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TOApproved for public release, distributionunlimited

FROMDistribution authorized to U.S. Gov't.agencies and their contractors;Administrative/Operational Use; Oct 1959.Other requests shall be referred toCentral Intelligence Agency, Office ofCentral Reference, 2430 E. Street, NW,Washington, DC 20505.


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Li• Number 21 20c0 5

aL _

* d'

Prepared by -


2430 E. St., N. W., Washington 25, D.C.

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FOR S•E~M!R 1959


Notes concerning the Survey c

Abbreviations used in the Survey d

Requests for copies e


Economic 1

Political 12

Military 13

Sociological 17

Biographic 19

Eastern Europe

Economic 20

Political 34

Military 34Sociological 36

Northern Europe

Economic 38Political 38Military 38

Near East/Africa

Economic 39Political 39Military

41Sociological 41

Far East

Economic 42

Political 51Military 58

Geographic 59Sociological 60


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Western Europe

Economic 61Political 63MiliLary 04

Latin America

Economic 65Political 65Sociological 65Mi]iitary 65


Aeron-Attics 66Astronomy 68Biology 70Chemistry 77

ElectricityElectronics 99Eng4 neering 105Fuels 114Geophysics ui6Mathematics 130Medicine 132Minerals/Metals 192Nuclear Physics 202Physics 205Space Research 227Miscellaneous 228

Author Index 230

Cover-to-Cover Translations 251


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An author index to items in this issue is appended.

-'"This Survey is prepared Foreiga Documents Di-vision, CIA, Cfrom lists received through cooperation of TZgovernment agencies and includes translations of such agen-cies, private industry, universit 4

ýs, research institutionsand commercial translation organizations. It is a compilationof fcreign documentary przjects, :c•ictzd ca started duringthe month preceding this publication.

Translations are listed by area and subject category.Scientific projects are grouped as a section regardless ofgeographic area. Title in English, author, foreign languagetitle of source of material, date and data of publication, re-pository identification of the original documents, and pub-lication identification of the completed project are givenwhen available.

Some of the ove aetails may be unavailable on projectslisted "in process." Ne- projects in process will be listedonly once, their subsequent listing being made when they arereported completed. Projects in process, i.e., not completedas of the date of this Survey, are noted with an asterisk(*).

L. -

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ACSI Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Dept of ArmyAEC Atoic Enargy CommissionAF Dept of Air ForceAIBS American Instibute of Biological SciencesAIP American Institute of PhvsicsAlS Army Map ServiceARDC Air Research and Development CommandATIC Air Technical Intelligence CenterA-3 Associated Technical ServicesBISI British Iron and Steel Institutebk bookbul bulletinBuShips Bureau of Ships, Dept of NavyCB Consultants BureauCC- Consultants Custom TranslationsCo-op Tr S3-.h Co-operative Translation Schemed np daily newspaper (s)doc documentEDC Estimated date of comoletionencl enclosure525th MI Gp 525th Military Intelligence Group, Dept of ArmyBsIS Foreign Broadcast Information Service

haudbk handbookHB Henry BrutcherID Intelligence DocumentJour journalJPRS Joint Publications Research ServiceLC Library of CongressLLU Lending Library UnitMDF Morris D. FriedmanMEB Mark E. BurgunkerMIT Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyNASA National Aeronautics Space AdministrationNIH National Institutes of HealthNTRL Naval Research Laboratory, Dept of NavyNSF National Science Foundation

01N Ordnance Intelligence Number0I Office of Naval Intelligence, Dept of NavyOTIA Ordnance Technical Intelligence Agencyper periodicalPF Pergamon PressPS Primary Sourcespubl publication, publishedRIS Research Information Servicerpt reportSci Mus Lib Science Museum Librarysupple supplement7r (Trans) TranslationUSACRAPAC US Army Command Reconnaissance Activities Pacific CommandUSASIA US Army Signal Intelligence AgencyUSDA US Department of AgricultureUSIS US Information Serviceyrbk yearbook* (asterisk) projects in process

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Requests for copies of published projects should be made directtW the designated producing organizations.

All requests for items prefixed by "CIA" should be addressed toOffice of Central Reference, 2430 E Street, NW, Washington, DC.

Addresses of producers whose listings are included in this issuefollow:

ACS I525th MI GpIDOTIA Requests from non-government sources for319th MI Bn_ Army documents should be ord-erad t•hrough:•

Devartment of the Army Chief, Office of Technical ServicesAsst Chief of :Staff, TitelligmncO -Technical Information DivisionIntelligence Documents Branch Acquisitions BranchWashington 25, DC Dept of Commerce, Commerce Annex 1

Washington 25, DCNavy


Department of NavyOffice of Naval IntelligenceWashington 25, DC

Dept of State

Department of StateDivision of Library and Reference Service132 State Annex 1Washington, DC



Department of Air ForceCollection and DisseminationAssistant Chief of Staff, IntelligenceATMN: AFCIN 1B3Washington 25, DC


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Atomic Energy CormissionOrder copies from:

Department of ComiercaOffice of Technical ServicesWashington 25, DC

Amer Mezeorol Soc, for Geophys Res Dir, ASTIA

Armed Services Technical Information AgencyArlington Hall StationArlirnton 12, Virginia

Dept of Commerce

Bureau of CensusForeign Manpower Research OfficeGeneral Federal Office Building 3Suitland, Maryland

National Bureau of StandardsATTN: Dr Henry BirnbaumRoom 314, South BuildingWashington, DC

Pat3nt OfficeScientific Library14th and Constitution Avenue, NWWashington, DC

Dept of Interior

Dept of InteriorLibraryWashington 25, DC

Bureau of ReclamationTechnical LibraryDenver, Colorado


Department of Health, Education, and WelfareNational Institutes of HealthLibrarianBethesda 14, Maryland

-f -

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Department of AgrictltureAT"N: Mr Clarence M. Purves, FASRoo 550614th and Independence Avenue, 1WWashington 25, DC

Rand Corp

Rand CorporationA",",: Publications Office1700 Main StreetSanta Monica, California


American Geoplysical tnion1515 Massachusetts Avenue, NWWashington 15, DC


American Institute of Biological SciencesaO0 P Street, NWWashington 6, DC


American Institute of Physics335 East 45th StreetNew York 17, New York


Consultants Bureau, Inc227 West 17th StreetNew York 11, New York

Columbia Tech

Columbia Technical Translations5 Vermont AvenueWhite Plains, New York


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Henry .L-utcher T-echnical TranslationsPO Pox 157A2 tadesa, California

Interntl Arts and So1 7 Press

International Arts and Sciences Press33 Wiest 42d Street"Tel' York 36, New York

",ark E. Burgunker54: West 113th Street


Pergamon Press122 East 55th Street":ew York 22, New York

Rev of Russian Geol

Review of Russian GeologyBox 6665, College StationDuke UniversityDurham, North Carolina


Admiralty Center for Scientific Information and LiaisonQueen Anrne's MansionsSt James ParkLondon, SW 1, England

AERE Harwell Lib

.he LibrarianAERE, NJnistry of SupplyHarwell, Didcot, BirksEngland


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Aluminium Lab, Ltd

1he Aluminium Taboratories, LtdBanburyOxfordshir, RnigUAnJ


British Iron and Steel Translations4 Grosvenor GardensLondon SW 1, England

DSI (British)


Ministry of SupplyTIL l(b)Leysdown Road,Mo ttingham,London SE 9, England


Department of Scientific and Industrial ResearchLending Library Unit

20 Chester TerraceLondon NW 1, England

Infosearch Ltd

Infosearch Ltd

242 Willesden LandLondon, NW 10, England

LLU Tr Bul

Her Majesty's Stationery OfficePo Box 569London SE 1, England

Co-op "?r Sch (Scheme)

Science Museum LibrarySouth KensingtonLondon SW 7, England

- i -

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Taylor & Francis, Ltd

Subscription DepartmentTaylor & Francis, Ltd18 Red Lion CourtFleet StreetLondon, E. C.4, England

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Industrial Prospects. Radioactive Isotopes --Important Uses in Automation and Mechanizationof Industrial Processes, by V. Emel'yanov, P.Savitskiy.RUSSIANI, bk, Eto Delo Perspektivnoe. Radio-akttvnye Isotopy -- Vazhnoe Sredstvo Avto-matizatsii i Mekhanize.tsii, Jul 1959. *AEC

Organization and Techniques of Foreign Tradeof the USSR, by P. A. Chervyakov, 374 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Organizatsiya i TekhnikaVneshney Torgovl. SSSR, 1950, pp 1-295. JPRS-1883-N

Principals of Production of Gas FilledPlastics and Elastomers, by A. A. Berlin,207 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Osnovy Proizvodstva GazonapolnennykhPlastmass i Elastomerov, Moscow, 1954, 190 pp. ATIC F-TS-9438/III

Development of the Aluminum Industry of theUSSR, by I. M. Gratsershteyn, (DC-3045).RUSSIAN, bk, Razvitiye Alyuminiyevoy PromSSSR, 1959, pp 45-lb0. *JPRS

Ports, by Ye. Ye. Arkhipov, I. A Ittenberg,S. A. Postnikov, 48 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Rechnoy Transport SSSR, 1917-19','_1957, pp 186-232. JPRS-L-1849-D

Ship Building and Ship Repair, by N. M. Belov,M. F. Konnov, Ya. L. Levin, N. F. Rukavishnikov,47 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Rechnoy Transport SSSR, 1917-1957,1957, pp 235-286. .JPRS-IL-1849-D

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USSREconomic (Contd)

Waterways, by S, A. Zernov, N. A. Dotanevskiy,S. I. Sukiariv, 48 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Hechnoy Transport SSSR 1917-1957,1957, pp 289-337. PRS-L-1849-D

Means of Communication, by D. K. Sukhov, 8 pp.RUSSLAN, bk, Rechnoy Transport SSR 1917-1957,1957, pp 335-340. JPRS-L-1849-D

Const ruction, by B. V. Yegorov, V. M. Balanin,G. M. V'y'ntsov, N. Ye. Karasev, L. P. Lavrino-vich, V. G. Trufanov, ,3 PP.RUSSIAN, bk, Rechnoy Transport SSk 1917-1957,1957; pp 343-386. JPRS-L-1849-D

Labor and Cadres, by B. A. Kalinin, K. N.Kolichenko, V. S. Protasov, P. P. Sidorov, 41 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Rechnoy Transport SSSR 1917-1957,1957, pp 389-730. JPRS-L-1849-D

Science, by L. A. Ivanov, V. P. Kuznetsov,42 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Rechnoy Transport SSSR 1917-1957,1957, pp 433-472. JPRS-L-1849-D

The Driver's Role in Vehicle Utilization, byA. V. Karyagin, 5 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Ustroystvok Obsluzhlvaniye iPravila Dvizheniya Avtomobiley, 195B, Moscow, 525th MI Gp,pp 13-15. H-4646

Influence of Drought Upon the Potato Yield, byA. I. Rudenko.RUSSIAN, bk, Zasukhi v SSSR, Ikh Proiskhozhdenie,Povtoriyaemost' i Vliyanie na Urozhai, 1955,pp 71-bb. 9042512 USDA

Selected Translations on Soviet Agriculture(Including Crops, Implements, and Livestock),(DC-2700/5).RUSSIAN, np, per. *JPP.


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USSREconomic (Contd)

Selected Translations on the Soviet Constructionand Building Materials Industry, (NY-2800/6).RMUSSIN, np, per, 1959. *JHR

Acceptance Testing - An Indispensable Phase inEngine Manufacture.RUSSIAN, per, Aviatsionnaya Prom, No 6, 1948,pp 41-43. *AID

Determination of the Rational Sequence andAmount of Automation in Production Pr'ocesses,by V. L. Lossievskiy.RUSSIAN, per, Avtom Proiz Protsessov, No 2,1958, pp 83-93. LLU Tr Bul Aug 1959

1. LAZ-695 Intercity Bus; 2. MOSKVICH-423Well Used as a Taxi; 3. MOSIC'ICH Models for1958; 4. RAF-10 Small Bus; 5. SKODA-1201Automobile; 6. PRAGA-S5T Truck, 4 pp. 525th MI Gp,RUSSIAN, per, Avtomobil Trans, No 4, 1958. H-4598

Economic Problems of Garage Construction, byL. Davidovich, 10 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Avtomobil Trans, No 6, 1958,pp 32-35- ACSI, H-4525

Prospectives of Development of the AutomotiveIndustry in the USSR, by V. Selifonov, 6 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Avtomobil Trans, No 12, 1958,pp 4, 5. ACSI, H-3522, A

Central Tire Pressure Control System, byG. Armand, G. Pral, 5 PP.DUSSIAN, per, Avtomobil Trans, No 12, 1958,pp 29-32. ACSI, H-3522, B

The Development of Livestock in the USSRDuring the Seven-Year Plan Period, by F.Krest 'yaninov, (DC-2700/6)RUSSIAN, per, Ekon Sel'skogo Khoz, No 4, 1959,pp 10-20.


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USSREconomic (Contd)

Basic Results in Construction During 195e, byA. Ginzburg, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Ekonomika Stroite.'stv-a, No b,1959, pp 8-16i JPRS-i866-N

The Iron Ore Base of Central Kazakhstan, byI. S. Shapiro, (NY-3GOO/5).RUSSIAN, per, Gornyy Zhur, No 8, 1959, pp 6-9. *JPRS

Joyous Results, Proud Outlooks, by K. Sharapov,5 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Grazhdanskaya Aviatsiya, No 11,1958, pp 3-5. ATIC MCL-l/V

Big Deeds of "Small" Aviation, by Klara Belik,6 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Grazhdanskaya Aviatsiya., No 11,1958, pp 5-7. ATIC MCL-1/V

New Jig for TU-104 at Aircraft-Repair Establish-ments, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Grazhdanskaya Aviatsiya, No 1, May1959. AF 1255777

The Introduction of Advanced Measuring Equipmentand Instruments for the Automation of the Controland Regulation of Production Processes Is anImportant Task for the National Economy,(r-3oo0/4).RUSSIAN, per, Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No 6,1959, pp 1-4. *JPRS

The Automobile Everybody Is Waiting For, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, rip, Izvestiya, 31 Mar 1959. AF 1255885

This Method Has a Great Future, 5 PP1RUSSIAN, np, Izvesti2 , 8 May 1959. AF 1255874

Direct Iron Production From Ore Without BlastFurnace, by N. N. Dobrokhtov, K. E. Makhorin.RUSSIAN, per, Isz Vysshikh Uchebnykh ZavedeniChern Met, No iC, 195B, pp 3-13.H i 4614

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USSREconomic (Contd)

Soviet RadiQ Component., (NY-2944).RUSSIAN, per, IZ Vashikh Uchebaykh Zave4einy..Radiotekhnika, No 3, May/Jua. 1959, pp 2b7-202. *JIRS

The Hungarian Nonferrous Metals Industry, by A. I.Belyayev, I. L. Perlin, (NY-3001/3).RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy,Tsvetnaya Metallurgiya, No 6, 1958, pp 14 3-i 4 6. *•

Production of Refrigerating Plant in the USSR,by I. Geller.RUSSIAN, per, Kholodil'naya Tekh, No 2, 1959,

S4.-17-:.LU A- a Aug 1959

Modernization of Equipment -- An ImportantFactor in Technological Progress, by A. Prokopo-vich, (NY-3000/5).RUSSIAN, per, Komnunist, No 8, 1959, PP 37-44. *JPRS

Is Capital Repair of Equipment Necessary?, byA. Vladziyevskiy, M. Yakobson, (NY-3000/5).RUSSIAN, per, Kommunist, No 9, 1959, pP 35-39. *JPRS

Toward Broad Automation of Chemical Production,(NY-3000/4).RUSSIAN, per, Mekh i Avtomat Proiz, No 5, 1959,pp 3-5- *J.RS

Problems in the Further Development of Over-AllMechanization and Automation of Construction,(NY-2900/6) •RUSSIAN, per, Mekh Stroi, No 8, 1959, PP 1-3. *JPRS

The 1958 Plan of Work by the All Union Scien-tific Research Institute for the Meat Industry(VNIINP).RUSSIAN, per, Myasnaa Industriya SSSR, Vol XXIX,No 3, p 54. WIIR LU RTS 1191

The Coal and Petroleum of Kaza1~stan, by M.Isen-v, (NY-3000/5).RUSSIAN, per, Narodnoye Khoz Kazakh, No 4,1959, pp 20-27. *JPRS


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IUSSREconomic (Contd)

Norderrous Metallurgy and TechnologicalProgreas, by B. Novozhilov, (NT -3001/2).1R'JSSIAN., per, Narodnoye Khoz Kazakhstana,No 4, 1959, pp 2BU-31L

Course of the Development of Machine Buildingin, the Republic, by A. Baranov, R. Petukhov,

RUSSIAN, per, %arodnoye Khoz Kazakhstana,No 5, 1959s pp 103-24. PR

We Will Fulfill the First Year of the Seven-Year Plan- Ahead off Schedule, by V. W-i 'dn-an;M. IMaslov. CNY-3CQ1/2).RUSSIAN, per, Naradnoye Yhn~z Kazakhstana,No 5: 1959,. pp 35-.LO. *JPRS

Orver-All Mechanization and Automation ofProduction -- A Deciding Factor in the Success-ful Fulfillment of the Seven-Year Plan, byP. Boldyrev, 'NY-3OOO/5).RUSS.A~n, per, Narodnoye Qhoz Kazakhstaria,No 6; 1959, pp 3-7, *JFRS

Expan~sion of the Oil and Gas industries ofthe Ukrainian SS? in 1959-1965, by N. A.Gorev, V. M. Bayevioh, (,NY.-3000/5).RUSSIAN, per, Left Khoz, No 7; 1959; PP 7-12. *JPRS

Reserves for increasing Labor Productivity inthe Oil industry, by V. P. Kaufman, P. N.Kuz'mov: (NY-3000/5).ýRUSSMA, per, Neft Kho No 7, 1959, PP 12-17. *JPPM

Economics and Cu~lture of Soviet KazakhstanDuring the Seven-Year Plan, by T. Tulebayev,(NY-3000/M.RuSSIAN, per, Plan Xhoz., No 1f, 1959, pp 66-71. JR

Distribution of Industrial Production Underthe Seven-Year Plan, by N. Oznobin. (NY-3000/5).RUSSIAN, per, Plan lKioz, No 7, 1959, PP 59-69.*JR


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Economic (contd)

The Blazing Torches Are on the Increase, 4 pp.RWSIAB, nip, Pravda, 2 Jan 1959. AF 1255878

Something New in Leningrad Housing Construction,by N. Rodionov, 5 PP.RUSSIAN, np, Pravda, ' Jun 1959, pp 6-11. JPRS-1866-N

The Ural Atom Power Plant.RUSSIAN, np, Pravda, 29 Aug 1959, p I. *AID

Plant News, (NY-2900/6).RUSSIAN, per, Prom Energet, No 6, 1959, p 42. *JppS

Domestic Heavy-Current Capacitor Manufacturingon the Level of Contemporary Tasks, by M. I.Kireyev, (NY-2900/6).RUSSIAN, per, Prom Energet, No 8, 1959, pp 6-8. *JPRS

Concerning M. I. Kireyev's Article "DomesticHeavy-Current Capacitor Manufacturing on theLevel of Contemporary Tasks," by M. M. Morozov,(NY-2900/6). 2ARUSSIAN, per, Prom Energet, No 8, 1959, pp 8-10. *JPRS

Some Problems in Making Standard Designs forThermal Electric Power Stations, by A. A.Sedov, 12 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Prom Stroitel, No 5, 1959,pp 6-11. JPRS-1866-N

Build Open-Type Thermal Electric Power Stations,by L. A. Ludkevich, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Prom Stroitel, No 5, 1959,pp 22-26. JPRS-:866-N

Bauxite Deposits in the Northern Part of theWestern Siberian Plain, by V. V. Vdovin,(NY-3001/3).RUSSIAN, per, Razvedka i Okhrana Nedr, No 4,1959, pp 4-6. *JPS

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USSREconomic (C,;ntd)

Twenty-Five Years of Existence of the AralRegion Experimsntal Station, by Yu. I. Kirilov,C, E. S•mirayev.RUSSIAN, per, 2elek i Semen Vol XXITI, No 5,Sep/Oct 1958, pp 25-30. 9C42526 USi

Construction of Mining Enterprise6 in Non-ferrous Metallurgy During 1959-1965, by

RUSSIAN, per, Shakhtnoye Stroitelstvo, No 3,1959, pp 6-9. *JPRS

On the Longest Airway (From Leningrad to Vladivo-stok in 9 Flying Hours), by G. Smirnov, 4 pp.RUSSIAN: np, Sovet Aviatsiya. No 121, 26 Mar 1959,p 4. 649243 ATIC MCL-250/V

Open Hearth Furnace Performance and Capacity,(NY-2945).RUSSIAN, per, Stal, No 7, 1959, pp 6o4-614. *JPRS

The Development of Industrial Television inthe USSR, (NY-3000 1/4).RUSSIAN, per, Tekhnika Kino i Televideniya,No 7; 1959, pp 1-4. *JPRS

The Smallest (Automobile), by Yu. Dolmatov-skiy: 3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Tekh Molodezhi, No 5, 1959,pp 19-21. OTIA Tr 33

How Can We Produce Substances Which AreHarder Than Diamonds, by S. Gushchev.RUSSIAN, per, Tekh Molodezhi, No 6, 1959,pp 7-9. *ATIC MCL-351/III

The Windrower, by I. Ceorgiyevskiy, (DC-2700/6).RUSSIAN, per, Tekhnika v Sel'stom Khozyaystva,No 7, 1959: pp 77--9 *JPRS

improvement of Power Station Economy by FuelDrying, by N M. Mikhaylov.RUSSIAN, per, T eploenergetika, Vol IV, No 2,1957, pp 20-23. DSIR LU M.456


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USSREconomic (Contd)

Determining the Production Costs of ComplexRaw Material in Zinc Plants, by I. M. Gratser-htey%, L. A, Nezhins"#, (NY-3001/3).

RUSSIAN, per, Tvetny• Mtlly, No 5, i959,pp 10-15. *JPRS

Concentrating Aluminum Ores, by A. V. Penin,(NY-3CC1/3).RUSSIAN, per, Tsvetnyye MetLIX, No 5, 1959,pp Zq-24. *JPRS

How Further to Improve and Intensify theElectrorefining of Copper, by A. I. LAvin,V. I. Vlasov, (NY-30C1/3).RUSSIAN, per, Tsvetnyye Metally. No 5, 1959,pp 32-37. *JPRS

Over-All Automation of a Bauxite Wet GrindingDepartment, by V. I. Gusarov, A. M. Samoylin,(NY-30C1/2).RUSSIAN, per, Tsvetnyye Metally, No 6, 1959,pp 26-30. *JPRS

Dust From Lead Production as One of the Sourcesof Obtaining Dispersed Elements, by M. A.Vinogradova, (NY-3001/2).RUSSIAN, per, Tsvetnyye Metally, No 6, 1959,pp 39-41. *JFRS

Development of OpeL-Pit Extraction in theKuzbass, by K. M. Zvyagintseva, 7 pp.RUSSIAN, per, U _• No 7, 1959, pp 8-10. JPP..-L-978-N

The Development of the Coal Ind'ustry in theKazakh SSR, by A. G. Mm'achenko, 13 pp.RUSSIAN, per, gol', No 7, 1959, pp 25-30. JPRS-L-978-N

Raising labor Productivity and Reducing Costin the Concentrating of Coal at ConcentrationMills, by V. A. Malinovskiy, 12 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Ugol, No 7, 1959, pp 50-55. JPRS-L-978-N


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USSREconomic (Contd)

Measures for Sharp Curtailment of Output ofAnthracite Fines in the Donbas*, by V. A.

R•UtSSIAN per, Uo.1 No7, 1959, Pp 55-58. JPS-L-978-N

The Nephelines of Central Kazakhustan asResources of Aluminum for the Favlodar Plant,by V. K. MWnich, A. N. Nurlybayev, (NY-3Uu1/3).RUSSIAN. per, Vest Ak Nauk FAzakh.SSR, No 5,1959; pp 3-9. *JPRS

Raise the Work of Scientific AgriculturalInstitutions to the .evel of the New Problem,by P. P. Lobanov.RUSSIAN, per, Vest Soi'skokhoz Nauh, Vol IV,No 3, 1959, pp 3-18. 964248= USDA

Certain Regularities in the Inheritance of theCapacity for Producing Milk of High Fat Content,by R. P. Zhebe nka.RUSSIAN, per, Vest Sel'skokhoz Nauk, Vol IV,No 3, 1959, pp 59-65. 90*249i USDA

Methods of Working Out Seven-Year Plans forKolkhoze6, by G. K.- Rusakov. (DC-27CO/6)ýRUSSIAN, per, Vest Sel'skokhL _Nauk. No 5,1959, pp 11-20. *JPRS

Separate Three-Stage Harvesting of GrainCrops, by I. Zhegalov, (DC-2700/6).RUSSIAN, per, Vest Sel'skokhoz Nauk, NoE6,1959, pp 98-107. *JPRS

Statistical Materials - Development ofIndustrial Production by Union Republics,(NY-2976).RUSSIAN, per, Vest Statistiki, No 6, 1959,pp 81-96. *3Pps

Grading Meat Carcasses According to Fatness,by V. A. Kuznetsov.RUSSIAN, per, Veterinariya, Vol XOXXV, No 6,1958, pp 34-37- DSIR LLU RTS 1190

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UssREconomic (Contd)

In the Scientific-Technical Council of the USSRMinlstry of Agriculture.HUSSIAM, per, Veterinariyt, Vol %XMVI, No 5,1959, PP 85-89. 9042521 USDA

Through the Soviet Union.RUSSIAN, per, Veterinariya, Vol XXXVI, No 5,1959, pp 90-95. 9C4522 USDA

In the USSR Ministry of Agriculture.RUSSIAN, per, Veterinar7-a, Vol 9l, No 6,1959, Pp 87-9e . i 9,i42533 USVV.

Through the Soviet Union.RUSSIAN, per, Veternariya, Vol X=-VI, No 6,1959, pp 94-96. 9042531 USDA

Economic Effectiveness of Herbicides on WinterWheat, by V. I. Oleinichenko, V. A. Ryndin,G. A. Markelov.RUSSIAN, per, Zashchita Rastenii ot Vreditelei iBoleznei, Vol IV, No 2, 1959, pp 10-12.9042491 USDA

Helicopters in Orchards and Vineyards, by S. G.Starostin, V. P. Bondin.RUSSIAN, per, Zashchita Rastenii ot Vreditelei iBoleznei, Vol IV, No 2, 1959, PP 15-17, 9042497 USDA

The Production of Steel by Mixing and Reduction-Alloying Processes, by H. J. Eckstein.GERMAN, per, Neue Huette, No 4, 1959, pp 250-252. HB 4620

Analysis of Soviet Seven-Year Economic Plan,5 pp.GM14A0, per, 'VDI "Nachrichten, 4 Jul 1959 AF 1265951On the Results of Scientific Work on theComplex Problem of "Scientific Principles for

Automation and Telemechanization of ProductionProcesses" f~r 1958, (NY-3000/4).UKRAINIAN, .r, Avtomatika, No 2, 1959,pp 109-111. *JPR


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USSRPoli tical

Collegiality and One-Man Mznageuat in the SovietState Administratior; by Yu. M. Kozlov, (DC-3056).RUSSIAN, bk, Kollegialnost i Yedinom.chaliae v

Sovetskom Gosudarstvennom Upravleniye, 1956,pp 24-51. S

Higher and Local Party Organs, by L. Slepov,(w-3o31).RUSSIAN, bk, Vyzshiye i Mestnýye Organy Partiy,1958, 102 pp. *JHLS

"The Doctrine of "Measured-Out" Aggression,RUSSIAN, np, Krasnaya Zvezda, 8 Jul 1959. *AID

LaT-ntable Result Vain Illusions.RUSSIAN, np, Krasnaya Zvezda, 5 Aug 1959, p 4. *AID

American "Game of Partisans."RUSSIAN, np, Krasnaya Zvezda, 21 Aug 1959, p 4. *AID

Current Problems of World Politics, (DC-3o23).RUSSIAN, per, Mirovaya Ekon i MezhdunarodnyyeOtnosheniya, No 7, Moscow, 1959, PP 3-43. *JFRs

The Base of Aggreusion in the Arctic.RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Aviatslya, 11 Jun 1959, p 4. *AID

The Facts Speaks.RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Patriot, 19 Aug 1959, p I- *AID

Problems and Reality of the USSR: The Party,(Dc-3o25).ITALIAN, bk, Problemi e Realta dell' U1E3S,publ by PCI Delegation to USSR, Rome, 1958,pp 43-83. *JPRS


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Training of Military Surgeous, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, encyclopedia, Bol'shaya MeditainskaysZntaiklopediya Vol V, Moscow, 195. AF 1255896

Methods of Computing Photo Data for Photo-reconnaissance Missions, by V. I. Sokolov; 16 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Spravochnik Aviatsionzogo Shturmna,1957, pp 191, 367-356. AF 125588o

Rear Services of Soviet Armed Forces, (DC-3043).RUSSIAN, bk, Vooruzhennye Sily SSSR (SluzbbaRy12, 1958. - *JPRSMilitary Hygiene, by V. A. Spasskiy, V. A.

Arkayev.RUSSIAN, bk, Voyennaya Gigiyena, 1956. *ACSI, H-4 515

Man of God or a Parasite, by Yuriy Shvarev,(Ox-L8oo/7).RUSSIAN, rnp, Komsomol'skaya Pravda, Moscow,15 Apr 1959, p 2. *JPRS

Changes in the Uniform Supply of Servicemen,by F. Tarmosin, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, np, Krasnaya Zvezda, 10 Mar 1959. JPRS-810--D

Qualities Required in Submariners, by I.Kucherenko, 15 pp.RUSSIAN, np, Krasnaya Zvezda, 13-15 Mar 1959. JPRS-882-D

Psychological Conditioning of Troops, by K.Platonov, 5 PP.RUSSIAN, np, Krasnaya Zvezda, 24 March 1959,p 2. JPRS-882-D

Military Trade Information, by P. V. Kochetkov,4 pp.RUSSIAN, np, Krasnaya Zvezda, 7 Apr 1959. JPRS-882-D

Soviet Military Psychology, by V. Gavrilyuk,5 pp.RUSSIAN, up, Kra.naya Zvezda, 18 Apr 1959. JPRS-882-D

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USSRMilitary (Contd)

Mountain Warfare, by V. Kuz'mich, 3 PP.RUSSIAN,9 ap, Krazsnay Zmida, 30 Apr 1959- JP -882 -D

Glider Flying Instructions, 3 pp-RUSSIANi, per, KryJ'ya Rodiny, No 2, 1959. AF 1255850

Air Defence Training Aids; 3 pp.RUSSIAN, np, Kry••y• Rodiny, No 3, 1959, p 19. JPRS-882-D

Our Aviators Are Attacking the Stratosphere,by V. Vavilov, N. Denisov.RUSSIAN, np, Pravda, No 200, 19 Jul 1959, p 6. *ATIC MCL-354/III

Bombers Evade Attack, by A. Krylov, 4 pp.

RUSSIAN, np; Sovet Aviatsiya; 10 jan 1959. JIRs-S1i-D

Landing Bombers With Headlights, by A.

Magnitskiy, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Aviatsiya, 14 Jan 1959. JPIS-810-D

Strict Observance of Soviet Laws Is the SacredDuty of Each Soldier, by P. Gureyev, 5 PP-RUSSIAN, rip, Sovet Aviatsiya, 15 Jan 1959. JlR-8lO-D

Perfect Syrtematic Flight Training of Commanders,by N. Papivin, 5 pn.RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Aviatslya, 15 Jan 1959. JPRS-810-D

In an Air Battle, by A. Kumanichkin, 5 pp.RUSSIANv rip, Sovet Aviatsiya, 18 Jan 1959. JpRs-Slo-D

Our Experience in Maintenance of Aircraftin Low Temperature, by N. Dobrenko, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, np, So'vet Aviatsiya, 18 Jan 1959. JPRS-81O-D

Air Reconnaissance at Night, by L. Sedykh,pp-

RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Aviatsiya, 17 Feb 1959. JPRS-810-D

On the Right of Innovators to Compensation,by A. Dyul'din, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Aviatsiya 27 Feb 1959. JPRS-SO-D

Methods of Teaching Technical Subjects, 3 PP.RUSSIAN., np, Sovet Aviatsiya, 3 Apr 1959 AF 1255873

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USSRMilit.zry (Contd)

Piloted Aircraft Development, by V. Altukhov,4 pp.RUSSIA, np, Sovet Aviatslya, 18 Apr 1959. JPRS-882-D

Two Record Jumps of Parachutists.RUSSIAN, np; Sovet Aviatsiya, 5 Sep 1959, p 4. *AID

Airnraft Direct Torpedo Boat Attack, by Ye.Nayshuler, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Flot, 5 Mar 1959. JPRS-882-D

Library of Radar Equipment, by S. Barchenkov,3 pp.RUSSIAN, up, Sovet Flot, 1i Mar 1959 JPRS-810-D

In the First Course, by M. Krupskiy, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Flot, 26 Mar 1959. JPRS-810-D

To Regulate the Working Hours of Air Crews,3 pp.RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Flot, 28 Mar 1959. AF 1255855

Naval Off-*cer Candidate Training, by S.Kucherov. 5 PP.RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Flot, 28 Mar 1959 JPRS-882-D

Tactical Training of Submarine Officers, by

V. Preobrazhenskiy, 5 PP-RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Flot, 4 Apr 1959. JPRS-882-D

Memoirs of an American Intelligence Officer,Radm Zacharias, by Lt Col A. Efremov.RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Flot, 11 Apr 1959, p 4. Navy 2241/ONI 545

"Exotic" Plans of American Admirals.RUSSIAN, np, Sorer Flot, 2 Sep 1959, P 3. *AID

Order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR.RUSSIAN, up, Sovet Flot, 5 Sep 1959, P 1. *AID

Lithuanian Republic DOSAAF Plenum, by S.Ivanov, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Patriot, 25 Feb 1959. jpRS-882-D


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USSRMilitary (Ccntd)

When Work Is Undertaken Together, by A. Maksimov,4 pp.RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Patriot, 2P Feb 1959. JPB-81U-D

?ublic Instructor -- Central Figure in Training,A Review of Letters, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Patriot) 11 Mar 1959. JTRs-8io-D

Khmel'nitskaya Oblast Dosaaf Enrollment, by P.Kostenko, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, npp, Jovet Patriot, 11 Mar 1959. JPRS-882-D

Uzvek Republic Dosaaf Plenum, 4 pp.RUSSIAN; np, Sovet Patriot, 15 Mar 1959. JPRS-882-D

Dosaaf Finax~ces, by A. Komissarov, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Patriot, 18 Mar 1959. JPS-882-D

Dosaaf Meeting in Sverdlovsk, by A. Maksimov,6 pp.RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Patriot, 22 Mar 1959. JPRS-882-D

Dosaaf Meeting in Moscow, by Yu. Ordin, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Patriot, 25 Mar 1959. JPRS-882-D

Servicing and Repair of Armored Materiel atNight, by L. Fedoseyev, M. Maryutinv 5 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Tankist, No 3, 1958, pp 52, 53- ACSI, H-3740

Recoilless Weapons, by M. Yemelin.RUSSIAN, per, V oyennyye Znaniya, No 5, 1959,pp 16, 17. *ACSI, H-4620

The Soviet Union Missile Program, by VictorAlexandrov, 1C pp.FINNISH, np, Uusi Suomi, Helsinki, May/Jun 1959. AF 1232849

The Soviet-Built Mi-6 Helicopter, 4 pp.POLISH, per, Skrzydlata Polska, No 16, Jun 1959. AF 1255907

New Record Established by Soviet Parachutists.POLISH, per, Skrzydlata Polska, No 29, 1959, p 6. *AID

New Soviet Aircraft to Fly Over Polar Regions.POLISH. pa-, Skrzydlata Polska, No 30, 1959, P 3. *AID

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How Psychology Rrefutes Religious Superstitions,by V. S. MAtveyev, (DC-3037).RUSIAN, bk, l~k Paikhologiya ovorgyetReligiozniye Suyeveriya, 1959, PP 3-32. *JPRS

Several Forms and Methods of Scientific-Atheistic Propaganda, by V. P. Il'in, 12 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Materialism i Religiya, 1953,pp 17-28. JFPSS-916 -D

The Role of Art in the Struggle Against ReligiousPrejudices, by P. S. Popov, 11 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Materializm i Religiya, 1958,pp 29-39. 0PS-916-;

Higher School (Main Decrees, Orders, andInstructions), by L. I. Karpov, V. A. Severtsev,355 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Vysshaya Shkola, Fart 1-3, 195PP 3-66& JPRS-891-D

Higher School (Main Decrees, Orders, and Instruc-tions), by L. I. Karpov, V. A. Severtsev, 395 PP.-RUSSIAN, bk, Vysshaya Shkola, Part 4-7, 1957,666 pp. J S-898-D

Development of the Method of Teaching Physicsin the USSR, by I. I. Sokolov, 27 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Fiz v Shkole, No 5, 1957, PP 23-36. ACSI, H-4084

The Start of a New Science.RUSSIAN, np, Komsomol'skaya Pravda, 29 Aug 1959,p 2. *AID

The Training of Teachers of Mathematics inPedagogical Institutes, by V. I. Levin, 12 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Matemat Prosvesh, No 3, 1958,pp 77-88. LLU Tr Bul Jun 1959

On One Approach to Semantics, by D. G. Lakhuti,I. I. Revzin, V. K. Finn, (DC-3901/4).RUSSIAN, per, Nauchnyye Dok Vysshey Shkoly,Filosofskiye Nsuki, No 1, Jan/Mar 1959,pp 207-219. *JppS

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USSRSociological (Contd)

Nearer to Contemporariness, by F. Baturin,(rC-3cA2).RUSSIAN, per, Part Mya Zhizn So 15, Aug 1959,np 70-73. *j/w

Atheistic Instruction in Lessons for the Fifth-Seventh Grades, by A. A. Vasil'yev, 6 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Prepodavaniye Istorii v Shkolje,No 44, Jul/Aug 1959, pp 77-el. JFRS-916-D

Aviation Badges.RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Aviatsiya, 21 Aug 1959, p 1, *AID

Rogues and Obscurantists, by A. Stuk, 8 pp.RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Belorussiya, No Ib8, Minsk,2 Aug 1959, p - JFRS-930-D

Black Cassock, Black Deed, by V. Kushner,(DC-3o67).RUSSIAN, nl% Sovet Belorussiya, Minsk, 16 Aug1959, p 3. *jPRS

In Holy Snares, by A. Andreyev, (DC-3067).RUSSIAN, ap, Sovet Belorussiya, Minsk, 5 Sep1959, pp 2, 3. *JPRS

Why I Ceased to Be a Priest, by AleksandrVlasov, 6 pp.RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Lit, No 173, Vil'nyus,26 Jul 1959, pp 2, 3. JPRS-929-D

Flying Training Without Accidents, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Patriot, 25 Mar 1959. AF 1255892

Bridgeman's Operationalism, by B. E. Bykhovskiy,22 pp.RUSSIAN, per; Voprosy Filosofii, No 2, 1958,pp 75-89, JPRS-L-1829-D


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USSRSociological (Contd)

On Overcoming Religious Revivals in the USSR,by S. N. IDwyalw,,, (DC-3033).RUSSIAN, per, V roey Fil oof Ii, ft 8, 1959,pp 180-186.

Basic Problems of Applied Linguistics, byN. D. Aidreyev, L. R. Zinder, (DC-3901/4).RUSSIAN, per, Voprosy Yaz'koznaniya, No 4,Jul/Aug 1959, pp 3-19. *JP!S


Soviet Scientific Personalities and Organiza-tions, 22 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Malaya Sovetskaya Entisiklopediya,Vol I, 1958. JPRS-L-1872-D

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Albanian Statistical Yearbook, 1958,.(DC-3047).ALBANIIAN, bk, Anuari. Statistikor iRepublies Popu.lore te Shqiperipe e195U_, 177 pp. *JPa

Corn to Increase Meat and Milk Production,by )aqo Como, 4 pp.ALBANIAN, per, Bashkimi, Tirana, 14 Jun1959, p 1. JPRS 1856-N

Irprcmaents in Planning Methodology, byAbdyl Backa, 15 pp.ALBANIAN, per, Ekonomia P2ý1lore, Vol VI,No 3, Maylam 19-59, PP 3b-47." JP• 1868-N

L'mportant Tasks for Transportation Workers,3 pp-ALBANIAN, per, Zeri i Popullit, Vol XVIII,No 143, Tirana, 1,4 Jun 1959, P 1. JpFS 1867-N

The Balance of Monetary Income and Expendi-tures for the Population in 1958, by NeychoGugovski, Nikola Lazarov, 10 pp.BULGARIAN, per, Finansi i Kredit, No 4, 1958,;p 19-26. JPRS 1891-N

Kolarovgrad, by Svetlin Kiradzb.iev, 6 pp.BULGARIAN, per, Geografiya, No 1, Sofia,1959, pp 3-7. JFRS L-1867-D

Tlhe Economic Effect of Electrification ofthe Bulgarian Railroads, by Radka Naydenova,5 pp.BULGARIAN, per, Geograffiya, No 5, Sofia, 1959,pp 1-3. JiS 1891-N

The Forests and Forest Economy of Albania,by St. Dimitrov, 10 pp.BULGARIAN, per, Gorsko Stolastvo, No 4,Sofia, 1959, pp 33-39. JPRS 1860-N

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Eastern EuropeEconomic (Contd)

The Economical Expenditure and Regenerationof Mineral Lubricating Oils -- A Bourc ofSreat Sav'ngs, by M. 0"msrimov, D. Thseherv,14 pp.BULGARIAN, per, Planovo Stopanstvo, Vol XIV,No 2, Mar/Apr 1959, pp 62-92. JPRS 1885-N

Television in Bulgaria, 4 pp.BULGARIAN, per, Radio i Televisija, No 2,Sofia, 1959, pp 1, 2. JPRS 1891-N

On the Cost of Production in TKZS, by VasilMishev, ii lpp.

BULGARIAN, per, Seiskostopanska Misui, Vol IV,No 3, 1959, pp 169-1767 JPRS 1860-N

Crossing the Border of the Country WithoutPermission or at Points Other Than ThoseSpecified for This Purpose - Article 275of the Penal Code, by Nikola Manchev, 12 pp.BUIGARIAN, per, Sotsialistichesko Fravo,No 2, Sofia, 1959, pp 16-24. JPRS L-1851-D

Reserves for Fulfilling the ConstructionPlan Ahead of Schedule, by Radenko Vidiaski,10 pp.BULGARIAN, per, Stroitelstvo, No 1, 1959,pp 1-4. JPRS 1891-N

Regulation of Wages in Machine Building, bySimeon Radev, 13 pP.BULGARIAN, per, Tezhka Promishlenost, VolVIII, No 4, 1959, pp k-8. JPRS 1860-N

Speeding the Electrification of the BulgarieaRail Lines, 11 pp.BULGARIAN, per, TrDasportno Delo, No 4, Sofia,1959, pp 1-6. JPRS 1868-N

Experience of the Maribor Motor Vehicl?• .. ,.-tory in the Manufacture of Special Ve.iclee,3 pp.CROATIAN, per, Tehntka, No 11, 1958, pp 318,319. ACSI, H-4624


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.astern EuropeEconomic (Contd)

On the Problems of Topographice1 Ma'pping inthe 1:10, 000 Scale by the Lbiversal Photo-g-ametrica! Method, by EnM Stenislav J.a-os,(NY-2075).CZECH, per, Geodeticky a Kartograficky Obzor,No 4, Pragve.. 1959, PP 72-75- *JPRS

Assembled Construction of the Superstructureof Lhbt Orilk Hy roclectric Po-wer Plantw, byEngr Jan Mares, (NY-2974).CZECH, per, Inzenyrske Stavby, No 5, Prague,1959, pp 170-174. *JPRS

Ihe International Division of Labor AmongSocialist Countries, by Dusana Machova, 25 pp.CZECH, per, N, No 5, 1959, pp 458-47 3 . JPRS 1891-N

Consumption of Textile Products, by JaromirKre3ta, 15 PP.CZECH, per, Planovane Hospodarstvi, No 3,Prague, 1959, PP 183-196. JP1M 1873-N

~ ~ ionof Coastructiou Ma-terials, by Josef Churacek, Josef Krofta,13 pp.CZECH, per, Planovane Hospodarstvi, No 3,Prague, 1959, 197-205. P 1873-N

Problems of Establishing and Assuring theRates of Growth of Labor Productivity inLong-Range Plans, by Engr Milos Pick, (NY-2973).CZECH, per, Planovane Hospodarstvi, No 4,Pragae, Mar 1959, PP 241-259. *JPRS

Measuring Labor Productivity in the New Plan-ning Methodology, by Dr Or;droslav Sokol,

CZECH, per, Planovane Hospodarstvi, No 4,Prague, Mar 3.959, pp 260-268. *JPRS

xparsion of Prodiuction of Construction Ma-terials, by Josef Krofta, Rngr Josef Churacek,(MY-2993).CZECH, per, Planovane Hosgodarstvi.., No 5,Prague, 1959, pP 391-370. *JFRS

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Eastern EuropeEconomic (Contd)

The Direettoa of )vel-cmgent of the LimeIndustry, by J. Krofta, (NY-299).CZECH, per, Stavivo, No 5, 1959, pp 153-156. *JPPS

Economic Analysis j.x the Fuel Industry, byJ. Vagner, M. Jakoubek, 16 pp.CZECH, per, khlii, Vol I, No 4, 1959, PP 137-141. JPRS 1863-N

Export of Industrial Plants From Czechoslo-vakia in the Pa:* Ten Years, by FrantisekMarek, 10 pp.CZECH, per, Zahranicni Obchod, No 6, Prague,1959, pp 2-9. JPRS 1885-N

Economic Analyses of JZD Management, by KarelSvoboda, Jaroslav Neumann, (NY-3006).CZECH, per, Zemedelska Ekonomika, Vol V, No 7,Prague, 1959, pp 511-531. *JPRS

Using Productive Costb for Analysis of EconomicResults in a JRD, by Mikulas Sebesta, (NY-3006).CZECH, per, Zemedelska Ekonomika, Vol V, No 7,Prague, 1959, pp 567-578. *JMRS

Analysis of M,,in Factors in the Gross andMarketable Ploduction Cycle of the JZDs ofOne Okres, by DimitriJ Chora, (NY-3006).CZECH, per, Zemedelska Ekonomika, Vol V, No 7,Prague, 1959, pp 531-596. *JPRS

The Organization and Development of HungarianHeavy Indus-try, 1949-1955, 27 PP. (ID 2io9493).GERMAN. ACsI, H-4397

Translation and Glossary of East German Statis-tical Yearbook 1958, (DC-3062).GERMAN, bk, Statistisches Jahrbuch der DeutschenDemokratischLen"Republik, 1958, Berlin, 1959. *JPRS

Significance and Content of thae Law ConcerningAgricultural Producer Cooperatives, by W.Schmidt, 13 pp.GERMAN, per, Die Deutsche Landwirtschaft, Vol X,No 5, 1959, pp 209-213. JpRS 1360-N

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Lastern Europe

Economic (Contd)

Plant Cultivation and Seed Production, byIlse Malss, 0. Koehler, 6 pp.

