
Discussion Document: July 6, 2009

The Avon Founda-on, Na-onal Cancer Ins-tute and Center for Advancing Innova-on Business Plan and Startup Challenge University Presenta-on By: Rosemarie Truman, Founder and CEO, The Center for Advancing Innova-on October 16, 2013

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What is the Challenge: Develop a business plan and launch a startup using 10 near-term, commercially viable inven-ons Challenge Overview Business Plan (BP) and Startup Contest using 10 near-term, commercially viable inven8ons conceived

and developed by inventors from the NCI and an Avon Founda8on (AF) grantee Challenge teams will par8cipate in three phases: LeFer of Intent, Business Plan and Start-up

Goals: Breast Cancer (BC): Increase survivability and improve the standard of care in areas of unmet need Technology Transfer (TT) Memorandum: Accelerate and increase the volume of Federally funded

technology transfer in support of high growth businesses Economic Growth: Spur economic growth across the na8on through new startups and jobs Entrepreneurship Learning: Provide a plaLorm for Universi8es to expand their entrepreneurial

programs Business Model: Create new business models in TT, transla8onal research and R&D funding

Phases: Three phases - Challenge Teams Opportunity: Business Plan Prize: Up to 100 teams will par8cipate, 10 teams per inven8on. There will be one $5K

prize per inven8on ($50k in total awards) Start-up Phase Seed Funding: Up to 30 successful start-ups will apply and poten8ally be awarded

funding which could range from $100K to over $1MM Funding will come from venture capital, economic development corpora8ons, Avon Founda8on or

other private sources. Funding will not be provided from the NIH

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Who are the key players?

BIO SoPE CoFoundersLab Universi8es

Students gain: real-world, cross-discipline, entrepreneurship experience; gain exposure to experts

Universi/es gain publicity for providing entrepreneurial student opportuni8es and new way to create jobs

Economic Development organiza8ons

Venture capital Private equity Angel investors

Breast Cancer Survivors Venture Capitalists Successful Serial Entrepreneurs Industry Execu8ves and Experts Founda8on, NCI and CAI Core Team



Core Partners: The Avon Founda8on Na8onal Cancer Ins8tute The Center for Advancing Innova8on

Seed Funders

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Challenge Topics: Novel, Commercially Viable Breast Cancer Inven-ons

#1 - Diagnos-c from Biopsies with SoYware Analysis Title: Breast Cancer Diagnos-c Based on Spa-al Organiza-on of Genes in the Cell Nucleus Execu-ve Summary Category: Diagnos8cs/Health IT Disease Focus: Breast Cancer using tumor biopsies Basis of Inven-on: Gene (DNA) How it works: Uses the 3D placement of genes to detect breast cancer in 8ssue Patent Status: Patent issued in Europe (validated in Germany, UK, France), pending in US, Canada Lead Inventor: Tom Misteli, PhD Development Stage: In vitro and retrospec8ve in vivo

Therapeu8cs: 5 Diagnos8cs: 5 Prognos8cs: 1 Vaccine: 1 Health IT: 1 Device: 1 Delivery Method: 1 Note: some inven8ons have more than one use and cover 2 or more of the above

Breast Cancer Challenge Topics

NCI Inven-on Example

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Who can par-cipate?

Team Design: Mandatory Requirements*



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Seasoned Entrepreneur

Other Key Notes on Who May Par-cipate

Students: Graduate and undergraduate

Students Post-docs, those in residency Anyone else beyond the three mandatory students Others Areas of Recommended Knowledge Sources: Business development Payers Key Opinion Leader FDA/Regulatory Venture Capital Clinical Research Outsourcer

Over 18 years old At least three students on the team

*Note: two inven8ons require addi8onal disciplines Inven8on #1: computer science; inven8on #3: engineering

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Overview of Phases: 100 teams enter; a poten-al of 30 startups

10 Inven-ons

10 Teams for Each Inven-on

Planning Phase 1:

Letter of Intent Phase 2:

