

Unit ( 7 )

The TV. Game Show

New vocabulary:

Film:- (v) , ( n) : to make a film for the cinema.

Audience : the people who listen to or watch a performance

Congratulate : to tell someone that you are happy -because something happy happened

to him.

Fortunate : lucky

Applaud (v) : to hit your open hands together because you enjoy something

Applause (n)

Expenses : the amount of money you spend

Marvellous : extremely good or enjoyable

Fanfare : a short piece of music played loudly

Beckon (v) : to move your hand to show that you want someone to more towards you.

Horrid holiday: unpleasant holiday

Attitude : what you think or feel about something.

Apprehensive : feeling worried about something

Anxious : worried and nervous.

Disappointment : a feeling of sadness that something is not as good as you expected.


Future passive

Form: ( Will be + P.P )

Ex. Thousands of viewers will see the programme.

• The programme will be seen by thousands of viewers.

• Mona will win the prize.

• The prize will be won by Mona.


Change into passive:-

1- I will do my H.W. when I go home.


2- Soha will sweep the floor tomorrow.


3- Our teacher speaks English in class.


4- My dad gave me a present on my birthday.


5- Will you do the washing up at night?


6- You must not reveal this secret to anyone .


7- They will build a new hospital in my city .


8- The teacher will explain the exercise tomorrow .


9- The president will meet all his supporters soon .


10- I’m going to eat all that fruit .


* Underline the correct word in brackets:-

1- When will the invitations for the wedding [ send – be sent – be sending ] ?

2- Be careful ! Your finger [ will cut – will be cut – cut ] with that knife .

3- If you push the door , it [ opens – will be opened – opened ] .

4- Rubbish mustn’t be [ thrown – threw – throw ] in the street .

5- As long as I have enough money , I [ will buy – will be bought – bought ] a house with

a big yard .


6- I’m going to [ punish – be punished – punished ] by the teacher if I don’t do my

homework .

7- The skateboard will [ lend – be lent – lent ] to you as long as you return it to me after

the weekend .

8- This mistake will [ never done – never be done – done ] again .

9- The show is ( takes place – taking – taking place ) in a TV studio

10- She has always ( wants – wanted – want ) to visit Disneyland.

11- The ( children – winners – audience ) began clapping and cheering.

12- Ali’s ( disappoint – disappointed – disappointment ) at not being chosen was


13- I don’t understand your ( attitude – attention – attendant ) why don’t you trust her?

14- Last week I enjoyed reading a ( boring – marvelous – marital ) book.

15- We were ( furious – frightened – fortunate ) enough to get tickets for the last show.

16- I want to ( confuse – congratulate – connect ) you on your exam results.

17- I think the play ( will enjoy – will be enjoyed – will be enjoying ) by the audience.

18- The ironing ( will do – will be doing – will be done ) by my mother.

19- Dina is ( anxiety – anxious – anxiously ) about her exam results.

20- The manager’s speech met with loud ( applaud – applause – applauds ).

21- She spoke for an hour without a ( pause – chance – show ).

22- Songs ( will sing – will be sung – sing ) by my favourite singer.

23- I think it ( won’t be – will – is going ) easy to survive in the desert. * Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:-

1- My father will give me a present if I study hard. ( will be )

2- The pilot will fly the plane. ( will be )

3- Mona arrived five minutes ago. ( just )


4- Ahmed repaired the bike by himself. ( own )

5- Mother cooks food in the kitchen. ( food )

6- Anna is a girl of 11 years of age. ( what )

7- Now you have a chance to win a free holiday. ( yesterday )

8- Where will you buy the car? ( be )

9- Anna feels happy and pleased. ( How )

10- There are twenty golden holiday tickets. ( How )

11- The baker will bake nice bread . ( will be )

12-Anna will be given a prize by the headmaster . ( give)

13-A tent will be given to him at the camp . ( He …)

14- He speaks very fast . ( How ..)

15- They spent a night at the jungle . ( just )

16- He flew to Paris two days ago . ( tomorrow )

17- If you did well , you would win a free holiday . ( What ..)


18- The show always takes place in a TV. Studio . (Where)

19- None of Ann’s expenses will be paid . ( not )

20- The old lady carried her bag by herself . ( own )

* Complete:- 1- A studio …………………… is watching the show. 2- Let me ………………. you on your success. 3- Your father will pay all the ……………… of the party. 4- How …………………. to win a free holiday. 5- A TV ……………………. is holding a microphone to present a show.

* Dialogue:- Adel : Would you let me go to the club, Dad? Father : I’m afraid………………………………….. Adel : No, I’ve done all my homework Father : Have you? Well, what kind of sport will you play? Adel : ………………………………………………… Father : I hope you’ll enjoy your time………………………………? Adel : No, I’ve got enough money. Father : All right, but ………………………………… Adel : Don’t worry. I’ll be at home early.

C- Reading Comprehension 5-Read the following passage then answer the questions below :

It was a hot summer’s day , so my friends and I decided to go to the beach . As soon as we arrived , Monica and I went for a swim , but Susan wanted to sunbathe for a while first .

Suddenly , Susan called us,” Come quickly ! I’ve found something.” We were curious , so we swam back to shore . Susan was holding a green glass bottle . “ I was making a sandcastle when I found this bottle,” she said . We looked at the bottle . To our surprise , there was a piece of paper inside it . It took us sometime to open the bottle , but in the end we got the message out . It read : “Whoever finds this piece of paper is the proud owner of Croft Castle . Lawrence Mcleod , 1st April , 1924 .” We couldn’t believe our eyes . A castle of our own . “ Hey girls,” said Monica .

