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Unit 302- Principles of keywords and

optimisationBy Abigail Dunne

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1.1 Define the term Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

SEO is the process by which a website increases its visibility on a search engine and also ranking higher on a search engine’s unpaid results.

This is also known as organic results.

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1.2 Explain the importance of SEO to a business

SEO is extremely important.

Without SEO your brand wouldn’t get the attention on the web it deserves, and you wouldn’t be getting your brand product/service out there meaning no rise in revenue.

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1.3 Explain the difference between organic and paid search results.

Organic: The first non paid results on a page, they won’t have a yellow ad box to their right. They are there because they are relevant to your search and hold relevant content.

Paid: Pay Per Click or Pay Per Impression- Companies pay to have their ad’s first on the search engine.

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Paid Search

Organic search results

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1.4 Describe the differences between PPC and PPI.

PPC is when the advertisers pay a fee very time their ad is clicked on.

PPI or CPI is when the advertisers pay a fee every time their ad appears on your search results, this can be per every thousandth appearance etc.

Much click

Many moneys

So impressions

Very SEO

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1.5 Describe the factors that need to be considered as a part of an SEO plan.

What do people search for?

What are popular keyword phrases?

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1.5 Describe the factors that need to be considered as a part of an SEO plan.

Which search engines are preferred by selected audiences?

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1.5 Describe the factors that need to be considered as a part of an SEO plan.

How do search engines use keywords?

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What is link building?

Are page rankings still relevant?

Audience segmentation



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2.1 Define the term “keyword.”

Keyword: A word of high importance or significance on a website which is relevant to a webpage's content and will also relate to keyword phrases used in the search engine.

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2.2 Explain the factors to consider when identifying keywords and/or phrases



Long Tail

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Monthly search volumes



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2.3 Create a list of keywords and/or keyword phrases for a business

Sony Play Station:- Exclusives- Gaming - Recent game releases- PS4- Blue Ray- Dual Shock controller

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2.4 Identify the competition and monthly search volumes for the keywords and/or keyword phrases identified for a business

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2.5 Explain where on a website a search engine looks for keywords and keyword phrases

Primarily in the meta-data and meta description.

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2.6 Research other uses of keywords and keyword phrases to maximise keyword effectiveness for a website

Seasonal keywords that may up your ranking:- Christmas deals- Summer sale- Half price

Other keywords can include, “compare,” which may be risky so only do this if you are confident that you have better prices.

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2.7 Review the list of keyword and keyword phrases in a website for a business

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2.8 Describe how link building can help or hinder the search engine ranking of a website

Link building can be good and bad.

Spinning is bad!

Good linking:- Cross-linking- External linking- Achor text

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2.9 Create a link building plan for the website of a business

Relevant keyword phrases Unused but relevant keywords Think about seasons or recent news

and include if it is relevant Link to credible sources, like BBC not

Wiki Make links crawlable by using

recognisable keyword phrases

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2.10 Describe the factors that can positively and negatively affect how a search engine ranks a website

Good:- Capitalisation- h1/2/3- Readable Text style- Clear alt text/caption text- Anchor texts for links- Repetitive words and phrases- Keywords used more than 10% but no more than 20%

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Bad: - Over use of exclamation marks

- Hidden white text on a white background- Over use of capitals- Repetitive words and phrases

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3.1 Define the term Social Media Optimisation (SMO)

SMO is the presence of your brand, product or service on many social media channels in order to increase publicity and brand recognition.

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3.2 Explain why SMO is so important to a business

SMO is important to a business because it increases audience awareness of your product or service.

This will increase the company’s revenue if the business penetrates social media users enough.

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3.3 Explain how search engines include different tools and channels of social media in their results

Social network

Email newsletter



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Mobile Social Media

Mobile websites





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Social bookmark


Online vouchers


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3.4 Explain how to use keywords and or keyword phrases to listen and engage with a social media audience

The best tool to use to see what is trending on Twitter for example is Follower Wonk.

Use keyword and keyword phrases to understand what is being talked about most for that particular day or week.

Of course always as yourself if it is relevant before you engage…

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3.5 Compare how SEO for a website differs from SMO

SEO is about holding relevant information on a webpage like keywords and anchor text.

whereas SMO is more about interaction with people rather than a search engine where keywords are more like trending news or gossip stories.

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4.1 Define the term mobile optimisation

Adjusting a website to work better on mobile devices by doing things such as:

Prioritising content (mobile users are impulse buyers) Screen size adjustment Connection speeds (bounce rates will increase if site

doesn’t load quick enough) Optimising mobile site to SEO (so someone searching for a

website doesn’t get given the mobile site on a laptop) Phone options, like optimising the site to use phone

settings like location tracker click to call etc.

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4.2 Identify the main differences between SEO and mobile optimisation

Meta data is typically shorter on mobile than that on SERP’s

Sitemaps for responsive sites don’t need to be made a second for mobile devices however for mobile specific sites a secondary site map should be made to the desktop domain as there may be more important pages that you would want bots to crawl and rank in mobile specific SERP’s

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Links from mobile specific directories:

Different keyword/keyword phrases:

Simplifying mobile websites

Different file formats:

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4.3 Explain why mobile optimisation is important to a business

Trying to have clear and readable content....

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4.4 Describe how to optimise a website for viewing on a mobile device

It’s all about responsive!

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4.5 Explain why keywords/keyword phrases for a mobile website might differ from those for a non-mobile website

Key word phrases for mobiles will be different because mobile browsers use their search engines for quick searches and tend to be more impulse buyers.

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4.6 Identify changes required to a non-mobile website to make it suitable for mobile devices

Reduce amount of content per page Clear call to action buttons Concise text Mobile XML sitemap Geo-location tags No flash plugin required M. domain
