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By Cassandra VinogradCAN YOU crack the code?That’s the question Britain’s electronic listening agency, GCHQ, is asking in an online campaign to find the next generation of cyber specialists.

GCHQ quietly launched a cryptic website last month featuring a box of code made up of numbers and letters. There is no branding on the site, only the phrase “Can you crack it?” and a box to type in an answer.

The agency has now revealed it is behind the campaign, and said it’s try-ing to reach individuals with “a keen interest in code breaking and ethical hacking” for careers at GCHQ.

“It’s to arouse interest in people who perhaps might not be caught by our normal recruitment campaigns,” a GCHQ spokesman said, speaking on customary condition of anonymity.

By David StringerBRITAIN’S Prince Harry was quoted last month as confirming he will be deployed to Afghanistan for a second time – almost four years after his previous secret mis-sion was cut short when details leaked.

The Sun newspaper reported that the 27-year-old, who is third in line to the British throne, told guests at a military awards ceremony last month that he would likely return next year.

“I can’t wait to get out there,” the newspaper quoted Harry as saying.

Harry served as a battlefield air con-troller in Afghanistan for 10 weeks from December 2007, but was sent home early after details were made public – first by an Australian celebrity magazine and later on the Drudge Report website.

He became the first member of the British royal family to serve in a war zone since his uncle, Prince Andrew, flew as a helicopter pilot in the Falkland Islands conflict with Argentina in 1982.

A spokesman for St James’s Palace, would not discuss the details of when or where Harry could serve in Afghanistan. He said it would be a “matter for the military chain of command.”

Britain’s defense ministry did not com-ment on Harry’s potential deployment.

The prince returned to Britain in November after two months of combat helicopter pilot training in the United States.

At the Naval Air Facility in El Centro, California, Harry flew Apache attack helicopters in the desert close to the Mexican border. During training at the

Prince Harry Plans Afghanistan Return

CNN star interviewer Piers Morgan re-fused to disclose details about the most damning links between himself and Brit-ain’s phone hacking scandal last month – his acknowledgment that he once listened to a phone message left by Paul McCartney for his then-wife Heather Mills.

In a 2006 article in the Daily Mail t ab lo id , Morgan said he was played a phone message left by the former Beatle on Mills’ answering machine, describing it in detail and not-ing that McCartney

“even sang ‘We Can Work It Out’ into the answerphone.”

Mills has said there’s no way Morgan could have obtained the message hon-estly.

Morgan stubbornly refused to answer almost any questions about how he came to hear the message, saying that doing so would compromise a source.

“I’m not going to start any trail that leads to the identification of a source,” he said.

Asked by inquiry chief Lord Justice Brian Leveson whether he could supply any information to back the assertion that he had heard the recording legally, Morgan said he couldn’t.

Earlier Morgan said he “doesn’t be-lieve” he had ever listened to hacked voicemail message – and dismissed earlier interviews – in which he’d discussed phone hacking at length – as having been based on rumor and hearsay.

He refused to say who had filled him in about the practice.

“My memory’s not great about this. It was a long time ago,” he said.

Morgan Refuses To Name McCartney Voicemail Source

Before his US television career, Morgan ran two British tabloids – the News of the World and the Daily Mirror. He was giving evidence to Britain’s media ethics inquiry by video link last month from the United States – one of a host of tabloid newspaper executives to face the inquiry, set up in the wake of the uproar over phone hacking and other unethical newsgathering methods at the News of the World.

The atmosphere turned tense within minutes of Morgan taking his oath. He was quizzed about his relationship to private investigators and freelancers such as “Benji the Binman,” who specialized in raking though celebrities’ trash to look for scoops.

Morgan said he never dealt with private investigators but he did acknowledge buy-ing information from Benji – and said he’d had some qualms about it.

“Did I think he was doing anything illegal? No. Did I think he was doing anything on the cusp of unethical? Yes,” Morgan said.

The stakes are high for Morgan. More than a dozen journalists have been arrested, senior executives with Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp media empire have lost their jobs, and top UK police officers have resigned over their failure to tackle the scandal.

Witnesses at the inquiry have exposed the seamy side of British journalism, with reporters accused of cooking up stories, blackmailing subjects, hacking phones and paying bribes to police officers to secure tips.

UK Spy Agency Asks Hackers To Crack Code

GCHQ said the fast-moving pace of the digital arena and cybersecurity means it must find new ways to engage with prospective candidates, who typically have entered the agency as graduates.

“With the threats to information and computer technology constantly evolving, it is essential that GCHQ allows candidates who may be self taught, but have a keen interest in code breaking and ethical hacking, to enter the recruitment route too,” it said in a statement.

But career hackers beware: “Any-one applying who has hacked illegally will not be eligible to continue in the re-cruitment process,” GCHQ warned.

The agency said it has been using social media to get the word out and that the site has attracted about 8,000 hits.Online:

Piers Morgan

Ministers Say EU Veto Won’t RSink UK’s CoalitionSENIOR members of Britain’s gov-ernment insist Prime Minister David Cameron’s veto to a Europe-wide treaty to create closer fiscal ties won’t sink his coalition.

But, Nick Clegg, deputy prime minister and leader of the pro-European Liberal Democrats, has said he was “bitterly disappointed” by Cameron’s decision.

The Liberal Democrats are junior partners to Cameron’s Conservatives in Britain’s coalition government.

Senior Liberal Democrat Danny Alexander, Britain’s deputy Trea-sury chief, said that differences over Europe won’t “threaten the coalition.”

Many regard Clegg’s criticism of Cameron as a ploy aimed at placating his restive rank and file.

Gila Bend Air Force Auxiliary Field in southern Arizona, the prince fired mis-siles and rockets.

During a brief break from maneu-vers, the young prince rented a Harley-Davidson motorcycle in Scottsdale and rode the six-hour trip to Las Vegas for a weekend visit.

Harry is currently completing his Apache helicopter training at British Royal Air Force base Wattisham Station, in eastern England.

The newspaper said the prince told awards ceremony guests he now hoped to utilize his months of training. “I’m look-ing forward to putting it into practice,” it quoted him as saying.

In a speech to the ceremony, Harry told military colleagues of his admiration for them – and for the families left behind when they are deployed.

“It’s often said of our armed forces that they are ordinary people doing ex-traordinary things. Well, I don’t entirely buy that,” Harry said. “Ordinary people don’t put their lives on the line for distant folk, such as the Afghans, who need our help and are now turning their country around because of it.”

Britain has around 9,500 troops in Afghanistan, based mainly in the southern Helmand province. In a visit Tuesday, Prime Minister David Cam-eron confirmed about 500 U.K. forces will be withdrawn in 2012, ahead of the end of the international mission by the end of 2014.

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Duke Of Ediburgh Leaves Hospital

PRINCE PHILIP left the hospital Decem-ber 27, after undergoing treatment for a blocked coronary artery.

Philip, the Queen’s 90-year-old husband, spent four nights in the hospital recovering from a successful coronary stent procedure. He was taken to Papworth, a specialist heart hospital in Cambridge, December 23 after complaining of chest pains.

It was the most serious health scare suf-fered by Philip, who is known to be active and robust. He has continued to appear at many engagements, most recently taking a 10-day tour of Australia with the Queen.

For the first time in years he was forced to miss the royal family’s traditional Christmas festivities, which include attending a morn-ing church service, viewing the Queen’s annual Christmas broadcast together, and a shooting party on Boxing Day.

SMILEDPhilip did not speak to reporters as he

was driven away from the hospital in a Range Rover though he smiled, and waved to those gathered to film his departure.

He also thanked the hospital staff for their care.

He returned to Sandringham to join the Queen and other royal family members, Buckingham Palace officials said.

It is not yet clear if Philip’s heart prob-lem will cause a reduction in his plans to travel with the Queen next year to celebrate her Diamond Jubilee. He is scheduled to make a series of trips to England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to help her mark her 60th year on the throne.

Now that Philip has been found to have

Tabloid Reporter: Phone Hacking A Regular Tool

See story Page 9

New Quarantine Laws Will RPlease Pet OwnersQUARANTINE laws in the UK will be relaxed from the beginning of this month.

The current laws governing the movement of pets will be brought into line with European legislation.

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) said “vastly improved rabies vaccines” meant pets no longer had to spend six months in quarantine when entering the UK.

But some animal welfare groups claim the changes could expose Brit-ain to an increased risk of rabies.

Britain’s quarantine laws were introduced in the 19th Century to combat the threat of rabies.

Currently, any dog, cat or ferret entering the UK must be vaccinated against and blood tested for the dis-ease before being quarantined for six months.

From January 2012, pets from the EU and listed non-EU countries such as the US and Australia will no longer need a blood test and will only have to wait 21 days before they travel.

Pets from unlisted non-EU coun-tries such as India, Brazil and South Africa will be able to enter the UK if they meet certain strict criteria to ensure they are protected against rabies, including a blood test and a three-month wait before they enter the UK.

The new regulations will please many expat animal owners. Defra said that bringing the UK’s Pet Travel Scheme into line with the rest of the European Union had the potential to save pet owners about £7m in fees.

Page 2: Union Jack News — January 2012

Page 2 January

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Passenger Takes Off With Bus During Scenes Of Mayhem

COMMUTING ON public transport in the City of Glasgow, can turn out to be an interest-ing ride, but it can also be a dangerous and violent place too. Glasgow Sheriff’s Court was regaled with an adventure aboard the number 66 bus in Yoker, when two very intoxicated men boarded. One of them got into a confrontation with another passenger and a nasty punch-up took place that forced the bus to pull over and let paramedics check out the bloodied man. Then the bus driver, who had slipped from his cab to call police, allowed further mayhem to ensue. The man who had not got involved in his friend’s physical encounter, suddenly left his seat, jumped in the cab, and drove off, to the astonishment of everyone on the bus. The bus driver and a local policeman found themselves thrown through the bus’ open doors and into the street. On board for a short and wild ride were two police officers, three paramedics, the injured man and seven severely stunned passengers.

The unlicensed “bus driver” Frank Ken-nedy, did not get far before colliding with an ambulance, an MG Sports car and a fence. He was arrested immediately where he curiously enquired, “What do you think I’ll get for this?”

Sheriff Norman Ritchie QC, concluded with the words “This is just madness,” Kennedy, 27, was remanded in custody and sentencing was deferred for more psycho-logical reports to be made available.

Hotel Honours Woman Who Was Abandoned On Steps

As A Baby In 1939A WOMAN who was abandoned as a baby at just three-months-old on the steps of a Car-diff Hotel in 1939, has been remembered at the Royal Hotel. The hotel recently opened its doors again after remodeling and renovation. Pat Fitzgerald is a grandmother of three now, but it was not until she was 27-years-old that her adopted parents Peter and Edith Ross, told her about her beginnings. Pat tried for years to discover her past without success, but the Hotel never forgot that little child on that cold December day and a close bond has remained over the years. When the Royal put in a new plush drinking establishment where customers could imbibe amidst luxury and fashionable fittings they needed a special name for it. It did not take management long to decide however, they called the new refurbishment, “the Fitz.”

“The hotel is the nearest thing I have to a birthplace,” said the delighted Pat. “I feel very honoured they named a bar after me-it’s lovely!”

No ‘Cakewalk’ For Business On Special Groupon Deal

RACHEL BROWN was looking to improve sales at her “need a Cake,” business, so she offered 75 percent discount on her special cupcakes using Groupon, an online coupon company. She usually makes around 100 cakes a month, but the new cupcake deal literally submerged the company in orders. Her twelve cupcake deal usually costs £26, but with the discount the price dropped to £6.50. The cake entrepreneur from Woodley, Reading, received orders totaling 8,500 and was forced to use all her resources to pro-duce some 102,000 cupcakes in a month.

By the time she’d brought in extra help and contracted some of the orders out to other cake makers, her profits from the year had disappeared and she was near to going broke. She finally rescinded the offer which resulted in lots of angry telephone calls, but her cake business is likely to survive.

“I’ve been running this business for twenty years and I thought I knew what I was doing,” said the regretful Rachel. “but this offer was not everything it seemed to be.”

Mike And His Computer Turn Tables On Thief In Spain

MIKE BIRTWHISTLE’S vacation in Tenerife in the Canaries Islands, turned sour when his two laptop computers were stolen and he was forced to return to his home in Standish, Wigan, without his recreational electronics. Mike runs an online company called Stores Direct, with colleague David Duffy, and both being computer geeks they discovered that one of the stolen laptops spent a lot of time on line. They hacked into the stolen computer, changed the password, and activated the web-cam. They were soon able to get a clear picture of the person using the stolen instrument that was transmitted to Spanish Police some 2,000 miles away and the culprit was arrested.

“It was a victory for technology over crime,” said David Duffy.

Harry Ramsden’s Original Fish And Chips Shop To CloseARE BRITONS going off their fish and chips ?

One of the biggest chip shops in Britain is closing its doors. Harry Ramsden’s opened their first eatery in Guisley, Leeds, an establishment that could seat 250 diners and on one memorable day in 1952, served over 10,000 portions of fish and chips. The original Harry Ramsden (1888-1963) sold out years ago. John Barnes went public with the company in 1989, and pushed it to 35 British locations with restaurants in Australia, Saudi-Arabia and even a franchise at Epcot in Orlando, Florida. Birmingham businessman Ranjit Boparan, bought the chain in January 2010. The Guiseley chip shop was opened in 1928, and after 83 years of mushy peas, battered cod, and splashings of malt vinegar an era has come an end.

Ramsden’s CEO Joe Teixera, says the decision was not taken lightly and the 24 staff would be offered alternative jobs.

Marmite Accident Closes Major Motorway

IT WAS NOT your typical road accident.A tanker carrying yeast extract – the key

ingredient in that uniquely British spread Marmite – overturned on a major British highway, spilling the pungent-smelling liquid onto the road.

The liquid had the same unique smell of Marmite and was being transported to the Marmite factory in Burton-on-Trent in central England to be turned into the black sticky paste that generations of Britons have spread on hot buttered toast.

South Yorkshire Police said the accident happened after the tanker collided with a motorhome on the M1 highway that links London with north England. Marmite is a widely popular British food that provokes strong feelings. Those who dislike it cannot bear to even smell the contents of a jar.

The Queen Meets With Yoko Ono In Liverpool

THE QUEEN met recently with Yoko Ono on a visit to the birthplace of The Beatles.

The British monarch chatted with Ono, widow of John Lennon, on a visit to the Mu-seum of Liverpool in the northwest England port city where the Fab Four formed.

Ono said she was impressed by the queen’s burgundy coat, dress and matching hat, saying it “made her look so young, so elegant. She is always elegant. It’s always nice to meet her.”

In honor of the Queen’s trip to Liverpool, the band of the Coldstream Guards played a medley of Beatles songs during the Chang-ing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace in London.

Mariella Tells The Neighbours ‘She’s A Swinger’MARIELLA FROSTRUP, the broadcaster, has spoken of her embarrassment after inadver-tently advertising herself as a swinger.

The gravelly-voiced journalist has been inundated with lusty admirers after placing two pampas grass plants on her balcony.

Now, after realising the plants are recog-nised as a calling card for swingers, she is trying to get rid of the plants, reported the Daily Telegraph.

Frostrup, 49, who is married to human rights lawyer Jason McCue, wrote on Twitter: “Who knew that pampas grass plants are a signal to fellow swingers?

“Bought two and put them on my balcony. Neighbours have been swarming!”

She later added: “Anyone want a Pampas Grass plant for Christmas, or better still, two?”

Followers of the mother-of-two joked on the social networking site that she must live in a “swinging hot spot”.

Frostrup jovially replied: “Can I borrow some sugar and your husband?

“Any tips on what to replace the clearly misguiding Pampas with. Does a humble Yucca send subversive messages too?

Senior Citizen Lost On M25 For Two Days

DENNIS LEIGHTON got seriously lost on his way to his daughter’s house last month – for two days.

Leighton’s worried family reported him to the police after he failed to complete the 55 mile journey. Police officers eventually found the 82-year-old at the wheel of his Vauxhall Estate, reported The Sun.

The pensioner, from Windsor, ended up going round in circles after missing his turn-off for his destination in Swanley, Kent. Police in Thames Valley asked colleagues in neighbouring forces to keep an eye out for Leighton after he went missing.

And he was finally found safe and well in his car in South London – more than 30 hours after leaving home. A Thames Valley Police spokesman said: “He got a little bit lost but was found safe and well in the early hours of the morning.”

UK Consumer Watchdog Investigates Groupon

THE UK advertising standards watchdog says it has reported Groupon to Britain’s Office of Fair Trading following repeated breaches of the advertising code.

The Advertising Standards Authority has formally investigated – and upheld – com-plaints against the daily deal site’s advertising on 11 occasions and informally resolved 37 cases.

It said last month it decided to refer com-plaints to the OFT earlier this year “because, given Groupon’s track record” it has “serious concerns” about the company’s ability to follow the advertising code.

The ASA said the complaints concern Groupon’s failure to conduct promotions fairly, failure to provide evidence that offers are available and exaggeration of savings claims.

The Office of Fair Trading confirmed it had opened an investigation into Groupon in July.

Love-Struck Man In Search Of ‘Cathy’ In London

THOMAS BLYTHE is overcome with affection for a woman he met accidentally and briefly in London and the search is on.

Restaurant manager Blythe is determined to find the woman he knows only as Cathy or Kathy, reported the Daily Telegraph.

His blog documenting the fleeting encoun-ter has been posted on Twitter and has been retweeted by thousands of people.

Posters titled “Are you Cathy/Kathy?” have also been put up around the area in South London where they met as he got into a cab about 1am.

“She was beautiful, incredibly sweet and swelled with delight when she saw the flow-ers, she just said she loved flowers and how beautiful mine were and jokingly asked if she could have them,” he said.

“I handed them to her and she said her name was Cathy, I told her mine. She said she lived on Coldharbour Lane. I told her I did too.

“She kissed me on both cheeks and walked away. Before I could think to offer her my number, ask her if she might like a drink sometime. She’d gone.”

He spent a frantic 20 minutes scouring the area for any trace of where she might live but tired and dejected gave up.

He finished his blog: “She was lovely, and no-one walks up to you in London and tells you how lovely something is and it’s rare you get to make a stranger’s day.

“So perhaps she’ll email me and make mine. I’ll let you know? That or I’m looking down the barrel of an email inbox full of crazies and lots of LOLZ.”

Sudoku School Bus Driver Loses Job

A SCHOOL BUS driver was sacked last month after being caught on camera doing a Sudoku puzzle while transporting children to school.

He was captured balancing a puzzle book on his steering wheel in a picture taken by a pupil on a mobile phone, reported Metro.

