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Copyright OECD, 1997

Applications for permission to reproduce or translate all or part of this material should be made to:Head of Publications Service, OECD, 2 rue André-Pascal, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France

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This report presents data on international tourist flows and tourism receipts and expenditure in OECDMember countries.

The Tourism Committee reviews the supply and demand in OECD Member countries and highlightstrends in international tourism in 1995. For information, please note that preliminary OECD data for 1996are also available under the reference SG/COM/NEWS(97)17. The statistical information is based on dataprovided by national authorities in charge of tourism.

In contrast to the previous edition, there are no chapters analysing trends or summarising changes ingovernment tourism policies. They will be included in the next edition of the annual report, to bepublished during the first quarter of 1998.

This report is available free of charge from the Secretariat of the OECD Tourism Committee. It ispublished on the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD.

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Table of contents

Introduction.......................................................................................................................................... 9

Synthesis tables .................................................................................................................................... 9

Trends in International Tourism in the OECD Area....................................................................... 9International tourist flows............................................................................................................ 15The economic importance of international tourism in Member countries...................................... 25

Statistical Annex................................................................................................................................. 33

Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 34Main elements of the terminology used ...................................................................................... 34Table A : Classification of international travellers....................................................................... 37Table B : Series available by country........................................................................................... 38Table C : Types of accommodation covered by the statistic ......................................................... 39Sources........................................................................................................................................ 40Methodological Notes ................................................................................................................. 44

Geographical coverage........................................................................................................ 44Statistical coverage by country............................................................................................. 44

Annex 1: Mission Statement for the OECD Tourism Committee ....................................................... 179

Annex 2: General information on the Tourism Committee................................................................. 181

Annex 3: Publications by the Tourism Committee ............................................................................. 184

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List of tables and figures

Synthesis tables

Trends in international tourism in the OECD area

TablesTrends of international tourism in the OECD area............................................................................... 10Economic background data on OECD countries.................................................................................. 11Key tourism indicators........................................................................................................................ 12

FiguresTrends of international tourism in Europe........................................................................................... 13Trends of international tourism in North America............................................................................... 13Trends of international tourism in Asia and Pacific............................................................................. 14

International tourist flows

TablesAnnual growth rates of number of arrivals of foreign tourists at frontiers............................................ 16Annual growth rates of nights spent by foreign tourists in hotels and similar establishments............... 16Annual growth rates of nights spent by foreign tourists in all means of accommodation...................... 17Annual growth rates of number of arrivals at frontiers from main generating countries........................ 18Annual growth rates of nights spent in the various means of accommodationfrom main generating countries........................................................................................................... 20

FiguresTrends of international tourism in Europe from main generating countries.......................................... 22Trends of international tourism in North America from main generating countries.............................. 23Trends of international tourism in Asia and the Pacific from main generating countries...................... 24

The economic importance of international tourism in Member countries

TablesInternational tourist receipts and expenditure in national currencies..................................................... 27International tourist receipts and expenditures in current dollars.......................................................... 27Trends in international tourist receipts in real prices............................................................................ 28Tourism balance sheet (in billions of current dollars).......................................................................... 28Ratio of the "Travel" account receipts to the gross domestic product (%)............................................ 29Ratio of the "Travel" account expenditure to the private final consumption (%).................................. 29Ratio of the "Travel" account receipts in exports of goods and services (%)........................................ 30Ratio of the "Travel" account expenditure in imports of goods and services (%).................................. 30

FiguresInternational tourist receipts in real terms............................................................................................ 31Importance of the OECD area in the world total (receipts in dollars)................................................... 31Share of the various regions within the OECD (receipts in real terms)................................................. 31

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Statistical Annex

Tourist flows in the OECD area

1. Tourism from European Member countries................................................................................. 472. Tourism from Canada and the United States................................................................................ 473. Tourism from Australia, New Zealand and Japan........................................................................ 484. Tourism from all OECD countries............................................................................................... 485. Tourism from non-Member countries.......................................................................................... 496. Tourism from all countries.......................................................................................................... 49


7. Average length of stay of foreign tourists.................................................................................... 508. Nights spent by foreign and domestic tourists in all means of accommodation ............................ 519. Nights spent by foreign and domestic tourists in hotels and similar establishments ..................... 5110. Nights spent by foreign and domestic tourists in supplementary means

of accommodation....................................................................................................................... 5211. Capacity in hotels and similar establishments.............................................................................. 5312. Capacity in supplementary means of accommodation.................................................................. 5413. Monthly hotel occupancy rates.................................................................................................... 55


14. International fare payments......................................................................................................... 5615. Nominal exchange rates of national currencies against the dollar................................................. 5716. International tourist receipts and expenditure in dollars..........................................................58-59


17. Foreign tourism by purpose of visit............................................................................................. 60


18. Foreign tourism by mode of transport ......................................................................................... 60


19. Staff employed in tourism........................................................................................................... 61


20. Trends in tourism prices.........................................................................................................62-63

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International tourist flows from main generating countries

From all foreign countries21. Arrivals of tourists/visitors at frontiers ........................................................................................ 6422. Arrivals and nights of tourists at/in hotels ................................................................................... 6523. Arrivals and nights of tourists at/in all means of accommodation ................................................ 66

From Germany24. Arrivals of tourists/visitors at frontiers ........................................................................................ 6725. Arrivals and nights of tourists at/in hotels ................................................................................... 6826. Arrivals and nights of tourists at/in all means of accommodation ................................................ 69

From Canada27. Arrivals of tourists/visitors at frontiers ........................................................................................ 7028. Arrivals and nights of tourists at/in hotels ................................................................................... 7129. Arrivals and nights of tourists at/in all means of accommodation ................................................ 72

From the United States30. Arrivals of tourists/visitors at frontiers ........................................................................................ 7331. Arrivals and nights of tourists at/in hotels ................................................................................... 7432. Arrivals and nights of tourists at/in all means of accommodation ................................................ 75

From France33. Arrivals of tourists/visitors at frontiers ........................................................................................ 7634. Arrivals and nights of tourists at/in hotels ................................................................................... 7735. Arrivals and nights of tourists at/in all means of accommodation................................................ 78

From Italy36. Arrivals of tourists/visitors at frontiers ........................................................................................ 7937. Arrivals and nights of tourists at/in hotels ................................................................................... 8038. Arrivals and nights of tourists at/in all means of accommodation ................................................ 81

From Japan39. Arrivals of tourists/visitors at frontiers ........................................................................................ 8240. Arrivals and nights of tourists at/in hotels ................................................................................... 8341. Arrivals and nights of tourists at/in all means of accommodation ............................................... 84

From Netherlands42. Arrivals of tourists/visitors at frontiers ....................................................................................... 8543. Arrivals and nights of tourists at/in hotels .................................................................................. 8644. Arrivals and nights of tourists at/in all means of accommodation ................................................ 87

From United Kingdom45. Arrivals of tourists/visitors at frontiers ...................................................................................... 8846. Arrivals and nights of tourists at/in hotels ................................................................................. 8947. Arrivals and nights of tourists at/in all means of accommodation ............................................... 90

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International tourist flows by receiving country

Australia............................................................................................................................................. 91Austria................................................................................................................................................ 94Belgium.............................................................................................................................................. 98Canada.............................................................................................................................................. 102Czech Republic................................................................................................................................. 105Denmark........................................................................................................................................... 108Finland ............................................................................................................................................. 110France............................................................................................................................................... 114Germany........................................................................................................................................... 119Greece.............................................................................................................................................. 123Hungary............................................................................................................................................ 124Iceland.............................................................................................................................................. 130Ireland.............................................................................................................................................. 133Italy .................................................................................................................................................. 139Japan................................................................................................................................................ 144Netherlands....................................................................................................................................... 148New Zealand..................................................................................................................................... 152Norway............................................................................................................................................. 154Portugal............................................................................................................................................ 155Spain ................................................................................................................................................ 161Sweden............................................................................................................................................. 165Switzerland....................................................................................................................................... 167Turkey.............................................................................................................................................. 169United Kingdom ............................................................................................................................... 174United States..................................................................................................................................... 177

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The report “Tourism Policy and international tourism in OECD countries, 1997 edition” includes allthe statistical information usually presented in the Introduction, chapters II and III and the StatisticalAnnex of the Annual Report of the Tourism Committee. It presents data on international tourist flows andinternational tourism receipts and expenditure in OECD Member countries.

The document does not include analysis on trends and on government tourism policies of OECDcountries. It is available free of charge from the Secretariat of the OECD Tourism Committee.

To obtain further information on the mission, the on-going work of the Tourism Committee and itspublications, please refer to annexes 1, 2 and 3.

Synthesis tables

This section presents synthesis tables on international tourist flows and on international touristreceipts and expenditure. These tables are complemented by graphics.

Please note: In some cases, the data contained in the synthesis tables may not always correspondexactly to that included in the Statistical Annex. The discrepancies can be explained by a differentstatistical coverage (e.g. the accommodation coverage) or by the use of material of a more analytical nature(data derived from gross figures).

In other cases, certain tables are prepared from data available for other OECD work (e.g. MainEconomic Indicators). These statistics, which have been standardised to follow existing internationalguidelines, may differ from those supplied by countries in response to the Tourism Committee’s annualquestionnaire on international tourism.

Trends in international tourism in the OECD area

This section includes three summary tables on the main statistical series for international tourism inOECD countries (nights in accommodation, arrivals at frontiers and receipts in real terms), on somegeneral economic data for the OECD countries and on indicators of trends in international tourism world-wide and for the different OECD regions.

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Trends of international tourism in the OECD areaPer cent change over previous year

Arrivals at frontiers 1Nights spent in means of

accommodation 2 Receipts in national currency Receipts in real terms 3

% 94/93 % 95/94 % 94/93 % 95/94 % 94/93 % 95/94 % 94/93 % 95/94

Canada 5.9 6.1 4.0 7.7 13.0 13.0 12.8 10.6 Mexico 4.5 17.3 0.0 25.1 14.6 83.5 7.1 35.9 United States -2.2 -3.1 0.9 4.7 -1.6 1.8

North America 4 0.8 3.3 3.2 11.0 0.5 5.3

Australia 11.2 10.8 21.0 6.2 26.0 16.5 23.7 11.3 Japan -0.5 -9.6 -9.8 -14.2 -10.2 -14.0 New Zealand 14.3 6.5 12.8 6.7 14.3 44.2 12.4 38.9

Asia and the Pacific 4 8.1 4.0 17.9 6.4 11.8 9.2

Austria -4.8 -5.7 -4.7 -2.0 -7.4 -4.2 Belgium 5 3.7 1.6 0.8 5.3 11.2 5.7 8.6 4.1 Czech Republic 47.8 -2.9 16.7 19.9 24.5 34.9 13.1 23.7 Denmark -1.8 0.3 2.9 -0.1 0.9 -2.1 Finland 15.3 -2.5 4.1 3.0 3.0 2.0 France 1.2 -2.1 16.3 -2.9 2.7 0.3 1.0 -1.4 Germany 0.1 2.0 25.5 2.9 22.1 1.1 Greece 8.1 -5.4 11.6 -4.5 22.0 1.1 10.0 -7.5 Hungary -6.0 -3.4 0.3 -5.1 37.3 45.1 15.5 13.1 Iceland 13.9 5.9 12.8 14.2 7.8 11.8 6.2 9.9 Ireland 9.9 15.0 12.6 15.9 18.5 14.4 15.8 11.6 Italy 3.8 7.5 18.2 11.9 10.6 16.7 6.4 11.0 Luxembourg 5 -7.5 11.2 5.7 8.6 4.1 Netherlands 4.7 9.7 0.6 21.2 -2.1 18.9 Norway 5.3 -2.5 19.9 -6.2 18.2 -8.5 Portugal 6 8.7 5.9 14.0 7.7 -3.0 4.6 -7.8 0.4 Spain 26.2 -9.1 18.0 3.5 16.3 9.8 11.1 4.8 Sweden 11.6 15.9 5.2 13.8 2.7 10.6 Switzerland -1.6 -5.7 -0.5 -6.5 1.5 -2.2 0.6 -3.9 Turkey 2.6 15.8 -4.7 13.7 210.3 65.0 51.3 -12.8 United Kingdom 4.4 14.2 8.1 22.7 6.1 21.9 3.5 17.9

Europe 4 2.9 1.9 11.2 3.2 6.2 4.1

OECD 4 2.3 2.4 10.8 3.9 4.7 4.6 1. Arrivals of tourists except in Australia, Italy and Turkey where arrivals concern visitors.2. Nights spent in all means of accommodation except in Mexico, Spain and Switzerland where nights spent concern hotels and similar establishments.3. After correcting for the effects of inflation. For the regional and OECD totals, the receipts of the individual countries are weighted in proportion to their share in the total expressed in dollars.4. Overall trends for countries with data available from 1993 to 1995.5. Receipts apply to both Belgium and Luxembourg.6. Break of series (for payments only) in 1993 due to the liberalisation of capital movements.

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ECONOMIC BACKGROUND DATA ON OECD COUNTRIESPercentage changes from previous period

1993 1994 1995 1996 1

Real GDPTotal 1.0 2.7 2.0 2.4 European Union -0.5 2.9 2.5 1.6 United States 2.3 3.5 2.0 2.4 Japan 0.1 0.5 0.9 3.6

Real private consumption expenditureTotal 1.4 2.3 1.7 2.5 European Union -0.1 1.6 1.8 1.9 United States 2.8 3.1 2.3 2.5 Japan 1.2 1.8 1.7 2.7

Real exports of goods and servicesTotal 2.8 8.3 8.4 4.9 European Union 2.0 9.2 7.5 3.7 United States 2.9 8.2 8.9 5.9 Japan 1.3 4.5 5.0 1.7

Real imports of goods and servicesTotal 3.4 9.5 8.0 6.6 European Union -3.4 7.9 6.8 3.0 United States 9.2 12.0 8.0 6.4 Japan 1.7 9.0 13.5 11.4

Private consumption deflatorsTotal 4.2 4.6 5.1 4.4 European Union 4.0 3.3 3.0 2.6 United States 2.6 2.4 2.4 2.1 Japan 1.2 0.7 -0.5 0.0

Unemployment ratesTotal 8.2 8.1 7.8 7.8 European Union 11.1 11.6 11.2 11.4 United States 6.9 6.1 5.6 5.4 Japan 2.5 2.9 3.2 3.3

1. Estimates and projections.

Source: OECD "Economic Outlook", December 1996.

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KEY TOURISM INDICATORSPercentage changes from previous period

1992 1993 1994 1995 1

International tourist arrivalsWorld 2 8.5 2.9 5.1 3.5 OECD 4.5 -0.4 2.3 2.4 North America -5.0 -2.3 0.8 3.3 Europe 8.4 0.0 2.9 1.9 Asia and the Pacific 5.9 5.5 8.1 4.0

International tourist receipts in real termsOECD 5.1 4.0 4.7 4.6 North America 6.5 3.4 0.5 5.3 Europe 4.7 5.2 6.2 4.1 Asia and the Pacific -1.2 -16.8 11.8 9.2

International tourist receipts in dollarsWorld 2 13.9 2.2 10.6 13.5 OECD 10.7 -1.7 5.8 13.0 North America 9.8 6.6 4.5 4.7 Europe 11.6 -5.2 5.9 16.6 Asia and the Pacific 2.6 -4.2 14.3 15.7

International tourist expenditure in dollarsWorld 2 14.5 -1.5 12.5 15.3 OECD 13.9 -4.9 6.6 12.8 North America 9.6 0.2 2.7 0.1 Europe 16.4 -7.6 6.4 16.2 Asia and the Pacific 10.0 -1.3 14.8 19.4

1. Estimates.2. Data come from the World Tourism Organization (WTO).Source: OECD.

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1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995






Nights spent in accommodation Receipts in real terms Receipts in current dollars

Trends of international tourismin Europe

(indices 1987 = 100)

Source : OECD







1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995







Arrivals et frontiers Receipts in real terms Receipts in current dollars

Trends of international tourismin North America1

(indices 1987 = 100)

Source : OECD

1. North America excludes Mexico.

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1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995












Arrivals at frontiers Receipts in real terms Receipts in current dollars

Trends of international tourismin Asia and the Pacific

(indices 1987 = 100)

Source : OECD

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International tourist flows

Tables 1 to 3 bring together, in the form of summary tables, data on international tourist flows toOECD Member countries. The tables give regional totals for each of the three geographical areas of theOECD: North America, Asia-Pacific and Europe plus the OECD total.

The data cover:

• Arrivals at frontiers of either tourists (persons spending more than one night in the country beingvisited) or, where such figures are not available, all visitors (tourists plus same-day visitors). Forfurther details of how travellers are classified, please refer to Table A in the Statistical Annex.

• The number of nights spent by foreign tourists in hotels and similar establishments (generally

speaking, hotels, motels, inns and boarding houses). • The number of nights spent in registered tourist accommodation (i.e. in all forms of

accommodation combined).

Tables 4 to 7 describe international tourist flows from the OECD's main generating countries:Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States.

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Table 1. Annual growth rates of number Table 2. Annual growth rates of nights spent by foreign touristsof arrivals of foreign tourists at frontiers 1 in hotels and similar establishments 1

T/V %

93/92 %

94/93 %


1995 Millions of


% 93/92

% 94/93

% 95/94

1995 Millions of beds-nights

Canada T 2.5 5.9 6.1 17.0 CanadaMexico T -4.1 4.5 17.3 20.2 Mexico 0.3 0.0 25.1 24.9 United States T -3.7 -2.2 -3.1 43.4 United States

North America -2.7 0.8 3.3 North America 1 0.3 0.0 25.1

Australia V 15.5 11.2 10.8 3.7 Australia 13.8 15.6 5.0 17.2 Japan T -8.5 -0.5 -9.6 1.7 JapanNew Zealand T 9.6 14.3 6.5 1.4 New Zealand

Asia and the Pacific 1 5.7 8.1 4.0 Asia and the Pacific 1 13.8 15.6 5.0

Austria Austria -3.4 -4.6 -5.0 56.2 Belgium T -1.6 3.7 1.6 5.4 Belgium -1.1 4.9 2.7 7.9 Czech Republic T 47.8 -2.9 16.5 Czech Republic 16.7 19.9 10.3 Denmark Denmark -4.3 0.3 -0.8 5.9 Finland Finland 11.6 17.0 0.0 2.9 France 2 T 1.4 1.2 -2.1 60.0 France -7.0 3.0 -4.9 54.3 Germany Germany -8.1 1.1 3.0 27.1 Greece T 6.2 8.1 -5.4 10.1 Greece 0.6 11.5 -4.6 38.8 Hungary T -6.0 -3.4 20.7 Hungary 7.9 -0.3 6.3 Iceland T 13.0 13.9 5.9 0.2 Iceland 1.7 16.2 15.9 0.6 Ireland T 9.9 15.0 4.2 Ireland 1.0 18.8 15.7 13.0 Italy V -0.4 3.8 7.5 55.7 Italy 1.8 18.0 11.0 84.6 Luxembourg Luxembourg 5.7 -4.6 Netherlands Netherlands -6.2 9.5 9.7 9.6 Norway Norway 6.6 10.6 -1.1 5.0 Portugal T -5.1 8.7 5.9 9.7 Portugal -9.5 16.1 8.4 20.4 Spain T 26.2 -9.1 39.3 Spain 7.7 18.0 3.5 101.2 Sweden Sweden 6.4 11.3 11.3 3.7 Switzerland 3 T -3.1 -1.6 -5.7 11.5 Switzerland -2.3 -0.5 -6.5 18.4 Turkey 4 V -8.1 2.6 15.8 7.7 Turkey 5.9 -6.4 9.1 14.7 United Kingdom T 4.4 14.2 22.2 United Kingdom 8.1 22.7 118.7

Europe 1 -0.2 2.9 1.9 Europe 1 -0.7 8.5 2.1

OECD 1 -0.9 2.3 2.4 OECD 1 -0.2 8.4 3.1 V Visitors 1. Overall trend for all countries with data available from 1992 to 1995.

T Tourists1. Overall trend for all countries with data available from 1992 to 1995.

2. Changes of series in 1994 : new frontiers' survey.

3. Estimates.4. Travellers.

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Table 3. Annual growth rates of nights spent by foreign tourists in all means of accommodation 1

% 93/92

% 94/93

% 95/94

1995 Millions of beds-nights

Canada 3.3 4.0 7.7 92.0 MexicoUnited States

North America 1

Australia 9.1 21.0 6.2 45.5 JapanNew Zealand 8.5 12.8 6.7 26.8

Asia and the Pacific 1 8.9 17.9 6.4

Austria -2.9 -4.8 -5.7 87.0 Belgium 2.6 0.8 5.3 13.9 Czech Republic 16.7 19.9 10.3 Denmark 2 2.7 -1.8 0.3 26.2 Finland 15.3 -2.5 3.3 France 3 1.9 16.3 -2.9 490.7 Germany -9.1 0.1 2.0 35.5 Greece 0.5 11.6 -4.5 39.6 Hungary 0.3 -5.1 10.0 Iceland 2.1 12.8 14.2 0.8 Ireland -5.3 12.6 15.9 45.3 Italy 2.1 18.2 11.9 113.0 Luxembourg 8.7 -7.5 Netherlands -5.1 4.7 9.7 19.7 Norway 6.1 5.3 -2.5 7.1 Portugal -9.7 14.0 7.7 22.2 Spain 9.0 110.2 Sweden 4.5 11.6 15.9 7.9

Switzerland 4 -0.7 Turkey 1.7 -4.7 13.7 18.5 United Kingdom 9.9 8.1 22.7 164.9

Europe 1 1.3 10.9 3.3

OECD 1 1.8 10.7 3.8 1. Overall trend for all countries with data available from 1992 to 1995.

2. Include private cottages rented through agencies.

3. Changes of series in 1994 : new frontiers survey.

4. Statistics not available after 1994.

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Table 4. Annual growth rates of number of arrivalsat frontiers from main generating countries

Total From France From GermanyFrom United


United StatesT/V Variation

% 95/94Relative

share % 94

Variation % 95/94

Relative share % 94

Variation % 95/94

Relative share % 94

Variation % 95/94

Relative share % 94

Variation % 95/94

Canada (R) T 6.1 2.6 5.9 2.3 14.6 3.6 10.8 78.4 3.7 Mexico (R) T 17.3 93.5 19.1 United States (R) T -3.1 1.8 11.9 3.6 13.9 6.2 4.2

North America -0.7 2.0 9.9 3.3 14.0 5.5 5.3 20.6 3.7

Australia (R) V 10.8 1.0 2.1 3.7 1.3 9.9 4.0 8.6 5.7 Japan (N) T -9.6 1.2 -8.7 1.5 -6.7 6.9 -24.3 13.5 -1.4 New Zealand (R) T 6.5 0.5 -0.3 4.5 -7.3 8.8 5.5 12.0 -4.0

Asia and the Pacific 4.0 1.0 -2.1 3.2 -2.2 8.8 -2.2 10.7 0.9

AustriaBelgium T 1.6 13.6 1.4 16.0 9.1 12.6 9.1 5.1 4.7 Czech Republic T -2.9 4.0 -11.4 37.8 -5.5 4.1 -9.9 4.2 -18.7 DenmarkFinlandFrance (R) T -2.1 17.9 -3.5 20.3 -10.5 3.8 -5.9 GermanyGreece (N) T -5.4 5.8 -11.3 22.7 -6.6 22.8 -8.8 2.5 -10.2 Hungary T -3.4 0.9 -0.5 16.4 -3.1 0.6 0.8 1.1 2.7 Iceland (N) T 5.9 4.7 9.5 19.2 7.1 10.0 -2.1 14.4 10.6 Ireland (R) T 15.0 6.3 1.3 7.3 18.6 55.4 12.1 12.2 30.7 Italy (N) V 7.5 15.6 4.3 16.0 6.1 3.5 -6.3 2.5 7.1 Luxembourg NetherlandsNorwayPortugal (N) T 5.9 6.5 10.8 8.7 24.3 14.1 10.2 2.0 -4.3 Spain (N) T -9.1 13.2 21.0 20.2 2.2 SwedenSwitzerlandTurkey (N) V 15.8 3.5 7.9 14.9 66.6 8.5 29.3 4.1 7.0 United Kingdom (R) T 14.2 11.2 14.7 12.2 5.6 15.2 9.3

Europe 2.8 6.5 4.6 17.9 1.7 10.7 -5.0 4.3 2.7

OECD 2.1 5.4 5.0 14.3 2.3 9.5 -3.6 8.1 3.2 V Visitors.

T Tourists.

(R) Tourist count by country of residence.

(N) Tourist count by country of nationality.

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Table 5. Annual growth rates of number of arrivalsat frontiers from main generating countries

TotalFrom Japan

From Netherlands

From Canada

From Italy

T/V Variation % 95/94

Relative share % 94

Variation % 95/94

Relative share % 94

Variation % 95/94

Relative share % 94

Variation % 95/94

Relative share % 94

Variation % 95/94

Canada (R) T 6.1 3.0 22.4 0.6 11.0 0.6 3.4 Mexico (R) T 17.3 1.2 -7.7 United States (R) T -3.1 8.5 20.9 0.8 10.1 33.5 -2.1 1.2 -0.3

North America -0.7 7.1 21.0 0.8 10.3 24.6 -2.1 1.0 0.3

Australia (R) V 10.8 21.5 8.8 0.9 12.8 1.6 8.5 1.1 0.3 Japan (N) T -9.6 0.3 15.4 2.4 -2.8 0.5 -13.6 New Zealand (R) T 6.5 11.2 2.3 0.9 9.8 2.2 -2.3 0.4 16.4

Asia and the Pacific 4.0 13.2 7.7 0.7 12.4 2.0 2.0 0.8 -1.0

AustriaBelgium T 1.6 2.5 14.8 24.2 6.9 0.7 -7.3 3.7 -4.8 Czech Republic T -2.9 1.0 42.1 6.3 4.1 0.5 -17.2 5.9 1.0 DenmarkFinlandFrance (R) T -2.1 1.4 15.0 9.7 -9.0 0.9 9.4 -12.0 GermanyGreece (N) T -5.4 0.9 -5.9 5.5 -14.5 0.5 -11.2 6.8 -11.2 Hungary T -3.4 0.2 38.2 1.2 -4.5 0.3 -27.5 1.8 -9.2 Iceland (N) T 5.9 1.1 21.9 3.9 -6.0 0.7 -6.4 1.8 16.8 Ireland (R) T 15.0 0.6 36.4 2.2 17.5 1.2 20.0 3.3 -7.4 Italy (N) V 7.5 1.6 8.9 2.0 10.9 0.6 4.5 Luxembourg NetherlandsNorwayPortugal (N) T 5.9 0.4 4.8 3.9 2.1 0.8 -1.3 2.6 15.1 Spain (N) T -9.1 4.8 0.4 6.0 SwedenSwitzerlandTurkey (N) V 15.8 1.0 3.5 2.7 12.4 0.5 11.8 1.6 2.5 United Kingdom (R)

Europe 3.4 1.1 13.6 3.9 3.9 0.6 -1.6 2.2 -3.1

OECD 2.2 3.4 17.7 2.8 4.6 8.2 -2.0 1.8 -2.4 V Visitors.

T Tourists.

(R) Tourist count by country of residence.

(N) Tourist count by country of nationality.

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Table 6. Annual growth rates of nights spent in the various meansof accommodation from main generating countries

TotalFrom France

From Germany

From United Kingdom

From United States

H/A Variation % 95/94

Relative share % 94

Variation % 95/94

Relative share % 94

Variation % 95/94

Relative share % 94

Variation % 95/94

Relative share % 94

Variation % 95/94

Canada (R) A 7.7 5.7 7.2 5.4 10.8 7.7 11.1 56.3 2.1 Mexico (R)United States (R)

North America 7.7 5.7 7.2 5.4 10.8 7.7 11.1 56.3 2.1

Australia (R) A 6.2 6.6 -11.0 16.6 -16.1 9.9 8.9 Japan (N)New Zealand (R) A 6.7 0.6 -0.9 6.4 -3.3 14.6 6.2 9.4 -2.6

Asia and the Pacific 6.7 0.6 -0.9 6.4 -3.3 14.6 6.2 9.4 -2.6

Austria A -5.7 2.6 -9.3 67.2 -5.7 3.5 -14.9 1.5 -4.7 Belgium A 5.3 10.3 2.0 19.6 12.0 10.7 7.0 4.3 2.7 Czech Republic A 19.9 3.8 3.6 36.6 23.8 4.0 8.4 4.0 1.3 Denmark A 0.3 0.5 -2.4 73.1 2.0 1.5 -4.2 1.1 -6.3 Finland A -2.5 3.6 -6.6 20.5 -9.1 5.3 14.7 5.2 7.8 France (R) A -2.9 18.5 -3.0 17.7 -12.2 5.6 -9.8 Germany A 2.0 4.8 0.4 9.5 -1.7 9.2 0.3 Greece (N)Hungary A -5.1 2.1 -8.3 43.5 -7.1 2.5 -1.6 3.3 -6.7 Iceland (N) A 14.2 8.3 13.8 30.5 16.1 8.6 8.7 5.5 20.8 Ireland (R) A 15.9 9.1 6.7 9.2 23.4 41.3 21.8 13.2 19.3 Italy (N) A 11.9 6.4 9.8 40.1 12.5 6.7 1.8 6.4 6.3 Luxembourg A 4.8 9.6 4.1 2.4 Netherlands A 9.7 3.9 6.1 52.8 10.0 9.9 8.5 5.5 12.9 Norway A -2.5 5.1 -4.1 30.0 -7.5 5.8 8.6 Portugal (N) A 7.7 6.2 4.8 22.5 18.6 27.3 5.9 2.7 -8.7 Spain (N) A 9.0 7.6 1.2 33.8 6.5 28.5 2.7 1.7 4.8 Sweden A 15.9 2.4 10.7 28.2 8.8 4.6 14.5 4.9 -1.3 Switzerland H -6.5 6.7 -7.2 35.8 -6.6 8.0 -15.3 9.4 -7.0 Turkey (N) A 13.7 7.4 2.0 35.8 24.2 10.2 -13.6 3.3 2.8 United Kingdom (R) A 22.7 8.8 25.9 11.1 16.3 15.8 1.9

Europe 4.0 3.5 9.6 26.7 2.7 14.0 -4.2 6.4 -1.3

OECD 4.3 3.6 9.3 24.9 2.7 13.6 -3.4 9.8 0.0 H Hotels and similar establishments.

A All means of accommodation.

(R) Tourist count by country of residence.

(N) Tourist count by country of nationality.

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Table 7. Annual growth rates of nights spent in the various meansof accommodation from main generating countries

TotalFrom Japan

From Netherlands

From Canada

From Italy

H/A Variation % 95/94

Relative share % 94

Variation % 95/94

Relative share % 94

Variation % 95/94

Relative share % 94

Variation % 95/94

Relative share % 94

Variation % 95/94

Canada (R) A 7.7 3.5 17.4 1.4 9.1 1.1 32.1 Mexico (R)United States (R)

North America 7.7 3.5 17.4 1.4 9.1 1.1 32.1

Australia (R) A 6.2 11.9 11.3 2.5 44.3 Japan (N)New Zealand (R) A 6.7 7.5 7.5 1.7 15.9 2.7 -0.4 0.3 16.4

Asia and the Pacific 6.7 7.5 7.5 1.7 15.9 2.7 -0.4 0.3 16.4

Austria A -5.7 0.5 4.3 8.7 -6.3 0.2 -5.9 2.9 -16.2 Belgium A 5.3 1.7 9.0 31.5 6.6 0.5 -5.1 3.1 -6.6 Czech Republic A 19.9 0.9 53.0 7.4 27.3 0.5 -5.6 6.0 19.7 Denmark A 0.3 0.4 -4.1 2.8 16.6 0.8 -10.0 Finland A -2.5 2.8 -30.3 3.2 1.7 0.6 14.0 2.8 5.8 France (R) A -2.9 0.7 5.0 9.8 -7.2 1.3 8.2 -11.6 Germany A 2.0 3.4 10.5 20.0 2.3 0.8 -5.2 4.7 4.8 Greece (N)Hungary A -5.1 0.7 31.7 6.3 -16.6 0.5 -13.5 4.2 -9.3 Iceland (N) A 14.2 4.0 9.6 Ireland (R) A 15.9 2.2 2.3 1.2 24.3 4.5 -2.6 Italy (N) A 11.9 2.6 3.6 0.7 Luxembourg Netherlands A 9.7 1.2 9.7 0.8 18.7 3.0 -11.2 Norway H -1.1 3.1 -4.9 4.6 6.7 2.5 -13.6 Portugal (N) A 7.7 0.6 7.5 8.5 -2.6 1.1 -4.3 3.1 14.3 Spain (N) H 3.5 0.7 23.3 4.4 -5.5 0.2 13.2 5.8 -6.4 Sweden A 15.9 1.6 3.7 5.8 16.1 0.3 18.3 2.2 11.2 Switzerland H -6.5 4.5 5.5 4.6 -11.3 0.8 -1.8 4.9 -20.9 Turkey (N) A 13.7 1.8 16.3 0.3 0.1 1.9 7.8 United Kingdom (R)

Europe 1.2 1.3 10.7 8.6 -1.2 0.4 0.3 4.2 -6.0

OECD 2.8 2.1 12.2 6.8 -0.5 0.5 0.1 3.4 -3.4 H Hotels and similar establishments.

A All means of accommodation.

(R) Tourist count by country of residence.

(N) Tourist count by country of nationality.

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1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995









The United States The United Kingdom France Germany

Trends of international tourismin Europe, from :

(Overnights in accommodation, indices 1985 = 100)

Source : OECD










1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995










Italy The Netherlands Japan Canada

Source : OECD

Trends of international tourismin Europe, from :

(Overnights in accommodation, indices 1985 = 100)

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1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995








The United States The United Kingdom France Germany

Trends of international tourismin North America1, from :

(Arrivals at frontiers, indices 1985 = 100)

Source : OECD







1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995







Italy The Netherlands Japan Canada

Trends of international tourismin North America1, from :

(Arrivals at frontiers, indices 1985 = 100)

Source : OECD

1. North America excludes Mexico.

1. North America excludes Mexico.

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1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995











The United States The United Kingdom France Germany

Trends of international tourismin Asia and the Pacific, from :

(Arrivals at frontiers, indices 1985 = 100)

Source : OECD








1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995








Italy The Netherlands Japan Canada

Trends of international tourismin Asia and the Pacific, from :

(Arrivals at frontiers, indices 1985 = 100)

Source : OECD

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The economic importance of tourism in Member countries

This section brings together the data available on international tourism receipts and expenditure for27 OECD Member countries. The figures do not include international fare payments, except whereexplicitly stated (see Table 16 in the Statistical Annex).

The tables 1 to 4 consider:

• Receipts expressed in both national currencies and US dollars, first in current terms and then inreal terms, i.e. adjusted for inflation and exchange rate fluctuations between the dollar andnational currencies;

• Expenditure, again in both national currencies and US dollars, in current terms; • The tourism balance sheet for the OECD area and its three constituent regions.

The dollar was used as the common unit of account to evaluate trends for a range of countries.However, when considering the tables that give figures in "current dollars", the reader must take intoaccount the marked fluctuations that have taken place in recent years in most OECD currencies against thedollar.

Inasmuch as these figures are of limited analytical usefulness, any conclusions drawn from dataexpressed in dollars must be viewed with some caution.

Tables 5 to 8 compare data on receipts and expenditure with a number of major macroeconomicindicators: gross domestic product, private final consumption, and exports and imports of goods andservices. It would, admittedly, have been useful to include international passenger transport payments but,as only a few Member countries break down their "transport" account in this way (see Table 14 in theStatistical Annex), the data would not be comparable.

The comparability of the figures provided by Member countries on receipts and expenditure forinternational tourism is still insufficient. The main source of divergence lies in the different surveymethods used (for further information, the part “Main elements of the terminology used “ in the StatisticalAnnex should be consulted).

The OECD Tourism Committee's Statistical Working Party has adopted a method to get a bettergrasp of the economic importance of tourism, principally in monetary terms, using the concepts of theSystem of National Accounts.

The Manual on Tourism Economic Accounts, adopted in 1991, is available free of charge under thereference OCDE/GD(91)82. It provides a basis for the compilation of data on production, consumption,value added, gross fixed capital formation and employment in the tourism industries. Implementation ofthe Manual began in 1992 and is still going on. A first publication on this subject was released in 1996“OECD Tourism Statistics - Design and application for Policy”. The OECD Secretariat is preparing asecond publication which will be released in 1998.

At the same time, the Secretariat is developing a Tourism Satellite Account for OECD countries.Ultimately, this system will be used as a basic tool to assess the importance of tourism to Member countryeconomies.

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Meanwhile, the Secretariat is still using other indicators which, although less satisfactory, are the onlyones that give an idea of the macroeconomic importance of tourism.

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Table 1. International tourist receipts and expenditure in national currenciesIn millions

Receipts Expenditure

Currency 1994 1995 % 95/94 1994 1995 % 95/94

Canada Dollar 9 730 10 997 13.0 13 698 14 028 2.4 Mexico Mexican Peso 21 563 39 574 83.5 18 087 20 242 11.9 United States Dollar 58 417 61 137 4.7 43 782 45 855 4.7

Australia Dollar 8 081 9 412 16.5 5 434 6 157 13.3 Japan Yen 355 300 304 800 -14.2 3 131 600 3 464 400 10.6 New Zealand Dollar 2 464 3 552 44.2 1 930 1 950 1.0

Austria Schilling 150 183 147 140 -2.0 107 336 117 479 9.4 Belgium-Luxembourg Franc 156 163 165 000 5.7 238 606 266 600 11.7 Czech Republic Koruna 56 570 76 301 34.9 30 963 43 330 39.9 Denmark Krone 20 849 20 826 -0.1 22 787 24 059 5.6 Finland Markka 7 316 7 536 3.0 8 696 10 449 20.2 France Franc 137 010 137 389 0.3 76 468 81 495 6.6 Germany Deutsche Mark 22 581 23 242 2.9 71 873 72 617 1.0 Greece Drachma 936 825 946 886 1.1 273 300 306 129 12.0 Hungary Forint 151 430 219 795 45.1 98 696 131 941 33.7 Iceland Krona 9 639 10 773 11.8 17 507 18 194 3.9 Ireland Pound 1 202 1 375 14.4 1 071 1 267 18.3 Italy Lira 38 307 722 44 717 611 16.7 19 488 702 20 231 869 3.8 Netherlands Guilders 8 691 10 534 21.2 16 977 18 716 10.2 Norway Krone 15 716 14 734 -6.2 26 223 27 156 3.6 Portugal Escudo 634 406 663 374 4.6 290 154 322 747 11.2 Spain Peseta 2 878 900 3 159 800 9.8 551 700 554 900 0.6 Sweden Krona 21 730 24 732 13.8 37 531 38 797 3.4 Switzerland Franc 11 433 11 182 -2.2 8 715 9 121 4.7 Turkey Lira 137 473 124 226 826 302 65.0 26 159 649 41 740 433 59.6 United Kingdom Pound 9 920 12 094 21.9 14 500 15 683 8.2 Notice : for statistical coverage, see notes in table 16 in annex.

Table 2. International tourist receipts and expenditure in current dollarsIn millions

Receipts Expenditure

1994 1995 % 95/94 1994 1995 % 95/94

Canada 7 123.5 8 012.4 12.5 10 028.6 10 220.8 1.9 Mexico 6 363.5 6 162.9 -3.2 5 337.7 3 152.3 -40.9 United States 58 417.0 61 137.0 4.7 43 782.0 45 855.0 4.7

North America 71 904.0 75 312.3 4.7 59 148.2 59 228.1 0.1

Australia 5 902.6 6 974.2 18.2 3 969.2 4 562.3 14.9 Japan 3 475.5 3 240.3 -6.8 30 633.3 36 829.7 20.2 New Zealand 1 460.5 2 330.8 59.6 1 144.0 1 279.6 11.9

Asia and the Pacific 10 838.7 12 545.2 15.7 35 746.5 42 671.5 19.4

Austria 13 151.6 14 593.0 11.0 9 399.4 11 651.3 24.0 Belgium-Luxembourg 4 666.5 5 593.7 19.9 7 130.1 9 038.1 26.8 Czech Republic 1 973.1 2 874.8 45.7 1 079.9 1 632.5 51.2 Denmark 3 278.3 3 716.4 13.4 3 583.0 4 293.4 19.8 Finland 1 400.6 1 725.6 23.2 1 664.8 2 392.7 43.7 France 24 677.3 27 528.3 11.6 13 772.9 16 329.0 18.6 Germany 13 913.8 16 219.0 16.6 44 286.1 50 674.4 14.4 Greece 3 867.3 4 088.8 5.7 1 128.2 1 321.9 17.2 Hungary 1 440.5 1 748.3 21.4 938.9 1 049.5 11.8 Iceland 137.7 166.3 20.8 250.1 280.9 12.3 Ireland 1 794.8 2 201.9 22.7 1 599.2 2 029.0 26.9 Italy 23 754.3 27 450.4 15.6 12 084.8 12 419.5 2.8 Netherlands 4 776.0 6 562.0 37.4 9 329.5 11 658.9 25.0 Norway 2 227.2 2 325.0 4.4 3 716.1 4 285.2 15.3 Portugal 3 820.9 4 424.4 15.8 1 747.5 2 152.6 23.2 Spain 21 490.7 25 342.1 17.9 4 118.4 4 450.4 8.1 Sweden 2 816.3 3 467.0 23.1 4 864.2 5 438.6 11.8 Switzerland 8 363.2 9 459.6 13.1 6 375.0 7 716.1 21.0 Turkey 4 616.6 4 959.2 7.4 878.5 912.6 3.9 United Kingdom 15 185.6 19 089.0 25.7 22 196.7 24 753.8 11.5

Europe 157 352.2 183 535.0 16.6 150 143.4 174 480.3 16.2

OECD 240 094.9 271 392.6 13.0 245 038.1 276 380.0 12.8

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Table 3. Trends in international tourist r eceipts in real prices 1

1990 = 100Relative share in percentage

of total

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1994 1995

Canada 98.4 99.6 106.6 120.2 133.0 3.4 3.6 Mexico 151.9 135.8 125.2 134.1 182.3 2.0 2.6 United States 107.9 118.5 121.7 119.7 121.9 23.0 22.3

North America 1 109.6 117.4 120.1 120.7 127.1 28.4 28.6

Australia 116.4 121.5 128.8 159.3 177.3 2.6 2.8 Japan 86.3 83.5 71.5 64.2 55.2 1.0 0.8 New Zealand 99.9 103.4 80.5 90.4 125.6 0.6 0.8

Asia and the Pacific 1 101.2 102.8 97.0 108.5 118.4 4.2 4.4

Austria 101.3 96.8 92.7 85.9 82.3 5.1 4.7 Belgium-Luxembourg 97.1 99.6 104.6 113.6 118.3 1.9 1.9 Czech Republic 0.6 0.7 Denmark 105.6 106.3 93.1 94.0 92.0 1.4 1.3 Finland 103.4 118.7 143.3 147.6 150.6 0.8 0.8 France 106.2 114.1 112.5 113.6 112.0 10.2 9.6

Germany 2 98.3 96.7 93.8 114.6 115.8 5.3 5.2 Greece 82.6 108.6 119.1 131.0 121.2 1.5 1.3 Hungary 0.5 0.5 Iceland 92.8 82.3 95.6 101.6 111.6 0.1 0.1 Ireland 103.9 93.3 107.3 124.2 138.6 0.8 0.9

Italy 3 90.9 100.0 125.4 133.4 148.1 11.7 12.5 Netherlands 117.7 129.2 120.2 117.7 140.0 1.9 2.2 Norway 107.6 119.9 125.4 148.2 135.6 1.0 0.9

Portugal 4 96.4 81.3 100.7 92.8 93.2 1.5 1.4 Spain 100.1 107.6 112.3 124.7 130.8 10.3 10.3 Sweden 86.9 92.5 101.9 104.7 115.8 1.4 1.4 Switzerland 100.9 101.5 104.6 105.2 101.1 3.2 2.9 Turkey 76.4 103.0 108.3 163.8 142.9 2.4 2.0 United Kingdom 90.5 92.0 108.2 112.0 132.1 6.9 7.7

Europe 1 98.0 102.7 109.3 116.1 120.8 67.4 67.0

OECD 1 101.3 106.8 111.7 117.0 122.5 100.0 100.0 1. After correcting for the effects of inflation in each country. For the regional and OECD totals, the receipts of the individual countries are weighted in proportion

to their share in the total expressed in dollars.

2. The data relate to the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany prior to 3rd October 1990. Since July 1990, data include all transactions of the former German Democratic Republic with foreign countries.

3. Break of the series in 1990 due to the liberalisation of capital movements.

4. Break of series in 1993 due to a new collection and statistical production system.

Table 4. Tourism balance sheetIn billions of current dollars

1993 1994 1995

North AmericaReceipts 69.7 71.9 75.3 Expenditure 57.1 59.1 59.2 Balance 1 12.7 12.8 16.1

Asia and the PacificReceipts 9.1 10.8 12.5 Expenditure 30.9 35.7 42.7 Balance 1 -21.8 -24.9 -30.1

EuropeReceipts 141.8 157.4 183.5 Expenditure 136.8 150.1 174.5 Balance 1 5.0 7.2 9.1

OECDReceipts 220.6 240.1 271.4 Expenditure 224.7 245.0 276.4 Balance 1 -4.1 -4.9 -5.0 1. Minus signs indicate deficit. Due to rounding of figures, balances are not always equal to difference between receipts and expenditure.

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Table 5. Ratio of the "Travel" account receipts Table 6. Ratio of the "Travel" account expenditureto the gross domestic product (%) to the private final consumption (%)

1993 1994 1995 1993 1994 1995

Canada 1.2 1.3 1.4 Canada 3.3 3.1 3.1 Mexico 1.5 1.5 2.2 Mexico 2.0 1.8 1.6 United States 0.9 0.9 0.9 United States 1.0 1.0 1.0

North America 1.0 0.9 1.0 North America 1.2 1.2 1.1

Australia 1.5 1.8 2.0 Australia 1.9 2.0 2.1 Japan 0.1 0.1 0.1 Japan 1.1 1.1 1.2 New Zealand 2.7 2.9 3.9 New Zealand 3.8 3.7 3.5

Asia and the Pacific 0.2 0.2 0.2 Asia and the Pacific 1.1 1.2 1.3

Austria 7.4 6.6 6.3 Austria 8.1 8.6 9.0 Belgium-Luxembourg 1.9 2.0 2.1 Belgium-Luxembourg 4.8 5.0 5.4 Czech Republic 5.0 5.5 6.3 Czech Republic 3.0 5.2 6.2 Denmark 2.3 2.2 2.1 Denmark 4.5 4.6 4.6 Finland 1.5 1.4 1.4 Finland 3.3 3.1 3.5 France 1.9 1.9 1.8 France 1.7 1.7 1.8 Germany 0.6 0.7 0.7 Germany 3.4 3.8 3.7 Greece 3.6 3.9 3.6 Greece 1.5 1.5 1.6 Hungary 3.1 3.5 4.0 Hungary 3.3 3.9 4.4 Iceland 2.2 2.2 2.4 Iceland 7.2 6.8 6.6 Ireland 3.0 3.3 3.4 Ireland 4.3 5.1 5.7 Italy 2.2 2.3 2.5 Italy 2.3 1.9 1.9 Netherlands 1.5 1.4 1.7 Netherlands 4.7 4.6 4.9 Norway 1.6 1.8 1.6 Norway 6.1 6.0 5.9 Portugal 5.0 4.5 4.4 Portugal 3.5 3.1 3.3 Spain 4.1 4.4 4.5 Spain 1.6 1.4 1.3 Sweden 1.4 1.4 1.5 Sweden 4.4 4.5 4.5 Switzerland 3.3 3.2 3.1 Switzerland 4.3 4.2 4.3 Turkey 2.2 3.5 2.9 Turkey 0.8 1.0 0.8 United Kingdom 1.5 1.5 1.7 United Kingdom 3.2 3.4 3.5

Europe 1.0 1.0 1.0 Europe 1.6 1.6 1.7

OECD 0.9 0.9 0.9 OECD 1.5 1.5 1.5 Source : OECD, Main Economic Indicators Source : OECD, Main Economic Indicators

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Table 7. Ratio of the "Travel" account receipts Table 8. Ratio of the "Travel" account expenditurein exports of goods and services (%) in imports of goods and services (%)

1993 1994 1995 1993 1994 1995

Canada 4.1 3.9 3.8 Canada 6.8 5.6 5.2 Mexico 9.8 9.1 6.8 Mexico 7.5 5.9 3.8 United States 8.9 8.3 7.7 United States 5.6 5.4 5.1

North America 8.1 7.5 6.9 North America 6.0 5.4 5.0

Australia 8.0 9.7 10.2 Australia 6.1 6.1 6.2 Japan 0.9 0.8 0.7 Japan 8.9 9.1 9.1 New Zealand 8.5 9.1 13.1 New Zealand 8.2 7.6 7.5

Asia and the Pacific 1.9 2.1 2.2 Asia and the Pacific 8.5 8.6 8.6

Austria 20.0 18.0 16.6 Austria 12.4 12.8 12.9 Belgium-Luxembourg 2.8 2.8 2.9 Belgium-Luxembourg 4.7 4.7 5.0 Czech Republic 8.8 10.4 12.3 Czech Republic 3.1 5.7 6.3 Denmark 6.8 6.4 6.2 Denmark 8.7 8.5 8.2 Finland 4.4 4.0 3.6 Finland 6.8 5.8 6.4 France 8.6 8.1 7.6 France 5.2 5.0 5.0 Germany 2.6 3.0 2.8 Germany 9.2 9.8 9.2 Greece 22.5 23.5 21.7 Greece 4.2 4.4 4.3 Hungary 11.8 12.0 11.5 Hungary 5.6 6.4 6.5 Iceland 6.6 6.2 6.7 Iceland 14.6 13.0 12.6 Ireland 4.6 4.8 4.6 Ireland 4.7 5.2 5.3 Italy 9.8 9.6 9.2 Italy 7.3 5.7 4.9 Netherlands 2.9 2.8 3.1 Netherlands 6.4 6.2 6.3 Norway 4.2 4.7 4.1 Norway 9.7 9.3 9.1 Portugal 17.8 14.7 13.3 Portugal 6.5 5.3 5.3 Spain 20.9 19.9 19.1 Spain 4.9 3.8 3.4 Sweden 4.4 3.9 3.7 Sweden 8.3 7.6 6.8 Switzerland 9.0 9.0 8.8 Switzerland 8.1 7.9 8.1 Turkey 16.4 16.5 14.7 Turkey 2.7 3.3 2.2 United Kingdom 5.8 5.6 6.1 United Kingdom 7.7 7.9 7.7

Europe 6.5 6.2 5.9 Europe 6.9 6.6 6.4

OECD 6.4 6.1 5.8 OECD 6.8 6.6 6.3 Source : OECD, Main Economic Indicators Source : OECD, Main Economic Indicators

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International tourist receiptsin real terms

(Shares of the various regions within the OECD)

Source : OECD


















1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995











AAAAEurope North America Asia and the Pacific OECD (right y axis)

1987 = 100Relatives shares









Asia and the Pacific

Source : OECDSource : OECD


Rest of the world

International tourist receiptsImportance of the OECD area in the world total

(1995 in dollars)

International tourist receiptsShare of the various regions within the OECD

(1995 in real terms)

North America

28,6 %





Note: North America excludes Mexico.

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Statistical Annex

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Statistical Annex


This Annex reproduces the main international tourism statistical series available in Membercountries. It illustrates recent tourism developments in the OECD (over a two or three-year period).

Tables 1 to 20 contain the main statistical series on international tourism available at the Secretariat.Tables are classified by theme.

Tables 21 to 47 gather data available for the period 1984 to 1995 concerning physical flows to OECDMember countries. These tables contain data on arrivals at frontiers and arrivals and nights spent at/inaccommodation:

• from all the foreign countries; • from the eight main generators of tourism to the OECD area (Canada, France, Germany, Italy,

Japan, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States).

Data used in these tables are derived from data broken down by country of origin; when these dataare not available, the tables are derived from monthly or quarterly statistics.

The other tables present the traditional statistical series (arrivals at frontiers, arrivals and nights spentin accommodation). Data are broken down by country of origin. Tables are classified by country. (Seetable B below).

Main elements of the terminology used

This section indicates the main methods used for collecting statistics and deals with internationaltourism.

International inbound tourism (i.e. tourism performed in a given country by non-residents) is usuallymeasured by the receiving country as monthly, quarterly or annual number of arrivals and/or nights spent,using one of three methods:

• Border controls: these can provide only a limited amount of information about volumes, meansof transport, etc. (as used in Japan, New Zealand and Spain);

• Sample surveys: these provide a large amount of quantitative and qualitative information (as

used in Canada, Portugal and the United Kingdom); • Registration in means of accommodation: this method, which is used in Finland, Italy and

Switzerland among others, provides more accurate information, but with a more limited scope.However, by definition, it excludes same-day visitors and certain types of accommodation thatare not registered for tax or other reasons, such as that provided by relatives or friends.

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In estimating tourism supply, it is necessary to take account of all the goods and services required bytourism i.e. the resources, infrastructure and industries producing such goods and services, whether in thetourism field itself or indirectly related to the tourist industries.

The various means of accommodation are an essential part of this supply. They can be divided intotwo broad categories: hotels and similar establishments, and supplementary means of accommodation.

• The first category (hotels and similar establishments) normally covers four types ofestablishments: hotels, motels, boarding houses and inns. However, in order to reflect the actualsituation in a country more accurately, similar establishments are also often included (in whichcase the statistical coverage is indicated in Table C or in the methodological notes for eachcountry).

• The second category (supplementary means of accommodation) can include seven types of

establishment: youth hostels, camping sites, holiday villages, mountain huts and shelters, rentedrooms, houses and flats, sanatoria and health establishments and children's holiday camps. Thelist can also be extended in some cases.

The data on international tourism receipts and expenditure are those found under the "travel" headingin the Balance of Payments. They are available in varying degrees of disaggregation by country/region oforigin or country/region of destination.

Data concerning international tourism payments follow, in practice, the recommendations of theWorld Tourism Organisation.

• International tourism receipts: they are defined as the receipts of a country resulting fromconsumption expenditures, i.e., payments for goods and services, made by visitors out of foreigncurrency. They should, however, exclude all forms of remuneration resulting from employment,as well as international fare receipts.

• International tourism expenditure: they are defined as consumption expenditures, i.e., payments

for goods and services, made by residents of a country visiting abroad. They should, however,exclude all forms of remuneration resulting from employment, as well as international farepayments.

Three different methods are currently used by the Member countries.

• In most countries, data are collected by the central bank using a method called the bankreporting method. When a traveller purchases or sells currency before or after a trip abroad, thebank or authorised agency records the transaction. Under this method, data are broken downaccording to the currency used and not according to the traveller's country of origin ordestination.

• The estimation method is based on sample surveys that are usually carried out at the points of

entry or departure for non-residents, or at the re-entry points for returning residents. Data arebroken down according to tourists' country of origin or destination. These surveys provide themost reliable and most detailed statistics.

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• The mixed method, which is used by only a few countries, was developed to remedy theshortcomings of the bank reporting method. It uses parallel sources (surveys of visitors,comparison with data provided by receiving countries, etc.), allowing the statistics obtained bythe bank reporting method to be adjusted.

However, these data have their limitations. First, the volumes obtained by the bank reporting methodin most countries are not an accurate measure of international tourist trade, since they represent netbalances and not gross volumes; tourist transactions therefore tend to be understated. Second, it was notedthat items unrelated to international tourism were included under the heading "travel". Third, largediscrepancies are found when any attempt is made to compile bilateral balances by comparing a givencountry's receipts, broken down by country of origin, with the expenditure reported by generatingcountries, broken down by country of destination. In 1995, Eurostat created a task force which aims toformulate proposals to better measure the “travel” item of the Balance of Payments, especially afterintroduction of Euro.

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The table A describes the classification system of travellers.

Table A: Classification of international travellers


Includedin tourism statistics


Tourists 1 Same-dayvisitors

Not includedin tourism statistics


Temporaryimmigrants 6

Permanentimmigrants 6

Nomads 6

Transitpassengers 7

Refugees 8

Members of thearmed forces 9

Representationof consulates 9

Diplomats 9


Crew members

(non-residents) 4



passengers 3Crews 5


visitors 2

MainPurposeof visit

Religion andpilgrimages





Visiting friendsand



and holidays

1. Visitors who spend at least one night in the country visited, but less than one year.2. Visitors who arrive and leave the same day for leisure, recreation and holidays; visiting friends and relatives; business

and professional; health treatment; religion, pilgrimages and other tourism purposes, including transit day visitors enroute to or from their destination countries.

3. Persons who arrive in a country aboard cruise ships [as defined by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), 1965]and who spend the night aboard ship even when disembarking for one or more day visits.

4. Foreign air or ship crews docked or in lay over and who use the accommodation establishments of the country visited.5. Crews who are not residents of the country visited and who stay in the country for the day.6. As defined by the United Nations in the “Recommendations on International Migration Statistics, 1980.”7. Who do not leave the transit area of the airport or the port, including transfer between airports or ports.8. As defined by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 1967.9. When they travel from their country of origin to the duty station and vice-versa (including household servants and

dependants accompanying or joining them).Source: World Tourism Organisation (WTO)

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The table B indicates the main statistical series available in member countries.

Table B: Series available by country

Arrivals of foreign tourists at frontiers

Belgium Hungary New ZealandCanada Iceland PortugalCzech Republic Ireland SpainFrance Japan United KingdomGreece Mexico United States

Arrivals of foreign visitors at frontiers

Australia Ireland PortugalCanada Italy SpainFrance Japan Turkey (travellers)Hungary Mexico United Kingdom

Arrivals of foreign tourists at hotels and similar establishments

Austria Germany SpainBelgium Ireland SwitzerlandFinland Italy TurkeyFrance NetherlandsHungary Portugal

Arrivals of foreign tourists at all means of accommodation

Austria Germany PortugalCzech Republic Ireland TurkeyFinland ItalyHungary Netherlands

Nights spent by foreign tourists in hotels and similar establishments

Australia Germany NorwayAustria Hungary PortugalBelgium Iceland SpainDenmark Ireland SwedenFinland Italy SwitzerlandFrance Netherlands Turkey

Nights spent by foreign tourists in all means of accommodation

Australia France New ZealandAustria Germany PortugalBelgium Hungary SwedenCanada Iceland TurkeyCzech Republic Ireland United KingdomDenmark ItalyFinland Netherlands

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C. Types of accommodation covered by the statistics

Countries Hotels and similar establishments 11 Supplementary means of accommodation 12

Hotels 1 Motels 2Boarding houses 3

Inns 4 Others 5Youth

hostels 6

Camping/ caravan sites 7

Holiday villages

Mountain huts and shelters

Rented rooms, flats and houses

Sanatoria, health


Recreation homes for children 8

Others 9

Australia x x x x x x x xAustria 10 x x x x x x x xBelgium x x x x x x xCanada x x x xDenmark 10 x x x xFinland x x x xFrance x xGermany x x x x x x x x x xGreece x x x x x xIreland x xItaly x x x x xNetherlands x x x x xNorway 10 x xPortugal x x x x x x xSpain x xSweden x x x x x xSwitzerland x x x x x x x xTurkey x x x x x x xCountries not listed in this table do not dispose of data by type of accommodation.1. Includes: Germany: hotels serving breakfast only ; Belgium: motels, boarding houses and inns ; Finland: motels ; France: motels ; Ireland: motels ; Portugal: studio-hotels ; Spain: "Paradores" and boarding houses ("Fondas" and "Casas de Huespedes") ; Sweden: motels ; Switzerland: boarding houses ; Turkey: thermal hotels. 2. Includes: Greece: bungalows.3. Includes: Finland: inns ; Ireland: inns ; Sweden: resort hotels.4. Includes: Portugal: private and state-owned inns.5. Includes: Australia: hotels and motels without facilities in most rooms and not necessarily providing meals and alcoholic drinks ; Belgium: non-licensed establishments ; Finland: lodging houses and part of youth hostels ; Greece: bungalow-hotels, studio-hotels and recreation homes for children ; Netherlands: youth hostels in Amsterdam ; Portugal: holiday flats and villages ; Spain: fondas ; Sweden: boarding houses, inns and resort hotels ; Turkey: special licensed hotels, studio-hotels and thermal hotels.6. Includes: Germany: mountain huts and shelters.7. Includes: Australia: cabins and flats ; Finland: holiday villages cottages.8. Includes: Portugal: youth hostels.9. Includes: Australia: rented farms, house-boats, rented camper-vans, boats, cabin cruisers, camping outside commercial grounds ; Austria: mountain huts and shelters ; Belgium: youth hostels, holiday villages and social tourism establishments ; Canada: homes of friends or relatives, private cottages, commercial cottages and others (universities, hostels) ; Germany: recreation and holiday homes, institutions providing educational services ; Greece: holiday centres ; Italy: recreation homes for children, mountain huts and shelters, holiday homes and religious establishments ; Spain: secondary residences, private appartments, chalets and bungalows ; Switzerland: dormitories in recreation homes for children, tourist camps, mountain huts and shelters, holiday villages.10. Total available without breakdown for "hotels and similar establishments".11. Includes: Denmark: hotels with more than 40 beds.12. Includes: Denmark: January and February (hotels only), March (hotels and campings January to March), October (hotels and campings October to December), November and December (hotels only).

