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UUNDECIDED NDECIDED MMAJOR?AJOR?You’re in luck!You’re in luck!

This interactive guide will point This interactive guide will point you in the right direction…you in the right direction…

Enter Here!Enter Here!

Page 2: Undecided Major Web Page

M A I N M E N UM A I N M E N U1. Background and Fun Statistics

2. Tips to Get Started

3. Things to Consider Lifestyles Abilities Interests

4. What’s Your Type…

5. What is a College Major Anyway?

6. How do I Choose A Major?

7. What are my Options?

8. Tips on Getting Started

9. When Should I Declare a Major?

10. Even Famous People Choose the Wrong Major!

Page 3: Undecided Major Web Page

Feel like the only person who Feel like the only person who can’t decide on a major?can’t decide on a major?

Nationally, three out of four entering students express some uncertainty about their choice of major, while between one and two-thirds change majors.

Recent studies suggest that it is typical for undergraduates to try out four or five majors before arriving at a decision. So if you haven't chosen a major or are uncomfortable with the one you have chosen, you're in good company. (University of Minnesota: CDC)

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Page 4: Undecided Major Web Page

What Is a College Major?

You're required to major in a specific academic subject (or professional field) to demonstrate sustained,

high-level work in one field.

Depending on the college, you might be able to major in two fields, have a major and a minor, or even create your

own major. (

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Major misconceptions!Major misconceptions!

The best way to find out about majors is to take courses.The best way to find out about majors is to take courses.

I’ll just get my Gen. Eds. out of the way first.I’ll just get my Gen. Eds. out of the way first.

Picking a major and a career are the same thingPicking a major and a career are the same thing

Choosing one major means giving up all the others.Choosing one major means giving up all the others.

The major I pick now will determine my lifelong career.The major I pick now will determine my lifelong career.

(Courtesy Penn State University)(Courtesy Penn State University)

NO TEST can tell you what to pick! Ultimately the NO TEST can tell you what to pick! Ultimately the

decision is yours.decision is yours.

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How Do I Choose?How Do I Choose?

First and second-year students usually take more general courses while they try to decide on a major. After this initial "shopping" period, coursework becomes more focused and specific. Make sure that you have genuine interest though. You don't want to choose a major by process of elimination -- that could take a while.

Take courses in areas that appeal to you, then try to focus on a subject that will interest and motivate you.

You'll do better, and your motivation will continue through college and into a job.(

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The Truth is…The Truth is…

A common myth about an academic major is that it ties you to a specific career path. The reality is that a bachelor's degree can prepare you for many career paths.

In fact, research indicates only about 50% of college graduates report a close relationship between their major and their job. (University of Minnesota: CDC)

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What Are My Options?What Are My Options?

Some majors strongly correlate to career options, while others are less directly related. For example, a Nursing major will most likely become a Nurse. However, a Psychology major may become a teacher, case worker, detective or an insurance claims agent, to name a few!

Degree options at JJC include: Transfer Degrees

     AA = Associate in Arts     AS = Associate in Science Career and Technical Degrees and Certificates     AAS = Associate in Applied Science      CAC = Certificate of Achievement      CCO = Certificate of Completion

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Page 9: Undecided Major Web Page

I need some help getting started choosing I need some help getting started choosing a major. Do you have any tips to get me a major. Do you have any tips to get me started?started?

1. Examine what you value in work e.g. helping society, working under pressure, group affiliation, etc.

2. Think about the courses you've done well in and enjoyed before.

 3. Explore your options. Investigate the instructors and

courses. Talk to students who have a major and ask them what they like/dislike about their subject or classes.

 4. Explore internship opportunities to get a feel for the kinds

of jobs you could get with different majors.  


Page 10: Undecided Major Web Page

5. Consult your academic advisor and/or JJC catalog to consider the prerequisite requirements for majors. Consider whether you would be willing to spend the necessary time and money.  

6.  Look at the different fields to which your major can be applied.

7.  Think about the growth of the field that interests you. Is the field expanding? Are graduates with your major being hired right out of college, or do they need additional training?  

8.  Contemplate the earning potential and base salary of jobs that are related to certain majors. Think of the lifestyle you would like to maintain and how certain salaries may affect it. (University of Minnesota: CDC)

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When Should I Declare a Major?

