quebec. • Robert La __________ claimed the Mississippi River Valley for France. • England - John _________ explored eastern Canada. *Regions explored by Portugal: • The Portuguese made ___________ of discovery along West Africa.

(ANSWER CHOICES: Cabot, starvation, culture, Christianity, competition, Coronado, navigational, claim, Salle, unknown, Gold, maps, territories, goods, voyages, Champlain, supplies)

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USI.4b: CULTURAL INTERACTIONS BETWEEN EUROPEANS & FIRST AMERICANS *The interactions between American Indians (First Americans) and Europeans sometimes led to ___________ and other times resulted in conflict. *Cultural interaction • Spanish - conquered and ___________ American Indians (First Americans).

>Brought _______________ to the New World. >Brought European _______________.

• French - established ___________ posts. Spread ___________ religion. • English - established settlements and claimed ______________ of land.

>Learned _______________ techniques from American Indians (First Americans) & traded.

*Areas of cooperation: • ________________ (transportation of weapons and farm tools). Trade & Crops. *Areas of conflict: • ___________, competition for trade, differences in cultures, disease, & language differences. • Some explorers believed their own culture was _________ to that of the First Americans.

US1.4c: INTERACTION OF WESTERN AFRICAN SOCIETIES WITH TRADERS *Ghana, Mali, and Songhai each ______________ West Africa in turn from 300 to 1600 A.D. *African people and African goods played an important role in arousing ____________ interest in world resources.

*Ghana, Mali, and Songhai became powerful by controlling _________ in West Africa. *The Portuguese carried goods from Europe to _______ African empires, trading metals, cloth, and other manufactured goods for _______. (ANSWER CHOICES: trade, Christian, cooperation, gold, farming, diseases, Christianity, Technologies, superior, European, enslaved, dominated, West, Land, trading, ownership)

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US1.5a: COLONIZATION OF AMERICA *Colonies in North America were established for ___________ and economic reasons. *Colonies and the reasons they were established: • Roanoke Island (Lost Colony) was established as an _______________ venture. Sir Walter Raleigh tried

to start the colony of Virginia, but it became the "lost colony". The settlers disappeared. • The first permanent English settlement in North America (1607) , Jamestown Settlement, was an

economic venture by the Virginia __________ of London. John Smith was its leader. • Plymouth Colony was settled by separatists from the Church of ________ who wanted to avoid religious

______________. • Massachusetts Bay Colony was settled by the __________ for religious freedom. • Pennsylvania was settled by the __________, who wanted to have freedom to practice their faith without

interference. Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn. • Georgia was settled by people who had been in debtor's prisons in __________. They hoped to experience

a new life in the colony and to experience ____________ freedom in the New World. Georgia was founded by James Oglethorpe as a home for debtors.

US1.5b: 13 COLONIES: NEW ENGLAND, MID-ATLANTIC, & SOUTHERN REGIONS *Life in the colonies reflected the geographical features of the settlements. *Interactions of people and environment: • New England - (Northeastern region). > Geography and climate = _______________ Mountains, Boston harbor, hilly terrain, __________ soil, & jagged coastline. Moderate summers & cold winters. >Economy = Fishing, ________________ industry and naval supplies, trade & port cities. Skilled _____________ and shopkeepers. Whaling. >Social Life = Village and ___________ as center of life. Religious reformers & separatists. >Political and civic life = Town meetings. (ANSWER CHOICES: Appalachian, England, economic, Quakers, church, rocky, Company, England, religious, Puritans, craftsmen, persecution, shipbuilding, economic)

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• Mid-Atlantic - (Middle region). >Geography and climate = Appalachian Mountains, ___________ lowlands (harbors and bays, wide and deep rivers), and rich farmlands. Moderate climate. >Economy = Livestock and ________, trading. Unskilled and skilled workers and __________ . >Social Life = Villages and _________. Varied and diverse lifestyles. Diverse ___________ . >Political and civic life = __________ towns.

