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Brittany  Palmer  

How  to  craft  a  memorable  scholarship  essay  

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Common  Application  Features  

 Resume  or  Activities  list      Reference  letters      Transcript      Supporting  materials      Letter  and/or  essay      Poll  question  

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The  Importance  of  the  Essay  

 Your  opportunity      Express  your  voice  and  personality    

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Scholarship  Essays  are  Possible  

 Length    Range  from  200  to  1200    Average:  500  words    

  you      One  strong  essay    

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Essay  Themes  

 Extracurricular  and  Community  Work  Describe  an  activity  that  you  are  passionate  about  and  why.  

 Challenges  Describe  a  time  you  challenged  yourself  by  taking  on  a  task/project  

that  was  beyond  your  scope  and  capability  at  the  time.  Why  did  you  

do  it?  What  happened?  

 Leadership  and  Initiative    Describe  how  your  community  and  school  involvement  has  

contributed  to  your  development  as  a  leader?  


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Selecting  a  Topic  

 What  is  something  unique  about  you?      What  highlights  your  strength?      What  makes  you  stand  out  as  a  scholarship  candidate?    

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Major  Themes  

   Well  rounded      Demonstrate  initiative  and  leadership      Involved  in  school  and  community    

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Selecting  a  Topic  

 What  is  something  unique  about  you?      What  highlights  your  strengths?      What  makes  you  stand  out  as  a  scholarship  candidate?      What  is  your  passion?  

 Discuss  something  you  care  about      Poll  question   ©2011  Unlock  your  Future    

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The  Introduction  

 Critical  component    Captivate  the  reader  immediately  

 #1  item  to  avoid:    Regurgitating  the  essay  question  

 How  to  tackle  the  introduction?    Different  strategies  

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Tell  a  story  

 The  power  of  a  story:    Adds  an  original  and  personal  element    

What  story  to  tell?      Important  moment  in  your  life    

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Example:  Important  Moment  


  His  gift  safely  tucked  under  his  arm,  the  man  heads    toward  the  door.  He  sees  the    girl:  a  smile  creases    his    weathered  face,  one  familiar  with  the  touch  of  time.  He  extends  his  hands,  enclosing  the  girl's  with  his    frail    fingers  as  he    you."               I  have    never    forgotten    that    man.    Nor    the    others    like    him    I  have    met    over    the    past    eight    years      through    the    Feed    the    Less    Fortunate    program.      

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Tell  a  story  

 The  power  of  a  story:    Adds  an  original  and  personal  element    

What  story  to  tell?      Important  moment  in  your  life                                                                        OR    Simply  transform  your  topic  into  a  narrative    

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Example:  Narrative    

Instead    of    saying    how    you    enjoy    being  in  choir,    you    can    say:        


A  calm  settles  over  me  as  I  step  onto  the  stage.  The  glow  of  the  spotlight  warms  me  as  I  look  over  the  darkened  audience.  Butterflies  slowly  fade  as  I  raise  the  microphone  and  sing  the  first  note.  Music  is  my  vehicle  for  expression  that  has  made  an  incredible  impact  on  my  life.  

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Start  with  a  Strong  Statement  

 Begin  your  essay  with  an  assertive  statement      Clear  and  concise        Set  the  stage  for  a  powerful  essay  

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Example:  Strong  Statement  

   I  am  a  dedicated  leader.  Throughout  my  high  school  career  I  have  evolved  into  a  community  minded  individual  with  a  passion  for  creating  positive  change  within  my  school  and  community.  

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Compare  and  Contrast  

 Question    Discuss  an  activity  that  you  are  passionate  about  and  why  


 Being  a  member  of  the  school  football  team  

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Regurgitating  the  Question  

I  am   I  attend  practices  where  I  train  and  work  alongside  my  teammates.  I  play  in  weekly  games  and  enjoy  being  on  the  field.  Football  is  something  that  I  am  passionate  about.    

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Telling  a  Story  

I  hear  the  dull  roar  of  the  crowd  in  the  background  as  I  sprint  down  the  field.  Alert  and  ready,  I  feel  the  adrenaline  rush  through  me  and  anticipation  tingle  down  my  spine.  The  thunder  of  cleats  echoes  behind  me  as  the  ball  falls  into  my  hands  and  I  focus  on  my  destination.  With  a  final  burst  of  energy,  I  cross  into  the  end  zone:  touchdown.  This  is  football  and  this  is  my  passion.      