At most colleges, you aren't required to declare a major until the end of your

sophomore year.

If you're in a two-year degree program, you'll probably select a major at the start because

your course of studies is much shorter.

Declaring a major does not commit you forever.

Page 12: Undecided Major Web Page

Let’s Start the Let’s Start the Interactive Portion…Interactive Portion…

What things should I consider when choosing a major?

Click here if you need help! I don’t know where to start. [advance to next slide]

Click here if you have it under control. [advance to slide #11]

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Page 13: Undecided Major Web Page

Things to consider…Things to consider…

LifestylesLifestyles [hyperlink LIFESTYLES to slide #9][hyperlink LIFESTYLES to slide #9]

AbilitiesAbilities[[hyperlink ABILITES to slide #10]hyperlink ABILITES to slide #10]

Interests Interests [hyperlink INTERESTS to slide #11][hyperlink INTERESTS to slide #11]

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Page 14: Undecided Major Web Page


Most lives can be divided into a triangle. Time and energy spent in activities on one side of the triangle affects the time and energy left over for the others. Think about your life.

What are your obligations and responsibilities? Are you in a relationship? Do you live on or off campus? How much time do you spend with your family and friends? How much time do you spend working and studying? Different majors will have different impacts on your lifestyle balance.

Think of the time and energy needed to succeed in a particular major. What effect would this have upon the shape of your lifestyle triangle? Please take some time to write down your personal observations regarding these questions. If you have to get away from your computer to do this, do so. In order for the response provided by this questionnaire further down this page to be helpful you will need to provide accurate information about lifestyle goals. (University of Minnesota: CDC)

CLICK HERE to return to CLICK HERE to return to Things To ConsiderThings To Consider.. [make this a hyperlink back to page 8]

CLICK HERE to move on to CLICK HERE to move on to What’s Your TypeWhat’s Your Type..[hyperlink to page 11]

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ABILITIESABILITIESConsider your academic performance and life experiences. What

experiences? What are your strengths?

Your college admission test scores (PSAT, SAT, ACT) are a good source of information. The verbal scores relate to liberal arts electives, and the math scores relate to math and science electives.

Check your transcripts. Review your previous experiences and write down both courses and activities where you enjoyed some success. (University of Minnesota: CDC)

CLICK HERE to return to Things To Consider.

[make this a hyperlink back to page 8] CLICK HERE to move on to What’s Your Type.

[hyperlink to page 11]

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INTERESTSINTERESTSWould you enjoy the subject matter, activities and people involved in a field? What you've enjoyed in life up to this point is a good indication of what you'll like in a major.

Your academic record and personal experience give important clues about possible directions. Please take the time to write down courses and activities you are interested in and enjoy. Now compare this list with the one you compiled under the abilities section and notice the common areas.

Make another list of these common areas and use it to help you fill out the questionnaire below. (University of Minnesota: CDC)

CLICK HERE to return to Things To Consider.

[make this a hyperlink back to page 7]

CLICK HERE to move on to What’s Your Type.

[hyperlink to page 12]

Page 17: Undecided Major Web Page

What’s Your Type? What’s Your Type? Are you…Are you… RealisticRealistic SocialSocial InvestigativeInvestigative EnterprisingEnterprising Artistic Artistic ConventionalConventional To explore your type CLICK ON IT above to learn more.

I have no idea what type I am! CLICK HERE

Not the information I’m looking for. CLICK HERE

Moving on… CLICK HERE

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Good Choice! Good Choice! Explore your type… Explore your type… If you would like to learn more about your

personality and how it can help determine your career path here are a few suggestions!

SIGI PlusSIGI Plus can assist currently enrolled students in determining your career path:

Career KeyCareer Key can help you determine your career personality type:

Career ServicesCareer Services at Joliet Junior College. A career counselor can help you understand aspects of your personality and how it relates to occupational choices as well as choosing a major.

Call to make an appointment, (815) 280-2756 or stop by the Student Center, D-1010 (across from the Cyber Café).

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Page 19: Undecided Major Web Page

AA REALISTICREALISTIC Future at Future at Joliet Junior CollegeJoliet Junior College

Are You: Practical? Hands-on oriented? Persistent? Physically coordinated?