The employee was also seen filling in the answers with a pen while travelling in early morning traffic, according to the 12-year-old snapper. “When I saw the photo I was really shocked,” said the boy’s mother who

blew the whistle on the driver taking pupils to Ferndown Upper and Middle schools in Dorset.

“Not only was he driving, he also had children on the coach and was responsible for their safety.

“It wasn’t ever our intention that the driver should lose his job but we wanted to draw it to the company’s attention to make sure it never happened again.”

The driver, who has not been identified, was dismissed after Cavendish Liner Coach Company launched an investigation.

Cindy Lalani, business manager at Fern-down Upper School, said: “We feel that the bus company took prompt action, which we are very happy with.”

Yorkshire Teen Afflicted With ‘Crumpet-Phobia’

A TEENAGER has developed an unusual phobia – a fear of crumpets.

Stefani Ingamells, 19, from Scarborough says that just the sight of one of the delica-cies makes her feel sick, and she wants to flee.

The make-up artist told The Sun: “If I was forced to look at one for any length of time I think I would be sick. My first reaction is always to destroy the crumpet. But then I have a strong urge to run away.”

Apparently, it’s the dimples that cause the problem. Ingamells has been diagnosed with trypophobia – a fear of holes.

“The other day I saw a group of straws pointing upwards and I was terrified. I also hate Crunchies because of the holes in the honeycomb,” she added.

“But my biggest fear has always been crumpets. My first memory of them was when I was five. My mum gave me one for breakfast and I just screamed.”

After years of thinking she was alone, she finally discovered fellow sufferers by looking up ‘fear’ and ‘crumpets’ on the internet.

“I found lots of forums and support groups full of other people with trypophobia. We all have a fear of small clusters of holes,” she said.

Starbucks Expanded UK Drive-Thru Shops

STARBUCKS is hitting the road in Britain.The Seattle-based coffee company said

last month that it is planning to open 200 more drive-thru stores in the UK over the next five years, plus 100 walk-in ones.

The company opened its first UK drive-thru in 2008 in Cardiff in Wales, and currently has nine.

In the United States, it has 2,500 drive-thru stores.

Half of the new UK drive-thru units will be opened in partnership with Euro Garages, a company based in northern England which operates service stations.

Starbucks says it expects to hire 5,000 people at the new stores.

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Happy New YearACTRESS Helena Bonham Carter, 45, whose numerous film credits include the Oscar-winning The King’s Speech and wearing an ape costume in Planet of the Apes in 2001 – “I wanted to play an ape,” she says – was honoured by the British Academy of Film and Television Arts LA last month, with their Britan-nia Award for British Artist of the Year.

On arrival on the red carpet at the Beverly Hilton hotel in Beverly Hills, Helena admitted she didn’t know why she was chose for the award for British actress of the year. “They must know more than I do,” she said with a straight-faced look.

Veteran award-winning star Helen Mirren made the presentation on stage in the Grand Ballroom. In her acceptance speech, Helena told Mirren “You also deserve this,” holding up her trophy.

* * *BRITISH STARS face stiff competition in the 69th annual Golden Globes Awards in Beverly Hills, on January 15, on the NBC-TV network.

Tilda Swinton, 51, is up against veterans Glenn Close in Albert Nobbs and Meryl Streep in The Iron Lady, Swinton was nominated in the lead dramatic category for We Need to Talk About Kevin.

In the Male Supporting roles, Kenneth Branagh, 51, is in contention with such “heavies” as Nick Nolte in Warrior and Chris-topher Plummer in Beginners. Branagh plays Laurence Olivier in My Week with Marilyn, which follows the making of Olivier’s comedy The Prince and the Showgirl, and the deeply troubled star’s “battles” with the director.

Branagh spent a great deal of time in the make-up chair listening to an audio performance of Olivier reading the Bible. He told Daily Variety, “It was a wildly dramatic vocal performance, to hear about God via Sir Laurence. When I was done, I’d open my eyes and he would be starting to appear.”

In the Female Supporting category, Janet McTeer is a nominee for Albert Nobbs.

A big surprise was that the critically ac-claimed British spy drama Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, starring Gary Oldman, was overlooked.

* * *COMIC ACTOR Ben Stiller who received the BAFTA-LA Charlie Chaplin Britannia Award for Excellence in Comedy, was another star who never expected it. “I’ve long been a Charlie Chaplin fan, and it’s a great honour to win it.” Robert Downey Jr who portrayed Chaplin in the film Chaplin in 1992, made the presentation.

Other honorees included Warrant Beatty, 73, who was awarded the Stanley Kubrick Britannia Award for Excellence in Film, who thanked his sister, veteran star Shirley Ma-cLaine for guiding him to become an actor. Shirley stood up to an applauding star-studded audience and blew a few kisses to her brother. It was a delightful moment, and a delightful evening.

* * *ONE OF Santa Monica’s best British restau-rants, The Tudor House, is celebrating its

Union Calls On BBC To Fire Jeremy Clarkson

A TRADE UNION last month denounced a low blow from the host of the popular TV show Top Gear.

The UNISON union demanded the BBC fire Jeremy Clarkson after the opinionated TV presenter said striking public sector workers should be shot.

Clarkson apologized later, saying he had not meant anyone to take him seriously when he said strikers who had participated in Britain’s largest public sector walkout in 30 years last month, should be executed “in front of their families.”

“I’d have them all shot,” Clarkson said on BBC television’s One Show. “I mean, how dare they go on strike when they’ve got these gilt-edged pensions that are going to be guaranteed while the rest of us have to work for a living?”

The BBC apologized for the remarks and said it had received around 4,700 complaints.

SORRYAnd Clarkson said he was sorry – sort

of.“I didn’t for a moment intend these

remarks to be taken seriously – as I believe is clear if they’re seen in context,” he said. “If the BBC and I have caused any offense, I’m quite happy to apologize for it alongside them.”

UNISON, which represents more than one million public sector workers, said Clarkson should be fired immediately. It said it was seeking legal advice and consid-ering referring the comments to police.

The union’s general secretary, Dave Prentis, said Clarkson’s comments “were totally outrageous, and they cannot be tolerated.”

The furor even drew a response from Prime Minister David Cameron, who

branded the comments “silly.”“It was obviously a silly thing to say

and I am sure he didn’t mean that,” Cam-eron – a friend of Clarkson – told ITV television.

COMPLAINTSThe BBC in the past has fielded com-

plaints over irreverent quips by Clarkson, one of the hosts of the popular car show, which is broadcast in more than 100 countries.

Clarkson’s jokey machismo and gibes about environmentalists, cyclists and the perceived forces of political correctness are part of the show’s formula for suc-cess, but have landed Top Gear in trouble before.

The BBC fielded complaints after Clarkson made a joke linking truck driv-ers with prostitute murders and when he described former Prime Minister Gordon Brown as a “one-eyed Scottish idiot.”

Earlier this year the BBC apologized to Mexico’s ambassador after Clarkson and his co-hosts described Mexicans as lazy and oafish.

By Meera SelvaAUSTERITY measures, prolonged eco-nomic weakness and a eurozone crisis have taken their toll on Britain’s work force, with figures published last month showing that unemployment has reached a 17-year high.

Britain’s government has staked its reputation on a strategy of cutting costs and jobs in the public sector while trying to boost private sector growth. Last month’s unemployment data, which show that un-employment is rising and that women and young people are hardest hit, raise doubts over whether that strategy is working, and leave Prime Minister David Cameron open to criticism that he is taking away opportu-nities for some parts of society.

The highest level since 1994, 2.64 mil-lion people were unemployed in Britain at the end of October – 128,000 more than in the previous quarter, according to govern-ment statistics.

HIGHESTBritain’s unemployment rate is now 8.3

percent, up 0.4 percent on the quarter and at its highest level since 1996.

In particular, unemployment among 16 to 24-year-olds has reached the highest level since records of youth employment began to be kept in 1992 with 1.03 million young people out of work.

“I’ve applied for hundreds and hundreds jobs and not got anything,” said 17-year-old Tamika Dodd of North London. “I keep getting told I don’t have experience, but they won’t let me get any.”

This section of society – labeled NEETs (Not in Education, Employment or Train-ing) – was held widely responsible for the riots and looting across Britain in the summer and is now finding it hard to get work.

REPUTATIONThe figures open old wounds – unem-

ployment under Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher hit three million in the early 1980s and gave the Conservative party a reputation for not caring about jobless-ness.

Statistics show that in the third quarter of the year, 67,000 jobs were cut in the public sector, while only 5,000 private sector jobs were created. The public sector cuts also hit women hard because they are more likely than men to work in the public sector, pushing the number of women unemployed up by 45,000 to 1.1 million, the highest since 1988.

Another contributing factor appears to be that the longer it takes to find work, the

UK’s Unemployment At Highest Level In 17 Years

harder it becomes.“When I go for a job, people ask me

what I’ve been doing in the last few months and if I tell them I’ve been looking for a job I can see they don’t believe me,” said 16-year-old Asharani Kaur, who has been seeking work since the summer. “They ask why I don’t get a job in a shop or some-thing when that’s what I’m trying to do.”

50th anniversary this year, with an entirely new menu for breakfast, lunch and high af-ternoon tea.

It’s also one of my favourite British restau-rants for having the finest Scottish smoked salmon (lox), equaling that served at the leading five-star dining spots in Europe and the US which I have visited.

Owners Stephen and Teresa Dulley, who have been running the restaurant and adjoin-ing British gift shop since 2006, stocked with all kinds of biscuits, chocolates, jams and jellies, frozen foods, and the list goes on and on. Their baker supplies 14 different kinds of freshly baked British pies daily, and their fish and chips are served the British way – the fish is fried with beer.

If you’re a tourist from overseas or in the US visiting Southern California, it’s well worth your visiting to sample the best of British fare at The Tudor House where they also cater to private parties in true British tradition.

The Tudor House – 1403 Second Street, Santa Monica, CA 90401. (310) 451-4107, and mention the Union Jack.

Duke Of Ediburgh Leaves Hospital

Continued from page 1coronary artery blockages, he is likely to be treated with several medications that are routinely prescribed for heart patients.

In most cases these medicines would include a daily dosage of aspirin to thin the blood, a statin to lower cholesterol, and possibly a beta-blocker and a separate medicine to control his blood pressure. Philip would also be expected to have his heart function tested every six months or so to check for any changes.

Philip had already announced when he turned 90 that he intended to slow down his extremely active schedule. The Diamond Jubilee plans reflected this desire, with the Queen deciding to send her children and grandchildren on grueling overseas trips to Commonwealth countries while she and her husband made less-demanding trips throughout the United Kingdom.

Page 4: Union Jack News — January 2012

Page 4 January

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By Cassandra VinogradALL IRANIAN diplomats in London left on a chartered airplane last month, expelled by the UK government in retaliation for at-tacks on the British Embassy in Tehran.

They left Heathrow Airport the Foreign Office said, and the roughly two dozen diplomats and their dependents will be wel-comed back at Tehran airport, according to Iran’s semiofficial Fars news agency.

Iran’s relations with Britain have become increasingly strained in recent months, largely due to tensions over Tehran’s refusal to halt uranium enrichment – a process that can lead to the development of nuclear weapons.

Images broadcast around the world showed demonstrators tearing down British flags and brandishing a looted picture of the Queen at the embassy compound in Tehran. The incident has deepened Iran’s isolation and significantly escalated tensions with the West.

Britain’s ambassador to Iran, Dominick Chilcott – now back in Britain – said the experience had been “frightening.”

TRASHED“We had no idea how it was going

to end,” he said, describing how the mob trashed rooms, damaged furniture, scrawled graffiti and tore up a portrait of Queen Victoria, as staff took shelter in a secure area of the embassy.

“It felt like very spiteful, mindless vandalism, but it wasn’t quite mindless,” Chilcott said. They removed anything that was electronic – mobile telephones personal computers ... anything that might give information about who you were talk-ing to or what you were doing.”

He said seven staff at a separate resi-dential compound that was also attacked were seized and “quite roughly handled” by the invaders.

In response to the attack, British Foreign Secretary William Hague ordered the Ira-nian diplomats to leave within 48 hours.

Hague also pulled Britain’s diplomats out of Iran following the embassy attack and backed new sanctions on the Islamic republic. At least four other European

countries, including Germany and France, also moved to reduce diplomatic contacts with Iran.

Hague has said the attacks were “clearly premeditated” by high-ranking officials, but claimed there were “divisions within the Iranian regime” about the move.

VIOLENCEChilcott said he believed the violence

was connected to moves by Iranian hard-liners including parliament speaker Ali Larijani to bolster their standing within the regime.

He said that in Iranian politics, “you can do yourself a lot of good by bashing the Brits.”

Iran’s government has criticized the attacks, but hard-liners have spoken out in support of the protesters. Mohammad Mo-hammadian, a representative of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, praised the attackers, saying they had targeted the “epicenter of sedition.”

As the deadline for the Iranian dip-lomats approached, about 20 protesters gathered outside the Iranian Embassy in London to demonstrate against the regime in Tehran.

Shouting “terrorists, terrorists, must go,” the protesters – many from the Lon-don Green Movement which campaigns against Iranian human rights issues – stood in front of flags reading “Free Iran.”

Iranian Diplomats Leave UK After Expulsion

Government Announce 13,500 Troops On Duty For Olympics

BRITAIN WILL have up to 13,500 troops deployed on land, at sea and in the skies to help protect next summer’s Olympics – twice as many as had been expected.

Typhoon fighter jets, helicopters, two warships and bomb disposal experts will all be on duty to guard against secu-rity threats to the 2012 Games, Defense Secretary Philip Hammond said in a statement to lawmakers last month.

The size of the deployment is far higher than the 6,000 troops previously expected and follows a decision last month to raise the security budget for the Olympics to more than £1bn.

Hammond’s announcement follows concerns that original plans to use 10,000 security guards and about 12,000 police officers would not be sufficient to guard against possible security threats. The troops will be in addition to the police and guards.

Britain’s government has said it ex-pects the terror threat level to be set at “severe” during the July 27-August 12 Olympics, meaning an attempted attack is considered highly likely.

Troops will be on duty in several cities, including key venues in London,

aboard boats along the River Thames, which winds through the capital and part of southern England, and in the coastal city of Weymouth where sailing events will take place.

Hammond indicated soldiers would take a key role in tackling possible threats from car bombs or other at-tempted terrorist attacks, with units offering “ordnance disposal, military working dogs and the capability to search vehicles and buildings.”

HMS Ocean, the largest ship in the Royal Navy’s fleet, will be berthed in Greenwich, in east London, to act as a helicopter landing site and a logistics center, while the HMS Bulwark war-ship will act as a maritime command post in Weymouth.

Typhoon fighter jets will be moved to the Royal Air Force’s Northolt base in north London, with Puma and Lynx helicopters also being made available.

Air force chiefs have also worked with police and Olympic organizers on an “appropriate and scalable air security plan,” Hammond said.

Hammond said during the 17-days of the Olympics about 7,500 troops would work directly on guarding venues.

“I have no doubt that they will do a fantastic job – and I look forward to their professionalism and agility being on show on the world stage once again,” he said.

Britain’s defense ministry said fund-ing for the armed forces’ Olympic role would come from the overall security budget already allocated to the 2012 Games – not from the military. Last month, Olympic officials doubled their budget for security operations at ven-ues, hotels and other sites.

National Olympic Security Coordi-nator Chris Allison, an assistant com-missioner of London’s Metropolitan Police, said troops would help safeguard the event. He has previously dismissed reports that the United States had planned to send 1,000 security officials to the Olympics – including 500 FBI agents – over concerns about Britain’s security planning.

Helen Ghosh, the top civil servant in Britain’s interior ministry, told law-makers the usual arrangements would apply for the Olympics, meaning coun-tries are likely to send small numbers of liaison officers.

British Soldier Jailed For Stabbing Afghan Boy

BRITAIN’S Ministry of Defense says a British soldier has been jailed for stabbing a 10-year-old Afghan boy with a bayonet.

Prosecutors said that Daniel Crook, a Grenadier Guardsman stationed in Afghanistan’s southern Helmand prov-ince, had a hangover when he attacked the boy, who was on an errand. The boy survived the incident, which happened in March, 2010.

Crook admitted he stabbed the child, but could not explain why he did so when questioned by military police.

The Ministry of Defense confirmed last month that Crook was dismissed from the army, has faced court martial and is imprisoned for 18 months.

Cambridge Posts Newton Manuscripts OnlineTHE UNIVERSITY of Cambridge says it is posting al-most all of Isaac Newton manuscripts to the Internet.

The university said last month it is launching its online collection with 4,000 pages worth of the Enlight-enment thinker’s most famous work. Other Cambridge manuscripts, including the papers of Charles Darwin, may follow.

This isn’t Newton’s first foray online.The full text of some 130 of Newton’s writings

is freely available through The Newton Project, maintained by the University of Sussex in southern England.

But Cambridge says that facsimile copies of New-ton’s works will allow a far larger audience to explore the full texture of his writings – which include the notes, annotations and arithmetic behind his discoveries.Online: The Newton Project: Cambridge Digital Library’s Newton Papers:

Page 5: Union Jack News — January 2012

January 2012 Page




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(I welcome comments, requests and recipes and can be reached at [email protected])

TWO SPECIAL times in January the Scots really celebrate, the first of course being Hogmanay, and the second Robbie Burns Night. I couldn’t possibly attempt to give advice or recipe for the Haggis (which re-ally is good!) and I have been trying to find the correct recipe for “Neeps and Tatties”, which basically is a vegetable dish with Swedes (rutabaga) or turnips, potatoes nutmeg and butter. If anyone has a winner and would like to share it here, please send it to me. On the same subject: My dear Scottish friend Shona here in Sarasota, gave me a tea towel recently with a Scot-tish dictionary, so thought it would be fun to use some of the terms. I don’t have a drop of Scottish blood in me, so I hope my Scottish readers will not be offended with me using the terms. So, here we go: I think since it is such a Braw/(fine) time of the year, and not too dreich/(dreary) a time, as a beson/(female upstart) feel if I am canny/(cautious) enough I can get away with it?! Hope it isn’t too much of a fankle/(tangle) to sort out and you will all be coultrie/(amiable) about it all, I will try to fouter/(muddle) through. (There are many more but I’m doing me head in with it!!!!)

Scotland has a fascinating history with culinary influences from around the world, and historical French connections. On our wonderful visits to Scotland, Jack and I have always been so impressed with the quality of the food, Angus beef, strawber-

ries and raspberries, smoked salmon, kippers, porridge and whisky of course etc. The Scots usually also have a sweet tooth, and have a great variety of puddings, and baked goods such as shortbread and oat cakes.