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The principal national bodies for each OECD Member country dealing with tourism statistics are asfollows :


Bureau of Tourism ResearchAustralian Bureau of Statistics


Osterreichisches Statistisches ZentralamtOsterreichische Nationalbank


Institut National de StatistiquesBanque nationale de BelgiqueInstitut Belgo-Luxembourgeois du Change


Statistics Canada, International Travel and Tourism SectionCanadian Tourism Commission

Czech Republic

Ministry of EconomyCentral Statistical Office


Statistik DenmarkDanmarks National Bank


Central Statistical OfficeBank of Finland


Direction du TourismeINSEEBanque de France

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Statistisches BundesamtDeutsche Bundesbank


National Statistical Service of the National Tourist Organisation of GreeceBank of Greece


Ministry of Industry, Trade and TourismCentral Statistical Office


Icelandic Immigration AuthoritiesIceland Tourist BoardCentral Bank of Iceland


Central Statistics OfficeIrish Tourist Board (Bord Failte)


Department of Tourism, Presidenza del Consiglio dei MinistriInstituto Centrale di StatisticaBanca d'Italia


Ministry of Transport, Department of TourismJapan National Tourist OrganisationBank of Japan


Ministry of Culture and SportsBank of KoreaKorea Tourism Research InstituteKorea National Tourism Organisation


Service Central de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (STATEC)Institut Belgo-Luxembourgeois du Change

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Secretaria de TurismoInstituto Nacional de Estadistica, Geografia e Informatica (INEGI)Banco de Mexico


Ministry of Economic AffairsCentral Bureau of StatisticsDutch Central Bank


New Zealand Tourism Department


Central Bureau of StatisticsBank of Norway


State Sports and Tourism AdministrationCentral Statistical office


Direcçao-Geral de TurismeInstituto Nacional de EstatisticaBanco de Portugal


Instituto Nacional de EstadisticasBanco de EspanaInstituto de Estudios Turisticos


Statistics SwedenCentral Bank of Sweden


Office Fédéral de la Statistique

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Ministry of TourismCentral Bank

United Kingdom

Department for Culture, Media and SportsCentral Statistical OfficeBritish Tourist Authority

United States

US Department of Commerce, Tourism IndustriesUS Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis

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Methodological notes

Geographical coverage

OECDStatistics presented in this document concern 27 of the 29 Member countries of the OECD : Australia,Austria, Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand,Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States.For technical reasons, data for Korea and Poland are not again included. These two countries will beintegrated in the forthcoming reports of the Tourism Committee.

AfricaIncludes Africa countries.

Asia-OceaniaIncludes non-OECD countries of Middle-East, Asia and Oceania.

EuropeIncludes Hungary and Czech Republic since 1996.

Latin AmericaIncludes non-OECD countries of South America and Central America.

North Americaincludes Mexico since 1994

Origin country unspecifiedIncludes non-OECD countries which cannot be broken down into any specific large geographic (otherEuropean countries, Latin America, Asia-Oceania, Africa).

Other OECD-EuropeIncludes OECD European countries for which no breakdown is available.

Other European countriesIncludes non-OECD European countries.

Statistical coverage by country

The following notes present on a country-by-country basis and where appropriate, the mainmethodological and statistical changes affecting the series available since 1980.

AustraliaNights spent by foreign tourists in registered tourist accommodation: new series since 1992.

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Belgium-LuxembourgBalance of payments statistics refer to the Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union.Nights spent in hotels and in all means of accommodation : break of series in 1995 due to a newstatistical production system.

DenmarkNights spent in all means of accommodation: change of series in 1991; now includes private cottagesrented through agencies.

FranceArrivals and nights spent at/in hotels and similar establishments: data cover all France except 2departments (Aube and Marne); data for Corsica, for the first quarter 1993 and the second semester1994, are not available.Change of series in 1991; the new frontiers' survey covers car drivers and introduces a betterbreakdown between visitors, tourists and same-day visitors. Data, between 1991 and 1994, are basedon an update of the findings of the 1991 frontier survey.Change of series in 1994 :the new frontiers’ survey include henceforth tourists who stay more than 4months and less than one year.. The figures for the year 1995 are estimates based on the 1994 frontiersurvey.

GermanyThe data relate to the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany prior to 3rd October 1990.Arrivals and nights spent at/in hotels and similar establishments and in all means of accommodation:changes of series in 1981 and in 1984.Arrivals and nights spent at/in all means of accommodation: from 1988, includes camping sites.

IrelandArrivals and nights spent at/in hotels and similar establishments: series available from 1985.

ItalyInternational tourist receipts: break of series in 1990 due to the liberalisation of capital movements.

JapanArrivals and nights spent at/in hotels and similar establishments: series discontinued from 1986.

NetherlandsArrivals and nights spent at/in hotels and similar establishments: change of series in 1986.Arrivals and nights spent at/in all means of accommodations: new series from 1988.

PortugalInternational tourist receipts and expenditure: break of series in 1993 due to a new collection andstatistical production system.

SwedenNights spent in all means of accommodation: change of series in 1985.

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SwitzerlandArrivals of foreign tourists/visitors at frontiers: annual estimates.Arrivals and nights spent by foreign tourists in registered tourist accommodation: data are no moreavailable since 1994.Receipts and expenditure: following the new structure of the IMF Manuel.

United StatesArrivals of foreign tourists at frontiers: change of series in 1984.

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1. Tourism from European Member countries 1

Arriv als at frontiers 2

Arriv als at all means of accommodation 3

Nights spent in all means of accommodation 4

Volume 1995

(thousand)% 95/94 % 94/93

Volume 1995

(thousand)% 95/94 % 94/93

Volume 1995

(thousand)% 95/94 % 94/93

Canada 2 058.3 9.4 7.1 24 622.1 10.6 5.6 Mexico 338.6 -17.8 -12.8 United States 8 593.0 8.3 -6.3

Australia 723.4 4.0 11.6 13 126.0 32.0 -12.7 Japan 203.7 -16.1 1.6 New Zealand 249.3 2.5 10.7 249.3 2.5 10.7 7 610.1 3.3 12.7

Austria 15 256.9 -4.0 -2.8 82 092.6 -5.8 -5.1 Belgium 4 691.1 4.4 4.2 4 691.1 5.2 3.4 12 109.5 6.1 9.9 Czech Republic 12 480.4 -3.6 46.5 2 557.5 10.5 12.6 7 744.9 20.6 18.2 Denmark 9 871.8 1.5 0.9 Finland 1 220.1 -11.7 7.4 2 161.3 -9.4 11.9 France 5 46 497.0 -0.9 46 497.0 -0.9 351 082.0 11.2 Germany 9 904.5 1.4 1.0 24 094.4 1.9 0.7 Greece 8 518.5 -6.2 14.5 Hungary 7 389.0 -5.9 -4.0 1 924.0 4.8 0.2 7 607.7 -6.8 -1.6 Iceland 150.2 4.7 16.2 692.9 21.7 15.0 Ireland 3 294.0 11.5 7.9 3 299.0 11.7 7.9 30 568.0 12.4 2.9 Italy 39 411.2 8.1 0.7 17.1 18.7 Luxembourg Netherlands 5 308.0 5.1 5.2 17 057.2 8.6 3.7 Norway 4 034.8 3.4 7.6 Portugal 9 035.1 5.8 8.1 3 977.5 4.4 10.3 20 554.5 8.6 14.1 Spain 12.8 13 181.3 6.8 12.4 92 471.5 4.2 12.3 Sweden 6 315.5 16.0 13.1 Switzerland 6 4 490.7 -8.2 -0.6 13 069.6 -8.8 -2.2 Turkey 3 967.1 36.0 -12.6 2 594.1 24.5 -27.9 12 844.1 11.4 -17.9 United Kingdom 13 313.0 -1.3 4.1 10 679.0 3.3 4.1 86 171.0 4.6 9.0 1. Derived from tables by receiving country (see corresponding notes).2. Tourist or visitor arrivals. When both available : tourist arrivals.3. Arrivals in all means of accommodation or in hotels and similar establishments. When both available : arrivals in all means of accommodation.4. Nights spent in all means of accommodation or in hotels and similar establishments. When both available : nights spent in all means of accommodation.5. France : year 1995 includes only Belgium-Luxembourg, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and United Kingdom. These figures are estimates based on the 1994 frontier survey.6. Switzerland: only includes arrivals and nights spent in hotels and similar establishments.

2. Tourism from Canada, Mexico and the United States 1

Arrivals at frontiers 2Arrivals at all means

of accommodation 3

Nights spent in all means

of accommodation 4

Volume 1995

(thousand)% 95/94 % 94/93

Volume 1995

(thousand)% 95/94 % 94/93

Volume 1995

(thousand)% 95/94 % 94/93

Canada 13 067.9 3.5 4.3 49 696.5 2.0 1.4 Mexico 19 338.2 18.7 4.9 United States 22 746.0 -13.5 -3.0

Australia 362.2 5.9 2.4 6 133.0 15.9 -12.4 Japan 303.4 -2.1 -4.7 New Zealand 182.3 -3.9 9.8 182.3 -3.9 9.8 2 992.2 -2.3 10.4

Austria 601.6 -5.8 3.6 1 495.5 -3.8 -1.4 Belgium 323.6 2.4 5.1 323.6 2.4 5.1 659.8 1.0 6.5 Czech Republic 654.6 -18.5 73.0 134.1 -6.5 33.0 389.2 0.5 48.2 Denmark 299.7 -6.3 4.4 Finland 106.9 2.8 3.2 216.4 8.4 4.5 France 5 2 187.0 17.3 2 187.0 17.3 25 569.0 56.5 Germany 1 708.1 1.1 -2.0 3 559.7 0.0 -2.2 Greece 294.5 -10.4 4.9 Hungary 276.9 -3.6 -1.6 123.8 -7.7 9.2 375.0 -7.7 0.7 Iceland 29.9 9.6 2.3 50.2 27.5 -0.5 Ireland 641.0 29.8 17.1 632.0 27.9 17.1 7 600.0 34.4 20.9 Italy 1 832.3 5.5 5.2 15.4 17.8 Luxembourg Netherlands 617.0 7.4 16.8 1 296.9 13.6 12.3 Norway 360.5 -9.3 27.6 Portugal 248.6 -3.4 23.9 253.2 -8.7 13.5 730.1 -7.8 16.0 Spain 27.5 949.8 0.4 19.0 2 122.6 1.9 18.1 Sweden 350.2 -0.2 10.6 Switzerland 6 845.7 -7.1 0.1 1 870.1 -6.6 -0.5 Turkey 333.1 6.5 5.3 287.7 24.3 0.2 597.7 2.6 6.0 United Kingdom 3 840.0 30.4 5.7 2 996.0 24.1 5.7 25 502.0 20.1 4.6 1. Derived from tables by receiving country (see corresponding notes).2. Tourist or visitor arrivals. When both available : tourist arrivals.3. Arrivals in all means of accommodation or in hotels and similar establishments. When both available : arrivals in all means of accommodation.4. Nights spent in all means of accommodation or in hotels and similar establishments. When both available : nights spent in all means of accommodation.5. France : year 1995 includes only the United States. These figures are estimates based on the 1994 frontier survey. France has data for Mexico since 1994.6. Switzerland: only includes arrivals and nights spent in hotels and similar establishments.

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3. Tourism from Australia, Japan and New Zealand 1

Arrivals at frontiers 2Arrivals at all means

of accommodation 3

Nights spent in all means

of accommodation 4

Volume 1995

(thousand)% 95/94 % 94/93

Volume 1995

(thousand)% 95/94 % 94/93

Volume 1995

(thousand)% 95/94 % 94/93

Canada 767.4 22.0 18.0 5 213.1 16.6 8.0 Mexico United States 5 163.6 19.2 5.0

Australia 1 315.4 10.1 2.1 9 295.0 3.5 15.0 Japan 45.3 -0.1 10.9 New Zealand 563.9 4.0 8.2 563.9 4.0 8.2 8 241.8 5.6 9.1

Austria 318.0 4.0 8.9 677.9 3.9 7.3 Belgium 175.5 15.3 15.1 175.5 15.3 15.1 292.4 10.9 14.7 Czech Republic 319.9 7.5 125.3 65.6 23.4 73.4 160.1 19.6 114.2 Denmark 99.2 -4.1 3.4 Finland 77.6 16.8 33.2 92.0 -18.8 30.3 France 5 966.0 250.3 966.0 250.3 3 833.0 323.9 Germany 979.9 7.3 10.0 1 655.4 7.7 6.9 Greece 149.5 -8.8 7.2 Hungary 78.1 11.0 29.2 60.3 33.2 32.5 132.8 25.0 19.9 Iceland 03.0 15.4 4.0 07.1 Ireland 119.0 32.2 21.6 119.0 32.2 21.6 1 085.0 17.3 75.9 Italy 1 100.2 6.8 10.4 20.2 17.2 Luxembourg Netherlands 210.0 7.8 25.4 435.6 15.8 16.4 Norway 167.8 6.1 30.9 Portugal 34.6 4.8 1.5 86.4 10.7 14.0 182.4 7.6 13.6 Spain 17.4 477.3 25.6 16.7 814.2 23.3 12.5 Sweden 134.8 28.0 4.7 Switzerland 6 635.0 2.0 12.0 1 087.5 5.9 8.9 Turkey 118.5 12.9 22.6 248.8 27.0 25.1 381.1 16.5 26.7 United Kingdom 1 391.0 1 101.0 15 113.0 1. Derived from tables by receiving country (see corresponding notes).2. Tourist or visitor arrivals. When both available : tourist arrivals.3. Arrivals in all means of accommodation or in hotels and similar establishments. When both available : arrivals in all means of accommodation.4. Nights spent in all means of accommodation or in hotels and similar establishments. When both available : nights spent in all means of accommodation.5. France : year 1995 includes only Japan. These figures are estimates based on the 1994 frontier survey. 6. Switzerland: only includes arrivals and nights spent in hotels and similar establishments.

4. Tourism from all OECD countries 1

Arrivals at frontiers 2Arrivals at all means

of accommodation 3

Nights spent in all means

of accommodation 4

Volume 1995

(thousand)% 95/94 % 94/93

Volume 1995

(thousand)% 95/94 % 94/93

Volume 1995

(thousand)% 95/94 % 94/93

Canada 15 893.6 5.0 5.2 79 531.7 5.4 3.0 Mexico 19 676.9 17.8 4.4 United States 36 502.6 -5.3 -2.9

Australia 2 401.0 7.6 4.9 28 554.0 17.9 -4.1 Japan 552.4 -7.6 -1.2 New Zealand 995.5 2.1 9.1 995.5 2.1 9.1 18 844.1 3.3 10.7

Austria 16 176.4 -3.9 -2.4 84 266.0 -5.7 -5.0 Belgium 5 190.2 4.6 4.6 5 190.2 5.4 3.8 13 061.7 5.9 9.8 Czech Republic 13 454.9 -4.3 48.9 2 757.2 9.8 14.5 8 294.2 19.4 20.6 Denmark 10 270.7 1.2 1.1 Finland 1 404.6 -9.5 8.0 2 469.7 -8.5 12.0 France 5 49 650.0 1.4 49 650.0 1.4 380 484.0 15.1 Germany 12 592.5 1.8 1.2 29 309.4 2.0 0.7 Greece 8 962.5 -6.4 14.0 Hungary 7 744.0 -5.7 -3.7 2 108.1 4.6 1.3 8 115.5 -6.5 -1.2 Iceland 183.2 5.7 13.6 750.1 23.2 13.8 Ireland 4 054.0 14.6 9.4 4 050.0 14.5 9.4 39 253.0 16.2 6.8 Italy 42 343.8 7.9 1.1 17.1 18.6 Luxembourg Netherlands 6 135.0 5.4 6.8 18 789.7 9.1 4.5 Norway 4 563.1 2.4 9.8 Portugal 9 318.3 5.5 8.5 4 317.1 3.6 10.6 21 467.1 7.9 14.2 Spain 13.3 14 608.3 6.9 13.0 95 408.3 4.3 12.5 Sweden 6 800.5 15.3 12.8 Switzerland 6 5 971.4 -7.0 0.6 16 027.3 -7.7 -1.4 Turkey 4 418.6 32.5 -10.4 3 130.5 24.7 -23.4 13 822.9 11.1 -16.2 United Kingdom 18 544.0 12.9 4.4 14 776.0 15.9 4.4 126 786.0 22.3 8.1 1. Derived from tables by receiving country (see corresponding notes).2. Tourist or visitor arrivals. When both available : tourist arrivals.3. Arrivals in all means of accommodation or in hotels and similar establishments. When both available : arrivals in all means of accommodation.4. Nights spent in all means of accommodation or in hotels and similar establishments. When both available : nights spent in all means of accommodation.5. France : the figures for the year 1995 are estimates, for some countries, based on the 1994 frontier survey. 6. Switzerland: only includes arrivals and nights spent in hotels and similar establishments.

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5. Tourism from non-Member countries 1

Arrivals at frontiers 2Arrivals at all means

of accommodation 3

Nights spent in all means

of accommodation 4

Volume 1995

(thousand)% 95/94 % 94/93

Volume 1995

(thousand)% 95/94 % 94/93

Volume 1995

(thousand)% 95/94 % 94/93

Canada 1 038.2 23.9 16.9 12 451.1 25.5 12.5 Mexico 485.0 0.0 8.7 6 177.5 19.7 -0.3 23 718.6 19.2 0.0 United States 6 882.4 11.2 2.0

Australia 1 303.8 17.3 26.5 16 930.0 -9.1 83.5 Japan 1 150.8 -9.9 -3.3 New Zealand 413.2 19.0 31.9 413.2 19.0 31.9 7 948.4 15.8 18.8

Austria 996.6 -6.0 4.3 2 725.4 -6.0 2.3 Belgium 369.6 6.1 -7.3 369.6 -3.3 1.8 816.0 -4.2 -53.9 Czech Republic 3 045.1 3.4 42.9 624.0 18.6 9.8 2 032.6 22.0 2.9 Denmark 519.0 7.0 5.3 Finland 374.6 19.0 31.0 822.8 21.4 30.9 France 5 10 460.0 -1.3 10 460.0 -1.3 110 882.0 25.9 Germany 2 254.3 6.2 0.2 6 171.3 2.3 -2.0 Greece 1 749.6 1.4 14.1 Hungary 12 945.9 -2.0 -7.4 769.5 -17.2 16.2 1 882.2 1.2 8.4 Iceland 06.6 12.8 26.3 65.5 -38.0 7.2 Ireland 177.0 24.6 22.4 211.0 48.6 22.4 6 047.0 13.5 73.2 Italy 13 362.4 6.3 13.1 18.6 15.6 Luxembourg Netherlands 441.0 23.9 15.8 946.6 22.5 10.8 Norway 422.3 -27.7 17.5 Portugal 387.2 14.6 14.9 255.2 14.4 14.4 773.6 0.5 8.8 Spain 229.7 1 677.7 1.9 93.0 5 773.4 -8.9 306.0 Sweden 1 060.1 20.4 4.2 Switzerland 6 974.6 4.2 11.0 2 358.9 2.4 6.9 Turkey 3 308.3 -0.8 20.1 1 499.1 23.1 48.8 4 654.5 22.1 72.4 United Kingdom 3 381.0 12.9 4.4 2 561.0 9.1 4.4 36 188.0 17.6 8.1 1. Derived from tables by receiving country (see corresponding notes).2. Tourist or visitor arrivals. When both available : tourist arrivals.3. Arrivals in all means of accommodation or in hotels and similar establishments. When both available : arrivals in all means of accommodation.4. Nights spent in all means of accommodation or in hotels and similar establishments. When both available : nights spent in all means of accommodation.5. France : the figures for the year 1995 are estimates, for some countries, based on the 1994 frontier survey. 6. Switzerland: only includes arrivals and nights spent in hotels and similar establishments.

6. Tourism from all countries 1

Arrivals at frontiers 2Arrivals at all means

of accommodation 3

Nights spent in all means

of accommodation 4

Volume 1995

(thousand)% 95/94 % 94/93

Volume 1995

(thousand)% 95/94 % 94/93

Volume 1995

(thousand)% 95/94 % 94/93

Canada 16 931.8 6.0 5.7 91 982.8 7.7 4.0 Mexico 20 161.9 17.3 4.5 6 177.5 19.7 -0.3 23 718.6 19.2 0.0 United States 43 385.0 -3.1 -2.2

Australia 3 704.8 45 484.0 6.2 21.0 Japan 1 703.2 -9.2 -2.6 New Zealand 1 408.8 6.5 14.3 1 408.8 6.5 14.3 26 792.5 6.7 12.8

Austria 17 173.0 -4.0 -2.0 86 991.5 -5.7 -4.8 Belgium 5 559.9 4.7 3.7 5 559.9 4.7 3.7 13 877.7 5.3 0.8 Czech Republic 16 500.0 -2.9 47.8 3 381.2 11.4 13.7 10 326.7 19.9 16.7 Denmark 10 789.7 1.5 1.3 Finland 1 779.2 -4.7 11.3 3 292.5 -2.5 15.3 France 5 60 110.0 -2.0 1.2 60 110.0 -2.0 1.2 491 366.0 -2.8 16.3 Germany 14 846.8 2.4 1.0 35 480.8 2.0 0.2 Greece 10 712.1 -5.2 14.0 Hungary 20 689.9 -3.4 -6.0 2 877.6 -2.3 5.6 9 997.7 -5.1 0.3 Iceland 189.8 5.9 13.9 815.6 14.2 12.8 Ireland 4 231.0 15.0 9.9 4 261.0 15.8 9.9 45 300.0 15.9 12.7 Italy 55 706.2 7.5 3.8 27 993.4 13.5 17.3 114 642.3 13.5 18.2 Luxembourg Netherlands 6 576.0 6.4 7.3 19 736.3 9.7 4.7 Norway 4 985.5 -1.1 10.6 Portugal 9 705.5 5.9 8.7 4 572.2 4.2 10.8 22 240.7 7.7 14.0 Spain 26.2 16 286.0 6.4 18.2 101 181.7 3.5 18.0 Sweden 7 860.7 15.9 11.6 Switzerland 6 6 946.0 -5.6 1.8 18 386.2 -6.5 -0.5 Turkey 7 7 726.9 15.8 2.6 4 629.6 24.2 -9.0 18 477.3 13.7 -4.7 United Kingdom 21 925.0 12.9 4.4 17 337.0 14.8 4.4 162 974.0 21.2 8.1 1. Derived from tables by receiving country (see corresponding notes).2. Tourist or visitor arrivals. When both available : tourist arrivals.3. Arrivals in all means of accommodation or in hotels and similar establishments. When both available : arrivals in all means of accommodation.4. Nights spent in all means of accommodation or in hotels and similar establishments. When both available : nights spent in all means of accommodation.5. France : the figures for the year 1995 are estimates based on the 1994 frontier survey. 6. Switzerland: only includes arrivals and nights spent in hotels and similar establishments.7. Turkey: travellers arrivals at frontiers.

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7. Average length of stay of foreign tourists

Tourists from all

foreign countries

Tourists from Europe (OECD)

Tourists from North

America (OECD)

Tourists from Pacific (OECD)

1993 1994 1995 1993 1994 1995 1993 1994 1995 1993 1994 1995

Average length of stay in tourist accommodation 1

Austria 5.3 5.2 5.1 5.6 5.5 5.4 2.6 2.4 2.5 2.2 2.1 2.1 Germany 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.1 2.1 2.1 1.7 1.7 1.7 Italy 4.1 4.1 4.6 4.7 2.7 2.7 2.1 2.1 Netherlands 3.0 2.9 3.0 3.2 3.1 3.2 2.1 2.0 2.1 2.1 1.9 2.1 Portugal 4.6 4.7 4.9 4.8 5.0 5.2 2.8 2.9 2.9 2.2 2.2 2.1 Spain 2 6.4 6.4 6.2 7.2 7.2 7.0 2.2 2.2 2.2 1.8 1.7 1.7 Switzerland 3 3.7 2.7 2.6 4.2 2.9 2.9 2.3 2.2 2.2 1.7 1.6 1.7 Turkey 4.2 4.4 4.0 4.9 5.5 5.0 2.4 2.5 2.1 1.6 1.7 1.5 1. Unless otherwise stated below, the average length of stay in all means of accommodation is obtained by dividing the number of nigths recorded in particular means of accommodation by the number of arrivals of tourists at the same means of accommodation (see country tables).2. Hôtellerie.3. Until 1993 all means of accommodation. Since 1994 only hotels and similar establishments.

Tourists from all

foreign countries

Tourists from Europe (OECD)

Tourists from North

America (OECD)

Tourists from Pacific (OECD)

1993 1994 1995 1993 1994 1995 1993 1994 1995 1993 1994 1995

Average length of stay in the country visited 1

Canada 5.4 5.4 5.4 12.0 11.8 11.9 4.0 3.8 3.8 7.8 7.1 6.8

Australia 28.0 24.0 23.0 40.0 41.0 39.0 28.0 25.0 27.0 11.0 12.0 12.0 Japan 10.2 9.6 9.4 New Zealand 2 19.0 19.0 19.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 14.0 14.0 14.0

France 2 7.2 8.2 8.2 6.8 7.7 7.6 8.8 11.8 11.7 4.3 5.2 4.0 Ireland 9.2 9.0 10.7 9.2 9.0 15.7 10.1 10.6 13.0 13.3 Portugal 2 7.0 6.9 7.0 6.9 Turkey 10.0 8.3 8.5 11.4 10.9 10.3 13.8 8.2 3.8 14.3 7.9 6.8 United Kingdom 10.0 10.0 9.0 7.0 8.0 8.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 15.0 15.0 16.0 1. Unless otherwise stated below, the average length of stay in the country visited is expressed in number of nights spent.2. New Zealand, France and Portugal: number of days.

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8. Nights spent by foreign and domestic tourists in all means of accommodation 1

In thousands

Nights spent by foreign tourists Nights spent by domestic tourists Total nightsProportion spent by foreign

tourists (%)1994 1995 % 95/94 1994 1995 % 95/94 1994 1995 % 95/94 1994 1995

Mexico 2 19 893.5 23 718.6 19.2 35 241.4 36 059.0 2.3 55 134.9 59 777.5 8.4 36.1 39.7

Australia 3 73 663.0 79 479.3 7.9 208 458.0 251 760.0 20.8 282 121.0 331 239.3 17.4 26.1 24.0

Austria 4 92 216.4 86 991.5 -5.7 30 143.4 30 123.1 -0.1 122 359.9 117 114.5 -4.3 75.4 74.3 Belgium 5 14 411.5 14 937.1 3.6 21 433.2 20 323.9 -5.2 35 844.8 35 261.0 -1.6 40.2 42.4 Czech Republic 7 293.6 11 088.6 52.0 9 520.3 16 283.3 71.0 16 813.9 27 371.9 62.8 43.4 40.5 Denmark 6 27 051.0 27 165.2 0.4 16 742.8 17 050.9 1.8 43 793.8 44 216.1 1.0 61.8 61.4 Finland 3 377.0 3 292.5 -2.5 10 090.2 10 631.3 5.4 13 467.2 13 923.8 3.4 25.1 23.6 France 94 976.2 87 548.1 -7.8 156 648.2 155 126.1 -1.0 251 624.5 242 674.2 -3.6 37.7 36.1 Germany 34 777.0 35 480.8 2.0 279 357.5 288 283.0 3.2 314 134.4 323 763.8 3.1 11.1 11.0 Greece 41 424.9 39 563.4 -4.5 12 782.3 13 054.6 2.1 54 207.2 52 618.0 -2.9 76.4 75.2 Hungary 10 536.1 9 997.7 -5.1 6 437.6 6 342.3 -1.5 16 973.8 16 340.1 -3.7 62.1 61.2 Iceland 746.6 815.6 9.2 436.0 452.0 3.7 1 182.5 1 267.6 7.2 63.1 64.3 Italy 101 004.7 114 642.3 13.5 173 748.3 176 054.5 1.3 274 753.0 290 696.9 5.8 36.8 39.4 Netherlands 17 991.8 19 737.0 9.7 38 180.3 42 179.0 10.5 56 172.1 61 916.0 10.2 32.0 31.9 Norway 7 243.8 7 059.8 -2.5 12 155.6 12 157.4 0.0 19 399.4 19 217.2 -0.9 37.3 36.7 Portugal 20 660.1 22 240.7 7.7 13 795.6 13 965.4 1.2 34 455.7 36 206.1 5.1 60.0 61.4 Spain 104 156.4 107 229.8 3.0 70 676.9 72 536.2 2.6 174 833.3 179 766.0 2.8 59.6 59.6 Sweden 6 780.4 7 860.7 15.9 28 118.5 29 428.0 4.7 34 898.9 37 288.6 6.8 19.4 21.1 Switzerland 36 233.1 33 983.5 -6.2 37 908.5 37 112.6 -2.1 74 141.6 71 096.1 -4.1 48.9 47.8 Turkey 7 16 254.8 9 641.4 -40.7 9 557.7 9 678.0 1.3 25 812.5 19 319.4 -25.2 63.0 49.9 1. For the "Types of accommodation covered by the statistics" see Table C.2. Mexico: only include nights spent in the 48 most important tourist destinations in the country.3. Australia: nights spent in all means of accommodation including friends and relatives.4. Austria: for the year 1995, nights spent in rented houses and flats (private) are included (total nights: 13892.9, foreign nights: 11779.2, domestic nights: 2113.7).5. Belgium: break of series in 1995 due to a new statistical production system.6. Denmark: nights spent in all means of accommodation including private cottages rented through agencies.7. Turkey: figures based on a monthly sample survey carried out among establishments licenced by the Ministry of Tourism.

9. Nights spent by foreign and domestic tourists in hotels and similar establishments 1

In thousands

Nights spent by foreign tourists Nights spent by domestic tourists Total nightsProportion spent by foreign

tourists (%)1994 1995 % 95/94 1994 1995 % 95/94 1994 1995 % 95/94 1994 1995

Mexico 2 19 893.5 23 718.6 19.2 35 241.4 36 059.0 2.3 55 134.9 59 777.5 8.4 36.1 39.7

Australia 17 437.0 17 589.6 0.9 39 875.0 54 877.0 37.6 57 312.0 72 466.6 26.4 30.4 24.3

Austria 59 126.5 56 198.5 -5.0 16 089.7 16 302.4 1.3 75 216.2 72 500.9 -3.6 78.6 77.5 Belgium 3 7 691.7 7 895.5 2.6 3 089.5 3 053.6 -1.2 10 781.2 10 949.1 1.6 71.3 72.1 Czech Republic 6 597.1 8 385.6 27.1 5 385.7 6 952.4 29.1 11 982.8 15 338.1 28.0 55.1 54.7 Denmark 5 932.2 5 884.2 -0.8 6 038.1 6 291.6 4.2 11 970.3 12 175.8 1.7 49.6 48.3 Finland 2 927.7 2 926.3 0.0 7 943.4 8 464.2 6.6 10 871.0 11 390.5 4.8 26.9 25.7 France 57 143.1 54 339.0 -4.9 89 500.7 90 348.8 0.9 146 643.9 144 687.8 -1.3 39.0 37.6 Germany 26 368.2 27 184.6 3.1 141 306.6 145 184.8 2.7 167 674.9 172 369.4 2.8 15.7 15.8 Greece 40 657.5 38 771.6 -4.6 12 234.4 12 522.6 2.4 52 891.9 51 294.2 -3.0 76.9 75.6 Hungary 7 115.8 7 148.1 0.5 4 317.8 4 459.1 3.3 11 433.6 11 607.2 1.5 62.2 61.6 Iceland 516.6 598.5 15.9 228.8 245.6 7.3 745.4 844.1 13.2 69.3 70.9 Italy 76 172.6 85 414.8 12.1 124 943.1 124 357.9 -0.5 201 115.7 209 772.6 4.3 37.9 40.7 Netherlands 8 732.9 9 581.0 9.7 7 912.4 8 799.0 11.2 16 645.3 18 380.0 10.4 52.5 52.1 Norway 5 041.3 4 985.5 -1.1 9 643.5 9 861.8 2.3 14 684.8 14 847.3 1.1 34.3 33.6 Portugal 18 785.2 20 357.2 8.4 7 361.2 7 579.6 3.0 26 146.4 27 936.8 6.8 71.8 72.9 Spain 97 792.1 100 624.9 2.9 56 876.4 58 281.4 2.5 154 668.4 158 906.2 2.7 63.2 63.3 Sweden 3 320.1 3 693.7 11.3 13 898.0 14 771.3 6.3 17 218.1 18 465.1 7.2 19.3 20.0 Switzerland 19 669.5 18 386.2 -6.5 12 896.5 12 316.4 -4.5 32 566.0 30 702.6 -5.7 60.4 59.9 Turkey 13 397.4 8 744.9 -34.7 8 247.9 8 304.0 0.7 21 645.3 17 048.9 -21.2 61.9 51.3 1. For the "Types of accommodation covered by the statistics" see Table C.2. Mexico: only include nights spent in the 48 most important tourist destinations in the country.3. Belgium: Break of series in 1995 due to a new statistical production system.

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10. Nights spent by foreign and domestic tourists in supplementary means of accommodation 1

In thousands

Nights spent by foreign tourists Nights spent by domestic tourists Total nightsProportion spent by foreign

tourists (%)1994 1995 % 95/94 1994 1995 % 95/94 1994 1995 % 95/94 1994 1995

Australia 56 226.0 61 889.7 10.1 168 583.0 196 883.0 16.8 224 809.0 258 772.7 15.1 25.0 23.9 Austria 33 090.0 30 793.0 -6.9 14 053.7 13 820.6 -1.7 47 143.7 44 613.6 -5.4 70.2 69.0 Belgium 2 6 719.8 7 041.6 4.8 18 343.8 17 270.4 -5.9 25 063.6 24 312.0 -3.0 26.8 29.0 Czech Republic 696.5 2 703.0 288.1 4 134.6 9 330.9 125.7 4 831.1 12 033.9 149.1 14.4 22.5 Denmark 21 118.8 21 281.0 0.8 10 704.7 10 759.3 0.5 31 823.5 32 040.3 0.7 66.4 66.4 Finland 449.3 366.2 -18.5 2 146.8 2 167.1 0.9 2 596.2 2 533.3 -2.4 17.3 14.5 France 37 833.1 33 209.1 -12.2 67 147.5 64 777.3 -3.5 104 980.6 97 986.4 -6.7 36.0 33.9 Germany 8 408.7 8 296.2 -1.3 138 050.8 143 098.2 3.7 146 459.6 151 394.3 3.4 5.7 5.5 Greece 767.3 791.8 3.2 547.9 532.0 -2.9 1 315.3 1 323.8 0.6 58.3 59.8 Hungary 3 420.3 2 849.6 -16.7 2 119.8 1 883.2 -11.2 5 540.2 4 732.9 -14.6 61.7 60.2 Italy 24 832.1 29 227.5 17.7 48 805.2 51 696.7 5.9 73 637.3 80 924.2 9.9 33.7 36.1 Netherlands 9 258.9 10 156.0 9.7 30 267.9 33 380.0 10.3 39 526.8 43 536.0 10.1 23.4 23.3 Norway 2 202.5 2 074.3 -5.8 2 512.2 2 295.6 -8.6 4 714.6 4 369.9 -7.3 46.7 47.5 Portugal 1 874.8 1 883.5 0.5 6 434.4 6 385.7 -0.8 8 309.3 8 269.2 -0.5 22.6 22.8 Sweden 3 460.3 4 166.9 20.4 14 220.4 14 656.6 3.1 17 680.8 18 823.6 6.5 19.6 22.1 Switzerland 16 563.6 15 597.3 -5.8 25 012.0 24 796.3 -0.9 41 575.5 40 393.6 -2.8 39.8 38.6 Turkey 2 857.4 896.5 -68.6 1 309.8 1 374.0 4.9 4 167.2 2 270.5 -45.5 68.6 39.5

Of which: on camping sites

Australia 2 859.0 2 420.8 - 15.3 18 054.0 25 448.0 41.0 20 913.0 27 868.8 33.3 13.7 8.7 Austria 4 675.2 4 312.9 - 7.7 1 303.6 1 285.1 - 1.4 5 978.8 5 598.0 - 6.4 78.2 77.0 Belgium 2 1 986.6 1 881.7 - 5.3 4 073.3 3 010.6 - 26.1 6 059.9 4 892.3 - 19.3 32.8 38.5 Czech Republic 587.2 733.6 24.9 1 435.2 1 807.6 26.0 2 022.4 2 541.2 25.7 29.0 28.9 Denmark 4 233.5 4 448.6 5.1 7 721.7 7 943.6 2.9 11 955.2 12 392.2 3.7 35.4 35.9 Finland 346.7 262.9 - 24.2 1 828.0 1 831.4 0.2 2 174.7 2 094.3 - 3.7 15.9 12.6 France 37 833.1 33 209.1 - 12.2 67 147.5 64 777.3 - 3.5 104 980.6 97 986.4 - 6.7 36.0 33.9 Germany 3 596.7 3 454.4 - 4.0 19 448.2 19 688.2 1.2 23 044.9 23 142.7 0.4 15.6 14.9 Greece 767.3 791.8 3.2 547.9 532.0 - 2.9 1 315.3 1 323.8 0.6 58.3 59.8 Hungary 2 129.9 1 835.6 - 13.8 614.9 561.7 - 8.7 2 744.9 2 397.3 - 12.7 77.6 76.6 Italy 18 600.5 33 225.9 51 826.4 35.9 Netherlands 3 447.3 3 636.0 5.5 14 131.9 15 610.0 10.5 17 579.2 19 246.0 9.5 19.6 18.9 Norway 2 202.5 2 074.3 - 5.8 2 512.2 2 295.6 - 8.6 4 714.6 4 369.9 - 7.3 46.7 47.5 Portugal 1 794.2 1 813.2 1.1 5 459.3 5 566.9 2.0 7 253.5 7 380.1 1.7 24.7 24.6 Sweden 2 605.4 3 152.9 21.0 10 319.7 10 709.6 3.8 12 925.1 13 862.5 7.3 20.2 22.7 Switzerland 2 482.7 2 279.4 - 8.2 5 629.3 5 605.5 - 0.4 8 112.1 7 884.9 - 2.8 30.6 28.9 Turkey 49.3 24.7 - 49.9 53.5 28.5 - 46.7 102.8 53.2 - 48.3 48.0 46.4

Of which: in youth hostels

Australia 6 225.0 5 833.6 - 6.3 2 523.0 2 501.0 - 0.9 8 748.0 8 334.6 - 4.7 71.2 70.0 Austria 792.0 836.3 5.6 675.6 714.3 5.7 1 467.6 1 550.5 5.6 54.0 53.9 Belgium 2 528.3 526.0 - 0.4 3 069.7 2 938.1 - 4.3 3 597.9 3 464.0 - 3.7 14.7 15.2 Denmark 469.1 456.8 - 2.6 575.5 600.0 4.3 1 044.6 1 056.8 1.2 44.9 43.2 Finland 38.7 49.5 27.8 59.4 76.5 28.8 98.1 126.0 28.4 39.5 39.3 Germany 1 079.3 1 038.0 - 3.8 12 478.1 12 697.3 1.8 13 557.5 13 735.3 1.3 8.0 7.6 Italy 576.5 260.3 836.8 68.9 Netherlands 583.3 672.0 15.2 354.5 357.0 0.7 937.8 1 029.0 9.7 62.2 65.3 Sweden 218.0 230.2 5.6 790.1 828.8 4.9 1 008.2 1 059.1 5.0 21.6 21.7 Switzerland 438.4 390.4 - 11.0 374.7 363.8 - 2.9 813.1 754.2 - 7.2 53.9 51.8

Of which: in private rooms, rented apartments and houses

Australia 10 737.0 11 492.0 7.0 14 737.0 18 142.0 23.1 25 474.0 29 634.0 16.3 42.1 38.8 Austria 3 12 811.9 23 151.6 80.7 3 777.5 5 670.8 50.1 16 589.4 28 822.5 73.7 77.2 80.3 Belgium 2 1 081.8 1 059.4 - 2.1 6 730.7 6 191.3 - 8.0 7 812.5 7 250.7 - 7.2 13.8 14.6 Czech Republic 51.8 72.7 124.5 41.6 Denmark 15 491.7 15 418.7 - 0.5 1 615.6 1 428.2 - 11.6 17 107.3 16 846.9 - 1.5 90.6 91.5 Germany 1 370.5 1 279.5 - 6.6 26 652.7 27 423.5 2.9 28 023.2 28 703.1 2.4 4.9 4.5 Italy 4 017.1 7 142.9 11 159.9 36.0 Switzerland 11 071.3 10 306.6 - 6.9 13 109.8 12 911.3 - 1.5 24 181.2 23 217.9 - 4.0 45.8 44.4 1. For the "Types of accommodation covered by the statistics" see Table C.2. Belgium: Break of series in 1995 due to a new statistical production system.3. Austria: For the year 1995, nights spent in rented houses and flats (private) are included (total nights: 13892.9, foreign nights: 11779.2, domestic nights: 2113.7).

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11. Capacity in hotels and similar establishments 1

In thousands

Hotels Motels Boarding houses Inns Others Total1994 1995 % 95/94 1994 1995 % 95/94 1994 1995 % 95/94 1994 1995 % 95/94 1994 1995 % 95/94 1994 1995 % 95/94

Mexico 2 338.6 0.1 7.3 12.7 358.7 370.3 3.2

Australia 3 177.2 181.2 2.3 302.6 307.5 1.6 479.8 488.6 1.8

Japan 159.3 173.2 8.8 106.7 110.6 3.6 265.9 283.8 6.7

Austria 4 650.0 646.1 -0.6

Belgium 5 108.8 112.9 3.8 108.8 112.9 3.8

Czech Republic 79.8 114.1 42.9 14.0 17.1 22.3 93.8 131.2 39.9

Denmark 6 99.3 99.0 -0.3

Finland 3 94.3 86.3 -8.4 10.7 6.7 -37.6 105.0 93.0 -11.4

France 7 1 134.8 1 193.3 5.2 245.2 246.2 0.4 1 380.0 1 439.6 4.3

Germany 8 762.4 807.0 5.8 135.1 141.2 4.5 229.6 235.4 2.5 259.5 270.5 4.2 1 386.6 1 454.0 4.9

Greece 439.8 3.1 12.3 50.7 506.0

Hungary 85.6 87.1 1.7 28.6 32.0 11.8 12.0 12.7 5.1 126.3 131.8 4.3

Ireland 53.0 56.0 5.7 7.0 33.0 371.4 40.0 8.0 -80.0 100.0 97.0 -3.0

Netherlands 138.1 143.0 3.6

Norway 3 129.2 131.2 1.5

Portugal 6 112.4 113.5 1.0 1.3 1.2 -1.6 43.3 43.3 0.0 4.8 4.9 2.2 40.7 41.1 0.9 202.4 204.1 0.8

Spain 3 876.6 255.7 1 132.4

Sweden 3 173.5 173.8 0.1

Switzerland 3 234.9 236.1 0.5 4.1 4.1 1.4 25.1 24.2 -3.4 264.0 264.4 0.2

Turkey 9 202.5 214.3 5.8 2.7 8.6 221.5 6.4 6.2 -3.3 1.3 1.3 -3.6 5.7 6.0 4.9 218.6 236.4 8.1 Notice: this table contains data on available bed capacity unless otherwise stated in the following notes by country.1. For the "Types of accommodation covered by the statistics" see Table C.2. Mexico: position at February.3. Australia, Finland, Norway, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland: position at 31st December.4. Austria: position at 31st August.5. Belgium: average of the 12 months.6. Denmark and Portugal: position at 31st July.7. France: position at 1st January.8. Germany: position at April.9. Turkey: position at 31st December of accommodation establishments approved by the Ministry of Culture and tourism.

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12. Capacity in supplementary means of accommodation 1

In thousands

Youth hostels Camping sites (places) Holiday villages Rented rooms, houses and flatsSanatoria and health


campsOthers Total

1994 1995 % 95/94 1994 1995 % 95/94 1994 1995 % 95/94 1994 1995 % 95/94 1994 1995 % 95/94 1994 1995 % 95/94 1994 1995 % 95/94 1994 1995 % 95/94

Mexico 12.5 5.8 11.7 29.9

Australia 2 26.6 27.1 1.6 287.9 288.5 0.2 163.6 171.1 4.6 190.2 198.2 4.2

Japan 24.8 22.4 -9.7 24.8 22.4 -9.7

Austria 13.4 14.3 6.7 158.2 248.8 401.9 61.6 16.0 15.8 -1.3 25.2 23.9 -5.0 32.7 33.3 1.6 494.2 489.1 -1.0

Belgium 426.0 428.9 0.7 36.9 41.8 13.2 113.0 112.6 -0.3 575.9 583.3 1.3

Czech Republic 10.0 14.6 45.5 3.5 17.0 60.2 88.2 46.4 70.2 102.7 46.3

Denmark 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.1

Finland 3.4 1.9 -46.2 22.0 10.1 -54.3 8.3 5.8 -30.4 33.7 17.7 -47.6

France 12.2 12.3 1.0 2 768.4 2 828.2 2.2 241.4 241.8 0.2 450.0 450.0 0.0 233.5 248.1 6.3 3 705.4 3 780.4 2.0

Germany 112.6 113.9 1.1 581.7 576.3 -0.9 30.1 36.8 22.5 253.7 267.3 5.3 158.7 164.7 3.7 186.7 190.7 2.2 1 323.5 1 349.6 2.0

Greece 2.5 2.5

Hungary 105.8 105.3 -0.5 15.3 16.5 7.8 121.1 121.8 0.6

Ireland 8.0 9.0 12.5 12.0 13.0 8.3 25.0 5.0 32.0 540.0 38.0 41.0 7.9

Italy 8.0 8.4 5.5 1 224.8 1 223.7 -0.1 96.3 115.8 20.2 167.7 176.9 5.5 1 496.8 1 524.8 1.9

Netherlands 7.1 8.0 13.0 488.3 474.0 -2.9 129.1 143.0 10.8 37.2 39.0 4.9 662.0 664.0 0.3

Portugal 257.3 256.1 -0.4 8.9 8.9 -0.4 266.2 265.0 -0.4

Spain 617.1 419.9 176.3 1 213.3

Sweden 15.9 16.5 3.5 16.0 47.6 48.7 2.4 63.5 81.2 27.9

Switzerland 5.6 5.6 -0.8 5.6 5.6 -0.8

Turkey 3 6.4 6.2 -3.8 40.0 43.5 8.7 0.04 0.04 0.0 0.1 0.4 336.3 46.5 50.1 7.6

United Kingdom 132.1 174.0 31.7 1 157.7 1 072.0 -7.4 436.0 377.2 -13.5 1.8 47.0 2488.1 1 727.7 1 670.2 -3.3 Notice: this table contains data on available bed capacity unless otherwise stated in the following notes by country.1. For the "Types of accommodation covered by the statistics" see Table C.

2. Australia: assuming 3 beds per place.3. Turkey: the total doesn't include licences yacht bed capacity and beds registered by local municipalities in social tourism establishments.

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13. Monthly hotel occupancy rates

Mexico 1

(R)Australia 2





(R)Germany 3


(B)Iceland 4


(B)Portugal 5

(B)Spain 6

(B)Sweden 7

(B)Switzerland 8

(B)Turkey 9


United Kingdom


1993 January 51.9 37.4 29.5 12.7 23.4 28.7 29.8 16.7 28.1 24.3 39.5 37.5 32.8 27.1 22.0 Februar 57.7 29.6 29.5 16.4 31.6 34.6 31.4 21.0 39.1 30.4 44.8 25.6 41.3 29.5 31.0 March 54.4 31.3 29.5 13.7 34.0 34.7 33.9 27.0 38.0 33.6 47.1 28.8 38.1 31.7 32.0

April 53.8 34.0 29.5 14.3 30.9 38.3 42.1 28.5 31.3 43.3 49.3 24.1 30.2 42.6 38.0 May 47.5 28.9 32.3 15.7 28.1 45.4 51.3 35.0 28.1 43.7 48.7 25.0 27.5 53.8 43.0 June 46.4 29.3 32.3 14.0 37.6 48.4 56.8 43.2 47.7 42.1 53.0 32.0 36.6 56.2 46.0

July 57.5 32.7 32.3 27.0 48.6 52.7 74.4 55.6 59.7 47.6 65.9 47.4 46.9 57.6 47.0 August 57.3 31.3 32.3 25.5 38.0 53.5 84.9 48.6 46.6 62.4 78.8 34.0 51.6 60.1 52.0 September 42.6 36.5 32.3 14.1 32.1 50.5 68.4 35.1 34.3 54.4 66.4 26.5 42.6 53.0 49.0

October 47.6 36.7 32.3 17.8 29.6 43.1 49.5 27.2 29.3 45.5 51.9 23.6 27.2 44.3 40.0 November 50.2 33.5 29.0 16.3 29.3 30.5 31.3 21.1 28.9 32.1 44.9 23.7 16.2 33.0 29.0 December 49.2 32.4 29.0 14.3 24.9 27.4 30.9 14.4 24.6 25.3 40.7 16.7 22.8 29.2 26.0

1994 January 50.2 38.0 29.0 13.5 22.1 36.8 28.0 30.2 12.8 30.4 40.8 21.8 33.5 27.4 23.0 Februar 56.2 32.3 29.0 15.8 29.7 41.7 33.3 30.3 19.9 39.0 47.4 28.6 41.6 27.2 29.0 March 56.7 34.0 29.0 14.2 32.5 45.8 33.7 33.9 26.6 38.6 51.2 30.7 39.5 29.4 32.0

April 51.3 37.0 29.0 14.3 31.3 47.1 36.4 41.6 29.6 31.7 52.6 29.4 28.5 30.3 37.0 May 46.0 29.2 30.6 15.2 26.4 51.9 43.7 60.4 38.3 29.8 57.5 27.4 27.0 35.9 46.0 June 44.1 31.6 30.6 13.4 36.2 56.3 45.9 66.0 41.4 49.4 64.6 33.6 36.2 36.9 45.0

July 55.6 35.3 30.6 27.4 46.1 57.7 50.2 79.4 63.7 59.1 75.8 45.6 47.1 48.5 47.0 August 55.6 33.9 30.6 24.4 35.8 62.9 50.4 89.4 53.1 47.7 81.3 35.6 50.8 57.6 54.0 September 45.0 38.4 30.6 14.5 30.5 60.4 48.9 71.4 35.6 34.1 70.9 28.1 41.7 52.5 50.0

October 45.7 38.5 30.6 17.8 28.5 52.3 42.4 54.4 25.6 28.2 54.6 25.8 29.1 42.4 42.0 November 48.2 35.2 28.2 16.5 29.1 43.0 30.5 29.5 20.7 27.2 46.0 26.7 16.2 30.9 33.0 December 50.1 33.5 28.2 15.2 25.9 39.1 27.5 30.6 13.5 24.9 41.4 22.0 21.5 28.4 29.0

1995 January 52.1 39.0 28.2 24.6 39.8 28.1 29.6 15.3 30.4 43.0 24.4 31.2 28.9 22.0 Februar 57.5 33.4 28.2 33.1 42.8 32.8 30.7 22.5 40.0 50.1 32.4 38.7 28.2 28.0 March 54.7 34.4 28.2 35.4 45.9 32.5 34.1 27.8 39.6 53.8 33.9 35.6 36.3 32.0

April 52.9 37.0 28.2 32.0 49.1 37.4 42.0 29.0 31.4 59.9 30.4 28.1 39.6 39.0 May 45.8 31.0 29.0 28.0 51.3 43.0 55.0 36.6 30.2 59.9 30.9 26.5 46.5 40.0 June 46.8 31.9 29.0 37.0 58.5 45.5 61.5 39.2 44.2 66.0 34.3 35.2 51.0 48.0

July 55.1 35.7 29.0 46.4 56.7 49.5 71.2 56.1 57.2 73.0 49.7 43.2 58.6 50.0 August 57.4 35.1 29.0 35.9 60.8 48.8 79.7 47.5 43.7 79.5 37.7 45.9 66.6 54.0 September 45.3 38.6 29.0 33.0 58.8 48.0 66.5 31.7 34.3 69.7 30.2 38.4 55.7 51.0

October 46.4 38.0 29.0 29.6 51.3 41.6 49.7 26.9 28.1 54.3 27.0 29.3 50.4 43.0 November 51.1 36.0 29.7 43.3 29.9 29.5 22.5 28.0 47.5 27.5 15.9 38.7 31.0 December 52.5 34.1 25.6 35.0 27.4 31.8 13.6 25.4 42.5 22.4 20.8 34.6 28.0

B = Beds.R = Rooms.Occupancy rates registered in hotels only, unless otherwise stated.1. Mexico: room occupancy rates in hotels from luxory to 5,4,3,2 and 1 stars located in the most important tourist destinations in the country.2. Australia: quaterly figures in bed-places in hotels, motels and guest houses.3. Germany: bed occupancy rates cover registered accommodation except camping sites.4. Iceland: room occupancy rates in hotels and guest houses.5. Portugal: bed occupancy rates in hotels, studio-hotels, motels and State-owned inns.6. Spain: room occupancy rates in hotels and camping sites.7. Sweden: bed occupancy rates in hotels and similar establishments.8. Switzerland: bed occupancy rates in hotels and similar establishments.9. Turkey: bed occupancy rates in hotels, motels, boarding houses, inns, holiday villages, thermal resorts, camping and apartment-hotels.

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14. International fare paymentsRail, air, sea and raod transport

In million dollars

Receipts Expenditure1993 1994 1995 1993 1994 1995

Canada 938.7 1 093.9 1 252.4 2 303.4 2 172.8 2 399.0 Mexico 1 446.2 432.0 510.4 502.0

Australia 1 566.9 1 698.6 1 924.0 2 164.4

Finland 2 534.4 634.5 815.2 401.2 465.2 575.0 France 10 013.6 10 590.7 12 122.3 3 737.0 3 910.3 4 550.4 Germany 3 5 244.1 5 338.5 5 983.2 5 683.9 5 792.0 6 511.5 Iceland 4 88.5 103.0 55.6 57.0 IrelandPortugal 648.7 480.7 769.4 300.8 338.5 438.8 Sweden 792.1 820.9 915.8 804.5 1 065.2 1 366.6 Switzerland 1 605.6 1 667.8 1 895.0 1 332.2 1 647.3 2 057.4 Turkey 5 553.9 585.0 661.0 0.7 0.4 0.8 United Kingdom 6 5 632.3 6 080.4 5 027.2 5 426.7 1. Mexico: air transport.2. Finland: air and sea transport for receipts.3. Germany: air, sea and rail transport.4. Iceland: air transport.5. Turkey: air, sea and rail transport for receipts ; only rail transport for expenditure.6. United Kingdom: air and sea transport.

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15. Nominal exchange rates of national currencies against the dollarExchange rates (units per dollar) Per cent changes 1

1993 1994 1995 94/93 95/94

Canada 1.29 1.37 1.37 5.9 0.5 Mexico 3.12 3.39 6.42 8.8 89.5 United States 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.0 0.0

Australia 1.47 1.37 1.35 - 7.1 - 1.4

Japan 111.18 102.23 94.07 - 8.0 - 8.0

New Zealand 1.85 1.69 1.52 - 8.8 - 9.7

Austria 11.63 11.42 10.08 - 1.8 - 11.7 Belgium-Luxembourg 34.56 33.46 29.50 - 3.2 - 11.9 Czech Republic 29.16 28.67 26.54 - 1.7 - 7.4 Denmark 6.48 6.36 5.60 - 1.9 - 11.9 Finland 5.72 5.22 4.37 - 8.7 - 16.4 France 5.66 5.55 4.99 - 1.9 - 10.1 Germany 1.65 1.62 1.43 - 1.8 - 11.7 Greece 229.14 242.24 231.58 5.7 - 4.4 Hungary 91.91 105.12 125.72 14.4 19.6 Iceland 67.64 70.00 64.77 3.5 - 7.5 Ireland 0.68 0.67 0.62 - 2.0 - 6.8 Italy 1 571.66 1 612.66 1 629.03 2.6 1.0 Netherlands 1.86 1.82 1.61 - 2.0 - 11.8 Norway 7.09 7.06 6.34 - 0.5 - 10.2 Portugal 160.65 166.04 149.93 3.3 - 9.7 Spain 127.24 133.96 124.69 5.3 - 6.9 Sweden 7.79 7.72 7.13 - 0.9 - 7.5 Switzerland 1.48 1.37 1.18 - 7.5 - 13.5 Turkey 10 965.59 29 778.16 45 738.44 171.6 53.6 United Kingdom 0.67 0.65 0.63 - 1.9 - 3.0 1. Minus signs indicate an appreciation of national currencies against the dollar.Source: Main Economic Indicators, OECD

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16. International tourist receipts (R) and expenditure (E) in dollars

Regional breakdownIn million

R/E Europe North America Asia and the Pacific1994 1995 % 95/94 1994 1995 % 95/94 1994 1995 % 95/94

Canada 1 R 1 300.7 1 518.8 16.8 3 909.6 4 274.8 9.3 503.7 610.5 21.2

E 1 554.9 1 697.5 9.2 6 371.6 6 332.7 - 0.6 241.7 234.3 - 3.0 Mexico R 426.7 299.3 - 29.9 4 973.7 5 455.3 9.7

E 906.0 707.2 - 21.9 4 135.0 2 341.7 - 43.4 United States R 18 433.0 9 064.0 13 165.0

E 15 364.0 9 635.0 4 044.0

Australia R 1 056.9 1 149.3 8.7 521.5 574.3 10.1 1 408.3 1 650.2 17.2

E 1 311.9 1 499.8 14.3 565.4 612.8 8.4 348.4 381.6 9.5 Japan R

ENew Zealand 2 R 467.9 334.0 824.2


Austria 3 R 11 913.7 13 240.7 11.1 815.9 850.2 4.2 121.5 160.1 31.7

E 6 949.4 8 959.0 28.9 1 627.0 1 847.6 13.6 61.3 59.8 - 2.4 Belgium-Luxembourg R 3 997.3 616.2 54.5

E 5 726.0 1 370.2 52.4 Czech Republic R

EDenmark R 2 479.2 2 798.1 12.9 585.6 610.7 4.3 33.0 44.1 33.5

E 2 452.3 2 951.8 20.4 892.2 1 050.4 17.7 6.6 7.0 5.4 Finland R 939.8 1 109.7 18.1 269.0 336.8 25.2 10.7 17.2 60.2

E 1 123.6 1 499.6 33.5 291.8 351.9 20.6 8.2 6.0 - 27.7 France R 18 538.7 20 155.2 8.7 3 560.8 3 833.8 7.7 870.1 1 008.7 15.9

E 7 731.0 9 411.9 21.7 3 219.2 3 872.5 20.3 234.3 242.2 3.4 Germany R 8 431.7 9 764.7 15.8 1 096.2 1 159.8 5.8 517.0 577.8 11.8

E 31 944.2 36 881.0 15.5 2 999.5 3 708.3 23.6 602.0 688.1 14.3 Greece R

EHungary R

EIceland R

EIreland 4 R 1 336.4 1 639.8 22.7

EItaly R

ENetherlands R 3 675.8 4 396.7 19.6 866.1 1 111.3 28.3 96.2 130.8 36.0

E 7 312.7 9 129.2 24.8 1 410.7 1 744.2 23.6 36.3 49.2 35.7 Norway R

EPortugal 5 R 3 321.6 3 806.5 14.6 293.5 290.1 - 1.1 68.0 80.1 17.7

E 1 234.0 1 745.6 41.5 207.0 253.7 22.6 24.7 12.1 - 51.0 Spain R

ESweden R 2 216.9 2 733.0 23.3 445.2 508.2 14.1 39.9 48.6 21.9

E 3 531.1 3 857.9 9.3 888.5 1 001.9 12.8 44.7 50.7 13.5 Switzerland 6 R

ETurkey R


United Kingdom 7 R 6 310.0 3 162.6 1 339.5 E 13 775.7 3 159.6 733.3

Important notice: the amounts, excluding those concerning Canada, United States, Ireland, Italy, United Kingdom and Switzerland, refer to receipts and expenditure registered inforeign currency grouped regionaly according to the denomination of the currency. Unless otherwise indicated, the data do not include international fare payments.1. Canada: excluding crew spending.2. New Zealand: includes international airfare payments.3. Austria: including international fare payments.

