
Dear Friends and Family,

Mornings are cool, leaves are beginning to turn, and ministry in Shelby Park is well under way. It appears fall will soon be upon us and with a change in the season often comes a change in life's rhythms. God is really at work in the Shelby Park neighborhood. There is so much opportunity for ministry and so little time. The actual Shelby Park, designed by famous landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted, acts as a community hub for residents to hang out and provides a perfect place for community outreach. Every other Wednesday, we have been helping with a potluck dinner put on by Sojourn's Seed Ministry in the main park pavilion. So far it has proven as a fruitful time to hear peoples stories, play with neighborhood kids, and invite folk to church. We have also been actively involved trying to partner with local organizations who have a presence in the community. Two examples include helping construct a playground with YouthBuild and conducting community surveys with the Shelby Park Neighborhood Association.

Another awesome opportunity for ministry came at the church’s medical clinic. Two times a year, Sojourn’s 930 building is turned into a licensed medical facility fully staffed with volunteer medical professionals and church members. Residents of nearby communities are invited in to receive free health screenings, massages, spiritual counseling, hygiene products, and a warm meal. The event provided perfect opportunity to connect with some of our neighbors in Shelby Park and share the Gospel.

In the middle of September we took a ministry vision trip to Chicago. Many of you know how

dear the city is to my heart and reconnecting with my fellow believers from the Windy City proved quite energizing. During our trip we toured three separate urban ministries, each with differing methodology on how to reach their respective communities. The trip will prove invaluable as God expands our vision on how to reach the urban poor with the good news of Christ.

I started off talking a bit about rhythms and would like to bring it back. As you can see, our plates are full. Praise God for all the doors he has provided those of us at URBN to walk through and fulfill the Great Commission. Time management has proven a challenge for all of us, but slowly we are finding our niches where the Lord would have us focus our efforts. None of this would be possible without your faithfulness to God and us through ministry partnership. Thank you again! Please pray for:

1.) The upcoming Fall Festival on October 19th

2.) Continued establishment of healthy time management and rhythms

3.) That God would start a revival in Shelby Park in which people come to know Christ.