So, since I couldn’t come up with a Haggis or Neeps and Tatties recipes, I’ll try something else. Scotch Broth has been described as the national soup of Scotland and was usually made with lamb, however beef is also used which is my preference. I also recommend that slow cooking makes the best soups, and a crock pot is ideal for that. Barley is also traditional and helps to flavour and lithe/(thicken) the broth. I hope you like my version

Scotch Broth3 Tbsp pearl barley1 Tbsp yellow spilt peas1 Tbsp green split peas 1 Tbsp. whole dried peas1/2 cup pearl barley1 Tbsp butter1 carrot diced1 parsnip diced1 small onion chopped1 celery stick chopped1 leek washed and chopped1/2lb stewing beef ( or lamb)2 cups beef stock1 bottle stout beer (dare I say Guinness?!!)

Salt and pepper

Place all dried legumes in a large pot, cover with water and let stand overnight or at least 12 hours. Rinse before using and drain well. Melt butter in large stock pot, add remaining vegetables and sauté for a few minutes. Trim the stewing steak and cut into small pieces, add to the vegetables and sauté five minutes to seal meat. Add the beef stock and stout, add the drained legumes and stir well. Bring to a boil and reduce heat and simmer at least two hours, several hours if using a crock pot.

Season to taste. (four servings)And may I wish you all a Happy and

Healthy New Year(I welcome comments, recipes and

requests and can be reached at [email protected].)

Toilet Statuettes Of Royal CoupleTOILET HUMOUR is rife in Spain – and Prince William and his wife Kate are among international celebrities who have been “featured” in the Catalonia tradition.

The Royal couple feature as “cagan-ers” – caricature statues of famous people shown squatting to answer na-

ture’s call.The Duke

and Duch-ess of Cam-bridge are in good com-pany – also featured are the Queen and Prince Philip, Ba-

rack Obama, John Lennon, Elvis Pres-ley, Lewis Hamilton, Michael Jackson, Mick Jagger and Barcelona FC’s foot-balling heroes.

However, while these undignified poses appear to be denigrating these

celebrities, the function of the “caganer” is very much a positive one.

Caganers are a strong Christmas tra-dition in Catalonia, dating back to the 18th century as Catalonians hide them in Nativity scenes for friends to find.

The figures symbolize fertilization, hope and prosperity for the upcoming year.

Special by Debbie GilbertIN THE US, Public Broadasting (PBS) has always been the most reliable source of great British TV programming. And their broadcast of Downton Abbey, as part of the Masterpiece Contemporary series, carries on that tradition.

To celebrate the debut of Season Two of Downton Abbey, PBS recently threw a private preview screening of the first episode of this new season, at the Times Center in New York City and I was lucky enough to snag a ticket. They showed us only the first 50 minutes of the first episode because, apparently, the episode ends with some shocking turn and they didn’t want that secret to get out.

Watching the show on a movie screen, in a theatre full of fans reacting to it was a unique experience that heightened the enjoyment. There was one moment between Mr Bates and Anna that caused the audience to burst into applause. After the screening, we were treated to a Q&A with five of the stars of the show: Hugh Bonneville (Lord Grantham), Elizabeth McGovern (Lady Grantham), Michelle Dockery (Lady Mary), Dan Stevens (Matthew Crawley), Joanne Froggatt (Anna the maid), as well as the Producer Gareth Neame. The big takeaway from that was the news that season three is already in production. But we also got some interesting information: In response to a question I asked about whether they are now inundated with requests from actors wanting to be on the next season, Gareth said that Har-rison Ford had requested to be on season two.

Downton Abbey A BBC Phenomenon(He’s not.) Michelle Dockery talked about the discomfort of wearing those period corsettes, saying that if you sneeze wrong you can pull a muscle (which happened to one of her co-stars). Joanna said that in her role of Anna, she has only two costumes, so she gets all the pain but none of the glamour. Elizabeth McGovern told an anecdote about Dame Maggie Smith being uncomfortable in the high, starched collars and remarking, “Now I understand why they invented the guillotine!”

When they were asked about when they knew the show had become a phenomenon, Hugh Bonneville said it was when he was taking his young son to school one day, and a 10-year-old ran up to him in the schoolyard and said, “I hate Thomas! What’s happening next week?”

Season one of Downton Abbey ended with the announcement that they were at war with Germany. When they pick up the story, it is in the midst of WWI, and there are some intense scenes. And of course, war and societal changes are bringing changes to Downton. From

The second season of Downton Abbey begins on January 8, on PBS. Please check your local listings. Don’t miss it! (And by the way, it looks like I may be blogging Season Two of Downton Abbey for a major website. At press time, I don’t have link details yet, but if you’d like to join in the fun and discussion, just email me and when I have the details, I’ll send you the link!).

[email protected]

Page 6: Union Jack News — January 2012

And this will make Billy Mitchell a great grandfather!…

A few months ago, when Pat was dating Norman, she suddenly got a phone call from son David in New Zealand, saying he was in financial trouble. She wanted to help and sought out a home equity loan. Unfortunately for her, she let Norman talk her into getting her loan from some dodgy outfit he was recruiting for, and now she can’t make the payments and is about to lose her home. Norman hasn’t been seen recently. The only hope is Ricky returning from his Dubai job with the dosh. But Ricky returns, tossed out of Dubai for skinny dipping, with no money at all…

As you have probably all heard, Pam St Clemment is leaving EastEnders and her last episode as Pat Evans will be broadcast in the UK on Christmas Day (after the deadline for this column), so you’ll have to wait to hear about her exit. There have been plenty of rumors in the press, claiming that she is being killed off, but I’m still holding out hope that these rumors are an elaborate ruse and she won’t die. My preferred exit for Pat would be for Peggy to pull up in a convertible, and they drive off into the sunset Thelma & Louise-style. Ah, if only I were a writer for the BBC!

The E20 Chron-icles book is still available. It’s a collection of NEW, EXCLUSIVE inter-views with many of your favorite East-Enders stars, not available anywhere else – the whole purpose of which is

to raise funds for Children In Need, and 100 percent of the royalties from this book are going directly to Children In Need. To see a preview or to buy the book, click on this link to its page in the Blurb bookstore:

I hope you’ll all buy it and enjoy it! If you’d like to keep up with all things EastEnders, just sign up for my FREE, weekly EastEnders e-newsletter. To get thyself on the mailing list, just email me here at the Launderette: [email protected]

Signed, Your Faithful Reporter,Deborah GilbertAKA E20Launderette

Page 6 January

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CIARAN AND Michelle forge ahead with their wedding plans and Michelle gives him a wad of cash to take to the hotel to put down the deposit on the wedding venue. Well, he puts the deposit down all right but not at the hotel. He loses the whole lot in a poker game in the back room of the Rovers. When Michelle finds out, she calls the wedding off and Ciaran’s off too as he leaves for a life on the ocean waves working on a cruise ship, leaving a teary Michelle all alone.

Julie and Brian cosy up on the Red Rec in the hope of seeing some UFO activity in the night sky. Tommy and Tyrone are there with their DIY UFO and it does the trick in making Brian believe he’s seen the real thing. Until he realises he’s been had and then his face takes a stern turn.

Lloyd’s crying over losing Cheryl and then he loses the plot. Chris comes to see what the fuss is all about and Lloyd punches him out cold. Chris gets taken to hospital and that’s when everyone finds out that his tumour’s receded and he’s been lying for weeks that he was getting worse just so Cheryl would stay with him. Thankfully, this storyline means that Chris, Cheryl and Russ Gray have all now left the Street. There was a superb bit of dialogue as Chris left the Rovers in his final scene after everyone found out what a cad he was. Owen: “You’re sacked!”, Jason: “You’re fired!”, Stella: “And just for good measure, you’re barred an’ all!”

Dennis is perturbed when a blast from his past, a woman called Norma comes looking for him.

Rita gets Dennis to meet Norma and it turns out that she was once engaged to Dennis but he did a runner on their wedding day when he knew he didn’t love her. Anyway, Rita makes Dennis have a heart to heart with Norma then afterwards Rita makes it clear, in a very subtle way, that she’s got feelings for Dennis too. He also makes it clear, in a less subtle man-way that he’s Just Not That Into Her because he’s scared he’ll do to Rita what he once did to Norma. Rita at least appreciates Dennis’ honesty and as he turns away from her outside of the hair salon on the cobbles, she mouths a

silent and teary “Thank You” to him. That little scene almost broke my heart.

It’s all going on at the Platts this month when little Max and his bad haircut moves in. Kylie and David get custody of Max but they’ve only got him five minutes before he does a runner to the Rovers, the place he calls home. Kylie accuses Becky of kidnapping her son and then has to apologise to her big sister when Max is found safe and well, although still with the terrible hairdo.

Becky gets her divorce settlement from Stevey-boy and tells Tracy that she’s off to Mauritius to spend, spend, spend. “Where’s Mauritius?” she asks Roy later when she takes him out for a slap up meal he doesn’t want in the Bistro, money burning a hole in Becky’s pocket already.

And finally, Sophie’s not best pleased when Amber offers to go to the pictures with her until her old University mate Arj comes for a visit. And before you know it, Amber and Arj are getting jiggy upstairs in Amber’s flat. Sophie’s a bit peeved at being dumped by Amber as soon as Arj arrived, so with Arj and Amber upstairs having a bit of how’s your father, Sophie tells Dev just where his daughter is. Dev’s not best pleased and storms into the flat to find a half-naked Arj with his daughter. How’s your father now, Amber?

And finally this month, Deirdre announces that Ken’s got gout.

Glenda Young

AH KARMA: It’s a bitch, innit?Phil Mitchell is being stalked, poor dear:

Someone who obviously knows a lot about him is on a campaign to put the frighteners on him, sending him anonymous letters mentioning the crimes he’s committed, but the Old Bill don’t know about: Torching the car lot, getting Kevin Wicks killed in that dodgy motor, etc. Phil is freaked out but who is it? Everyone in Albert Square is a suspect (after all, HE has been the one terrorizing all of them for years) and in his paranoia he is lashing out at everyone. And now that anonymous stalker is tipping off the cops, who raid his home and the Vic, and in the shuffle, Billy ends up getting arrested because he tried to help Phil dispose of stolen jewelry…

Tanya cannot hold things together any-more; everything is falling apart because she still refuses to tell anyone but Lauren that she has cervical cancer. And she’s given up treat-ments as well. Just then, the Prodigal Max returns, bringing with him the black sheep of the Branning family, Derek, who we have never met before (apparently) because he’s spent much of his life in prison. It’s clear, right from the start, that he’s evil. When Pat first sees him, she flees in terror and he chases her into her house and terrorizes her. But back to Max, he was only planning to visit, but then Lauren tells him that Tanya has cancer and he decides to stay to take care of her, convincing her to restart her chemo treatments…

Jack still will not allow Roxy to see baby Amy. The court gave him full custody, even though his brother the ex-con is living with him, and even though it is now known that the accident wasn’t Roxy’s fault…

Elsewhere… with both Darren and her Mum gone, Jody decides to leave the Square as well; soon followed by her friend Poppy… Also leaving the Square is Rainey, after one last BIG fallout with Tanya… Lola is pregnant and she claims she doesn’t know who the father is, but we do know she’s been with both Jay and cousin Ben (they do like to keep it in the family in Walford, don’t they?) ‘made fresh on the premises’

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A CHIP of glaze cost Alan Bridges £12,000 last month. The antique collec-tor was transporting his valuable vase to TV’s Antiques Roadshow last month and chipped the 100-year-old vase in packing.

Alan Bridges, 75, from Colchester, had bought the vase in question for just £3 from a car boot sale.

Hearing that the popular BBC show was being filmed near his home, he de-cided to take the three-legged porcelain vase along.

However, as the keen collector wrapped it up he accidentally knocked it and caused a piece of glaze to chip. Just how costly a mistake this was became clear when ce-ramics expert Lars Tharp valued the find at a whopping £14,000 – dropping this to just £2,000 when he saw the damage.

Tharp said: “That is probably the most expensive chip we have ever shown on the Antiques Roadshow.”

Putting a brave face on the situation, Bridges, who has been collecting antiques for 45 years, commented: “Oh well, you can’t eat money, can you?”

The vase, which is decorated with a fish motif, was made in around 1900 and was used as an incense burner.

Expensive Chip For Man And His Vase


Author, Essayist Christopher Hitchens

CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS, 62, the author, essayist and polemicist who waged verbal and occasional physical battle on behalf of causes left and right and wrote the provoca-tive best-seller God is Not Great, died last month after a long battle with cancer.

Hitchens, born in Portsmouth, England, was a frequent television commentator and a contributor to Vanity Fair, Slate and other publications, become a popular author in 2007.

Cancer humbled, but did not mellow him. Even after his diagnosis, his columns ap-peared weekly, savaging the royal family or reveling in the death of Osama bin Laden.

Page 7: Union Jack News — January 2012

January 2012 Page


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The Past Reaches Out To Grab Us(Continuing on from last year’s theme …

see UJ last January)I STARTED last year with a look at the causes for celebration/commemoration in 2011. Well, 2012 is no less significant though not all the centenaries might be so familiar.

Ice featured prominently in two of the main events in 1912.

A hundred years ago on January 17, Captain Robert Falcon Scott arrived at the South Pole, only to find he had been pipped to it by Roald Amundsen exactly four weeks earlier. It was a depressing discovery, made even more so by the miseries of the return journey and the deaths of all in the party by the end of March. The bodies weren’t found till November 12 that year.

The biggest event for which 1912 will be remembered happened in April when the Titanic intercepted a lump of ice on its way south. 1517 people perished in the colli-sion. What strikes me now as remarkable is that the subsequent inquiries, in America and Britain, took all the evidence needed and both fully reported their findings by the middle of June.

BLAMEThe blame was placed squarely on the

White Star Line, J Bruce Ismay and Captain Edward Smith. The latter, at least, went down with the ship while Ismay, White Star’s Managing Director, found a place aboard a collapsible raft. He was rather fortunate to find this for he it was who had reduced the number of lifeboats from 48 to 16 in order to accommodate extra luxurious features.

Thus, he survived but spent the rest of his life branded as the coward who saved himself when women and children were left to die.

Watery exploits also figured in what happened in Lake Guatavita, on a mountain north of Bogotá in Columbia a century ago come May. It had for hundreds of years been considered the fabled El Dorado.

In 1580, the Bogotá businessman, Antonio de Sepulveda ambitiously cut a notch into the rim of the lake, lowering the water level by 20 metres. Sadly, the excavation collapsed, drowning many of the labourers. Some of the discoveries – precious metal and jewellery – were sent to the King of Spain. Much good it did Sepulveda: he died a pauper.

Fast forward a couple of hundred years or so and, the renowned explorer, Alexander von Humboldt (he of the Passage), became convinced that the lagoon of Guatavita was indeed the site of El Dorado. He explored the lake, concluding that it could eventually offer up $300m worth of gold.

DRAWINGIt took until 1912 to achieve the appar-

ently impossible – draining the lake – but a British expat, Hartley Knowles, working with “Contractors, Limited of London” came up trumps. He successfully emptied it by the ingenious method of drilling a tunnel which emerged in the centre of the lake. His clever wheeze worked when all that was left was four feet of mud and slime. This was unfortunately impossible to explore, so he waited till it dried. Sadly, now it was like concrete. They managed to scrape up gold, silver and emeralds, subsequently auctioned at Sothebys for £500 but Knowles and his company went bust.

Next year is also the centenary of Pilt-down Man. The fossilised skull of a hitherto unknown form of early human was presented to the Geological Society of London, collected by Charles Dawson from a gravel pit in Pilt-down, East Sussex, and hailed as The Miss-ing Link. To celebrate Dawson’s discovery it was given a Latin name which translates as “Dawson’s dawn-man”.

It took 41 years before the skull was revealed as a hoax, having been knocked together from the skull of a modern man and the lower jaw of an orangutan, complete with

filed-down teeth. Who was t he

perpetrator? Sus-picion fal ls upon Dawson, particularly since archaeologist Mi les Russel l of Bournemouth Uni-versity carried out an analysis of his collection and de-termined that 38 of his specimens were fakes, amongst which was the Brighton “Toad in the Hole”, a toad enclosed in a flint nodule.

MEMORIALNear where Dawson “found” his skull is

a simple stone memorial erected in 1914, celebrating the find. And not a stone’s throw further away is the pub, The Piltdown Man, still doing thriving business. Dawson himself did not long outlive his moment of glory, suc-cumbing to septicaemia in August 1916. It is odd though that no-one in the Geological Society questioned the veracity of the find, even when the fossilised bone of an elephant was discovered there. It had been shaped into a cricket bat. That’s evolution for you.

There are a number of other diverting centenaries but space prevents me from doing much more than mentioning them. It will be a hundred years next November when the suffragettes attacked the pillar boxes of Scotland. They used acid procured from a friendly chemist and conducted their correspondence under the code word, “An-nouncement”. This code was quickly broken and a new code phrase was employed: “Portuguese East Africa”.

Similarly, I can’t do justice to the develop-ment of Glucozade, other than to note that it first hit the shops in 1912 and was renamed Lucozade in 1929. The eagle-eyed Muslims amongst you will have noted it contains 0.01% ethanol. Happily the Muslim Council of Britain ordained in 2004 that it was no longer a religious crime to consume the stuff.

NOTINGI cannot leave 1912 without noting that

it was the year when Edgar Rice Burroughs gave us Tarzan of the Apes’and Walter de la Mare The Listeners. Enoch Powell was born on June 16 and the co-writer of one of my all-time favourite books, Diary of a Nobody, George Grossmith breathed his last in May.

Finally, if you really want something to celebrate, you’ll have to go back to 1712 when writer James Arbuthnot of the Scrib-blers Club came up with a name for Britain in five pamphlets. Yes, dear old John Bull will be 300 years old in 2012!

I’ll end by commending to you an online gift company, Cafepress (, from which I bought a t-shirt for my granddaughter. The product arrived, im-maculate and high-quality. It was, however, too large and I contacted Cafepress for details of how to return it and get the right size. They replied in a flash. Keep the one you’ve got to save you postage and we’ll immediately replace it for the right size – free, gratis and for nothing.

Now that’s what I call service. Let’s hope we all enjoy that sort of service this year. Along with good health and good luck.

Happy New Year to you all.John [email protected]

Paying Tax Twice (Generally, Not A

Good Idea!)2012 ALREADY, and it will soon be time to start again putting papers in order and calcu-lating entries for the 1040. One of the most common questions I am asked concerns dif-ferent types of UK-sourced income – should it be included on the 1040, and won’t that mean paying tax in the US as well as in the UK on the same income?

The answer goes in stages. Firstly if you are now a US citizen in addition to living here in the US, there is very little income you can receive from the UK that will not also be taxable here. If you are a permanent resident (green card holder) who is living in the US, there are a few additional circumstances in which your income may not be taxable here, but the general rule remains the same – all income must be declared, and will be taxed, in the US.

