
Update from West Suffolk HospitalBreast feeding rates and the peer support


Colleen Greenwood

West Suffolk Hospital

What were our targets for the year 2013-2014?

• Our targets– Breastfeeding initiation 80%– Breastfeeding at 6-8 weeks 49%

• To train staff using the UNICEF 2 day BFI training programme

• To commission a peer support service to give women access to breastfeeding support at home and in hospital

• To ensure that pregnant women get clear information on the benefits of breastfeeding

Statistics April 2012 –March 2013

• Our breastfeeding initiation rate for the year was 74.2%

• At the 6 week visit the breastfeeding rate was 45.6%

Statistics April 2013 –March 2014

• Our breastfeeding initiation rate for the year was 80.3%

• At the 6 week visit the breastfeeding rate was 49%

Staff Training

• By July 2014 we had trained:

• 100% of Midwives and Maternity Care assistants

• 100% of Neonatal nurses

• 100% of our Paediatricians

• 87% of our Obstetricians

Peer Support Service

• We commissioned a peer support service from FAB. The aim of the peer support service is:

– to increase emphasis on areas of deprivation, most notably Haverhill, Brandon and Sudbury

– To increase the number of women who breastfeed exclusively for the first six months.

– To raise public awareness of the benefits of breastfeeding

– To reduce inequalities and access to breastfeeding support for women in low income areas

– To increase choice by providing a range of services across different settings

Community Setting

• Work within the community midwifery team as part of an integrated service.

• To introduce the service to the women antenatally, raising awareness of the peer support programme provided at home and in Children Centres postnatally

 • Support at breastfeeding workshops and in antenatal clinics,

giving parents information on the benefits of breastfeeding, allowing them to make an informed choice about feeding their baby.

 • Contact all breastfeeding women within 48 hours of

discharge from the hospital to offer a home visiting service providing a minimum of 2 home visits

Hospital setting

• To provide peer support on the antenatal/postnatal ward, neonatal unit and paediatric ward to help women successfully breastfeed their baby within the first 48 hours.

• The peer supporter would also provide support on the neonatal unit and the paediatric ward for women who are expressing breast milk to maintain lactation.


How successful has the peer support service been?

Between January and May 2014 the peer supporters have:

• made 715 bedside visits on the postnatal ward

• Visited a mother at home for support on 484 occasions

• Made 2773 phone calls to mothers for telephone support


• In April 61.9% of women referred to the FAB service were still breastfeeding at 6 weeks

• In May the figure was 57.7%

Comments from women

• FAB have recently carried out a survey to ascertain women’s opinions on the peer support service using survey monkey with the following results

Did the peer supporters give clear, easy to understand information and support that was helpful?

• 44 respondants

100% said yes

How would you rate the support you were given?

• 44 respondants

• 93.18% very helpful

• 6.82 helpful

Did the peer supporter support you in your choice of how to feed your baby and for how long?

• 44 respondants

• 97.5% yes

• 2.5% no

Who or what made the biggest difference to your decision to breastfeed/continue or not breastfeed?

• 37 responses

• The midwife on the labour ward interrupted skin on skin several times and told me to stop feeding so I could shower and get off the ward. They weren't even near full. Had I been a first timer it would have put me off. The person who phoned regularly made a huge difference

• always wanted to breastfeed and FAB gave me support when I struggled. Unfortunately matters were taken out of my hands and I had to stop

• FAB really helped me at a point when I had nothing left to give in terms of emotions. I was incredibly low and (the peer supporter) was able to help right away and help me to relax.

• The support given gives enough reassurance during the difficult early days

What services or support would you like to have next time?

• 34 responses

• The help I received this time was excellent. I would like to receive this help again

• The ringing at home was brilliant

• I would love to have the same support available if I choose to have a baby again

• More FAB they were amazing

What were the difficulties you experienced and how did you overcome them?

• 39 responses

• The latch wouldn’t work, we both had to be persistent. At the same time I really think too much pressure is put on mothers to breastfeed and bottle feeding is looked down upon which is an awful thing to do. It isn’t supporting the breastfeeding mothers, only bashing the ones who for whatever reason don’t.

• My nipples got sore and It was hard to feed with the support from (the peer supporter) I was shown how to feed in different ways which was made easy for me to feed.

• Pain - The Breast Feeding Support worker visited me at home to help me with the latch which was causing the pain.

• Pain, sore nipples and blocked ducts. Diligence with correct positioning was most helpful. Speaking to the peer supporters was great in building my confidence.

• Baby would not latch on for 5 days, persistence paid off and the support of the fab team was amazing

So What Now?

• To apply for stage 2 accreditation

• To appoint a new infant feeding co-ordinator

• To ensure the peer support service is commissioned again as the contract with FAB currently finishes at the beginning of October.