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UNITS 1 AND 2Citizenship and the Foundations of Government

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Basic Concepts of Democracy

Popular sovereignty

Equal justice under law

Equality of all people

Individual rights and liberties


Limited government

Representative government

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To fully participate in civic and political life, you must be a citizen of the U.S. and a resident of your state and locality.

Citizens’ Privileges: Voting Serving on a jury Running for office

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American citizenship provides full political participation in your state and locality.

You must live in a state/locality for a certain amount of time to receive full participation rights. Virginia: no residency duration requirement.

Most states are 30 days.

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Some privileges of citizenship can be denied for major federal crimes. Example: Treason

Individuals may keep their official residency in areas where they don’t currently reside. Examples: Active duty military,

college students

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Citizenship by Birth

Any individual born on U.S. soil Includes territories of

Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands

jus soli

Any individual with at least one U.S. citizen as a parent jus sanguinis

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The process for non-citizens to gain citizenship varies.

Current requirements:

Permanent resident at least 5 years

Ability to read, write, speak

basic English.

Knowledge and understanding

of U.S. history and government.

(Citizenship Test)

Good moral character

Belief in the principles of the U.S. Constitution

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Influences on American Government

Athens, Greece (7th - 5th Century B.C.E.) Direct democracy

Each individual votes on everything

Romans (5th - 3rd Century B.C.E.) Indirect democracy/republic

Individuals select representatives to vote for them

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The Magna Carta (1215)

Limited power of government

Fundamental rights

Trial by jury

Due process of law

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English Petition of Rights (1628)

Supported the ideas that men have rights and

established the concept of rule of law

Trial by jury

No Martial Law

Protection against

quartering of troops

Protection of private


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English Bill of Rights (1689)

Limited power of the monarch

No standing army in peacetime

Free elections

Right of petition

Parliamentary checks on power

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Philosophers’ Influence

Locke (1689) Social Contract Consent of the governed Natural Rights: life, liberty, and property

Rousseau (1762) All men are equal

Hobbes (1651) Strong government

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Montesquieu (1748) Separation of powers Checks and balances

Voltaire (1759) Freedom of religion

Question: What two major U.S. documents were greatly influenced by these philosophers?

The Declaration of Independence The U.S. Constitution Also, the Constitution of Virginia

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Other Influences

Charters of the Virginia Company of London (1607) The basic rights of Englishmen were

guaranteed to the colonists by the charters.

Virginia Declaration of Rights (1776)

George Mason All Virginians should have certain

rights, including freedom of religion and the press.

Basis for the U.S. Bill of Rights

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Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom (1777) Thomas Jefferson All people should be free

to worship as they please

First protection of religious freedom by law

Basis for the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

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“The Father of the Constitution” (1787) James Madison Authored the “Virginia Plan”

which proposed three separate branches of government. (legislative, executive, and judicial)

Authored much of the Bill of Rights

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Comparative Governments Federal System

Powers are shared between levels of government Powers are separated and shared among the branches

of the national government Examples: U.S. and Mexico

Unitary System The central government possesses all power Under a parliamentary system, they may delegate

some authority The legislative branch holds both legislative and

executive powers. Examples: United Kingdom and People’s Republic of


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The Political Spectrum

Anarchy Dictatorship



More Governmen


Less Governmen