If you are a permanent resident who is liv-ing all the time in the UK, more of your income can be excluded from your US Return, but you may run the risk of losing your “green card” status because the US government expects you to be living here. If you are not physically present in the US, and you claim any tax advantages this offers, you will not want to show them to the immigration authorities if they question your status.

Visa holders who are resident in the US (but without the benefit of permanent resi-dence) have more instances of income that can be excluded from their US Return. The items that can be excluded are determined by the US/UK tax treaty.

Overall, since the US taxes worldwide income, it is safer to assume income from everywhere will be subject to US tax. The next question is, what about the tax that has been deducted in the UK?

Foreign taxes can be deducted as an itemized deduction rather than as foreign tax credit, but since this reduces taxable income rather than income tax, there are only a few circumstances where it is a better option. In most cases the foreign tax credit wins out.

If your foreign tax is on interest and divi-dends, and is less than $300 ($600 if you are married filing jointly), you can simply claim the amount as a credit without filing a Form 1116. This form is used to calculate your foreign tax credit; the amount of UK tax deducted from your UK pension or your UK bank interest will not necessarily be allow-able in full against your US tax. In addition to having to check through the form to see how much credit you will be allowed, there is one important proviso to any foreign tax credit.

If you could get the tax refunded from the other country, the IRS will not allow you to take credit here. This makes sense for them because the credit reduces the federal tax you will pay, but creates much more bother for taxpayers with foreign income!

Mary-Heather Styles wishes all readers a Happy New Year and looks forward to help-ing more people sort out US and/or UK tax issues during 2012! She can be contacted on (602) 471-7801 or at [email protected].

Irish Town Of Effin In ‘Trouble’ On FacebookONE Facebook user is having a very frustrating time after having her town labelled “offensive” on the social net-work.

Anne Marie Kennedy, of Effin, County Limerick, in Ireland, said last month that she and her local friends tried a number of times to enter the name of their be-loved home as their “Hometown”, only to be rejected by the site.

Effin is a hamlet about 20 miles south of Limerick, and Kennedy said: “I was born and raised in Effin and my family come from here,” she said.

“There’s a great community spirit. Our best known export is Effin cheese. It’s a great little parish. I’d just like to put down (on Facebook), because I’m from Effin, and so would so many Effin people

around the world, that they’re from Ef-fin. But Facebook won’t let it because they think it’s obscene or offensive.”

Facebook told the BBC that it “doesn’t think that ‘Effin’ is offensive” and are investigating the particular case. A spokesman said: “From time to time we are alerted to oversights such as this in our mapping system. We will look to correct it to ensure places like Effin can be ‘liked’ on Facebook.”

Kennedy said: “I’m a proud Effin woman and I always will be an Effin woman,” she said.

Although she recognised the pun “is funny”, she said it “is not as funny as other people find it”.

“We are used to it, although the name originated from a saint,” she said.

Council Forced To Put Plastic Sheep In PenMOTORISTS at a West Sussex round-about have been confusing plastic sheep for real ones, so the local council have erected a pen around the “green” sheep.

The fake flock was installed at the junc-tion on the A283 in Shoreham to promote the South Downs National Park, reported the BBC.

A West Sussex County Council spokes-woman said: “The sheep are bright green so they are not mistaken for the real thing.

“However, because some motorists

have expressed concerns that the sheep are real, temporary roadwork barriers were placed around them two weeks ago.”

The promotion was part of a scheme in which companies and organisations could sponsor a roundabout by paying for maintenance and improvements.

“For larger roundabouts, such as A283 Shoreham, we expect a feature such as a sculpture or enhanced planting to be pro-vided,” added the spokeswoman.

“We are discussing a long-term solution with the sponsor.”

Gift Subscriptions To The Union Jack

Are Available!

See page 3

Page 8: Union Jack News — January 2012

Page 8 January

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4pm then do it again at MidnightOregon Ducks v Wisconsin Badgers

BABCLA Christmas Luncheon with Dame Barbara Hay, Sir Ken Robinson, and daughter Katie Robinson. Photo: Karen Lewis

WHENEVER I go to the UK I always get that tingling feeling when the clouds clear long enough on the final approach to look down at that patchwork of fields in the countryside that’s our home!! Although I haven’t been back at this time of year for many years, I found the weather not much different than in California. In fact, it was warmer on some days.

I was there to pay my final respects to my 95-year-old mother Doreen. I was somewhat overwhelmed by the support of our relatives, many traveling from North Wales, Norfolk, and the Midlands to descend on Torbay, Devon. She didn’t want it to be a sad affair, which is almost inevitable. This was the first time so many of the family were gathered together since I was a wee wee laddie…absolutely delightful!!

The festive season was in full swing: Christmas Carolers and fireworks. The shops were bustling with business, the pubs and restaurants packed. Lots of dogs everywhere and all friendly!

Something else I really noticed, how upbeat, fun, and alive the radio stations are. LA needs to update their format or maybe I can do a deal with them for a UK radio show here. Either way, the Brits certainly overtook the US, both in style and substance. What do you think?

At Heathrow I had the experience of being singled out for a full body scan, even wearing a business suit and tie. Hey. Most excitement I’d had all day!! Had a great flight back on Air New Zealand with a lot of lively, social passengers.

The very next day Karen and I covered the Ventura Film Society’s closing night of a week-long event with the evenings tribute to actor Malcolm McDowell, organized by director Lorenzo Destefano with a screening of Malcolm’s first film IF directed by Lindsay Anderson, followed by a Q&A with moderator Lynn Fairly of KVTA 1520 AM of Ventura.

Lynn introduced Malcolm as “a charis-matic hell raiser” through a 40-year-long career. Malcolm said Lindsay gave him the techniques to work in film, teaching him “you need to take your audience on a trip” through your character. Malcolm learned very quickly while making his screen debut as school rebel Mick Travis (1968). A few years later Stanley Kubrick was so taken with one scene that he played over and over the opening scarf scene which turned into McDowell’s audition for A Clockwork Orange.

Malcolm made the film with the book in his hand as he had no direction at all from Kubrick, who didn’t trust actors and didn’t like to pass over his power to them. When McDowell asked Lindsay for guidance in the role, Anderson said to “use the smile on your face after the beating scene” as the basis of his part. The rest is history.

Malcolm is currently filming his second season of Franklin and Bash on TNT and can be seen in the Artist a B&W silent film (1929 style) which is one of the finest films of this year already having Golden Globe and SAG nominations. He loves to make weird off-beat movies and we love to watch him! He was kind enough to squeeze into an already busy schedule an interview a few days later. We want to thank Malcolm for so many pleasurable film moments over the years and to quote Lynn Fairly again, Malcolm is a “Super Star. A Super Hero. A Super Villain.” He was a delight to work with in Time After Time, where I played Richardson, one of HG Wells (Malcolm) dinner guests. Due to space restrictions you can read the entire interview on mid January.

Looking a little “shaggy” from my two week trip I decided to clean up my act for the BABC Christmas Luncheon the next day. Jumped in the car and was T-boned crossing an intersection with traffic lights! The next thing I remembered was those unbelievable firemen from Port Hueneme who were cutting the car to pieces for what seemed like an hour and bundling me off in an ambulance to St John’s Hospital. I had four broken back ribs and a bruised kidney. But determined not to miss the best British get together all year, I asked if they could patch me up as best they could and they did…rib brace, pain pills, and injections!

They discharged me at midnight. I would like to add my special thanks to all the fire, police, medics, doctors and nurses who were all so professional and caring. They turned what potentially could have been my last day on this planet, into a life-changing experience. I still can’t believe the team work applied, the comforting, and support given. May I sing your praises nationwide forever. My thanks for saving my life. To repay a little of your kindness, please be our guest and sail with us on the tall ship the Bill of Rights as our guest. We will arrange a sail for you and your families. Captain

Stephen Taylor will be happy to eventually get his helmsman back.

Karen drove ever so gently to Santa Monica and the luncheon was spectacular at the Fairmont Miramar Hotel hosted by NBC-Universal sports caster Fred Roggin who heads off to London next summer to cover the Olympic Games. Ross King gave the invocation. He covers the Hollywood scene for national morning shows for the UK and Australia.

Sir Ken Robinson was guest speaker. Now how do we describe him best: intel-lectual, educator, economist, best-selling author: Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative. How about all the above, plus hysterically funny and stealing the show! His speech was so humorous our sides, and my ribs, hurt from laughter. He should be on the speaker’s circuit nationwide!!

Consul General Barbara Hay was the

honored guest along with the Consuls Gen-eral Bruno Ryff and Raffat Masood, former Consul General Bob Peirce and wife Sharon, UK Trade & Investments Andrew Lewis MBE, as well as Olympians Lex Gillette and Peter Hudnut, Water Polo Silver Medalist

Coveted raffle prizes: two round-trip business class tickets to London on BA; two nights at the five star Stafford Hotel; five night stay Thatched Roof & Terraced Garden, Devon; two round-trip business class tickets to Hong Kong on Cathay Pacific; three nights at the Four Seasons Hotel; two nights at a Doubletree Hotel London; two nights at a Doyle Group Hotel, London; two round-trip economy tickets to London on Virgin Atlantic; two round-trip domestic or international tick-ets on United from LAX to anywhere United flies; two round-trip tickets on Virgin America from Lax to anywhere Virgin America flies; two round-trip tickets on Air Canada from LAX to anywhere Air Canada flies in Canada; weekend at the Fairmont Miramar Hotel with a weekend use of a Jaguar, courtesy of Bruce Holley, Ventura Jaguar Land Rover; two tickets to BAFTA Britannia Awards; two tickets to BritWeek Gala Dinner; and a sail for six aboard the tall ship the Bill of Rights from the

Gillian Campbell and her band of volun-teers organized this year’s BABC luncheon. She must feel very proud as she worked tirelessly and it came off magnificently. Ev-



One Year




See page


Malcolm McDowell, “charismatic hell raiser” .

Page 9: Union Jack News — January 2012

January 2012 Page

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eryone enjoyed themselves and the special effects: the Torch Relay Venues Sing, along with the three Torches on stage representing 1908, 1948 and 2012 Games. There were far more people this year, many more silent auction items, and more raffle prizes. Well done Gillian!! You did yourself and us proud. Congratulations, you deserve it!!

After the luncheon we went to Ye Olde Kings Head with the former owners, Phil and Ruth Elwell, for a get together with a lot of their former patrons and what fun that was, just like the old times. Regrettably we don’t see them anywhere near enough.

For years we have all longed for a real professional British Pantomime so we didn’t think twice to end the evening by driving across LA to the El Portal Theatre to see Snow White and what a show! Produced by The Lythgoe Family: directed by Bonnie, and written by Kris. They have excelled themselves! The show is as good as it gets, whatever age you are. The cast is magnifi-cent, fast-moving, updated local jokes (try laughing with four broken ribs), the response from the audience especially the intended kids were excellent. If you missed this one, you’re not too late as Cinderella plays through January 8, starring Fred Willard and Shoshana Bean. This of course promises to be another huge success! We certainly won’t miss it. Bonnie and Kris are already planning four Panto’s for 2012, with Cinderella being presented in Las Vegas, and Peter Pan and Aladdin for LA.

I’ve always felt extremely lucky and grate-ful to have such fabulous friends. Their caring nature over my recent accident only confirms their concern. How’s the Jag? Is there much damage? Are you OK? So needing the luv, I talked with Rosie Lee Imports in Ventura. Susanne said, “I hope the Jag’s not too badly damaged. Are you OK?” It’s fine. Our other car was totaled.

Happy New Year to all. You know I’m grateful and thanks for all the sympathy. The best year is yet to come! Luv to all!!

January Birthdays: Sir George Martin 85; JRR Tolkien 119; Julia Ormond 46; Rowan ‘Mr Bean’ Atkinson 56; David Bowie 64; Stephen Hawking 69; Shirley Bassey 74; Ron Moody 87; Kate Middleton 29; Jimmy Page 67; Rod Stewart 66; Jack London 135; Orlando Bloom 34; Stephen Hendry 42; Jane Horrocks 47; Cary Grant 107; AA Milne 129; Michael Crawford 69; John Hurt 71; Jools Holland 53; Virginia Woolf 129; Robert Burns 252; Lewis Carroll 179; Phil Collins 60; Vanessa Redgrave 74.

You can reach Leo or Karen at [email protected] or PO Box 2212 Port Hueneme, Ca 93044

Karen’s California Events Calendar

Contact Leo and Karen at [email protected]

Leon & Karen’s California View . . .

JANUARYThru 8: A Cinderella Christmas Panto by The

Lythgoe Family Productions at The El Portal The-atre starring Fred Willard (818) 508-4200.

21: The Mayflower Club of N Hollywood: Pot Luck Games Night; 21, 28, Feb 3-4 the clubs fundraiser Panto-The Owl and The Pussy Cat (818) 769-9805.

R The British Connection in Torrance and Gig Harbor, Washington has biscuits, teas, choco-lates, fine china, meat pies, bangers, pasties, Heinz Beans and much more with shipping anywhere (253) 509-0474 And many thanks for supporting them in their first year at Gig Harbor!!

R Rosie Lee Imports of Ventura wishes you health, wealth, and much happiness in the New Year!! (805) 643-5TEA.

R The Fox and Hounds in Studio City has a British New Year’s Eve celebration for your enjoyment: 2-6pm music by the UK Beat with 4pm British countdown with hats, noisemakers, and a free champagne toast. Enjoy a full menu and continue partying through midnight (818) 763-7837.

R Cameron’s Inn of Half Moon Bay will celebrate the New Year at 4pm and midnight so get your spot early, whether its the patio, double-decked smoking bus, the restaurant, or the party room. The kids have their own game bus for a fun and safe evening (650) 726-5705.

R Occupy The Press Room 2012 at Santa Barbara’s unofficial British consulate since 1995!! See the New Year In with them starting at 3pm, they do start early there!! (805) 963-8121.

R Hampstead Village of Santa Barbara is your home for Fine British Goods open seven days a week at State and Fig celebrating their first an-niversary in Santa Barbara (805) 845-3343 .

R The Lookout Pub in the Channel Islands of Oxnard has its usual 4pm New Year’s Eve celebration with music by Finnhead Band for the evening and the midnight bash (805) 985-9300.

R Ye Olde Kings Head in Santa Monica. New Year’s Eve Celebrate the New Year ‘British style’ at 4pm then do it again at Midnight. DJ, Bagpiper, Party Favors. The Best Party in Town! New Year’s Day enjoy a Traditional Sunday Roast. Have a ‘hair of the dog’ in the bar. Karaoke at 9pm (sing in the New Year) Rosebowl - Oregon Ducks v Wisconsin Badgers. Watch the parade and enjoy the game (310) 451-1402.

R You Say Tomato in San Francisco has a few crackers, mince pies and plum puddings in stock, with a nice selection of boxes and biscuit tins for your shopping pleasure (415) 921-2828.

R Too many Robbie Burns celebrations to mention so please check with your favorite Scot-tish organization/pub for their schedule!

7-8: Riverside Dickens Festival Riverside Convention Center, Riverside 92501 Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of Charles Dickens’ Birth. Reservations are required and may be purchased by sending a check or charge card information to Riverside Dickens Festival, PO Box 113, Riv-erside, CA 92502-0113. Phone 800-430-4140.

21: Plaza Pantry of Ojai is celebrating their 30th Anniversary January 21 noon to 3pm with appetizers and champagne. The cafe is closed January 2-17 reopening January 18 (805) 646-6325.

thru February 5: Learn about Queen Victoria’s contradictory life and times in Queen Victoria: Torn Between Independence and Etiquette, an exhibition of quarter- life-size George Stuart Historical Figures® of Queen Victoria at various ages, as well as other personalities of the period. The Museum of Ventura County at 100 East Main Street in downtown Ventura. Hours (805) 653-0323.

FEBRUARY10-12: Carnevale Ventura Renaissance Faire

at Mission Park & Museum of Ventura County 100 East Main Street Ventura California 93001

18-19: Queen Mary Scottish Festival Long Beach, California

Tabloid Reporter: Phone Hacking A Regular Toolinto Beckham’s voice mails on one occa-sion because the soccer star unexpectedly answered the phone.

McMullan, who now runs a pub in the English port of Dover, made headlines ear-lier this year when he was secretly taped by actor Hugh Grant claiming phone hacking was widespread at the News of the World and other UK newspapers.

He has now repeated that assertion, adding that the bosses at the News of the World, including former top editors Andy Coulson and Rebekah Brooks, knew of the practice – a claim both former editors have denied.

RESIGNEDBoth editors resigned in the scandal –

Brooks from the tabloid owned by Rupert Murdoch’s media empire, and Coulson from his job as top communications aide to Prime Minister David Cameron. They are also among a dozen journalists arrested in the investigation.

“I don’t think anyone realized that anyone was committing a crime at the start,” McMullan said. “Phone hacking is a perfectly acceptable tool given the sacrifices we make, if all we are trying to

do is get to the truth.” Cameron set up the media inquiry in

response to the scandal that began with illegal eavesdropping by the News of the World. Murdoch shut down tabloid in July after evidence emerged that it had illegally accessed the mobile phone voice mails of celebrities, politicians and even crime victims in its search for exclusives.

OPPOSEDThe other two journalists offered a dia-

metrically opposed assessment, describing stories driven by ideology and propaganda and an industry scarred by bullying and the use of unethical “dark arts.”

Nick Davies of The Guardian, who broke many of the stories about tabloid phone hacking in Britain, said there was “a culture of bullying in some Fleet Street newspapers.” He described some of the “dark arts” he had been told of by tabloid reporters, including burglary, phone and email hacking and “blagging” – obtaining information by deceit.

The trigger for the scandal was the revelation that the News of the World had hacked the voice mails of murdered 13-year-old Milly Dowler after she disap-

peared in 2002.Her mother told the inquiry that she be-

lieved Milly was still alive when she found there was space in the girl’s previously full voice mailbox. In fact, messages had been deleted by someone working for the News of the World.

JAILEDGlenn Mulcaire, a private investigator

working for the tabloid who was jailed in 2007 for eavesdropping on the voice mails of royal aides, has denied deleting the messages.

Davies said the messages were probably deleted by reporters from the paper work-ing under the tutelage of Mulcaire.

“Mulcaire facilitated the hacking by one or more News of the World journalists,” Davies said. “(Mulcaire) does not actu-ally, on the whole, do the listening to the messages himself. Most of that is done by the journalists themselves.”

The phone hacking scandal continues to widen. More than a dozen News of the World journalists and editors have been ar-rested, and two top London police officers, along with Cameron’s media adviser and several senior Murdoch executives, have resigned.