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16. International tourist receipts (R) and expenditure (E) in dollars (Continued)

Regional breakdownIn million

Total OECD countries Non-Member countries All countries1994 1995 % 95/94 1994 1995 % 95/94 1994 1995 % 95/94

5 714.0 6 404.1 12.1 594.6 778.4 30.9 6 308.6 7 182.5 13.9 Canada 1

8 168.2 8 264.5 1.2 1 265.4 1 302.6 2.9 9 433.7 9 567.1 1.4 5 400.5 5 754.6 6.6 329.0 329.5 0.1 5 729.5 6 084.1 6.2 Mexico5 041.0 3 048.9 - 39.5 340.0 207.0 - 39.1 5 381.0 3 255.9 - 39.5

40 662.0 20 475.0 60 406.0 61 137.0 1.2 United States29 043.0 16 812.0 43 562.0 45 855.0 5.3

2 986.7 3 373.7 13.0 2 493.0 3 205.5 28.6 5 479.7 6 579.2 20.1 Australia

2 225.6 2 494.2 12.1 1 541.2 1 784.3 15.8 3 766.8 4 278.5 13.6 3 464.4 3 235.3 - 6.6 Japan

30 299.3 36 630.7 20.9 1 626.0 706.1 1 459.9 2 332.1 59.7 New Zealand 2

1 144.0 1 266.4 10.7

12 856.0 14 262.0 10.9 295.5 351.8 19.0 13 151.6 14 613.8 11.1 Austria 3

8 641.6 10 881.2 25.9 759.6 802.6 5.7 9 401.2 11 683.8 24.3 4 668.0 459.2 4 666.5 5 593.7 19.9 Belgium-Luxembourg7 148.6 552.2 7 130.1 9 038.1 26.8

1 935.1 2 881.5 48.9 Czech Republic1 059.1 1 636.7 54.5

3 097.8 3 452.9 11.5 180.5 263.6 46.0 3 278.3 3 716.4 13.4 Denmark3 351.1 4 009.1 19.6 231.9 284.3 22.6 3 583.0 4 293.4 19.8 1 219.5 1 464.6 20.1 34.7 144.0 315.6 1 254.2 1 608.6 28.3 Finland1 423.6 1 858.9 30.6 79.5 385.6 385.3 1 503.1 2 244.5 49.3

22 969.7 24 997.7 8.8 1 707.7 2 530.6 48.2 24 677.3 27 528.3 11.6 France11 184.5 13 526.6 20.9 2 588.4 2 802.3 8.3 13 772.9 16 329.0 18.6 10 044.8 11 502.3 14.5 926.1 1 296.6 40.0 10 970.9 12 798.9 16.7 Germany35 545.7 41 277.4 16.1 6 082.8 6 736.9 10.8 41 628.5 48 014.2 15.3

3 867.3 4 088.8 5.7 Greece1 128.2 1 321.9 17.2 1 440.5 1 748.3 21.4 Hungary 938.9 1 049.5 11.8 137.7 166.4 20.8 Iceland 250.1 275.6 10.2

1 336.4 1 639.8 22.7 327.0 419.6 28.3 1 663.4 2 059.4 23.8 Ireland 4

1 599.2 2 029.0 26.9 23 754.3 27 450.4 15.6 Italy 12 084.8 12 419.5 2.8

4 654.6 5 655.7 21.5 121.4 165.1 35.9 4 776.0 5 820.7 21.9 Netherlands8 912.9 11 039.1 23.9 402.3 458.5 14.0 9 315.2 11 497.6 23.4

2 227.2 2 325.0 4.4 Norway 3 716.1 4 285.2 15.3

3 691.8 4 187.7 13.4 149.2 161.5 8.3 3 840.9 4 349.2 13.2 Portugal 5

1 467.3 2 013.5 37.2 232.0 122.1 - 47.4 1 699.2 2 135.5 25.7 21 490.7 25 359.8 18.0 Spain4 118.4 4 459.2 8.3

2 706.4 3 294.7 21.7 109.9 172.3 56.8 2 816.3 3 467.0 23.1 Sweden4 467.5 4 914.1 10.0 396.7 524.6 32.2 4 864.2 5 438.6 11.8

8 363.2 9 459.6 13.1 Switzerland 6

6 375.0 7 716.1 21.0 4 616.6 4 959.2 7.4 Turkey 878.5 912.6 3.9

10 848.8 4 222.0 15 185.6 18 759.1 23.5 United Kingdom 7

17 686.9 4 491.4 22 196.7 24 600.7 10.8 4. Ireland: expenditure include international fare payments.5. Portugal: change of series in 1993 due to a new data collection and statistical production system.6. Switzerland: following the new structure of the IMF Manuel.7. United Kingdom: including estimates for the Channel Islands receipts and expenditure, and cruise expenditure.

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17. Foreign tourism by purpose of visit

1994 1995

Business Private journeys (%) Business Private journeys (%)

journeys (%) 1 Holidays VFR 2 Others Total

Total volume in thousands

journeys (%) 1 Holidays VFR 2 Others Total

Total volume in thousands

Canada 3 16.8 50.7 28.4 4.1 83.2 3 378.0 15.6 52.8 27.7 4.0 84.4 3 872.3 Mexico 4 9.2 64.7 23.9 2.2 90.8 7 135.0 8.4 60.2 29.5 1.9 91.6 7 783.9

Australia 5 11.6 63.2 18.1 7.0 88.4 3 334.7 12.2 60.9 18.9 8.0 87.8 3 704.1 Japan 6 28.6 55.2 16.2 71.4 3 468.1 31.3 51.8 16.9 68.7 3 345.3 New Zealand 7 12.1 57.9 21.2 8.8 87.9 1 322.6 14.1 62.1 23.8 85.9 1 287.9

Belgium 8 17.1 80.7 2.1 82.9 27 349.7 18.6 79.3 2.1 81.4 28 012.3 France 9 11.9 54.9 11.0 22.1 88.1 61 312.0 Greece 10

Hungary 7.6 64.1 25.8 2.6 92.4 21 424.8 8.5 64.4 24.5 2.6 91.5 20 689.9 Ireland 11 14.9 49.1 28.0 8.1 85.1 3 682.0 21.0 42.0 23.0 14.0 79.0 4 231.0 Spain 12 10.9 75.4 5.4 8.3 89.1 43 249.3 Turkey 13 83.8 16.2 100.0 6.7 85.3 14.7 100.0 7.7 United Kingdom 14 24.0 43.5 20.6 11.9 76.0 21 034.0 24.5 43.9 19.5 12.1 75.5 23 745.0 1. Includes: business, congresses, seminars, on missions, etc.2. VFR: visits to friends and relatives.3. Canada: number of tourists.4. Mexico: number of tourists, excluding border tourists - who stay only within the border zone (area of 35 km between the United States and Mexico) less than 72 hours.5. Australia: short-term visitors (less than one year). "Others" includes accompanying business travellers.6. Japan: number of visitors. "Others" includes journeys for educational reasons.7. New Zealand: number of tourists. "Others" includes journeys for educational reasons.8. Belgium: number of nights.9. France: number of tourists.10. Greece: number of tourists. "Others" includes journeys combining visiting relatives and holiday or business and holiday.11. Ireland: number of visits on overseas routes.12. Spain: number of tourists. "Others" includes journeys for educational reasons, shopping, religious and sports purposes.13. Turkey: "Others" includes journeys combining shopping and transit and journeys for study, health, religious and sports purposes.14. United Kingdom: number of visits. "Others" includes visits for religion, sports, health and visits of more than one purpose where none predominates.

18. Foreign tourism by mode of transport

1994 1995Breakdown of arrivals (%) Total volume Breakdown of arrivals (%) Total volume

Air Sea Rail Road in thousands Air Sea Rail Road in thousands

Mexico 1 29.4 71.5 17 033.5 27.9 72.1 20 161.9

Australia 2 99.7 0.3 3 361.7 99.6 0.4 3 725.8 Japan 3 97.7 2.3 3 831.4 New Zealand 1 99.0 1.0 1 322.6 99.9 0.1 1 405.8

France 1 14.0 7.5 6.5 72.0 61 312.0 Greece 78.1 8.2 0.4 8.1 11 301.7 83.7 8.3 0.4 7.6 10 130.2 Hungary 2.3 0.2 6.7 90.9 39 836.1 2.3 0.2 6.5 91.1 39 240.0 Iceland 1 96.0 4.0 179.2 96.6 3.4 189.8 Ireland 4 63.3 36.7 3 682.0 63.0 37.0 4 231.0 Italy 5 15.8 3.3 8.0 72.9 51 814.5 15.3 3.6 7.0 74.1 55 706.2 Portugal 5

Spain 6 38.5 2.3 3.8 55.5 61 428.0 Turkey 5 59.2 12.5 0.9 27.4 6 670.6 66.8 11.4 0.7 21.0 7 726.9 United Kingdom 5 69.9 30.1 21 034.0 68.1 31.9 23 745.0 1. Mexico, New Zealand, France and Iceland: tourist arrivals.2. Australia: arrivals of short-term visitors (less than one year).3. Japan: visitor arrivals, including those of returning residents and excluding crew members.4. Ireland: visitors on overseas routes (average of arrivals and departure).5. Italy, Portugal, Turkey and United Kingdom: visitor arrivals.6. Spain: visitor arrivals, including Spaniards living abroad.

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19. Staff employed in tourism1993 1994 1995

Total Men % Women % Total Men % Women % Total Men % Women %

MexicoHR 606 482 615 864 V 27 277 A 2 671 2 385

Australia 1

H 90 000 43.1 56.9 90 700 39.7 60.2 95 700 40.9 59.1 R 195 100 43.1 56.9 208 400 44.4 55.6 226 700 44.9 55.1 HR 285 100 43.1 56.9 299 100 43.0 57.0 322 400 43.7 56.3 O 55 500 49.9 50.1 61 300 46.8 53.3 65 800 48.6 51.2

Austria 2

HR 137 963 40.3 59.7 139 354 40.5 59.5 141 655 40.5 59.5 Finland 3

H 15 000 33.3 66.7 14 075 34.8 65.2 R 43 000 25.6 74.4 45 675 26.5 73.5 HR 59 000 25.4 74.6 58 000 27.6 72.4 59 750 28.5 71.5

France 4

H 155 397 156 106 R 262 766 272 625 HR 418 163 428 731 V 32 898 34 271 O 99 909 91 235

GermanyHR 952 200 41.7 58.3 979 400 41.6 58.4 1 037 000 42.4 57.6

Norway 5

HR 60 000 62 000

SwedenHR 88 000 42.0 58.0 89 000 44.9 56.2 100 000 44.0 56.0

Turkey 6

HR 171 219 174 800 188 698 V 20 000 6 083 6 551 A 2 203 64.4 35.6 2 209 64.1 35.9 2 039 65.2 34.8 O 5 325 2 444

United Kingdom 7

H 306 200 39.4 60.6 312 600 39.3 60.7 329 000 41.0 58.7 R 293 900 40.5 59.5 303 800 40.4 59.6 331 000 44.7 55.6 HR 600 100 39.9 60.1 616 300 39.8 60.2 660 000 42.9 57.1 O 876 500 40.3 59.7 873 100 40.8 59.2 855 000 39.9 60.1

H: staff employed in hotels.R: staff employed in restaurants.HR: staff employed in hotels and restaurants.V: staff employed in travel agencies.A: staff employed in national tourism administrations.O: staff employed in others sectors of tourist industry.1. Australia: HR = restaurants, hotels and accommodation. O = clubs hospitality: this class consists of associations mainly engaged in providing hospitality services to members, these units also may provide gambling, sporting or other social or entertainment facilities.2. Austria: weighted average of peak season (August) and low season (November).3. Finland: weighted average of peak season (July) and low season (January).4. France: data registered at 31 December of each year. V = travel agencies and tourist offices O = cafés, ski lifts and others.5. Norway: average of 1st and 4th quarters.6. Turkey: data registered at 31 December of each year for HR et O, V registered at 30 June and A registered at 17 July. V = total number of persons (new series from 1991) which travel agencies (central and local offices) have to employ. A includes regional tourism administrations and staff working at the Ministry of Tourism. O = tourist guides whose licences have been renewed.7. United Kingdom: data registered at September. O = "pubs", bars, night clubs, libraries, museums, art galleries, sports and recreational services.

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20. Trends in tourism prices % 90/89 % 91/90 % 92/91 % 93/92 % 94/93 % 95/94

Canada 1 H 2.8 2.4 -0.9 0.8 3.0 9.8 R 4.9 10.9 1.9 1.3 1.3 2.4 T 7.2 7.6 0.8 2.4 1.7 3.5 C 4.8 5.6 1.5 1.8 0.2 2.2

Mexico H 15.1 10.1 R 11.2 9.8 T 11.9 8.9 C 26.7 22.7 15.5 9.8 7.0 35.0

Australia 2 H -10.0 0.3 4.1 5.0 R 2.2 1.7 1.3 -1.3 T 7.6 -5.6 -0.5 1.8 C 7.3 3.2 1.0 1.8 1.9 4.6

Austria H 3.3 4.0 7.7 5.6 4.0 R 3.3 4.0 4.3 3.1 2.2 T 3.5 4.1 4.4 4.6 3.5 2.4 C 3.3 3.3 4.0 3.6 3.0 2.2

Belgium 3 H 5.7 6.7 10.3 R 4.7 6.5 8.9 T 4.1 7.1 7.0 C 3.4 3.2 2.4 2.8 2.4 1.5

Finland 4 H 7.0 2.0 -7.4 -2.8 3.7 9.9 R 8.0 6.8 2.2 0.0 0.1 1.9 T 4.0 -0.3 0.7 1.0 2.8 C 6.1 4.3 2.9 2.2 1.1 1.0

France 5 H 6.6 6.3 4.5 3.2 1.3 2.0 R 6.1 4.6 3.0 3.7 2.5 1.7 T 5.7 5.2 3.9 3.6 2.3 1.8 C 3.4 3.2 2.4 2.1 1.7 1.7

Germany H 4.8 11.4 6.0 8.8 4.4 1.1 R 2.8 5.5 4.6 5.4 2.5 1.8 T 0.5 6.8 4.4 2.2 -1.3 0.9 C 2.7 3.6 4.0 4.5 2.7 1.8

Greece HRTC 20.4 19.5 15.9 14.4 10.9 9.3

Italy 6 H 7.8 8.6 12.3 8.5 4.9 6.0 R 7.8 6.6 6.5 5.7 4.1 4.9 T 7.8 8.0 7.6 6.2 4.2 4.9 C 6.5 6.3 5.2 4.5 4.0 5.2

Netherlands 7 H 3.0 3.0 6.6 3.5 R 3.0 3.0 2.9 2.9 TC 2.5 3.2 3.2 2.6 2.8 1.9

Norway 8 H 6.0 5.0 5.6 4.7 2.1 2.6 R 3.0 4.7 3.4 3.8 1.0 1.8 TC 4.1 3.4 2.3 2.3 1.4 2.5

Portugal 9 H 17.0 15.0 13.0 R 11.0 12.0 13.0 5.0 TC 13.4 11.4 8.9 6.5 5.2 4.1

Spain 10 H 13.6 7.5 17.5 6.1 R 10.5 4.9 9.3 3.7 T 9.7 6.9 9.7 6.1 C 6.7 5.9 5.9 4.6 4.7 4.7

Sweden 11 H 14.4 9.2 2.3 -1.4 2.0 4.6 R 18.8 6.6 -2.2 -0.1 0.8 4.3 TC 10.5 9.3 2.3 4.6 3.5 2.9

Switzerland 12 H 9.2 8.8 6.5 5.9 4.3 5.7 R 5.1 5.8 4.9 2.1 1.8 8.1 TC 5.4 5.9 4.0 3.3 0.9 1.8

Turkey 13 HRTC 60.3 66.0 70.1 66.1 105.1 89.1

United Kingdom 14 H 11.8 11.6 4.8 R 8.0 9.6 6.0 T 8.7 8.5 5.6 C 9.5 5.9 3.7 1.6 2.5 3.4

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H: average in hotels prices.

R: average increase in restaurant prices.

T: average increase in travel prices.

C: average increase in consumer prices (CPI). Source: OECD Balance of Payments Division.

1. Canada: H = hotels and motels. R = food purchases for restaurants. T is calculated from domestic tourist spending patterns only.

2. Australia: position every fourth quarter of each year. H = change in the price of a room in hotels, motels and guest houses. R = change in the price of meals taken outside

home and take-away food (one component of CPI). C = weighted average of eight State capital cities. T = air, bus and rail fares, hotel, motel and caravan park charges

package tours.

3. Belgium: H = hotels and campings. R = cafés, restaurants and bars. T = hotels, camping, cafés, restaurants, bars and package tours.

4. Finland: H = single room with breakfast. R = meals, alcoholic and non alcoholic beverages. T = accommodation expenses, meals alcoholic and non alcoholic beverages in

restaurants and bars, food, clothing and foot wear, health and medical care, education and recreation purchases, transport and other goods and services.

5. France: H = room with half-board and full board. R = traditional restauration.

6. Italy: T = hotels, restaurants and public establishments (bars, night clubs, sea-side resorts...).

7. Netherlands: H = price of a night spent in an hotel. R = price of a certain number of typical expenses made in bars and restaurants (cup of coffee, fruit drink, beer,

jenever, croquette, fried potatoes, several hot meals, ham roll, ice cream).

8. Norway: H = approved hotels and boarding houses. R = restaurants and cafés.

9. Portugal: H = hotels of from 1 to 5 stars. R concerns Lisbon only.

10. Spain: H takes into account the type of accommodation presented in the official guide. R = hotels, restaurants, cafeteria and bars.

11. Sweden: position at December of each year. H = hotel room. R = meals not taken at home (lunch, dinner, coffee with bread, hot sausage with bread).

12. Switzerland: H = hotels and similar establishments. R is estimated.

13. Turkey: H = hotels, motels, inns, boarding houses, holiday villages, health resorts. R = 1st and 2nd class restaurants. In 1985 H and R = freely determined prices approved by

the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. C concerns the city of Ankara only.

14. United Kingdom: H = all holiday accommodation. R = meals and snacks including take-away. T = accommodation, meals, food, alcohol, tobacco, durable household goods,

clothes, footwear, motoring and cycling fares, entertainment and other services.

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Table 21




19841985 1986 1987 1988 1989

Volume 1990

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995Volume


Canada (R) T 12 975 000 86.6 102.7 98.7 101.8 99.6 15 210 100 98.4 96.9 99.3 105.0 111.3 16 931 800V 34 865 000 94.6 106.5 104.2 103.3 100.0 37 990 500 97.1 95.3 95.0 101.7 109.7 41 656 900

Mexico (R) T 131.2 138.8 10 783 000 159.0 152.5 159.3 187.0 20 161 877V 64 034 000 131.2 129.6 129.5 132.7 84 976 877

United States (R) T 26 913 000 64.2 62.1 72.7 69.3 92.5 39 578 815 127.9 120.2 115.7 113.1 109.6 43 385 000Australia (R) V 1 017 000 51.6 64.5 80.6 101.6 93.9 2 214 900 106.9 117.5 135.7 151.0 167.3 3 704 800Japan (N) T 1 879 497 112.3 111.9 102.4 99.8 90.6 1 703 170

V 2 110 346 71.9 63.7 66.6 72.8 87.6 3 237 352 109.4 110.6 105.4 104.2 100.5 3 252 677New Zealand (R) T 567 595 68.6 75.1 86.5 88.6 92.3 976 010 98.8 108.2 118.5 135.5 144.3 1 408 795Belgium (R) T 5 559 875Czech Republic T 16 500 000

V 98 060 507France (R) T 35 379 000 69.1 67.8 69.5 72.0 93.1 53 189 920 103.5 112.3 113.9 115.3 113.0 60 110 000Greece (N) T 5 523 212 74.1 79.9 85.4 87.7 91.1 8 873 310 84.8 105.2 111.7 127.4 120.7 10 712 145

V 6 027 266 79.3 82.7 90.2 92.8 91.1 8 873 310 90.6 108.1 111.7 127.4 120.7 10 712 145Hungary T 20 689 886

V 39 240 018Iceland (N) T 85 330 68.8 80.1 91.4 90.9 90.6 141 718 101.1 98.2 111.0 126.5 133.9 189 796Ireland (R) T 4 231 000

V 1 873 000 62.3 59.1 66.5 76.5 89.0 3 068 000 97.7 102.2 108.5 120.0 138.7 4 256 000Italy (N) T 23 042 900

V 49 150 736 89.0 88.4 87.4 92.4 91.4 60 295 923 78.0 83.1 82.8 85.9 92.4 55 706 188Portugal (N) T 4 118 626 62.2 67.4 76.1 82.6 88.7 8 019 919 107.9 110.8 105.2 114.3 121.0 9 705 500

V 9 811 012 63.5 70.9 87.8 87.3 89.4 18 422 078 106.6 112.6 111.7 118.1 124.2 22 875 200Spain (N) V 42 688 538 82.6 91.1 97.1 104.1 103.9 52 044 056 103.5 106.9 111.3 118.0 Switzerland (R) T 11 850 000 90.2 87.1 88.6 88.6 95.5 13 200 000 95.5 97.0 93.9 92.4 87.1 11 500 000

V 102 500 000 78.6 86.3 86.5 86.8 95.1 129 200 000 10.6 113.0 100.6 98.3 96.0 124 000 000Turkey (N) V 2 117 094 48.5 44.4 53.0 77.4 82.7 5 389 306 99.5 131.3 120.6 123.8 143.4 7 726 886United Kingdom (R) T 17 131 000 93.9 108.7 113.4 128.0 21 925 000

V 13 644 300 80.2 77.2 86.4 87.7 96.2 18 013 000 94.8 102.9 110.3 116.8 131.8 23 741 000

V Visitors (travellers in Turkey).T Tourists.(R) Tourist count by country of residence. (N) Tourist count by country of nationality.

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Table 22




19841985 1986 1987 1988 1989

Volume 1990

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995Volume


Mexico (R) NH 19 547 000 101.4 101.7 101.8 121.3 23 718 581AH 4 964 800 100.9 104.2 103.9 124.4 6 177 453

Australia (R) NH 6 150 700 56.3 70.7 88.0 112.8 84.0 12 548 400 91.7 99.3 113.0 130.6 137.1 17 200 000Japan (N) NH 6 419 886

AH 3 046 124Austria (R) NH 55 523 913 88.2 88.1 89.5 91.1 99.2 61 893 612 102.7 103.7 100.2 95.5 90.8 56 199 265

AH 10 867 149 79.2 77.9 82.3 86.2 95.1 13 827 347 97.2 98.8 94.2 93.1 90.1 12 464 012Belgium (R) NH 5 256 533 80.5 77.4 77.3 78.9 95.7 6 873 528 96.0 107.9 106.7 111.9 114.9 7 895 481

AH 4 137 615Czech Republic NH 10 326 744

AH 3 381 186Denmark (N) NH 4 608 300 84.6 79.9 82.5 80.6 90.0 5 429 400 109.8 113.8 108.9 109.3 108.4 5 884 200Finland (R) NH 2 112 508 85.0 81.9 89.4 93.1 102.0 2 468 132 89.2 90.9 101.4 118.6 118.6 2 926 316

AH 1 586 537France (R) NH 17 942 391 33.3 66.8 66.7 76.1 94.8 54 562 305 97.2 109.3 101.6 104.7 99.6 54 338 994

AH 6 523 598 27.5 67.6 68.0 77.3 96.3 25 234 134 100.0 112.5 104.1 107.5 107.1 27 018 289Germany (R) NH 22 240 675 80.3 78.9 81.9 84.7 95.4 29 766 231 91.8 95.3 87.6 88.6 91.3 27 184 620

AH 11 084 288 81.9 78.3 81.7 83.6 93.4 14 421 034 89.3 92.2 83.7 85.1 87.9 12 682 541Greece (N) NH 29 006 165 97.2 96.3 96.4 95.2 94.1 35 012 083 85.3 103.6 104.2 116.1 110.7 38 771 623

AH 6 096 237Hungary NH 6 322 915

AH 2 116 072Iceland (N) NH 141.8 144.4 418 390 104.4 106.2 123.5 143.0 598 505Ireland (R) NH 63.8 63.7 66.8 74.7 92.2 8 277 000 113.8 112.9 114.1 139.6 185.8 15 382 000

AH 66.0 63.9 67.7 74.8 93.6 1 652 000 103.7 109.7 111.3 128.5 155.4 2 568 000Italy (N) NH 63 072 518 96.9 98.7 107.1 106.7 103.2 66 012 130 98.9 96.1 97.8 115.4 129.4 85 414 795

AH 15 792 735 89.8 84.6 95.0 97.3 98.7 17 924 420 94.4 96.9 100.0 117.6 132.6 23 762 670Luxembourg (R) NH 885 565 86.6 84.2 87.4 90.0 94.5 1 076 495 99.6 93.6 98.9 94.4

AH 410 226 84.9 85.4 88.0 92.0 527 300 98.6 93.2 96.7 93.2 Netherlands (R) NH 6 538 712 83.3 87.7 86.9 83.5 88.6 8 101 800 98.7 104.9 98.4 107.8 118.3 9 582 000

AH 3 218 231 85.3 86.0 85.9 85.1 89.3 3 903 100 94.5 100.7 96.8 106.5 115.2 4 498 000Norway (N) NH 3 459 837 105.0 93.2 109.3 94.9 97.0 3 536 631 110.7 120.9 128.8 142.5 141.0 4 985 458

AH 1 744 542 98.9 83.8 91.1 87.2 95.5 1 954 821 108.1 121.5 130.8 144.8 147.3 2 879 751Portugal (N) NH 11 025 239 77.4 85.5 86.9 89.8 92.6 16 710 332 114.2 107.0 96.8 112.4 121.8 20 357 205

AH 2 377 953 75.3 78.0 84.6 87.9 92.4 3 632 242 107.8 101.1 92.8 104.9 110.1 4 000 043Spain (N) NH 89 064 060 110.0 122.2 128.9 123.2 109.1 71 741 468 104.0 107.2 115.5 136.3 141.0 101 181 744

AH 13 010 544 103.5 113.1 117.5 113.5 109.8 12 011 985 100.8 106.2 107.8 127.5 135.6 16 286 025Sweden (N) NH 3 275 838 111.1 103.6 101.6 100.0 105.4 3 193 16288.5 87.8 93.4 104.0 115.7 3 693 727

AH 1 995 082Switzerland (R) NH 20 178 342 96.6 93.0 92.8 90.8 97.4 21 040 743 96.1 96.2 94.0 93.5 87.4 18 386 194

AH 7 281 388 92.0 86.4 88.7 88.0 96.4 7 963 159 92.4 94.5 90.7 92.4 87.2 6 945 983Turkey (N) NH 3 480 864 43.2 48.9 63.3 91.5 94.6 10 300 574 78.3 131.6 139.4 130.5 142.5 14 676 266

AH 1 336 800 48.0 54.8 68.7 88.7 99.2 3 495 344 62.3 97.6 108.1 97.5 120.6 4 214 769United Kingdom (R) NH 117 342 000

AH 9 593 000 94.0 101.3 108.5 113.3 130.1 12 483 000

AH Arrivals at hotels and similar establishments.NH Nights in hotels and similar establishments.(R) Tourist count by country of residence. (N) Tourist count by country of nationality.

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Table 23




19841985 1986 1987 1988 1989

Volume 1990

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995Volume


Canada (R) NAA 76 889 800 93.9 111.3 103.3 111.8 109.6 82 177 400 101.1 96.6 99.9 103.9 111.9 91 982 800AAA 12 975 000 86.6 102.7 98.5 101.8 99.4 15 209 200 98.0 96.9 99.3 105.0 111.3 16 931 900

Mexico (R) AAA 17 130 600 94.3 100.1 96.0 100.3 117.7 20 163 000Australia (R) NAA 15 135 200 22.3 27.7 34.5 85.6 65 341 000 49.6 54.2 65.6 69.6 45 484 000New Zealand (R) NAA 12 620 000 71.3 78.1 87.9 89.7 91.3 20 653 599 93.5 99.3 107.7 121.6 129.7 26 792 546

AAA 1 408 795Austria (R) NAA 86 713 254 89.8 90.1 90.4 92.4 100.2 94 788 290 104.4 105.2 102.1 97.3 91.8 86 991 476

AAA 15 110 233 80.2 79.4 82.9 87.2 95.7 19 011 398 99.3 100.5 96.0 94.1 90.3 17 172 969Belgium (R) NAA 9 339 016 76.3 76.5 78.1 82.1 94.4 12 886 249 94.6 98.9 101.5 102.3 107.7 13 877 662

AAA 5 559 875Czech Republic NAA 10 326 744

AAA 3 381 186Denmark (N) NAA 9 112 271 96.1 91.1 87.8 86.9 91.8 9 338 200 237.3 124.6 112.5 113.9 115.5 10 789 700Finland (R) NAA 3 292 484

AAA 1 779 204France (R) NAA 319 990 000 85.1 85.8 87.8 78.9 90.5 387 205 000 102.3 110.1 112.3 130.6 126.9 491 366 000

AAA 35 379 000 69.1 67.8 69.5 72.0 53 192 000 103.5 112.3 113.9 115.3 113.0 60 110 000Germany (R) NAA 26 151 605 80.6 79.8 83.5 86.4 96.4 34 841 539 106.1 109.6 99.6 99.8 101.8 35 480 787

AAA 11 941 945 81.2 78.2 81.8 83.9 93.8 15 626 858 99.0 101.8 91.8 92.7 95.0 14 846 830Greece (N) NAA 33 194 062 98.4 97.7 98.5 95.8 94.1 36 298 604 84.1 101.7 102.2 114.1 109.0 39 563 416

AAA 6 863 951Hungary NAA 9 997 713

AAA 2 877 592Iceland (N) NAA 815 566Ireland (R) NAA 19 254 600 55.9 56.3 67.2 77.8 93.1 33 684 000 98.8 108.8 103.0 116.1 134.5 45 300 000

AAA 1 838 000 62.8 60.7 78.3 90.6 3 096 000 97.4 120.3 108.1 118.8 137.6 4 261 000Italy (N) NAA 95 144 339 111.3 114.5 107.1 106.4 100.2 86 734 917 99.2 96.4 98.5 116.5 132.2 114 642 340

AAA 19 279 279 97.7 94.3 99.7 101.8 101.7 20 241 217 99.2 100.9 103.9 121.8 138.3 27 993 388Luxembourg (R) NAA 2 450 852 90.8 97.5 89.8 88.5 2 416 763 105.9 96.6 105.0 97.1

AAA 687 641 84.4 87.1 87.1 89.3 816 340 101.3 93.0 96.9 93.3 Netherlands (R) NAA 13 905 150 84.6 84.8 76.8 86.1 16 458 600 104.5 110.0 104.4 109.3 119.9 19 736 300

AAA 4 932 948 86.2 83.3 84.1 88.9 5 795 100 100.8 105.0 99.3 106.6 113.5 6 576 000Norway (N) NAA 5 155 611 90.0 93.4 92.3 94.8 5 840 416 104.5 111.1 117.8 124.0 120.9 7 059 791Portugal (N) NAA 12 752 498 77.2 86.2 88.4 91.9 94.2 19 349 386 113.5 103.7 93.7 106.8 114.9 22 240 692

AAA 2 868 600 74.6 80.1 86.3 89.9 93.9 4 434 728 107.6 98.0 89.3 99.0 103.1 4 572 237Spain (N) NAA 99 288 005 110 226 806

AAA 13 140 814 17 397 392Sweden (N) NAA 7 354 369 113.8 109.1 107.8 108.2 115.3 6 575 66785.2 88.4 92.4 103.1 119.5 7 860 663

AAA 2 309 551Switzerland (R) NAA 34 958 000 95.4 94.7 93.7 93.4 97.5 36 888 762 100.0 100.3 99.6

AAA 9 481 600 90.6 87.0 88.6 88.8 95.9 10 520 431 95.7 97.6 94.1 Turkey (N) NAA 3 723 635 36.8 44.7 62.7 87.8 89.4 13 270 641 72.6 126.5 128.6 122.5 139.2 18 477 323

AAA 1 367 351 44.8 52.0 68.8 88.2 97.8 3 869 166 61.0 96.2 105.9 96.4 119.7 4 629 615United Kingdom (R) NAA 109 985 000 95.1 102.9 113.1 122.2 148.2 162 974 000

AAA 12 789 000 95.1 102.9 113.1 118.1 135.6 17 337 000

AAA Arrivals in all means of accommodation.NAA Nights in all means of accommodation.(R) Tourist count by country of residence. (N) Tourist count by country of nationality.

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Table 24




19841985 1986 1987 1988 1989

Volume 1990

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995Volume


Canada (R) T 169 900 62.3 78.9 95.3 104.6 107.3 251 400 108.5 115.5 134.7 146.1 167.4 420 800V 200 200 62.7 81.2 102.8 110.7 106.2 290 500 107.5 117.0 136.6 140.9 161.7 469 700

United States (R) T 545 247 42.3 55.7 79.1 95.9 89.5 1 203 000 118.9 140.6 151.9 134.9 153.6 1 847 973Australia (R) V 34 200 50.3 56.5 71.8 88.8 91.8 74 200 104.7 121.2 142.3 164.7 166.8 123 800Japan (N) T 24 193 99.6 114.2 111.4 115.5 107.7 26 058

V 48 978 73.9 74.7 81.4 86.5 93.6 65 799 93.1 97.2 95.4 98.3 103.8 68 317New Zealand (R) T 9 511 35.5 40.1 54.8 67.1 79.2 29 992 114.4 152.4 187.3 197.6 183.2 54 937Belgium (R) T 923 844Czech Republic T 6 067 710

V 43 705 634France (R) T 8 290 000 82.6 79.7 84.4 86.3 100.3 10 564 000 110.8 120.0 123.7 103.8 100.4 10 602 000Greece (N) T 864 000 54.6 59.6 62.7 71.9 86.1 1 922 029 81.2 101.2 107.7 126.6 118.3 2 272 911Hungary T 3 412 715

V 3 949 254Iceland (N) T 9 615 45.6 65.9 67.9 77.0 89.6 20 638 108.9 118.8 152.4 166.7 178.5 36 840Ireland (R) T 319 000

V 91 000 55.8 56.4 58.7 65.1 87.8 172 000 112.8 128.5 147.1 150.0 180.2 310 000Italy (N) V 10 812 412 109.7 89.5 90.1 98.1 94.9 10 676 781 86.2 82.3 72.1 77.8 82.5 8 806 197Portugal (N) T 294 636 59.4 61.6 77.6 85.2 90.9 621 418 126.6 130.7 116.4 128.1 159.3 989 800

V 344 020 60.6 63.2 77.2 83.5 89.8 680 971 125.1 128.9 116.7 128.8 157.5 1 072 300Spain (N) V 5 250 065 82.0 86.3 95.9 100.4 98.6 6 880 240 111.5 112.8 126.6 140.7 Turkey (N) V 241 712 30.8 39.9 53.8 78.8 92.1 973 914 80.1 119.6 114.9 102.1 170.1 1 656 387United Kingdom (R) T 1 774 000 112.5 125.5 134.0 141.5 2 511 000

V 1 484 700 78.4 84.4 86.8 96.6 107.0 1 894 000 112.7 119.7 124.4 132.9 140.4 2 659 000

V Visitors (travellers in Turkey).T Tourists.(R) Tourist count by country of residence. (N) Tourist count by country of nationality.

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Table 25




19841985 1986 1987 1988 1989

Volume 1990

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995Volume


Australia (R) NH 240 200 58.2 64.2 81.7 101.0 98.4 520 000 111.9 145.8 158.8 189.4 226.0 1 175 000Japan (N) NH 220 399

AH 79 967Austria (R) NH 33 903 402 96.4 97.5 96.7 98.2 104.8 34 019 547 112.2 113.2 114.1 109.6 104.6 35 588 275

AH 5 370 986 85.0 87.7 90.9 95.2 101.9 6 244 499 111.1 111.8 112.4 111.0 108.4 6 771 777Belgium (R) NH 745 012 83.1 84.7 86.7 89.2 103.8 898 645 107.3 121.0 126.3 126.8 132.3 1 189 181

AH 588 373Czech Republic NH 3 901 530

AH 1 243 385Denmark (N) NH 1 070 700 75.1 72.2 73.2 72.1 83.3 1 288 200 123.2 132.3 134.5 129.3 134.5 1 732 600Finland (R) NH 277 889 80.8 73.9 83.1 95.1 104.5 338 261 103.8 111.4 143.2 168.0 156.8 530 445

AH 352 752France (R) NH 1 950 545 24.8 73.2 77.6 84.3 95.4 7 953 923 106.9 104.5 98.2 99.7 101.2 8 048 694

AH 739 960 20.2 72.5 77.2 85.0 96.4 3 944 278 104.1 104.6 98.2 100.4 103.4 4 077 047Greece (N) NH 5 468 051

AH 887 353Hungary NH 2 326 395

AH 599 742Iceland (N) NH 67.0 90.8 74 734 131.4 152.5 182.8 218.5 163 282Ireland (R) NH 40.3 43.1 44.3 64.7 70.9 795 000 102.8 101.6 136.2 116.5 162.5 1 292 000

AH 52.1 56.3 60.4 69.8 90.6 96 000 114.6 130.2 150.0 156.3 199.0 191 000Italy (N) NH 24 625 661 95.2 102.6 108.2 108.5 99.3 26 165 156 100.0 91.6 91.9 108.5

AH 4 065 296 81.4 87.9 96.4 98.6 95.4 5 115 542 100.0 93.4 93.3 110.5 Luxembourg (R) NH 104 024 91.2 93.5 103.6 103.7 119 456 111.3 120.0 140.1 130.3

AH 58 218 89.7 91.7 98.1 102.5 69 074 106.7 115.4 128.0 122.9 Netherlands (R) NH 1 416 485 83.1 98.3 95.0 89.0 91.9 1 657 200 112.1 116.8 125.3 129.9 147.2 2 439 000

AH 614 210 83.2 94.4 91.0 90.9 92.3 731 600 109.2 111.2 124.2 129.0 143.9 1 053 000Norway (N) NH 496 695 88.0 85.5 87.1 93.0 100.1 579 869 123.0 146.7 178.7 200.0 183.6 1 064 669Portugal (N) NH 1 237 364 72.0 80.1 86.9 87.1 88.2 2 360 295 137.0 139.7 130.2 181.0 217.2 5 127 297

AH 214 104 68.8 73.2 88.3 89.6 89.8 419 054 127.5 131.2 119.8 156.5 180.6 756 645Spain (N) NH 23 159 596 103.9 103.8 114.7 108.4 95.9 22 728 327 114.3 116.1 123.5 144.0 153.3 34 853 685

AH 2 423 051 105.9 110.1 120.1 114.0 105.1 2 361 519 123.5 121.7 131.6 157.3 168.7 3 984 170Sweden (N) NH 413 625 90.5 97.5 91.3 102.4 109.9 464 483 97.0 104.7 124.0 142.2 150.2 697 503Switzerland (R) NH 6 043 347 93.5 96.6 96.4 97.0 101.2 6 415 768 108.5 106.6 109.4 109.9 102.6 6 585 100

AH 1 859 932 87.2 91.3 93.7 95.9 101.3 2 102 289 106.8 104.2 104.8 106.5 100.4 2 111 147Turkey (N) NH 685 692 27.1 41.3 58.4 90.3 94.6 3 898 518 88.7 146.2 129.1 104.2 125.8 4 903 673

AH 242 624 36.8 54.1 73.8 93.4 98.9 960 575 58.7 92.6 88.6 62.9 104.3 1 002 333United Kingdom (R) NH 11 815 000

AH 1 360 000

AH Arrivals at hotels and similar establishments.NH Nights in hotels and similar establishments.(R) Tourist count by country of residence. (N) Tourist count by country of nationality.

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Table 26




19841985 1986 1987 1988 1989

Volume 1990

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995Volume


Canada (R) NAA 2 523 200 70.3 84.8 94.5 111.3 101.0 3 216 600 113.0 111.6 133.1 142.8 158.2 5 089 100AAA 169 900 62.3 78.9 93.2 104.6 104.5 251 400 108.5 115.5 134.7 146.1 167.4 420 800

Australia (R) NAA 540 000 21.3 24.3 72.2 3 227 900 66.7 70.8 88.0 78.3 2 529 000New Zealand (R) NAA 290 000 36.2 46.4 65.0 70.7 83.7 884 550128.1 155.6 177.7 182.3 176.3 1 559 709

AAA 54 937Austria (R) NAA 57 406 928 97.6 98.7 96.7 98.7 105.5 56 819 027 113.1 113.9 114.4 109.1 102.8 58 430 082

AAA 8 274 471 86.5 89.1 91.2 95.5 102.6 9 418 695 112.7 113.2 113.2 110.5 106.3 10 013 543Belgium (R) NAA 1 406 525 78.2 77.9 80.4 87.1 100.9 1 940 991 106.3 114.4 75.5 132.9 148.9 2 889 675

AAA 923 844Czech Republic NAA 3 901 530

AAA 1 243 385Denmark (N) NAA 3 677 135 103.7 97.7 87.1 84.0 89.7 3 353 577 117.1 136.4 135.1 135.6 142.8 4 788 900Finland (R) NAA 628 454

AAA 407 568France (R) NAA 73 804 000 104.2 104.2 107.5 109.4 93.8 73 308 000 109.5 117.3 119.6 127.8 124.1 90 979 000

AAA 8 290 000 82.6 79.7 84.4 86.2 10 564 000 110.8 120.0 123.7 103.8 100.4 10 602 000Greece (N) NAA 6 232 307

AAA 1 071 952Hungary NAA 4 261 771

AAA 865 693Iceland (N) NAA 252 555Ireland (R) NAA 1 223 000 45.5 47.9 54.9 63.6 80.3 2 777 000 115.9 123.2 140.1 126.6 160.6 4 460 000

AAA 89 000 55.0 56.2 63.5 86.5 178 000 114.0 129.2 148.9 151.1 179.2 319 000Italy (N) NAA 41 352 681 100.9 108.2 94.8 95.4 84.8 41 400 830 87.0 80.2 81.8 97.8

AAA 5 782 562 85.0 91.8 90.9 92.7 87.4 6 998 471 92.2 86.4 87.5 104.0 Luxembourg (R) NAA 163 551 98.7 94.1 105.1 105.1 167 304 123.4 124.7 141.5 134.3

AAA 78 735 94.2 93.6 99.4 103.4 85 841 113.4 118.6 133.2 125.7 Netherlands (R) NAA 6 721 130 88.1 93.1 75.8 85.7 7 443 000 112.4 121.8 123.2 127.6 139.9 10 412 300

AAA 1 624 190 88.2 92.5 83.9 90.4 1 824 800 113.4 117.6 121.4 127.8 134.9 2 461 000Norway (N) NAA 2 012 844Portugal (N) NAA 1 665 844 75.7 85.4 94.1 93.8 92.9 2 963 668 133.8 129.1 117.1 157.1 186.3 5 520 936

AAA 331 763 71.4 80.4 94.4 95.3 93.4 601 528 124.7 116.5 102.3 127.0 143.5 863 433Spain (N) NAA 24 166 437 36 376 394

AAA 2 576 729 4 233 964Sweden (N) NAA 1 339 508 95.3 91.7 85.2 98.2 108.0 1 402 342 94.1 107.9 125.1 136.3 148.3 2 079 402Switzerland (R) NAA 14 405 800 98.4 100.2 98.0 100.4 101.5 14 728 783 109.5 108.7 112.7

AAA 2 891 100 89.0 92.5 93.3 96.6 100.4 3 237 677 108.8 107.8 109.1 Turkey (N) NAA 735 605 21.8 37.8 59.8 84.6 86.8 5 426 311 82.0 139.6 122.8 107.3 133.3 7 232 347

AAA 248 137 32.9 50.3 74.8 92.4 97.1 1 113 735 59.4 93.2 92.1 69.5 110.8 1 233 896United Kingdom (R) NAA 17 373 000

AAA 1 997 000

AAA Arrivals in all means of accommodation.NAA Nights in all means of accommodation.(R) Tourist count by country of residence. (N) Tourist count by country of nationality.

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19841985 1986 1987 1988 1989

Volume 1990

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995Volume


Mexico (R) T 196 714V 196 714

United States (R) T 10 981 949 63.0 63.4 71.9 80.2 89.0 17 263 000 110.7 107.7 100.2 86.7 84.9 14 663 000Australia (R) V 34 500 76.2 87.5 98.1 124.2 100.9 53 700 99.4 91.1 94.2 98.9 107.3 57 600Japan (N) T 40 679 91.7 107.3 112.7 112.6 109.5 44 554

V 52 989 95.6 86.5 91.3 91.1 93.6 63 850 97.6 109.0 113.4 116.0 117.9 75 303New Zealand (R) T 23 041 87.8 101.0 104.6 109.3 91.0 33 983 89.1 76.1 81.7 87.5 85.6 29 077Belgium (R) T 33 560Czech Republic T 67 320France (R) T 377 000 86.4 69.9 63.2 62.3 89.8 552 000 89.3 106.9 125.7 101.4 Greece (N) T 82 226 138.2 100.5 122.6 144.2 106.4 74 218 63.5 80.6 69.4 76.3 67.8 50 309Hungary T 39 775

V 43 578Iceland (N) T 1 001 112.8 104.8 112.8 112.0 113.3 1 140 82.7 101.1 129.2 107.8 100.9 1 150Ireland (R) T 54 000

V 21 000 65.8 73.7 65.8 73.7 97.4 38 000 78.9 102.6 105.3 100.0 113.2 43 000Italy (N) V 336 205 73.4 71.1 80.9 74.6 89.0 475 191 73.7 75.3 69.3 68.9 71.9 341 813Portugal (N) T 52 331 82.8 86.7 87.3 91.3 99.8 83 238 75.5 79.6 74.0 86.3 85.2 70 900

V 56 116 77.4 81.3 85.4 87.1 100.3 90 830 76.3 81.4 78.4 83.4 83.1 75 500Spain (N) V 155 570 121.1 112.1 113.3 106.5 109.3 157 756 87.4 92.8 83.4 113.1 Turkey (N) V 18 048 62.3 37.9 60.2 84.5 91.4 34 575 51.1 76.2 101.6 99.7 111.5 38 551United Kingdom (R) T 621 000

V 566 700 91.0 80.0 85.6 93.9 92.0 694 000 78.8 90.6 84.6 82.3 90.1 625 000

V Visitors (travellers in Turkey).T Tourists.(R) Tourist count by country of residence. (N) Tourist count by country of nationality.

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Table 28




19841985 1986 1987 1988 1989

Volume 1990

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995Volume


Australia (R) NH 263 000 73.3 86.5 97.0 122.7 79.9 485 000 75.4 58.0 79.8 59.0 82.3 399 000Austria (R) NH 163 894 103.1 85.1 93.6 86.6 89.5 194 198 79.9 81.6 81.1 66.6 61.6 119 702

AH 66 384 94.6 73.5 82.4 80.4 86.4 83 732 74.8 78.7 73.0 62.7 53.0 44 354Belgium (R) NH 74 849 93.8 73.6 77.0 80.3 94.6 98 828 77.5 69.0 57.0 58.2 54.1 53 463

AH 23 746Czech Republic NH 39 065

AH 13 786Finland (R) NH 27 559 93.3 79.4 90.6 94.9 103.6 32 056 77.7 65.6 74.5 63.7 74.5 23 866

AH 9 691France (R) NH 465 016 54.4 78.3 72.2 72.9 92.5 1 032 776 73.3 77.4 78.2 76.2 65.4 675 082

AH 163 634 44.4 80.7 69.8 70.5 91.2 472 754 76.3 84.5 81.0 79.4 71.7 338 988Germany (R) NH 313 079 89.8 79.0 76.5 81.6 94.0 378 723 78.7 79.3 71.6 65.0 62.3 236 037

AH 172 659 98.7 82.1 79.2 79.7 91.5 187 001 75.6 78.0 67.7 61.4 59.6 111 464Greece (N) NH 258 378

AH 101 024Hungary NH 39 917

AH 11 158Iceland (N) NH 2 078Ireland (R) NH 144.4 99.1 106.5 235.2 108 000 151.9 193.5 218.5 162.0 233.3 252 000

AH 133.3 109.5 114.3 176.2 21 000 138.1 133.3 171.4 161.9 190.5 40 000Italy (N) NH 587 636 105.7 82.5 95.7 90.5 99.2 633 774 76.7 80.6 84.2 89.5

AH 241 881 105.7 81.0 93.7 91.7 96.2 252 987 74.7 81.5 83.9 86.2 Netherlands (R) NH 172 283 104.7 88.5 93.9 94.5 97.1 185 600 72.3 71.1 61.3 67.0 75.4 140 000

AH 98 804 123.9 102.3 107.6 112.1 102.3 91 800 68.7 69.9 62.0 69.6 75.2 69 000Norway (N) NH 12 933Portugal (N) NH 258 803 103.3 96.7 92.2 83.0 90.6 375 915 74.2 57.6 50.8 59.7 57.7 216 804

AH 75 318 97.6 91.6 100.0 91.0 98.8 100 852 62.8 54.0 48.1 52.9 43.1 43 448Spain (N) NH 411 963 291.9 206.2 136.8 110.4 107.4 165 665 73.9 83.1 86.7 93.8 106.2 175 899

AH 135.2 120.4 115.8 64 991 78.5 76.4 79.5 86.6 79.1 51 411Sweden (N) NH 28 792108.1 84.6 108.1 88.0 96.5 25 972 61.4 61.5 67.7 67.1 80.8 20 988Switzerland (R) NH 263 150 135.2 111.3 102.1 89.1 92.7 235 059 75.5 74.2 70.4 64.8 63.7 149 693

AH 125 876 131.2 104.8 96.6 86.1 92.2 108 491 71.0 72.4 67.1 60.6 57.7 62 651Turkey (N) NH 13 768 49.8 58.5 67.8 105.6 109.8 28 044 69.6 105.4 151.2 141.3 144.8 40 617

AH 5 036 42.6 53.6 59.0 80.8 121.1 13 050 60.9 111.4 132.3 125.6 146.6 19 133

AH Arrivals at hotels and similar establishments.NH Nights in hotels and similar establishments.(R) Tourist count by country of residence. (N) Tourist count by country of nationality.

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19841985 1986 1987 1988 1989

Volume 1990

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995Volume


Australia (R) NAA 795 800 28.9 32.3 36.2 45.8 67.2 2 672 600 85.6 37.6 45.6 39.4 56.8 1 518 000New Zealand (R) NAA 770 155 86.5 80.5 78.6 86.9 86.6 666 708

AAA 29 077Austria (R) NAA 209 823 98.9 84.3 91.4 89.8 88.7 248 783 78.9 83.5 82.6 64.9 61.1 152 041

AAA 80 695 91.3 73.7 81.4 81.5 86.6 103 847 74.9 79.6 72.4 60.8 53.1 55 091Belgium (R) NAA 86 053 93.3 77.2 75.7 79.9 92.7 113 574 79.0 75.7 63.3 62.4 59.2 67 264

AAA 33 560Czech Republic NAA 39 065

AAA 13 786Finland (R) NAA 24 555

AAA 10 139France (R) NAA 5 375 000 120.6 106.7 103.1 103.2 98.4 5 512 510 84.3 98.3 112.7 119.0

AAA 377 000 86.4 69.9 63.2 62.3 552 000 89.3 106.9 125.7 101.4 Germany (R) NAA 350 346 88.7 79.2 76.4 81.8 94.4 428 709 81.3 82.2 73.5 67.4 63.9 273 968

AAA 193 400 95.7 82.1 78.4 79.4 91.2 214 145 78.3 80.8 69.7 63.1 60.6 129 765Greece (N) NAA 385 360

AAA 111 321Hungary NAA 47 548

AAA 13 152Iceland (N) NAA 2 643Ireland (R) NAA 131.2 391 000 111.8 145.5 134.3 122.3 151.9 594 000

AAA 82.9 102.4 41 000 85.4 104.9 112.2 109.8 109.8 45 000Italy (N) NAA 733 694 108.9 88.5 94.7 90.8 98.9 743 264 80.7 85.0 90.9 97.1

AAA 267 154 104.0 82.3 93.1 92.3 96.1 280 716 76.7 83.4 85.4 88.1 Netherlands (R) NAA 201 730 100.6 81.5 92.3 95.3 221 400 74.8 73.0 63.6 67.3 79.9 177 000

AAA 116 707 120.6 95.4 113.0 100.0 108 700 73.1 73.0 63.6 71.3 79.1 86 000Portugal (N) NAA 271 252 103.4 96.4 92.2 83.3 90.6 388 130 74.2 57.8 50.8 59.5 57.0 221 136

AAA 79 289 96.7 90.5 98.9 90.3 98.1 106 216 63.1 54.4 48.2 52.7 42.9 45 604Sweden (N) NAA 31 929 107.0 86.3 105.6 88.5 96.4 29 159 63.0 63.3 67.7 66.5 78.7 22 936Switzerland (R) NAA 315 500 131.7 110.2 102.2 89.6 94.1 285 392 78.2 76.6 72.3

AAA 149 100 129.2 104.6 95.8 87.0 93.3 131 135 73.7 75.3 68.0 Turkey (N) NAA 14 060 48.9 57.4 68.2 106.2 108.1 29 266 69.0 104.1 148.2 141.3 141.5 41 405

AAA 5 088 42.3 52.7 59.6 83.0 119.9 13 454 61.6 110.2 130.6 125.0 144.6 19 454United Kingdom (R) NAA 3 864 000

AAA 356 000

AAA Arrivals in all means of accommodation.NAA Nights in all means of accommodation.(R) Tourist count by country of residence. (N) Tourist count by country of nationality.

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Table 30




19841985 1986 1987 1988 1989

Volume 1990

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995Volume


Canada (R) T 11 294 700 94.3 111.1 103.8 104.2 99.4 12 251 600 98.0 96.5 98.1 102.4 106.2 13 005 100V 32 977 800 98.2 110.0 106.4 104.1 99.9 34 734 100 96.7 93.4 93.9 100.4 107.5 37 330 100

Mexico (R) T 19 141 523V 83 956 523

Australia (R) V 160 400 78.4 97.9 123.3 128.6 104.0 250 700 108.4 104.9 112.2 114.2 120.8 302 800Japan (N) T 299 828 96.7 99.4 90.8 86.1 84.9 254 472

V 511 125 100.6 99.5 99.2 93.1 95.8 554 753 97.9 101.1 96.2 95.8 97.3 539 899New Zealand (R) T 101 032 88.0 110.2 129.1 119.9 98.5 139 664 95.0 94.1 102.8 113.5 109.0 152 203Belgium (R) T 283 908Czech Republic T 587 235France (R) T 2 539 000 138.7 83.3 90.0 97.4 108.2 2 003 000 82.0 100.5 98.6 115.9 109.2 2 187 000Greece (N) T 474 845 170.2 74.7 94.9 107.7 101.9 273 849 65.9 101.9 93.7 97.4 87.5 239 684Hungary T 234 706

V 261 568Iceland (N) T 27 293 139.9 144.6 157.7 127.0 101.5 22 616 99.5 96.0 110.8 114.5 126.6 28 633Ireland (R) T 587 000

V 303 000 95.5 75.3 90.4 94.2 96.0 396 000 79.0 92.4 90.2 110.1 144.9 574 000Italy (N) V 1 774 821 129.1 112.0 104.3 95.1 95.5 1 420 888 80.1 91.1 85.2 90.9 97.4 1 384 006Portugal (N) T 165 399 89.7 62.2 82.4 105.6 101.5 183 886 78.0 85.2 79.5 100.9 96.6 177 700

V 209 398 91.0 59.4 77.4 88.6 93.4 252 057 70.7 87.5 82.4 89.4 84.9 214 100Spain (N) V 935 886 119.3 92.0 103.5 102.7 114.0 836 292 78.0 98.7 93.7 119.2 Turkey (N) V 213 345 95.4 38.7 63.4 80.4 99.4 205 831 38.5 88.6 123.9 131.7 141.0 290 225United Kingdom (R) T 2 962 000 77.7 94.0 99.4 108.7 3 219 000

V 2 763 800 105.9 76.5 93.6 87.6 95.0 2 991 000 77.6 91.9 94.1 99.6 108.8 3 255 000

V Visitors (travellers in Turkey).T Tourists.(R) Tourist count by country of residence. (N) Tourist count by country of nationality.

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Table 31




19841985 1986 1987 1988 1989

Volume 1990

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995Volume


Australia (R) NH 1 082 400 79.2 102.9 129.6 135.2 97.7 2 096 000 100.7 91.6 94.5 96.9 109.5 2 296 000Japan (N) NH 1 901 289

AH 839 803Austria (R) NH 2 024 920 111.4 64.0 79.2 72.9 78.1 1 959 781 54.3 69.9 62.8 63.8 61.5 1 205 714

AH 877 010 113.5 56.2 75.0 69.0 75.2 815 640 51.3 69.5 59.9 64.5 60.6 494 638Belgium (R) NH 688 637 131.7 102.4 91.9 79.1 94.5 586 137 83.1 97.9 82.7 90.8 92.8 543 992

AH 258 515Czech Republic NH 350 094

AH 120 336Denmark (N) NH 530 600 143.4 103.7 111.2 94.7 103.8 399 500 73.0 76.4 73.1 76.5 71.5 285 500Finland (R) NH 157 477 93.7 80.8 101.2 103.0 102.6 197 318 73.0 76.6 82.1 87.7 94.9 187 249

AH 94 222France (R) NH 3 399 706 67.9 57.6 63.4 69.8 92.3 5 672 261 69.1 87.7 83.7 90.6 85.2 4 833 909

AH 1 283 749 57.7 57.1 61.9 71.3 93.6 2 468 889 71.0 91.3 86.2 95.0 93.7 2 313 721Germany (R) NH 4 475 322 109.0 80.7 90.8 82.2 89.6 4 444 619 71.5 76.0 68.2 66.7 67.3 2 993 419

AH 2 401 332 109.9 76.7 85.6 77.3 85.1 2 308 179 66.6 71.7 62.8 62.3 63.3 1 461 643Greece (N) NH 1 954 464

AH 822 076Hungary NH 289 741

AH 99 023Iceland (N) NH 144.8 121.2 34 865 88.3 101.6 99.1 123.2 42 970Ireland (R) NH 104.9 79.1 98.6 104.6 95.5 2 040 000 87.9 92.6 91.1 122.1 143.0 2 917 000

AH 107.8 83.4 101.9 101.6 101.1 374 000 77.0 91.2 85.8 110.2 132.1 494 000Italy (N) NH 6 153 639 181.3 93.4 131.2 126.6 133.7 3 627 778 100.0 125.4 136.0 163.8

AH 2 656 343 198.7 90.3 132.8 131.3 136.8 1 419 656 100.0 130.1 137.1 160.6 Luxembourg (R) NH 86 256167.2 125.0 129.4 106.2 59 660 74.4 78.4 80.9 85.8

AH 48 477 174.0 129.6 135.0 100.5 33 101 70.7 74.7 70.5 71.5 Netherlands (R) NH 1 071 205 117.8 91.1 91.5 82.7 89.7 913 800 83.7 94.2 87.3 101.2 112.0 1 023 000

AH 574 570 126.5 92.3 93.7 83.6 90.5 455 600 80.4 89.7 85.1 100.5 106.2 484 000Norway (N) NH 561 033 176.4 112.8 125.5 95.5 95.3 364 544 76.9 96.4 85.4 109.1 95.1 346 592Portugal (N) NH 710 227 117.4 73.8 93.3 96.7 100.8 672 205 72.2 80.2 69.5 80.4 73.4 493 288

AH 269 672 115.7 68.3 91.8 95.0 100.7 252 185 73.8 80.5 73.7 84.5 79.5 200 382Spain (N) NH 2 468 894 144.9 84.7 108.7 100.2 104.7 1 752 844 73.8 86.1 81.6 97.5 102.0 1 788 232

AH 1 160 266 156.8 89.7 101.8 97.9 104.4 791 753 73.2 85.0 83.7 100.8 104.9 830 207Sweden (N) NH 415 649 147.6 99.6 106.6 99.6 101.4 326 900 73.0 81.8 87.6 97.9 96.4 315 048Switzerland (R) NH 3 062 643130.0 82.8 92.9 81.2 88.6 2 510 625 62.8 75.3 72.1 73.7 68.5 1 720 390

AH 1 454 463 126.2 74.2 86.2 77.1 85.8 1 204 047 59.4 73.7 68.1 70.2 65.0 783 069Turkey (N) NH 254 462 76.8 62.7 76.8 90.3 109.2 348 767 81.0 110.9 143.3 153.1 157.2 548 315

AH 79 184 55.8 48.1 58.6 74.5 105.8 158 428 57.6 99.8 133.5 133.8 167.5 265 325United Kingdom (R) NH 17 527 000

AH 2 138 000

AH Arrivals at hotels and similar establishments.NH Nights in hotels and similar establishments.(R) Tourist count by country of residence. (N) Tourist count by country of nationality.

