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Unit Two Space Invaders

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Personal space

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When two people are talking to each other, they tend to stand a specific distance apart. Each person has an invisible boundary around their body into which other people may not come. If someone pierces this boundary, they will feel uncomfortable and move away to increase the distance between them. (The major exception is family members and other loved ones.) This personal distance is not due to body odor or bad breath, but because closeness lends a sense of intimacy that is at odds with their relationship to the other individual.

Interestingly, the average personal distance varies from culture to culture. Americans tend to require more personal space than in other cultures.

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A man’s home is his castle

Personal Space can be defined as a movable, invisible barrier surrounding each individual (Aiello, 1987).

Moving into someone's personal space can be viewed as a violation. This space varies across individuals according to factors such as culture, age, and gender.

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Just the right distance

Freshmen X and Y illustrate an intimate talking distance in the Lerner Student Center at Columbia University.

Different cultural ideas of personal space come into play the moment you approach someone…or try to. Each culture has its own standards on what qualifies as too close, too far and just right.

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In the United States, the accepted distance for conversation is about 18 inches.

The closest distance between two people in a conversation takes place in Middle Eastern cultures. Men usually talk to each other at very short distances, and they even push and shove each other.

The distance between two people in a conversation is also very close in Latin America.

On the other end of the distance spectrum, Asians tend to keep much more distance between each other than Westerners do.

The perception of personal space is very strong in Japan. Crossing between two people or intruding into another's space to move through a crowded room is seen as ruder than in other cultures.

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The British keep also big distances when they talk to each other," said Givens. Klinkenberg agreed and mentioned the legendary story of a British diplomat and an Arab diplomat speaking at a party. The Arab kept moving forward, while the Briton kept backing away to establish the distance at which he felt most comfortable. The result was a comical chase around the party hall, the Briton backing away with the Arab in pursuit.

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Reach out and touch someone

Latin Americans commonly put a hand on their conversation partner's shoulder while speaking, esp. when both participants are of the same sex

People from other cultures perceive this touching as hostile. With Asians, touching between people of opposite genders is frowned upon.

The contrast is that Japanese and Chinese don't mind jostling each other on buses and trains. "Often you'll see one person sitting on another's lap, both strangers to each other," Klinkenberg said. "They don't find such cramped contact threatening or hostile."

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African cultures also have touching as a common custom. The body is conceived as a product of the spoken word. It is then another way of expression.

There is a common shock in American businessmen when they go to Latin America. Latin men think nothing of giving each other a hearty "abrazo," or hug, when they meet. That might freak out an American man, who might want to slap his conversation partner on the arm or back – an action a Latino would find startling or threatening.

When it comes to greeting, the most universal one is the handshake.

In Germany, Austria, Eastern Europe and the Middle East, the buttock slap is given as a sign of insult. "buttock pat," used in American sports as a sign of encouragement.

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Speak up! or Quiet down!

The voice tones are almost universal, but there are always special cases. The Japanese, for example, growl when they disagree with something. I believe it's a tradition that comes from the martial arts."

When it comes to volume or tone of voice, cultural differences are not that big. Around the world people raise their voices when they are angry, use lower-pitched voices in romantic situations or use a rising intonation to ask a question. But Americans don't deal with silence as well as Asian cultures do,

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Americans feel silence is an uncomfortable void that must be filled, while Asians see it as a sign of respect." Asians usually keep their voices down when they speak, she said. Americans have always been accused of talking loudly. Americans increase the volume as a function of distances, sth. is different from Middle Eastern people, who get quieter the closer they come to each other.

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Some special cases "Only Americans strive for the corner office, away from

the rest of their co-workers." That is not the case in France, where the boss's desk is in the center of the room and power radiates out to the room's edge.

In the United States, cubicles replaced the more exposed "pool" desks, which had earlier lined the floors of group-occupied workrooms.

Germans visiting the U.S. see the open doors in offices and businesses as indicative of an unusually relaxed and "unbusinesslike" attitude. Americans in return get the feeling that the Germans' closed doors conceal "a secretive or conspiratorial operation."

" What do you think of him?- He's a close-talker."

"Hold me closer, hold me closer...

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More body languages

Many Japanese wear surgical masks to prevent spreading germs to other people. Conversely, Americans wear them to keep other people’ germs out.

