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Upgrading of a Visbroken Vacuum Residue by

Adsorption and Catalytic Steam Gasification of the

Adsorbed Components

Carbognani, Lante

Carbognani, L. (2014). Upgrading of a Visbroken Vacuum Residue by Adsorption and Catalytic

Steam Gasification of the Adsorbed Components (Unpublished master's thesis). University of

Calgary, Calgary, AB. doi:10.11575/PRISM/28596

master thesis

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Upgrading of a Visbroken Vacuum Residue by Adsorption and Catalytic Steam Gasification

of the Adsorbed Components


Lante Carbognani







© Lante Carbognani 2014



Unconventional oil is set to play an increasingly important role in world oil supply, where

Canadian reserves are going to play a key role in the global market. The bitumen associated to

these reserves typically contains more than 50% vacuum residue, thus developing new and less

costly processing ideas is necessary.

The present work focuses on a new process consisting of the improvement of Athabasca

visbroken residue stability via adsorption using an in-house material, followed by low temperature

catalytic steam gasification of the adsorbed material. A bench-scale setup was designed and built,

and techniques such as P-value, thermal gravimetric analysis, and gas chromatography were used

for products characterization.

Results indicate that adsorption doesn’t seem to improve the visbroken residue, however an

alternative path performing catalytic steam cracking instead shows an extra ~20% conversion of

the feed, still maintaining a stable product. On the other hand, Catalytic steam gasification was

achieved at low temperatures (560 ºC), with high production of hydrogen for the sorbcats tested,

thus making possible an alternative path for the visbroken residue processing.



I would like this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to my supervisor Dr. Pedro Pereira-

Almao for giving me the opportunity of being part of this excellent group, and for all the support

and guidance provided throughout this journey. Thanks Dr. Pereira, It has been an honor.

My deepest gratitude and love to my father and friend, Lante Antonio Carbognani, not only

for his help and assistance through this heavy hydrocarbons world, but also for his advice and

constant guidance.

To all my fellow students, researchers, and friends who in one way or another helped me

during these years, I wish only the best for you. Special thanks to Dr. Azfar Hassan, for his constant

input and help provided, Dr. Francisco Lopez-Linares, Dr. Josefina Perez-Zurita, Dr. Monica

Bartollini and Francisco Da Silva, without you this would not have been possible.

I wish to thank Gustavo Trujillo and Alejandro Coy for all the help provided during the

designing and construction phase of the research, not only you added valuable input, but also made

this ride a more exciting.

I’m also grateful to the following institutions for the financial support: Schulich School of

Engineering at the University of Calgary, Carbon Management Canada (CMC), and The

Government of Canada through the Queen Elizabeth II scholarship program.

Finally I’d like to thank my family, my mother Josune, my father Lante, and my sisters

Natasha, Josune and Michelle. You have always been a fundamental part in my life, and this

achievement would not have been possible without all of you, thanks for all the love and patience.

I love you all.



To my parents: Miren Josune & Lante Antonio

My sisters: Natasha Josune and Michelle

To all my friends, present or not, this is for you


Table of contents

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................................................II

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................................................................... III

DEDICATION .................................................................................................................................................. IV

CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................................................ 1

1.2 THESIS OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................................ 3

CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................................... 4

2.1 FEEDSTOCKS ........................................................................................................................................... 4

2.2 REFINING SCHEMES ................................................................................................................................ 5

2.3 HEAVY CRUDE OIL UPGRADING .............................................................................................................. 7

2.4 VISBREAKING ......................................................................................................................................... 9

2.5 ADSORPTION ........................................................................................................................................ 10

2.5.1 Asphaltene adsorption: adsorbents................................................................................................... 11

2.5.2 Asphaltenes adsorption: kinetics ...................................................................................................... 15

2.6 GASIFICATION AND CATALYTIC STEAM GASIFICATION (CSG) ............................................................. 18

2.6.1 Asphaltenes catalytic steam gasification: Catalysts ......................................................................... 21

2.6.2 Asphaltenes catalytic steam gasification: Kinetics ........................................................................... 23


2.8 CATALYTIC STEAM CRACKING (CSC) ................................................................................................... 31

2.8.1 Aquaconversion ................................................................................................................................ 33

2.8.2 CUT Technology ............................................................................................................................... 34


CHAPTER 3. EXPERIMENTAL .............................................................................................................. 40

3.1 MATERIALS .......................................................................................................................................... 40

3.2 VISBROKEN VACUUM RESIDUE GENERATION ........................................................................................ 40

3.3 ADSORBENTS PREPARATION ................................................................................................................. 42

3.4 BATCH ADSORPTION EXPERIMENTS ...................................................................................................... 42

3.5 CONTINUOUS OPERATION: BENCH-SCALE PLANT .................................................................................. 43

3.5.1 Process overview .............................................................................................................................. 44

3.5.2 Brief operation procedures ............................................................................................................... 48

3.6 FEED AND PRODUCT CHARACTERIZATION TECHNIQUES ........................................................................ 49

3.6.1 P-value (pv) ...................................................................................................................................... 49

3.6.2 Elemental analysis ............................................................................................................................ 49

3.6.3 High temperature simulated distillation (HTSD) ASTM D-7169-2005 ............................................ 50


3.6.4 Microcarbon Residue method ........................................................................................................... 50

3.6.5 Microdesasphalting .......................................................................................................................... 51

3.6.6 Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) ............................................................................................... 52

3.6.7 Gases ................................................................................................................................................ 52

3.6.8 Surface area ...................................................................................................................................... 52

3.6.9 Viscosity ............................................................................................................................................ 53

3.7 EXPERIMENTAL PLAN ........................................................................................................................... 53

3.7.1 Adsorption ........................................................................................................................................ 53

3.7.2 Catalytic Steam Gasification ............................................................................................................ 54

3.7.3 Catalytic Steam Cracking (CSC) ...................................................................................................... 55

CHAPTER 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .......................................................................................... 56

4.1 ADSORPTION ........................................................................................................................................ 56

4.1.1 Feed Preparation ....................................................................................................................... 56

4.1.2 Adsorbent/catalyst preparation and characterization ................................................................ 58

4.1.3 Batch adsorption experiments .................................................................................................... 61

4.1.4 Dynamic adsorption ................................................................................................................... 62

4.2 CATALYTIC STEAM GASIFICATION ....................................................................................................... 65

4.2.1 Athabasca vacuum residue catalytic steam gasification ............................................................ 65

4.2.2 Screening of the sorbcats ........................................................................................................... 67

4.2.3 Athabasca visbroken residue CSG tests ............................................................................................ 80

4.3 CATALYTIC STEAM CRACKING (CSC) .................................................................................................. 84

4.3.1 CSC repeatability with VB residue ................................................................................................... 84

4.3.2 Temperature effects on the catalytic steam cracking ........................................................................ 87

4.3.3 CSC kinetics ...................................................................................................................................... 93

4.3.4 Catalytic steam gasification after CSC ............................................................................................. 99

4.4 CLOSING REMARKS ............................................................................................................................. 100

CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSIONS/FUTURE WORK ................................................................................ 103

REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................. 107

APPENDIX A .................................................................................................................................................. 113

AGU SOP. Reactivity/Gasification Unit .................................................................................................. 113

APPENDIX B .................................................................................................................................................. 126

APPENDIX C .................................................................................................................................................. 132

APPENDIX D .................................................................................................................................................. 137


List of Tables

Table 2-1 Typical refinery products after distillation fractioning [11] .................................... 7

Table 2-2 Common adsorption applications [26] .................................................................. 11

Table 2-3 Surface area and pore volume of catalysts used by Sosa [10] ............................... 13

Table 2-4. Properties of tested alumina particles [29] ........................................................... 14

Table 2-5. Particle size and specific surface of selected transition metal oxide nanoparticles

[30] ................................................................................................................................................ 15

Table 2-6. Kinetic constants for adsorption of Athabasca bitumen asphaltenes over kaolin and

kaolin sorbcats (using eq. 2-5) [10] .............................................................................................. 16

Table 2-7. Determined asphaltenes adsorption values over an iron surface [31] .................. 17

Table 2-8. Langmuir constants for Athabasca n-C7 asphaltenes adsorption over metal oxides

[18] ................................................................................................................................................ 18

Table 2-9. Hydrocarbon steam gasification reactions [10] .................................................... 19

Table 2-10. Adsorption reaction rate coefficients for catalytic reaction at different

temperatures (using eq. 2-5) [10] .................................................................................................. 23

Table 2-11. Activation energy for different catalysts [10] .................................................... 24

Table 2-12. Calculated activation energies for asphaltene Gasification/Cracking in presence

and absence of metal oxides [30]. ................................................................................................. 26

Table 4-1. Surface area and pore volume of the sorbcats tested ............................................ 58

Table 4-2. Surface area & pore volume of large and small scale preparation of 3NiO6K6Ba

sorbcat ........................................................................................................................................... 58


Table 4-3. Properties of the first two post-dynamic adsorption VB fractions ....................... 63

Table 4-4. Reactions occurring during catalytic steam gasification ...................................... 68

Table 4-5. Asphaltenes-LCO / 6K6Ca gas compositions for CSG experiment ..................... 69

Table 4-6. Global mass balance for 6K6Ba CSG of Asphaltenes-LCO ................................ 70

Table 4-7. Global mass balance comparison for the four studied sorbcats ........................... 75

Table 4-8. Gas rate, H2/CO2 & activation energy comparison for studied sorbcats in

asphaltenes-LCO CSG .................................................................................................................. 78

Table 4-9. Mass balance for 3NiO6K6Ba/VB experiment .................................................... 81

Table 4-10. Mass balance for 3NiO6K6Ba/VB during the CSG regeneration experiment ... 83

Table 4-11. CSG activation energies for 3NiO6K6Ba/VB both fresh and regenerated sorbcat

....................................................................................................................................................... 84

Table 4-12. Mass balance for CSC-1 & CSC-2 ..................................................................... 86

Table 4-13. Heavy fraction viscosities and conversion for CSC 1 & 2 VB residue .............. 87

Table 4-14. Mass balances for CSC 2, 4 & 5 (VB residue) ................................................... 90

Table 4-15. Conversion and viscosities for CSC 1, 2, 4 & 5 ................................................. 90

Table 4-16. Differential equations solved for the kinetic study of CSC ................................ 94

Table 4-17. Frequency factor and activation energy found for CSC reactions ..................... 99

Table C.1. Composition vs. Temperature for 6K6Ba ................................................... 132

Table C.2. Composition vs. Temperature for 3NiO6K6Ba .......................................... 133

Table C.3. Composition vs. Temperature for 3NiO6Cs6Ba ......................................... 134

Table C.4. Composition vs. Temperature for 3NiO6Cs6Ba with VB .......................... 135


Table C.5. Composition vs. Temperature for 3NiO6Cs6Ba with VB -Regenerated .... 136

Table D 1. Investment cost estimation for the visbreaking and CSC unit. ................... 137

Table D 2. CSC product properties ............................................................................... 138

Table D 3. Initial economic study of the CSC project .................................................. 139


List of Figures

Figure 1-1. Proposed process scheme [10] .............................................................................. 2

Figure 2-1 Schematic for a typical “high tech” refinery [11] .................................................. 6

Figure 2-2 Asphaltene molecule proposed by Carbognani. L.A. Blue atoms are nitrogen,

yellow atoms sulfur, red atoms oxygen, white atoms hydrogen and grey atoms carbon [22]. ....... 8

Figure 2-3. Typical tube visbreaker soaker configuration [15] ............................................. 10

Figure 2-4. Pore distributions of selected adsorbents measured by Mercury Intrusion

Porosimetry [28] ........................................................................................................................... 12

Figure 2-5. X ray diffractograms of calcined adsorbents [10] ............................................... 13

Figure 2-6. Kinetics of asphaltene adsorption derived from NIR data. Bulk concentration (C0):

1250 mg L-1 [31] .......................................................................................................................... 17

Figure 2-7. Variation of thermodynamic equilibrium for the system C-H2O with: A)

Temperature @ 1 bar; B) Pressure at 1000 K [10]. ...................................................................... 20

Figure 2-8. Electron microscopy of K-Ca(NO3)3/ graphite on a gold grid before reaction [33]

....................................................................................................................................................... 21

Figure 2-9. Energy-Dispersive-X-Ray spectroscopy (EDS) of parts A & B presented in Figure

2-8 [33].......................................................................................................................................... 22

Figure 2-10. Percent conversion of asphaltenes in presence and absence of different metal

oxide nanoparticles [30]. ............................................................................................................... 25

Figure 2-11. Effect of heteroatoms on adsorption uptake over Kaolin-Ca [37] .................... 27

Figure 2-12. Reaction rates for graphite gasification over Ni/NiKOx catalyst [20] .............. 28

Figure 2-13. Effect of ash on NiK catalyst [38] ................................................................... 29


Figure 2-14. Proposed decomposition role of KOH on the CSG of graphite [40] ............... 30

Figure 2-15. Comparison between gasification with fresh KOH (a) and thermally regenerated

KOH (b)[40].................................................................................................................................. 30

Figure 2-16. Setup used by Saraji and Goual for asphaltenes adsorption [54] ...................... 35

Figure 2-17. Experimental apparatus used by Delannay and Tysoe [40] .............................. 36

Figure 2-18. Experimental setup used by Pereira and Somorjai [36] .................................... 37

Figure 2-19. Experimental setup used by Moghtaderi [55] ................................................... 38

Figure 2-20. Reactor used by Mahato [19] ............................................................................ 39

Figure 3-1. Glassware setup used for batch visbreaking ....................................................... 41

Figure 3-2. Batch adsorption glassware setup ....................................................................... 43

Figure 3-3. Schematic representation of the reactivity/gasification plant ............................. 46

Figure 3-4. Reactor for the asphaltenes reactivity/ catalytic steam gasification ................... 47

Figure 3-5. Schematic of the multi samples MCR setup [70] ............................................... 51

Figure 4-1 P-value versus time, visbroken feed preparation ................................................. 56

Figure 4-2. Simdist of Athabasca vacuum residue and VB Athabasca vacuum residue ....... 57

Figure 4-3. P-value determination for the visbroken vacuum residue ................................... 57

Figure 4-4. Pore volume vs. pore width for 3NiO6K6Ba prepared both in large and small scale

....................................................................................................................................................... 59

Figure 4-5. Isotherm for large and small scale prepared catalysts ......................................... 59

Figure 4-6. Evidence of nickel incorporation by SEM .......................................................... 60

Figure 4-7. Nickel distribution by XPS ................................................................................. 61


Figure 4-8. P-values for the VB prepared by Gonzalez [28] and the one used in this

investigation. ................................................................................................................................. 62

Figure 4-9. P-values for dynamic adsorption with 3NiO6K6Ba/Athabasca VB ................... 63

Figure 4-10. Alternative scheme for VB upgrading subsequent catalytic steam gasification 64

Figure 4-11. VR/3NiO6K6Ba CSG experiment. A) Incomplete (short) devolatilization time.

B) Long devolatilization time ....................................................................................................... 66

Figure 4-12. Gas composition for asphaltenes-LCO / 6K6Ca gas compositions for CSG

experiments ................................................................................................................................... 67

Figure 4-13. Gas chromatography example for a CSG sample ............................................. 68

Figure 4-14. CSG gas rates vs. Temperature for the Asphaltenes-LCO/ 6K6Ca system ...... 70

Figure 4-15. TGA result for spent 6K6Ca top section spent catalyst. ................................... 71

Figure 4-16. Gas rate/ (sorbcat metal content) at different temperatures for CSG of

Asphaltenes-LCO/6K6Ca ............................................................................................................. 72

Figure 4-17.Gas composition (Vol. %) at different temperatures comparison for the four

sorbcats ......................................................................................................................................... 73

Figure 4-18. Comparison of gas rate/cat metal content at different temperatures for the four

studied sorbcats in asphaltene-LCO CSG ..................................................................................... 77

Figure 4-19. Gas rate and H2/CO2 comparison for the four sorbcats @ 650 °C asphaltenes-

LCO CSG ...................................................................................................................................... 79

Figure 4-20. Activation energies for the four sorbcats @ 650 °C asphaltenes-LCO CSG .... 79

Figure 4-21. Composition (Vol. %) at different temperatures for 3NiO6K6Ba/ VB experiment

....................................................................................................................................................... 80


Figure 4-22. Composition (Vol. %) at different temperatures for 3NiO6K6Ba/ VB

regeneration experiment................................................................................................................ 82

Figure 4-23. Gas composition for CSC-1 &CSC-2 carried out with VB residue .................. 85

Figure 4-24. Gas composition for CSC 2, 4 &5 .................................................................... 88

Figure 4-25. Gas composition comparison for CSC5 & 6 ..................................................... 91

Figure 4-26. Simulated distillation of hydrocarbon products for CSC 1,2,4,5 &6 ................ 92

Figure 4-27. Proposed lump-compositions kinetic model ..................................................... 94

Figure 4-28. Kinetic constant calculation scheme ................................................................. 96

Figure 4-29. A) Simullated distillation of CSC1 heavy product, B) Lump composition for

CSC-1 heavy product .................................................................................................................... 97

Figure 4-30. Arrhenius plot for the proposed lump model reaction system .......................... 98

Figure 4-31. Comparison between CSG after asphaltenes-LCO adsorption and after CSC 100

Figure 4-32. Original processing scheme (left) vs. alternative proposed scheme (right) .... 101

Figure B 1. TGA of spent 6K6Ca middle section .......................................................... 126

Figure B 2. TGA of spent 6K6Ca bottom section.......................................................... 126

Figure B 3. TGA of spent 6K6Ba top section ................................................................ 127

Figure B 4. TGA of spent 6K6Ba middle section .......................................................... 127

Figure B 5. TGA of spent 6K6Ba Bottom section ......................................................... 128

Figure B 6. TGA of spent 3NiO6K6Ba top section ....................................................... 128

Figure B 7. TGA of spent 3NiO6K6Ba middle section ................................................. 129

Figure B 8. TGA of spent 3NiO6K6Ba bottom section ................................................. 129


Figure B 9. TGA of spent 3NiO6Cs6Ba top section...................................................... 130

Figure B 10. TGA of spent 3NiO6Cs6Ba middle section................................................ 130

Figure B 11. TGA of spent 3NiO6Cs6Ba bottom section ............................................... 131

Figure C.1. Gas rate vs. temperature for 6K6Ba ............................................................ 132

Figure C.2. Gas rate vs. temperature for 3NiO6K6Ba ................................................... 133

Figure C.3. Gas rate vs. temperature for 3NiO6Cs6Ba ................................................. 134

Figure C.4. Gas rate vs. temperature for 3NiO6Cs6Ba with VB ................................... 135

Figure C.5. Gas rate vs. temperature for 3NiO6Cs6Ba with VB -Regenerated ............ 136


List of Symbols, Abbreviations, Nomenclatures

Symbol Description

AGU Adsorption gasification unit

BET Brunauer–Emmett–Teller

cc Cubic centimeters

CFB Circulating fluidised bed

Cm Centimeter

CMC Carbon Management Canada

CSC Catalytic Steam cracking

CSG Catalytic steam gasification

CUT Catalytic upgrading technology

EDS Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy

FCC Fluid catalytic cracking

Fwusa Foster wheeler USA

g Grams

GC Gas chromatography

HTSD High temperature simulated distillation

LCO Light cycle oil

LGO Light gas oil

LPG Liquefied petroleum gas

mg Milligrams

mL Millilitres

MCR Micro carbon residue

min Minute

Pv P-value

RA Relative absorbance

R&D Research and development

SAGD Steam assisted gravity drainage

SCSC Selective catalytic steam cracking

Simdist Simulated distillation

SOP Standard operative procedure

TBP True boiling point

TGA Thermo gravimetric analysis

VB Visbroken

VGO Vacuum gasoil

VR Vacuum residue

WHSV Weight hourly space velocity

XRD X-ray diffraction


Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1 Background

Unconventional oil is set to play an increasingly important role in world oil supply through to

2035, where Canadian oil sands and Venezuelan extra-heavy oil are expected to dominate the

market. Global primary energy demand will continue to grow, but at a slower rate than in recent

decades, and by 2035, it is predicted to be 36% higher than in 2008 [1].