GERMAN, per, Die Deutsche Landwirtschaft,Vol X, No 5, 1959, pp 231-233. JPPS 1860-N

Railroad Mail Shipment in East Germany, by

GerhLrd Reber, 14 pp.GERMAN, per, Die Deutsche Post, No 6, 1959,pp 162-169. JPc S67-N

Air Mail Shipment, by Hans Joachim Reich,

G•.•AN, per, Die Deutsche Post, No 6, 1959,pp 203-207. JRS 1867-N

Problems in the Development of High-VoltageInstallatlon Manufacturing and ConstructionEnterprises, by Willi Stoecker, (NY-2988).GERMWAN, per, Der Elektro-Praktiker, Vol XIII,No 7, Berlin, 1959, pp 15>-196. *JPRS

Definition of Electric Power Concepts, byBeckmann, 7 pp.GERMAN, per, Energietechnik, Vol IX, No 5,1959, pp 226-22S. PR 18o1-N

Reorganization of the Integrated Power System,by W. Roesel• (NY-2982).GERMAN, per, Energietechnik, Vol IX, No 8,Berlin, 1959, PP 33770. *JPRS

Plans for the 380. Kilovolt Line in Past Ger-many, by G. Grosspetzsch, (NY-2982).GERMAN, per, Energietechnik, Vol IX, No 8,Berlin, 1959, pp 353-356.

Guiding Principles for Time and Cost inDocumentation Work, by J. Mathieu, S.Barlen.GERKAN, per, Forschung Berichte Wirts-uVerkehrms N-Rh-Westf, No 636, 1958, 54 pp. TIL T 4966


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Eastern EuropeEconomic (Contd)

Technical Doc-mentation Based on AvailableAbstracting Services, by H. A. Elsner.GIERMAN, per, Forsehung Beriehte Wirts-uVerkehrsm N-Rh-Westf, No 650, 195d, 35 PP- TM T 4967

Duroplastics in the Wood Industry, by Rober'Trautvetter, 7 pp.GERMAI, per, Holzinduscrie, No 3, 1959,pp 77-79. ACSI, H-41nl

Statuz> of T-evelopment of the CzechoslovakMachine Tools, by J. Tlusty, (NY-2959).GEPMAN, per, Maschinenbau Technik, Vol VIII,No 6, Berlin, 1959, PP 31i-316. *rPRS

The Development and Efficiency of DieselMotors, by Hans Rost, 25 pp.GERMAN, per, Schiffbautechnik, Vol IX, No 4,1959, PP 1&4-195. JPRS 18%5-N

The Current Major Tasks in the Field ofStandardization, by E. Bartzsch, (NY-2960).GERMAN, per, Standardisierung, Vol V, No 5,Barlin, 1959, pp 134-191. *JPRS

Northern Countries and East-West Trade, byr. P. Van der Mandele, 3 PP.GERM•ANJ per, Verkehr, No 23, Vienna, 6 -Jun1959, pp 8004,4M5 JPRS L-943-N

The Problem of Maintaining the MechanicalShops of the East German State Railroads, byHans Werner- Stroesner, 32 pp.GE•A, per, Die Werkstatt, No 2/3, 1959,pp 27-32, 56-=2 JPRS 1867-N

Radio Controlled Switching on the GDR Rail-roads, by G. Selge, J. Helm, 8 pp.GERMAN, per, Die Werkstatt, No 5, 1959, pP 101-

103. ms 1867-N

Translation and Glossary of Hungarian Statis-tical Yearbook 1956, 383 pp.HUNGARIAN, yrbk, Statisztikai Evkonyv 1956,Budapest, 1958. JPRS 700-D

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Eas •ero EuropeEconomic (Contd)

Translation and Glossary of the HungarianStatistical Yearbook 1957, (nc-3055).HUNGARIMN, bk, Statisztikai Zvkon-i' 1957,Budapest, l959, pp 1-69, 137-226, 267-362.

Food Consumption Trends in Hungary, (DC-3063).H1UNGA.IAN, monograph, Statiszttkai IdoszakiKozlemenyek: Az Elelmiszerforgyasztas Ala-kulasa Magyarorszagon, No 6, 1957, Index;pp 1, 2, 11, 23, 31, 32, 57, 71, table headings(horizontal, vertical) footnotes for pp 3-10,33-36, 38-41, 58-60; 7,4, 8.1-84. *JPRS

New Hungarian Railway Tariffs, by laszlo Halmos,4o pp.HUNGARIAN, per, Kozlekedesj Kozlon, Vol XIV,No 38-40, 21-28 Sep-5 Oct 1956/Budapest,pp 614-619, 631-637, 649, 650. JPRS 1856-N

Several Problems of Calculating and Employingthe Net Volume Index !n the Construction Ma-terials Industry, by Mrs Erno Huszar, 20 pp.HUNGARIAN, per, Statisztlkai Szemle, Vol XXXVII,No 6, Budapest, 1959, pp 633-642. JPm 1868-N

Development of the Construction Material Indus-try (1949-1958), (NY-2979).HUNGARIAN, per, Statisztikai Szemle. No 7,Budapest, 1959, pp 663-679. *JPRS

Freight Cars and Their Repairs.POLISH, bk, Wagony Towarowo i Ich NLaprawa,Chap 1, pp l1-13, 17, 24, 36, 40, Chap VIII,PP 335, 341, 351, 367, 369, 373, 375. *525th MC Gp, H-44,87

Discussion of Investments in the Cement In-dustry, by F. Zabiak, (NY-2956)POLISH, per, Cenent Wapno Cips, No 4, 1959,pp 81-86. *JPRS

Poss:b1,ltIes of Reducing investment Costs inConstruction of Cement Plants; by KonstantyWiczkowski, (NY-2997).POLISH, per, Cement Wapno Gips, Vol XV/XXiV,No 6, 1959, pp 133-135. *JPRS


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Eastern EuropeEconomic (Contd)

Economic and Extraction Problems in theExploitation of Raw Materials for the PolishCement Industry (with Data on East Gerumy),by Adam Trembecki, (Na-2998).POLISH, per, Cement Wapno Gips, Vol XV/XXIV,No 7, 8, 1959, pP l66-189. *PS

Results of Pilot-Plant Production of Low-Soda Content Super Thomas Meal, by JerzyGdynia, (NY-3008).POLISH, per, Chemik, Vol XII, No 5, 1959,pp 194-197. *JPRS

Organization and Work of the Hungarian HighwayResearch Institute, by Franciszek Korycynaski,(NY-2999).POLISH, per, Drogownictwo, Vol XIV, No 5, 1959,pp 101-103. *JPFS

Problems of Increased Agricultural Productionin Light of Needs of Population in 1975, byWladyslaw Misiuna, 42 pp.POLISH, per, Ekonomista, No 2, 13 Feb 1959,pp 4-32. JPRS 1891-N

New Electric Power Rate for Industry, byBronislaw Lis, 13 pp.POLISH, per, Energetyka, Vol XIII, May 1959,pp 136-139. JPRS 1867-N

Rcal Income of the Rural Population DerivedFrom Agricultural Production for the Years1956-1958, (NY-3022).POLISH, per, Glowny 'Urzad Statystyczny, Supple-ment to Biuletyn Statyastyzny, Vol III, No 2,1959, pp 1-74 *JPPS

The Development of Ferrous Metallurgy and theProblem of the Development of Coking CoalMines, by Antoni Pienkowski, (NY-30I).POLISH, per, Gospodarka Planowa, Vol XIV,No 7 (165), 1959, pp 16-22, *JPRS

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Eastern EuropeEconomic (Contd)

Pros and Cons on the Davelopment of Poland'sAluminum Production, by Stanislaw Kawinaki,Jerzy Perlinski, (NY-3011).POLISH, per, Gospodarka Planowa, Vol XIV,No 7 (165), 1959, pp 22-25. *JPRS

Industrial Television, by Zygmunt Wlazlo, 4 pp.POLISH, per, Ho Monty Techniki, No 5, Warsaw,

1959, pp 2 1 0-214. JFR 1885-N

We Photograph With Polish Cameras, by Z.Perzynski, 11 pp.POLISH, per, Horyzonty Techniki, No 5, Warsaw,1959, pp 215-220. JPES 1885-N

Advantages and Problems in Changing to Electricof Diesel Traction in Poland, by Edward Debski,13 pp-POLISH, per, In•estycje i Budownictwo, No 4,1959, pp 14-157. JPRS 1856-N

A 15-Year Survey of Developments in IndustrialConstruction, by Jerzy Kawecki, (NY-3002).POLISH, per, Inynileria i Budownictwo, Vol XVI,No 7, 1959, pp 265-275. *JPRS

Production Costs for Certain Building Materials,by Stanislaw Lewin, (rr-29h2)-POLISH, per, Msterialy Budowlane, Vol XIII,No 12, 1958, 11 353-36I1. *JPRS

Stabilized Gasoline, by Zbigniew Giela, 9 pp.POLISH, per, Nafta Rko XIV Pazdziernik, No 10,1958, pp 273--6. ACSI, H-4573

Problems in Development of Agricultural Produc-tion During 1959-1965, 7 PP.POLISH, per, Nowe Rolnictwo, Vol VIII, No 8,1959, Pp a81-283. JPRS 1860-N

Effect of the New Agricultural Policy on Agri-cultural Production in Regions ConsistingPredominantly of Dwarf-Sized Farms, by Fr.Kolbusz, 10 pp.POLISH, per, Nave Rolnicto, Vol VIII, No 8,1959, pp 286- 9.JPRS 1860-N

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Eastern EuropeEconomic (Contd)

The Course of Credit Develcpment in Agriculture,by Romald Karnslmoviez, 10 pp.POLISH, per, Nowe Rolnictwo, Vol VIII, No 8,1959, pp 289-292. JPRS 1873-N

Housing Construction in 1958, by Jan Dangel,(NY-3003).POLISH, per, Przeaad Budowlan , Vol XXXI,No 7, warsaw, 1959, pp 315-318. *JPMS

Large Panel Construction - Achievements andRecommendations, (NY-3003).POLISH, per, Przeglad Badowlany, Vol XXXI, No 7,Warsaw, 1959, pp 318-322. *JPRS

Economic Problems of Electric Heating inPoland, by B. Sochor, 4 pp.POLISH, per, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, VolXXXV, No 5, 1959, pp 192, 193. JPM 1873-N

Effect of New Electric Power Rates on RealCosts at Laziska and Siechnice MetallurgicalPlants, by E. Matula, 6 pp.POLISH, per, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, VolXXXV, No 5, 1959, pp 203, 204. JPRS 1873-N

Industrial Consumption of Electric Power toProduce Heat, by T. Skrzpek, 12 pp.POLISH, per, Przeglad ElektrotechnicznyVol XXXV, No 5, 1959, pp 205-207. JMRS 1873-N

The Polish Electrical Industry at the XXVIIIt'h,International Poznan Fair, by Janusz Kanclerz,2 2 pp.POLISH, per, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny VolXXXV, No 5, 1959, pp 223-231. JPRS 1885-N

Railroad Passenger Timetable 1959-196o0 (and

Data on Passenger Traffic), by Jan Bac,(NY-2v12).POLISH, per, Przeglad Kolejowy - Przewozowy,Vol XI, No 4, Warsaw, 4959, pp 85-88. *JPRS

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Eastern RuropeEconcmij (Contd)

Comparison of Costs of Transporting Cementby Rail and Truck, by Czeslaw Michalski,

POLISH, per, Przeglad Kolejawy - Przewozawy,Vol XI, No 4, Warsaw, 1959, pp 131-136. *JPRS

1959-1960 Railroad Freight Schedule (andData on Freight Traffic), by Jan Bac, 9 pp.POLISH, per, Przeglad Kolejowy - PrzevozOwy,vco x1, No 5, 1959, pp 13-n6. JPRs 1856-N

Installation Equipment Industry, by ZymomtJardel, (NY-3007).POLISH. per, Przeglad Technicznyv No 32;Warsaw, 12 Aug 1959, pp 11-14. *JPRS

Electrotechnical Porcelain Industry, by MarianFolik, (NY.3007).POLISH, per, Przeglad Techniczny, No 32, Warsaw,12 Aug 1959, pp 14-16. *JPRS

Production and Assembly of Apparatus in theAssociation of the Inorganic Industry, byKarol Palys, (NY-3009).POLISH, per, Przemyl Chemiczny Vol XOCVIII,No 6, 1959, pp 344-346. *JPRS

Problems of Technical Progress in the ChemicalIndustry in the Period 1959-1965, by AntoniRadbinski, (NY-3010).POLISH, per, Przemysl Chemiezay, Vol XXXVIII,No 7, 1959, pp 397-402. *JPFRS

Problems of the Long-Range Development of theGdamsk-Gdynia Port Group, by J. Czyz, Z.Pelczynski, B. Rejewsk±, 13 pp.POLSIH, per, Technika i Gospodarka Morska,No 12, 1958, pp 353-356. JFRS 1851-N

Development Trends of the Tele- and Radio-Technical Industry in the Five Year Plan,1956-1960.POLISH, per, Tele-Radio - Przeglad Za dienPrzemyslowych I EKsp1.oaraayjny, Ao 1, Aug1956, pp 3-19. *525th MI Gp, H-4549

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Eastern EuropeEconomic (Contd)

Ra-dio Factory 14. Kasyrzak in Warsaw,POLISH, per, Tele-Rspdio - r~Zagadnien Przemysl owych i EksploatR-cyjnycla, No 6, Jan 195b, PP 319-32d. *525th MI Gp, H-4551, A

Telecphone Sets Factory in Lo~dz.POLISH, per, Tele-Radtio -Przeglad

Zagadnien Przeiysl=wyh E. sploata..Cyj yhip No b, Jan 1958, PP 32b-332. *525th MI Gp, H-4551, B

Teletfbehnical Apparatus Factory in Lod~z.POLISHt, per, Tele-~Radio - Przeglad Zagad.-

Jen~m w 15b ino 32, 33 *525th MI Gp, H-14551.,, C

Selenium Rectrifiers Produced by Rectifier,Factory in Bielaus.POLISH, per., Tele-Radio - Przeglad ZagadnienPreylwc j Eksploatachjnych,,No b, Jan1956,pp34, 335. *525th MI GP, H-4551, D

P'roduction. of Associated Factories of PTT.POLISH, per, Tele-Radjo - Przeglad. ZwAdnienPrzeMylow4rch i Eksploata~chjnych, No 6, Jan1956, Pp 341-346. *525th MI Op, H-4~551, F

Some Economic Aspects of Planning and Imple-mentation. of Agricultural land Reclamation,by R. Obraczka, Wi. Zavadzki, (NY-2970).POLI.SH, per, Wiadomosci Melioracyjne i Lakarskie, Vol I, No 1, Warsaw, 1959, pp 4-8~. *JPRS

Water M~anagemeat and Tand Reclamation Tasks,by Kaziniierz Majeveki, (NY-2970).POLISH, per, Wiadomosci Meliorac.cjne i Laka-skie, Vol I, No 1, Warsaw, 1959, PP 8-13. *P

The Rent Problem in Poland, by WitoldNieclunski, 9 pp.POLISH, per, Zycie Gospodareze, 1 Mar 1959,pp 1, 9. jIs 1860-N

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Eastern EuropeEconomic (Contd)

Development of Production and Consumptionof Raergy in Tmania, by N. Dercovicl, C.Nagy, S. Manea, 12 pp.RUMANIAN, per, Eaergetioa, Vol VI1, No 5,1959, pp 187-190. JPRS 1868-N

Raling the Economic Effectiveness of Invest-ments in the Wood Industry in Rumania, 7 PP.RUMANIAN, per, Industria Lamnului, Vol VI`,No 5. 1959, pp 161, f62. JPRS 1885-N

Plans for a Central Gear Plant in Rumania,by V. I. Sava, 8 pp.RUMANIAN, per, Metalurgia si Constractia deMasint, Vol VI, No 1, Bucharest, 1959,pp-45- 7. JPRS 1867-N

Present Problems of Rumanian Rolling Mills(Compared to USSR Practices), 15 pp.RUMANIAN, per, Metalurgia si Constructia deMasini, Vol XI, No 1, Bucharest, 1959,pp W8-53. JPs 1868-N

Basic Solutions Adopted in the Planning andAssembly of Railroad Sigaaling Devices, byMarius Maris, 16 pp.RUMANIAN, per, Revista Cailor Ferate, No 1,1959, pp 27-31. JPRS 1873-N

Choice of Road Surfaces, Principal Factor inReducing the Cost of Modernizing RumanianRoadways, 21 pp.RUMANIAN, per, Revista Transporturilor, No 5,1959, pp 197- 20 4 . JPRS 1873-N

Role of Highway and Bridlge Wortshops in Reduc-ing the Cost of Modernizing Highways, (NY-2941).RUMANIAN, per, Revista Traneporturilor, Vol VI,No 7, 1959, pp 294-2298. *JPpS

Contribution of the Maintenance Sector in Re-ducing the Cost of Road Repairs, (NY-2941).RUMANIAN, per, Revista Transporturilor, Vol VI,No 7, 1959, pp 299-303. *JPRS

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Eastern FuropeEconomic (Contd)

Selections From "Oil Industry of RumaJa andEconomic Problea of Its Development Under theConditions of the People's Democratic System,"by I. D. Karyagin.RUSSIAN, bx, Neft yamays Promyshlennost'Rumbyii i E2onomicheskiye Problemy ee Raz-vitiya v' Narodno-DemokraticheskogoSry MoScow, 1958, pp 125-139, 141-1dO,15F-217, 220-230, 243-277, 281-295, 313-34o. *J•S

Large Panel Construction in Czechoslovakia,by L. S. Ray•us, (NY-2981).RUSSIAN, per, Byaill Tekh Informatsii (PoStroitei';tVU),, -o 7, Leningrad, 1959, pp 29-32. *JPRS

Prospects for the Development of Our Motoriza-tion and Transport, by Radomir Sirkovic, 23 pp.SERBIAN, per, Tehnika, No 10, 1958, pp 147-153. ACSI, H-4514

1. Ten Years of Yugoslovian Railroad; 2.Future Trends of Capacity Increase; 3. TheSaraj evo-Place Section.SERBIAN. per, Zeleznice, No 1, 1956, pp 1,17-26. "525th MI Gp, H-4658

Meadowland and Railroad, by Peter Segvic.SERBIAN, per, Zeleznice, No 2, 1956, pp 2-6. *525th MI Gp, H-4655

Mobile Electric-Power Substation, by StevenA. Markov-ic.SERBIAN, per, Zeleznice, No 3, 1956, pp 4-9. *525th MI Gp, H-4654

Dual Armoring of Concrete Rails (Indian Type),by Vjekoslav Brezaric.SERBIAN, per, Zeleznice, No 4, 1956, pp 12-14. *525th MI Gp, H-4&4

Federal Law on the Introduction of MedicalInsuraece for Agricultural Producers, 10 pp.SERBO-CROATIAN, per, Official Gazette, No 27,8 Jul 1959, Encl to Desp No 45, Ammbassy, Dept of StateBelgrade, 27 Jul 1959. 4236795

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Eas tern EuropePolitical

The System and Types of Document Crimes[ tiUnder the Criminal Code of the NOOPl*

Repubiic of Bulgaria, by Venetai Muzov,(DC-3o68).BUTlARIAN, per, Pravna Misul, No 3, Sofia,1959, pp 50-63.

Order of Council of Ministers, 12 pp.POLISH, bk. Journal of Laws, No 76, 1958,Item 388, 394. ACSI, B-3056


The Rear Services of the Regiment, theBattalion and the Conduct of Rear AreaMission for Companies, 56 pp.GERMAN, bk, Die Ruckwartigen Dienste desRegiments, des Bataillons und die Durchfu-brun der 1.ckwartigen Aufg!ben fuer dieKompnie. -ACSI, H-4544

Qaestions of the Mountain Equipment of aMountain Battalion.GERMAN, per, Allgemeine Schveizerische Mili-taer z, No 7, 1959, pp 492-509. ACSI, H-4586

The Military Mission of Stol and Vtol Air-craft, by Georg W. Feuchter, 12 pp.GERMAN, per, Flugwelt, No 7, Wiesbaden, 1959,PP 267-n2. JPRs L-1346-D

Defeat the Invisible Enemy, by Von HelmatMischler.GERMAN, per, Soldat und Technik, No 3, 1959,pp 132-i34. *ACSI, H-4688

The Naval Forces in the Soviet Occupied Zoneof Germany, by Siegfried Breyer, 7 Pp.GERMAN, per, Soldat und Technik, Jun 1959. Navy/ONI 5075068

Air Landings - Experiences at the AutumnManeuvers, 1958, 6 pp.GERMAN, per, Truppenpraxis, No 3, 1959,pp 214-216. ACSI, H-4578

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Easterm IuropeMilitary (CoutA)

Central for Atmuie ProtMet1om inthe East Bloc, by Dr. Gerhard n. 9. Meiesel,i4 pp.RadCrT14GERMAN, per, Wehrkun=de, May 1959. 9 040467 Rand Corp T-l1

The Figbt Over Party Influence in the Soviet

Zone' People's Army, 7 pp.GEEU&4N, per, Wehrkumde ay 1959. 9O•0467 Rand Corp T-l11

Additional Information on Militm-f Sr-•ice

Law of 30 January 1959, 35 pp.POLISH, per, Dzliennik Ustav, No 33, Warsav,3 Jul 1959, pp 417-4d7. 3VTS L-1885-fl

Fifteen Years of the Zuartermester Service ofPeoples Polish Forces, by Viktor ZieminSki,5 PP. (ID 21033114).POLISH, per, Zol3nerz Wolnoaci, 30 Sep 1958,pp 1, 2. ASCI, H-2396

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Eastern EuropeSociologiceal

XXi Extraordinary Congress of the CPSU, 6 pp.BUIARI, per, ParFtsl . No 2, Sofia, 1959,pp 3-.7. JPi -71-

A. B-50 Provisional Sanitary Rules for theLaundries for the Working on the Special WorkLzezs Contaminated With Radioactive Matter;B. Ministry of National Health and SocimlCare-State Sanitary lnrptctio=; by P. Kolarov,13 PP. (TD 650153).BULGARIAN, per, IzVes , ND 14, kb 1)>9. pp 3-6. AwSI, u-4,56

Summer Religious Holidays and Fairs and theHarm Ihey Do to Oar Villages, by N. Misov,3 pp.BUIG.ARIO, np, K Derativno Selo, Vol IX,No 164., Sofia, it Jul 1959, p 3. JPRS L-1868-D

The Teaching of Ideolo'ical Disciplines, byDocent Girgin Girginov, 4 pp.BUIGARIAN, np, Narodna Kultura, Sofia, 28 Mar1959, pp 1, 2. JParS 748-D

The Shephard Who Scattered the Flock, byMiron Ivanov, 6 pp. VBULARIAN, np, Narodna Kultura Vol 111, No 31.Sofia, I Aug 1959, p 203. JPRS L-1877-D

Brief Geographic and Economic Descriptions ofthe New 0krugs, 84 pp.BUIIIARIAN, per, Rabotnichesko Delo, Jan-Jun1959, Otechestven Front, Feb/Mar 1959, DanavskaPravda, 3 Mar 1959. JPRS 1886-N

The Content and Forms of the Atheistic Trainingof Pupils, by Stoyko Popov, Mikhail Buchvarov,5 pp.BULGARIAN, np, Uchitelsko Delo, Vol X, No 15,Sofia, 17 Feb 1959, P 3. JPRS L-929-N

Noi -.lature of Functions of Medical PersonnelWitu oob Charac*.eristics and Pay Rates (FunctionsF, G, and H), 24 pp.CZECH, per, Vestnik M•nisterstva Zdravotnictvi,Vol VII, Section 5/6, 1C' Mar 1959, pp 1, 3-21. JPRS 748-D

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Eastern EuropeSociological (Contd)

Tasks of Colleges in the Stage of Completingthe Building of Socialism, by Frantisuk Kahuda,31FppCZEWH, per, Vysoka Skola, Vol Vi, No 11, 1958,pp 313-336. JRS 748-D

Christianity and Politics, by Be) Horvath,5 PP.HUNGARIAN, per, Irodalmi Ujsag L5 Jun 1959,p 5. ,PM L-1831-D

Glossary of Selected Tables and Translationof Notes on Methodology From "The Results ofAgriculture in 1957," 33 PP.HUNGARIAN, per, Statiaztikai Idoszaki Kozle-meMk, No 18, 1958. JPis L-1874-D

The Irreducible Opposition Between Science andReligion, by C. Gh. Dimitriu, C. Rusnac,(DC-3041).RUMANIAN, per, Cercetari Filozofice Vol VI,No 3, Bucharest, Jan 1959, pp 111-128. *JPRs

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Forestry in the North: Denmark., by N. P.Tulstrup, 10 pp.DANISH, monograph, Skogbbryket i Norden,Stcckholim, 1958, pp 1ll-21. JPRS L-1848-D

The Icebreaker Oden, by G. A. Wahlsten, 8 pp.SWEDISH, pamphlet, Stockholm, 11 May 1959. Navy/OWI 5070998


Speech by Secretary General YrJo Enue of theCommunist-Front Finnish People's DemocraticLeague, 19 Jul 1959, at the 60th AnniversaryCelebration of the Labor Movement in Finland(A Strong Front for Our Class, and Victory IsOurs!), 5 pp.FINNISH, np, Kansan Uutiset, Helsinki, 21 Jul1959, p 4. JPRS 918-D


New Danish Field Uniform.DANISH, per, Hjemme Vaernet, No 2, 1959, p 9. *ACSI, H-4687

Personal Field Equipment - A New System, byLindstrco.SWEDISH, per, Arme Nytt, No 4, 1959, pP 9-18. *ACSI, H-4751

Progressive Methods of Food Preservation Re-coilless Weapons, by Harald Jentzen, 24 pp.SWEDISH, per, Artilleri Tidskrift, No 2, Stock-holm, pp 33-58. ACSI, H-4434

Naval Plan, 1960, 53 pp.SWEDISH, up, Marin-Nytt, No 2/3, 1959. NaY/Ol 5071599

The Army's Uniform Study, by Urethasmer.SWEDISH, per, Sversk Intendentur Tidskrift,No 1, 1959. *ACSI, H-4686

A Modern Naval Vessel Entirely of Wood (300Tonner of Glued Pine, a Weapon Against ManeticMines).SWEDISH, per, Svenska Dagbladet. 17 May 1958. Navy 2274/ONl 565

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Report of the Thirteenth Comnittee Aboutthe Organization and Control of Signals;Report of the Ninth Committee on the Methodsof the Maintenance of Railroads and TheirBridges, 1+4 pp. (ID 2108093).ARABIC, Ministry of Communications-EgyptianRepublic Railroads, TER, Cairo, 1956. ACSI, H-4043

Graduates of American Universities in Ministruof Development, 8 pp.ARABIC, per, Afaq al-Jadidah. Baghdad, Mar1957, pp 24-27. JPRS L-1853-D


The Tibetan revolution, by Wadi' Rufa'il,(Dc-3o52).ARABIC, bk, Cairo, 1959, 60 pp. *JPRS

Communist Conspiracy to Spoil PilgrimageSeason, 7 pp.ARABIC, np, Akhbar Al-yam, Cairo, 4 Jul 1959,p 5. JPES L-185l-D

Declaration of the Iraqi Communist Party onthe Cessation of Party Activity by the ilationalDemohratic Party, 13 pp.ARABIC, np, Ittihad Ash-Sha'b, Baghdad, 23 May1959, p 1. .wES 896-D

Gains Made by Weavers and Spinners Union ofMosul, 3 pp.ARABIC, rip, Ittihad Ash-Sha'b, Baghdad, 12 Jun1959, p 3. Jrns 896-D

Declaration of the General Federation ofPeasant Societies, 4 pp.ARABIC, up, Ittihad Ash-Sha'b, Baghdad,li Jun 1959, p 1. JPRS 896-D

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Near East/AfricaPolitical (Contd)

Nothing in Coon Between the Peasnt andthe Feudal Landlord in Kurdistan. by AzadYekhwaz, 3 PP.ARABIC, np, Ittihad Ash-Sha lb, Baghdad,14 Jn 1959, p 5. JPR 96-D

Memorandum of the General Federation ofPeasant Societies on the Recent Amendment ofthe Agrarian Reform law, 4 pp.ARABIC, up, Ittihad Ash-Sha'b, Baghdad, 16 Jun1959, p !. JPHS 896-D

Statement on the Unification of the Women'sMovement in Iraqi Kurdistan, 3 P-ARABIC, zp, Ittihad Ash-Sha'b, Baghdad,16 Jun 1959, P 5. JPRS 896-D

Statement of Iraqi National Union Front onOccasion of First Anniversary of the Victorious14 July Revolution, 3 pp.ARABIC, np, Ittihad Ash-Sha'b, Baghdad, 12 Jul1959, p 1. JPRs 918-D

Decree of the UAR Promulgating Law No 161 of1959 Which Regulates Compnusory Pilotage inthe Suez Port, by Gamal Abdel Nasser, 5 PP.ARABIC, per, Official Journal of the UAR, No125, 20 -$n 1959, Encl to Desp No 15, Port Dept of StateSaid, 4 Aug 1959. 4239102

Declaration of Politburo of Iraqi CommunistParty on Political Situation (Iraqi CommunistParty Statement), 6 pp.ARABIC, np, Sawt Al-Ahrar, Baghdad, 10 Jul1959, pp 1, 78. JPRS 918-D

Platform of the Communist Party of Israel forElections to the Fourth Parliament, 14 pp.HEBREW, np, Kol Haam, Tel Aviv, 31 Jul 1959,PP 3-6. JPRS 918-D

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Near East/AfricaPolitical (Contd)

Arab •fgee fr Israel, 6pp.ITALIAN, rpt, I Profuhii Arabi,15 May 1959. Navy/nI 5074519

Iran on the Road to Destruction, by P. Milov,6 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Sovrememuy7 Voatok, No 5, 1959,pp2 1 -2 4 . JPRS L-1833-D


East Pakistan Under Military Rule, 12 pp.BENGALI, np, Swadhinata, 5, 12 Jul 1959,Encl to Desp No 69, Amcongen, Calcutta, Dept of State28 Jul 1959. 4236292

The Strategic Base of Diego Suarez.FRENCH, per, Journal de la Marine Francaise,(Cols Bleus), No 604, 18 Jul 1959, p 1. Navy 23l0/ONI 590


Iranian Labor Law, 17 pp.ARABIC, per, Official Gazette, No 4135, 25 Apr1959, Encl to Desp No 101, AmEmbassy, Tehran, Dept of State12 Aug 1959. 4240180

The Motion Picture ILdus try in the UAR, 7 pPp-FRENCH, per, Cine-Film, Cairo, 1959, pp 13, 15,17, 19. JPRS-L-1847-D

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Istiated Quota In Architectural taginserina,(DC-3046).CHINESE, monograph, Cnien-chu Kung-ch 'en&Yu-suan Tn1-0, 1958, Vol I - pp i-d (t of c),1-5, 7-9, o7, 88, 121, 143, 185, 256, 257,267, 291, 305, 321, 353, 365, 366; Vol II -pp 1-7 (t of c), 1-4, 55, 56, 83, 84, 137, 199. *JPRS

Special Characteristics of Chinese Coals,Edited by Ch'en Hsueh-ling, (nC-3504/5).CHINESE, monograph, Kuo-lu-h•ueh, publl byShanghai K'o-hsueh Chi-shu Ch'u-pan-she,Vol I, Mar 1959, pp 64, 65. *JPES

Economic Geography of the Yen-Pien KoreanAutonomous Chou, by Li Chen-cb'uan,(NY-2977).CHEISE, monograph, Yen-pien Chao-hsien-tsuTzu-chih Chou Ching-chi Ti-li, Apr 1957,pp 1-84. *JPRS

Translations on Conmmunist China's EconomicServices: Featuring "China's Planned Reproductionandslatioasion Concreist, Chna's Economi

CHINESE, np, per, 1 May-17 Jul 1959. *JPRS

Several Problems Relating to the Legal Systemof the Chinese People's Democracy, 17 pp.CHINESE, per, Cheng-fa Yen-chiu, No 2, 1959,pp 3-8. ,PW-1858-N

The Appearance of the People's Communes Marksa New Stage in the Development of PoliticalAuthority at the Basic Level, 1-1 pp.CHINESE, per, Cheng-fa Yen-chia, No 2, Apr 1959,pp 30-33. JRS-1858-N

The Organizational Principle of the People'sComnune: Democratic Centralism, by TsengCh'ing-min, 6 pp.CHINESE, per, Cheng-fa Yen-chiu, No 2, Apr 1959,pp 38-40. JPRS-1858-N


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Far EastEconomic (Contd)

Discussing the Contract System, by Hsieh Xing,9 pp.

C118,per, 2=Mf!Žen-hiu, so e,Apr 1959, PP 41--43. JS-1858-N

The Problem of the Vestiges of BourgeoisLegal Rights, A8 pp.CHINESE, per, Cheng-fa Yen-chiu, No 2,Apr 1959, pp 44-50. JPRS-1858-N

On the Problem of Distribution According toLabor and the Vestiges of Bourgeois LeglRights, by Sun Yeh-ming, 9 pp.CHINESE, per, Cbeng-fa Yen-chiu, No 2,Apr 1959, pp 51-54. JPRS-1858-N

Report of Kiangsi Organization Committee onContinued Simplification of Structure andStrengthening of the Labor Front, 20 pp.CHINESE, np, Chiang-hai Jih-pao, 30 Nov1957, Nan-ch'ang, p 2. JPRS-7 8 0-D

Work Report of the Kiangsi Provincial People'sCouncil, by Shao Shih-p'ing, 32 pp.CHINESE, np, Chiang-hsi Jih-pao, 24 Jun 1958,Nan-ch'ang, pp 1-3. JFRS-780-D

A. Motor Cars Made in China; B. PlasticAutomobiles, 6 pp.CHINESE, per, Ch'i-ch'e, No 12, 1958, p 33. 319th MI Ba, E-3326

Motor Car, 3 PP.CHINESE, per, Ch'i-ch'e, No 1, 1959, PP 1, 34. ACSI, H-3852

Motor Car, 11 pp.CHINESE, per, Ch'i-ch'e, No 3, 1959, pP 28, 29. AWI, H-3853

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Far BastEconomic (Contd)

Heilungkian& 1958 Work Report, by Ou-yangCh'in, 1a9 pp.CHTMNME, np, Heilungkiang Jih-pao, Harbin,25 Jarn 1959, pp 1-3. JPRS-1878-N

Hopeh Province Government Work Report, byLiu Tzu-hou, 28 pp.CHINESE, np, Hoeh Jih-pao.. Tientsin, 29 Oct1958 , p 2. JPFS-1877-N

Hopeh Provincial Judicial Repor'c, by WuCh'ing-ch'eng, 11 pp.0*11FE, na, H9o-h Jih-pao, Ropeb, 29 Oct

1958, p 5. JM-S&77-N

Selected Translations and Extracts onCommunist China Chemical Industry, 23 pp.CHINESE, per, Hua-hsueh Kung-yeh, No 8,Peiping, 21 Apr 1959, pp 5-7, 9-11, 21-23;No 9, 6 May 1959, pp 9, 11, 12, 16, 17, 19,23-25, 36, 37. JPRS-912-D

The •xperiment With Deep Ploughin4 n theHsu-chang Area, by Li Shih, 6 pp.CHINESE, per, Hua-tung Nung-yeh *o-hsuehT'ng-po, No 10, 1956, pp 506, 531 JP!S-897-D

Improved Technique for Drying Sweet PotatoSlices by Sunlight, by Hung Kai-wei, WuChih-eh'iang, 10 pp.CHINESE, per, Hua-tung Nung-yeh K'o-hsuehT, No 10, 1 Oct 1956, pp 532-534. JPRS-897-D

Experiences Related to Increased Productionon 330 Parcels of Early Crop 10,000-CattyFields in the fsiao-kan Special District, 20 pp.CHMMNE, per, Eua-tung Nuag-yeh K'o-hsuehT'ung-pao, No 12, 195b, pp 596-599. JPRS-897-D

Report of an Investigation Into the IncreasedProduction in the Early Direct Planting ofWater Rice Paddies, 9 pp.CHINESE, per, Hua-tung Nung-yeh K'o-hsuehT _go, No 12, 1956, pp 602-604. JPRS-897-D

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Far EastEconomic (Contd)

A Ue•niical Report oa the Patimng or SeetPotatoes in Several Critical Hslens inKiangsu Province, 14 pp.CH=l-ESE, per, Hua-tun6 Nung-yeh K'o-hsuehT'uing-pao, No 12, 1958, pp 605-606. JPRS-397-D

Review of Hsu Ti-hsin'e "An Analysis of theNational Economy in China's TransitionalPeriod," by Yang Cbien-pai, 6 pp.CHIN=ES, np, Jen-min Jih-pao, 25 Jun 1959, p 7. Jim-1874-N

fHydraulic Coal r..nig Dem-onstrating Itsq Power,by K'ai-.uan Lin-bal, 4 pp.CHINESE, per, Mei-k'uaqn Chi-shu, No 3,Peiping, 1 Feb 1959, pp 3, 15, 16. JPRS-1901-N

Major Experiences of K 'ai-luan Coal Mines inCarrying Out Large Area High Production During1958, by Liu Hul, Chao Pang-jung, 4 pp.CHINESE, per, Mei-k'unn Chl-shu, No 3, Peiping,1 Feb 1959, pp 4-9. JPRS-1901-N

Principal Experiences in Rapid Constructionof Shafts and Roadways by Ta-T'ung Coal Mines,by Ch'iao Lin, 3 PP.CHINESE, per, Mel-k'uang Cbi-shu, No 4, Peiping,16 Feb 1959, P 3. JPRS-1901-N

How to Increase the Rate of Advance ofRecovery Working Faces, by Pi Hua-chao, 9 pp.CHINESE, per, Mei-k'uang Chi-shu, No 5,Peiping, 1 Mar 1959, pp 25-26. JPN -1901-N

To Move Forward With a Maximum Effort on theHeels of Victory, 6 pp.CHINESE, per, Mei-t'an Kung-yeh, No 6,Peiping, 14 Mar ,959ppi 4--. Jpp-1901-N

Raise the Red Flag of Large Area AbundantProduction to Fight to Guarantee "380 Maillion,"11 pp.CHINESE, perp Mei-t'an Krung-yeh, No 6,Peiping, 14 Mar 1959, pp 11-15. JPRS-19OI-N

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Far East

Economic (Contd)

Province and Area 1959 Coal Production

Peiping, 14 Mar 1959, PP 17-24. JPRS-1901-N

Opinions on Reducing Timber ConsumptionDlring the Second Five-Year Plan Period,by Chao T'ien-ch'ing, 7 pp.CfLVES, per, Mei-t t 'a Kuag-yeh, No 1,4 Jn 1958, pp 32133. JPRS-8•7-D

Advantages of Hydraulic Coal Mining Based onActual Cost Reductions, by Kuo Yung-f"ng, WeiChune-fang, 5 pp-CHINESE, per, Mei-t'an Kwag-yeh, No 9, 4 May1958, pp 32, 33. JFPS-887-D

The Lao-ha-ho Coal Field Will Be DevelopedThis Year, by Chsng Yueh-t'ing, 4 pp.CHIMNEE, per, Mei-tan Kung-yeh, No 9,4 May 1958, p 34. JM-887-D

The Quality of Coal Must Be Greatly Improved,by Liu K'o-hsien, 4 pp.CHINESE, per, Mei-t'an Kung-yeh, No 10,19 May 1958, p 23. JPRS-887-D

experiences on Rapid Excavation of Tunnelsby the Ma Wan-shui Excavation Crew, 3 PP.CHINESE, per, Mei-t'an Kung-yeh, No 12,19 Jun 1958, pP P1--26. JS-887-D

The New Phenomenon of Leap Forward Production,3 pp.-CHINESE, pe:, Mei-t'an Kung-yeh, No 14, 24 Jul

Our Country's Coa.1 Industry has Leaped IntoWorld Leadership in Terms of Technology, byLiang K1a--li, 3 pp.

CHIME, per, Nei-tan Kung-yeh, No 16,

19 Aug 1958, pp 10, 'l- jp4S-887-D


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Far FastEconomic (Contd)

The Ning-Hsia Hui A•uotamous Ragian During theGreat Leap Forwa~rd, 10 pp.CHINESE, per, Min-tsu Yen-chiu, No 4, 4 Dec1953, pp 10-14. JPRS-879-D

The Great Leap Forward Accomplishments of theTz-crh-pai-t'e Mongol Autonomous Hsien, byKac :ýsi-t'ang, 4 pp.C•f1,•Z, per, Miin-tsu Yen-chiu, No 4, 4 Dec1953, pp 15, 16. JRS-879-D

Destroy Superstition, Liberate Ideology, aReport ^- nhae People of Keng-ma Hsien, Yunnan,by Wang To-chuan, 4 pp.CHINESE, per, Min-tsu Yen-chiu, No 4, 4 Dec1958, pp 17-19. JPRS-879-D

A Great Victory of the Party's Policy inRegard to Minority Nationalities: A Comparisonof the Past and Present of the Feng-hsi-chaiPeople in Western Hunan, 16 pp.CHINESE, per, Min-tsu Yen-chiu, No 4, 4 Dec1958, pp 20-29. JPRS-879-D

The 0-wen-k'o People in the Direct TransitionFrom Primative Conmiunes to Socialism, by LuKuang-t'ien, 14 pp.CHINESE, per, Min-tsu Yen-chiu, No 4, 4 Dec1958, pp 30-37. JiPS-879-D

Progress Reports of the Teams Investigatingthe Social History of the Minorities, 8 pp.CHINESE, per, Min-tsu Yen-chiu, No 4, 4 Dec1955, pp 39-42- JPRS-879-D

Important News From Local Minority Newspapers,l4 pp.CHINESE, per, Min-tsu Yen-chiu, No 4, 4 Dec1958, pp 43-48. JPRS-879-D

Historical Relations Between the Tibet Regionand the Motherland, by Tzu Yuan, 20 pp.CHINESE, per, Min-tsu Yen-chiu, No 4, 1959,pp 1-13. JPRS-862-D

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F,ý: Ea-Economic (Cqntd'

The Reactionary Nature of the Tibet LocalGoverument, by Hsian Yang, 16 pp.CHINESE, per, Min-tsu Yen-chiu, No 4, 1939,pp 13-22. JPRS-862-.D

We Can Certainly Make a Bigger and BetterAll-Round Leap Forward This Year, by LuTa, Chi Cheng, 6 pp.CHINESE, per, Min-tsu Yen-chiu, No 4, 1959,pp 23-25 JPRs-862-D

Discussion of Some Lessons Connected With theMovement Toward Communes in the Hsi-shuang-pan-na [Tai Autonomous Chou], by Hsu Shao-yen,8 pp.CHINESE, per, Min-tsu Yen-chiu, No 4, 1959,pp 26-30. JPRS-862-D

Problems of Water Conservation Constructionin China, 16 pp.CHINESE, per, Shui-li Yu Tien-li, No 2,20 Jan 1959, pp 23, 26; No 3, 5 Feb 1959, pp 35-37;No 4, 20 Feb 1959, pp 19-24. JPRS-922-D

Water and- Soil Conservation Problems of theKuan-t 'ing-shan Gorges of the Yung-ting Ho,by Chao Sung-ch'iao, (DC-3506/3).CHINESE, per, Ti-li Chi-k'an, No 1, Oct 1957,pp 1-37. *JP

Guarantee a Continued Leap Forward of thePaper Manufacturing Industry by MaintainingProduction and Increasing Production WhileEconomizing on Power Consumption ThroughTechnical Innovations and Extensive Organiza-tion of Small Plants, by Wang Hsin-yuan, 7 Pp.CHINESE, per, Tsao-chih Kung-yeh, No 11,1958, pp 2-4. JPis-899-D

Technical Surmiary of the Fifth National PulpProduction Technical Exchange Conference, byChten P'eng-mien, 9 pp.CHINESE, per, Tsao-chih Kung-yeh, No 11, 1958,pp 16-18. Js-899-D

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Far EastEconomic (Contd)

Raise the Production Potential of MillEquipment and Increase Now Products, byA. E. Po-li-ya-ko-fu, 9 pp.CHINESE, per, Tsao-chih Kung-yeh, No 12,1958, pp 12-14. JPRS-899-D

Tsinghai 1958 Work Report and 1959 WorkPlans, by Yuan Jen-yuan, (NY-3505/6).CHINESE, np, Tsinghai Jih-pao, 21 May1959, pp 1-3. *JPRS

Translations on the Communist Far East(East European Publications) Featuring:Soviet Aid to and Foreign Trade of Com-munist China, (NY-3502/2).GERMAN, monograph, Volksrepublik China-einWirtschaftlicher Uberblick, Dresden, Jul 1959,pp 34, 35; 89-93. *JPRS

Banking System of People's Republic of China,

(NY-2989).GERMAN, monograph, Volksrepublik China-einWirtschaftlicher Uberblick, Dresden,Jul 1959, pp 41-44. *JPRS

The Ways and Means of Solving Social Con-tradictions in the Chinese People's Republic, byGyorgy Fukasz, (NY-3502/3).HUNGARIAN, per, Magyar Filozofiai Szemle,Vol III, No 1, 2, 1959, pp 114-126. *JPRS

Machinery Industry in China After the GreatLeap Forward, by Ozaki Shotaro, (DC-3505/1).JAPANESE, per, Ajia Keizai Jumpo, No 401,10 Jul 1959, pp 1-12. *JPRS

Extracts From Japanese Document on Japan'sChemical Industry, by Yujiro Hayashi, 75 PP.JAPANESE, per, Nihon no Kagaku Kogyo.,30 Nov 1958. JPRS-921-D

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Far EastEconomic (Contd)

Economic and Statistical information on

North Korea, 202 pp.KOREAN, bk, Choson Chungang NyongamJSP'yongam, 195S, pp 102-137, 175-212. JPRS-9OI-

Translations on the Comunist Far East

(East European Publications), by Jerzy Morawski#

(NY-3502/1).POLISH, per, Nowe Drogi, No 7, Warsaw, Jul 1959,

pp 91-io4. *JPRS

Agricultural Reforms and Cooperativization in

North Vietnam and North Korea, by K. M.

