
Candidate Name: Megan del MarCandidate Number: 4028


I have created another questionnaire to have a broad of opinions for my magazine that I am producing and I thought this was a great idea so I can specifically target the right reader/s for my magazine.

QuestionnaireHere is a sample of my questionnaire in a hard copy. As you can see this has already been filled out. The hard copy questionnaire contains 10 questions to have a wide range of responses from other people. In the next few slides I will be deconstructing each questionnaires and explaining how this will help me create my next music magazine issue.

The purpose of doing this is to collect enough results to be able to have an idea what type of magazine that I will be producing as my 1st issue so that it will be a hit.

Photo of people answering my questionnaire

Questionnaire ResultsQ1 – What is your gender?For this question, I have gathered an equal result which means my music magazine will attract both genders. Q2 – What is your age?Mostly ‘18 and under’ answered my questionnaire which means I have to produce a music magazine that meets their criteria through their age. Moreover, I am not only producing a magazine just for ‘18 and under’ but producing a magazine that also attracts older audiences to have a wide range and grow popularity such as Mojo magazine. Q3 – How much would you be prepared to pay for a music magazine of your choice?To pay for a music magazine, people has answered ‘£1.00 to £2.50’. This connotes that they want to pay for a magazine with a low price but however I am competing with Mojo magazine that cost £4.80 for a magazine. This means I have to research how come they let their audiences pay a magazine with a high price. Q4 – What genre of music do you tend to listen to on a regular basis?The type of music that the audience has answered is ‘modern rock’. This connotes that they want the first issue to have something related to modern rock. Moreover, I will be producing a questionnaire similar to this and I will have an audience approximately 100 and they will fill it out and the most genre that has been voted will be the next issue. But it will also contain other genre to make the magazine not boring.

Questionnaire ResultsQ5 – How dependable is price when purchasing a copy of a music magazine?I have a variety of answers from this question. Some of them says ‘very important’, ‘particularly important and lastly, ‘averagely important’. This connote that some of them the price of the magazine does not affect them but some of them do. Q6 – What is your occupation?The occupation that has answered this questionnaire are educated which means I could insert a page into my magazine something related to school and most of them are ‘employed’ which connotes I have to deliver a page about advertising new jobs or tips about work. Q7 – Suitable name for the magazine? Most of them have chosen ‘Tune iN’ as a suitable name for the magazine which emphasise this will be the name for my music magazine. However I have to have some explanation the reason why I have chosen this name when I could have chosen one of the others. Q8 – Would you be more inclined to buy a music magazine if it came with free content?Most of them says ‘yes’ which means I will have to insert a free content such as CD, a scratch card whether they have treated themselves to watch their favourite band live, etc.Q9 – Approximately, how many hours a week do you spend listening to music?The amount of hours that the audience spend their time listening to music varies in this question. Some of them listen to music ’10 to 14’ and some of them ’20+’. This connotes that their love towards music is very high which means I have to make sure that the outcome of my first issue will attract them and entice them through puff promotions such as competitions, games, etc.

Questionnaire Results

Q10 – What should be covered in the magazine? People are more interested with ‘interviews’ which connotes the magazine has to produce a page that has enough detail to make the audience interested through using exaggeration words/phrases. Moreover, most of them are interested with ‘tour dates’ and ‘gossips’ which I will have a page so that they don’t feel like I am ignoring their interest.

What did I pitch?I have pitched about a new music magazine called “Tune iN”.

“Tune iN” magazine is inspired by Mojo magazine which is one of ‘The World’s Best Music Magazines’ which is their brand ethos. This brand ethos will be present each magazine that they produce, you will find this just below the masthead. It is also one of the main market leaders, for example it is under Bauer music magazine. In further more understanding about the music magazine, I have researched about how Mojo makes their magazine through their production process from beginning to the finish product, how much it cost them to advertise their magazine through partnership with other magazines and also advertising and updating their target audiences by creating an account with the popular social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. The purpose of doing this research is to be able to produce a top quality music magazine and compete with Mojo magazine and be named one of the market leaders.

Evaluation of Feedback on the Pitch

Feedback - particular strengths

The particular strengths that I have received from my pitch is that I have produced a realistic growth breakdown, a very detailed budget summary, a comparison with the competitor (inspiration), the sales figured breakdown and lastly, a comparison between my first drafts of my front cover and double page spread to my final front cover and double page spread in terms of conventions. Moreover, through the breakdown of researching behind my masthead such as the purpose of why my magazine is called “Tune iN”, the layout of my presentation of how they are not crammed with information but very neatly and clearly presented. Moreover, as an editor I have considered the feedback well and clearly demonstrated what I did to improve. Lastly, keeping that brand identity by linking it to my Twitter and Facebook pages and retains the magazine images.

Feedback - suggested improvementsThe feedback for suggested improvement that I have received is that I need to source where I have found the information’s from such how much will it cost me to pay for my finance team, editorial team, journalists, reporters, advertising team, production manager and social media executive. Moreover, constructing an above and below the line marketing, for example, television, internet, radio and billboards (Above the Line Marketing) and direct mail marketing, door-to-door marketing, exterior location marketing and email marketing (Below the Line Marketing). Furthermore, avoid reading out from the board too much so make eye contact to whom I am presenting to such as my classmates and teacher. Lastly, rather than saying “I forgot to add it on”, say “I have not develop it yet”.

Q1. How prepared was the presenter?

As you can see from the results, all of the participants thought that I was “very prepared”. This connotes that I have produced a

presentation that has enough information for them to take on and this is very important because I want my audience to be able to understand the purpose of pitching my new music magazine and

also for them to help me compete with Mojo magazine.

Q2. Did you understand all of the information on the pitch?

From the results, everyone seemed to understand all the information on the pitch. This connotes that I

have covered most of them especially the key areas such as the budget summary, profit/loss breakdown


Q3. Did you think there was any content missing from the


50% that answered this question says “No” and the other 50% says I have. I have placed a comment box so I will be able to know what information that I have missed and they are:

• Source where you obtained your financials (costs etc.) from and terminology such as 'Push' and 'Pull' marketing, 'Above the Line' Marketing and 'Below the Line' Marketing

• More detail on the marketing strategies & the justification behind the marketing strategies • I think defining how Tune In was going to establish what music is popular for the next issue should've been

explained during the presentation• Everything was there however some more detail for the promotion maybe above and below the line promotion

could have improved it

This connotes that I have missed 4 information into my pitch but I will justify this in furthermore detail in the next few slides.

Q4. What were the biggest strength of the presentation?

The results that I have received from this question helped me point out which area of my presentation stand out so for example the comparison with my

competitors and a very impressive summary of the future issues and what the magazine will cover. Also

my social media marketing looked really “impressive”.

Q5. What could have been done to improve the


For the improvements that I could have done for my presentation is to avoid phrases like "I forgot to add it in" and avoid reading

information from the board too much. Moreover, more detail on demographics & spending power. This connotes that I have gone

too quick with some of the slides that some of them was not able to read and take it in and also going in more detail with some of them

such as the promotion of the magazine.

Q6. Would you purchase a copy of Tune iN?

With this question, I have ask them whether they would purchase a copy of Tune iN and 25 % says “yes”, 12.50% says

“no” and 62.50% says “maybe”. This connotes that my magazine does not appeal to most of them and I see this as a positive note to may be aim higher such as the target audience and also this demonstrate their

interest with music.

Conclusion about the results

In conclusion about the results, I have acted with the feedback that I have received such as the information that I have missed so more detail for the promotion maybe above and below the line promotion could have improved and more detail on the marketing strategies & the justification behind the marketing strategies.