In this sense, Alberta’s oil sands resource, which is comparable to Saudi Arabia in the size of

reserves, has been gaining weight as a strategic North American energy supply. After around 40

years of commercial production, a new development strategy is making a production of 5 million

a day a possibility, which would mean approximately 16% of North American demand by 2030,

creating potentially thousands of jobs throughout Canada, and a good target to develop new

technologies and process alternatives due to the nature of the oil sands [2].

At present, oil sands production faces several challenges that need to be addressed in order to

make it sustainable in the long run. Some of these challenges are: I) Crude oil prices, since oil

sands are expensive to produce and a significant drop in the price could lead to bad economics for

many existing and potential projects; II) Capital costs: Oil sands projects, in particular those

involving upgrading, are capital intensive; III) Natural gas costs, since both mining and thermal in

situ operations require a high amount of natural gas, among other things to produce the vital

hydrogen used in upgrading [3]. The future price of natural gas and the development of

alternatives, including gasification, will have a direct impact on project economics; IV) Diluent

availability, with the production of diluents declining and their demand increasing, the prices for

diluent are rising; V) Technology; since technology has enabled gradual reductions in supply costs,

and improvements in general upgrading costs are expected as new and improved upgrading

technologies are employed [4].

Following the preceding, hydrogen demand is constantly increasing since the use of heavy

hydrocarbons is growing. Of the total hydrogen production, 40% is used in chemical processes,

40% in refineries and 20% for other uses. In 2003, 48% of the global hydrogen demand was


produced from natural gas, 30% from oil and recovered from refinery/chemical industry off-gases,

18% from coal, and 4% from electrolysis. Most of this hydrogen is produced on-site in refinery

and chemical plants for captive, non-energy uses [5]. Combining this to the fact that natural gas

consumption is increasing rapidly, new ways of cheap and clean hydrogen production have to be

found [6].

Heavier crudes also translate in feeds richer in asphaltenes, which are hetero-polyaromatic

compounds of large molecular weight, ranging from 700 to 2000 g/mol [7]. In the industry, these

compounds tend to precipitate and cause all sorts of operational problems, ranging from catalysts

poisoning to pipe plugging [8],[9].

Keeping the hydrogen demand increase and asphaltenes challenges in mind, an innovative

process was proposed by the Catalysis for Bitumen Upgrading and Hydrogen Production research

group at the University of Calgary, under funding support of Carbon Management Canada (CMC).

This new process attempts to provide at least a partial solution to both problems. It consists of

selectively segregating the unstable fractions of asphaltenes by adsorbing a few layers of them on

an in-house designed adsorbent/catalytic (sorbcat) matrix to further produce hydrogen via catalytic

steam gasification (CSG) of adsorbed asphaltenes at lower temperature than conventional thermal

gasification as can be seen in the scheme (see Figure 1-1) [10].

Figure 1-1. Proposed process scheme [10]


1.2 Thesis objectives

The primary objective of the present study is to determine the feasibility of the proposed

process, which main goal is to improve the nature visbroken vacuum residue for further uses, thus

obtaining more valuable products, and also the production of hydrogen by CSG of the most

undesirable unstable hydrocarbon molecules. The specific objectives of this work are:

1 Designing and building a bench-scale set up capable of performing both continuous

adsorption and catalytic steam gasification of heavy hydrocarbon feeds

2 Screening of the different in-house adsorbent/catalysts produced by the group using a feed

consisting of C7 asphaltenes isolated from an industrial source

3 Visbroken vacuum residue feed production

4 Perform the adsorption and subsequent CSG tests with the visbroken vacuum residue feed

5 Catalytic steam cracking tests using the visbroken vacuum residue feed


Chapter 2. Literature review

Understanding the different types of feedstock processed on a refinery is important to grasp

and idea of the challenges several streams present. Along the same line, some technologies

available, such as visbreaking, gasification etc. are studied in order to understand what’s currently

being implemented for heavy oil upgrading, providing us with an insight of the benefits and

weaknesses of the processes being implemented, in order to come up with a novel refining


2.1 Feedstocks

Petroleum, which once produced is called crude oil, is perhaps the most important commodity

consumed in the world nowadays. From a chemical point of view, comprises a complex mixture

of hydrocarbon compounds, with some heteroatoms (minor amounts) such as nitrogen, oxygen

and sulfur, as well as some traces of metals-containing compounds. This mixture varies in the

amount of heteroatoms, volatility, specific gravity, and viscosity. The fuels derived from this

mixture, such as gasoline, kerosene and diesel provide the fuel for automobiles, tractors, aircrafts

and ships. The remainder includes fuel oil and natural gas used to heat homes and commercial

buildings, and materials used by the petrochemical industry to manufacture from synthetic clothing

fibers, to plastics fertilizers and paints [11, 12].

Heavy crude oils are less conventional and much more difficult to recover from the subsurface

reservoir. These materials have higher viscosity and Lower API gravity than conventional

petroleum, usually requiring thermal stimulation of the reservoir [11].

Let’s recall that viscosity is equal to the shear stress/shear rate, or in a less abstract way, it’s

commonly defined as the resistance to flow, and the API gravity, which stands for American

Petroleum Institute gravity, is calculated from the specific gravity of an oil, which is the ratio of

its density to that of water at 60 ºF (15.6 ºC), following the formula presented below. API gravity

is derived from the old Reaumur scale and does not have units, but is commonly referred as

degrees, and moves inversely to density, meaning the denser the oil is, the lower the API gravity

is presented in equation 2-1 [13, 14].


𝐴𝑃𝐼 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 = (141.5

𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝐺𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦) − 131.5 (𝑒𝑞. 2 − 1)

Petroleum and heavy oil were generally defined in terms of physical properties, for example,

heavy oils were considered to be those crude oils having API gravity somewhat less than 20° API

(commonly falling into the range 10° to 15°), and extra heavy oils, such as tar sand bitumen,

usually have an API gravity in the range 5° to 10° (like Athabasca bitumen with 8° API). The term

heavy oil has also been used to describe both the heavy oils that require thermal stimulation to the

reservoir to be recovered and the bitumen contained in bituminous sand formations from which

the heavy bituminous material is recovered by mining operations [11].

The term bitumen includes a wide variety of semi-solid, very viscous and even sometimes

brittle materials that exist in nature. Natural bitumen is a material found in deposits with low

permeability in which the passage of fluids can only be achieved by fracturing techniques. On the

other hand, tar sand bitumen is a heavy hydrocarbon mixture with little material boiling below 350

°C. Tar sands have been defined in the United States as “the several rock types that contain an

extremely viscous hydrocarbon which is not recoverable in its natural state by conventional oil

well production methods including currently used enhanced recovery techniques”. The term oil

sand is also commonly used in the same way as the term tar sand, and these terms are frequently

used interchangeably. In conclusion, to differentiate bitumen, heavy oil, and conventional

petroleum, the use of a one physical parameter (such as viscosity) is not enough. Usually the

properties of the bulk deposit plus the required recovery methods form the basis for the definition

of these materials [11].

2.2 Refining Schemes

Oil refining consists not only on the separation of petroleum into fractions, but also comprises

all the subsequent treating of these fractions to yield marketable products. A refinery is essentially

a group of plants involving different processes which vary in number according with the products

produced (for example see Figure 2-1). The typical fuels refinery goal is the conversion of as much

of crude oil into transportation fuels as is economically viable. Although refineries produce many

lucrative products, high-volume profitable products are the transportation fuels such as gasoline,

diesel and turbine (jet) fuels, and the light heating oils. Also, a refinery must be flexible and be


able to change operations as needed, since a demand for a product can change, and the crude oil

diet may vary. This usually means more processes, for example thermal processes to transform

heavy fuel oil into more gasoline having insoluble coke as the residual product, or a vacuum

distillation process to separate the heavy oil into lubricating oil stocks and asphalt. Once refined,

crude oil yields three basic groups of products after it is fractioned (see Table 2-1). The gas and

gasoline cuts form the lower-boiling products and are usually more valuable than the higher-

boiling fractions and provide LPG (liquefied petroleum gas), naphtha, aviation fuel, motor fuel

and feedstock for the petrochemical industry. The middle distillates refer to kerosene, diesel fuel,

fuel oil, and light gas oil (LGO). Waxy distillate and lower-boiling lubricating oils are sometimes

included in the middle distillates. The remainder comprises the higher-boiling lubricating oils, gas

oil, and vacuum residue [11, 15] .

Figure 2-1 Schematic for a typical “high tech” refinery [11]


Table 2-1 Typical refinery products after distillation fractioning [11]

Boiling range

Fraction °C °F

Light naphtha -1-150 30-300

Gasoline -1-180 30-355

Heavy naphtha 150-205 300-400

Kerosene 205-260 400-500

Light gas oil 260-315 500-600

Heavy gas oil 315-425 600-800

Lubricating oil >400 >750

Vacuum gas oil 425-600 800-1100

Vacuum residue >510 >950

The recent high prices of crude oil and the use of heavier feeds as we will see later, has affected

the refining industry demanding new and more efficient ways to process tar sands, while coal

gasification and synthesis of fuels have been gaining importance. Adding stricter environmental

regulations to the equation (which imply higher costs), results in a re-shaping of modern refineries

in order to produce less expensive fuels [16].

2.3 Heavy crude oil upgrading

As we mentioned before, refining refers to the industry for transforming crude oil from various

origins into a specific set of products, varying with the specifications and demands of the market

[17]. Petroleum refining is currently undergoing a transition period, although the demand for

hydrocarbon and its products has shown a sharp growth in recent years, it is said this might be the

last century for petroleum refining as we conventionally know it. Over the last decades the API

gravity of crude oils available for the refineries has decreased. However this trend has moved the

industry to look for new ways to convert those heavy crude oils into low-boiling high-value


products, facing the challenges this heavy and extra heavy feed present, such as an increased

asphaltenes content, and increases in sulfur, metal, and nitrogen contents [11].

There is a limitation for the processing of the mentioned heavy feedstocks, and that depends

largely on the amount of high molecular weight constituents like asphaltenes, which contain the

majority of heteroatoms and metals, known to poison catalysts and shorten their active life. Let’s

remember that asphaltenes are hetero-polyaromatic compounds of large molecular weight, ranging

from 700 to 2000 g/mol (see Figure 2-2). It is important to mention that there are other

representations with less aromatic domains, such as the “archipelagos” types of molecules. These

constituents are responsible for high yields of coke. Petroleum coke is a solid product of the

destructive distillation of petroleum derivatives, whenever these materials are heated over their

decomposition temperature. Visual appearance of this material is similar to that of coal, and it is

insoluble in any known solvent. This material also causes several problems going from the

deactivation of catalysts, to mechanical problems such as pipe plugging and fouling [11, 18-21].

Figure 2-2 Asphaltene molecule proposed by Carbognani. L.A. Blue atoms are nitrogen,

yellow atoms sulfur, red atoms oxygen, white atoms hydrogen and grey atoms carbon [22].


Current technologies for heavy crude oil upgrading and residue can be roughly divided into

the processes involving carbon rejection and those involving hydrogen addition. Carbon rejection

redistributes hydrogen among the different products, resulting in fractions with an increased H/C

atomic ratio, and some others with a lower H/C atomic ratio. Within the most common

technologies we have [11]:

Carbon rejection: Visbreaking, coking and fluid catalytic cracking (FCC)

Hydrogen addition: Hydrovisbreaking and catalytic hydrocracking

2.4 Visbreaking

There’s some confusion between the terms visbreaking and thermal cracking, since both

processes tend to decrease the viscosity of the feedstock. The difference is based not only on the

type of feedstock, but on the severity of cracking. Moreover, the term visbreaking should refer

strictly to the viscosity reduction of heavy stock as the process’s main objective [23].

The soak visbreaker process configuration is similar to a single stage thermal cracker but

usually an additional equipment is added after the heater, consisting on a soaking drum which

prolongs the time the heater effluent remains at the cracking temperature (without being subjected

to further heat input and temperature). The objective is to maintain good fuel oil stability while

still converting sufficient of the feed thus lowering the residue viscosity. After the soaker, there’s

a quenching stage using some recycled oil, and a fractionation of the product mixture. The severity

of the whole process is controlled by the flow rate through the furnace and the temperature; typical

conditions are around 427-443 ºC with a residence time of 2-6 min. Additionally, the operation

has to be stopped every 3-6 months (in the case of the coil visbreaker) to remove solids and coke

formation inside the tubes. This process configuration is shown as Figure 2-3 [11, 15, 23-25].


Figure 2-3. Typical tube visbreaker soaker configuration [15]

Visbreaking typically produces 10% vol. of gasoline and lighter materials, depending of

course on the nature of the feedstock, however the yield is controlled by the stability of the

visbroken product; this parameter of stability is often measured by a technique called p-value. The

P-value technique consists on determining the required amount of hexadecane necessary to

precipitate the asphaltenes on a sample, and that will be discussed on a later chapter.

2.5 Adsorption

When a solid is in contact with a fluid, whether it is a gas or a liquid, the existent interaction

forces between the molecules in the fluid matrix (or adsorbate) and the surface of the solid can

form a bond, and this process receives the name of adsorption. This process follows several steps,

first we have the diffusion of the adsorbate from the fluid to the external surface of the adsorbent,

then the adsorbate is diffused through the pores until is adsorbed in the internal surface. The

strength of these interactions will depend on both the nature of the adsorbate and that of the solid,

and can also be affected by steric impediment [26, 27].

In the last 30 years, adsorption has become a key separation technique in the oil industry. The

usual applications for this process involve purification of specific streams as can be seen in Table


2-2. Adsorption is also used in those cases where the distillation of a mixture is difficult, such as

isomer mixtures, and substances with similar boiling points [26].

Table 2-2 Common adsorption applications [26]

Feed Principal product Adsorbent Adsorbate

Air O2 Zeolite 4Å, 5Å N2

H2/CH4 H2 Zeolite 3Å, 4Å

Carbon sieve




isoparaffines Zeolite 5 Å n-Paraffines



n-paraffines Zeolite 5 Å n-Paraffines

n-C4=/i-C4= n-C4= Zeolite 5 Å n-C4=

Olefins/Paraffines Olefins Zeolite X Olefins

Aromatics in C8 p-xylene Zeolite X,Y p-xylene

In the following sections we will discuss on the previous studies found on asphaltenes

adsorption over different solids.

2.5.1 Asphaltene adsorption: adsorbents

Manuel Gonzalez [28] worked on asphaltenes adsorption over a natural silica alumina (Kaolin

powder). The author characterized the adsorbent (before impregnating with the gasification

catalyst) using N2 surface area with BET equation. Details of the preparation of this Sorbcat

(adsorbent/catalyst) will be discussed later [28].

The surface area obtained was 10-12 m2/g. The pore volume of the Sorbcat measured by

Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry, had a maximum on 0.480 cm3/g, 14% higher compared to the

original kaolin (0.424 cm3/g), as can be seen in Figure 2-4 [28].


Figure 2-4. Pore distributions of selected adsorbents measured by Mercury Intrusion

Porosimetry [28]

Clementina Sosa [10] worked in parallel with Manuel González, designing and preparing the

Sorbcat used in the asphaltenes adsorption/gasification. The Sorbcat was an extrudate with

cylindrical shape of approximately 5mm length and 0.5 mm diameter. The raw material used was

Kaolin powder (~39% wt. % Al2O3 and 43.5 wt. % SiO2) in a proportion of 10-60% wt., calcium

acetate (5-30% wt.) as a binder and sugar (0-25%wt) as a template agent to create porosity once

calcined. The materials were mixed with small amounts of water. The extrudates were prepared

using a stainless steel syringe of 5 ml. Each batch was kept at 90±1 °C to dry and then calcinated

at 650±1 °C for 8 hours [10].

This adsorbent was then impregnated with active metals to produce catalytic steam

gasification catalysts. In the study, Sosa used potassium nitrate and calcium nitrate salts. The

adsorbent/support was impregnated with aqueous solutions of the salts via incipient wetness

method. The K/Ca ratio was 1:1 and ratio of (K+Ca)/Catalyst equal to 0.02, 0.05 and 0.08. Drying

and calcination steps up to 550°C for 8 hours were used to activate the catalyst following the

impregnation step. After that, each catalyst was placed in a desiccator to prevent moisture uptake



The surface area and crystallographic/qualitative chemical characterization of the catalysts

and the adsorbents were defined using the BET method and XRD powder diffraction analysis. The

surface area of three catalysts used and the adsorbent used as support can be seen in Table 2-3


Table 2-3 Surface area and pore volume of catalysts used by Sosa [10]

Solid Average Surface Area (m2/g)

Adsorbent 10.92±0.54

2 wt.% KCa 10.77±0.33

5 wt.% KCa 8.88±0.56

8 wt.% KCa 7.50±0.50

The X-ray diffractograms of the calcined adsorbent and the catalysts prepared at different

metal loading can be seen in Figure 2-5.

Figure 2-5. X ray diffractograms of calcined adsorbents [10]


As can be seen in Figure 2-5, all the samples display a similar diffraction pattern consisting in

a highly amorphous phase with a small crystalline phase. The main signals are located between

16°<2θ<38° (where θ is the reflection angle). Metal loaded catalysts for catalytic steam

gasification application (CSG) did not show any difference upon the metal loading compared to

the adsorbent.

Nashaat Nassar and Azfar Hassan [29] studied the effect of particle size on asphaltenes

adsorption and oxidation, using alumina particles. The properties of the tested materials can be

seen in Table 2-4. The authors found that the adsorption capacity of the nano-alumina was higher

than that of the micro-alumina, on the other hand, micro-alumina showed higher catalytic activity

toward asphaltene oxidation than nano-alumina. This enhanced catalytic effect demonstrated by

micro-alumina shows that textural properties play an important role in catalysis [29].

Table 2-4. Properties of tested alumina particles [29]

Type X-ray

measured Particle



surface area

(BET) (m2/g)


volume (cm3/g)


Pore Size (Å)

Nano 48±3 nm 39 - -

micro <200µm 156 0.2909 54

Nashaat Nassar and Azfar Hassan [30] also studied the adsorption and subsequent oxidation

of asphaltenes onto transition metal nanoparticles. Three types of transition metal oxide

nanoparticles, namely NiO, Co3O4 and Fe3O4 were used in this study. BET and external surface

areas are presented in Table 2-5. Particle size was determined by using X-ray Diffraction. Surface

areas of the nanoparticles were measured by a surface area and porosity analyzer. Surface area was

measured by performing N2-adsorption–desorption at 77 K using BET equation [30].


Table 2-5. Particle size and specific surface of selected transition metal oxide

nanoparticles [30]

Nanoparticles Particle size (nm) Specific surface area, BET (m2/g)

Co3O4 22±0.8 39

Fe3O4 22±1.5 37

NiO 12±2.3 94

2.5.2 Asphaltenes adsorption: kinetics

Sosa [10] studied the kinetics of adsorption measuring the change of UV-Visible absorbance

in a solution of model molecules and Visbroken (VB) asphaltenes in contact with the macro porous

solid which was kaolin (39wt% Al2O3 and 43.5 wt. % SiO2) and Kaolin-Ca-K. The kinetics plots

were obtained by transforming the absorbance A(t) in relative absorbance RA (t) in order to make

it independent of the initial concentration. RA(t) was then used to calculate the solution

concentration as follows [10]:

Cs(t) = RA(t)C0 (𝑒𝑞. 2 − 2)

RA (t) and C0 are the relative absorbance at any time and the initial concentration,

respectively. The amount of model molecule and asphaltenes adsorbed at any time Ca(t) per gram

of adsorbent (mg/g) was calculated using the following equation[10]:

Ca(t) = [C0 − Cs(t)]V/m (𝑒𝑞. 2 − 3)

Where V is the solution volume (L) and m is the mass (g) of the macro porous solid.

In order to calculate the kinetic constant, a first order reaction was assumed, having the

following equation[10]:

− 𝑟 = 𝑘[𝑎𝑑𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑏𝑎𝑡𝑒]1(𝑒𝑞. 2 − 4)

Where r is reaction rate, [adsorbate]/time, k is kinetic coefficient [1/time] and [adsorbate] is

the concentration of the adsorbate in the solution, or heavy molecules adsorbed over the adsorbent,

calculated using Cs(t). The integrated form of this equation is[10]:

ln[𝑎𝑑𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑏𝑎𝑡𝑒] = −k ∗ t + ln[𝑎𝑑𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑏𝑎𝑡𝑒]0 (𝑒𝑞. 2 − 5)


Then plotting ln[adsorbate] versus time we should obtain a straight line whose slope is the

kinetic constant.