“ I hope this isn’t a joke.”


Later that afternoon , we all went to the library to find out about Croft Castle . Unfortunately , there was no Croft Castle in the area or a Lawrence Mcleod .

We were disappointed ! Then Susan said ,” Look at the date ! It says 1st April.” So, there was no mystery to solve . It was just an April Fool’s joke .

A- Answer the following questions : 1- Why did the writer and her friends decide to go to the beach? …………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………. 2- What did Susan find on the shore? …………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………. 3- What was the message in the bottle ? …………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………. Choose the correct answer : 4- It was ……………. to open the bottle . a- easy b- difficult c- impossible 5- The girls went to the library and found out that there was ……….. in the area . a- one Croft Castle . b- two Croft Castle . c- no Croft Castle . 6- The date of the message “ 1st April,” means that it was just ……………… a- a mystery . b- Susan’s birthday . c- an April Fool’s joke


Write paragraph of six sentences about : " Games and Sports "

Guiding words : sports – important – life – enjoy – life fully – live to an old age – practice – constantly – make bodies strong – keep us healthy – useful . ………………………………………………………………………………………………







Unit ( 8 ) The hidden persuaders

*New vocabulary:- Persuade :- to make someone believe something by giving him good reasons to do it. Agency :- a business that arranges services for people. Glows :- to produce a continuous light. Rhymes :- words which rhyme have the same last sound. Bubbles :- a ball of air in a liquid : soap bubbles. Attractive :- very pleasing in appearance or sound. Aim to sb. :- (n) intention – a purpose that you hope to achieve. (v) to plan to achieve something. aim at : to point a weapon at sb. or sth. ( The gun was aimed at his head ) be aimed at sb. : to be directed to sb. Appeal to sb : to seem attractive to someone. Flavours :- how food or drink tastes. Impress :- to make someone understand or be familiar with the value of something. Emphasis :- to show or state that something is very important. Bargain :- low price. Brilliant :- full of light, shining or bright in colour. Flamingo :- a large bird with pink feathers. Lime :- around fruit like a lemon but smaller and green. Fizzy pop :- having a lot of bubbles. Encourage :- to make someone more likely to do something. Straight away :- immediately.

Language building Gerund ( v. + ing ) Sometimes we use verbs that end in (ing) as nouns. We call these gerunds The gerund is used:- 1- As a noun ( subject or object ) Ex: Swimming is a very good form of exercise. - I have some shopping to do today. 2- After prepositions:- - I’m good at speaking English.

- She is interested in reading.


3- After some verbs : ( enjoy – like – go – dislike – hate )

- He enjoys reading stories.

- I go swimming in the sea.

- She likes eating ice-cream. Grammar:- Relative pronouns ( who – which – where )

1- An inventor is someone who invents new things. 2- Ibn El Haytham invented a camera which used light. 3- A helicopter is a machine that flies. 4- The Sahara is a place where there’s very little water.

Join the sentences using a suitable relative pronoun:-

1- That is a man. His dog bit me yesterday.

2- This is a lady. Her daughter was kidnapped.

3-This is a garden. I play in this garden every Friday.

4- This is a bike. I bought it yesterday.

5- Did you find the pen? I lost the pen yesterday.

6 - I know this girl . She lives next door .

7- I’m sitting on the chair . It isn’t very comfortable .

8- Mr Brown is our Geography teacher . He is quite old .

9- I keep my old toys in this cupboard . It hasn’t been cleaned for ages .

10- He offered to give me a lift . It was very kind of him .



* Underline the correct word in brackets:- 1- Paul , [ who – which – whose ] birthday is today, is having a party to night . 2- My office , [ which – whom – whose ] is very big , is on the first floor . 3- That’s the woman [ whose – who – that ] house was burgled last week . 4- Sarah Jones , [ who – when – which ] I knew at university , is a doctor now . 5- This CD [ which – who – when ] I bought yesterday , is awful . 6- This is the reason [ that – why – which ] I haven’t finished . 7- My friend , [ who – which – whose ] has just moved to Wales , sent me a long letter . 8- The woman [ who – which – when ] won the lottery gave an interview to the newspaper . 9- When did you buy the jacket [ which – when – whose ] you are wearing ? 10- Where are the children [ which – whom – whose ] ball broke our window ? 11- Advertisements ( order – persuade – show ) us to buy things we do not need. 12- Emma works for an advertising ( court – office – agency ). 13- The makers think that their bubble gum is ( excited – exciting – excitement ). 14- We write words in capital letters to ( emphasize – see – repeat ) them. 15- Emma mentioned ( colours – pictures – special price ) in the advertisement because people like to get a bargain. 16- Bubble gum contains sugar which is ( bad – good – fruitful ) for our teeth. 17- Using rhyming words ( encourages – orders – pushes ) you to go on and buy things you don’t need. 18- Children like to ( depress – impress – emphasize ) their friends. 19- My brother is good at ( draw – draws – drawing ) pictures. 20- ( Running – talking – fishing ) is a healthy exercise for our bodies. 21- This is the thief ( who – which – whose ) stole my bag. 22- Dina has a rooster ( who – which – whose ) is dark brown. 23- The car hit the boy ( which – who – whose ) was going to school. 24- She works in the town ( where – which – that ) she was born.


* Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:- 1- My uncle has a dog. It is very dangerous. ( which )

2- Isaac Newton was a mathematician. He discovered gravity. ( who )

1- The ox chased the boys. They were playing in the field. ( who )

2- Mona always eats fish and chips. ( not )

5- The children will go to club next week. ( where )

6- A widow is a woman. Her husband is dead. ( whose )

7- The police caught the boy. He stole the lady’s purse. ( who )

8- This is the house. My uncle built it. ( which )

9- Alexandria is a nice city. You can enjoy your time there. ( where )

10- I fed the cat. Its kittens are black. ( whose )

11- Emma is a young woman . She works in advertising . ( who)

12- The children will go to the swimming pool . They can go swimming there . ( where )

13- She has designed an advertisement . It glows in the dark . ( which)

14- This is Mona . Her mother works in a hospital . ( Whose)

15- The museum is a nice place . Many tourists enjoy themselves there . ( why)


* Complete the following sentences:-

1- Advertisements ……………………. us to buy things which we don’t really need.

2- An advertising ………………… designs advertisements.

3- Sweets are ……………… for your teeth.

4- The advertisement is ………………. children.

5- Brilliant colours ……………….. to children.

* Dialogue:-

Ahmed: Where will you spend your holiday?

Ali: ………………………………………….

Ahmed: ………………..……………………….. ?

Ali: I’ll go there with my family.

Ahmed: ………………..……………………….. ?

Ali: For two weeks.

Ahmed: I hope I can come with you.

Ali: …………………………………………

Comprehension Class Leader Laura couldn’t wait to hear Mrs. Perkins’ big announcement. She had a feeling it

had something to do with a class competition . Laura loved competitions . She didn’t care

what the prize was. She just liked to compete, and more than that, she liked to win.

“Okay, everyone,” Mrs. Perkins said. “Starting today, we will choose a class

leader for each month. The person chosen will help me pass out papers, distribute

materials, and write on the blackboard. He or she will also get to decide on the theme for

the class project that month.”

Laura could hardly sit still. It was a contest! She had to win. Mrs. Perkins

held up a gold star badge. “The class leader will wear this badge during school hours.

”Laura’s eyes widened. A shiny gold badge! Everyone would know she was a winner if

she was wearing that badge.

“This is a lot of responsibility,” Mrs. Perkins said, “so I only want students to

nominate themselves if they truly feel they are up to the task.”


Laura was hardly listening anymore. She was picturing herself wearing the gold badge.

Chalk scraped on the blackboard and Laura turned to see Mrs. Perkins writing a list of


“Does anyone else wish to be nominated for class leader this month?” Mrs. Perkins

asked. Laura’s hand shot up in the air. “I want to be nominated!”

Mrs. Perkins added Laura to the list. Laura looked at the names. Melissa was on it, too.

Laura looked at her best friend sitting next to her.

“Good luck!” Melissa said. “I would love to choose the theme for the class project. I have

a great idea for it.”

Laura suddenly felt funny. Melissa didn’t just want to win; she wanted to help the class.

“Would anyone like to tell the class why they should be this month’s class leader?” Mrs.

Perkins asked.

Laura raised her hand. “I think everyone should vote for Melissa. She has a great idea for

the class project, and she always helps Mrs. Perkins pass out papers. She’d make a great

class leader.”

Everyone nodded.“Thanks,” Melissa said. “But I thought you wanted to be the class


Laura shrugged. “There’s always next month.”

Answer the following questions :

1) Why did Laura want to become a class leader ?



2) What were the duties of the class leader ?



3) Why did Laura think that Melissa was more suitable ?




Choose the correct answer :

1) Laura learnt that ………………………………………

a. It is more important to win than keep your friends.

b. Friendship is more important than winning a contest.

c. Being class leader is a big responsibility.

d. You should always volunteer for new activities.

2) Laura was ……………………………… competitions .

a. interested in b. bored with c. good at d. looking for

3) The class leader should be …………………………………

a. chosen by the teacher . b. responsible for helping the teacher .

c. funny . d. clever .

Composition Write paragraph of six sentences about :

" The River Nile "

Guiding words :

longest river – gives – life – Egyptians – keep – clean – not – pollute – beautiful – sight –

plants – water .













Unit 9

Reading poetry New Vocabulary :

- verse (n) : a group of lines which form one part of a song or a poem .

- chorus (n) : the part of a song that’s repeated after each verse .

- spin (v) : to turn or to make sth. turn round quickly .

- belch (v) : to send out a lot of smoke with a sudden noise .

- choke (n) : the device in a car that controls the amount of air going into the engine .

- whine (v) : to make a long high sad sound .

- evil (adj) : wicked , harmful .

- stare (n) : a look at sth for a long time.

- paralyse (v) : to make somebody unable to move their body or part of it .

- freeze (v) : to stop suddenly or be unable to move because of fear .

- stamp (v) : to put your foot down very heavily and noisily .

- rap(n) : a style or a piece of music with a fast strong rhythm in which the words are

spoken fast , not sung .

- rhythm (n) : a regular repeated pattern of sound or movement .

- beat (n) : a regular strong sound .

- astronaut (n) : a person who travels in a spacecraft .

- invisible (adj) : can’t be seen

Invisible ≠ visible

- inconsiderate (adj) : not thinking or caring about the feelings or needs of other people

Inconsiderate ≠ considerate

- inconvenient (adj) : not suitable.

Inconvenient ≠ convenient

- patient (adj) : able to stay calm and not get angry .