• South - (Southern region). >Geography and climate = Appalachian Mountains, ___________, Atlantic Coastal Plain, good harbors, and rivers. Humid climate. >Economy = Large farms/________________, cash crops, wood products, & small farms. Slavery. Cash crops like tobacco. >Social life = Plantations (slavery), mansions, _____________ servants, few cities, & few schools. Church of England. >Political and civic life = ___________.

US1.5c: COLONIAL AMERICA *The ___________ were made up of different groups of people whose lives varied depending on their social position. *Large landowners: • Lived predominantly in the _________. • Relied on indentured ____________ and/or slaves for labor. • Were ____________ in some cases, and had a rich social culture. (ANSWER CHOICES: indentured, plantations, Market, coastal, fishermen, Counties, South, grain, Piedmont, religions, colonies, cities, educated, servants)

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*Farmers: • Worked the _______ according to the region. Relied on __________ members for labor. *Artisans: • Worked as _____________ in towns and on the plantation. • Lived in small ___________ and cities. *Women: • Worked as ______________, houseworkers, and homemakers. • Could not ________, and had few chances for an education.

*Indentured servants: • Consisted of men and women who did not have __________ for passage to the colonies, and who agreed to

work without _______ for the person who paid for their passage. • Were ________ at the end of their contract. *Slaves: • Were captured in their native __________ and sold to slave traders, then were shipped to the colonies where

they were sold into slavery. • Were owned as ___________ for life with no rights. • Were often _________ into slavery. (Children of slaves were born into slavery.)

US1.5d: THE 13 COLONIES AND ENGLAND *England established and attempted to maintain __________ over the colonies. *Economic relationships: • England imposed strict control over _________ with the colonies. • England __________ the colonies after the French and Indian War to pay her debts. • Colonies _________ raw materials for goods. *Political relationships: • Colonists had to obey __________ laws that were enforced by governors. • Colonial ________________ were appointed by the king or by the proprietor. • Colonial ___________________ made laws for each colony and were monitored by colonial governors. (ANSWER CHOICES: control, family, pay, Africa, craftsmen, vote, English, legislatures, born, land, free, trade, governors, taxed, caretakers, traded, villages, property, money)

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*As England expanded ____________ over the American colonies, many colonists became dissatisfied and rebellious. *England's reasons for control: • England desired to remain a _________ power. Control of the colonies provided power & money. • England imposed taxes, such as the ____________ Act, to raise necessary revenue to pay the cost of the

French and Indian War in 1763. *England's reasons for taxation: • To help ___________ the French and Indian War. • To help with the __________________ of English troops in the colonies. *Sources of colonial dissatisfaction: • Colonies had no ____________ in Parliament. • Some colonists resented the power of colonial _____________. • England wanted strict control over colonial __________________. • Colonies opposed ____________. • The _________________ of 1763 hampered the western movement of settlers. Colonists could not settle

west of the Appalachian Mountains.

US1.6b: POLITICAL IDEAS WHICH LED TO THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE *New political ideas led to a desire for independence and ______________ government in the American colonies. *The Declaration of Independence proclaimed the 13 colonies independent from ___________. It stated that people have natural (inherent) rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of _______________. *Ideas of John Locke (1632-1704): • People have natural rights to life, liberty and __________. • Government is created to protect the rights of _____________ and has only the limited and specific powers

the people __________ to give it. *Key philosophies in the Declaration of Independence (1776): • People have "certain _____________ rights" (rights that cannot be taken away) -- life, liberty, and the

pursuit of happiness. (ANSWER CHOICES: England, governors, Stamp, Proclamation, control, unalienable, property, people, world, taxes, consent, democratic, legislatures, finance, happiness, representation, maintaining)

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• People establish _______________ to protect those rights. • Government derives _____________ from the people. • People have a right and a duty to _____________ a government that violates their rights.


