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Discover the 3-Step Recipe for Resilience to Rise Up in the Face of Uncertainty, Change, and Adversity

SHAWN ELLIS The Momentologist


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Hello Friend, I’m no fortune teller, but I’m willing to bet on this: Your life hasn’t unfolded quite the way you had imagined. Am I right? Actually, I’ll go out on a limb and say today hasn’t unfolded quite the way you had imagined.

How do I know? Because I’m human, just like you.

No matter where you find yourself on this journey of life, this book will inspire you, empower you, and equip you to rise up and press on no matter what comes your way.

As leaders, as parents, as salespeople, as doers, as achievers, we can put a lot of pressure on ourselves to perform. We push. We fight. We chase. We strive.

Every day, we hear messages about getting fired up, hustling, and giving it our best. Those are good messages, but they’re not always what we’re really needing to hear.

When you’re in the midst of challenging circumstances—whether it’s something horrific and life-changing, or something as simple as spilling coffee on your favorite shirt—someone telling you to “get fired up!” is far from helpful.

In fact, it’s quite the opposite.

In moments of difficulty, what we often need—before getting fired up—is to settle down. To re-center. To remember who we truly are and what we’re really here for.

So, take a breath. Settle in. I’m honored to come alongside you as a friend and guide on the journey.

Thanks for sharing this time with me, and I applaud you for giving this time to yourself.

All my best,

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INTRODUCTION I shouldn’t be here.

This shouldn’t be happening.

This isn’t the way things were supposed to go.

You’ve had those thoughts, haven’t you? And, the feelings that accompany them? You know them: Heartbreak. Anguish. Overwhelm. Anger. Defeat.

It’s only natural to feel that way when life doesn’t go according to plan, when reality doesn’t line up with your expectations. We are emotional beings, and adversity sparks intense emotion.

For me, I remember a specific moment—I was standing in my kitchen, a single dad, in the midst of rebuilding my business, with a financial cliff looming up ahead. I shouldn’t be here, I thought. And honestly, I was scared, uncertain of what was coming next.

Of course this wasn’t the first time I had sensed that life wasn’t going according to plan. Considering that I moved to Nashville at age 17 to pursue a career in music—and I’m not a professional musician now—you could say that I’ve spent my entire adult life learning this lesson.

I’ve had curveballs, setbacks, and knockdowns. I’ve seen dreams unfulfilled. I’ve seen miracle jobs evaporate. I’ve seen relationships fade. I’ve led a business through a recession. I’ve seen loved ones devastated by chronic illness. On and on.


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It’s not like I hadn’t been warned.

Wise Ones have been telling us for years:

“Take heart, in this world you will have trouble.” – Jesus

“Life is pain.” – The Buddha

“This is not going to go the way you think.” – Luke Skywalker

Truly, the only certainty in life is uncertainty. No one is immune.

It’s not pleasant, but it is reality.

The key, then, is how you respond to the uncertainty you face. Your reaction has everything to do with your ultimate experience in life—whether you’re happy or sad, thriving or surviving, grateful or resentful.

You see, it’s not unusual to reach a point where you say, I shouldn’t be here. The question is, what will you do next?

Some accept defeat and stop right there.

Some rise up and move forward, not dwelling on the feeling that I shouldn’t be here, but instead rising up to say I’m not going to stay here.

What makes the difference?

How can you rise up and move forward?

How do you stand strong and remember who you truly are, and the power that is within you?

How do you break through to create the relationships, career, business, family—life—that you want?

How can you cultivate resilience within yourself and become unstoppable?

Let’s take a road trip together and I’ll tell you…


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ROAD TRIP! On my first birthday after my divorce, my son was with his mom, so I decided to visit my parents to share the special day with them. Friday morning I hit the road, just me and my Goldendoodle, Lucy.