Patient ≠ impatient

- mature (adj) : behaving like adults

Mature ≠ immature


* Grammatical Structure :

1- Type 2 conditionals

- Usage : for unreal or imaginary situations in the present or future .

e.g If I had a lot of money , I would buy a big house .

- Form : If + Past simple would / could / might + infinitive - Note : In conditional sentences type 2 , “ were” is often used instead of was in all persons . e. g If I were a bird , I could fly .


* I’m not a lawyer. I can’t defend you. ( If )

- If I were a lawyer, I could defend you.

* She gets up late. She misses the school bus. ( If )

- If she got up early, she would catch the school bus. Correct the verbs in brackets:-

1- What ………….. (you do ) if you were a millionaire ?

2- If it …………… ( rain ) , I’ll stay at home.

3- If he ……………… ( be ) tall, he’d join the basketball team.

4- Unless she lived in China, she ……………… ( not speak) Chinese.

5- You …………… ( be ) happy if you were rich. 6- If I …………..( win ) the lottery , I ……….. ( buy ) a farm in the country . 7- You …………….( lose ) some weight if you ( go ) on a diet . 8- If I …………… ( am ) you , I ………….. ( live ) in a Luxurious house . 9- If I ……………. ( am ) rich , I …………..( not buy ) an expensive car . 10. I ………………( not buy ) this car unless you agree .


* Underline the correct word in brackets:- 1- I [ would talk – will talk – talked ] to the bank manager if I were you . 2- If I knew the truth , I [ tell – would tell – told ] you . 3- If she [ invites – invited – would invite ] me to the party , I’d go . 4- If you [ come – came – comes ] early , you’d see your new boss . 5- If you exercised hard before bedtime , you [ sleep – would sleep – slept ] better . 6- If he had more free time , he [ tool up – would take up – will take up ] a break. 7- If people [ used - use – will use ] alternative sources of energy , they wouldn’t pollute the planet . 8- Would you be able to run so fast if you [ didn’t train – don’t train – won’t train ] so often ? 9- If I were you ; I [ won’t accept – didn’t accept – wouldn’t accept ] their offer . 10- If I [ can – could – will ] do it on my own , I wouldn’t ask for your help .

Exercises I- Underline the correct word between brackets : 1. I learned three [ tenses – verses – purses ] of the poem .

2. The steam [ spins – takes – whines ] a turbine to produce electricity .

3. The dog [ belched – whined – slept ] at the door asking to be let out .

4. That woman has an [ elegant – English – evil ] tongue , she always says bad things

about people .

5. He didn’t reply , he just gave them a blank [ stare – glare – hare ] .

6. She is [ paralysed – invisible – mature ] from the waist , she can’t move her legs .

7. The thief [ span – froze – belched ] when he heard footsteps coming nearer to him .

8. She [ stamped – belched –cut ] her feet in anger .

9. He tapped his foot in [ verse – chorus – rhythm ] with the music .

10. [ Get – Put – Hold ] on a minute , I’ll just get a pen .

11. The tower was [ visible – mature – convenient ] from the other side of the valley .

12. It isn’t [ inconvenient – convenient – immature ] to talk to you at the moment , I’m in

the middle of a meeting .

13. Mona [ will buy – would buy – would have bought ] a computer if she had enough

money .

14. The thief , [ who – which – whose ] was in my flat yesterday , stole my camera .

15. [ If – Unless – without ] he studied hard , he wouldn’t pass the exam .


* Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets : 1. The food is salty , so I can’t eat it . [ If ]

2. She doesn’t study hard . She fails her exams . [ If ]

3. If you played with matches , you would burn yourself . [ Unless ]

4. He will visit his uncle if he has time . [ Unless ]

5. She gets up late . She doesn’t catch the bus . [ If ]

6. Where is the pen ? I gave it to you yesterday . [ which ]

7. Dolphins are related to whales . They are found all over the world . [ Which ]

8. Hunters kill the blue whale . They want its meat and oil . [ to ]

9. The car is very expensive . She is driving it . [which ]

10. William Shakespeare wrote “ Hamlet”. [ by ]

11. She doesn’t have a cat . She is not pleased . [ If ]

12.They don’t have time to watch the match . [ If ]

13. The teacher wouldn’t be pleased if we didn’t do our homework . [ unless ]

14. I am short . I can’t reach the high shelf . [ If ]

15. The film is fantastic . She is watching it for the second time . [ which]

16. I stroked the cat . It was on the chair . [ which]


* Complete : 1. He …………… on the insect and killed it . 2. Bacteria are …………….. to the naked eye . 3. An ……………… travels in a spacecraft . 4. It was very ………………. of you to offer to drive me home . 5. She’s very ……………….. with young children, she doesn’t get angry easily . * Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue : Ali : ……………………………… with me to Luxor ? Adam : Sorry I can’t . I will visit my grandfather . Ali : ……………………………………………………? Adam : He lives in Tanta . Ali : …………………………………………………….? Adam : My father will go with me . Ali : …………………………………………………….? Adam : We will stay there for a week . Comprehension

10 Tips for a Germ-Free School Year

The school year always brings new friends, new teachers, new assignments, and

unfortunately some new germs. Follow these tips and you might score a perfect attendance

record this year! Wash your hands with soap and water after you sneeze, cough, or use the

bathroom. Count to 20 or sing a couple of rounds of Row, Row, Row Your Boat while you

scrub! Use a hand sanitizer if soap and water aren't available. Use a tissue when you need

to sneeze or cough. Throw your tissues in the trash and don't attempt a Guinness World

Record for the biggest pile of dirty tissues! If you can't find a tissue, be sure to cough or

sneeze into the inside of your elbow. Take a multi-vitamin every day. Don't share water

bottles or drinks. Your friend might not know he or she is sick and spread germs to you.