A FORMER News of the World journal-ist made a rare, robust defense of phone hacking, telling Britain’s media ethics inquiry that eavesdropping on voicemails was a “perfectly acceptable tool” to help journalists uncover stories.

Paul McMullan said last month that hacking was common at the now-defunct tabloid, describing how journalists traded the phone details of celebrities.

“I think I swapped Sylvester Stallone’s mother for David Beckham,” he said, go-ing on to recount how he failed to hack

Scotland New Home To Giant PandasTWO GIANT pandas from China landed last month in Scotland, where they will become the first to live in Britain in nearly two decades.

The eight-year-old pair, named Tian Tian and Yang Guang – or Sweetie and Sunshine – were welcomed by bagpipe players and a host of dignitaries as they touched down at Edinburgh Airport on a specially chartered Boeing 777 flight called the “Panda Express.”

The pandas, from the southwestern Chinese province of Sichuan, are to stay for 10 years at Edinburgh Zoo, where officials hope they will give birth to cubs.

The loan marked the beginning of a UK-China research program on the animals, and both sides have described it as a signal of a growing friendship between Scotland and China.

“It shows that we can cooperate closely not only on commerce, but on a broad range of environmental and cultural issues as well,” said British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg.

Zoo officials have spent the past five years securing the loan of the animals, which are expected to boost Scottish tour-ism. The loan was announced in January, when Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang vis-ited Britain to sign billions in trade deals.

The Royal Zoological Society of Scot-land will pay more than £600,000 a year to China for the loan of Sweetie and Sunshine, not including the expense of importing bamboo from the Netherlands.

The zoo also plans to put four hidden “panda cams” in their enclosures and stream the footage online to attract viewers from around the world.

Britain’s last giant panda, Ming Ming, lived in the London Zoo until 1994, when she was returned to China.

In 1974, British Prime Minister Edward Heath received two pandas from the Chi-nese government as a goodwill gift to mark his visit to China. Female Ching-Ching and male Chia-Chia became a much-loved attraction at the London Zoo, but never produced any cubs.

Prune-Eating Challenge From EU OfficialLAXATIVE qualities of the simple prune were being lauded by Liberal Democrat Sir Graham Watson last month.

Sir Graham, who represents SW Eng-land and Gibraltar has challenged an EU Commissioner to a prune-eating contest to prove that prunes have a laxative effect.

It has long been believed that prunes, traditionally served with custard, were good for the constitution, reported the Daily Telegraph.

But the European Food Safety Author-ity (EFSA) said there was “insufficient” evidence of a link between the dried plums and regular bowel function.

This inspired Sir Graham to his unusual challenge, he added: “I know that prunes

contain two substances sorbitol and di-hydrophenylisatin, which have laxative effects. But most of our constituents do not require a scientific test.”

“I have also invited the Commissioner responsible for health and consumer pol-icy, John Dalli, to a prune eating contest to see for himself.”

The EFSA had been asked to investigate claims that prunes ensure healthy digestion and bowel function.

In two studies, it was claimed there was no significant difference to participants after eating prunes.

Last month, the EU concluded there was no evidence to prove drinking water can prevent dehydration.

Page 10: Union Jack News — January 2012

Page 10 January

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Come to the BRITISH NETWORK – on January 10, February 14, and March 13, 2012.

JOIN THE FLORIDA ASSOCIATION of BRITISH BUSINESS.FACT: Florida expats prefer doing businesss with fellow Brits.Email your contact info to: [email protected]

n ATTENTION FLORIDA’S BRITISH-OWNED BUSINESSES, SHOPS and PUBS: If you wish to get bulk cop-ies of the Union Jack, (50 papers a month minimum), to offer your custom-ers, phone our circulation department 1-(800) 262-7305. The paper is free, but a small delivery charge applies. (Or go to: Over 800 distributors nationwide.

JANUARY IS for vowing to do better than last year. So herewith some UK-USA tips from me in the business arena. 1) I run an internet business so deal with all the servers and found constant Send/Receive problems only with Single business emails (not spam) often never landed in the UK recipient’s Inbox. Bad for business since the UK-based party thinks you are inefficient and don’t bother replying. So my advice is ditch as a UK-USA server and use a foolproof Gmail account. (Unrelated, but I also observe the UK habit of taking eons to answer business emails, sometimes two or three weeks! I never see this with Americans, maybe because they work harder.)

2) Being British in the USA gives you an undisputed marketing edge, yet many expats don’t use it. I see websites of Florida British realtors targeting UK buyers’ market who don’t even mention they are fellow expats or add a British flag next to their name. Use your Brit-to-Brit rapport to edge out American competitors, especially in a crowded field like Realty. Keep a British flag on your brochures, signage and business cards. It WILL create leads. True example: A Florida beach had a chain of similar small hotels all fighting for tourist dollars. When one had the marketing brainwave to add BRITISH OWNERS to its sign that’s the one UK tourists flocked to. 3) Don’t open a British pub then Americanise it, with loud American sports and loaded potato skins on the menu. A precursor to pub failure I saw again in 2011. Keep the place as authentically British as possible in a foreign country. Don’t make the mistake of pandering to American taste supposedly to win their custom. It doesn’t. Americans seeking out a British pub like the ones they have enjoyed over in England want just that. They want those very quaint British elements, spotted dick and custard and

all, so don’t dilute your message. And obviously resident expats and Florida’s 1.4 million British tourists do. (FOOTNOTE: The most appalling fake Irish pub ever has just opened in Miami, so awful it doesn’t even qualify to be named, never mind reviewed, in my News of the Booze. I walked around once and fled, never to return.)

n Reviewing 2011, a Washington Post writer listing the years’ tackiest moments in the USA, contrasted our Royal Wedding. She deemed it so “perfectly classy and heart-warming that nothing could detract from all that tastefulness.” Makes us proud.

n UK-USA LANGUAGE IRKS: I often read, even in quality American publica-tions, blunders like “It shined” instead of “It shone”. But after 21 years here, my top irritant is still Americans relentlessly addressing people as YouGuys instead of just You.

n ONE FABULOUS NIGHT: Legendary hit maker and composer Barry Gibb of the BeeGees, a longtime Miami resident, will give a rare private performance at the annual Love and Hope Ball.

On a local TV December 3, 2011 he said: “I’ve been sitting around too long and need to get back to work.” This charity ball, in its 38th year, benefits the Diabetes Research Institute of which Barry and wife Linda are longtime patrons. I went in 2009 and it was a stunning event never to be forgotten. The unmatched feast of food was jaw-dropping alone. Tickets are $650 per person for this fundraiser in Miami Beach on February 18. For ticket and information call 1-(800) 321-3437 or

n MIAMI MUSICAL TREAT: Stephen Hough, the famous and lauded English Pia-nist will be playing downtown at the Gusman

Hall February 19, 2012 for one night only. Call Juilan Kreeger (305) 372-2975.

n PINT AND A PIE CORNER: Herewith one Florida British pub picked at random.

This is not a recommendation, unless I have personally checked out the pub, so you may deem it divine or dire. Pop in and see: ST PETERSBURG The Queen’s Head (727) 498-8584 British owners Darren Conner and Paul Smith.

n SCOTTISH GAMES1) SARASOTA Scottish Games Saturday,

February 4, 2012. Dust off your sporrans, wear something tartan and go. For show info call Cathy Wilson (941) 374-0947.

2) JACKSONVILLE AREA on Saturday, February 25, 2012. Show info call Emily (904) 241-0350.

n BRITISH CLUBS CORNER …Boca Raton British Women’s Club, one of the best in Florida and which (unrelatedly!) I had a small part in founding years ago, has a new president. Val Belben, agreed as a delightful human being by all who know her, takes over in 2012. Give Val a call (954) 946-0505 about the club’s various social-only activi-ties in the Boca-Delray Beach area.

n LOOKING FOR BRITISH CLUBS AND BRITISH EVENTS IN YOUR CORNER OF FLORIDA? I don’t have space on this page to list them all, so drop me an email with your name, city, contact phone and I will reply with details.

n UK-USA CULTURE CORNER: Imita-tion is the sincerest form of flattery we are told.

Hersheys American chocolate has now copied two of England’s most popular sweets, around for decades. Hershey’s Air Delight is a blatant copy of Aero’s chocolate

bubbles but without the exquisite English chocolate. Likewise Hersheys Drops a copy of Galaxy Minstrels, my own choco-drug. When in London I munch hundreds with zero self-control.

n BOCA RATON: Celebrate 100 years of those British beauties, the Aston Martin at the Concours D’egance Car show February 24-27, 2011. Info Remember Prince William driving his new bride around after the wedding in his dad’s Aston Martin. He inadvertently left the handbrake on, unable to hear the grinding above the roar of wellwishers lining the Mall. So Pater Charles had to pay for a new brake system to be installed.

n FRIDAY FEBRUARY 17, 2012: Atten-tion Dame Shirley Bassey Fans! Florida is in for a treat. Jacqui Peters, the UK’s top tribute artist to Dame Shirley herself will be performing here next month with nationally renowned singer/pianist David Mcbrides in their “ICONS” show. British musician Phil Hinton, musical director to Shirley Bassey for three years, and his band will be ac-

companying Jacqui and David in this fast paced show. At the Aventura Arts Center, North Miami. Call (877) 311-7469. Further info from British promoter Sandra Holiday. (305) 433-4334.

n COLUMN SUBMISSIONS: Just opened a British business in the last three months? Email details for possible publica-tion here to [email protected] Your name/city/daytime phone necessary.

Page 11: Union Jack News — January 2012

January 2012 Page

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See Page 3

















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ENGLISH SHOP, MO 636-946-2245

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FOX & PARROT TAVERN, TN 865-436-0677 PUB, VA


4&20 PASTY COMPANY, FL 941-927-1421

www.4and20pastycompany.comGEORGE & DRAGON PUB, AZ


GEORGE & DRAGON PUB, WA 206-545-6864

www.georgeanddragonpub.comHARE & HOUNDS PUBLIC HOUSE, WA

360-779-4273HILLER’S MARKET, MI



HORSE BRASS PUB, OR 503-232-2202

www.horsebrass.comHOSPITALITY USA, TX


INDO-CHINA MARKET, CA 805-968-3353

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www.johnbullenglishpub.comLADY DI’S BRITISH STORE, OR

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www. thelookoutchannelislands.comMACNIVEN’S RESTAURANT & BAR, IN


MAJOR MARKET, CA 760-741-7827 / 760-723-7305

www.majormarketgrocery.comTHE MAYFLOWER, CA



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PLAZA PANTRY, CA 724-526-3619

THE PRESS ROOM, CA 805-963-8121

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THE PRINCE OF WALES, FL 904-810-5725

www.theprinceofwalesstaugustine.comQUEEN VICTORIA PUB, NV


QUIPS PUB, PA 717-397-3903

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ROYAL MILE, IA 515-280-3771

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UNION JACK PUB & REST, VA 540-722-3976

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UNION JACK STORE, MA 978-535-6256


www.sherlockspubco.comTHE WHIP, PA 610-383-0600

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NORTHEAST OHIOBy Joe Nicholls. Joe and Kevin McGinty can

be heard on “Sounds of Britain and Ireland” Sundays 4-5pm (EDT) on Cleveland’s WCPN 90.3FM and

JANUARY 6, 20: British-American Club, Fish & Chips

dinners, 8564 Ravenna Rd, (off Rte 82) Twins-burg, 6:30-8:30pm (330) 963-6370.

6, 13, 20, 27: West Side Irish American Club, Irish-style dinners, 8559 Jennings Rd, Olmsted Township, 6-9pm (216) 251-4075.

8: Scottish American Society, Monthly meet-ing, Akron Public Library, Akron, 3pm, (330) 882-0342.

10: SHANO, Scottish Heritage Meetings, Com-munity Presbyterian Church, 5132 Mayfield Rd, Lyndhurst. 7:30pm (330) 463-5559.

11: Calon Lan Welsh Club, Lunch Meeting, Denny’s Restaurant, Rte 224, Boardman, 1pm (330) 758-4202.

13, 27 British-American Club, Pub Nights, 8564 Ravenna Rd, Twinsburg, 8pm, (330) 963-6370.

21 SHANO,Robert Burn’s Dinner & Ball, Croatian National Home, Eastlake, 6pm, (330) 463-5559.

21 Jaguar Club of Ohio, Canton Classic Museum, Canton, 10pm, Lunch 12noon, (330) 725-0213.

26 Daughters of the BE, Westminster Chapter, meeting, Lyndhurst, 7:30pm (440) 461-2533

27 British American C of C, Link Club, Busi-ness Luncheon, 100th.Bomber group Restaurant. Cleveland Airport, 11:30am (216) 621-0222.

Overzealous Censorship At Virgin MediaVIRGIN MEDIA’S electronic programme guide’s filter went into overdrive last month.

Over a number of days, subscribers to the firm’s TV and radio services were offered the highlights of the “Manchester City v A***nal” game and “Jarvis C**ker’s Sun-day Service”.

Meanwhile, movie lovers could tune into The 39 Steps, a “Hitchc**k remake”.

In a statement, a Virgin Media spokes-

woman said: “The altered titles have been swiftly an*lysed and we’re fixing any remaining glitches.”

The firm blamed an “overzealous profan-ity checker” for the fault.

Subscribers have been posting screen-shots of the mistakes on Twitter.

Other examples include the Will Smith movie “Hanc**k”, the panel show “Never Mind the Buzzc**ks” and the The Bleak Old Shop Of Stuff, a “Charles D***ens” spoof.

London 2012: Four Billion To Watch CeremoniesLONDON 2012 organizers say more than four-billion people will watch the opening and closing ceremonies for the upcoming Olympics and Paralympics.

About 20,000 people will perform in the four ceremonies but the local organizing committee has yet to announce the headline performers.

British media have speculated that Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr may perform.Advertising executive Martin Sorrell says the huge audience means the ceremonies

are worth the equivalent of £5bn in advertising to Britain.Sorrell adds that “with regards to perception of London and the UK and a tourism

legacy, you could say that they will be priceless.”

Page 12: Union Jack News — January 2012

Page 12 January

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UNION JACK flags flying everywhere, Beatles posters, an English red telephone box com-plete with an old working phone inside with the ancient A and B buttons, mini Shepherd’s pies and Newcastle Brown Ales – was I in Britain? Not at all, I was in Los Angeles, where it was quite the English theme at this year’s Los Angeles Motor show. I went to show for the sole purpose of viewing the new motor car models, not that I didn’t participate in the free hors d’oeuvres and libations, they were excellent. I even “had a go” in the old telephone box.

The phone box was at the Mini Cooper stand and it looked just right amidst the 60’s posters and all the new 2012 Mini models, it made me feel quite at home. There are five different Mini models available in the US, and two or three of each were on show, they looked well and got quite a bit of atten-tion. No food or cordials here though, so my companion – Leo Lewis of the UJ California View column – and myself would have to visit the Jaguar and Land Rover booth who were serving the best goodies. It’s normally the only place at the show where they provide free food and beverages on Press day at the auto show, although this year Mercedes did dish out free bubbly for 30 minutes or so after their presentation.

Staying with the British theme we then decided to move on. Nothing new in the Rolls Royce department with the 2012 Rolls models basically the same as last year. However, there is a new Bentley though and it looked

magnificent, it is the Continental GTC, the C is for convertible. The Continental GT has been out for three years or so and is a very handsome motor car, this new GTC has gone a step beyond. As if the Bentley Continental was designed to be topless, it is absolutely gorgeous. What really staggered me though is the price. When I enquired of cost the sales-men said around $160,000. I think he may have misquoted it though as I have since heard it will be about $200,000 and up. It is some car though and worth whatever it does cost: big two-door, four-seater with a performance unmatched for a car this size, 0-60 mph in 4.5 seconds and a top speed of 195 mph. Couple these attributes with the fabulous exterior styl-ing, and probably the best interior luxury styling of any car I know.

Close by, the Lotus models were on dis-play, none of the numerous concept models from last year’s show have materialized yet, but to be fair to them they were not promised this year. There are six new models due to be released in 2014 through 2015. Next to the

Lotus showroom was the Morgan’s which is always a treat to see. There is a brand new model due out in the US early this year and should have been on view, but, unfortunately didn’t make it. It is the all new Morgan Three Wheeler, which is a retro of the famous old Morgan Three Wheeler – produced between 1909 and 1953. The reason it didn’t make the show was that it was held up at the cus-toms by the EPA (environmental protection agency), it was a British car which was just brought here for show. The proper paperwork had been filed and approved bureaucracy red tape and ignorance prevailed. As of this writing the car is still held up at the docks so I haven’t seen one yet. Judging by the pictures of this little three wheeler though I think it should prove a hit for Morgan as it looks a little beauty. I will write about it at a later date after I have reviewed it further.

Now it was almost time for the culinary de-lights at the Jaguar stand, but a quick stop off to see the Aston’s. One surprise here was the Aston Martin One-77, I wasn’t expecting that

and it was the first time seeing one in the flesh, this one wasn’t for sale though as it was just borrowed from the owner in England. What a beast it looks, pretty unbelievable actually. Aston Martin are about halfway along with the 77-model run plan of this limited edition Su-per Car, and all but three have been sold so if you are quick and can stump up $1.87m you will be able to get one. Top speed is upwards of 220mph by the way. There are a couple of new Astons for 2012, one being the Aston Martin Virage, avail-able in both a Coupe and Convertible this new V12 powered is positioned between the DB9 and DBS in both price and stature. The popular V8 Vantage is retained for 2012 but

new for this year is a V12 Vantage for a bit more “omph,” as if it needed it. A date for the release in the US of new Aston Martin Zagato which wowed crowds in Europe has not been set as yet. This car is a limited edition V12 Vantage styled by the famous Italian Design House and is a racing version of the Vantage. 155 units are planned, the cost, about $155,000 a copy, production starts in mid 2012.

It was a concept and no definite info if it will become a reality nor actual date if it does, but this new concept Jag sure got some attention. It’s a replacement model for the XK8, so I’m thinking, it’s got to be. The New C-X16 is a work of art, It’s a six banger, V6 that is and supercharged to give it a top speed of 186 mph and will go from 0-60 mph in 4.4 seconds, all this for an average of 41mpg. To get that sort of economy, it has to be a Hybrid, right? Well it is, or sort of, it will have a performance-boosting electric motor to supplement the engine power and store kinetic energy for later use, as in Formula One cars. It is in concep-tual form at the moment and we couldn’t see inside, the exterior is breathtakingly gorgeous, this concept car is destined to become a real-ity, well done to all at Jaguar.