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Table 32




19841985 1986 1987 1988 1989

Volume 1990

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995Volume


Canada (R) NAA 52 999 400 109.3 128.6 112.4 114.1 108.8 49 246 700 100.2 94.0 96.4 97.6 99.7 49 078 400AAA 11 294 700 94.3 111.1 103.8 104.2 99.4 12 251 600 98.0 96.5 98.1 102.4 106.2 13 005 200

Australia (R) NAA 2 122 200 50.9 57.9 91.1 5 783 600 66.0 83.4 73.3 79.8 4 615 000New Zealand (R) NAA 1 560 000 92.6 107.4 115.1 106.1 94.9 2 127 440 89.5 92.8 101.2 111.3 108.3 2 304 490

AAA 152 203Austria (R) NAA 2 203 027 111.1 65.9 80.4 74.4 79.4 2 139 202 55.7 71.4 64.1 65.1 62.1 1 327 532

AAA 931 505 111.6 57.5 75.8 70.0 76.4 885 337 52.9 70.9 61.2 65.0 60.9 539 097Belgium (R) NAA 740 758 140.7 126.1 115.5 90.3 93.1 634 543 80.4 97.1 82.1 89.4 91.5 580 579

AAA 283 908Czech Republic NAA 350 094

AAA 120 336Denmark (N) NAA 553 435 141.4 103.6 110.9 94.7 103.6 421 281 73.8 77.0 72.7 76.0 71.1 299 700Finland (R) NAA 190 751

AAA 96 283France (R) NAA 27 306 000 179.2 134.4 147.6 152.3 103.0 17 261 000 82.6 102.1 100.9 163.9 148.1 25 569 000

AAA 2 539 000 138.7 83.3 90.0 97.4 2 003 000 82.0 100.5 98.6 115.9 109.2 2 187 000Germany (R) NAA 4 702 424 108.0 80.5 90.6 82.2 89.7 4 714 849 72.4 77.2 69.0 67.8 68.1 3 209 313

AAA 2 498 993 108.3 76.3 85.3 77.4 85.1 2 428 067 67.4 72.6 63.5 62.7 63.8 1 548 618Greece (N) NAA 2 078 846

AAA 860 249Hungary NAA 327 427

AAA 110 654Iceland (N) NAA 47 514Ireland (R) NAA 3 356 200 92.3 74.2 90.2 92.7 102.5 4 434 000 87.4 96.0 93.6 116.7 158.0 7 006 000

AAA 318 000 97.5 85.3 95.8 95.8 402 000 79.9 93.0 93.5 111.7 146.0 587 000Italy (N) NAA 6 927 447 175.2 96.1 121.7 117.4 123.2 4 195 489 94.3 119.7 128.6 153.4

AAA 2 737 513 193.2 90.0 130.0 132.4 133.9 1 505 025 99.0 128.0 134.5 157.4 Luxembourg (R) NAA 92 888 159.4 121.0 127.6 105.4 66 547 78.7 88.0 85.6 85.3

AAA 53 215 167.5 126.9 134.4 103.2 37 227 74.0 79.8 75.3 73.2 Netherlands (R) NAA 1 159 136 113.9 82.8 81.2 88.9 1 023 500 82.5 92.2 85.6 97.0 109.4 1 119 900

AAA 627 275 123.9 84.7 85.4 89.6 507 300 80.7 88.9 83.4 98.0 104.7 531 000Portugal (N) NAA 724 859 117.4 74.3 94.8 97.1 100.8 687 311 72.7 80.1 69.3 79.9 73.0 501 428

AAA 274 319 115.0 68.5 91.9 95.0 100.5 258 920 73.8 80.2 73.2 83.7 78.9 204 233Spain (N) NAA 2 904 532 1 803 604

AAA 1 166 826 837 167Sweden (N) NAA 431 874 146.1 99.6 106.5 99.3 101.6 342 216 73.8 82.3 86.9 96.9 95.6 327 262Switzerland (R) NAA 3 319 900 127.1 83.3 92.1 81.6 88.7 2 793 601 64.5 76.2 73.7

AAA 1 536 800 124.8 74.9 86.5 77.9 86.3 1 290 729 60.7 74.6 68.9 Turkey (N) NAA 258 359 75.9 62.4 76.6 90.1 108.9 357 293 80.5 110.1 141.6 151.4 155.7 556 260

AAA 80 371 55.6 47.9 59.0 75.0 105.5 161 058 57.4 99.2 132.5 133.2 166.5 268 216United Kingdom (R) NAA 21 638 000

AAA 2 640 000

AAA Arrivals in all means of accommodation.NAA Nights in all means of accommodation.(R) Tourist count by country of residence. (N) Tourist count by country of nationality.

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19841985 1986 1987 1988 1989

Volume 1990

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995Volume


Canada (R) T 110 800 41.5 54.2 73.4 88.8 94.5 258 700 118.5 119.8 139.4 158.3 166.3 430 200V 121 900 42.3 56.3 76.2 90.5 94.6 276 800 117.4 118.6 138.4 154.7 162.5 449 700

United States (R) T 330 660 46.9 61.4 76.0 86.4 91.3 716 000 107.6 111.1 118.0 115.0 128.7 921 630Australia (R) V 11 200 56.9 65.9 81.0 99.5 95.3 21 100 107.6 120.4 146.9 161.6 164.9 34 800Japan (N) T 21 740 95.9 94.3 100.6 107.7 98.3 21 370

V 34 109 77.8 69.2 72.9 79.3 92.6 51 014 98.2 95.3 96.4 102.8 106.0 54 069New Zealand (R) T 2 216 70.8 77.3 111.2 100.2 118.8 3 429 135.4 155.3 170.0 184.0 183.4 6 290Belgium (R) T 731 602Czech Republic T 601 095Greece (N) T 405 907 78.0 82.9 90.2 82.9 84.5 565 407 83.3 95.9 98.1 110.0 97.6 551 798Hungary T 185 280

V 226 539Iceland (N) T 4 846 44.7 56.1 53.0 61.3 81.7 10 021 100.5 79.1 75.1 83.3 91.2 9 142Ireland (R) T 234 000

V 81 000 47.4 43.9 56.6 54.6 69.4 196 000 111.7 110.7 121.4 117.3 113.3 222 000Italy (N) V 8 462 438 94.5 93.0 98.1 97.4 101.9 9 219 317 98.9 95.4 89.5 87.4 91.2 8 405 889Portugal (N) T 312 783 51.8 55.1 67.0 91.5 98.9 617 873 108.0 104.8 88.4 96.9 107.3 662 900

V 326 646 52.8 53.2 66.1 90.2 98.3 658 198 108.1 104.2 89.7 96.8 108.9 716 600Spain (N) V 9 981 673 94.6 97.0 100.4 104.0 103.2 11 623 555 103.7 101.5 103.8 117.8 Turkey (N) V 103 359 48.2 46.3 54.2 79.4 91.2 310 809 37.7 79.7 96.8 75.0 81.0 251 609United Kingdom (R) T 1 997 000 94.1 98.3 108.8 124.9 2 494 000

V 1 631 700 70.5 76.5 87.4 85.7 98.4 2 297 000 99.7 108.1 109.4 121.0 138.9 3 190 000

V Visitors (travellers in Turkey).T Tourists.(R) Tourist count by country of residence. (N) Tourist count by country of nationality.

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Table 34




19841985 1986 1987 1988 1989

Volume 1990

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995Volume


Australia (R) NH 90 500Japan (N) NH 156 981

AH 58 521Austria (R) NH 1 791 041 80.5 89.4 87.9 87.4 95.6 2 372 949 104.3 92.3 85.2 75.5 68.4 1 623 956

AH 498 797 80.2 87.6 84.6 85.4 94.6 655 594 101.6 87.9 80.9 73.7 67.7 443 725Belgium (R) NH 529 427 70.0 71.9 73.5 79.7 95.2 824 150 100.4 118.2 118.7 126.4 127.5 1 050 822

AH 635 918Czech Republic NH 336 093

AH 123 175Denmark (N) NH 80 900 102.1 92.8 93.0 91.9 95.8 82 500 103.3 98.3 101.5 102.4 95.9 79 100Finland (R) NH 58 842 69.1 65.0 73.9 79.4 85.2 83 691 96.6 100.0 109.5 122.1 116.2 97 227

AH 48 257Germany (R) NH 1 051 455 76.0 79.2 80.9 83.3 95.0 1 467 218 95.7 94.5 90.4 89.6 90.4 1 326 176

AH 564 031 78.2 80.6 81.8 84.1 95.4 760 774 95.9 94.7 89.9 89.5 90.3 686 849Greece (N) NH 2 319 078

AH 759 292Hungary NH 153 366

AH 66 431Iceland (N) NH 57.2 93.9 27 705 95.8 93.3 109.8 134.2 37 177Ireland (R) NH 38.2 37.4 47.4 49.8 943 000 94.6 94.4 97.8 109.2 116.8 1 101 000

AH 43.1 53.1 51.5 59.2 130 000 106.2 106.9 111.5 106.2 120.0 156 000Italy (N) NH 5 054 166 103.2 109.7 112.6 108.5 100.7 5 099 186 100.0 89.5 91.9 107.5

AH 1 626 147 96.4 101.1 105.2 104.8 102.7 1 713 251 100.0 92.5 95.2 110.2 Luxembourg (R) NH 59 446 61.4 63.6 70.3 78.7 108 078 91.9 88.8 88.1 83.1

AH 32 885 65.7 70.8 77.0 87.6 54 857 93.3 92.0 87.5 85.3 Netherlands (R) NH 395 460 73.7 81.7 84.3 81.5 85.2 545 600 90.8 100.8 85.9 97.2 100.6 549 000

AH 232 826 76.8 84.1 86.7 84.7 85.1 304 300 85.4 94.6 81.2 89.9 99.9 304 000Norway (N) NH 102 290 59.7 64.3 70.0 70.2 82.0 170 685 122.1 142.1 156.7 165.6 159.5 272 200Portugal (N) NH 652 463 81.5 90.7 82.2 89.7 96.9 825 493 118.7 95.0 86.9 107.4 112.7 930 645

AH 212 536 71.1 80.8 81.8 90.4 95.9 309 988 113.0 97.4 88.9 103.9 108.4 335 952Spain (N) NH 6 363 778 91.5 94.7 104.0 108.6 107.6 6 550 276 102.7 93.1 99.4 104.0 103.1 6 750 438

AH 1 377 518 88.9 102.9 110.6 114.1 115.2 1 515 138 104.5 103.7 99.6 108.8 117.3 1 777 830Sweden (N) NH 83 257 85.9 89.8 85.7 92.5 97.8 98 268 94.1 94.2 96.9 98.5 106.9 105 071Switzerland (R) NH 1 611 806 105.1 110.4 105.0 101.5 102.7 1 535 088 100.7 94.0 90.8 86.4 80.1 1 229 954

AH 531 541 94.4 100.3 96.9 96.0 99.8 562 131 99.4 93.9 90.1 88.3 82.0 460 794Turkey (N) NH 351 276 45.1 52.4 70.4 93.1 94.2 1 204 113 38.8 85.6 128.5 78.4 80.0 963 583

AH 192 266 47.1 54.7 72.0 85.8 103.8 631 868 29.1 68.7 97.3 56.6 57.5 363 488United Kingdom (R) NH 8 672 000

AH 1 221 000

AH Arrivals at hotels and similar establishments.NH Nights in hotels and similar establishments.(R) Tourist count by country of residence. (N) Tourist count by country of nationality.

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Table 35




19841985 1986 1987 1988 1989

Volume 1990

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995Volume


Canada (R) NAA 1 417 700 44.7 58.8 75.6 92.5 95.1 3 072 300 123.4 124.3 139.1 158.9 170.2 5 230 200AAA 110 800 41.5 54.2 72.5 88.8 93.9 258 700 118.5 119.8 139.4 158.3 166.3 430 200

Australia (R) NAA 225 400New Zealand (R) NAA 149 512

AAA 6 290Austria (R) NAA 2 362 341 80.6 87.9 86.7 86.2 94.2 3 076 393103.0 92.5 85.7 76.5 69.4 2 133 772

AAA 639 070 79.4 86.3 82.8 83.8 93.0 837 297 101.0 88.1 80.9 73.8 67.3 563 897Belgium (R) NAA 956 212 74.8 77.0 77.0 80.0 95.8 1 262 842 96.1 102.5 105.5 107.3 109.5 1 382 982

AAA 731 602Czech Republic NAA 336 093

AAA 123 175Denmark (N) NAA 149 341 97.0 88.6 92.4 93.6 96.5 148 374 102.6 101.4 96.1 91.7 89.3 132 500Finland (R) NAA 115 013

AAA 58 718Germany (R) NAA 1 210 212 73.8 76.7 79.7 83.7 94.6 1 752 874 103.9 102.9 96.7 94.9 95.3 1 671 014

AAA 617 894 76.7 79.2 81.0 84.1 95.1 849 395 103.5 102.5 96.0 95.0 94.5 802 384Greece (N) NAA 2 778 399

AAA 886 962Hungary NAA 202 413

AAA 87 877Iceland (N) NAA 67 404Ireland (R) NAA 868 000 35.0 33.6 46.5 50.2 69.2 3 120 000 97.1 106.5 103.5 104.4 119.5 3 728 000

AAA 87 000 48.0 45.5 56.1 69.7 198 000 111.1 111.1 122.2 116.7 118.2 234 000Italy (N) NAA 7 013 428 109.3 114.7 108.2 103.3 95.3 6 621 252 94.5 84.1 86.1 98.3

AAA 1 945 977 99.5 103.4 105.5 104.6 102.0 1 993 850 98.6 90.4 92.5 106.1 Luxembourg (R) NAA 82 504 65.1 66.2 71.8 81.3 133 430 98.2 91.1 96.1 83.8

AAA 40 385 66.4 70.2 75.2 86.6 64 039 94.7 91.9 89.1 83.7 Netherlands (R) NAA 582 995 71.2 73.3 77.8 84.6 795 600 96.0 99.5 84.8 88.7 94.0 748 000

AAA 326 724 78.2 81.2 89.0 85.6 408 400 90.7 97.0 81.8 85.9 94.8 387 000Norway (N) NAA 353 496Portugal (N) NAA 997 855 77.8 90.3 86.2 95.3 101.0 1 316 761 112.7 90.8 85.7 97.3 101.9 1 341 685

AAA 329 472 68.5 83.9 85.6 93.0 98.1 492 144 108.8 93.3 87.2 96.0 98.3 483 807Spain (N) NAA 7 081 909 7 830 717

AAA 1 500 807 2 070 829Sweden (N) NAA 150 698 78.3 86.0 80.5 83.0 91.3 182 423 90.3 91.6 84.5 87.4 96.8 176 550Switzerland (R) NAA 2 496 400 102.7 109.2 106.8 102.1 101.3 2 440 748 102.2 95.7 94.2

AAA 700 200 92.9 99.5 96.6 95.8 98.5 750 857 100.3 95.1 91.6 Turkey (N) NAA 428 240 41.2 52.1 68.8 96.4 93.1 1 586 354 39.8 91.2 119.9 74.8 77.6 1 230 942

AAA 201 570 45.6 53.7 70.8 85.6 102.2 694 566 29.7 70.1 96.3 55.5 56.8 394 767United Kingdom (R) NAA 14 952 000

AAA 2 106 000

AAA Arrivals in all means of accommodation.NAA Nights in all means of accommodation.(R) Tourist count by country of residence. (N) Tourist count by country of nationality.

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Table 36




19841985 1986 1987 1988 1989

Volume 1990

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995Volume


Canada (R) T 53 200 60.7 71.7 84.8 94.9 102.1 90 900 96.0 104.3 106.3 105.4 109.0 99 100V 65 600 64.5 79.6 102.4 106.4 106.2 101 100 98.9 109.9 109.8 112.3 117.6 118 900

United States (R) T 218 379 55.6 67.7 80.5 90.0 89.6 396 000 120.9 148.9 140.3 133.0 132.5 524 892Australia (R) V 13 400 59.4 70.9 79.1 103.3 84.0 24 400 99.6 112.3 129.5 149.6 150.0 36 600Japan (N) T 12 977 99.7 85.1 83.9 78.2 67.6 8 773

V 15 706 72.4 63.2 70.1 78.7 92.8 29 798 101.3 90.2 84.8 83.0 83.5 24 896New Zealand (R) T 956 40.0 54.3 82.8 89.3 83.4 3 152 113.6 119.5 129.8 148.2 172.6 5 440Belgium (R) T 186 752Czech Republic T 1 010 130France (R) T 2 544 000 46.8 49.5 55.8 60.8 92.7 5 657 344 104.3 127.8 114.6 101.4 89.2 5 047 000Greece (N) T 328 598 58.7 70.9 74.9 87.6 91.7 620 766 83.3 100.3 100.8 116.8 103.7 643 473Hungary T 342 853

V 456 563Iceland (N) T 1 037 32.4 58.6 74.7 78.1 82.5 3 614 133.0 115.1 100.1 89.8 104.9 3 792Ireland (R) T 112 000

V 112 000Portugal (N) T 59 443 43.7 47.9 63.5 73.3 88.3 189 390 132.3 136.5 124.3 128.1 147.5 279 400

V 71 760 42.2 49.1 60.8 70.0 83.7 221 113 131.6 128.0 120.0 127.5 144.4 319 300Spain (N) V 814 303 61.7 65.8 72.0 80.5 91.2 1 656 906 106.7 111.8 121.8 170.1 Turkey (N) V 65 856 47.8 56.0 65.5 92.3 98.6 156 342 41.0 101.2 86.1 67.5 69.2 108 231United Kingdom (R) T 911 000

V 474 900 69.3 69.3 95.8 92.7 99.3 713 000 101.3 110.0 111.2 115.8 132.0 941 000

V Visitors (travellers in Turkey).T Tourists.(R) Tourist count by country of residence. (N) Tourist count by country of nationality.

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Table 37




19841985 1986 1987 1988 1989

Volume 1990

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995Volume


Australia (R) NH 71 800Austria (R) NH 1 018 728 40.3 49.1 54.4 68.6 90.7 2 689 615 104.4 112.9 85.0 80.2 67.8 1 823 965

AH 451 187 44.3 53.8 59.5 73.5 93.3 1 066 073 97.9 100.8 78.6 77.0 67.7 721 432Belgium (R) NH 208 770 63.8 63.2 69.5 77.3 93.4 344 602 98.4 111.1 98.0 102.3 96.6 332 859

AH 171 899Czech Republic NH 620 149

AH 207 007Denmark (N) NH 81 200 61.8 61.7 69.7 81.7 85.6 127 100 112.0 124.1 100.6 109.5 98.9 125 700Finland (R) NH 44 950 59.3 63.8 84.9 103.2 109.6 79 275 103.2 96.6 93.2 102.9 112.3 89 037

AH 41 052France (R) NH 1 365 991 19.1 51.7 56.5 75.1 97.2 7 007 067 99.9 119.6 100.9 98.4 76.1 5 331 183

AH 476 743 15.7 51.9 56.7 70.7 95.0 3 112 773 100.8 119.6 100.2 100.2 79.8 2 484 602Germany (R) NH 956 473 59.5 65.1 69.7 78.8 93.3 1 689 032 102.8 100.4 82.5 87.6 92.8 1 568 161

AH 497 798 59.8 64.6 69.6 79.3 93.2 877 688 102.4 98.6 79.1 81.9 80.7 708 310Greece (N) NH 1 125 024

AH 388 525Hungary NH 351 810

AH 134 818Iceland (N) NH 15 525Ireland (R) NH 299 000 191.0 170.2 193.3 165.2 145.2 434 000

AH 49 000 161.2 163.3 159.2 161.2 169.4 83 000Netherlands (R) NH 212 230 36.5 44.1 51.0 59.3 67.4 609 800 88.3 84.8 66.9 71.8 62.8 383 000

AH 100 723 36.4 41.9 47.7 55.1 69.8 299 200 82.5 81.6 68.3 72.1 58.5 175 000Norway (N) NH 103 215 152.1 152.4 125.1 123.7 107.0 110 390Portugal (N) NH 168 860 46.2 53.6 66.1 76.3 82.4 459 771 130.3 124.6 105.5 125.4 141.2 649 121

AH 64 342 46.2 54.0 67.7 76.9 84.0 175 326 132.6 132.6 114.0 129.7 152.7 267 784Spain (N) NH 3 585 835 95.6 91.0 100.8 108.7 107.2 4 280 342 108.2 123.1 133.1 132.5 124.0 5 308 977

AH 951 931 100.8 104.6 102.8 106.6 113.4 1 056 418 105.8 105.5 108.0 117.0 115.1 1 215 745Sweden (N) NH 70 115 61.6 63.9 77.6 77.7 95.5 123 467 95.9 93.7 87.9 87.9 97.2 120 009Switzerland (R) NH 892 055 66.9 71.6 76.0 80.4 92.9 1 364 828 103.1 102.4 79.3 70.3 55.6 758 835

AH 442 321 71.1 76.4 80.2 84.0 96.4 637 318 103.5 102.2 79.8 72.8 58.4 372 012Turkey (N) NH 190 200 54.1 59.8 78.4 97.6 94.4 400 878 73.1 126.7 102.6 68.4 72.4 290 296

AH 89 444 51.2 55.2 73.6 90.3 95.2 207 337 55.5 104.7 83.2 53.2 59.8 124 058

AH Arrivals at hotels and similar establishments.NH Nights in hotels and similar establishments.(R) Tourist count by country of residence. (N) Tourist count by country of nationality.

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Table 38




19841985 1986 1987 1988 1989

Volume 1990

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995Volume


Canada (R) NAA 731 400 84.4 93.5 111.8 119.7 112.5 894 700 99.3 101.4 110.8 107.0 141.4 1 265 200Australia (R) NAA 132 400New Zealand (R) NAA 44 899 114.1 128.8 161.5 165.3 192.4 86 377

AAA 5 440Austria (R) NAA 1 245 719 40.9 49.1 54.7 67.7 90.2 3 090 858 107.0 116.8 90.0 85.4 71.5 2 211 100

AAA 540 344 45.1 54.1 59.7 73.1 93.0 1 184 841 100.1 102.9 81.3 79.5 69.3 820 777Belgium (R) NAA 239 640 64.5 64.0 69.6 78.6 93.3 387 409 96.7 109.9 97.5 104.4 97.5 377 853

AAA 186 752Czech Republic NAA 620 149

AAA 207 007Denmark (N) NAA 119 973 64.4 62.7 73.4 81.8 88.8 187 630 116.7 124.3 97.9 104.5 94.1 176 500Finland (R) NAA 100 016

AAA 48 136France (R) NAA 20 255 000 68.0 75.9 87.4 92.5 96.0 30 493 320 115.9 140.2 124.1 135.5 119.7 36 514 000

AAA 2 544 000 46.8 49.5 55.8 60.8 5 657 344 104.3 127.8 114.6 101.4 89.2 5 047 000Germany (R) NAA 998 288 59.4 65.4 70.0 79.3 93.4 1 782 457 109.0 106.4 86.9 92.1 96.5 1 720 088

AAA 512 886 59.4 64.6 69.7 79.4 93.2 911 931 108.7 104.8 83.1 86.1 83.5 761 813Greece (N) NAA 1 470 827

AAA 478 830Hungary NAA 398 675

AAA 156 667Iceland (N) NAA 23 107Ireland (R) NAA 58.8 1 040 000 126.0 128.8 172.1 167.6 163.3 1 698 000

AAA 28.8 50.7 73 000 131.5 138.4 158.9 165.8 153.4 112 000Netherlands (R) NAA 298 128 38.8 43.6 60.2 69.5 767 800 90.1 83.9 66.3 70.3 62.5 479 600

AAA 140 334 40.1 43.2 58.8 71.3 363 500 85.1 83.0 67.4 71.1 58.9 214 000Portugal (N) NAA 202 192 50.2 60.1 69.5 79.7 86.6 535 542 132.4 120.6 103.6 120.1 137.3 735 132

AAA 76 372 50.1 60.1 70.7 79.5 87.6 203 320 133.0 128.2 111.9 124.9 148.7 302 357Spain (N) NAA 3 585 835

AAA 951 931Sweden (N) NAA 78 415 58.9 62.2 76.8 78.2 96.4 140 935 95.2 92.4 84.0 105.9 117.8 166 004Switzerland (R) NAA 1 205 400 64.5 69.5 74.1 79.7 90.8 1 902 280 103.9 105.6 87.8

AAA 516 700 70.9 76.2 79.7 83.9 95.2 747 238 103.8 103.1 83.0 Turkey (N) NAA 206 545 44.3 49.5 71.0 92.2 91.8 533 676 68.8 120.3 94.2 59.3 63.9 341 182

AAA 92 024 46.2 49.8 73.2 90.8 95.8 235 140 53.1 99.5 78.5 50.0 57.3 134 675United Kingdom (R) NAA 8 925 000

AAA 782 000

AAA Arrivals in all means of accommodation.NAA Nights in all means of accommodation.(R) Tourist count by country of residence. (N) Tourist count by country of nationality.

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Table 39




19841985 1986 1987 1988 1989

Volume 1990

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995Volume


Canada (R) T 135 200 35.5 48.0 60.7 78.9 94.9 410 600 95.7 95.5 99.5 117.2 143.5 589 300V 162 300 36.8 49.6 65.7 85.3 97.6 474 100 101.3 104.6 106.7 118.8 140.9 667 800

United States (R) T 1 414 909 46.3 52.0 65.9 78.4 95.3 3 231 000 102.8 113.1 109.6 117.8 142.3 4 598 354Australia (R) V 87 900 22.4 30.3 44.9 73.4 72.8 479 900 110.1 131.3 139.8 149.8 162.9 781 800New Zealand (R) T 41 888 46.6 58.1 70.6 87.0 90.2 107 840 106.4 119.6 126.1 137.4 140.5 151 543Belgium (R) T 149 415Czech Republic T 245 685France (R) T 510 000 70.4 67.7 76.3 88.3 102.8 749 892 56.3 59.9 43.5 112.0 128.8 966 000Greece (N) T 86 476 86.2 79.0 85.4 97.5 96.6 107 694 53.8 101.8 83.5 88.3 83.1 89 457Hungary T 56 516

V 62 583Iceland (N) T 539 61.5 73.6 85.9 85.3 107.7 1 164 107.7 122.9 157.1 169.8 207.0 2 410Ireland (R) T 30 000

V 29 000Italy (N) V 340 209 52.6 63.0 60.4 60.4 71.7 636 961 87.9 116.5 114.9 129.4 140.9 897 427Portugal (N) T 16 100 56.3 67.4 84.4 86.3 92.2 32 665 81.4 78.3 99.5 101.0 105.9 34 600

V 19 514 56.4 65.6 80.7 83.7 90.7 35 433 80.2 76.9 96.6 101.1 106.7 37 800Spain (N) V 108 563 51.9 49.7 53.5 69.9 88.8 243 775 76.5 91.2 98.6 112.9 Turkey (N) V 13 060 47.5 47.3 59.6 79.2 91.3 35 358 52.3 102.9 133.8 180.3 186.7 66 005United Kingdom (R) T 632 000

V 200 600 37.4 36.5 52.8 69.0 89.7 563 000 81.3 98.4 87.2 104.4 114.0 642 000

V Visitors (travellers in Turkey).T Tourists.(R) Tourist count by country of residence. (N) Tourist count by country of nationality.

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Table 40




19841985 1986 1987 1988 1989

Volume 1990

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995Volume


Australia (R) NH 545 000 25.0 28.5 42.2 69.0 74.3 2 542 000 105.2 124.3 134.0 158.5 154.1 3 917 000Austria (R) NH 197 654 49.9 49.1 65.8 68.4 79.0 468 795 88.1 96.7 94.1 101.9 106.3 498 232

AH 106 355 53.3 50.3 69.1 70.5 81.4 235 705 80.6 93.1 89.9 98.8 101.7 239 631Belgium (R) NH 85 085 60.7 61.4 68.6 77.7 107.9 155 174 98.7 143.7 120.4 142.1 153.6 238 384

AH 143 359Czech Republic NH 119 263

AH 50 355Denmark (N) NH 79 500 72.2 64.9 76.8 99.7 108.7 108 000 86.5 102.7 92.6 95.6 91.9 99 200Finland (R) NH 41 872 69.4 60.5 80.6 87.6 95.6 63 669 89.9 89.8 110.3 144.3 178.2 113 478

AH 63 907France (R) NH 1 073 741 38.5 44.7 51.2 63.8 107.4 2 675 010 81.9 130.9 122.7 120.1 110.4 2 953 110

AH 447 843 37.2 43.0 48.4 61.2 99.4 1 264 895 80.4 122.6 119.1 110.5 111.8 1 414 395Germany (R) NH 696 173 62.5 63.5 71.1 76.4 92.0 1 321 676 84.1 90.4 83.2 85.5 94.7 1 251 739

AH 397 840 58.9 59.4 70.7 74.3 91.3 805 462 79.4 88.7 81.7 89.1 97.4 784 473Greece (N) NH 237 199

AH 98 665Hungary NH 97 530

AH 47 255Iceland (N) NH 6 437Italy (N) NH 591 790 37.1 41.7 59.9 73.2 91.6 1 571 358 87.0 117.9 132.3 159.6

AH 282 319 36.6 42.6 62.4 75.4 93.2 758 729 86.7 119.4 135.8 167.4 Netherlands (R) NH 126 498 82.4 83.8 80.0 86.1 87.5 185 900 93.8 118.6 95.5 115.2 125.3 233 000

AH 70 799 80.4 76.9 82.7 87.6 88.1 95 800 91.1 116.6 93.4 115.9 120.0 115 000Norway (N) NH 62 958 76.2 54.5 88.9 79.0 94.8 84 495 100.6 118.2 143.0 187.2 178.0 150 433Portugal (N) NH 50 000 64.6 69.3 84.2 94.0 95.5 76 787 94.7 97.3 133.4 149.3 159.7 122 640

AH 22 991 67.6 71.8 89.0 94.5 97.0 34 199 93.3 101.4 145.1 164.8 183.7 62 823Spain (N) NH 338 978 44.5 48.1 67.3 72.9 97.7 877 387 70.3 80.9 66.9 75.2 92.8 814 220

AH 170 704 41.2 46.7 65.8 71.6 94.7 498 027 68.6 74.4 65.4 76.3 95.8 477 254Sweden (N) NH 58 480 61.2 56.6 65.9 78.7 86.5 94 350 89.1 86.4 103.1 105.3 106.3 100 327Switzerland (R) NH 496 904 63.0 65.6 76.3 79.8 95.6 818 604 88.6 99.6 97.5 107.6 113.5 929 181

AH 280 931 59.2 63.0 74.2 79.9 94.9 497 648 83.4 101.0 98.2 111.3 112.8 561 324Turkey (N) NH 44 744 53.4 66.4 73.2 87.2 100.4 134 267 67.7 159.8 161.3 213.1 247.9 332 878

AH 22 047 42.8 55.9 67.6 81.8 96.3 77 046 64.4 160.2 178.0 229.3 290.5 223 843

AH Arrivals at hotels and similar establishments.NH Nights in hotels and similar establishments.(R) Tourist count by country of residence. (N) Tourist count by country of nationality.

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19841985 1986 1987 1988 1989

Volume 1990

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995Volume


Canada (R) NAA 1 015 000 37.9 62.3 71.8 90.9 103.5 2 451 700 107.6 101.8 117.4 121.2 142.2 3 487 100Australia (R) NAA 647 900 15.7 16.4 24.3 39.7 73.6 5 835 000 73.0 72.8 73.8 87.2 97.1 5 664 000New Zealand (R) NAA 1 205 033 107.7 120.9 141.0 156.4 168.0 2 025 050

AAA 151 543Austria (R) NAA 197 654 49.9 49.1 65.8 68.4 79.0 468 795 88.1 96.7 94.1 101.9 106.3 498 232

AAA 106 355 53.3 50.3 69.1 70.5 81.4 235 705 80.6 93.1 89.9 98.8 101.7 239 631Belgium (R) NAA 88 665 60.5 61.0 67.9 77.3 106.7 162 249 97.4 135.7 119.5 140.5 153.2 248 505

AAA 149 415Czech Republic NAA 119 263

AAA 50 355Denmark (N) NAA 99.7 108.7 108 000 86.5 102.7 92.6 95.7 91.9 99 200Finland (R) NAA 65 268

AAA 65 268France (R) NAA 3 605 000 132.7 132.1 151.9 113.3 160.7 2 797 000 70.6 72.3 50.4 130.5 137.0 3 833 000

AAA 510 000 70.4 67.7 76.3 88.3 749 892 56.3 59.9 43.5 112.0 128.8 966 000Germany (R) NAA 722 428 61.8 62.9 70.8 76.4 91.6 1 381 195 83.9 90.6 83.7 85.7 94.7 1 307 901

AAA 410 296 58.1 58.7 70.0 74.0 90.6 841 462 79.2 88.7 81.4 88.4 96.6 812 654Greece (N) NAA 240 604

AAA 100 126Hungary NAA 103 609

AAA 48 875Iceland (N) NAA 7 059Ireland (R) AAA 30 000Italy (N) NAA 635 436 38.8 43.9 60.4 73.5 91.4 1 617 994 87.5 118.2 133.5 159.2

AAA 288 851 36.9 43.0 62.5 75.5 93.0 772 608 86.7 119.3 135.5 166.6 Netherlands (R) NAA 132 577 81.7 76.9 85.2 86.6 193 600 92.9 118.0 94.9 113.9 124.9 241 900

AAA 74 537 80.5 71.5 87.8 87.3 99 800 90.8 116.3 92.6 114.8 119.2 119 000Portugal (N) NAA 50 857 63.8 68.1 82.8 93.0 94.2 79 364 93.4 95.3 131.7 146.1 157.0 124 604

AAA 23 383 66.3 70.4 87.1 93.7 95.4 35 438 91.9 99.1 142.6 161.0 180.4 63 927Spain (N) NAA 338 978

AAA 170 704Sweden (N) NAA 60 148 61.7 56.3 66.2 78.8 86.3 97 126 92.5 88.4 103.5 108.4 112.5 109 230Switzerland (R) NAA 516 700 63.3 66.1 76.6 80.0 95.7 849 971 88.8 99.8 97.3

AAA 291 500 59.6 63.3 74.3 80.2 95.0 515 181 83.3 100.9 97.7 Turkey (N) NAA 45 027 53.3 66.2 74.2 87.0 100.1 135 101 67.4 159.0 162.1 213.9 248.8 336 071

AAA 22 120 42.7 55.8 68.5 81.6 96.1 77 464 64.2 159.4 179.6 230.5 291.7 225 977United Kingdom (R) NAA 6 195 000

AAA 593 000

AAA Arrivals in all means of accommodation.NAA Nights in all means of accommodation.(R) Tourist count by country of residence. (N) Tourist count by country of nationality.

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Table 42




19841985 1986 1987 1988 1989

Volume 1990

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995Volume


Canada (R) T 60 800 68.8 80.8 91.8 103.7 105.7 84 900 103.3 100.4 99.2 105.5 117.2 99 500V 66 800 68.5 81.1 94.9 106.0 103.8 93 300 102.0 98.7 97.9 101.5 114.0 106 400

United States (R) T 134 192 46.3 57.3 71.0 87.3 91.8 284 000 111.5 120.4 133.4 130.6 143.7 408 153Australia (R) V 14 100 73.0 75.4 82.0 106.2 95.3 21 100 101.4 111.4 130.3 144.1 162.6 34 300Japan (N) T 5 972 105.7 104.3 113.0 109.2 126.0 7 527

V 14 162 87.7 82.4 90.5 90.2 93.5 17 573 102.7 103.9 101.7 104.1 111.9 19 663New Zealand (R) T 5 164 69.6 74.4 81.3 90.8 91.6 7 780 97.5 125.1 138.2 156.2 171.5 13 342Belgium (R) T 1 373 172Czech Republic T 1 115 895France (R) T 3 768 000 91.5 100.4 98.5 101.3 99.8 3 995 040 148.5 157.7 179.2 148.1 134.8 5 387 000Greece (N) T 192 879 56.5 66.6 69.6 78.5 86.3 495 699 90.8 110.2 103.1 119.3 102.0 505 616Hungary T 251 862

V 288 831Iceland (N) T 1 610 55.2 77.1 80.8 94.6 84.0 2 994 98.6 127.2 177.5 232.9 219.0 6 558Ireland (R) T 94 000

V 92 000Italy (N) V 1 763 087 78.2 82.1 65.4 84.9 86.7 2 122 099 72.3 56.8 50.1 48.7 54.0 1 145 502Portugal (N) T 142 619 50.6 54.6 68.6 92.1 106.0 298 941 108.9 112.9 109.7 120.2 122.7 366 700

V 151 887 49.7 52.1 65.0 86.6 101.0 329 457 109.4 111.3 112.0 121.1 123.5 406 900Spain (N) V 1 385 031 72.5 79.7 86.2 102.6 104.1 1 953 887 110.4 108.3 105.5 116.3 Turkey (N) V 27 098 20.8 26.2 33.2 53.9 71.0 150 337 71.2 136.2 143.8 120.2 135.0 203 029United Kingdom (R) T 1 198 000

V 740 900 76.5 77.2 85.9 88.4 94.4 996 000 112.2 100.0 121.8 120.9 143.7 1 431 000

V Visitors (travellers in Turkey).T Tourists.(R) Tourist count by country of residence. (N) Tourist count by country of nationality.

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Table 43




19841985 1986 1987 1988 1989

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1991 1992 1993 1994 1995Volume


Australia (R) NH 53 600Austria (R) NH 5 306 708 101.8 100.9 102.3 100.1 105.3 4 992 080 103.2 100.1 94.1 86.0 79.5 3 967 316

AH 754 410 92.8 92.1 96.0 97.6 102.9 795 641 100.0 97.4 94.1 86.8 83.0 660 316Belgium (R) NH 661 794 69.7 71.6 75.4 78.3 97.6 945 765 98.6 103.4 108.3 111.5 116.1 1 097 865

AH 633 049Czech Republic NH 811 721

AH 228 669Denmark (N) NH 108 300 86.1 82.4 88.3 89.7 94.8 113 800 137.7 171.1 162.0 179.0 179.9 204 700Finland (R) NH 44 140 73.3 67.1 75.7 83.9 94.7 55 126 95.8 112.2 116.5 153.6 156.2 86 080

AH 43 145France (R) NH 843 017 32.4 82.8 87.7 97.6 103.8 2 334 752 103.7 103.9 103.7 107.2 112.7 2 632 222

AH 313 282 23.7 82.5 88.2 101.0 101.0 1 254 164 106.6 103.2 104.3 107.4 111.9 1 402 930Germany (R) NH 3 123 439 89.3 93.9 97.5 97.3 102.6 3 531 524 99.0 93.6 88.2 82.8 84.0 2 967 106

AH 1 435 657 90.3 91.4 96.2 97.4 100.5 1 598 614 97.1 93.9 90.3 86.0 88.8 1 420 138Greece (N) NH 1 275 323

AH 213 986Hungary NH 209 038

AH 69 443Iceland (N) NH 17 473Ireland (R) NH 60.1 49.5 57.3 91.7 218 000 138.5 125.2 112.4 161.0 172.0 375 000

AH 55.0 50.0 62.5 82.5 40 000 125.0 112.5 110.0 135.0 165.0 66 000Italy (N) NH 1 039 721 82.9 94.4 135.4 110.8 101.4 1 359 948 103.6 93.1 105.1 130.7

AH 240 861 76.1 80.5 89.2 98.8 96.9 344 882 99.9 93.4 103.2 128.4 Norway (N) NH 137 704 105.5 87.9 95.7 85.6 93.8 126 030 119.3 138.3 149.2 184.6 196.9 248 177Portugal (N) NH 725 530 52.2 57.1 61.4 83.7 90.2 1 428 931 118.5 104.6 80.3 104.1 101.7 1 452 694

AH 102 719 51.4 53.1 62.5 81.8 88.6 207 358 110.0 98.8 75.1 94.4 95.3 197 714Spain (N) NH 3 920 373 164.0 186.4 162.3 159.1 134.5 2 089 521 116.5 117.2 141.3 206.3 195.0 4 074 961

AH 430 398 133.9 137.4 137.1 126.2 324 924 109.9 111.2 125.7 179.6 186.4 605 578Sweden (N) NH 83 868 98.9 94.1 89.8 88.9 97.6 77 938 88.3 107.5 109.5 127.3 122.0 95 098Switzerland (R) NH 822 955 92.9 98.2 95.8 93.0 99.7 861 937 103.6 102.3 104.4 105.2 93.3 804 353

AH 248 906 90.3 95.9 94.0 93.6 100.9 264 285 103.4 100.1 103.3 104.9 96.2 254 199

AH Arrivals at hotels and similar establishments.NH Nights in hotels and similar establishments.(R) Tourist count by country of residence. (N) Tourist count by country of nationality.

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Table 44




19841985 1986 1987 1988 1989

Volume 1990

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995Volume


Canada (R) NAA 960 600 81.8 86.6 98.0 107.7 102.6 1 120 000 94.5 94.5 103.4 105.7 115.3 1 291 600Australia (R) NAA 161 900New Zealand (R) NAA 322 115 99.4 113.9 115.4 133.3 154.6 497 884

AAA 13 342Austria (R) NAA 9 354 457 100.7 100.7 102.3 101.7 106.0 9 112 348 101.4 98.8 92.7 88.0 82.5 7 516 075

AAA 1 251 737 92.7 92.4 96.6 99.0 104.3 1 345 130 98.4 96.0 92.1 87.6 83.9 1 127 939Belgium (R) NAA 3 078 313 65.9 69.2 74.8 84.7 93.3 4 805 065 91.1 87.1 91.9 86.5 92.2 4 428 559

AAA 1 373 172Czech Republic NAA 811 721

AAA 228 669Denmark (N) NAA 724 805 131.4 117.2 105.8 99.8 103.1 510 547 123.5 196.5 134.3 143.8 167.7 856 300Finland (R) NAA 109 315

AAA 55 459France (R) NAA 33 541 000 93.1 102.9 97.9 99.4 103.4 33 614 383 166.2 179.5 207.4 147.4 136.7 45 962 000

AAA 3 768 000 91.5 100.4 98.5 101.3 3 995 040 148.5 157.7 179.2 148.1 134.8 5 387 000Germany (R) NAA 4 983 625 87.7 92.6 97.9 98.8 103.5 5 760 363 144.7 140.6 127.1 120.8 123.6 7 120 977

AAA 1 699 965 89.1 91.3 96.9 98.1 102.0 1 915 925 128.7 127.7 120.0 115.7 119.9 2 296 527Greece (N) NAA 1 544 269

AAA 268 741Hungary NAA 552 147

AAA 123 931Iceland (N) NAA 31 542Ireland (R) NAA 62.7 798 000 123.3 103.6 99.7 108.4 110.9 885 000

AAA 52.8 63.9 72 000 115.3 101.4 95.8 111.1 130.6 94 000Italy (N) NAA 3 081 711 108.5 119.6 111.2 116.2 105.5 3 059 868 104.8 93.6 94.7 120.4

AAA 445 936 87.6 95.0 100.3 106.3 101.4 552 578 103.5 95.4 98.8 122.6 Portugal (N) NAA 950 694 54.7 61.2 66.0 89.2 94.3 1 849 867 116.4 99.7 77.5 95.3 92.8 1 717 201

AAA 153 972 56.9 63.2 70.4 90.3 95.3 309 771 110.4 94.0 72.1 85.0 84.2 260 877Sweden (N) NAA 520 711 123.9 99.4 98.6 90.4 105.0 380 364 84.4 88.8 89.3 103.1 119.6 455 061Switzerland (R) NAA 2 961 300 83.1 91.5 89.1 89.2 94.5 3 343 426 101.5 102.1 101.3

AAA 519 400 82.5 90.2 88.8 90.0 96.4 576 476 102.9 103.1 103.0 United Kingdom (R) NAA 4 925 000

AAA 954 000

AAA Arrivals in all means of accommodation.NAA Nights in all means of accommodation.(R) Tourist count by country of residence. (N) Tourist count by country of nationality.

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Table 45




19841985 1986 1987 1988 1989

Volume 1990

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995Volume


Canada (R) T 350 000 56.8 72.2 80.7 95.3 103.0 553 200 95.9 97.0 101.5 104.2 115.8 640 500V 385 300 57.3 72.9 84.1 97.2 102.1 602 400 96.4 98.9 104.4 103.1 113.4 683 100

United States (R) T 927 574 38.4 50.5 60.7 81.0 99.0 2 244 000 111.2 125.8 133.7 123.5 128.7 2 888 195Australia (R) V 145 500 55.2 63.3 71.6 93.7 98.2 277 900 94.9 104.3 111.7 118.6 123.4 343 000Japan (N) T 117 864 104.0 121.6 109.4 112.8 85.3 100 595

V 167 070 85.3 66.3 69.2 72.1 82.7 214 413 102.3 112.8 105.3 108.8 95.1 203 968New Zealand (R) T 40 209 50.0 56.9 70.0 83.3 85.2 87 255 100.8 110.6 118.5 133.0 140.3 122 399Belgium (R) T 730 997Czech Republic T 628 320France (R) T 5 481 000 72.4 77.8 78.7 82.1 87.6 8 092 000 100.1 102.6 106.7 154.1 138.1 11 173 000Greece (N) T 1 043 363 80.7 103.8 120.2 108.7 99.1 1 647 361 101.7 130.8 133.0 148.1 135.1 2 224 885Hungary T 136 014

V 150 559Iceland (N) T 9 398 70.7 74.7 77.0 76.6 87.2 13 745 106.7 101.1 112.8 130.2 127.5 17 520Ireland (R) T 2 285 000

V 1 188 000 61.8 60.7 67.7 82.0 93.4 1 786 000 96.8 98.4 105.5 116.9 132.4 2 365 000Italy (N) V 1 788 371 86.5 100.0 97.6 88.8 93.1 2 047 838 83.6 78.8 84.9 88.0 82.5 1 688 530Portugal (N) T 638 641 71.2 93.6 107.2 100.3 96.8 1 061 136 109.5 120.2 115.2 121.5 134.0 1 421 600

V 709 724 73.2 88.9 100.1 94.7 94.6 1 202 874 108.7 119.3 113.8 119.4 130.9 1 574 300Spain (N) V 6 026 612 80.1 102.3 120.1 121.6 116.9 6 286 433 97.8 103.6 119.1 145.9 Turkey (N) V 89 709 35.5 43.9 75.9 132.3 115.5 351 458 57.1 89.5 125.7 161.7 209.0 734 721

V Visitors (travellers in Turkey).T Tourists.(R) Tourist count by country of residence. (N) Tourist count by country of nationality.

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19841985 1986 1987 1988 1989

Volume 1990

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995Volume


Australia (R) NH 590 300 34.1 50.9 57.5 75.2 65.3 2 196 800 61.4 68.0 68.3 75.0 70.1 1 540 000Japan (N) NH 259 647

AH 96 014Austria (R) NH 3 907 860 85.3 87.2 86.0 84.8 95.2 4 388 522 83.5 81.2 73.7 63.8 54.0 2 371 575

AH 732 403 84.9 82.1 81.3 79.8 91.5 821 061 82.2 79.4 73.1 65.3 57.4 471 656Belgium (R) NH 1 050 746 87.6 81.4 75.6 71.4 88.0 1 199 470 92.5 108.0 97.2 99.7 109.5 1 312 893

AH 667 429Czech Republic NH 373 374

AH 128 739Denmark (N) NH 300 500 99.9 93.5 91.3 87.0 91.6 333 500 94.9 96.0 98.4 110.2 104.1 347 300Finland (R) NH 108 073 76.2 72.7 82.0 92.7 99.4 142 102 92.7 89.3 97.8 121.4 139.6 198 376

AH 97 944France (R) NH 2 098 601 19.8 53.8 52.2 61.6 81.2 10 961 596 92.8 101.5 86.2 85.6 84.3 9 244 268

AH 812 045 18.1 63.7 63.2 71.9 94.8 4 872 717 105.4 114.0 97.6 96.5 98.8 4 813 026Germany (R) NH 2 182 950 75.5 78.9 76.0 76.9 89.6 3 015 443 89.9 91.1 87.5 91.0 91.4 2 754 773

AH 1 078 733 76.9 77.7 76.1 77.3 88.3 1 444 579 84.6 86.6 80.2 82.3 85.0 1 227 190Greece (N) NH 6 231 862

AH 777 348Hungary NH 223 770

AH 80 141Iceland (N) NH 71.6 87.9 49 551 92.0 83.7 97.0 108.8 53 908Ireland (R) NH 62.1 71.7 69.8 79.4 109.8 2 642 000 134.8 129.8 125.7 157.8 187.2 4 945 000

AH 57.4 62.3 60.0 74.2 95.1 713 000 111.5 114.4 119.1 138.3 163.1 1 163 000Italy (N) NH 5 129 884 108.0 127.7 121.8 114.0 122.7 4 545 966 100.0 100.6 102.2 127.5

AH 1 083 216 96.1 106.4 107.5 105.8 115.2 1 098 423 100.0 104.8 107.2 127.1 Luxembourg (R) NH 42 630 72.2 85.1 81.2 87.9 63 358 99.4 115.5 89.7 110.5

AH 22 761 82.2 84.0 80.1 88.1 32 003 99.9 106.1 86.8 94.9 Netherlands (R) NH 1 213 926 85.0 87.9 82.3 80.9 89.4 1 519 400 100.0 107.5 93.1 101.7 107.6 1 635 000

AH 559 675 82.8 86.4 83.9 84.3 90.6 716 300 98.2 104.1 95.1 104.9 109.3 783 000Norway (N) NH 427 604 131.9 107.1 101.8 97.7 99.0 340 890 101.9 125.7 120.8 111.7 123.7 421 647Portugal (N) NH 3 915 939 94.1 110.9 105.9 100.2 96.9 5 260 390 106.8 108.3 102.2 105.0 111.2 5 849 838

AH 510 246 92.5 101.6 99.3 94.0 93.1 695 680 103.3 101.0 97.1 100.0 100.7 700 479Spain (N) NH 35 159 463 127.9 172.9 172.5 159.9 129.1 19 566 838 97.3 99.4 114.0 141.4 146.5 28 665 984

AH 3 709 606 125.5 169.6 169.0 156.2 134.8 2 214 403 105.6 107.3 119.6 148.2 153.3 3 394 228Sweden (N) NH 255 674 95.7 91.0 83.4 88.4 98.2 270 767 84.3 88.1 88.6 100.6 115.0 311 463Switzerland (R) NH 1 954 476 95.5 99.7 90.0 87.7 95.1 2 023 310 91.3 91.3 84.4 78.0 66.0 1 335 949

AH 549 095 87.9 89.3 86.1 86.7 93.5 604 448 88.7 90.7 84.5 79.6 74.1 447 989Turkey (N) NH 165 437 40.0 51.7 80.1 140.3 121.9 635 154 59.6 124.0 223.8 245.3 202.1 1 283 404

AH 63 802 48.5 59.1 81.6 126.3 116.7 174 624 53.9 90.8 139.8 162.9 148.2 258 866

AH Arrivals at hotels and similar establishments.NH Nights in hotels and similar establishments.(R) Tourist count by country of residence. (N) Tourist count by country of nationality.

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Table 47




19841985 1986 1987 1988 1989

Volume 1990

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995Volume


Canada (R) NAA 5 188 300 69.7 86.7 86.2 103.0 103.3 6 614 000 95.5 92.5 97.8 99.7 110.8 7 326 600AAA 350 000 56.8 72.2 79.4 95.3 101.3 553 200 95.9 97.0 101.5 104.2 115.8 640 500

Australia (R) NAA 1 495 100 8.8 17.1 81.8 15 608 200 36.7 30.8 45.5 38.2 5 958 000New Zealand (R) NAA 1 740 000 59.2 67.0 80.5 91.1 89.6 3 192 891 98.3 99.3 99.0 115.1 122.2 3 901 950

AAA 122 399Austria (R) NAA 4 338 545 85.8 87.2 86.2 85.4 95.7 4 931 102 85.3 82.5 74.6 64.7 55.1 2 715 863

AAA 821 998 85.1 82.6 81.8 80.5 92.3 935 476 84.1 80.5 73.1 65.1 57.5 537 842Belgium (R) NAA 1 257 111 91.4 85.2 80.0 72.2 87.6 1 350 314 92.9 110.5 100.9 104.7 112.1 1 513 222

AAA 730 997Czech Republic NAA 373 374

AAA 128 739Denmark (N) NAA 380 574 102.9 94.8 90.6 88.0 91.2 395 567 92.8 96.5 94.9 106.0 101.5 401 500Finland (R) NAA 204 580

AAA 101 110France (R) NAA 50 009 000 87.3 96.4 99.6 70.4 83.4 60 769 000 99.4 101.1 104.5 147.0 129.3 78 553 000

AAA 5 481 000 72.4 77.8 78.7 82.1 8 092 000 100.1 102.6 106.7 154.1 138.1 11 173 000Germany (R) NAA 2 359 646 76.0 79.0 78.0 78.4 90.8 3 263 549 101.2 101.4 96.6 101.3 99.2 3 238 276

AAA 1 142 233 77.3 77.6 77.0 77.7 88.8 1 526 140 92.8 93.8 86.2 88.3 89.3 1 362 329Greece (N) NAA 6 803 916

AAA 864 708Hungary NAA 261 929

AAA 93 116Iceland (N) NAA 66 509Ireland (R) NAA 10 832 300 61.4 62.6 77.3 88.6 103.5 15 583 000 94.5 111.5 95.6 103.3 112.3 17 500 000

AAA 1 120 000 62.7 63.1 84.5 96.1 1 785 000 95.8 129.7 104.0 114.2 128.0 2 285 000Italy (N) NAA 6 220 248 106.1 126.1 156.7 108.5 115.0 5 649 670 95.4 95.6 97.1 119.8

AAA 1 228 746 94.2 105.9 105.9 104.4 112.7 1 266 214 98.4 102.1 103.3 121.4 Luxembourg (R) NAA 70 845 75.4 80.7 81.2 86.3 89 769 96.9 112.0 87.8 107.6

AAA 34 806 78.9 79.9 79.2 84.9 43 863 98.5 103.8 84.4 90.5 Netherlands (R) NAA 1 524 782 82.0 79.7 78.4 87.7 1 927 300 100.7 106.9 89.0 92.8 100.7 1 940 300

AAA 683 497 85.7 82.3 85.9 90.7 828 200 100.4 105.2 93.6 100.5 105.2 871 000Norway (N) NAA 453 897Portugal (N) NAA 4 047 009 93.8 110.5 105.9 99.8 96.6 5 423 920 106.6 107.4 101.4 104.1 110.3 5 981 838

AAA 536 563 92.5 101.8 99.8 94.0 93.3 726 768 103.2 100.3 96.2 99.2 100.0 726 903Spain (N) NAA 35 541 439 29 625 516

AAA 3 764 913 3 516 168Sweden (N) NAA 348 159 102.9 99.1 89.7 92.7 101.5 336 192 81.8 85.7 83.7 93.1 106.6 358 287Switzerland (R) NAA 2 734 900 97.6 103.5 95.2 92.3 97.2 2 802 159 91.0 92.6 87.1

AAA 699 000 90.0 92.5 89.0 88.3 95.4 750 315 89.4 90.7 84.5 Turkey (N) NAA 169 797 39.4 52.3 88.1 145.2 124.7 675 111 62.1 129.0 219.8 245.1 211.7 1 428 952