Results obtained for Athabasca bitumen C7- asphaltenes in toluene solution over macro porous

kaolin at 22 °C and its coefficients of determination can be seen in Table 2-6 [10].

Table 2-6. Kinetic constants for adsorption of Athabasca bitumen asphaltenes over kaolin

and kaolin sorbcats (using eq. 2-5) [10]

Compound K x10-3(min-1) R2

AB-Vacuum Residue (VR) 1.4±0.5 0.938

13.6 Visbroken VR 1.4±0.6 0.952

23.3 Visbroken VR 2.2±0.5 0.985

28.5 Visbroken VR 2.8±0.5 0.980

23.3 VB on K-Ca/Kaolin 2 wt.% 3.4±0.5 0.983

23.3 VB on K-Ca/Kaolin 8 wt.% 1.0±0.4 0.941

As we can observe, we are dealing with an apparent first order reaction, and that increasing

visbreaking severity seems to be increasing the kinetic constant obtained (severity is given by the

conversion in the first number of the compound name), being the proposed explanation that large

molecules present in the VR would be transformed into smaller ones depending on the severity of

the process, and this lower molecular size molecules are expected to display higher adsorption


Balabin [31] have also studied the behavior of petroleum asphaltenes on an iron surface using

near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR) and Raman microscopy. The author utilizes asphaltenes

extracted with petroleum ether in a 1:50 (v/v) ratio at 200 ºC from a mixture of West-Siberian

crude oils. The solvent utilized was benzene, and the adsorbent consisted on iron sheets (99.5%)

and iron foil. Experimental results show Langmuir type isotherms as can be seen in Figure 2-6,

Also, the parameters found by can be seen in Table 2-7 where Γmax is the maximum adsorbed

mass density; K=ka/kd is the adsorption equilibrium constant (ka and kd are the rate constants of

adsorption and desorption respectively) [31].


Figure 2-6. Kinetics of asphaltene adsorption derived from NIR data. Bulk concentration

(C0): 1250 mg L-1 [31]

Table 2-7. Determined asphaltenes adsorption values over an iron surface [31]

measured calculated

Technique Γmax [mg m-2] K [L mg-1] Kads x106 [L

mg-1 min-1]

Kdes x106 [min-1] -ΔGads [kJ


Near infrared



4.90 ±0.07 0.084±0.007 4.95±0.06 59.2±0.2 34.2±0.2



5.3±0.5 0.04±0.02 - - 31.8±1.3

Nassar [18] has studied batch adsorption of n-C7 asphaltenes extracted from Athabasca

vacuum residue, with toluene as solvent over metal oxide nano particles (Fe3O4, Co3O4, TiO2,

MgO, CaO, and NiO). The amount of adsorbed asphaltenes was obtained by thermogravimetric

analysis (TGA). The isotherms obtained were fitted to Langmuir model obtaining the results

shown in Table 2-8 [18].


Table 2-8. Langmuir constants for Athabasca n-C7 asphaltenes adsorption over metal oxides [18]

nanoparticles Qm (mg/m2) KL(L/mg) R2

CoO4 1.76 0.008 0.999

NiO 0.58 0.016 0.999

MgO 1.35 0.004 0.98

CaO 2.7 0.008 0.96

TiO2 0.54 0.009 0.999

Fe3O4 1.7 0.005 0.999

Where KL is the equilibrium constant related to the affinity of binding sites and Qm is the

maximum amount of adsorbed asphaltenes per unit area. With the data provided we can see a high

adsorption capacity (Qm, and affinity KL). Comparing the orders of KL to those found by Balabin

for iron surface we can see that this study presents an order of magnitude less for the metal oxides.

2.6 Gasification and Catalytic Steam Gasification (CSG)

Gasification usually refers to a thermal process where a carbonaceous feed (usually studied

with carbon in graphite form) is transformed to valuable gases following the reactions presented

in Table 2-9. All the reactions presented in the mentioned table strongly depend on temperature,

pressure and carbon to oxygen ratio, as can be seen in Figure 2-7. In this figure we can observe

how the partial pressure of water decreases with temperature, and at 1 bar and below 500 K, the

main products are CH4 and CO2.We can also observe that as pressure increases the equilibrium

tends to go to the left according to Le Chatelier’s principle [10].


Table 2-9. Hydrocarbon steam gasification reactions [10]

Reaction ΔGRXN (25ºC) [kJ/mol]

Gasification reactions

1) 𝐶𝑠 + 𝐻2𝑂(𝑔)⇔ 1

2𝐶𝐻4(𝑔) +




2) 𝐶𝑠 + 2𝐻2𝑂(𝑔)⇔ 2𝐻2(𝑔) + 𝐶𝑂2(𝑔) 62.84

3) 𝐶𝑠 + 𝐻2𝑂(𝑔)⇔ 𝐻2(𝑔) + 𝐶𝑂(𝑔) 92.36

Water-gas shift reaction

4) 𝐶𝑂(𝑔) + 𝐻2𝑂(𝑔)⇔ 𝐻2(𝑔) + 𝐶𝑂2(𝑔) -28.64

Steam reforming reactions

5) 𝐶𝐻4(𝑔) + 𝐻2𝑂(𝑔)⇔ 3𝐻2(𝑔) + 𝐶𝑂(𝑔) 142.27

6) 𝐶𝐻4(𝑔) + 2𝐻2𝑂(𝑔)⇔ 4𝐻2(𝑔) + 𝐶𝑂2(𝑔) 113.67

Bouduard equilibrium reaction

7)𝐶𝑂(𝑔)⇔ 1

2𝐶 +





Catalytic steam gasification on the other hand refers to similar process, but this time

employing a catalyst. The target of the catalyst may be different, one area focuses on finding the

optimum catalyst to enhance the production of valuable products (such as hydrogen) while the

other is focused on understanding the mechanisms of the process depending on the catalyst or

catalysts used. It has been found that the use of alkaline metal augments the reactivity, and that the

effect is higher with higher alkaline metal/carbon ratio. It has also been published that the order of

catalytic activity of alkaline metals, follows from bottom to top in the periodic table of elements

as follows: Cs > Rb > K > Na > Li [10, 32].


Figure 2-7. Variation of thermodynamic equilibrium for the system C-H2O with: A)

Temperature @ 1 bar; B) Pressure at 1000 K [10].




2.6.1 Asphaltenes catalytic steam gasification: Catalysts

Pereira [33] studied the steam gasification of graphite and chars at temperatures below 1000K

over Potassium-Calcium-Oxide catalysts. The samples were impregnated with nitrate solutions of

potassium and calcium to incipient wetness, the atomic ratio was K/M+2=1 and K/C equal to 0.01.

The samples were then dried at 420 °C for one hour [33].

Electron Microscopy Study was used to characterize the catalyst distribution over the sample

before and after reaction. Figure 2-8 shows the distribution of K and Ca nitrates that can be

observed, as the dark spots which represent the areas with catalyst. Also the catalyst particles

varied in size having big particles denoted in the figure with the letter A, and smaller, letter B.

Energy-Dispersive-X-Ray spectroscopy (EDS) was used in the selected particles A & B in Figure

2-8, and the results are presented in Figure 2-9, where we can see that the spectra are almost

identical, indicating that the catalyst was thoroughly mixed [33].

Figure 2-8. Electron microscopy of K-Ca(NO3)3/ graphite on a gold grid before reaction



Figure 2-9. Energy-Dispersive-X-Ray spectroscopy (EDS) of parts A & B presented in

Figure 2-8 [33].

Carrazza [34] worked with KOH and a transition metal oxide as a catalyst. This mix

(equimolar) was added to graphite by impregnation to incipient wetness. Separate solutions of

KOH and a water-soluble transition metal salt were used to deposit the desired loading of catalyst.

Nickel, iron, copper, cobalt and chromium nitrate, zinc and manganese sulfate, ammonium

metavanadate, and ammonium molybdate were used to deposit the respective metal oxide onto

graphite. A 0.5-g graphite sample was impregnated with 0.5 ml of the KOH and the metal salt

solutions. The sample was then dried in an oven at 393 K for 10 min, placed in the reactor and


heated under He for half an hour at a temperature high enough to decompose the metal salt and

form the oxide. The gas flow over the sample was switched from He to steam and the rate of gas

formation and product distribution for the gasification of graphite with steam was followed at

different temperatures [34].

Similarly, Luis Pineda [35] studied the gasification of a SAGD depleted core impregnated

with catalyst. For the study the author used an equimolar solution of potassium nitrate and calcium

nitrate tetra hydrated as precursors of the catalyst. The precursor salts were introduced to the core

sample by impregnation to incipient wetness [35].

2.6.2 Asphaltenes catalytic steam gasification: Kinetics

Sosa [10] analyzed gasification of adsorbed asphaltenes onto kaolin-Ca-K (mentioned in the

previous section) using thermogravimetric analysis or TGA. This analysis measures weight loss

connected to carbonaceous materials reaction with steam introduced in the TGA chamber. The

author found a zero order reaction after analyzing the TGA data, which would suppose then that

the reaction does not depend on the concentration of the adsorbed heavy molecules. Zero order

reactions are typically found when a material required for the reaction to proceed, such as the

surface of the catalyst is saturated by the reactants. The rates for each catalyst tested are shown in

Table 2-10. [10].

Table 2-10. Adsorption reaction rate coefficients for catalytic reaction at different

temperatures (using eq. 2-5) [10]




k (mg/g min)

2 wt.% KCa

k (mg/g min)

5 wt.% KCa

k (mg/g min)

8 wt.% KCa

550 0.1326 ± 0.0037 0.1830 ±0.0045 0.3870 ±0.0067

575 0.1666 ± 0.0028 0.1916 ±0.0053 0.3646 ± 0.0075

600 0.1825 ± 0.0069 0.2083 ±0.0058 0.2672 ±0.0012

625 0.2073 ± 0.0032 0.2432 ±0.0076 0.2345 ± 0.0086

650 0.2201 ± 0.0092 0.2661 ±0.0089 0.2102 ± 0.0098

Table 2-10 shows that the reaction occurs at relatively low temperatures (from 550 °C) and

that the rates increase following a linear trend for temperatures between 550°C and 600°C.


However the trend for 8wt% is not the same and the author attributes this to the fact that this

catalyst is the most active, consuming the carbonaceous material within the time selected to study

the initial reaction rate. With this data, also the activation energy was calculated, getting the values

show in Table 2-11.

Table 2-11. Activation energy for different catalysts [10]

Catalyst Activation energy

(Ea, kJ/mol)

Kaolin 62

2 wt.% KCa 33

5 wt.% KCa 5

8 wt.% KCa 2

Pereira and Somorjai [36] studied the kinetics of the gasification in presence of steam of two

bituminous and one subbituminous coal, impregnated with calcium-potassium oxide, or calcium-

sodium oxide at 900K. The values obtained for the activation energy were 202 KJ/mol for K-

Ca+Rosebudcoal, 226 KJ/mol for K-Ni+Franklin 125 coal and 269 KJ/mol for K-Ca+Franklin

coal. These values are higher (about one order of magnitude) than those found by Sosa, however

let us keep in mind that we are dealing with a different system, in this case not coal but heavy oil

organics [36].

Nassar [30] studied the catalytic steam gasification of adsorbed asphaltenes over different

nanoparticles. The particles studied were Fe3O4, Co3O4, and NiO, and the asphaltenes were

extracted from Athabasca bitumen with n-C7 (1:40 g/mL). Catalytic steam gasification of adsorbed

asphaltenes over nanoparticles was carried out and studied using a simultaneous

thermogravimetric analysis/differential scanning calorimetry (TGA/DSC). Figure 2-10 shows the

profile of mass loss obtained for virgin asphaltenes and asphaltenes adsorbed in nanoparticles [30].


Figure 2-10. Percent conversion of asphaltenes in presence and absence of different metal

oxide nanoparticles [30].

For virgin asphaltenes gasification we can see three regions (~200-360 ºC, 360-500 ºC and

+500 ºC), while the mass loss of asphaltenes over nanoparticles shows that gasification and/or

cracking occurs at much lower temperature, validating the proposed idea of the authors of the

catalyzing effect of the these nanoparticles. The activation energies were calculated by the authors

using the Coats-Redfern method, which is an integral method of processing TGA data. The results

can be seen in Table 2-12 [30].

In Table 2-12 we can observe how the activation energy decreases when using nano particles,

and for the case of NiO and Co3O4 the asphaltenes almost completely oxidize below 350 ºC.


Table 2-12. Calculated activation energies for asphaltene Gasification/Cracking in presence

and absence of metal oxides [30].

Temperature Range 222-375 ºC 375-455 ºC 550-760 ºC

Virgin Asphaltenes Ea(kJ/mol) 49 130 41

R2 0.9871 0.9961 0.9921

Asphaltenes adsorbed

with nanoparticles

222-375 ºC 375-455 ºC 550-760 ºC

NiO Ea(kJ/mol) 46 - -

R2 0.9956 - -

Co3O4 Ea(kJ/mol) 56 - -

R2 0.9907 - -

Fe3O4 Ea(kJ/mol) 39 74 -

R2 0.9906 0.9993 -

2.7 Asphaltenes adsorption/Catalytic steam gasification: Deactivation Kinetics

For this section we will be dealing with the literature review on the deactivation kinetics of

our adsorbent/catalyst or Sorbcat, however in this case we will not be separating the research into

two sections (adsorption/gasification).

Lopez-Linares [37] did some studies of adsorption of thermally treated Athabasca vacuum

residues over a matrix of Kaolin-Ca. In this study it was mentioned that during thermal cracking

heteroatom content varies accordingly with the visbreaking (VB) severity and that subsequently

adsorption uptake is modified by the presence of heteroatomic compounds as we can see in Figure

2-11, where N,O seem responsible for increased uptake [37].


Figure 2-11. Effect of heteroatoms on adsorption uptake over Kaolin-Ca [37]

Nassar [18] also addresses this interaction between the heteroatoms in the asphaltenes and the

strong interactions they have with the catalyst used (metal oxide nanoparticles). Some of these

heteroatoms have been shown to deactivate gasification catalysts. Mahato [19] found in his

research that among the catalysts used to gasify coal, Na2CO3 seems to have an interaction with

minerals presents in the sample, which didn’t seem to have an effect on the other catalysts tested

(KOH, K2CO3 and NaOH) [18, 19].

Carrazza & Somorjai [20] compared the activity of nickel potassium catalyst (in several

proportions) in the gasification of graphite and five different chars. The authors found that nickel

by itself has a fast initial activity, but deactivated after approximately two hours giving an

approximate total conversion of carbon of 20% (see Figure 2-12) [20].


Figure 2-12. Reaction rates for graphite gasification over Ni/NiKOx catalyst [20]

In Figure 2-12 we can also see that when nickel is deposited with potassium oxide (at two

different ratios), the reaction rate, despite of having an initial activity approximately two orders of

magnitude lower than that of nickel alone, lasts for approximately 6 hours. The authors

furthermore found out that nickel alone was active only in metallic state, while the nickel in NiKOx

mix was active in a +2 oxidation state.

Heinemann and Somorjai [38] further studied gasification of graphite and chars over the

previously discussed NiKOx, and found this catalyst to have a tendency to deactivate when used

with chars due to poisoning by ash components, as we can see in the comparison of a steam

deactivated char (30% conversion reached only with steam) and the same previously

demineralized char (Figure 2-13). The authors found an alternative for NiKOx in CaKOx, which

proved to be only slightly less active [38].


Carrazza & Chludzinski [39] studied gasification of graphite over a nickel potassium catalyst

using Electron Microscopy under a controlled atmosphere. The atmospheres tested were H2O

vapor, H2/H2O and O2/ H2O. The authors found that for H2/H2O the catalyst deactivated above

1000°C while for the other atmosphere there were no signs of deactivation [39].

Figure 2-13. Effect of ash on NiK catalyst [38]

Delannay & Tysoe [40] studied the role of KOH in the steam gasification of graphite and

found a deactivation of the catalyst due to formation of unknown oxygenated species. The

proposed mechanism for the decomposition of the catalyst can be seen in Figure 2-14 [40].


Figure 2-14. Proposed decomposition role of KOH on the CSG of graphite [40]

In Figure 2-14, the step 3 is the limiting one, however to achieve this, a heat treatment has to

be applied (1300 K), and Figure 2-15 shows how even after this treatment not all the catalyst is


Figure 2-15. Comparison between gasification with fresh KOH (a) and thermally

regenerated KOH (b)[40]


Roth & Iton [41] studied the metal contamination of an aluminosilicate cracking catalyst

processing heavy feeds. Although this is a cracking catalyst, let’s remember that our proposed

Sorbcat is supported on an aluminosilicate (kaolin). The authors found at high loadings (~5 wt.%

Ni-TPP or ~8% wt.% VO-TPP) the amorphous silica-alumina has enough surface area to retain

molecular distribution, and even found an apparent multilayer formation [41].

Studies of the previously mentioned poisoning have been published by many authors, one

example is Wormsbecher & Peters work [42] where they propose a mechanism for vanadium

poisoning over a zeolite. In this study, it was found that presence of H2O at high temperatures was

necessary for the catalyst deactivation. The proposed reaction can be seen in equation 2-6. The

product H3VO4 is capable of destroying the zeolites since they are vulnerable to acids [42].

𝑉2𝑂5 + 3𝐻2𝑂𝑒𝑞.↔ 2𝑉𝑂(𝑂𝐻)3 (𝑒𝑞. 2 − 6)

2.8 Catalytic steam cracking (CSC)

Before talking about the role of catalysts in CSC process, first let us review the use of steam

in thermal processes.

In production, often the injection of steam generates some gases (such as H2, CO2, CH4 etc.)

through a series of reactions that receive the name of aquathermolysis. In the 90’s studies showing

the reactivity in aqueous media of aromatic and aliphatic compounds were published. The

conditions chosen were those of the reservoir under the oil recovery under a steam injection

scheme (200 -320ºC). Some principal findings were [43-45]:

1) The majority of the compounds studied reacted in the presence of water, generating

compounds of smaller molecular weight.

2) Coke precursors formation was not observed.

Another area where steam processing is widely used is in processing and refining, where steam

is used to produce a wide range of unsaturated hydrocarbons for different purposes. Steam cracking

is the process by which hydrocarbon feeds are broken down to form small MW olefins. The

feedstock usually goes from ethane gas to heavy gas oil, and generally these feedstocks pass once


through a hot reaction zone, controlling the conversion by adjusting the severity of the process. In

commercial processes, such as the previously discussed visbreaking process, steam is also injected

to control residence time and coke formation, as well as to get rid of existent coke deposits

(yielding valuable gases) [44, 46, 47].

The Catalytic Steam Cracking, as its name indicates, is the process based on reactions of

thermal cracking that are carried out in the presence of steam and catalysts, and can be formally

defined as a “process of moderate conversion of oil residues and heavy crude oils, in which the

hydrogen generation is made at low pressures through the catalytic dissociation of the water”. The

use of steam as a source of hydrogen (with the aid of a catalyst) allows increasing the conversion

of thermal process like Visbreaking, and to maintain or to surpass the quality of thermally cracked

products [44].

Depending on the transformation extent, the process can be classified in two categories, total

and selective. The feed in total catalytic steam reforming (usually natural gas and/or naphtha) is

totally gasified (as its name implies) to hydrogen and carbon monoxide according to the following

reaction [48]:

𝐶𝑐𝐻𝑚 + 2𝑛𝐻2𝑂 → (2𝑛 +𝑚

2)𝐻2 + 𝑥𝐶𝑂 (𝑒𝑞. 2 − 7)

On the other hand, in selective catalytic steam reforming only part of the hydrocarbon is

transformed to H2, CO, and aromatic compounds with smaller number of carbon atoms (compared

to those of the feed), according to the following reaction:

𝐶𝑐𝐻𝑚 + 𝐻2𝑂 → 𝐶𝑥𝐻𝑦 + 𝑔𝑎𝑠(𝐻2, 𝐶𝑂 𝑒𝑡𝑐) 𝑥 < 𝑦 (𝑒𝑞. 2 − 8)

Additionally, previously mentioned reactions (see Table 2-9) water gas shift, and methanation

also take place. In this sense, we will proceed to mention a commercial technology that uses these

principles (Aquaconversion).