Can You: Solve mechanical

problems? Read a blueprint? Assemble pieces of

equipment or machinery?

Do You Like To: Build or fix things? Work with tools? Work outdoors? Be physically active? Figure out how things

work? Learn by doing?

CLICK HERE: For a list of Career/Vocational & Transfer Programs at JJC for the REALISTIC Oriented

CLICK HERE: For a list of representative career opportunities for the REALISTIC Oriented

Page 20: Undecided Major Web Page

Programs at JJC for the Programs at JJC for the REALISTICREALISTIC Oriented Oriented Realistic Oriented Career/Vocational Programs at JJC Agriculture Automotive Computer Aided Design Construction Technology Culinary Arts Electrical/Electronics Automated Systems EMT/Paramedic Veterinary Medical Technology Fire Science Horticulture Industrial Maintenance Technology Precision Machine Technology Refrigeration, Air Conditioning & Heating Welding Massage Therapy

What Are My Options in a Transfer Program at JJC?

Page 21: Undecided Major Web Page

Programs at JJC for the Programs at JJC for the REALISTICREALISTIC Oriented OrientedRealistic Oriented Transfer Programs at JJC

Animal Science Fish and Wildlife Forestry Horticulture Industrial Technology Plant and Soil Science

Page 22: Undecided Major Web Page

Representative Career Opportunities Representative Career Opportunities in the REALISTIC Areain the REALISTIC Area

Auto Mechanic Aviation Mechanic Chef Construction

laborer/superintendent Electrician/Electronics

Technician Emergency Medical

technician Farmer Fire Fighter Forest Ranger Groundskeeper Landscaper Paramedic Precision Machinist Radiology Technologist Welder

CAMPUS ACTIVITIES and Organizations Related to the Realistic Area

Automotive Service Association

Association of Criminal Justice Students

Architecture and Construction Epicurean Club Instrument Society of America Manufacturing Club Sports/Sports related clubs Student Agricultural

Association Student Horticultural


Click here to return to What’s Your Type

Page 23: Undecided Major Web Page

An An INVESTIGATIVEINVESTIGATIVE Future at Future at Joliet Junior CollegeJoliet Junior College

Are You: Analytical? Creative? Curious? Independent? Precise?

Can You: Concentrate on a problem

until a solution is reached? Follow scientific procedures? Solve problems in a

methodical manner?

Do You Like To: Observe and analyze? Solve complex problems? Study math/and or science? Work with laboratory

equipment? Think problems through

before taking action?

CLICK HERE: For a list of Career/Vocational & Transfer Programs at JJC for the INVESTIGATIVE Type

CLICK HERE: For a list of representative career opportunities for the INVESTIGATIVE Type

Page 24: Undecided Major Web Page

Programs at JJC for the Programs at JJC for the INVESTIGATIVE INVESTIGATIVE Type Type

Investigative Related Career/Vocational Programs at JJC

Agriculture Computer Information Systems- Networking Electronics Engineering Technology Computer Information Systems- Programming Veterinary Medical Technology

What Are My Options in a Transfer Program at JJC?

Page 25: Undecided Major Web Page

Investigative Transfer Programs at JJC

Agriculture Biology Chemistry Computer Science Dietetics Engineering Mathematics Meteorology Nursing Professional programs- dentistry, medicine, pharmacy, veterinary


Programs at JJC for the Programs at JJC for the INVESTIGATIVE INVESTIGATIVE Type Type

Page 26: Undecided Major Web Page

Actuary Biologist Chemist Computer Programmer Dentist Dietician Engineer Geologist Medical technologist Meteorologist Microbiologist Nurse Anesthetist, Nurse

Practitioner Pathologist Physician Psychiatrist Soil Scientist Statistician Systems Analyst Zoologist

Representative Career Representative Career Opportunities in the Opportunities in the INVESTIGATIVE AreaINVESTIGATIVE Area

CAMPUS ACTIVITIES and Organizations Related to the Investigative Area

Instrument Society of America Nursing Student Association Life Sciences Student Agricultural

Association Student Horticultural

Association Vet Tech Club

Page 27: Undecided Major Web Page

An An ARTISTICARTISTIC Future at Future at Joliet Junior CollegeJoliet Junior College

Are You: Creative? Imaginative Innovative? Individualistic? Sensitive? Independent?