I had my playlist ready. I had my Twizzlers, Peanut M&M’s, and Cracker Jack (you know, that “road trip junk food” that you’ll only allow yourself to eat on occasions like this). The sky was blue, the sun was shining, and I knew exactly where I would make my two pitstops. In just six hours and 53 minutes, I would be home in time for dinner.

I was excited to see my parents, but in all honesty, I was also looking forward to the time to myself on the open road. This was going to be the perfect road trip, and everything was unfolding according to plan. Until…


This happened.

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In case you can’t tell from the picture, this fellow was not going the speed limit. Not even close.

And immediately, the thoughts came rushing in:

Can I go around?! I can keep two wheels on the pavement…

Can I take the next turn and find an alternate route? Or even turn around?

Damn it. I’m stuck here. There’s nothing I can do. My perfect trip is ruined.

And so began the downward spiral. Over one single truck. Can you believe it?

I’m not proud of how quickly I fell into catastrophic thinking in that situation, but I know I’m not alone. You’ve been there, too, right?

Maybe you haven’t come upon a slow-moving truck just as you were hitting cruise control, but I’m sure you’ve had your own experience with an interruption or undesirable surprise in your life. Maybe it was a suddenly-urgent decision you weren’t quite ready to make, or a forced change that came out of the blue.

Can I go around? ⇢ Have you ever tried to force your agenda on a situation where it clearly won’t work?

Can I turn around? ⇢ Have you ever attempted to run from an unpleasant situation?

Then the thoughts, I’m stuck and there’s nothing I can do—poor, poor, pitiful me. Just brand me with a capital ‘V’ for victim.

The truth of the matter is that thoughts like these actually pack a bigger punch than the circumstances that prompt them.

That’s even before we pile on with more disempowering stories or questions like, Why does this always happen to me? Story of my life. Or, Here we go again.

If you want to cultivate resilience and become unstoppable, you have to be able to interrupt this downward spiral. And you can.

Let me share a three-step recipe for resilience that has allowed me to rise up and break free from this victim mentality, to become truly unstoppable. I know it will do the same for you.


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RECIPE FOR RESILIENCE: Step One: Shift Your Perspective You are not a victim.

But that’s exactly what you’re tempted to believe when you first have the thought, I shouldn’t be here.

In my kitchen moment, I was about to throw myself a pity party. You know, a good, old-fashioned, woe-is-me pity party.

In that moment I fell into the trap of believing that life is happening to me.

But it is happening to me, you might say.

I didn’t choose this economy. I didn’t choose this president. I didn’t choose this new competitor. I didn’t choose this new boss. I didn’t choose the choices my partner made.

There were a lot of circumstances I didn’t choose on my path, either.

The only certainty in life is uncertainty, remember?


Quick side note: I know there are times when people are actually victims of a crime, abuse, or mistreatment and I absolutely don’t want to minimize anything that you might have gone through and overcome in your life. That’s not what this is about. For the sake of this book, when I say you’re not a victim, this is a matter of mindset. I mean that you are so much more than your past or current circumstances. I believe in you and all that you are still becoming… and I’m glad you’re here.

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You’ve got circumstances. I’ve got circumstances.

But some people rise up in the face of their circumstances. And if someone can, anyone can. If anyone can, you can. Yes, you.

The circumstances are not the issue. The issue is how we look at our circumstances.

Maybe you have a tendency to look at your circumstances and say…

Everything is horrible. (Believing the circumstances are pervasive.)

This will never change. (Believing the circumstances are permanent.)

There’s nothing I can do about it. (Believing you’re powerless.)

When you react this way, you’re in the Triangle of Despair.

There’s no happiness there. No creativity. No hope. No life. Only pain.

We all find ourselves there at times, but you never have to stay there. Unlike the Pit of Despair in The Princess Bride, you can escape from this one!

So how do you make the shift?


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“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

- Dr. Wayne Dyer


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Your Perspective Shapes Everything When you find yourself down in the valley staring up at mountains (or, with mountains staring down at you!) it’s helpful to zoom out on your life to get a look at the bigger picture.