Popova, V. A. Zelentsov, N. P. Semenova, 27 pp.

RUSSIAN, bk, Voprosy Ekonomiki Stran Vostoka,

1958, pp 38-70. JP1s-894-D

China's Paper Industry, by N. I. Shvetsov.

RUSSIAN, per, Byul Tekh-Ekon Informatsii,

No 3, 1957, pp 78-80. LLU Tr Bul Aug 1959

Exports of Animal Husbandry Products From the

Mongolian People's Republic, by S. Karepin,

(NY-3501/2).RUSSIAN, per, Vnesh Torg, No 12, Moscow, 1958,pp 23-26.


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F tr E•rt

Chinese-Cominrnis ý Propaganda LDaflets[ ~Dropped on Forses During the First

O.,iLNES, 1959. ACS!. H-L359

Selected Articles on Minority Nationali-ties From Chinese Communist Newspapers,(DC -2993).CHINESE, np. 1953-1959. *JPRS

Will- Mone: Be Useless After the DistributionSystem Goc5 Into Effect?, by Wang Mao-pai, 4 pp.CHINESE, per, Chan Wang, No 49, 5 Dec 1958,Peiping, pp l0, 11. J--RS-9±4-D

How the Tung-shan People's Commune in Chiang-

ning lsien, Kiangsu Province, Implements theDistribution of Goods Through Socialist abdCommunist Education, 6 pp.CHINESE, per, Chan Wang, No 51, 19 Dec 1958,Peiping, pp 24-26. JTRS-914-D

A Discussion on Reorganizing and Strengtheningthe People's Communes, by Chou Pin, 3 PP.CHINESE, per, Chan Wang, No 3, 16 Jan 1959,Peiping, pp 8, 9. JiRS -914-D

For Whom Is Feng Yu-La.n's Philosophy?, byWang Tzu-sung, 12 pp.CHINESE, per, Che-hsueh Yen-chiu, No 1, 1959,pp 32-36. JPRS-919-D

The True Nature of the New Metaphysics, byPeng Yu-lan, 26 pp.CHINESE, per, Che-hsueh Yen-chia, No 1, 1959,pp 37i9t JPRS-919 -D

Law Work and the Implementation of theResolution of the Sixth Plenary Session of theEighth Central Committee of the ChineseCommunist Party, 6 pp.CHINESE, per, Cheng-fa Yen-chiu, No 1, 1959,pp 1-3. JPRS -1861 -N

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Discourse cn Uatd "e P:&...a,.So3ial; the Functions cf the Ccen~unes,by Wu Shan.. Shou K'ang-hou, 23 pp.CHINESE, per, Cheng-fa Yen-chiu, No 1,1959, pp 4-8. JPRS-1861-N

The Nature of the System of Ownership in thePeople's Commiunes, by Wang Shu-wen, 10 pp.CHINESE, per, Clheng-fa Yen-chiu, No 1, 1959,pp 9-11. JPRS-1861-N

Changes in the Family System Will BenefitProductive Capacity, by Yang Ta-wen, HsuCh'ing, Hsiao Shu-hui, 13 pp.CHINESE, per,. Cheng-fa Yen-chiu, No 1, 1959,pp 27-30. JPRS-1861-N

On Understanding the Theory of the Dictatorshipof the Proletariat; Incorrect Views Left OverFrom the Old Concepts of Law, by Lu Chien-kuang,13 pp.CHINESE, per) Ch-eng-fa Yen-chiuý No 1, 1959,pp 39-43. JiRs-1861-N

The 1959 Policy for Overseas Chinese Affairs,4 pp.CHINESE, per, Ch'iao-wu-pao, No 12, 1958,Peiping, p 2. JIRS-915-D

Report on 1953 Program of Overseas ChineseCommission, by Chuang Hsi-ch'uan, 5 PP.CHINESE, per,. Ch'iao-'du-pao, No 12, 1958,PP 5, 6. inRS -915 -D

1959 New Year Broadcast to Overseas Chinese,by Ho Hsing-ning, 3 PP.CHINESE, per, Ch'iao-wu-pao, No 1, 1959, pp 233. JI'RS-915-D

Readjustment of Interest Rates of Deposits andthe Problem of Overseas Chinese Investments, byYu Jen, 6 pp.CHINESE, per, Ch iao-wu-pao, No 4, 1959,pp 20, 21. JPRS-1875-N

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Socia'List and Communist Education for theFamil.ies o0 Overseas Chinese and for ReturnedOverseas Chinese, by T'an Chun-yin, 7 pP.CHINESE, per, Chiao-wu-pao, No 5, 20 May1959, pp 21, 22. JPRS-1875-N

Advance a Step in Implementing the EducationPolicy of the Party, Improve the quality ofSupplementary Education for Returned Over-seas Chinese, by Chang Fan, (NY-3503/6).CHINESE, per, Ch'iao-wu-pao, No 7, 20 Jul1959, pp 2-5. *JPRS

Strengthen the Basic-Level Organization in theAgricultural Village Teams, by Ting Hao,(NY-3503/6).CHINESE, per, Chung-kuo Ch'ing-nien, No 15,1 Aug 1959, pp 31, 32. *JPRS

Problems in Work Among the Young Pioneers,by Wang Chih-hsing, (NY-3503/6).

CHINESE, per, Fu-tao-yuan, No 8, 12 Aug1959, pp 2, 3. *JPRS

Subjective Dynamism and the Superstructure CanUnder Certain Conditions Produce DecisiveEffects, by Hsu I-jang, Lin Ching-yao, 6 pp.CHINESE, per, Hsin Chien-she, No 3, 1959,pp 44-46. JPRS-1875-N

Reports From China, 89 pp.CHINESE, per, Hsin Chien-she, No 4, 7 Apr 1959. JPRS-892-D

Problems in the Present Study of History, byKuo Mo-jo, 14 pp.CHINESE, per, I1in Chien-she, No 4, 1959, pP 1-5. JPRS-1875-N

Translations From Communist China's Politicaland Sociological Publications. The May 4thMovement and the Reform of the Intellectuals,by Hsu T'e-li, 8 pp.CHINESE, per, Hsin Chien-she, No 5, 1959,pp 1-3. JPRS-1875-N

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Significant National-International Develop-merits During 1-14 June 1959, 16 pp.CHINESE, per, Hsin-hua Pan-yueh-k'an, No 12,25 Jun 1959, pp 187-199. JPRS-892-D

Communist China Digest, (DC-3503/4).CHINESE, per, Hsin-hua Pan-yueh-k'an, No 15,Peiping, 10 Aug 1959, pp 182-185. *JPRS

Communist China Digest, 1-15 August 1959.Part I. Important International and NationalEvents (1-15 Aug 1959), (DC-3503/5).CHINESE, per, Hsin-hua Pan-yueh-k'an, No 16,27 Aug 1959, pp 1"T-185. *JPRS

Chronology of Events in Tibet, 1949-195%, 32 pp.CHINESE, monograph, Hsi-tsang Ta Shih-cht,1949-1959, Peiping, 1959, pp 1-34. JPBS-831-D

Several Problems in Leadership Over AgriculturalProduction, byTsengHsi-sheng, 13 pp.CHINESE, per, Hung-chi, No 12, i6 Jun 1959,pp 1 -8. JPRs -908-D

The Development of Natural Science and ItsRelation to Production, by Kung Yu-chih, 14 pp.CHINESE,, per, H ung-chi, No 12, 16 Jun 1959, PP9-17. JPRS-908-D

The Dialectical Viewpoint in Water HarnessingWork, by Li Fan-fu, 11 pp.CHINESE, per, H ung-':hi, No 12, 16 Jun 1959,pp 23-20. JPRS-908-D

Advance a Step in Strengthening and Stabilizingthe Worker-Peasant Alliance, by Teng Chih, 11 pp.CHINESE, per, Hung-chi, No 12, 16 Jun 1959,pp 30-37. JPRS-908-D

In Regard to the Problem of the Form of CommodityPrices Within the System of Ownership by All thePeople, by Hu Chun, 17 pp.CHINESE, pe, Hung-chi, No 12, 16 Jun 1959,pp 38-49. J-P4Rs -908-D

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i ._, - . ,.-- r

Com.znist Party Membert are the Children ofthe Laboring Classes, by Hung Yu, 3 PP.CHINESE, per, Hung-ch'i, No 13, 1 Jul 1959,pp 14, 15. JPRS-917-D

Relyiag on the Masses Is the Life-Line of allWork, by MKo Fu-chun, Ch'in Yu-chen, Ch'enLi-yen, 7 pp.CHINESE, per, Hung-chi, No 13, 1 Jul 1959,pp 16-19. JPRS-917-D

Speed, Quality, by Ts'ao Pao-ming, 7 Pp.CHINESE, per, Hung-chi, No 13, 1 Jul 1959,pp 20-24. JPRS-917-D

Emphasize the Present Rather than the Past,Do and Study Simultaneously, by Ch'en Po-ta,6 pp.CHINESE, per, Hung-chi, No 13, 1 Jul 1959,pp 46-49. JPRS-917-D

Strengthen the Aid Given by Industry toAgriculture, by Wang Kuang-wei, (DC-3502/6).CHINESE, per, Hung-ch'i, No 16, 16 Aug 1959,pp 4-12. *JPRS

The Red, Diligent, and Skillful EmulationMovement in the Shansi Villages, by ShihChi-yen, Liu Shan, Wu Yun, (DC-3502/6).CHINESE, per, Hung-ch'i, No 16, 16 Aug 1959,pp 20-23. *JPRS

On Peaceful Competition, by Yu Chao-li,(DC-3502/6).CHINESE, per, Hung-ch'i, No 16, 16 Aug 1959,pp 24-27. *JPRS

Regarding Investigations on the Economic Resultsof Deep Plowing, Thick Planting, FertilizerApplication, and Replanting for Wheat, (DC-3502/6).CHINESE, per, Hung-ch'i, No 16, 16 Aug 1959,pp 31-37. *JPRS

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F:1':tL i C&a". ', C 3 r, td

The Problem of Comnodities Production andthe Law of Vaiue in an Economy of Owner-ship by All the People, uy Su Hsing,(Dc-35o2/6).CHINESE, per, Hung-ch'i, No 16, 16 Aug1959, pp 38-49. *JPRS

How Should Marxists Treat the Mass Movementsof the Revolution, by Hou Yung, Wang Yu-ming,(DC-3502/7).CHINESE, per, Hung-ch'i, No 17, Peiping,. Sep 1959, pP 14-25. *JPRS

The People's Communes Participate in Transport,by Chang Pang-ying, (DC-3502/7).CHINESE, per, Hung-ch'i, No 17, Peiping,1 Sep 1959, pp 30-35. *JPRS

Kishi Is Pushing Japan to the End of the Road,by Chen Hsin, (DC-3502/7).CHINESE, per, Hung-ch'i, No 17, Peiping,1 Sep 1959, pp 45-49. *JPRS

A Preliminary Criticism of Capitalist Inter-national Law, by T'liao Yo, (NY-3503/6).CHINESE, per,, Kuo-chi Wen-t'i Yen-chiu, No 3,3 Jul 1959, pp 1-9. *JPRS

The Situation in the Caribbean Sea, by YenChin, (NY-3503/6).CHINESE, per, Shih2-chieh Chih-shih, No 15,5 Aug 1959, pp 7, 8. *JPRS

Our Attitude Regarding Comrade Mao Tse-tung'sCarrying the Responsibility of Leadership of theParty and State, 11 pp.CHIMESE, monograph, Wo-men Tui-yu Mao Tse-tungT'ung-ch ?ih Tan-Jen Tang-huo-kuo-chia Ling-taoJen-te T'ai-tu, 1958, 1p 1-4. JPRS-L-947-N

The Rediscovery of Our Revolution, Speech byPresident Sukarno.INDONESIAN, rpt, Encl to Desp No 136, AmEmbassy, Dept of StateDJakarta, 19 Au.g 1959. 4240202

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11001ESIAII, rpt, Endc v. D,!sp Nc 137, Dept of StateAnmbassy, DJakarta, 19 Au•g 1959. 4240220

A Chinese Martyr Diocese in Swatow, (DC-.3o61).ITALIAN, np, L'Osservatore .Romano, Rome,19 Jul 1959, p 5. *JPRS

"Ad Apostolorum Principis" Encyclical inChina, (DC-3061).ITALIAN, np, L'Osservatore Romano, Rome,25 Jul 1959, p 3. *JPRS

New Obstacles to Catholic Worship in China,(Dc-306i).ITALIAN, np, quotidiano, I.-ne, 11 Jun 1959,p 2. *JPRS

Chinese Police S~ate in Tibet; Many Young Menin Forced Labor) (DC-3061).ITALIAN, np, Quotidiano,, Rome, 13 Aug 1959,p 3. *JPRS

Another Chinese Priest Sentenced to Forced Labor,

(DC-3061).ITALIAN, np, (,uotidiano, Rome, 18 Aug 1959,p 5. *JPRS

Heroism of Persecuted Church in China,(DC-3o61).ITALIAN, np, quotidiano, Rome, 21 Aug 1959,p 3. *JPRS

Selected Translations on North Korea: Tablesof Contents of Political, Legal, andSociological Periodicals, (DC-3508/2).KOREAN, per, P'yongyang, 1959. *JPRS

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Far EastMilitary

The Chinese Comunist Navy "Self-Repair"Program, by Teng Chao-hsiang, 7 pp.(M1, ap, Joe-adt JihM2,s I my 1959. VY/CU M71730

History of the Communist Chinese Navy, 18 pp.JAPANESE, rpt, Tokyo, 29 Jul 1959. Navy/ONI 5076541

US Air Force Bases In Vietnam.FUSSIAN, np, Sovet Aviatsiya, 12 Aug 1959,p 3. *AID

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Fa: EastPolitical (Contd)

Speeches by President Sukarno, 6-17 Jul.1959, 3 pp.INDOIAN, rpt, Eflf to Desp No 137, Dept of StateA.nmmbas-sy, Djakarta, 19 Aug 1959. 4240220

A Chinese Martyr Diocese in Swatow, (DC-3061).ITALIAN, np, L'Osservatore Romano, Rome,19 Jui 1959, p 5. *Jfl5

"Ad Apostolorum Principis" Encyclical in

China, (DC-3061).ITALIAN, np, L'Osservatore Romano, Rome,25 Jul 1959, p 3. *JPRS

New Obstacles to Catholic Worship in China,(nc-3o61).ITALIAN, np, Quotidiano, Rome, 1. Jun 1959,p 2.

Chinese Police State in Tibet; Many Young Menin Forced Labor, (DC-3061).ITALIAN, rip, kuotidiano, Rom-, 13 Aug 1959,p 3. *JPRS

Another Chinese Priest Sentenced to Forced Labor,(DC-3061).ITALI•W, np, Quotidiano, Rome, 18 Aug 1959,p5. *JPRS

Heroism of Persecuted Church in China,(nc-3o61).ITALIAN, np, Quotidiano, Rome, 221 Aug 1959,p 3. *JPRS

Selected Translations on North Korea: Tablesof Contents of Political, Legal, andSociological Periodicals, (DC-3508/2).KOREAN, per, P'yongyanF, 1959. *J•

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Far EastGeograp'bic

Natural Pegi..s of7 the Wu-Ti;ng-Ho Valleyin Northern Shensi., by Cjh'± Yen -flea, 12 pp.-

[ (anflIN Per, T1-11-bs-ueb tze-llao. No I,Nankcing, 11957, pp b-15. JFPS -782 - D

Sketches on Land Forms in the Ta-tuns Basinin t-Irthern Shansi, by Ts~ao Chia-hsin, 11!IrrnE, per, Ti-li4-hsueb Tzu-liao, No 1,Nankiý4ng, 1957, PP hRS - 1 -

lhe Thal Mec Autonczmous Zone c~r the Story cr'Victory in tt'-e Reslizationi :;f Cur Ethat Po'cyby Le Vju, 5 pp.

V12P2Sper,Czu _ 10My95,aoiNo 2,11 , pp -I2 jpp, R SJ.

Four Years of Progress ir, the Th-na 4- MecoAutonomous Zone, by Ch-i Ruy Man , C pp).

Wiazoi, No 1, 'P 3. TS ei-A Visit to. the North-west, by; Van-- Thuynrý, Sv MVAMEtB.E, per, Nhan Dan, 7 Jul. 1919, Ha7-ci,Nio PK mps-.188± -ur

DatiesB of Viet Bar. Aut-onomous Zone in 1955, 1C PP.VfYNZ4Sper, Viet N~arn Dcc, Lap, 12-2-3.l 1--25 Apr13,Thai Ngu1yen, Nos 723, 72'4, pj ; 5. Jp.s -1381-k!

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Far EastSociological

Learning the Party's Educational Aim, byTamag mi, iA pp.CHINME, per, Pei-ching Shih-ta Hsueh-•po,No 1, 1959, pp 1-12. JPRS -909-D

Report on Inspection of Tientsin Half--WorkHalf-Study Schools, by Lin Chih-wo, 14 pp.CHIMNEE, per, Fei-ching Shih-ta Hsueh-pao,No 1, 1959, pp 19-29. JPRS-909-D

Survey of Red and Expert Comune Universitiesin Honan, by Li K'uang-chih, 12 pp.CHINESE, per, Pei-ohng Shih-ta Hsueh-pao,No 1, 1959, pp 37-45. JFRS-909-D

Information for Tourists in Communist China,(NY-2989).GA•MAX, monograph, Volksrepublik China-einWirtschaftlicher Uberblick, Dresden, Jul 1959,pp 100-109.. *JJR,


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- • Material Pertaining tc eoruncft!OtS.DUTCH, bik, Jaarverslag PTT, 1956. *ACSI, H-4656

The Place of the National Railway Company(Railroads) of Belgium in the National Economy,by J. Herinckz-Pirlit, J. P. Leburton, C. L.Magnes, 33 pp.FRECH, rpt, la Place de la Societe Nationaledes Chemins de fer Belges daz= i'EconomieNationale, Brussels. ACSI, H-4679

Efforts With View t- the Zrprxweinmt oMf

Schedules, 5 p;.FRENCh, bk, Sur le Dzear-.Nigtw, rp 1i--1]. ACSI, --457;

1. Hospital of the Sky; 2. Packaging TestCenter.FRENCH, per, Forces Francaises, jun 1959,pp 69-71, 102l0-i. *ACSI, n-46i8

Technical Characteristics cf ChiLon (AtomicPower Station), by Francis lerard, 9 pp.FRENCH, per, indu.tries Atnm4ues, Vol Iii,No 5/6, 1959,5pp-8l-81 . JPRS-L-1879-D

Account of First ?;Co Years of 4957-1961 ,.tomricPlan and Program for 1959, 9 p:.FRENCH, per, Industries Atomiques.. Vol 1I1, No 5/6,

1959, pp 91-95 ,wRS -L-1830-D

Observations on East/West T'rade in April 1959.13 pp.GEMAN, rpt. Boebacht-uIgeen zum Ostverkehr imMonat April±959. Navy/ONI 5072975

Observations on East/west Trade in May 1959,13 pp.GERMAN, rpt, Boebachtungen zum Ostverkehr im

Monat Mai 1959. Navy/ONI 5074851


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Western EuropeEconomic (Contd)

Highway Traffic Agreement Between Austriaand Bunsry, 3 PP.GERKAN, per, Verkehr, No 24, Vienna, 13 Jan1959y p 849. JPRS-L-943-N

Activation of the A•w, Puishbutton-Type,Electric Routing Central Apparatus atNaples Central Station - Activation ofElectric Installations No 44, 8 pp.I T ALIAN, rpt, Attivazione del Nuovo ApparatoCentrale- Elettrico a Itinerari del T'Ioo aPulsaatia Nelia Stazione di Napoli C,1956-1956. ACSI, H-3776

Installation of the Central Operation Controller'sOffice at the Bologna RR Node, 7 PP.ITALIAN, rpt, Imýianto del Dirigente CentraleOperativo del Nodo di Bologna, 1956-1956. ACSI, H-3776


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Wcstern EuropePolitical

abrtr or Klngda of the Netherland.VITH, rpt, Efel to Dec; Ito f7O,- AMO~nntt'Rt, Dept of State

. Paramaribo, 30 June 1959. 4284559

Draft Law Submitted on 9 Juno 1959 by theBelgian Government to the Senate on ?rotectionAgainst the Abuse of Economic Power, 11 pp.FRKNCH, rt, Eul t,> Desp No 0.ý, Am~mba-y, Dept of StateBrussels, 24 Jul 1959. 4236294

Theses Adopted by the 15th Congross of theFrench Communist Party 24-28 Jwune 1959, 33 pp.FRENCH, uip, L'Humanite, 4 Jul 1959, Paris,pp 5-7. aPs-9•8 -D

The Beginnings of the Fifth Republic, byPierre Viansson-Ponte, 19 pp.FRENCH, up, Le Monde, Paris, 21-24 Jul 1953. JPl&-L-1850-D

Program of Swiss Party of Labor (Coamunist)Adopted at VII Congress, CQIneva, 16-18 May1959, 38 pp.GOMAW-, up, Vorwaeits, Basel, 9 Jar- 1959,pp 9-2. jpRs-896-D

Rules and Regulations of the Spnr-ish DiplomaticSchool, -1l pp.SPANISH, rpt, Encl to fesp No S;2, AmEtbossy, Dept of StateMadrid, 30 Jul 1959. 4239892

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Western auropeMilitary

Armored Wfantry, by J. Van " ae, 5, r, )e KNiltaiwe Spectator, No 6,

1959, pp 233-236. ACSI, H-4615

At the Ordnance School, uy MaJ A. Durieux,5 pp.FRENCH, per, L'Armee-La Nation, No 2, 1959,pp 13-Jt6. H251. 1-3777

Principal Items of Interest About the FrenchNavy (Weekly Official News Bulletin), 4 pp.FRENCH, per, Bulletin d'LIformation de laMarine National, No 23, june 1959. avy/.NI• 5074207

Structure and Means of Our Research forDefense, 10 pp.FRENCH, per, Revue Militaire d'Information,No 303, Mar 1959, pp 7-16. ACSI, H-4092

Uniform Components and Description of Uniformfor Various Occasions, 18 pp.GERMAN, rpt, Austria, 1956, pp 1-h. ACSI, H-4577


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fte Port of Salvador.POTUGUESE, per, Portos e Naviom,Sep/O-t 1956, pp 13-15. . 22r iONI 5 -•


Cuban Government Law 103 -- Revised Law onCartographic Agency, 15 pp.SPANISH, rpt, 23 Feb 1959. .D L13cC'05

Declaration of the Central Committee of theCo=,unist Party of A..-gentina on the :.ccntGovernment Crisis and the Prospect ofDevelopment of the National Situation, 29 Jan1959, 3 pp.SPANISH, np, El Popu•ar, g 9, Jul 1959,Montevideo, p 2. JL- '

Report of Secretary-General Corvalar, to P.en-xuiof Central Comnittee of Chilian Party,Santiago. 10 May 1959, 27 pp.SPANISH, np, El Siglo, Santiago, 12. May 1959,pp 3-12. JFY3 - 9 -D


Venezuela: The 1960 Census Program. TheFirst Trial Census. Proposed Census andHousing Schedule. Section "B" - PersonalData, 5 pp.SPANISH, rpt, Venezuela: Programa Censal de 1960.Primer Censo Experimental. Proyecto delCuestionario Demografico y de la Vivienda. Seccion"B" - Datos PersonaLesi Caracas, 1959. 1z of Cc.i•i-,

1.1i1 itary•

Uniform Regulations for Officers ox theParaguayan Army.Spanish, 1 944. *ACal I--2

Lists of Schools and Courses Being Giveii byArgentine Army, 7 pp.SPANISH, rpt, 31 Jul 1959. ID 213.12>


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Tecbuical Chuatelacs of Soviet Arrf

Dýrect Current •Mahlne. and the Materials UsedFor Their Co=ntruction, 'y A. I. Bertinov,G. A. Rý.znik, I17 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Proyektirovaniye AviatsiunykhFleltricheskikh Mashin Postoaannogo Toka,Mo•crw. 1958, Chap 1, X, pp 5-0, 10-12, 119-'•6V,399, 407-409. AF 1255952

A Multipurpose Helicopter, by V. BiryuJlin, 7 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Kryiya Rodiny, No 4, 1959, pp 20. 21. AF 1255951

Hard-Working W~gz, by- P. As-tazhenkev.RUSSIAN, per, Krylya Rodiny, No 5, 1959:pp 22-24. *ATIC MCL-348/V

The YAK-12A Aircraft. by L. Sokolov-Sckolenok,G. Puzanov.RUSSIAN, per, Krylya Rodiny, No 5, 1959,pp 25, 26. *ATIC -CL-348/v

The First Soviet Helicopter, by I. Sukharev.RUSSIAN, per, Krylya Rodiny, No 6, 1959, p 13. *ATIC MCL-349/V

Hypersonic Flight, by V. A. Parfenov, 6 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Nauka i Zhiza, No 8, 1958,pp 69, 70. 64927! ATIC mCL-96/V

An Outstanding High Speed Flight.RUSSIAN, np, Pravda, 20 Aug 1959, p 4. *AID

Research on the Influence of the Number ofBlades on the Characteristics of an AxialVentilator, by K. A. Ushakov.RUSSIAN, per, Prom Aerodinamika, No 10, 1958,pp 36-42. DSIR LLU RTS 1079

Altitude and Speed, 5 Pp.RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Aviatsiya, 17 Mar 1959. AF 1255897

The Flight Range, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, ap, Sovet Aviatsia, 3 Apr 1959. A? 1255872

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ScientificAaronatiu5 (Contd)

Aeronautical Engineer, 2 pp.-. ~ BMW, uAP, Sovt Av1A1siya, 8 M~y 1959. AF 1255Z370

For Bc-tter Parachute Control, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Aviatsiya, 14 May 1959. AF 1.255391

SCX) Parachute Jumps, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Aviatsiya, 4 Jun 1959. ,V' 1255906

71-6;ing the Opera'ion of Jet Nozzles, by?. ?as tu-hov.

RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Aviat:Gia, • ic, Th77, 30 Jul1959, P I. -*ATIC MCL-3.2/III

Hypersonic Rocket Airplanes.RUSSIAN, rip, Sovet AviatsiLj, 13 Aug 1-959, p 4. *AID

Problems of Flapping Wing Flight, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Patriot, i! Mar 1959. AF 1255353

The YAK-24 Helicopter in Construction.RUSSIAN, rip, Trud, No 139, 18 Jun 1959, p 3. *ATIC MML-350/III

Aircraft With Atomic Engines, by N.Lovdshiyev.BULGARIAN, per, Nauka i Tekhnika na.Mladezhta,No 11, 1958, pp 10-12. *319th MI Bu, H-4657

Piloted and Pilotless Soviet Flying Devices,Supersonic Aircraft and Space Shipm in 1953.GIMAN, per, Luftfahrttechnik, No 0, 1959,pp 209-217. *AID

Red China Builds Super-Aero 45 Aircraft.POLISH, per, Skrzudlata Polska, No 29, 1959, p 6. *AID

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ScientificS'_ tr onor.

Investigation of the Polarization of 10 cmRadlu Zr.i"aoa of the Crao Nebua&, uy' A. D.ideaismn, A. V. Uda~tsov.RUSSIAN, pe'r Aztron zhi .'i:' 1ccv: IT<i oi

19"9, pp 33-40. Navy 2294/NPL 739

On V-riaticns of the Intowsty of Pacii-eaissi n, ScatzoreA ta Coronal Heterogencitles,

byV. V. Pisarev.,Hn-no3RUSSIAN, per, At-on Zthur,voi KxXv1, :lc 3,Moscow;, 1959, D 7-433. *JRS

Investigation of the Paza.eter of GalacticRot.tion Foi thUn Badial Vclicit•es of theCepjheid 11,, 4ndle Otcrvtio.r c' the Inter-stellar Hydr'ogen &mUýssion Line, by Yu. P.Pskovskiy, (NY-3053).RUSSIA14, per, Adrron Zhir, Vol XXXVI, No 3,Moscow, 1959, pp7443-4. *JPRS

On the Role of Rezonaz±ce Effects in Measure-meats of the Velocities of Meteors, by E. K.Nemitrova, (NY-3053).RUSSIAN', per, wa'on cnur, Vol XXXVI, No 3,Moscow, 1959, P 7 *JPRS

The Antiradiant of a Meteor Stream, by F. V.Makovetskiy, (NY-3053).RUSSIAN4, per, Astron .nur, Vol )XXVI, No 3.,Moscow, 1959, PPZ7-9. *JPp

An Approximate Estimation of the Probability ofMeteoric Ionization, by Ye. I. Fialko,(NY-3053).RUSSIAN, per, Astron Zhur, Vol XXXVI, No 3,Moscow, 1959. Wpt491- 9 5 , *JPRS

On Color Contrasts of the Lunar Surface, oyN. P. Barabashov, et al, (Y.-3053).RUSSIAN, per, Astron Zhur, Vc' XXXVI, No 3,Moscow, 1959, o *JPRS


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ScientificAstronomy (Contd)

Photoelectric Mesurements of the Indi-catriceL of Scattering in the G7 0und Atmos-pheric Layer, by P. N. Boikzo; C. Sh.Livshits, T. P. Toropova.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 4, 1959, pp 503-505. *& -.l '/NTL

Investigation of Cosa'ic Rau.s During Period ofInternational Geophysical Year (IGY), byYa. G. Shafer, 32 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Iz A: Nauk SSSR, No 3, 1958,pp3-1 WTIC I-S-t/

A New Hypothesis Regarding the TLUguszhaPhenomenon: Summary of To Articles "Th2Planet" and "A New. Expedition to the. Site ofthe Fall of the Tunguska NMteori.t2. -• 00.

RUSSIAN, np, Literaturnaya Gazrta, u. Jan 1959;

Model of the Upper Atmosphere, )y B. S.Danilan, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, per) Nauka i Zbizn', No 5, 1959,

p 20. ACSI, 1-44h7

Ozone in the Stratosphere, by I. A. Khvostikov,90 pp. Amer Meteo 'ol SocRUSSIAN, per, Uspekh Fiz Nauk, Vol LIX, 1o 2, for Goophys Has DThr,1956, pp 229-Wý.-, 649223 ASTIA

The Stellar .,,:- eres Within a Radium of 17Light Years A. ZY.d the Sun, by Jan Gadomski.GERMAN, presented at VIII International Con-gress on Astronautics, Barcelona, 1957.9042339 Rand T-115

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Forecasting and Recording Outbreaks ofPests and Diseses in Agrieultural Crops,by I. Ya. Polyakov.RUSSIAN, bk, Vrednye Gryzuny, Part II, Sec I,1958, pp 77-1l37 DsiR LLU RTS l166

Selection From "Protecting the Populace FromModern Means of Attack," by I. P. Miroshnikov,G. N. Zapol'skiy, (NY-29•4).RUSSIAN, bk, Zashchita Naseleniya Ot SovremennykhSredstv Porazheniya, Moscow, 195b, pp 3, 4*,55-75, 161-155, 251-264, 316-319, 334, 335. *JPRS

Morphological Basis of Lozative and UltrasonicAbilities of a Bat, by V. P. Zvorykin, 13 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Arkhiv Anatomii, Gistologii iEmbriologii, Vol XXXVI, No 5, 1959, pP 19-31. JPRS-L-979-N

Participation of Carnitine in Certain Bio-chemical Processes and Content Thereof in theMuscles of Various Animals, by P. B. Garkavi.RUSSIAN, per, Biokhiriyua, Vol XVIII, No 3,195:3, pp 302-30r-. CCT-572B

Role of Trace Elements in Nutrition of Plantsand Animals, by Ya. V. Peive.RUSSIAN, per, Biok-bimiya, Vol XX, 1955,pp 265-271. CCT-411B

Recent Trends in Palynyolocy. Review )fArticle by K. Faegri in Botanical Rev 2w,

U.S.A., by R. V. Fedorova.RUSSIAN, per, Botan Zhur, Vol XLIII, No 7,-958, pp 1054-1056. DSIR LLU RTS 1122

Principal Factors of the Natural MutationProcess, by N. Dubinin.RUSSIAN, per, Botan Zhur, Vol XLIII, No 8,1958, pp 1093-1107. 9uGV2510 USDA

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ScientificBiology (Contd)

On So•a 1roble= of Soviet Biology.Artl the A Fr Jbterialila

in Biology" (1), by T. D. Lysenko.RUSSIAN, per, Botan Zhur, Vol XLIII,No 8, 1958, pp" 1 -311 . 9042509 USDA

Synthesis of Amino Acids From OxaloaceticAcid in Extracts From Sprouts, by V. L.Kretovich, E. Galyas, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 1, 1959, pp 217-. AIBS

Electrophoretic Properties of Some ProteinComponents of Blood Coagulation, by B. A.Kudryashov, G. V. Andreyenko, G. V. Kukusbkina,4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 2, 1959, pp 452-455. AIBS

The Influence on Penicillamine on theDecarboxylation of Amino Acids, by BacterialPreparations, by S. R. Mardashev, L. A.Semina, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, No 2,1959, pp 456-458. AIBS

The Participation of Alanine in BiosyntheticProcess in Plants, by E. A. Shilov, A. A.Yasnikov, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 2, pp 459-. AIBS

Change in the Rate of Proteolysis of SerumAlbumin by Trypsin Due to Complex Formationof Enzyme or Substrate With Estradiol, byG. A. Deborin, X. I. Bystrova, V. P.Ivanova, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, flok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, No 3,1959, pp 685-6 7. AIES

Determination of the Weight of Separate CoacervateDrops by Interference Microscopy, by T. N.Evreinova, A. F. Kuznestsova, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nautk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, No 3,1959, pp 688-690. AYBS

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ScientificBiology (Contd)

The Photochemical Reduction of Bilirubinand Photopborphyrin in Connection With theStudy on Photochemical Reductlon of Chlorophyl,by V. B. Evstigaeyev, V. A. Gavrilova, I. G.Savkina, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dck Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, No 3,19)9, pp 691-69T. AIBS

Dynamics of A -indole Acetic Acid in Maize SeedsDuring Ripening and Germination, by Polevoy, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, No 3,1959, pp 695-. ADBS

A Spectrophotometric Study of the Effect of pHand Ionic Strength on the Stability of HighlyPolymerized Ribonucleic Acid in Solution, byL. P. Gavrilova, A. S. Spirin, A. N. Belpzer-skiy, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, No 4,1959, pp 937, 93a. ABS

The Differences in Antigenic Structure Betweenthe Cytoplasmic Particles of Mouse Liver andHepatoma, by L. A. Zil'ber, G. I. Abelev,Z. A. Avenirova, N. V. Engel'gardt, Z. L.Baidakova, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 4, 1959, pp 939-. AIBS

Some Data on the Mechanism of Synthesis andUtilization of Poly[phosphates in Yeast, by E.Bukhovich, A. N. Belozerskiy, 3 pP.RUSSIAN, per, Dnk Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol C(=IV, No 5,1959, pp 114-1-1-149. AIBS

Precursors of the Purines of Nucleic Acids inHigher Plants, by G. I. Semenenko, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dck Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 5, 1959, pp 1150-1153. ADBS

The Nucleotide Comoosition of the NucleicAcids of the Mulberry Silk Worm (Bomlxy Mori L.,by N. M. Sisakyan, N. A. Gumilivskaya, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, No 5,1959, pp 1154-1156. ADS

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ScientificBiology (Contd)

Selective inhibition of the Activity ofOxiaation-Eeduction Enzymes in Tumors CellaUnder the Action of Inhibitors of theChain Reaction, by N. M. Emanuel', L. P.Lipchina, I. I. Pelevina, T. E. Lipatova,4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dol Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 5, 1959, pp 1157-. AIBS

An Organ-Specific Liver Antigen Absent inHepatoma, by G. I. Abelev, Z. A. Avenirova,N. V. Engel'gardt, Z. L. Baidakova, G. I.Stepanchenok-Rudnik, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 6, 1959, pp 1328-1330. AIBS

The Effect of High Oxygen Tension and of 1131Introduction on Oxidative Phosphorylation inLiver, by Z. G. Bronovitskaya, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, No 6,1959, pp 1331-1334. AIBS

Furocoularins of the Fruit of the ParsnipPastinaca Sativa L, by N. P. Maksyutina, D. E.Kolesnikov, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 6, 1959, pP 1335-133d. AlES

Some Data on the N-Terminal Groups of GammaGlobulin of Rabbits in Normal and PathologicalConditions, by M. S. Reznichenko, V. P.Moiseyeva, L. I. Polotnova, S. E. Ttikachinskiy,3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak NauK SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 6, 1959, pp 1339-1341. AIBS

A Study of the Fructose Anhydrides of theVegetative Organs of Helianthus Tuberosus L.,by S. M. Strepkov, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 6, 1959, pp 1344-1346. AIBR

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ScientificBiology (Contd)

The Most Important Achievements of Nd-icalEntomology in the USSR During the LastForty Years (1917-1957), by Ye. N.Pavlovskiy, A. V. Gutsevich, 27 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Entomologfcbesko~e Obozreniye,Vol XXXVI, No 4, 1957, pp 8 29-8 4 4 . JFRS-910-D

Radloactive Contamination of TerrestrialAreas Poured From Contaminated Reservoirs,by A. A. Peredelskiy, i. 0. Bogatyrev.RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Biol, No 2,1959, pp 186-192. *AEC

Or Soil Conditioners, by P. V. Vershinin.RUSSIAN, per, Pochvovedeniye, No 10, 1959,pp 28-37. *USDA

Methods and Results of Hybridization of Cereal.Leaf Rust Forms, by I. A. Shifman.RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Vses =nst ZashchityRastenii, No 10, 1955, pp 137-152. 9042514 USDA

Role of Preceding Plants in the ChangedSusceptibility of Winter Wheat to Leaf Rust,by V. V. Shopina.RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Vses Inst Zashchity Rastenii,No 10, 1958, pp 183-192. 9042515 USDA

The Development of Biology -- The TheoreticalPremise for Raising the Level of Medical andAgricultural Sciences, 6 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Uspekh Sovrem Biol, Vol XLVII,No 2, 1959, pp 133-13b. JIRS-913-D

The Connection Between the Biocherical Processesand the Structural Elements of a Bacterial Cell,by N. S. Gel'man, 23 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Usepkh Sovrem Biol, Vol XLVII,No 2, 1959, pp 152-167. JrRS-L-1873-D

Jew Measures for the Control of Beet SnoutBeetles, by V. P. Vasil'ev, et al..3USSIAN, per, Vest Sel'skokhoz Nauk, Vol IV,No 3, 1959, PP 3•-T5.7 9042189 USDA

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ScientificBiology (Contd)

A Device for Bacteriological Seedings, byS. 1. Zhuravyev.

[ RTE=IN,' per, Veterinma1yz, Vol XXXVI, No 8,1959, p 79. *WUSDA

Materialist Theory of Reflection and theTheory of Development of Living Matter, by0. V. Lapshin, 17 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Voprosy Filosofii, No 4, 1958,PP 78-.87. JPR$ -L-967 -N

Plant Protection in the Latvian SSE, by P. S.Udints ov.RUSSIAN, per, Z.ashchits. Rastenii ot Vred~itelei.i Boleznci, Vol IV, No 2, 1959, pp, 4-6.904~2490 USDA

Results and Tasks in Gypsy Moth Control, byN. N. Khramtsov.RUSSIAN, per, Zashchita Rastenii. ot Vrediteleii Boleznei,' Vol IV, No 2, 1959, pp 27-29.90Z2502 USDA

Agents Against the Cobweb Mite.RUSSIAN, per, Zashchita Rastenii ot Vrediteleii Bolezniei, Vol IV, No 2, 1959, PP 34-37.9042505 USDA

The Complex Utilization of Seaweed, by ChiMing-hou, 6 pp.CHINESE, per, K'o-bjsueh__T'uqg_-pao, No 4f, Peiping,1959, pp 120-122. jphs -L -1862 -D

Plankton Investigation in China, by Cheng Chuing,4 pp.CHINESE, per, K'o-hsuT'un-po, No 4, peipingl1959, pp 122, 123. jFRS-L-J.863-D

Brief Monograph on the mya (Mya, Arenaria -Linne 1767), by Fred Vies, 56 pp. -Dept of InteriorFRENCH, per, 1emoires de la Societe Zoologilge SHMl, B82dIe Fraunce, Vol XXII,. Paris, 1909, pp 90-141. No 176

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ScientificBiology (Contd)

Notes on the Formation of Ascites in Carp onthe Basis of Bacteriological Evidence andklectrophoretie Work on BIoo, by K. Orffaun,G. Brunner, S. Riedmiller.GERMAN, per, Archly fuer Fischereiwissezschaft, Fish and Wildlife SvNo 5/6, Hamburg, 1955, pp 316-327. Boothbay Harbor, Me

On Individual Substances and BiochemicalIndividual Specificity, by L. Loehner,

(DC-3034).GERMAN, per, Pfluegers Archly, Vol CXCVIII,

1923, pp 490-503. *JPRS

On Characteristic Odors o-' a H-man Ind'•Vidua

and of Areas of the Human Body, by L. Loehner,(DC-3034 ).GERMAN, per, Pfluegers Archly, Vol CCII, 1924,pp 25-45. *JPRS

Research on the Olfactory-PhysiologicalCapabilities of Police Dogs, by L. Loehner,(DC-3034).GERMAN per, Pfluegers Archiv, Vol CCXIIl y1926, pp 84-94. *JPRS

Report on the Investigation of the Arlaka Sea,No 4. Dept of InteriorJAPANESE, rpt, Sekai Regional Fisheries Laboratory, SH 301, A454No 4, Nagasaki, 1957. No 4

The Partridge, its Life History, Propagation andHunting, by Otakar Kokes, 278 pp.POLISH, bk, Koroptev, JeJf Zivot, Chov a lov. Dept of interiorIlustroval Jirf Zidlicky. Praze, Nakladatelstvi QL 1, E 78Studentske Knihtiskarny, 1947. No 1.

On the Effect of Ionizing Radiation on the HumanNervous System, by V. F. Sayenko-Lyubarskaya,16 pp.LKRAINIAN, per, Fiziol Zhur, Vol V, No 2, 1959,pp 261-269. JahS-L-960-N

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Th; vloikh-'v. o- Tr'ice Amounts of HuthunLiumDuring Xftmact1on, by A. V. Nikole9-,v, N. M.