In Latin America, it is common to greet relatives or friends with one kiss on the cheek. In Spain they do the same thing but people kiss twice, one on each cheek, while in some French regions they give three kisses, switching cheeks each time.

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Giving the right sign

The American OK sign (forming a circle with thumb and forefinger) is a crude reference to a vagina in Brazil. It also means "zero" or worthless in France, money in Japan, and calling someone a very bad name in Germany.

Putting feet on table is an American gesture that is found to be offensive to nearly every other country around the globe.

In some countries, such as Greece or Bulgaria, people have opposite signs to show approval or negation. They nod when they mean no and shake their heads when they mean yes.

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The distance between men and women

Women approach more closely, and seem to prefer side-by-side conversations. Men prefer more face-to-face conversations.

Men are more likely to initiate touch with others than are women. Women are touched more than men, partly because they are more likely to associate touch with personal warmth and expressiveness.

Although women use more facial expression, they appear to use fewer and more restrained gestures than men.

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On an escalator, women seem to prefer to act as if they do not notice anything, so that unwanted contact can be avoided, say anthropologists Anneke Vrugt and Ada Kerkstra in their study about sexual differences in non-verbal communication. According to them, men make it clear in their reactions that they do not appreciate a rapprochement.

women are more skilled at both sending and interpreting facial expression than are men. Women use more facial expression in general and smile more in particular.

Women who introduce themselves with a firm handshake were perceived as being intellectual and open to new experiences

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Text structure

To explore why the problem of space invasion is getting more and more serious.

Part 1(1-2) The author’s experience of how his personal space was invaded and how his individual border was intruded on.

Part 2(3-7) The phenomenon of invading personal space has become more and more serious in the current society.

Part 3(8-9) The shrinking of personal space is less a physical matter than people’s psychological withdraw.

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Part one How did the author describe the violation of

personal space that happened in a bank? ---The author related his experience with a

series of verb phrases and adverbials, which vividly described the process in which the people in line, though reluctant, had to give away their personal space to the invaders until they become hugger-mugger against each other.

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Words and expressions

Para 1-2

﹡ Snake: If a river, road, train, or line snakes somewhere, it moves in long, twisting curves ~ along/past/down etc

The train was snaking its way through the mountains.

The road snaked along the valley far below.

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﹡Some tired velvet ropes: Some slackened (loose, less active) velvet r

opes It is personified. (personification) * Inch: n. v. to move very slowly in a particular

direction, or to make something do this She is five feet six inches. 她身高五英尺六英寸。 His legs are too long for his inches. 就他的身高而言 , 他的腿太长了。 inch one's way forward 慢慢前进 Prices are inching down. 物价在缓慢下降 .

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﹡ Deposit:1. to leave a layer of a substance on the surfa

ce of something, especially gradually. When the River Nile is in flood, it deposits a layer of mud on the fields. 尼罗河泛滥时 , 便在田野上沉积一层泥。

2. to put money or something valuable in a bank or other place where it will be safe

You may deposit your returned books with the librarian. 你可以把要还的书留在图书管理员处 .

You are advised to deposit your valuables in the hotel safe.

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*minute: adj. 1.extremely small You only need a minute amount. Her handw

riting is minute. 2. paying careful attention to the smallest de

tails a minute examination of the rock He explain

ed the plan in minute detail .

﹡ In mild annoyance: with a little anger or impatience 温和的恼怒

in mild astonishment

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﹡ Sidle: walk in a timid manner, esp. sideways or obliquely, to walk towards something or someone slowly and quietly, as if you do not want to be noticed

A man sidled up to me and asked if I wanted a ticket for the match.

* Scribble: write or draw carelessly or hurriedly; to draw marks that have no meaning ~ down

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﹡ Shuffle:combine drag jumble mix scramble scrape scuff trudge

vi. to walk very slowly and noisily, without lifting your feet off the ground ; to move something such as papers into a different order or into different positions

shuffle out of responsibility ( avoid sth. unpleasant)

狡猾地设法摆脱责任shuffle into [out of] one's clothes笨拙 [ 匆匆 ] 地穿上 [ 脱下 ] 衣服

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shuffle sb. to and fro 把某人调来调去 shuffle sth. out of sight 把某物塞在看不见的地方 shuffle one's clothes on [off] 笨拙 [ 匆匆 ] 地穿上 [ 脱下 ] 衣服 shuffle cards 洗纸牌 shuffle the cards [ 喻 ] 改变机构人事 ; 改变政策

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﹡ Hugger-mugger: confused, disorderly

* slinky

Quaint: attractively unusual or old-fashioned a quaint old house 一座古雅的老房子 a quaint method 一个奇怪的方法

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﹡ Seventies: 1970s, in which American people talked a lot about personal space ﹡ Ring: a quality , or an impression of having the quality that is mentioned

Her story had a ring of truth about it. have a familiar ring if something has a familiar ring, you feel that

you have heard it before His voice had a strangely familiar ring.…The phrase “personal space” sounds old-fas

hioned and reminds one of the seventies..