*Many individuals played important roles in shaping events of the American ______________. *Key individuals 1776-1783: • King George III: _____________ king during the Revolutionary era. • Lord Cornwallis: British ___________ who surrendered at Yorktown, VA in 1781. • John Adams: Patriot leader who championed the cause of ___________________. • George Washington: _________________ of the Continental Army. • Thomas _______________: Major author of the Declaration of ________________ in 1776. • Patrick ____________: Outspoken member of the Virginia House of Burgesses; inspired colonial

patriotism with his "Give me liberty or give me __________" speech in 1775. • Benjamin _______________: Prominent member of Continental Congress; helped frame the Declaration

of Independence in 1776. • Thomas Paine: Journalist, author of Common __________; reasons to rebel against Britain. • Phyllis Wheatley: A former slave who wrote __________ and plays supporting American independence. • Paul __________: Patriot who made a daring ride on horseback at night to warn colonists of British arrival;

cried "The __________ are coming!" (ANSWER CHOICES: Revolution, Sense, change, government, British, Jefferson, death, Franklin, Independence, Commander, power, British, poems, Henry, Revere, general, independence)

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*Key Events: • Boston ______________: 5 colonists in Boston were shot after taunting British soldiers (1770). • Boston Tea _____________: Samuel __________ and Paul Revere led patriots in throwing tea into Boston

Harbor to protest tea taxes (1773). • First Continental Congress: Delegates from all colonies met to discuss problems with England and to

promote ___________________(1774). • Battle of Lexington and Concord: This was the site of the first armed ___________ of the Revolutionary

War in 1775. The shot in Massachusetts heard around the world. Colonial Minutemen vs. British. • Second Continental Congress: Colonial leaders met in _______________ to create an army, and they

named George Washington its commander (1775).

• Approval of the Declaration of Independence: Colonies declared independence from __________ July 4, 1776.

• Battle of Saratoga: This American victory in 1777 in New York was the _________ point in the

Revolutionary War. Washington and his troops pushed back the British. • Surrender at Yorktown, Virginia: This was the colonial victory over forces of Lord _______________

that marked the end of the Revolutionary War in 1781. • Signing of the Treaty of Paris: England recognized American ______________ in this treaty in 1783.

US1.6d: REASONS WHY THE COLONIES WERE ABLE TO DEFEAT BRITAIN *Colonial advantages: • Colonists' defense of their own ___________, principles, strong beliefs, and capable leadership contributed

to the American victory in the Revolutionary War. Also, support from __________ and Spain.

(ANSWER CHOICES: Cornwallis, Philadelphia, Adams, turning, Massacre, conflict, England, land, France, Party, independence, independence)

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US1.7a: ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION *The Articles of Confederation was a constitution written during the American Revolution to establish the powers of the new national _________________. *Articles of Confederation: • Provided for a _________ national government. • Gave Congress no power to ________ or regulate commerce among the states. • Provided for no common _______________. • Gave each state one _________ regardless of size. • Provided for no executive or ______________ branch.

US1.7b: BASIC PRINCIPLES OF THE NEW GOVERNMENT IN THE U.S. CONSTITUTION *The __________________ of the United States of America established a ___________ system of government based on power shared between the national and state governments. (1789 Constitution was put into effect). *The Bill of __________ provided a written guarantee of individual rights. (1791 Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution). *Federal system of government: A system that divides governmental powers between ___________ government and the governments of the states.

*Basic principles of government: Separation of powers: • The structure of the new national government was based on __________ Madison's "Virginia Plan", which

called for three separate ____________ of government: 1. Legislative Branch (_______________) makes the laws.

• Congress is a _______ - house legislature in which all states are represented equally in the ____________ (two Senators per state) and people are represented in the House of ______________________ (number of a state's representatives is based on state's population).