Business Plan Post-Contest Phase 3: Startup

Inven-on 1

3 Teams per Inven-on Go to Ph3

Inven-on 1

3 Startups for Each Inven-on

Startup Winner Has Licensing Agreement and Seed Funding

Select an inven8on

Form a team

Business Plan Pitch Elevator Speech

Revise Business Plan

Launch Startup Apply for seed funding

Apply for a license

Enter your core team, mentors, advisors and collaborators

Collaborate with the NCI or AF grantee University, Clemson

Launch a Product

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Lecer of Intent: Guidelines, Deliverables and Key Dates

Letter of Intent

Deliverables: LeFer of Intent form (it contains a CDA click through) Prize Alloca8on Form Resumes (one package containing all resumes of core team members,

mentors, and advisors) Join Wiggio; create group and invite CAI to your group OPTIONAL: Stakeholder Analysis and Collaborators Guidelines: Augment your team with Venture Capitalists who may provide funding Iden8fy collaborators that can provide seed funding and/or services to

your start-up (e.g., legal, accoun8ng, valua8on, etc.) Include team members that have relevant inven8on experience Prepare a strong LOI with all disciplines required, mentors and advisors.

We are accep8ng strong teams on a rolling basis Key Dates: October 1st, 2013 to November 29, 2013 Start accep8ng LOIs: October 1st; Stop accep8ng LOIs, December 1st, 2013 Receive nal LOI communica8on by December 4th , 2013

10 Teams for Each Inven-on

Inven-on 1

Phase 1:

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Challenge Team Member Deni-ons

Challenge Team Deni-on: The Challenge Team is made up of the Team Leader, Core Team Members, Advisors, Mentors A Team Leader is our single point of contact for the Challenge and accountable for deliverables A Core Team Member is accountable for deliverables

A Mentor has domain experience and will ac8vely work with the team on a daily/weekly basis to review/complete deliverables

An Advisor has domain exper8se and the team uses for Q&A sessions, e.g., KOL

A Collaborator is an organiza8on that can improve your probability of success; they will include seed funders, services rms, etc.

9 Proprietary and Confidential to The Center for Advancing Innovation. Do not distribute outside The Center for Advancing Innovation

Business Plan: Guidelines, Deliverables and Key Dates

Business Plan Deliverables: 10 page business plan or a business model canvas 1 minute elevator pitch posted on YouTube 5 minute live pitch via Skype or video conferencing to judges 10 page pitch deck (maximum 10 pages Powerpoint or Prezio) Guidelines: Begin with the end in mind. Make sure you understand

Seed funders criteria for investment NIH or Clemsons license agreement requirements

Leverage CAIs templates/guidelines for your business plan, regulatory strategy, development plan, and commercializa8on plan, etc.

Check the criteria we are using to assess deliverables Key Dates: Deliverables due: February 3rd (can be submiFed early) Pitches: February 3rd to February 13th Award Announced: February 19th

Prize: $5K for each of 10 winning teams one award per inven8on

Phase 2:

3 Teams per Inven-on Go to Ph3

10 Proprietary and Confidential to The Center for Advancing Innovation. Do not distribute outside The Center for Advancing Innovation

Start-up: Guidelines, Deliverables and Key Dates


Deliverables: Revised regulatory strategy, commercializa8on plan and development plan Start-up incorpora8on Seed funding applica8on(s) NIH or Clemson licensing applica8on

Guidelines: Incorporate your start-up as soon as possible Revise your deliverables by gaining addi8onal input from KOLs, payers, the

FDA, VCs, poten8al collaborators, CROs, CMOs, service providers, etc. Parallel process your deliverable crea8on especially seed funding and

licensing applica8on; there could be a chicken or the egg scenario

Key Dates: Start date: February 20, 2014 Deliverables due: June 17, 2014 Awards announced: June 27, 2014 (or later) Deni-on of Success: Start-ups launched a company; raised capital and in-licensed an inven8on. Successful start-ups are honored with a Start-up Medal of Honor in an awards ceremony