If I were to chart out the course of my life, from moving to Nashville until now, a snapshot might look something like this:

We would typically circle all the high points on a chart like this—the successes and victories and other positive moments—and label them as “good.”

Then we would circle all the low points—the losses and so-called failures and other negative moments—and label them as “bad.”

There was a time when I wanted desperately to get to a season of life where it was all “good” and no “bad.” I longed for the day when I would get all my ducks in a row, when I would get off the roller coaster and it would be smooth sailing.

But one day, as I looked at that chart that I had drawn in my journal, I was reminded of a heartbeat.

If I were to drop all the low points and just connect the dots on the high points, I’d have a straight line. Nice and stable. Sounds good. But if I’m looking at a heartbeat, a straight line is called a flatline. A flatline means you’re dead.

Then I realized: The ups and downs are proof of life. Perspective!


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Life moves in cycles, just like everything in the universe. Hot and Cold. Day and Night. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter. It’s all normal, and it’s all necessary.

Knowing this doesn’t take away the pain of difficult times—“the struggle is real,” I know! And, I’m not saying there aren’t challenges or circumstances that need to be addressed.

However, shifting your perspective will put you in a much more resourceful state to meet your current situation.

So, now that we’ve zoomed out for a moment, let’s zoom in and talk about how to face what’s right in front of you. After all, no matter what season or cycle you’re in, the only thing that matters right now, is right now.

And, believe it or not, you have the power to face it.


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RECIPE FOR RESILIENCE: Step Two: Stay Proactive Take response-ability.

Feelings are always present to teach us or guide us. When you feel that things are out of control, consider it a reminder that circumstances were never in your control in the first place!

The weather. The government. The economy. Your competitors. Your boss. Your employees. Your friends. Your family. All are out of your control.

If you expend energy trying to control them, or fretting about not being able to control them, you will feel powerless, because you are… with them.

Instead, invest your energy into what you do control—how you get to respond—and you’ll discover your true power.

Dr. Stephen Covey, in his classic book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, calls this “response-ability.” We don’t control what happens to us, but we always have the ability to choose how we respond in this moment.

By recognizing this, we can stay proactive even in our response.

There are three choices you have the power and freedom to make in any situation…


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Choice #1: ATTENTION ⇢ What are you focused on? This goes in tandem with shifting your perspective. Every day has the ingredients to be a good day or a bad day. What you “make” of today is totally dependent on how you look at it.

You can focus your attention on everything that’s going wrong at any given moment, or everything that’s going right.

You can focus on all the things you can’t change, or on what you can change.

You can focus on everything that’s missing, or everything you have.

In short, consider this:

Are you focusing on what empowers you or disempowers you?

What you focus on has a direct influence on your next choice.


QUICK CHECK-IN What has held your focus today? Does that feed joy or sadness? Confidence or worry?

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Choice #2: ATTITUDE ⇢ What are you believing about your current conditions? According to The Cleveland Clinic, we have about 60,000 thoughts a day. If you wonder how that’s possible, well, now you’re one thought closer to your daily quota!

Here’s the thing: No one said we have 60,000 original thoughts a day. In fact, most of them are repetitive, and the majority of those are negative—like the limiting beliefs and stories we tell ourselves.

Remember those stories I started telling myself when I came upon that truck in the road?

I’m stuck here.

There’s nothing I can do.

My perfect trip is ruined.

Have you ever told yourself stories like this? Are you telling yourself these stories about anything that’s present in your life right now?

They’re silly thoughts when you notice them and write them down. And, they’re totally normal. The fact that we have thoughts like these is not a problem.

The problem is that they often capture us unaware.

With awareness, though, you can rob those stories of their power and start reclaiming your true power.

Of his experience living in the most horrific of conditions—Nazi concentration camps—Viktor Frankl wrote in his book, Man’s Search for Meaning:

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.”


