

Union Springs Village Board Meeting March 13, 2018 @ 6:00pm

Board of Trustees Attendance: Trustee Bill Boyd, Jr. Trustee Dawn Locastro Trustee Marion Case Trustee Brian Cornell Mayor Bud Shattuck Others in attendance: Clerk/Treasurer Joanne Fleming, Deputy Clerk: Sharon Russell, Village Attorney: Chad Hayden. DPW Supervisor: Jeff Weaver, WWTP Operator: Jim Jeffers. Code Enforcement Officer: Howard Tanner was excused. From the Public: resident Mike Ryan, Creamery Rd. Mayor Shattuck opened the meeting beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted with a motion entered by: Boyd 2nd Case. CODE ENFORCEMENT REPORT: CEO Tanner has changed his hours at least for the summer months. He will be in the office starting at 8am-10am on Mondays, no change to his hours on Thursdays. The Larry Wolff property on Grove St. was then discussed, the for sale sign has been taken down and it appears the property is no longer for sale, however, a large tank and a shed that is falling down still need to be removed. Mayor Shattuck will have Mr. Tanner follow up on these outstanding items. CLERK’S REPORT: Notices and Registration Forms were sent to all lakefront property owners as well as local realtors regarding the new Short Term Rental Local Law. Water and sewer billing for the quarter is being prepped and will be mailed to residents at the end of the month. Reminder, Village Elections are next Tuesday, March 20th, polls will be open at 12noon until 9pm. TREASURER’S REPORT: for February 2018 Given by Sharon Russell. Details of Revenue and Details of Expenditures were provided to the Board members. She also provided the board members with a report of the budget modifications for the month of February. The board unanimously approved the modifications on a motion by Boyd with a 2nd by Case. Passed. Budget Modifications

February 2018

General Fund

$185.96 from A1620.4 (Buildings Clerk's Office Contractual) to A1620.41 (Buildings Contractual NYSEG)

$2,743.64 from A1640.1 (Central Garage-Personal Services) to A5142.1 (Snow Removal-Personal Services)



Water Fund $2,845.78 from F8340.1 (Dist. System-Personal Services) to F8320.1 (Pumping Station-Personal Services)

$585.46 from F8340.1 (Dist. System-Personal Services) to F9060.8 (Hospital & Medical Insurance) $3,431.24

AUDIT OF THE BILLS: Abstract 9 reviewed by the Board. General Fund: #447-483 $20,378.19 Water Fund: #447-482 $ 6,538.45 Sewer Fund: #447-482 $22,942.25 Agency Fund: #454-476 $ 1,250.63 Motion to pay the bills listed on the abstract was approved by Trustee Cornell and 2nd by Trustee Boyd. Passed. Department of Public Works: Jeff Weaver remarked that he has all of the salt supply that he needs for the season. ATTORNEY’S REPORT: Request for authorization to sign Nixon Peabody contract. Motion by Trustee Boyd, 2nd by Trustee Case. 5-0 passed. Mayor’s Report: Solar Update: Solar field to be constructed by the Village of Union Springs Water Works location up to the Union Springs Academy property. Mayor Shattuck projects a savings of $29k in electricity. 23 municipalities from 3 counties plan to participate, bid is by Abundant Solar. Mayor to attend an upcoming evening meeting on Solar. He will give an updated status of the project to the board at the April meeting. Fire Hydrant project: Mayor felt the engineering cost estimates for the project were excessively high. He is awaiting one more estimate from a firm in Tompkins County. Village doesn’t have to do an RFP, but can do a RFQ. Mayor has contacted Fiscal Advisors; they have worked with the Village on previous capital projects. He has also spoken with Generations Bank and Cayuga Lake National Bank. Both banks are willing to provide financing for the hydrant project. Garbage contract: Mr. Hayden is gathering information from Auburn Landfill and Seneca Meadows to nail down cost per tonnage. Garbage Collection Contract specs, need cost for dump fees. Three year contract is soon to expire. Request for Proposals need to get out soon. Turn around for Springport Cove Rd. must be completed. The turnaround will allow the WeCare garbage truck to collect the trash on that street rather than the Village’s DPW staff collecting the trash. The turnaround will allow the DPW time to complete other village tasks.