Don't share your hair brush or hat. Little creatures like head lice could be hiding out and

could be passed on from one person to another. Stay home from school, sports practice,

and parties if you feel sick or have a fever. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. A healthy diet

can help boost your immune system and help you fight off illnesses before they make you

sick! Sleep eight or more hours every night. A strong body will help you get rid of

infections. Get some fresh air and exercise every day. Outside air often carries fewer

germs than regular inside air.Don't touch your eyes, nose, or mouth. These areas are germ

spreaders .


Answer the following questions : 1) Why isn't it a good idea to share water bottles or drinks? .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2) Why is sleep important for your health? .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3) What areas of your body are germ spreaders? .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Choose the correct answer : 1) You must eat lots of ………………………………………

a. fish and meat. b. fruit and vegetables. c. bread and cakes . d. eggs and milk.

2) If you feel sick , you must ………………………………… . a. stay at home . b. go to school . c. go to the club . d. stay at the hospital .

3) Head lice can be passed on from person to person when ……………………… a. The nurse gets rid of lice b. you throw them really hard c. you Rub your head d. you share your hair brush or hat

Composition Write paragraph of six sentences about :

" Education of children ." Guiding words : children – future – men – important – educate – right way – improve – skills – hobbies – activities – encourages – prizes . ………………………………………………………………………………………………









Sample exam on Units ( 7,8,9 )

A- Vocabulary & Structure

I- underline the correct word in brackets:-

1- The cover of the magazine will appear in a new ( designer – design – designing )

next month.

2- We ( applauded – congratulated – paused ) Rana as she got the first prize.

3- Sarah was so ( pleased – glad – disappointed ) when she failed last year.

4- I would like to be a TV. ( present – news – presenter ) when I grow up to present

TV. Shows.

5- I ( decided – persuaded – talked ) my dad to take me to the cinema. Finally he agreed

6- I like eating ice-cream with mango ( favour – flavour – tasty )

7- Don’t ( hesitate – illustrate – persuade ). Your answer is correct.

8- They ( play – include – advert ) a wonderful advertisement on TV.

9- I brought my sister a nice ( souvenirs – present – gifts ) on her birthday.

10- This program is ( aimed – looked – purpose ) at teenagers.

2– Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:-

1- Sarah and her father will fly to London tomorrow. ( Where )

2- I will send Mona an invitation on my birthday. ( by )

3- Sally has a pet. She is happy. ( If )

4- We met a man. The man was travelling abroad. ( who )

5- It’s nice to receive presents on your birthday. ( Receiving )


3- Complete the following sentences:-

1- My parents usually ……………………..… me in my career choice.

2- My teacher ...….....…. the importance of using correct grammar in writing the essay.

3- I might buy a new dress if I find a good …………….. in the sales .

4- I tried hard to ………………… him to come to the party, but he didn’t agree.

B- Language Functions

4 – Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:-

Omar: Have you ever travelled to France?

Nour: …………………………………………………….?

Omar: …………………………………………………….?

Nour: I have travelled there since 2009.

Omar: …………………………………………………….?

Nour: I have visited the Eiffel tower.

Omar: …………………………………………………….?

Nour: Yes, I enjoyed my time there.

C- Reading Comprehension 5- Read the following passage and answer the questions below:

Melvin was looking for a sports jacket so he went to a clothes store shop. He looked at the jackets and picked a few that he really liked. First, he picked out a light blue jacket with metallic buttons, but when he tried it on, it was too small. Next, he picked a nice white one with silver buttons, but when he tried it on it was too large. Finally he picked out a light brown jacket with gold buttons. When he put it on, it seemed to be perfect. Melvin paid forty five pounds for his new jacket and went home feeling happy. He was happy because the jacket was on sale and he had paid 50% off its regular price. However, when he got home he realized that one arm was longer than the other. The next day, Melvin went back to the shop to get his money back. But the people refused to give him back his money because the jacket was on sale and there was a sign saying “All sales are final”. Melvin was very angry but he couldn’t do anything about it. Next time he buys something on sale he’ll be more careful and he’ll be sure to read the sign


A) Answer the following questions:

1- Why did Melvin take back the jacket to the jacket to the store?


2- What was the lesson that Melvin learned?


3- Why did the people at the store refuse to give Melvin his money back?


B) Choose the correct answer:

1- The second jacket he tried on was...............................

a) too long b) too tight c) too large

2- The one that really fitted him was...............................

a) a light brown jacket with metallic buttons.

b) a light brown jacket with gold buttons.

c) a light blue jacket with silver buttons.

3- The regular price of the jacket was..............................

a) 45 pounds b) 75 pounds c) 90 pounds

6- Write a composition of six sentences on the following topic


Time in need – helpful – honest – difficulties – cooperative – hard time.











E - “The link Readers”

7) A) Read the following quotation then answer the questions: 1-‘It eats and sleeps and has senses just like us.’

a-Who said these words ?To whom ? ……………………………………………………………………………………… b-What was the occasion? ……………………………………………………………………………………… c-What does the word ‘it’ refer to ? ………………………………………………………………………………………

B) Complete the following sentences:- 1-Sometimes Ariel quickly ………. and ……….. with such tricks , he made Caliban’s

life difficult.