RUSS1IN, bk, Mosco,., -"'53, jp 271-231.. *ALC

Tagged Atom Method of Studying the B4otyn-

thesis of Chloi'ophyl' ; -\. .. 3h. 2)",.iWUS13IA[, Ok, Metod Mechun ch .'tomluv vIzuchenii Biosinteza Chiorofiiia, put),, u•,Academy of Sciences of B&lorussiya SSR, Minsk,1956. AB.C Tr' 354 L

The Role of Colloidal Chemical PhenomnaDuring the Corrosion of Metals in Salt Solu-tions, by L. K. Lepin, 11 pp.RUSSIAN, r-pt, Problemy Korrozii i ZashchitaMetallov, Inet Fiz Khim Trudy 5-9o VsesoyuznogoSoveshchaniya, 1954, pp 107-i14 (publ in 1956t. Navy 2252/NML 732

Equilibrium Systems of Hydroxides and Oxidesof Iron in Solutions of Its Chlorides andSulfates, by A. V. Kazakov, E. I. Sokolova,A. Z. Vainshtein, 36 pp.RUSSIAN, rpt, Trudy Instituta GeologicheskikhNauk, Akademiya Nauk SSSR, GeologicheskayaSeriya, No 152 (64), 1957, pp 72-92. Navy 2292/NRL 737

The Mechanism and Kinetics of the Reduction ofIron Oxides, by Gases, by Prof S. T. Rostovtsev.RUSSIAN, rpt, Trudy Soveshchaniya Inst MetallurgUral 'skogo Filiala Ak Nauk SSS_ i MagnitogorsxogoMetal Kombin, 1955, pp 65-79 (pub! ::., 1956)'. Navy 2293/NRL 738

The Me-chanism and the Kinetics of the LowTemp,ý'ature Reduction of Iron Oxides by CarbonMonoaxide. Ilydrogen and Their Mixtures, by A. N.Xuznetsov, 1'7 pp.RUSSIAN, rpt, Trudy Soveshchaniya Inst MetallurgUral 'skogo Filiala Akad Nauk SSSR i MagnitogorskogoMetal Kombinn, 1955, pp 80..92 (publ in 1956). Navy 2290/NRL 735

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ScientificChemistry (Conta)

Crystal Chemical Transformations in theReduction of Iron Oxides, by Prof V.Arkfarov, 18 pp.IWSSIA, rpt, Yritdy Sovbeshbwlya InatMetal Ural 'skogo Filiala Akad Nauk SSSRi Magnitogorskogo Metal Kombin, 1955,pp 93-110 (publ in 195t.). Navy 2251/MNL 731

Calcium Carbonate as a Filler, by V. N.Grits ulyak.RUSSIAN, per, Buaazhna•y Prom, Vol XIII, No 8,1958, pp 12-14. DSU1 LLU RTS 1175

Peculiarities of the Faraday Effect inParattin-Ferrite Mixtures, by V. A. Fabrikov.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CII1,No 5, 1955, pp W07-809. CCT 1270B

Organic Fluorosilicon Compounds. Simple OrganicFluorosilic-.n Ethers, by A. D. Petrov, V. A.

Ponomarenko, G. V. Odabashyan.RUSSIAN, per, Dfk Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXI,No 2, 1958, PP'307-310. DSIR LD X.469

Hydrothermal Ac~id-Alkaline Differentiation,by D. S. Korzhiaskiy, 4 pp.

RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII,No 2, 1958, pp 267-. CB

The Isotopic Composition of Natural Phosphates,by R. V. Teis, T. S. Gromova, S. N. Kochettova,4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauvk SSSR, Vol xCCII, No 6,1958, pp 1057-. CB

Some Data on the Content and Distribution of

Iron in the Black Sea, by M- A- Dobrzhanskaya,T. I. Pshenina.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIII,No 5, 1958, pp 895-. CB

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Scientifichemis try (Cout1)

More Mineral Fertilizers, Herbicides andDmeotlou for Aglocttue, by 0. orkart,10 pp.

RS.IAN, per, Uon Sel'skogo Khoz, No 5,Jull/Aug 1958, PP 2:-48 JFIW-L-18145-D

Frcm the Field of the Mercury-Orpanic Com-pounds Report XLIV (1). Preparation ofMonohaloge-mercuriketones and AldehydesThrougbh Enolacetates and Their C- and 0-Alkylation and Acylation Reactions, by A. N.Neameyanov, N. F. Lutseako, Z. X. Tumanova,14 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, No 6, 1949,pp 601O-66. NIH

Fluoro-Olefin Reactions 8. The Reactions ofPerfluorovinyl Magnesium Halides, by I. L.Dnunyants, R. N. Sterlin, R. D. Yatsenko,L. N. Pinkina.RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel KhimSauk, No 11. 195, pp 1345--1347. DsI LLU x.475

Prospects for the Chemical Industry inEastern Siberia, by S. I. Vol'fkovich, 14 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Iz Sibirskogo Otdel Ak NaukSSSR, No 12, Novosibirsk, 1955, pp 51-60. JpRS-L-936-N

The Structure and Properties of Filled RubberStocks. XVII. The Properties of ColloidalSilica Which Determine Its Reinforcing Effect,by K. A. Pechkovskaya, et al.RUSSIANO, per, Kauchuk i Rezina, Vol XVII, No 2,pp 12-17. DSIR LLU RTS 1112

Application of the Ion-Exchange Mtthod tothe Extraction, Fractionation and Purificationof Rare Metals, by D. I. Ryabehikov.AUSSIAN, per, Khim Nauka i Prom, Vol I, No 5,1956, pp 554-560. Co-op Tr Scheme 364

£The Manufacture antUse of CarboxymethylCellulose Ether in the National Economy, byK. F. Zhigach.RUSSIAN, per, Khim Nauka i Prom, Vol II, No 1,1957, pp 76-80. Co-op Tr Scheme 642

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ScientificChemistry (Contd)

Coefficients of Mass Transformation onEorizcntn1 ftrE orated P.laten at Var itO"Gag Speeds, by!. W,. Kazli'mnykh. L. S.Aksei'rod, Zh. A. Kuval', A. I. Rodionov,12 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Khim Prom, No 2, gar 1954,pp 539. JPMS-L-937-N

Study of Nlatural Rubbcr V--.ct-nizaton by theTagged ATom Method, by G. A. Blokh.RUSSIAN, per, Kbim Prom, No 2, 1956, pp 78-89. Co-op Tr Scheme 369

Oxygen in Blast Furnace Smelting, by M. A.Shapova-Lov.RUSSIAN, per, Kislorod, uo 4, 1958, pp 1-i.. *BS1 1i424

The Use of Naphthalene and Its Homologaes inthe Production of Phthalic Anhydride, by D. A.Gurevich.RUSSIAN, per, Koks i 1hiim, No 8, 1958,pp 34-38. DSIR LLU RTS 1104

Obtaining an Analogue of Cocoa Butter, byM. K. Yakubov.RUSSIAN, per, Masloboyno-Zhirovaya Prom,Vol .vIV, No 4,-1956, pp C9-2. DSIR LLU RTS 1077

Apparatus for Determining the Consistency ofMargarine and Pure Butter, by A. D. Rezak,et al.RUSSIAN, per, Masloboyno-Zhirovya Prom, VolXXIV, No 8, 195&, p 45. Co-op Tr Scheme 636

The Synthesis of Mono-Alkyl-Cyclohexanes ofC15-C18 Composition With an Increased Density,

,y Ye. B. Sokolova, .G, V. Krasnova.RUSSIAN, per, Nauch Dk. Vysshey Shkoly-K•i Khim Tekh, No 2, 1956, PP 330-334. *ATIC MCL-347/V

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ScientificChemistry (Conta)

Investigation of the Nature of ConcentrationQpeueiM of Dyestaffs In Varlowta .ostuand Classification of Different Types ofQj•enching, by V. L. Levshin, E. G. Baranova,20 pp.RUSSIAN per, Optika i Spektro, Vol VI, 1959,pP 55-64. AEC Tr 3775

On the Luminescence Decay Law for Polystyreneat Electron Excitation, by 8. F. Kilin, I. M.roz7mn, 10 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Optika i Spektro, Vol VI, 1959,pp 65-69. aC Tr 3776

Influence of Reabsorption of the FluorescenceDuration of Organic Substances, by S. F. IKilin,I. M. Ro•.zi, 15 pp.RUSSIAN, per, 0ptika i Sj ktro, Vol VI, 1959,pp 70-77. ABC Tr 3777

Delayed Luminescence of Dibenzyl andDiphenylamine Crystals on Photo- andf -Excitation, by T. P. Belikova, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, ;er, Optika i Spektro, Vol VI, 1959,pp 117, 118. ABC Tr 3779

The Seventh Conference on Luminescence (CrystalPhosphors), by Oh. V. Lushchik, A. V. Moskvtn,9 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Optika i Spektro, Vol VI, 1959,pp 122-124. AWC Tr 3780

The Influence of Oxygen on the PhysicochemicalProperties of Bitumen and Bituminous Miastics,by T. M. Bogoslovskaya, et al.RUSSLIN, per, Trudy Inst Neft Ak Nauk KazakhSSBR, Vol II, 1956, pp 93-99. DSIR LLU RTS 1168

Microhardness of Tv -Fold Refractory Carbides,by A. V. Koval'sk!±, L. A. Petrova.RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Soveshchkhniya po Mikroverdosti,1950, Moscow, pp 170-16b. *AEC

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Scientif icChemiszry (Contd)

Spontaneous Formation of Centers of Crystal-lization in an Undercooled Melt in an Ultra-sonic Field, by A. P. Kapuntlix, k' pp..RUSSIAN, per, Uchenyye LApiski, Vol LXG(XVIII,1954, pp 53-56-. JPRS -L-970-N

On the Tneory of the Growth of Crystals, by0. M. Aasheles, (rNY-3o4).RUSSIAN, per, Uchenyya Zapiski, LeningadskogoOrderia Leninas Gosuderstvenno~o U imena A. A.Zhdanova, Ser Geolog Nauk, No 215, 1957,

Pyophoricity in Alloys, by H. Novotny.PUSSIAN, per, Uspekh Kbim, No 3, 1958,PP 353-364. Infosearuh Ltd

Thermodynamic Properties of Liquid AlloysContaining Alkali Metals, by A. F. Alabyshev,

TerAliain y. .Trtynkyet al,

HUSSIAF, -per, 2aekh Khinl, No 8, 1958, pp 921-937. Infosearch LtdThe Synth.±-sis of Polymer E-lectrolytes andRUSSIAN, per, Uspekh lKiim., Vol XXVII, No 9,1958, pp 1084-1100. DSIR LLU RTS 1013

RUSSIAN, per, Uspekh Khim, Vol JOCVII, No 11,1958, pp 1257-1303. DsiR ILU RT 1014

Beryllium Fluoride and Flaoberyllates, byA. V. Novoselova, (DC-3058).RUSSIAN, per, Uspekh IXhim, Vol )OCVIII, No 1,1959) Pp 33-437.

Hydrogen Discharge Overvoltage At Zr in Acidand Alkaline Solutions, by A. M. Murtazesev,T. K. Azizovs-, 8 pp.KJSSIAN, per, Uzbek Kh:Lm Zhur, AkNauk U~zbeksSR, No 3, 195b, pp69-74. AEC Tr 3728

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ScientificChemistry (Contd)

The Isolation of Properdin and Some Data onIts ChumOicl OCwositioa, by Ye. J. Yoluskaya,N. V. Cheburkina, V. I. Tovarnitskiy, 9 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Voprosy Medit Khim, Vol V, No 3,1959, pp 200-205. JPRS-L-916-N

Chemical Method for the Control of the GrainMoth, by D. M. Paikin, K. V. Novozhilov, P. F.Mende.RUSSIAN, per, Zashchita Rastenii ot Vreditelei: Boleznei, Vol IV, No 2, 1959. 9042500 USDA

A New Colour Reaction for Detecting andDetermining Be, Using Chrome Blue K, by L. P.Kalin chenko.

RUSSIAN, per, Zavod Lab, No 1, 1958, pp 22, 23. Infosearch Ltd

Determination of the Cooling Capacities ofFused Salts, by D, Ya. Vishnyakov, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Zavod Lab, No 1, 1958, pp 63-65. Infosearch Ltd

A Microelectrochemical Method of Studying theC0t-rosion of Stressed Metals, by A. V.Ryabchenkov, et alRUSSIAN, per, Zavod Lab, No 2, 1955,pp 167-173. lafosearch Ltd

A Simplified Method of Determining Moisturein Materials Used for Welding, by V. M.Shpeitman, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Zavod Lab, No 2, 1958,pp 187, 188. Infosearch Ltd

A Device for Measuring the Moisture Contentof Liquid COa, by M. G. Kaganev, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Zavod Lab, No 2, 1958, p 247. Infoaearch Ltd

A Contact Device for Shaft Torque MeasurementsUsing Strain Gauges, by N. S. Shchirenko, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Zavod Lab, No 4, 1958, pp 491, 492. Infosearch Ltd

Determination of Alkali Metal Impurities inCaesium Salts by Flame Photometry, by N. S.Poliuektov, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Zavod Lab, No 5, 1)58, 'n 2-8-531- Infosearch Ltd

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ScientificChemistry (Contd)

Estimation of the Tendency to Brittle Fracturein Steel Under Actual Use Conditions. Allow-aace for the 8cae Factor, by I. X. Msevaudin.RUSSIAI•, per, Zavod Lab, No 8, 1958,pp 1017-1024. Infosearch Ltd

A Simplified Apparatus for DeterminingHydrogen in Metals by Isotope DilutionUsing Spectroscopic Assay, by V. A. Bogrest,et al.RUSSIAN, per, Zavod Lab, No 8, 1958, pp 1034,1035 Infosearch Ltd

Assaying Aluminium With Alberon, by E. A.Kas•kovskaya, I. S. Mostafin.RUSSIAN, per, Zavod Lab, Vol XXIV, No 10,1958, pp 1189-1192. *AEC

Measurement of the Solubility of Hydrogen inMagnesium Alloys, by M. V. Sharov, V. V.Serabryakov.BUSSIA'T, per, Zavod Lab, No 10, 1958,pp 1226-1P228 *AEC

Adsorption of a Mixture of Vapors on PorousAdsorbents, by G. F. Lesokhina, 0. M. Podurov-skaya, K. A. Gol'bert, 1-1 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Fiz Khims Vol XXII, No 8,1948, pp 96l-967. JPES-L-898-N

Influence of Solvents on Strength of Acids,by N. A. Izmailov.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Fiz Khim, Vol XXIV, No 3,1950, pp 32-1-3=3. DSIR LLU RTS 1174

Absorption of Gases in-the Presence ofSurface-Active Agents. iIo Mechanismof the Effect Exerted by Surface-ActiveAgents on the Rate of Absorption, by A. N.Ternovskaya, A. P. Belopol'skiy, 12 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Fiz Khim, Vol XXVI, No 8,1952, pp 1090-1056. JRS-L-1835-D


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Chemistry (Conta)

A Method for Analysis of Microscopic Quantitiesof Heavy Water, by R. E. Mardaleishvilli, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Fiz Kbim, Vol XXVII, No 12,.1953, Pp 2195-219T8 COT 327B

Experimental Confirmation of the Theory ofCrystal Growth and t'e Relation Between theEquilibrium Forms and the Forms of Growth,by V. I. Danilov, V. I. MIlkin, 13 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Fiz Khim, No 10, 1954,pp 1837-184". JFRS-L-946-N

Effect of Temperature on the Absorption Sbectraof Electrolytic folurions, by S. V. Gorbachev,P. A. Zagorets.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Fiz 10Am, Vol XXIX, 1955,pp 1549-1554 . *ABC

The Kinetics of Crystallization Processes ofSolutions and Melts, by A. K. Skryabin, 19 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Fiz Khim, No 4, 1957,pp 780-791. Jfi5-L-938-N

The Effect of Ionizing Radiation of theCorrosion of Metals Under Atmospheric Conditions.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Fiz Khim, Vol XXXIII, No 6,1959, pp 1256- I62.- *ACSI, 1-4619

Distribution of Complex Compound Between TwoSolvents, by N. P. Komar', 17 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, No 5, 1957,pp 1015-1024. JFRS-L-940-N

The State of Micro-Amounts of Radioelements inLiquid and Solid Phases, by I. E. Starik.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, No 1, 1958,pp 6-15. Infosearch Ltd

Ion-Exchange Sorption of Radioelements, byB. P. Nikol'skiy.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, No 1, 1958,pp 59-65. Infosearch Ltd


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Ghenis bl'y (C.ntdj

Application of Ion Exchange to the Study ofthe StIate of a Material in Solution. III.Study of the Form of Existence of Niobiumin Solutions of Sulphuric and PerchloricAcids, by V. I. Paramonova, et al.EWSIAE, per, Vr Eorgn loam, No 1,1958, pp 74-81. Infoseareh Ltd

A New Method of Radiochemicall Purificationof Protactinium,,by I. E. Starik, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, No 1, 1958,pp 139-144. (see above)

Extraction as a .Method for the Separation andStudy of Radioactive Elements, by V. M.Vdovenko.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, No 1, 1958,pp 145-154. (see above)

The Extraction of 'Cerium by Tributyl-Phosphate,by A. V. Nikolayev, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, No 1, 1958,pp 160-164. - (see above)

A Contribution to the Thermodynamics ofExtraction by Tributylphosphate.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, No 2, 1956,1957, p 549. (see above)

Sorption of Radioactive Isotopes by AluminiumHydroxide, by S. A. Voznesenskiy, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, No 2, 1958,pp 235-239. (see above)

IV. The Reaction of Titanates and Phosphatesof Potassium on Crystallization Prom Melts.Investigation of the Ternary Systems K2TiO3 -K4P 3 07-TiO2 and K2 TiO3 -K4 P2 07 -K3 P04, by I. N.Belyayev, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, No 2, 1958,pp 425-432. (see above)

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ScientificChewistry (Contd)

V. 2e Reaction of Titanatee A Silicate&of Scdium on Crystallisatio Fran Welts,Investigation of the Ternary System

S10o3 -a 2Tio3 -TiO2 , by l. N. Belyayev,et al..RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, No 2,1958, pp 433-439. Iafosearch Ltd

Vi. The Reaction of Titanates and Pyrophosphatesof Potassium and Lithium on CrystallizationFrom Melts, by I. N. Belyaye",, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan KIhm, No 2, 1958,pp 440-446. (see above)

Decomposition Potentials of Same Compounds ofNiobium and the Separation of Niobium byElectrolysis From Melts, by E. I. Gurovich.RJSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, No 2, 1958,pp 450-455. (aee above)

I. A Study of the Simultaneous Solubility ofUranyl Nitrate and Alkaline Earth MetalNitrates in Water, by M. A. Yaklmov, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan KlXm, No 2, 1958,pp 504-507. (see above)

The Extraction of Nitric Acid by a 1 MolarSolution of Tributyl-Phosphate in Benzene,by V. V. Fomin, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Kh1m, No 2, 1958,pp 540-541. (see above)

The Production of Metals and Alloys byReacting Fused Salts and Metals, by A. P.Palkin.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan ihim, No 4, 1958,

pp 911-914. (see above)

The Piy-sicocheyniesl Properties of Aqueous

Pr(IV) Qcalate and Its Solubility Product, byA. I. Moskvin, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, No 4, 1958,pp 956-961. (see above)

The Compositions and Dissociation Constants ofthe Oxalate and Carbonate Complexes of Pu(iV),by A. I. Koskvin, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, No 4, 1958,pp 962-974. (see above)

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ScientificChemistry (Contd)

Solubility Diagrams for Uranyl and ThoriumNitrates in the Presence of Other Nitrates,by A. 0. Kurmnakova, et al."RUSSIAN, per, Zb'xr Neorgen "•him, No 4, 7958,pp 1028-1036. Infosearch Ltd

Carbonate and Carbonate-Oxalate Complexes ofPu(IV). I. Potassium Plutonyl Carbonates, byA. D. Gel'man, et al.RUSSIAN; per, Zhur Neorgan 10hm, No 6, 1958,pp 1304-1311. (see above)

Determination of the Compositlors and DissociationCons t =4.-; of O.:e'ate Complex Iorz of Plutonium

(VI), by P.. D. Gel'man, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, No 7, 1958.pp 1546-1550. (see above)

II. Sodium Plutonium Carbonates, by A. D.Gel'man, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, No 7, 1958,pp 1551-1554. (see above)

III. Mixed Oxalate-Carbonate Compounds ofPlutonium (IV), ,y A. D. Gel'man, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Thim, No 7, 1958;pp 1555-1564. (Lee above)

Redox Reactions in the Coordination Sphere,by Ya. D. Fridman.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan 10im, No 8, 1958,pp 1865-1875. (see above)

Extraction of Thorium by 3ributylphosphate.III: The Influence of S0n- IoLs on the Distri-bution of Thorium, by E. P. Maiorova, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, No 8, 1958,pp 1937-1954. (see above)

Extraction of Protactinium by AlkylphosphorieAcids, by V. B. Shevchenko, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, No 8, 1958,

195q-1958. (see above)


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Scientifich•emistry (Contdj)

A Contribution to the Etraction of UranylPerchlorate by Tribuatylphospbste, by V. B.Sheve.bnko, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, No 8, 1958,pp 1965-1967, Infosearcb Ltd

Production and Properties of PlutonlitHalides. I. Plutonium Chlorides, by V. V.Foin, et aI.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan him, Jo 9, 1958,,; 1999-2005. (s:ee sbove)

II. The Compositions of the PrecipitatesFormed ty Reacting Soluti3ns of Ursnyl SaltsWith NaCS, by V. I. Paramonova, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, No 9, 1958,pp 2o67-2074- (see above)

Extraction of Nitric Acid Into Tributyl Phosphate,by V. B. Shevchenko, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, No 9, 1958,pp 2109-2112, (see above)

Extraction of Pu(IV) Into Tributyl Phosphate.I. Variation of Partition Coefficient WithTBP Concentration, by V. V. Fomin, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, No 9, 1958,pp 2113-2116. (see above)

Dissociation Constant Determination on Ce(NO3)-x

Ions Using Extraction Into Tributyl Phosphate,by V, V. Fomin, et albRUSSIAN; per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, No 9, 1958,pp 2117-212.7 (see above)

Dependence of Ion-Exchange Separations ofRare Earth on the Structural Rigidity andExchange Capacity of the Resin, by B. K.Preobrazhenaskiy, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Zhar Neorgan Khim, No 9, 1958,pp 2l34-PIr213, (see above)

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ScientificChemistry (Conta)

Production and Properties of PlutoniumTribromide, by V. V. Fomin, et al.MWSIf, per, M Weorm0a , Io 10,1958, pP 2231-35. Infoseareh Ltd

Electrolytic RedUction of Certain Nitroso-Corpounds of .9, by 0. E. Z•yagintcev, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, No 10, 1958,pp 2305-2308. (see above)

The Salt-Forming Hydrogen Ions of PhosphotungsticAcid, by N. B. Mikheyev, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, No 10, 1958,pp 2320-2322. (see above)

Nature of Hydrochloric Acid Solution ofPentavalent Niobium, by S. I. Solov'yev,Ye. I. Krylov, (NY-2962).RUSSIAN, per, Zhu-Neorgan_ Khim, Vol III, No 11,1958, pp 24b7-2490. *JPES

Thermal Stability of Silicon Nitride, by I. M.KuLleshov, 4 pp.RUSt IAN, per, Zhur Meorgan Khim, Vol IV, No 2,1959, pp 488-491. 9042277 DSI 537 (British)

Specific Weight of Aqueous Solutions ofFormic and Acetic Acids, by A. A. Galgoleva,7 Pp.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol XV, 1945,pp 131-134. ABC Tr 3756

Control of the Flow of Friable Material byGas Injection, by A. R. Brun-Tsekhovoi.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Prik Khim, No 4, 1958,pp 634, 635. Infosearch Ltd

Preparation of Chlorinated and -. ±p•.o-Chlorinated Polypropylena, by D. A. Krentsel,A. V. Topchiyev, D. Ye. I1'yina, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Prik Khim, Vol XXXII, No 6,1959, pptl104-1-7C394! DSI 548 (British)


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ScientificChemistry (Contd)

Organic Phosphorus Compounds, by B. A.Arbwtov, 16 pp.RUSS=, per, Z=aiv 19" . 9044 UD

Marine Chemistry and Its Development, 5 PP.CHINESE, per, Ko-hsueh Tlung-!ao, No 4,1959, Peiping, P 116, 117. JPFs-L-186o-D

Structure of Absorption Spectrum of KC1 andNaCI Containing Traces of AgCI, by RuzenaLubakova, 6 pp.CZECH, per, Czechoslovak J Phys, Vol VII, 1957,pp -10, 1M. AEC Tr 3755

Decomposition of Chloramine in AqueousSolution, by T. C. Carlsen, 8 pp.DANISH, per, Dansk Tidsskr Farm, Vol m,1956, pp 52-55. NIB 8-13

Preparation of H2 S0• and of Certain OthrSimple Mineral Compounds Labeled With SJ, byE. Gueronniere, R. Henry, 12 pp.FRENCH. AEC Tr 3721

T~e Sub-Nitrite of Carbon C CyanacetyleneC NH, by Charles Moureu, J. C. Bongrand.FRENCH, per, Annales de Chim, Vol XIII-XIV,1920, pp 1-58. *AZC

Corrosion Problems in Gas-Cooled Reactors, byR. Darras, 20 pp.FRENCH, per, Bull Inform Sci et Tech (Paris),No 21, 1958, pp 13-25. AEC IGIS-8(RD/Wi)

The Cracking of Methane in a Tubular Reactor:Part I, and Part II, by J. E. Germain, C.Vaniscotte.FRENCH, per, Bull Soc Chim France, 1957,pp 692-695; 195b, pp 319-323. RAE 809, 810

On the Preparation of Lithium Hydride, byPh. Albert, J. Mache.

FRENCH, per, Bulletin de la Societe Chimiquede France, 1st Trimester, No 1126, 1958,pp 1165-1167. "Navy/1RL


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ScientificMieml.stry 'Cortd)

Application of Differential Thermal Analysisto the Study of High Polymers, by J. Coste.

,BDO, p?' M PIA~t1QJLUU 00d, UrT 1957#

Polyirethane-Based Adhesives, by J. Grosmangin.FRENCH, per, 2 , Note Tech, No 29, 1956, 33 PP. RAE 806

The Application of Starch Gel Electrophoresis'o the Study of the S6rum Frot~ein Ccownen:s inDysproteinemia, by J. M. Fine, R. Creyssel,P. Morel, 14 pp.FRENCh, per, Revue d'Hematologle, Vol XIV, No I,1959, pp 75-89. NIH 9-2

Porous Membranes and Procedures for theManufacture of the Membranes, 6 pp.FRENCH, 1atent No 1-172.527, 20 Oct 1958. ABC Tr 3773

A. Soda Lime Filter for Diving Purposes.B. Opinion on the Question Concerning Influ-ence of a 2% COn Content in the Inspired Air 1zClosed Circuit Diving Gear, by Dr. Freude.GERMAN, rpt, Dept of Army Eeport RB 554-59,Office for Social Hygiene, Labor and AdvancedMedical Training, Institute f? AppliedPhysiology, Berlin. Navy 2243/ONI 556

Report of the Chemical Melting Treatment ofAluminium and Its Alloys, by H. Eisenreich.GERMAN, per, Aluminium, Vol XXXV, No 3,1959, pp 131-135. *ABC

Removal of (xygen From Gases With ActivatedCopper, by F. R. Meyer, Grete Ronge, 7 PP.GO4AN, per, Angew Chem, Vol LII, 1939,pp 637,638. AEC Tr 3744

Physical Chemical Properties of Fluorine, byR. Wicke, E. U. Franek.GERMAN, per, Angew Chea, Vol LVI, No 22,1954, pp 701-710. *ABC

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ScientificChemistry (Contd)

N-Trifluoro Acetyl Amino Aids, by F Weygand,

GERMAN, per, Angew Chem, obl LXIV, -)52 p 136. N•H 9-21

Concerning a New Acid Related to t. PicricAcid (Trinitrophenol), by Rudolph Bot -r,Heinrich Wil, 31 pp.GERMA, per, Ann Chem Pharm, Vol LVIIIý. 1846,pp 273-300. ABC SCL8-m252

The Significance of the Corrosion Processes inAqueous Hydrogen Sulphide Solutions for theFormation of Cv:,acks in Steels, by F. K. Nanrnann,W. Carius.GERMAN, per, Arch Eisenhuettewesen, May 195' ,pp 283-292. BISI 1390

The Absorption of Hydrogen From Aqueous HydrogenSulphide Solutions by Steel and the Formation ofCracks of Steel in Tension. III. Discus. ion,by F. K. Naumnn, W. Carius.GENRM, per, Arch Eisenhuettewesen, Jun 3959,pp 361-370. *Bisi 1413

information on the Depressor Effect of Trypsin,by E. Werle, M. M Forel,. L. Maier, 18 pp.GEZRM, per, Arch Exl!r Path u Pha ol,Vol CCXXV, 1955, pp 369-3 ".. NIH 9-5

The Influence of Sulfur on the Hydrogenation ofLow-Temperature Carbonization Tars, by H.Winter, G. Free, H. Monnig.GERMAN, per, Brennstoff-Chemie, Vol XVIII, Dept :f Interior

1937, pp 320-323. TN 7, E 57, No 52

The Separation of Individual Phenols byPaper Chromatography, by D. Schleede.GEAN, per, Brennstoff-Chemie, Vol XXXVI, Dept of Interior1955, pp 78, 79. TN 7, E 57, No 41


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ScientificChemistry (Contd)

On the Determination of the Catertol Aminesand the P'jrocatecWn in Human Urine, by N.Goldstein, L--Abelin, 16 pp. ... .... .. .GERMAN, per, Helv Chim Acta, Vol MXXIX, 1956,pp 158-167. NIH 9-3

Ionotropic Gels With Capillary Structure asFilter, by Heinrich Thiele, Klaus Hallich.GERMAN, per, Kolloid Z, Vol CIXIII, Nc 2,1959, pp 116-122. *ABC

Nitric Acid Oxidation Kinetics. Part II, byE. Abel, 4 pp.GERMAN, per, Monatsh Chem, Vol IXXXIX, 1957,pp 79-82. AEC Tr 3735

Introduction of Bromine Into Nucleic Acids,4 pp.GERMAN, per, Naturwissenschaften, Vol XLV,No 23, 1958, pp 56- , -69. NiH 8-14

Oxygen in Open-Hearth Furnaces. I. - PresentProcesses, by E. Fussl.GERMAN, per, Radex Rund, May 1959, pp 533-545. *BflSI 1395

Oxygen in Open-Hearth Furnaces. II. A Com-parison and Evaluation of the Processes inOxygen Steelmaking, by W. Schreiber.GERMAN, per, Radex Rund, May 1959, PP 546-555. *BISI 1396

Determination of the Total Amino Acid Contentin the Blood After Peroral Administration ofProtein Hydrolysate, by Ulse Antener, 16 pp.GERMAN, per, Schweiz Med Wscahr, Vol LXXXI,1951, pp 970-97T. NIH 9-1

The Physicochemical Bases of Desulphurizationin the Basic Open-Hearth Furnace, by K. G.Speith, et al.GERMAN, per, Stahl u Eisen, 25 Jun 1959,pp 926-933. *BISI 1434

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ScientificChemistry (Contd)

Nitrosen as an Alloying Elemat In ManganeseVaums Strutsrurl Ste.els Proced by- theOpen-Hearth Process, by H. Joachim, et al.GERMAN, per, Stahl u Eisen, 6 Aug 1959,pp 1120-1129. *BISI 1431

The System Aluminum-Thorium, by Ad. Leber, 12 pp.(PRMAN, per, Z Anorg and Allgem Chem, Vol CCLXVI,1927, pp 16-26. ABC Tr 3722

li'quid Anion Exchangers, by U. Schindewolf, 15 pp.GERMAN, per, Z Ther Elektrochem, Vol LXII, 1958,PP 335-340. AEG N Tr 254

Preparation of Ion Exchange Media by SurfaceCharge Reversal of Silica Gel, by Hans Kautsky,Hermann Wesslau, 4 pp.GERMAN, per, Z Naturforsch, Vol IXb, 1954,pp 569, 570. ABC/CF-58-5-108

Consideration of the Chemical Attack ofRefractories by Steel Baths During MetallurgicalProcesses, by A. Cocco.ITALIAN, per, Fonderia Ital, Feb 1959, pp 47-51. BISI 1325

Fluidisation of Solid Particles, by K. Hirai,K. Fukaya, A. Shimade, K. Mishima.JAPANESE, per, Kageka Kogaku, Vol XVII, 1953,pp 438-447. *ABC

Intermediate Metabolism of Glucuronic Acid,by Masao Watanabe, Masamoto Arai, 22 pp.'JAPAflESE, per, Koso Kagaku Shimpojium, Vol XII,1957, pp 201-207. Nn 8-18

Measurement and Discussion of the IntegratedIntensities of the OH and C'O Infrared AbsorptionBands, by Tiroshi Tsubomara.JAPANESE, per, Ni.on Kagaku Zasshi, Vol LXXVII, Dept of InteriorNo 6, 1956, pp 964 TN 7, E 57, No 48

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ScientificChemistry (Contd)

Studies on Polyvinychloride. Report XXVIII.Specific Gravity and Crystalnty of Pr•ePVC-Fiber, by Tatsuya Imoto, Yutaka M. Nakai,15 pp.JAPANESE, per, Sen-i Gakkaisbi, Vol X1II,1957, pP 808-81-. AEC SCL-T-26h

Studies on Polyvinylchloride. Report XXIX.Maximum Point in the Shrinkage Curve of thePVC-Fiber, 17 pp.JAPANESE, per, Sen-i Cakkaishi, Vol XIII,1957, pp 823-816. ABC SCL-T-265

Chemistry of Toxic Components of Ericaseae,by Tsunematsu Takemoto, Haruo Meguri, 19 pp.JAPANESE, per, Yakugau Keikyu, Vol XXIX,No 6, 1957, pp 5?I-59. NH 8-17

Chemical Studies on Callicrein, Report No 3 -Purification by Zone Electrophoresis, byHiroshi Moriya, Eiichiro Shimazawa, 9 pp.JAPANESE, per, YtI shi, Vol LXXIX,No 3, 1959, PP 37 -377- NN 8-15

The Thermal Conductivity of an Oxide Cathode,by Ya.. P. Zingerman.UKRAINIAN, per, Ukrainskiy Fiz Zhur, Vol 1I1956, No 3, PP 30d-311. DSIR LLU RTS 1030

Investigation of the Influence of PotassiumTetraborate on the Oxidation of Methane, byV. I.. Urizko, M. V. Polyakov.UKRAINIAN, per, Ukrainski him Zhur, VolXXIV, No 2, 1958, pp 177-151. DSIR LLU RTS n181


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ScientificChemistry (Contd)

A Stud~y cC the Mfecto of the Reactor Wallan the Odt atleon of e , by T. z. . . . .. . . . ..

Kornienko, M. V. Polyakov.UKRAINIANM, per, Ukrainski_ K)1'm Zhur, VolXXIV, No 2, 1958, -pp --. Ds LLU RTS 1182Investigation Into the KiLnetics andMechs•isns of Oxidation of Methyl Alcohol

in the Absence of a Catalyst, by S. M.Loos, X. V. Polyakov.TURAINIAN, per, Ukrainskiy Khim Zhur, VolXXIV, No 2, 1958, pp 190-197. DBI W LLU M 1183

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Damains on the ilectrical 7wnsttfy linRespect to Future Power Development.RUSSIAN, per, Elektricheskie Stantsi,No 2, 1958, pp 6-11. Infosearch Ltd.

Currents and Movements of Induction andSynchronous Machines During Speed Variation,by L. G. Mamikonyants.RUSSIAN, per, Elektrichestvo, No 8, 1958,

PP 54-64. Infosearch Ltd.

Activation of the Electric Central Apparatus atLavino - Activation of Electric InstallationsNo 31, 4 pp.ITALIAN, rpt, Attivazione Apparati CentraliElettrici di Lavino, 1956-1956. ACSI, H-3376

Activation of the Automatic Block, WithDestination Selector Train Announcer, on theTurin-Trofarello Line, and of a Remote-Controlled Automatic Central Apparatus atSangone Junction - Activation of ElectricInstellations No 48, 6 pp.ITALIAN, rpt, Attivazione del Blocco Automatico,Con Annuncio Dei Treni Selezionato perDestinazione, Sulla Linwa Torino-Trofarello EDi Un Apparato Centrale Automatico Regolato ADistanza Nel Bibio Sangone, 1956-195L. ACSI, B-3776


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SReading Device Using Phototubes and Transistor,by I. F. Miroshnikov, (DC-3o84).RUSSIAN, moncgraph, Peredovoy Nauchno-Tekhnicheskiy i Proizvods tvennyy Opyt,No P-55-20/1, 1959, pp 3-45. *JPRS

Operations Experience of the NondestructiveTesting of Transformer Insulation, by M. V.Khomyakov.RUSSIAN, bk, Transactions of the SecondScientific Technical Session on the Operationof High Voltage Insulation, Moscow, 1955,pp 5d- 6 5. DsR LLu M.461

Influence of Dielectric Properties of Oil on theCharacteristics of Transformer Insulation, byX. A. Gladkikh.RUSSIAN, bk, Transactions of the Second ScientificTechnical Session on the Operation of High VoltageInsulation, Moscow, 1955, pp 62-65. DSIR LLU M.458

System for the Electronic Control of Fuelinjection, by P. Yu. Livshits, V. E. Koganer.RUSSIAN, per, Avtomobil Prom, No 10, 1958,pp 12-15. DSIR LLU RTS 1109

The Production of Negative Ions by ChargeExchange, by V. M Dukelsky.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CV, No 5,1955, pp 955-957. CCT-807B

Dynamic Stability of Long-Distance PowerTransmission With Proportional Control ofExcitation, by D. E. Trofimenko.RUSSIAN, per, Xlektrichestvo, No 10, 1956,pp 1-6. DSIR LLU m.457

Turbogenerator Rotor With Direct Cooling ofWinding Conductors, by V. V. Titov, Z B.Kogan.RUSSIAN, per, ElektrichestVo, No 6, 1957,pp 35-38. DsR LLU M.452


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ScientificElectronics (Contd)

Analysis of the Static Stability of ComplexPower System With the Aid of VlectromicComputers, 'by L. V. Tsukernik, N. A.Kachano'va.RUSSIAN, per, Elektrichestvo, No 7, 1957,pp 39-45. DSIR LLu m.479

Synchronous Capacitators for Long DistanceElectrical Transmission, by A. I. Vazhnov, et al.RUSSIA!I, per, ElCtrichestvo, No 10, 1958,pp 43-47. DSIR LLU RTS 1094

Investigation of the Electric Characteristicsof Iligh Voltage Mercury Valves, by A. A.Sakovich, 5 PP.RUSSIAX, per, Elektrichestvo, No 5, 1959,pp 14-17. 9042252 DSI 544 (British)

Methods of Detecting Faulty SuspensionInsulators, by P. M. Svi.RUSSIAN, per, Elek Stants, No 6, 1957, pp 42-44. DSni LLU m.478

Ccrona Tnvcztigations on Transmission Lines at"400kV a.c. and Over, by N. P. 4nel'yanov.RUSSIAN, per, Elek Stants, Vol XXIX, No 7,1958, pp 60-67. DSIR LJu m.464

Experience With Spacers in the Bundled ConductorSystem of a Transmission Line, by B. I. Komis-sarov, S. A. Skobelev, E. T. Yarovi.RUSSIAN, per, Elek Stants, Vol XXIX, No 7,1958, pP 70-73. DSER iLu m.463

Linear Programminng- 8 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Grazhdanskaya Aviatsiya, No 8,1958, pp 35-37. AF 1255818

Microcalorimeters for Measuring Super-High

Frequency Power in the 3-Centimetre Range, byA. I. Brodskiy, V. 1. Pronenko.RUSSIA•N, per, Izmeritel Tekhnika, No 5, 1957,pp 65, 66. DSIR LizT m.473

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ScientificElectronics (Contd)

Meebwamloki ~tiait 1or= Dur1na the Bilas im-!of ectromgetle ftergy and the Poalbility

of Using It for Measuring Purposes, by R. A.Valitov, P. A. Aleksan• rov.RUSSIAN, per, Izmeritel Tekhnika, No 5, 1957,pp 67, 68. DSIR LLU X.-474

Results of the Operation of the ExperimentalIndustrial Direct Current Transmission Line'ashira-Moscow, by M. R. Sonin, 12 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Iz Nauch-ssled Inst Postoyanogo22!a, No 2, ý97 PP52-9024lSI 514.5 (British)

Oscillations in Electron-Ion Plasms, by M. F.Shirokov, 0. V. Frudkovskaya.RUSSIAN, per, Iz VWsshikh Ucheb Zaved Piz iMatemat, No 2, 1956, p 192. Navy 2266/T-161

Trigger Devices Employing the Capacitance ofp-n Junction, by V. I. Samoylenko, I. A.Glotov, 16 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vysshlkh Ucheb Zaved, MVO,

Radiotekh, No 1, 1959, pp 38-47. ACSI, H-4527

'DON' Radar.RUSSIAN, np, Morskoy Flot, May 1959, pP 31-33. Navy 2277/0NI 583

Thermoelectric Cooling of Photomultipliern,by Ye. A. Koleako, Kh. V. Protopopov. et al.RUSSIAN, per, Pribory i Tekh Eksper, No 3,1959, pp 14o-142. *ATIC MM-353/III

Reliability of Radio-Electronic Equipment, byK. Trofimov, b pp.RUSSIAN, per, Radio, No 1, 1959, Pp 18-20, 30. DSI 549 (British)9042244A Triangular Video Signal Generator, by Yu. N.

Prozorovskiy.RUSSIAN, per, Radiotekhnika, Vol XIII, No 8,1958, p 47. Navy 2260/T-155

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Scientificglectronics (Contd)

on tbe fTheory of Stroboscopic OscillationMeasurement, by V. A. Vol.RUSSIAN, per, Radiotekhnika, Vol XIII, No 8,1958, p 63. Navy 2267/T-162

A Nev Method for Solving ElectrostaticProblems, by Bursbtein, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Radiotekhnika, Vol XIV, No 3,1959. Navy 22)9/T-fl3

Feature Recognition, by A. A. Kharkevich.RUSSIAN, per, Radiotekhnika, Vol XIV, No 5,1959, p 12. Navj 2283/T-]65

Cumulative Probability of Detecting a RadarSignal by N. M. Sedyakin.RUSSIAN, per, Radiotekhnika, Vol XIV, No 5,1959, p 44. Navy 2284/T-166

Travelling Wave Antenna With Active CouplingImpedances, by G. Z. Ayzenberg, 16 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Radiotekhnika,'No 6, 1959, PP 3-16. JFRS-L-1881-D

Approximate Expression for Detection Probabilityof a Signal With Unknown Phase at OptimumReception, by V. I. Burnimovich, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Radiotekh i Elektron, Vol III,No 4, 1958, pp 552-554. ACSI, n-4311

Methods far Focusing Electron Streams inModern, Microwave Devices, by Z. S. Chernov.RUSSIAN., pe-r, Radiotekh i Elektron, Vol III,"Z) 1-, .358, p 12227. Navy 2287/T-169

The Development of Electronics, Radio Communica-ticns and Television in Soviet Russia, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, np, Sovetskiy Patriot, 19 Apr 1959. AF 1255864

Calculation Fecularities of Radio TransmittersUsed in Certain Meteorological Apparatus, byN. I. Shtetn, 11 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Nauch Issled Inst GidrcmetPriborostroyen, 1957, Pp 75-79. AEC SCL-T-258

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ScientificElectronics (Contd)

Soviet Electronic Computers, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Voyeanyye Znaniya, No 2,1959, pP 21-23, AF 1255861

A Survey of Soviet Reactors.CZECH, per, Jaernat er ie, Vol V, No 3,1959, pp 92-99. *AW

1. From the Altimeter to the AM-FM TV -Sweepgenerator; 2. Possibilities of Usingthe FM-Magnet From the AN-APNI Altimeter;3. The Electron Prize Transmitter, 10 pp.DUTCH, per, Electron, No 8, 1955, pp 224-226,231-233. 525th MI Gp, H-4109

A Rotating Aerial; A Two Meter Converter WithSelf Oscillating Triode, by J. G. Zuiderwijk,3 pp.DUTCH, per, Electron, Nc 8, 1956, pp 233-238. 525th MI Gp, H-4108

Distribution on Space Charge in Emission Tubes,by M. Matricon, S. Trouve, 23 pp.FRENCH, per, L'Onde Electrique, Vol XXX, 1950,pp 510-521. AEC Tr 3771

Considerations Regarding the Influence ofWeave and Fabric Structure on the Wear Strength,by S. Richter, 7 PP.GERMAN, per, Deutsche Textiltechnik, Vol VIII,No 3, 1958, pp 23-25. AEC SCL-T-262

A New Triggerable Sweep Unit for ElectronicBeam Oscillographs, by Hans Foerster, 6 pp.GERMAH, per, Elektronik, No 12, 1958, pp 375-378. ACSI, E-3548

Underwater Television, by Hans Ieidholdt, 4 pp.GERMAN, per, Siemens Z., Vol XXXIII, No 4, 1959,pp 277-288. Navy/ONI 5074911

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ScientificElectronics (Contd)

KA. Micrwwwo In Varfars; D. MO.OM inScience, by Peter torant, 7 pp. -INWIAM, bk, Mikrobullam, 1959, pp 72-75,

92-96. ACSI, H-4,466

Skin Effect in Solid Conductors Imbedded inCircular Slots, by R. Tuschak, 26 pp.

