


Unit Eight (8)

1- Listen to the conversation and Put ( √ ) or ( x ):

1. ( ) Aunt Sara has prepared the food to her family.

2. ( ) Hala was happy to help her neighbours.

2- Listen to the text again and choose the correct answer:-

1. The Masri family needed help because Mrs. Masri was ( well- sick -poor).

2. Aunt Sara has prepared ( breakfast - dinner - lunch )

What would you do in the following situations:

1- If your brother stained his clothes with strawberry jam.


2- If someone needs help.


One day Mrs. Masri was ill. She stayed in hospital. Her elder daughter Samira is

fourteen years old and she's looking after the little brothers and sisters. The neighbours

cook for them every day ,so aunt Nada prepared a delicious meal which contains chicken

and salad .She sent the food with Nadia. Samira was very happy and thanked Nadia and

her mum.

Read and Put ( √ ) or ( x ):

1-( ) The neighbours' helped the Masri family.

2-( ) Sameera looks after her brothers only.

Complete the sentences:

1-Aunt Nada made a ………………..meal for the Masri family

2-Good neighbours should …………………….each other.

3-She prepared……………………and …………………..for them.

Get from the passage :-

1- The meaning of sick = …………… ………hen=………………….

2-The opposite of sad x ………………….younger x……………………...

3-The underlined word "she" refers to………………

4-put suitable title for the passage…………………………………………………………


Re- arrange the following statements to write a report about your favourite project for the

community :

( ) Finally it would be a chance for people to spend their free time in a good way.

( ) We think this project would do a lot for our area.

( ) Secondly , people here would be much healthier and happier .

( ) First of all if we spend the money on a new garden , we could help to build

a better , happier community .





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Choose the correct answer:-

1-If he studied hard, he ( will- would- had) answer the questions.

2-Mother looks ( for – at – after ) her children.

3-If I have time ,I (would – will - would have ) help you.

4- If we ( freezes- freeze - freezed ) water, it turns into ice.

5- Twins ( look - look like -look up ) each other.

Do as shown in brackets:-

1-If I ( become )rich ,I would help the poor …………………. (correct)

2-What would you do if you lost your wallet? (Answer with :- If)


3- Sara looks ………….. the meaning of words in the dictionary. (put a preposition)

4-miss- up –She-late-bus-if-gets-will –the-she (re-arrange)


5-if it rains heavily i will not go outdoors (punctuate)



Finish the sentences with (duty -necessary close - stained - cleaners):-

1 –Water is …………….…………for life.

2-Chemical …………….………..sometimes damage the material.

3-Mona is my ………….…………..friend. I trust her a lot.

4-It's our ………………….……to help the poor people.

5-Children ………………..……their clothes with chocolate.

Unit Nine (9)

( 1 ) Listen to the conversation and Put ( √ ) or ( x ):-

1. ( ) There aren't any jobs for volunteers .

2. ( ) Some volunteers work in the library.

3. ( ) Teachers take books to the homes of disabled people .

( 2 ) Choose the correct answer :

1. There are……………….. jobs for volunteers to do. ( few – various – difficult )

2. Volunteers can take …………………. to the homes of disabled people ( songs – stories –

books )

Match ( A) with ( B ) :

( A ) ( B )

1 What is your favourite food? ( ) Yes , of course .

2 Could you go and fetch me my key ? ( ) At midday .

3 You want someone to get into your house ( ) This is a pity.

4 What time do you go home after school ( ) Please, come in .

5 A lot of children died of hunger in Syria ( ) My favourite food is fish


Complete the following dialogue :

{ money – welcome – Palestinians – of course – organization – belong -

are you – fine , thanks – Mery Corps }

Samy : Hello , Mr Ahmed . How ………………………………. ?

Mr Ahmed : Hello Samy , …………………………………………..

Samy : I heard that you ……….……. to an international ………………..,aren't you ?

Mr Ahmed : Yes , …………………………. I belong to an organization called …………………

Samy : Oh , and what does this organization offer to …………………………….. ?

Mr Ahmed : A lot , it offers …………………, food and clothes to people who are homeless

after disasters such as wars .

Samy : Oh , thank you very much . You're ………………………........