2.8.1 Aquaconversion

This process was promoted as an alliance between UOP, Foster Wheeler USA Corp. (Fwusa),

and Intevep in 1996, and among other uses in the refining industry, it was called to be either a

replacement of, or a modification to, conventional visbreaking. This technology forms part of what

is defined as “Selective Catalytic Steam Cracking (SCSC)”. The unique features of SCSC are the

inclusion of steam and ultra-dispersed catalysts to the thermal process, which allows moderate

hydrogen incorporation to the products, thus allowing refiners higher conversion levels [44, 49].

The Aquaconversion process aim is to reduce the viscosity of the heavier components of the

refinery's fuel oil pool and in addition, the inclusion of steam plus the catalyst cause moderate

hydrogen incorporation from water to the thermal products. This hydrogen-transfer mechanism

inhibits some aromatic condensation therefore produces a more stable visbroken product, with

higher hydrogen content and lower asphaltene and Conradson carbon contents than the product

from a conventional visbreaking unit. All of these mechanisms allow refiners to reach higher

conversion levels than those achieved in visbreaking (around 13% for the most difficult samples),

with the additional advantage of still producing a stable converted product. [44, 49-51].

The reaction mechanism corresponds to the combined effects and interactions of the two non-

noble metal catalysts used in this technology. The first catalyst (K) enhances the dissociation of

water into hydrogen and oxygen free radicals, accelerating the thermal cracking of paraffins while

saturating olefinic free radicals. The second catalyst (Ni) minimizes the condensation reactions by

promoting the addition of hydrogen to aromatic molecules [44].

A proposed general scheme of reactions for this process can be seen in the following equations


(1)𝑅 − 𝑅𝑛′ → 𝑅• + 𝑅𝑛′

• Thermal cracking

(2)𝐻2𝑂 𝐶𝑎𝑡 → 𝐻• + 𝑂𝐻• Catalytic dissociation of



(3)𝑅• + 𝑅𝑛′• + 2𝐻•

𝐶𝑎𝑡 → 𝑅 −𝐻 + 𝑅𝑛

′ − 𝐻 Saturation of organic free

radicals by hydrogen free


(4) 𝑅𝑛′• + 2𝑂𝐻•

𝐶𝑎𝑡 → 𝑅𝑛−1

′ + 𝐶𝑂2 + 𝐻2 Oxidation/Reforming

(5) 𝑅𝑛′• + 𝑅•

→ 𝑅𝑛

′ − 𝑅𝑛′ + 𝑅 − 𝑅 + 𝑅𝑛

′ − 𝑅 Condensation

According to the published literature, the highest activation energy found for the previous

reactions is in the range of 40-60 kcal/mol, corresponding to thermal cracking reaction, implying

that equation (1) could be considered the rate-limiting step in this proposed mechanism [44, 52].

2.8.2 CUT Technology

Nexen’s CUT technology or “Catalytic Upgrading Technology” (International Application

No.: PCT/CA2012/000619) was conceived to reduce to the minimum the number of units

operating in an upgrader, with the purpose of obtaining an economical solution to the problem of

upgrading in remote locations. The principal objective of CUT is to process fractions that are

stable, ensuring no solid precipitation risk in tubes and tank, and aiming to be a solid-free process

in order to avoid unnecessary disposal and handling of waste solids on remote areas [53].

This process consists on the separation of the fraction IBP-250°C, and the subsequent

deasphalting of the 250 °C + fraction. This deapshalted oil product is then processed in a CSCR

(catalytic Steam Cracking Reactor), while the stream rich in asphaltenes (minus a percentage used

as fuel), and the distillates BP-250°C is mixed with the CSCR products, to comfort the final


It is important to mention that the Aquaconversion formed the emulsion of nano catalysts in

the reactor, while the CUT technology already uses a feed containing the nano dispersed catalysts.


2.9 Bench scale reactors used for continuous adsorption/catalytic steam gasification

Saraji and Goual [54] worked on asphaltene adsorption in minerals on a porous media under

flow condition. The reactor used in this case consisted on an aluminum sand-pack holder (2.53 cm

inner diameter and 10.4cm length) with fixed and adjustable end caps (see Figure 2-16). Before

the reactor a 2 L stainless-steel accumulator was installed, and the crude oils used were pumped

with a dual-cylinder Teledyne Isco pump model 260D to provide a constant continuous flow rate,

of about 0.5 mL/min [54].

Figure 2-16. Setup used by Saraji and Goual for asphaltenes adsorption [54]

Delannay and Tysoe [40] studied the role of KOH in the gasification of graphite. In this study

they used the system that can be seen in Figure 2-17 [40].


Figure 2-17. Experimental apparatus used by Delannay and Tysoe [40]

The reactor was a 3.7 mm I.D. alumina tube in which 0.5 g of sample was deposited between

two alumina wool plugs (Fixed bed configuration). Stainless steel and Quartz were avoided due to

possible reaction under reaction conditions with KOH thus affecting the rate and product

distribution of the reaction. The sample could be exposed to either pure argon or pure steam. Steam

was produced by pressurizing a distilled water reservoir with argon so as to force water through a

heated tube (steam production) where it was vaporized, thus being steam pressure in the reactor

equal to the argon pressure. A pressure slightly above atmospheric pressure produced a sufficiently

high water vapor space velocity that the reaction was far from equilibrium over the whole

temperature range.

Similarly, Carrazza and Tysoe [34] studied the gasification of graphite catalyzed by a mixture

of potassium hydroxide and a transition metal oxide. The reactor used was the same tubular reactor

described previously [34].

Pereira and Somorjai [36] worked on the catalytic steam gasification of coals in the presence

of calcium-potassium oxide or calcium-sodium oxide catalysts. The reactor used in this case

consisted, similarly to the previously describe set-ups, on a fixed bed reactor made with a 3.7 mm

I.D. alumina tube. The experimental setup can be seen in Figure 2-18 [36].


Figure 2-18. Experimental setup used by Pereira and Somorjai [36]

Moghtaderi [55] studied the effects of controlling parameters on the production of hydrogen

by catalytic steam gasification of biomass. For this purpose, the author employed a tubular fixed

bed reactor as can be seen in Figure 2-19 [55].


Figure 2-19. Experimental setup used by Moghtaderi [55]

The author designed the tubular reactor to simulate the operating conditions of atmospheric

circulating fluidised bed (CFB). The reactor consisted of a stainless steel tube (35 mm ID) covered

with a high temperature heating tape, a mesh-basket sample holder and a cooling jacket, as well as

inlet/outlet flow ports. Since in a full-scale CFB system the majority of biomass particles are

converted in the freeboard section of the reactor, the author simulated these conditions by

distributing the fuel particles evenly over a Quartz Wool Matrix before being loaded into the mesh-

basket sample holder [55].

Mahato [19] researched the kinetics of low temperature catalytic steam cracking. The reactor

used consists on a semi-batch fixed differential bed reactor. The reactor is a 1” diameter, and 18”

ss 316 long tube. The interior of the reactor contains two parts, the bottom part is a piece of 316 ss

bar stock machined to fit against the wall. A small cone is machined on the top of this bar stock,

and a 1/8th inch hole is drilled through the center all the way up to the bottom cap. Glass wool is

used to support the coal bed as can be seen in Figure 2-20 [19].


Figure 2-20. Reactor used by Mahato [19]

Rapagnà and Jand [56] did some studies about the catalytic gasification of biomass. The

reactor in this case consisted in a fluidised bed gasifier, comprising a stainless steel cylindrical

vessel of internal diameter 62 mm fitted with an alumina porous distributor plate. Water for the

generation of steam (the fluidising gas) was fed to an electrically heated boiler by means of a

peristaltic pump at a constant flow rate. The biomass feeding probe was designed to deliver the

biomass well inside the bubbling bed. A similar reactor, but with a screw feeder for biomass was

used by Xiao and Luo and Franco [56-58].

Having performed the literature review, we can conclude on the novelty of the visbreaking-

adsorption-CSG or the alternative path, visbreaking-CSC-CSG on a fixed bed in order to increment

the visbreaking conversion, potentially resulting in a more profitable process.


Chapter 3. Experimental

3.1 Materials

A hydrocarbon feed consisting of industrial asphaltenes fluidized by light cycle oil (30%wt)

was used for the screening of catalysts. This sample was provided by Nexen Inc.

An Athabasca vacuum residue was used through the present research, not only for preliminary

testing of the system, but also to obtain the definitive feed consisting of a visbroken vacuum

residue. This bitumen was provided by Suncor Energy Inc. [59]. The feedstock contains

approximately 28.6 wt. % of 550°C-, indicating that the feed was received with a considerable

amount of vacuum gasoil. The composition was determined by a gas chromatography simulated

distillation (HTSD), which will be discussed on a later section.

A vacuum gasoil provided by Nexen Inc. was employed during the first runs for system

cleaning prior to the gasification operation.

The adsorbent/catalyst or sorbcat support consisted on a natural aluminosilicate, or kaolin

powder obtained from VWR chemicals [60]. The preparation methods for the catalyst and

characterizations follow those discussed by Sosa [10]; Metal oxide nanoparticles, such as those

discussed by Nassar and Hassan [18] are going to be included in the catalysts studied.

Toluene (Spectrophotometric grade, Sigma-Aldrich) was employed during the static

adsorption experiments of the visbroken vacuum residue, as well as for cleaning the system prior

to gasification. n-Heptane (reagent grade, Sigma-Aldrich) was used for the precipitation of

asphaltenes. Hexadecane (reagent grade, Sigma-Aldrich) was used as a titration solvent for

stability test analysis (P-value). Carbon disulfide (Spectrophotometric grade, Sigma-Aldrich) was

used to dilute the samples for simulated distillation.

3.2 Visbroken vacuum residue generation

Visbreaking experiments of the Athabasca vacuum residue were performed at constant

temperature set at 410 ºC, in a setup similar to that used by Manuel Gonzanlez [28]. This


temperature was chosen in order to perform the thermal decomposition at a rate sufficient to

guarantee the time to monitor the stability, measured by the p-value. Samples were taken every 30

minutes, and the p-value measured in order to determine the required time to reach the desired

conversion (when the p-value reached the limit value of 1.15. The amount employed in each run

was about 600 g, and six batch preparation experiments had to be carried out in order to have

sufficient amount to perform the required experiments.

VB reactions were carried out under an inert atmosphere of nitrogen, flowing slightly in order

to carry away the produced light products. The reaction temperature was automatically controlled

with a Glas-col controller (104A PL612K) coupled with a K-type thermocouple attached to a

heating mantle (100A O408 Glas-Col). The reactions took place in a three neck 500 ml capacity

glass reactor coupled with a condenser and receiving vessel for collection of produced distillates

(Figure 3-1). Agitation inside the reaction was achieved by means of a magnetic stirrer.

Figure 3-1. Glassware setup used for batch visbreaking

Conversion was defined as yield of light products, plus 550°C+ conversion of the remaining

heavy product calculated by Simdist (see eq. 3-1). The conversion level for the total visbroken


(mixing all the batches) was 51.47%, where approximately 28% was VGO left in the vacuum

residue, as previously mentioned.

𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑣.=𝑉𝑅 𝑤𝑡%550℃+ − (𝑉𝐵 𝑤𝑡%550℃+ ∗

100 −%𝑤𝑡 𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠100 )

𝑉𝑅 𝑤𝑡%550℃+(𝑒𝑞. 3 − 1)

3.3 Adsorbents preparation

The adsorbent used was prepared in-house, using a methodology developed in the research

group to obtain a macroporous material, with an average pore diameter higher than 50 nm to allow

for the penetration of large molecules. The Sorbcat was extruded into cylindrical shapes, with a

length of approximately 0.5 mm. A known amount of kaolin was mixed with an aqueous solution

of Ca(CH3COO)2 or Ba(CH3COO)2, plus KCH3COO or CsCH3COO, and NiO A carbohydrate, in

this case sugar, was then added to the solution in known amounts. Then, this dough was extruded

and dried overnight at room temperature. Dried catalyst extrudates were calcined at 650 °C under

air using a 62700 Barnstead/Thermolyne furnace [37].

The surface area was 10-12 m2/g, similar to that obtained previously [61], measured by

nitrogen BET method using a CHEMBET-3000 system from Quantachrom Instruments.

3.4 Batch adsorption experiments

Batch adsorption was carried out in the glassware setup depicted in Figure 3-2. The ratio

visbroken/adsorbent was 2.5. Approximately 10 grams of sample (VB) were poured inside a 50

mL two necks flask, coupled with a reflux condenser to avoid any distillate loss. The system was

kept under a nitrogen blanket, and upon reaching the desired temperature (~300°C) a weighted

amount of Sorbcat was poured in, with and adsorption time of about an hour, since no difference

was reported for longer contact time according to Gonzalez [28]. The temperature was

automatically controlled with a Glas-col controller (104A PL612K) provided with a K-type

thermocouple attached to a heating mantle (100A O394 Glass-Col). The setup was quenched at

the end of the adsorption step by blowing a gentle stream of compressed air toward the flask wall,

and the organics poured inside vials while they were still hot (~120 ºC)


Figure 3-2. Batch adsorption glassware setup

Another set of experiments involving diluted visbroken residue were carried out in order to

compare new batches of adsorbent/catalyst with previously studied, comparing the isotherms

found for each sorbcat. The isotherms were determined by measuring the concentration reduction

of the adsorbate (dissolved visbroken) in toluene after being in contact with macro porous sorbcat.

The procedure was as follows: toluene solutions of different concentrations (10 mL) of the

corresponding adsorbate were transferred to a cylindrical screw-cap glass vial. The adsorbent (1

g) was placed in each vial, closed, and secured externally with paraffin paper. Solution / adsorbent

ratio of 10:1 (cc/gr) was selected in order to ensure total overload of available adsorption sites of

the adsorbent/catalyst, and this ratio is used in several published reports. The vials were then gently

shaken for about 48 h, and the solution was left to settle for a week before measuring the uptake


3.5 Continuous operation: bench-scale plant

Let us start by differentiating bench-scale vs. pilot scale. Usually, in the petroleum field, bench

scale systems usually comprise a small reactor with less than 1000cm3 of catalyst. On the other

hand, a pilot plant will commonly deal with 1 to 100 litres [65]. Another classification was given

by Trujillo on the base of size and follows [44]:


1. Laboratory-scale, bench-top test plants or micro units: These are pilot plants that generally

fit on a benchtop or inside a small laboratory hood. In general their footprints are in the range of

0.5 to 1.0 m2 and use 1/16” to ¼” tubing for piping. Traditionally, totally manual and requiring

continuously attendance, have been upgraded to new automated versions designed to run

continuously and unattended.

2. Integrated pilot plants or research-scale pilot plants: These remain the pillar of many

chemical processes industries with R&D organizations. They may vary in size from several frames

or pallets to a unit occupying a small building. In general they are in the range of 2 to 14 m2 and

use ¼” to 1” in tubing. They are usually automated and may frequently be designed for unattended


3. Demonstration units, semi-works units or prototype units: These units are designed to

operate at the lower end of plant scale. They are very large, in the order of 900 m2 or more and are

built with commercial pipe sizes typically in the range of 1” to 8” in. They resemble industrial

plants in automation and operation.

3.5.1 Process overview

In order to achieve the objectives of the present thesis, the design and construction of a setup

capable of performing both adsorption and catalytic steam gasification in a continuous operation

was required.

The benchtop plant was built with the capacity of handling heavy hydrocarbon feeds, such as

vacuum residue, visbroken vacuum residue and others. It was also conceived to be easily modified,

in order to adapt to new conditions, and/or processes, in other words, being versatile. A scheme of

the designed plant can be seen in Figure 3-3.

The plant consists of a 40 cm long and 1.9 (3.4”) cm diameter piston-type reactor and three

reservoirs. The first reservoir contained the heavy feed, such as vacuum residue (VR), the second

contained water, and the last one contained either vacuum gas oil (VGO) or toluene. All reservoirs

were pressurized with N2. The system utilized three pumps. For VGO/Toluene and water, the


pumps used are reciprocating pumps from ELDEX (model 1L MP). For vacuum residue, the pump

used was an ISCO 500D screw-type pump.

Two Swagelok back pressure regulators (0-500 psi) were employed to maintain the pressure

during the two different modalities: adsorption and gasification experiments. A cold trap was

designed, using a refrigerating and recirculating bath (LAUDA WK 300) for the condensation of

water and heavy hydrocarbon prior to the gas flow meter (model FMA-4000) and the on-line gas

chromatography, performed with a SRI 86106 analyzer.

Omega K type thermocouples were used to keep track of process key temperatures, with a

special configuration for the reactor, consisting of a custom 1/16” (0.16cm) profile probe with five

reading points separated 5 cm. All readings were obtained with an OMEGA10 zone thermocouple

scanner (model MDSSi8). The heating of the system was achieved using OMEGA heating tapes,

along with K type wall thermocouples, all connected and controlled by two OMEGA PID

(Proportional-Integral-Derivative) temperature controllers (model C6N16 TIC).


Figure 3-3. Schematic representation of the reactivity/gasification plant


The steam generation chamber consisted of a 1/4”(0.64 cm) Swagelok tubing of

approximately 30 cm length, filled with rasching rings to improve the heat distribution, and heated

with the elements previously discussed.

All the connections were completed with Swagelok stainless steel tubing (1/4”& 1/8”). The

ball valves and needle valves utilized were also Swagelok, as well as the different range pressure

gages all along the system.

The reactor consists of a stainless steel tube, with dimensions being calculated according to

the desired adsorbed amount. Having a sorbcat bulk density of about ~0.56g/ml, and requiring

about 30 g of sorbcat in order to have enough adsorbed material to minimize the error in the

gasification experiment. Additionally, 5 cm both on top and bottom were filled with an inert

material (carborundum), in order to have a better distribution of flow, and to heat only the middle

section of the tube, thus having a better temperature profile. Results for the dimensioning were the


Diameter: 3/4 in OD, 0.065Wall. ID: 0.62 in or ~1.57 cm

Heights: For 30 g: 27.67 cm (L/D= 17)

A diagram of the proposed reactor can be seen in Figure 3-4.

Figure 3-4. Reactor for the asphaltenes reactivity/ catalytic steam gasification


3.5.2 Brief operation procedures

A brief description of the procedure will be presented in the following lines, for a more

through procedure refer to the AGU standard operative procedures (SOP) manual (Appendix A).

Adsorption experiment: After filling the reactor with the catalyst in extrudate form, the

heavy hydrocarbon feed was heated to 130ºC and pumped. The weight hourly space velocity

(WHSV) used for the adsorption process was 2 h-1. The feed continued through the reactor column

in the up-flow mode to adsorb asphaltenes from the heavy feed onto the extrudate at a temperature

of 250ºC. Oil samples were collected at fixed time intervals at the outlet of the liquid backpressure

value. The zero time for asphaltenes breakthrough was considered the moment first the droplet of

liquid appeared from the reactor.

Cleaning: When the adsorption process reached saturation (which was known to be around

two column volumes), the pumping of oil was stopped and the remaining heavy hydrocarbon in

the porous medium was taken out of the system with the aid of steam, and vacuum gasoil (or

toluene in later experiments), to complete dissolving/cleaning whatever may be left inside the


Gasification: After cleaning, the catalytic steam gasification process started immediately.

Steam was generated at the desired rate and temperature, and was flushed through the reactor,

exiting through the gas backpressure valve. The system temperature was increased gradually until

reaching reaction temperatures of 530 °C and beyond. Steam gasification of the same adsorbed

material was carried out at different temperatures. Liquid hydrocarbons and water were

periodically drained from the cold trap separator. Gas analysis was performed every 30 minutes

with an online GC, when the system was at reaction temperature. The rate of liquid water injected

during the gasification was 0.2 cm3/min. These conditions were maintained in the subsequent


Catalytic Steam Cracking (CSC): Additionally, and replacing the adsorption process, the

catalytic steam cracking of the visbroken residue was tested in the system (after some


modifications mentioned on a later section). After filling the reactor with catalyst the heavy

hydrocarbon feed was pumped at 130ºC, again in an up-flow configuration. The feed was heated

until reaching reaction temperature through the reactor (400-435 ºC). Mass balances were

performed at fixed intervals, and liquids hydrocarbon and water were again drained periodically.

Gas analysis was performed every 30 minutes with an online GC.