Can You: Draw, paint, or write? Sing or play an instrument? Dance or act? Design or create interiors,

fashions, recipes, landscapes, and floral arrangements?

Do You Like To: Attend concerts, plays,

art exhibits, museums? Read books, plays,

poetry, or literature? Act, announce, dance,

draw, design, direct, write or express yourself creatively in other ways?

CLICK HERE: For a list of Career/Vocational & Transfer Programs at JJC for the ARTISTIC Type

CLICK HERE: For a list of representative career opportunities for the ARTISTIC Type

Page 28: Undecided Major Web Page

Artistic Related Career/Vocational Programs at JJC

Culinary Arts Fashion Merchandising Interior Design Floral Design Landscaping

What Are My Options in a Transfer Program at JJC?

Programs at JJC for the Programs at JJC for the ARTISTIC ARTISTIC Type Type

Page 29: Undecided Major Web Page

Artistic Type Transfer Programs at JJC

Advertising Architecture Art Communications English Foreign Languages Graphic Design Interior design Journalism Music Textiles, Apparel, and Merchandising Theatre Arts

Programs at JJC for the Programs at JJC for the ARTISTICARTISTIC Type Type

Page 30: Undecided Major Web Page

Acting Advertising specialist Architect Artist--commercial or fine arts Cartographer Cartoonist Editor or editorial assistant Fashion buyer or designer Graphic artist Interior designer Journalist/reporter Landscape Architect Language interpreter/translator Librarian Medical Illustrator Merchandise display

artist/window design Musician Photographer Teacher (art, drama, English,

music, speech) Writer (commercial, novelist,

script, technical)

Representative Career Representative Career Opportunities in the ARTISTIC Opportunities in the ARTISTIC AreaArea CAMPUS ACTIVITIES and

Organizations Related to the Investigative Area

Alpha Mu Gamma (Language achievement)

Art Alliance Blazer and Wordeater Delta Psi Omega (Drama/theatre

honor society) Epicurean Club F.L.I.C. (Foreign Language

Intercultural Club) Phi Rho Pi Jazz Band and Community Band J.C. Players JJC Chorale Madrigals Interior Design Club Role Playing Club Clay Club Architecture and Construction

Page 31: Undecided Major Web Page

A A SOCIALSOCIAL Future at Future at Joliet Junior CollegeJoliet Junior College

Are You: Friendly/helpful? Idealistic? Generous? Humanistic? Idealistic? Responsible?

Can You: Teach or train others? Express yourself clearly? Work cooperatively in teams? Lead a group discussion? Get along well with many

different types of people?

Do You: Help people with their

problems? Learn or work in

groups? Volunteer your

services? Take action to

accomplish a goal?

CLICK HERE: For a list of Career/Vocational & Transfer Programs at JJC for the SOCIAL Type

CLICK HERE: For a list of representative career opportunities for the SOCIAL Type

Page 32: Undecided Major Web Page

Socially Oriented Career/Vocational Programs at JJC

Child Development Criminal Justice Fire Science Hotel/Restaurant Management Massage Therapy Nursing Assistant Law Enforcement Licensed Practical Nurse Registered Nurse Teacher Assistant Veterinary Medical Technology

What Are My Options in a Transfer Program at JJC?

Programs at JJC for the Programs at JJC for the SOCIAL TypeSOCIAL Type

Page 33: Undecided Major Web Page

Socially Oriented Transfer Programs at JJC

Counseling Criminal Justice Dietician/Nutritionist Elementary Education Physical Education Psychology Pre-Medicine, Pre-Occupational Therapy, Pre-Physical Therapy Recreation Social Work Secondary Education Special Education

Programs at JJC for the Programs at JJC for the SOCIAL TypeSOCIAL Type

Page 34: Undecided Major Web Page

Athletic Trainer or Fitness Instructor Caseworker Child Care Provider Coach Counselor Detective Dietitian, Clinical Flight Attendant Hair Stylist Health Officer Human Resources Specialist Insurance Claims Agent Law Enforcement Officer Librarian Loan Officer Minister Nurse Occupational Therapist Passenger Service Representative Physician Physical Therapist Psychologist Real Estate Appraiser Recreation Leader Social Worker Speech Pathologist Teacher Travel Agent