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﹡ Gratify:please satisfy

gratifysb.'s taste

满足某人的爱好be -fied with [at] the results

对结果感到满意be -fied to know

知道 ... 很高兴

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﹡ Gratifying: giving pleasure or satisfaction

Eg: The new plan may be gratifying to the President.

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The rain penetrated (through) our clothes. 雨水湿透了我们的衣服。 A smell of gunpowder penetrated the woods. 森林中弥漫着火药味。 Western ideas penetrate slowly through the

East. 西方观念逐渐传入东方。

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Make somebody uneasy: make somebody feel anxious that something may be wrong or there may be some danger.

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The following questions could be asked :1. Is “personal space” a phrase of the seventies? Is it

out of date nowadays? Why or why not?2. Do you agree with the author about the reasons of

space invasion given in Paragraph 4? What other factor have caused it?

3. What does the author mean by saying “personal space is mostly a public matter”?

4. Do space invaders respect other people’s personal space?

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n. a wedge of cake 一块楔形蛋糕vi.

The box won't wedge into such a narrow space.


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Vt. wedge oneself into a crowd 挤在人群中间 be wedged (in) between two persons wedge a window to prevent it from rattling 用

楔将窗户塞紧 , 使不作响 He wedged himself through the narrow wind


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﹡ zigzag


a zigzag line

一条锯齿形的线zigzag reflection


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The path ran zigzag up the hill.


Lightning zigzagged across the sky.


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The office buildings were slightly zigzagged to fit available ground space.


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﹡ Jostle:bump push shove thrust

Don't jostle against me.

别推我。The crowd jostled into the new stadium.


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Riders are no longer taking pains to carve out little zones of space…:

subway passengers are no longer trying to establish some personal space between them

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﹡ fidgety

adj. Mary is always fidgeting about her mother's


玛丽老是为她母亲的健康担忧。 What's fidgeting you?

什么事使你烦躁不安 ?

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﹡ Attribute…to…: believe sth. to be the cause of

Malthusian logic:

War, famine, or disease intervenes or efforts are made to limit population

T-shirt weather: weather in which people wear T-shirts, mainly in summer.

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﹡ Allure:attract captivate charm fascinate infatuate

tempt Alluring: powerfully attractive or charmingVt.allure sb. From诱使 ( 某人 ) 离开 ...allure (sb.) into [to]把 ( 某人 ) 诱入 , 骗进They allured her into a snare.他们诱她落入圈套。

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﹡ Proliferation: rapid increase in numbers

﹡ Manhattan: Manhattan Island, an island in New York city surrounded by the Hudson, East, and Harlem rivers

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infuse tea 泡 [ 沏 ] 茶 infuse herbs 泡制草药 infuse sb. with courage 鼓起某人的勇气 vi. Let the tea stand a few minutes to infuse.


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﹡ Jangling: anxious

﹡ Keep to oneself: remain private; avoid meeting people

Eg: She doesn’t go out much; she likes to keep to herself.

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The logistics of it vary according to geography. :

People in different regions are given different sizes of personal space

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…we allow all kinds of invasions of personal space in private…:

…privately we allow may people around us to invade our personal space in order to establish close relationships with them, which ensures that human beings develop a society of intimacy and love

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﹡ Wager:bet gamble hazard stake


wager $ 15on a horse

在一匹马上押 15美元的赌注I wager that it shall be so.

我保证 (它 )会这样。

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lay [make, bet] a wager打赌 lose a wager打赌输了 win a wager打赌获胜

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None but fools and knaves lay wagers.

[谚 ]只有傻瓜和骗子才同别人打赌。 A wager is a fool's argument.