Read the following passage then answer the questions :

There are various jobs for volunteers to do . They can do extra work in the library

and do some projects for the local community . They can take books to the homes of

disabled people who can't get to the library . They can also help children with their

homework or read stories to young children . Besides , they can help disaster victims

through the organization that they belong to . They can help by sending food, medicine and

clothes to help those victims to survive.

Put True (/) or false (x)

1- Volunteers can help disabled people only . ( )

2- Volunteers can do various jobs . ( )

Complete the following sentences :

1- Volunteers can help children with their …………..…. .

2- Volunteers can send ………..……. , ……….……. and clothes to the disaster victims .

3) Answer the following questions :

a) Where can volunteers do extra work ?


b) Why do volunteers take books to the homes of disabled people ?


4) The underlined pronouns refer to (They) : ........................ (that) : ..........................


5)Find from the passage :

word opposite word meaning

global different

give additional

able-bodied go

old national

catastrophe unable

die live

Answer these questions to make a paragraph :

1- What's your opinion about voluntary work ?

2- Why do you think it is useful to do voluntary work ?

3- Have you ever done any voluntary work ?

4- What voluntary work have you done ?

5- Where have you done it ?

6- Do you like it?

7- Do people like your work ?








A: Choose the correct answer:-

1- My father gave ………………….……. a camera on my birthday . ( I – my – me )

2- Mum tells ………………….…. children a story before sleeping ( him- us – her )

3- She wrote a postcard to ………………………… on his birthday ( his – her – him )

4- Ali is a carpenter ……………. makes tables, cupboards and chair ( which-who-what)

5- My school is a wide place …………….… we practise many activities in it . ( who – which –

how )


B: Do as shown between brackets :

1. I bought some biscuits to my children . { cut to }


2. Nawal made dinner for her neighbours . { cut for }


3. We should help people . They are poor . { Join }


4. Mona made a delicious cake . I like it very much . { Join}


5. your sister is hala isnt she { Punctuate }


6. earthquake - hurricane - volunteers – flood ……………………. { odd one out }

A: Finish the following sentences with one of the words in the list :

{ tray – chance – fetch – get to know –knocking – midday – expect – pity –suggest }

1. In the picnics , there is a …………………… to meet and enjoy with your friends .

2. Listen , there is someone ……………………….. at the door .

3. I’ve forgotten my bag . Could you …………………… it for me ?

4. I always arrive at home at ………………… exactly at 12 :00 pm .

5. At the restaurant , the waiter brings us the orders on a …………………………..

6. I ……………………….. Ali will arrive at 6:00 p.m.

7. It’s a……. that thousands of Palestinians are homeless in Gaza after the last war.

8. I ……………………. that you should take a rest and relax after the busy day .

9. I’ll invite my new friend, Nadia . I’d like to …………………….. her .

B: Finish the sentences with words from the box :

{ disabled – equipment – Flood – disasters – belong – earthquake –

victims – organization }

1. Do you ……………….. to any organization ?

2. Some countries, like Sudan, suffer from natural …………………….

3. ………………………. and hurricane are natural disasters .

4. After the last war against Gaza , many people became ………………………

5. UNRWA is an international …………………………..

6. Japan was hit by an ……………………… measuring 6.1 on the Richter scale .

7. The government provides us with some …………….. such as water and electricity.

8. The war against Syria and Iraq have caused a lot of …………………………….


Unit Ten (10)

1- Listen to the conversation and Put ( √ ) or ( x ):

1) People in Palestine are being stopped from catching fish. ( )

2) The government stopped people from catching fish. ( )

3) Boats are not allowed to go out for catching . ( )

Complete the following dialogue :

(joking - let’s go - will - How much - expensive – serious)

Amal: ________________ is that swordfish?

Heba : It's twenty pounds.

Amal: Oh! It's very ____________________.

Heba: That's its price.

Amal: You're _______________!

Heba: No, I'm ___________________.

Amal: I will buy it when it's cheaper .

Heba: We hope it _____________ be cheaper.

Amal: Come on son , ________________

Match column (A) with (B):

( A ) ( B )

1 Will your prices come down? the largest animals have ever lived.

2 Whales are probably is being constructed.

3 I've heard that over-fishing is


We hope they will.

