Page 1: Unit 14 Social Psychology:  Attraction

Unit 14 Social Psychology: Attraction

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Which person would you want to have a long term relationship with?

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How To Make People Think You're More Attractive Than You Are

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5 Factors of Attraction

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1. ProximityGeographic nearnessMere exposure effect:Repeated exposure to something breeds liking.

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2. Reciprocal LikingYou are more likely to like someone who likes you.Except in elementary school!!!!

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3. SimilarityPaula Abdul was wrong- opposites do NOT attract.Birds of the same feather do flock together.Similarity breeds content.

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4. Liking through AssociationClassical Conditioning can play a part in attraction. I love BBQ, If I see the same waitress every time I go there, I may begin to associate that waitress with the good feelings I get from Larry’s.

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5. Physical Attractiveness

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The Hotty Factor•Physically attractiveness predicts dating frequency (they date more).•They are perceived as healthier, happier, more honest and successful than less attractive counterparts.

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Beauty and Culture

Obesity is so revered among Mauritania's white Moor Arab population that the young girls are sometimes force-fed to obtain a weight the government has described as "life-threatening".

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Are these cultures really that different?

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Dear Abby,Your job is to use the following concepts from social psychology to make some recommendations that will help with this romantic dilemma.

Dear Abby, I have been dating a young woman for about 8 months. I fear she is losing interest in me. We attend different schools, so I can’t spend as much time with her as I would like. I am afraid she may have fallen for some other guy. Can you give me some advice about how to win her back?Signed, Worried and Weary

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3 page essayProximityPhysical attractivenessReciprocal likingLiking through AssociationWhat role should self-disclosure play in securing the relationship

FYI Self-disclosure is both the conscious and subconscious act of revealing more about oneself to others
