
United States Coast GuardUnited States Coast Guard

Non-Lethal Defense VI SymposiumNon-Lethal Defense VI SymposiumRADM David Kunkel

Director of Operations Capability

Successful Non-Lethal Illegal Alien Interdiction Case

MK10 Surface Launched Running Gear Entanglement System


27 ft Coast Guard Response Boat

Successful Non-Lethal Illegal Alien Interdiction Case

35 ft Cigarette with 38 illegal aliens on board

Successful Non-Lethal Illegal Alien Interdiction Case

Port outboard entangled

Successful Non-Lethal Illegal Alien Interdiction Case


Desired Capabilities

• Stopping non-compliant vessels– Need a lighter more portable system– Need a air deployable system

• Anti-Swimmer – underwater devices to interdict swimmers and divers

• Clear Spaces – need a non-sparking flash-bang grenade type device

• Anti-personnel – need to control or take down a person within a maritime environment