2-Prospero let his brother Antonio manage many of the affairs of dukedom because ….

F- Dictation:-

8) Supply the missing letters:-

1- An archa– –logist discovered a map which showed how to get to the c-ntr- of the Earth.

2- Most p– –ple are pr– –ud of where they live.

3- A str–ng– space m–nst–r landed in town.


9) Write the following sentence in good handwriting:-

Actions speak louder than words.



Story (The Tempest)

Answer the following questions :

1-Where do the events of the story take place ?



2-Where is Miranda ? Why didn’t she see any man except her father ?



3-Prospero’s books were of a great help on the island, Explain.



4-Who was Ariel ? Who could see him ?



5-What was bad in Ariel’s character ?



6-Who was Caliban?



7-What was Ariel’s job?



8-What made Caliban’s life difficult ?



9-How could Prospero command the wind and the ocean ?




10-What was Miranda’s reaction towards the storm her father caused ?

& What was his point of view ?



11-What was Prospero’s story ?



12-Who helped them secretly ? How did he help them ?



13-Why did Prospero command the storm?



14-Why couldn’t Prospero speak to Ariel in front of Miranda ?



15-What happened to each of : a) The king’s son ?

b) Antonio & the king of Naples ?

c) The boat ?



16-Why was Ariel upset with the more work he was given ? & Why did Prospero call him

ungrateful ?



17-What was Miranda’s first impression about Ferdinand ?



18-What did Ferdinand think of the island & Miranda ?




19-How could Prospero test Ferdinand’s love to Miranda ?



20-How could Prospero test Miranda’s love to Ferdinand ?



21-How did Miranda disobey her father ?



22-Was Prospero angry when Miranda didn’t obey him ?



23-Prospero was so forgiving with his brother and the king of Naples after all , Explain .



24-The father and his son had the same thought of Miranda , Elaborate .



25-God’s will played a big role in the story , Explain with reference to the events .


……………………………………………………………………………………………… 26-Why did Prospero bury the magic books & the wand ?



27-How was Ariel rewarded at the end of the story?



28- Which character do you like best ?why?




29-Write a letter to one of the characters expressing how you feel about it?



30-what would you do if you found yourself alone on an island one day?



Comment: 1-‘If you have made this storm with your magic , have pity on the people in the ship.’

a-Who said these words? To whom? ……………………………………………………………………………………… b-What was the occasion? ……………………………………………………………………………………… c-Why did the speaker have pity on the people on the ship? ………………………………………………………………………………………

2-‘You don’t know who you are or where you came from .’ Comment . ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3-‘Now bring Ferdinand here.’

a-Who said these words ?To whom? ……………………………………………………………………………………… b-What was the occasion? ……………………………………………………………………………………… c-What do you know about Ferdinand? ………………………………………………………………………………………

4-‘Obey me once more and in two days I shall set you free.’ Comment. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5-‘It eats and sleeps and has senses just like us.’

a-Who said these words ?To whom ? ……………………………………………………………………………………… b-What was the occasion? ……………………………………………………………………………………… c-What does the word ‘it’ refer to ? ………………………………………………………………………………………


6-‘You will obey me. You find that you do not have the power to refuse.’ Comment. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7-‘I do not remember the face of any woman’ Comment. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8-‘I had heard much about him but I had never seen him until today’ Comment. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Complete:-

1-Prospero kept his books which were mainly about …………………..

2-Prospero found the usage of magic very useful because ………………

3-The witch had shut up many spirits in the trees because …………

4-Caliban looked more like a …………………..

5-Sometimes Ariel quickly ……………. and …………………….. with such tricks , he

made Caliban’s life difficult.

6-Prospero let his brother Antonio manage many of the affairs of dukedom because ….

7-When the king saw his son disappear into the waves he thought ……………….

8-Miranda was pleased by the looks of ……………………….

9-Prospero has commanded Ferdinand to put some heavy………………….

10-………………………. Loved Miranda more than other woman he had seen.

11-Ferdinand told Miranda that he was ………………..

12- Ariel was eager to tell Prospero what he had done with ………& the King of Naples.

13-Like his son , the King of Naples was …………. by Miranda’s ………and………….

14-Antonio was filled with such ……….. &………….. that he couldn’t speak.

15-Before Prospero left the island he……………………… his freedom

16-Prospero buried his………………….&………………in the earth because he didn’t

want to use his…………..anymore.



Much Ado About Nothing

Answer these questions :- 1-Beatrice was a lively person .Elaborate. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2-Who were the people that came to call on Leonato?Why? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 3-Although Benedick was just like Beatrice , he didn’t like her behaviours . Explain. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 4-Why did Beatrice call Benedick “The Prince’s Jester” ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5-Claudio had no time for thoughts of love. Explain. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 6-What did Claudio and Hero do to pass the time quickly to their wedding? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 7-Claudio and Hero thought of a clever plan to make Benedick and Beatrice fall in love. Illustrate. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 8-Give a brief account of John “Pedro’s brother”. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 9-John was a sad man who enjoyed making evil plans . Prove with reference to the play. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 10-Claudio decided to stop the wedding . Explain. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 11-What happened to Hero when she knew that there was no marriage? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 12-How did Claudio discover the evil plan of John? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 13-Hero died but only while her shame was alive. Explain. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Comment :- 1-“I am surprised that you’re still talking sir “ ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2-“What , dear lady ? Are you still alive ?” ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 3-“Beatrice is a very lively lady “

a)Who said these words ? to whom ? b)What was the occasion ? c)where was the occasion? ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………