2. Judicial Branch (_____________ Court) determines if laws made by Congress are ___________________. 3. Executive Branch (______________) carries out the laws. (ANSWER CHOICES: national, judicial, Rights, James, government, Constitution, Supreme, currency, weak, federal, Representatives, President, tax, vote, constitutional, branches, Senate, Congress, two)

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*Checks and balances: • Each branch can ___________ the power of the other. • These checks keep any one ____________ from gaining too much power. *Bill of Rights: • James _____________ was the author of the Bill of Rights. • The first ten ________________ to the Constitution of the United States of America provide a written

guarantee of individual rights (e.g., freedom of speech & freedom of religion).

US1.7c: TWO POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE NEW NATION *Alexander Hamilton and Thomas _______________ had opposing views on the role of the national _______________. That opposition resulted in the creation of two political ___________. *The debate over the role of the national __________________ has continued throughout United States history. *Major party differences: • Alexander Hamilton: Leader of _____________. Favored strong ____________ government. Favored

limits on ____________ powers. Favored development of industry on a ______________ scale. Favored a ___________ bank.

• Thomas Jefferson: Leader of the Democratic ______________. Favored a weak ____________ government. Supported ____________ powers. Favored small business and ___________. Opposed a ____________ bank.


*Congress and the first five presidents made decisions establishing a strong ____________ that helped the nation grow in size and power. *All of the first five presidents were _______________ except John Adams. 1)George Washington (1789-1797): • Federal __________ system was established.

(ANSWER CHOICES: Virginians, branch, Federalists, national, government, Jefferson, Madison, government, Republicans, court, national, amendments, parties, check, farmers, states', national, government, states', national, national)

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• Political __________ grew out of the disagreements between Hamilton and ______________ over the proper role of the national government.

• The Bill of ___________ was added to the Constitution of the United States of America. • Plans were initiated for development of the national ___________ in Washington, D.C. Benjamin

_____________, an African American astronomer and surveyor, helped complete the design for the city. 2)John Adams (1797-1801): • A two-_________ system emerged during his administration. 3)Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809): • He bought ____________ from France (Louisiana Purchase) in 1803. • Lewis and ___________ explored this new land west of the Mississippi River. 4)James Madison (1809-1817): • The War of _______ caused European nations to gain respect for the United States. • U.S. defended itself from British ________ attack. In the Battle of Baltimore, at Fort McHenry, the • "Star-Spangled Banner" was written by Francis Scott Key.

5)James Monroe (1817-1825): • He wrote the 1823 Monroe __________ warning European nations not to interfere in the Western


(ANSWER CHOICES: Hemisphere, Louisiana, parties, capital, Jefferson, naval, Clark, Banneker, Rights, party, 1812, Doctrine)

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US1.8a: TERRITORIAL EXPANSION WESTWARD 1801-1861 *Between 1801 and 1861, _______________ was encouraged as America underwent vast territorial expansion and settlement. *New territories added to the United States after 1801: • Louisiana Purchase:

• _______________ bought land from Napoleon of France (the Louisiana Purchase), which doubled the size of the United States in 1803.

• In the Lewis and Clark expedition, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark explored the Louisiana Purchase from the _________________ River to the Pacific Ocean.

• Florida:

• ___________ gave Florida to the United States through a treaty in 1819. • Texas:

• Texas was added after it became an ________________ republic. Texas fought Mexico for freedom, and then it was annexed and became a part of the United States in 1845.

• Oregon:

• The Oregon Territory was divided by the United States and Great __________. In 1846, Oregon became a part of the U.S.

• California:

• War with ____________ resulted in California and the southwest territory becoming part of the United States in 1848. This area was known as the Mexican Cession.

(ANSWER CHOICES: Mississippi, Britain, exploration, Mexico, Spain, Jefferson, independent)

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US1.8b: GEOGRAPHIC & ECONOMIC INSPIRATION FOR WESTWARD EXPANSION *Westward ____________ was influenced by geography and economic opportunity. *Geographic and economic factors that influenced westward movement (1801-1861): • Population growth in the ___________ states. Availability of cheap, ___________ land. • Economic ______________, e.g., gold (California Gold Rush), logging, ___________, freedom (for

runaway slaves). • Cheaper and ___________ transportation. For example, rivers and ________ like the Erie Canal in the

Northeast, joining the Great Lakes with the Hudson River in 1825. Steamboats. • Knowledge of ___________ trails like the Oregon Trail, and the Santa Fe Trail to California. • Belief in the right of "Manifest __________" -- The idea that _____________ from the Atlantic to the

Pacific was for the good of the country and was the right of the country.