4 A man-made lake That’s right. It is increasing.


Read the following and answer questions:

Two centuries ago, whales were already being caught for their oil and meat. By the

1940s, the job was made easier by modern technology. From the 1950s to the 1980s, they

were being caught everywhere and numbers were collapsing. Whole species of whales were

quickly being destroyed, and they were not being protected anywhere. Finally, the world

took action. In 1985, almost every country agreed to stop catching whales. This means

that whale populations are slowly rising again.

Answer :1-Why were whales being caught two centuries ago?


Read and Put ( √ ) or ( x ):

1) Whale populations are slowly falling again. ( )

2) No country agreed to stop catching whales. ( )

Read and Choose a) , b) or c):

1-Number of whales were being collapsing for ___________.

a)10 years b) 20 years c) 30 years

2- Making oil and meat of whales were being easier by _________________

a) hands b) modern technology c) people

Find out: 1) The meaning of :decreasing =____________ saved =______________

2) The opposite of : harder X _______ ancient X________ falling X ___________

3) The underlined " they " refers to :_______________________

4) Write a suitable title__________________________________

Write down the missing words from the information supplied in the table :

Panda Animal

low numbers Population

dying out Problems

the latest 20 years Time

China Place

A white and black animal called ________________ living in ____________ has

suffered from the problem of _________________ in which the number of the panda

population is getting _______________ in the latest ____________ years.


Do as shown in brackets:

1) The tuna is twenty two pounds. ( make a question )


2) Some children were lost. ( use - also )


3) People were watching football matches regularly . ( change into passive )


4) Six people killed in the accident. ( correct the verb )


5) They are helping poor people. ( start with- poor people)


6) The skirt is short. ( use – too )


Fill in spaces with suitable words:

{section - species - population - requires - man - made }

1) He is so funny. He tells lots of _______________.

2) There are many __________________ deep under the oceans.

3) Egypt is known for its high ___________________.

4) You can find a magazine in the ________________ of newspapers .

5) These gifts are ________________. People made them by hands.

6) Success at school _________________ a lot of studying.

Odd one out:

1)rise go up increase decrease

2) mountains seas lakes rivers

3) fetch count clean sweep

4) kinds sorts species nets


Classify the following words in the table :

Prepare earthquake catch pollution over fishing

hurricane flood global warming bring

verbs Natural disasters Man-made disasters

Unit Eleven (11)

1- Listen to the conversation and Put ( √ ) or ( x ):

1- The meeting is in Gaza ( )

2- We have a closer community in Palestine ( )

3- The meeting is about rebuilding mosques ( )

2- Listen and Complete :

1- The speakers are from _________ . 2- The meeting is at ___________ .

1- What would you do in these situations :

a- The school's garden is full of rubbish.


b- The classroom's walls are unclean.


c- Your friend invited you to visit her.


d- Your mother has a lot of house work.



2- Complete the mini dialogue :

Sami : ______________________, Ahmed ?

Ahmed: I'm going to the meeting.

Sami : What is the meeting about ?

Ahmed : It's about the ____________ near our school .

Sami : Oh, the waste ground which is full of ___________ and ____________ .

Ahmed : Yes, we should work together to help .

Read the following and answer questions:

Palestinians in Gaza strip had a terrible war last summer so everything is damaged

and there was a mess everywhere .We are proud of ourselves because we could live with

hard situation and try to clean up everything.

We have lots of energy, lots of volunteers and lots of people with high skills to create nice

and new schools , hospital , houses and mosques to continue our life .

Read and Put ( √ ) or ( x ):

1- ( ) last summer, there was a war in Rafah only

2- ( ) Palestinians can't live with difficult situations.

Answer the questions :

1- What happened last summer ? _______________________________

2- What will Palestinians do after war ? __________________________

3- How can they rebuild the houses and schools ? ______________________

Read and find out :

The opposite of : peace X _____ ashamed X _____death X _______ low X ______

The meaning of : build = _____ beautiful = ______power =________ horrible = _____

* The underlined pronoun (ourselves) to __________________

* People who work for free = ___________________________

* The best title for the passage is : _______________________


Fill in the following paragraph :

Create A nice garden

By the first of January Get rid of the rubbish

Middle of January Make lots of benches and wooden fence

The beginning of February Plant some trees and flowers

The beginning of March Make a play area for kids

We should work together to create a nice ________ near our school . By First of

_________, students are going to get rid of all the _________. The carpenters should

make lots of _______ and wooden ___________ in the middle of January. At the

beginning of __________, farmers are going to plant some trees and __________ then

workers can make a ___________ for kids at the beginning of March.