4-“I am astonished that she loves him so much because she always seems to hate him “ a)Who said these words? To whom ? b)What were the persons the speaker was talking about ? c)What was the occasion ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………..……………………

5-“When I said I should die without marrying , I didn’t think I should live to get married “ ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 6-“If there is any reason for me not marry her I shall tell her in the church tomorrow” ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 7-“It’s better that she never opens her eyes again “

a)Who said these words? To whom ? b)What was the occasion ? c)What was the priest’s plan? ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………

8-“I owe much to the man who can help her now “ a)Who said these words ? to whom ? b)What was the occasion ? c)What did the listener do to satisfy the speaker ? ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………

9-“Your punishment is to marry Hero’s cousin in the morning “ ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 10-Give me your hand before this priest . I wish to be your husband if you will marry me “ ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Complete:- 1-Leonato is the lord who ruled ………… 2-The young men of high rank in the army had shown great ……. 3-People who play tricks on other don’t like…………… 4-When Pedro left the palace with Claudio he noticed that……….. 5-Hero would do anything to help her cousin ………….. 6-John offered Borachio a great deal of money to …………….. 7-Pedro stood in the wedding in shame because……………. 8-Benedick arrived and told Claudio he would fight him because ………. 9-Claudio’s heart was full of sorrow when he realized he had…… 10-Although Beatrice and Benedick had become lovers of a trick , they ……………… 11-The evil John was forced to watch …………..




1- In the playground children were having a great time. Some children were standing in the shade of the trees, chatting and joking. Others were racing and chasing each other in the bright sunshine. ********************************************************************** 2- The Panama canal was opened in 1914. The canal is still operating today and is run by the government. The canal is not very important today. Some cargo can now go by air and some container ships are too big to pass through the canal. ********************************************************************** 3- An archaeologist discovered a map which showed how to get to the centre of the Earth. The journey began in a crater in a volcano. The professor went there with his nephew and a guide. He kept a diary of all the exciting adventures they had. ********************************************************************** 4- Most people are proud of where they live. They are pleased to welcome tourists to their country. It is good to show people how you live and what your country like. It is good to explain some of your history and culture to people from other countries and show them your famous sights and buildings. ********************************************************************** 5- It was cold and dark. The moon was hidden by some low black clouds. The wind whistled around their ears. It began to rain lightly. After they had climbed up the rope to the top of the wall, everyone was out of breath they stopped and looked around. ********************************************************************** 6- The story is very exciting and takes place in the past. The princess was captured by the evil duke. He kept her prisoner in the castle. The castle was at the top of a high, rocky mountain. The king sent some people to rescue her. ********************************************************************** 7- Anna is a girl of 11 years of age and is in a TV. Studio. She is with a TV. Presenter who is holding a microphone. A camera man is filming them. A studio audience is watching the show. ********************************************************************** 8- Adverts are all around us. Be careful of advertisements. Many of them try to make us want something or persuade us to buy things which we don’t really need. ********************************************************************** 9- A strange space monster landed in town. It breather out fire. If you get in its way, it might eat you for lunch. Its long metal teeth can bite and can crunch. You can hear the stamp of its metal feet. If you saw the space monster, what would you do?



Final Revision

Underline the correct word in brackets:-

1- My mind [ buzzed – wrapped – chatted ] with all sorts of questions and thoughts.

2- Everybody looked at her in [ amaze – amazing – amazement ] when she won the


1- I am [ fed – feed – feeding ] up with this film, it is so boring.

2- I think my son [ is going to – will – might ] be a successful engineer one day.

3- While we were sleeping, we heard (a) (an) [ huge – eerie – frightened ] scream.

4- The day passed [ eventfully – fruitfully – uneventfully ] nothing happened.

5- If Nour [ hurries – hurried – doesn’t hurry ] he won’t catch the train.

6- Tourists buy [ souvenirs – services – letters ] before going home.

7- Foreign movies reflect the [ future – culture – argument ] of nations

10- The farmer took his goats to [ fed – graze – grease ] on the hill.

11- This brave [ warrior – guards – soldiers ] is experienced in fighting with his gun.

12- The guards were on [ patrol – war – betray ] to protect their camp.

13- I [ had gone – went – go ] to the cinema before my friend arrived.

14- I love reading the articles of that [ instructor – editor – professor ]. His method is


15- The thieves planned for a big [ pottery – robbery – cookery ]

16- I was finally able to [ discuss – persuade – emphasize ] my friend to come with me

to the mall.

17- The audience [ applauded – decided – reminded ] and cheered when their team won

the match.

18- The teacher [ encouraged– decided – emphasized ] to punish all the lazy pupils.

19- I love my baby sister. It is so [ ugly – attractive – foolish ] and pretty.

20- My father works for (a) (an) [ company – agency – school ] for advertisement.


Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:- 1- While Sarah was listening to music, the bell rang. ( when )

2- My brother is buying me a present now. ( yesterday )

3- I found a ring yesterday. ( not )

4- They built a house near the sea last year. (at the moment)

5- She was reading a newspaper when the lights went out. ( what….? )

6- Soha is going to buy a new car. ( I’m sure )

7- If the children make noise, the teacher will punish them. ( unless )

8- Omar finished his homework two hours ago. ( yet )

9- I have travelled to London since 2010. ( for )

10- She washed her hair, then she combed it. ( Before )



Composition Writing

1- Write a paragraph of 6 sentences about:

Your duties towards your parents

Use the following guiding words to help you:-

Parents – provide – education – food – clothing – duty – obey – repay – favours – old –

look after – comfort. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. **********************************************************************

2- Write a paragraph of 6 sentences about:

Travelling abroad

Use the following guiding words to help you:

Travelling to learn – post-graduate education – business and commerce – spending –

holidays and having change. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………….