AAA 64 720 47.4 58.8 83.5 127.4 117.7 181 942 56.3 92.8 138.4 164.8 150.1 273 098

AAA Arrivals in all means of accommodation.NAA Nights in all means of accommodation.(R) Tourist count by country of residence. (N) Tourist count by country of nationality.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 53 100 1.6 57 600 1.6 8.5 Mexico 2 400 0.1 1 800 0.0 -25.0 United States 286 400 8.6 302 800 8.2 5.7 Total North America 341 900 10.2 362 200 9.8 5.9 Australia .. .. .. .. ..Japan 718 700 21.5 781 800 21.1 8.8 New Zealand 475 900 14.2 533 600 14.4 12.1 Total Asia and the Pacific 1 194 600 35.7 1 315 400 35.5 10.1 Austria 15 400 0.5 16 900 0.5 9.7 Belgium 7 000 0.2 7 600 0.2 8.6 Czech Republic 2 250 0.1 1 100 0.0 -51.1 Denmark 14 400 0.4 15 600 0.4 8.3 Finland 5 500 0.2 5 700 0.2 3.6 France 34 100 1.0 34 800 0.9 2.1 Germany 122 200 3.7 123 800 3.3 1.3 Greece 6 900 0.2 7 500 0.2 8.7 Hungary 2 500 0.1 2 700 0.1 8.0 Iceland 200 0.0 200 0.0 0.0 Ireland 14 700 0.4 16 800 0.5 14.3 Italy 36 500 1.1 36 600 1.0 0.3 Luxembourg 1 300 0.0 1 000 0.0 -23.1 Netherlands 30 400 0.9 34 300 0.9 12.8 Norway 5 700 0.2 6 500 0.2 14.0 Portugal 1 900 0.1 1 800 0.0 -5.3 Spain 6 800 0.2 7 300 0.2 7.4 Sweden 20 000 0.6 22 300 0.6 11.5 Switzerland 36 100 1.1 35 200 1.0 -2.5 Turkey 1 800 0.1 2 700 0.1 50.0 United Kingdom 329 700 9.9 343 000 9.3 4.0 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 695 350 20.8 723 400 19.5 4.0 Total OECD Countries 2 231 850 66.8 2 401 000 64.8 7.6 Other European countries 26 950 0.8 23 600 0.6 -12.4 Bosnia and Herzegovina .. .. 100 0.0 .. Bulgaria 400 0.0 .. .. .. Croatia .. .. 1 500 0.0 .. Georgia 36 0.0 .. .. .. Poland 3 200 0.1 3 300 0.1 3.1 Romania 500 0.0 700 0.0 40.0 Russia 2 751 0.1 .. .. .. Slovak Republic 250 0.0 500 0.0 100.0 Slovenia .. .. 1 200 0.0 .. Ukrainia 509 0.0 .. .. ..Latin America 15 300 0.5 16 600 0.4 8.5 Argentina 5 300 0.2 4 600 0.1 -13.2 Brazil 3 900 0.1 4 700 0.1 20.5 Chile 2 000 0.1 2 200 0.1 10.0 Colombia 800 0.0 .. .. .. Venezuela 300 0.0 .. .. ..Asia-Oceania 905 600 27.1 1 217 500 32.9 34.4 China 29 200 0.9 42 400 1.1 45.2 Hong Kong 109 400 3.3 131 500 3.5 20.2 India 12 000 0.4 16 900 0.5 40.8 Iran 1 300 0.0 .. .. .. Israel 6 900 0.2 8 100 0.2 17.4 Republic of Korea 110 700 3.3 167 800 4.5 51.6 Lebanon 3 000 0.1 3 700 0.1 23.3 Malaysia 95 000 2.8 108 000 2.9 13.7 Pakistan 1 800 0.1 2 300 0.1 27.8 Philippines 21 500 0.6 26 400 0.7 22.8 Saudi Arabia 3 000 0.1 3 000 0.1 0.0 Singapore 187 500 5.6 202 000 5.5 7.7 Chinese Taipei 142 500 4.3 151 900 4.1 6.6 Thailand 66 700 2.0 81 100 2.2 21.6 Africa 42 500 1.3 44 500 1.2 4.7 Egypt 1 100 0.0 1 100 0.0 0.0 Morocco 100 0.0 .. .. .. South Africa 30 300 0.9 32 600 0.9 7.6 Origin country undetermined 121 300 3.6 1 600 0.0 -98.7 Total non-OECD Countries 1 111 650 33.2 1 303 800 35.2 17.3 TOTAL 3 343 500 100.0 3 704 800 100.0 10.8 1. Includes a small number of "in transit" passengers who leave the port or airport, but do not necessarily stay overnight in Australia. Includes nearly 80% of tourists.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 286 000 1.7 399 000 2.3 39.5 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 2 032 000 12.4 2 296 000 13.3 13.0 Total North America 2 318 000 14.1 2 695 000 15.7 16.3 Australia .. .. .. .. ..Japan 4 028 000 24.6 3 917 000 22.8 -2.8 New Zealand 1 448 000 8.8 1 604 000 9.3 10.8 Total Asia and the Pacific 5 476 000 33.4 5 521 000 32.1 0.8 Austria .. .. .. .. ..Belgium .. .. .. .. ..Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark .. .. .. .. ..Finland .. .. .. .. ..France .. .. .. .. ..Germany 985 000 6.0 1 175 000 6.8 19.3 Greece .. .. .. .. ..Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland 2 .. .. .. .. ..Italy .. .. .. .. ..Luxembourg .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands .. .. .. .. ..Norway .. .. .. .. ..Portugal .. .. .. .. ..Spain .. .. .. .. ..Sweden .. .. .. .. ..Switzerland .. .. .. .. ..Turkey .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 2 1 648 000 10.1 1 540 000 9.0 -6.6 Other OECD-Europe .. .. 1 748 000 10.2 .. Total Europe 2 633 000 16.1 4 463 000 25.9 69.5 Total OECD Countries 10 427 000 63.6 12 679 000 73.7 21.6 Asia-Oceania 3 522 000 21.5 3 924 000 22.8 11.4 Hong Kong 451 000 2.8 519 000 3.0 15.1 Republic of Korea 447 000 2.7 586 000 3.4 31.1 Malaysia 298 000 1.8 308 000 1.8 3.4 Singapore 775 000 4.7 795 000 4.6 2.6 Chinese Taipei 667 000 4.1 638 000 3.7 -4.3 Thailand 256 000 1.6 299 000 1.7 16.8 Origin country undetermined 2 439 000 14.9 597 000 3.5 -75.5 Total non-OECD Countries 5 961 000 36.4 4 521 000 26.3 -24.2 TOTAL 16 388 000 100.0 17 200 000 100.0 5.0 1. Includes nights spent by tourists aged 15 years and above.2. United Kingdom includes Ireland.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 1 052 000 2.5 1 518 000 3.3 44.3 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 4 239 000 9.9 4 615 000 10.1 8.9 Total North America 5 291 000 12.4 6 133 000 13.5 15.9 Australia .. .. .. .. ..Japan 5 088 000 11.9 5 664 000 12.5 11.3 New Zealand 3 896 000 9.1 3 631 000 8.0 -6.8 Total Asia and the Pacific 8 984 000 21.0 9 295 000 20.4 3.5 Austria .. .. .. .. ..Belgium .. .. .. .. ..Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark .. .. .. .. ..Finland .. .. .. .. ..France .. .. .. .. ..Germany 2 841 000 6.6 2 529 000 5.6 -11.0 Greece .. .. .. .. ..Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland 2 .. .. .. .. ..Italy .. .. .. .. ..Luxembourg .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands .. .. .. .. ..Norway .. .. .. .. ..Portugal .. .. .. .. ..Spain .. .. .. .. ..Sweden .. .. .. .. ..Switzerland .. .. .. .. ..Turkey .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 2 7 101 000 16.6 5 958 000 13.1 -16.1 Other OECD-Europe .. .. 4 639 000 10.2 .. Total Europe 9 942 000 23.2 13 126 000 28.9 32.0 Total OECD Countries 24 217 000 56.5 28 554 000 62.8 17.9 Asia-Oceania 11 869 000 27.7 14 670 000 32.3 23.6 Hong Kong 1 294 000 3.0 1 226 000 2.7 -5.3 Republic of Korea 2 076 000 4.8 2 353 000 5.2 13.3 Malaysia 1 202 000 2.8 1 930 000 4.2 60.6 Singapore 2 252 000 5.3 1 968 000 4.3 -12.6 Chinese Taipei 1 268 000 3.0 1 512 000 3.3 19.2 Thailand 845 000 2.0 1 352 000 3.0 60.0 Origin country undetermined 6 752 000 15.8 2 260 000 5.0 -66.5 Total non-OECD Countries 18 621 000 43.5 16 930 000 37.2 -9.1 TOTAL 42 838 000 100.0 45 484 000 100.0 6.2 1. Covers only commercial accommodation (ie excluding stays with friends/relatives).2. United Kingdom includes Ireland.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 52 480 0.4 44 354 0.4 -15.5 Mexico .. .. 7 366 0.1 ..United States 526 196 4.1 494 638 4.0 -6.0 Total North America 578 676 4.5 546 358 4.4 -5.6 Australia 1 72 985 0.6 78 347 0.6 7.3 Japan 232 878 1.8 239 631 1.9 2.9 New Zealand 1 .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 305 863 2.4 317 978 2.6 4.0 Austria .. .. .. .. ..Belgium 2 320 586 2.5 321 499 2.6 0.3 Czech Republic .. .. 82 949 0.7 ..Denmark 106 474 0.8 105 296 0.8 -1.1 Finland 27 617 0.2 30 418 0.2 10.1 France 483 347 3.8 443 725 3.6 -8.2 Germany 6 933 389 53.8 6 771 777 54.3 -2.3 Greece 37 177 0.3 39 949 0.3 7.5 Hungary 146 472 1.1 134 257 1.1 -8.3 Iceland 2 590 0.0 2 850 0.0 10.0 Ireland 15 469 0.1 12 123 0.1 -21.6 Italy 820 737 6.4 721 432 5.8 -12.1 Luxembourg 2 .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 690 847 5.4 660 316 5.3 -4.4 Norway 33 986 0.3 38 572 0.3 13.5 Portugal 20 476 0.2 21 935 0.2 7.1 Spain 216 956 1.7 173 861 1.4 -19.9 Sweden 149 847 1.2 134 477 1.1 -10.3 Switzerland 618 861 4.8 626 681 5.0 1.3 Turkey 16 004 0.1 15 656 0.1 -2.2 United Kingdom 535 992 4.2 471 656 3.8 -12.0 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 11 176 827 86.8 10 809 429 86.7 -3.3 Total OECD Countries 12 061 366 93.7 11 673 765 93.7 -3.2 Other European countries 371 767 2.9 313 061 2.5 -15.8 Bulgaria 21 087 0.2 19 755 0.2 -6.3 Croatia .. .. 42 449 0.3 .. Poland 68 866 0.5 74 366 0.6 8.0 Romania 19 713 0.2 22 286 0.2 13.1 Russia .. .. 62 969 0.5 .. Slovak Republic .. .. 20 175 0.2 .. Slovenia .. .. 42 689 0.3 ..Latin America 80 333 0.6 71 225 0.6 -11.3 Argentina .. .. 12 475 0.1 .. Brazil .. .. 38 196 0.3 ..Asia-Oceania 232 703 1.8 252 726 2.0 8.6 Israel .. .. 51 234 0.4 ..Africa 24 891 0.2 25 763 0.2 3.5 South Africa .. .. 15 653 0.1 ..Origin country undetermined 106 458 0.8 127 472 1.0 19.7 Total non-OECD Countries 816 152 6.3 790 247 6.3 -3.2 TOTAL 12 877 518 100.0 12 464 012 100.0 -3.2 1. Australia includes New Zealand.2. Belgium includes Luxembourg.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 129 291 0.2 119 702 0.2 -7.4 Mexico .. .. 15 907 0.0 ..United States 1 250 330 2.1 1 205 714 2.1 -3.6 Total North America 1 379 621 2.3 1 341 323 2.4 -2.8 Australia 1 174 842 0.3 179 693 0.3 2.8 Japan 477 576 0.8 498 232 0.9 4.3 New Zealand 1 .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 652 418 1.1 677 925 1.2 3.9 Austria .. .. .. .. ..Belgium 2 1 883 901 3.2 1 847 973 3.3 -1.9 Czech Republic .. .. 224 989 0.4 ..Denmark 511 694 0.9 505 666 0.9 -1.2 Finland 103 899 0.2 112 152 0.2 7.9 France 1 790 840 3.0 1 623 956 2.9 -9.3 Germany 37 291 277 63.1 35 588 275 63.3 -4.6 Greece 116 962 0.2 123 553 0.2 5.6 Hungary 379 437 0.6 388 000 0.7 2.3 Iceland 9 432 0.0 10 981 0.0 16.4 Ireland 68 891 0.1 56 703 0.1 -17.7 Italy 2 157 142 3.6 1 823 965 3.2 -15.4 Luxembourg 2 .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 4 295 509 7.3 3 967 316 7.1 -7.6 Norway 110 092 0.2 126 865 0.2 15.2 Portugal 41 624 0.1 47 718 0.1 14.6 Spain 472 753 0.8 391 815 0.7 -17.1 Sweden 612 107 1.0 549 930 1.0 -10.2 Switzerland 2 317 470 3.9 2 350 555 4.2 1.4 Turkey 52 650 0.1 51 399 0.1 -2.4 United Kingdom 2 802 065 4.7 2 371 575 4.2 -15.4 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 55 017 745 93.1 52 163 386 92.8 -5.2 Total OECD Countries 57 049 784 96.5 54 182 634 96.4 -5.0 Other European countries 1 046 499 1.8 945 914 1.7 -9.6 Bulgaria 51 044 0.1 48 984 0.1 -4.0 Croatia .. .. 115 720 0.2 .. Poland 189 706 0.3 228 237 0.4 20.3 Romania 51 131 0.1 60 263 0.1 17.9 Russia .. .. 243 057 0.4 .. Slovak Republic .. .. 49 229 0.1 .. Slovenia .. .. 118 083 0.2 ..Latin America 155 884 0.3 144 242 0.3 -7.5 Argentina .. .. 26 164 0.0 .. Brazil .. .. 76 487 0.1 ..Asia-Oceania 525 219 0.9 539 452 1.0 2.7 Israel .. .. 163 777 0.3 ..Africa 95 813 0.2 98 502 0.2 2.8 South Africa .. .. 62 571 0.1 ..Origin country undetermined 253 251 0.4 288 521 0.5 13.9 Total non-OECD Countries 2 076 666 3.5 2 016 631 3.6 -2.9 TOTAL 59 126 450 100.0 56 199 265 100.0 -5.0 1. Australia includes New Zealand.2. Belgium includes Luxembourg.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 63 138 0.4 55 091 0.3 -12.7 Mexico .. .. 7 366 0.0 ..United States 575 629 3.2 539 097 3.1 -6.3 Total North America 638 767 3.6 601 554 3.5 -5.8 Australia 1 72 985 0.4 78 347 0.5 7.3 Japan 232 878 1.3 239 631 1.4 2.9 New Zealand 1 .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 305 863 1.7 317 978 1.9 4.0 Austria .. .. .. .. ..Belgium 2 434 590 2.4 427 476 2.5 -1.6 Czech Republic .. .. 141 144 0.8 ..Denmark 166 442 0.9 164 160 1.0 -1.4 Finland 27 617 0.2 30 418 0.2 10.1 France 618 269 3.5 563 897 3.3 -8.8 Germany 10 409 230 58.2 10 013 543 58.3 -3.8 Greece 39 509 0.2 42 903 0.2 8.6 Hungary 209 302 1.2 196 488 1.1 -6.1 Iceland 2 590 0.0 2 850 0.0 10.0 Ireland 15 469 0.1 12 123 0.1 -21.6 Italy 942 490 5.3 820 777 4.8 -12.9 Luxembourg 2 .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 1 178 245 6.6 1 127 939 6.6 -4.3 Norway 33 986 0.2 38 572 0.2 13.5 Portugal 20 476 0.1 21 935 0.1 7.1 Spain 216 956 1.2 173 861 1.0 -19.9 Sweden 191 094 1.1 167 001 1.0 -12.6 Switzerland 720 874 4.0 726 032 4.2 0.7 Turkey 16 004 0.1 15 656 0.1 -2.2 United Kingdom 608 706 3.4 537 842 3.1 -11.6 Other OECD-Europe 37 273 0.2 32 267 0.2 -13.4 Total Europe 15 889 122 88.8 15 256 884 88.8 -4.0 Total OECD Countries 16 833 752 94.1 16 176 416 94.2 -3.9 Other European countries 508 158 2.8 408 024 2.4 -19.7 Bulgaria 28 886 0.2 30 545 0.2 5.7 Croatia .. .. 50 732 0.3 .. Poland 109 566 0.6 114 997 0.7 5.0 Romania 25 531 0.1 26 717 0.2 4.6 Russia .. .. 66 966 0.4 .. Slovak Republic .. .. 28 774 0.2 .. Slovenia .. .. 55 488 0.3 ..Latin America 80 333 0.4 71 225 0.4 -11.3 Argentina .. .. 12 475 0.1 .. Brazil .. .. 38 196 0.2 ..Asia-Oceania 239 154 1.3 258 694 1.5 8.2 Israel .. .. 57 202 0.3 ..Africa 24 891 0.1 25 764 0.2 3.5 South Africa .. .. 15 653 0.1 ..Origin country undetermined 207 536 1.2 232 846 1.4 12.2 Total non-OECD Countries 1 060 072 5.9 996 553 5.8 -6.0 TOTAL 17 893 824 100.0 17 172 969 100.0 -4.0 1. Australia includes New Zealand.2. Belgium includes Luxembourg.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 161 507 0.2 152 041 0.2 -5.9 Mexico .. .. 15 907 0.0 ..United States 1 393 102 1.5 1 327 532 1.5 -4.7 Total North America 1 554 609 1.7 1 495 480 1.7 -3.8 Australia 1 174 842 0.2 179 693 0.2 2.8 Japan 477 576 0.5 498 232 0.6 4.3 New Zealand 1 .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 652 418 0.7 677 925 0.8 3.9 Austria .. .. .. .. ..Belgium 2 2 704 815 2.9 2 615 162 3.0 -3.3 Czech Republic .. .. 405 445 0.5 ..Denmark 819 457 0.9 803 379 0.9 -2.0 Finland 103 899 0.1 112 152 0.1 7.9 France 2 353 836 2.6 2 133 772 2.5 -9.3 Germany 61 992 259 67.2 58 430 082 67.2 -5.7 Greece 128 203 0.1 135 378 0.2 5.6 Hungary 614 963 0.7 622 964 0.7 1.3 Iceland 9 432 0.0 10 189 0.0 8.0 Ireland 68 891 0.1 56 703 0.1 -17.7 Italy 2 638 222 2.9 2 211 100 2.5 -16.2 Luxembourg 2 .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 8 019 343 8.7 7 516 075 8.6 -6.3 Norway 110 092 0.1 126 865 0.1 15.2 Portugal 41 624 0.0 47 718 0.1 14.6 Spain 472 753 0.5 391 815 0.5 -17.1 Sweden 810 237 0.9 709 872 0.8 -12.4 Switzerland 2 874 818 3.1 2 903 362 3.3 1.0 Turkey 52 650 0.1 51 399 0.1 -2.4 United Kingdom 3 190 385 3.5 2 715 863 3.1 -14.9 Other OECD-Europe 104 689 0.1 93 336 0.1 -10.8 Total Europe 87 110 568 94.5 82 092 631 94.4 -5.8 Total OECD Countries 89 317 595 96.9 84 266 036 96.9 -5.7 Other European countries 1 546 983 1.7 1 327 455 1.5 -14.2 Bulgaria 74 068 0.1 72 071 0.1 -2.7 Croatia .. .. 161 907 0.2 .. Poland 335 728 0.4 390 870 0.4 16.4 Romania 70 235 0.1 71 603 0.1 1.9 Russia .. .. 266 634 0.3 .. Slovak Republic .. .. 82 975 0.1 .. Slovenia .. .. 176 721 0.2 ..Latin America 155 884 0.2 144 242 0.2 -7.5 Argentina .. .. 26 164 0.0 .. Brazil .. .. 76 487 0.1 ..Asia-Oceania 554 235 0.6 579 442 0.7 4.5 Israel .. .. 190 593 0.2 ..Africa 95 813 0.1 85 348 0.1 -10.9 Origin country undetermined 545 919 0.6 588 953 0.7 7.9 Total non-OECD Countries 2 898 834 3.1 2 725 440 3.1 -6.0 TOTAL 92 216 429 100.0 86 991 476 100.0 -5.7 1. Australia includes New Zealand.2. Belgium includes Luxembourg.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 36 199 0.7 33 560 0.6 -7.3 Mexico 8 824 0.2 6 168 0.1 -30.1 United States 271 063 5.1 283 908 5.1 4.7 Total North America 316 086 6.0 323 636 5.8 2.4 Australia 18 884 0.4 22 535 0.4 19.3 Japan 130 120 2.5 149 415 2.7 14.8 New Zealand 3 269 0.1 3 547 0.1 8.5 Total Asia and the Pacific 152 273 2.9 175 497 3.2 15.3 Austria 57 962 1.1 48 214 0.9 -16.8 Belgium .. .. .. .. ..Czech Republic 33 971 0.6 25 900 0.5 -23.8 Denmark 74 781 1.4 69 129 1.2 -7.6 Finland 27 464 0.5 39 976 0.7 45.6 France 721 570 13.6 731 602 13.2 1.4 Germany 847 118 16.0 923 844 16.6 9.1 Greece 52 133 1.0 44 554 0.8 -14.5 Hungary 11 758 0.2 11 680 0.2 -0.7 Iceland 12 549 0.2 10 033 0.2 -20.0 Ireland 27 547 0.5 30 451 0.5 10.5 Italy 196 077 3.7 186 752 3.4 -4.8 Luxembourg 65 818 1.2 64 959 1.2 -1.3 Netherlands 1 284 569 24.2 1 373 172 24.7 6.9 Norway 29 431 0.6 30 813 0.6 4.7 Portugal 78 611 1.5 59 405 1.1 -24.4 Spain 145 430 2.7 147 459 2.7 1.4 Sweden 82 188 1.5 89 339 1.6 8.7 Switzerland 60 608 1.1 60 027 1.1 -1.0 Turkey 12 117 0.2 12 788 0.2 5.5 United Kingdom 670 272 12.6 730 997 13.1 9.1 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 4 491 974 84.6 4 691 094 84.4 4.4 Total OECD Countries 4 960 333 93.4 5 190 227 93.4 4.6 Other European countries 65 533 1.2 95 255 1.7 45.4 Bosnia and Herzegovina .. .. 855 0.0 .. Bulgaria 3 827 0.1 3 756 0.1 -1.9 Croatia .. .. 2 832 0.1 .. Georgia .. .. 807 0.0 .. Poland 34 895 0.7 42 410 0.8 21.5 Romania 6 345 0.1 8 831 0.2 39.2 Russia 20 466 0.4 25 919 0.5 26.6 Serbia and Montenegro .. .. 253 0.0 .. Slovak Republic .. .. 4 213 0.1 .. Slovenia .. .. 3 157 0.1 .. Ukrainia .. .. 2 222 0.0 ..Latin America 32 009 0.6 38 693 0.7 20.9 Argentina 8 391 0.2 8 325 0.1 -0.8 Brazil 19 010 0.4 24 078 0.4 26.7 Chile 2 727 0.1 2 898 0.1 6.3 Colombia 1 034 0.0 2 508 0.0 142.6 Venezuela 847 0.0 884 0.0 4.4 Asia-Oceania 86 199 1.6 87 204 1.6 1.2 China 19 165 0.4 17 415 0.3 -9.1 Hong Kong 2 118 0.0 2 083 0.0 -1.7 India 8 136 0.2 8 538 0.2 4.9 Iran 3 311 0.1 2 227 0.0 -32.7 Israel 21 804 0.4 24 010 0.4 10.1 Republic of Korea 7 668 0.1 14 378 0.3 87.5 Lebanon 1 506 0.0 2 084 0.0 38.4 Malaysia 4 777 0.1 4 048 0.1 -15.3 Pakistan 1 155 0.0 .. .. .. Philippines 1 267 0.0 1 578 0.0 24.5 Saudi Arabia 2 110 0.0 2 462 0.0 16.7 Singapore 5 375 0.1 3 319 0.1 -38.3 Chinese Taipei 5 193 0.1 .. .. .. Thailand 2 614 0.0 3 140 0.1 20.1 Africa 17 482 0.3 20 785 0.4 18.9 Algeria 5 270 0.1 4 779 0.1 -9.3 Egypt 2 695 0.1 3 677 0.1 36.4 Morocco 9 517 0.2 12 329 0.2 29.5 Origin country undetermined 147 220 2.8 127 711 2.3 -13.3 Total non-OECD Countries 348 443 6.6 369 648 6.6 6.1 TOTAL 5 308 776 100.0 5 559 875 100.0 4.7

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 26 122 0.7 23 746 0.6 -9.1 Mexico 6 602 0.2 4 889 0.1 -25.9 United States 245 369 6.2 258 515 6.2 5.4 Total North America 278 093 7.0 287 150 6.9 3.3 Australia 8 597 0.2 10 686 0.3 24.3 Japan 124 888 3.2 143 359 3.5 14.8 New Zealand 1 364 0.0 1 660 0.0 21.7 Total Asia and the Pacific 134 849 3.4 155 705 3.8 15.5 Austria 53 591 1.4 44 431 1.1 -17.1 Belgium .. .. .. .. ..Czech Republic .. .. 22 949 0.6 ..Denmark 62 852 1.6 57 923 1.4 -7.8 Finland 25 203 0.6 37 817 0.9 50.0 France 620 630 15.7 635 918 15.4 2.5 Germany 555 944 14.1 588 373 14.2 5.8 Greece 51 166 1.3 43 447 1.1 -15.1 Hungary 9 420 0.2 9 732 0.2 3.3 Iceland 12 430 0.3 9 918 0.2 -20.2 Ireland 24 202 0.6 27 110 0.7 12.0 Italy 178 249 4.5 171 899 4.2 -3.6 Luxembourg 53 357 1.4 51 482 1.2 -3.5 Netherlands 573 034 14.5 633 049 15.3 10.5 Norway 27 847 0.7 29 408 0.7 5.6 Portugal 76 128 1.9 56 482 1.4 -25.8 Spain 129 034 3.3 132 161 3.2 2.4 Sweden 77 361 2.0 85 061 2.1 10.0 Switzerland 55 127 1.4 54 871 1.3 -0.5 Turkey 11 434 0.3 11 578 0.3 1.3 United Kingdom 601 080 15.2 667 429 16.1 11.0 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 3 198 089 81.0 3 371 038 81.5 5.4 Total OECD Countries 3 611 031 91.5 3 813 893 92.2 5.6 Other European countries 80 631 2.0 82 664 2.0 2.5 Bosnia and Herzegovina .. .. 829 0.0 .. Bulgaria 2 857 0.1 3 232 0.1 13.1 Croatia .. .. 2 660 0.1 .. Georgia .. .. 790 0.0 .. Poland 29 180 0.7 35 447 0.9 21.5 Romania 5 854 0.1 7 424 0.2 26.8 Russia .. .. 24 079 0.6 .. Serbia and Montenegro .. .. 239 0.0 .. Slovak Republic .. .. 3 644 0.1 .. Slovenia .. .. 2 521 0.1 .. Ukrainia .. .. 1 799 0.0 ..Latin America 22 283 0.6 27 587 0.7 23.8 Argentina 5 007 0.1 5 252 0.1 4.9 Brazil 13 754 0.3 18 500 0.4 34.5 Chile 2 048 0.1 2 140 0.1 4.5 Colombia 741 0.0 891 0.0 20.2 Venezuela 733 0.0 804 0.0 9.7 Asia-Oceania 78 657 2.0 67 557 1.6 -14.1 China 17 186 0.4 16 341 0.4 -4.9 Hong Kong 1 742 0.0 1 880 0.0 7.9 India 7 737 0.2 8 056 0.2 4.1 Iran 3 129 0.1 2 037 0.0 -34.9 Israel 20 980 0.5 21 863 0.5 4.2 Republic of Korea 5 430 0.1 .. .. .. Lebanon 1 454 0.0 2 047 0.0 40.8 Malaysia 4 424 0.1 3 661 0.1 -17.2 Pakistan 1 107 0.0 .. .. .. Philippines 1 201 0.0 1 504 0.0 25.2 Saudi Arabia 2 110 0.1 2 451 0.1 16.2 Singapore 4 915 0.1 2 864 0.1 -41.7 Chinese Taipei 4 739 0.1 .. .. .. Thailand 2 503 0.1 3 018 0.1 20.6 Africa 15 233 0.4 17 229 0.4 13.1 Algeria 3 664 0.1 3 602 0.1 -1.7 Egypt 2 658 0.1 3 600 0.1 35.4 Morocco 8 911 0.2 10 027 0.2 12.5 Origin country undetermined 138 335 3.5 128 685 3.1 -7.0 Total non-OECD Countries 335 139 8.5 323 722 7.8 -3.4 TOTAL 3 946 170 100.0 4 137 615 100.0 4.9

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 57 567 0.7 53 463 0.7 -7.1 Mexico 12 236 0.2 10 421 0.1 -14.8 United States 532 273 6.9 543 992 6.9 2.2 Total North America 602 076 7.8 607 876 7.7 1.0 Australia 17 673 0.2 21 597 0.3 22.2 Japan 220 449 2.9 238 384 3.0 8.1 New Zealand 2 744 0.0 3 568 0.0 30.0 Total Asia and the Pacific 240 866 3.1 263 549 3.3 9.4 Austria 107 229 1.4 89 110 1.1 -16.9 Belgium .. .. .. .. ..Czech Republic .. .. 44 417 0.6 ..Denmark 121 253 1.6 107 935 1.4 -11.0 Finland 51 614 0.7 74 814 0.9 44.9 France 1 041 792 13.5 1 050 822 13.3 0.9 Germany 1 139 928 14.8 1 189 181 15.1 4.3 Greece 105 316 1.4 93 070 1.2 -11.6 Hungary 23 919 0.3 22 444 0.3 -6.2 Iceland 22 688 0.3 17 444 0.2 -23.1 Ireland 46 937 0.6 49 656 0.6 5.8 Italy 352 576 4.6 332 859 4.2 -5.6 Luxembourg 127 457 1.7 118 594 1.5 -7.0 Netherlands 1 054 821 13.7 1 097 865 13.9 4.1 Norway 55 578 0.7 58 668 0.7 5.6 Portugal 138 136 1.8 111 677 1.4 -19.2 Spain 231 586 3.0 234 526 3.0 1.3 Sweden 141 078 1.8 155 227 2.0 10.0 Switzerland 106 102 1.4 110 559 1.4 4.2 Turkey 24 760 0.3 26 936 0.3 8.8 United Kingdom 1 196 159 15.6 1 312 893 16.6 9.8 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 6 088 929 79.2 6 298 697 79.8 3.4 Total OECD Countries 6 931 871 90.1 7 170 122 90.8 3.4 Other European countries 186 947 2.4 189 862 2.4 1.6 Bosnia and Herzegovina .. .. 1 455 0.0 .. Bulgaria 8 715 0.1 8 973 0.1 3.0 Croatia .. .. 5 576 0.1 .. Georgia .. .. 2 048 0.0 .. Poland 59 625 0.8 67 074 0.8 12.5 Romania 13 545 0.2 18 124 0.2 33.8 Russia .. .. 67 053 0.8 .. Serbia and Montenegro .. .. 664 0.0 .. Slovak Republic .. .. 8 889 0.1 .. Slovenia .. .. 5 534 0.1 .. Ukrainia .. .. 4 472 0.1 ..Latin America 42 779 0.6 52 615 0.7 23.0 Argentina 9 256 0.1 9 354 0.1 1.1 Brazil 25 784 0.3 34 138 0.4 32.4 Chile 4 336 0.1 4 666 0.1 7.6 Colombia 1 672 0.0 1 903 0.0 13.8 Venezuela 1 731 0.0 2 554 0.0 47.5 Asia-Oceania 173 916 2.3 178 834 2.3 2.8 China 43 829 0.6 35 253 0.4 -19.6 Hong Kong 3 907 0.1 3 956 0.1 1.3 India 20 481 0.3 21 400 0.3 4.5 Iran 5 597 0.1 3 722 0.0 -33.5 Israel 45 866 0.6 52 055 0.7 13.5 Republic of Korea 9 507 0.1 .. .. .. Lebanon 4 181 0.1 8 621 0.1 106.2 Malaysia 7 525 0.1 7 647 0.1 1.6 Pakistan 2 434 0.0 .. .. .. Philippines 2 543 0.0 2 976 0.0 17.0 Saudi Arabia 7 369 0.1 7 399 0.1 0.4 Singapore 8 147 0.1 5 168 0.1 -36.6 Chinese Taipei 7 020 0.1 .. .. .. Thailand 5 510 0.1 7 228 0.1 31.2 Africa 32 535 0.4 36 140 0.5 11.1 Algeria 9 252 0.1 9 941 0.1 7.4 Egypt 7 851 0.1 10 450 0.1 33.1 Morocco 15 432 0.2 15 749 0.2 2.1 Origin country undetermined 323 636 4.2 267 908 3.4 -17.2 Total non-OECD Countries 759 813 9.9 725 359 9.2 -4.5 TOTAL 7 691 684 100.0 7 895 481 100.0 2.6

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 70 896 0.5 67 264 0.5 -5.1 Mexico 14 956 0.1 11 941 0.1 -20.2 United States 567 337 4.3 580 579 4.2 2.3 Total North America 653 189 5.0 659 784 4.8 1.0 Australia 30 457 0.2 37 740 0.3 23.9 Japan 228 039 1.7 248 505 1.8 9.0 New Zealand 5 222 0.0 6 110 0.0 17.0 Total Asia and the Pacific 263 718 2.0 292 355 2.1 10.9 Austria 116 985 0.9 99 669 0.7 -14.8 Belgium .. .. .. .. ..Czech Republic .. .. 50 155 0.4 ..Denmark 156 877 1.2 136 512 1.0 -13.0 Finland 56 343 0.4 78 520 0.6 39.4 France 1 355 460 10.3 1 382 982 10.0 2.0 Germany 2 580 075 19.6 2 889 675 20.8 12.0 Greece 107 833 0.8 95 869 0.7 -11.1 Hungary 28 291 0.2 27 102 0.2 -4.2 Iceland 24 601 0.2 17 868 0.1 -27.4 Ireland 53 195 0.4 58 846 0.4 10.6 Italy 404 592 3.1 377 853 2.7 -6.6 Luxembourg 194 547 1.5 193 033 1.4 -0.8 Netherlands 4 156 306 31.5 4 428 559 31.9 6.6 Norway 59 404 0.5 61 736 0.4 3.9 Portugal 143 700 1.1 118 497 0.9 -17.5 Spain 265 832 2.0 265 195 1.9 -0.2 Sweden 151 116 1.1 163 693 1.2 8.3 Switzerland 116 563 0.9 121 582 0.9 4.3 Turkey 25 995 0.2 28 972 0.2 11.5 United Kingdom 1 413 930 10.7 1 513 222 10.9 7.0 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 11 411 645 86.6 12 109 540 87.3 6.1 Total OECD Countries 12 328 552 93.5 13 061 679 94.1 5.9 Other European countries 220 204 1.7 219 956 1.6 -0.1 Bosnia and Herzegovina .. .. 1 604 0.0 .. Bulgaria 10 231 0.1 10 462 0.1 2.3 Croatia .. .. 5 975 0.0 .. Georgia .. .. 2 081 0.0 .. Poland 74 439 0.6 81 392 0.6 9.3 Romania 15 246 0.1 20 908 0.2 37.1 Russia .. .. 72 092 0.5 .. Serbia and Montenegro .. .. 713 0.0 .. Slovak Republic .. .. 10 018 0.1 .. Slovenia .. .. 8 312 0.1 .. Ukrainia .. .. 6 399 0.0 ..Latin America 54 135 0.4 68 392 0.5 26.3 Argentina 13 945 0.1 13 525 0.1 -3.0 Brazil 32 686 0.2 42 110 0.3 28.8 Chile 3 435 0.0 5 957 0.0 73.4 Colombia 2 178 0.0 4 136 0.0 89.9 Venezuela 1 891 0.0 2 664 0.0 40.9 Asia-Oceania 186 143 1.4 191 651 1.4 3.0 China 46 497 0.4 37 470 0.3 -19.4 Hong Kong 4 478 0.0 4 265 0.0 -4.8 India 21 129 0.2 22 252 0.2 5.3 Iran 5 974 0.0 4 078 0.0 -31.7 Israel 47 482 0.4 56 095 0.4 18.1 Republic of Korea 12 485 0.1 23 354 0.2 87.1 Lebanon 4 885 0.0 8 707 0.1 78.2 Malaysia 7 986 0.1 8 178 0.1 2.4 Pakistan 2 516 0.0 .. .. .. Philippines 2 850 0.0 3 169 0.0 11.2 Saudi Arabia 7 369 0.1 7 416 0.1 0.6 Singapore 8 878 0.1 5 675 0.0 -36.1 Chinese Taipei 7 800 0.1 .. .. .. Thailand 5 814 0.0 7 434 0.1 27.9 Africa 36 515 0.3 41 638 0.3 14.0 Algeria 11 787 0.1 10 958 0.1 -7.0 Egypt 7 942 0.1 10 598 0.1 33.4 Morocco 16 786 0.1 20 082 0.1 19.6 Origin country undetermined 354 422 2.7 294 346 2.1 -17.0 Total non-OECD Countries 851 419 6.5 815 983 5.9 -4.2 TOTAL 13 179 971 100.0 13 877 662 100.0 5.3

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada .. .. .. .. ..Mexico 80 900 0.5 62 800 0.4 -22.4 United States 12 542 500 78.5 13 005 100 76.8 3.7 Total North America 12 623 400 79.0 13 067 900 77.2 3.5 Australia 117 200 0.7 141 600 0.8 20.8 Japan 481 300 3.0 589 300 3.5 22.4 New Zealand 30 500 0.2 36 500 0.2 19.7 Total Asia and the Pacific 629 000 3.9 767 400 4.5 22.0 Austria 32 400 0.2 33 000 0.2 1.9 Belgium 1 37 700 0.2 42 600 0.3 13.0 Czech Republic 2 12 000 0.1 13 600 0.1 13.3 Denmark 3 18 700 0.1 20 600 0.1 10.2 Finland 12 900 0.1 14 000 0.1 8.5 France 4 409 500 2.6 430 200 2.5 5.1 Germany 367 200 2.3 420 800 2.5 14.6 Greece 15 100 0.1 15 400 0.1 2.0 Hungary 9 900 0.1 12 600 0.1 27.3 Iceland 1 200 0.0 2 200 0.0 83.3 Ireland 23 500 0.1 17 900 0.1 -23.8 Italy 5 95 800 0.6 99 100 0.6 3.4 Luxembourg 1 .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 89 600 0.6 99 500 0.6 11.0 Norway 13 700 0.1 15 100 0.1 10.2 Portugal 6 16 800 0.1 16 000 0.1 -4.8 Spain 7 30 100 0.2 32 200 0.2 7.0 Sweden 26 200 0.2 27 700 0.2 5.7 Switzerland 8 88 600 0.6 101 000 0.6 14.0 Turkey 3 700 0.0 4 300 0.0 16.2 United Kingdom 576 600 3.6 640 500 3.8 11.1 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 1 881 200 11.8 2 058 300 12.2 9.4 Total OECD Countries 15 133 600 94.8 15 893 600 93.9 5.0 Other European countries 53 300 0.3 59 200 0.3 11.1 Bulgaria 9 5 700 0.0 6 100 0.0 7.0 Poland 19 900 0.1 20 800 0.1 4.5 Russia 10 17 000 0.1 20 000 0.1 17.6 Latin America 68 800 0.4 83 600 0.5 21.5 Argentina 19 500 0.1 20 500 0.1 5.1 Brazil 30 600 0.2 40 600 0.2 32.7 Colombia 7 000 0.0 8 400 0.0 20.0 Venezuela 11 700 0.1 14 100 0.1 20.5 Asia-Oceania 487 300 3.1 648 500 3.8 33.1 China 36 500 0.2 44 500 0.3 21.9 Hong Kong 129 500 0.8 172 600 1.0 33.3 India 11 51 200 0.3 64 400 0.4 25.8 Israel 55 800 0.3 68 400 0.4 22.6 Republic of Korea 78 100 0.5 112 500 0.7 44.0 Malaysia 17 300 0.1 19 200 0.1 11.0 Philippines 19 600 0.1 25 200 0.1 28.6 Singapore 21 200 0.1 25 700 0.2 21.2 Chinese Taipei 64 400 0.4 98 000 0.6 52.2 Thailand 13 700 0.1 18 000 0.1 31.4 Africa 17 500 0.1 17 000 0.1 -2.9 South Africa 17 500 0.1 17 000 0.1 -2.9 Origin country undetermined 211 300 1.3 229 900 1.4 8.8 Total non-OECD Countries 838 200 5.2 1 038 200 6.1 23.9 TOTAL 15 971 800 100.0 16 931 800 100.0 6.0 1. Belgium includes Luxembourg.2. Czech Republic includes Slovak Republic.3. Denmark includes Faeroe Islands.4. France includes Andorra and Monaco.5. Italy includes San Marino and Vatican City.6. Portugal includes Azores and Madeira.7. Spain includes Canary Islands.8. Switzerland includes Liechtenstein.9. Bulgaria includes Romania and Albania.10. Russia includes Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.11. India includes Buthan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada .. .. .. .. ..Mexico 90 200 0.2 69 700 0.2 -22.7 United States 34 858 800 90.2 37 330 100 89.6 7.1 Total North America 34 949 000 90.4 37 399 800 89.8 7.0 Australia 126 900 0.3 151 600 0.4 19.5 Japan 563 200 1.5 667 800 1.6 18.6 New Zealand 32 800 0.1 39 400 0.1 20.1 Total Asia and the Pacific 722 900 1.9 858 800 2.1 18.8 Austria 34 500 0.1 36 100 0.1 4.6 Belgium 1 39 500 0.1 44 500 0.1 12.7 Czech Republic 2 12 800 0.0 14 300 0.0 11.7 Denmark 3 20 700 0.1 23 000 0.1 11.1 Finland 13 900 0.0 15 200 0.0 9.4 France 4 428 200 1.1 449 700 1.1 5.0 Germany 409 300 1.1 469 700 1.1 14.8 Greece 16 800 0.0 17 400 0.0 3.6 Hungary 10 700 0.0 14 500 0.0 35.5 Iceland 1 400 0.0 2 300 0.0 64.3 Ireland 25 200 0.1 19 300 0.0 -23.4 Italy 5 113 500 0.3 118 900 0.3 4.8 Luxembourg 1 .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 94 700 0.2 106 400 0.3 12.4 Norway 16 100 0.0 16 600 0.0 3.1 Portugal 6 17 900 0.0 17 300 0.0 -3.4 Spain 7 36 100 0.1 41 700 0.1 15.5 Sweden 28 400 0.1 30 600 0.1 7.7 Switzerland 8 94 500 0.2 106 600 0.3 12.8 Turkey 4 100 0.0 4 600 0.0 12.2 United Kingdom 620 800 1.6 683 100 1.6 10.0 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 2 039 100 5.3 2 231 800 5.4 9.5 Total OECD Countries 37 711 000 97.6 40 490 400 97.2 7.4 Other European countries 55 700 0.1 61 600 0.1 10.6 Bulgaria 9 5 900 0.0 6 300 0.0 6.8 Poland 20 800 0.1 21 600 0.1 3.8 Russia 10 17 700 0.0 20 800 0.0 17.5 Latin America 79 100 0.2 97 800 0.2 23.6 Argentina 23 000 0.1 23 600 0.1 2.6 Brazil 35 300 0.1 48 900 0.1 38.5 Colombia 8 100 0.0 9 800 0.0 21.0 Venezuela 12 700 0.0 15 500 0.0 22.0 Asia-Oceania 563 100 1.5 746 300 1.8 32.5 China 41 800 0.1 51 500 0.1 23.2 Hong Kong 136 200 0.4 182 900 0.4 34.3 India 11 61 400 0.2 76 200 0.2 24.1 Israel 69 200 0.2 84 100 0.2 21.5 Republic of Korea 100 700 0.3 141 700 0.3 40.7 Malaysia 20 000 0.1 22 500 0.1 12.5 Philippines 22 000 0.1 28 700 0.1 30.5 Singapore 23 600 0.1 28 200 0.1 19.5 Chinese Taipei 71 400 0.2 109 500 0.3 53.4 Thailand 16 800 0.0 21 000 0.1 25.0 Africa 18 300 0.0 18 300 0.0 0.0 South Africa 18 300 0.0 18 300 0.0 0.0 Origin country undetermined 223 500 0.6 242 500 0.6 8.5 Total non-OECD Countries 939 700 2.4 1 166 500 2.8 24.1 TOTAL 38 650 700 100.0 41 656 900 100.0 7.8 1. Belgium includes Luxembourg.2. Czech Republic includes Slovak Republic.3. Denmark includes Faeroe Islands.4. France includes Andorra and Monaco.5. Italy includes San Marino and Vatican City.6. Portugal includes Azores and Madeira.7. Spain includes Canary Islands.8. Switzerland includes Liechtenstein.9. Bulgaria includes Romania and Albania.10. Russia includes Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.11. India includes Buthan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada .. .. .. .. ..Mexico 642 000 0.8 618 100 0.7 -3.7 United States 48 086 100 56.3 49 078 400 53.4 2.1 Total North America 48 728 100 57.1 49 696 500 54.0 2.0 Australia 1 222 100 1.4 1 380 800 1.5 13.0 Japan 2 971 200 3.5 3 487 100 3.8 17.4 New Zealand 279 000 0.3 345 200 0.4 23.7 Total Asia and the Pacific 4 472 300 5.2 5 213 100 5.7 16.6 Austria 355 300 0.4 395 100 0.4 11.2 Belgium 2 456 000 0.5 516 000 0.6 13.2 Czech Republic 3 198 400 0.2 212 900 0.2 7.3 Denmark 4 186 500 0.2 226 700 0.2 21.6 Finland 98 500 0.1 108 500 0.1 10.2 France 5 4 881 100 5.7 5 230 200 5.7 7.2 Germany 4 593 400 5.4 5 089 100 5.5 10.8 Greece 291 600 0.3 291 900 0.3 0.1 Hungary 153 200 0.2 189 300 0.2 23.6 Iceland 4 900 0.0 9 000 0.0 83.7 Ireland 313 400 0.4 243 900 0.3 -22.2 Italy 6 957 600 1.1 1 265 200 1.4 32.1 Luxembourg 2 .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 1 184 000 1.4 1 291 600 1.4 9.1 Norway 141 200 0.2 121 900 0.1 -13.7 Portugal 7 224 200 0.3 215 500 0.2 -3.9 Spain 8 297 400 0.3 327 800 0.4 10.2 Sweden 202 700 0.2 267 200 0.3 31.8 Switzerland 9 1 085 900 1.3 1 246 100 1.4 14.8 Turkey 40 000 0.0 47 600 0.1 19.0 United Kingdom 6 596 300 7.7 7 326 600 8.0 11.1 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 22 261 600 26.1 24 622 100 26.8 10.6 Total OECD Countries 75 462 000 88.4 79 531 700 86.5 5.4 Other European countries 1 182 500 1.4 1 268 600 1.4 7.3 Bulgaria 10 185 600 0.2 159 000 0.2 -14.3 Poland 508 800 0.6 496 400 0.5 -2.4 Russia 11 295 900 0.3 384 300 0.4 29.9 Latin America 685 400 0.8 836 100 0.9 22.0 Argentina 237 600 0.3 264 700 0.3 11.4 Brazil 277 300 0.3 368 200 0.4 32.8 Colombia 58 800 0.1 61 900 0.1 5.3 Venezuela 111 700 0.1 141 300 0.2 26.5 Asia-Oceania 5 100 700 6.0 6 757 100 7.3 32.5 China 471 300 0.6 660 100 0.7 40.1 Hong Kong 1 386 100 1.6 1 793 800 2.0 29.4 India 12 512 100 0.6 559 100 0.6 9.2 Israel 553 300 0.6 623 000 0.7 12.6 Republic of Korea 496 200 0.6 738 200 0.8 48.8 Malaysia 136 200 0.2 161 600 0.2 18.6 Philippines 193 900 0.2 232 000 0.3 19.6 Singapore 157 400 0.2 174 400 0.2 10.8 Chinese Taipei 1 062 800 1.2 1 643 200 1.8 54.6 Thailand 131 400 0.2 171 700 0.2 30.7 Africa 201 800 0.2 221 600 0.2 9.8 South Africa 201 800 0.2 221 600 0.2 9.8 Origin country undetermined 2 754 600 3.2 3 367 700 3.7 22.3 Total non-OECD Countries 9 925 000 11.6 12 451 100 13.5 25.5 TOTAL 85 387 000 100.0 91 982 800 100.0 7.7 1. Covers all forms of accommodation, including homes of friends and relatives.2. Belgium includes Luxembourg.3. Czech Republic includes Slovak Republic.4. Denmark includes Faeroe Islands.5. France includes Andorra and Monaco.6. Italy includes San Marino and Vatican City.7. Portugal includes Azores and Madeira.8. Spain includes Canary Islands.9. Switzerland includes Liechtenstein.10. Bulgaria includes Romania and Albania.11. Russia includes Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.12. India includes Buthan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 81 260 0.5 67 320 0.4 -17.2 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 722 160 4.2 587 235 3.6 -18.7 Total North America 803 420 4.7 654 555 4.0 -18.5 Australia 124 610 0.7 74 250 0.5 -40.4 Japan 172 890 1.0 245 685 1.5 42.1 New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 297 500 1.8 319 935 1.9 7.5 Austria 1 057 400 6.2 895 290 5.4 -15.3 Belgium 352 240 2.1 339 405 2.1 -3.6 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 372 130 2.2 370 095 2.2 -0.5 Finland 76 670 0.5 88 770 0.5 15.8 France 678 640 4.0 601 095 3.6 -11.4 Germany 6 419 370 37.8 6 067 710 36.8 -5.5 Greece 54 230 0.3 76 890 0.5 41.8 Hungary 134 810 0.8 99 165 0.6 -26.4 Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland .. .. .. .. ..Italy 1 000 110 5.9 1 010 130 6.1 1.0 Luxembourg .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 1 071 680 6.3 1 115 895 6.8 4.1 Norway 65 790 0.4 72 765 0.4 10.6 Portugal .. .. .. .. ..Spain 454 070 2.7 631 455 3.8 39.1 Sweden 219 980 1.3 238 920 1.4 8.6 Switzerland 298 180 1.8 244 530 1.5 -18.0 Turkey .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 697 510 4.1 628 320 3.8 -9.9 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 12 952 810 76.2 12 480 435 75.6 -3.6 Total OECD Countries 14 053 730 82.7 13 454 925 81.5 -4.3 Other European countries 2 534 360 14.9 2 546 610 15.4 0.5 Bulgaria 48 450 0.3 48 840 0.3 0.8 Poland 653 310 3.8 632 940 3.8 -3.1 Romania 42 160 0.2 47 190 0.3 11.9 Russia 285 090 1.7 379 500 2.3 33.1 Slovak Republic 839 290 4.9 766 095 4.6 -8.7 Latin America 108 970 0.6 73 755 0.4 -32.3 Brazil 18 530 0.1 .. .. ..Asia-Oceania 236 470 1.4 364 980 2.2 54.3 Israel .. .. 136 290 0.8 ..Africa 66 470 0.4 59 730 0.4 -10.1 Total non-OECD Countries 2 946 270 17.3 3 045 075 18.5 3.4 TOTAL 17 000 000 100.0 16 500 000 100.0 -2.9 1. Estimates.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 14 515 0.5 13 786 0.4 -5.0 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 129 002 4.2 120 336 3.6 -6.7 Total North America 143 517 4.7 134 122 4.0 -6.5 Australia 22 261 0.7 15 230 0.5 -31.6 Japan 30 877 1.0 50 355 1.5 63.1 New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 53 138 1.7 65 585 1.9 23.4 Austria 188 863 6.2 183 462 5.4 -2.9 Belgium 62 904 2.1 69 564 2.1 10.6 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 66 466 2.2 75 825 2.2 14.1 Finland 13 689 0.5 18 200 0.5 33.0 France 121 207 4.0 123 175 3.6 1.6 Germany 1 146 611 37.8 1 243 385 36.8 8.4 Greece 9 677 0.3 15 769 0.5 63.0 Hungary 24 093 0.8 20 320 0.6 -15.7 Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland .. .. .. .. ..Italy 178 633 5.9 207 007 6.1 15.9 Luxembourg .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 191 421 6.3 228 669 6.8 19.5 Norway 11 750 0.4 14 909 0.4 26.9 Portugal .. .. .. .. ..Spain 81 093 2.7 129 386 3.8 59.6 Sweden 39 281 1.3 48 953 1.4 24.6 Switzerland 53 257 1.8 50 125 1.5 -5.9 Turkey .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 124 587 4.1 128 739 3.8 3.3 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 2 313 532 76.2 2 557 488 75.6 10.5 Total OECD Countries 2 510 187 82.7 2 757 195 81.5 9.8 Other European countries 452 684 14.9 521 853 15.4 15.3 Bulgaria 8 645 0.3 10 001 0.3 15.7 Poland 116 706 3.8 129 694 3.8 11.1 Romania 7 547 0.2 9 676 0.3 28.2 Russia 50 918 1.7 77 754 2.3 52.7 Slovak Republic 149 901 4.9 157 000 4.6 4.7 Latin America 19 494 0.6 15 100 0.4 -22.5 Brazil 3 330 0.1 74 792 2.2 2146.0 Asia-Oceania 42 248 1.4 74 792 2.2 77.0 Israel .. .. 27 936 0.8 ..Africa 11 860 0.4 12 246 0.4 3.3 Total non-OECD Countries 526 286 17.3 623 991 18.5 18.6 TOTAL 3 036 473 100.0 3 381 186 100.0 11.4

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 41 367 0.5 39 065 0.4 -5.6 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 345 702 4.0 350 094 3.4 1.3 Total North America 387 069 4.5 389 159 3.8 0.5 Australia 55 919 0.6 40 805 0.4 -27.0 Japan 77 953 0.9 119 263 1.2 53.0 New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 133 872 1.6 160 068 1.6 19.6 Austria 390 657 4.5 390 047 3.8 -0.2 Belgium 183 342 2.1 210 130 2.0 14.6 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 207 348 2.4 246 583 2.4 18.9 Finland 45 257 0.5 62 787 0.6 38.7 France 324 448 3.8 336 093 3.3 3.6 Germany 3 151 328 36.6 3 901 530 37.8 23.8 Greece 30 741 0.4 48 447 0.5 57.6 Hungary 66 257 0.8 49 044 0.5 -26.0 Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland .. .. .. .. ..Italy 517 930 6.0 620 149 6.0 19.7 Luxembourg .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 637 485 7.4 811 721 7.9 27.3 Norway 42 874 0.5 41 091 0.4 -4.2 Portugal .. .. .. .. ..Spain 227 587 2.6 378 638 3.7 66.4 Sweden 105 404 1.2 137 997 1.3 30.9 Switzerland 148 979 1.7 137 315 1.3 -7.8 Turkey .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 344 468 4.0 373 374 3.6 8.4 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 6 424 105 74.6 7 744 946 75.0 20.6 Total OECD Countries 6 945 046 80.7 8 294 173 80.3 19.4 Other European countries 1 451 621 16.9 1 746 591 16.9 20.3 Bulgaria 20 414 0.2 30 526 0.3 49.5 Poland 340 117 3.9 340 859 3.3 0.2 Romania 13 984 0.2 25 633 0.2 83.3 Russia 209 484 2.4 430 701 4.2 105.6 Slovak Republic 541 358 6.3 512 762 5.0 -5.3 Latin America 47 244 0.5 40 361 0.4 -14.6 Brazil 8 500 0.1 .. .. ..Asia-Oceania 130 242 1.5 205 431 2.0 57.7 Israel .. .. 84 974 0.8 ..Africa 36 639 0.4 40 188 0.4 9.7 Total non-OECD Countries 1 665 746 19.3 2 032 571 19.7 22.0 TOTAL 8 610 792 100.0 10 326 744 100.0 19.9

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 1 .. .. .. .. ..Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 305 500 5.1 285 500 4.9 -6.5 Total North America 305 500 5.1 285 500 4.9 -6.5 Australia 1 .. .. .. .. ..Japan 103 300 1.7 99 200 1.7 -4.0 New Zealand 1 .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 103 300 1.7 99 200 1.7 -4.0 Austria 2 .. .. .. .. ..Belgium 2 .. .. .. .. ..Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark .. .. .. .. ..Finland 83 700 1.4 80 700 1.4 -3.6 France 84 500 1.4 79 100 1.3 -6.4 Germany 1 666 200 28.1 1 732 600 29.4 4.0 Greece 2 .. .. .. .. ..Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland 2 .. .. .. .. ..Ireland 2 .. .. .. .. ..Italy 139 200 2.3 125 700 2.1 -9.7 Luxembourg 2 .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 203 700 3.4 204 700 3.5 0.5 Norway 829 400 14.0 796 300 13.5 -4.0 Portugal 2 .. .. .. .. ..Spain 2 .. .. .. .. ..Sweden 1 355 700 22.9 1 282 500 21.8 -5.4 Switzerland 2 .. .. .. .. ..Turkey 2 .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 367 400 6.2 347 300 5.9 -5.5 Other OECD-Europe 2 377 900 6.4 392 000 6.7 3.7 Total Europe 5 107 700 86.1 5 040 900 85.7 -1.3 Total OECD Countries 5 516 500 93.0 5 425 600 92.2 -1.6 Origin country undetermined 1 415 800 7.0 458 600 7.8 10.3 Total non-OECD Countries 415 800 7.0 458 600 7.8 10.3 TOTAL 5 932 300 100.0 5 884 200 100.0 -0.8 1. "Origin country undetermined" includes Australia, Canada and New Zealand.2. "Other OECD-Europe" includes Austria, Belgium, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey as well as European non-member countries.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 2 .. .. .. .. ..Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 320 000 3.0 299 700 2.8 -6.3 Total North America 320 000 3.0 299 700 2.8 -6.3 Australia 2 .. .. .. .. ..Japan 3 103 400 1.0 99 200 0.9 -4.1 New Zealand 2 .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 103 400 1.0 99 200 0.9 -4.1 Austria 4 .. .. .. .. ..Belgium 5 7 600 0.1 11 400 0.1 50.0 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark .. .. .. .. ..Finland 138 800 1.3 131 900 1.2 -5.0 France 136 000 1.3 132 500 1.2 -2.6 Germany 4 548 900 42.8 4 788 900 44.4 5.3 Greece 4 .. .. .. .. ..Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland 4 .. .. .. .. ..Ireland 4 .. .. .. .. ..Italy 196 100 1.8 176 500 1.6 -10.0 Luxembourg 4 .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 734 300 6.9 856 300 7.9 16.6 Norway 1 135 500 10.7 1 096 900 10.2 -3.4 Portugal 4 .. .. .. .. ..Spain 4 .. .. .. .. ..Sweden 1 891 600 17.8 1 735 400 16.1 -8.3 Switzerland 6 31 600 0.3 34 300 0.3 8.5 Turkey 4 .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 419 200 3.9 401 500 3.7 -4.2 Other OECD-Europe 4 486 900 4.6 506 200 4.7 4.0 Total Europe 9 726 500 91.5 9 871 800 91.5 1.5 Total OECD Countries 10 149 900 95.4 10 270 700 95.2 1.2 Origin country undetermined 2 485 000 4.6 519 000 4.8 7.0 Total non-OECD Countries 485 000 4.6 519 000 4.8 7.0 TOTAL 10 634 900 100.0 10 789 700 100.0 1.5 1. Exclude private cottages rented through agencies.2. "Origin country undetermined" includes Australia, Canada and New Zealand.3. Japan includes only nights spent in hotels.4. "Other OECD-Europe" includes Austria, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain, Turkey as well as European non-member countries.5. Belgium includes only youth hotels.6. Switzerland includes only camping sites.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 9 605 0.6 9 691 0.6 0.9 Mexico 437 0.0 425 0.0 -2.7 United States 90 964 5.6 94 222 5.9 3.6 Total North America 101 006 6.2 104 338 6.6 3.3 Australia 6 377 0.4 7 939 0.5 24.5 Japan 55 233 3.4 63 907 4.0 15.7 New Zealand 772 0.0 908 0.1 17.6 Total Asia and the Pacific 62 382 3.8 72 754 4.6 16.6 Austria 13 435 0.8 11 266 0.7 -16.1 Belgium 13 959 0.9 13 815 0.9 -1.0 Czech Republic 3 901 0.2 6 189 0.4 58.7 Denmark 40 428 2.5 40 066 2.5 -0.9 Finland .. .. .. .. ..France 55 867 3.4 48 257 3.0 -13.6 Germany 386 337 23.7 352 752 22.2 -8.7 Greece 7 270 0.4 7 705 0.5 6.0 Hungary 5 197 0.3 5 539 0.3 6.6 Iceland 4 086 0.3 2 542 0.2 -37.8 Ireland 1 727 0.1 1 865 0.1 8.0 Italy 42 508 2.6 41 052 2.6 -3.4 Luxembourg 485 0.0 445 0.0 -8.2 Netherlands 43 833 2.7 43 145 2.7 -1.6 Norway 68 260 4.2 64 183 4.0 -6.0 Portugal 2 567 0.2 2 852 0.2 11.1 Spain 27 651 1.7 25 777 1.6 -6.8 Sweden 326 767 20.0 247 550 15.6 -24.2 Switzerland 40 096 2.5 43 151 2.7 7.6 Turkey 3 455 0.2 2 860 0.2 -17.2 United Kingdom 85 996 5.3 97 944 6.2 13.9 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 1 173 825 71.9 1 058 955 66.7 -9.8 Total OECD Countries 1 337 213 81.9 1 236 047 77.9 -7.6 Other European countries 199 457 12.2 241 913 15.2 21.3 Bosnia and Herzegovina 55 0.0 33 0.0 -40.0 Bulgaria 1 240 0.1 965 0.1 -22.2 Croatia 336 0.0 470 0.0 39.9 Géorgie 1 541 0.1 1 376 0.1 -10.7 Poland 7 868 0.5 9 256 0.6 17.6 Romania 780 0.0 1 500 0.1 92.3 Russia 147 104 9.0 183 462 11.6 24.7 Serbia and Montenegro 293 0.0 252 0.0 -14.0 Slovak Republic 284 0.0 561 0.0 97.5 Slovenia 508 0.0 716 0.0 40.9 Ukrainia 854 0.1 929 0.1 8.8 Latin America 5 972 0.4 6 441 0.4 7.9 Argentina 531 0.0 421 0.0 -20.7 Brazil 2 829 0.2 3 847 0.2 36.0 Chile 353 0.0 301 0.0 -14.7 Colombia 189 0.0 176 0.0 -6.9 Venezuela 711 0.0 472 0.0 -33.6 Asia-Oceania 40 343 2.5 47 327 3.0 17.3 China 8 679 0.5 7 573 0.5 -12.7 Hong Kong 897 0.1 1 255 0.1 39.9 India 1 638 0.1 2 369 0.1 44.6 Iran 1 034 0.1 1 045 0.1 1.1 Israel 3 752 0.2 5 725 0.4 52.6 Republic of Korea 5 523 0.3 7 055 0.4 27.7 Lebanon 72 0.0 97 0.0 34.7 Malaysia 558 0.0 653 0.0 17.0 Pakistan 225 0.0 243 0.0 8.0 Philippines 308 0.0 361 0.0 17.2 Saudi Arabia 548 0.0 449 0.0 -18.1 Singapore 1 302 0.1 1 369 0.1 5.1 Chinese Taipei 3 905 0.2 8 092 0.5 107.2 Thailand 4 419 0.3 3 830 0.2 -13.3 Africa 3 518 0.2 4 586 0.3 30.4 Algeria 87 0.0 155 0.0 78.2 Egypt 645 0.0 578 0.0 -10.4 Morocco 230 0.0 254 0.0 10.4 South Africa 895 0.1 1 182 0.1 32.1 Origin country undetermined 46 402 2.8 50 223 3.2 8.2 Total non-OECD Countries 295 692 18.1 350 490 22.1 18.5 TOTAL 1 632 905 100.0 1 586 537 100.0 -2.8

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 20 420 0.7 23 866 0.8 16.9 Mexico 1 190 0.0 1 017 0.0 -14.5 United States 173 046 5.9 187 249 6.4 8.2 Total North America 194 656 6.6 212 132 7.2 9.0 Australia 13 597 0.5 19 066 0.7 40.2 Japan 91 874 3.1 113 478 3.9 23.5 New Zealand 1 441 0.0 2 573 0.1 78.6 Total Asia and the Pacific 106 912 3.7 135 117 4.6 26.4 Austria 23 891 0.8 25 614 0.9 7.2 Belgium 26 495 0.9 26 384 0.9 -0.4 Czech Republic 10 125 0.3 15 519 0.5 53.3 Denmark 73 532 2.5 76 276 2.6 3.7 Finland .. .. .. .. ..France 102 207 3.5 97 227 3.3 -4.9 Germany 568 288 19.4 530 445 18.1 -6.7 Greece 15 177 0.5 15 588 0.5 2.7 Hungary 17 134 0.6 14 937 0.5 -12.8 Iceland 10 579 0.4 6 280 0.2 -40.6 Ireland 4 257 0.1 5 088 0.2 19.5 Italy 81 553 2.8 89 037 3.0 9.2 Luxembourg 937 0.0 1 026 0.0 9.5 Netherlands 84 647 2.9 86 080 2.9 1.7 Norway 124 349 4.2 119 094 4.1 -4.2 Portugal 5 169 0.2 6 524 0.2 26.2 Spain 55 347 1.9 50 328 1.7 -9.1 Sweden 527 324 18.0 401 084 13.7 -23.9 Switzerland 74 379 2.5 84 774 2.9 14.0 Turkey 6 264 0.2 5 730 0.2 -8.5 United Kingdom 172 569 5.9 198 376 6.8 15.0 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 1 984 223 67.8 1 855 411 63.4 -6.5 Total OECD Countries 2 285 791 78.1 2 202 660 75.3 -3.6 Other European countries 442 881 15.1 498 555 17.0 12.6 Bosnia and Herzegovina 341 0.0 56 0.0 -83.6 Bulgaria 4 700 0.2 3 346 0.1 -28.8 Croatia 3 469 0.1 2 630 0.1 -24.2 Géorgie 2 851 0.1 2 853 0.1 0.1 Poland 19 813 0.7 21 182 0.7 6.9 Romania 2 306 0.1 4 201 0.1 82.2 Russia 324 489 11.1 375 771 12.8 15.8 Serbia and Montenegro 1 203 0.0 831 0.0 -30.9 Slovak Republic 686 0.0 1 819 0.1 165.2 Slovenia 1 357 0.0 2 207 0.1 62.6 Ukrainia 3 654 0.1 2 610 0.1 -28.6 Latin America 13 577 0.5 14 845 0.5 9.3 Argentina 1 180 0.0 1 134 0.0 -3.9 Brazil 6 907 0.2 8 664 0.3 25.4 Chile 826 0.0 742 0.0 -10.2 Colombia 520 0.0 447 0.0 -14.0 Venezuela 1 531 0.1 959 0.0 -37.4 Asia-Oceania 85 690 2.9 97 449 3.3 13.7 China 23 476 0.8 21 798 0.7 -7.1 Hong Kong 1 508 0.1 2 207 0.1 46.4 India 4 640 0.2 7 570 0.3 63.1 Iran 3 154 0.1 3 076 0.1 -2.5 Israel 6 414 0.2 8 621 0.3 34.4 Republic of Korea 8 501 0.3 11 717 0.4 37.8 Lebanon 215 0.0 238 0.0 10.7 Malaysia 2 317 0.1 1 572 0.1 -32.2 Pakistan 749 0.0 880 0.0 17.5 Philippines 910 0.0 1 164 0.0 27.9 Saudi Arabia 1 252 0.0 1 026 0.0 -18.1 Singapore 3 040 0.1 2 930 0.1 -3.6 Chinese Taipei 4 729 0.2 9 881 0.3 108.9 Thailand 7 439 0.3 6 343 0.2 -14.7 Africa 9 581 0.3 11 973 0.4 25.0 Algeria 318 0.0 599 0.0 88.4 Egypt 1 863 0.1 1 727 0.1 -7.3 Morocco 506 0.0 806 0.0 59.3 South Africa 2 626 0.1 2 933 0.1 11.7 Origin country undetermined 90 148 3.1 100 834 3.4 11.9 Total non-OECD Countries 641 877 21.9 723 656 24.7 12.7 TOTAL 2 927 668 100.0 2 926 316 100.0 0.0