JUWOAP.A, per, Feriod~ica Polytecb, Vol 1,1957, pp 27-51. ABC Tr 3723


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An Ultrasonic Flaw Detectr,, by Yu. V.. ,

RUSSIAN, bk, publ by Mashgiz, 1957. DSIm LwU M.-462

Permissible Limits of Atmospheric Pollution,by V. A. Ryazanov.RUSSIAN, rpt, pub'. by Medgiz, No 3, 1957,pp 6-15. DSIF LLu x.425

Precision of Large Casting and Methodscf Their Preparation, by V. 0. Yakovlev.RUSSIAN, bk, Avtomatizatsiyay MashinostroitelaykhProtsessov, Vol I, 1959, pp 76-65. *ATIC MCL-357/III

Automatic Control of Resistance Welding Proc-ease 6 , by D. S. Balkovets, P. L. Chuloshnikov.RUSSIAN, bk, AvtomatizatSi4a lkshinostroitelpykhProt-essov, Vol I, 1959, pP 266b-75. *ATIC NCL-357/III

Works of Mvfu irm. Baumana on the Automation

of Welding Processes, by G. A. Nikolayev.RUSSIAN, bk, AvtomatJzatsiya MaahinostrobtelalnyProtsessov, Vol I, 1959; pp 2 C0-269 T *ATIC )CL-357/III

Automation of Shielded-Arc Welding, by V. P.Verchenko.RUSSIAN, bk, Avtomatizats iya MashinostroitelnykhProtsessov, Vol I, 1959, pp 322-329. *ATIC MCL-357/III

Automatic Welding of Parts From Aluminum andAluminum Alloys, by D. M. Rabkin.RUSSIAN, bk, Avtomatizatsiya MashinostroitelnykhProtsessov, Vol I, 1959, pp 344-347. *ATIC MCL-357/III

Utilization of Granulated Slags for ProducingHeavy Panelling and Cast Partitions, by K. I.Khokholev.IrUSSIAN, bk, Experience in the Use of BlastFurnace Granulated 31ags in Structural Works,Chap 1V. BISI 1417

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ScientificEngineering (Cont.d)

Hydroelectric Power Plaats: InI. Elements ofHdGruai1c and Mwriptic Dmii~g of Nydraelftr1.tStructures, by J. B. E tazaroff.RUSSIAN, bk, Gidroelek -ichesniye SiloviyeUstanovki, Chast Tre'• .- 0snovi Energeticheskogoi Gidr~vlicheskogo Rr -heta i PronktirovaninyGcidroelektricheskikb jooruzhenii, Moscow, Bu of Recla,1937, 2d Rev. ed. Denver

Noise of Ship's Engines, by V. I. Zinchenko.RUSSIAN, bk, Shum Sudovykh DvigateleZ, publ byState Union Publ Office of Shipbuilding iad,Sudpromgiz, 1957. Navy 2281/o0I 401

Engineering Properties of Clay and Ita Iportaicein Hydrotechnical Construction, by N. Y. Denisov.RUSSIAN, bk, Stroitelnye Svoistva GlinistyhPorod I Ikh Ispolzovaniye v GidrotekhnicheskomStroitelstvye, Gosenergoizdat, Moscow, 1956, Bu of Reclam288 pp. Denver

On Criteria for the Manufacturability of anAircraft Design.RUSSIAN, per, Aviatsionnaya Prom, No 3, 1958,pp 26, 27. *AID

Weight Engineering and Weight Control ofAeronautical Structures,RUSSIAN, per, Aviatsionnaya Prom, No 4, 1958,pp 25, 216. *AID

Calculation of Time Characteristics ofPheumatic Flow Chambers, by V. N. Dmitriyev,V. I. Chernyshev, 17 pp.RUSSIAN. per, Avtomat i Telemekh, Vol XH,No 12, 1958, pp 16-125. 5.IA Tr 20

Dynamic Properties of Electric Pilot VibrationServomechanism, by I. N. Krutova.RUSSIAN, per, Avtomt i Telemekh, Vol XX,No 2, 1959, p 115. Navy 2309/T-112

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Sc ientf ficEngineering (Contd)

lavesatig&Lioa of Pneumatic Jet ElementCharacterlstica, by L. A. Zaliannon, A. I.Semikova, 27 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Avtomt i Telemekih, Vol XX,No 4, 1959, pp 'ý7-k77 ACSI, H-4083

The Choice of Type of Brake Systems forMotor Trailers, by V. G. Rozanov.RUSSIAN, per, Aytomobil Prom, No 2, 1958,pp 1-6. D8IR LWU RTS 1108

The Determination of the Deflection and theSize of the Tire Contact Area With Soft Soil,by J. S. Ageikin, 7 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Av-tomobil Prom, No 5, 1959. OM'I Tr 3983

Investigation of a New Way of Extracting Oil, bythe "Thermo-Lift" Method, by M. N. Alizade,E. A. Bagbanly, A. A. Rasuizade , D). U. Mekhtiev,5 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nsauk AzerbaydzhanskoySSR, No 2, 1959, pp 131-134. LLW Tr Bul Aug 1959

Butterfly Valves for High Heads, by B. I.Yan 'shin.RUSSIAN, per, Energamashinostroynaiye, No 11,1958, pp 20-24-. DSIR LLU T S 1085

Toward the Broad Introduction of New Techniq~ues,Complex Mechani±zation, and Aut-tization.RUSSIAN, per, Grazhdanskaya Aviate iya, Jun 1959,pp 3-5. Nary 2276/0111 573

MicrocalorimeterB for Measuring Super-HighFrequency Power in the Three Centimetre Ranme,by A. I. Brodiskl~y, V. I. Pronenko.RUSSIAN, per, Izmerit Tekh, No 5, 1957, pp 65, 66. RAE 807

The Conversor, by G. Petrov.RUSSIAN, per, Izobreta~tel' ± Ratsionalizator,No 3, 1959, p 45- LWU Tr Bul Aug 1959

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ScientificEngineering (Contd)

Dynamic Balancing of Rotors by the OscillationMethod, by V. K. Kashceyev.RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSE, Otdel Tekh Nauk,No 2, 1958, pp 51-57. Inoseach Ltd

Novikov Gearing -- Sensitivity of Novikov Gearingto Basic Geometrical Errors, Part III, by N. S.Krasnoshchekov, 8 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Iz V shikh Uchebn~h Zavedeniy,

Mash, No 3/4, 1958, pp 52-63. 9042274 DSI 530 (British)

Analysis of Thermal Protection Aualities ofPadded Insulation, by L. I. Tretyakova, 11 pp.RUSSIAN- per, Iz Vyssbikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, 319th X1 Ba?Tekh Legkoy Prom, No I, 195b, pp 129-137. E-3333

Improving the Durability of Coke Furnace Roofs,by 0. M. Margulis, Ye. A. Gin'yar, D. Ya.Sakovsky.RUSSIAN, per, Koks i Khim, No 11, 1958, pp 26-29. DSIR LLU M.497

Complex Mechanization and Automatization. TheMain Course Towards Technical Progress, by Yu.Maksarev.RUSSIANT per, Kommunist, No 7, 1958, pp 35-46. DSIR LLU RTS 1099

Casting of Cast Iron Parts Under the Actionof Ultrasonics, by N. P. Nikolaychik, Ye. N.Nikolaychik.RUSSIAN, per, Lit Proiz, No 2, 195., p 25. OTIA Tr 32

New Equipment for Deep Drilling, by N. S.Timofeyev, 18 pp.RUSSIAN.. per, Neft Khoz, No 10, 1958. MEB

"The Erection of a Complex Foundation fora Heavy Press, by L. V. Milideyev.RUSSIAN, per, Novays Tekh Montazhnykh iSpetslalnykh Rabot v Stroitelstve, No 4,1959, pp 29-21. *ATIC MCL-352/III

To Drill Wells Cheaper and Faster With a NewMethod,RUSSIAN, np, Pravda, 22 Aug 1959, P 2. *AID

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ScientificEngineering (Contd)

-L Imediate Tasks in the Devalqjinu iatoAutomation, 7 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Priborostro;Mnlie, No 12,Moscow, 1958, pp 1, 2 . 6 9 245 ATIC F-TS-9996/I1i

A Tool for Disassembling Aircraft ScrewedConnections, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Aviatsiya, 14 May 1959. AF 1255871

A Special Wrench, 3 PP.iiUSSIAN, np, Sovet Av1atsiya, 1miay 1959. AF 1255890

Notes on Aviation Engineering Abroad.RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Aviatsiya, 26 Aug 1959, p 3. *AID

The 'SHAP-40' Diving Apparatus With anAttached Hose, by V. Zaonegin.RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Patriot, 19 Apr 1959, p 4. Navy 2244/ONI 560

Meana of Eliminating Stoppages in SinterPlants, by D. P. Pritykin, A. V. Drimbo.RUSSIAN, per, Stal, Mar 1958, pp 202-205. BISI 1416

Welded Gear Wheel Designs, by V. I. Dzen'RUSSIAN, per, Svarochnoye Proiz, Jan 1958,pp 19-21. BISI 1377

Fire Chisel, by V. Rabinovich, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Tekhnika Molodezhi, Vol XXV,No 8, 1957, p 26. Patent Office

Research on Telemechanics, by Ye. L.Dykhovskiy, 26 pp.RUSSIAN. per, Telemekhanikal y eePrimeneniye, 1956, pp 5-1 8 , 4 3-4 , 66-71. JPF.-L-928-N

Direct-Flow Boiler With Washing and SeparatingSystem, by I. I. Koshelev.RUSSIAN, per, Teploenergetika, No7, l9"8,.pp 55-63. DSIR LLU RTS 1054


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ScientificEngineering (Contd)

The Curve of Statical Stability for a Ship,With Accomt T.n of .w-ila"" ?rl, by 7.V. Sezenov-Tyan-Shanskly.

FUSSIAN, per, Trudy Nauchno-Tekh ObshchestvaSudostreitel Prom, Vol VII, No 2, 1957,pp 161-170. DSIR LWU RTS 1116

Test Application of the Load-Relief Method forInvestigation of Stresses in Deep Rock, bySlobodov.RUjSIAN, per, Vgol, No 7, 1958, pp 30-35. DSIR LU RTS 1068

Automatic Welding of Rectangular AluminiumBusbars With a Molten Electrode, by A. M.Povolotskiy.RUSSIAN, per, Vest Elektro-Prom, No 1, 1959,pp 46, 47. LLU Tr Bul Aug 1959

Problem of Precision of Mechanical Machiningon Automatic Lines, by A. E. Prokopovich.RUSSIAN, per, Vest Mash, No 4, 1955, pp 19-26. Co-op Tr Schee 233

Experiments on Whirling of Overhung Shafts atthzI Nevsky Factory, Leningrad, by L. I.Brozgul', 9 pp.56 per, Vest Mash, No 3, 1959, pp 14-19, DSI 535 (British)

A Guage for Measuring Elongation During Creepand Long-Term Strength Tests on Small Machines,by B. X. Rakhman.RUSSIAN, :per, Zavod Lab, No 10, 1958,pp 1272, 1273. *AEC

A Method of Measuring Thicknesses With the Useof an Ultrasonic Pulse Thickness Gauge, by I. F.Lopatko, G. i. Usokin.RUSSIAN, per, Zavod Lab, No 12, 1958, pp 14.64-1467. DSIR LLU x.491

Power Measurements on Millimetric Valves, byH. Weill.FRENCH, per, Vide, No 67, Paris, 1957,pp 122-127. RAE 812

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ScientificEngineering (Contd)

Porous Membranes and Procedures for the Nanu-factuft or the Membraae.PYMMO, PtentNo 1,172,527.

Development of a Transition Weld BetweenFerritic and Austenitic SuperheaterTubing for Steam Plant Application, byB. Lofblad, G. Lindh.GERMAN, rpt, publ by International Instituteof Welding, 30 Jun 1958, Vienna. *BISi i140

On the Determination of the Tensile Strengthof Tubes in Ring Tensile Tests, by C.Kravcenko.GERMAN, per, Arch Elsenhuettewesen, May 1959,pp 311-314. BISI 1389

The Behavior of Aerofoil Cascades in AxialCompressors and in a Wind Tunnel, by Haller.GERMAN, per, Brennstoffe Warmekr, Vol V, No 10,1953, pp 333-337. TIL T 4979

The Development of Arc Furnaces and ElectrodeControl, by A. Driller.GERMAN, per, Elektrotechnische Z, 21 Feb 1956,pp 41-47. *BISI 1433

On the Testing of Explosives: Determiningthe Sensitivity to Percussion of Explosive6of Solid, Liquid, and Gelatinous Type, byH. Koenen, K. H. Ide, W. Haupt.GERMAN, per, Explosivstoffe, No 9, 1958,pp 202-214. TIL T-4980

Deve!op-mnt Tendencies and Weldability ofModern Steels for Boilers, Container and

Chemical Plant Construction, by K. L. Zeyen.GERMAN, per, Ind Anzeiger, 27 Jun 1958,pp 739-743. BIS 1406

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ScientificEngineering (Contd)

From Wind~ard, saa Lawward (ahipbuiJlding).~alf , part L~elnm LOS, pMY 1959,t pp 1147 i14& JIM' MtTV=O 553

Experience With Multiple-Strand Semi-continuous Casting, by R. Beake, H. .osehl.GERMAN, per, Neue Huette, Dec 1958, pp 740-746. BISI 1224

Knurling or Grooving of Rolls, by H. Neumann.. N•NW, per, Neue Ruette, Apr 1959, pp 2i4-?46. BISI 1334

Clamping Devices for a Tensile-Test MachineWith a Wide Range of Applications, by G. Foldes,12 pp.GEMM, per, Schweiz Arch Angew Wiss u Tech,Vol XXWII, 1957, pp 155-193. AEC NP Tr 252

A Channel-Gap Level Metlr Tor the FrequencyRange 12-552 Kilocycles, by A. Neumann, 6 pp.GERMAN, per, Siemens-Zeitscbrift, No 6, 1959,pp 425-428. JpRs-L-1869-D

Jet Tapping of Open-Hearth Furnaces, by J.Prior. I. Method of Construction and Operation.II. Experience Gained, by W. Buzmnister.GERMAN, per, Stahl u Zisen, 2 May 1957,pp 562-567. BISI 1234

Recent Investigations on the Relation Betweenthe Formation of the Chip and Tool Life WhenTurning Steel With Carbide Tips, by G. Weber.GERMAN, per, Stahl u Eisen, 13 Nov 1958,pp 1678-169o. BISI 1355

Contribution to the Dynamics of Steel-MNakingProcesses, by W. Heischkeil, T. Kootz.

ERMAN, per, Stahl u Eisen, 19 Feb 1959,pp 205-210. -BISI 1265

First Blast-Furnace Gas Turbine Plant at aGerman Steelvorks, by K. Naeller-Trimbusch.G=W, per, Stahl u Eiaen, 16 Apr 1959,pp 457-463. BISI 1376

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ScientificEngineering 'Contd)

£lectro-rydraulic For"ing Press With CrankDrive P40Awatm by A. Rerti.GEMWY, per, Stahl u Eisen, 16 Apr 1959,pp 477-485. BIsI 1318

Investigations on Basic Steel ConverterBottoms, by W. Koehler, et al.G0EVAN, per, Stahl u Risen, 14 May 1959,pp 674-683. B191 1369

t.onstruction and Method of Operation ofStatic Freqjency Tripler for the Heatingand Melting of Metals, by G. W. Saulen.GER4A, per, Z Metallkunde, May 1959,pp 299-306. *Bisi 14o2

Aerodynamic Design of the Open-Hearth Furnace,IV. Function of the Furnace Chamber, by H. A.Has imoto.JAPARESE, per Tetsu to Hagane, Jun 1957,Pp 628-632. BISI 1n23

Cybernetics, I- A. Sowinski, 6 pp.POLISH, per, HJodXy Technik, No 1, 1959,pp 5-12. ATIC XCL-l4/III


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Ocamtat Oreking of Oaraa.RU•I•A, bk, Petroleum Refining, Vol 11,1958, pp 113-123, 172-1887. *&T

Synthetic Lubricating Oil, by A. I. Dintses,A. V- Drushinina, 376 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Sintetichesilye ! SzochnS e I.sla,1958, 352 PP. AXIC F-TS-9719/V

CrnbAstlon o' Lear. Gases, by L. B. Avetisyants,et &I.RUSSIAN. Per, Gaz Prom, No 4, 1957, pp 22-27. Co-op _-r sches 644

Study of the Thermal Stability of SulfurousFuels, 7 PP.RUSSIXIT, per, Khim i Tekh Topliv i Masel, No 2,Jun 1959, pp 25-27. AF 1255913

Effect of Temf.rature on the Formation ofSediment in Hydrocarbon Fuels, 7 pp.MISSIM, per, K2im i Tekh Topliv i Masel,No 2, Jun 1959, pP 26-30. AF 1255902

A New Diesel Fuel Standard, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Khim i Tekh Topliv i Masel,No 2, 1959, jun 1959, pp 71, 72. AF 1255914

Carbonization of Bituminous-Coal Pitch in aFluidized Bed of Coke, by N. M. Karavayev,et al.RUSSIAN, per, Koks i 1him, No 10, 1958, pp 29-33. DSIR LLU RTS 1105

Thermomagnetic M-eýhod of Concentrating andDesulfurizing Coal, by A. Z. Yurovsky, I. D.Remesnikov.RUSSIAN, per, Koks i Kbim, No 12, 1958,pp 8-13. DSIR LWU x.498

Relationship Between the Coking Period andthe Width of the Furnace Cha ber, by D. M.Lis ia.RUSSIAN, per, Koks I Kh0m, No 12, 1958,pp 18-21. DSIR Wi K.499

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ScientificFuels (Contd)

Naols fQr Comaic Opme Wisp, by P. Ptunin.-•t!A.., "np, X t Pra , WIf 197,22 ag 1959,9p 7 *ATIC WL-360/111

Scme Results ?rom Burning Anthracite Cultin the Furnace of a TP-230-2 Boiler, byL. I. Pavlenko.RUSSIA, per, Teploenergetika, Vol IV, No 4,1957, pp 28-33. DSIR LLU MI454

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Preliminary Data on the Effects of AtomicBomb Explosions on the Concentration ofArtificial Radioactivity in the LowerAtmosphere and in the Soil, by B. M.Isayev, D. L. Simonenko, 19 pp.RUSSIAN, rpt, Acad of Sci, Moscow, 1956. AEC NP Tr 208

Manual of Technical Terms and Design Stand-ards for Planning an Irrigation System:

Lo-i•onLo. D'ainage of Salt Marshes, 125 pp;Irvigation Systems With Glazed Pipe, 10 pp;Rice Irrigation Systems, 44 pp; SettlingBasirs in Irrigation Systems, 61 pp; SettlingBasins in irrigation Systems (alternative),7 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Materialy k TekhnicheskimUsloviyam i Normam Proyektirovaniya Orositel-SSistem, Moscow, Vsesoyuznii Gosudar-stvennii Institut po Proyektirovanniyu Bu of ReclanVodokhozyaistvennogo Stroitel'stva, 1957. Denver

O the Nature of Deformation of Clay, by N. Y.Denisov.RUSSIANX bk, 0 Prirodye Deformatsi Glinistjh Bu of Reclam

..Pod, Moscow, 1951, 200 pp. Denver

Principles of Physics of the Earth, by V. A.Magnitskiy, 129 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Osnovy Fiziki Z11i., 1953, 290 pp. ATic F-TS 9444/V

Problems of Regulating River Flow. Issue 6.RUSSIAN, bk, Problemi Regulirovanin RechnogoStoka, Vipusk 6, Moscow, Ak Nauk SSSR, 1956, Bu of Reclam296 pp. Denver

Siphon Spillways. I., by T. V. Ivanova.RTIJSSIAN, bk, Sifonnye Vodostrosi, I., Moscow, Bu of Reclam1935, 128 pp. Denver

Siphon Spillways. II., by T. V. Ivanova.RUSSIAN, bk, Sifonnye Vodostrosi, II., Moscow, Bu of Reclam1939, 88 pp. Denver

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ScientlficGeophysics (Contd)

stuwta~a1 prqperties of Loose as& toseelikeClays, by N. Ya. Denisov.RUSSIAN, bk, Stroitelniye Svoistva Lease ± Bi of ReclamLessovidnikh Suglinkov, Moscow, 1953, iW pp-

Criterion (Test) for Verifying the Interpre-tation of Gravity Observations, by A. A.Lyapunov, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSR, Vol CII, No 2,1955, pp 265, 266. 6Z9239 ATIC •L-3Iv

Pallyological. Basis for the Subdivision ofthe Quaternary Deposits in the Osinovyi Regionof the Enisei Valley, by V. V. Zeyuer, V. A.Zubakov, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak NHuk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 1,1958, pp 16 2-165. CE

Periodicity of Sedimentation in the ManychDepression (Quaternary and Pliocene History),by S. N. Koptelova, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 1,1958, pp 168-171. CB

Age of the Redbeds of the Southeastern TimanRegion, by E. M. Lyutkevich, G. F. Shneider,4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 1,1958, pp 172-174. CB

The Subdivision of the Marine Permian Depositsof the Southern Part of the USSR Into Stages,by A. D. Miklukho-Maklay, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX., No 1,1958, pp 175-1789- CB

The Age and Origin of the Surface Sediments

in the Tom'-Kolyvan' Zone, by A. V. Finiervin,4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 1,1958, pp 17918I2. CB

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Voaelac Asah FM %be HWso.aa 8.6AaMst.a o0f'th W.48tAf 9", %r A. - 9 aim%", 1. a.Sayanov, 4 pp.RUS LAN, per, Dok Ak Wadrk SSSR, Vol CMX,No 1, 1958. pP iS3- -- CB

The Nonlinear Nonstationary Problem of Deter-minat•on of Pressure Fields on the PlanetaryScale at an Av,,rage Atmospheric Level, by 9. N.Blinov, S. L. Belousov, 4 pp.RLGSIAN, per, Dok Ak Mauk SSSP, Vol CXX, No 2,1958, pup 28i-2M-i. CB

The Theoretical Scheme of Air Cirau.ationOver Antarctica, by A. M. Gusev, 4b pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX,No 2, 1958, pp 265-2w8. CB

Propagation of Waves in a Locally IsotropicTurbulent Medium With Gradually ChangingCharacteristics, by V. I. Tatarskiy, 6 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX,N) 2, 1958, pp 289-. CB

Ordovician Rocks in Eastern Pamir, by M. S.Dyufur, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSP, Vol CXX, No 2,1958, pp 381-3S3. CB

Laumontite From the Cretaceous Rocks in theLena Coal Basin, by A. S. Zaporozhtseva,4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 2,1958, pP 384-3W6. cB

Ljolites in the Saizha and Gulkhen Plutonsof Alkalic and Basic Rocks (Vitim Plateau),by A. A. Korev, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, VaL CXX, No 2,1958, pP 387-389. CB

New Traces of Volcanic Activity in the Devonianof the Volga-Ural Region, by N. A. Mikhailov,4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 2,1958, !p 390o392. CE

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Ocotirnage of JUmnste md frleatto the 'r-ans-Ural Area, by V. . itzhk.Spp.RIX.UIAN, per, >on. Ak NauK Vol 0 .<'(,

2, . pp P B-2-

-he Alkhagyl Deposi of -angyshlak, by A.E'berzin, Yu. M. Kleiner, 4 pp.P".SIAV:, per, Dok Ak fauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 2,1958, pp 37-. CB

The Role of Pressure (uring Mineral Growthin Quartz-Wolframite Veins, by V. F. Barabanov,6 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vcl CXX, No 2,1958, pp 400-. CB

The Fossil Evidence for the Geologic Age ofthe Ergeni Sands (According to Mammalian Fauna),by L. I. Alekseyev, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 3,1•55, :,; 6o6-6T. CB

Jpl,Žcr Cre aceous Rocks of NorLhwestern Kam-cuh.ka, by, Y.. A. Perganient, 6 pp.NL1SS'YAN, per, iXk Ak Nauk 5SSR, Vcl CXX, No 3,1956, pp 6o9-G1-. CB

'he Nature of the Rocks in the BashkirianSeries in the Western Extension of the DonetsBasin, Ac•crding to Foraminifers, by P. D.Potyevskaya, M. V. Yartseva, 4 pp.RUSSLAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk2 SSSR, Vol CXX, No 3,195r-, pp 613-61;t CB

Tne jurassic Fore-Carpathian-Dobrogean Mar-ginal Depression, by V. I. Slavin, 4 pp.RUSSLAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 3,1958, pp 617- CB

The Conditions of Formation of Clay Mineralsin Jurassic Rocks of the Southeastern Caucasus,by Ch. M. Khalifa-Zade, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 3,1958, pp 621-. CB


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amelts of Meroptrow'mplc SUrvins of BMotsttitn the Itrthvestefth 7tlaris Regitn, by7

M. A. Romanova, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nhuk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 3,1958, pp 6-5-6•. CB

The Relationship Between Electrical Conduc-tivity and Pressure in the Constituents cf theSuchan Coal Beds, by S. A. Toporets, 4 pp.RLSSTAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 3,19),, pp 629-. CE

Computation of Horizontal Eddy Diffusivity ofDye Tracers in the Sea, by R. V. Ozmidov, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR Vol CXX, No 4,1958, pp 761-. CB

The Akchagyl and Apsheron Rocks in the LowerReaches of the Amu-Darya River, by M. N.Gramm, 4 pp.

RUSSIAN, per, Dok A_ Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 4,1958, PP 859-8962. CB

New Data on the Paleogene Formations of theAdzharo-Imeretin Range, by M. F. Dzvelaya,P pp.RIESIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 4,1958, pp 863-875. CB

'"he Role of the Ukrainian Shield in Developingthe Paleozoic Structure of the Souithern Part of

E~jopan 7,, by I. Yu. Lapkin, L. S. Temin,4 pp.Rol'SSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 4,

The ULpper Tr-zassic of Zemlis. Villcheks. Island(The Archiplag~o of Franz Josef Land), by L. P.

RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 4,1958, pp 873, 777h. CB

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hrm~al spriQ~lme of the 3mea aw hok t~raasi

Island), by K. K. Zelenov, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dr,% Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 5,1958. Pp lO09-IO92. CB

Correlation of Quaternary Deposits of the"Glaciated and Uzglaciated Zones in the EniseiRegion of Siberia, by V. A. Zubakoy, 6 pp.RTIPSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol C07, No 5,1958, PP Io93,Tq51E

T-e Change of Magnetite Into Martite Ore in.he Saksagan Region of Krivoi Rog, by ta. P.

Mel'nik, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 5,1958, pp 1095-1098. CB

Discoveries of Previously Unknown Genera ofLarge Foraminifers in the Paleogene Rocks ofthe Southern USSR and Their StratigraphicSignificance, by G. I. Nemkov, 4 pp.RWtSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 5,1958, pp 1099-7102. OB

The Age of the Karaganda Series in the Kara-ganda Basin, by V. V. Sergeyev, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CUX, No 5,1958, pp 1103-1105. CB

_rhe Age and Subdivisicn of the Jurassic Coal-Bearing Deposits of Tuva, by P. P. Timofeyev,4 pP.RUSSIAM, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 5,i958, ip 1106-. CD

Parageaesis of .Ate Hypogene Sulfides in theOres of the Zmeinogorsk Lead-Zinc Deposit inAltai, by A. A. Garmach, 6 pp.RLESIAN, per, tok Ak Nauk SSSR. Vol CXX, No 5,1958, pP 1110-. CB

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R-i-'1inage -trijct'-rm in the qtartz~te-Ifrb1.rq~intio of the SoMtkWmt*M hi•.1 Rtegc,by 1. S. Delitsein, 4 pp.PRSSLAN, per, Dok Ak Neuk SSSR, Vol CXX, go 5,195< pp 1114-. CE

A Ne" Coerus of Ostr-aod in the Malinovka For-mation in the Kuibyshev Trans-Volga Region, byM. M Graehevskiy, 6 pp.FT7IAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 5,1958: pp 1322-13P-5 CB(rr.t,_ Z o~f" .the Quaternary Deposits in the

VilyA River Basin and the Va.ley Along theLower Course of the Lena River, by M. N.Alekseyev, 6 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 6,1958, PP 1319-1321. CB

Age Relations of the Crystalline Rocks in theBasin of the Lower Course of the Berda River(Western Azov Region), by K. A. Popravko, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 6,1958, pp 1326-1329. CB

Stratigraphy of the Lower Devonian in tke TuvaBasin, by N. N. Predtechenskiy, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CmX, No 6,1958, pp 1330-1333. CB

The Stricture of the Modern Basement Surfacein the Minusinsk Basin as Determined byAeromaigetic Data, by A. P. Tarkov, 4 pp.

WSSIAXN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vo! CXX, No 6,1958, pp 1334-. CB

C4.lorophaeite From the Lower Mesozoic Basa-ltsand Dolorites on the Eastern Slope of theUrals, by K. P. Ivanov, 4 pp.RLSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXM, No 6,1958, pp 1338-. CB

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"-,, i rrtip-.y :f Uhe ,'rb . Ser'-is in Lhe

-Soanthem~ Part of %be i~oryehbv R4, byA. I. Kliseyev.RW*LIAN, per, Dok Ak Nak •S3h. Vol CXXI,Wo 2, 195e, pp 339-.k. L LLU RTS 1120

Th,' C•,aratioL of Metals by the Exchange Ex-t.raction Method, ly L. M. Gindin, P. I. Boblkov,E. F. Koruba, I. F. Kcpp, A. M. Rozen, N. A.Ter 0ganesov, N. I. Zagarskaya, 4 pp.

ZSIMAN, per, Dok Ak Wauk SSSR, Vol !XXLI, No 3,1958, pp 445-. - CB

The Mechanisr. of Fiber Breakage, by V. A.Kargin, V. A. Berestnev, T. V. Gatovskaya, E.Ye. Yaminskays, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII,:io 4, 1958, pp-665-670. CB

An Impuljse Method for the Determination ofthe Capacity of the Packing in a Column andthe Study of the Behavior of Liquid in theAssembly, by A. 1M. Rozen, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII,No 4, 1958, pp7' 717673. CB

The Physicochemical Interaction Between CementBlock, Mortar and Concrete in the Set Conditionand the Surrounding Medium, by Z. N. Tsilosani,4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII, No 4,1958, pp 67L-. CB

A Two-•Stage Catalyst for the Oxidation ofAmmonia, by D. A. Epshtein, N. M. T•Achenko,M. A. Miniovich, N. V. Dobrovoleskaya, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII,No 5, 1958, pp87-7-. CB

A Study of the Influence of Various Inhibitorson the Corrosion Cracking of Metals, by S. A.Balezin, V. V. Romanov, I. I. Podobayev, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIII,No 5, 1958, pp 902-. CB

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";'_- a' -" 'r"

rhe Selection of tbe Ihickness of Gravl

Plitar bou in WrtLe" Vol", byp 1. .

RULFF- , per. Gidrotkh I Meilioret, No 7,1952, pp 62-69. Co-op Tr Schme 64i

The t'reliol t. Spectru of the Sun in the2471 to 2635 1 Wavelength Region, by V. P.Kathelcv, N. A. Pavlenko, A. V. YukovleTs.RZSIANS, per, 1z Ak INauk SSSR, Ser Geofiz,No Y, 1958, pp 1o99.-1104, *.avy/.RL

Geophystsa&l Research in Marine Geology, byV, v. Pedy~kiY, (DC-3065).RLUSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geol,No 6, 1959, pp 3-15. *JPRS

Concerning Normal Linear Correlations ofVectors, by Yu. A. Shishkov, 11 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Met i Gid, No 6, 1958, pp 55-58. ABC SCL-T-26i

The Stratosphere Jet Stream in the Cold Halfof the Year, by Kh. P. Pogosyan, (NY-2967).RUSSIAN, per, Met i Gid, No 2, 1959, pp 1,-21. *JP1R

Fn-b,, Years of Hydrometeorological ServiceIn 'he Belorussian SSR, by A. A. Glomozda,I NY-2967).O.USSIAN. per, Met i Gid, No 2, 1959, pp 28-30. *JM1S

Effect of Ad-ection of Different Layers ofthe Atmosphere on the Movement of Cyclonesand Anticyclones, by K. I. Kashin, M. V.Gritseako, (aY-2967).RUSSIAN, per, Met i Gid, No 2, 1959, pp 30-35. *JPlS

Literature on Meteorology, Hydrology, andOceanography for 1958, (NY-2967).RUSSIAN, per, Met i Gid., No 2, 1959, pp 63-66. *JPRS

On the Theory of the Formation of Clouds andAircraft Vapor Trails Under the Influence ofMixing, by Lo M Matveyev, (NY-=2966).RUSSIAN, per, Met i Gid, No 3, 1959, pP 3-9. *JPRS

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Sclentif ic0(kobyuiCa (Cocrti)

kta•n l of t Levl a Noft i WinYalacitles in Vfltflus fltu of Jet Stresam,by V. A Awekumov, (NY-2966).RLUSL.A, per, Met I Gid, No 3, 1959, PP 27-29. *3F15

ChaAnges in the Vertical Temperature Gradientsand Fluctuations in the Reitht of the Tropo-pease, by B. Ya. Slobodor, (Nf-2966).RUSSIAM, per, Met I 014, No 3, 1959, pp 41-43. *JPn

Literature on Meteorology, Hydrology, and

Oceanography for 19583 (Contd), (ffY-2966).RUSSIA, per, .Met I Gld, No 3, 1959, PP 58-62- *JPRS

Tarsks of the Hydrometeorologinal Service inthe Light of the 2.1st Session of the CeamanistParty, by A. A. Zolotukhin, (NY-2968).RUSSIAN, per, Met i Gid, No 4, 1959, Pp 3-15. *JMS

Use of Electrodynamic Analogy to CalculateThermal Intensification of Wind, by N. V.Voronovn, (NY-2968).RUSSIAN, per, Met ± Gid, No 4, 1959, pP 35-39. *JPRS

The Use of a Bathy-thermograph in the Arctic,by B. S. Zalogin, M. S. Edellman, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Met i Gud, No 4, 1959, pp 58-61.9042247 Dsi 546 (British)

The Problem of Ozone, by G. I. Kuznetsov,(NY-2968).RUSSIAN, per, Met i Gid, No 4, 1959, pp 62-67. *JPMS

Literature on Meteorolo&y, Hydrology, andOceanography for 1958, (Contd), QWY-29).RUX'SIAN, per, Met i Gid, No 4, 1959, pP 70-73. *JPflS

General Circulation Index as an Indicator forZonal and Meridional Synoptic Processes, byA. 1. Ken, (NY-2965).RMSIAN, per, Met i Oid, No 5, 1959, pp 3-8. *JPRS


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Jethcd for the Determination of Local PressureJ'ariatiomo "M~ w14 Liamuton, by 1. P.

US-jAW, per, Met I 5I1, No 5, 1959, Vp 9-17. *JPRS

h the Worka of the Ukrenian Scientific Re-learch Hydrometeorol"&ical Institute, byW. V. Saatovskiy, (DC-360).RUS~SIANl, per, VA+. I GiA, No 6, 19059,,-,p 55-58. M

Stratosperic Jet Stream in the WeamZ Half ofthe Year, by Kh. P. Pogosyan, (OT-3005).•u~Ss&{, per, Meat i Gid, No 7, 1959, pp 3-13.

fhe Structure of Atmospheric Turbulence Accord-fug to Data From High-Speed Aircraft, by Yu. V.1, rilOva, S. P. IQhachat'yan, (WY-2995).

-tSSIAN, per, Met i Gid, No 8, 1959, pp 8-12. *JPRS

%ounding the Atmosphere With the A-22-IIIRadiosonde, by V. A. Pobtyakho, (NY-2995).RESIAN, per, Met i Gld, No 8, 1959, pp 35-37. *JPRS

Yu. B. Khrebrov - Method for Making WeatherForecasts for Periods of 3-7 Days, by A. A.Girs, (SY-2995).RUSIAN, per, Met i Gid, No 8, 1959, pp 47-50. *JPRS

Literature for Meteorology, Hydrology, andOeanography for 1958, (NY-2995).RUSSIAN, per, Met i Gid, No 8, 1959, Pp 50-54. *JPRS

Long-Range Prognoses of the Weather for theArctic and the Method by Which They Are Com-7iled, by A. Girs, 10 PP.RtESIAN, per, Morskoy Flot No 3, 19r pp 18-20. JPRS L-958-N

The Content of Microelements in Certain SoilsDeveloped on Ore-Bearing Rocks, by D. P.Malyugsa, A. I. Makarom, 7 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Pochvovedeniye, No 1, 1956,pp 50-53. AEC NP Tr 253

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ScientificGeophysics (Contd)

Gravity Measurements in Wells, by P. I.Lukavchenko, 24 pp.RUSSIAN, W, PrLk GeofL-> No 12, 1955,

A2= rNL aDVA Unified Timescale for Precambrian, byG. V. Voitkevich.RISSIAN, per, Priroda, No 5, 1958, pp 77-79. DSIR LLU RTS 1123

New Instrument for Measuring the Optical Prop-erties of Sea Water, by M. VW Kozlyaninov,(NY-3909/2).RUSSIAN, per, Trudjy nst Ckeanol Ak NsWk SSSR,Vol XXV, Moscow, 1957, pp 134-1.2. *JIRS

Certain Considerations on Improving the Qualityof Ice Forecasts, by S. V. Lutkovskiy.RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Morskogo Gidrofiz Inst, AkNaa.x SSSR, Vol XII, 195b, pp I71-180. Navy 22Tl/CfAI 500

The Investigation of Rock Pressure Phenomenain Mine Workings by the Methods of the Mechanicsof a Compact-Mass Medium, by V. G. Bochkarev.RUSSIAN, per, Ugol, No 7, 1958, pp 24-28. IflUXR LTU RTS 1066

Solving Certain Problems in the Mechanics t'Rocks, by E. T. Proytvkin.RUSSIAN, per, Ugol, No 7, 1958, pp 28-30. DsiR LLu RTS o67

Make the Oceans Serve Socialist Construction,by Chu K'o-chen, 5 PP.CNESME, per, K'o-hsueh T'ung-pao, No 4, Peiping,1959, pp 108, 109. JPRS L-1857-D

Exert Our Utmost for the Fulfillment of Re-search Tasks in Oceanography, by Pea Li-sheng,8 pp.CHINESE, per, Kto-hsueh T'ung-pao, No 4, Peiping,1959, pp 109-112. Jm I,-1858-D

The Progress of Marine Physics and Our Task,11 pp.CHINESE, per, K'o-hsueh T'ung-pao, No 4, Peiping,1959, pp 112-.115. J3Rs L-1859-D

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-c ientif'icGeophysics ( C;,ULL

Aarine Geology and the Problem of Submarine-,il Resources, 6 pp.nriEnSE, per, K'o-hsueh T'ung-pao, No 4, Peiping',

9959, pp fl8-12, JIM L-M-D

Works of the Laboratcry of Embryology, Insti-tute of Oceanography, Academia Sinica, In thePast 8 Years, by T'ung Ti-chou, 6 pp.2fHINESE, per, Klo-hsueh Tl'g-laO, No 4,Peiping, 1959, pp 124, 125. JPRS L-1864-D

Utilization of Hydraulic Power, by S. Kratceh-vil:CZECH, bk, Vyzit'l Vodni Energie, Pravn, 1956, Bu of Reclam693 pp. Denver

leneral Equation of the Transport of Non-Cohesive-ediment by Water Current, by I. Egiazaroff.Z'RENCH, Proceedings, 7th Congress, International"Assoclation for Hydraulic Research, Lisbon, Bu of Reclam1.957, pp D 43 -- 1-10. Denver

The Utilization of Tidal Energy, by M. Vantroys,

24 pp.FRENCH, bk, Ann Inst Tech Batiment et TrayPub__, 1955, pp 320-336. AE2 IGRL T/R-72

Hungary: Bibliography of Hydrology 1945-1954.HUNGARIAN, bk, Hungarie: Bibliographie Hydro- Bu of Reclsmlojgiue, 1945-1954, Budapest, '1955, 150 pp. Denver

Water Power Development; Vol 1-Low-Head PowerPlants, by 9. Mosonyi.HUNGARIAN, bk, Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia, Bu of Reclam1957, 908 pp. Denver

Poland: Bibliography of Hydrology.POLISH, bk, Poladne: Biblio•gra:ie Hydrologique, Bu of ReclamWarsaw, 1955, 51 pp. Denver

Hydrotechnical Research Laboratory, Bucharest.RUMANIAN, pamphlet, Laboratorul de CercetariHidrotehnice din Bucuresti, Bucharest, 1956, Bu of Reclam32 pp. Denver

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Scientif icGeoph1ysics (Coutd)

Yugoslavie: Pibli ography of Hydrology.SERBIAN, bk, Yuolve Bilom-beB of Reclam

The Arctic In the biameligbt, by PAgnarThoren, 8 pp.SWEDISH, per, Sjovaaendnt, Jun 1959,5063

p 449. SYfI5o63

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Work ±a MNtbeat±caa L -Im a tics, by S. A.

lUSSIAN, bk, Matematika v SSSR Sa Sorok LetMT 195, Vol I, 1959, pp 116, .17. *JPHS

Mathewtical Logic and the Foundations ofMathematics, by S. A. Yanovekaya, (NY-305i).HUSSIAN, bk, Hatematika v SSSM za. Sorok Let1917-1297, Voi I, 1959, Pp 13-116, 117-120. *JPRS

Mathematical Research Connected With theOperation of Electronic Computers, by A. A.Lyapunov, (NY-,054).RUSSIAN, bk, Matftatika v SSSR za Sorok Let1917-1957, Vol I, r959, pp 857,8631 868-877. *JPS

Programming, by M. R. Shura-Bura, (NY-3054).RUSSIAN, bk, Matematika V SSSR za Sorok Let1917.1957, vPIP 1959, PP 079•8M6. *JPR

On a More Accurate Solution of Reynolds'Equations, by N. A. Slezkin.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol LIV,No 2, 1946, pp # 21-124. CCT-832B

Generalized Reynolds' Equations, by N. A.Slezkin, S. M. Targ.RUSSIAN, per, Dok AX Nauk SSSR, Vol LIV, 1946,pp 205-208. CCT-83'3

Piyalco-Mathematical, Natural, Technlco-Scientific Series.RUSSIAN, pez, Iz Ar*yan Ak NaukA Ser Fiz-MathematHetestvnnikh i Thkh Nauk, Vol V1, No 1, Bur of ReclamBreVan, 1953, 104 pp. Denver

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ScientificMathematics (Contd)

Boundary Layer Equations and Boundary Conditionsfor Motion in a Slightly Rarefied Gas at Super-sonic Speed, by I. F. Lul.J

mBrmew, per, ?ri_ _Ift I Nekh, Vol xxI,No 5, 1957, pp 597-606. DSIR LLU M.470

Application of the Method of Small Distur-bances to Problems of the Laminar BoundaryLayer, by V. V. Luanev.RUSSIAN, per, Prik Matemat i Mekh, Vol XXI,1957, pp 6o6 -64. RAE: 814

Approximate Calculation of Sphermericles inthe Undisturbed Elliptic Motion, by B. M.Shchigolev.RUSSIAN, per, Vest Mosk Univ, Ser Mat,,Astron, Fiz, Khim No 4, 1954, pp 45-56. -Rand Corp

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Contributions to the Study of the Metabolismof Caesium, Strontium and a Mixture of Beta-Emitters in Cows, by A. V. Lebedinskiy, 18 pp.U8SMA, rpto, l Comittee on M"JIm.l Radwuof Ministry of Health, 1956. ABCP Tr 206

Suaries of Papers Presented at the Conferenceon the Remote Consequences of Injuries Causedby the Action of Ionizing Radiation, by F. G.Krotkov, A. V. Lebedinskiy, A. I. Ignatyev, 74 pp.RUSSIANryt, 1tate Med Literature Press, Yrocrw 195T. AEC/NP Tr 207

Economic Principles of Preparing Depoted TetanusAnatoxin, by A. V. Vorob'yev, A. V. Markovich,21 pp.