3.6 Feed and product characterization techniques

3.6.1 P-value (pv)

The P-Value is a method developed by Shell for determining the point where peptization or

agglomeration state of asphaltenenic samples occurs. Sample aliquots are taken into vials and then

titrated with hexadecane at various concentrations to determine (by means of an optical

microscope) the critical dilution value (the point when we first observe precipitation), from which

the P-Value is determined by a simple calculation (see eq. 3-1). This parameter indicates how close

are the asphaltenes to precipitate in the medium they are dispersed, thus the more solvent is

required to flocculate the asphaltenes the more stable the sample is. A value of 1.0 means the

sample is already precipitated being 1.15 (in our case) the lower limit for stability. The higher the

P-Value (> 1.1) the more stable the sample is regarding precipitation of asphaltenes. A “National

model DC3-163” microscope provided with a camera system was used for optical detection of

solids and aggregates, and the stability was calculated according to former reported procedures

relying on hexadecane P-values [28, 66].

𝑃𝑣 = 1 + (𝑚𝐿 𝐶16𝐻34𝑔 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒

) 𝑒𝑞. 3 − 1

3.6.2 Elemental analysis

The amount of heteroatom content (N, S) was determined using an “Antek 9000 Series

Nitrogen & Sulfur analyzer”. Solutions of 1g sample/g of Toluene were used for S, N analysis

carried out with the Antek system.


3.6.3 High temperature simulated distillation (HTSD) ASTM D-7169-2005

Simulated distillation or Simdist is a gas chromatography technique in which a hydrocarbon

sample is gasified, and then separated onto individual hydrocarbon components in the order of

their boiling points; this procedure is used as a fast analysis alternative simulating the time-

consuming laboratory-scale distillation procedure known as “true boiling point (TBP)” distillation.

The procedure is calibrated by correlating n-paraffins’ elution times with their accepted

atmospheric equivalent boiling points. The estimated accuracy of the correlation between physical

crude assay distillation and HTSD yield at each cut point has standard deviations of < 2% weight,

while the precision of HTSD cut points up to 1000°F is reportedly better than 0.5% weight [44,


Simulated distillations were performed with an Agilent Gas Chromatograph Model 6890N.

Chromatographic analyses were performed with Simdist Expert 8 (software provided by

Separation Systems). Capillary columns P/N SS-112-102-01 from Separation Systems (5m x 0.53

mm, 0.1 μm film megabore column) were used for the analysis. The chromatographic events were

controlled with the GC ChemStation (software provided by Agilent Technologies). Sample

solutions were prepared in CS2 (about 0.15g sample/ 20 mL solvent) and 1 μL injected into a

special column injector designed by Separation Systems. Experimental conditions were set up

following the standard ASTM-D7169-2005 procedure [68].

3.6.4 Microcarbon Residue method

Carbon residue by definition is what remains as a solid residue after the pyrolysis of crude oil

under given conditions. It serves as an indicative of the coke forming tendency of the oil under

thermal processing conditions, like in refinery coking operations. Microcarbon residue (MCR) is

popular among the several methods due to the fact that requires small amounts of sample, and a

simpler experimental set up [11, 69].

The methodology employed in the research group will be presented on the following lines.

First, samples with known MCR (0.35-24.5 wt. %) obtained from PCA (Texas, USA) are used to


get the calibration curve for our MCR determination. MCR determination was carried out using a

custom made apparatus to analyze a maximum of 26 samples. This equipment was made of

aluminium and stainless steel in order to make it light but robust. This apparatus is placed in a

Barnstead Muffle furnace (with programmable temperature controller). A high sensitivity Mettler

analytical balance (± 0.01 mg) is used for weighing the samples prior and after heating.

A known mass (10-40 mg) of sample is then placed in a 2 cc glass vial. Twenty six N2 purge

tubes, 3/4” long and 1/8” diameter were installed for purging samples, along with a glass cover

(4” wide and 2” high, with an orifice of 1/8”) placed to shield the samples from air (see Figure


Figure 3-5. Schematic of the multi samples MCR setup [70]

The system is purged for 45 min, and then the samples are heated to 500°C using a ramp of

10°C/min. After heating, the sample is cooled down under N2 until the temperature drops to 200°C.

Reference samples should always be placed with the test samples during each analysis to ensure

correct determination of residual microcarbon.

3.6.5 Microdesasphalting

For micro-deasphalting, 0.4g sample is placed inside a 100 mL beaker. Then, 20 mL n-

Heptane is added and the sample is stirred gently for ~30 min over a heating plate (at 100º C).

Solvent evaporation was minimized by covering the beaker with a Petri dish. The mixture is then

cooled down to ambient temperature and the precipitate was filtered through a pre-weighted Teflon


membrane (0.45 μm pores, GH Polypro 47 mm Hydrophilic Polypropylene from Pall

Corporation). The membrane plus wet solids were removed from the filter holder and put inside a

Petri dish. Solids were dried for 5-10 min in an oven kept at 100 º C, brought to ambient

temperature and weighted [70, 71].

3.6.6 Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA)

The spent adsorbents/catalysts after contacting with visbroken products were analysed for

remaining hydrocarbon materials contents by thermo-gravimetric analysis. This technique was

performed under oxidizing (air) atmosphere in a SDT Q 600 system from “Thermal Analysis

Instruments Company”.

The Methodology employed was as follows: equilibration temperature 50 ºC (approximately

for 5 min), temperature ramp 20 °C/min up to 700 ºC, carrier gas flow 100 mL/min. Sample losses

between 150ºC and 750ºC were computed as total hydrocarbon material remaining on the sorbcat,

being the amount of material lost from 0 to 150 °C accounted as water content.

3.6.7 Gases

Gas chromatography analyses were performed on line using an SRI multiple gas analyzer

model 8610#3, 120 V TCD & HID detectors, and an assemble of 3’ molecular sieve / 6’ Hayesep-

D columns. The GC was previously calibrated with a hydrocarbon mixture gas and it took 30

minutes for each analysis.

3.6.8 Surface area

The surface area was measured by performing N2 adsorption and desorption at 77 K, using a

“Micromeretics Tristar 2000” surface area analyzer. Before analysis, the samples were degassed

at 150 °C under a N2 flow overnight. Surface areas were calculated using the Brunauer-Emmet-

Teller (BET) equation, as published elsewhere [18].


3.6.9 Viscosity

Reported viscosities were determined with a cone-plate Brookfield viscometer model RV DV-

II+PROCP. Setup and sample temperatures were maintained with a recirculating glycol bath

(Brookfield model TC-102).

3.7 Experimental plan

The research was divided in three sections:



Catalytic steam cracking

3.7.1 Adsorption

In order to validate the new adsorbent/catalyst produced on a large scale (~80g),

isotherms for both the catalyst prepared at big and small scale (~10g) were determined.

This was performed using visbroken residue dissolved in toluene. Adsorption was

performed at room temperature. Characterization (surface area, pore diameter) was

also performed at this point.

Once the catalyst was characterized, two batch adsorption experiments were

performed at high temperatures as described on a previous section, in order to test the

stability improvement described by Gonzalez [28]. First, the visbroken vacuum

residue produced for this thesis was tested with the adsorbents developed also in this

investigation. Later, Manuel Gonzalez [28] visbroken vacuum residue was tested,

again with the sorbcat prepared for this investigation.

Before every gasification experiments, aliquots were collected in order to test the

dynamic adsorption (as described on a previous section).


3.7.2 Catalytic Steam Gasification

First set of experiments:

The operation of the plant was tested and optimized by performing adsorption and subsequent

catalytic steam gasification tests employing Athabasca vacuum residue, and 3%wtNiO 6%wt

K(CH3COO) 6%wt Ba(CH3COO)2 20%wt Sugar.

Second set of experiments: Screening of catalyst

Four in-house prepared catalysts were screened using a feed composed of industrial C5

Asphaltenes in LCO. The adsorbent catalysts were the following:

1. 6K6Ca:

Wt.% composition: 6% K(CH3COO) + 6% Ca(CH3COO)2 + 20% Sugar+ Kaolin

2. 6K6Ba:

Wt.% composition: 6% K(CH3COO) + 6% Ba(CH3COO)2 + 20% Sugar+ Kaolin

3. 3Ni6K6Ba:

Wt.% composition: 3% NiO + 6% K(CH3COO) + 6% Ca(CH3COO)2 + 20% Sugar+ Kaolin

4. 3Ni6Cs6Ba:

Wt.% composition: 3% NiO + 6% Cs(CH3COO) + 6% Ba(CH3COO)2 + 20% Sugar+Kaolin

The tested catalytic steam gasification temperatures tested ranged from 560 to 730°C, as

studied by several authors [33, 34, 36, 38].

Third set of experiments:

3NiO6K6Ba was selected as the catalyst to test the gasification properties using the

visbroken vacuum residue feed prepared for the present study. One experiment and a


regeneration test were performed with the mentioned catalyst, and the results

compared with those obtained for the previous set of experiments.

3.7.3 Catalytic Steam Cracking (CSC)

A new set of experiments was devised in order to test the steam cracking activity of the studied

catalysts, given their water splitting and cracking properties.

3NiO6Cs6Ba was selected (being the most active sorbcat). Runs were performed at a

WHSV of 2h-1, and at 410, 420 & 435°C.


Chapter 4. Results and Discussion

4.1 Adsorption

4.1.1 Feed Preparation

A sample of Athabasca vacuum residue was thermally treated in order to obtain a visbroken

product close to instability. The first experiment was carried out closely monitoring the p-value of

the sample over the time (setup temperature was 410°C), in order to determine the required time

to reach the desired stability, in this case of Pv of 1.15. The evolution of the p-value over the course

of the visbreaking experiment can be seen in Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1 P-value versus time, visbroken feed preparation

As we can see in Figure 4-1, the p-value evolution with time has a power-type tendency, and

in order to reach the desired p-value of 1.15 approximately 5.5 h at 410°C was estimated.

Five more batches were prepared using the conditions found in the first experiment, in order

to obtain sufficient material to perform all the required experiments (~2.5 kg). Simdist results

comparing the original vacuum residue and the visbroken product can be seen in Figure 4-2.

y = 1E-05x2 - 0.01x + 3.064R² = 0.9953









50 100 150 200 250 300




time (min)

P-value vs Thermal cracking time


Figure 4-2. Simdist of Athabasca vacuum residue and VB Athabasca vacuum residue

The p-value determined for the pooled feed (the mixing of all the products obtained) can be

seen in Figure 4-3. In this example we can see a comparison of the different states of peptization,

where for a p-value of 1.1 we don’t see any apparent precipitation, and increasing the hexadecane

for a pv of 1.15 we start seeing molecules agglomerate in the borders of the sample, thus defining

the value for the prepared feed as 1.15.

Figure 4-3. P-value determination for the visbroken vacuum residue














0 20 40 60 80




re (


% Off

SimDist of VR and VB

Vacuum residue

Visbroken VR


4.1.2 Adsorbent/catalyst preparation and characterization

Knowing the textural properties of the solids produced is of high importance since one of the

targets of this investigation is to selectively capture and retain heavy and unstable organic

molecules present on a visbroken vacuum residue.

The Surface area of the produced sorbcats can be seen in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1. Surface area and pore volume of the sorbcats tested

Sorbcat BET Surface Area (m2/g) Pore Volume (cm3/g)

6K6Ca 11.25 0.0667

6K6Ba 14.37 0.0802

3NiO6K6Ba 13.94 0.0762

3NiO6Cs6Ba 13.39 0.0778

On the other hand, a comparison between the large scale and the previous small scale produced

catalysts was performed by studying their surface areas and pore size distributions. The catalysts

chosen for this purpose were 3NiO6K6Ba (complete composition presented on the previous

section). The surface areas and pore volumes can be seen in Table 4-2.

Table 4-2. Surface area & pore volume of large and small scale preparation of 3NiO6K6Ba


Sorbcat BET surface area (m2/g) Pore volume (cm3/g)

Large scale (~80 g Cat) 16.11 0.1206

Small scale (~20 g Cat) 13.94 0.0762

As we can see in Table 4-2 we have a 13.4% of difference regarding the BET surface area,

and a 36.8% difference for pore volumes, however pore volume vs. pore width distribution suggest

that despite this fact, both catalysts are similarly structured, as can be seen in Figure 4-4.


Figure 4-4. Pore volume vs. pore width for 3NiO6K6Ba prepared both in large and small


With the aim of comparing the performances of both catalysts, the adsorption isotherm for a

visbroken vacuum residue dissolved in toluene was carried out, as mentioned on a previous

chapter. The resulting isotherms can be observed in Figure 4-5.

Figure 4-5. Isotherm for large and small scale prepared catalysts









0 1000 2000 3000


re V






Pore width (A)

Pore volume vs pore width

Large Scale (80g)

Small Scale (20g)












0 200 400 600




Ce (mg/L)

3NiO6K6Ba Small Scale

3NiO6K6Ba Large Scale


As we can see in the previous figure, both isotherms adjust well to a Langmuir type isotherm

(using a linearization of the Langmuir equation); Moreover, both catalysts seem to perform

similarly, thus there are no clues of major differences between the small scale and large scale

prepared catalysts.

The incorporation of nickel oxide nanoparticles was evidence using scanning electron

microscopy (SEM) for a kaolin-NiO catalyst, and can be seen in Figure 4-6.

Figure 4-6. Evidence of nickel incorporation by SEM

The distribution of the added nickel was studied with x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)

and the results are summarized in Figure 4-7, where we can see evidence of well distributed NiO

nanoparticles, as there is no sign of reached plateau (a plateau is reached when there is

agglomeration or sintering of the metals being added to sample). For more information on the

catalysts used, please refer to “Development of a support for a NiO catalyst for selective adsorption

and post-adsorption catalytic steam gasification of thermally converted asphaltenes” [72].


Figure 4-7. Nickel distribution by XPS

4.1.3 Batch adsorption experiments

Two batch adsorption experiments were performed with the sorbcat 3NiO6K6Ba, one using

the Athabasca vacuum residue visbroken feed previously produced by Gonzalez [28], and one

using the visbroken vacuum residue produced for this study. The purpose of these experiments

was to determine if any stability upgrading occurred after adsorption, thus a low oil/sorbcat ratio

was used (2.5). The P-value determination can be seen in Figure 4-8. As we can see in this figure,

contrary to what was expected, no apparent improvement on the stability of the thermally cracked

hydrocarbons was achieved by means of adsorption. A plausible explanation for this is the

competing effects that might be occurring, in other words, not only unstable molecules adsorb on

the surface of the catalyst, but also resins and other molecules are competing for spots on the



Figure 4-8. P-values for the VB prepared by Gonzalez [28] and the one used in this


4.1.4 Dynamic adsorption

Despite the fact that batch adsorption didn’t show any stability improvement for VB residue,

a dynamic adsorption analysis was performed. The sorbcat used for this test was again

3NiO6K6Ba, with a flow of visbroken vacuum residue (WHSV 2h-1). The p-value results for the

first two aliquots collected can be seen in Figure 4-9. As can be observed in this figure, no changes

in the p-value were visible, again supporting the theory of competitive adsorption. Additionally,


Table 4-3 we can see that practically no changes were observed in the measured properties.

This could also mean that additional to the competing effects, we could also be experiencing a

problem of relatively adsorbed quantities, i.e. the amount of unstable and other adsorbable

molecules that has to be retained, compared to the initial composition, has to be high in order to

see a change in the bulk properties of the collected products.

Asphaltene agglomeration Background

Matrix of oil, hexadecane, asphaltenes


Figure 4-9. P-values for dynamic adsorption with 3NiO6K6Ba/Athabasca VB

Table 4-3. Properties of the first two post-dynamic adsorption VB fractions

Fraction C7 Asph. %wt. Nitrogen (ppm) Sulphur




VB Feed 29.5 7,279 45,782 26.8

Fraction 1 27.8 7,230 45,484 27.5

Fraction 2 27.4 7,294 45,777 27.7


Due to the results obtained for both the batch and dynamic adsorption experiments, no further

analyses were performed to the aliquots collected prior to the catalytic steam gasification

experiments. An alternative scheme to that originally proposed (Figure 1-1) for the upgrading of

the visbroken residue was pursued. This scheme is presented in Figure 4-10 and results will be

shown on a later section.

Figure 4-10. Alternative scheme for VB upgrading subsequent catalytic steam gasification


4.2 Catalytic Steam Gasification

4.2.1 Athabasca vacuum residue catalytic steam gasification

The first sets of experiments were performed using Athabasca vacuum residue, in order to test

and improve the system. The sorbcat used for this set of experiments was 3NiO6K6Ba20s. The

weight hourly space velocity (WHSV) used for the adsorption process was 2h-1, and was performed

at 250 ºC, as discussed on a previous section. The rate of liquid water injected during the CSG was

0.2cc/min. These conditions were maintained in the subsequent experiments.

Results show how the devolatilization time had a direct impact on the CSG. The

devolatilization is the process, in this case performed at 420 ºC, where some of the hydrocarbon

adsorbed is volatized and/or cracked, thus exiting the system before the CSG starts. The effect of

an incomplete devolatilization versus a complete devolatilization (where it was carried out until

no more material was coming out) can be seen in Figure 4-11.

We can see in Figure 4-11 that a short devolatilization time prior to the CSG lead to high

amounts of CO during the CSG, which could be probably due to thermal cracking and coking of

the remaining material. This led to performing a complete devolatilization for the subsequent


Having taken into account the effect of devolatilization time, and already familiarized with

the unit, we proceeded to perform the screening of sorbcats produced in our group.


Figure 4-11. VR/3NiO6K6Ba CSG experiment. A) Incomplete (short) devolatilization time. B) Long devolatilization time


4.2.2 Screening of the sorbcats

Four different catalysts were tested and compared, this time using a stream consisting on C5

industrial asphaltenes dissolved in LCO, in order to adsorb molecules closer to those unstable

asphaltenes molecules present in the visbroken residue (VB). Results for the sorbcats tested can

be seen in the following pages.

The CSG gas composition obtained for 6K6Ca sorbcat can be seen in Figure 4-12. We can

observe in this figure a clear trend in composition. With increasing temperature H2 and CO

decreased, while CO2 increased. The explanation to these trends can be that at higher temperatures

CSG reactions are favoured, thus more hydrogen is being produced (and less CO); the abundance

of hydrogen then seems to favour also methane producing reactions, as we see an increase in

methane. The proposed reactions can be seen in Table 4-4.

Figure 4-12. Gas composition for asphaltenes-LCO / 6K6Ca gas compositions for CSG













l. %

Gas composition (%vol) at different temperatures

560 °C

600 °C

650 °C

700 °C

730 °C


Table 4-4. Reactions occurring during catalytic steam gasification

Proposed CSG reactions

1) 𝐻𝑥𝐶𝑦 + 2𝑦𝐻2𝑂(𝑔) → 𝑦𝐶𝑂2(𝑔) + (2𝑦 +𝑥


2) 𝐻𝑥𝐶𝑦 + 𝑦𝐻2𝑂(𝑔) → 𝑦𝐶𝑂(𝑔) + (2𝑦 +𝑥


3) 𝐶𝑦 + 2𝑦𝐻2(𝑔) → 𝑦𝐶𝐻4(𝑔)

The raw data for one gas chromatography analysis can be seen in Figure 4-13. The calibration

of the apparatus was performed every three months, injecting gas samples of know concentration

to determine both elution time and area of each component, information used later to determine

the concentration of unknown samples. The elution order of the components is known for each

column/system of columns, however when doubt arises, or an overlap of peaks is suspected, an

injection of individual components is usually performed in order to determine their elution time.

Figure 4-13. Gas chromatography example for a CSG sample


Summarized results of Figure 4-12 can be found in Table 4-5. In this table, we can also observe

how the ratio H2/CO2 decrease with increasing temperature, which is indicative of CSG as it gets

closer to the value of two, according to the global CSG reaction (eq. 4-1, comprising the water gas

reaction, and the water gas shift).

Table 4-5. Asphaltenes-LCO / 6K6Ca gas compositions for CSG experiment

T (°C) 560 600 650 700 730

H2 65.72 64.55 58.78 54.47 53.54

CH4 5.63 9.90 16.99 20.41 21.45

CO 23.42 18.11 11.62 8.33 6.59

CO2 5.22 7.43 12.61 16.79 18.42

H2/CO2 12.59 8.68 4.66 3.24 2.91

𝐶 + 2 ∗ 𝐻2𝑂 → 2 ∗ 𝐻2 + 𝐶𝑂2 (𝑒𝑞. 4 − 1)

Let’s also remember that the hydrocarbons adsorbed have also hydrogen, so that ratio will be

in most cases slightly higher than 2. In Figure 4-14 we can see how, as expected, higher

temperature leads to higher flow rates. With this information, and assuming a zero order model for

the reaction, the activation energy could be calculated and has a value of 59.0 kJ/mol.