3- Write a paragraph of 6 sentences about:

The house I live in.

Use the following guiding words to help you:

location – rooms in it and the uses of each – the garden and its plants – nearest facilities –

transport. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………….


4- Write a paragraph of 6 sentences about:

Tourism in Egypt

Use the following guiding words to help you:

Visiting the ancient Egyptian monuments – enjoy seining and snorkeling in Sinai beaches

in winter – summer resorts in summer – comfort for tourists especially hotels and means

of transport. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………….


Cairo Governorate Department: English Nozha Directorate of Education Form : 6th Prim. Nozha Language Schools Final Sample Test

A- Vocabulary & Structure:-

1- Underline the correct word in brackets:- ( 10 Marks )

1- He looks ( glad – cool – miserable ) after his father’s death.

2- Two days ago we ( were watching – watch – watched ) a scary movie.

3- Tom studied hard to ( link – operate – pass ) the exam with high marks.

4- Ali didn’t catch the bus. I think he ( will – should – is going to ) be late.

5- The thief ( attacked – attracted – looked ) the woman and stole her bag.

6- ( After – Before – Until ) he had finished his work, he went to the cinema.

7- The salesman is ( honest – dishonest – brave ) because he deceives his customers.

8- Ahmed repaired his bike ( herself – himself – themselves ).

9- Unless he ( didn’t smoke – smoked – smoke ) , he would feel better.

10- she’s very ( immature – considerate – mature ) for her age. Her friends always ask for

her advice.

2- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:- ( 5 Marks )

1- He visited his uncle. Then he went shopping. ( until ) ……………………………………………………………………………………….

2- Rana gave Yomna a present. ( by ) ……………………………………………………………………………………….

3- That’s the club. I used to play tennis there. ( where ) ……………………………………………………………………………………….

4- Yes, he has a brother. ( Does… ) ……………………………………………………………………………………….

5- The ox chased the boys. They were playing in the field. ( while ) ……………………………………………………………………………………….


3- Complete the following sentences:- ( 4 Marks )

1- Factory chimneys ………………… out smoke.

2- We …………….. a coin to see who will have the first turn.

3- Sweets are ……………. for your teeth.

4-……………… is a source of diseases.

B- Language Functions

4) Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:- ( 6 Marks )

Ali : Where shall we spend our holiday, Dad?

Father : If you get high marks, ……………………

Ali : Matrouh! It’s fantastic. ………………………. ?

Father : We will stay in your uncle’s house.

Ali : ………………………………………………….?

Father : We will take our car.

Ali : ………………………………………………….?

Father : we’ll stay there for two weeks.

C- Reading comprehension

5- Read the following passage and answer the questions below:- ( 6 Marks )

In Egypt, tourism industry has come to hold a position of great importance lately. It is

felt that it could help increase the national income. In some European countries, tourism

has brought in millions of dollars yearly, although they lack the natural and historical

attractions we have in Egypt. We could, for instance, establish tourist villages for children

on the Red Sea. We could teach fishing, swimming, diving and sailing there. Our tourist,

today, wants efficient and friendly service. He would probably prefer to try out sample of

out local food than eat the international meals which are served in some places. This

would be more interesting than having the same things he always eats in his county.

It must also be remembered that most tourists nowadays are seldom rich. Many of them

are students or hardworking employees. So what is needed is not expensive hotels but

clean comfortable places to sleep and eat in at reasonable prices. This, too, would

encourage the Egyptians to travel more and more around their lovely country.


A) Answer the following questions:-

1- Why has tourism become very important in Egypt? ……………………………………………………………………………………….

2- What would cheap and clean hotels encourage the Egyptians to do? ……………………………………………………………………………………….

3- Where could we teach children swimming, diving and sailing? ……………………………………………………………………………………….

B) Choose the correct answer:-

4- The underlined word “them” refers to …………………..

a) places b) tourists c) children

5- The writer feels that Egypt is not ………………. those other countries which make so

much money from tourism.

a) better than b) older than c) less important than

6- In the passage, the word “seldom” is close to ……………….

a) hardly b) rarely c) barely

D- Writing ( 6 Marks )

6) Write a paragraph of 6 sentences about: ( The book is my true friend )

Use the following guiding words to help you:

Good books – many uses – information – amuse – teach and educate – knowledge –

experiments – human being – delighted – cares. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………….


E- The Link Readers ( 5 Marks ) 7- Read the following quotation then answer the questions:- 1-“Beatrice is a very lively lady”

a)Who said these words ? to whom ? b)What was the occasion ? c)where was the occasion? ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………

B) Complete the following sentences : 1-Leonato is the lord who ruled ………… 2-The young men of high rank in the army had shown great …….

F- Dictation ( 6 Marks )

8) Supply the missing letters:- 9- A str–ng– space m–nst–r landed in town. It br– –thers out fire. If you get in its way, it might eat you for lunch. Its long m–t–l teeth can bite and can crunch. You can h– –r the stamp of its metal f– –t.

G- Handwriting ( 2 Marks )

9) Copy the following sentence in your best handwriting:-

Milk and cheese are animal products.