RUSSIAYN, bk, Anaerobnye Infektaii, Kiev, 1957pp 24-37. JPRS-L-917-N

Home-Canned Foods as a Source of Human Botulism,by M. S. Segal', P. A. Razumeyev, V. P. Ryab-chikova, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Anaerobnyy Infektsiij. Kiev, 1957pp 145-147. JFRS-L-917-N

A Study of the Action of Botulinus Toxin on

the Phagoeytic Capability of Elements of theReticuloendothelial System, by Yu. I. Donets,I0 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Anaerobnyye Infektsii, Kiev, 1957pp 148-156. JPRS-L-917-N

Vestibular Training, by R. Zasosov, A. Popov,6 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Bol'shaya Med Entsiklopediya,Vol V, Mo&scow, 195d, Col 275-279. AF 12 5 5 9 04

High Altitude Flight, by D. Ivanov, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Bol'sbaya Med Entsiklopediyaa,Vol VI, Moscow, 1956, Col 137-142. AF 1255905


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ScientificMedicine (ContA)

Hypoxia, by 1. Petrov, 10 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Bol'shyaMed Enilopediy,VulVI; Mosco 1 50, Wl20-214. AF 1255959

Ionizing Radiation Doses, by N. Darens1kaya,Y. Margulis, 11 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Bol'shvyM Med Entsiklopediya,No IX, Moscow, 1959, Col 669-69b. AF 1255958

Physiological Principles of Training WithProtective Gas Maslhs, by V. K. Solov'yev,87 PP. (ID 2112775).RUSSIAN, bk, Fiziologicheski. e Osnovy TrenirovkijProtivogazakh, Moscow, 15.Acsi, H-14458

Isotopes in Microbiology; Transactions of theConference on the Application of Tracer Atomsin Microbiology, by A. A. Imshenetskiy, 261 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Izotopy v Mikrobiologii; TrudyKonferentsii po Primeneniyu. Mechenykh A~tomovv Mikrobiologii_, Moscow, 1955. AEC Tr 34924

Course in Epidemiology, by I. I. Elkin.RUSSIAN, bk, Kurs Epidemiologii, 1958, T/Cand pp 51-57, 432 pp* 90g42525 USDA

The Mechanism of Dark Adaptation, by B. G.Korobko, 7 PP.RUSSIAN, bk, 0. Zritel'noy Temnovoy Adaptatsii,Leningrad, 195b, PP 55-60O. JP'RS -903 -D

Mechanical Theory of Vision, by B. 0. Korobko,5 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, 0 Zritel'noy Temnovoy Adaptatsii,Leningrad, 1958, pp d33F JIPIS-903-D

Tentative Study of Dark Adapt~ation, by B. G.Ko~robkc,, 20 pp,RUSSIAN, bk, 0 Zritel'noy Temnovoy Adaptatsii,Leningrad, 195b, pp 207-2224. JPRS-903-D


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ScientificMedicine (

Medical Service in Mass Attack, 222 pp.R•uSSIAN, bk, Organizatsie Medit ObespecheniyapriL aasovytb MLe Potwlfl soliemi, KiOV,Y1.57, pp 9C, 91, 1U4-3i1, 388-H-413, JPS-L-973-N

Takss of Psychology, by P. A. Rudik, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Psikhologiya, 1958, pp 27-29. JfS-904-D

Volitional Action, by P. A. Rudik, 27 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Psikhologiya, 1958, pp 227-252. JPfS-904-D

Psychological Characteristics of Personality,by P. A. Rudik, 44 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Pslkhologig, 1958, pp 287-325, JPR3-904-D

Psychologica3 Character of Activity, by P. A.Rudik, 26 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Psikhologiym, 1958, pp 326-350. JPRS-904-D

The Principal Stages of the Development of theSoviet Public Health Service, by N. A. Vinogradov,Ye. D. Ashurkov, S. V. Kurashov, 60 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Sorok let Sovetskogo Zdravo-Okhraneniya, 1957, PP 31-Jb. JPRS-880-D

Medical Science, by N. I. Orashchenkov, 72 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Sorok let Sovetskogo Zdravo-Okhraneniya, 1957, pp '07-476. JPRS-8o-

Medical Libraries, by L. Ya. Basias, 7 pP.RUSSIAN, bk, Sorok let Sovetskogo Zdravo-Okhraneniya, 1957, pp 503-511. JPRS-880-D

The USSR in Cipher: statistical Handbook,(DC-3059) •RUSSIAN, handbook, SSSR v Tsifrakh: Statisti-cheski Sbornlk>, 1 , pp 4W2-4,*I. *JPRS

Toxicology Problems of Radioactive Me.terials,by D. I. Zakutinskiy.RUSSIAN, bk, Voprosy Toksikologii RadioaktivnykhVeshchestv, l 1>;, A5i pp. *AEC

Forty Years of Soviet Embryology, by A. G.Knorre, 23 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Arkhiv Anatomii, Gistol iEmbriol, Vol XXXV, No 2, 195d, pp 3-i-. JPRS-L-932-N

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ScientificMedicine (Contd)

Development of Area 17 of the Cerebral Cortexin Humns During the Second Half of IntrauterineLife,# by . X. Koamwus a, 11 pp.RMdIAN, perp Arthiv t nf tt4d Aisftl I I..ric..Vol XXXV, No 2, 1959, pp 30-3b. JPRS-L-933-N

A. A. Zavarzin and N. 0. Khlopin Theories ofTissue Evolution and the Problem of TheirCreative Synthesis, by A. A. Braun, V. P.Mikhailov, 17 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Arkh'. , !atomii, Gistol i Rariol,Vol XXXV, No 3, 195a, pp 0-i0. 3?RS-L-949-N

Recent Data on the Structure and Properties ofthe Cel.l Nucleus, by P. V. Makarov, 32 pp.RUSSIAM, per, Arkhiv Anatomli, Gistal I imril,Vol Xy, .o 6,:1956, pp 3-21. JP?,SL-934-M

Rate of W.turing of the Spinal Reflex Arcs inRabbits, by S. A. Troitskaya, 9 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Arkhiv Anatouii, Gistol i Embriol.Vol XXX=, No 6, 1950, pp 52-57. JPRS-L-935-N

Decisions of the 21st Congress of the CPSU andProblems of Morphology, 7 PP.RUSSI-, vr, Arkhiv ArAtomii, Gistol ± &briolVol XXXVI, No 5, 1959, pP 3-b. JPRS-L-964-N

New Data on the Structure of Living and SurvivedNeurons end Interneuronal Connections, by V. N.Mayorov, (NY-o2953).RUSSIAN, per, Arkhiv Anatomil, Gistol i Fmbriol,Vol XXXVI, No 6, 1959, PP 3-10. *JPRS

Hypnosusceptibility in Neuroses and ItsPhysiological Basis, by B. 1M. Birman.RUSSIAN, per, Arkhiv Biel Nauk, Vol •X•., No 1,1934. Navy 2303/T-117

0bJective investigation of the Elements ofin.dividual Experiment by Means of the Method ofExperimental Hypnosis, by A. 0. Dolin.RUSSIAN, per, Arkhiv Biol Nauk, Vol XXXVI, No 1,1934. Navy 2304/T-118

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ScientificMedicine (Cortd)

The Significance of the Cerebral Cortex inDtsti~ae of ft Nteabliaa, by A. 0. D*Mzn, et &I.1WSSIAN, per, k~rKhiv Biol Nauk, Vol =T1, Ift 1,lIC3L4. Navy 2305/T-119

F~thulation of Physiological Processes, by V. V.Vroronin, (?IY-39oý3/).RUSSIAN, per, Arkhiv PatoLOAUIk No 5. 1959,pp 3-11. *,1ThRS

Pathological Anatomy of Experimental Plague

in Camels, by V. N. Lohaba=Y (liY-2952).RUSSIAN, pez. Arkhiv Patologii, Vol XXI, No 7,

The Status of the Medico-Sanitary Service ofChildren in the Azerbaydlzhan SSR andl theT~mnediate Problems of the Organs of PublicHealth, by F. M4. Velikov, 10 pp.RUSSIANI, per, Azerbaydzhanskiy Medit Zhur, No 5,1959, pp 51-56. JPRs-L-968-N

The Inluence of the Excitation of the CentralNervous System Upon Certain Processes in thieMetabolism of Adrenalin in the Vascular Wellsand in the Suprarenal Glands, by A. M. Utevsky,M4. L. Butam.RUSSIAS, per, Biok~himiya, Vol XVIII, 1953,pp 195-200. OCT-lOOCB

The Content of Nucleic Acids and Their Nitro-geneous Bases in the Tissues of Rats Affectedby Developing Transplanted Tumnors, by S. Ya.Davido-ve.RUSSIAN, per, Biokhimiya, Vol XIX, No 2, 1954,PP 177-183. 1CCT-1002R

Changes in the Role Played by Birds in Centresof Tick Encephalitis as a Result of TimberCutting, by S. A. Shilova, D. G. Krylov, 10 pp.RUSSIAV, per, Ryl Moscov 0bsaich Otdel Biol,Vol LXII, Nc 6, 1957, pp 25-29. NIH 8B-43


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ScientificMedicine (Contd/

The Histological Structure of the Esophagus ofCertain Cold-Blooded Vertebrates, by V. A.ZhNT*V& 5 pp.IRUSSIAN, per, Lok Ak Sauk $SS, Vol CXV1rr, So 1,1958, pp 181-184. AhBS

Changes in the White Blood Cells in Man DuringExplantation, by A. I. Zhudina, 5 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR. Vol CXVIII, No 1,1958, PP 185-. AIDS

The Cytochrcae System of Biochemical Mutants ofIntestinal Bacilli and Staphyiococci With AlteredOxidation, by G. F. Gauze, L. P. Ivanitskaya,G. B. Vladimdrova, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk. 3SR, Vol CXVIII, No 1,1958, pp 189-. AlES

On Gonad Maturation and Female Productivity inSpecies of Euphausians Abundant in the BarentSea, by E. A. Zelikzwn, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk S88R, Vol CXVIII, No 1,1958, pp 201-204. AIBS

The Application of Radioactive C14 to Determinethe Assimilation of Protococcoid Algae by Larvaeof the Midge Tendipes Plumosus, by Yu. I. Sorokin,A. N. Meshkov, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., Vol CXVIII, No 1,1958, pp 205-. AIBS

Ribonucleic Acid and the Cytoplasmic IsoelectricPoint, by V. G. Konarev, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXVIII, No 2,1958, pp 393-. AIDS

The Histology of the Human Vaginal Epithelium,by A. I. Zhudina, 5 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXVIII, No 2,1958, pp 396-399. AIBS

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ScientificMedicine (Contd')

The 1!istochemistry of the Succinaxidase Systemof the Normal and Regenerating Nerve, by B. B.Fu" , 5 sip -AU1a11, per, DAk Ak huk a=, Vol CXYI 1* 2,'k958, pp 40.AIBS

Determination of the Rate of Bacterial SulfateReduction in the Bottom flep~its of the Oor'-kovskjoe Reservoir, Using S-3, by G. A. S~okoova,Yu. I. Sorok~n, 3 PP.RUSSAN, per, DoIk Ak Nauk SSW, Vol CXV II, So 2,1958, pp 1014-. AIBS

The Formation of the Rod-Shaped Particle ofTobacco lrwaiLc Virus, by V. A. ý-Airn-.~a, pp.RUSSIAN, per, floi Ak Nauk SSM, Vol CXVII, No 2,1958, pp l407-. AIBS

Selection and Adaptation in the Development ofResistance to Insecticidef3, by Yu. M. Olenov,3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXVIII, go 2,1958, pp 1414-. AIBS

The Effect of Cortisone on Cell Differentiation,by I. A. AJlov, 5 pp.RUSSIAN, per, 1)0k Ak Nauk SSS, Vol CXVIII, No 3,1958, pp 58>4-587. AIBS

Compensatory Changes in th~e Nerve Cells of theUterus During Pregnancy, by A. S. Gurvich, 5 PP.RUSSIAN, per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXVIII, No 3,1958, PP 588-591. AIBS

Cajal's Interstitial Cells, by N. G. Kolosov,3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXVIII, No 3.,1958, pp 592-. AIBS

The Effect of' Metabolites anid Antimetabolitesof the Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle on the Reproduc-tion of the Vaccinia Virus in Chick Emryos, ',yN. A. Zeitlenok, 0. V. Konosh, B. R. Pille, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSS, Vol CXVIII, No 3,1958, pp 595-. AIBS


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ScieatificMedicine (Contd)

The Efects of Ir.creased Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide,and Nitrogen Prrtial Pressures on CutaneousHapIration in Man, by -L X. .Ptraa', 3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Sauk SSSR, Vol CXVIII, go 3,1958, pp 61u-613- AIDS

The Higher Nervous Activity of D .fferent PoultryBreeds, by V. V. Ponomarenko, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXVIII; go 3,1958, pp 614-617. AIDS

Trypsin and Chynotrypain in Norml PancreaticFunction, by A. K. Ugolev, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXVI!I, No 3,1958, pp 618-. AIrS

The Effect of Temperature on the Sexual Cyclein Phoxinus PhoxinusL -by .N. .Al Yof, k pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXVIII, No 3,1958, pp 621-. AIBS

Histochemical Investigation of Glycogen and Fatof the Myocardium in ExperimenAl Heart Diseases,by S. A. Buvaylo, F. Z. JHyerson, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXVIII, No 4,1958, pp 823-625. AXBS

The Afferent Inneration of tht IleocealSphincter, by V. E. Gavrishina, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXVIII, No 4,1958, pp 826-. AIBS

Changes in the Pancreas Resulting From ItsSensory Denerv:§r±n u, by I. K. Lindenberg, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Ak Nauk SSS3, Vol CXVIII, No 4,1958, pp 837- AIBS

A Peculiar Reduction of the Shin Bone in theDoubling of the Limb in Frog in Nature, by A. A.Voitkevich, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXVIII, No 4,1958, pp 841L8W4. AIBS

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ScientificMedicine (Contd)

Development of the Eye in the lamprey in Con-nection With Certain Peculiarities of ItsBeologm by N. P. lIbkova, 4 pp.•RVSSIAN, per, !ok Ak Wauk SM, Vol CXVIII, No 4,i958, pp 845-. AMS

Isotopic Tracer Studies of Fertilization inPlants, by G. B. Medvedeva, L. Kh. Yeidus, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nark SSSR, Vol CXVIII, No 5,1958, pp 1037-. AIBS

Vertical Distribution of Copopods in the Kuroshioand Their Mode of Penetration into jbm- oue ofMixing of Subtropical and Subarctic Waters, byA. K. Geinrikh, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dak Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXVIII, No 6,1958, pp 1191-f193. AIBS

Typing of Different Areas of the Nerttic Zoneof the Boreal Region of the Pacific Ocean, byG. I. Semina, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXVIII, No 6,1958, pp l194-. AIS

The Process of Wound Healing and the Problem ofthe Integrated Nature of the Organism as Axem-plified of Amphibia, by N. A. Yoff, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXVIII, No 6,1958, pp 1200-. AIBS

Didtribution of Specific Acetylcholinesterasein Corti 's Organ With and Without Sound Stimula-tion, by Ya. A. Vinnikov, L. K. Titova, 5 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXIX, No 1,1958, pp 164-. AIBS

Electron Microscopic InvestigLtion of CardiacMuscle, by N. B. Khristolyubova, 5 pp.RUSSIAN, par, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXIX, No 1,1958, pp 168-. AIBS

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ScientificMedir:ane (Contd)

Results of an Investigation of the SpawningGrounds of Atlantic and Scandinavian HerringDuring 1956, by I- G. .rIwv, 3 PP!!tSSIRN, per, Dot Ak tauk &M-R, Vol CIII, No 1,1958, pp 182-. AIBS

The Secretory Function of Transitional Epitheliumand the Histogenetic Activity of the Secretion,by A. Ya. Fridenshtein, 5 PP.

RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSS, Vol CXIX, No 1,1958, PP 185-. AIBS

Observations on the Early Developmental Stagesof the Allantochorion in the Sheep Enbryo, byT. B. Aizenshtadt, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, DLok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXIX, No 1,1958, pp 189-. AIDS

Arrest of Mitosis by X-Rays at Early Develop-mental Stages in Loach Spawn, by V. N. Belyayeva,G. L. Pokrovskaya, 5 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXIX, No 2,1958, pp 361-36W-. AIBS

Mitosis Rates in the Spleen During the Develop-ment of Immunity, by S. Ya. Zalkind, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk 8SSR, Vol CXIX, No 2,1958, pp 365-. AIBS

The CC-57 White Mice Lines, by N. N. Medvedev,3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXIX, No 2,1958, pp 369-. AIBS

Influence of Flow-Rate in Reservoirs on theCondition of the Bottom Fauna With Gor'kiiReservoir as an Example, by A. F. Gun'ko, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXIX, No 2,1958, pp 372-- AIBS

The Permeability of the Integument of Larvae ofCcckchafers, Melolontha elolontha L., to theSalt NaaHP04, by L. M. Semenova, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXIX, No 2,1958, pp 389-. AIBS

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ScientificMadicine (Contd)

The Role of the Mesenchyme in the Developmentof the Pigmented Epithelium of the SturgeonEXY, by X- V- DubMWan, 5 PP.RMSIA, per, Ddk Ak nuak 5 j Vol CXM, lb-2,#1958, pP 391-. AIBS

Difference Between the Antigenic Properties ofNormal Erythrocytes and Those From PatientsWith Various Neoplasms, by V. Farmes, F. lAkur,3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXIX, No 2,1958, pp 395-. AIBS

The Disinfection of Pebrio&us Silkworm Eggs byMeans of Sublethal Temperatures, by T. A.Bednyakova, V. N. Vereiskaya, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXIX, No 2,1958, pp 397-. AIBS

The Effect of Partial Removal and Stimulationof the Cerebral Cortex on the Fibers of AreolarConnective Tissue, by E. N. Popova, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXIX, No 3,1958, pp 591-. AIBS

Genotypically Induced Differences in Receptivityof CC-57 White and CC-57 brown Mice to Spontas-geous and Induced Pulmonary Tumors, by N. N.Medvedev, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak NaAk SSSR, Vol CXIX, No 3,1958, pP 594-. AIBS

On the Development of Colorless Thiospirilla ina Bacterial Plague Together With HeterotrophbcMicroerganisms, by M. G. Vladimirova, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXIX, No 3,1958, pp 598-. AIBS

On the Biology of Reproduction of Some Repre-sentatives of the Arctic and American Ornithofa-m&in North Eastern lakutia, by K. A. Vorob'ev,4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXIX, No 3,1958, pp 609-612. AIBS

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ScientificMedicine (Contd)

Some Data on the Biology of Development andPleprod1aotion of Acanthoycylops Virlwis (jar),(Copepoda, Cyclopoida) , t7 A. V. iknatov, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXIX, No 3,1958, pP 613-. AIBS

Changes in the Minute Volwe of the Heart andin the Indices of Vascular Tone in ExperimentalHypertension by B. I. Tkachenko, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXIX, No 3,1958, pp 617-. AIhS

The Elucidation of the Life Cycle of theNematode Elaphostrongylus Bangiferi sp. Nov.From the Reindeer, by V. Yu. Mitskevich, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXIX, No 3,1958, pp 621-. AIBS

The Combined Effect of EthylenediaminetetraaceticAcid and X-Rays on Tradescantia Paludosa Micro-spores at Interphase, by N. L. Delone, 3 PP-RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SS3, Vol CXIX, No 4,1958, pp 800-. AlBS

Endothelial Tissue Culture, by N. G. Khlopin,N. M. Chistova, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXIX, No 4,1958, pP 803-. AIBS

Certain Properties of a Virus-Like Cell-FreeAgent Isolated From Leukemic Tissues of. Man,by V. M. Bergol'ts, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXIX, No 4,1958, pp 8o6-8&5. AIBS

Ultramicroscopic Formations Found in Sea andOcean Depths, by A. E. Krips, A. S. Tikhonenko,V. I. Biryuzova, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXIX, No 4,1958, pp 809-. AIBS

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ScientificMedicine (Contd)

Regeneration of Dog Skull Vault Bone AfterTram, by A. I. -H&tV*YO, 5 PPIRUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXIX, Ro 4,1958, pp 830-833. AIS

The Role of the Central Nervous System inRegeneration of the Shed Tail in Lizards, byM. F. Nikitenk(, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR Vol CXIX, No 4,1958, pP 834-. AJ3S

The Ontogenesis of the Opercular Skeleton ofthe Acipenseridae and Its Phylogenetic Slgalfi-cance, by V. I. Strelkovsk:y, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXIX, No 4,1958, pp 837-. AIBS

Qualitative Ribonucleoprotein Charges in Fibro-blasts and Cutaneous Epithelium During Regenera-tion of Traumatized Tissue, by R. G. Teanev,A. L. Shabadash, 5 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXIX, No 5,1958, pp 1024-. AIBS

On the Nutrition of Marine Copepods in theTropical Region, by A. K. Geinrikh, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, DoE Ak Nauk SSSRp Vol CXIX, No 5,1958, pp 1028-. AIBS

Regeneration of Mammalian Myocardium, by L. V.Polezhayev, L. V. Akhabadze, N. A. Zakharova,V. L. Mant'eva, 5 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR Vol CXIX, No 5,1958, pp 1039-. AIBS

"The Role of the Hyaluronic Acid-HyaluronidaseSystem in the Reabsorption of Water From theKidney Tubules, by A. G. Ginetsinskiy, L. N.Ivanova, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXIX, No 5,1958, PP 1043-10-75. AIBS

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ScientificMediciae (Contd)

Reflex Changes in Small-Intestix* Motility inResponse to the Action of Cmical. Ptimaa andBeta Rays on the Mucouf famine, by W. A.

Bokotova, I. M. Gorbunova, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSF, Vol CXIX, No 5,1958, pp 1o46-0;9. ABS

Effect of Unconditioned Stimulus Strength onthe Spinal Motor Reflex, by 0. T. Seinnova, i pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SS1, Vol CXIX, No 5,1958, pp 1050-. AIDS

Warm-Blooded Animals as Carriers of the CausativeAgent of Q-Fever, by B. X. Karulin, A. A. Pchel-kina, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXIX, No 5,1958, pp 1054-. AIBS

Reactive Inhibition of Cell Division in theCorneal Epithelium Caused by Stimulation FollowingGlucose Injection, by A. K. Ryabukha, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Sauk SSSR, Vol CXIX, No 6,1958, pp 1221-. AIBS

Effect of Concentration of Specific Substrateon Variability of Enzymatic Properties ofYeast, by K. V. Kosikov, 0. G. Rayevskaya, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vnl CXIX, No 6,1958, pp 1225-. AIBS

Effect of Temperature on Gas-Exchange in Larvaeof Some Pelopiinae (Tendipedidae, Diptera), byV. P. Luferov, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR. Vol CXI, No 6,1958, pp 1229-. AIBS

The Peculiarities of the Appearance of Diapausein Different Geographical Population of theSpider Mite, by N. V. Bondarenko, K'uang Rai-Yuan, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR Vol CXIX, No 6,1958, pp 1247-. AIDS

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ScientificMedicine (Contd)

Histological Changes of the Rat Myocardium,nnin hafting by I. V. Ak£fban, 5 Vp.

RUSSIAJ, per, Dok Ak Batik SSS, Vol CX=P,No 6, 1958, pP 1251-. AIBS

Electrical Recording of Reciprocal Excitationand Inhibition in Separate Motor Neurons, byP. G. Kostyuk, 3 PP.RUSSIA, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR Vol CXIX,No 6, 1958, PP 1255-'. . AMS

Hereditary Information and Its Transformations,by I. I. Shml'gauzen, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, DoE Ak tuk SSI¶I Vol CXX, No 1,1958, pp 187-. AIBS

Synthesis of Vitamins in Nitrosomonas EuropaeaCultures, by Z. L. Ruban, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dook Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 1,1958, PP 193-. AIBS

The Change in the Relative- Size of Fins in theOntogenesis and Phylogenesis of Fish, by Yu. U.Aleyev, 4 pp.RUSSIANM, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 1,1958, pp 204-207. AIBS

On the Dwarf Males Among the Endemic Inhabitantsof lake Baikal, by X. Yu. Bekman, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 1,1958, pp 208-. ALS

Regeneration of Canine Dental Tissue, by L. V.Polezhayev, A. I. Matveyeva, V. I. Vorob'eva,4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSS.. Vol CMX, NO 1,1958, pp 212-. AIBS

The Mode of Action of the Antidiuretic Hormone,by A. G. Ginetsinskiy, M. G. Zaks, L. K. Titova,4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak lauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 1,1958, pp 216-21-. AIBB


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Scientif icMedicine (Contd)

Electrical Manifestations of Reciprocal Excitationand Inhibition in Single Internuncial Neurons, byP. 0. Notyak.,3pp~. IIRUSSIAN, per, Duk Ak Haui. 3$SI, Vol CXX, No 1,1958, pp 219-. ~B

Pyroninophilic Nuclei as an 1index cf the Stateof Desoxyribonti'cleic Acid, by V. G. Ktinarev,S. Z. Zakirov, r. N. Elaakova, 3 Pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CX, No 2,1958, pp i4 0 9 -41 1. AIBS

Polyaaucbaride Changes During Uamtogenesis,Fertilization and Cleavage in ParascarisEquorum, by P. V. Makarov, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, IDok Ak Nauk SSISR, Vol MX, No 2,1958, pp ~412-. AIBS

The Survival of Anchovy Larvae in the Northwestand Certain Other Regions of the Black Sea inl9r3lf-1955 iu Relation to Food Corditions, byR. M. Pavlovskaya, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol Cla, No 2,1958, pp 415-. AIBS

The Life Cycle of Mesocyclops Leucbarti Claus,(Copepoda, C7yclopoida), by A. V. Monakov, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,, Vol CXX, No 2,1958, pp 4i19-421. AIBS

Some Data on the Reproduction of Tubificid~s, byT. L. Poddubnaya, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak NaukSSSR, Vol CXX, No 2,1958, PP L4 22--. AIRS

Spatial Relations Between~ True L-1 s andAccessory Limbs Developing Under Natural Con-ditions, by A. A. Voitkevich, ~It pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauhk SSSR-, Vol CXX, No 2,1958, pp 4~34-- AIRS

Observations on Ova in Sable Ovaries, by Yu.- B.Bayevskiy, D. K. 36lyayev, L. G. Utkin, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol MI, No 2,1958, pp 439-. AIBS


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SC ientificMedicine (Crntd)

The NucJ.eolar Apparatus in :-be Oogenesus ofCyclops, by I. I. Kiknadze, 4 pp.RUMXAU , p Ak Bank Gtp Vol 0MX, 1o 3,App 6 44.64r. ADS8

Change Effected by Calcium Chloride in theVoltage-Time Curve for an Isolated Muscle Fiber,by S. A. Frolenko, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SS12E Vol CXX, No 3,1958, pp 647-. ANSL

The Effect of Proteinases on the Proteins ofthe Spima1 Cord Nerve Cello, by Li Chao-Te,5 Pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nak SSSR, Vol CXX, No 3,1958, pp 65o-. A3BS

The Nature of the First Generation HybridSpring, Intermediate and Winter Varieties, ofPlants, by A. K. Fedorov, 3 pp.RUSSIAB, per, Dok Ak Nauk SS!R, Vol CXX, No 3,1958, pp 654-656. ADS

Obtaining Fertile Interspecies Hybrids inSilkworms of the Genus Antheraea, by V. G.Shakhbazov. 5 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 3,1958, pp 657-. A...

Uptake and Loss of Calcium in First-Year Carpas a Function of the Concentration of CalciumSalts in the Surrounding Medium, by N. P.Budakov, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, flak Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 3,1958, pp 661-. AIB$

Regeneration of the Ovary in the White RatsFollowing the Ligation of Its gieurovascularBundle, by G. V. Kharlova, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SM- Vol CXX, No 3,1958, pp 669-. AIBS

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ScientificMedicine (Contd)

Changes in the Permeability of the Blood-BrainBarrier in the Closed Read Injuries, by A. P.

pp. 4nw

RMTM.AN per, Do!k A!k Wetzk SM, Vol M~, No 3,1958, pp 673-676. AIBS

Experimental Data on the Existence and Signifi-cance of a Physiologic Anticoagulant System (ACS)in the Organism, by B. A. Kudryashov, P. D.Ulitina, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Thok A)k "auk SSSR, Vol MX, No 3,1958, pp 677-. ADBS

Cytological Observations Concerning the UterineGland CellIs of the Rat, by H. V. Z~ybina, '4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 4,1958, pp 882:-8ý5 AXES

The Origin of the Chromaffin Cells of theAbdomino-Aortal Paraganglia, by N. A. Smitten,5 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol C)OC, No i4,1958, pp 886-. AIBS

Obtaining Polyploids of Solanum PolyadeniumGreen,- by N. A. Lebedeva, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, .:k Ak Nauk imS, Vol CXX, No k1,1958, pp 890-- AIBS

Quantitative Distribution of Mussels (I'ytil~usGalloprovincialis I~am) in the North-WesternPart of the Black Sea, by V. N. Nikitin, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 4I,1958, pp 893-895. AL36

The Diurnal Feeding Rhythm of the CopepodCrustan'ean Acartia Glausi Giesbr, by T. S.Petipa, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 4,1958, pp 896-. AIBS

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Sci entificMedicine (Contd)

Self-Inhibition Among Actinomycetes, by N. A.Krasil'nikov, A. I. Korenyako, 0. 1. Artamonova,5pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Sauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 4,1958, pp 900-. AIBS

The Effect of Phytoncides on the Motor Responseof the Tick Ixodes Persulcatus P. Sch, by A. V.Mlshin, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 4,1958, pp 911-. AIBS

Hyperse.entation of the Nucleus of Neutrophilsin Wound Xxudates Due to the Effect of AdrenalCortical Hormone and Radiation, by A. V. Voit-kevich, A. I. Bukhonova, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 4,1958, pp 914-. AIBS

A Historical Interpretation of the Formation andDevelopment of the Lungs in the Higher Placentaliaand in Man, by V. N. Zhedenov, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak 11auk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 4,1958, pp 918-." AIRS

Conditioned Reflexes in Dogs During LocalIrradiation of Limited 'Areas of Skin or MCOUsMembrane by ,9-Rays, by I. M. Gorbunova, I. A.Rokotova, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SS.§% Vol CXX, No 4,1958, pp 922-925. AIBS

The Possible Role of Nucleic Acids in the"Transmission" of Nerve Stimulation and in theAction of Acetylcholine, by Kh. S. Koshtoyants,3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSS, Vol CXX, No 4,1958, pp 926-, AIRS

Concerning the Detailed Structure of theCuticle of the Nematode Ascaridia GlliSci rank, 1788, by Yu. K. Gogoyavlenskiy, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk S&SSR, Vol CXX, No 5,1958, pp 1119-. AIBS

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Scient if icMedicine (Contd)

The Mutagenic Effect of Actinophage, by S. I.AlfLaaa, T. $. fl'ina, 4 pp.

=wSIAN,, per,- Dok Ak NaW Ms, Val CO, Si 5,1958, pp .1122-1125. AIh3

The Role of Constitutional (Hereditary) Charac-teristics in Rad'osensitivity of Animals, byN. I. Nuzhdin, N. I. Shapiro, I. A. Nechayev,4 pp.LRUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 5,1958,. pp 1126-. AIBS

The Question of the Role of Bacterial Numbersin the Development of Cladoco~ca in NaturalConditions, by 9, F, Manuiliva, 4 pp.BUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak NaukSSSR, Vol CXX, No 5,1958, pp 1129-1132. AIBS

The Influence of Hydrological Conditions onConcentrations of Some White Sea Herring, byV. H. Nadezhin, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SLSR Vol CXX, No 5,1958, pp 1133-. AIES

Xccumulation of Naturally Radioactive Elementsby Soil Microorganisms, by N. A. Krasil'nikov,A. A. Drobkov, 0. G. Shirokov, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSR, Vol CXX, No 5,1958, pp 1136-, AIBS

On the Growth Type of Chironomid Larvae, byA. S. Konstantinov, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 5,1958, pp 151-1154. ABS

Origin of the Baikal Fauna in the Light ofPalaeontological Studies, by G. G. Martinson,4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Hauk SSS, Vol CXX, No 5,1958, pp 1155-11.55. ABS

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ScientificMedicine (Contd)

Some Characters for the Identification of Naupliiof Three Steees of fock DazwnoAa of the SenteSea, by I. K. Rzhepishevskiy, 3 PP.RUSSIAS, per, Dok Ak hauk 83SR, Vol CXX, N. 5,1958, pp 1159-. AIBS

Changes in the Nerve Endings in Muscle TissueDuring Vitsain E Deficiency in Rats, by L. P.Semenova, A pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., Vol MA, No 5,1958, pp n62-. AIBS

The Union of Gametes in the Sturgeon Family ofFishes in the Abtence of Calcium Ions, by T. A.Detlaf, 5 pp.FUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSM, Vol CXX, No 5,1958, pp 1165-. k M.S

Mitotic Activity of Lymph Node Cells in DogsUnder the Inflaence of Various Doses ofLeukocytic Scrum, by A. F. Cherednichenko, 5 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSS , Vol CXX, No 6,1958, pp 1341-. AIBS

Age and Breed Peculiarities of the FiberElements in Sheep Skin, by N. V. Mikhailova,4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk 5S8R, Vol CXX, No 6,1958, pp 1345-134 - AIBS

The Reactive Properties of Atrophied SkeletalMuscles, by G. N. Orlcva, 4 pp.3USSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk 3SSR, Vol CXX, No 6,1958, pp 1349-. AIDS

Tlhe Effect of Temperature of Growth Rate andDevelopment of Chironomid larvae, by A. S.Konstantinov, 4 pp.RUSSIXN, per, Dok At Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 6,1958, pp 1362-3165. AIBS

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ScientificMedicine (Contd)

* DenJlopmat of Seasonal hewrial. Trends in theV- ~Larvae of White'Sea Limapottia %Vaitat (*1l1) ! -

and Tergipes Despectus Johnston (Gastropods,Opisthobranchia), by S. A. Mileikovskiy, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSS5, "ol CXx, No 6,1958, pp 1366-1379. AIBS

An Analysis of the Fauna of Ploycbaetous Wormsin the Littoral of the Kuril Islands, by V. V.Khlebovich, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk sssR, Vol CXX, No 6,1953, pp 1370-. ABS

Concerning the Development of Oocyte Coveringsin the Russian, Starred and Small Sturgeons,by I. A. Sadov, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXX, No 6,1958, pp 1374-. AIBS

Cytological and Cytochemical Investigation ofSpermatogenesis in the River Minnow (LampetraFluviatilis), by L. A. Chubareva, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXI, No 1,1958, pp 165-. AIBS

ConLurning Sex Ratio in the Offspring of MiceDiffering in the Fun-tional Characteristics ofTheir Nervous Systems, by I. I. Nemchinova,V. K. Fedorov, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXI, No 1,1958, pp 169-. AIBS

Fouling Processes in the Black Sea Settlementof Larvae in the Gelendzhik Region, by V. N.Nikitin, E. P. Turpayeva, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk 3SSR, Vol CXXI, No 1,1958, pp 172-. AIBS

The Role Played by Nervous Connections in theEarly Stages of Muscle Regeneration, by R. P.Zhenevskaya, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk 8B51,- Vol CXXI, No 1,1958, pp 182-. AIBS

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ScientificMedicine (Contd)

Hypothalamic Control of the Mammary Gland, by- D. Popoich, 4 pp.

R.•UIAN, per, .Dok Ak *oauk 8Cy-TdI-C ,-Xo 1,1958, pp 186-. AIBS

Concerning Spatial Relationships Within theTerritory of a Species and Infection Zones,in Cestodes of Migratory Birds, by L. P.Spasskaya, 3 pp.RUSSI•AS, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSS1, Vol CXXI, No 1,1958, pp 190-- AIBS

Adaptive Features of Certain Structures in theEye of Mus Musculus L. by S. I. Koloss, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per. Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXI, No 2,1958, pp 358-. AIBS

Conditions of Glycerol Fermentation by PropionicAcid Bacteria, by L. I. Vorob'eva, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk 8SSR, Vol CXXI, No 2,1958, pp 362-365. &A.TS

Synthetic Medium for the Biosynthesis ofOxytetracycline (Terramycin) by Act RimosusCulture IS-T-118, by V. N. Shaposhnikov, Z. M.Zaitseva, N. V. Orlova, 5 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Sauk SSSR, Vol CMI, No 2,1958, pp 366-. ABS

The Effect of Verbal Imstructions on ImpressionReactions of Preschool Children, by Z. V.Denlsova, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXI, No 2,1958, pp 382-. AIRS

Degeneration of the Mesonephros and Developmentof the Epididymis in the Karakul Sheep (OvisOvis Platyura Karakul), by K. G. Gazaryan, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXI, No 2,1958, pp 386-3WZ. AIRS

Concerning the Developmental Stages of. SturgeonLarvae, by K. I. Semenov, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR. Vol CXXI, No 2,1958, pp 389-. AIBS

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ScientificMedicine (

A Histochemical Investigation of the Parasiticare Polypodium Hyd-iforme Usov (Coelenterata),

by 2. V. 3mikawa, pp.--~~~~'USSTAN, per, IDok A Mk ME -~Vol XI o , -

1958, pp 549-. AIBS

The Distribution and Ecological Character ofthe North Caspian Amphiioda and Caumcea, byN. N. Romanova, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSW, Vol C)MI, Ho 3,1958, pp 553-. AIBS

Quantitative Distribution of HeterotrophicMicroorganisms in the Indian Ocean and inAdjoining Antarctic Seas, by H. N. Lebedeva,4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXI, No 3,1958, pp 557-. AIBS

The Morphology of Certain Eunicemorpha (Poly-chaete) Larvae, by V. A. Sveshnikov, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXI, No 3,1958, pp 565-. AIBS

The Structure of the Terminal Apparatus of theNerve to the Ovary, by V. Ya. Karmysheva, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXI, No 4,1958, pp 730-733. AIBS

The Innervation of the Mammalian Testis, byA. M. Rastvorova, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXI, No 4,1958, pp 734-737. AIBS

Innervation of the Ependymal Lining of theCerebral Ventricles in Man, by Yu. L. Sutulov,4 pp.RUSSIA[, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXI, No 4,1958, pp 738-. AIMS

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ScientificMedicine (Contd)

Genetic Methods of Individual Selection in theRaising of Carp, by V. S. Kirpichnikov, 4 pp.MOB=, per, Dok Ak Nauk 885 Vol C=C, No 4,1950, pp 712...- A=.

Effect of Growth Factors (Bacterial Vitamins)on the Development of aotrytis Species in Connec-tion With Their Specialization, by M. N. Talyeva,4 pp.RUSSP.N, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR. Vol CXXI, No 4,1956, pp 746-. AIBS

Composition of the Blood Proteins of Rabbitsin Anaphylaxis, by M. G. Kolpakov, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXI, No 4,1958, pp 759-761. AIBS

Extrapolative Reflexes as the Elementary Basisfor the Reasoned Activities of Animals, by L. V.Krushinskiy, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXI, No 4,1958, pp 762-. AIBS

Concerning a Study of Vectors of the Tick-Induced Relapsing Fever in China, by Fen Chun-Tszi, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXI, No 4,1958, pp 766-. AIBS

Electron Microscopic Investigation of Ultra-thin Sections of Brown-Pearce Tumors in Rabbits,by N. P. TDmitryeva, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSS , Vol CXXI, No 5,1958, pp 909-. AIBS

Changes in the Tissue Cells of the OvariesDuring Exclusion of the Nerve Ganglia WithPachycarpin, by V. Ya. Karmysheva, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXI, No 5,1958, pp 912-915. AIBS

Reactive Proliferation of the Tissue Cells ofthe Ependymal Membrane, by Yu. L. Sutulov, 5 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SS8, Vol CXXI, No 5,1958, pp 916-91F. AIBS

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Medicine (Contd)

T'he Structure and Histogenesis of the PharyngaelTeeth in Certain Fish of the Carp Species, by -Yu. . Cepr• •a, pp. .RUSSIAN, per, Pok Ak Nauk SSSR6 Vol CXXI, No 5,1958, pp 920-. AIBS

On tne Antimicrobial Activity of the Alkyl Eatersof Thiosulfonic Acids, by B. G. Boldyrev, V. G.Drobot'ko. B. E. Aizenman, S. I. Zelepukha, 4 pp.RUSSIA', per, Dak Ak Nauk SSR, Vol CXXI, No 5,1958, pp 924-. AIBS

The Effect of Drowsiness and Sleep on theInotropic and Chronotropic Components of CardiacActivity in Dogs, by L. N. Deryabin, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXI, No 5,1958, pp 936-939. AIBS

The Effect of Experimentally Induced HeartFailure on Electroencephalogram, by F. Z.Meyerson, S. V. Rutsay, 5 PP.RUSSIA-N, per, DA Ak Nauk SSW, Vol CXXI, No 5,1958. pp 9+0-.. AIBS

Stimulation of SturSeon Ova by Calcium, and theSpread of the Ectoplasmic Reaction, by T. A.Detlaf, 4 pp.R&SST.AN. per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXI, No 5,1958: pp 944-947. AIBS

Rate of Water Replacement in Ebryos of theSturgeon Acipenser Guldenstaedti, Colchicus V.Marti, by A. I. Zotin, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXI, No 5,1958, pp 948. AIBS

Special Cytochemical Features of the NuclearArUa:j7z of the Isociliary Inflaoria LoxodesSwriatus and L. Magnus, by I. B. Raikov, 5 PP.TJSSLAIJ: per, Dok Ak Nauk SSm, Vol CXXI, No 6,

1958, pp 1079-108a. AYBS

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Scientif icMedicine (Cond)

Inheritance of Dimensions and Function of TestsIn DOMstU Fowl* b7 P. A. ZbrszmkIlYv 3 VP.

F iRum=, per, Do A~k jauk 83m, vol C=, vo 6,1958, pp 1083-1065. AIDS

Characteristics of Vitellogenesis in Females ofGolden Carp (Carassius Carasoius (L)) Under Con-ditions of Increased Population Density, by V. E.Bekker, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSWR, Vol C , No 6,1958, pp 1086-i089. AIRS

Changes of Resistance of Paramecium Caudatum inthe Course of Adaptation to CaCl2, iaCl and K1,by L. N. Seravin, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRW Vol CXXI, No 6,1958, pp 1090-. AIRS

Regulation of Respiration in Adult Dogs FollowingSimultaneous Extinction of Distant Receptors inEarly Ontogenesis, by A. V. Pograbkova, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauc SSSR, Vol CXXI, No 6,1958, pp lO1-. AIRS

The Membrane Hardening Enzyme of Salmn Eggs,by A. I. Zotin, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXI, No 6,1958, pp 1105-. AIBS

The Question of Winter and Spring Races in theWhite Salmon Stenodus Leuciahthys (Guldenstadt),by M. A. Letichevskiy, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Na~uk SSSR, Vol CXXII, No 1,1958, pp 131-133. AIBS

Earthworms in Grass and Cotton Fields of SouthTurkmenistan, by V. N. Fursov, 4 pp.RUSSIAi, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSR, Vol CXXII, No 1,1958, pp 134-. AIBS

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The Distribution and Spawning Migrations of theHumpback Salmn (Ogncorbyuhche Gurbusela Waif)in the hrthwsasten Part •f the Pacific Oeeam,by I. B. Birman, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII, No 1,1958, pp 146-. AIRS

Peculiarities of the Structure of the VascularSystem of the Umbra (Umbra Krameri Walbaum)Associated With Its Use of the Swimming Bladdera3 an Accessory Organ of Respiration, by F. S.Zaabriborshch, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII, No 1,1958, pp 149-. AIRS

A Historical Interpretation of the Main Distinc-tive Features of the Formation and Developmentcf the Heart in the Higher Placentalia and inMan, by V. N. Zhedenov, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII, No 1,1958, pp 15Z-. AIBS

The Development of the Powers of Abstraction andGeneralization, by Ya. A. Meyerson, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII, No 1,1958, pp 156-. AI1S

Histological Changes in Human Autografts, byLý B. Berlin, 5 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII, No 2,1958, pp 3C0-303. AIRS

Development of the Epithelial Lining of the Gutin Chickens, by G. S. Kvinikhidze, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII, No 2,1958, PP 3C4-. AS8

The Importance of Vitamin B12 in the Restorationof Function in the Human Arm After Section ofthe Peripheral Nerves, by N. N. Pryorov, S. V.Andreyev, T. I. Cherkasova, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII, No 2,1958, pp 312-315. AIRS

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Impaired Cardiac Vascular Tone in HumanCoronary Iikasfiencys by Yu. S., 4 pp.