Over to Land Rover which was next to Jaguar. Concepts again here, a new Land Rover Defender DC100 is about to emerge in the near future and it does look good, true to its roots. There is an open top version too, the DC100 Sport, the top is chopped off completely, a radical approach you might think but they have got it just right, a real winner if I’m not mistaken. So the British really excelled this year. Star of the show, well I would have to give it to the Bentley Continental GTC, after all it is a reality this year. Most expensive of all of the cars at the show, British or otherwise, the Aston Martin One-11 at $1.87m I’ll bet your thinking, not even close. Another British model from Milton Keynes topped the bill, weighing in at around £100m was Sebastian Vettel’s Red Bull For-mula One championship race car.

Happy New Year and Happy Motoring

HAPPY 2012! A new year and a new oppor-tunity to rethink old ways. This month’s book review recommendation is Richard Branson’s latest book Screw Business As Usual!

I had the pleasure of working for Virgin Merchandising International in the mid 80’s out in the San Fernando Valley as an adminis-trative assistant in the art department meeting musicians and working with artists on the

music tour designs for tshirts for many groups on the Vir-gin Records labels. I know first-hand the entrepreneur spirit of Mr Branson and the people he entrusts to use his Virgin logo. Fast forward to this past year, I got to see Richard at UC

Irvine where he spoke at the Center for Peace event about his life and his journey. He is one of the world’s most famous and admired business leaders, and he argues in his latest book “that it’s time to turn capitalism upside down – to shift our values from an exclusive focus on profit to also caring for people, communities and the planet.” As he writes: “It’s a vibrant and definite sea change from the way business was always done, when financial profit was a driving force. Today, people aren’t afraid to say, Screw business as usual! – and show they mean it.”

Richard further comments “It’s amaz-ing how I keep coming across the same message, from bustling global cities to the townships of South Africa to small villages in India to G8 climate conferences. It’s no coincidence that so many people are talking about the same thing. There’s a real buzz in the air. Change is happening.

“People often associate me with chal-lenges, with trying to break records while sailing the Atlantic or flying in a jet stream in a balloon or going into space with Virgin Galactic. But this book isn’t just about fun and adventure and exceeding one’s wildest dreams. It’s a different kind of business book. It’s about revolution. My message is a simple one: business as usual isn’t working. In fact, business as usual is wrecking this planet. Resources are being used up; the air, the sea, the land are all heavily polluted. The poor are getting poorer. Many are dying of starvation or because they can’t afford a dollar a day for lifesaving medicine. But my message is not all doom and gloom. I will describe how I think business can help fix things and create a more prosperous world for everyone. I happen to believe in business because I believe that business is a force for good. By that I mean that doing good is good for business.”

“Doing the right thing can be profitable. I will show how this works step by step in the following pages. It’s the core message of this book. I often say, ‘Have fun and the money will come.’ I still believe that, but now I am saying, ‘Do good, have fun and the money will come.’”

So if Santa didn’t get you everything you wanted, treat yourself to this book as a New Year’s present. If you have a book you would like me to review please email me at [email protected] Make it a great new year!

Officials Told FOIA Applies To Personal Emails

BRITAIN’S information commission-er says public officials must release messages held on their private email accounts to comply with the Freedom Of Information Act.

Christopher Graham says concerns have been raised that some govern-ment officials may have attempted to dodge transparency rules by conduct-ing business using Google, Yahoo or other personal email accounts.

He issued new guidance last month telling government departments and public bodies to ask officials to search their private accounts for messages relevant to information requests.

Graham says staff should also be warned that deleting messages to prevent their disclosure is a criminal offense.

Britain’s government said it wel-comed the guidance and was studying the detail.

The new Bentley Continental GTC.

The Perfect Gift - Anytime! A Union Jack Subscription

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Page 13: Union Jack News — January 2012

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January 2012 Page

Queen Victoria Alive And Well In Las Vegas

THE QUEEN Victoria Pub is located inside the historic Riviera Hotel and Casino. It is the only British owned and operated pub in Las Vegas and boasts over 24 draught beers and over 40 bottled beers from all over the world.

The two owners are Mark McGarry, formerly a chef from Coventry and Nick Jones a Master Butcher from East London.

After living in Las Vegas for many years they found that most of the British-style pubs in the area seemed to miss the mark on authenticity and modelled the Queen Vic with that warm, friendly feeling that Brits are familiar with back home.

Mark wrote the menu to include all the homemade items: Shepherds Pie, Toad in The Hole and Curry that they missed from the old country, including their famous steak pies and Fish and Chips.

The Bangers are the creation of Nick Jones and the Danish-style back bacon is cured on the property with a Victorian recipe that is still used today in Britain.

Nick Jones built and designed the interior and exterior of the pub using

aged wooden beams, brickwork and, for a view, a 30ft landscape of the River Thames.

At last – a British pub on The Strip

in Las Vegas.

Queen Victoria Alive And Well In Las Vegas FIFA 12 Game Has Players Kissing Each OtherA FIFA 12 gamer has posted a clip of Liverpool striker Andy Carroll “snogging” Arsenal goalie Lukasz Fabianski.

The in-game glitch – dubbed the FIFA 12 “sex tape” – has notched up nearly a million hits on YouTube, reported The Sun.

It occurs after the £35m striker scores a goal and gets tangled up with the keeper in a seemingly passionate clinch.

It’s one of the funniest finds in the hit PlayStation and Xbox game to-date. Oth-ers have included players appearing to get a little too close during celebrations.

More than 5,000 people have “liked” the clip and over 1,000 have posted com-ments.

One said: “Surely that’s a bug – Andy Carroll would never score a goal.”See video here: Mark told Union Jack: “We have

a Beatles cover band called Revolver that plays from Wednesday through Saturday and the show is free.” The pub is open 24 hours a day and shows all the English football games live via satellite. The internet is hooked up to the Website:, telephone: (702) 794-9260.

Customers can get great room rates at The Riviera Hotel in their two recently remodelled towers as well as enjoying a great British Breakfast!!!

Mark added: “Please, feel free to join us for a beer or come in for our Sunday Roast dinner.”

Page 14: Union Jack News — January 2012

Page 14 January

The Perfect Gift - Anytime!

A Union Jack Subscription

~ See Page 3 ~

Compiled by Larry Gardner

Two For Westwood, Accolades For McIlroy, Donald, And Poulter

LEE WESTWOOD turned in some spectacular golf at the Nedbank Golf Challenge in Sun City, South Africa, that concluded December 4. Westwood broke the course record with a 10 under 62, during the third round and went on to claim victory with a 15 under 273, two ahead of the field. Same weekend, Rory McIIroy fired off a 64 in the first round of the Hong Kong Open, and kept up the pressure to win with a 12 under 268, two strokes clear of the second man. It’s the third win of the year for the reigning US Open champion. It was also a great weekend for Tiger Woods at the PGA Chevron Challenge in Thousand Oaks, California, where he ended a two year drought without a win after 26 tournaments. Woods fought it out with Zach Johnson, before closing with a ten under 278, one ahead of the former Masters champion.

The final big tournament of 2011, the Dubai World Championship that concluded December 11, saw Alvaro Quiros of Spain take the honours with a 19 under 269. Paul Lawrie was runner up two strokes distant, while a third place finish by Luke Donald saw a little golfing history made. Rory McIIroy got the tournament off to a roaring start with a six under first round of 64, but faded and finished ten behind Quiros. Luke Donald becomes the first man to head the US and European money lists in the same year. The Englishman won £4.19m on the American circuit and topped the European earners with £3.6m. Donald received further accolades when the American PGA crowned him player of the year.

Lee Westwood produced a monthly double after winning the Thailand Golf Championship at Chonburi, December 18, where a 22 under 266 put him seven strokes ahead of his ri-vals. He carded an 18 under par after just 36 holes that shattered the course record. Same weekend in Melbourne, Ian Poulter came from two behind on the final round to win the Australian Masters with a 15 under 269, three clear of Marcus Fraser. It was his first victory since winning the World Match-Play Championships in May.Cricket: Historic Innings By Sehwag

India and the West Indies drew the third and final Test encounter at Mumbai. India won the series 2-0. West Indies 590 (Darren Bravo 166) and 134. India 482 (Ravichandran Ashwin 103) and 242-9 at close. Virender Sehwag wrote himself into the record books where his 219 runs from 149 balls proved to be a world record total for a one day interna-tional game. It was the fourth ODI at Indore, that India won by 153 runs against the West Indies and the series 4-1. India 418-5 at 50 overs. West Indies 265 all out. Top scorer for England in the one day game is Robyn Smith, who slammed 167 against the Auss-ies in 1993.

Australia easily overwhelmed New Zea-land during their first Test in Brisbane, winning by nine wickets. Australia 427 (Michael Clarke 139) and 19-1 at close. New Zealand 295 and 150. A reinvigorated Kiwi side emerged at Hobart however, for the second and final Test in the short series and won by seven runs; claiming their first Test match victory on Aussie soil in 26 years. New Zealand 150 and 226. Australia 136 and 233 (David Warner 123 not out.)

At Chittagong, Pakistan slammed Bangla-desh by an innings and 184 runs. Bangladesh 135 and 275. Pakistan 594 (Mohammed Hafeez 143,Younus Khan 200, Asad Shafiq 104)-5 dec. South Africa overwhelmed Sri Lanka in three days by an innings and 81

runs at Centurion in their first Test match. Sri Lanka 180 and 150. South Africa 411.

SailingTriple Olympic gold medalist

Ben Ainslie, lost his cool at the World Sailing Championship in Perth, Australia, December 3-13, after a media boat appeared to impede his progress during the

Finn class racing. He dived overboard to the offending TV boat and gave them a piece of his mind. It didn’t do him any good however, and officials disqualified him from two rounds thus making it impossible for him to medal. It was not completely doom and gloom in the Finn class however, as Briton, Giles Scott, took the gold medal and Ed Wright got the bronze. World and Olympic Star class champions Iain Percy and Andrew Simpson, were forced to withdraw their challenge, after Percy pulled a back muscle during the early rounds and was unable to continue. Britain’s match racing team of Lucy Macgregor, Kate Macgregor and Annie Lush took silver after the Americans beat them in the final. Luke Patience and Stuart Bithell took the silver in 470, as did Hannah Mills and Saskia Thompson in the ladies 470.

Ocean SailingBritish sailor Alex Thomson, with co-skip-

per Guillermo Altadil, led the Transat Jacques Vabre race from Le Havre to Costa Rica, during the first 24 hours, before the eventual winning French pair of Jean Pierre Dick and Jeremie Beyou roared by. Thomson and Altadil finished second with a time of 16 days nine hours,15 hours behind the French pair.

The Volvo Ocean Race (formerly the Whit-bread round the world race) left Capetown, beginning stage two, December 11, headed for Abu Dhabi and are expected to arrive by New Year’s Day. Officials changed the route to avoid the pirate coast of Somalia, going round the southern coast of Madagascar. Chinese entry Sanya, skippered by Mike Sanderson led the six boat fleet mid-December.

The Clipper 11-12 round the world race, which boasts ten 68 foot racing yachts with an average crew of 45, led by a professional skipper arrived in Gold Coast, Australia, last month from New Zealand. They left for Sin-gapore for race seven of their schedule on Christmas Eve.

Boxing: Murray Robbed? Khan & Chisora Dispute Losses

Most British boxing promoters will tell you that you must knockout your opponent to win in Germany, and that seemed evident as Martin Murray challenged for Felix Sturm’s WBA middleweight crown at Mannheim, De-cember 2. The unbeaten Briton (23-0-1) and the German champion concluded in a drawn contest with one judge giving it to Sturm, the other to Murray, while the other judge gave it 114-114 apiece. Murray’s promoter, Ricky “the Hitman” Hatton, said, “I thought he won it. But we are in Germany. We’ll be back.”

WBA & IBF light-welterweight cham-pion Amir Khan (26-2) came away from his Washington, DC home on December 10, in an encounter against Lamont Peterson (30-1) thoroughly disgusted after losing his titles to the Tennessee challenger. Khan had the American on the canvas in the first round, but Peterson’s aggression did not waver and the judges gave a 2-1 decision in his favour.

Former British heavyweight champion Dereck Chisora, failed to win the vacant European heavyweight crown in Helsinki, De-cember 3, against unbeaten Robert Helenius. Chisora (15-2) was aggressive throughout the contest often having the Finn (16-0) on the defensive for long periods. The judges ruled it 2-1 in Helenius’ favour, causing promo-tor Frank Warren to call for an immediate rematch, while trainer Freddie Roach called the decision “just terrible.”

Andre Ward (25-0) proved much too much of a handful for WBC super-middleweight Carl Froch (29-2) in Atlantic City, December 17, where the American scored a unanimous decision over the Nottingham man. Ward moved confidently against the Englishman,

and added Froch’s WBC title to the WBA crown he already held. Boxing pundits see Ward as the rising star of the pugilist world and were deeply impressed how he beat a seasoned veteran like Froch, even though his authority lessened in the final rounds.

Tennis, Curling & HorsesSpain beat Argentina in the final of the

Davis Cup in Seville, December 3,after Rafael Nadal beat Juan Martin del Potro in a tight four setter that ultimately gave the Spanish an uncatchable 3-1 lead.

Scotland’s women’s team are the Euro-pean Curling Champions after beating reign-ing champions Sweden 8-2, at the final in Moscow, December 10.

Scottish skipper Eve Muirhead was de-lighted to reverse the result of last year’s final where the Swedes beat the Scots.

The National Hunt has a big favourite in Big Buck, an eight-year-old gelding who recorded its fourteenth consecutive win over hurdles, when it won the 3m 1f Lough Derg Long Walk Hurdle at Ascot, December 17. It won by eight lengths, and was quoted as 1-7f amongst a field of seven. It’s had 23 starts winning sixteen of them. The record for an unbeaten winning run over hurdles belongs to a horse called Sir Ken, who won 16 times consecutively in the 1950s.

FA Cup: Wrexham & Fleetwood Surprise

The second round of the FA Cup played early in December, saw Conference leaders Wrexham, claim the title of giant killer after a 1-0 away win at Division one’s Brentford. Non-leaguer Fleetwood Town drew 2-2 at home against Yeovil Town but won the away leg replay 2-0, and Chelmsford held Maccles-field in a 1-1 tie at home too, but lost in the replay. Bristol Rovers produced the goals at AFC Totton coming away with a 6-1 win, while Crawley Town dispatched Redbridge 5-0. The third round, January 7-8, sees Wrexham visited by Brighton, and Tamworth who beat fellow Conference side Gateshead 2-1, get a trip to Everton. Blackpool go to their neighbours Fleetwood, and Salisbury City visit Sheffield Utd. Big game of the draw, is Manchester United going across town to visit Manchester City.

Champions LeagueThe final games of the Champion League

qualifying groups ended December 6-7, where Chelsea and Arsenal moved to the knockout stage, while the two Manchester clubs who finished third in their respective groups will transfer to the knockout round of the Europa League. Chelsea proved their dominance at Stamford Bridge with a 3-0 win over Valencia that put them top of the group. Didier Drogba got the blues machine in motion after just three minutes and he would find the net again in the second half. Ramires would add one in the 22nd minute as Chelsea kept their advantage. Arsenal lost 3-1 at Olympiakos, but had done enough to stay top of Group E. The Greeks were 2-0 up at half-time, though the Gunners hit back in the 57th minute with a Benayoun netting. The hosts added to their total one minute from the whistle.

Manchester United needed just a point from their visit to Switzerland to move to the knockout round, but a goal in the ninth minute by FC Basel severely tested the spirit of Sir Alex Ferguson’s men. The Swiss made it two in the 84th minute, before Phil Jones put the Reds on the card during the last minute. It’s only the third time in 17 years that Manchester United have not reached the knockout stage of the Champions League. At the Eastlands, Manchester City topped Bayern Munich 2-0, but finished third in Group A. City and United will continue their European quest in the Europa League. For City, a goal in each half by Silva (37th) and Toure (52nd) provided the impetus. Goal-feast of the round was Lyon’s visit to Dinamo Zagreb where the hosts’ were thrashed 7-1. Europa League: Only Stoke Survive

The final two matches of the Europa League group games concluded early December, with only Stoke earning themselves a place in the knockout phase in the next round after 1-1 home tie against Dynamo Kiev. The Potters scored twice. Matthew Upson put the Ukraini-ans ahead with an own goal in the 28th minute, before a Kenwyne Jones header nine minutes from time evened things out. Stoke lost 3-1 at Besiktas in the final group game, but still finished runner up and will continue in the knockout round. It was the first loss after nine European games (seven wins, two ties) for the Potters. Ricardo Fuller netted for Stoke.

PAOK Salonika had a player sent off just before the break at White Hart Lane, but it did not help Tottenham who lost 2-1 to the visitors. The Greeks grabbed a two goal lead by the 13th minute, while a Luka Modric pen-alty prior to half-time completed the scoring. Spurs beat Shamrock Rovers 4-0 in Dublin, but it was only enough for a third place finish. Steven Pienaar, Andros Townsend, Jermain Defoe and Harry Kane were the marksmen.

Celtic have not beaten Atletico Madrid in six attempts. At Parkhead, the Scottish club attempted to break that dismal run, but

the Spaniards scored on the half-hour for the only netting of the game. In Italy against Udinese, Gary Hooper put the Hoops ahead on the half-hour, but Di Natali hit an equalizer on the break. The 1-1 scoreline remained until the whistle leaving Celtic’s European dreams awry.

Marco Janko broke a Fulham blockade at FC Twente, where his goal one minute from the end gave the Belgians a 1-0 victory. Fulham earned a 2-2 tie at home against Odense, where the Danes secured a tie with a last minute goal in injury time. That goal put Fulham out of Europe. Clint Dempsey, and Kerin Frei, had the Cottagers 2-0 up on the half hour, while the visitors’ got one back in the 64th minute.

Birmingham City went down 1-0 at Braga, where Hugo Viana got the winner in the 51st minute. The Blues big Serbian striker Nikola Zigic, missed a penalty.

The Blues finished on a winning note however, where a goal by Adam Rooney in the 24th minute gave them a 1-0 win over NK Maribor of Slovenia at St Andrews, for a third place finish in Group H.

Barcelona World Club ChampsA spectacular firework display opened the

FIFA world club championship at the Toyota Stadium, Japan, running December 8-18, as six clubs from around the geographical FIFA soccer empire participated in a knockout com-petition with no second chances. European Champions Barcelona were hot favourites, and proved it so by confidently defeating Santos of Brazil 4-0 in the final. Lionel Messi got two, with Xavi and Cesc Fabregas on the scorecard too.

The opening day saw Japanese champions Kashiwa Reysol beat Oceanic champions Auckland City 2-0, and then go on to beat CONCAFAF champions Club de Futbol of Monterey of Mexico, 4-3 on penalties after a 1-1 draw. The other quarter-final saw Asian champions Al Sadd of Qatar, beat African champions, Esperance Sportive de Tunis 2-1.