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 10 250 0.5 10 139 0.6 -1.1 Mexico 474 0.0 461 0.0 -2.7 United States 93 261 5.0 96 283 5.4 3.2 Total North America 103 985 5.6 106 883 6.0 2.8 Australia 8 725 0.5 10 765 0.6 23.4 Japan 56 270 3.0 65 268 3.7 16.0 New Zealand 1 418 0.1 1 552 0.1 9.4 Total Asia and the Pacific 66 413 3.6 77 585 4.4 16.8 Austria 18 601 1.0 15 155 0.9 -18.5 Belgium 16 088 0.9 16 351 0.9 1.6 Czech Republic 4 950 0.3 7 376 0.4 49.0 Denmark 46 920 2.5 44 780 2.5 -4.6 Finland .. .. .. .. ..France 68 182 3.7 58 718 3.3 -13.9 Germany 454 302 24.3 407 568 22.9 -10.3 Greece 7 471 0.4 7 903 0.4 5.8 Hungary 6 377 0.3 6 901 0.4 8.2 Iceland 4 205 0.2 2 638 0.1 -37.3 Ireland 1 903 0.1 2 053 0.1 7.9 Italy 50 286 2.7 48 136 2.7 -4.3 Luxembourg 693 0.0 523 0.0 -24.5 Netherlands 55 944 3.0 55 459 3.1 -0.9 Norway 81 607 4.4 75 179 4.2 -7.9 Portugal 2 798 0.1 3 114 0.2 11.3 Spain 32 121 1.7 28 892 1.6 -10.1 Sweden 387 760 20.8 283 853 16.0 -26.8 Switzerland 49 546 2.7 51 491 2.9 3.9 Turkey 3 506 0.2 2 925 0.2 -16.6 United Kingdom 89 175 4.8 101 110 5.7 13.4 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 1 382 435 74.0 1 220 125 68.6 -11.7 Total OECD Countries 1 552 833 83.1 1 404 593 78.9 -9.5 Other European countries 213 250 11.4 259 953 14.6 21.9 Bosnia and Herzegovina 160 0.0 35 0.0 -78.1 Bulgaria 1 260 0.1 989 0.1 -21.5 Croatia 358 0.0 534 0.0 49.2 Géorgie 1 541 0.1 1 410 0.1 -8.5 Poland 11 850 0.6 13 354 0.8 12.7 Romania 813 0.0 1 527 0.1 87.8 Russia 152 726 8.2 192 102 10.8 25.8 Serbia and Montenegro 342 0.0 266 0.0 -22.2 Slovak Republic 676 0.0 790 0.0 16.9 Slovenia 710 0.0 1 200 0.1 69.0 Ukrainia 879 0.0 952 0.1 8.3 Latin America 6 791 0.4 7 161 0.4 5.4 Argentina 589 0.0 448 0.0 -23.9 Brazil 2 988 0.2 4 002 0.2 33.9 Chile 372 0.0 327 0.0 -12.1 Colombia 199 0.0 185 0.0 -7.0 Venezuela 725 0.0 491 0.0 -32.3 Asia-Oceania 42 186 2.3 49 596 2.8 17.6 China 8 760 0.5 8 054 0.5 -8.1 Hong Kong 1 442 0.1 1 809 0.1 25.5 India 1 673 0.1 2 462 0.1 47.2 Iran 1 067 0.1 1 080 0.1 1.2 Israel 3 952 0.2 6 004 0.3 51.9 Republic of Korea 5 899 0.3 7 394 0.4 25.3 Lebanon 72 0.0 97 0.0 34.7 Malaysia 633 0.0 691 0.0 9.2 Pakistan 240 0.0 252 0.0 5.0 Philippines 312 0.0 372 0.0 19.2 Saudi Arabia 553 0.0 454 0.0 -17.9 Singapore 1 398 0.1 1 488 0.1 6.4 Chinese Taipei 4 128 0.2 8 184 0.5 98.3 Thailand 4 433 0.2 3 863 0.2 -12.9 Africa 3 829 0.2 4 960 0.3 29.5 Algeria 100 0.0 215 0.0 115.0 Egypt 684 0.0 625 0.0 -8.6 Morocco 257 0.0 267 0.0 3.9 South Africa 989 0.1 1 250 0.1 26.4 Origin country undetermined 48 871 2.6 52 941 3.0 8.3 Total non-OECD Countries 314 927 16.9 374 611 21.1 19.0 TOTAL 1 867 760 100.0 1 779 204 100.0 -4.7

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 21 548 0.6 24 555 0.7 14.0 Mexico 1 236 0.0 1 080 0.0 -12.6 United States 176 909 5.2 190 751 5.8 7.8 Total North America 199 693 5.9 216 386 6.6 8.4 Australia 16 822 0.5 23 094 0.7 37.3 Japan 93 622 2.8 65 268 2.0 -30.3 New Zealand 2 836 0.1 3 638 0.1 28.3 Total Asia and the Pacific 113 280 3.4 92 000 2.8 -18.8 Austria 32 367 1.0 32 823 1.0 1.4 Belgium 30 236 0.9 30 585 0.9 1.2 Czech Republic 11 942 0.4 17 327 0.5 45.1 Denmark 84 432 2.5 84 864 2.6 0.5 Finland .. .. .. .. ..France 123 134 3.6 115 013 3.5 -6.6 Germany 691 640 20.5 628 454 19.1 -9.1 Greece 15 492 0.5 15 862 0.5 2.4 Hungary 19 323 0.6 16 978 0.5 -12.1 Iceland 10 795 0.3 6 592 0.2 -38.9 Ireland 4 528 0.1 5 393 0.2 19.1 Italy 94 577 2.8 100 016 3.0 5.8 Luxembourg 1 325 0.0 1 235 0.0 -6.8 Netherlands 107 525 3.2 109 315 3.3 1.7 Norway 149 295 4.4 140 805 4.3 -5.7 Portugal 5 558 0.2 6 925 0.2 24.6 Spain 62 279 1.8 55 116 1.7 -11.5 Sweden 666 802 19.7 485 454 14.7 -27.2 Switzerland 90 030 2.7 98 119 3.0 9.0 Turkey 6 342 0.2 5 856 0.2 -7.7 United Kingdom 178 371 5.3 204 580 6.2 14.7 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 2 385 993 70.7 2 161 312 65.6 -9.4 Total OECD Countries 2 698 966 79.9 2 469 698 75.0 -8.5 Other European countries 469 036 13.9 536 564 16.3 14.4 Bosnia and Herzegovina 447 0.0 60 0.0 -86.6 Bulgaria 4 746 0.1 3 441 0.1 -27.5 Croatia 3 494 0.1 2 738 0.1 -21.6 Géorgie 2 851 0.1 2 900 0.1 1.7 Poland 28 114 0.8 32 555 1.0 15.8 Romania 2 363 0.1 4 246 0.1 79.7 Russia 335 712 9.9 392 344 11.9 16.9 Serbia and Montenegro 1 287 0.0 847 0.0 -34.2 Slovak Republic 1 136 0.0 2 190 0.1 92.8 Slovenia 1 607 0.0 2 968 0.1 84.7 Ukrainia 3 726 0.1 2 692 0.1 -27.8 Latin America 15 248 0.5 16 164 0.5 6.0 Argentina 1 276 0.0 1 172 0.0 -8.2 Brazil 7 113 0.2 8 879 0.3 24.8 Chile 855 0.0 797 0.0 -6.8 Colombia 535 0.0 489 0.0 -8.6 Venezuela 1 545 0.0 983 0.0 -36.4 Asia-Oceania 88 222 2.6 151 535 4.6 71.8 China 23 601 0.7 22 768 0.7 -3.5 Hong Kong 2 245 0.1 2 984 0.1 32.9 India 4 678 0.1 7 746 0.2 65.6 Iran 3 190 0.1 3 124 0.1 -2.1 Israel 6 697 0.2 9 012 0.3 34.6 Republic of Korea 8 958 0.3 12 153 0.4 35.7 Lebanon 215 0.0 238 0.0 10.7 Malaysia 2 422 0.1 1 650 0.1 -31.9 Pakistan 766 0.0 893 0.0 16.6 Philippines 917 0.0 1 179 0.0 28.6 Saudi Arabia 1 257 0.0 1 194 0.0 -5.0 Singapore 3 181 0.1 3 097 0.1 -2.6 Chinese Taipei 5 082 0.2 10 008 0.3 96.9 Thailand 7 462 0.2 6 400 0.2 -14.2 Africa 10 232 0.3 13 003 0.4 27.1 Algeria 332 0.0 808 0.0 143.4 Egypt 1 937 0.1 1 820 0.1 -6.0 Morocco 578 0.0 847 0.0 46.5 South Africa 2 776 0.1 3 033 0.1 9.3 Origin country undetermined 95 284 2.8 105 520 3.2 10.7 Total non-OECD Countries 678 022 20.1 822 786 25.0 21.4 TOTAL 3 376 988 100.0 3 292 484 100.0 -2.5

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 560 000 0.9 .. .. ..Mexico 249 000 0.4 .. .. ..United States 2 321 000 3.8 2 187 000 3.6 -5.8 Total North America 3 130 000 5.1 2 187 000 3.6 ..Australia 2 302 000 0.5 .. .. ..Japan 840 000 1.4 966 000 1.6 15.0 New Zealand 2 .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 1 142 000 1.9 966 000 1.6 ..Austria 627 000 1.0 .. .. ..Belgium 3 6 574 000 10.7 7 307 000 12.2 11.1 Czech Republic 407 000 0.7 .. .. ..Denmark 830 000 1.4 .. .. ..Finland 79 000 0.1 .. .. ..France .. .. .. .. ..Germany 10 970 000 17.9 10 602 000 17.6 -3.4 Greece 129 000 0.2 .. .. ..Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland 4 .. .. .. .. ..Ireland 5 .. .. .. .. ..Italy 5 737 000 9.4 5 047 000 8.4 -12.0 Luxembourg 3 .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 5 917 000 9.7 5 387 000 9.0 -9.0 Norway 4 128 000 0.2 .. .. ..Portugal 644 000 1.1 .. .. ..Spain 4 235 000 6.9 3 870 000 6.4 -8.6 Sweden 636 000 1.0 .. .. ..Switzerland 3 285 000 5.4 3 111 000 5.2 -5.3 Turkey 35 000 0.1 .. .. ..United Kingdom 5 12 472 000 20.3 11 173 000 18.6 -10.4 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 52 705 000 86.0 46 497 000 77.4 .. Total OECD Countries 56 977 000 92.9 49 650 000 82.6 ..Other European countries 974 000 1.6 .. .. .. Poland 418 000 0.7 .. .. ..Latin America 786 000 1.3 .. .. ..Asia-Oceania 560 000 0.9 .. .. ..Africa 1 068 000 1.7 .. .. .. Algeria 118 000 0.2 .. .. .. Morocco 6 491 000 0.8 .. .. ..Origin country undetermined 7 947 000 1.5 10 460 000 17.4 ..Total non-OECD Countries 4 335 000 7.1 10 460 000 17.4 ..TOTAL 61 312 000 100.0 60 110 000 100.0 -2.0 1. For the year 1994, data are based on the 1994 frontier survey and data for the year 1995 are estimates. 2. Australia includes New Zealand.3. Belgium includes Luxembourg.4. Norway includes Iceland.5. United Kingdom includes Ireland.6. Morocco includes Tunisia.7. In 1995, "Origin country undetermined" includes all other countries (Members or non-Members countries of the OECD).

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 792 000 0.6 .. .. ..Mexico 284 000 0.2 .. .. ..United States 3 070 000 2.3 .. .. .. Total North America 4 146 000 3.2 .. .. ..Australia 1 406 000 0.3 .. .. ..Japan 1 019 000 0.8 .. .. ..New Zealand 1 .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 1 425 000 1.1 .. .. ..Austria 1 014 000 0.8 .. .. ..Belgium 2 23 289 000 17.7 .. .. ..Czech Republic 739 000 0.6 .. .. ..Denmark 997 000 0.8 .. .. ..Finland 113 000 0.1 .. .. ..France .. .. .. .. ..Germany 31 789 000 24.2 .. .. ..Greece 162 000 0.1 .. .. ..Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland 3 .. .. .. .. ..Ireland 4 .. .. .. .. ..Italy 13 383 000 10.2 .. .. ..Luxembourg 2 .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 8 618 000 6.5 .. .. ..Norway 3 219 000 0.2 .. .. ..Portugal 889 000 0.7 .. .. ..Spain 8 855 000 6.7 .. .. ..Sweden 861 000 0.7 .. .. ..Switzerland 12 315 000 9.4 .. .. ..Turkey 68 000 0.1 .. .. ..United Kingdom 4 16 958 000 12.9 .. .. ..Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 120 269 000 91.4 .. .. .. Total OECD Countries 125 840 000 95.6 .. .. ..Other European countries 1 354 000 1.0 .. .. .. Poland 518 000 0.4 .. .. ..Latin America 946 000 0.7 .. .. ..Asia-Oceania 635 000 0.5 .. .. ..Africa 1 365 000 1.0 .. .. .. Algeria 124 000 0.1 .. .. .. Morocco 5 565 000 0.4 .. .. ..Origin country undetermined 1 440 000 1.1 .. .. ..Total non-OECD Countries 5 740 000 4.4 .. .. ..TOTAL 131 580 000 100.0 .. .. ..1. Australia includes New Zealand.2. Belgium includes Luxembourg.3. Norway includes Iceland.4. United Kingdom includes Ireland.5. Morocco includes Tunisia.

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1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 375 479 1.4 338 988 1.3 -9.7 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 2 344 470 8.6 2 313 721 8.6 -1.3 Total North America 2 719 949 10.0 2 652 709 9.8 -2.5 Australia .. .. .. .. ..Japan 1 397 830 5.2 1 414 395 5.2 1.2 New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 1 397 830 5.2 1 414 395 5.2 1.2 Austria 2 .. .. .. .. ..Belgium 3 1 887 980 7.0 1 932 697 7.2 2.4 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 248 444 0.9 235 197 0.9 -5.3 Finland 2 .. .. .. .. ..France .. .. .. .. ..Germany 3 960 354 14.6 4 077 047 15.1 2.9 Greece 4 .. .. .. .. ..Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland 2 .. .. .. .. ..Ireland 5 .. .. .. .. ..Italy 4 3 120 280 11.5 2 484 602 9.2 -20.4 Luxembourg 3 .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 1 346 470 5.0 1 402 930 5.2 4.2 Norway 2 .. .. .. .. ..Portugal 6 .. .. .. .. ..Spain 6 1 670 443 6.2 1 596 417 5.9 -4.4 Sweden 2 .. .. .. .. ..Switzerland 1 243 082 4.6 1 211 093 4.5 -2.6 Turkey .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 5 4 704 078 17.3 4 813 026 17.8 2.3 Other OECD-Europe 2 701 641 2.6 688 197 2.5 -1.9 Total Europe 18 882 772 69.6 18 441 206 68.3 -2.3 Total OECD Countries 23 000 551 84.8 22 508 310 83.3 -2.1 Other European countries 499 063 1.8 581 846 2.2 16.6 Latin America 371 929 1.4 417 477 1.5 12.2 Asia-Oceania 747 635 2.8 776 649 2.9 3.9 Africa 349 928 1.3 358 683 1.3 2.5 Origin country undetermined 2 151 622 7.9 2 375 324 8.8 10.4 Total non-OECD Countries 4 120 177 15.2 4 509 979 16.7 9.5 TOTAL 27 120 728 100.0 27 018 289 100.0 -0.4 1. Data covering all France except 2 departments (Aube and Marne).2. "Other OECD-Europe" includes Austria, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.3. Belgium includes Luxembourg.4. Italy includes Greece.5. United Kingdom includes Ireland.6. Spain includes Portugal.

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1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 786 608 1.4 675 082 1.2 -14.2 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 5 141 153 9.0 4 833 909 8.9 -6.0 Total North America 5 927 761 10.4 5 508 991 10.1 -7.1 Australia .. .. .. .. ..Japan 3 211 849 5.6 2 953 110 5.4 -8.1 New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 3 211 849 5.6 2 953 110 5.4 -8.1 Austria 2 .. .. .. .. ..Belgium 3 4 025 388 7.0 3 988 065 7.3 -0.9 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 600 037 1.1 560 575 1.0 -6.6 Finland 2 .. .. .. .. ..France .. .. .. .. ..Germany 7 929 310 13.9 8 048 694 14.8 1.5 Greece 4 .. .. .. .. ..Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland 2 .. .. .. .. ..Ireland 5 .. .. .. .. ..Italy 4 6 893 044 12.1 5 331 183 9.8 -22.7 Luxembourg 3 .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 2 502 278 4.4 2 632 222 4.8 5.2 Norway 2 .. .. .. .. ..Portugal 6 .. .. .. .. ..Spain 6 3 448 446 6.0 3 085 036 5.7 -10.5 Sweden 2 .. .. .. .. ..Switzerland 2 552 895 4.5 2 334 521 4.3 -8.6 Turkey .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 5 9 377 738 16.4 9 244 268 17.0 -1.4 Other OECD-Europe 2 1 665 750 2.9 1 511 579 2.8 -9.3 Total Europe 38 994 886 68.2 36 736 143 67.6 -5.8 Total OECD Countries 48 134 496 84.2 45 198 244 83.2 -6.1 Other European countries 1 278 590 2.2 1 409 803 2.6 10.3 Latin America 981 980 1.7 1 032 303 1.9 5.1 Asia-Oceania 1 553 384 2.7 1 546 638 2.8 -0.4 Africa 875 944 1.5 839 330 1.5 -4.2 Origin country undetermined 4 318 743 7.6 4 312 676 7.9 -0.1 Total non-OECD Countries 9 008 641 15.8 9 140 750 16.8 1.5 TOTAL 57 143 137 100.0 54 338 994 100.0 -4.9 1. Data covering all France except 2 departments (Aube and Marne).2. "Other OECD-Europe" includes Austria, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.3. Belgium includes Luxembourg.4. Italy includes Greece.5. United Kingdom includes Ireland.6. Spain includes Portugal.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 6 559 000 1.3 .. .. ..Mexico 2 113 000 0.4 .. .. ..United States 28 297 000 5.6 25 569 000 5.2 -9.6 Total North America 36 969 000 7.3 25 569 000 5.2 ..Australia 2 2 327 000 0.5 .. .. ..Japan 3 650 000 0.7 3 833 000 0.8 5.0 New Zealand 2 .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 5 977 000 1.2 3 833 000 0.8 ..Austria 4 232 000 0.8 .. .. ..Belgium 3 46 127 000 9.1 50 979 000 10.4 10.5 Czech Republic 3 179 000 0.6 .. .. ..Denmark 7 046 000 1.4 .. .. ..Finland 229 000 0.0 .. .. ..France .. .. .. .. ..Germany 93 710 000 18.5 90 979 000 18.5 -2.9 Greece 1 262 000 0.2 .. .. ..Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland 4 .. .. .. .. ..Ireland 5 .. .. .. .. ..Italy 41 315 000 8.2 36 514 000 7.4 -11.6 Luxembourg 3 .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 49 540 000 9.8 45 962 000 9.4 -7.2 Norway 4 1 268 000 0.3 .. .. ..Portugal 6 239 000 1.2 .. .. ..Spain 25 874 000 5.1 22 473 000 4.6 -13.1 Sweden 5 985 000 1.2 .. .. ..Switzerland 27 750 000 5.5 25 622 000 5.2 -7.7 Turkey 218 000 0.0 .. .. ..United Kingdom 5 89 311 000 17.7 78 553 000 16.0 -12.0 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 403 285 000 79.8 351 082 000 71.5 .. Total OECD Countries 446 231 000 88.3 380 484 000 77.4 ..Other European countries 8 388 000 1.7 .. .. .. Poland 3 902 000 0.8 .. .. ..Latin America 5 948 000 1.2 .. .. ..Asia-Oceania 3 587 000 0.7 .. .. ..Africa 19 761 000 3.9 .. .. .. Algeria 1 442 000 0.3 .. .. .. Morocco 6 9 342 000 1.8 .. .. ..Origin country undetermined 21 618 000 4.3 110 882 000 22.6 ..Total non-OECD Countries 59 302 000 11.7 110 882 000 22.6 ..TOTAL 505 533 000 100.0 491 366 000 100.0 -2.8 1. For the year 1994, data are based on the 1994 frontier survey and data for the year 1995 are estimates. Before 1994 data include tourists travelling from one night to less than 4 months. Since 1994 data include tourists travelling from one night to less than one year.2. Australia includes New Zealand.3. Belgium includes Luxembourg.4. Norway includes Iceland.5. United Kingdom includes Ireland.6. Morocco includes Tunisia.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 114 769 0.9 111 464 0.9 -2.9 Mexico 28 814 0.2 26 291 0.2 -8.8 United States 1 437 101 11.7 1 461 643 11.5 1.7 Total North America 1 580 684 12.9 1 599 398 12.6 1.2 Australia 3 111 938 0.9 108 854 0.9 -2.8 Japan 718 047 5.9 784 473 6.2 9.3 New Zealand 3 .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 829 985 6.8 893 327 7.0 7.6 Austria 543 641 4.4 569 582 4.5 4.8 Belgium 467 002 3.8 490 980 3.9 5.1 Czech Republic 146 669 1.2 163 335 1.3 11.4 Denmark 481 431 3.9 485 008 3.8 0.7 Finland 104 863 0.9 116 986 0.9 11.6 France 681 028 5.6 686 849 5.4 0.9 Germany .. .. .. .. ..Greece 87 895 0.7 93 497 0.7 6.4 Hungary 119 679 1.0 121 430 1.0 1.5 Iceland 18 660 0.2 19 380 0.2 3.9 Ireland 35 911 0.3 39 041 0.3 8.7 Italy 718 825 5.9 708 310 5.6 -1.5 Luxembourg 70 721 0.6 73 445 0.6 3.9 Netherlands 1 375 504 11.2 1 420 138 11.2 3.2 Norway 214 007 1.7 192 489 1.5 -10.1 Portugal 54 186 0.4 66 116 0.5 22.0 Spain 273 456 2.2 278 550 2.2 1.9 Sweden 569 824 4.6 529 441 4.2 -7.1 Switzerland 719 384 5.9 768 647 6.1 6.8 Turkey 92 302 0.8 101 219 0.8 9.7 United Kingdom 1 189 394 9.7 1 227 190 9.7 3.2 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 7 964 382 64.9 8 151 633 64.3 2.4 Total OECD Countries 10 375 051 84.6 10 644 358 83.9 2.6 Other European countries 659 208 5.4 699 221 5.5 6.1 Poland 213 888 1.7 225 691 1.8 5.5 Russia .. .. 181 590 1.4 ..Latin America 156 091 1.3 159 616 1.3 2.3 Brazil 72 915 0.6 83 970 0.7 15.2 China 4 598 512 4.9 680 250 5.4 13.7 China 91 819 0.7 107 779 0.8 17.4 Israel 89 967 0.7 93 890 0.7 4.4 Republic of Korea 39 973 0.3 73 285 0.6 83.3 Chinese Taipei 37 212 0.3 46 705 0.4 25.5 Africa 105 066 0.9 108 123 0.9 2.9 South Africa 41 241 0.3 42 316 0.3 2.6 Origin country undetermined 375 446 3.1 390 973 3.1 4.1 Total non-OECD Countries 1 894 323 15.4 2 038 183 16.1 7.6 TOTAL 12 269 374 100.0 12 682 541 100.0 3.4 1. The data relates to the whole of Germany.2. Arrivals at hotels (including "bed and breakfast"), boarding houses and inns.3. Australia includes New Zealand.4. China includes Hong Kong.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 246 247 0.9 236 037 0.9 -4.1 Mexico 65 372 0.2 67 906 0.2 3.9 United States 2 964 469 11.2 2 993 419 11.0 1.0 Total North America 3 276 088 12.4 3 297 362 12.1 0.6 Australia 3 251 790 1.0 237 435 0.9 -5.7 Japan 1 130 154 4.3 1 251 739 4.6 10.8 New Zealand 3 .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 1 381 944 5.2 1 489 174 5.5 7.8 Austria 1 136 078 4.3 1 201 798 4.4 5.8 Belgium 1 078 227 4.1 1 136 376 4.2 5.4 Czech Republic 382 130 1.4 412 797 1.5 8.0 Denmark 904 310 3.4 894 575 3.3 -1.1 Finland 224 196 0.9 244 528 0.9 9.1 France 1 314 688 5.0 1 326 176 4.9 0.9 Germany .. .. .. .. ..Greece 229 507 0.9 241 637 0.9 5.3 Hungary 305 168 1.2 305 810 1.1 0.2 Iceland 40 701 0.2 45 604 0.2 12.0 Ireland 100 930 0.4 102 085 0.4 1.1 Italy 1 479 349 5.6 1 568 161 5.8 6.0 Luxembourg 187 593 0.7 193 647 0.7 3.2 Netherlands 2 923 971 11.1 2 967 106 10.9 1.5 Norway 396 631 1.5 352 594 1.3 -11.1 Portugal 151 800 0.6 199 109 0.7 31.2 Spain 564 380 2.1 590 235 2.2 4.6 Sweden 941 552 3.6 893 014 3.3 -5.2 Switzerland 1 424 403 5.4 1 537 349 5.7 7.9 Turkey 230 963 0.9 260 513 1.0 12.8 United Kingdom 2 742 857 10.4 2 754 773 10.1 0.4 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 16 759 434 63.6 17 227 887 63.4 2.8 Total OECD Countries 21 417 466 81.2 22 014 423 81.0 2.8 Other European countries 1 943 402 7.4 2 007 662 7.4 3.3 Poland 623 002 2.4 654 213 2.4 5.0 Russia .. .. 583 168 2.1 ..Latin America 354 835 1.3 382 740 1.4 7.9 Brazil 169 065 0.6 201 555 0.7 19.2 Asia-Oceania 1 563 496 5.9 1 716 605 6.3 9.8 China 4 267 199 1.0 307 332 1.1 15.0 Israel 232 441 0.9 251 193 0.9 8.1 Republic of Korea 91 996 0.3 143 526 0.5 56.0 Chinese Taipei 88 475 0.3 94 718 0.3 7.1 Africa 280 008 1.1 294 141 1.1 5.0 South Africa 97 625 0.4 105 830 0.4 8.4 Origin country undetermined 809 042 3.1 769 049 2.8 -4.9 Total non-OECD Countries 4 950 783 18.8 5 170 197 19.0 4.4 TOTAL 26 368 249 100.0 27 184 620 100.0 3.1 1. The data relates to the whole of Germany.2. Nights spent in hotels (including "bed and breakfast"), boarding houses and inns.3. Australia includes New Zealand.4. China includes Hong Kong.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 135 148 0.9 129 765 0.9 -4.0 Mexico 31 705 0.2 29 737 0.2 -6.2 United States 1 522 627 10.5 1 548 618 10.4 1.7 Total North America 1 689 480 11.7 1 708 120 11.5 1.1 Australia 3 169 268 1.2 167 213 1.1 -1.2 Japan 743 693 5.1 812 654 5.5 9.3 New Zealand 3 .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 912 961 6.3 979 867 6.6 7.3 Austria 591 433 4.1 616 173 4.2 4.2 Belgium 544 012 3.8 573 964 3.9 5.5 Czech Republic 167 560 1.2 184 944 1.2 10.4 Denmark 647 616 4.5 640 973 4.3 -1.0 Finland 134 332 0.9 145 403 1.0 8.2 France 806 789 5.6 802 384 5.4 -0.5 Germany .. .. .. .. ..Greece 91 571 0.6 96 944 0.7 5.9 Hungary 142 781 1.0 140 991 0.9 -1.3 Iceland 20 814 0.1 21 295 0.1 2.3 Ireland 47 212 0.3 49 566 0.3 5.0 Italy 785 012 5.4 761 813 5.1 -3.0 Luxembourg 79 645 0.5 80 410 0.5 1.0 Netherlands 2 216 632 15.3 2 296 527 15.5 3.6 Norway 247 137 1.7 221 777 1.5 -10.3 Portugal 60 585 0.4 72 694 0.5 20.0 Spain 307 891 2.1 307 079 2.1 -0.3 Sweden 645 756 4.5 587 552 4.0 -9.0 Switzerland 784 466 5.4 833 113 5.6 6.2 Turkey 98 858 0.7 108 609 0.7 9.9 United Kingdom 1 348 087 9.3 1 362 329 9.2 1.1 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 9 768 189 67.4 9 904 540 66.7 1.4 Total OECD Countries 12 370 630 85.4 12 592 527 84.8 1.8 Other European countries 781 560 5.4 816 039 5.5 4.4 Poland 270 708 1.9 279 826 1.9 3.4 Russia .. .. 206 296 1.4 ..Latin America 178 129 1.2 180 720 1.2 1.5 Brazil 80 353 0.6 92 596 0.6 15.2 Asia-Oceania 646 182 4.5 727 940 4.9 12.7 China 4 102 723 0.7 117 069 0.8 14.0 Israel 96 531 0.7 99 637 0.7 3.2 Republic of Korea 52 277 0.4 86 530 0.6 65.5 Chinese Taipei 40 933 0.3 50 852 0.3 24.2 Africa 122 206 0.8 124 057 0.8 1.5 South Africa 50 008 0.3 50 636 0.3 1.3 Origin country undetermined 395 105 2.7 405 547 2.7 2.6 Total non-OECD Countries 2 123 182 14.6 2 254 303 15.2 6.2 TOTAL 14 493 812 100.0 14 846 830 100.0 2.4 1. The data relate to the whole of Germany. Since 1992, includes camping sites.2. Arrivals at hotels and similar establishments, holiday villages, sanatoria and recreation and holiday homes.3. Australia includes New Zealand.4. China includes Hong Kong.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 288 989 0.8 273 968 0.8 -5.2 Mexico 74 166 0.2 76 376 0.2 3.0 United States 3 196 273 9.2 3 209 313 9.0 0.4 Total North America 3 559 428 10.2 3 559 657 10.0 0.0 Australia 3 354 003 1.0 347 506 1.0 -1.8 Japan 1 183 438 3.4 1 307 901 3.7 10.5 New Zealand 3 .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 1 537 441 4.4 1 655 407 4.7 7.7 Austria 1 273 168 3.7 1 339 767 3.8 5.2 Belgium 1 369 773 3.9 1 451 655 4.1 6.0 Czech Republic 453 619 1.3 485 790 1.4 7.1 Denmark 1 345 682 3.9 1 317 468 3.7 -2.1 Finland 281 238 0.8 300 427 0.8 6.8 France 1 663 029 4.8 1 671 014 4.7 0.5 Germany .. .. .. .. ..Greece 246 134 0.7 259 352 0.7 5.4 Hungary 382 564 1.1 380 999 1.1 -0.4 Iceland 47 169 0.1 52 253 0.1 10.8 Ireland 139 146 0.4 136 290 0.4 -2.1 Italy 1 641 909 4.7 1 720 088 4.8 4.8 Luxembourg 232 240 0.7 230 406 0.6 -0.8 Netherlands 6 960 358 20.0 7 120 977 20.1 2.3 Norway 480 462 1.4 433 065 1.2 -9.9 Portugal 186 772 0.5 230 817 0.7 23.6 Spain 656 441 1.9 668 875 1.9 1.9 Sweden 1 097 382 3.2 1 019 652 2.9 -7.1 Switzerland 1 631 176 4.7 1 744 987 4.9 7.0 Turkey 257 013 0.7 292 222 0.8 13.7 United Kingdom 3 305 079 9.5 3 238 276 9.1 -2.0 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 23 650 354 68.0 24 094 380 67.9 1.9 Total OECD Countries 28 747 223 82.7 29 309 444 82.6 2.0 Other European countries 2 604 798 7.5 2 668 662 7.5 2.5 Poland 940 805 2.7 976 929 2.8 3.8 Russia .. .. 769 567 2.2 ..Latin America 409 474 1.2 433 911 1.2 6.0 Brazil 184 862 0.5 221 949 0.6 20.1 China 4 1 709 903 4.9 1 862 963 5.3 9.0 China 291 734 0.8 335 748 0.9 15.1 Israel 260 512 0.7 279 088 0.8 7.1 Republic of Korea 116 091 0.3 166 336 0.5 43.3 Chinese Taipei 94 687 0.3 101 852 0.3 7.6 Africa 353 969 1.0 358 280 1.0 1.2 South Africa 115 145 0.3 125 892 0.4 9.3 Origin country undetermined 951 626 2.7 847 527 2.4 -10.9 Total non-OECD Countries 6 029 770 17.3 6 171 343 17.4 2.3 TOTAL 34 776 993 100.0 35 480 787 100.0 2.0 1. The data relate to the whole of Germany. Since 1992, includes camping sites.2. Nights spent in hotels and similar establishments, holiday villages, sanatoria and recreation and holiday homes.3. Australia includes New Zealand.4. China includes Hong Kong.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 56 650 0.5 50 309 0.5 -11.2 Mexico 5 318 0.0 4 539 0.0 -14.6 United States 266 777 2.4 239 684 2.2 -10.2 Total North America 328 745 2.9 294 532 2.7 -10.4 Australia 61 556 0.5 54 453 0.5 -11.5 Japan 95 067 0.8 89 457 0.8 -5.9 New Zealand 7 268 0.1 5 613 0.1 -22.8 Total Asia and the Pacific 163 891 1.5 149 523 1.4 -8.8 Austria 355 035 3.1 347 301 3.2 -2.2 Belgium 2 263 160 2.3 245 572 2.3 -6.7 Czech Republic 91 938 0.8 121 418 1.1 32.1 Denmark 306 858 2.7 324 369 3.0 5.7 Finland 143 048 1.3 102 553 1.0 -28.3 France 622 005 5.5 551 798 5.2 -11.3 Germany 2 432 788 21.5 2 272 911 21.2 -6.6 Greece .. .. .. .. ..Hungary 105 002 0.9 91 170 0.9 -13.2 Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland 70 384 0.6 62 252 0.6 -11.6 Italy 724 762 6.4 643 473 6.0 -11.2 Luxembourg 2 .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 591 224 5.2 505 616 4.7 -14.5 Norway 144 439 1.3 142 013 1.3 -1.7 Portugal 21 581 0.2 20 858 0.2 -3.4 Spain 122 213 1.1 94 920 0.9 -22.3 Sweden 401 099 3.5 459 276 4.3 14.5 Switzerland 175 153 1.5 259 072 2.4 47.9 Turkey 73 521 0.7 49 018 0.5 -33.3 United Kingdom 2 439 721 21.6 2 224 885 20.8 -8.8 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 9 083 931 80.4 8 518 475 79.5 -6.2 Total OECD Countries 9 576 567 84.7 8 962 530 83.7 -6.4 Other European countries 601 809 5.3 705 824 6.6 17.3 Bulgaria 133 764 1.2 136 504 1.3 2.0 Poland 31 018 0.3 49 665 0.5 60.1 Romania 25 474 0.2 38 868 0.4 52.6 Russia 134 187 1.2 210 440 2.0 56.8 Latin America 22 274 0.2 20 554 0.2 -7.7 Argentina 11 530 0.1 9 703 0.1 -15.8 Brazil 10 744 0.1 10 851 0.1 1.0 Asia-Oceania 58 016 0.5 75 875 0.7 30.8 Iran 6 458 0.1 5 960 0.1 -7.7 Israel 37 848 0.3 54 264 0.5 43.4 Lebanon 3 13 710 0.1 15 651 0.1 14.2 Africa 31 099 0.3 33 511 0.3 7.8 Egypt 4 18 540 0.2 21 449 0.2 15.7 South Africa 12 559 0.1 12 062 0.1 -4.0 Origin country undetermined 1 011 957 9.0 913 851 8.5 -9.7 Total non-OECD Countries 1 725 155 15.3 1 749 615 16.3 1.4 TOTAL 11 301 722 100.0 10 712 145 100.0 -5.2 1. Excluding Greek nationals residing abroad.2. Belgium includes Luxembourg.3. Lebanon includes Syria.4. Egypt includes Sudan.5. "Origin country undetermined" include cruise passengers (500444 for 1993 and 588912 for 1994).

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 54 885 0.3 39 775 0.2 -27.5 Mexico 3 890 0.0 2 423 0.0 -37.7 United States 228 428 1.1 234 706 1.1 2.7 Total North America 287 203 1.3 276 904 1.3 -3.6 Australia 26 110 0.1 17 761 0.1 -32.0 Japan 40 901 0.2 56 516 0.3 38.2 New Zealand 3 336 0.0 3 830 0.0 14.8 Total Asia and the Pacific 70 347 0.3 78 107 0.4 11.0 Austria 2 503 073 11.7 2 196 346 10.6 -12.3 Belgium 111 129 0.5 117 574 0.6 5.8 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 68 952 0.3 67 358 0.3 -2.3 Finland 38 063 0.2 43 227 0.2 13.6 France 186 160 0.9 185 280 0.9 -0.5 Germany 3 520 424 16.4 3 412 715 16.5 -3.1 Greece 61 587 0.3 59 762 0.3 -3.0 Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland 658 0.0 453 0.0 -31.2 Ireland 11 771 0.1 10 464 0.1 -11.1 Italy 377 693 1.8 342 853 1.7 -9.2 Luxembourg 5 426 0.0 4 854 0.0 -10.5 Netherlands 263 639 1.2 251 862 1.2 -4.5 Norway 19 990 0.1 26 249 0.1 31.3 Portugal 9 611 0.0 11 852 0.1 23.3 Spain 64 441 0.3 70 780 0.3 9.8 Sweden 107 805 0.5 109 001 0.5 1.1 Switzerland 150 458 0.7 130 006 0.6 -13.6 Turkey 215 954 1.0 212 362 1.0 -1.7 United Kingdom 134 964 0.6 136 014 0.7 0.8 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 7 851 798 36.6 7 389 012 35.7 -5.9 Total OECD Countries 8 209 348 38.3 7 744 023 37.4 -5.7 Other European countries 7 152 386 33.4 9 094 610 44.0 27.2 Bosnia and Herzegovina 21 880 0.1 28 350 0.1 29.6 Bulgaria 364 116 1.7 276 038 1.3 -24.2 Croatia 773 265 3.6 643 789 3.1 -16.7 Poland 538 561 2.5 418 094 2.0 -22.4 Romania 3 895 338 18.2 3 298 070 15.9 -15.3 Russia 54 678 0.3 1 336 616 6.5 2344.5 Serbia and Montenegro 216 197 1.0 .. .. .. Slovenia 428 172 2.0 420 168 2.0 -1.9 Ukrainia 860 179 4.0 2 673 485 12.9 210.8 Latin America 17 669 0.1 16 811 0.1 -4.9 Argentina 8 746 0.0 5 760 0.0 -34.1 Brazil 5 557 0.0 7 474 0.0 34.5 Chile 1 133 0.0 1 374 0.0 21.3 Colombia 1 142 0.0 1 123 0.0 -1.7 Venezuela 1 091 0.0 1 080 0.0 -1.0 Asia-Oceania 92 479 0.4 102 065 0.5 10.4 China 7 416 0.0 10 512 0.1 41.7 Hong Kong 3 403 0.0 6 948 0.0 104.2 India 3 153 0.0 3 378 0.0 7.1 Iran 2 427 0.0 3 327 0.0 37.1 Israel 45 230 0.2 40 658 0.2 -10.1 Republic of Korea 18 035 0.1 23 433 0.1 29.9 Lebanon 3 535 0.0 2 767 0.0 -21.7 Malaysia 818 0.0 1 349 0.0 64.9 Pakistan 868 0.0 1 404 0.0 61.8 Philippines 1 076 0.0 947 0.0 -12.0 Saudi Arabia 463 0.0 244 0.0 -47.3 Singapore 825 0.0 730 0.0 -11.5 Thailand 5 230 0.0 6 368 0.0 21.8 Africa 10 318 0.0 12 221 0.1 18.4 Algeria 985 0.0 1 035 0.0 5.1 Egypt 5 303 0.0 7 507 0.0 41.6 Morocco 704 0.0 512 0.0 -27.3 South Africa 3 326 0.0 3 167 0.0 -4.8 Origin country undetermined 5 942 555 27.7 3 720 156 18.0 -37.4 Total non-OECD Countries 13 215 407 61.7 12 945 863 62.6 -2.0 TOTAL 21 424 755 100.0 20 689 886 100.0 -3.4

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 60 369 0.2 43 578 0.1 -27.8 Mexico 3 900 0.0 2 648 0.0 -32.1 United States 254 263 0.6 261 568 0.7 2.9 Total North America 318 532 0.8 307 794 0.8 -3.4 Australia 28 555 0.1 20 225 0.1 -29.2 Japan 42 586 0.1 62 583 0.2 47.0 New Zealand 3 421 0.0 4 071 0.0 19.0 Total Asia and the Pacific 74 562 0.2 86 879 0.2 16.5 Austria 6 111 111 15.3 5 438 018 13.9 -11.0 Belgium 125 337 0.3 134 206 0.3 7.1 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 75 597 0.2 70 738 0.2 -6.4 Finland 41 239 0.1 46 202 0.1 12.0 France 277 002 0.7 226 539 0.6 -18.2 Germany 4 133 531 10.4 3 949 254 10.1 -4.5 Greece 98 699 0.2 99 922 0.3 1.2 Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland 658 0.0 453 0.0 -31.2 Ireland 12 412 0.0 10 785 0.0 -13.1 Italy 506 698 1.3 456 563 1.2 -9.9 Luxembourg 5 630 0.0 4 854 0.0 -13.8 Netherlands 305 758 0.8 288 831 0.7 -5.5 Norway 22 271 0.1 29 435 0.1 32.2 Portugal 11 400 0.0 11 947 0.0 4.8 Spain 67 142 0.2 76 829 0.2 14.4 Sweden 129 164 0.3 125 622 0.3 -2.7 Switzerland 168 866 0.4 154 592 0.4 -8.5 Turkey 447 524 1.1 404 035 1.0 -9.7 United Kingdom 152 201 0.4 150 559 0.4 -1.1 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 12 692 240 31.9 11 679 384 29.8 -8.0 Total OECD Countries 13 085 334 32.8 12 074 057 30.8 -7.7 Other European countries 14 482 181 36.4 17 922 897 45.7 23.8 Bosnia and Herzegovina 44 016 0.1 63 357 0.2 43.9 Bulgaria 640 201 1.6 482 099 1.2 -24.7 Croatia 5 146 383 12.9 5 573 256 14.2 8.3 Poland 675 728 1.7 581 724 1.5 -13.9 Romania 5 206 492 13.1 4 359 842 11.1 -16.3 Russia 81 794 0.2 1 430 929 3.6 1649.4 Serbia and Montenegro 356 832 0.9 312 568 0.8 -12.4 Slovenia 1 332 867 3.3 1 669 165 4.3 25.2 Ukrainia 997 868 2.5 3 449 957 8.8 245.7 Latin America 18 330 0.0 17 332 0.0 -5.4 Argentina 9 090 0.0 5 809 0.0 -36.1 Brazil 5 719 0.0 7 767 0.0 35.8 Chile 1 144 0.0 1 379 0.0 20.5 Colombia 1 267 0.0 1 297 0.0 2.4 Venezuela 1 110 0.0 1 080 0.0 -2.7 Asia-Oceania 96 048 0.2 107 762 0.3 12.2 China 7 759 0.0 10 628 0.0 37.0 Hong Kong 3 461 0.0 7 419 0.0 114.4 India 3 265 0.0 3 759 0.0 15.1 Iran 2 488 0.0 3 431 0.0 37.9 Israel 48 082 0.1 44 166 0.1 -8.1 Republic of Korea 18 035 0.0 24 393 0.1 35.3 Lebanon 3 597 0.0 2 767 0.0 -23.1 Malaysia 818 0.0 1 355 0.0 65.6 Pakistan 956 0.0 1 466 0.0 53.3 Philippines 1 076 0.0 1 013 0.0 -5.9 Saudi Arabia 463 0.0 244 0.0 -47.3 Singapore 826 0.0 730 0.0 -11.6 Thailand 5 232 0.0 6 391 0.0 22.2 Africa 11 755 0.0 12 776 0.0 8.7 Algeria 985 0.0 1 035 0.0 5.1 Egypt 5 720 0.0 7 700 0.0 34.6 Morocco 707 0.0 521 0.0 -26.3 South Africa 4 343 0.0 3 520 0.0 -19.0 Origin country undetermined 12 142 465 30.5 9 105 194 23.2 -25.0 Total non-OECD Countries 26 750 779 67.2 27 165 961 69.2 1.6 TOTAL 39 836 113 100.0 39 240 018 100.0 -1.5

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 13 565 0.6 11 158 0.5 -17.7 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 109 397 5.2 99 023 4.7 -9.5 Total North America 122 962 5.8 110 181 5.2 -10.4 Australia 7 678 0.4 8 663 0.4 12.8 Japan 33 501 1.6 47 255 2.2 41.1 New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 41 179 1.9 55 918 2.6 35.8 Austria 211 344 10.0 190 062 9.0 -10.1 Belgium 33 384 1.6 31 431 1.5 -5.9 Czech Republic 15 095 0.7 18 047 0.9 19.6 Denmark 24 593 1.2 20 007 0.9 -18.6 Finland 21 341 1.0 23 176 1.1 8.6 France 69 690 3.3 66 431 3.1 -4.7 Germany 606 079 28.6 599 742 28.3 -1.0 Greece 18 613 0.9 20 291 1.0 9.0 Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland .. .. .. .. ..Italy 150 664 7.1 134 818 6.4 -10.5 Luxembourg .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 77 958 3.7 69 443 3.3 -10.9 Norway .. .. 14 372 0.7 ..Portugal .. .. .. .. ..Spain 55 129 2.6 57 891 2.7 5.0 Sweden 30 260 1.4 29 077 1.4 -3.9 Switzerland 64 376 3.0 58 087 2.7 -9.8 Turkey 8 588 0.4 13 472 0.6 56.9 United Kingdom 78 715 3.7 80 141 3.8 1.8 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 1 465 829 69.1 1 426 488 67.4 -2.7 Total OECD Countries 1 629 970 76.8 1 592 587 75.3 -2.3 Other European countries 339 040 16.0 348 380 16.5 2.8 Bulgaria 17 555 0.8 17 819 0.8 1.5 Croatia 23 523 1.1 25 638 1.2 9.0 Poland 30 819 1.5 29 995 1.4 -2.7 Romania 48 729 2.3 44 764 2.1 -8.1 Russia 78 877 3.7 93 140 4.4 18.1 Serbia and Montenegro 83 261 3.9 70 881 3.3 -14.9 Slovak Republic 7 267 0.3 9 904 0.5 36.3 Slovenia 15 517 0.7 18 385 0.9 18.5 Ukrainia 33 192 1.6 37 854 1.8 14.0 Israel 27 318 1.3 29 180 1.4 6.8 Origin country undetermined 152 845 7.2 175 105 8.3 14.6 Total non-OECD Countries 491 885 23.2 523 485 24.7 6.4 TOTAL 2 121 855 100.0 2 116 072 100.0 -0.3

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 47 581 0.8 39 917 0.6 -16.1 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 317 776 5.0 289 741 4.6 -8.8 Total North America 365 357 5.8 329 658 5.2 -9.8 Australia 21 957 0.3 23 788 0.4 8.3 Japan 71 538 1.1 97 530 1.5 36.3 New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 93 495 1.5 121 318 1.9 29.8 Austria 591 376 9.3 542 780 8.6 -8.2 Belgium 103 838 1.6 100 267 1.6 -3.4 Czech Republic 31 899 0.5 39 484 0.6 23.8 Denmark 82 729 1.3 73 018 1.2 -11.7 Finland 80 594 1.3 84 601 1.3 5.0 France 162 162 2.6 153 366 2.4 -5.4 Germany 2 338 767 36.9 2 326 395 36.8 -0.5 Greece 45 071 0.7 51 253 0.8 13.7 Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland .. .. .. .. ..Italy 390 033 6.2 351 810 5.6 -9.8 Luxembourg .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 236 499 3.7 209 038 3.3 -11.6 Norway .. .. 42 871 0.7 ..Portugal .. .. .. .. ..Spain 142 401 2.2 153 933 2.4 8.1 Sweden 92 526 1.5 85 558 1.4 -7.5 Switzerland 210 090 3.3 199 430 3.2 -5.1 Turkey 18 615 0.3 30 759 0.5 65.2 United Kingdom 224 953 3.5 223 770 3.5 -0.5 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 4 751 553 74.9 4 668 333 73.8 -1.8 Total OECD Countries 5 210 405 82.2 5 119 309 81.0 -1.7 Other European countries 703 140 11.1 742 607 11.7 5.6 Bulgaria 25 030 0.4 25 126 0.4 0.4 Croatia 38 882 0.6 43 600 0.7 12.1 Poland 109 737 1.7 97 173 1.5 -11.4 Romania 81 111 1.3 83 612 1.3 3.1 Russia 209 342 3.3 243 024 3.8 16.1 Serbia and Montenegro 133 452 2.1 124 137 2.0 -7.0 Slovak Republic 17 866 0.3 23 364 0.4 30.8 Slovenia 26 836 0.4 32 297 0.5 20.3 Ukrainia 60 884 1.0 70 274 1.1 15.4 Israel 91 067 1.4 95 472 1.5 4.8 Origin country undetermined 427 354 6.7 460 999 7.3 7.9 Total non-OECD Countries 1 130 494 17.8 1 203 606 19.0 6.5 TOTAL 6 340 899 100.0 6 322 915 100.0 -0.3

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 15 373 0.5 13 152 0.5 -14.4 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 118 755 4.0 110 654 3.8 -6.8 Total North America 134 128 4.6 123 806 4.3 -7.7 Australia 10 287 0.3 11 392 0.4 10.7 Japan 34 958 1.2 48 875 1.7 39.8 New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 45 245 1.5 60 267 2.1 33.2 Austria 259 769 8.8 246 530 8.6 -5.1 Belgium 47 147 1.6 44 661 1.6 -5.3 Czech Republic 21 780 0.7 24 972 0.9 14.7 Denmark 43 675 1.5 35 354 1.2 -19.1 Finland 25 282 0.9 27 679 1.0 9.5 France 92 015 3.1 87 877 3.1 -4.5 Germany 898 653 30.5 865 693 30.1 -3.7 Greece 20 388 0.7 21 760 0.8 6.7 Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland .. .. .. .. ..Italy .. .. 156 667 5.4 ..Luxembourg .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 142 422 4.8 123 931 4.3 -13.0 Norway 13 309 0.5 16 040 0.6 20.5 Portugal .. .. .. .. ..Spain 58 912 2.0 61 268 2.1 4.0 Sweden 36 079 1.2 33 663 1.2 -6.7 Switzerland 73 701 2.5 66 531 2.3 -9.7 Turkey 10 450 0.4 18 267 0.6 74.8 United Kingdom 91 472 3.1 93 116 3.2 1.8 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 1 835 054 62.3 1 924 009 66.9 4.8 Total OECD Countries 2 014 427 68.4 2 108 082 73.3 4.6 Other European countries 602 293 20.5 544 306 18.9 -9.6 Bulgaria 30 813 1.0 33 897 1.2 10.0 Croatia 28 718 1.0 31 192 1.1 8.6 Poland 99 079 3.4 82 400 2.9 -16.8 Romania 100 850 3.4 92 930 3.2 -7.9 Russia 122 298 4.2 125 801 4.4 2.9 Serbia and Montenegro 105 864 3.6 96 266 3.3 -9.1 Slovak Republic 12 650 0.4 18 698 0.6 47.8 Slovenia 18 374 0.6 21 565 0.7 17.4 Ukrainia 83 647 2.8 71 557 2.5 -14.5 Israel 29 122 1.0 30 388 1.1 4.3 Origin country undetermined 327 494 11.1 225 204 7.8 -31.2 Total non-OECD Countries 929 787 31.6 769 510 26.7 -17.2 TOTAL 2 944 214 100.0 2 877 592 100.0 -2.3

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 54 987 0.5 47 548 0.5 -13.5 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 351 087 3.3 327 427 3.3 -6.7 Total North America 406 074 3.9 374 975 3.8 -7.7 Australia 27 577 0.3 29 228 0.3 6.0 Japan 78 671 0.7 103 609 1.0 31.7 New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 106 248 1.0 132 837 1.3 25.0 Austria 823 152 7.8 792 582 7.9 -3.7 Belgium 182 512 1.7 168 999 1.7 -7.4 Czech Republic 54 886 0.5 63 481 0.6 15.7 Denmark 202 090 1.9 173 162 1.7 -14.3 Finland 92 619 0.9 98 156 1.0 6.0 France 220 727 2.1 202 413 2.0 -8.3 Germany 4 586 417 43.5 4 261 771 42.6 -7.1 Greece 57 063 0.5 56 972 0.6 -0.2 Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland .. .. .. .. ..Italy 439 324 4.2 398 675 4.0 -9.3 Luxembourg .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 661 861 6.3 552 147 5.5 -16.6 Norway 43 672 0.4 48 582 0.5 11.2 Portugal .. .. .. .. ..Spain 152 788 1.5 162 134 1.6 6.1 Sweden 115 700 1.1 102 566 1.0 -11.4 Switzerland 240 150 2.3 226 016 2.3 -5.9 Turkey 24 749 0.2 38 103 0.4 54.0 United Kingdom 266 208 2.5 261 929 2.6 -1.6 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 8 163 918 77.5 7 607 688 76.1 -6.8 Total OECD Countries 8 676 240 82.3 8 115 500 81.2 -6.5 Other European countries 1 402 421 13.3 1 356 100 13.6 -3.3 Bulgaria 44 529 0.4 46 697 0.5 4.9 Croatia 65 896 0.6 59 081 0.6 -10.3 Poland 381 839 3.6 322 537 3.2 -15.5 Romania 193 182 1.8 188 541 1.9 -2.4 Russia 291 746 2.8 314 569 3.1 7.8 Serbia and Montenegro 200 305 1.9 182 354 1.8 -9.0 Slovak Republic 36 337 0.3 50 480 0.5 38.9 Slovenia 37 730 0.4 43 741 0.4 15.9 Ukrainia 150 857 1.4 148 100 1.5 -1.8 Israel 99 043 0.9 98 473 1.0 -0.6 Origin country undetermined 457 472 4.3 526 113 5.3 15.0 Total non-OECD Countries 1 859 893 17.7 1 882 213 18.8 1.2 TOTAL 10 536 133 100.0 9 997 713 100.0 -5.1

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 1 229 0.7 1 150 0.6 -6.4 Mexico 166 0.1 143 0.1 -13.9 United States 25 898 14.4 28 633 15.1 10.6 Total North America 27 293 15.2 29 926 15.8 9.6 Australia 482 0.3 398 0.2 -17.4 Japan 1 977 1.1 2 410 1.3 21.9 New Zealand 138 0.1 189 0.1 37.0 Total Asia and the Pacific 2 597 1.4 2 997 1.6 15.4 Austria 3 453 1.9 3 744 2.0 8.4 Belgium 1 738 1.0 1 842 1.0 6.0 Czech Republic .. .. 636 0.3 ..Denmark 20 883 11.7 22 512 11.9 7.8 Finland 3 699 2.1 4 206 2.2 13.7 France 8 349 4.7 9 142 4.8 9.5 Germany 34 403 19.2 36 840 19.4 7.1 Greece 183 0.1 178 0.1 -2.7 Hungary 330 0.2 281 0.1 -14.8 Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland 572 0.3 1 114 0.6 94.8 Italy 3 247 1.8 3 792 2.0 16.8 Luxembourg 464 0.3 770 0.4 65.9 Netherlands 6 974 3.9 6 558 3.5 -6.0 Norway 14 594 8.1 13 448 7.1 -7.9 Portugal 260 0.1 356 0.2 36.9 Spain 1 549 0.9 1 560 0.8 0.7 Sweden 19 867 11.1 19 027 10.0 -4.2 Switzerland 4 935 2.8 6 489 3.4 31.5 Turkey 75 0.0 231 0.1 208.0 United Kingdom 17 902 10.0 17 520 9.2 -2.1 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 143 477 80.0 150 246 79.2 4.7 Total OECD Countries 173 367 96.7 183 169 96.5 5.7 Other European countries 2 280 1.3 2 206 1.2 -3.2 Bulgaria 38 0.0 47 0.0 23.7 Croatia .. .. 148 0.1 .. Poland 443 0.2 625 0.3 41.1 Romania 36 0.0 54 0.0 50.0 Russia .. .. 600 0.3 .. Slovenia .. .. 168 0.1 ..Latin America 420 0.2 478 0.3 13.8 Argentina 60 0.0 78 0.0 30.0 Brazil 62 0.0 131 0.1 111.3 Chile 37 0.0 46 0.0 24.3 Colombia 32 0.0 31 0.0 -3.1 Venezuela 21 0.0 24 0.0 14.3 Asia-Oceania 2 817 1.6 3 473 1.8 23.3 China 349 0.2 342 0.2 -2.0 Hong Kong 15 0.0 86 0.0 473.3 India 78 0.0 124 0.1 59.0 Iran 27 0.0 30 0.0 11.1 Israel 283 0.2 342 0.2 20.8 Republic of Korea 64 0.0 156 0.1 143.8 Lebanon 14 0.0 19 0.0 35.7 Malaysia 60 0.0 47 0.0 -21.7 Pakistan 19 0.0 23 0.0 21.1 Philippines 137 0.1 174 0.1 27.0 Saudi Arabia 7 0.0 15 0.0 114.3 Singapore 30 0.0 52 0.0 73.3 Chinese Taipei 1 409 0.8 1 655 0.9 17.5 Thailand 162 0.1 234 0.1 44.4 Africa 321 0.2 420 0.2 30.8 Algeria 15 0.0 25 0.0 66.7 Egypt 10 0.0 39 0.0 290.0 Morocco 32 0.0 55 0.0 71.9 South Africa 89 0.0 85 0.0 -4.5 Origin country undetermined 36 0.0 50 0.0 38.9 Total non-OECD Countries 5 874 3.3 6 627 3.5 12.8 TOTAL 179 241 100.0 189 796 100.0 5.9 1. Excluding shore excursionists.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada .. .. 2 078 0.3 ..Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 34 542 6.7 42 970 7.2 24.4 Total North America 34 542 6.7 45 048 7.5 30.4 Australia .. .. .. .. ..Japan .. .. 6 437 1.1 ..New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific .. .. 6 437 1.1 ..Austria .. .. 11 171 1.9 ..Belgium .. .. 2 924 0.5 ..Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 39 344 7.6 43 279 7.2 10.0 Finland 11 458 2.2 11 969 2.0 4.5 France 30 414 5.9 37 177 6.2 22.2 Germany 136 604 26.4 163 282 27.3 19.5 Greece .. .. .. .. ..Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland .. .. 1 229 0.2 ..Italy .. .. 15 525 2.6 ..Luxembourg .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 16 848 3.3 17 473 2.9 3.7 Norway 42 873 8.3 40 460 6.8 -5.6 Portugal .. .. .. .. ..Spain .. .. 5 279 0.9 ..Sweden 56 146 10.9 56 064 9.4 -0.1 Switzerland 21 928 4.2 30 292 5.1 38.1 Turkey .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 48 083 9.3 53 908 9.0 12.1 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 403 698 78.1 490 032 81.9 21.4 Total OECD Countries 438 240 84.8 541 517 90.5 23.6 Other European countries 51 440 10.0 30 158 5.0 -41.4 Origin country undetermined 26 908 5.2 26 830 4.5 -0.3 Total non-OECD Countries 78 348 15.2 56 988 9.5 -27.3 TOTAL 516 588 100.0 598 505 100.0 15.9

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada .. .. 2 643 0.3 ..Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 39 347 5.5 47 514 5.8 20.8 Total North America 39 347 5.5 50 157 6.1 27.5 Australia .. .. .. .. ..Japan .. .. 7 059 0.9 ..New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific .. .. 7 059 0.9 ..Austria .. .. 20 788 2.5 ..Belgium .. .. 5 749 0.7 ..Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 47 135 6.6 51 715 6.3 9.7 Finland 12 883 1.8 13 157 1.6 2.1 France 59 236 8.3 67 404 8.3 13.8 Germany 217 552 30.5 252 555 31.0 16.1 Greece .. .. .. .. ..Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland .. .. 2 102 0.3 ..Italy .. .. 23 107 2.8 ..Luxembourg .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 28 787 4.0 31 542 3.9 9.6 Norway 47 490 6.6 44 950 5.5 -5.3 Portugal .. .. .. .. ..Spain .. .. 8 870 1.1 ..Sweden 62 283 8.7 62 277 7.6 0.0 Switzerland 32 701 4.6 42 148 5.2 28.9 Turkey .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 61 193 8.6 66 509 8.2 8.7 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 569 260 79.7 692 873 85.0 21.7 Total OECD Countries 608 607 85.2 750 089 92.0 23.2 Other European countries 75 013 10.5 36 213 4.4 -51.7 Origin country undetermined 30 557 4.3 29 264 3.6 -4.2 Total non-OECD Countries 105 570 14.8 65 477 8.0 -38.0 TOTAL 714 177 100.0 815 566 100.0 14.2