MT#A3, per, Dok Ak On& = Y" C= I, No 2,1958; pp 316-. AIBS

Inhibition by Adrenalin of Cell Division in theCorneal Epithelium of Adrenalectomized Rats., byA. K- Ryabukha, 3 pp.RUZS3AN, per) Dok Ak Nauk SSSR; Vol CXXII, No 3,1958; pp 493-. AIBS

Development of the Thyroid and Hypophysis inthe Bronze Turkey, by E. G. Abramova, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSW, Vol CXXI, No 3,1958, pp 496-499. AIeS

Placentation in Cats, by Z. P. Zhemkova, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII, No 3,1958, pp 500-503. AIBS

Uptake and Distribution of Methionin S35 in theBrain of the White Rat, by A. A. manina, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII, No 3,1958, pp 504-507. AIRS

Phosphatase Activity in Endothelial TissueCultures, by N. G. Khlopin, N. M. Chistova, 5 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII, No 3,1958, pp 507-. AIBS

The Effect of Foreign Pollen on the Process ofFertilization in Corn, by Z. V. Lebedeva, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII, No 3,1958, pp 512-515. AIBS

Obtaining Bipaternai Androgenetic Hybrids in theMulberry Silkworm, by V. A. Stunnlkov, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRK Vol CXXII, No 3,1958, pp 516-. AIBS

Conditions for the Formta.t ý. .f Vitamin B 12 bya Culture of Bacillus Me.jatherium, by V. I.Ushakova, 5 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII, SO 3,1958, pp 520-. AIBS

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The Growth of Induced Turs of the SkeletalTissues of Rats Under Varying Conditions ofFMneral Net~clia, by S. A. lnawan, 5 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII, No 3,1958, pp 532-. AIDS

Relations Between Blood and Lymph in LymphNodes, by A. I. Braude, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII, No 4,1958, pp 706-776. AIBS

Interneural Connections in the Ganglia of theUrinary Bladder in the Humn Embryo, by S. G.Ku"'kin, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dak Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII, No 4,1958, pp 7M9-. AIBS

Quantitative Relaticnship Between the Dosage ofIonizing Radiation and Its Harmful Effect onHuman Heredity, by N. P. Dubinin, 3 Pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dak Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII, No 4,1958, pp 713-715. AIBS

The Degree of Heterogeneity in Sazan and CarpHybrids, by V. S. Kirpichnikov, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII, No 4,1958, pp 716-. AIBS

Role of the Soil Invertebrates in the Developmentof Microflora in the Soil of the Subarctica (asExemplified by the larvae of Tipulidae, Diptera),by I. V. Stebayev, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII, No 4,1958, pp 720-. AIBS

Preliminary Notes on the Feeding of the Carniv-orous Cladocerans Leptodora Kindtii and Bytho-trephts, by E. D. Mordukhay-Boltovskaya, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CX7I, No 4,1958, pp 723-. AIBS

Fishes of the Pontic Sea, by V. V. Bogachev, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII, No 4,1958, pp 727-729. AIBS

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ScientificMedicine (Contd)

Natural Parthenogenesis in Certain Subspeciebof Rocky Lizard, Lacerta Saxicola Everemann, byI. -I. Det'.v~kiyp 3 pp.RMSTAY, p'r, Dok~ Ak !9suk SM, Vol CXX7D Ift 4,Ic,53, pp 730-. AnS

Limb Structure and Method of Movement of Monurasad -.'.ysanura (Insecta, Apterygota), by A. G.Sharov, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Do_ Ah Nauk SSS, Vol CXXII, No 4,19j)8, pp 733-- ASS

The Disinfectant Action of High Temperatures onthe :Egs of the Mulberry Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L).In•fected With Pebrine (Nosema. Bombycis Naeg) atDifferent Stages of the Diapausal Cycle of Develop-ment, by T. A. Bednyakova, V. N. Vereiskaya, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII, No 4,1958, pp 737-. AIBS

The Physiology of Tetanus Infection, by V. A.Evseyev, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII, No 4,1958, pp 741-. AIBS

Changes in Ribonucleic Acid as Related to theActivity and Nutrition of the Neurone (asExemplified by Cytochromic Investigations ofthe Ganglion Cells of the Retina), by V. Ya.Brodskiy, N. V. Nechayeva, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SS.qR, Vol CXXIII, No 4,1958, pp 756-. AIBS

Distribution of Succindehydrase and CytochromeOxidase in Corti's Organ in Animals Kept inComparative Quiet or Exposed to Sound Stimula-tion, by Ya. A. Vinnikov, L. K. Titova, 5 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk &SR, Vol CXXII, No 5,1958, pp 921-924. AIBS

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A Histocnemical Investigation of the Epitheliumof the Amiotic NIbraw Ln Man, by N. V.Dons•ikh, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Wok Ak Nauk SSS,, Vol CXXII, No 5,1958, pp 925-927. AIBS

Embryogenesis of the Lingual Mucous M -mbrne andIts Innervation, by K. A. Karapetyai 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol L,.XTT. No 5,1958, pp 928-. AIBS

Some Data on the "Grazing Down" of Benthos byFish, by A. V. Assman, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII, No 5,1958, PP 932-. AIRS

The Lysis of Chlorella Pyrenoidosa Pringh.Cultures, by N. V. Zavarzina, A. E. Protsenko,4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,-Vol CXXII, So 5,1958, PP 936-. AIBS

Helomyzidae (Diptera) as Synanthropes in theNorth of the Yakut ASSR, by K. B. Gorodkov, 2 pp,RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, VolC CXXII, No 5,1958, pp 948-. AIBS

The Origin of the Cetaces, by S. E. KIeinenberg,3 pp-RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII, No 5,1938, pp 950-. AIDS

The Histochemistry of the Maculae Acusticae andCristae in the Mamwalian Vestibular Labyrinth,by la. A. Vinnikov, 5 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSH, Vol CXXII, No 6,1958, pp 1111-. AIBS

Differences in Children's Responses, by Z. V.IDenisova, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII, No 6,r1958, pp 1122-. AIBS

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ScientificMedicine 'Coutd)

The Comparative Morphology of the Developmentof the Hypophysls in Bony Fishes, by A. I.Iriukh1wmehs i. P. Statova, 4 pp.

'L~IN ~kA N~ 5 Vol -CXX(II, 'NO1958, PP 1126-. AIBS

A Parasite Similar to Toxop.asma in the Brain ofVoles, by D. N. Zasukhin, E. A. Shevkunova, B. E.Karulin, 3 PP.RUSSIAh, p~er, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII, No 6,195B, pp 1129-. AIBS

Histochemical Study of Glycogen in Human SkinDuring Regeneration and Autotransplantation, byLo B. Berlin, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk 3SS•, Vol CXXIII, No 1,1958, pp 179-181. AIRS

The Histochemical Nature of the Connective TissueGround Substance in the Skin of Newborn White Rats,by M. S. Vinogradova, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIII, No 1,1958p, P 182-. AIBS

The Influence of Hyaluronidase on the Formationof Fibrous Structures During Wound Healing, byB. S. Kasavina, L. I. Muzykant, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIII, No 1,1958, pp 189-. AIBS

Characteristics of the Motor-Food and Autonomic(Cardiac and Respiratory) Conditioned Responsesii1 Pigeons and Rabbits, by G. Z. Abdullin, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIII, No 1,1958, pP 192-195. AIBS

Receptor Function of the Inferior MesentericSympathetic Ganglion, by I. A. Bulygin, L. I.Belorybkina, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIII, No 1,1958, pp 196-199. AIBS


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ScientificMedicine (Contd)

The Effect of Pyrazole Derivatives on theCentral Nervous System, by G. W. Pershin,

-N. A. Now.itt P, A. N' Kost, I. I. Orand-berg, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Neaa SSSf, Vol CXXIII, No 1,1958, pp 200-203. AIBS

The Conditioned Pose Response, a Special Reactionin the Interval Bctveet Presentations of Stinuli,by E. F. Polezhayev, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSM*, Vol CXXIII, No 1,1958, pp 204-. AIBS

Application of Fluorescent Microscopy in ReflectedLight for the Study of Soil Microflora, by N. A.Krasil'nikov, P. G. Zvyagintsev, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, rokl Ak Nauk SS5, Vol CXXIII, No 2,1958, pp 366-. AIBS

Certain Peculiarities in the Biology of Reproduc-tion andflevelopment of Red Salmon-OncorhynchusNerka (Walbaum.), by A. I. Smirnov, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIII, No 2,1958, pp 371-. AIBS

The Factors Involved in the Initiation ofRumination During Ontogenesis, by P. Tulbayev,4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIII, No 2,1958, pp 377-. AIBS

The Structure and Function of Excretory Canalsin Tapeworms, by E. D. Logachev, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIII, No 2,1958, pp 381-. AIBS

The Heterogeneity of Ribonucleic Acid in AnimalCells, by V. Ya. Brodskiy, 3 PP.RUSSIAWN, per, Dofk Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIII, No 3,1958, pp 546-549. AIBS

The Effect of Adrenalin on Cell Division FollowingSympathertomy, by M. K. Zakharov, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIII, No 3,1958, pp 550-. AIBS

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ScientificMedicine (Contd)

Induction of Directed Hereditary Changes inDrosophila Melanogaster, by S. M. -ershenzon,I. A. Kiseleva, 3 pp.... SIAN, per, Dok-Ak Nhk- SSM, Vol MM(III, No 3,1958, pp 554.. AIBS

Effect of Soy Oil and Its Components co. Strepto-mycin Production, by T. B. Kazanskaya, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIII, No 3,1958, pP 561-. AIBS

Lunar Periodicity in Spawning of Littoral andUpper-Sublittoral Invertebrates of the White Seaand Other Seas, by S. A. MIleikovskiy, 5 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIII, No 3,1958, pp 564-. AIBS

The Rate of Evolution in Lamnoid Sharks, by L. S.Glikman, 3 PP-RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIII, No 3,1958, pp 568-.- AIBS

The Introduction of a Parasite With a ComplexLife Cycle, Bothriocephalus Gowkongensis len,1955, During Acclimatization of Fish From theAmur River, by M. A. Malevitskaya, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIII, No 3,1958, pp 572-. ADS

The Regenerative Power of the Cranial Bone Tissuecf Warm-Blooded Animals During Postnatal Onto-genesis, by N. G. Rogal', V. V. Maksay, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIII, No 4,1958, pp 760-. AIBS

Changes in the Skeletal Muscle Tissue DuringTraining, by K. S. Inbyntsev, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, TDok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIII, No 4,1958, pp 764-. AIBS

A Histoautoradiographic and Histochemical Studyof the Inclusion of p 3 2 in Nerve Cells, by N. D.Gracheva, 5 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIII, No 5,1958, pp 937-- ADS

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ScientificMedicine (Contd)

Development of Conditioned Motor Reflexes a4 Ithe So-Called VoluntahryType iyehth-014Babies, by T. A. Vakhrameyeva, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk LSR, Vol CXXIII, No 5,1958, pp 944-. AIBS

Differentiation of the Conads in the KarakulSheep Embryo, by K. G. cazaryan, • pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSL, Vol CXXIII, No 5,1958, pp 948-. AIBS

The Preopticohypophysical Neurosecretory Systemin Sturgeon, by A. L. Polenov, I. A. Barannikova,5 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIII, No 6,1958, Pp 1117-1120. AIBS

The Structure of the Synapses in the ReticularFormation of the Cat Medulla, by Sh. A. Khidro-gluyan, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIII, No 6,1958, pp 1121-. AIBS

Concerning Synaptic Junctions in the NervousSystem of the Intestine of Cyclostomes, by A. A.Miloknin, 3 PP.FUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIII, No 6,1958, pp 1131-. AIBS

Rate of Phosphorus Exchange in the Carbohydrateand Lipoprotein Fractioins During Hysteriosis, byL. A. Kalchev, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIII, No 6,1958, pp 1133-1136. AIBS

Secretion of Milk in Goats After CompleteSeverance of the Spinal Cord, by G. B. Tverskoy,4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk 3SSSE Vol CXXIII, No 6,1958, pp 1137-. AIBS

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ScientificMedicine (Coutd)

Variation in the Permeability of the Hemato-3icerbpLlo arm 1lto-OpbaLe.i Barrisw• witAlowerin~g of ftmjaphericie reawzre, byz. wo1Schmidt, 7 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Mauk SSMRj Vol CXXVI, No 3,1959, PP 69 6-699. 9W2192 I3 9-19

Therapeutic and Diagnostic Value of Galanthaminefor Patients With Various Stages of Poloyelitis,by N. A. Shenk, M. B. Eydinova, I. M. Mitbreyt,3.4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Farmakol i Tokeikol, Vol XIX, No 4,1956, pp 36-41. 90 l869 NIB 9-35

The Results of the Joint Plenary Session of theBoards of the All-ftiion and All-Russian ScientificSocieties of Rygienists, 5 pp.RUSTIAN, per, Gig i San, No 7, 1959, pp 3-5. JPRS-L-1855-D

The Problem TO B Solved by Soviet Hygienists inConnection With the Decisions of the XXI Congressof the CPSU, by F. G. Krotikov, (NY-2992).RUSSIAN, per, Gig i San No 8, 1959, PP 3-11. *JFRS

The Effect of Impulse Noise on Workmen inIndustry, by 0. P. Shepelin, (NY-2992).RUSSIAN, per, Gig i San, No 8, 1959, PP 26-32. *JPRS

On the Question of the Effect of BerylliumFluoride on an Organism, by 1. M. Zamakhovskaya,B. I. Martsinkovskiy, E. E. Syroechkovskiy, 15 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Gig Truda i Tekh Bezopasnosti, No 2,1934, pp 23-32. AEC NP Tr 249

The Production of Radioactive Anthrax Bacilli,by m. M. Agababyan, 7 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk Aer koy SSR, Bioli Sel'skokhoz Wauk, Vol XII, No 1, 1959,pp 69-73. JPRS-L-18aI-D

From the Practice of Treating Burns, by A. F.Popov, (UY-2951) •RUSSIAN, per, Kamanstkiy Ned Zhurp Vol XL, No 3.M.ay/Jun 1959, PP 70-73. *JPRS


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ScientificMedicine (Contd)

The All-Union Conference on the Problems ofControlling Alcoholism, by Ye. S. Stankevich,Yu. G. Bapiro, (17-2951).RUSSIAN, per, Kazanskly Med Zhur, Vol XL, No 3,May/Jun 1959, pp 1-l*Jl

Basic Problems of Modern Anesthesia, by I. S.Zhorov, 16 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Khirurgiya, No 6, 1959, PP 3-12. JPRS-L-1844-D

Treatment of Vast Thermic Burns, by R. L.Ginzburg, N. N. Priorov, (NY-2950).RUSSIAN, per, Khirurgiya No 7, 1959, pp 3-12. *JPRS

A Film Made of Rapidly Solidifying LiquidPlastic for Primary Covering of Burns, by V. A.Polyakov, (NY-2950).RUSSIAN, per, Kbirurgiya, No 7, 1959, pp 13-16. *JPRS

The Effect of Immunotherapy on the FunctionalCondition of the Kidneys in Burns, by S. V.Skurkovich, I. I. Zaretskiy, (NY-295o).RUSSIAN, per, Khirurgiya, No 7, 1959, pp 16-20. *JPRS

Primary and Accelerated Early Necretomy andSkin Grafting in Burns, by D. Frank, (NY-2950).RUSSIAN, per, Khirurgiya, No 7, 1959, PP 38-4.4. *JPRS

Treatment of Burns in Connection With ModifiedSensitivity of the Burned Surface Microflorato Antibiotics (Synthomycin), by M. V. Shelya-khovskiy, F. E. Puterman-Lippert, (NY-2950).RUSSIAN, per, Khirurgiya, No 7, 1959, pp 44-50. *JPRS

Clinical Significance of the Angioreceptors ofthe Thyroid Gland, by V. I. Akimov, 10 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Klin Med, Vol XXXII, No 9, 1954,pp 49-52. 9042235 NIH.-9-24

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* Urgent Tasks of Medical Science in the Lightof the 1)teiou ~aehe& at the = Oman"aof the Comunlat Party of the Soviet Vnio,by A. N. Bakialev, (ff!-29a49).RUSSIAN, per, Klin Mod, Vol XXXVII, No 7,1959, PP 3-.6. *JPRS

Medical Technique in 1959-1,96r5, by M4. G.Ananlye', N. V. Antoshinal (IC--305').RUSSIAN, per, Klizi Ned# No 8, 1959, pP 1lI-19- *JFRS

Search for Methods of Radical Chesoprophylaxisand Felapse-Free Cure of Tertian Mal1aria WithBrief and Prolonged Incubation. Eighth Communi-Ca tion. Further Observations on Quinocide 115oler-ance, by G. E. Gozodova, 14~ pp.RUSSIAN, per, Yled Parazitol i Parazita~eBolezni, Vol XXV, No 4, 195b, PP 31?J-323 NIH 9-3

We Will Carry Out the Resolutions of the 21st

The Current Status of t~he Problem of DrugTeayof Malignant Tunors, by V. A. Chernov,

18pp.RUSSIAN, per, Med Prom SSSR, No 5, 1959, pp 6-1~4.. JPRS-L-9l9-N

A High-Frequency Tonometer for Measuring andRecording Intraocular Pressure, by A. P. llesterov,P. G. Gorbarenko, Yu. I. Sakharov, 6 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Ned Prom SMS, No 5, 1959, pp> 51&-57. JffiS-L-920-N

Early Fulfillment of the Seven-Year Plan, byD. Ku. Skalaban, I. I. Pakhomov, 4~ pp.RUSSIAN, per, Med Prom SSSR, No 6, 1959, PP 3-5-. PSL94.

Let's Increase the Oufput of Electromedical.Equipment, by A. M. Ruzin, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Med Prom SSSR, No 6, 1959, PP 5-7. JPRS-L-955-N

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ScientificMedicine (Contd)

Prospects for the Development of Equipmentfor High-Froqueucy Z1ectrotkwxcpy, by A. R.Li1vone i, 13 PP . - -.

RUSSIAN, per, Med Prom SSSR, No 6, 1959,pp 8-15. JPRS-L-966 -N

The Medical Industry in 1959, by A. G. Nat-radze, M. I. Bernfel'd, (NY-2948).RUSSIAN, per, Mea Prom SSSR; No 7, 1959,pp 3-6. *3m

The Nature of Changes in the AntigenicStructure of Proteins Under the Effects ofIonizing Radiations, by L. A. Zilber, V. A.Artamonova, 9 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Med Radiolog., Vol IV, No 5,1959, pp 3-6. JPRS-L-921-N

The Pe-netration of Sr, Cs- Ru, Fe Through thePlacental and4amnary Barriers, by V. G. Kuli-kova, 9 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Med Radiolo1., Vol IV, No 5, 1959,pp 23-27. JPRS-L-922-N

The Influence of the Dose Rate of Radiation onthe Biological Effect, by L. V. Koziova, 7 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Med Radiolcg, Vol IV, No 5, 1959,pp 4ý3-52. JPRS-L-923.-N

The Efficacy of Certain Complexones in the CausalTreatment of Acute Y9 1 Intoxication, by L. A.II'yin' 10 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Med Radiolog• Vol IV, No 5, 1959,pp 72-76. JPRs-L-g24-N

The 14thodology of Studying the Role of PhysicalStress Under Conditions of Irradiation of Animals,by K. V. Ivanov, V. V. Parelygin, V. P. Milikhov,Ye. A. Pal'mov, 5 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Med Radiol2g, Vol IV, No 5, 1959,pp 84, 85. JPRS-L-925-N

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The Effect of Ionizing Radiation on Iinunity,by V. L. TraitakAiy, X. A. rkw&.JL; 7 P2988N, P".' wj Val IV, . o 5,1959, PP 91-93-.M--2-

Etprimeratal Anthrk.x Infection in IrradiatedAnimals, by A. P. Krasil'nikov, N. A. Isra$.tel',(DC-3o29).RUS~SIAN, per, Ned RadiolqeL, Vol IV, No 6, 1959,pp 56-&0 *3PRS

Th. Influence of Penetrating Radiation on theState of the Higher Nervous Activity In Animals,by V. P. Baskskov, (NY-2980).RUSSIAN, per, Med Radiolog, Vol TV, No 8, 1959,pp 10-13. *JPMS

Concerning Certain Mechanisms of the Influen.'eof Law Doses of Chronic Total X-Ray Irradiationon the higher Nervous Activity and Certain 7Vegetative P'unctionB of White Rats, by L. G.Semoylova, (UT -2980).RUSSIAN, per, Nbd Radiolog, Vol IT, No 8, 1959,PP 13-17. VMSP.

Chain Reactions in the Lipids of the Liver inRadiation Affection, by A. I. Zhuravlev, I. X.Giumssi, (BY-298o).RUSSIAN, per, Nied Radialog Vol 17, No 8, 1959,pp 32-37. *JFR5

Primary Toxicity in Acute Radiation Sickness,by E. D. Buglov, S. I. Dowgulev, V. G. Kravayev,(HY-2980).RUSSIAN, per, Ned Radiolog, Vol IV, No 8, 1959,PP 37-)41- .R

Further Study of the Problem Concerning theInfluence of Ionizing Radiation Upon the Anti-genic Properties of Proteins, by I. A. Artamonova,(NY-298o) .RUSSIAN, per, Med Radiolog, Vol 1V, No 8, 1959,pp 4i2-48. *JFRS

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Radiation Injuries of Ovaries, by X. N.Pobedinskiy, (NY-2980).RUSSIAN, per, Med Radiolog, Vol IV, No 8,

* ~ ~ P 199, 2-W8.

The Influence of Varying Doses of IonizingRadiation on the Morphology of Animals' Brainin Total Irradiation, by M. X. Aleksandrovskaya,(NY-2980).RUSSIAN, per, Med Radiolog, Vol IV, No 8, 1959,pp 79-1. *JPRS

The Scientific Conference on "Ce-rtain Bio-chemical Effects Caused by Ionizing Radiation'!,(NY-2980).RUSSIAN, per, Med Radiolog, Vol IV, No 8, 1959,pp 93-95. *JPRS

Air as an Habitat for Microorganisms, by V. A.Iordyum, E. S. Bobchenko.RUSSIAN, per, Mikrobiol Vol XXVIII, No 2,Mar/Apr 1959, pp 231-235. 9042532 USDA

The Brain and Cybernetics, by S. N. Braynes,A. V. Napalkov, (NY-3903/3).RUSSIAN, per, N auka i Zhizn, No 6, 1959,pp 17-21. *JFRS

Basic Directions of Evolution of Ixodoidea, byB. I. Pomerantzev, 17 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Parasit Art Zool Inst Acad SciUSSR, Vol X, 1945, pp 5-18. NIB 8-42

On Burn Auto-Antibodies, by N. I. Kuznetsova,S. V. Skurkovich, (NY-2947).RUSSIAN, per, Patolog Fiz i Zksper Terapi:_,Vol III, No 4, 1959, pp 57-60. "*JPlS

15-Years of Experience in Work With Linear Micein -perimental Oncology, by N. N. Medvedev,(IY-2947)•RUSSIAN, per, Patolog Fiz i Eksper Terapiya,Vol III, No 4, 1959, pp 76-02. *JPRS


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SclentificMedicine (Contd)

Vligbt Surgeon and Flights, by V. Platov, 4 pp.BtBM8*N 1w, Jo"A~e WO 145P 23J

Problem in the Study of the Theory and Historyof Medicine in the U&SR in the Light of theDecisions of the XXI Congrese of the ComsnistParty of the Soviet Union, by M. I. Bareukov,

RUSSIAN, per, Sovet Ned, Vol XXIII, 00 7, 1959,pp 3-12. *

On the Tasks and the Role of Pediatric Sciencein the Further Reduction of Childhood Morbidityand Mortality in the Coming Seven-Year Period,by Yu. r. Dowbrovskaya, 8 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Sovet Zdravookhraneniye, Vol XVIII,No 6, 1959, pp 3-7. JPRS-L-9C5-N

Statistical Data on Ambulatory, Polyclinic, andHospital Aid in Urban and Itural Medical c4blisb-ments of the USSR, 13 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Sovet Zravookhrneniye, Vol XVIII.,No 7, 1959, pp 57-64! 3PS--L-9654

The mployment of Computing Techniques inMedicine., by A. D. Voskresenskiy, A. I. Prokhorov,(DC-3057).RUSSIANp, per, Sovet Zdravookhraneniye, Vol XVIII,No 8, 1959, pP 19-25. *JPRS

Our Aki, 16 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Sudebno-Med MkWrtiza, Vol 1I,No 2, 1959, pp 3-b. JPRS-L-913-N

The Sequence of Reactive C•anges in the WloodUnder the Innluence of Ionizing Radiation, byA. N. Kcmissarov, N. 1. Komisaarov, L. T.Kostitsyn, (NY-299o).RUSSIAN, per, Terapevticheskiy Arkhiv, Vol X=I,No 8, 1959, PP 3-11.

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Medicine (Contd) Principles in the Treatment ofAeiUte flmiMLtti InuWlrs by V. B. tixter,

RUSSIAF, per, Terapevticheskiy Arkhiv1 Vol =.l,No 8, 1959, PP 12-17. *JMS

Soviet Biochemists Visiting USA, by V. N.0rekhovich, S. R. Mardnshev, S. S. Debov,(NY-2936).RUSSIAN, per, Vest Ak Med Nauk 3S2, No 7,1959, pp 57-67. *JFRS

Certain Differences in the Tularemia Pathogenin the Old and New World, by h. F. Olsuf'yev,0. S. ?emal'yanova, T. N. Dunayeva, (NY-2991).RUSSIAN, per., Vest Ak Med Nauk SSSR, Vol XIV,No 6, 1959, pp 51-58. *JiEL

The Pathways of Development and Further Tasksof Medical Science in Uzbekistan (A ProspecuivePlan for Medical Science Development in Uzbek-istan), by E. I. Atakhanov, 10 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Vest Ak Med Nauk SSSR, Vol XIV,No 6, 1959, pp 74-78. JPRS-L-959-N

Complex Therapy of Radiation Sickness DuringBlood Losses, by M. Ya. Chaykovskaya, 0. S.Sergel', G. N. Yelpat'devskaya, 10 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Vest Rentgenolog i Radiolog,Vol XXXIV, No 3, 1959, -P 47-52. JPRS-L-1842-D

Current Problems of Dosimetry in RadiationTherapy, by A. N. Krongauz, 13 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Vest Rentgenolog i Radiolog,Vol XXXIV, No 3, 1959, pp 52-59. JPRS-L-1843-D

Aerosoltherapy in Veterinary Medicine: by V.Kapateina, T. Dzhurdzhu.RUSSIAN, per, Veterinariya, Vol XXXVI, No 5,1959, pp 41-45. 9042523 USDA

Main Stages in the Development Studies ofGlanders, by Ya. E. Kolyakov.RUSSIAN, per, Veterinarlyt, Vol X0XVI, Nc 7,1959, pp 84-88. *USDA

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ScientificNadicins (Contd)

Eradication of Glanders in the USSR Is an Out-standing Achievement of Soviet Epizootiologists,by N. X. R'ko.l'skiy,

#WIN ps, ' Vol _zWT Y, 7a T1959, pp 89, 90. *USDA

On the Reflector No ure of Controlling Machines,by I. I. Gal'perin, •(Y-3903/3).RUSSIAN, per, Vopr, i Filosofii, No 4, Jul-Aug1957, pp 158-168. *JFRS

Deteruinism and " leology, by I. T. Frolov,23 pp.RUSSIAN, per, VoprosyFilosofti, No 2, 1958,pp 3 5-4 9 . JPWS-L-976-N

Philosophical Problems in Contemporary Genetics,by N. V. Turbin, 34 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Voprosy Filosofil, No 2, 1958,pp 112-127. JPRS-L-977-N

Genetics of Microorganisms and Present-DayViews on Heredity, by N. N. Zhukov-Verezhnikov,A. P. "ekhov, 20 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Voprosy Filosofii, No 6, 1958,pp 127-138. JPRS -L-941 -N

Philosophical Problems in the Theory of theMaterial Basis of Heredity, by D. F. Petrov,23 pp.RUSSIAN; per, Yoprosy Filosofii No 7, 1958,pp 102-112. JPBS-L-957-N

Method of Microdetermination of Antimony inUrine and Bladd of Patients Suffering FromVisceral Leishmaniasis in Solyusur'min Therapy,by L. N. lapin, 9 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Voprosy Med Khim, Vol II, 1956,pp 309-315. AB Tr 3726

Distance Method of Investigating the Movementof the Cerebrospinal Fluid, by N. N. Vasilivskiy,A. I. Naumenko, 7 PP-RUSSIAN, per, Voprosy Neaomkhirurgii, Vol XXI,1957, pp 30, 31. NIH 9-20


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Origin and Development of Conscious Control ofMovegensLa • 1n,, by A. Y. ZapnvYO57t, 20 pp.1R3SSTA, per, 6oprosy Pskholog, Vol IT, No 1,1958, pp 24-36. JPRS-L-951-N

Experimental Sturly of Typological Character-istics of the Nervous System in Children (FromPlay Material), by L. I. Usmanskiy, 17 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Voprosy Psikholog, Vol IV, No 1,1958, pp 184-190. JPRS-L-952-N

Phasic States of Excitability of the CerebrialCortex as Related to Certain Individual Psycho-logical Characteristics of Students, by P. P.Raspopov, 25 Pp.RUSSIAN, per, Voprosy Psikhologii, Vol IV, No 2,1958, pp 23-37. JPRS-L-914-N

Development of Automatic Performance of MentalActivities, by G. S. Sukhobskaya, 17 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Voprosy Psikholo ii, Vol IV, No 3,1958, pp 74-86.- JPRS-L-953-N

Formation of Space Perception and Spatial Con-cepts in Children, by E. N. Kabanova-Meller,14 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Vc rosy Psikhologii, Vol IV, No 3,1958, PP 161-167. JPRS-L-95i-N

Critical Moment in the Psychic Development ofthe Child, by N. V. Chrelashvili, 8 pp.RUSSIAN, per, VoprosZ Psikhologii, Vol IV, No 4,1958, pp 105-115. JPRS-L-945-N

The Role of Speech in Child Development, by A. R.Luriya, 23 pp.RUSSIAN, per, ¥oprosy Psikhologii, Vol IV, No 5,1958, pp 3-17. JPRS-L-961-N

Psychology and the Concept of the Reflex, byM. G. Yaroshevskiy, 20 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Vopr6sy Psikhologii, Vol IV, No 6,1958, pp 66-78. JFRS-L-909-N

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ScientificMedicine (Contd)

Specific Nature of the Individual Consciousnessof man as the Lhest Dore of Jbutal Develop-Ment ,-by N. -. P-Anto , 35 1 .ppRUSSIAN, per, Voprosy Psikhologii, Vol IV, No 6,i958, pp 79-87. JPRS-L-910-N

Mechanism by Which Children Master PronunciationDuring the Sectnd and the Third Year, by G. M.Liyamina, 21 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Voprosy Psikhologii, Vol 17, No 6,1958, pp 119-130. JFRS-L-911-N

The Resistance of the Ornithosts-PsittacosisVirus to the Action of Physicochemical Agents,by V. M. BolotovskLy, 7 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Voprosy Virusolog, No 1, 1959,.p 63-67. JPRS-L-948-N

Method of Interception of Grippe Virus in aDropping Phase of Aerosol. Rpt 1. Effective-ness of Interception of Grippe Virus by theApparatus of D'Yakoncv and the Filters Fromthe Gelatinous Foam, by S. Ya. Gaidamovich,V. V. Vlodavets, V. P. Obukhova.RUSSIAN, per, Voprosy Virusolog No 4, 1959,pp 396-400. *UDA

Method of Interception of Ornithosis Virusin a Dropping Phase, by V. M. Bolotovskiy.RUSSIAN, per, Voprosy Viltwolog. No 4, 1959,pp 505-508. *USDA

Medical Control of Training Catapults.RUSSIAN, per, Voyenno-Med Zhur, No 5, 1959,pp 23-29. *AID

Changes in Blood Oxygenation Depending onPressure Suit Effectiveness.RUSSIAN, per, VyMnno-Med Zhur, No 5, 1959,,?p 29-32. *AID

Some Problems of AeromedLcine From Abroad.RUSgSIAN, per, Voyenno-Wd r, No 5, 1959,PP 36-38. *AID

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Scientif icMedicine (Contd)

Cyberntitcs aud Control Problems of theNe4dal Service, by A.. Gr- gor'y•t , 0. K.Gavrilov, L. B. Polyakov, K. V. Lashbov,(NY-39o3/3).RUSSIAN, per, Vy2_ennýo-Med Zhur No 6, 1959,pp 76-80. *JPRS

The Use of Electronic Computers in Medicine,by A. D. Voskresenskiy, A. I. Prokhorov,(NY-390o/3) •RUSSIAN, per, Voyenno-Med Zhur, No 6, 1959,pp 81-88. *JPRS

The Ninth All-Union Congress of Physiologists,Biochemists, and Pharmacologists, by M. F.Merezhinskiy, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Zdravookhraneniye Belorussii,Vol V, No 4, 1959, PP 3-5. JFES-L-969-N

Concerning the Question of Intravital Diagnosisof Botulism, by I. A. Dukalov, A. K. Golosnitskiy.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Mikrobiol, Epidemiol i fluuno-biol No 12, 1958, pp 43--LZ. 9042524 USDA

A Practical Evaluation of the Rechmenskiy-TypeApparatuses for Bacteriological Investigationsof the Air, by A. S. Labinskaya, 7 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Mikrobiol, Epidemiol i Immuno-biol, Vol XXX, No 2, 1959, pp 74-78. JPRS-L-931-N

On Tularemic Bacteriophage (Preliminary Report),by L. S. Kolyaditskaya, K. V. Kuchina, A. A.Shmurygina.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Mikrobiol, Epidemiol i Immuno-biol, Vol XXX, No 3, 1959, PP 13-16. 9042530 USDA

Variability of B. Tularenze in Various Methodsof Storage in Laboratory Conditions, by 0. S.Emc lyanova.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Mikrobiol, eidemo.ol i Immuno-biol, Vol XXX, No 3, 1959, pp 22-26. 9042527 USDA

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The Study )f Virulence of Various Strains ofD. ftularmi IsolAted in tw hiumlI El ofInfection, by X. P& Tereshchenko.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Mikrobiol, aidemiol i Iinuno-biol, Vol T",' No ý, 1959, pP 33-35. 90425N USDA

The Significance of Winds in the Intensificationof the Transmissive Tularemia Outbreak and in itsSpread Beyond the Limits of the Natural Nidus, byV. 0. Pilipenko.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Mikrobiol, EUidemlol i Inuno-bioi, Vol XZU, go 3, 195 , pp 41-4b. 9042529 tD

The Problem of the Immuological Effectiveneseof Live Vaccines Upon Combination of Them WithNIISI Polyvaccine Report XI, by F. A. Shpigunov,8 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Zbur Mikrobiol .pidemiol i Imuno-biol, Vol =, 13o -4, 1959, PP 19-23. JPRB-L-18•0-D

Organization of Anti-Bacterial Defense of thePopulation in the U. S. A., by K. G. Gapochko,G. G. Gromozdov, (N1-2963).RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Mikrobiol Npidemiol i Immuno-biol, Vol XXX, No 7, 1959, PP I 1b-1i. *JFM

Immediate Scientific and Practical Tasks inControlling Infectious Diseases, (DC-3048).RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Mikrobiol, Epidemiol i Imtuno-biol Vol XXX, No 6, 1959, pp 3-9. *JPRS

Some Problems Pertaining to the Reform of HigherMedical Education, by V. A. Bashenin, (DC-3O48).RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Mikrobiol, Epidemiol i Immuno-biol Vol XXX, No t, 1959, pp 9-12. *JPRS

Some Problems Touching Upon the Reorganizationof Higher Medical Education, by B. Ya. El'bert,

RUSSINc, per, Zhu Mikrobiol, Ridemiol i Immuno-biol, Vol Xxx, No d, 1959, Pp 32-17. *JFRS

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ScientificMedicine (Contd)

To Closer Adapt Medical Microbiology Instructionto Practical Requirements) by A. B. Pshenichnov,

RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Mikrobiol, Spidemiol i rmuno-bia ol XX, No 8, 1959, pp 18-21. *JPP.S

Academic Experience and Measures for FurtherImprovement in Teaching Epidemiology at MedicalInstitutes, by A. B. Alekeanyan, (DC-3048).RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Mikrobiol, apidemiol i Irmuno-biol, Vol XXX, No a, 1959, pp 212-6.- *JPRS

One of the Forms of Prolonged PathologicalReactions in Puberty, by K. A. Novlyanskaya, 10 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Nevrepatol i Psikhiatrii,Vol LVIII, No 7,-195b, pp tb1-bl6. JFRS-L-906-N

Cybernetics in Neurology, by L. G. Chlenov, 14 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Nevropatol i Psikhiatrii,Vol LVIII, No 10, 1958, pp 1259-1264. JPRS-L-907-N

Cybernetics and Some Problems in Psychiatry,by A. D. Zurabashvili, 11 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Nevropatol i Psikchiatril,Vol LVIII, No 10, 1958, pp 1264-12bo8. JPRS-L-908-N

The "Ink Blot" Method in Determining theCharacteristics of the Signal Systems in Personsof Different Temperaments, by N. S. Shipkoven-skiy, 9 pp.RUSSIAN, per; Zhur Ne-ronatol i Psikhiatrii,Vol LVlII, No ll, 195b, pp 132o-1332. JPRS-L-950-N

Munitions for Health, by F. Pcrtnuv, 9 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Znaniye-Sila, No 3, 1959,pp 12, 13. JPBS-L-939-N

Studies on the Life-History of BaemaphysalisBispinose Nelm, by Teng Kuo-Fan, 20 pp.CILmrITJ, per, Chinese Journal of Entomology,Vol 7, No 2, 1956, pp 67-195-. NIH 8-4

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The Effect of Eobalt on Survival and Body Teimp-erature Changes in I4Fgpoxla, 6 pp.MOh2A1I, per, Act& ibdice XM!Mioeaic Vol MCI*No 1-2, 1956, pp 196-192. AF 1255M8k

Experiment~al Contributi ons to the LymphaticPathogenesis of Anithrax Infection, 1.3 PP.CZECH, per, Ceskoslovenska Mikrobi~ol, Vol III,No 2, 1958, pp b2--97. ACSI, E-4582

Thematic Plan of Research in the Field of MedicalSciences and Hea~lth for the Year 1960, by Drs.Plojbar, Kahuda, Erban, (DC-3091).CZECNH, per, Vestnik Ministeratva ZMravotriictvi, *JRVol VII,, No 13, 20 Jun 1959, PP 117-12b. JR

Otolaryngological and Vestibular Examination ofFlyers and Applicants for Flight Service, 10 pp.CZECH, per, Vojenske Zdravotnicke Listy, SIT,No 3, pp 14-18. AF 1255868

Continuous Treatment of Hemophili~a WithEemostatic Hecht (H.-H.), by Dr D. L. Huist,10 pp.DUMCH, per, Nederlandsch-:¶'jdscrift VoorGeneeskunde, Jun 19L 2,p 5t152 NIH 8-23

The Treatment of He~mophilia With HemostypticHecht, by Dr D. L. Hu2.Bt, 17 pp.DUTYCH, per, Reder3.andsch Tijdscrift VoorGeneeskunde,, Vol LICCXV, 19J41, pp 21b9-219b. NIH 6-24

Sarcomatoid Transformation of TranhsplantedCarcinoma, by Th. G. Van Rijasel, 26 pp.DUTCH, per, Vierde Jaarboek van Kankeronderzoeken Kankerbestrijdi!& in Nederl.and, l9554,pp 17-31. NIH 9-12

A Serological Study of the EpidemiologicalRole of a Recently Discovered Respirat *oryVirus: Strain EA 102 of Type 3 MYxovirus.Parainflueazae, by C. Chany, P. Robbe-Possat,J. Couv2.eur, 9 pp.FRENCH, mse,, 9p.NIB 9-30

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Report on the Third European Congress of AviationMedicine in Louvain Neer Brussels, by Heins VonDiriqp ofn., 8 pp.FRENCH, rpt, 23-27 Sep. AF 1.2M3I4

The Continuous Culture Method. Theory andApplications, by J. Mknod, 37 pp.FRENCH, per, Annales de l'Institut Pasteur,Vol I.X3Il, No 4, 1950, pp 390-410. NIH 9-22

Immunological Study on Salmonellas. V. The Roleof Certain Sugars, *in Particular the 3-6Didesoxybexoses, in the Specificity of Kauffmxnn-White 0 Antigens, by A. M. Staub, R. Tinelli,0. Luderitz, 0. Westphal, 43 PP.FRECH, per, Annales de l'Institut Pasteur,Vol XCVI, No 3, 1959, PP 303-332. NIH 8-27

Research in Perceptual Development. VII.Configuration in Depth in the Constancy ofSizes, by M. Lambercier, 12 pp.FRENCH, per, Archives de Psycholopie, Vol XXI,1946, pp 300-30b. IIH 8-32

II. Visual COMptd.s8on Of Heights at VaryingDistances in tl-e Fronto-Parallel Plane, byJean Piaget, Mar- Lambercier, 9 pp.FRENCH, per, Archives de Psychologie, Vol X0ICX,1943, pp 188-193. NIH 8-33

The Problem of Visual Comparison in Depth(Constancy in Size) and the Systematic Errorof the Reference Object, by Jean Piaget,Marc Lanbercier, Renee Iturbide, 18 pp.FRENCH, per, Archives de Psychologie. Vol XXIX,1943, pp 267-276. NIH 8-34

A New Attempt to Prevent Infections in Infantsin Institutions by the Injectiont of GamaGlobulin, by B. Meyer, F. Alison, J. J. Willard,11 pp.FRENCH, per, Bull de l'Institut National.'Eygiene, Vol XIII, No 2, Apr-Jun 1957,

pp 373-3b$o. NIHt 9-34

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The Role of Ribonucleic Acid in the Cell, byJ. Brachet, 49 pp.FRENCH, per, Bulletin de Is Soc de Chia Biolog,Vol XL, No 11, 1958, pp 1307-1413. NO 8-2

Remarks on the Aspecific Factors Governing theEVolution of the Virus Infections. The Idea ofthe Critical State, by Andre Lwoff, MargueriteLvoff, 6 pp.FRENCH, per, Co!Etes Rendus, Vol CCXLVIII, 1959,pp 154-156. NIH 9-33

Action of Very Weak Doses (5 r) of X-RaysGiven at Birth of the Laukemogenesis of A•Mice, by Georges Rudali, Jean Reverdy, 4 pp.FRENCH, per, Comptes Rendus, Vol CCXLVIII,23 Feb 1959, pp 124, 18i9. NIH 8-10

Histophysiology oftht Adrenal During Miperi-mental Arterial Hypertension, by N. Goormagh-tigh, L. Elaut, 7 pp.FRENCH, per, Comptes Rendus Soc Biol, Vol C,1929, pp 501-504. NIH 9-25

On an Epidemic of Subacute Infectious PulmonaryEdema in -Infants (Spumous Broncho-Alveolitis),by P. lereboullet, Marcel Lelong, J. Delarue,Joseph, 14 pp.FRENCH, per, Paris Medical 5 Nov 1958, pp 3-8. NIH 8-28

Artificial Hibernation in Profound Shock, byH. Laborit, P. Huguenard, 8 pp.FRENCH, per, Presse Medicale. Vol LXI, 18 Jul1953, pp 1029, 1030. NIB 9-39

Incorporation of Radioactive Citric Acid inthe Bones of Albino Rats, by J. P. Lussier,16 pp.FRENCH, per, Revue Canadienne do Biologie,Vol XVI, No 4, Dec 1957, pp 434-44 4 . NIH 9-36

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S~.ientif Ic

Medicine (Contd)

Freqwnqy at laoula and !Twu in c5P26B biCetying Reei,,ed Plasmui ?ra frlted' Anwintat Birth, by Georges Matbe, Jean Bernard, 6 pp.FRENCH, per, Rev Franc Etudes Clin et biol,Vol XII, No 3, 1958, pp 257, 256. NIH 8-7

Study of Six Cases of Accidental Acute Whole-Body Irradiation, by H. Jemet, 0. W'the, B.Pendic, J. F. Duplan, D. Maupin, R. Iatarjet,D. Kalic, L. Schwarzenberg, Z. Djukic, J.Vigne, 30 pp.FRENCH, per, Rev Franc Etudes Clin et Biol,Vol IV, 1959, PP 210-225. Ab Tr 3774

1-ukemogenesis in AkR Mice Irradiated (X-Ray)at Birth, by J. Reverdy, G. Rudsli, J. F.Duplan, R. !Atarjet, 16 pp.FRENCH, p,.r, § Vol XXIX, No 9, 1958,pp 796-8(0)4. I 8-9

Homologous and Heterologous Grafts of theHematopoietic System, by D. W. Van Bekkms,55 pp,FRENCH, per, La Semaine des Hopitaux, Vol XWXIV,No 13]114,. Jul 195d, pp 1063-1U04. - MIH 8-26

Formal Exposition on the Founding of a EuropeanAcademy of Aviation Medicine Under the Sponsor-ship of the Lord Mayor of the City of Frankfurt-am-Main, 7 pp.GERMAN, rpt. AF 1265852

On Sensory Fusion (Alielotropy) as the Basis ofStrescopy, by A. Tschermk-Seysenegg.G•-A•, bk, Documenta Ophthalmologica, Vo] II,pp 52-63. *ATIC ML-296/v

Concerning the Allelotrope, A Device for TestingSensory Fusion, by A. Tschermak-Seysenegg.GERMAN, bk, Documents qphthalmologica, Vol II,196,8 pp 63--9. *ATIC MCL-296/V

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Sc ientificMedicine (Contdi

On Disturbances of EFe Development in Patiabryo. by Owsu betcency in var)y PvrpaaWY,'oy A. Werthemann, M. Reiniger, 31 pP.GE.MA, per, Acta Ana t) Vol XI, 1950t, pp 329-3147. NO1t 8-35

The Importance of the Fpendyma for the Exchangeof Substance Betveen the Cerebrospinal Fluidand the Brain, by A. Oksche, 15 pp.GE0MA1, per, Anat Anz, Vol CIII, Suppl, 1951,pp 162-171. NIH 9-17

Influence of Blcod Distribution on the Circula-tion Dirin4g. Exerc!oe) 'by Rr'!ng. Asmussen,Z. Hohwu Christenson, 9 pp.