Figure 4-14. CSG gas rates vs. Temperature for the Asphaltenes-LCO/ 6K6Ca system

The mass balance for this experiment is presented in Table 4-6. One important detail in this

table is the high percentage of devolatized material, representing 86.66 wt. % of the material

remaining inside the reactor after the cleaning process with VGO. Also, we can see how the mass

balance closes with a value slightly higher than 100%

Table 4-6. Global mass balance for 6K6Ba CSG of Asphaltenes-LCO


Test Length (h) 16.82

Before CSG

Feed pumped


Sample collected (g) Material trapped(g) %Remaining

139.05 115.87 23.18 20.00

After CSG

Organics in the


Gases Produced (g) Devolatized



2.98 1.34 20.09 86.66








550 600 650 700 750



e (




Temperature (°C)

Gas rate vs Temperature


An example of the thermogravimetric analysis performed to the spent catalyst (at the top of

the reactor) after CSG can be seen in Figure 4-15, which was averaged with that loss of the middle

and bottom section of the reactor spent catalyst, in order to determine the amount of organic

material remaining. The rest of TGA images are going to be presented in the Appendix B.

Figure 4-15. TGA result for spent 6K6Ca top section spent catalyst.

Additionally, the gas rates divided by the catalyst metals content (in this case Ca and K) vs.

the temperature were plotted in Figure 4-16. We can see a general increasing in hydrogen, methane

and carbon dioxide rate with increasing temperature, while CO seems to remain almost constant.


Figure 4-16. Gas rate/ (sorbcat metal content) at different temperatures for CSG of


For practical purposes the remaining sorbcats, along with the one previously shown, are

presented together in such a way that an easy comparison can be made. Additional results for the

rest of the sorbcats can be seen in the Appendix C.












H2 CH4 CO CO2Gas


e (




at. m


l (m



Gas rate (mL/min)/ Cat. metal content at different temperatures

560 °C

600 °C

650 °C

700 °C

730 °C


Figure 4-17.Gas composition (Vol. %) at different temperatures comparison for the four sorbcats












l. %

Gas composition (%vol) at different temperatures
















Gas composition (%vol) at different temperatures

560 C

600 C

650 C

700 C












l. %

Gas composition (%vol) at different temperatures

560 C

600 C

650 C

700 C

730 C












l. %

Gas composition (%vol) at different temperatures

560 C

600 C

650 C

700 C

730 C

6K6Ca 6K6Ba

3NiO6K6Ba 3NiO6Cs6Ba


In Figure 4-17 we can observe how the trends discussed for 6K6Ca are repeated for the rest

of the sorbcats, that is, hydrogen and CO decreasing with an increase of temperature, and methane

and CO2 increasing.

We can observe certain differences for 6K6Ca and 6K6Ba, hydrogen percentage is slightly

higher for the sorbcat including Barium, and the carbon monoxide content decreases at a higher

rate and reaches low vales (<5%) at temperatures as low as 650 °C. For methane and CO2 the

6K6Ba sorbcat seems to reach a plateau, where 6K6Ca follows the trend described previously,

however reaching similar values at higher temperatures.

Comparing 6K6Ba with 3NiO6K6Ba, the addition of nickel seems to have important effects.

First we can see a reduction in carbon monoxide percentage, which goes to levels close to zero.

Methane percentage also drops to roughly half of those obtained for 6K6Ba. Hydrogen content is

higher, with percentages higher than 60%. CO2 percentage also increases for the sorbcat containing

nickel. These behaviours seem to indicate an increment in water-gas shift reaction (see Table 2-9),

producing more hydrogen, CO2, and less CO; also methane producing reactions seems to be

reduced, perhaps from the fact that less CO is available.

Comparing 3NiO6K6Ba with 3NiO6Cs6Ba, we can observe less hydrogen for the cesium

containing sorbcat, as well as higher CO percentages. Methane and CO2 values are not that apart

from each other. What seems to be happening is, again related to water gas shift reaction, where

3NiO6K6Ba seems to be favouring this reaction more than the Cesium containing sorbcat.

It can also be noted that the methane percentages decrease with the addition of nickel to the

sorbcats, indication that methanation is reduced, and a plausible explanation is that less CO

available for methanation is present in the gases. A comparison of the mass balances for the four

sorbcat will be presented in Table 4-7.

Visually, 3NiO6K6Ba seems to be the most promising sorbcat regarding the gas compositions,

as it shows higher hydrogen level and low levels of carbon monoxide at the lowest temperature

tested (560 °C).


Table 4-7. Global mass balance comparison for the four studied sorbcats




Length (h) 16.82 Test Length (h) 27.78

Before CSG Before CSG




collected (g)


trapped(g) %Remaining Feed pumped(g)


collected (g)


trapped(g) %Remaining

139.05 115.87 23.18 20.00 167.30 147.24 20.05 13.62

After CSG After CSG


in the



Produced (g)


materials(g) %Devolatized

Organics in the



Produced (g)


materials(g) %Devolatized

2.98 1.34 20.09 86.66 5.15 3.19 14.29 71.23

Total Total

105.30% 112.82%




Length (h) 26.28 Test Length (h) 17.45

Before CSG Before CSG




collected (g)


trapped(g) %Remaining Feed pumped(g)


collected (g)


trapped(g) %Remaining

170.2 150.00 20.26 13.51 168.63 143.00 25.63 17.92

After CSG After CSG


in the



Produced (g)


materials(g) %Devolatized

Organics in the



Produced (g)


materials(g) %Devolatized

5.39 1.93 14.72 72.65 3.40 4.96 18.51 72.23

Total Total

108.79 105.46


In Table 4-7 we can see how all the mass balances close with a total higher than 100%. The

explanation for this behaviour is due to exogenous mass coming from the cleaning with VGO, and

was verified in later experiments.

We can observe that, except 6K6Ca, the devolatilization % (the amount devolatized material

collected respect the amount remaining trapped before CSG), which is the fraction boiling and

being carried out the system (with also some cracking occurring), is around 70%, being this value

high due to exogenous mass coming from VGO used for cleaning.

We can observe that the material remaining inside the reactor prior to CSG is similar for all

cases being around 20-25 g (calculated as the difference between the mass pumped and the mass

collected), however the percentage differs (13-20% regarding the amount pumped), due to varying

amounts of feed pumped through the system. This indicates that the amounts absorbed and retained

in the interstitial spaces is more or less constant no matter how much feed is put into contact after

a certain point (constant porous space and constant # of adsorbing sites).

Comparing 6K6Ca with 6K6Ba, we can see that the barium containing sorbcat produces more

gases, but also retains more hydrocarbons after CSG, calculated using TGA under oxygen to

determine the total organics remaining in the catalyst. This was possibly due to the fact that more

VGO was trapped inside, as can be seen in the total closure of the mass balance. As for the

remaining hydrocarbon contents, one plausible explanation is a higher coke formation during the

devolatilization process.

We can also observe that the sorbcat 3NiO6Cs6Ba produce the highest amount of gases,

followed by 6K6Ba, 3NiO6K6Ba and 6K6Ca. More information about the gas production is

presented in Figure 4-18.










H2 CH4 CO CO2Gas


e (




at. m


l (m


)Gas rate (mL/min)/ Cat. metal content at different


560 C

600 C

650 C

700 C

730 C









H2 CH4 CO CO2Gas


e (




at. m


l (m



Gas rate (mL/min)/ Cat. metal content at different temperatures

560 C

600 C

650 C

700 C









H2 CH4 CO CO2Gas


e (




at. m


l (m



Gas rate (mL/min)/ Cat. metal content at different temperatures

560 C

600 C

650 C

700 C

730 C









H2 CH4 CO CO2Gas


e (




at. m


l (m



Gas rate (mL/min)/ Cat. metal content at different temperatures

560 C

600 C

650 C

700 C

730 C

Figure 4-18. Comparison of gas rate/cat metal content at different temperatures for the four studied sorbcats in asphaltene-LCO


6K6Ca 6K6Ba

3NiO6K6Ba 3NiO6Cs6Ba


In Figure 4-18 we can see how we have similar trends for hydrogen methane, and CO2. Rates

for these products increase with an increase in temperature. However, CO trends are not similar.

CO flow rates are really low for 3NiO6K6Ba, which is expected since the composition of

carbon monoxide obtained was close to zero. For 3NiO6Cs6Ba and 6K6Ca, CO slightly increases,

and seems to reach a sort of plateau around 20% for both cases. For 6K6Ba we have a decreasing

trend, and that’s due to the fact that the CO composition decreases abruptly with temperature for

this sorbcat, as can be seen in Figure 4-17.

We can also observe how the sorbcats containing nickel seem to be more active, producing

more hydrogen per mol of metal in the sorbcat matrix. Between these two, the cesium containing

sorbcat seems to be the most active, producing slightly more hydrogen per mol compared to the

one containing potassium (3NiO6K6Ba). Between the non-containing nickel sorbcats, 6K6Ca

seems to be more active than 6K6Ba. A plausible explanation is the eutectic effects created by


A comparison of activation energies, gas rate and H2/CO2 ratio (at 650 °C) can be seen in

Table 4-8 and Figures 4-19 & 4-20.

Table 4-8. Gas rate, H2/CO2 & activation energy comparison for studied sorbcats in

asphaltenes-LCO CSG

T 650 °C

Catalyst Gas rate (ml/min) H2/CO2 Ea(kJ/mol)

6K6Ba 4.17 3.36 90.1

6K6Ca 6.1 4.66 59

3NiO6K6Ba 9.37 2.25 82.1

3NiO6Cs6Ba 11.28 2.11 68.4


Figure 4-19. Gas rate and H2/CO2 comparison for the four sorbcats @ 650 °C asphaltenes-


Figure 4-20. Activation energies for the four sorbcats @ 650 °C asphaltenes-LCO CSG

We can observe how the gas rate was highest for 3NiO6Cs6Ba, agreeing with what was

previously shown, while the lowest was obtained for 6K6Ba. Also we can observe how the addition

of Nickel seems to improve the process, lowering the activation energy, as well as increasing the








Gas rate (ml/min) H2/CO2



e (



) &



2 r




















ol) 6K6Ba





gas rate; between the two nickel-containing sorbcats, 3NiO6Cs6Ba seems to be the most promising

material, with slightly lower activation energy, and the highest production of gases per moles of

metal contained in the sorbcat.

The lowest activation energy value was obtained for 6K6Ca. Regarding the H2/CO2, it is

highest for 6K6Ca and the closest to two for 3NiO6Cs6Ba, indicating less side reactions for Ni

containing catalysts.

4.2.3 Athabasca visbroken residue CSG tests

The sorbcat 3NiO6K6Ba was chosen in order to test the catalytic steam gasification of

adsorbed molecules coming from the visbroken vacuum residue prepared during the present study.

The selection was due to the major availability of this catalyst.

The composition at different temperatures can be seen in Figure 4-21 (additional results can

be seen in the appendix C).

Figure 4-21. Composition (Vol. %) at different temperatures for 3NiO6K6Ba/ VB













l. %

Composition (V%) at different temperatures

600 C

650 C

700 C


Compared to the results found for the same catalyst with a different feed, for hydrogen and

methane we obtained similar results, however we can see a difference in the CO composition

(Figure 4-17), meaning that less water-gas shift is being achieved in this experiment. Differences

can be either due to the nature of the pre-adsorbed molecules, either by the change of the feed

used, or due to a change in the experimental procedure, where, for the previously discussed

reasons, the VGO cleaning was disregarded, thus more VB remained trapped (instead of VGO),

thus coking or thermal cracking reactions are probably taking place.

The mass balance for this experiment can be seen in Table 4-9.

Table 4-9. Mass balance for 3NiO6K6Ba/VB experiment


Test Length (h) 100.38

Before CSG

Feed pumped


Sample collected (g) Material trapped(g) %Remaining

169.18 134.01 35.17 26.25

After CSG

Organics in the


Gases Produced (g) Devolatized



3.38 21.46 9.69 27.54



We can observe first that the mass balance closes just below 100%, confirming the suspicions

that some VGO was still trapped in previous experiments. As for the material trapped, this value

is higher than the previous set of experiments, due to the fact that VGO was not used to clean the

system. For the reasons discussed previously, we can see that the devolatized percentage decreases

compared to the previous experiments. In parallel, the amount of produced gases was observed to


increase, phenomena all that allow to suggest a more convenient process is achieved excluding

VGO cleaning.

The idea of the long gasification (~100h) was to test the regeneration capability of the catalyst.

After the gasification was over, visbroken vacuum residue was pumped again through the system,

and the preparative adsorption and subsequent CSG was repeated. It is important to mention that

prior to gasification, the system was cleaned with toluene, in order to lower the amount trapped

inside of the reactor. Toluene was then dried with air blowing, and slightly heating the system.

Results for the compositions versus temperature obtained for this experiment can be seen in Figure


Figure 4-22. Composition (Vol. %) at different temperatures for 3NiO6K6Ba/ VB

regeneration experiment

The gas composition show a slight difference compared to the virgin sorbcat test, being the

methane slightly higher, indicating that methanation is favoured. The mass balance for the

regeneration experiment can be seen in Table 4-10.












l. %

Composition (V%) at different temperatures

600 C

650 C

700 C


Table 4-10. Mass balance for 3NiO6K6Ba/VB during the CSG regeneration experiment

3NiO6K6Ba/VB -Regeneration

Test Length (h) 44.77

Before CSG

Feed pumped


Sample collected (g) Material trapped(g) %Remaining

145.24 133.50 11.74 8.80

After CSG

Organics in the


Gases Produced (g) Devolatized



0.35 6.54 4.79 40.82



Comparing the two balances, we can see that with the use of toluene, the amount trapped

decreases considerably due to the toluene dissolving trapped material. Additionally, the mass

balance closes close to 100%, remaining in this case just a little fraction of hydrocarbon on the

sorbcat (TGA analysis). Additionally, Activation energy values were calculated for fresh and

regenerated catalyst, and were practically the same (Table 4-11). The activation energy values

obtained are similar to that obtained for the asphaltenes-LCO feed for the same catalyst (82.1



Table 4-11. CSG activation energies for 3NiO6K6Ba/VB both fresh and regenerated sorbcat

Test Ea (kJ/mol)

Fresh sorbcat 85.8

Regenerated sorbcat 86.6

4.3 Catalytic Steam Cracking (CSC)

As part of the alternate scheme for the Athabasca visbroken vacuum (Figure 4-10), the

catalytic steam cracking properties of a selected sorbcat were tested. The material chosen for these

set of experiments was 3NiO6K6Ba, since it was proved to be a promising sorbcat for gasification.

Runs were performed using a weight hourly space velocity of 2h-1, where the visbroken flow

rate is calculated using equation 4-2.

𝑊𝐻𝑆𝑉 =𝐻𝑦𝑑𝑟𝑜𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑏𝑜𝑛 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 (


𝑆𝑜𝑟𝑏𝑐𝑎𝑡 𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 (𝑔) 𝑒𝑞. 4 − 2

4.3.1 CSC repeatability with VB residue

In order to test the repeatability and operation of the modified bench-scale plant, two

experiments were run, denoted as CSC-1 & CSC-2. These tests were performed both at 435 °C,

with a steam injection of 6 wt. % of the hydrocarbon feed. Results can be seen in Figure 4-23. In

the mentioned figure we can see similar results in gas composition for both runs. It is important to

mention that each bar represent GC injections, which were subsequently done every 30 min.

Another important aspect observed is the evolution of the gases, where hydrogen is decreasing

with time, and the rest of hydrocarbons increase. This indicates that the sorbcat activity is changing

constantly, perhaps due to slow poisoning, or changes on its surface.


Figure 4-23. Gas composition for CSC-1 &CSC-2 carried out with VB residue











l. %

Gas composition evolution (V%)

Inj. 1

Inj. 2

Inj. 3

Inj. 4

Inj. 50.00










l. %

Gas composition evolution (V%)

Inj. 1

Inj. 2

Inj. 3

Inj. 4

Inj. 5

Inj. 6













l. %

Gas composition evolution (V%)

Inj. 1

Inj. 2

Inj. 3

Inj. 4

Inj. 5

Inj. 6













l. %

Gas composition evolution (V%)

Inj. 1

Inj. 2

Inj. 3

Inj. 4



In general the hydrocarbon composition initially has higher amount of methane, which

together with C3 and C3= with slightly higher production of H2. We can also observe that the olefins

contents are in general lower than the saturated hydrocarbons for the same carbon number.

Mass balances for both experiments can be seen in Table 4-12

Table 4-12. Mass balance for CSC-1 & CSC-2

CSC-1 (435 °C-WHSV

2h-1) 6 wt.% steam

CSC-2 (435 °C-WHSV 2h-1)

6 wt.% steam-Repetition

Run time (min) 90.0 72.0

VB Flow (g/min) 0.677 0.932

VB Pumped (g) 60.93 67.12

Water Flow (mL/min) 0.043 0.056

Water pumped (mL) 3.87 4.03

Heavy recovered HCs(g) 57.57 63.37

Lights recovered HCs(g) 1.81 1.65

Lights % 2.97 2.46

Water recovered (g) 3.19 3.40

HC gases (g) 1.17 1.21

Gases % 1.92 1.80

Total HC 99.4 98.7

% Recovered Water 82.43 84.33

In Table 4-12 we can see similar results for both experiences, indicating that repeatability

from the operational point of view is also good. The amount of light hydrocarbons recovered

represents 2.4–3 wt. % of the total hydrocarbon pumped. In both cases the mass balance closure

was around 98%, indicating little mass losses or problems in the operation.


Conversion was calculated using equation 4-3, and can be seen in Table 4-13 along with the

viscosities for both tests.

𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑣.=𝑉𝐵 𝑤𝑡%550℃+ − (𝐶𝑆𝐶 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑. 𝑤𝑡%550℃+ ∗

100 − (%𝑤𝑡 𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠 + %𝑤𝑡 𝑔𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑠)100


𝑉𝑅 𝑤𝑡%550℃+ (𝑒𝑞. 4 − 3)

Table 4-13. Heavy fraction viscosities and conversion for CSC 1 & 2 VB residue

Experiment Conversion % (at 550 C+) Viscosity @ 100 °C (cP)

VB feed - 3397

CSC 1 29.68 1781

CSC 2 31.02 1911

In Table 4-13 we can see a 1.16% deviation in the conversions, which is expectable due to the

complexity of the process and the studied feedstock (difficult to handle). Also, typical ±1% error

from, Simdist analysis affects the calculus. Viscosity on the other hand has a deviation of 6.8%,

which can be attributed to experimental error in the measurement of the apparatus, and also

different flash separation achieved in the hot separator, remembering that a sight amount of lights

in a heavy sample can greatly affect the viscosity (logarithm behaviour).

4.3.2 Temperature effects on the catalytic steam cracking

The next test performed, CSC-3 was ran at higher severity conditions, 430°C and a weight

hour space velocity of 1h-1. Results for this test are not presented, since the test resulted in a

plugged reactor due to coke formation, since the conditions resulted to severe.

P-values for the Heavy fractions collected during CSC-1 & CSC-2 indicated that the sample

was unstable (Pv<1). The next couple of runs were performed at lower temperatures, CSC-4 at

410°C and CSC-5 at 420°C, again at a WHSV of 2h-1 and 6 wt. % of steam injection. In order to

compare gas compositions at the three temperatures tested (410, 420 & 435°C), the summarized

results can be seen in Figure 4-24.





l. %

Gas composition evolution (V%)

Inj. 1

Inj. 2

Inj. 3

Inj. 4

Figure 4-24. Gas composition for CSC 2, 4 &5




l. %

Gas composition evolution (%V)

Inj. 1

Inj. 2

Inj. 305



l. %

Gas composition evolution (V%)

Inj. 1

Inj. 2

Inj. 3





In Figure 4-24 we can see that the hydrocarbon composition increases with an increment of

temperature, expectable as more cracking is occurring.