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 45 000 1.2 54 000 1.3 20.0 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 449 000 12.2 587 000 13.9 30.7 Total North America 494 000 13.4 641 000 15.2 29.8 Australia 1 68 000 1.8 89 000 2.1 30.9 Japan 22 000 0.6 30 000 0.7 36.4 New Zealand 1 .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 90 000 2.4 119 000 2.8 32.2 Austria .. .. .. .. ..Belgium 41 000 1.1 53 000 1.3 29.3 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 19 000 0.5 22 000 0.5 15.8 Finland .. .. .. .. ..France 231 000 6.3 234 000 5.5 1.3 Germany 269 000 7.3 319 000 7.5 18.6 Greece .. .. .. .. ..Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland .. .. .. .. ..Italy 121 000 3.3 112 000 2.6 -7.4 Luxembourg .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 80 000 2.2 94 000 2.2 17.5 Norway 2 33 000 0.9 46 000 1.1 39.4 Portugal .. .. .. .. ..Spain 59 000 1.6 67 000 1.6 13.6 Sweden 2 .. .. .. .. ..Switzerland 62 000 1.7 62 000 1.5 0.0 Turkey .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 3 2 038 000 55.4 2 285 000 54.0 12.1 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 2 953 000 80.3 3 294 000 77.9 11.5 Total OECD Countries 3 537 000 96.1 4 054 000 95.8 14.6 Origin country undetermined 142 000 3.9 177 000 4.2 24.6 Total non-OECD Countries 142 000 3.9 177 000 4.2 24.6 TOTAL 3 679 000 100.0 4 231 000 100.0 15.0 1. Australia includes New Zealand.2. La Norway includes Sweden.3. United Kingdom excludes Northern Ireland.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 38 000 1.0 43 000 1.0 13.2 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 436 000 11.8 574 000 13.5 31.7 Total North America 474 000 12.9 617 000 14.5 30.2 Australia 2 63 000 1.7 79 000 1.9 25.4 Japan 21 000 0.6 29 000 0.7 38.1 New Zealand 2 .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 84 000 2.3 108 000 2.5 28.6 Austria .. .. .. .. ..Belgium 36 000 1.0 47 000 1.1 30.6 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 19 000 0.5 22 000 0.5 15.8 Finland .. .. .. .. ..France 230 000 6.2 222 000 5.2 -3.5 Germany 258 000 7.0 310 000 7.3 20.2 Greece 4 000 0.1 8 000 0.2 100.0 Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland .. .. .. .. ..Italy 121 000 3.3 112 000 2.6 -7.4 Luxembourg 5 000 0.1 5 000 0.1 0.0 Netherlands 79 000 2.1 92 000 2.2 16.5 Norway 3 32 000 0.9 45 000 1.1 40.6 Portugal 8 000 0.2 7 000 0.2 -12.5 Spain 58 000 1.6 67 000 1.6 15.5 Sweden 3 .. .. .. .. ..Switzerland 61 000 1.7 61 000 1.4 0.0 Turkey .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 4 2 087 000 56.7 2 365 000 55.6 13.3 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 2 998 000 81.4 3 363 000 79.0 12.2 Total OECD Countries 3 556 000 96.6 4 088 000 96.1 15.0 Origin country undetermined 125 000 3.4 168 000 3.9 34.4 Total non-OECD Countries 125 000 3.4 168 000 3.9 34.4 TOTAL 3 681 000 100.0 4 256 000 100.0 15.6 1. Visitors arrivals on overseas routes only.2. Australia includes New Zealand.3. Norway includes Sweden.4. United Kingdom excludes Northern Ireland.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 34 000 1.6 40 000 1.6 17.6 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 412 000 19.4 494 000 19.2 19.9 Total North America 446 000 21.0 534 000 20.8 19.7 Australia 1 47 000 2.2 69 000 2.7 46.8 Japan .. .. .. .. ..New Zealand 1 .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 47 000 2.2 69 000 2.7 46.8 Austria .. .. .. .. ..Belgium 2 26 000 1.2 27 000 1.1 3.8 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 4 .. .. .. .. ..Finland .. .. .. .. ..France 138 000 6.5 156 000 6.1 13.0 Germany 150 000 7.1 191 000 7.4 27.3 Greece .. .. .. .. ..Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland .. .. .. .. ..Italy 79 000 3.7 83 000 3.2 5.1 Luxembourg 2 .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 54 000 2.5 66 000 2.6 22.2 Norway 4 .. .. .. .. ..Portugal .. .. .. .. ..Spain .. .. .. .. ..Sweden 4 .. .. .. .. ..Switzerland 44 000 2.1 45 000 1.8 2.3 Turkey .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 3 986 000 46.5 1 163 000 45.3 18.0 Other OECD-Europe 4 38 000 1.8 53 000 2.1 39.5 Total Europe 1 515 000 71.4 1 784 000 69.5 17.8 Total OECD Countries 2 008 000 94.6 2 387 000 93.0 18.9 Origin country undetermined 114 000 5.4 181 000 7.0 58.8 Total non-OECD Countries 114 000 5.4 181 000 7.0 58.8 TOTAL 2 122 000 100.0 2 568 000 100.0 21.0 1. Australia includes New Zealand.2. Belgium includes Luxembourg.3. United Kingdom excludes Northern Ireland.4. "Other OECD-Europe" includes Danemark, Norway and Sweden.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 175 000 1.5 252 000 1.6 44.0 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 2 491 000 21.6 2 917 000 19.0 17.1 Total North America 2 666 000 23.1 3 169 000 20.6 18.9 Australia 1 225 000 1.9 401 000 2.6 78.2 Japan .. .. .. .. ..New Zealand 1 .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 225 000 1.9 401 000 2.6 78.2 Austria .. .. .. .. ..Belgium 2 112 000 1.0 130 000 0.8 16.1 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 4 .. .. .. .. ..Finland .. .. .. .. ..France 1 030 000 8.9 1 101 000 7.2 6.9 Germany 926 000 8.0 1 292 000 8.4 39.5 Greece .. .. .. .. ..Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland .. .. .. .. ..Italy 494 000 4.3 434 000 2.8 -12.1 Luxembourg 2 .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 351 000 3.0 375 000 2.4 6.8 Norway 4 .. .. .. .. ..Portugal .. .. .. .. ..Spain .. .. .. .. ..Sweden 4 .. .. .. .. ..Switzerland 278 000 2.4 282 000 1.8 1.4 Turkey .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 3 4 170 000 36.1 4 945 000 32.1 18.6 Other OECD-Europe 4 166 000 1.4 289 000 1.9 74.1 Total Europe 7 527 000 65.2 8 848 000 57.5 17.6 Total OECD Countries 10 418 000 90.2 12 418 000 80.7 19.2 Origin country undetermined 1 133 000 9.8 0 19.3 161.6 Total non-OECD Countries 1 133 000 9.8 0 19.3 161.6 TOTAL 11 551 000 100.0 12 418 000 100.0 33.2 1. Australia includes New Zealand.2. Belgium includes Luxembourg.3. United Kingdom excludes Northern Ireland.4. "Other OECD-Europe" includes Danemark, Norway and Sweden.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 45 000 1.2 45 000 1.1 0.0 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 449 000 12.2 587 000 13.8 30.7 Total North America 494 000 13.4 632 000 14.8 27.9 Australia 1 68 000 1.8 89 000 2.1 30.9 Japan 22 000 0.6 30 000 0.7 36.4 New Zealand 1 .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 90 000 2.4 119 000 2.8 32.2 Austria .. .. .. .. ..Belgium 2 41 000 1.1 53 000 1.2 29.3 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 19 000 0.5 22 000 0.5 15.8 Finland .. .. .. .. ..France 231 000 6.3 234 000 5.5 1.3 Germany 269 000 7.3 319 000 7.5 18.6 Greece .. .. .. .. ..Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland .. .. .. .. ..Italy 121 000 3.3 112 000 2.6 -7.4 Luxembourg 2 .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 80 000 2.2 94 000 2.2 17.5 Norway 3 33 000 0.9 46 000 1.1 39.4 Portugal .. .. .. .. ..Spain 59 000 1.6 67 000 1.6 13.6 Sweden 3 .. .. .. .. ..Switzerland 62 000 1.7 67 000 1.6 8.1 Turkey .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 4 2 038 000 55.4 2 285 000 53.6 12.1 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 2 953 000 80.3 3 299 000 77.4 11.7 Total OECD Countries 3 537 000 96.1 4 050 000 95.0 14.5 Origin country undetermined 142 000 3.9 211 000 5.0 48.6 Total non-OECD Countries 142 000 3.9 211 000 5.0 48.6 TOTAL 3 679 000 100.0 4 261 000 100.0 15.8 1. Australia includes New Zealand.2. Belgium includes Luxembourg.3. Norway includes Sweden.4. United Kingdom excludes Northern Ireland.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 478 000 1.2 594 000 1.3 24.3 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 5 175 000 13.2 7 006 000 15.5 35.4 Total North America 5 653 000 14.5 7 600 000 16.8 34.4 Australia 1 925 000 2.4 1 085 000 2.4 17.3 Japan .. .. .. .. ..New Zealand 1 .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 925 000 2.4 1 085 000 2.4 17.3 Austria .. .. .. .. ..Belgium 2 515 000 1.3 684 000 1.5 32.8 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 4 .. .. .. .. ..Finland .. .. .. .. ..France 3 258 000 8.3 3 728 000 8.2 14.4 Germany 3 516 000 9.0 4 460 000 9.8 26.8 Greece .. .. .. .. ..Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland .. .. .. .. ..Italy 1 743 000 4.5 1 698 000 3.7 -2.6 Luxembourg 2 .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 865 000 2.2 885 000 2.0 2.3 Norway 4 .. .. .. .. ..Portugal .. .. .. .. ..Spain .. .. .. .. ..Sweden 4 .. .. .. .. ..Switzerland 741 000 1.9 841 000 1.9 13.5 Turkey .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 3 16 100 000 41.2 17 500 000 38.6 8.7 Other OECD-Europe 4 455 000 1.2 772 000 1.7 69.7 Total Europe 27 193 000 69.5 30 568 000 67.5 12.4 Total OECD Countries 33 771 000 86.4 39 253 000 86.7 16.2 Origin country undetermined 5 329 000 13.6 6 047 000 13.3 13.5 Total non-OECD Countries 5 329 000 13.6 6 047 000 13.3 13.5 TOTAL 39 100 000 100.0 45 300 000 100.0 15.9 1. Australia includes New Zealand.2. Belgium includes Luxembourg.3. United Kingdom excludes Northern Ireland.4. "Other OECD-Europe" includes Danemark, Norway and Sweden.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 327 205 0.6 341 813 0.6 4.5 Mexico 117 951 0.2 106 451 0.2 -9.7 United States 1 292 062 2.5 1 384 006 2.5 7.1 Total North America 1 737 218 3.4 1 832 270 3.3 5.5 Australia 205 830 0.4 202 819 0.4 -1.5 Japan 823 965 1.6 897 427 1.6 8.9 New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 1 029 795 2.0 1 100 246 2.0 6.8 Austria 4 650 340 9.0 5 962 422 10.7 28.2 Belgium 676 985 1.3 778 176 1.4 14.9 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 366 655 0.7 334 986 0.6 -8.6 Finland 246 469 0.5 202 087 0.4 -18.0 France 8 057 960 15.6 8 405 889 15.1 4.3 Germany 8 301 869 16.0 8 806 197 15.8 6.1 Greece 511 964 1.0 597 110 1.1 16.6 Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland 1 .. .. .. .. ..Ireland 153 951 0.3 152 417 0.3 -1.0 Italy .. .. .. .. ..Luxembourg 205 693 0.4 253 486 0.5 23.2 Netherlands 1 032 759 2.0 1 145 502 2.1 10.9 Norway 235 947 0.5 225 001 0.4 -4.6 Portugal 272 276 0.5 303 989 0.5 11.6 Spain 655 173 1.3 911 638 1.6 39.1 Sweden 375 799 0.7 397 151 0.7 5.7 Switzerland 8 657 703 16.7 8 982 815 16.1 3.8 Turkey 267 714 0.5 263 843 0.5 -1.4 United Kingdom 1 802 515 3.5 1 688 530 3.0 -6.3 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 36 471 772 70.4 39 411 239 70.7 8.1 Total OECD Countries 39 238 785 75.7 42 343 755 76.0 7.9 Other European Countries 1 10 947 726 21.1 11 585 422 20.8 5.8 Latin America 627 489 1.2 571 043 1.0 -9.0 Argentina 156 976 0.3 148 435 0.3 -5.4 Brazil 161 232 0.3 159 630 0.3 -1.0 Venezuela 113 854 0.2 103 437 0.2 -9.1 Asia-Oceania 239 934 0.5 253 045 0.5 5.5 Israel 94 941 0.2 115 215 0.2 21.4 Africa 160 907 0.3 185 104 0.3 15.0 Egypt 79 747 0.2 89 330 0.2 12.0 South Africa 81 160 0.2 .. .. ..Origin country undetermined 599 608 1.2 767 819 1.4 28.1 Total non-OECD Countries 12 575 664 24.3 13 362 433 24.0 6.3 TOTAL 51 814 449 100.0 55 706 188 100.0 7.5 1. "Other European Countries" includes Iceland.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 218 098 1.0 221 555 0.9 1.6 Mexico 115 153 0.5 54 768 0.2 -52.4 United States 2 279 738 10.8 2 470 357 10.5 8.4 Total North America 2 612 989 12.4 2 746 680 11.7 5.1 Australia 276 478 1.3 323 855 1.4 17.1 Japan 1 270 468 6.0 1 612 701 6.9 26.9 New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 1 546 946 7.3 1 936 556 8.3 25.2 Austria 1 074 274 5.1 1 335 507 5.7 24.3 Belgium 479 512 2.3 540 356 2.3 12.7 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 134 020 0.6 156 408 0.7 16.7 Finland 63 825 0.3 70 436 0.3 10.4 France 1 888 787 9.0 2 013 280 8.6 6.6 Germany 5 651 142 26.8 6 303 238 26.9 11.5 Greece 198 675 0.9 221 839 0.9 11.7 Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland 1 .. .. .. .. ..Ireland 68 097 0.3 71 636 0.3 5.2 Italy .. .. .. .. ..Luxembourg 29 466 0.1 34 177 0.1 16.0 Netherlands 442 941 2.1 454 690 1.9 2.7 Norway 72 291 0.3 81 390 0.3 12.6 Portugal 126 427 0.6 146 665 0.6 16.0 Spain 844 143 4.0 825 811 3.5 -2.2 Sweden 200 186 0.9 222 993 1.0 11.4 Switzerland 992 289 4.7 1 121 422 4.8 13.0 Turkey 54 201 0.3 82 729 0.4 52.6 United Kingdom 1 395 811 6.6 1 434 185 6.1 2.7 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 13 716 087 65.1 15 116 762 64.5 10.2 Total OECD Countries 17 876 022 84.8 19 799 998 84.5 10.8 Other European Countries 1 1 192 701 5.7 1 404 266 6.0 17.7 Latin America 626 103 3.0 698 068 3.0 11.5 Argentina 187 658 0.9 172 866 0.7 -7.9 Brazil 251 223 1.2 331 642 1.4 32.0 Venezuela 23 040 0.1 26 630 0.1 15.6 Asia-Oceania 251 603 1.2 295 853 1.3 17.6 Israel 163 715 0.8 195 030 0.8 19.1 Africa 58 572 0.3 73 477 0.3 25.4 Egypt 20 028 0.1 25 725 0.1 28.4 South Africa 38 544 0.2 47 752 0.2 23.9 Origin country undetermined 1 068 712 5.1 1 194 966 5.1 11.8 Total non-OECD Countries 3 197 691 15.2 3 630 777 15.5 13.5 TOTAL 21 073 713 100.0 23 430 775 100.0 11.2 1. "Other European Countries" includes Iceland.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 567 322 0.7 571 344 0.7 0.7 Mexico 292 012 0.4 138 534 0.2 -52.6 United States 5 943 812 7.8 6 257 026 7.4 5.3 Total North America 6 803 146 8.9 6 966 904 8.2 2.4 Australia 642 860 0.8 742 771 0.9 15.5 Japan 2 508 046 3.3 3 170 766 3.7 26.4 New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 3 150 906 4.1 3 913 537 4.6 24.2 Austria 4 388 260 5.8 5 378 097 6.4 22.6 Belgium 2 130 610 2.8 2 425 458 2.9 13.8 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 581 033 0.8 678 225 0.8 16.7 Finland 286 701 0.4 310 703 0.4 8.4 France 5 480 714 7.2 5 985 549 7.1 9.2 Germany 28 391 248 37.3 31 711 037 37.5 11.7 Greece 482 385 0.6 535 082 0.6 10.9 Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland 1 .. .. .. .. ..Ireland 236 014 0.3 241 943 0.3 2.5 Italy .. .. .. .. ..Luxembourg 179 629 0.2 207 294 0.2 15.4 Netherlands 1 777 332 2.3 1 746 553 2.1 -1.7 Norway 280 964 0.4 296 093 0.4 5.4 Portugal 303 202 0.4 354 697 0.4 17.0 Spain 1 895 272 2.5 1 914 003 2.3 1.0 Sweden 752 313 1.0 833 554 1.0 10.8 Switzerland 4 038 544 5.3 4 440 657 5.3 10.0 Turkey 160 971 0.2 238 967 0.3 48.5 United Kingdom 5 796 199 7.6 5 851 793 6.9 1.0 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 57 161 391 75.0 63 149 705 74.7 10.5 Total OECD Countries 67 115 443 88.1 74 030 146 87.5 10.3 Other European Countries 1 4 060 948 5.3 5 065 004 6.0 24.7 Latin America 1 616 694 2.1 1 790 048 2.1 10.7 Argentina 479 149 0.6 452 784 0.5 -5.5 Brazil 624 452 0.8 810 085 1.0 29.7 Venezuela 69 429 0.1 77 867 0.1 12.2 Asia-Oceania 669 238 0.9 782 107 0.9 16.9 Israel 378 882 0.5 451 122 0.5 19.1 Africa 175 592 0.2 206 705 0.2 17.7 Egypt 79 453 0.1 83 565 0.1 5.2 Morocco 96 139 0.1 100 000 0.1 4.0 Origin country undetermined 2 534 677 3.3 2 691 784 3.2 6.2 Total non-OECD Countries 9 057 149 11.9 10 535 648 12.5 16.3 TOTAL 76 172 592 100.0 84 565 794 100.0 11.0 1. "Other European Countries" includes Iceland.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 247 438 1.0 250 798 0.9 1.4 Mexico 121 905 0.5 58 782 0.2 -51.8 United States 2 368 766 9.6 2 570 704 9.3 8.5 Total North America 2 738 109 11.1 2 880 284 10.4 5.2 Australia 328 830 1.3 388 657 1.4 18.2 Japan 1 287 074 5.2 1 632 953 5.9 26.9 New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 1 615 904 6.6 2 021 610 7.3 25.1 Austria 1 331 492 5.4 1 662 441 6.0 24.9 Belgium 550 393 2.2 624 426 2.3 13.5 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 213 410 0.9 237 593 0.9 11.3 Finland 72 811 0.3 80 608 0.3 10.7 France 2 114 536 8.6 2 256 022 8.2 6.7 Germany 7 275 432 29.5 8 175 500 29.6 12.4 Greece 204 524 0.8 227 508 0.8 11.2 Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland 1 .. .. .. .. ..Ireland 76 138 0.3 80 501 0.3 5.7 Italy .. .. .. .. ..Luxembourg 32 208 0.1 37 649 0.1 16.9 Netherlands 677 549 2.7 718 746 2.6 6.1 Norway 83 906 0.3 91 654 0.3 9.2 Portugal 138 069 0.6 158 751 0.6 15.0 Spain 895 209 3.6 878 857 3.2 -1.8 Sweden 241 127 1.0 260 369 0.9 8.0 Switzerland 1 160 767 4.7 1 299 971 4.7 12.0 Turkey 57 031 0.2 86 084 0.3 50.9 United Kingdom 1 536 866 6.2 1 588 073 5.8 3.3 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 16 661 468 67.6 8 464 753 30.7 -49.2 Total OECD Countries 21 015 481 85.2 23 366 644 84.7 11.2 Other European Countries 1 1 545 097 6.3 1 841 949 6.7 19.2 Latin America 665 610 2.7 744 128 2.7 11.8 Argentina 200 893 0.8 187 236 0.7 -6.8 Brazil 266 072 1.1 350 622 1.3 31.8 Venezuela 23 945 0.1 27 629 0.1 15.4 Asia-Oceania 260 387 1.1 304 440 1.1 16.9 Israel 168 728 0.7 200 720 0.7 19.0 Africa 64 185 0.3 79 432 0.3 23.8 Egypt 20 658 0.1 26 192 0.1 26.8 South Africa 43 527 0.2 53 240 0.2 22.3 Origin country undetermined 1 113 110 4.5 1 244 483 4.5 11.8 Total non-OECD Countries 3 648 389 14.8 4 214 432 15.3 15.5 TOTAL 24 663 870 100.0 27 581 079 100.0 11.8 1. "Other European Countries" includes Iceland.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 721 693 0.7 722 546 0.6 0.1 Mexico 315 728 0.3 153 374 0.1 -51.4 United States 6 435 125 6.4 6 843 602 6.1 6.3 Total North America 7 472 546 7.4 7 719 522 6.8 3.3 Australia 776 134 0.8 920 641 0.8 18.6 Japan 2 576 424 2.6 3 245 811 2.9 26.0 New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 3 352 558 3.3 4 166 452 3.7 24.3 Austria 6 235 794 6.2 7 709 458 6.8 23.6 Belgium 2 714 256 2.7 3 108 117 2.8 14.5 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 1 217 959 1.2 1 336 395 1.2 9.7 Finland 339 431 0.3 388 906 0.3 14.6 France 6 505 485 6.4 7 146 161 6.3 9.8 Germany 40 500 571 40.1 45 579 308 40.3 12.5 Greece 538 224 0.5 599 015 0.5 11.3 Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland 1 .. .. .. .. ..Ireland 274 107 0.3 285 843 0.3 4.3 Italy .. .. .. .. ..Luxembourg 204 436 0.2 235 859 0.2 15.4 Netherlands 3 684 648 3.6 3 852 648 3.4 4.6 Norway 369 226 0.4 373 033 0.3 1.0 Portugal 339 297 0.3 396 578 0.4 16.9 Spain 2 062 425 2.0 2 086 307 1.8 1.2 Sweden 1 059 479 1.0 1 129 091 1.0 6.6 Switzerland 5 401 660 5.3 5 870 359 5.2 8.7 Turkey 183 438 0.2 261 829 0.2 42.7 United Kingdom 6 768 147 6.7 6 890 427 6.1 1.8 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 78 398 583 77.6 87 249 334 77.2 11.3 Total OECD Countries 89 223 687 88.3 99 135 308 87.7 11.1 Other European Countries 1 6 224 413 6.2 7 795 747 6.9 25.2 Latin America 1 786 115 1.8 1 982 908 1.8 11.0 Argentina 527 489 0.5 505 454 0.4 -4.2 Brazil 689 561 0.7 891 318 0.8 29.3 Venezuela 76 199 0.1 82 535 0.1 8.3 Asia-Oceania 734 412 0.7 852 237 0.8 16.0 Israel 410 130 0.4 487 723 0.4 18.9 Africa 200 161 0.2 237 154 0.2 18.5 Egypt 85 619 0.1 89 050 0.1 4.0 South Africa 114 542 0.1 148 104 0.1 29.3 Origin country undetermined 2 835 901 2.8 2 997 220 2.7 5.7 Total non-OECD Countries 11 781 002 11.7 13 865 266 12.3 17.7 TOTAL 101 004 689 100.0 113 000 574 100.0 11.9 1. "Other European Countries" includes Iceland.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 45 822 2.4 44 554 2.6 -2.8 Mexico 5 839 0.3 4 385 0.3 -24.9 United States 258 131 13.8 254 472 14.9 -1.4 Total North America 309 792 16.5 303 411 17.8 -2.1 Australia 31 560 1.7 29 576 1.7 -6.3 Japan .. .. .. .. ..New Zealand 13 782 0.7 15 730 0.9 14.1 Total Asia and the Pacific 45 342 2.4 45 306 2.7 -0.1 Austria 3 701 0.2 3 726 0.2 0.7 Belgium 3 434 0.2 3 084 0.2 -10.2 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 3 344 0.2 3 184 0.2 -4.8 Finland 2 794 0.1 3 243 0.2 16.1 France 23 411 1.2 21 370 1.3 -8.7 Germany 27 939 1.5 26 058 1.5 -6.7 Greece 1 551 0.1 .. .. ..Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland 2 233 0.1 2 648 0.2 18.6 Italy 10 153 0.5 8 773 0.5 -13.6 Luxembourg .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 6 520 0.3 7 527 0.4 15.4 Norway 2 031 0.1 2 177 0.1 7.2 Portugal 3 833 0.2 2 482 0.1 -35.2 Spain 4 496 0.2 4 802 0.3 6.8 Sweden 5 527 0.3 5 207 0.3 -5.8 Switzerland 7 298 0.4 6 935 0.4 -5.0 Turkey 1 553 0.1 1 873 0.1 20.6 United Kingdom 132 895 7.1 100 595 5.9 -24.3 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 242 713 12.9 203 684 12.0 -16.1 Total OECD Countries 597 847 31.9 552 401 32.4 -7.6 Other European countries 11 852 0.6 14 281 0.8 20.5 Poland 973 0.1 1 006 0.1 3.4 Latin America 38 992 2.1 48 690 2.9 24.9 Argentina 3 541 0.2 2 538 0.1 -28.3 Brazil 31 441 1.7 42 253 2.5 34.4 Chile 789 0.0 972 0.1 23.2 Colombia 2 548 0.1 2 238 0.1 -12.2 Venezuela 673 0.0 689 0.0 2.4 Asia-Oceania 1 224 345 65.3 1 086 136 63.8 -11.3 China 24 450 1.3 25 489 1.5 4.2 Hong Kong 22 164 1.2 12 029 0.7 -45.7 India 5 557 0.3 4 891 0.3 -12.0 Iran 1 111 0.1 678 0.0 -39.0 Israel 3 404 0.2 2 791 0.2 -18.0 Republic of Korea 511 753 27.3 459 166 27.0 -10.3 Malaysia 20 472 1.1 22 264 1.3 8.8 Pakistan 1 279 0.1 1 169 0.1 -8.6 Philippines 22 048 1.2 22 294 1.3 1.1 Singapore 24 512 1.3 23 552 1.4 -3.9 Chinese Taipei 562 053 30.0 490 080 28.8 -12.8 Thailand 25 542 1.4 18 409 1.1 -27.9 Africa 1 926 0.1 1 662 0.1 -13.7 Egypt 868 0.0 611 0.0 -29.6 South Africa 1 058 0.1 1 051 0.1 -0.7 Total non-OECD Countries 1 277 115 68.1 1 150 769 67.6 -9.9 TOTAL 1 874 962 100.0 1 703 170 100.0 -9.2

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 74 087 2.2 75 303 2.3 1.6 Mexico 8 886 0.3 7 512 0.2 -15.5 United States 531 352 15.8 539 899 16.6 1.6 Total North America 614 325 18.2 622 714 19.1 1.4 Australia 77 736 2.3 77 102 2.4 -0.8 Japan .. .. .. .. ..New Zealand 25 090 0.7 27 428 0.8 9.3 Total Asia and the Pacific 102 826 3.0 104 530 3.2 1.7 Austria 8 257 0.2 8 344 0.3 1.1 Belgium 8 056 0.2 8 031 0.2 -0.3 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 8 883 0.3 8 757 0.3 -1.4 Finland 7 558 0.2 7 664 0.2 1.4 France 52 447 1.6 54 069 1.7 3.1 Germany 64 708 1.9 68 317 2.1 5.6 Greece .. .. .. .. ..Hungary 2 785 0.1 .. .. ..Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland 6 197 0.2 6 890 0.2 11.2 Italy 24 726 0.7 24 896 0.8 0.7 Luxembourg .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 18 290 0.5 19 663 0.6 7.5 Norway 5 362 0.2 6 038 0.2 12.6 Portugal 5 540 0.2 4 246 0.1 -23.4 Spain 9 998 0.3 11 378 0.3 13.8 Sweden 15 055 0.4 15 667 0.5 4.1 Switzerland 15 512 0.5 17 086 0.5 10.1 Turkey 3 343 0.1 4 095 0.1 22.5 United Kingdom 233 321 6.9 203 968 6.3 -12.6 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 490 038 14.5 469 109 14.4 -4.3 Total OECD Countries 1 207 189 35.8 1 196 353 36.8 -0.9 Other European countries 29 433 0.9 40 324 1.2 37.0 Poland 2 588 0.1 2 820 0.1 9.0 Latin America 53 880 1.6 59 886 1.8 11.1 Argentina 5 200 0.2 4 028 0.1 -22.5 Brazil 37 592 1.1 49 320 1.5 31.2 Chile 1 962 0.1 2 176 0.1 10.9 Colombia 3 308 0.1 3 118 0.1 -5.7 Venezuela 1 206 0.0 1 244 0.0 3.2 Asia-Oceania 2 077 061 61.6 1 950 659 60.0 -6.1 China 193 486 5.7 220 715 6.8 14.1 Hong Kong 31 789 0.9 20 864 0.6 -34.4 India 23 091 0.7 24 452 0.8 5.9 Iran 3 210 0.1 2 611 0.1 -18.7 Israel 6 303 0.2 6 032 0.2 -4.3 Republic of Korea 918 459 27.2 873 635 26.9 -4.9 Malaysia 42 854 1.3 47 744 1.5 11.4 Pakistan 4 873 0.1 4 680 0.1 -4.0 Philippines 104 509 3.1 76 605 2.4 -26.7 Singapore 40 657 1.2 40 729 1.3 0.2 Chinese Taipei 647 408 19.2 578 651 17.8 -10.6 Thailand 60 422 1.8 53 941 1.7 -10.7 Africa 5 431 0.2 5 455 0.2 0.4 Egypt 2 338 0.1 2 253 0.1 -3.6 South Africa 3 093 0.1 3 202 0.1 3.5 Total non-OECD Countries 2 165 805 64.2 2 056 324 63.2 -5.1 TOTAL 3 372 994 100.0 3 252 677 100.0 -3.6

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 213 225 1.2 196 714 1.0 -7.7 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 16 071 680 93.5 19 141 523 94.9 19.1 Total North America 16 284 905 94.8 19 338 237 95.9 18.7 Australia .. .. .. .. ..Japan .. .. .. .. ..New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific .. .. .. .. ..Austria .. .. .. .. ..Belgium .. .. .. .. ..Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark .. .. .. .. ..Finland .. .. .. .. ..France .. .. .. .. ..Germany .. .. .. .. ..Greece .. .. .. .. ..Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland .. .. .. .. ..Italy .. .. .. .. ..Luxembourg .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands .. .. .. .. ..Norway .. .. .. .. ..Portugal .. .. .. .. ..Spain .. .. .. .. ..Sweden .. .. .. .. ..Switzerland .. .. .. .. ..Turkey .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom .. .. .. .. ..Other OECD-Europe 411 930 2.4 338 620 1.7 -17.8 Total Europe 411 930 2.4 338 620 1.7 -17.8 Total OECD Countries 16 696 835 97.2 19 676 857 97.6 17.8 Latin America 439 435 2.6 444 926 2.2 1.2 Origin country undetermined 45 734 0.3 40 094 0.2 -12.3 Total non-OECD Countries 485 169 2.8 485 020 2.4 0.0 TOTAL 17 182 004 100.0 20 161 877 100.0 17.3

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 213 225 0.3 196 714 0.2 -7.7 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 81 833 680 98.7 83 956 523 98.8 2.6 Total North America 82 046 905 98.9 84 153 237 99.0 2.6 Australia .. .. .. .. ..Japan .. .. .. .. ..New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific .. .. .. .. ..Austria .. .. .. .. ..Belgium .. .. .. .. ..Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark .. .. .. .. ..Finland .. .. .. .. ..France .. .. .. .. ..Germany .. .. .. .. ..Greece .. .. .. .. ..Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland .. .. .. .. ..Italy .. .. .. .. ..Luxembourg .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands .. .. .. .. ..Norway .. .. .. .. ..Portugal .. .. .. .. ..Spain .. .. .. .. ..Sweden .. .. .. .. ..Switzerland .. .. .. .. ..Turkey .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom .. .. .. .. ..Other OECD-Europe 411 930 0.5 338 620 0.4 -17.8 Total Europe 411 930 0.5 338 620 0.4 -17.8 Total OECD Countries 82 458 835 99.4 84 491 857 99.4 2.5 Latin America 439 435 0.5 444 926 0.5 1.2 Origin country undetermined 45 734 0.1 40 094 0.0 -12.3 Total non-OECD Countries 485 169 0.6 485 020 0.6 0.0 TOTAL 82 944 004 100.0 84 976 877 100.0 2.5

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 63 900 1.5 69 000 1.5 8.0 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 457 800 11.0 484 000 10.8 5.7 Total North America 521 700 12.6 553 000 12.3 6.0 Australia 1 56 300 1.4 56 000 1.2 -0.5 Japan 111 000 2.7 115 000 2.6 3.6 New Zealand 1 .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 167 300 4.0 171 000 3.8 2.2 Austria 2 .. .. .. .. ..Belgium 205 400 4.9 253 000 5.6 23.2 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 63 900 1.5 65 000 1.4 1.7 Finland 21 200 0.5 25 000 0.6 17.9 France 273 700 6.6 304 000 6.8 11.1 Germany 944 000 22.7 1 053 000 23.4 11.5 Greece 2 .. .. .. .. ..Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland 2 .. .. .. .. ..Ireland 27 600 0.7 29 000 0.6 5.1 Italy 215 800 5.2 175 000 3.9 -18.9 Luxembourg 13 700 0.3 23 000 0.5 67.9 Netherlands .. .. .. .. ..Norway 45 000 1.1 48 000 1.1 6.7 Portugal 3 .. .. .. .. ..Spain 3 138 400 3.3 134 000 3.0 -3.2 Sweden 90 500 2.2 95 000 2.1 5.0 Switzerland 92 700 2.2 91 000 2.0 -1.8 Turkey 2 .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 751 400 18.1 783 000 17.4 4.2 Other OECD-Europe 2 258 100 6.2 292 000 6.5 13.1 Total Europe 3 141 400 75.6 3 370 000 74.9 7.3 Total OECD Countries 3 830 400 92.2 4 094 000 91.0 6.9 Latin America 80 600 1.9 92 000 2.0 14.1 Asia-Oceania 202 400 4.9 270 000 6.0 33.4 Africa 42 200 1.0 42 000 0.9 -0.5 Total non-OECD Countries 325 200 7.8 404 000 9.0 24.2 TOTAL 4 155 600 100.0 4 498 000 100.0 8.2 1. Australia includes New Zealand.2. "Other OECD-Europe" includes Austria, Greece, Iceland, Turkey and all non-OECD European countries.3. Spain includes Portugal.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 124 300 1.4 140 000 1.5 12.6 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 925 100 10.6 1 023 000 10.7 10.6 Total North America 1 049 400 12.0 1 163 000 12.1 10.8 Australia 1 106 800 1.2 114 000 1.2 6.7 Japan 214 200 2.5 233 000 2.4 8.8 New Zealand 1 .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 321 000 3.7 347 000 3.6 8.1 Austria 2 .. .. .. .. ..Belgium 388 400 4.4 455 000 4.7 17.1 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 133 000 1.5 135 000 1.4 1.5 Finland 43 800 0.5 54 000 0.6 23.3 France 530 300 6.1 549 000 5.7 3.5 Germany 2 153 100 24.7 2 439 000 25.5 13.3 Greece 2 .. .. .. .. ..Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland 2 .. .. .. .. ..Ireland 60 500 0.7 70 000 0.7 15.7 Italy 437 800 5.0 383 000 4.0 -12.5 Luxembourg 29 900 0.3 43 000 0.4 43.8 Netherlands .. .. .. .. ..Norway 88 600 1.0 96 000 1.0 8.4 Portugal 3 .. .. .. .. ..Spain 3 300 200 3.4 298 000 3.1 -0.7 Sweden 179 700 2.1 186 000 1.9 3.5 Switzerland 202 100 2.3 207 000 2.2 2.4 Turkey 2 .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 1 545 700 17.7 1 635 000 17.1 5.8 Other OECD-Europe 2 556 600 6.4 670 000 7.0 20.4 Total Europe 6 649 700 76.1 7 220 000 75.3 8.6 Total OECD Countries 8 020 100 91.8 8 730 000 91.1 8.9 Latin America 169 300 1.9 188 000 2.0 11.0 Asia-Oceania 442 800 5.1 548 000 5.7 23.8 Africa 100 600 1.2 116 000 1.2 15.3 Total non-OECD Countries 712 700 8.2 852 000 8.9 19.5 TOTAL 8 732 800 100.0 9 582 000 100.0 9.7 1. Australia includes New Zealand.2. "Other OECD-Europe" includes Austria, Greece, Iceland, Turkey and all non-OECD European countries.3. Spain includes Portugal.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 77 500 1.3 86 000 1.3 11.0 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 497 200 8.0 531 000 8.1 6.8 Total North America 574 700 9.3 617 000 9.4 7.4 Australia 1 80 200 1.3 91 000 1.4 13.5 Japan 114 600 1.9 119 000 1.8 3.8 New Zealand 1 .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 194 800 3.2 210 000 3.2 7.8 Austria 2 .. .. .. .. ..Belgium 385 600 6.2 436 000 6.6 13.1 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 87 300 1.4 87 000 1.3 -0.3 Finland 25 600 0.4 29 000 0.4 13.3 France 350 700 5.7 387 000 5.9 10.4 Germany 2 332 500 37.8 2 461 000 37.4 5.5 Greece 2 .. .. .. .. ..Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland 2 .. .. .. .. ..Ireland 32 300 0.5 34 000 0.5 5.3 Italy 258 300 4.2 214 000 3.3 -17.2 Luxembourg 14 900 0.2 24 000 0.4 61.1 Netherlands .. .. .. .. ..Norway 50 700 0.8 53 000 0.8 4.5 Portugal 3 .. .. .. .. ..Spain 3 169 400 2.7 165 000 2.5 -2.6 Sweden 104 900 1.7 107 000 1.6 2.0 Switzerland 111 300 1.8 111 000 1.7 -0.3 Turkey 2 .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 832 300 13.5 871 000 13.2 4.6 Other OECD-Europe 2 296 500 4.8 329 000 5.0 11.0 Total Europe 5 052 300 81.8 5 308 000 80.7 5.1 Total OECD Countries 5 821 800 94.2 6 135 000 93.3 5.4 Latin America 90 000 1.5 104 000 1.6 15.6 Asia-Oceania 216 300 3.5 287 000 4.4 32.7 Africa 49 600 0.8 50 000 0.8 0.8 Total non-OECD Countries 355 900 5.8 441 000 6.7 23.9 TOTAL 6 177 700 100.0 6 576 000 100.0 6.4 1. Australia includes New Zealand.2. "Other OECD-Europe" includes Austria, Greece, Iceland, Turkey and all non-OECD European countries.3. Spain includes Portugal.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 149 100 0.8 177 000 0.9 18.7 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 992 500 5.5 1 119 900 5.7 12.8 Total North America 1 141 600 6.3 1 296 900 6.6 13.6 Australia 1 155 600 0.9 193 700 1.0 24.5 Japan 220 500 1.2 241 900 1.2 9.7 New Zealand 1 .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 376 100 2.1 435 600 2.2 15.8 Austria 2 .. .. .. .. ..Belgium 1 192 800 6.6 1 299 700 6.6 9.0 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 207 700 1.2 205 200 1.0 -1.2 Finland 53 200 0.3 62 400 0.3 17.3 France 705 600 3.9 748 000 3.8 6.0 Germany 9 494 600 52.8 10 412 300 52.8 9.7 Greece 2 .. .. .. .. ..Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland 2 .. .. .. .. ..Ireland 72 700 0.4 84 900 0.4 16.8 Italy 540 000 3.0 479 600 2.4 -11.2 Luxembourg 34 500 0.2 48 500 0.2 40.6 Netherlands .. .. .. .. ..Norway 101 400 0.6 108 400 0.5 6.9 Portugal 3 .. .. .. .. ..Spain 3 376 200 2.1 373 400 1.9 -0.7 Sweden 212 000 1.2 218 700 1.1 3.2 Switzerland 260 100 1.4 276 000 1.4 6.1 Turkey 2 .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 1 788 600 9.9 1 940 300 9.8 8.5 Other OECD-Europe 2 661 700 3.7 799 800 4.1 20.9 Total Europe 15 701 100 87.3 17 057 200 86.4 8.6 Total OECD Countries 17 218 800 95.7 18 789 700 95.2 9.1 Latin America 185 700 1.0 212 400 1.1 14.4 Asia-Oceania 472 200 2.6 590 000 3.0 24.9 Africa 115 100 0.6 144 200 0.7 25.3 Total non-OECD Countries 773 000 4.3 946 600 4.8 22.5 TOTAL 17 991 800 100.0 19 736 300 100.0 9.7 1. Australia includes New Zealand.2. "Other OECD-Europe" includes Austria, Greece, Iceland, Turkey and all non-OECD European countries.3. Spain includes Portugal.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation over 1994

Canada 29 749 2.2 29 077 2.1 -2.3 Mexico 1 545 0.1 1 021 0.1 -33.9 United States 158 493 12.0 152 203 10.8 -4.0 Total North America 189 787 14.3 182 301 12.9 -3.9 Australia 386 061 29.2 402 657 28.6 4.3 Japan 148 162 11.2 151 543 10.8 2.3 New Zealand 1 8 273 0.6 9 732 0.7 17.6 Total Asia and the Pacific 542 496 41.0 563 932 40.0 4.0 Austria 5 249 0.4 4 972 0.4 -5.3 Belgium 1 885 0.1 1 764 0.1 -6.4 Czech Republic 375 0.0 653 0.0 74.1 Denmark 5 767 0.4 7 021 0.5 21.7 Finland 1 653 0.1 1 808 0.1 9.4 France 6 310 0.5 6 290 0.4 -0.3 Germany 59 254 4.5 54 937 3.9 -7.3 Greece 332 0.0 560 0.0 68.7 Hungary 357 0.0 419 0.0 17.4 Iceland 61 0.0 30 0.0 -50.8 Ireland 2 262 0.2 3 153 0.2 39.4 Italy 4 672 0.4 5 440 0.4 16.4 Luxembourg 208 0.0 209 0.0 0.5 Netherlands 12 151 0.9 13 342 0.9 9.8 Norway 1 860 0.1 2 066 0.1 11.1 Portugal 395 0.0 419 0.0 6.1 Spain 2 229 0.2 2 401 0.2 7.7 Sweden 6 832 0.5 6 914 0.5 1.2 Switzerland 14 902 1.1 14 121 1.0 -5.2 Turkey 302 0.0 398 0.0 31.8 United Kingdom 116 067 8.8 122 399 8.7 5.5 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 243 123 18.4 249 316 17.7 2.5 Total OECD Countries 975 406 73.8 995 549 70.7 2.1 Other European countries 5 607 0.4 5 635 0.4 0.5 Bosnia and Herzegovina .. .. 29 0.0 .. Bulgaria 36 0.0 79 0.0 119.4 Croatia .. .. 260 0.0 .. Georgia .. .. 16 0.0 .. Poland 838 0.1 691 0.0 -17.5 Romania 27 0.0 73 0.0 170.4 Russia 3 177 0.2 3 155 0.2 -0.7 Slovak Republic 28 0.0 111 0.0 296.4 Slovenia .. .. 282 0.0 .. Ukrainia 989 0.1 939 0.1 -5.1 Latin America 8 305 0.6 6 862 0.5 -17.4 Argentina 3 608 0.3 3 250 0.2 -9.9 Brazil 2 025 0.2 2 113 0.1 4.3 Chile 710 0.1 893 0.1 25.8 Colombia 257 0.0 364 0.0 41.6 Cuba .. .. 15 0.0 .. Venezuela 141 0.0 227 0.0 61.0 Asia-Oceania 300 318 22.7 287 559 20.4 -4.2 China 6 487 0.5 8 918 0.6 37.5 Hong Kong 28 155 2.1 31 447 2.2 11.7 India 2 373 0.2 3 202 0.2 34.9 Iran 128 0.0 175 0.0 36.7 Irak 39 0.0 .. .. .. Israel 1 773 0.1 2 402 0.2 35.5 Jordan 59 0.0 27 0.0 -54.2 Republic of Korea 61 583 4.7 104 389 7.4 69.5 Kuwait 144 0.0 284 0.0 97.2 Lebanon 26 0.0 60 0.0 130.8 Malaysia 15 539 1.2 15 231 1.1 -2.0 Oman 419 0.0 333 0.0 -20.5 Pakistan 257 0.0 420 0.0 63.4 Philippines 3 330 0.3 4 306 0.3 29.3 Saudi Arabia 1 504 0.1 1 320 0.1 -12.2 Singapore 23 784 1.8 21 332 1.5 -10.3 Syrian Arab Republic 38 0.0 .. .. .. Chinese Taipei 57 540 4.4 64 971 4.6 12.9 Thailand 25 081 1.9 27 764 2.0 10.7 United Arab Emirates 939 0.1 978 0.1 4.2 Africa 13 527 1.0 9 488 0.7 -29.9 Algeria 13 0.0 .. .. .. Egypt 228 0.0 183 0.0 -19.7 Kenya 296 0.0 268 0.0 -9.5 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 14 0.0 .. .. .. Morocco 12 0.0 .. .. .. Nigeria 62 0.0 140 0.0 125.8 South Africa 11 376 0.9 8 545 0.6 -24.9 Zimbabwe 400 0.0 352 0.0 -12.0 Origin country undetermined 19 402 1.5 103 702 7.4 434.5 Total non-OECD Countries 347 159 26.2 413 246 29.3 19.0 TOTAL 1 322 565 100.0 1 408 795 100.0 6.5 1. New Zealanders who have lived abroad for less than 12 months and who return for a short stay.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation over 1994

Canada 669 461 2.7 666 708 2.5 -0.4 Mexico 26 885 0.1 20 995 0.1 -21.9 United States 2 366 982 9.4 2 304 490 8.6 -2.6 Total North America 3 063 328 12.2 2 992 193 11.2 -2.3 Australia 5 596 549 22.3 5 841 130 21.8 4.4 Japan 1 884 087 7.5 2 025 050 7.6 7.5 New Zealand 1 326 623 1.3 375 644 1.4 15.0 Total Asia and the Pacific 7 807 259 31.1 8 241 824 30.8 5.6 Austria 143 831 0.6 129 028 0.5 -10.3 Belgium 42 430 0.2 49 126 0.2 15.8 Czech Republic 12 598 0.1 16 102 0.1 27.8 Denmark 230 768 0.9 258 842 1.0 12.2 Finland 40 864 0.2 25 793 0.1 -36.9 France 150 846 0.6 149 512 0.6 -0.9 Germany 1 612 449 6.4 1 559 709 5.8 -3.3 Greece 6 923 0.0 15 132 0.1 118.6 Hungary 8 607 0.0 13 264 0.0 54.1 Iceland 5 900 0.0 675 0.0 -88.6 Ireland 81 016 0.3 97 046 0.4 19.8 Italy 74 213 0.3 86 377 0.3 16.4 Luxembourg 2 915 0.0 4 531 0.0 55.4 Netherlands 429 503 1.7 497 884 1.9 15.9 Norway 56 995 0.2 43 578 0.2 -23.5 Portugal 4 865 0.0 7 581 0.0 55.8 Spain 51 518 0.2 51 672 0.2 0.3 Sweden 182 259 0.7 194 913 0.7 6.9 Switzerland 544 002 2.2 501 182 1.9 -7.9 Turkey 9 869 0.0 6 227 0.0 -36.9 United Kingdom 3 675 212 14.6 3 901 950 14.6 6.2 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 7 367 583 29.3 7 610 124 28.4 3.3 Total OECD Countries 18 238 170 72.6 18 844 141 70.3 3.3 Other European countries 1 065 948 4.2 855 825 3.2 -19.7 Bosnia and Herzegovina .. .. 5 070 0.0 .. Bulgaria 1 164 0.0 5 216 0.0 348.1 Croatia .. .. 13 731 0.1 .. Georgia .. .. 480 0.0 .. Poland 60 556 0.2 60 734 0.2 0.3 Romania 1 268 0.0 3 054 0.0 140.9 Russia 798 154 3.2 586 380 2.2 -26.5 Slovak Republic 498 0.0 1 901 0.0 281.7 Slovenia .. .. 8 005 0.0 .. Ukrainia 194 055 0.8 171 254 0.6 -11.7 Latin America 84 489 0.3 106 717 0.4 26.3 Argentina 37 742 0.2 43 298 0.2 14.7 Brazil 25 017 0.1 26 086 0.1 4.3 Chile 16 876 0.1 21 047 0.1 24.7 Colombia 3 201 0.0 6 752 0.0 110.9 Cuba .. .. 240 0.0 .. Venezuela 1 653 0.0 9 294 0.0 462.3 Asia-Oceania 3 097 833 12.3 3 960 919 14.8 27.9 China 183 454 0.7 287 572 1.1 56.8 Hong Kong 449 053 1.8 519 024 1.9 15.6 India 69 394 0.3 136 718 0.5 97.0 Iran 11 098 0.0 9 887 0.0 -10.9 Irak 2 285 0.0 .. .. .. Israel 76 841 0.3 101 324 0.4 31.9 Jordan 1 606 0.0 268 0.0 -83.3 Republic of Korea 505 942 2.0 871 484 3.3 72.2 Kuwait 6 056 0.0 8 942 0.0 47.7 Lebanon 1 560 0.0 2 345 0.0 50.3 Malaysia 277 374 1.1 323 075 1.2 16.5 Oman 9 160 0.0 6 829 0.0 -25.4 Pakistan 6 502 0.0 10 283 0.0 58.2 Philippines 74 799 0.3 102 413 0.4 36.9 Saudi Arabia 36 118 0.1 31 591 0.1 -12.5 Singapore 329 137 1.3 313 404 1.2 -4.8 Syrian Arab Republic 3 430 0.0 .. .. .. Chinese Taipei 697 037 2.8 854 241 3.2 22.6 Thailand 338 038 1.3 381 519 1.4 12.9 United Arab Emirates 18 949 0.1 .. .. ..Africa 327 562 1.3 265 310 1.0 -19.0 Algeria 182 0.0 .. .. .. Egypt 5 499 0.0 2 740 0.0 -50.2 Kenya 10 509 0.0 7 220 0.0 -31.3 Morocco 1 020 0.0 .. .. .. Nigeria 1 397 0.0 3 544 0.0 153.7 South Africa 296 819 1.2 242 795 0.9 -18.2 Zimbabwe 12 136 0.0 9 011 0.0 -25.7 Origin country undetermined 2 290 662 9.1 2 759 634 10.3 20.5 Total non-OECD Countries 6 866 494 27.4 7 948 405 29.7 15.8 TOTAL 25 104 664 100.0 26 792 546 100.0 6.7 1. New Zealanders who have lived abroad for less than 12 months and who return for a short stay.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 1 .. .. 12 933 0.3 ..Mexico .. .. 993 0.0 ..United States 397 543 7.9 346 592 7.0 -12.8 Total North America 397 543 7.9 360 518 7.2 -9.3 Australia 1 .. .. 15 474 0.3 ..Japan 158 212 3.1 150 433 3.0 -4.9 New Zealand 1 .. .. 1 919 0.0 .. Total Asia and the Pacific 158 212 3.1 167 826 3.4 6.1 Austria 1 .. .. 30 384 0.6 ..Belgium .. .. 28 756 0.6 ..Czech Republic .. .. 12 116 0.2 ..Denmark 829 274 16.4 950 919 19.1 14.7 Finland 88 981 1.8 89 865 1.8 1.0 France 282 680 5.6 272 200 5.5 -3.7 Germany 1 159 830 23.0 1 064 669 21.4 -8.2 Greece 1 .. .. 7 407 0.1 ..Hungary .. .. 2 554 0.1 ..Iceland 1 .. .. 10 718 0.2 ..Ireland 1 .. .. 2 147 0.0 ..Italy 127 711 2.5 110 390 2.2 -13.6 Luxembourg 1 .. .. 1 466 0.0 ..Netherlands 232 615 4.6 248 177 5.0 6.7 Norway .. .. .. .. ..Portugal 1 .. .. 6 084 0.1 ..Spain 46 024 0.9 59 343 1.2 28.9 Sweden 679 688 13.5 643 263 12.9 -5.4 Switzerland 74 183 1.5 70 807 1.4 -4.6 Turkey 1 .. .. 1 871 0.0 ..United Kingdom 380 678 7.6 421 647 8.5 10.8 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 3 901 664 77.4 4 034 783 80.9 3.4 Total OECD Countries 4 457 419 88.4 4 563 127 91.5 2.4 Other European countries 205 517 4.1 129 250 2.6 -37.1 Poland .. .. 9 440 0.2 .. Slovak Republic .. .. 2 716 0.1 ..Latin America .. .. 13 651 0.3 ..Asia-Oceania .. .. 69 661 1.4 ..Africa .. .. 7 607 0.2 ..Origin country undetermined 1 378 386 7.5 202 162 4.1 -46.6 Total non-OECD Countries 583 903 11.6 422 331 8.5 -27.7 TOTAL 5 041 322 100.0 4 985 458 100.0 -1.1 1. Included in "Origin country undetermined" for the year 1994. Total OECD 1994 is not comparable to total OECD 1995.