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Here’s a simple exercise to check in on your thoughts at any given moment, which is exactly what I did that day on the road:

It really is as simple as that. Admittedly, though, some thoughts will try to convince you that you need to hold on to them.

You’ve surely heard the advice, “Don’t believe everything you read,” or everything you hear. That’s good advice. And so is this:

Don’t believe everything you think!

When you don’t like how a thought is making you feel, but for whatever reason, you just can’t shake it, ask yourself this question:

“Is that the truth? Really?”

And going one step further, turn your negative thoughts into questions, like: Am I stuck here? Is there nothing I can do? Is the trip ruined?

You might be surprised at what you find. Specifically, look for opportunities to shift from grumbling to gratitude, and from fear to faith.

Finding Gratitude When I noticed my thoughts starting to spiral downward on the road trip—thinking the trip was ruined, for instance—I asked myself, Is that the truth? Really?

Well, no. I’ve got a car that’s functioning. It’s safe. It’s moving a lot faster than the old days of horse and cart. It’s climate controlled. I’ve got my snacks. I’ve got my dog. I’ve got an unlimited selection of music thanks to my phone and Spotify.

In fact, there’s actually a lot to be grateful for.


1. Notice the thought you’re having. 2. Consider how that thought makes you feel, or what it makes you

want to do. 3. Choose whether you want to hold on to that thought or let it go.

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The truck in the road was an inconvenience—there’s no denying that. It did slow me down and I arrived a few minutes later than planned. But, I was still with my mom and dad before the day was done. #Grateful

Now, of course, if a truck in the road was the biggest challenge we had to face, life would be pretty good. The truck just happens to be a great illustration to witness this process without bringing in a lot of emotional baggage.

Shifting our perspective to gratitude can help out during even the most trying of times, even when at first there doesn’t appear to be anything to be thankful for.

During one of the more difficult portions of what I call the “reboot” phase of my life, I was living in an apartment with my young son. There was a lot of uncertainty in that particular season of life.

The thing is, we don’t live in seasons. We live in moments.

One day, I was out walking with Lucy on a nearby trail. I remember being especially conflicted that day, and walking is one of my favorite forms of therapy. As I took in the scenery around me, I realized that it had always been a dream of mine to live near a trail just like this. Now, it didn’t come the way I thought it would, but as I was walking that day, I stopped and took this picture to remind myself, You know what? In the midst of all the craziness, there's still something good here.

Every day has the ingredients to be a good day or a bad day, remember?

If you look closely at that picture, you don’t see any chaos, or pain, or challenges, or sadness, because in this moment I didn’t feel any of that.



What do you love about your life right now? What brings you joy right now? What are three things you could be grateful for in your life right now, if you wanted to be?

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Finding Faith That day on the road when I was telling myself, I’m stuck here, I was basically saying it was a permanent situation. This will never change.

But, is that the truth? Really?

Have you ever gotten stuck behind a slow car for an entire trip? Me neither. What are the odds that this truck would be on the exact same route as me for the next 200 miles? The slow cars always turn off at some point. Sure, it’s unpleasant. But it’s not permanent.

We typically want to stay in the present, but sometimes looking to our past is valuable—if we do it with the intention of extracting empowering lessons for the now.

The fact you’re here right now means you’ve faced some “stuff” (I know you have) and you’ve made it through. Nothing has stopped you yet.

Sure, maybe you’ve been pressed or squeezed. Maybe you’re even feeling pressed or squeezed right now. But, the fact you’re here today means you’ve risen above everything you’ve faced so far. Knowing this, why shouldn’t you have faith that you’re going to get through everything you face now or in the future, just the same?

You see, the faith that is born out of your own story is the strongest kind of faith—stronger than any faith that comes from a story you read in a book, or a story someone else tells you. That’s because you know what you have experienced, you know what you have overcome, and you know how that feels.

Let that remind you, always: you are stronger than your circumstances.

When you find that faith and you combine it with gratitude, you tap into powerful resources to fuel your response and keep you moving forward.