It is also evident that for CSC 4 & 5 there’s a high content of iso-pentane in the gas products,

value that decreases in the highest temperature tests (CSC-2). This phenomenon could be due to

additional cracking of iso-pentane at higher temperatures, as can be seen in the augmented

presence of hydrocarbon gases for CSC-2 compared with CSAC 4 & 5.

A clear reduction in hydrogen composition can be seen as we increment the reaction

temperature, this could be explained by additional hydrogen required during the increased cracking

at higher temperatures. Nevertheless, olefin gases composition seems to increase with increasing

temperatures. CO and CO2 composition resulted very low for all cases indicating a probable

methanation of carbon monoxide in the presence of hydrogen and the sorbcat selected.

The mass balance for CSC 2, 4 & 5 can be seen in Table 4-14. In this table we can observe

how all mass balances closed around 100%, again, indicating a good operation, and no coking

problems. The light liquids yields increase with the temperature increase, indicating that more

cracking is taking place, as expected, and the gas yield also supports this, by having the same trend.

Conversions for CSC 1, 2, 4 & 5 we calculated using equation 4-3 and can be seen along with

the measured viscosities in Table 4-15. In this table we can see how, as expected, the conversion

increases with temperature.

On the other hand, the viscosity doesn’t seem to follow a clear trend, as it remains fairly

constant for 410 and 420 °C, but decreases considerably for 435°C. Viscosity reduction for the

heavy phase is only achieved at high temperatures (435°C), however at least 1.63% (for the less

severe case) of light-low viscosity products was produced, which would reduce the viscosities of

the whole product once the light end is re-blended.

P-values for the samples show stable product in the cases of the lowest temperature (420°C),

a barely stable product for 420°C, and unstable products for the previously mentioned experiments

( CSC 1 & 2 @435°C).


Table 4-14. Mass balances for CSC 2, 4 & 5 (VB residue)



CSC-5 (420°C) CSC-2 (435°C)

Time (min) 63 94 72.0

VB Flow (g/min) 0.944 0.937 0.932

VB Pumped (g) 62.37 87.65 67.12

Water Flow (mL/min) 0.060 0.060 0.056

Water pumped (mL) 3.78 5.64 4.03

Heavy recovered HCs (g) 59.38 82.75 63.37

Lights recovered HCs (g) 1.02 2.03 1.65

Lights % 1.63 2.31 2.46

Water recovered (g) 2.97 6.88 3.40

HC gases (g) 0.78 1.26 1.21

Gases % 1.25 1.43 1.81

Total HC 97.6 97.7 98.3

%Water recovered (%wt.) 78.47 122.0 84.33

Table 4-15. Conversion and viscosities for CSC 1, 2, 4 & 5

Temperature (°C) Experiment Conversion

% (550 C+)

Viscosity @

100 C (cP)


VB Feed - - 3397 1.15

410 CSC 4 15.05 3650* 1.1<pv<1.2

420 CSC 5 21.43 3621* 1<pv<1.1

435 CSC 1 29.68 1781* <1

435 CSC 2 31.02 1911* <1

*Viscosity of the heavy fraction collected (additional ~2%wt of light naphta collected would decrease viscosity further)


An additional experiment, CSC 6, was run in order to test the effect of the inert carborundum

filling on top of the reactor (see Figure 3-4). Additional sorbcat was used to fill this space, and the

conditions were those of CSC-5 (420°C, WHSV, 2h-1); the idea was to see if the carborundum on

top of the reactor was thermally cracking molecules of the products exiting the reaction bed.

Volume compositions comparison for both cases (CSC 5 & 6) can be seen in Figure 4-25

Figure 4-25. Gas composition comparison for CSC5 & 6


In Figure 4-25 we can see a difference in both the hydrocarbons and hydrogen composition.

Hydrocarbon composition seems to be diminished, while hydrogen augmented, in the case of no

carborundum on top, suggesting that indeed some cracking was being cause by this material. The

p-value for CSC-6 was 1.1, value that compared to CSC-5 is slightly more stable, expectable when

less thermal cracking is occurring.

Viscosity @ 100 °C for CSC-6 was 1792 cP, which is ~50% lower than the one found for

CSC-5. This suggests that despite reaching a slightly lower conversion (19.33 vs. 21.43 for CSC-

5), the products obtained in this case are of a better quality, and are not being damaged or

transformed by the carborundum on top, which seems to be fomenting thermal cracking.

The simulated distillation of the heavy and light products collected for CSC1, 2, 4, 5 & 6 can

be seen in Figure 4-26.

Figure 4-26. Simulated distillation of hydrocarbon products for CSC 1,2,4,5 &6

In the previous figure we can see how for the heavy fractions collected, with the exception of

CSC-6, the Simdist show lighter products at higher temperature. This has to do with the fact that










0 20 40 60 80 100 120

T (C


% off

% off vs T (°C)


CSC 1 Lights 435 C

CSC 1 Heavy 435 C

CSC 2 Lights 435 C

CSC 2 Heavy 435 C

CSC 4 Lights 410 C

CSC 4 Heavy 410 C

CSC 5 Lights 420 C

CSC 5 Heavy 420 C

CSC 6 Lights 420 C

CSC 6 Heavy 420 C


at higher temperatures we are having higher conversions, thus more heavy molecules are being

transformed. Regarding CSC-6, it seems that the carborundum on top is affecting the conversion,

due to less thermal cracking as we saw before, thus obtaining a slightly heavier material.

Concerning the light fractions collected, the differences are more subtle, nevertheless a

slightly heavier fraction was collected for the low severity experiment (CSC-4), while the most

severe (CSC 1) seems to be the lightest. However, this is not conclusive, since Simdist for samples

produced under intermediates severities (CSC 2, 5 & 6) seem to be similar, which could be due to

a similar flash separation temperature obtained in the hot separator, producing light fractions with

similar characteristics, however with different yields.

4.3.3 CSC kinetics

A kinetic study was executed using the approach mentioned by Loria [73], Ancheyta [74] and

Fathi [75]. These authors base the model on first order reactions, since in heavy oil upgrading most

reactions are this order. The proposed model in this work is an arrangement of seven first-order

kinetic reactions of five pseudo components determined by HTSD, which are unconverted vacuum

residue 550°C+, vacuum gas oil (VGO) (343-550°C), distillates (216-343°C), naphtha (IBP-

216°C), and gases.

The proposed reaction scheme is similar to that proposed by Fathi [75], presented in Figure

4-27, and assumes no coke formation and irreversible reactions. Only seven first-order kinetic rate

constants are taken into account, assuming that the gaseous product is originating from the

550°C+VR exclusively, since the short space time considered for this study prevents the VGO,

distillates and naphtha formed undergo further cracking to produce gases [75].


Figure 4-27. Proposed lump-compositions kinetic model

The reactions to be solved can be seen in Table 4-16. In the set of reactions, y was in units of

wt. %, kn in 1/h, and τ or residence time in hours. This set of equations was developed assuming a

plug flow model and isothermal operation (neglecting both axial dispersion and mass transfer

gradients). The method used to solve the system was a quasi-linearization method [73], where for

an interval τ0< τ< τi the equations can be integrated in both sides as we can see in equation 4-4.

Table 4-16. Differential equations solved for the kinetic study of CSC

Vacuum residue 𝑟𝑉𝑅 = (−(𝑘1 + 𝑘2 + 𝑘3 + 𝑘4) ∗ 𝑦𝑉𝑅)

VGO 𝑟𝑉𝐺𝑂 = (𝑘1 ∗ 𝑦𝑉𝑅 − (𝑘5 + 𝑘6) ∗ 𝑦𝑉𝐺𝑂)

Distillates 𝑟𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡. = (𝑘2 ∗ 𝑦𝑉𝑅 + 𝑘5 ∗ 𝑦𝑉𝐺𝑂 − 𝑘7 ∗ 𝑦𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡.)

Naphtha 𝑟𝑁𝑎𝑝ℎ𝑡𝑎 = (𝑘3 ∗ 𝑦𝑉𝑅 + 𝑘6 ∗ 𝑦𝑉𝐺𝑂 + 𝑘7 ∗ 𝑦𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡.)

Gases 𝑟𝐺𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑠 = (𝑘4 ∗ 𝑦𝑉𝑅)


∫ 𝑑𝑦𝑖𝑦𝑖(𝜏)


= ∫ 𝑟𝑖𝜏


𝑑𝜏 𝑒𝑞. 4 − 4

Where ri is given for each lumped component in the previous table. Applying equation 4-4 to

each component (shown in Table 4-16), we obtain a system of five equations and seven unknowns

(ki’s), meaning that there is no unique solution, thus in order to find a particular solution a least-

squared method has to be used to minimize the error (compared to the experimental data available)

More on the subject can be found in Fathis’s research work [74]. Equation 4-4 is solved

analytically for the left side, and using excel solver and trapezoid rule, for the right hand side.

Then, given the space times and the experimental products composition data, the specific

reaction rates (k1−k7) were estimated assuming initial values via the Excel solver. For the model

to converge, its solution must meet four criteria.

First, the summation of the averaged absolute errors must be minimized. This criterion was

achieved when a low performance index (PI) was obtained (the lower the PI, the closest the

experimental (yi, exp.) and model (yi, mod) products weight percent are). The performance index

can be seen in (eq. 4-5).

𝑃𝐼 =∑ ∑|𝑦𝑖,𝑗𝑒𝑥𝑝. − 𝑦𝑖,𝑗




𝑒𝑞. 4 − 5

Where m is the total number of evaluated residence times. Second, the kinetic constants must

be positive, since only irreversible reactions are taken into account. Third, the kinetic rate constants

must follow the Arrhenius law temperature dependence. Finally, the global experimental specific

reaction rates and the model predicted specific reaction must be equal. That is, k global = k 1 + k

2 + k 3 + k 4. The global constant is calculated from equation 4-6 for each temperature.

𝑇𝑖𝐾𝑔𝑙𝑜𝑏𝑎𝑙 = ln (𝑦0𝑉𝑅

𝑦𝑇𝑖𝑉𝑅) 𝑒𝑞. 4 − 6


A scheme of the calculations steps used to obtain the kinetic parameter can be seen in Figure


Figure 4-28. Kinetic constant calculation scheme

An example of the lump compositions determined by simulated distillation can be seen in

Figure 4-29. A fitting performed in Microsoft excel was used to determine the lump fractions, and

this combined through a mass balance with the lump fractions of the light product collected and

gases produced was used to determine the products for each reaction temperature.


Figure 4-29. A) Simulated distillation of CSC1 heavy product, B) Lump composition for

CSC-1 heavy product

At each temperature, the kinetic constant for the seven reactions that minimized the error, or

in other words satisfied the experimental conditions, were found. This was done for each

temperature studied, and the Arrhenius plot was performed, which can be seen in Figure 4-30.


Figure 4-30. Arrhenius plot for the proposed lump model reaction system

The calculations were performed using Microsoft excel solver. The parameters found for the

system described are summarized in Table 4-17. In this table we can appreciate how except for the

first reaction (VR to VGO) we have a good fit for the Arrhenius plot. The activation energies found

are in the same range of those found by Fathi for an Arabian Light Vacuum Residue (ALVR) [75],

however we can also observe how the reaction 3 (VR to Naphtha) has a high activation energy. A

plausible explanation to this phenomenon is the difficulty of an already thermally cracked vacuum

residue (~50% conv. as seen on a previous chapter) to convert to further light fractions thus, the

high value. Nevertheless, it is convenient to remember that the set of values found are one of many

possible solutions, however being the ones that minimize the error when comparing to the

experimentally found values.











0.0014 0.0014 0.0014 0.0014 0.0014 0.0015 0.0015 0.0015ln


1/T [K-1]

K1K2K3k4K5K6K7Linear (K1)Linear (K2)Linear (K3)Linear (k4)Linear (K5)Linear (K6)


Table 4-17. Frequency factor and activation energy found for CSC reactions

Ln(k0) Ea



R1 28.24 172 0.9015

R2 19.09 122 0.9821

R3 72.78 457 0.9944

R4 11.54 83 0.9969

R5 20.60 131 0.9983

R6 35.79 228 0.9832

R7 24.60 156 0.9841

4.3.4 Catalytic steam gasification after CSC

Finally, in order to validate the alternative upgrading scheme (Figure 4-10), a catalytic steam

gasification test for VB residue was performed after the catalytic steam cracking (CSC-2). The

reactor was flushed with toluene to remove the excess of visbroken residue trapped inside the

reactor. The results for this test was compared with those obtained for the same sorbcat

(3NiO6Cs6Ba) on previous non-CSC runs, and can be seen in Figure 4-31.

In this Figure we can observe similar results for both experiments in terms of gas composition

and trends. The activation energy calculated for this case was 67.1 kJ/mol compared to 68.4 kJ/mol

obtained in the previous experiment, which again validates the catalytic steam gasification process,

and makes the alternative scheme (Figure 4-10) a viable option.


Figure 4-31. Comparison between CSG after asphaltenes-LCO adsorption and after CSC

4.4 Closing remarks

The two schemes studied in the present work (see Figure 4-32) differ in the visbroken vacuum

residue upgrading step. The original hypothesis intended the use of adsorption as a way to improve

the stability of the VB in order to thermal treat the resulting product again, obtaining approximately

6% more in conversion according to Gonzalez [28]. The alternative scheme on the other hand

replaces this step with a continuous steam catalytic cracking of the visbroken vacuum residue,

obtaining up to 20 % of extra conversion of the visbroken feed without precipitating the same.

From a technical point of view both process are similar, containing a visbroken unit, a fixed bed

reactor that is used for the upgrading process and the catalytic steam gasification. Also, the

catalyst/adsorbent developed for the original hypothesis worked well under the new configuration.


Figure 4-32. Original processing scheme (left) vs. alternative proposed scheme (right)

One extra hurdle for the alternative scheme is that some additional heating might be required.

Nevertheless, several factors (aside from the fact that no adsorption improvement was observed in

the present work) weakened the original scheme. First there is the fact that the upgraded visbroken

vacuum residue has to be sent back to the visbreaker, which operates at a high temperature (427-

443 ºC) incurring in an additional operational cost, and an increment on the size of the visbreaker.

In this regard, a visbreaking unit of two times the size, is approximately x1.55 times more costly

[17], and has higher operational costs. On the other hand, these higher costs would potentially

result in a 6% more of conversion for the visbroken vacuum residue, whereas with the alternative

scheme an additional 20% in conversion is feasible, incurring only in heating and steam extra


Initial estimates, taken for a 50,000 bbl/d of Athabasca bitumen feed, result on a visbreaking

unit of ~3.73 Mbbl./d, which would have an estimated investment cost of 61.79 MMUS$ (US gulf

coast, 2013), and a CSC/CSG unit would be around 68.63 MMUS$ (US gulf coast, 2013).[17, 76].


The preliminary economic study for the catalytic steam cracking unit (CSC) was implemented,

a time of 10 years was considered (with the first two used for construction), where a cost of

opportunity of 10% was considered. The costs of products and services required were estimated

from open literature [77-79] and no cost is being considered for the feed, as is a product the refinery

would already have paid. The Net present value (NPV) calculates was 205.96 MM US$ at the end

of the project life, with an internal rate of return of 55.05% and The payback period around four

years, making this project from a preliminary economic point of view very favourable. The full

calculation tables are presented in Appendix D.


Chapter 5. Conclusions/Future work

Feed preparation and Adsorption

Visbroken Athabasca vacuum residue was successfully produced by thermally cracking the

virgin vacuum residue for 5.5 h at 410 °C. Visbroken vacuum residue had a final P-value of 1.15.

Differences in the properties of the large and small scale produced adsorbent/catalysts were


Batch adsorption experiments using the produced visbroken vacuum residue and an older

sample produced by Gonzalez [28] yielded no improvement in stability of the product, with two

plausible explanations which are competing effects from other HC species like resins or lack of

enough active adsorption sites for very complex materials like the VB residue.

Adsorption/gasification under dynamic conditions can be successfully studied by the in-house

built setup.

Dynamic adsorption experiment did not yield stability improvement, and there was no

nitrogen, sulphur or MCR reduction was achieved. Conclusions on the catalytic steam gasification

step of the adsorbed species follows.

Catalytic Steam Gasification (CSG)

Athabasca asphaltenes-LCO

Devolatilization time has a direct impact on the subsequent catalytic steam gasification.

Exogenous mass coming from the VGO cleaning made some mass balances close above 100%.

In general, the yields of H2 and CO decrease with temperature increase, while the amount of

CH4 and CO2 increase in CSG. In all cases hydrogen percentages within the effluent gases were

above 50% vol.


Hydrogen percentage is slightly higher for the sorbcat including Barium (6K6Ba) compared

to the one containing calcium (6K6Ca), and the carbon monoxide content decreases at a higher

rate. For methane and CO2 volume production, the 6K6Ba sorbcat seems to reach a plateau (as a

function of T)

The addition of nickel over the sorbcats has important effects, reducing the carbon monoxide

and methane, providing higher hydrogen content in the produced gases. 3NiO6Cs6Ba produced

the highest amount of gases, followed by 6K6Ba, 3NiO6K6Ba and 6K6Ca. In general, sorbcats

containing nickel seem to be more active compared to those who didn’t include the metal. Between

those two tested, the cesium containing sorbcat seems to be the most active, compared to the one

containing potassium (3NiO6K6Ba).

The activation energies in decreasing order are:

6K6Ba > 3NiO6K6Ba > 3NiO6Cs6Ba > 6K6Ca

Visbroken feed results (3NiO6K6Ba) show similar H2 and CH4 composition to asphaltenes-

LCO, however, we can see a difference in the CO contents.

Regenerated catalyst (3NiO6K6Ba) seems to favour the methane producing reactions.

Activation energy values calculated for fresh and regenerated catalyst were similar, and close

to the value found for the same catalyst with different feed (asphaltene-LCO)

The explored path VB-Ads.-Gasification did not yield significant advantages, instead a

Catalytic Steam cracking step after VB was explored. The main conclusion of this path are the


A good repeatability was achieved for CSC experiments, and as expected, the conversion

increases further (with respect to VB) with temperature.

Products viscosity for the heavy fraction collected did not show a clear trend, as it remained

fairly constant for 410 and 420 °C, but decreased considerably for 435°C. P-values showed

unstable samples for CSC above 420°C


In general, gas composition for CSC tests showed high amounts of methane, decreasing

abundance of hydrocarbons with increasing carbon atoms. Hydrocarbon gas amount increased

with temperature increments.

A clear reduction in hydrogen concentration can be seen as we increment the reaction

temperature due to additional hydrogen consumed.

Hydrocarbons abundance in CSC gases seem to diminish, while hydrogen augmented when

no carborundum was used on top of the reactor, suggesting that some cracking was induced by this


The p-value for CSC-6 (no carborundum on top) compared to CSC-5 is slightly more stable,

expectable when less thermal cracking is occurring, and the viscosity @ 100 °C for CSC-6 was

~50% lower than that found for CSC-5. In order to refer these CSC tests with previous articles on

different feedstocks, a brief kinetic study was performed for this process.

Except for the first reaction (VR to VGO) we have a good fit for the Arrhenius plot in the

kinetic study. Also, it was found that the VR to Naphtha conversion has high activation energy.

The activation energies found are in the same range to those found by Fathi for an Arabian

Light Vacuum Residue (ALVR) [75], around 100-300 kJ/mol.

Combined process

Catalytic steam gasification as a follow up to catalytic steam cracking yielded similar results

compared to the case with no CSC.

The activation energy calculated for CSG after CSC was 67.1kJ/mol compared to 68.4kJ/mol

obtained in the CSG alone.

The alternative scheme proposed seems to be a feasible option for upgrading the visbroken



Future work & recommendations

As a recommendation for future work, a more detailed kinetic study on the catalytic steam

cracking is suggested, in order to better understand the variables affecting the process, and to have

an insight of the mechanisms the can be occurring in the reaction.

For both CSG and CSC gases, it is recommended to analyse the gas evolution by means of a

mass spectrometer, with normal and labeled water in order to confirm the proposed reactions

mechanisms and have a better understanding of the process.

Few mechanical alterations could be performed to the bench scale unit in order to improve the

operation, such as a higher capacity heavy collection tank, and a multi pump system to be able to

run for longer periods of time.



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Appendix A

AGU SOP. Reactivity/Gasification Unit

University of Calgary



FOR: Adsorption Gasification Unit (AGU)

Issued: Lante Carbognani A.