US1.8c: IMPACT OF INVENTIONS ON LIFE IN AMERICA *Prior to the Civil War, most __________________ in America was in the North; however, the equipment produced in the North had an impact on the ____________ society in the South.

*New technologies: • The cotton ______ was invented by Eli __________. It increased the production of cotton, and thus

increased the need for __________ labor to cultivate and pick the cotton. • Jo ___________ (a slave) and Cyrus ______________ worked to invent the reaper. The __________

increased the productivity of the American farmer. "Breadbasket to the world". • The ____________ was invented by Robert Fulton. It provided faster river _______________ that

connected Southern ________________ and farms to Northern industries. • The steam _______________ provided faster land transportation.

(ANSWER CHOICES: Whitney, farming, plantations, migration, opportunity, Destiny, slave, Anderson, locomotive, overland, fertile, expansion, McCormick, canals, transportation, faster, steamboat, eastern, reaper, farming, gin, industrialization)

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US1.8d: REFORM IN AMERICA FROM 1801 TO 1861 *The abolitionists worked to end ____________. *The suffrage movement helped __________ gain equal rights. *Abolitionist movement: • Most abolitionists demanded immediate freeing of the _________. • Abolitionists believed that slavery was __________.

• They believed it was ___________ wrong, cruel and inhumane, and a ______________ of the principles of democracy.

• Abolitionist leaders included both men and ____________. • Harriet Tubman: led many slaves to freedom as a "conductor" on the Underground ____________.

Tubman escaped to freedom in the North, and returned to the South 19 times to help more than 300 African Americans escape to ____________.

• William Lloyd Garrison: he published the "____________", an abolitionist newspaper. He helped

found the American Anti-_________ Society.

• Frederick Douglass: a former slave who escaped to the North and became an ____________. He spoke and wrote ___________ slavery. He was a leader in the Massachusetts _____________ Society.

*Suffrage movement: • Supporters declared that "All men and _____________ are created equal". • Supporters believed that women were deprived of basic ___________:

• Denied the right to _________. • Denied ______________ opportunities, especially higher education. • Denied ___________ opportunities in business. • Limited in rights to own ____________.

*The movement was led by strong women who began their __________ before the Civil War and continued after the war had ended.

• Isabel Sojourner Truth: a former slave who escaped to the North and _________ out against slavery. She also was a _____________ of rights for women.

(ANSWER CHOICES: against, slavery, property, spoke, freedom, morally, violation, Railroad, slaves, educational, women, wrong, vote, women, supporter, campaign, women, abolitionist, rights, Liberator, Abolitionist, slavery, equal)

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• Elizabeth Cady Stanton: helped organize the first American ____________ rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York in 1848. She read the Declaration of ________________, which read, "all men and women are created ___________".

• Susan B. Anthony: a ___________ in the women's rights movement. She worked for women's

right to ________. In 1860, in New York, she helped women gain the right to own ___________ . Worked with the National Women's Suffrage Association.


*Cultural, economic, and constitutional differences between the North and the ___________ eventually resulted in the Civil War.

*Issues that divided the nation: • Slavery: While there were several differences between the __________ and the South, the issues related to

slavery increasingly divided the ____________ and led to the Civil War. • Cultural:

• The North was mainly an ________ society in which people held jobs.

• The South was primarily an _______________ society in which people lived in small villages and on farms and __________________.

• Because of their cultural differences, people of the North and South found it difficult to __________ on

social and political issues. • Economic:

• The North was a _____________ region, and its people favored tariffs that protected ___________ owners and workers from foreign competition.

