Download ppt - URL JS

  • 1. Jhalak& Sheenal


  • There are some basic aspects of a URL that we take for granted:

  • Forward slashes and dots are used to separate different parts of a URL
  • A URLneverhas spaces in it
  • It is mostly made of lower case letters
  • Uses both numerals and letters


  • URLs are actually made of set of four numbers (an IP address) such as which are separated by a period. The reason why people do not normally see this in an URL is because it is not used as it is difficult for humans to use it and instead they are represented by alphanumerics, which is much easier to remember.
  • It is the unique address of a page on the internet.
  • e.g. Google Australias
  • A URL specifies the address of a file.
  • URL : Uniform resource LocatorIt is known as uniform because it is the same throughout the world, and it is a method to locate any resource such as file or document on the internet.


  • URLS are highly important in the world of the Internet as they act asstreet addressesfor informationon the Internet:
  • : Today, an estimated31 billion web pages and Internet transmitters are addressed using URL names. URLsare like street addresses or telephone addresses applied togive an address different web pages on the Internet.


  • By telling the browser what protocol to use and informing the web server what page the user wants.
  • A URL allows a browser to connect to a particular website, in other words itdirects youto that particular webpage.
  • URL determines the particular part of a web site a user visits:
  • - main page of website
  • - particular section on the website


  • The actual types of URL include:
    • Static URL
    • Dynamic URL
    • Directory URL
  • Static URl is a URL that connects the destination without generating programming scripts.
  • Dynamic URL is the URL that uses the programming script to connect to the destination
  • Directory URL is one that does not consist of any file name that points the default file of the directory.


  • Four main parts. This includes:
  • Protocol
  • Server name
  • Domain name
  • Directory and filename


  • The protocol is used in communication between a browser and the web server.
  • An URL consist of many different types of protocol depending what a person is looking for.
  • Different types of protocols include:
    • http
    • ftp
    • Gopher
    • Wais
    • Nntp
  • And there are many others!
  • It is used in communication between a browser and the web server


  • HTTP
  • is short of hyper text transfer protocol- it helps in how the messages are formatted and transmitted and provides a standard for web browsers to communicate.
  • FTP
  • This is short for File transfer protocol which allows a person to transfer files from one computer or server to another. You only need only need a computer name, user name and password. This is useful if you have composed a Web page on your computer and want to upload it.


  • It is a protocol where hierarchically-organized text files could be brought from servers all over the world to a viewer on your computer. Especially in universities, Gopher was a step toward the World Wide Web's http
  • WAIS
  • It is short for Wide Area information server. A database on the Internet that contains indexes to documents that reside on the Internet. Using the Z39.50 query language, text files can be searched based on keywords.


  • Second part of URL
  • Separated from a protocol by a colon and two forward slashes.
  • (put a sample of the URL)
  • Server name tells a person about the machine aka the server that one wants to access


  • The domain allows the person to recognise the country in which the server is based in and the nature of the organisation that owns the server.
  • E.g: from previous URL,it is: from this we can realise that it is a academic server because of ac and is in United Kingdom.
  • There are different country identifiers that tell where the server is based it is always in the end of a URL.

COUNTRY IDENTIFIER IN A URL COUNTRYOF SITES ORIGIN au Australia ca Canada uk United Kingdom de Germany 13. Continuing domain name

  • The domain name also has an organisation identifier which usually comes after the country identifier/country code.
  • Some of them include:
    • Edu/ac-showing it is an academic or educational server.
    • Co/com- showing a commercial server
    • Gov-for government server
    • Org- showing non-governmental, non-profit making organisations.


  • Directory is part after the domain name and between another set of slashes.
  • It contains the files you will be accessing.
  • Most URLs are in directory structure which can then help tell something about the site.
  • Here the directories are (publicat, Periodicals
  • and Psych).


  • Provides information on the geographical location of where the site originated from
  • Australia
  • Through looking at the country identifier and organisation identifier in a URL, one is able to determine the reliability and accuracy of a website.
  • Eg: For someone who is looking for websites onAustralian Blue Mountains,

which is a site based on a skiing resort in Canada not the Australian KatoombaBlue Mountains.offers reliable and accurate information compared /

  • Provides information of the organisation who created the web page
  • Educational organisation


  • URL: Uniform Resource Locator
  • It allows a browser to connect to a website
  • It is like a street address for information online.
  • A URL consists of a:
    • protocol
    • domain name
    • path (which is divided into 2 parts: directory and file name)

