
Unit 4 Vocabulary

Louisiana Purchase

• President Jefferson send James Monroe to negotiate with Napoleon to buy the Louisiana territory from France

• This doubles the size of the U.S. (territorial growth)

Westward expansion

• Describes the territorial growth of the United States during the first half of the 19th century

• the U.S. grows and gains land to the west– Louisiana Purchase– Northwest Ordinance– Manifest Destiny

Manifest Destiny

• “obviously meant to be” that God wanted Americans to move west

• Belief that Americans were supposed to move and expand west to the Pacific coast

Lewis and Clark expedition

• Jefferson gets Lewis and Clark to explore the Louisiana territory and report on what was there

• Jefferson sends them to be diplomatic with Native Americans and to record information about plants, animals and the land

War of 1812

• War between the U.S. and Great Britain over impressment and British alliance with Native Americans

• Significance: Increased nationalism and helped create national identity

National identity

• The nature of a country as a whole including language, culture, traditions and shared values

American System

• Plan to unify the regions and create a strong, stable economy

• Created infrastructure (transportation between regions)


• Basic physical systems of a country or community.

• Examples: roads, other transportation, sewage, water

Erie Canal

• Canal that links the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean

• Led to the rise of New York City as most dominant port

Monroe Doctrine

• President Monroe warns European powers not to interfere in the western hemisphere so that they would not try to colonize Latin America

• Importance: Shows American nationalism and power and shapes foreign policy

Industrial Revolution

• Massive changes in the economy and society that resulted from the growth of the factory system

• Led to increased sectionalism between the North and the South, because the North becomes reliant on industry and the South more reliant on agriculture

Cotton gin

• Invented by Eli Whitney

• Machine for cleaning the seeds from cotton fibers

• Makes South more dependant on cotton and slavery

Interchangeable parts

• Standardized parts that can be used in place of one another

• Makes mass production possible

• Eli Whitney makes these for muskets

Abolitionist Movement

• Movement to end slavery

• Many women participate in this movement and that contributes to women working for right to vote

Temperance Movement

• Movement to end the consumption of alcohol

• Believed alcohol was bad for society and ruining families

• Made up of mostly women

Women’s Suffrage

• Movement for the right to vote and equality for women

• Seneca Falls Convention was first women’s rights convention

• Elizabeth Cady Stanton led the Seneca Falls Convention, where the Declaration of Sentiments demanded equal rights for women

Public Education Movement

• Wanted access to education for all

• Poor needed education because they could now vote

• Led by Horace Mann

Reform movements of the early 1800s

• Organized efforts to change or fix society after the Industrial Revolution to address the changes and problems in America at that time

• Examples: abolitionism, temperance, public education, suffrage

Jacksonian Democracy

• Andrew Jackson’s supporters wanted common people to participate in the government

• Changed popular political culture – Jackson as the “common man”, spoke to the concerns of ordinary people.

• Politics not just for the elite anymore

Expanding Suffrage

• More people can vote

• Many states began to get rid of property requirements for voting

• This helps Jackson win the Election of 1828

American nationalism

• Nationalism – devotion to the interests and culture of one’s nation

• develops during War of 1812

• Jackson was a national hero and encouraged nationalism over sectionalism during his presidency

Spoils System

• After he became president, Jackson replaced federal workers with his supporters and friends

Indian Removal Act of 1830

• President Jackson supports this bill that orders southern tribes to move off their lands to reservations west of the Mississippi River

• Includes the Trails of Tears

Bank War

• Jackson opposes the National Bank and vetoes a bill extending its’ charter

• The sudden end to the bank led to economic crisis (Panic of 1837)


• When a state refuses to recognize a federal law because it considers it unconstitutional

• South Carolina, encouraged by John C. Calhoun, wants to nullify the Tariff of 1828, Jackson forces them to back down

• The belief in nullification is associated with the belief in states’ rights