A- Choose and Complete

1- Lamees is the new student , ___________ ?[ is she _ isn't she _ doesn't she ]

2- Omar won't travel ,______________?[ will he _ does he _ isn't he ]

3- Good students study hard , __________ ? [ are they _ don't they _ have they ]

4-They have a nice house ,__________ ? [ have they _ haven't they _ don't they ]

5- Sami went to the meeting , ______________?[ did he _ was he _ didn't he ]

B- Complete with (do) or (make) :

1- The children always __________ a mess .

2- You have to ______________ a request to join it.

3- Every one should _________ a project at the end of the study .

4- Mothers usually __________ some shopping .

5- Students sometimes don't ___________ their homework .

6- I'd like to ___________ a cake .

7- Fathers ___________ some work in the evening .

8- Excuse me , I want to ___________ a phone call .


C- Do as shown :

1- mona wont be with us will she ( Punctuate )

_______________________________________________ .

2- __________________________________________? (Make question )

The meeting is on Monday at 5:00

3- Every day, we go _____ a waste ground on our way to school. (a preposition)

4- The kids have never seen a lion, ___________________ ? (tag question)

5- should _ early _ The _ school _ shouldn't _ come _ students _ to _ they ?

______________________________________________ ( re-arrange )

6.Give the opposite :

well X ______ busy X __________

Western X _________ start X __________ .

Finish the following sentences :

[ rubbish _ ashamed of_ energy_ carpenter _look forward to_ repair _fence _waste

_notice _broken]

1- The _____________ is a person who works with wood.

2- Parents always __________ things at home.

3- You must get rid of the ___________.

4- Food gives us ___________ to work.

5- There is a big __________ says don't smoke.

6- Our garden has a high ______________.

7- The students usually _________________ summer holiday .

8- The ____________ ground is full of _________ glass .

9- You should be ___________ yourself when you throw things on the ground.


Unit Twelve (12)

1- Listen to the conversation and Put ( √ ) or ( x ):

1. Ali is unhappy . ( )

2. Ayman did badly in Arabic test. ( )

3. All the students did well in the test ( )

2- Listen and choose the correct answer :

1. Ali and Ayman are …………………….. ( sisters – friends – teachers )

2. Ali can……………………. Ayman. ( cheer up - hate - get down)

3. Maths test is too……………………. ( easy – difficult - long)

A) Match A with B :


1 You ask someone about his opinion or his idea I did badly in the test

2 You want your friend to be happy and cheerful He's really my best friend

3 I did badly in the Final Test And what about you?

4 What's the matter ? Come on ! Cheer up !

5 Ahmad can cheer me up when I'm down I did, too.

C) Finish the following dialogue from the box :

(cheer up - I am depressed - good results - How are you - do well)

Ali : Hello ! Ahmad. ……………………………….you ?

Ahmad : Hi , Ali. I am all right .

Ali: Oh ! You don't look very happy , Ahmad.

Ahmad: Yes , …………………………. .

Ali: What's the matter ?

Ahmad: Well , I didn't ……….……………..… in my English test .

Ali: That's right . We all did badly . I think that no one got ……………………..

Ahmad: Yes , the test was too hard for us .

Ali: So , come on !.....................................!

Ahmad: You're right , thanks.


Read the following passage then answer the questions below :

Upset is the oldest of four, and his parents give all their attention to the younger

ones. They just ignore him. He's feeling very down because of that. He loves them, so he

doesn’t say anything. He just goes to his room alone. But he always wants to scream! Carrie

from Australia tells Upset that he shouldn't do anything selfish or dramatic because his

parents probably think that he can look after himself. He also doesn't think that upset's

parents are ignoring him. But Fuad from Bahrain tells him that he shouldn't explode , but

he can talk quietly with his parents and they may give him more attention .

1) Read and Put ( √ ) or ( x ):

1- Parents give Upset little attention . ( )

2- Upset loves his family . ( )

3- Fuad is from Kuwait. ( )

4- Carrie thinks that Upset's parents are ignoring him. ( )

2) Choose the right answer :

1. Carrie tells Upset not to be ……………………… (negative – positive – selfish )

2. Fuad tells Upset that he shouldn't …………….. ( scream – explode – cry )

3) Answer the following questions :

a) What's Upset problem ?


b) How many brothers and sisters has Upset got ?


c) Does Upset's parents give Upset a lot of attention?


d) What does Fuad advise Upset ?