What is a difficult situation you faced in the past—one that was especially intimidating to you—that you have now overcome or moved beyond?

How did you feel about the situation then, and how do you feel about it now? What did you learn about yourself in that process?

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Choice #3: ACTION ⇢ What are you going to do now? It’s not just about doing something, but it’s about intentionally seeking to do the right thing, right now.

Growing up in the country, I can remember one particular entrance into my grandpa’s farm. Specifically, I remember the deep ruts that had been carved into the ground there. After a heavy rain, you would want to get out of those ruts to avoid getting stuck in the mud. The challenge was that the slick, swampy mud would try to pull you right back in.

As a kid riding with Grandpa in his truck, I thought it was a lot of fun to slip and slide through this gate. But today, I think of this when considering the “swampiness” of our habits, our comfort zone, and our past experiences—all of which can easily guide our actions from moment to moment if we’re unaware.

Just as following those deep ruts will always be the easiest path in the truck—you can take your hands off the wheel and the truck will practically drive itself—it’s always easiest to make choices “by default” in life, too. But, will that take you where you want to go?


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We don’t want to push or force or fight with what life puts in front of us. That’s exhausting and fruitless. But, we also don’t want to let life just drag us along at will. Neither is a recipe for resilience or becoming unstoppable.

So we ask: What is the right thing, right now?

To help you decide, you need a navigational tool to guide you through each day, similar to the way a GPS device gives you turn-by-turn directions to guide you to your desired destination.

Anytime you’re presented with a situation that requires you to act, consider these three factors so you can proceed in alignment with who you are and who you’re becoming:

Factor One: Your Priorities—What matters most to you in life: Spending time with your family? Serving others? Getting a promotion? Growing your business? In light of your priorities, what is the right thing, right now?

Factor Two: Your Goals—Will this moment have an impact on: Your relationships? Your career? Your finances? What is the right thing, right now, to move you closer toward achievement of your relevant goals?

Factor Three: Your Values—What is it that you want to experience most in life: More peace? More love? More happiness? More success? What response is most likely to create that experience in this moment and beyond?

No matter how small the step, a step taken with the awareness of what matters most to you is a step in the right direction.

To recap, now you’ve shifted your perspective. You’re staying proactive with your attention, your attitude, and your actions. There’s just one final step in our recipe for resilience.


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RECIPE FOR RESILIENCE: Step Three: Celebrate Your Progress This story is going somewhere.

When you shift your focus, when you adopt empowering beliefs, and when you take the right actions, you might feel like you’re on fire. Are you getting fired up?! That’s good, and that’s where many motivational messages leave you. Then, the fire burns out.

That’s because there’s one more critical piece of the puzzle.

As humans, we need to see the story is going somewhere. Am I better today than I was yesterday? Two years ago? Five years ago? Ten years ago? In which ways? How far have I come?

If you’re going to cultivate resilience so you can rise up again and again, it’s critical that you celebrate your progress. Otherwise, it can easily start to feel like every day is on repeat, like you’re Bill Murray in Groundhog Day.

Change sometimes takes longer than we think. Circumstances sometimes linger longer than we expect.

I know this because there were many times over the past 15 years that I felt like I was spinning my wheels. I kept showing up, responding, doing the right thing, right now—as best as I could at that moment, at least—and yet, I would wake up, and the circumstances would appear the same.

Sometimes, things even get worse before they get better. The relationship crisis turns to divorce. The financial crisis turns to bankruptcy. Then you start to ask, What’s the point of all this? Why shouldn’t I just throw in the towel?


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A friend once told me, “You know, it’s always darkest just before it goes pitch black.” (Always keep your sense of humor!)

If you don’t see progress, it’s tempting to give up, or to check out—to just “phone it in” and follow the ruts. When you revert to autopilot, though, you’ll end up right back in the Triangle of Despair. So, let me guide you to two areas where I guarantee you can see progress.