Representative Career Representative Career Opportunities in the Social AreaOpportunities in the Social Area

CAMPUS ACTIVITIES and Organizations Related to the Social Area

All student clubs and organizations

Athletic programs Ambassadors Club Student Government Student Representative on

college committees Student Worker programs

Page 35: Undecided Major Web Page

A A ENTERPRISINGENTERPRISING Future at Future at Joliet Junior CollegeJoliet Junior CollegeAre You: Ambitious? Energetic? Optimistic? Persuasive? Self-confident? Sociable?

Can You: Give a speech? Plan a project, program, or event? Sell a product or service? Promote an idea? Persuade others to your point of view?

Do You Like To: Lead or direct others? Make decisions affecting others? Negotiate terms/conditions? Influence others? “Brainstorm” ideas? Start your own business?

CLICK HERE: For a list of Career/Vocational & Transfer Programs at JJC for the ENTERPRISING Type

CLICK HERE: For a list of representative career opportunities for the ENTERPRISING Type

Page 36: Undecided Major Web Page

Enterprising Related Career/Vocational at JJC

Culinary Arts Fashion Merchandising Hospitality Human Resources Marketing Management Real Estate Supervision Massage Therapy

What Are My Options in a Transfer Program at JJC?

Programs at JJC for the Programs at JJC for the ENTERPRISING TypeENTERPRISING Type

Page 37: Undecided Major Web Page

Enterprising Oriented Transfer Programs at JJC

Business-accounting, economics, finance, management, marketing, entrepreneurship

Communications Criminal Justice Administration Health Care administration Mortuary Science Political science Pre-law preparation Urban Planning

Programs at JJC for the Programs at JJC for the ENTERPRISING TypeENTERPRISING Type

Page 38: Undecided Major Web Page

Advertising executive Banker Business agent City Planner Contractor Education and Training Manager Employee Relations Director Executive Recruiter Financial Planner Food Services Director Funeral Director Hotel/Motel Manager Human Resources Insurance agent/underwriter Labor Relations Specialist Lawyer Lobbyist Media Director/Specialist Politician President/CEO (any industry) Purchasing Agent Sales Manager Special Events Planner Stockbroker Travel Agent Wholesaler

Representative Career Representative Career Opportunities in the Opportunities in the ENTERPRISING AreaENTERPRISING Area

CAMPUS ACTIVITIES and Organizations Related to the Social Area

Forensics Team Leadership role in any student

club American Freedom

Organization Student Alliance Student Trustee to the JJC

Board of Trustees

Page 39: Undecided Major Web Page

A A CONVENTIONALCONVENTIONAL Future at Future at Joliet Junior CollegeJoliet Junior College

Are You: Accurate? Dependable? Efficient? Orderly and

systematic? Organized? Persistent?

Can You: Organize and keep accurate records? Use a computer system? Perform routine, detailed work? Process data?

Do You Like To: Work with numbers? Pay attention to details? Study accounting, computer

science, and office systems? Work in a job with clearly

defined duties?

CLICK HERE: For a list of Career/Vocational & Transfer Programs at JJC for the CONVENTIONAL Type

CLICK HERE: For a list of representative career opportunities for the CONVENTIONAL Type

Page 40: Undecided Major Web Page

Conventional Related Career/Vocational at JJC

Accounting CIS-Microcomputers for Business Desktop Publishing Legal Administrative Assistant Medical Administrative Assistant Retail Business Management Word/Information Processing

What Are My Options in a Transfer Program at JJC?