Barcelona demolished Al Sadd 4-0, in the semi-finals, with a brace from Adriano (25th and 43rd minutes) followed by singles by Keita (64th) and Maxwell in the 81st minute. Down side for the Spaniards was that David Villa suffered a broken leg just before half-time. South American club champions Santos (Pele’s former club) beat Kashiwaa Reysol 3-1. The Brazilians went two ahead after 24 minutes courtesy of Neymar and Borges. The Japanese hit back in the 54th minute, but Danilo made it three for Santos some nine minutes later.

Carling CupThe Carling Cup quarter-finals November

29-30, saw Crystal Palace pull off a shock win at Old Trafford, where Manchester United, fielding a side with eight full-time-internationals were beaten 2-1. Substitute Darren Ambrose stunned the Reds in the 65th minute, though

Macheda equalized after putting a penalty away four minutes later. Glenn Murray was the Palace hero in the eighth minute of extra time. Bit of a shock at Stamford Bridge too, where Liverpool ousted Chelsea 2-0. Maxi Rodriguez and Martin Kelly provided the fire power.

At the Emirates Stadium, Sergio Aguero netted for Manchester City in the 83rd minute for the only goal of the game as the Sky Blues upset Arsenal. Championship challengers Cardiff City, earned a semi-final place with a 2-0 home win against Blackburn Rovers. Kenny Miller (19th) and a header by Anthony Gerrard (56th) added more questions for the Premier League strugglers.

Scottish SoccerCeltic closed the gap to four points behind

Rangers mid-December as the race for the Scottish Premiership Crown heated up. Celtic have won nine and drawn two of their last eleven SPL games. Kilmarnock hiccupped Rangers quest for the Championship, late November, where a Manuel Pascali header ten minutes from time, gave the Ayrshire club a 1-0 win and its first home victory over the Rangers since 1994…Top goalscorer in Scottish football is Ryan Donelly of Airdrie Utd who has hit the net 17 times…Junior side Cutler were ejected from the Scottish Cup after losing a replay at Partick Thistle 4-0.

World Cup 2014Qualifying games for the World Cup are on

hiatus until February, but an interesting couple of encounters did occur as the pre-Christmas games concluded. Ethiopia have recently moved troops into Somalia, and their first qualifying match was between the belliger-ent neighbours. They drew the first match in Dijibouti 0-0, but the Ethiopians won 5-0 in Addis Ababa, where soccer proved just as important event as a war. American Samoa has been listed by FIFA as the worst team in the world and rated 212th out of 212 affiliated soccer nations. In twenty years of World Cup football they have never won a game. That was until late November however, where they beat Tonga in a World Cup qualifier game 2-1 and them went on to tie 1-1 with the Cook Islands. Apparently, American Samoan fans celebrated loud, long and hard.

Charlton ended Huddersfield Town’s his-toric run of 43 league matches without a loss, after a 2-0 win at the Valley late November.

Fulham’s Clint Dempsey became the most prolific American goal-getter ever in the English Premier League, when his netting against Liverpool, December 5, brought his grand total to 37 goals.


Britain Appeals To CAS Over

Lifetime Doping Bans

By Stephen WilsonTHE BRITISH OLYMPIC Associa-tion appealed to sport’s highest court last month to defend its lifetime ban for doping, saying it has the backing of the “overwhelming majority” of British athletes to keep drug cheats out of the games.

The BOA filed a formal appeal with the Court of Arbitration for Sport, challenging a decision by the World Anti-Doping Agency to declare the British body “noncompliant” with global doping rules.

The BOA said both sides agreed that CAS is the appropriate forum to resolve the dispute and hope for a de-cision before the end of April 2012.

WADA declared last month that the BOA’s lifetime rule amounted to a second sanction and failed to comply with the World Anti-Doping Code. The BOA maintains its bylaw is an eligibility issue, not a sanction.

“The overwhelming majority of British Olympic athletes, present and past, ... continue to express their unwavering support for the selection policy and have encouraged the BOA to vigorously defend it,” the BOA said in a statement.

“The BOA and British Olympic athletes do not consider that those who have deliberately cheated should represent Great Britain at the Olym-pic Games,” BOA chairman Colin Moynihan said.

Britain wants a ruling well in ad-vance of the London Games, which start on July 27.

“We appreciate the opportunity to appear before CAS and explain why our selection policy is entirely consistent with the Olympic Charter, and why it is essential for National Olympic Committees to have the autonomy and independence to de-termine their own selection policies,” Moynihan said.

ENFORCEBritain is the only country that

enforces lifetime Olympic bans for doping offenders. The BOA was the only national Olympic committee found in noncompliance by WADA, an embarrassment for the host nation of next year’s games.

Compliance with the WADA code is mandatory under IOC rules. The ultimate sanction for failing to comply is exclusion from the Olympics.

The IOC has stressed that Britain’s national anti-doping agency, UK Anti-Doping, is “fully compliant” and there was no risk to athletes from the 2012 host nation.

The BOA policy was introduced in 1992 and has been in place for the past nine Olympics.

Page 15: Union Jack News — January 2012

Arsenal – The Gunners piled up a 27-6 advantage in shots at home against Wolverhampton yet had only Gervinho’s goal and a 1-1

draw to show for their efforts. Robin Van Persie converted an early penalty kick and delivered the corner kick that Yossi Benayoun headed home for a late winner in a 2-1 Gunners’ victory at As-ton Villa. Van Persie’s goal tied Thierry Henry’s club record of 34 goals in a calendar year.

Aston Villa – Marc Albrighton scored the 20,000th goal in Premier League history nine minutes into the second half against Arsenal but a late

winner sent Villa down to a 2-1 defeat. Alan Hutton was sent off after incurring two quick cautions in the final minutes. Villa won their first away game of the season 2-1 at Bolton; Albrighton gave them lead in the 33rd minute by poking home Gabriel Agbonhahor’s cross, and Stiliyan Petrov scored the winner with a deflected shot.

Blackburn – Gifted an own goal on Boxing Day, Rovers conceded an equalizer to Liverpool early in the second half yet managed to

hang on for a 1-1 draw. Rovers sank to the bottom of the Premier League with a 2-1 home loss to Bolton in their last pre-Christmas match. Yakubu’s goal midway through a second half much better than the first did little to dampen the howls imploring manager Steve Kean to depart.

Bolton – Mark Davies struck in the opening minutes and Nigel Reo-Coker tallied on the half-hour to propel Wanderers past Lancashire rival Blackburn, 2-1, at Ewood Park.

Gary Cahill’s red card in the 18th minute paved the way for a dispiriting 3-0 loss at Tottenham. Wanderers were unable to build on Ivan Klas-nic’s goal 10 minutes into the second half and were beaten at home by Aston Villa, 2-1.

Chelsea – Juan Mata’s excel-lent goal early in the second half was soon matched when a Fulham attack victimized Ashley Cole and

David Luiz, and left Chelsea with its third straight draw, 1-1. Daniel Sturridge’s equalizer midway through the first half, an apparent Mata winner that was disallowed for offside, and two shots off the woodwork yielded a 1-1 draw at Tottenham. After conceding a goal at home to Manchester City in the second minute, Chelsea rallied to win, 2-1, with a Raul Meireles equalizer and a penalty kick by substitute – you read that right – Frank Lampard.

Everton – Leighton Baines’ penalty kick six minutes into the second half earned a 1-1 draw at Sunderland. A tumble in the box,

perhaps self-inflicted, by Leon Osman gave Baines a very dubious opportunity which he converted. Osman’s header from Royston Drenthe’s corner kick on the hour was the only goal of a 1-0 home triumph over Swansea despite a 15-5 edge in shots.

Fulham – Clint Dempsey’s ninth league goal of the season earned the Cottagers a 1-1 draw at Chelsea. He turned in a cross from Bryan Ruiz to

equalize a match featuring 11 saves, several of them sparkling, by keeper David Stockdale. Dempsey and Ruiz swapped the roles of finisher and provider in a 2-0 defeat of Bolton; Dempsey headed home Ruiz’s cross, and 66 seconds later played Ruiz clear for him to scoop a shot over the goalkeeper. Dempsey’s goal from the rebound of a Danny Murphy shot downed Liverpool, 1-0.

Liverpool – Maxi Rodriguez’s equalizer cancelled out an own goal just before halftime yet de-spite a final tally of 27-6 in shots and the return of Steven Gerrard

after a two-month absence, Liverpool ended up tied with Blackburn, 1-1. Gerrard played the final 21 minutes following his recovery from an ankle injury. Craig Bellamy and Martin Skrtel scored early goals four minutes apart in a 2-0 win at Aston Villa for Liverpool’s fifth away league win this season.

Manchester City – After a 0-0 draw at West Bromwich Albion City sat tied atop the Premier League with archrival Manchester United

but with a superior goal difference. A 3-0 pum-meling of Stoke City left Man City perched alone at the top of the top division at Christmas for the first time since 1929. Sergio Aguero scored twice to raise his seasonal tally to 15 and Adam Johnson netted in-between as City outshot the Potters, 22-3. David Silva’s sixth goal of the season and a brilliant last-minute save by Joe Hart subdued Arsenal, 1-0, at the Etihad Stadium.

Manchester United – Dimitar Berbatov’s hat trick and single tallies from Park Ji-Suing and Antonio Valencia powered United

to its second straight 5-0 romp, with Wigan the victim. After Park scored in the eighth minute, Berbatov scored twice and then converted a penalty kick when Park was fouled in the box. Danny Wellbeck’s goal in the fifth minute trig-gered a 5-0 thrashing of Fulham. Nani and Ryan Giggs tallied before halftime, and late goals by Wayne Rooney and Berbatov rounded out the rout. Rooney and Michael Carrick were the scorers in a 2-0 victory at QPR.

Newcastle – Two goals in as many minutes propelled New-castle past Bolton, 2-0. Hatem Ben Arfa volleyed in a Matt Taylor cross for just his second goal for

the club and his first since September, 2010. Demba Ba tucked away a Gabriel Obertan cross for his 14th goal of the season. The Magpies failed to win for the sixth straight match by in a 3-2 home loss to West Bromwich Albion in spite of two equalizers by Ba. He nailed home a free kick in the 34th minute and struck again with nine minutes left, but four minutes later the defense creaked again to leave them with only two points out of 18. Ba scored also scored twice in a 4-2 loss at Norwich from which Dan Gosling was dismissed for a two-footed challenge midway through the second half.

Norwich City – Andrew Sur-man scored his first Norwich goal against his former club and substitute Simeon Jackson restored Norwich’s

lead with his first touch, but on both occasions Wolverhampton equalized to claim a 2-2 draw at Carrow Road. Bradley Johnson nearly won it with a late header that barely missed. Captain Grant Holt scored twice as the Canaries took advantage of a Newcastle red card to beat the Magpies, 4-2. Wes Hoolahan opened the scoring, a Holt header regained the lead that Steve Morison increased to 3-1 with a header of his own, and Holt headed home yet again with eight minutes left.

Queen’s Park Rangers – Ja-mie Mackie scored for the second straight match as QPR ended a three-game losing streak by tying Swansea City, 1-1, away

two days after Christmas. Mackie pounced on an ignored back pass in the 58th minute to equalize a goal QPR believed should have been disallowed for a handball in the buildup. Heidar

Helguson knocked home Alejandro Faurlin’s cross and set up an equalizer for Mackie four minutes later to bring the Rangers back from a 2-0 deficit against Sunderland, and keeper Paddy Kenny did his part with two excellent saves to keep the score, 2-2, before a late goal from a corner produced a 3-2 defeat.

Stoke City – The Potters spun their fourth consecutive league win by rallying to win 2-1 at Wolver-hampton. After falling behind early to

a penalty kick, they equalized with an own goal and seized victory when Peter Crouch scored his 99th league goal in the 70th minute. Their third straight win ended Tottenham’s 12-match unbeaten run; Matthew Etherington scored twice in the first half and with a brilliant save by Thomas Sorensen and two favorable officiating decisions they held on to win, 2-1.

Sunderland – Jack Colback registered his first senior goal for the Black Cats with a deflected shot in the 26th minute of a 1-1

draw with Everton. Wes Brown’s header in the 89th minute glanced off an opponent into the roof of the net to bring the Black Cats a 3-2 win at Queen’s Park Rangers after they had led, 2-0. Nicklas Bendtner and Stephane Sessegnon scored to provide the edge that some shabby defending squandered.

Swansea City – Danny Graham collected a Wayne Routledge cross and fired the ball into the net for his sixth goal of the season in a 1-1

draw with fellow promotes QPR. Heroic mo-ments by keeper Michael Vorm weren’t quite enough to prevent a 1-0 defeat at Everton in which the Swans managed just one shot on goal. He saved twice from substitute Magaye Gueye and stripped the ball from Royston Drenthe with a sliding clearance. Vorm saved a penalty kick in-between goals from Scott Sinclair and Graham as the Swans stymied Fulham, 2-0 at the Liberty Stadium.

Tottenham – Gareth Bale stormed through the Norwich defense repeat-edly and scored both goals 13 min-utes apart in a 2-0 triumph at Carrow Road. Spurs took a 1-0 lead at home against Chelsea in the seventh minute

and threatened repeatedly without success in a 1-1 draw. Sandro won a ball and played it down the left side for Bale, who sped clear to center a ball that Emmanuel Adebayor tapped in. Adebayor put the ball into the net again on the hour but the flag was up for offside and shot wide from another classy Bale set-up. Rafael Van der Vaart’s slick pass set up Roman Pavlyuchenko for his first goal of the season that ensured a 1-0 defeat of Sunderland.

West Bromwich Albion – Jerome Thomas hit the post and Jonas Ols-son blocked a potential game-winner with five minutes left as the Baggies

held off Manchester City to draw, 0-0. Paul Scharner scored the winner with five minutes left as the Baggies won their second straight away game, 3-2, at Newcastle. Peter Odem-wingie and Gareth McAuley (with his first goal for the club) provided one-goal leads that were erased before Scharner got onto an Odemwin-gie header to score from close range.

Wigan Athletic – Jordi Gomez scored in the 88th minute to earn the Latics a 1-1 draw with Chelsea. Franco Di Santo’s shot was headed

off the goal line in the final minutes but Wigan persevered to equalize when Hugo Rodallega’s ball wasn’t cleared and Gomez banged it home. Gomez converted a penalty kick to complete a 2-1 comeback win at West Bromwich Albion. Victor Moses scored his first goal in 13 months to equalize and then drew the foul that provided Gomez with the winning kick.

Wolverhampton – Steven Fletcher equalized late in the first half against Arsenal and Wolves rode out the dismissal of Nenad

Mijilas with 10 saves by keeper Wayne Hennessey to depart the Emirates Stadium tied 1-1. Sylvan Ebanks-Blake and Ronald Zubar scored equalizers eight minutes from the end of the respective 45-minute periods in a see-saw 2-2 draw with Norwich City. A pair of late Fletcher goals eight minutes apart brought the Black Cats a 2-1 comeback triumph over Sunderland.

January 2012 Page


By Ridge Mahoney












As of December 29

tying Swansea City, 1-1, away

FA CUP DRAW Third Round

January 7, 8 and 9Middlesbrough v Shrewsbury; Nottingham For v Leicester;

Man City v Man United; Dag & Redbridge v Millwall; Crawley Town v Bristol City; Doncaster v Notts County; Bristol Rovers v Aston Villa; Tottenham v Cheltenham T;

Sheffield Wed v West Ham; MK Dons v QPR; Hull City v Ipswich T; Coventry C v Southampton;

Brighton v Wrexham; Fulham v Charlton; Birmingham v Wolves; Norwich City v Burnley; Arsenal v Leeds United; Derby C v Crystal Pal;

Fleetwood v Blackpool; Swindon v Wigan; Barnsley v Swansea; Macclesfield v Bolton;

Newcastle v Blackburn; Everton v Tamworth; Sheffield Utd v Salisbury; Liverpool v Oldham; Gillingham v Stoke C; Chelsea v Portsmouth;

Watford v Bradford C; Peterboro v Sunderland; West Brom v Cardiff C; Reading v Stevenage


First Legs Jan 10-11; Second Legs Jan 24-25Man City v Liverpool

Crystal Palace v Cardiff


January 7-8Ross County v Stenhousemuir; Livingston v Ayr/Montrose;

Raith v Morton; Hearts v Auchinleck Talbot; Cowdenbeath v Hibernian; St Johnstone v Brechin;

Stranraer/Forfar v Aberdeen; Culter/Partick v Queen of S; Inverness v Dunfermline; Falkirk v East Fife;

Motherwell v Elgin/Queen’s Park; Arbroath v Rangers; Peterhead v Celtic;

Airdrie Utd v Dundee Utd; Dundee v Kilmarnock; St Mirren v Hamilton


Semi-Finals January 28 & 29Falkirk v Celtic

Ayr v Kilmarnock


First Legs Feb 14, 15, 21 & 22; Second Legs March 6, 7, 13 & 14

Lyon v APOEL Nicosia Napoli v Chelsea

AC Milan v Arsenal FC Basel v Bayern Munich

Bayer Leverkusen v Barcelona CSKA Moscow v Real Madrid Zenit St Petersburg v Benfica

Marseille v Inter Milan


First Legs Feb 16; Second Legs Feb 23Porto v Man City; Ajax v Man United;

Loko Moscow v Ath Bilbao; Salzburg v Metalist Kharkiv; Stoke v Valencia; Rubin Kazan v Olympiacos;

AZ Alkmaar v Anderlecht; Lazio v Atletico Madrid; Steaua Buchrst v FC Twente; Viktoria Plzen v Schalke;

Wisla Krakow v Standrd Liege; Braga v Besiktas; Udinese v PAOK; Trabzonspor v PSV Eindhoven;

Hannover v Club Brugge; Legia Warsaw v Sprtng Lisbon

Round of 16 First Legs March 8; Second Legs March 15

Salzburg/Metalist Kharkiv v Rubin Kazan/Olympiacos Legia Warsaw/Sporting Lisbon v Porto/Man City

Steaua Bucharest/FC Twente v Viktoria Plzen/Schalke Wisla Krakow/Standard Liege v Hannover/Club Brugge

Stoke/Valencia v Trabzonspor/PSV Eindhoven AZ Alkmaar/Anderlecht v Udinese/PAOK Lazio/Atletico Madrid v Braga/Besiktas