• Southerners opposed ____________ that would cause prices of manufactured goods to increase.

Planters were also concerned that _____________ might stop buying cotton from the South if tariffs were added.

(ANSWER CHOICES: South, plantations, England, women's, Sentiments, North, manufacturing, property, nation, agree, vote, agricultural, tariffs, factory, leader, equal, urban)

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• Constitutional: • A major conflict was _________ rights versus strong central government.


*The South feared that the ________ would take control of Congress, and Southerners began to proclaim states' rights as a means of self-______________. *The North believed that the nation was a _________ and could not be divided. While the Civil War did not begin as a war to ____________ slavery, issues surrounding slavery deeply divided the nation.

*Issues that divided the nation: • An important issue separating the country related to the power of the ___________ government. • Southerners believed that they had the power to declare any national law ___________. • Northerners believed that the national ________________ power was supreme over that of the states. • Southerners felt that the _____________ of slavery would destroy their region's economy. • Northerners believed that ___________ should be abolished for moral reasons. *Compromises attempting to resolve differences: • Missouri _______________ (1820): Missouri was a __________ state; Maine was a free state. Henry

Clay from Hanover County, VA authored the second "Missouri Compromise" of 1821. • Compromise of 1850: California was a free state. _____________ territories would decide about slavery.

Henry Clay, "The Great Compromiser", authored the "Compromise of 1850". • Kansas-Nebraska Act: People decided the slavery issue ("popular ______________"). *Southern secession: • Following Lincoln's election in 1860, the _____________ states seceded from the Union. • Confederate forces attacked Fort ___________, in South Carolina, marking the beginning of the Civil War. • Lincoln and many Northerners believed that the United States was one nation that could not be

_______________ or divided. • Most Southerners believed that _________ had freely created and joined the union and could freely

__________ it. (ANSWER CHOICES: Southwest, North, abolish, government's, Sumter, leave, states', slave, Federal, southern, sovereignty, protection, slavery, Compromise, separated, union, abolition, illegal, states)

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US1.9c: DIVISION BETWEEN THE NORTHERN & SOUTHERN STATES *Southern states that were dependent upon labor-intensive cash crops ___________ from the Union. Northernmost slave states (border states) stayed in the __________. *States that seceded from the Union: • Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee,

Texas, and ________________. *States remaining in the Union: • Border states (slave states): Delaware, ______________ Maryland, and Missouri. • Free States: California, Connecticut, ___________, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts,

Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, __________________, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia (Western counties of Virginia that refused to secede from the Union), and Wisconsin.


*Lincoln and Lee were men who represented views of the nature of the United States that were very _____________, leading to an unavoidable conflict.

*Roles of Civil War leaders: • Abraham Lincoln:

• Was President of the ___________ States 1861-1865. • Opposed the spread of ____________. • Issued the _______________ Proclamation in 1863. • Determined to preserve the _____________ -- by force if necessary. • Believed the United States was one ___________, not a collection of independent states. • Wrote the _______________ Address in 1863 that said the Civil War was to preserve a government "of

the people, by the people, and for the __________ ". • Jefferson Davis:

• Was president of the ______________ States of America. (ANSWER CHOICES: different, United, Confederate, seceded, New York, Kentucky, Union, Gettysburg, people, Union, Virginia, Emancipation, slavery, nation, Illinois)

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• Ulysses S. Grant: • Was ____________ of the Union army that defeated Lee.

• Robert E. Lee:

• Was leader of the Army of Northern ____________. • Was offered ____________ of the Union forces at the beginning of the war, but chose not to fight

against ______________. • Opposed ______________, but did not believe the union should be held together by force. • Urged Southerners to accept ___________ at the end of the war and reunite as Americans when some

wanted to fight on. • Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson:

• Was a skilled _____________ general from Virginia. • Frederick Douglass:

• Was a former slave who escaped to the __________ and became an abolitionist.

