Page 1: Understanding COLOR Theory II presentation by Pam Coulter

Understanding COLOR Theory IIpresentation by

Pam Coulter

Page 2: Understanding COLOR Theory II presentation by Pam Coulter

What’s next

• One last exercise using just the 3-color palette, then

• We’ll expand to a 6 color plus white colorwheel

Page 3: Understanding COLOR Theory II presentation by Pam Coulter

Modeling shapes using complements

• analogous = Analogous colors are colors that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel

Using just the three primaries and what you learned last week, paint three circles on your canvas and then, assuming that light is coming from either left or right sides, lighten and darken the shapes to give roundness and dimension. Note: you can use analogous* colors to lighten and darken the original colors.

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Pause for exerciseNote: the finished exercise should look something like the ball to the right without the shadow. This is a computer generated example. Your painted versions may not look this “”neat”. That’s ok.

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Color Bias Color Wheel• Now we’ll expand to a 6 color (plus white and

burnt sienna) colorwheelI suggest the following hues: Pale or lemon yellowcadmium yellow medium*cadmium red medium*quinacridone crimson*ultramarine blueand thalo (phthalo) blue.

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Pause for exercise

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Color Value exercise

• Color has value. On the B&W value scale we made in the first lesson, add a row for each of the colors on the expanded palette. Once done and dry, take to a xerox machine and make a B&W copy or photograph and convert to B&W photo.

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Example of color value scale • a sample color value scale and when converted

to B&W.

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Pause for Exercise

end of lesson two.Students will finish the prior exercise either as homework or in next class.