Mayor Shattuck will be a presenter at the Watershed Summit on April 19 in Seneca Falls. Establish date of public hearing for the 2018-19 Budget. Set for April 17, 2018. Procurement Policy: Mayor would like board members to look over the draft of NYCOM’S Procurement Policy and plan for its adoption at the Annual Organizational meeting. Salary survey: Received from NYCOM and distributed by Clerk Fleming Truck (WWTP): Quote for a 1 ton work truck with plow package, $30k, Mayor asked for comments from members.

Case, cannot justify the cost of purchasing another truck she would rather allocate funds to have the hydrant project completed. Boyd: need seems to be more orientated to running errands, too much truck, too expensive for an “errand” vehicle. Cornell: comments were similar to Trustee Boyd’s smaller vehicle or used vehicle is all that is really needed. The DPW and WWTP should be sure to combine all trips for supplies, equipment, etc. Locastro: no comment made.

Trustee’s Reports: Boyd: no report Case: Perform 4 Purpose on 5/20/18 at Frontenac Park Gazebo, food sales $8 for sub & chips proceeds to benefit playground improvements. She is looking at purchasing picnic tables 5or 6 wooden ones for the park. She has sent a grant application in for Merry Go Round Playhouse Performance for this summer. Performance will be Friday, August 10, 2018 in the Jorgensen Pavilion. Easter egg hunt will take place on Saturday, March 31st. This event usually takes place at AJ Smith Elementary; however, due to construction there, a change in venue was necessary. Trustee Case has a list of items that need to be done before the park opens. She will submit work order s to the DPW. Cornell: No report given Locastro: As this was Trustee Locastro’s final board meeting, the Mayor provided her with a framed Certificate of Appreciation. He would like to publicly recognize her by naming the gazebo ( near the Astoria parking lot) in her honor or name a future trail around the Mill Pond. No final action was taken. The Board will consider both options and render a decision at a future board meeting. Old Business: Zoning Board of Appeals Chair, Angela Kneaskern will be moving out of the village, therefore, she will be resigning from the ZBA. This leaves only 2 board members. The ZBA consist of a 5 member board. Resident’s names submitted for appointment: Lynn Hopson, Marissa Slocum, Eric Hall. Mayor Shattuck will further discuss the ZBA at the Annual Organizational Meeting next month. New Business: Planning Board will meet on Thursday, April 19th to review a number of Local Laws for adoption related to the LWRP. Deputy Clerk Sharon Russell will be leaving in this fall, a plan for her replacement must be made.


Any Other Business to come before the Board: Clerk Fleming had previously sent the Trustees a memo regarding paying off a loan in the Sewer Fund. The loan is held by USDA @5% with a maturity of 2021. The principal amount to payoff is $54,000., savings of interest is approximately $2,700. A motion to pay off the debt out of the 2018-19 budget was made by Trustee Boyd and 2nd by Trustee Cornell, Passed. The loan will be expensed from G9710 .6 and G9710.7, revenue source from G980.

Misc. Correspondence: Cayuga County Association of Villages (CCAV) next dinner meeting is 3/26/18 at the Springside Inn. Host village is Cayuga, NY. Speaker is the new Cayuga County Administrator, Justin Woods.

Motion to Adjourn: 8:05 pm

Village Elections 3/20/18 polls open at noon-9 pm Next budget meeting 3/27/18 @ 6:00 pm Next Meeting: April 17, 2018 @ 6:00 pm

Reminder: Annual Organizational Meeting will be held on 4/10/18; newly elected and re-elected Trustees (Truman and Cornell) will be sworn into office. Meeting starts at 6:00 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Joanne Fleming Village Clerk/Treasurer

Attachment Abstract #11