4) The underlined pronouns refer to : They : …………………… He: …………………

5) The best title for the passage is …………………………………..

6) Two countries : …………………….. …………………….

7) Find from the passage :

Word Meaning Word Opposite

Mum and Dad youngest

depressed older

like give attention

like himself only cheerful

take care hate


A) Answer the following question to make a paragraph :

1. What's your name?

2. How many brothers and sisters have you got ?

2. Are you the oldest or the youngest ?

3. Do you love your family ?

4. What are your parents’ jobs ?

5. Do your parents give you a lot of attention or they ignore you ?

6. Are you happy or down ?







A) Match the positive sentences with right agreements:-

B) Match the negative sentences with right agreements:-


1 I love cartons. I must ,too.

2 I am happy . I am , too .

3 I visited Jerusalem. So do I .

4 I have played football. I did , too .

5 I must speak English I have , too


1 I haven’t been to Jerusalem. Neither am I .

2 I am not enjoying action films . Neither can I .

3 I didn't do my homework. Neither did I

4 I don't like volleyball . I haven't either.

5 I can't swim in the sea. I don't , either .


C) Agree with the following statements:

1. A: I can't drive a car

B: ……………………………………..

2. A: I don't like milk.

B: ……………………………………..

3. A: I can cook simple dishes.

B: ……………………………………..

4. A: I'll go to the sea

B ……………………………………..

5. A: I go to bed at 9:30 p.m.

B: ……………………………………..

6. A: I haven’t visited Jericho

B: ……………………………………..

7. A:I love warm weather

B: …………………………………….

D) Choose the correct answer :

1. They just ignore me. ……………………., I'm feeling very down. (Because of that – since – as)

2. The test was too hard ……….. (so – since – because ) no one got good results.

3. The weather is bad, …………… (because – because of – so) you should wear a heavy coat.

4. I feel tired …………….…….. (because – because of – so) I have to leave now.

5. Nada is my close friend ……………… (so – because of – as ) she was very honest .

E) Do as shown between brackets :

1. Huda does not have much free time. She looks after her children.

………………………………………….…………………………………………………….…………….. ( use a connector)

2. it - couldn't - buy – I – since – haven't got – I – money - enough

…………………………………………………………………………………….…………….. (re-arrange)

3. I love my children . I look after them carefully .

……………………………………….……………………………………….…………….. ( use a connector)

4. She is always busy ………………….. Saturdays. (a preposition)


A. Finish the sentences with words from the box

(mood – cheerful - cheer - depressed - did badly)

1- Ali's feeling more ……………….today because he got the highest mark.

2- My friend always cheer me up when I’m ………………….. .

3- I usually ………………….. my parents up when they are down .

4- The girls did well in English test but they …………..………in Maths test .

5- You’re in a good ………………this morning because you're smiling .

B. Finish the sentences with words from the box

(No one - result - attention - ignored - definitely)

1. …………………….can answer the questions because they are too hard .

2. I ………………need a rest , I'm very tried .

3. The……………….. of the test was good as the most of the pupils succeeded .

4. Parents always give ……………… the little children .

5. The phone rang ,but she ………………… because she was too busy .

Unit Thirteen (13)

1- Listen to the conversation and Put ( √ ) or ( x ):

1- Ali lost his legs in an accident five years ago. ( )

2- He isn’t able to walk and run now.( )

3- He is pleased to use artificial legs.( )

Match (A) with (B):


Of course. Our team won the cup. 1

He is saying he’s happy to see you. Could you do me a favour? 2

That’s fantastic! What’s the problem? 3

I forgot my purse at home. What is he saying? 4


Today, I’m visiting a large Palestinian hospital to ask patients how their time has helped

them there. And I want to find out how they feel about their experiences and about changes

in their lives. First, I talk to Mrs Amal Masri. She’s leaving after a successful stomach

operation, and I ask whether she was nervous before she had it. ‘I was,’ she explains, ‘but

then I realized that I must just trust my doctor and rely on God. Now I feel I must use my

new life well.’ Next, I meet Samar and Anas Rammal. Samar’s just become a mother – with

twins who were safely born today. I ask if they get worried about the hard work ahead. ‘Not

really,’ she says. ‘Right now, We’re just very pleased to have two beautiful, healthy babies.’