You’re Growing When things appear bleak, take a closer look at your life, and you might notice something you had been missing. Perhaps there’s something else going on here.

Specifically, I’ve found it’s helpful to ask myself these three questions daily:

Take some time to ask these questions of yourself. You can reflect on them in your mind, or you can journal them to really record your progression. The answers will remind you that you’re growing. Even when circumstances remain the same, you are not!

Michelangelo, the sculptor who created the famous David statue, once said, “I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.” He said that’s the job of every sculptor—to discover the statue within the block of stone.

You and I are like blocks of stone. We are all born as masterpieces. The ongoing “work” is revealing who we truly are.

You might have a hint of who you are at this point, but there’s still more chiseling to be done. There is brilliance within you that even you haven’t seen yet. And, like it or not, it’s the change, the circumstances, the setbacks, the failures—everything you have gone through and will go through—that work together as the chisel.

But here’s the thing: The story of life isn’t all about you.


What did I learn today? What did I do today that was uncomfortable? Do I have some insight or perspective today that I didn’t have yesterday, or a few years ago?

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Yes, you are growing, and everything you experience is working to unleash the very best of what is within you—to reveal the masterpiece that you are.

In addition, everything you experience is allowing you to connect and contribute to those around you on a deeper, more meaningful level.

You’re Here to Serve While the best version of you is wonderful to see in isolation, it’s absolutely magical when it’s shared with others. That’s why I also ask myself daily three questions to connect with my deepest purpose:

Answers to these questions remind you that you’re making a difference in the world, and we all want to know we’re making a difference. From your own experience, you know that this is what gives you the most happiness and fulfillment, don’t you? Modern science has now proven that the human brain is truly wired to reward this behavior.

We’re missing out if we only measure progress based on external milestones. Celebrate your growth and service every day and you’ll be running on the high octane fuel you need to thrive in the face of anything that comes your way.

When you follow the recipe for resilience—shifting your perspective, staying proactive, celebrating your progress—you find yourself moving from the Triangle of Despair to the Pyramid of Power.

From here, you rise.


How did I serve, or give of myself, today? Whose life did I make better today, even with just a smile? Was I able to listen to someone with greater compassion today than I would have a few years ago?

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Hey, wait a minute… Before we move on, I want to make clear: When I said celebrate, I do mean, CELEBRATE! Check in on your progress every day and celebrate it. It’s a must!

This is something that doesn’t come naturally to most of us—myself included—so if you need some help, pick an item from the list below and have some fun!


10 Ways to Celebrate Your Progress 1. Have a One-Person Dance Party. (Here’s my personal playlist on


2. Go out and grab a coffee, tea, or favorite juice—and if you really want to get crazy, bring a friend!

3. Have breakfast for dinner.

4. Watch an extra episode of your favorite TV show.

5. Work in your pajamas (this one is best if you work at home).

6. Take three deep breaths and really feel the joy of your progress.

7. Take a 15-minute nap… in the middle of the afternoon. It’s amazing—so much better than getting lost in social media.

8. Go for a walk outside, feel the air, and look up at the sky.

9. Love on your pet!

10.Surprise your partner/kids with a spontaneous ice cream outing!

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THE REWARD OF RESILIENCE “We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.”

— Joseph Campbell

There’s only one way to fail, and that’s by giving up.

Having taken the bold step of moving to Nashville when I was 17, only to see my music dreams crushed within a couple of years, I could have called my journey a failure right then and there. But I kept going. I kept learning. I kept growing.

While I would have never scripted my life this way, I am overwhelmed with gratitude when I think about the work I now get to do every day, serving others—sitting here with you. It’s beyond what I could have envisioned.

I am grateful for each step that has brought me here. I’m grateful not only for what I get to do, but also for who I have become—and who I am becoming.

To think, I would have missed it had I given up.