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Strong  Statement  

The  field  is  my  second  home.  Football  is  ingrained  into    every  aspect  of  my  life  and  has  shaped  me  into  the  dedicated  leader  that  I  am  today.  Through  endless  hours  of  grueling  practices,  studying  play  books  and  building  team  relationships,  my  commitment  to  the  sport  has  transformed  into  my  true  passion.  

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Two  Working  Introductions  

 Can  be  helpful    Alternate  as  necessary  

   What  to  do  when  asked  for  a  letter?    

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The  Essay  Framework  

Reflect  on  how  experiences  have  impacted  your  life:    1) What  you  have  learned  

 2) How  you  have  used  those  skills  in  other  areas  of  your  life:  

positive  impacts    1) How  you  plan  to  continue  to  grow  with  those  skills  at  

your  post-­‐secondary  institution  

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Tie  it  Together:  The  Conclusion  

 As  important  as  the  introduction        Finish  strong:  leave  a  lasting  impression      Reiterate  your  strengths      Reference  your  future    

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Future  Reference  

I  see  only  potential  for  growth  within  myself.  By  nurturing  this  through  my  years  at  university,  I  have  the  utmost  confidence  that  I  will  cultivate  my  place  in  the  world  and  continue  to  bloom  as  a  community-­‐minded  individual  inspired  by  the  possibilities  and  devoted  to  exploring  them.    

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Future  Career  Path  

 Poll  question      Do  not  be  concerned  if  you  have  not  decided  on  your  future  career      Helpful  exercise:  

 Make  a  list  of  your  top  3  potential  fields    Brainstorm  at  least  2  reasons  why  that  career  is  of  interest  to  you  


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Emphasize  your  Strengths  

 An  essay  is  no  time  to  be  humble      Articulate  your  strengths  

 Important  life  skill      Use  commanding  language      

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Maintain  Balance  

 While  articulating  your  strengths,  be  mindful  of  tone      Such  a  thing  as  over-­‐confidence    You  do  not  want  to  appear  arrogant  or  cocky    

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Do  your  Research  

 Research  the  institution/organization      Who  are  they?  What  is  their  mission  statement?          

 Brainstorm  connections      Incorporate  this  into  your  conclusion  

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Break  Down  the  Question  


 Break  down  the  essay  question  

 Answer  a  series  of  smaller  questions  first  

 Structure  the  questions  around  the                      

essay  framework  


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Breaking  Down  the  Question:  Example  

 Discuss  the  role  education  has  played  in  your  life:  

 What  does  education  mean  to  you  in  one  word?  

 What  are  three  valuable  life  skills  you  have  learned?  

 How  have  you  used  these  skills  in  other  ways?  

 How  will  these  skills  assist  you  as  you  begin  your  

post-­‐secondary  journey?  

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Edit,  Edit,  Edit!  

 Make  every  sentence  count    Respect  the  word  count        

 Constantly  ask  yourself:    How  is  this  relevant?    

 Pay  close  attention  to  grammar  and  spelling      Ask  others  for  feedback  

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Multiple  Drafts  

 Embrace  the  concept  of  multiple  drafts      Do  not  agonize  over  word  choice    

 Result:  frustration  and  a  blank  screen    

 Key:  get  your  thoughts  on  paper  

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Word  Choice  

 Notice  that  you  repeat  the  same  word  often?      Use  resources  to  expand  your  vocabulary        Utilize  online  thesaurus  or  dictionary      Longest  word     best  choice      

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Make  your  Essay  Work  for  You  

 Create  a  dynamic  template  

 Extract  paragraphs  so  they  can  stand  alone  

 Certain  applications  have  a  series  of  smaller  


 For  example:    

 The  Loran  Award    

The  Terry  Fox  Humanitarian  Award   ©2011  Unlock  your  Future    

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Unlock  your  Future    

 Student  Resource  Centre  

 Unlock  your  Future  Scholarship  Workbook  

 Contact:  [email protected]                           

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Cost:  $20.00  Includes:  

Over  30  colour  pages  Step-­‐by-­‐step  guide  through  the  entire  UYF  program  Conquering  common  scholarship  fears  Understanding  the  basics  Definitions  and  differences  of  key  terms  How  to  create  your  own  leadership  opportunities    How  to  build  your  scholarship  foundation  Creating  your  Activities  and  Accomplishments  list  Scholarship  records  log  Organization  system  Where  to  find  scholarships  Key  elements  of  applications  and  how  to          navigate  them  Importance  of  reference  letters  How  to  craft  a  memorable  essay  Essay  themes  and  essay  examples  Three  essay  template  worksheets  Scholarship  application  checklist  The  scholarship  interview    *Available  for  purchase  online*  

The  UYF  Workbook  