Ajax/Man United v Lokomotiv Moscow/Athletic Bilbao


JANUARY FIXTURES– Saturday, December 31 –

Man Utd v BlackburnArsenal v QPR

Bolton v WolverhmptnChelsea v Aston Villa

Norwich v FulhamStoke v Wigan

Swansea v Tottenham– Sunday, January 1 –West Brom v Everton

Sunderland v Man City– Monday, January 2 –Aston Villa v Swansea

Blackburn v StokeQPR v Norwich

Tottenham v West BromWolverhmptn v Chelsea

Fulham v Arsenal– Tuesday, January 3 –Tottenham v West Brom

Wigan v SunderlandMan City v Liverpool

– Wednesday, January 4 –Everton v Bolton

Newcastle v Man Utd – Wednesday, January 11 –

Tottenham v Everton– Saturday, January 14 –

Aston Villa v EvertonBlackburn v Fulham

Chelsea v SunderlandLiverpool v StokeMan Utd v Bolton

Tottenham v WolverhmptnWest Brom v Norwich

– Sunday, January 15 –Newcastle v QPR

Swansea v Arsenal – Monday, January 16 –

Wigan v Man City – Saturday, January 21 –

Norwich v ChelseaEverton v BlackburnFulham v Newcastle

QPR v WiganStoke v West Brom

Sunderland v SwanseaWolverhamptn v Aston V

Bolton v Liverpool– Sunday, January 22 –

Man City v TottenhamArsenal v Man Utd

– Tuesday, January 31 –Swansea v ChelseaTottenham v Wigan

Wolverhmptn v LiverpoolBolton v Arsenal Man Utd v Stoke

Sunderland v Norwich – Wednesday, February 1 –

Aston Villa v QPRBlackburn v Newcastle

Everton v Man City Fulham v West Brom

P W D L F A GD PtsManchester City 18 14 3 1 53 15 38 45Manchester Utd 18 14 3 1 47 14 33 45Tottenham H 17 12 2 3 34 19 15 38Chelsea 18 10 4 4 36 21 15 34Arsenal 18 10 3 5 34 26 8 33Liverpool 18 8 7 3 21 14 7 31Newcastle Utd 18 8 6 4 25 22 3 30Stoke City 18 7 4 7 18 28 -10 25West Brom Alb 18 6 4 8 19 26 -7 22Everton 17 6 3 8 18 20 -2 21Norwich City 18 5 6 7 27 33 -6 21Aston Villa 18 4 8 6 19 23 -4 20Fulham 18 4 7 7 19 24 -5 19Swansea City 18 4 7 7 17 22 -5 19Sunderland 18 4 6 8 22 22 0 18Queens Park R 18 4 5 9 18 32 -14 17Wolvrhmptn W 18 4 4 10 20 33 -13 16Wigan Athletic 18 3 5 10 15 35 -20 14Bolton Wndrers 18 4 0 14 22 41 -19 12Blackburn Rov 18 2 5 11 25 39 -14 11

P W D L F A GD PtsSouthampton 23 14 5 4 47 24 23 47West Ham Utd 23 13 5 5 38 21 17 44Middlesbrough 23 12 8 3 29 19 10 44Cardiff City 23 10 9 4 37 26 11 39Hull City 23 12 3 8 26 23 3 39Reading 23 10 6 7 30 22 8 36Blackpool 23 9 8 6 36 28 8 35Leeds United 23 10 5 8 36 31 5 35Burnley 23 10 3 10 35 31 4 33Crystal Palace 23 9 6 8 22 22 0 33Brighton & Hove 23 9 5 9 23 26 -3 32Leicester City 23 8 7 8 30 26 4 31Peterborough U 23 9 4 10 42 39 3 31Derby County 23 9 4 10 27 32 -5 31Birmingham C 21 8 6 7 27 24 3 30Barnsley 23 8 6 9 31 35 -4 30Portsmouth 22 7 6 9 24 24 0 27Watford 23 6 9 8 23 31 -8 27Ipswich Town 22 8 3 11 33 43 -10 27Millwall 23 6 8 9 24 26 -2 26Bristol City 23 5 6 12 21 34 -13 21Nottingham Ft 23 6 3 14 18 37 -19 21Doncaster Rov 23 5 4 14 19 39 -20 19Coventry City 23 3 7 13 18 33 -15 16

P W D L F A GD PtsCharlton Athletic 22 15 6 1 47 18 29 51Sheffield United 22 13 5 4 40 23 17 44Sheffield Wed 22 13 4 5 41 30 11 43MK Dons 22 12 6 4 44 22 22 42Huddersfield T 22 11 9 2 42 22 20 42Stevenage 22 9 8 5 32 20 12 35Brentford 22 9 7 6 26 23 3 34Carlisle United 22 9 7 6 32 34 -2 34Notts County 22 9 4 9 36 32 4 31Preston North E 22 9 4 9 36 39 -3 31Bury 22 9 4 9 30 33 -3 31Hartlepool Utd 22 8 5 9 26 29 -3 29Colchester Utd 22 7 8 7 32 37 -5 29Oldham Ath 22 7 6 9 28 33 -5 27Bournemouth 22 7 6 9 24 29 -5 27Tranmere Rov 21 7 5 9 21 25 -4 26Leyton Orient 22 6 7 9 24 33 -9 25Walsall 22 4 9 9 22 28 -6 21Exeter City 22 5 6 11 21 36 -15 21Wycombe Wan 22 5 5 12 28 37 -9 20Yeovil Town 22 4 8 10 24 33 -9 20Scunthorpe Utd 22 3 10 9 27 35 -8 19Rochdale 21 4 6 11 22 38 -16 18Chesterfield 22 3 5 14 26 42 -16 14

P W D L F A GD PtsCrawley Town 22 14 4 4 45 28 17 46Cheltenham T 22 13 4 5 34 20 14 43Southend Utd 21 13 3 5 37 22 15 42Shrewsbury T 22 12 5 5 33 20 13 41Burton Albion 22 11 6 5 36 32 4 39Gillingham 22 11 5 6 39 27 12 38Swindon Town 22 11 4 7 34 18 16 37Oxford United 22 10 6 6 32 23 9 36Port Vale 22 10 5 7 40 30 10 35Torquay United 22 9 7 6 34 29 5 34Rotherham Utd 22 9 7 6 38 35 3 34Accrington S 22 8 8 6 27 25 2 32Morecambe 22 8 7 7 36 26 10 31Macclesfield T 22 7 6 9 21 21 0 27Crewe Alex 22 8 3 11 24 32 -8 27Aldershot Town 21 8 2 11 24 28 -4 26Wimbledon 22 7 5 10 29 40 -11 26Bristol Rovers 22 6 5 11 28 40 -12 23Bradford City 22 5 7 10 25 29 -4 22Barnet 22 5 5 12 26 44 -18 20Hereford United 22 4 6 12 20 38 -18 18Dag & Red 22 5 2 15 22 39 -17 17Northampton T 22 4 5 13 26 45 -19 17Plymouth A 22 4 5 13 23 42 -19 17

P W D L F A GD PtsCeltic 21 16 2 3 41 15 26 50Rangers 21 15 3 3 37 12 25 48Motherwell 19 10 4 5 24 21 3 34St Johnstone 21 9 5 7 26 20 6 32Hearts 21 8 5 8 22 14 8 29Dundee Utd 21 6 8 7 30 33 -3 26St Mirren 21 6 8 7 22 27 -5 26Kilmarnock 20 5 8 7 25 30 -5 23Aberdeen 21 5 6 10 23 28 -5 21Inverness CT 21 5 4 12 28 40 -12 19Hibernian 20 3 6 11 18 33 -15 15Dunfermline A 19 3 5 11 20 43 -23 14

P W D L F A GD PtsRoss County 17 10 6 1 30 15 15 36Falkirk 18 8 6 4 30 24 6 30Dundee 18 8 3 7 26 20 6 27Partick Thistle 18 7 5 6 24 17 7 26Livingston 17 6 7 4 23 21 2 25Greenock Mrtn 17 6 4 7 19 26 -7 22Hamilton Ac 17 5 4 8 22 24 -2 19Raith Rovers 18 5 4 9 18 23 -5 19Ayr United 16 4 5 7 15 29 -14 17Queen ot Sth 18 4 4 10 20 28 -8 16

P W D L F A GD PtsCowdenbeath 17 10 5 2 36 17 19 35Arbroath 16 9 5 2 35 22 13 32Stenhousemr 17 8 4 5 30 23 7 28Airdrie United 18 5 6 7 39 42 -3 21Albion Rovers 17 6 3 8 29 33 -4 21Brechin City 17 5 6 6 20 24 -4 21Dumbarton 16 5 4 7 28 32 -4 19East Fife 15 6 1 8 21 29 -8 19Forfar Athletic 15 3 5 7 24 30 -6 14Stirling Albion 14 3 3 8 17 27 -10 12

P W D L F A GD PtsAlloa Athletic 17 9 6 2 27 21 6 33Stranraer 17 9 4 4 40 21 19 31Annan Athletic 16 9 4 3 27 18 9 31Queen’s Park 16 7 4 5 24 20 4 25Berwick Ran 17 6 5 6 30 27 3 23Elgin City 14 6 4 4 23 17 6 22Clyde 16 5 6 5 20 16 4 21Montrose 16 5 2 9 27 38 -11 17Peterhead 16 2 4 10 16 27 -11 10E Stirlingshire 17 2 3 12 12 41 -29 9

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10-18 $308 $308 $274 $274 $226 $226 $211 $211 $198 $198 $175 $175

19-24 $697 $985 $603 $969 $470 $743 $409 $647 $321 $520 $285 $448

25-29 $735 $1,122 $642 $1,090 $500 $840 $436 $729 $341 $606 $304 $476

30-34 $823 $1,241 $708 $1,169 $549 $905 $481 $790 $377 $634 $335 $540

35-39 $922 $1,466 $747 $1,300 $578 $1,010 $506 $872 $396 $727 $353 $568

40-44 $1,166 $1,609 $947 $1,400 $628 $1,097 $550 $960 $526 $745 $468 $662

45-49 $1,299 $1,566 $1,065 $1,332 $825 $1,030 $719 $897 $587 $708 $522 $631

50-54 $1,586 $1,742 $1,344 $1,502 $1,039 $1,165 $907 $1,036 $770 $859 $685 $765

55-59 $1,917 $1,917 $1,667 $1,667 $1,290 $1,288 $1,124 $1,124 $947 $955 $842 $850

60-64 $2,822 $2,656 $2,572 $2,406 $2,168 $1,914 $1,963 $1,762 $1,640 $1,457 $1,460 $1,297

65-69 $5,893 $5,113 $5,640 $4,890 $5,276 $4,453 $4,056 $3,310 $3,546 $3,176 $3,156 $2,827

70-74 $9,724 $8,437 $9,306 $8,069 $8,705 $7,348 $6,692 $5,462 $5,851 $5,240 $5,207 $4,665

Linda Pizzuti Henry, John W Henry, owner of the Boston Red Sox and Liverpool FC, with Co-owner and Chairman Tom Werner and Catherine Slater, at The Press Room in Santa Barbara.

By John PolleyBy John Polley

Wales 18 Australia 24THIS GAME was a bit of a nightmare for Wales but it ended in a fairy tale.

They edged the first half 6-3, scored through penalties which barely enlivened a game – much huffing and puffing and not a lot of incision on either side. Then a short way into the second half Leigh half-penny was sinbinned for tackling James O’Connor without the ball. In Halfpenny’s absence, the Aussies cut loose and scored three dynamic tries.

Wales pulled one back through Rhys Priestland – an-other good game for the lad, by the way. But throughout the match there had really only been one man on the field for the home crowd – Shane Williams, playing his last game for his country, one of the all-time greats.

In the closing moment of the game – and his career – the fairy tale came true. Quick passing across the field gave Shane a slight gap through which he jinked through and ended behind the try-line with a somersault of celebration. A remarkable end to a remarkable career.

Wales lacked many of the players who had taken them to within a whisker of the World Cup Final but even so they were comfortably outclassed in this game and their future looks anything but rosy, especially without Shane.

England search for a new coachStill no sign of a replacement for Martin

Johnson as England’s head coach. One man the RFU fancied a lot was once con-sidered the Great Redeemer in the Welsh valleys when he coached Wales to a Grand Slam – Graham Henry. Most of the Welsh felt he went downhill when he took over as head honcho of the All Blacks. Despite

winning the World Cup with them a few weeks ago, he has ruled himself out of the England job, preferring to spend more time with his family.

The RFU has made one positive step. They have handed control of the Eng-land team for the Six Nations to Stuart Lancaster, Andy Farrell and Graham Rowntree. The appears to be waiting for the southern hemisphere duo of Nick Mal-lett and Wayne Smith to take over when they become available – hopefully before England’s three-match summer tour of South Africa.

Mallet was born in Hertford-shire but followed his family after six weeks to Rhodesia. He has coach the Springboks and more recently Italy. He will be paid half a million a year to win the World Cup in 2015. Johnson was less generously

rewarded – a mere £200,000 p.a.Scottish seven-a-side used for com-

munity workSeven-a-side rugby was invented in

Melrose by Ned Haig in 1883. Now it is being used as a link-up between Scotland and Hong Kong following the founding of Hong Kong Scottish RFC, Scotland’s newest club. Alec Salmond has just an-nounced that the Scottish Government Cashback for Communities programme and HK’s similar Operation Breakthrough will work together to lower youth offending and promote healthy lifestyles. Good job for Mike Tindall there, perhaps!

Six Nations opening fixturesFinally, don’t forget that the Six Na-

tions kicks off in the first weekend of February:

Saturday, February 4:France v Italy (1430)Scotland v England (1730)Sunday, February 5:Ireland v Wales (1500)John [email protected]

Fairy Tale Ending For Shane As England Search For CoachHenry Back To Arsenal

ARSENAL have offered Thierry Henry a contract to return to the club on a two-month loan. At time of going to press it was strongly “rumoured” their former French star had accepted.

With Gervinho and Marouane Chamakh heading to the Africa Cup of Nations this month, Wenger has concluded that top scorer Robin van Persie needs help to lighten his scoring burden.

Henry has a $4.5m deal with New York Red Bulls but has been training with Arsenal in the MLS off-season and does not have to return to America until March. He could feature in seven Premier League games if he accepts the offer as well as FA Cup ties and the first leg of Arsenal’s Champions League last-16 clash against AC Milan.

England Sets Up February Friendly Against Netherlands

ENGLAND’S Football Association says the national team will play fellow 2012 European Championship qualifier the Netherlands in a rescheduled friendly match at Wembley on February 29.

The teams were due to meet in August but the match was canceled for safety reasons following three nights of rioting in London.

Beckham: I Have A ‘Big Decision To Make’ On Future

DAVID BECKHAM said he has a “big deci-sion to make” after his contract with the Los Angeles Galaxy expired and reiterated his desire to play for the British team in the London Olympics next year.

“I’m very proud of the time that I’ve spent with the Galaxy and it might continue,…I think at the end of the day I have a big deci-sion to make but I obviously haven’t made one yet.”

Beckham said he “would love to be part of the GB team” in the Olympics next year, especially since the games will be played in a part of London where he grew up.

Olympic Football Tickets Back On Sale

TICKETS for the football tournament at next year’s Olympics have gone back on sale in Britain, with organizers hoping the potential appearance of stars like David Beckham will entice fans to purchase the 1.5 million seats still available.

Football is one of the few Olympic events yet to sell out, with tickets available last

month from for all matches across six venues.

Fletcher Takes A Break Because Of Bowel Disease

AFTER MONTHS of putting his health at risk while playing with a chronic bowel disease, Manchester United midfielder Darren Fletcher has been forced take an extended break from football to rest and recuperate.

The 27-year-old Scotland captain, who did not play between March and September with what United previously called a “virus,” has been suffering from ulcerative colitis – an inflammatory bowel condition.

Liverpool Midfielder Lucas To Miss Rest Of Season

LIVERPOOL midfielder Lucas Leiva will miss the rest of the season after he damaged knee ligaments in his team’s League Cup quarterfinal win over Chelsea.

Liverpool says a scan had showed that Lucas injured the anterior cruciate ligament and needs surgery.

Rotherham To Move To ‘New York’

ROTHERHAM is moving to New York next season – in name only.

Third Division Rotherham United has named its new $31m venue the New York Stadium in an homage to the history of the part of the northern England town where it is based.

The stadium is built on the site of a foundry that made New York’s distinctive fire hydrants. New York is also the historic name for the area.

Rotherham left Millmoor in 2008 after 101 years following a dispute with the stadium owner. It is playing in nearby Sheffield until the New York Stadium is ready.

England’s Euro ‘12 Base A DumpHUTNIK KRAKOW is the host club where England will be based for the Euro 2012 tournament. The training base is in such poor condition the ramshackle Polish club have produced a calendar of their female fans to raise cash for facility improvements.

Club spokesman Daniel Urbaniec said: “We hope it will give our male fans a real thrill and raise some cash for us so we can improve the facilities at the club.

“The girls are all genuine fans and 100 percent beautiful with their kit on or off.”

Other cash will come direct from the FA and the local council.

But one England fan that visited the ground said: “There’s rubble everywhere and the pitch is just a bog. They need a miracle.”

Liverpool FC Owners, Stop By California Brit Pub

Terry To Face Criminal Charge –

Suarez Fined, Banned Over Racism

CHELSEA captain John Terry will be charged with racially abusing a Premier League opponent and faces a fine of £2,500.

The Crown Prosecution Service said last month that there was sufficient evidence to prosecute Terry for his on-field exchange with Queens Park Rangers defender An-ton Ferdinand on October 23. Ferdinand is black.

The 31-year-old England captain faces a charge of using “threatening, abusive or insulting words or behavior, or disorderly behavior within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress which was racially ag-gravated.”

Terry’s initial hearing will be at West London Magistrates’ Court on February 1.

FIGHT“I am disappointed with the decision to

charge me and hope to be given the chance to clear my name as quickly as possible,” Terry said. “I have never aimed a racist remark at anyone and count people from all races and creeds among my closest friends.

“I will fight tooth and nail to prove my innocence. I have campaigned against racism and believe there is no place for it in society.”

Chelsea said it would support Terry. Also last month, the FA handed Liver-

pool striker Luis Suarez an eight-match ban and a £40,000 fine after being found guilty of racially abusing Manchester Unit-ed defender Patrice Evra during a match in October. Suarez was also suspended, pending an appeal, for eight games.

T-SHIRTSControversially, before their match

against Wigan, Liverpool’s players and manager Kenny Dalglish appeared at the ground wearing white T-shirts featuring Suarez’s picture.

They also released a statement express-ing their anger at the FA’s punishment, and as a group of players we are shocked and angered that he has been found guilty by the FA,” Liverpool’s squad said in a joint statement. “We totally support Luis and we want the world to know that. We know he is not racist ... we have lived, trained and played with Luis for almost 12 months and we don’t recognize the way he has been portrayed.”

The FA, though, accepted Evra’s allega-tion that Suarez had directed a racial insult at him during United’s Premier League match at Liverpool on October. 15. If the appeal is rejected, the FA could increase the suspension.