
It is very important to check equipment prior to using it for safety. This includes calibrating machines and checking that they are recording data effectively.

Safety is a huge issue in sport and testing.

It is extremely important that you have informed consent from all people who take part in fitness testing. No one should be able to take part without signing a consent form.

The reliability of a test is often called into question because the same person gets different results each time they complete it, this could be for a number of reasons-

Is the test being conducted properly? Has the person suffered an injury since

they last took the test? Is the equipment damaged? Is the person using the same amount of


Does the test measure what it is suppose to be measuring?

Basically if we are measuring something we have to make sure that the test we do for it is right.

Sitting comfortably on the floor place your feet against the box. You must not have shoes on!

Make sure that your knees are locked and straight, reach forward to gently push the marker along the top of the box. Making sure that both hands are in constant contact with the marker and not reaching with just one hand.

Read off the top of the box how far you have pushed the marker.

Expected level Male footballer Male gymnast

regional 7-10cm 10-12cm

national 9-13cm 13-17cm


>15cm >18cm

The test involves continuous running between two lines, 20m apart. You run between these lines and meet the beeps at either end.

If you reach the lines before the beep you must wait until the beep before you run.

When you fail to reach the lines before or on the beep then you are to STOP!!

Expected level female footballer

Female gymnast

regional Level 9 Level 8

national Level 10 Level 9


Level 12+ Level 10

The object of this is to test an athletes level of sprint fatique.

This is a sprint between two cones that are 30m apart, whilst recording time.

Vertical jumps start by standing side-on to a wall and reaching up with the hand nearest the wall to gain a measurement of how high you can reach whilst standing with flat feet.

Stand away from the wall and jump vertically reaching and touching the wall, measurement is the difference between the two measurements.

Expected level Male footballer Male basketballer

regional 55-64cm 65-74cm

national 65-74cm 75-84cm


>75cm 85cm

Average 16-19 40-49cm 36-46cm

Take up the press up position with arms straight.

You can only rest within the minute in the upright press up position.

Timed for 1minute your partner should count how many you do.

Expected level Male footballer Male swimmer

regional 45 50

national 55 55


65+ 60

Start in the sit up position. This involves lieing on your back with your knees bent and your and hands on your thighs.

Each time you come up in this postion you should run your hands along your thigh to reach up to the knee.

Do not use your head or neck to help or oull on the backs of the thigh.

Expected level Female rower Female gymnast

regional 40 30

national 45 35


50 40

Your BMI provides a way of calculating whether or not your body is of an ideal weight . A BMI test is designed for men and women over the age of 18, and although people under the age of 18 can use it, their results should not be taken to have significant meaning.

For this reason we will not be using this test.

Another way to test body composition is to use callipers. This involves pinching skin at parts around the body such as hips and between the shoulders and measuring how much skin can be gathered. The more skin that can be pinched the larger and therefore worse this reading will be.

You will be taking the tests- flexibility, aerobic endurance, speed and muscular endurance.

1. Your task is to design a table for recording your results

2. Secondly you must research data that indicates national averages for each of these tests so you can compare your results to them.