Revised: Gustavo Trujillo

Reviewed: 1


1. Purpose / Background

The Adsorption Gasification Unit (AGU) was built to perform the adsorption of

asphaltenes molecules present in a visbroken residue, to later gasify them under a

catalytic process involving steam.

This procedure is written to comply with all of the U of C HS&E regulatory

requirements, and to teach new users, the standard operative protocols of the AGU.

2. Scope

This procedure is intended for all those workers and/or students/interns working in

the Upgrading and Refining Lab where the AGU unit will be operating. Procedure covers

specifics about starting up of the unit, pressurization, adsorption procedures, and

gasification operation as well as the gas analysis.


3. Prerequisites

Specific information related to the feed to be processed, catalysts formulation, and

operational condition. Typical machine shop tools are required in case of any repair,

change or adjustment in the system.

Successful completion of the University of Calgary generic WHMIS and H2SAlive

courses is also required.


Do not work alone in the laboratory, if required follow University of Calgary

procedures for working alone.

Be aware of the inherent risks associated to, and the nature of, the processes

and materials used in the laboratory. This is not limited to the risks and hazards

in the unit used by the used, but extended to include those being used by other

people in the laboratory.

Wear appropriate laboratory attire (lab coat, safety glasses, closed shoes).

Maintain a neat and organized working environment.

If leaving an experiment unattended, ensure others are aware and understand

the situation including how to deal with an emergency situation. Leave a telephone

number at the experiment for contact purposes.

Dispose of waste in a safe and environmentally friendly manner.

Campus Security: 403 220 5333

Hazard Identification (Hazardous Chemicals or Processes):

Hazardous Chemicals

A. Products and by-products expected from the system are:

B. Hot heavy oils from the feed section, reactor and heavy product tanks.

C. Hydrogen compressed gas Light liquid hydrocarbons

D. Hydrocarbon gases

E. H2S in concentrations lower than 100 ppm



Heavy oils (vacuum residue & visbroken vacuum residue) flowing under moderate

pressure and high temperature conditions.

Steam at high temperatures and moderate pressure.

Hazard Assessment:


Hydrogen (leaks) demand high ventilation environment. Reaction Gas is sweetened

in a KOH solution at the outlet gases stream. Personnel must wear personal protective

equipment (PPE) all the time when working with the unit.


Heat insulation is used in all process lines under high temperature conditions.

Pressure relief device is located in the feed section, pump outlet line, to protect the system

in the case of an overpressure caused by plugging of process line.

Engineering/Ventilation Controls:

A canopy with an extraction system is installed covering the AGU pilot plant as well

as an enclosure specially designed to suit the needs of the process. All venting lines

(release lines from the system and outlet gases from the unit) are also connected to this


Personal Protective Equipment:

Personal protective equipment (PPE) required for this SOP includes but is not limited


Nitrile gloves, safety glasses and laboratory coats are standard safety equipment for

all employees, students and interns in the lab. Respirators with adequate filters/cartridges


when cleaning any oil or emulsion spill from the plant using any type of solvent like

toluene, acetone, etc. Quartz gloves are needed for handling high temperature objects.

4. Procedures

Reactor Packing

1) Before packing make sure the following items are ready while creating the reactor:

A. Create washers with an appropriate mesh for the catalysts and inert filling.

B. Before constructing the fittings of the reactor, make sure that the washers are in

place, if this is not done prior to the construction the fitting will not close properly.

C. At the bottom of the reactor make sure carborundum is used to will create an

additional support to the mesh, and by doing this the distribution of the feed in the

inlet of the reactor will improve.

D. At the top of the reactor make sure carborundum is used.

2) First create the fitting at the top of the reactor so that the thermocouple is in place

making sure that this one is centered. Make sure you weight the reactor empty with the

washers and the carborundum prior to packing, including the plugs in the inlet and outlet

of the reactor.

3) Place the reactor in a secure place for the catalyst addition.

4) In a beaker weight the initial amount of carborundum to add. This weight has to be

calculated knowing the desired level of inert package inside the reactor, and the bulk

density of the material used, or simply measured by means of a graduated smaller tube.

5) A funnel is used to introduce slowly, first the carborundum weighted previously

while hammering the pipe. For a better packing. Stop every 5-10 minutes and keep

hammering so that the inert filling/catalyst has enough time to settle and after 5 minutes

renew the addition of material. Repeat the Process with catalyst once the desired level of

inert filling is reached. When the desired amount of catalyst is poured, then the rest is

filled with the inert filling.


6) When the reactor is filled to the top, carefully place the washer and the bottom

fitting with the carborundum to make the fittings. Measure the weight of the packed reactor

and this will be the weight of catalyst, after subtracting the weight of the empty reactor

and the inert filling.

4.1 Starting Up

1. Verify that the plant is not energized by checking the electrical box light bulb (See

Figure 1).

Figure 1. Electrical Box

At the beginning of each week or after a long period of time without using the plant

all switches must be turned off.


2. Give energy to the plant by turning on the switches in the power supply box.

3. Open the following programs (on the computer desktop):

CN616.exe for the TIC controllers. The first window is set to control Port 7, or

Controller 1(TIC’s 1-6). The second window (after clicking again CN616.exe) is set

to Port 6, or controller 2 (TIC’s 7-12). After the ports are selected, we have to click

“run” to access the main menu window. To log the temperatures of control, we first

specify the save path of the file in the right corner of the window (see Figure 2),

and then check the “Datalogger” option.

Figure 2. CN616 main window

“XFM control Terminal” controls and logs the flow of gases at the exit of the

reaction zone (Only used during the gasification). The port is set as default to Port


“VB Das” logs the selected zone of the thermocouple scanner (see Figure 3)

Figure 3. Thermocouple scanner


“Peak Simple” for the GC and gas analysis.

4. Verify that there is no pressure in the plant by checking the pressure indicators (PI

2-5) and the pressure readings of the ISCO pump. In case that the pressure readings are

above 2 psi verify that the valve RNV-1 is open to release pressure.

5. Check cylinders pressure for Chromatograph gases and their set points according

to information given by the manufacturer. These set points are given within the apparatus.

Check hydrogen pressure, this one should be set 50 psi higher than the established

operating pressure.

4.2 Adsorption Operation

Before starting the procedure write down the TIC’s set points, temperature of reaction,

pressure in the reactor, flows of operation, residence time, and stabilization time on the

laboratory’s notebook. After setting all the conditions in the notebook follow the next


1) First we make sure the Vacuum residue/Visbroken (VR/VB) tank has a sufficient

amount of material to perform the test. To do this, simply open the tank and insert

a measuring rule (or calibrated tube) to see the approximate level of the feed. This

could be done at room temperature, where the feed is solid, and calculating the

feed level subtracting the total level (know) to the measured one).

2) To fill up the pump, we first go to the CN616 window, for controller A and raise the

temperature of zoned TIC 1-3 to 130 °C. In order to do so, in the CN616 window,

there’s an option “set points” (see Figure 2), by clicking there, we are transported

to a window where the temperature set points (and high/low alarm) for each zoned

can be modified. Once the modifications are done, we have to click in “Load

Changes” and then “return/run” (See Figure 4).


Figure 4. Temperature controller Setup

3) Once the temperature is stable in the heating zoned 1, 2 & 3 (as can be seen in

the window of CN616 for controller A), the ball Valve 1, or BV-1 and BV-2 have to

be opened. It’s important to check that the needle vale 1, or NV-1, the release ball

valve 1 (RBV-1) and the NV-5 are closed.

4) The ISCO Pump controller box, which can be seen in Figure 5, has to be turned

on by hitting the power switch. A recommended refill flow of 3 cc/min is selected in

the menu, and the “Refill” button is pressed. It’s also recommended to limit the refill

amount to the desired level, avoiding more VR/VB in the pump cylinder than what

is required in the experiment.

Figure 5. ISCO Pump controller box


5) Once ready to run, proceed to close BV-1, BV-2. Open NV-4, and BV-4 in order to

pressurize the system, at 100 Psi. This is achieved by closing the Back pressure

regulator 1 (BP-1) completely, and with the system at 100 Psi, open little by little

until we hear the gas (Helium) coming out.

6) Once were ready, we proceed to heat the zones TIC-4,5,6,7,8 &9, to the desired

set points, following the same procedure stated in (2). Also, the heating zones 1&

2 should be turned off, to avoid possible coking due to temperature over long

periods of time.

7) Once we reach the desired temperatures, then we program the ISCO pump for the

desired flow, and having opened NV-1 (using gloves as it’s hot) we shit “run”. It’s

important to make sure that NV-5 and RNV-1 are closed.

8) We now wait, making annotations for the pressures (PI 2,3 & 4), until the VR/VB

reaches the BP-1 to start collecting the samples, calculating the time to have about

5 grams per each vial. The vials are positioned in the plate below BP-1. During the

filling of the reactor by the VR/VB, we might have to open BP-1 a little with the

pass of time to avoid an increase of the pressure.

9) Check the reactors temperatures all the time (PI- 3-7), using the program “VB Das”,

and the thermocouple scanner (see Figure3) in order to make the necessary

adjustments (step 6) should they be needed, in order to reach the desired

adsorption temperature.

4.3 Adsorption Shut-down

Once we judge the adsorption process to be over, either by previous experiences, or

by an specific volume collected, then we must proceed to make a “shut down” or to stop

this process. In order to achieve this, the following steps have to be carried out:

1) Hit the “stop flow” button on the ISCO pump controller box.

2) Close NV-1, not over tightening it, as it can damage the valve (careful the valve

handle is going to be hot).

3) Prepare for clean-up process.


4.4 Clean-up process

Before starting the procedure, be sure to have several 300-500 cc glass recipients,

weighted, in order to collect the VR/VB trapped in the column. In order to perform the

cleanup, the following step should be followed:

1) Open Release needle valve 1 (RNV-1) and collect the VR/VB that comes out

carefully, since it’s hot.

2) Once the pressure is depleted, close RNV-1 and pressurize the system again by

opening BV-4 and NV-6 to pressurize the section (closing them after reaching the

desired pressure ~100 psi), and then repeat step 1. Do this a couple of times.

3) Open BV-4 NV-6 and close NV-4 in order to expulse some VR/VB out of the

backpressure line. Repeat the process a couple of times.

4) Repeat steps 2 & 3 but now, using steam instead of helium. To do so, turn on the

water pump, at the maximum flow rate, open BV-6 and NV-6 and make sure BV-3

is closed. In the program CN616, controller B, set TIC 11 and TIC 12 to a

temperature high enough to ensure the presence of steam (~150 °C)

5) Once the desire amount of steam and VR/VB is collected (on a different recipient),

then we proceed to turn the pump off, and the heating zones 11-12., closing also

RNV-1, BV-6 & NV-6.

6) Now, to wash with VGO (or toluene), simply turn on the VGO pump, put the desired

flow (preferably the maximum allowed), and open NV-2 (making sure NV-1 & NV-

6 are closed).

7) Stop the VGO pump once the effluent coming out of the BP 1 have the desired

properties (color or viscosity), indicating that most of the VR/VB is out of the


8) Finally, repeat step 2 & 3 to evacuate the VGO trapped in the system.

4.5 Gasification Process

We start by verifying that valves NV-1, NV-2, RNV-1, and NV-4 & NV-6 are closed.

Then the following steps are followed:

1) Open the program “XFM control Terminal”, making sure the Flow meter is turned



2) Open NV-5 and BV-3 and set the Helium control valve to the desired value.

3) Adjust the BP-2 to reach the desired pressure (100 psi).

4) Turn on the water cooling system.

5) Start the water pump, at the desired water flow rate, also turning on the TIC 11 at


6) Adjust TIC-5 to 200-300°C.

7) Once ready, increase TIC 6 & 7 to the desired gasification temperature, keeping

TIC 8 & 10 in a temperature about 10°C below that used in the adsorption.

8) Adjust BP-2 when needed.

9) Release liquids in the cold separator before the GC every once in a while,

collecting them in a clean recipient.

10) Perform gas analysis whenever desired.

11) It’s convenient, but not mandatory, to collect the gases coming out from the GC in

a special foil sampling bag, as a safe-plan for gas analysis.

4.6 Gasification shut-down

In order to shut down the gasification experiment the following steps are needed:

1) Put all the TIC zones to 0°C

2) Maintain the steam/Water flowing through the system, at a high flow, until the

temperatures drop to the desired point.

3) Keep purging the cold separator top avoid its filling.

4) Once the water pump is turned off, then the main switch can be turned off (see

Figure 1).

5) Release the pressure of the system by opening RNV-1

6) Open the hot separator for possible liquids.

4.7 Catalytic Steam cracking

In order to run the catalytic steam cracking experiment, the following steps are


1) First we make sure the Vacuum residue/Visbroken (VR/VB) tank has a sufficient

amount of material to perform the test (see adsorption section)

2) To fill up the pump, see adsorption section.

3) Once ready to run, open NV-5.

4) Once were ready, we proceed to heat the zones TIC-4,5,6,7,8 &9, to the desired

set points, following the same procedure stated in (2). Also, the heating zones 1&

2 should be turned off, to avoid possible coking due to temperature over long

periods of time.


5) Once we reach the desired temperatures, we proceed to inject steam as discussed

in the gasification section. Then we program the ISCO pump for the desired flow,

and having opened NV-1 (using gloves as it’s hot) we shit “run”. It’s important to

make sure that NV-4 and RNV-1 are closed.

6) We now wait, making annotations for the pressures (PI 2,3 & 4), until the VR/VB

reaches the hot separator, and collect the sample at the desired mass balance


7) Check the reactors temperatures all the time (PI- 3-7), using the program “VB Das”,

and the thermocouple scanner (see Figure3) in order to make the necessary

adjustments (step 6) should they be needed, in order to reach the desired

adsorption temperature.

8) Shut down is similar to the procedure described for adsorption, however, stopping

the steam flow when temperatures in the reactor are around 200 °C

4.8 Emergency Shutdown

If any emergency situation is presented that is required to shut down the unit

immediately, follow the procedure below:

1) Set all the TIC values at 50 °C.

2) Release the pressure of the unit following the instructions: 4.4-1 for the adsorption

process or 4.6-5 for the gasification process.

3) Turn of the feed pump and set the water pump at 1 cc/min (in case of adsorption)

Routines Summary

5. Roles & Responsibilities

Key Personnel

Main operator and responsible of the system: Lante Carbognani A.

Alternate operators: Alejandra Gutierrez 210 3956.


6. Training

Any new operator of the AGU has to follow an operational training conducted by either

the main operator or alternate operator. The operational training would be no shorter than

three whole experimental runs which include previous preparation of the unit, starting up,

adsorption & gasification experiments, and shut down of the plant. As per the pre-

requisites of entering the lab, The University of Calgary Generic WHIMS course must be

successfully completes.

7. Monitoring Requirements

Not applicable

8. Record Management

Each SOP shall be reviewed within 12 months of the date of issuance or date of last,

review to ensure the SOP is up-to-date. This first SOP for the AGU has been submitted

on June 18th, 2012

9. References

Not applicable

10. Emergency: contact 911

University Emergency: 403 2205333

Immediately supervisor: Gustavo Trujillo-Ferrer 403-2109781 / 3956

Principal Investigator: Dr. Pedro Pereira-Almao 403- 2204799


Appendix B

In the following pages, additional graphs containing information about the thermogravimetric

analysis for the spent catalysts will be presented.

Figure B 1. TGA of spent 6K6Ca middle section

Figure B 2. TGA of spent 6K6Ca bottom section


Figure B 3. TGA of spent 6K6Ba top section

Figure B 4. TGA of spent 6K6Ba middle section


Figure B 5. TGA of spent 6K6Ba Bottom section

Figure B 6. TGA of spent 3NiO6K6Ba top section


Figure B 7. TGA of spent 3NiO6K6Ba middle section

Figure B 8. TGA of spent 3NiO6K6Ba bottom section


Figure B 9. TGA of spent 3NiO6Cs6Ba top section

Figure B 10. TGA of spent 3NiO6Cs6Ba middle section


Figure B 11. TGA of spent 3NiO6Cs6Ba bottom section


Appendix C

In the following pages, additional graphs and tables containing information about the sorbcat

runs, both the screening and the VB test will be presented.

Figure C.1. Gas rate vs. temperature for 6K6Ba

Table C.1. Composition vs. Temperature for 6K6Ba

T(C) 560 600 650 700 730

H2 57.32 68.67 59.86 58.16 57.40

CH4 4.15 8.62 20.67 20.90 21.10

CO 34.09 15.17 1.66 3.82 3.49

CO2 4.43 7.54 17.82 17.12 18.02

H2/CO2 12.93 9.11 3.36 3.40 3.19








640 650 660 670 680 690 700 710 720 730 740



e (




Temperature (C)


Figure C.2. Gas rate vs. temperature for 3NiO6K6Ba

Table C.2. Composition vs. Temperature for 3NiO6K6Ba

T(C) 560 600 650 700

H2 75.68 68.95 65.60 63.21

CH4 3.86 4.11 5.17 6.54

CO 0.14 0.72 0.13 0.09

CO2 20.33 26.22 29.11 30.16

H2/CO2 3.72 2.63 2.25 2.10







550 570 590 610 630 650 670 690 710






Temperature (C)

Gas rate vs Temperature


Figure C.3. Gas rate vs. temperature for 3NiO6Cs6Ba

Table C.3. Composition vs. Temperature for 3NiO6Cs6Ba

T(C) 560 600 650 700 730

H2 70.63 62.77 58.60 56.81 58.30

CH4 3.27 4.45 5.39 5.62 4.60

CO 11.42 11.30 8.22 5.74 4.21

CO2 14.68 21.48 27.79 31.84 32.89

H2/CO2 4.81 2.92 2.11 1.78 1.77








550 600 650 700 750



e (




Temperature (C)

Gas rate vs Temperature


Figure C.4. Gas rate vs. temperature for 3NiO6Cs6Ba with VB

Table C.4. Composition vs. Temperature for 3NiO6Cs6Ba with VB

T(C) 560 600 650 700

H2 69.74 66.67 63.27 69.74

CH4 4.60 5.31 7.24 4.60

CO 6.58 4.74 1.61 6.58

CO2 19.08 23.28 27.88 19.08

H2/CO2 3.66 2.86 2.27 3.66









550 570 590 610 630 650 670 690 710






Temperature (C)

Gas rate vs Temperature


Figure C.5. Gas rate vs. temperature for 3NiO6Cs6Ba with VB -Regenerated

Table C.5. Composition vs. Temperature for 3NiO6Cs6Ba with VB -Regenerated

T(C) 560 600 650 700

H2 65.78 62.36 60.77 65.78

CH4 4.34 4.97 5.47 4.34

CO 11.89 10.90 9.36 11.89

CO2 18.00 21.78 24.39 18.00

H2/CO2 3.65 2.86 2.49 3.65









550 570 590 610 630 650 670 690 710






Temperature (C)

Gas rate vs Temperature


Appendix D

Table D 1. Investment cost estimation for the visbreaking and CSC unit.

Athabasca Feed (bbl/d) Ton/d

50,000 7,949.36

API 10

SG 1

VR (538+) 49.5 3,934.94

Visbreaker Scaling exponent 0.63

Mbbl/d cost (MMUS$


US gulf coast 2013

15 29.1

23.44 38.55 61.79

CSC Scaling exponent 0.77

Mbbl/d cost (MMUS$


US gulf coast 2013

25 45

23.44 42.82 68.63


Table D 2. CSC product properties


Name Density (g/ml) Approx. price ($/bbl)

average density (g/ml)

average price


CSC products


CSC products (ton/d)

Extra produced (bbl/d)

Naphtha 0.81 114.32 0.90 35.40 274.89

Distillates 0.91 114.11 0.96 111.07 5.23 205.81 1422.54

VGO 0.973 110.1 3.50 137.80 890.80

Residue Total 9.63 379.01 2,588.24


Table D 3. Initial economic study of the CSC project

MM US$/y year Cash flow

CSC products 99.76 0 -34.32

Operation costs 18.75 1 -51.47

Income before


81.01 2 58.77

Depreciation 6.86 3 58.77

Taxable income 74.15 4 58.77

Tax (30%) 22.24 5 58.77

Income after taxes 51.90 6 58.77

Cash flow 58.77 7 58.77

8 58.77

9 58.77

10 58.77

NPV $205.96

IRR 55.05%


Payback period 4.00