[谚 ]只有傻瓜才以打赌来解决争论。

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﹡ To an Englishman, a handshake…

Englishmen usually have a roomier concept of personal space, therefore, even a handshake can be taken as an invasion, while Brazilians would only accept a hug as a warm greeting.

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﹡ Trespass:encroach infringe intrude overstep


vi.(on upon against) Trespassupon sb.'s property非法侵入某人的土地 trespass on sb.'s hospitality【律】叨扰某人

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﹡chilliness: coldness, unfriendliness

﹡ plow: force a way of make a track

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﹡ Mutter:complain grumble mumble murmur whisper

vt., vi. He was muttering on the telephone so I ask

ed him to speak more clearly.


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﹡bump: strike or knock against each other

﹡The decline of manners has been widely lamented.

We have been grieving at the deteriorated manners of our society

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﹡ Lament:bemoan bewail grieve mourn sorrow

vt. lament the death of a friend哀悼朋 友的死 We lamented his absence. 我们对他的缺席感到非常遗憾。 n. the late lamented 死者 (常指最近去世的人 )

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﹡I’ve also noticed an increase in the ranks of what I think of …

I’ve also noticed that the problem of space invasion becomes more and more serious, and those space invaders, acting in the same way as the territory expansionists usually do, seize public space as a matter of course.

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﹡ Expansion

elastic expansion弹性膨胀 territorial expansion领土扩张 arms expansion军备扩充

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expansion of output扩大产量 There are plans for the expansion of our sch

ool building.有扩大我们学校建筑的计划。 His big book is an expansion of the little boo

k he wrotebefore. 他的大部头书是他以前写的小部头的扩充本。

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﹡ Stake:bet gamble peg post risk wager


The miner staked off his claim . 这矿工用桩标出他的地界。 ﹡ Stake a claim: make a claim

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Annex: take control and possession of (land, small country,etc.) esp. by force; take without permission

Eg: There are examples of people occupying public squares and annexing the pavement next to their lands.

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n. universities receiving annual state grants每年都得到国家拨款的大学

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航标艇 , (赛船时用以标示起点或路线的 )


用桩标出的测线 stake-man

打桩 [放样 , 标桩 ]工

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be burned at the stake 被绑在火刑柱上烧死 be condemned [sentenced] to the stake 被判火刑处死 drive [set, stick one‘s]stakes搭帐篷 ;[美 ]立界桩 ; 定居 , 住下

go to the stake 受火刑 ; 为自己的信仰或行动受难

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Para 8-9

﹡ Self-absorption: the characteristic of thinking about things concerning oneself without noticing other people or the things abound him.

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Questions to be asked:

1. Do you agree with the writer’s view that the contraction of the outer, personal space is proportion to the expansion of the inner space of modern man?

1. 2. Do you think we Chinese people have comparatively more personal space or less? Is Chinese personal space now the same as it was decades ago?

2. 3. Why does the author decide to expand his contracting boundaries of personal space?

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﹡ Contract:agreement alliance bargain compress deal enter

into form pact reduce shrink start treaty understanding


award a contract

[美 ]授与 ( 合同); 委托 ( 某人)承包sign a contract

签订合同bind oneself by contract


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a breach of contract

违反合同break the contract

撕毁合同; 解除婚约draw up a contract


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negotiate a contract缔结契约keep a contract遵守[履行]合同put out to contract包出去, 给人承包I'm under contract to teach here for one year.


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vi. They contracted to build the new bridge. 他们签订合同造新桥。 Metals contract in cold weather.金属遇冷天气收缩。

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contract an alliance with another country 与别国结成同盟 contract a trade agreement缔结贸易协议 contract a marriage缔结婚约

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contract friendship with 与 ...交朋友 contract a bad habit染上恶习 contract pneumonia染上肺炎 contract huge debts by rash spending因挥霍无度而债台高筑

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Structural Analysis

1. The author looks at the causes of space invasion in Paragraph 4. He attributes this phenomenon to population explosion first, then to the hot weather and the stimulation of caffeine.

2. He examines the nature of space invasion and thinks that space invasion is a public matter. It is more psychological than physical.

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Rhetorical Features

Listed below are the verbs used by the author to give a vivid and accurate description of the behavior of the space invaders

1) Verbs used to described the behavior of space invaders:

inch, wedge, zigzag, jostle, refuse, press, bump, etc.

2) Verbs used to describe the reaction of those whose space is being invaded:

advanced, sidle, shuffle