Phase 3:

Inven-on 1

3 Startups for Each Inven-on

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Post-Challenge Expecta-ons

Avon Founda-on: Ongoing partnering to ensure success NCI/Clemson University Research Founda-on: Ongoing Collabora8on The Center for Advancing Innova-on: Ongoing coaching/mentoring


12 Proprietary and Confidential to The Center for Advancing Innovation. Do not distribute outside The Center for Advancing Innovation

More on the inven-ons, page 1 of 2

#1 Health IT Inven8on Detects Breast Cancer based on Spa8al 3D Gene Placement Tom Misteli, Patents issued in Europe (validated in Germany, UK and France) pending in US/Canada In vivo and in vitro data

#2 Therapy/Vaccine Slows tumor growth, preven8ng metastasis post surgery Dennis Klinman, Patent pending in the US, pre-clinical in mice

#3 Device/Therapeu8c/Vaccine Collagen composite 8ssue replacement material as a reconstruc8on plaLorm with an8-tumor capabili8es Karen Burg, Patent issued in the US, human breast 8ssue tested in pre-clinical

#4 Therapeu8c/Diagnos8c Binds specifically to a cancer cell target and inhibits the tumor growth Mitchell Ho, US patent pending, in-vitro data also mouse xenograph models

#5 Therapeu8c/Vaccine S8mulates immune response for tumor inhibi8on Alan Krensky, Patent Pending in US, Canada, Australia, and Europe, pre-clinical in mice

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More on the inven-ons, page 2 of 2

#6 Therapeu8c Small molecule that works with current drugs to enhance their eec8veness Nayda Tarasova, US patent issued; Europe, patent pending; pre-clinical in-vitro

#7 Two Inven8ons Vaccine and/or Drug Delivery PlaLorm to deliver proteins to cancer cells much less toxic and more specic than current models Deb Chatterjee, Patents issued in US; another pending, in vitro and in vivo data

#8 Diagnos8c Uses genes to detect Cancer and associated stage Steven Libus, US patent pending, retrospec8ve human data from clinical trials

#9 Diagnos8c Predict pa8ents survival rate and guides treatment Stephen HewiF, Pending in U.S., Canada, Europe, Australia, Japan, Israel, and New Zealand, more than a thousand samples of human data

#10 Diagnos8c Determines the eec8veness of chemotherapy for a pa8ent Sherry Yang, US patent granted; Pending in Europe, Canada, Australia, and Japan, data from >1500 human 8ssue samples

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LeFer of Intent

Oct 1-Nov 29 2013

8/30/13 10/1/13: Form team

10/1/13: Submit LOI 11/29/13: LOIs due 12/4/13: Communicate to teams

Business Plan

Dec 2 2013 Feb 19 2014

12/2/13: Launch BP eort 2/3/14: Deliverables due 2/3/14 2/13/14: Virtual pitches with teams

2/19/14: Award top teams for each inven8on


Feb 20, 2014- June 27, 2014

2/20/14: Launch SU eort Ongoing: Revise BP; create SU; apply for funding and license

6/17/14: Deliverables due 6/27/14: Announce successful start-ups

An8cipated Post-Contest Ac8vi8es

Conduct discussions regarding collabora8ve R&D agreement

Con8nue R&D on inven8on

Con8nue raising capital

Key Dates

Provide mentoring / guidance to teams Receive ques8ons and lter to SMEs as necessary Review rolling BP and SU deliverables


SUMMARY: Key Dates Under the Overview Sec-on on hcp://

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Key Links


Challenge Website

LeFer of Intent Forms For Teams Team Leader Core Team Members, Mentors, Advisors and Collaborators:

Wiggio Links For Teams



Main Group hFp:// Team Collabora8on hFp://

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Connect with us!

Ques-ons: Contact Rosemarie Truman, [email protected]

Facebook - Breast Cancer Start-up Challenge TwiFer - @BCSChallenge