Programs at JJC for the Programs at JJC for the CONVENTIONAL TypeCONVENTIONAL Type

Page 41: Undecided Major Web Page

Conventional Oriented Transfer Programs at JJC

Accounting Business Administration Business Education CIS-Management Information Systems Health Administration Library Science

Programs at JJC for the Programs at JJC for the CONVENTIONAL TypeCONVENTIONAL Type

Page 42: Undecided Major Web Page

Accounting clerk Administrative Assistant Bank teller Business Education teacher Cashier Computer Operator Court Reporter Credit Analyst Desktop publishing equipment

operator Editorial assistant Insurance clerk Library assistant Medical records clerk Paralegal Purchasing agent Real estate clerk Secretary/receptionist

Representative Career Representative Career Opportunities in the Opportunities in the CONVENTIONAL AreaCONVENTIONAL Area

CAMPUS ACTIVITIES and Organizations Related to the Social Area

Any student club or organization

Student work-study programs

Page 43: Undecided Major Web Page

Should I choose a major based Should I choose a major based on a career that is in demand?on a career that is in demand?

No! No! The job market, like everything else, is cyclical. A The job market, like everything else, is cyclical. A career that appears to be in demand or trendy now could career that appears to be in demand or trendy now could be saturated by the time you saturated by the time you graduate.

There are many factors that help change market demand, There are many factors that help change market demand, such as large numbers of students entering the field or such as large numbers of students entering the field or changing economic patterns. changing economic patterns.

Be true to yourself. Choose a major that genuinely Be true to yourself. Choose a major that genuinely interests you. interests you.

Page 44: Undecided Major Web Page

Even Famous People Chose Majors Even Famous People Chose Majors That Are Not Related to Their That Are Not Related to Their Current Job!Current Job!

Chevy Chase English

Glenn Close Anthropology & Theatre (double major)

Francis FordCoppola


Bill Cosby Physical Education

Kevin Costner Business Administration

Cindy CrawfordChemical Engineering, but left after 2 semesters

to pursue modeling

John Elway Economics

Patrick Ewing Fine Arts

Danny Glover Economics

Bryant Gumbel Russian Area Studies

Herbie Hancock Engineering

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……and here are a few more.and here are a few more.Mick Jagger Economics

Michael JordanStarted off as a Math major, and ended up

with Geography

Martin Luther King Sociology

Stephen King English

Steve Martin Philosophy

Jane Pauley Psychology

Brad Pitt Journalism

Janet Reno Chemistry

Arnold SchwarzeneggerDesigned his own major consisting of

Physical Fitness, Communications and International Marketing

Brooke Shields French

Maria Shriver American Studies

Stephen Spielberg English

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Have You Considered Taking a Course to Help You Explore Your Career Options?

GSD 110GSD 110 (General Student Development: Career/Life Style Planning)

What is this course about? It is a systematic approach to the process of career and life-style planning. The course provides students with an opportunity to explore their values, interests, skills and experiences as they relate to occupational and life-style choices. Students will research potential careers through traditional and on-line methods. Labor market information, decision making strategies and goal-setting are used to develop an individual career action plan.

This class does transfer to other colleges and universities and does not have any prerequisites.

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We hoped this helped!We hoped this helped!

If you still require any advice on choosing your major, feel If you still require any advice on choosing your major, feel free to stop by the Student Services Center in D1010 on free to stop by the Student Services Center in D1010 on the Main Campus. We would be happy to talk with you!the Main Campus. We would be happy to talk with you!

Career ServicesCareer Services

Tele. No. (815) 280-2756Tele. No. (815) 280-2756

Multicultural Transfer CenterMulticultural Transfer Center

Tele. No. (815) 280-2537Tele. No. (815) 280-2537

A list of academic advisors can be found in the Student A list of academic advisors can be found in the Student Handbook.Handbook.

Page 48: Undecided Major Web Page

RESOURCESRESOURCESBlank, B., Guide to Career Decision-Making (University of Northern Colorado;

Greely, CO, 1987)

Holland, J.L., Making Vocational Choices: A Theory of Careers (2nd Edition) (Prentice Hall; Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1992)

Johansson, C.B., Finding an Interesting Course (Minnesota Statewide Testing Program, University of Minnesota; Minneapolis, MN, 1992)

Miller, P.J., and Fjoberg, G., Urban Middle-Class Lifestyles in Transition (Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 1983)

Pascarella, E.T. and Terezini, P.T., How College Affects Students (Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA, 1991) Blank, B.,

A special thanks to the University of Minnesota’s Career Development Center for sharing valuable resources and information.
