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Page 1: Under aged drinking


Underage drinking: Talking to your teen

about alcoholThe time to start talking

to your teen about underage drinking is


By Victoria Aronne

Page 2: Under aged drinking

The Problem with Teen Parties Teens, Underage Drinking and

Parental Liability

What can happen with under aged drinking

                        Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images

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It's easy to underestimate how early underage drinking starts

— sometimes even in the preteen years — as well as the amount of alcohol teens drink and the risks involved. Still,

underage drinking isn't inevitable. You can encourage your teen to avoid alcohol by

talking to him or her about the risks of underage drinking and

the importance of making good decisions.

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Protect Yourself: Talk seriously with your teen about alcohol, parties and family liability long before it's an issue. Avoid leaving teens home alone overnight - wild parties can mushroom into existence without any intention on your child's part. Let neighbors know when you leave town. And finally, consult your homeowner's insurance policy to make sure you have adequate personal liability insurance.

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Once upon a time, teens and 20somethings were invited to parties. These days, they find out about them via Facebook, MySpace and text messages that can quickly catapult a small gathering of half a dozen close friends into a melee attended by hundreds. Remember the old “You tell two friends and they tell two friends…” shtick? It’s mathematics at work and the perils are fairly obvious. When strangers invade your home, house rules are the least of your worries. When it comes to teen parties and underage drinking, here’s what else your family should worry about - and tips on how to protect yourself:

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Criminal Charges: Parents who are caught supplying alcohol, even inadvertently, to minors face serious liabilities. In some states, parents are subject to severe financial consequences, including fines and restitution to victims in the event of an accident. In addition, they may be charged in the criminal courts for, among other things, contributing to the delinquency of a minor. In one instance, a mother bought a keg for her son’s 21st birthday party, which would have been fine except that the party guests included minors who began drinking too. After a brawl broke out and police arrived, she was arrested, convicted and ended up doing considerable community service, in lieu of jail time.

Financial Liability: In addition to civil suits, parents may be subject to

police fees. Increasingly,

In some counties, parents are financially and criminally liable when alcohol is consumed by minors at a party – which in some cases is defined as a gathering of three or more people – whether or not the parents knew about the event beforehand. “I would not want,” says California attorney Mary Carey, “to be the test case.”

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Childhood and teen drinkThe most import things we can do for our children through their growing years is talk to them and always let them know they can come to you with any problem they have and know you are there to help them not punish in their time of need. I found through my own children because I allowed them to be open with me with any problem that my son came home from college and asked for help with a drug problem that was starting. As a parent we are there to nurture them and stand by them in the worst of moments for both them and us. I can tell you that because we talked it was easier for him to come and ask for my help which prevented nay further bad actions to himself and others all it take is understandings and love on our parts as parents to be there before they fall and to help pick them back up again. My actions with my son, providing him the help he needed, he is a strong person today and alive because he knew he could come top his parents and talk to them about anything and they would be there. Lend you heart, soul and a hand to a child when they need it, be there and love them unconditionally.

Page 8: Under aged drinking

The Problem with Teen Parties Teens, Underage Drinking and Parental Liability

Underage drinking: Talking to your teen about alcohol