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(by country of nationality)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 71 800 0.8 70 900 0.7 -1.3 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 185 600 2.0 177 700 1.8 -4.3 Total North America 257 400 2.8 248 600 2.6 -3.4 Australia .. .. .. .. ..Japan 33 000 0.4 34 600 0.4 4.8 New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 33 000 0.4 34 600 0.4 4.8 Austria 46 500 0.5 58 500 0.6 25.8 Belgium 187 300 2.0 219 000 2.3 16.9 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 112 400 1.2 132 300 1.4 17.7 Finland 51 600 0.6 65 800 0.7 27.5 France 598 500 6.5 662 900 6.8 10.8 Germany 796 200 8.7 989 800 10.2 24.3 Greece .. .. .. .. ..Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland 80 800 0.9 99 900 1.0 23.6 Italy 242 700 2.6 279 400 2.9 15.1 Luxembourg .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 359 300 3.9 366 700 3.8 2.1 Norway 26 000 0.3 25 200 0.3 -3.1 Portugal .. .. .. .. ..Spain 4 583 400 50.0 4 546 800 46.8 -0.8 Sweden 88 100 1.0 83 400 0.9 -5.3 Switzerland 78 200 0.9 83 800 0.9 7.2 Turkey .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 1 289 800 14.1 1 421 600 14.6 10.2 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 8 540 800 93.1 9 035 100 93.1 5.8 Total OECD Countries 8 831 200 96.3 9 318 300 96.0 5.5 Brazil 82 300 0.9 93 900 1.0 14.1 Origin country undetermined 337 800 3.7 387 200 4.0 14.6 Total non-OECD Countries 337 800 3.7 387 200 4.0 14.6 TOTAL 9 169 000 100.0 9 705 500 100.0 5.9

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(by country of nationality)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 75 793 0.3 75 500 0.3 -0.4 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 225 331 1.0 214 100 0.9 -5.0 Total North America 301 124 1.4 289 600 1.3 -3.8 Australia .. .. .. .. ..Japan 35 839 0.2 37 800 0.2 5.5 New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 35 839 0.2 37 800 0.2 5.5 Austria 50 182 0.2 62 600 0.3 24.7 Belgium 208 267 1.0 243 100 1.1 16.7 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 113 488 0.5 137 800 0.6 21.4 Finland 52 584 0.2 68 500 0.3 30.3 France 637 427 2.9 716 600 3.1 12.4 Germany 877 254 4.0 1 072 300 4.7 22.2 Greece 17 346 0.1 .. .. ..Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland 86 770 0.4 106 300 0.5 22.5 Italy 281 909 1.3 319 300 1.4 13.3 Luxembourg 25 577 0.1 .. .. ..Netherlands 398 841 1.8 406 900 1.8 2.0 Norway 30 382 0.1 28 500 0.1 -6.2 Portugal .. .. .. .. ..Spain 16 635 004 76.5 17 140 500 74.9 3.0 Sweden 94 605 0.4 89 700 0.4 -5.2 Switzerland 89 722 0.4 94 200 0.4 5.0 Turkey .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 1 435 714 6.6 1 574 300 6.9 9.7 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 21 035 072 96.7 22 060 600 96.4 4.9 Total OECD Countries 21 372 035 98.2 22 388 000 97.9 4.8 Brazil 92 809 0.4 105 900 0.5 14.1 Origin country undetermined 386 859 1.8 487 200 2.1 25.9 Total non-OECD Countries 386 859 1.8 487 200 2.1 25.9 TOTAL 21 758 894 100.0 22 875 200 100.0 5.1

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 53 337 1.4 43 448 1.1 -18.5 Mexico 4 394 0.1 3 176 0.1 -27.7 United States 213 022 5.6 200 382 5.0 -5.9 Total North America 270 753 7.1 247 006 6.2 -8.8 Australia 11 702 0.3 12 333 0.3 5.4 Japan 56 361 1.5 62 823 1.6 11.5 New Zealand 1 597 0.0 1 695 0.0 6.1 Total Asia and the Pacific 69 660 1.8 76 851 1.9 10.3 Austria 67 833 1.8 88 526 2.2 30.5 Belgium 102 525 2.7 114 168 2.9 11.4 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 46 576 1.2 51 504 1.3 10.6 Finland 31 439 0.8 34 038 0.9 8.3 France 322 216 8.5 335 952 8.4 4.3 Germany 655 802 17.2 756 645 18.9 15.4 Greece 11 492 0.3 10 584 0.3 -7.9 Hungary 4 544 0.1 4 520 0.1 -0.5 Iceland 2 920 0.1 5 416 0.1 85.5 Ireland 51 445 1.4 70 348 1.8 36.7 Italy 227 403 6.0 267 784 6.7 17.8 Luxembourg 5 836 0.2 5 719 0.1 -2.0 Netherlands 195 810 5.1 197 714 4.9 1.0 Norway 29 743 0.8 29 650 0.7 -0.3 Portugal .. .. .. .. ..Spain 643 309 16.9 604 117 15.1 -6.1 Sweden 73 352 1.9 70 691 1.8 -3.6 Switzerland 90 601 2.4 86 757 2.2 -4.2 Turkey 1 548 0.0 1 878 0.0 21.3 United Kingdom 695 480 18.3 700 479 17.5 0.7 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 3 259 874 85.6 3 436 490 85.9 5.4 Total OECD Countries 3 600 287 94.5 3 760 347 94.0 4.4 Other European countries 27 868 0.7 35 725 0.9 28.2 Bulgaria 1 498 0.0 1 318 0.0 -12.0 Poland 7 842 0.2 6 748 0.2 -14.0 Romania 1 052 0.0 1 075 0.0 2.2 Russia 7 883 0.2 10 678 0.3 35.5 Latin America 103 874 2.7 129 703 3.2 24.9 Argentina 8 058 0.2 7 034 0.2 -12.7 Brazil 82 076 2.2 106 942 2.7 30.3 Chile 1 720 0.0 1 326 0.0 -22.9 Colombia 1 033 0.0 1 343 0.0 30.0 Venezuela 7 854 0.2 8 535 0.2 8.7 Asia-Oceania 32 665 0.9 39 128 1.0 19.8 China 2 402 0.1 4 044 0.1 68.4 Hong Kong 158 0.0 513 0.0 224.7 India 1 641 0.0 2 311 0.1 40.8 Iran 457 0.0 511 0.0 11.8 Israel 18 808 0.5 20 722 0.5 10.2 Republic of Korea 2 106 0.1 2 786 0.1 32.3 Lebanon 201 0.0 375 0.0 86.6 Malaysia 484 0.0 640 0.0 32.2 Pakistan 320 0.0 371 0.0 15.9 Philippines 1 077 0.0 1 819 0.0 68.9 Saudi Arabia 649 0.0 591 0.0 -8.9 Singapore 1 096 0.0 553 0.0 -49.5 Chinese Taipei 117 0.0 169 0.0 44.4 Thailand 1 293 0.0 1 829 0.0 41.5 Africa 44 231 1.2 35 140 0.9 -20.6 Algeria 645 0.0 895 0.0 38.8 Egypt 790 0.0 532 0.0 -32.7 Morocco 2 627 0.1 2 234 0.1 -15.0 South Africa 8 888 0.2 6 097 0.2 -31.4 Total non-OECD Countries 208 638 5.5 239 696 6.0 14.9 TOTAL 3 808 925 100.0 4 000 043 100.0 5.0 1. Includes arrivals at hotels, studio-hotels, holiday-flats, villages, motels, inns and boarding-houses.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 224 467 1.2 216 804 1.1 -3.4 Mexico 10 755 0.1 7 098 0.0 -34.0 United States 540 524 2.9 493 288 2.4 -8.7 Total North America 775 746 4.1 717 190 3.5 -7.5 Australia 31 523 0.2 34 412 0.2 9.2 Japan 114 607 0.6 122 640 0.6 7.0 New Zealand 4 120 0.0 4 038 0.0 -2.0 Total Asia and the Pacific 150 250 0.8 161 090 0.8 7.2 Austria 304 810 1.6 455 452 2.2 49.4 Belgium 494 641 2.6 571 981 2.8 15.6 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 239 260 1.3 299 546 1.5 25.2 Finland 200 946 1.1 236 597 1.2 17.7 France 886 208 4.7 930 645 4.6 5.0 Germany 4 272 607 22.7 5 127 297 25.2 20.0 Greece 36 038 0.2 35 095 0.2 -2.6 Hungary 23 494 0.1 17 666 0.1 -24.8 Iceland 31 191 0.2 55 820 0.3 79.0 Ireland 454 610 2.4 605 050 3.0 33.1 Italy 576 348 3.1 649 121 3.2 12.6 Luxembourg 28 067 0.1 27 928 0.1 -0.5 Netherlands 1 488 070 7.9 1 452 694 7.1 -2.4 Norway 187 625 1.0 182 186 0.9 -2.9 Portugal .. .. .. .. ..Spain 1 628 370 8.7 1 501 969 7.4 -7.8 Sweden 452 256 2.4 419 390 2.1 -7.3 Switzerland 301 973 1.6 324 650 1.6 7.5 Turkey 5 149 0.0 6 206 0.0 20.5 United Kingdom 5 523 427 29.4 5 849 838 28.7 5.9 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 17 135 090 91.2 18 749 131 92.1 9.4 Total OECD Countries 18 061 086 96.1 19 627 411 96.4 8.7 Other European countries 139 190 0.7 142 114 0.7 2.1 Bulgaria 4 440 0.0 4 663 0.0 5.0 Poland 24 296 0.1 20 850 0.1 -14.2 Romania 38 154 0.2 6 956 0.0 -81.8 Russia 33 997 0.2 48 050 0.2 41.3 Latin America 271 622 1.4 308 721 1.5 13.7 Argentina 20 253 0.1 17 269 0.1 -14.7 Brazil 219 182 1.2 254 687 1.3 16.2 Chile 5 369 0.0 4 162 0.0 -22.5 Colombia 2 553 0.0 3 526 0.0 38.1 Venezuela 15 405 0.1 17 935 0.1 16.4 Asia-Oceania 80 751 0.4 100 234 0.5 24.1 China 6 660 0.0 11 095 0.1 66.6 Hong Kong 482 0.0 1 462 0.0 203.3 India 5 170 0.0 6 801 0.0 31.5 Iran 1 689 0.0 1 789 0.0 5.9 Israel 40 743 0.2 51 262 0.3 25.8 Republic of Korea 6 056 0.0 5 893 0.0 -2.7 Lebanon 584 0.0 1 032 0.0 76.7 Malaysia 1 612 0.0 1 457 0.0 -9.6 Pakistan 1 657 0.0 2 060 0.0 24.3 Philippines 2 195 0.0 4 221 0.0 92.3 Saudi Arabia 2 027 0.0 1 742 0.0 -14.1 Singapore 2 648 0.0 1 870 0.0 -29.4 Chinese Taipei 352 0.0 460 0.0 30.7 Thailand 2 865 0.0 3 318 0.0 15.8 Africa 232 591 1.2 178 725 0.9 -23.2 Algeria 2 890 0.0 2 821 0.0 -2.4 Egypt 2 730 0.0 1 460 0.0 -46.5 Morocco 9 434 0.1 6 853 0.0 -27.4 South Africa 35 026 0.2 20 500 0.1 -41.5 Total non-OECD Countries 724 154 3.9 729 794 3.6 0.8 TOTAL 18 785 240 100.0 20 357 205 100.0 8.4 1. Includes nights spent at hotels, studio-hotels, holiday-flats, villages, motels, inns and boarding-houses.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 55 945 1.3 45 604 1.0 -18.5 Mexico 4 591 0.1 3 338 0.1 -27.3 United States 216 694 4.9 204 233 4.5 -5.8 Total North America 277 230 6.3 253 175 5.5 -8.7 Australia 16 151 0.4 17 651 0.4 9.3 Japan 57 066 1.3 63 927 1.4 12.0 New Zealand 4 789 0.1 4 785 0.1 -0.1 Total Asia and the Pacific 78 006 1.8 86 363 1.9 10.7 Austria 74 530 1.7 95 456 2.1 28.1 Belgium 129 516 3.0 141 836 3.1 9.5 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 54 379 1.2 59 168 1.3 8.8 Finland 32 420 0.7 35 289 0.8 8.8 France 472 407 10.8 483 807 10.6 2.4 Germany 764 214 17.4 863 433 18.9 13.0 Greece 11 862 0.3 10 945 0.2 -7.7 Hungary 6 031 0.1 5 924 0.1 -1.8 Iceland 2 943 0.1 5 445 0.1 85.0 Ireland 53 835 1.2 72 384 1.6 34.5 Italy 253 996 5.8 302 357 6.6 19.0 Luxembourg 6 392 0.1 6 373 0.1 -0.3 Netherlands 263 394 6.0 260 877 5.7 -1.0 Norway 30 399 0.7 30 422 0.7 0.1 Portugal .. .. .. .. ..Spain 759 828 17.3 709 570 15.5 -6.6 Sweden 75 077 1.7 72 280 1.6 -3.7 Switzerland 97 007 2.2 93 089 2.0 -4.0 Turkey 1 609 0.0 1 962 0.0 21.9 United Kingdom 721 103 16.4 726 903 15.9 0.8 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 3 810 942 86.8 3 977 520 87.0 4.4 Total OECD Countries 4 166 178 94.9 4 317 058 94.4 3.6 Other European countries 35 182 0.8 43 011 0.9 22.3 Bulgaria 1 513 0.0 1 434 0.0 -5.2 Poland 12 620 0.3 10 261 0.2 -18.7 Romania 1 177 0.0 1 172 0.0 -0.4 Russia 8 078 0.2 10 806 0.2 33.8 Latin America 108 055 2.5 134 859 2.9 24.8 Argentina 8 575 0.2 7 460 0.2 -13.0 Brazil 84 975 1.9 110 932 2.4 30.5 Chile 1 845 0.0 1 417 0.0 -23.2 Colombia 1 063 0.0 1 389 0.0 30.7 Venezuela 7 964 0.2 8 726 0.2 9.6 Asia-Oceania 33 408 0.8 40 114 0.9 20.1 China 2 465 0.1 4 166 0.1 69.0 Hong Kong 160 0.0 516 0.0 222.5 India 1 651 0.0 2 328 0.1 41.0 Iran 486 0.0 531 0.0 9.3 Israel 19 052 0.4 21 038 0.5 10.4 Republic of Korea 2 265 0.1 3 000 0.1 32.5 Lebanon 212 0.0 380 0.0 79.2 Malaysia 503 0.0 648 0.0 28.8 Pakistan 345 0.0 400 0.0 15.9 Philippines 1 085 0.0 1 865 0.0 71.9 Saudi Arabia 649 0.0 593 0.0 -8.6 Singapore 1 113 0.0 557 0.0 -50.0 Chinese Taipei 117 0.0 179 0.0 53.0 Thailand 1 301 0.0 1 841 0.0 41.5 Africa 46 476 1.1 37 195 0.8 -20.0 Algeria 793 0.0 997 0.0 25.7 Egypt 795 0.0 534 0.0 -32.8 Morocco 3 337 0.1 2 677 0.1 -19.8 South Africa 9 734 0.2 6 816 0.1 -30.0 Total non-OECD Countries 223 121 5.1 255 179 5.6 14.4 TOTAL 4 389 299 100.0 4 572 237 100.0 4.2 1. Includes arrivals at hotels, studio-hotels, holiday-flats, villages, motels, inns, boarding-houses, recreation centres for children and camping-sites.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 231 087 1.1 221 136 1.0 -4.3 Mexico 11 096 0.1 7 578 0.0 -31.7 United States 549 309 2.7 501 428 2.3 -8.7 Total North America 791 492 3.8 730 142 3.3 -7.8 Australia 42 051 0.2 46 647 0.2 10.9 Japan 115 950 0.6 124 604 0.6 7.5 New Zealand 11 519 0.1 11 178 0.1 -3.0 Total Asia and the Pacific 169 520 0.8 182 429 0.8 7.6 Austria 323 131 1.6 474 309 2.1 46.8 Belgium 585 762 2.8 661 852 3.0 13.0 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 267 889 1.3 327 624 1.5 22.3 Finland 206 668 1.0 244 194 1.1 18.2 France 1 280 643 6.2 1 341 685 6.0 4.8 Germany 4 655 294 22.5 5 520 936 24.8 18.6 Greece 36 976 0.2 35 823 0.2 -3.1 Hungary 26 895 0.1 21 031 0.1 -21.8 Iceland 31 254 0.2 56 104 0.3 79.5 Ireland 462 191 2.2 611 277 2.7 32.3 Italy 643 289 3.1 735 132 3.3 14.3 Luxembourg 29 872 0.1 29 934 0.1 0.2 Netherlands 1 763 729 8.5 1 717 201 7.7 -2.6 Norway 190 748 0.9 185 650 0.8 -2.7 Portugal .. .. .. .. ..Spain 1 989 517 9.6 1 834 597 8.2 -7.8 Sweden 460 855 2.2 426 287 1.9 -7.5 Switzerland 321 155 1.6 342 444 1.5 6.6 Turkey 5 348 0.0 6 618 0.0 23.7 United Kingdom 5 648 449 27.3 5 981 838 26.9 5.9 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 18 929 665 91.6 20 554 536 92.4 8.6 Total OECD Countries 19 890 677 96.3 21 467 107 96.5 7.9 Other European countries 158 242 0.8 161 280 0.7 1.9 Bulgaria 4 491 0.0 5 597 0.0 24.6 Poland 35 878 0.2 29 371 0.1 -18.1 Romania 39 095 0.2 7 149 0.0 -81.7 Russia 35 057 0.2 48 358 0.2 37.9 Latin America 285 096 1.4 323 275 1.5 13.4 Argentina 21 514 0.1 18 300 0.1 -14.9 Brazil 229 012 1.1 266 199 1.2 16.2 Chile 5 736 0.0 4 363 0.0 -23.9 Colombia 2 593 0.0 3 623 0.0 39.7 Venezuela 15 707 0.1 18 507 0.1 17.8 Asia-Oceania 82 485 0.4 102 363 0.5 24.1 China 6 778 0.0 11 373 0.1 67.8 Hong Kong 484 0.0 1 467 0.0 203.1 India 5 211 0.0 6 834 0.0 31.1 Iran 1 734 0.0 1 868 0.0 7.7 Israel 41 394 0.2 51 991 0.2 25.6 Republic of Korea 6 336 0.0 6 228 0.0 -1.7 Lebanon 612 0.0 1 055 0.0 72.4 Malaysia 1 687 0.0 1 469 0.0 -12.9 Pakistan 1 701 0.0 2 151 0.0 26.5 Philippines 2 211 0.0 4 290 0.0 94.0 Saudi Arabia 2 027 0.0 1 748 0.0 -13.8 Singapore 2 692 0.0 1 880 0.0 -30.2 Chinese Taipei 352 0.0 473 0.0 34.4 Thailand 2 875 0.0 3 361 0.0 16.9 Africa 243 587 1.2 186 667 0.8 -23.4 Algeria 2 714 0.0 3 131 0.0 15.4 Egypt 2 735 0.0 1 467 0.0 -46.4 Morocco 13 729 0.1 9 459 0.0 -31.1 South Africa 36 700 0.2 22 877 0.1 -37.7 Total non-OECD Countries 769 410 3.7 773 585 3.5 0.5 TOTAL 20 660 087 100.0 22 240 692 100.0 7.7 1. Includes nights spent at hotels, studio-hotels, holiday-flats, villages, motels, inns, boarding-houses, recreation centres for children and camping-sites.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 158 197 0.4 .. .. ..Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 931 334 2.2 .. .. .. Total North America 1 089 531 2.5 .. .. ..Australia .. .. .. .. ..Japan .. .. .. .. ..New Zealand 267 328 0.6 .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 267 328 0.6 .. .. ..Austria .. .. .. .. ..Belgium 1 773 132 4.1 .. .. ..Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark .. .. .. .. ..Finland .. .. .. .. ..France 5 724 933 13.2 .. .. ..Germany 9 097 953 21.0 .. .. ..Greece .. .. .. .. ..Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland .. .. .. .. ..Italy 2 582 193 6.0 .. .. ..Luxembourg .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 2 069 272 4.8 .. .. ..Norway .. .. .. .. ..Portugal 2 818 494 6.5 .. .. ..Spain .. .. .. .. ..Sweden 592 847 1.4 .. .. ..Switzerland 1 745 465 4.0 .. .. ..Turkey .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 8 739 049 20.2 .. .. ..Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 35 143 338 81.3 .. .. .. Total OECD Countries 36 500 197 84.4 .. .. ..Latin America 432 891 1.0 .. .. .. Argentina 221 235 0.5 .. .. .. Brazil 211 656 0.5 .. .. ..Origin country undetermined 6 316 181 14.6 .. .. ..Total non-OECD Countries 6 749 072 15.6 .. .. ..TOTAL 43 249 269 100.0 .. .. ..1. New frontier survey in May 1996. Figures for 1995 are just now in a process of revisor.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 178 351 0.3 .. .. ..Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 997 146 1.6 .. .. .. Total North America 1 175 497 1.9 .. .. ..Australia .. .. .. .. ..Japan 275 302 0.4 .. .. ..New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 275 302 0.4 .. .. ..Austria .. .. .. .. ..Belgium 2 076 267 3.4 .. .. ..Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark .. .. .. .. ..Finland .. .. .. .. ..France 13 696 012 22.3 .. .. ..Germany 9 678 673 15.8 .. .. ..Greece .. .. .. .. ..Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland .. .. .. .. ..Italy 2 818 988 4.6 .. .. ..Luxembourg .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 2 271 429 3.7 .. .. ..Norway .. .. .. .. ..Portugal 10 249 070 16.7 .. .. ..Spain 2 .. .. .. .. ..Sweden 626 566 1.0 .. .. ..Switzerland 1 990 268 3.2 .. .. ..Turkey .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 9 170 041 14.9 .. .. ..Other OECD-Europe 3 .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 52 577 314 85.6 .. .. .. Total OECD Countries 54 028 113 88.0 .. .. ..Latin America 452 675 0.7 .. .. .. Argentina 224 832 0.4 .. .. .. Brazil 227 843 0.4 .. .. ..Origin country undetermined 6 940 246 11.3 .. .. ..Total non-OECD Countries 7 392 921 12.0 .. .. ..TOTAL 61 421 034 100.0 .. .. ..1. Includes about 34% of arrivals of excursionists. New frontier survey in May 1996. Figures for 1995 are just now in a process of revisor.2. Spanish nationals residing abroad.3. "Other OECD-Europe" includes Andorra, Cyprus, Malta, Monaco and the Vatican States.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 56 254 0.4 51 411 0.3 -8.6 Mexico 91 540 0.6 68 155 0.4 -25.5 United States 797 981 5.2 830 207 5.1 4.0 Total North America 945 775 6.2 949 773 5.8 0.4 Australia .. .. .. .. ..Japan 379 892 2.5 477 254 2.9 25.6 New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 379 892 2.5 477 254 2.9 25.6 Austria .. .. 159 203 1.0 ..Belgium 620 470 4.1 648 297 4.0 4.5 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 127 514 0.8 130 046 0.8 2.0 Finland .. .. 58 528 0.4 ..France 1 647 785 10.8 1 777 830 10.9 7.9 Germany 3 715 727 24.3 3 984 170 24.5 7.2 Greece 63 915 0.4 76 188 0.5 19.2 Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland 68 089 0.4 81 604 0.5 19.8 Italy 1 236 298 8.1 1 215 745 7.5 -1.7 Luxembourg 37 066 0.2 41 615 0.3 12.3 Netherlands 583 646 3.8 605 578 3.7 3.8 Norway 79 045 0.5 78 169 0.5 -1.1 Portugal 400 355 2.6 449 661 2.8 12.3 Spain .. .. .. .. ..Sweden 208 731 1.4 193 186 1.2 -7.4 Switzerland 267 348 1.7 287 250 1.8 7.4 Turkey .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 3 281 723 21.4 3 394 228 20.8 3.4 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 12 337 712 80.6 13 181 298 80.9 6.8 Total OECD Countries 13 663 379 89.2 14 608 325 89.7 6.9 Latin America 198 738 1.3 .. .. .. Argentina 169 665 1.1 169 743 1.0 0.0 Venezuela 29 073 0.2 31 952 0.2 9.9 Origin country undetermined 1 448 103 9.5 1 677 700 10.3 15.9 Total non-OECD Countries 1 646 841 10.8 1 677 700 10.3 1.9 TOTAL 15 310 220 100.0 16 286 025 100.0 6.4 1. Arrivals recorded in hotels with "estrellas de oro" (golden stars) and "estrellas de plata" (silver stars).

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 155 450 0.2 175 899 0.2 13.2 Mexico 217 754 0.2 158 466 0.2 -27.2 United States 1 709 499 1.7 1 788 232 1.8 4.6 Total North America 2 082 703 2.1 2 122 597 2.1 1.9 Australia .. .. .. .. ..Japan 660 170 0.7 814 220 0.8 23.3 New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 660 170 0.7 814 220 0.8 23.3 Austria .. .. 1 090 883 1.1 ..Belgium 4 932 152 5.0 4 959 372 4.9 0.6 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 755 866 0.8 760 637 0.8 0.6 Finland .. .. 390 294 0.4 ..France 6 809 506 7.0 6 750 438 6.7 -0.9 Germany 32 735 166 33.5 34 853 685 34.4 6.5 Greece 158 678 0.2 169 271 0.2 6.7 Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland 637 345 0.7 674 721 0.7 5.9 Italy 5 671 240 5.8 5 308 977 5.2 -6.4 Luxembourg 297 372 0.3 330 860 0.3 11.3 Netherlands 4 310 654 4.4 4 074 961 4.0 -5.5 Norway 678 428 0.7 600 727 0.6 -11.5 Portugal 1 006 061 1.0 1 114 187 1.1 10.7 Spain .. .. .. .. ..Sweden 1 578 974 1.6 1 204 024 1.2 -23.7 Switzerland 1 468 564 1.5 1 522 461 1.5 3.7 Turkey .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 27 671 371 28.3 28 665 984 28.3 3.6 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 88 711 377 90.7 92 471 482 91.4 4.2 Total OECD Countries 91 454 250 93.5 95 408 299 94.3 4.3 Latin America 447 703 0.5 .. .. .. Argentina 386 063 0.4 383 467 0.4 -0.7 Venezuela 61 640 0.1 73 753 0.1 19.7 Origin country undetermined 5 890 103 6.0 5 773 445 5.7 -2.0 Total non-OECD Countries 6 337 806 6.5 5 773 445 5.7 -8.9 TOTAL 97 792 056 100.0 101 181 744 100.0 3.5 1. Nights recorded in hotels with "estrellas de oro" (golden stars) and "estrellas de plata" (silver stars).

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 17 419 0.5 20 988 0.6 20.5 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 320 150 9.6 315 048 8.5 -1.6 Total North America 337 569 10.2 336 036 9.1 -0.5 Australia 1 .. .. 19 773 0.5 ..Japan 99 314 3.0 100 327 2.7 1.0 New Zealand 1 .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 99 314 3.0 120 100 3.3 20.9 Austria 2 .. .. 24 485 0.7 ..Belgium 2 .. .. 29 948 0.8 ..Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 212 587 6.4 251 092 6.8 18.1 Finland 251 269 7.6 283 552 7.7 12.8 France 96 832 2.9 105 071 2.8 8.5 Germany 660 550 19.9 697 503 18.9 5.6 Greece 2 .. .. .. .. ..Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland 2 .. .. .. .. ..Ireland 2 .. .. .. .. ..Italy 108 571 3.3 120 009 3.2 10.5 Luxembourg 2 .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 99 220 3.0 95 098 2.6 -4.2 Norway 397 645 12.0 449 742 12.2 13.1 Portugal 2 .. .. .. .. ..Spain 2 .. .. 30 701 0.8 ..Sweden .. .. .. .. ..Switzerland 62 927 1.9 74 465 2.0 18.3 Turkey 2 .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 272 496 8.2 311 463 8.4 14.3 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 2 162 097 65.1 2 473 129 67.0 14.4 Total OECD Countries 2 598 980 78.3 2 929 265 79.3 12.7 Other European countries 2 306 285 9.2 247 936 6.7 -19.1 Poland .. .. 22 496 0.6 .. Russia .. .. 48 042 1.3 .. Republic of Korea .. .. 9 937 0.3 ..Origin country undetermined 1 414 826 12.5 516 526 14.0 24.5 Total non-OECD Countries 721 111 21.7 764 462 20.7 6.0 TOTAL 3 320 091 100.0 3 693 727 100.0 11.3 1. Included in "Origin country undetermined".2. Included in "Other European countries".

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 19 395 0.3 22 936 0.3 18.3 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 331 491 4.9 327 262 4.2 -1.3 Total North America 350 886 5.2 350 198 4.5 -0.2 Australia 1 .. .. 25 603 0.3 ..Japan 105 329 1.6 109 230 1.4 3.7 New Zealand 1 .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 105 329 1.6 134 833 1.7 28.0 Austria 2 .. .. 31 628 0.4 ..Belgium 2 .. .. 34 737 0.4 ..Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 729 976 10.8 956 488 12.2 31.0 Finland 363 620 5.4 420 136 5.3 15.5 France 159 467 2.4 176 550 2.2 10.7 Germany 1 910 942 28.2 2 079 402 26.5 8.8 Greece 2 .. .. .. .. ..Hungary .. .. .. .. ..Iceland 2 .. .. .. .. ..Ireland 2 .. .. .. .. ..Italy 149 282 2.2 166 004 2.1 11.2 Luxembourg 2 .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 392 031 5.8 455 061 5.8 16.1 Norway 1 322 482 19.5 1 601 957 20.4 21.1 Portugal 2 .. .. .. .. ..Spain 2 .. .. 35 242 0.4 ..Sweden .. .. .. .. ..Switzerland 102 684 1.5 .. .. ..Turkey 2 .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 312 991 4.6 358 287 4.6 14.5 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 5 443 475 80.3 6 315 492 80.3 16.0 Total OECD Countries 5 899 690 87.0 6 800 523 86.5 15.3 Other European countries 2 406 434 6.0 558 963 7.1 37.5 Poland .. .. 36 633 0.5 .. Russia .. .. 52 844 0.7 .. Republic of Korea .. .. 11 182 0.1 ..Origin country undetermined 1 474 304 7.0 501 177 6.4 5.7 Total non-OECD Countries 880 738 13.0 1 060 140 13.5 20.4 TOTAL 6 780 428 100.0 7 860 663 100.0 15.9 1. Included in "Origin country undetermined".2. Included in "Other European countries".

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 65 769 0.9 62 651 0.9 -4.7 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 844 934 11.5 783 069 11.3 -7.3 Total North America 910 703 12.4 845 720 12.2 -7.1 Australia 1 68 647 0.9 73 655 1.1 7.3 Japan 553 824 7.5 561 324 8.1 1.4 New Zealand 1 .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 622 471 8.5 634 979 9.1 2.0 Austria 156 207 2.1 143 484 2.1 -8.1 Belgium 234 729 3.2 223 128 3.2 -4.9 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 40 419 0.5 36 679 0.5 -9.3 Finland 22 628 0.3 22 163 0.3 -2.1 France 496 437 6.7 460 794 6.6 -7.2 Germany 2 239 630 30.4 2 111 147 30.4 -5.7 Greece 42 273 0.6 38 029 0.5 -10.0 Hungary 22 144 0.3 18 861 0.3 -14.8 Iceland 2 903 0.0 2 887 0.0 -0.6 Ireland 15 244 0.2 14 350 0.2 -5.9 Italy 464 082 6.3 372 012 5.4 -19.8 Luxembourg 33 156 0.5 32 118 0.5 -3.1 Netherlands 277 325 3.8 254 199 3.7 -8.3 Norway 25 853 0.4 26 390 0.4 2.1 Portugal 31 349 0.4 31 524 0.5 0.6 Spain 197 532 2.7 154 044 2.2 -22.0 Sweden 82 292 1.1 74 653 1.1 -9.3 Switzerland .. .. .. .. ..Turkey 24 552 0.3 26 273 0.4 7.0 United Kingdom 480 877 6.5 447 989 6.4 -6.8 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 4 889 632 66.5 4 490 724 64.7 -8.2 Total OECD Countries 6 422 806 87.3 5 971 423 86.0 -7.0 Other European countries 193 314 2.6 198 348 2.9 2.6 Poland 18 068 0.2 20 586 0.3 13.9 Latin America 130 777 1.8 134 492 1.9 2.8 Brazil 54 534 0.7 58 123 0.8 6.6 Asia-Oceania 525 165 7.1 558 618 8.0 6.4 India 35 787 0.5 36 555 0.5 2.1 Israel 108 679 1.5 95 727 1.4 -11.9 Africa 85 823 1.2 83 102 1.2 -3.2 South Africa 22 152 0.3 22 084 0.3 -0.3 Total non-OECD Countries 935 079 12.7 974 560 14.0 4.2 TOTAL 7 357 885 100.0 6 945 983 100.0 -5.6 1. Australia includes New Zealand.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 152 421 0.8 149 693 0.8 -1.8 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 1 850 735 9.4 1 720 390 9.4 -7.0 Total North America 2 003 156 10.2 1 870 083 10.2 -6.6 Australia 1 146 548 0.7 158 356 0.9 8.1 Japan 880 469 4.5 929 181 5.1 5.5 New Zealand 1 .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 1 027 017 5.2 1 087 537 5.9 5.9 Austria 367 689 1.9 330 558 1.8 -10.1 Belgium 959 873 4.9 909 997 4.9 -5.2 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 93 186 0.5 88 356 0.5 -5.2 Finland 49 702 0.3 53 545 0.3 7.7 France 1 325 875 6.7 1 229 954 6.7 -7.2 Germany 7 049 778 35.8 6 585 100 35.8 -6.6 Greece 101 691 0.5 95 994 0.5 -5.6 Hungary 45 656 0.2 50 174 0.3 9.9 Iceland 6 418 0.0 7 439 0.0 15.9 Ireland 35 861 0.2 35 789 0.2 -0.2 Italy 959 473 4.9 758 835 4.1 -20.9 Luxembourg 126 882 0.6 124 499 0.7 -1.9 Netherlands 906 991 4.6 804 353 4.4 -11.3 Norway 55 063 0.3 58 999 0.3 7.1 Portugal 66 308 0.3 68 221 0.4 2.9 Spain 356 737 1.8 292 490 1.6 -18.0 Sweden 181 811 0.9 168 819 0.9 -7.1 Switzerland .. .. .. .. ..Turkey 68 374 0.3 70 559 0.4 3.2 United Kingdom 1 577 251 8.0 1 335 949 7.3 -15.3 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 14 334 619 72.9 13 069 630 71.1 -8.8 Total OECD Countries 17 364 792 88.3 16 027 250 87.2 -7.7 Other European countries 524 954 2.7 538 975 2.9 2.7 Poland 44 663 0.2 50 011 0.3 12.0 Latin America 295 243 1.5 299 518 1.6 1.4 Brazil 117 701 0.6 126 120 0.7 7.2 Asia-Oceania 1 206 829 6.1 1 258 950 6.8 4.3 India 86 010 0.4 89 318 0.5 3.8 Israel 267 030 1.4 236 289 1.3 -11.5 Africa 277 706 1.4 261 501 1.4 -5.8 South Africa 59 594 0.3 56 596 0.3 -5.0 Total non-OECD Countries 2 304 732 11.7 2 358 944 12.8 2.4 TOTAL 19 669 524 100.0 18 386 194 100.0 -6.5 1. Australia includes New Zealand.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 34 488 0.5 38 551 0.5 11.8 Mexico 7 169 0.1 4 312 0.1 -39.9 United States 271 166 4.1 290 225 3.8 7.0 Total North America 312 823 4.7 333 088 4.3 6.5 Australia 32 354 0.5 43 287 0.6 33.8 Japan 63 745 1.0 66 005 0.9 3.5 New Zealand 8 782 0.1 9 158 0.1 4.3 Total Asia and the Pacific 104 881 1.6 118 450 1.5 12.9 Austria 138 278 2.1 181 709 2.4 31.4 Belgium 75 216 1.1 107 484 1.4 42.9 Czech Republic 1 32 638 0.5 37 985 0.5 16.4 Denmark 76 356 1.1 104 697 1.4 37.1 Finland 78 231 1.2 102 428 1.3 30.9 France 233 142 3.5 251 609 3.3 7.9 Germany 994 301 14.9 1 656 387 21.4 66.6 Greece 127 005 1.9 154 224 2.0 21.4 Hungary 28 213 0.4 16 194 0.2 -42.6 Iceland 3 449 0.1 3 676 0.0 6.6 Ireland 32 867 0.5 24 771 0.3 -24.6 Italy 105 595 1.6 108 231 1.4 2.5 Luxembourg 1 381 0.0 1 521 0.0 10.1 Netherlands 180 667 2.7 203 029 2.6 12.4 Norway 50 368 0.8 52 364 0.7 4.0 Portugal 9 621 0.1 6 535 0.1 -32.1 Spain 39 687 0.6 28 787 0.4 -27.5 Sweden 93 852 1.4 127 901 1.7 36.3 Switzerland 47 639 0.7 62 813 0.8 31.9 Turkey .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 568 284 8.5 734 721 9.5 29.3 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 2 916 790 43.7 3 967 066 51.3 36.0 Total OECD Countries 3 334 494 50.0 4 418 604 57.2 32.5 Other European countries 2 272 970 34.1 2 056 200 26.6 -9.5 Bulgaria 170 587 2.6 161 145 2.1 -5.5 Poland 40 613 0.6 33 951 0.4 -16.4 Romania 414 437 6.2 283 015 3.7 -31.7 Latin America 38 714 0.6 39 447 0.5 1.9 Argentina 13 776 0.2 12 151 0.2 -11.8 Brazil 11 222 0.2 12 472 0.2 11.1 Chile 2 094 0.0 3 089 0.0 47.5 Colombia 2 935 0.0 3 015 0.0 2.7 Venezuela 1 191 0.0 1 467 0.0 23.2 Asia-Oceania 911 726 13.7 1 063 846 13.8 16.7 China 8 052 0.1 10 243 0.1 27.2 India 7 827 0.1 9 125 0.1 16.6 Iran 231 392 3.5 361 434 4.7 56.2 Israel 303 920 4.6 301 074 3.9 -0.9 Republic of Korea 7 141 0.1 11 667 0.2 63.4 Lebanon 21 917 0.3 28 096 0.4 28.2 Malaysia 3 451 0.1 3 427 0.0 -0.7 Pakistan 15 049 0.2 15 727 0.2 4.5 Philippines 6 434 0.1 6 850 0.1 6.5 Saudi Arabia 27 869 0.4 24 457 0.3 -12.2 Singapore 5 610 0.1 5 529 0.1 -1.4 Africa 100 498 1.5 135 816 1.8 35.1 Algeria 21 956 0.3 45 935 0.6 109.2 Egypt 17 907 0.3 21 625 0.3 20.8 Morocco 7 689 0.1 11 514 0.1 49.7 Origin country undetermined 1 12 216 0.2 12 973 0.2 6.2 Total non-OECD Countries 3 336 124 50.0 3 308 282 42.8 -0.8 TOTAL 6 670 618 100.0 7 726 886 100.0 15.8 1. Czech Republic includes Slovak Republic.2. "Origin country undetermined" includes Other North America and Stateless persons.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 16 395 0.5 19 133 0.5 16.7 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 211 921 6.2 265 325 6.3 25.2 Total North America 228 316 6.7 284 458 6.7 24.6 Australia 16 629 0.5 22 575 0.5 35.8 Japan 176 678 5.2 223 843 5.3 26.7 New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 193 307 5.7 246 418 5.8 27.5 Austria 57 567 1.7 122 555 2.9 112.9 Belgium 2 174 876 5.1 177 981 4.2 1.8 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 3 92 222 2.7 76 399 1.8 -17.2 Finland 3 .. .. .. .. ..France 357 713 10.5 363 488 8.6 1.6 Germany 603 764 17.7 1 002 333 23.8 66.0 Greece 17 278 0.5 27 098 0.6 56.8 Hungary 18 674 0.5 13 137 0.3 -29.7 Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland .. .. .. .. ..Italy 110 280 3.2 124 058 2.9 12.5 Luxembourg 2 .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 2 .. .. .. .. ..Norway 3 .. .. .. .. ..Portugal .. .. .. .. ..Spain 66 041 1.9 56 934 1.4 -13.8 Sweden 3 .. .. .. .. ..Switzerland 24 820 0.7 20 939 0.5 -15.6 Turkey .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 284 413 8.3 258 866 6.1 -9.0 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 1 807 648 53.0 2 243 788 53.2 24.1 Total OECD Countries 2 229 271 65.4 2 774 664 65.8 24.5 Other European countries 483 798 14.2 601 547 14.3 24.3 Bulgaria 30 890 0.9 27 899 0.7 -9.7 Poland 16 907 0.5 14 427 0.3 -14.7 Romania 49 887 1.5 50 088 1.2 0.4 Russia 4 .. .. 489 687 11.6 ..Asia-Oceania 5 185 671 5.4 159 978 3.8 -13.8 Iran 51 283 1.5 26 203 0.6 -48.9 Lebanon 10 971 0.3 17 118 0.4 56.0 Pakistan 27 625 0.8 5 737 0.1 -79.2 Saudi Arabia 33 101 1.0 35 883 0.9 8.4 Africa 20 918 0.6 17 251 0.4 -17.5 Egypt 16 715 0.5 12 514 0.3 -25.1 Origin country undetermined 489 779 14.4 661 329 15.7 35.0 Total non-OECD Countries 1 180 166 34.6 1 440 105 34.2 22.0 TOTAL 3 409 437 100.0 4 214 769 100.0 23.6 1. Arrivals in the establishments registered by the Ministry of Tourism (hotels, motels, boarding houses and inns).2. Belgium includes Luxembourg and Netherlands.3. Denmark includes Finland, Norway and Sweden.4. Russia includes the New Independant States.5. Asia-Oceania includes Irak, Kuweit, Syria and Jordan.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 39 634 0.3 40 617 0.3 2.5 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 533 967 4.0 548 315 3.7 2.7 Total North America 573 601 4.3 588 932 4.0 2.7 Australia 35 736 0.3 44 027 0.3 23.2 Japan 286 103 2.1 332 878 2.3 16.3 New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 321 839 2.4 376 905 2.6 17.1 Austria 408 112 3.0 540 442 3.7 32.4 Belgium 2 744 852 5.5 738 314 5.0 -0.9 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 3 616 448 4.6 396 629 2.7 -35.7 Finland 3 .. .. .. .. ..France 943 883 7.0 963 583 6.6 2.1 Germany 4 063 107 30.2 4 903 673 33.4 20.7 Greece 41 830 0.3 110 134 0.8 163.3 Hungary 44 896 0.3 37 756 0.3 -15.9 Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland .. .. .. .. ..Italy 274 199 2.0 290 296 2.0 5.9 Luxembourg 2 .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 2 .. .. .. .. ..Norway 3 .. .. .. .. ..Portugal .. .. .. .. ..Spain 155 115 1.2 116 492 0.8 -24.9 Sweden 3 .. .. .. .. ..Switzerland 86 500 0.6 67 232 0.5 -22.3 Turkey .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 1 558 285 11.6 1 283 404 8.7 -17.6 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 8 937 227 66.5 9 447 955 64.4 5.7 Total OECD Countries 9 832 667 73.1 10 413 792 71.0 5.9 Other European countries 1 551 939 11.5 1 961 981 13.4 26.4 Bulgaria 54 905 0.4 53 975 0.4 -1.7 Poland 54 788 0.4 58 356 0.4 6.5 Romania 105 732 0.8 90 339 0.6 -14.6 Russia 4 .. .. 1 706 901 11.6 ..Asia-Oceania 5 541 906 4.0 394 861 2.7 -27.1 Iran 152 822 1.1 67 984 0.5 -55.5 Lebanon 27 060 0.2 41 499 0.3 53.4 Pakistan 113 282 0.8 17 468 0.1 -84.6 Saudi Arabia 95 834 0.7 91 991 0.6 -4.0 Africa 65 927 0.5 51 673 0.4 -21.6 Egypt 52 172 0.4 38 663 0.3 -25.9 Origin country undetermined 1 454 448 10.8 1 853 959 12.6 27.5 Total non-OECD Countries 3 614 220 26.9 4 262 474 29.0 17.9 TOTAL 13 446 887 100.0 14 676 266 100.0 9.1 1. Nights spent in the establishments registered by the Ministry of Tourism (hotels, motels, boarding houses and inns).2. Belgium includes Luxembourg and Netherlands.3. Denmark includes Finland, Norway and Sweden.4. Russia includes the New Independant States.5. Asia-Oceania includes Irak, Kuweit, Syria and Jordan.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 16 824 0.5 19 454 0.4 15.6 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 214 534 5.8 268 216 5.8 25.0 Total North America 231 358 6.2 287 670 6.2 24.3 Australia 17 366 0.5 22 777 0.5 31.2 Japan 178 560 4.8 225 977 4.9 26.6 New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 195 926 5.3 248 754 5.4 27.0 Austria 80 576 2.2 150 035 3.2 86.2 Belgium 2 191 767 5.1 200 812 4.3 4.7 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 3 102 598 2.8 84 795 1.8 -17.4 Finland 3 .. .. .. .. ..France 385 682 10.3 394 767 8.5 2.4 Germany 773 726 20.8 1 233 896 26.7 59.5 Greece 17 390 0.5 27 349 0.6 57.3 Hungary 19 120 0.5 13 411 0.3 -29.9 Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland .. .. .. .. ..Italy 117 649 3.2 134 675 2.9 14.5 Luxembourg 2 .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 2 .. .. .. .. ..Norway 3 .. .. .. .. ..Portugal .. .. .. .. ..Spain 67 524 1.8 57 297 1.2 -15.1 Sweden 3 .. .. .. .. ..Switzerland 27 959 0.7 23 968 0.5 -14.3 Turkey .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 299 761 8.0 273 098 5.9 -8.9 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 2 083 752 55.9 2 594 103 56.0 24.5 Total OECD Countries 2 511 036 67.3 3 130 527 67.6 24.7 Other European countries 496 451 13.3 629 880 13.6 26.9 Bulgaria 31 071 0.8 28 196 0.6 -9.3 Poland 17 419 0.5 14 706 0.3 -15.6 Romania 50 172 1.3 50 698 1.1 1.0 Russia 4 367 912 9.9 516 723 11.2 40.4 Asia-Oceania 5 188 453 5.1 161 972 3.5 -14.1 Iran 51 804 1.4 26 501 0.6 -48.8 Lebanon 11 934 0.3 18 119 0.4 51.8 Pakistan 27 656 0.7 5 757 0.1 -79.2 Saudi Arabia 33 481 0.9 36 108 0.8 7.8 Africa 21 732 0.6 17 365 0.4 -20.1 Egypt 17 478 0.5 12 583 0.3 -28.0 Origin country undetermined 510 973 13.7 689 871 14.9 35.0 Total non-OECD Countries 1 217 609 32.7 1 499 088 32.4 23.1 TOTAL 3 728 645 100.0 4 629 615 100.0 24.2 1. Arrivals in the establishments registered by the Ministry of Tourism (hotels, motels, flats hotels, holidays villages,boarding houses, inns and camping sites).2. Belgium includes Luxembourg and Netherlands.3. Denmark includes Finland, Norway and Sweden.4. Russia includes the New Independant States.5. Asia-Oceania includes Irak, Kuweit, Syria and Jordan.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 41 363 0.3 41 405 0.2 0.1 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 541 039 3.3 556 260 3.0 2.8 Total North America 582 402 3.6 597 665 3.2 2.6 Australia 38 059 0.2 45 009 0.2 18.3 Japan 288 952 1.8 336 071 1.8 16.3 New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. Total Asia and the Pacific 327 011 2.0 381 080 2.1 16.5 Austria 635 920 3.9 804 737 4.4 26.5 Belgium 2 884 534 5.4 979 266 5.3 10.7 Czech Republic .. .. .. .. ..Denmark 3 665 257 4.1 460 440 2.5 -30.8 Finland 3 .. .. .. .. ..France 1 186 335 7.3 1 230 942 6.7 3.8 Germany 5 823 349 35.8 7 232 347 39.1 24.2 Greece 42 510 0.3 110 892 0.6 160.9 Hungary 45 633 0.3 39 629 0.2 -13.2 Iceland .. .. .. .. ..Ireland .. .. .. .. ..Italy 316 520 1.9 341 182 1.8 7.8 Luxembourg 2 .. .. .. .. ..Netherlands 2 .. .. .. .. ..Norway 3 .. .. .. .. ..Portugal .. .. .. .. ..Spain 159 138 1.0 118 355 0.6 -25.6 Sweden 3 .. .. .. .. ..Switzerland 118 786 0.7 97 386 0.5 -18.0 Turkey .. .. .. .. ..United Kingdom 1 654 660 10.2 1 428 952 7.7 -13.6 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 11 532 642 70.9 12 844 128 69.5 11.4 Total OECD Countries 12 442 055 76.5 13 822 873 74.8 11.1 Other European countries 1 650 322 10.2 2 184 792 11.8 32.4 Bulgaria 55 350 0.3 55 373 0.3 0.0 Poland 56 878 0.3 59 949 0.3 5.4 Romania 106 822 0.7 92 105 0.5 -13.8 Russia 4 1 366 630 8.4 1 924 091 10.4 40.8 Asia-Oceania 5 553 229 3.4 404 233 2.2 -26.9 Iran 154 364 0.9 68 724 0.4 -55.5 Lebanon 31 632 0.2 48 020 0.3 51.8 Pakistan 113 348 0.7 17 525 0.1 -84.5 Saudi Arabia 97 532 0.6 93 198 0.5 -4.4 Africa 71 934 0.4 51 971 0.3 -27.8 Egypt 58 052 0.4 38 866 0.2 -33.0 Origin country undetermined 1 537 270 9.5 2 013 454 10.9 31.0 Total non-OECD Countries 3 812 755 23.5 4 654 450 25.2 22.1 TOTAL 16 254 810 100.0 18 477 323 100.0 13.7 1. Nights spent in the establishments registered by the Ministry of Tourism (hotels, motels, flats hotels, holidays villages,boarding houses, inns and camping sites).2. Belgium includes Luxembourg and Netherlands.3. Denmark includes Finland, Norway and Sweden.4. Russia includes the New Independant States.5. Asia-Oceania includes Irak, Kuweit, Syria and Jordan.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada .. .. 621 000 2.8 ..Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 2 944 000 15.2 3 219 000 14.7 9.3 Total North America 2 944 000 15.2 3 840 000 17.5 30.4 Australia .. .. 625 000 2.9 ..Japan .. .. 632 000 2.9 ..New Zealand .. .. 134 000 0.6 .. Total Asia and the Pacific .. .. 1 391 000 6.3 ..Austria .. .. 249 000 1.1 ..Belgium .. .. 811 000 3.7 ..Czech Republic .. .. 146 000 0.7 ..Denmark .. .. 313 000 1.4 ..Finland .. .. 122 000 0.6 ..France 2 173 000 11.2 2 494 000 11.4 14.8 Germany 2 378 000 12.2 2 511 000 11.5 5.6 Greece .. .. 170 000 0.8 ..Hungary .. .. 55 000 0.3 ..Iceland .. .. 25 000 0.1 ..Ireland .. .. 1 800 000 8.2 ..Italy .. .. 911 000 4.2 ..Luxembourg .. .. 41 000 0.2 ..Netherlands .. .. 1 198 000 5.5 ..Norway .. .. 409 000 1.9 ..Portugal .. .. 153 000 0.7 ..Spain .. .. 767 000 3.5 ..Sweden .. .. 547 000 2.5 ..Switzerland .. .. 515 000 2.3 ..Turkey .. .. 76 000 0.3 ..United Kingdom .. .. .. .. ..Other OECD-Europe 8 936 000 46.0 .. .. .. Total Europe 13 487 000 69.4 13 313 000 60.7 -1.3 Total OECD Countries 16 431 000 84.6 18 544 000 84.6 12.9 Other European countries .. .. 684 000 3.1 ..Latin America .. .. 287 000 1.3 ..Asia-Oceania .. .. 1 732 000 7.9 ..Africa .. .. 615 000 2.8 ..Origin country undetermined 2 996 000 15.4 63 000 0.3 -97.9 Total non-OECD Countries 2 996 000 15.4 3 381 000 15.4 12.9 TOTAL 19 427 000 100.0 21 925 000 100.0 12.9

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 571 000 2.7 625 000 2.6 9.5 Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 2 979 000 14.2 3 255 000 13.7 9.3 Total North America 3 550 000 16.9 3 880 000 16.3 9.3 Australia 562 000 2.7 628 000 2.6 11.7 Japan 588 000 2.8 642 000 2.7 9.2 New Zealand 108 000 0.5 135 000 0.6 25.0 Total Asia and the Pacific 1 258 000 6.0 1 405 000 5.9 11.7 Austria 242 000 1.2 261 000 1.1 7.9 Belgium 979 000 4.7 1 285 000 5.4 31.3 Czech Republic .. .. 146 000 0.6 ..Denmark 333 000 1.6 334 000 1.4 0.3 Finland 103 000 0.5 125 000 0.5 21.4 France 2 779 000 13.2 3 190 000 13.4 14.8 Germany 2 517 000 12.0 2 659 000 11.2 5.6 Greece 166 000 0.8 171 000 0.7 3.0 Hungary .. .. 57 000 0.2 ..Iceland 37 000 0.2 25 000 0.1 -32.4 Ireland 1 677 000 8.0 1 800 000 7.6 7.3 Italy 826 000 3.9 941 000 4.0 13.9 Luxembourg 55 000 0.3 47 000 0.2 -14.5 Netherlands 1 204 000 5.7 1 431 000 6.0 18.9 Norway 336 000 1.6 439 000 1.8 30.7 Portugal 142 000 0.7 159 000 0.7 12.0 Spain 681 000 3.2 786 000 3.3 15.4 Sweden 517 000 2.5 560 000 2.4 8.3 Switzerland 474 000 2.3 546 000 2.3 15.2 Turkey 52 000 0.2 76 000 0.3 46.2 United Kingdom .. .. .. .. ..Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 13 120 000 62.4 15 038 000 63.3 14.6 Total OECD Countries 17 928 000 85.2 20 323 000 85.6 13.4 Other European countries 737 000 3.5 691 000 2.9 -6.2 Latin America 283 000 1.3 290 000 1.2 2.5 Asia-Oceania 1 426 000 6.8 1 754 000 7.4 23.0 Africa 601 000 2.9 618 000 2.6 2.8 Origin country undetermined 57 000 0.3 65 000 0.3 14.0 Total non-OECD Countries 3 104 000 14.8 3 418 000 14.4 10.1 TOTAL 21 032 000 100.0 23 741 000 100.0 12.9

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada .. .. 3 864 000 2.4 ..Mexico .. .. .. .. ..United States 21 242 000 15.8 21 638 000 13.3 1.9 Total North America 21 242 000 15.8 25 502 000 15.6 20.1 Australia .. .. 7 129 000 4.4 ..Japan .. .. 6 195 000 3.8 ..New Zealand .. .. 1 789 000 1.1 .. Total Asia and the Pacific .. .. 15 113 000 9.3 ..Austria .. .. 1 742 000 1.1 ..Belgium .. .. 2 696 000 1.7 ..Czech Republic .. .. 2 054 000 1.3 ..Denmark .. .. 1 829 000 1.1 ..Finland .. .. 1 009 000 0.6 ..France 11 878 000 8.8 14 952 000 9.2 25.9 Germany 14 935 000 11.1 17 373 000 10.7 16.3 Greece .. .. 1 541 000 0.9 ..Hungary .. .. 892 000 0.5 ..Iceland .. .. 134 000 0.1 ..Ireland .. .. 10 066 000 6.2 ..Italy .. .. 8 925 000 5.5 ..Luxembourg .. .. 195 000 0.1 ..Netherlands .. .. 4 925 000 3.0 ..Norway .. .. 1 998 000 1.2 ..Portugal .. .. 1 100 000 0.7 ..Spain .. .. 7 797 000 4.8 ..Sweden .. .. 3 068 000 1.9 ..Switzerland .. .. 3 071 000 1.9 ..Turkey .. .. 804 000 0.5 ..United Kingdom .. .. .. .. ..Other OECD-Europe 55 593 000 41.4 .. .. .. Total Europe 82 406 000 61.3 86 171 000 52.9 4.6 Total OECD Countries 103 648 000 77.1 126 786 000 77.8 22.3 Origin country undetermined 30 766 000 22.9 36 188 000 22.2 17.6 Total non-OECD Countries 30 766 000 22.9 36 188 000 22.2 17.6 TOTAL 134 414 000 100.0 162 974 000 100.0 21.2 1. Estimates of total number of nights spent in all forms of accommodation, including stays with friends and relatives. excluding visitors in transit, visits of merchant seamen, airline personnel and military on duty.

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(by country of residence)

1994 Relative share 1995 Relative share% Variation

over 1994

Canada 14 973 949 33.5 14 663 000 33.8 -2.1 Mexico 11 321 000 25.3 8 083 000 18.6 -28.6 United States .. .. .. .. .. Total North America 26 294 949 58.8 22 746 000 52.4 -13.5 Australia 406 996 0.9 423 631 1.0 4.1 Japan 3 804 551 8.5 4 598 354 10.6 20.9 New Zealand 119 412 0.3 141 633 0.3 18.6 Total Asia and the Pacific 4 330 959 9.7 5 163 618 11.9 19.2 Austria 148 135 0.3 173 388 0.4 17.0 Belgium 192 277 0.4 206 134 0.5 7.2 Czech Republic 1 34 981 0.1 50 601 0.1 44.7 Denmark 101 062 0.2 108 003 0.2 6.9 Finland 62 754 0.1 70 291 0.2 12.0 France 823 192 1.8 921 630 2.1 12.0 Germany 1 622 835 3.6 1 847 973 4.3 13.9 Greece 55 441 0.1 55 981 0.1 1.0 Hungary 33 944 0.1 37 731 0.1 11.2 Iceland 16 746 0.0 16 836 0.0 0.5 Ireland 150 956 0.3 149 430 0.3 -1.0 Italy 526 537 1.2 524 892 1.2 -0.3 Luxembourg 15 245 0.0 18 077 0.0 18.6 Netherlands 370 803 0.8 408 153 0.9 10.1 Norway 101 094 0.2 103 096 0.2 2.0 Portugal 45 963 0.1 49 649 0.1 8.0 Spain 274 597 0.6 302 083 0.7 10.0 Sweden 204 293 0.5 219 283 0.5 7.3 Switzerland 349 237 0.8 396 801 0.9 13.6 Turkey 33 563 0.1 44 769 0.1 33.4 United Kingdom 2 772 345 6.2 2 888 195 6.7 4.2 Other OECD-Europe .. .. .. .. .. Total Europe 7 936 000 17.7 8 592 996 19.8 8.3 Total OECD Countries 38 561 908 86.2 36 502 614 84.1 -5.3 Other European countries 216 150 0.5 244 505 0.6 13.1 Bulgaria 7 027 0.0 7 153 0.0 1.8 Poland 43 372 0.1 48 452 0.1 11.7 Romania 12 508 0.0 13 307 0.0 6.4 Russia 80 166 0.2 94 093 0.2 17.4 Ukrainia 14 921 0.0 17 460 0.0 17.0 Latin America 2 3 655 894 8.2 4 001 595 9.2 9.5 Argentina 388 291 0.9 381 904 0.9 -1.6 Brazil 652 412 1.5 838 365 1.9 28.5 Chile 123 334 0.3 152 018 0.4 23.3 Colombia 225 555 0.5 233 012 0.5 3.3 Cuba 14 978 0.0 8 224 0.0 -45.1 Venezuela 415 610 0.9 511 327 1.2 23.0 Asia-Oceania 2 146 002 4.8 2 450 473 5.6 14.2 China 157 887 0.4 166 520 0.4 5.5 Hong Kong 193 720 0.4 220 129 0.5 13.6 India 103 930 0.2 123 499 0.3 18.8 Iran 10 870 0.0 9 885 0.0 -9.1 Israel 189 139 0.4 216 419 0.5 14.4 Jordan 11 386 0.0 11 526 0.0 1.2 Republic of Korea 498 259 1.1 592 327 1.4 18.9 Kuwait 18 140 0.0 20 936 0.0 15.4 Lebanon 9 662 0.0 9 314 0.0 -3.6 Malaysia 54 640 0.1 67 395 0.2 23.3 Pakistan 31 227 0.1 35 176 0.1 12.6 Philippines 106 082 0.2 109 583 0.3 3.3 Saudi Arabia 63 994 0.1 64 833 0.1 1.3 Singapore 79 498 0.2 102 755 0.2 29.3 Chinese Taipei 378 832 0.8 412 708 1.0 8.9 Thailand 75 101 0.2 91 220 0.2 21.5 Africa 172 941 0.4 185 779 0.4 7.4 Egypt 23 130 0.1 25 272 0.1 9.3 Kenya 8 120 0.0 9 652 0.0 18.9 Morocco 10 183 0.0 11 236 0.0 10.3 Nigeria 16 082 0.0 15 700 0.0 -2.4 South Africa 77 691 0.2 84 434 0.2 8.7 Origin country undetermined 105 0.0 34 0.0 -67.6 Total non-OECD Countries 6 191 092 13.8 6 882 386 15.9 11.2 TOTAL 44 753 000 100.0 43 385 000 100.0 -3.1 1. Czech Republic includes Slovak Republic.

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Annex 1

Mission Statement for the OECD Tourism Committee

The mission of the Tourism Committee is to promote action to maximise the benefits of tourism tothe economies of OECD Member countries by:

• increasing the understanding of the economic importance of tourism;

• promoting the liberalisation of policies towards international tourism flows;

• fostering international co-operation in these fields;

• providing a forum for dissemination, analysis and benchmarking of the tourism policiesand administration of member countries against comparable economies.

In pursuit of these goals, the Tourism Committee:

a) provides a forum for discussion by policy-makers and administrators of current issues concerningthe liberalisation of international tourism, the monitoring of trends in tourism policies, thechanges in the industry and (the development of statistical tools, including a database);

b) prepares analysis of a wide range of policy issues for consideration by policy-makers, and whereappropriate for publication to a wider audience; undertakes special studies and projects on keyissues;

c) prepares analysis of international tourism trends and disseminates comparable and reliablestatistical information; develops measurements of the economic importance of tourism in theOECD economies;

d) publishes reports, including an Annual Report on tourism policy;

e) monitors the observance of the "rules of the game" set out in the inventory of measures perceivedas obstacles to international tourism, in the OECD Codes of liberalisation related to tourism andin the Decision-Recommendation on international tourism, and provides a forum for disputeresolution under these instruments; examines the possibility of strengthening existinginstruments;

f) conducts country by country examinations of national tourism policies; identifies and assessesoptions to address major challenges through rigorous analysis and exchange of information onpolicy initiatives;

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g) provides a forum for discussion with the industry, the academics and other groups throughconsultation procedures, fora and seminars;

h) engages in dialogue with Non-Member countries;

i) co-operates with other international organisations.

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Annex 2

Background information about the Tourism Committee

With OECD countries contributing some 70% of world tourism trade, the OECD TourismCommittee is in a unique position to serve as an international forum for co-ordinating policies and actions.

The Committee which is made up of senior policy makers in the tourism area meets once a yearto discuss major developments affecting the industry, takes action when required, assembles material onpolicies in its Annual Report and contributes to the work of other parts of the OECD. In 1971, theCommittee created a Statistical Working Party whose main purpose is to provide the Committee andMember countries with the appropriate background material on which to base policy-making discussionsand decisions. The Statistical Working Party also meets once a year; it is sustained in its mission by aGroup of experts on Tourism Satellite Accounts.

The Tourism Committee was part of the former OEEC and continued its activities as part of theOECD after its creation in 1961.

The core strategies of the Tourism Committee have been developed around the following threeareas of activity:


The Committee plays a role as a forum of exchange, primarily through the monitoring of policiesand of structural changes affecting the development of international tourism within and outside the OECDarea.

In 1990, the Committee initiated procedures for a systematic examination of tourism andtourism-related policies in Member countries on a country-by-country basis.

This approach also enables the identification of horizontal issues of general concern. Issues ofgeneral concern covered by the Committee over the last years include:

• Examination of the future tourism prospects in the light of transport policy developments. The1990 Annual Report outlines the main problems encountered and the solutions advocated to copewith the growth in tourist flows;

• Study of the rationale for government involvement in tourism promotion based on the experience

of certain OECD countries (published in 1992);

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• Examination of the contribution of tourism to the sustainable development of rural areas with theOECD Group of the Council on Rural Development. The 1994 report presents a detailedanalysis of tourism concepts and products and endeavours to identify what rural tourism has tooffer and the hurdles it must overcome;

• Analysis of the contribution of tourism to employment, highlighting the economic importance of

tourism to OECD Member countries, examination of the sector's employment potential andidentification of suitable policy initiatives for maximising the industry's contribution towardsreducing unemployment (Annual report and proceedings of the Seminar on perspectives andchallenges of employment in the tourism industry published in 1995); and

• Analysis of changes in government tourism policies, covering issues like the institutional

framework, formulation of policies, definition of objectives, measures to improve the functioningof the market, co-operation with the private sector, international co-operation and efforts tomeasure accurately the economic importance of tourism (published in 1996);

• Contribution to the work of the OECD Environment Committee on Integrated Coastal Zone



Within the OECD's overall commitments towards liberalisation, the Tourism Committee hasalways played an important role in the fight against protectionism in tourism and related fields.

In the 1980s, in co-operation with the OECD Trade Committee, it contributed to the discussionsin Geneva on the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) by providing background and insightsto the tourism sectorial issue.

At the same time, the Committee looked at the obstacles to the development of internationaltourism within the OECD area. This led to the publication of a first Inventory of Obstacles (1984),followed by the adoption by the OECD Council of a Decision-Recommendation on International TourismPolicy (1985) setting goals for the gradual elimination of remaining obstacles. ThisDecision-Recommendation also refers to existing binding obligations of OECD countries which have animpact on tourism in the area of foreign direct investment and trade in services including in the field of"travel and tourism".

With a view to maintaining the high degree of tourism liberalisation achieved within the OECDarea and promoting further liberalisation, both within the OECD area and between the OECD andnon-Member countries, the Committee envisages a number of actions in this field, including a revision ofthe Inventory of Measures Perceived as Obstacles to International Tourism in the OECD Area (publishedin June 1991).

As part of this review, the Committee is revisiting the issue and examines the correlationbetween the OECD inventory and other recent international developments in this field. At a later stage, itmay also update the Decision-Recommendation on international tourism. The Committee will develop inparallel a dialogue with the industry.

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The Tourism Committee publishes extensive statistics on international tourism supply anddemand in its Annual Report entitled "Tourism Policy and International Tourism in OECD Countries".The Committee also issues an annual press statement on recent trends and perspectives in internationaltourism in OECD countries.

In 1985, the Committee initiated an exercise which aims to develop an integrated statistical systemfor evaluating the economic importance of tourism in Member countries using, inter alia, the NationalAccounts concepts and definitions. The first phase of this work was completed in 1991 with thepublication of the Manual on Tourism Economic Accounts. This Manual provides the base for assemblingdata on production, consumption, value added, gross fixed capital formation, and employment in tourismindustries. Since 1991, the Committee collects and analyses data on tourism economic accounts.

At the same time, the Secretariat is developing a Tourism Satellite Account for OECD countries.Ultimately, this system will be used as a basic tool to assess the importance of tourism to Member countryeconomies. The Committee has also started a discussion with other organisations about existing relatedconcepts.

The Working Party also endeavours to strengthen international co-operation, in particular, withEurostat and the World Tourism Organisation in order to improve methodology and enhance internationalcomparability.

To obtain further information:

Further information concerning the general organisation and the programme may be obtainedfrom:


Administrator, Tourism Policy SectionCapital Movements, International Investment and Services Division

Directorate for Financial, Fiscal and Enterprise AffairsOECD

2, rue André Pascal75775 Paris Cédex 16

TEL: 33 - (0)1 45 24 91 45FAX: 33 - (0)1 45 24 78 52

Email: [email protected]

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Annex 3

Publications by the Tourism Committee

Third international forum on tourism statistics, 1997Eurostat, Portugal, OECD

OECD Tourism StatisticsDesign and Application for Policy, 1997

Tourism Policy and international tourism in OECD CountriesSpecial feature: tourism policies and actions, 1996

Second international forum on tourism statistics, 1996Eurostat, Italy, OECD

Seminar on perspectives and challenges of employment in the tourism industry, 1995

Tourism Policy and international tourism in OECD CountriesSpecial feature: tourism and employment, 1995

First international forum on tourism statistics, 1994Eurostat, Austria, OECD

Tourism Policy and international tourism in OECD CountriesSpecial feature: tourism strategies and rural development, 1994

Manual on tourism economic accounts, OCDE/GD(91)82, 1991

Inventory of measures perceived as obstacles to international tourism in the OECD area,OCDE/GD(91)116, 1991

National and international tourism statistics. 1974-1985, 1989