It was 15 years ago that I set out to start a business. I didn’t know exactly what I was doing—heck, I still don’t at times—but I knew my mission was (and is) to help people live better lives and build better businesses. I’ve suffered plenty of knockdowns along the way, but there are no TKOs in life. Thanks to the lessons I’ve shared with you here, along with the support of some amazing friends, family, and colleagues, I just kept getting back up. And now, we’ve just had our best year yet.

Of course there are more highs and lows to come, but there is a poetic arc to all of this. When you first find yourself in some undesirable circumstances and think, I shouldn’t be here, the thought is accompanied by the feeling of defeat.

If you keep going, though, you will eventually come to the place where once again you think, I shouldn’t be here. Only this time, it’s not a feeling of defeat. It’s a feeling of victory. A feeling of gratitude.

The statistics say I shouldn’t be here. But I am. Yes!!! (Celebrate, remember?)

And here you are. Yes!!! (Say it!)


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This Is Your Moment This is life. Right here, right now, in this moment.

No longer do I dream of the day when all the ducks are in a row. I embrace the journey—the adventure—and I see the chart like this:

Nothing is wasted. Everything belongs.

What might you miss if you give up now?

Whatever you aspire to, this moment is a step on the path to get there.

Everything you’ve been through has brought you right here. And everything you’ve been through has prepared you for what happens next.

What will happen next? That’s the adventure.

If you ask me, there’s an undercurrent of Grace, of Good, pulling everything forward. Can’t you see that in your life?

If so, then make your best plans. Do the right thing, right now. And then… Relax, let go, and trust.

Said more succinctly: Do your best, and rest.

When this day is done, let it be done. Don’t hold on to it. You’ll need your energy for tomorrow.


Life = Good!

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The greatest rewards are reserved for those with the greatest resilience. You must keep going to see how this story ends. And you can keep going.

The fact you’re still here means you are unstoppable. You see, this guide really isn’t to teach you so much as it is to remind you who you already are—and what you’re already capable of.

We all get knocked down from time to time. We all encounter challenging circumstances. This will never change.

You have the power to get back up. Always. Never forget.

This is your moment.

Rise up. Press on!


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NEED MORE HELP? Looking for a coach who can help you shift your perspective, claim your power, and move toward your goals in life and business? Looking for a speaker who can bring out the unstoppable nature in your people?

Visit to learn more about Shawn’s speaking and coaching solutions, or call 858-754-9541 to talk about your specific needs today.


“…a breath of fresh air in my otherwise busy and stressful day. Thank you!” — Valari, Crowe Horwath LLP

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Recognized as a “world leader in personal and professional development,” Shawn Ellis is in demand as a speaker, workshop leader, and resilience coach to help crazy-busy professionals thrive in the face of adversity, uncertainty, and change.

Shawn came to Nashville to pursue a career in music, but what he found was a passion for helping people find joy and meaning at the intersection of life and work. After more than a decade of helping leading organizations inspire their people by partnering with some of the world’s best speakers, authors, and thought leaders—including the likes of Dr. Wayne Dyer, Magic Johnson, Jon Gordon, Marci Shimoff, Marcus Buckingham, and many more—Shawn discovered an important message of his own: “This Moment Matters.”

At a point of crisis in his own life, feeling squeezed by the accelerating pace of life, and by increasingly complex and demanding working conditions, Shawn realized that having a front row seat to the world’s best thinking and advice was not a free pass to success. “It’s not about knowing the right thing, but doing the right thing,” Shawn says. Whether you’re reaching for your goals or overcoming obstacles, it’s all about how you show up and how you respond, moment by moment.

Now a self-proclaimed “momentologist” and a Strategic Intervention coach, Shawn is on a mission to be more present and more engaged for more of the moments of his life—and he’s helping others do the same. Clients call his approach “a breath of fresh air,” and his sessions have earned 4-star reviews from professionals at organizations such as Pitney Bowes, State Farm, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Unisys, Howard Community College, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Panera Bread Company, and many more.

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