Read and put ( √ ) or ( x )

1- Mrs. Amal Masri is a doctor at the hospital. ( )

2- Mrs Amal Masri had a stomachache. ( )

3- Samar became a mother of two babies. ( )

Get from the passage:

sick people = ………………. believe = ………………

calm x …………….. behind x ……….…….

adverb :……………….. adjective: …………………….

Fill in the spaces:

( patients – urgent – disabled – nervous – artificial - explain)

1- My mother always gets…………………. if I don’t finish the housework early.

2- She uses a wheel chair because she is …………………………………

3- I can’t understand your idea, could you ………………………………. it again?

4-This email is …………………………. You must reply now.

5- Although he has ………………………….legs, he can run like normal people.

6- Doctors should be honest and kind with their ………………………….


Put the following letter in order then write it:

Yours truly

We would like to inform you that your son Ali can join our school nest


He has to be at school at 6:30 and he will leave at 11:30. He will be

informed about school rules when he comes.

Dear Mr. Mohammed

Mona Al Najar

January 28th

Al Bahar St. / Tal sultan/ Rafah

Ali’s start at Rafah School

School Principal

Rafah school / IbnSina street/ Tal sultan 1


Choose the correct answer:

1- Ali wants to know why ( did she invite – she invited – invited she) Ola to the party.

2- They are ( saying – asking – want to know) he is the best.

3- She ( says – asks – wants) if they come late.

4- ( Could – Why did – How did) you open the door? She asks me to open the door.

5- Soha says ( her – hers – she)is going to sell her house.

Report the following:

1- Ali : My sister prefers sunny weather. ……………………………………………..………………………..

2- Students say," We clean our class."


3- Ola :"Could you help me."


4- Soha asks," Where does she come from?"


5- Sally : Was she angry?


6- Soha: What were the girls writing to me


Do as shown :

1- Could you give me a favour?

She ……………………………………………………………………………………….. ( Report)

2- ‘ Your project is great.’

The teacher says ………………………………………………………………..…………. ( Report)

3-healthy – possibly – lucky - happy ( Odd one out)

4- asks - Ali - she - if - worried - is

………………………………………………………………………………………………… ( Re-arrange)

5- It’s not possibly to go through this road. (correct)


6- Sally will leave the office …….... 4:00 pm. ( use a preposition)

7- She wants to know how does she go to school. ( correct)



Listening texts

Unit Eight (8)

Aunt Sara has prepared lunch for the Masri family because Mrs. Masri was sick at

hospital. Aunt Sara sent the food with her daughter Hala. Sara was pleased to help the

neighbors. ____________________________________________________________

Unit Nine (9)

There are various jobs for volunteers to do . They can do extra work in the library and do

some projects for the local community .

They can take books to the homes of disabled people who can't get to the library. _____________________________________________________________

Unit Ten (10)

In Europe, people are being stopped from catching too many fish now. They're being

stopped by the government, and they aren't allowed to go out in their boats as much as they

used to. So there will be more fish again in future.


Unit Eleven (11)

Ahmad :Oh , No, we are very late let’s hurry.

Kareem :You are right , the meeting is about to begin, it's 4:50 , we have only ten minutes

Ahmad :I hope to be there on time to discuss how to help and rebuild all the damaged mosques.

kareem :We can do it. We are proud of ourselves to have a closer community here in Rafah _______________________________________________________

Unit Twelve (12)

Ali : Are you all right , Ayman? you don't look very well!

Ayman : Yes, I don't feel happy .

Ali : What's the problem ?

Ayman: I didn't do well in Maths test.

Ali : cheer up, we all did badly in the test, since it was too difficult. So, you have to try to keep smiling .

Ayman: Thank you. I'm really lucky as I have a friend who can cheer me up when I’m down.

_____________________________________________________________ Unit Thirteen (13)

Sara : How did you lose your legs?

Ali: I had an accident.

Sara: When did that happen?

Ali: Four years ago.

Sara: Do you walk easily with your artificial legs?

Ali: Yes, and I can run too. I’m so happy to have them.

Sara: That’s great!