US1.9e: MAJOR BATTLES *Location and _____________ were critical elements influencing important developments in the Civil War, including major battles. *Major battles and events: • The Confederate firing on Union Fort __________, South Carolina, began the war in 1861. • The first Battle of _______________ (Bull Run), Virginia, was the first major battle in 1861. • The signing of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 made "freeing the slaves" the new _________ of the

war. Many freed slaves joined the __________ army. • The Battle of Vicksburg, Mississippi, divided the South; the North controlled the ________________ River

in 1863. • The Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, was the ____________ point of the war; the North repelled

__________ invasion in 1863. • Lee's surrender to ___________ at Appomattox Court House in Virginia in 1865 ended the war. *Influence of location and topography on critical developments in the war: • The Union ____________ of southern ports (e.g., Savannah, Charleston, & New Orleans). • Control of the ___________________ River (e.g., Battle of Vicksburg). • Battle locations influenced by the struggle to capture ___________ cities (e.g., Richmond & Washington,

D.C.). Control of the high ground (e.g., _____________). (ANSWER CHOICES: Sumter, North, Confederate, turning, Grant, Virginia, defeat, Manassas, Lee's, Virginia, Mississippi, Gettysburg, general, command, Union, focus, blockade, capital, Mississippi, secession, topography)

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US1.9f: EFFECTS OF THE CIVIL WAR *Life on the _____________ and on the homefront was extremely harsh. Many died from disease and exposure. *General effects of the war: • Families and _____________ were often pitted against one another. • Southern troops became increasingly _____________ and more poorly equipped and clothed. • Much of the South was ________________ at the end of the war (e.g., burning of Atlanta and

_______________). • Disease was a major ____________. • Clara ____________, a Civil War nurse, created the American Red Cross. • Combat was brutal and often man-to-________. • Women were left to run _______________ in the North and farms and ___________________ in the South. • The collapse of the Confederacy made Confederate _____________ worthless. *Effects of the war on African Americans: • African Americans fought in both the _________________ and Union armies. (ANSWER CHOICES: money, killer, friends, businesses, Confederate, plantations, Barton, battlefield, Richmond, younger, devastated, man)

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• The Confederacy often used ___________ as naval crew members and soldiers. • The ___________ moved to enlist African American sailors early in the war. • African American soldiers were paid _________ than white soldiers. • African American soldiers were discriminated against and served in ________________ units under the

command of white officers. • Robert Smalls, a ___________ and later a Union naval captain, was highly ____________ for his feats of

bravery and heroism. He became a _________________ after the Civil War.

US1.10a: RECONSTRUCTION *The 13th, 14, and 15th Amendments to the __________________ of the United States of America address the issues of slavery and guarantee equal ________________ under the law for all citizens. *Basic provisions of the Amendments: • 13th Amendment: Bans ____________ in the United States and any of its territories. • 14th Amendment: Grants ________________ to all persons born in the United States and guarantees them

equal protection under the law. • 15th Amendment: Ensures all citizens the right to __________ regardless of race or color or previous

condition of servitude. • These three amendments guarantee equal protection under the law for all citizens.

US1.10b: IMPACT OF RECONSTRUCTION POLICIES ON THE SOUTH *The Reconstruction policies were harsh and created _______________ in the South. *Reconstruction attempted to give meaning to the freedom that the former __________ had achieved. (ANSWER CHOICES: vote, Congressman, sailor, less, slavery, Constitution, problems, citizenship, segregated, honored, protection, slaves, Union, slaves)

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*Reconstruction policies and problems: • Southern ___________ leaders could not hold office. • Southerners resented northern _____________________, who took advantage economically of the South

during Reconstruction. • African Americans held _____________ office.

• African Americans gained equal rights as a result of the Civil __________ Act of 1866, which authorized the use of ____________ troops for its enforcement.

• Northern soldiers ______________ the South, and the South resented it. • Reconstruction ended in 1877.

(ANSWER CHOICES: supervised, Rights, public, military, federal, carpetbaggers)

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