G-ERMAN, per, Arc:hlv fu'er Physiologie Skandina-vischesa Vol LXXOII, No 344p, 1939, PP IU5-192. NIH 8-20

Mean Capacity of tne Lungs With Increased 02Requirement, by Erling Asmussen, E. HohwuChristensen, 12 pp.JkIMAN, per, Archly fuer Physiologie Skandina-vischeE Vol D=CCII, No 3_V-4; 1939, pp 201-211. NIl! 6-21

02 Intake of Resting and Working SketetalMuscles, by Erling Asmussen, E. Hohwu Chris-tensen, Marius Nielsen, 13 PP.GEMAN, per, Archiv fUer P•hysiologie Skandina-visches, Vol LXXXII, No 34.,, 1939, pp 212-220. NIH 8-22

The Submicroscopic Structure of the FibrillarBasic Framework of the Alveolar Wall, by W.Giese, R. Gieseking, 14 pp.GERMAN, per, Beitrage zur PathologischenAnatomie und zur All1emeinen Pathologie, Vol CXVII,No 1, 1957, pp 17-31. NIH 8-38

Differences in the Development Capabilities ofF' Mice After X-Raying oi Spermatogoniia andIfiature Spermatozoa, by Paula Hertwig, 48 pp.GEMAN, per, Biol Zentr, Vol LVIII, 1938,pp 273-3C0. AEC TT-8

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Medicine (C,,ntd)

The Physical and Physiological-TherapeuticalInfluence of a Magnetic Field on the HumanOrganism, by P. Rodari, 11 pp.GERMAN, per, Blatter fuer Schweiz Aerzte,Vol XXXIII, I19C3, pp 1-19. ATIC F-TS-9648/III

The Vessels of Tubular Bones. Contribution tothe Knowledge of the Structure and Developmentof Bone Tissue, by Karl langer, 66 pp.GERMAN, per, Denkschriften der KaiserlichenAkademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Naturwiss Classe, Wien, J176, p 3b. NIH 9-4o

The Blood-Brain Barrier, by G. Quadbeclk H.Helmchen, 24 pp.GERM, per, Dtsch Med Wschr, Vol LXXXII,1957, pP 1377-1382- NIH 9-18

Repair of the Prolapse of the Blind EndingVagina. (Repair of the Vaginal Prolapse AfterTotal Hysterectomyp by Julius Sederl3 2 pp.

GERMAN, per, Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde,Vol XVIII, Jun 1958, PP M24-628. NIH 9-42

Cold Agglutinins in Childhood Virus Diseases,by A. Gebala, 16 pp.GERMAN, per., Helvetica Paediatrica Acta,Vol XIII, No 3, 19571, pp NIH 9-33

I. Report: Amino Acid Sequences of Collagen.On the Bindirg Method of Proline and Hydroxy-proline, by Wolfgang Grasswann, Kurt Hannig,Horst Engdres, Alfred Riedel, 18 pp.GERMAN, per, Hoppe-Sevler's Z fuer PhysiologC he•Me Vol CCCVI, 1.95b, pp 123-13". NIH 9-27

Further Experiences in the Prevention ofRelapses and Metastases After CarcinomaOperations,, by W. Denk, 8 pp.GERMAN, per, Klin Med, Vol XIII, 1958,pp 426-429. NIH 8-3

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ScientificMedicine (CortA,

Tnvestigations With 11 31 -Tagged Albumin onExchange Processes Between Plasma and Cerebro-spinal Fluid, by E. Frick, L. Scheid-Seydel,12 pp.GERMAN, per, Klin Wschr, Vol XXOVI, 1958,P 66-69. NIH 9-15

Morphological Contribution on the Question ofOccult Metastases, by I. Peckholz, 17 pp*GERMAN, per, langenbecks Arch Klin Chir,Vol CCXC, 19501, pp 22-30. NIH 8-8

Possibility of Influencing the Phenomena ofOld Age in Experimental Animals by PeroralAdministration of Compounds of 2-(p-Aminobenzolesulfonamido)-Pyrimidine, by C. H.Hackmann, 16 pp.GERMAN, per, Munch Med Wschr, Vol C, 1958,pp 1814-1817. NIH 8-4o

The Influencing of the Visual Power in SenileCataracts by Peroral Treatment With 2-(p-Aminobenzolsulfonamido ) -Pyrimidine, by H.Hackmannn, C. H. Hvckmann, 7 PP.GERMAN, per, Munch Med Wsqhr, Vol C, 1958,pp 1817-1819. NIH 8-41

Increase of the Leukemogenic Action of Cell-Free Tumor Filtrates by Combination With X-RayTotal-Body Irradiation, by A. Graffi, W.Krischke, 4 pp.GERMAN, per, Naturwissenschaften, Vol XLIII,No L11,, 1956, pp 333, 334. NIH 8-4

On the Participation of Nucleinic Acids inthe Chemical Composition of the LeukemogenicAgent From Filterable Mouse Tumors, by H.Bielka, A. Graffil W. Krischke, 4 pp.GERMA, per, Naturwissenschaften, Vol XLIV,No 13, 1957, pp 3bi, 3b2. NIH 8-1

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ScientificMedicine (Contd)

On the Behavior of the teukemogenic Agent FromFilterable Mouse Tumors Towards Glycerin andFreeze Drying, by A. Graffi, H. Bielka, 4 pp.GERMAN, per, Naturwissenschaften, Vol XLIV,No 13, 1957, pp 352, 73. NIH 8-5

Studies on the Concentration of the LeukemogenicAgent From Mouse Tumors in the Brain, by W.Krischke, A. Graffi, E. Krischke, 4 pp.GERMAN, per, Naturwissenschaften, Vol XLIV,No 14, 1957, pp 400, 401. NIH 8-6

Hereditary Changes of Somatic Cells and TheirShare in the Experimental Production of Cancer,by Hans Marquardt, 28 pp.GERMAN, per, Naturwissenschaften, Vol XLVI,1959, pp 217-223. NIH 9-9

'On Pyrimidine Compounds With Cytostatic Action,by Kurt Westphal, Robert Bierling, 4 pp.GERMAN, per, Naturwissenschaften, Vol XLVI,1959, pp 230, 231. NIH 9-13

On the Artificial Development of an Increaseof Resistance to Gamma Rays in E. Coli, by G.Schabinski, W. Ahlendorf, F. Schwabe, 3 pp.GERMAN, per, Naturwissenschaften, Vol XLVI,1959, p 268. NIH 9-37

On Attempts to Improve the Result of Homeo-transplantation. II. Prior and SubsequentTreatment of the Transplant With Desoxyri-bonucleic Acid (DNA) From the Host Rabbit,by Else Knake., Elard Stein Von Kamienski, 4 pp.GERMAN, per, Naturwissenechaften, Vol XLVI,1959, P 334. NIH 9-8

Growth of Heterotransplantable Mouse-RatTumors to Untreated Golden Hamsters, by H.Wrba, 4 pp.GERMAN, per, Naturwissenschaften, Vol XLVI,1959, p 339- NIH 9-14

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ScientificMedicine (Contd)

On the Action of Desoxycholic Acid on the Virusof Myeloid Leukemia of the Mouse and the Rous-Sarcoma Virus, by H. Bielka, A. Graffi, 5 PP.GERMAN, per, Naturwissenschaften, Vol XLVI,1959, p 404. NIH 9-6

Electron Microscopic StuAies of MammaryCarcinoma in Rate, by Heribert Schulz, 20 pp.GERMAN, per, Oncologia Vol X. No II 1957,pp 307-329. NIH 9-10

The Determination of Thyroid Weight by Scinti-graphy After Administration of RadioactiveIodine, by P. Doering, K. Kramer, 23 pp.GERMAN, per, Strahlentherapie, Vol CV, No 2,1958, pp 24,5-259. AEC/IP Tr 211,

Ro@4gen Carcinoma of the Rat Tail, by ErnstStutz, Ursula Bluthgen, 39 PP.GERMAN, per, Strahlentherapie, Vol CV, 1958,pp 278-295. NIH 8-ii

Stopping the Development of Cancer in theHuman Organism; Empirical Method of Cure, byA. Brylinski, 20 pp.GERMAN, per, Therapia Nova, Vol Iv, & Apr 1939. NIH 9-7

Electronmicroscopic Studies on the SinusoidalWall of the Liver, by J. R. Ruttner, A. Vogel,8 pp.GERMAN, per, Verhandlungen der DeutschenGesellschaft fuer Pathologie, Vol XLI, 1958,pP 314-320. NIH 8-39

Electron Microscopic Investigation of Intra-nuclear Inclusion Bodies, by W. Wessel, 21 pp.GERMAN, per, Virchows Archiv, Vol CCCXXXI,No 3, 1958, pp 314-32d. NIH 9-29

Report on More Than 1,000 Hysterectomies WithSpecial Reference to the Pathogenesis ofDescensus and Incontinence After Hysterectom3by J. Forewis, H. Kremer, Th. D!Alberto, 3 PP.GERMAN, per, Wiener Oain Wochenschrift,Vol LXXI, 2 Jan 1959, pp 1-3. NIH 9-38

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Nalfarmaticns of tt~e Spinal e-clano aM Chord&Anlage (Experimental Teratogenic and Embryo-histological Investigations in Rabbits), byK. H. Degenhardt., J. Kladetzky,. 76 pp.GERMAN, per., Z lMenschl. Vererb u Konstitution-slehre, Vol XXXIII, 1955, PP 151-192. NIH 8-36.

Heart Study. Second Report. Histological, Histo-chemical and Experimental Investigations on theAtrioventricular System of Ungulates and Rodents,by T. H. Schiebler, 117 pp.GERMAN, per, Z Zeliforsch., Vol XIa.IIi 1955,pp 2143-306. -NIH 9-26

Does the Prevention of Caries by Means ofFluorine Tablets Promise Success?., by G. Wrzodekj,18 pp.GERMAN,. per., Zahnarztliche Mitteilungenj, Vol VII.,1 Apr 1959, pp 1-5. NIH 9-23

The Endoneural Cerebrospinal Fluid Passage., byReinhold Knepper, 14 pp.GERMAN., per., Zbl Allg Path, Vol XCVII,, 1957.,pp 2148-250. NI3H 9-16

Reconstruction of the Vagina by Means of theSigmoid Colon, by H. H. Scb-mid, 14 pp.GERMA.N, per,. Zentralblatt fuer Chirurgie,Vol LXXVII, No 4&3a, 1952, pp 2119-2123. NIH 9-141

On the Carcinoids of the Appendix, by, 16 pp.HUNGARIAN,, per,. na~yr Orvosi Arch.ivm,. VolXXXII, 1931, pp 13l4-141l. NIH 9-11

Morphological and Histochemical Observationson the Preputial Glands of the Rat, by DrEnnio Pannese, 39 PP.ITALIAN," per, Archivo Italiano di Anatomia edi Embriologia, Vol LIX, No 2, 19541, PP 57-8-2. NIH 9-28

Advance in the Field of the Methodology ofStabilization of Food Articles..

POLISH, per, Przeglad Zbotowo-Milynarski No 6,,1959, pp 171-173. ACmI, H-146814


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tftect of Chemical Caupos~tiors, InttialStructure and Testing Conditions on NotBrittleness of Steel, by G. I. Pogodin-Alekseyev, M. M. Fetisova, (NY-3904/3).RUSSIAN, bk, Sovremennyye Splavy i ikhTermicheskaya Obrabotka, 1956, pp 23-29. *JPRS

High-Temperature Gas Turbine Steels andAlloys, by F. F. Khimushin, (NY-3904/3).RUSSSIAN, bk, Sovremennyye Splavy i ikhTermicheskaya Obrabotka, 1951, pp 2165-241. *JPRS

Changes in the Surface Layer of a High-Temperature Alloy During Mechanical Workingand Henting in an Oxidizing Medium, by V. G.

*.Vorob'yev, (NY-3904/3).RUSSIAN, bk, Sovremennyye Splavy i ikhTermicheskaya Obrabotka, 1956, pp 242-253. *JPRS

Effect of Irradiation on Structure andProperties of Structural Metals, hy S. T.Kishkin.RUSSIAN, bk, Vliyaniye Oblucheniya na Struk-turu i $voystva Konstruktsionnykh Metallov,Moscow, Oborongiz, 1956, 39 pp. *ATIC MCL-356/III

Effect of Structure of Flux on Porosity ofWeld, by V. V. Podgayetskiy, A. V. Mel'nik.RUSSIAN, per, Avtom Svarka, No 4, 1955, pp 58-62. BISI 1336

Erosion Resistance of Hard Alloys Used forSealing Surfaces of Steam and Water Fittings,by F. Chernyi, K. Lebl.RUSSIAN, per, Elek Stants, No 4, 1957,pp 27-30. DSIR LW M.l80

Spin-Lattice Relaxation and Nuclear MagneticResonance of Rare Earth Salts, by K. A.Valyev.RUSSIAN, per, Fiz Metal i Metallov, Vol VI,No 2, 1958, p 193. Navy 288/T-170

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z a-tent Lf !

Or the Time to Failure [Wring Creep, byL. M. Kachanov.RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel TekhNauk, No 8, 1958, pp 26-31. f6IR LW RTS llii

How to Offset the Effect of Nitrogen onSteel Quality, by Yu. F. Gurevich.RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vysshikh Uchebnvkh Zavedniy,Chern Metal, No 10, 1958, pp 31-35. HB 4619

Some Problems of Consumable-Electrode VacuumArc Melting, by D. A. Shabanov.RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy,Chern Metal, No 10, 1958, Pp 37-42. EB 4616

Technical Properties of Cb-Alloyed Cr NiSteels, by M. P. Braun, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy,Chern Metal, No 10, 1958, pp 119-124. HB 4617

Desulphurization of Hot Metal in Ladle Usinga Suspension of Lime and Aluminium in Gas(Air or Nitrogen), by S. K. Sobolev, G. N.Oiks.RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy,Chern Metal, No 11, 1958, PP 3-8. HB 1623

Behaviour of Nitrogen in the Melting of IronAlloys in a Vacuum Arc Furnace, by D. A.Shabanov.RUSSIAN, per, Iz VYsshikh Uchebn•ih Zavedeniy,Chern Metal, No 11, 1958, pp 37-40. HEB 4621

Concerning the Nature of Cryolite-AluminaFusions, by V. A. Pazukhin, 24 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vysshikh Uchebnykh.ZavedeniyTsvetnaya Metall, No 2,3, Oi-dzhonikidze, 1958,Lpp 84-92, 71-78. JPRS L-1782-D

The Use of Vibration During Solidification forthe Elimination of Hot Shrinkage Cracks, by Aluminium Lab, LtdI. I. Novikov, G. A. Korol'kov, A. E. Semenov. B-TM-233-59RUSSIAN, per, Lit Proiz, No 1, 1958, pP 7, 8. 0T/3598

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&: len?, If"•

Influence of Vibrations During Casting andSolidification on Metal Properties, by V. A.Serkovskiy.RUSSIAN, per, Lit Proiz, No 5, 1958, pp 19-2I. *BISI 1415

Long Time Strength of Welds at High Tempera-tures, by A. V. Stanyukovich, et al.RUSSIAN., per, Metal i Obra Metallov, No 2,1958, pp 12-18. Infosearch Ltd

Examination of IKhl8Nl2T Steel as a TubeMaterial for Power Stations, by A. S. Gel'man,et al.RUSSIAN, per, Metal i Obra Metallov, No 3,1958, pp 16-24. Infosearch Ltd

The Properties of Refractories From Magnesiteand High Alumina Materials, by V. A. Rybnikov.RUSSIAN, per, Ogneupory, Vol XXI, 1956, pp 37-39. CCT 871B

Production and Properties of Sheets of NonagingSteel, Killed by Aluminium, by D. A. Litvinenko,A. I. Marinov, V. K. Barzy, V. I. Yakushin.RUSSIAN, per, Stal, No 10, 1958, pp 931-938. DSIR LLU M.492

Work Experience of a New Type Burden Distribu-tor, by N. S. Shchiren1o, I. G. Polovchenko,V. P. Dobrov, A. M. Labkovsky.RUSSIAN, per, Sital, No 12, 1958, pp 1066-1071. WiIR LLu m.493

Arc Surfacing of Components Subject to AbrasionWith, Hard. Alloys, by M. A. Tylkin.RUSSIAN, per, Svarochnoye Proiz, No 5, 1959,pp 35, 36. BISI 1405

Status and Perspectives in the Developmentof Spot and Roller Welding of Light AlloyWeldments, by B. D. Orlov, P. L. Chuloshnikov,(NY-3904/3).RUSSIAN, per, Svarochnoye Proiz, No 7, 1959,pp 16-19. *JPpS


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ScientificMinerals/J4etss (Contd)

A Study of the Behavior and Recovery ofRhenium When Roasting Molybenite Concentratesin a Furnace, by A. N. Zelikman, et a!.RUSSIAN, per, Tsvetnyye Metally, No 11, 1958,pp 47-52. DSiR LLU M.494

Ultrasonic Flaw Detection of Extrusion De-fects When Extruding Bars for Tubes, by N. I.Brazhinikov, I. A. Krym.RUSSIAN, per, Tsvetnyye Metally, No 12, 1958,pp 67-69. DSIR LLU M.-495

Cold Rolling of Shaped Tubes, by Yu. F.Shevakin, A. M. Rytikov.RUSSIAN, per, Tsvetnyye Metally, No 12., 1958,pp 70-77. DSIR LLU M.496

Firs% Conference of the Scientific-TechnicalSociety of Nonferrous Metallurgy, by T. Osi-pova, A. Troitskiy, (DC-3030).RUSSIAN, per, Tsvetnyye Metally, No 7, 1959,pp 81-. *JPRS

Cornerence on Autoclave Processing, (DC-3030).RUSSIAN, per, Tsvetnyye Metally, No 7, 1959,pp 84-87.

Simplified Method for Testing the PiercingProperties of Metals, by N. S. Kirvalidze,I. Ya. Korobochkin.RUSSIAN, per, Zavod Lab No 7, 1958, pp 850-854. *BISI 1425

Production of Copper - Constant Thermocouplesfor Precise Measuring of Temperatures, by V. A.Karasenko.RUSSIAN, per, Zavod Lab, No 10, 1958, pp 1281,1282. *AEC

Research on the Theory of the ElectrochemicalFPase Analysis of Alloys, by Yu. A KO.yachko,M. M. Shapiro, V. S. Mal'tseva, V. A. Milchev.RUSSIAN, per, Zavod Lab, No 12, 1958, pP 1308-1314. DSIR LW M.489

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M•e Annealing of the 1. I. Graphite, by M.Pascal, 3 pp.FRENCH, per, Bulletin d'Information Set etTech, No 23, 195T, pp 11, 12. AEC IGIS-22(RD/R)

The Influence of Charging Times and Storageat Room Temperature on the Hydrogen Embrittle-ment of Steels, by J. Plusquellec.FRENCH, per, Comptes Rendus, 23 Jan 1958,pp 3451-3457. BISI 1427

Influence of Photosynthesis on the CoeTosionof Steel in Sea-Water, by A. Hache.FRENCH, per, Corrosion et Anticorrosion, Feb

1959, pP 56-62. BISI 1.07

Heterogeneity of Killed Steel Ingots, by A.Kohn.FRENCH, per, IRSID les Cahiers du Cessid:Coulee tie l'Acier, No 1, 1959 (?), PP 5-52. *BISI 1436

Methods of Studying the Factors of Intergranu-lar Self-Diffusion in Metals, by GeorgesCizeron, 18 pp.FRENCH, per, Metaux Corrosion-Industries, Vol

XLXII, No 385, 1957, PP 315-332. AEC SCL T-260

Uranium Alloys of High Alloying Content, by

G. Cabane, 19 pp.FRENCH, per, Metaux Corrosion-Industries,Vol XXXIV, 1959, pp 49-57. AEC HW Tr 4

Growth and Morphology of Oxide Films on Ironat High Temperatures, by.J. Moreau, M. Cagnet.FRENCH, per, Rev Met, Nov 1958, pp 1091-1109. BISI 1225

Study of the Segregation of Arsenic and Copperby the Auto-Radiographic Technique and Qaanti-

tative Examination With the Castaing Microtester,by C. Crussard.FRENCH, per, Rev Met Apr 1959, PP 395"406. *BISI 1403

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ScientificMinerals/Metals (Contd)

A Cm•j•rlson Betwem Lov-Csrboaba tefttticStainless Steels and Stabilized Steels forWelded Apparatus in the Chemical Industry,by B. Lofblad, G. Lindh.GERMAN, rpt, publ by International Instituteof Welding, Vienna, 30 Jun 1958. BISI i408

Heat Transfer of Rolled Finned Tubes, by G.Grass.37EM4AN, pez, Allgemeine Warmetechnik, No 5/6,1956, pp 104-108. BISI 1381

Theory of Counter Tubes With a Newly DesignedSpecimen Holder for the Determination of Tex-tures in Quantitative Pole Figures, by J.Grewen, et al.GER14AN, per, Arch Eisenhuettenwesen, Feb 1958,pp 115-118. BISI 1196

The Desulphurization and Deox4 dation of PureIron in the Vacuum Melting Pr-cess, by W.Janiche, H. Beck.GERMAN, per, Arch Eisenhuettenwesen, Oct 1958,pp 631-642. BISI 1227

Crack Formation in Steels Under the Influenceof Aqueous Hydrogen Sulphide Solutions, byF. K. Naumann, W. Carius.GER•.M!, per, Arch Eisenhuc:te, neon. 1959,pp 233-238. BISI 1373

The Appearance of the Fracture of TubularTest Pieces After Internal Pressure Testsat Temperatures to -70 0 C, by A. Krisch.GERMAN, per, Arch Eisenhuettenwesen, Jun1959, pp 337-344. *BISI 1414

Speedy Method of Determining the Basicity ofSiemens-Martin Slag, by Ii. Von Ende, F. Barden-heuer.GERMAN, per, Arch Eisenhuettenwesen, Jul 1959,pp 391-397. *BsI 1423

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ScientificMineral s/Metals (Contd)

8stamie RXau lon of the.Heat Transferand Resistance to Flow of Finned Tubes, by0. Grass, F. P. Coenen.GERMAN, per, Atom-Kernenergie, No 2, 1959,pp 1-o. BISI 1382

Studieu on Mineral-Cac.l-Tar Pitch, by G.Huge!.GER.MN, per, Brennstoff-Chemie, Vol XXXIX, Dept of Interior1955, pp 213-217. TN 7, E 57, No 65

Pressure Jet Lapping, by F. Neuberger, et al.GERMAN, per, FerLiunugatechnik, No 7, 1957,pp 413-416. *BISI 1400

Design Principles for Cold Pressed SteelComponents, by H. D. Feldmann.GERMAN, per, Konstruktion im Maschinen-Apparate und Geratebau, No 3, 1959, pp 62-39. BISI 1392

Production of Pour Structures in Fe-Si Alloys,by K. Dertert.GERMAN, per, Metall, Sep 1958, pp 817-821. *BISI i4oi

On the Question of the Primary Crystallizationof Steel: Capacity for Undercooling andNucleus Formation in the Liquid State, by P.Bardenheuer, R. Bleckmann.RUSSIAN, per, Mitt Kaiser-Wilhelm Inst Eisen-forsch, 1939, p 201. *BISI 1399

The Intensity of Deformation During Rolling,by Z. Wusatowski.GERMAN, per, Neue Huette, Aug 1958, pp 494-497. BISI 1259

On the Effect of the Sintering Behavior ofTungsten, by J. Vacek.GERMAN, per, Planssberichte fuer Pulvermetalr-lurgie, Vol VII, No 1, 1959, pp 6-17. *AEC

Fatigue Strength Tests With Parent Metal andButtwelds, by A. Kollmar.GERMAN, per, Stahlbau, Sep 1956, pp 205-210. *BISI 1432

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ScientificMixerals/Metals (Contd)

he Present State of Knowledge Concerningthe Siiam ite in Iroa-Reie.-Ctwasam AhJq,by R. Ergang, et al.GERMAN, per, Stahl u Eisen, 8 Jan 1959, pp 46-51. *BISI 1410

Appraisal of Behaviour of Iron Ores and SinterDuring Smelting, by P. Dickens, at aI.GERMAN, per, Stahl u Eisen, No 13, 1959,pp 905-917. *3B 4662

The Behaviour at the Yield-Point of Skin-PassedDeep-Drawing Steel Sheets After Ageing, by W.Lueg, P. 1unke.GERMAN, per, Stahl u Eis&n, 9 Jul 1959,pp 969-976. BISI 14ii

Measuring the Degree of Deformation in Skin-

Pass Rolling, by J. Billigmann, et al..ZRMAN, per, Stahl u Eisen, 9 Jul 1959,i 977-989. *BISI 1412

Application of Fluidizing Reactor Technology toReduction of Iron Ores, Using Gases ContainingHydrogen and Carbon Monoxide, by J. Willems,G. Wade.GERMAN, per, Stahl u Eisen, No 15, 1959,pp 1058-1•O6. *HB 4661

Investigations on the Relations Between Shapeof the Test Bar, Temperature of Embrittlementand Quality of Structural Steels, by H. Kubmann.GERMAN, per, Stahl u Eisen, 23 Jul 1959,pp 1065-1075. *BIqs 1426

Concerning Metallic Titanium. Section IlI,Production of Fused TitanLium; Section IV,Investigation of Fused Materials, by L. Weiss,H. Kaiser, 14 pp.GERMAN, per, Z fuer Anorg Chem, Vol LXV, No 4,8 Feb 1910, pp 3W-396. Patent Office


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ScientificMinerals/Metals (Coned)

Inveatition by the Elentroo Scissio.n Mien-scope of the Carburization of Molybdenum Fromthe Gas Phase, by E. B. fts, W. Epprecht, L.Preuss, 14 pp.GERMAN, per, Z MetalJkunde, Vol XLVIII, 1957,pp 516-522. AEC NP Tr 24o

Pulmonary Carcinomas From Chromium, by MarioPortigliatti-Barbos.ITALIAN, per, Minerva-Medicolegale, Jul-Oct1957, pp 101-107. *AEC

Causes and Prevention of Surface Fissures onHot-Worked Steel Products (1st Report) Influenceof Heating Conditions, Scaling Loss and TrampElements on Surface Fisshres, by T. Chtake,et al.JAPANESE, per, Nippon Kinzoku Gakkai-Si, Selp1957, pp 536-540. Bisi 1316

Metal Flow in Forging. V. Some MechanicalProperties of Plasticine, by T. Awano, M.Ochiai.JAPANESE, per, Rep Gov Ind Res Inst Nagoya,Jan 1957, pp 10-17. *BISI 14i19

Metal Flow in Forging. VI. High TemperatureCompression Tests of Metals, by T. Awano, N.Ochiai.JAPANESE, per, Rep Gov Ind Res Inst Nagoya,Sep 1957, pp 4699-772 *BISI 1418

Effect of Carbon, Arsenic, Copper and Tin onTransition Temperature of Steel, by H. Sawamura.JAPANESE, per, Tetsu to Hsage, Aug 1955, pp 861-869. BISI 1240

Metallographic Analysis and Its Application onSteel, by S. Heiskanen.SWEDISH, per, Jernkont Ann, No 2, 1955, Pp 78-132. *BISI 1437


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SctentificMineralsZMetals (Contd)

Some New Sponge Iron Processes, by M.Wiberg.sMDIS, per, Jerukoct Am, No 6, 1958,PP 289-355. Ul 4i615

Carbides, Silicides, Borides, Nitrides,and Sulfide& of Rare Metals and TheirApplication in a New Technology, byG. V. Snsonov, (NY-3904/3).UKPAINIAN. per, Visnyk Ak Wauk ttrains 'kot5S5R, No 6, 1959, pp 27-37. *JPRS

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Nuclear Physics

Deterninstiom of the Averase.Kwer ofNeutrons Emitted During Fission of U233by Neutrons With Energy 14.8 Mev, byA. N. Protopopov, M. V. Blinov.

RUSSIAN, per, Atom Ener_, Vol V, No 1,1958, p 71. DsiR LLU M.483

Sr 9 O and SriI Yields From the Reac tor NeutronFission of pu2 39, by L. M. Krizbanskiy, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Atom Energ, No 1, 1958, pp 77-79. Infosearch Ltd.

The Mass Distribution of the Fragents in theFission of U235, U238 and PU239 by NeutronsWith 14.6 Mev Energy, by A. I. Protopopov,G. N. Toimachev, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Atom Energ, Vol V, No 2, 1958,pp 130-134. DSIR LLU m.487

The Measurement of Electron and Positive IonEnergies in a Gas Discharge Plasma, by N. I.lonov.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol LXXXV,1952, pp 753-755- CCT-836B

The Problems of Controlling ThermonuclearProcesses, by E. I. Dobrokhotov, 17 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Priroda, Vol XLVIII, No 1, 1959,pp 103-108. AEC Tr 3769

Thermonuclear Magnetic Trips, by D. A. Panov,N. N. Senashko.RUSSIAN, per, Priroda, No 7, 1959, pP 13-18. Navy 2307/T-173

Nucleon Interaction Cross Section at 9 Bev,by V. S. Barashenkov, Chua= Nyan-nin, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz,Vol XXXVI, 1959, pp 1319-1321. AEC/NP-Tr 248

The Radioactivity in the Risoe District Measure-ments up to April 1, 1957, by K. Heydorn, J.Lippert, P. Theordorsson, 164 pp.DANISH, rpt, Radioaktiviteten i Risoe Omraadet,Malinger indtil Apr 1, 1957, Jun 1957. AERE Lib Tr 790

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ScientificNuclearPhsics (Contd)

A Contribution to the Study of Nuclear FuelsDerived From Metallic Uranium, by MarcelEnglander, 106 pp.FRENCH, rpt, Contribution a !'Etude desMateriaux Combustibles Nucleaires a Ba.sed'Uranium Me.tailique, 1956. AEC Tr 3660

Survey of Nuclear Developments in Switzerland(Summer 1959), by Jacqueline Juillard-Feyler,9 pp.FRENCH, per; Industries Atomiýues, Vol III,No 5/6, Geneva, 1959, PP 69-74. JPRS-L-1.878-D

Analysis of the Corrosion by Water at ElevatedTemperature of 99.99% Pure Aluminium Mono-crystal, by P. Lelong, J. Herenguel.FRENCH, per, J Nuclear Materials, Vol I, 1959,pp 58-72. *AEC

Optimum Principles for the Enrichment of HeavyWater in Hot-Cold Columns. II. EnrichmentCascade, Skifmming System and Transfer Columz,by K. Bier.GERMAN, per, Chem Ing-Tech, Vol XXXI, No 1,1959, pp 22-30. *AEC

A Nuclear Resonance Spectrograph With HighResolution. Part I. Theory of Line Defor-mation in the High Resolution Nuclear ResonanceSpectroscopy, by H. Primas, 18 pp.GERMAN, per, Helv Phys Acta, Vol XXX, 1957,pp 297-315. AEC Tr 3761

Studies in a Gaseous Diffusion Plant for theEnrichment of U2 3 5, by G. Perona.ITALIAN, rpt, Studi Sugli Mmpianti aDiffusione Gasosa per l'Arricchimento dell'U-.).,'. *AEC

Hot Cells, by C. Cesarano, 22 pp.ITALIAN, per, Energia Nucleare, Vol IV, Milan,1957, pp 267-2b2. AEC iCRL-T/R-62

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ScientificNuclear Physics (Contd)

Physical Principles of the Trenaduae Maethc,by G. kartelii, A. Repeal, 12 pp.ITALIAN, per, Energia Nucleare, Vol IV,Milan, 1957, pp 293-300. AC IGR-T/H-61

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Theory of Plastic Flow and Some Applications,by A. A. flyu.hin.RtSIAN, bk, Avtomatizatoiya HsehinautroltelnykhProtsessov, Vol I, 1959, pp 115-125. -ATIC MCL-357/III

The Behaviour of Plasma in a Rapidly AlternatIngMagnetic Field, Oy b. A. Truonikov, 32 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Fizik-i Plazmy, Vol IV, 1958,pp 3v•9-33u. AEC NP Tr 269

Research in the Field of Electric Discharge inGases, by B. N. Klyarfelda.RUSSIAN, bk, Issledovaniya v Oblasti Elektri-cheskogo Razryada v Gazakh, -1958, 24U0 pp. *ATIC MCL-363/V

A. M. Lyapunov. Methods and Their Applicatiuns,by V. I. Zubov.RUSSIAN, bk, Metody A. M. Liepunova i i£hPrimenenie, 1957, 241pp *AEC

Oscillating Matrix and Nucleus and SmallVibrations of Mechanical Systems, by F. P.Gantmakher, M. G. Krein.RUSSIAN, bk, Ostsillyatsionnye Matritsy i Yadrai Malye Kolebaniya Mekhanicheskikh Sistem,Moscow, Leningrad, 1950, 359 PP. *AEC

Oil-Wacer Contact Location by Gamma and NeutronMethods, by N. K. Kukharenko, A. G. Serdiy,V. P. Odinokhov, 14 pp.RUSSIAN, rpt', All-Union Conference on Radio-Activity Methods in the Petroleum Industry,1956.

The Effect of Acoustic Flows on the Process ofConvective Heat Exchange, by P. N. Kubanskiy,7 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Akust Zhur, Vol V, No 1, 1959, DSI 532pp 51-57. 904O275 (British)

Spectrographic Analysis of High-SiliconAluminium Alloy and Welds, by A. S. Dem'yan-chuk, 0. P. Ryabushko.RUSSIANV, per, Avtom Svarka, No 10, 1958,pp 86-89. BISI 1347

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ScientificPhynics (CCrzt"L

Catalysis of the Polymerization Reaction of e-Caprolact•a by Acidrs, ly S. 14. Sk"u& tov at al.RUtMeAN, per, Dqk Ak Ikuk 8~, Vol XCrV. 11o 4j,1954, pp 829-832. CCT-896B

Investigation of the Width of Spectral Linesin an Arc Source of Light, by A. Ya. VyatskypI. M. Nagibina.RUSSfiAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol XCVIII,No 1, 1954, pp 59-52. CCT-129M

The Catalytic Properties of Sensitizers, byL. A. Nikolayev, I. N. Barshchevsky.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SS-, Vol C, No I,

1955, pP 119-1=. CCT-9OOB

A New Cathodic Depolarizer, by I. L. Rozenfeld,T. I. Lukonina, 6 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXI, No 1,1956, pp 136-139. Navy 2291/NRL 736

Interaction Between Shock Waves and a FlameFront, by S. M. Kogarko, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXII,No 6, 1958, p I0= . Navy 2286/T-168

On Mathematical Methods of Controlling AbstractTransformations, by Yu. I. Zhuravlev, 10 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR3 Vol CXXIII,1958, pp 227-230. Bu oý Standards

On Modeling the Movement of a Massive SolidBody Under the Influence of a Shock Wave,by S. S. Grigoryan, A. G. Sokolov, Yu. I.Spasibukhov, 3 pp. AIPRUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, Soy Phys - DokladyNo 1, 1959, pp 48-. Vol IV, No I

On Solutions to the Equations of Magnetogas-dynamics With Zero Temperature Gradient, byV. P. Korobeinikov, E. V. Ryazanov, 3 PP-RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 1, 1959, pp 51-. (See Above)

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ScientificPhysics (Contd)

On the Dissipation of Hydrogen From PlanetaryAtmoDspb ,, by Z. K. Byumter, 5 pp. AlPRUtSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, No 1, Soy Phys - Doklady1959, pp 53-. VojL IV, No 1

The Propagation of an Approximately SphericalHeat Front, by R. M. Zaidel', 0. S. Byzhov,E. I. Andryankin, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR. Vol CXXIV, NIo 1,1959, pp 57-. (See Above)

On a Method of Investigation of Secondary IonProcesses at High Target Temperatures in thePresence of Thermoelectric Emission, by U. A.Arifov, A. Kh. Ayukhanov, S. V. Starodubtsev,Kh. Kh. Khadzhimukhamedov, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Kauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, No 1,1959, pp 60-62. (See Above)

Determination of Hyperon and K-Meson Parities,by S. M. Bilen'kiy, R. M. Ryndin, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSW, Vol CXXIV, No 1,1959, pp 63-65. (See Above)

p-Meson Fission of U23 8 , by A. K. Mikhul, M. G.Petrashku, 3 PP.RUSSIA, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, No 1,1959, pp 66-68.' (See Above)

On the Application of the Method of SupplementaryVariables in Statistical Physics, by A. Pavlikov-skiy, V. Shchuruvna, 4 pp..RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, No 1,1959, pp 69-- (See Above)

Influence of Dosage of Surface-Active Substanceon the Surface Plasticization of a Metal DuringDrawing, by V. M. Korbut, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR. Vol CXXIV, No 1,1959, pp 72-75. (See Above)

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Scientif icPhysics (Contd)

Variations in the Strength of the InteratomicBond in Nickel-Aluminum Single-Phase SolidSouiontcs, by 0. V. M4t40ymv* T. X. MritsbyaP. A. Latiko, Yu. A. Osip'yan, 8 pp. AIPRUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, No 1, Sov Phys - Doklady

1959, PP 76-78. . Vol IV, we 1

The Physics of Ultrasonic Processing of Solids,by L. D. Rozenberg, V. F. Kazantsev, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak fauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, No 1,1959, pp 79-. (See Above)

New Equalities Coupling Structure Factors, by.. .�K. Vainzhteinj 4' pp.

RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSH, Vol CXXIV, No 1,1959, pp 87-. (See Above)

The Mechanism of the Effect of Ionizing Radiationon the Liver Glycogen Content, by B. M. Grayev-skaya, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, No 1,1959, pp 202-204.- (See Above)

The Effects of X-Rays on the Reflex Excitabilityof the Vagus Nerve Center, by M. M. Gromakovskaya,4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR Vol CXXIV, No 1,1959, pp 205-239. (See Above)

The Effect of 7-Rays From Co60 on Blood Cellsand Connective Tissue Cells of the ExplantedMouse Spleen, by A. F. Ivanitskaya, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, No 1,1959, PP 209-212. (See Above)

The Reversibility of Cytogenetic RadiationDamage, by N. V. Luchnik, L. S. TIsarapkin, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, No 1,1959, pp 213-. (See Above)

The General Equations of Soil Mechanics, by S. S.Grigoryan, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, l ok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, No 2,1959, PP 285-. (See Above)

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ScientificPhysics (Contd)

On the Tutoulent Energy Flux Vector, by V. G.hvpdov, 3 rp. AlPRUSSIAN, per, Dol Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, No 2, Sov Phys - Doklady1959, pp 288-290 Vol IV, NO 1

On Stability of Equilibria of a Rigid Body With

Liquid-Filled Cavities, by V. V. Rumyantsev, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSS3, Vol CIXIV, No 2,1959, pp 291-. (See Above)

Photoconductivity of Indigo, by A. T. Vartanyan,L. D. Rozenshtein, 3 Pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak fauk 8588, Vol CXXIV, No 2,1959, pp 295-297. (see Above)

The Closed Convective Boundary Layer, by G. Z.Gershuni, E. M. Zhukhovitskiy, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, No 2,1959, pp 298-300. (See Above)

Masses of the Isotopes in Th2 32 , u2 34 , u2 35, andU23 6 , by R. A. Demirkhanov, T. I. Gutkin, V. V.Dorokhov, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, No 2,1959, pp 301-303. (see Above)

Nonlocal Reflection in Waveguides of VaryingCross Section, by V. Pokrovskiy, F. Ulinich,S. Savvinykh, 3 pp.PYVSSIAN, per, Dot Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, No 2,1"59, pp 304-306. (See Above)

F:'tttle Fracture of Zingle Crystals of Zinc,oy E. D. Shchukin, V. I. Likhtman, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, No 2,1959, pp 307-. (See Above)

On the Determination of the Optimum CurrentCurve in DC Motors, by Sh. Sh. Khamitov, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, No 2,1959, pP 18-. (See Above)

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ScientificPhysics (Contd)

On the Str cture of f±n LAyrer oZ SeJeagam,by A. I. Andrlevskiy, T. D. Nabitovich, P. I.Kripyakevich, 4 pp. AlpRUISSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, No 2, Sov Phys - Doklady1959, pp 321-323. Vol IV, No I

The Crystal Structure of Lawsonite, by I. M.Runmnova, T. I. Skipetrova, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, No 2,1959, pp 324-. (See Above)

The Effects of Ionizing Radiation on the Contentsof Free Nucleotides and Nucleosides in Bone-Marrcw Cells, by V. Ya. Brodskiy, E. Ya. Grayev-skiy, I. A. Suyetina, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, No 2,1959, pp 440-473-. (See Above)

The Effects of Irradiating the Medium Used forGrowing Mouse Spleen Explants With Co 6 0 Y-Rays,by A. F. Ivanitskaya, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, No 2,1959, pp 444-447. (See Above)

The Effects of Incubation Temperature on Radia-tion Damage in Paramecium, by I. B. Litvinova,3 pp-RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk. SSSR, Vol CXXIV, No 2,1959, PP 448-. (See Above)

On the Motion of a Gyr scope With Universal(Cardan's) Suspension and a Nonaxially PlacedRotor, by D. M. Klimov, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, No 3,1959, pp 537-539- '(See Above)

On the Effect of Irradiation on Stresses andSmall Deformations in Solids, by Yu. I. Remnev,3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSR, Vol CXXIV, No 3,1959, pp 540-- (See Above)

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ScientificPhysics (Contd)

rSteady Flow of a Viscous Fluid, by I. I.Vorovich, V. 1. Tudovieh, k pp. AIPRUSSIAN, pei., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, Soy Phys - DokadyNo 3, 1959, pp 542-. Vol IV, No 1

On Relations Defining Plastic Flow UnderTresk's Condition of Plasticity and ItsGeneralizations, by D. D. Ivlev, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 3, 1959, pp 5'6-. (see Above)

Stationary Motion of Viscous IncompressibleFluids in Pipes, by 0. A. ladyzhenskaya, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 3, 1959, pp 551-. (See Above)

Anisotropy of Thermal Conductivity in aMonocrystal of Tellurium, by Kh. I. Amirkhanov,G. B. Bagduyev, M. A. Kazhlayev, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, .Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 3, 1959, pp 554-556. (See Above)

Basic Characteristics of the de Haas-vanAlphen Effect in Zinc Crystals as a Functionof Pressure, by B. I. Verkin, I. M. Dmitrenko,3 pp.RUSSIANI, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 3, 1959, pp 5571'55U. (See Above)

Diffraction of Surface Sound Waves at Semi-Infinite Impedance Tubes and Rods, by KuanTing-hua, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 3, 1959, pp 559-562. (See Above)

Increase of the Stability of an Arc in a

Magnetic Field and the Maximum Field Principle,

by I. G. Kesayev, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok-Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 3, 1959, pp 563-. (See Above)

Crystals of Quartz in Coals, by I. E.Leskevich, 3 Pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 3, 1959, pp 575-577. (See Above)

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Scientif icPhsics (Contd)

TMw Crystal Structure of Sklodowskite, by V. 1.Htka*yna, 3 pp- AIPRUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol C=lIV, Soy Phys - DOkladyNo 3, 1959, pp576-- Vol IV, No 1

The Effects of Postirradiation Temperatureon the Response on Paramecium to IonizingRadiation, by I. B. Litvinova, 3 PP-RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 3, 1959, pp 67r-680. (see Above)

The Nuclear Damage Caused to Resting Cells byIonizing Radiation, by I. M. Shapiro, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 3, 1959, pp bbl-. (See Above)

Anisotropy of the Broadening of X-Ray Diffrac-tion Maxima of Solid Copper Solutions AfterDeformation, by L. N. Guseva, A. A. Babareko,3 pp-RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 4, 1959, pp 7b9-791- (See Above)

Radiation of a Modulated Beam of ChargedParticles in Passing Through a Round Opening ina Flat Screen, by Yu. N. Dnestrovskiy, D. P.Kostomarov, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 4, 1959, pp 792-795. (see Above)

Photoelectric Sensitivity of Chlorophyll andIts Analogs in Various States, by E. Putseyko,4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR Vol CXXIV,No 4, 1959, pp 756-799. (see Above)

On Bond Forces in Crystals of Elements ofGroups V and VI in Mendeleyev's PeriodicSystem, by A. V.- Stepanov, 3 PP.-RUSSIAN, per, fok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No y, 1959, ppA V.S (see Above)

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ScientificPhysics (Contd)

[" etehanoni of coi.numation of metals in vacuW,by L. b. Palatnik, Yu. r. xoni", 4 pp. AXPRUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, Soy Phys - DokladyNo 4, 1959, pp bO5-. Vol IV, No 1

The Effects of Chronic Irradiation by GammaRays on the Blood of Mice, by E. N. Kopylova,3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 4, 1959, pp 930-. (See Above)

On the Instability of Certain Jet Flows WithFree Surfaces, by M. I. Gurevich, 3 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 5, 1959, PP 996-1000. (See Above)

Theory of the Magnetic Boundary Layer, by V. N.Zhigulev, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 5, 1959, pp 1001-. (See Above)

An Axially Symmetric State of Stress in aThin Annular Plate, by R. A. Adadurov, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSsR, Vol CXXIV,No 5, 1959, pp 1005-. (See Above)

On the Energy Spectrum of Electrons in aNonideal Metal Lattice, by V. L. Bonch-Bruevich, V. B. Glasko, 3 Pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No r, 1959, pp 1015-1017. (See Above)

On the Attenuation of Rayleigh Waves DuringPrcpagation Along an Uneven Surface, by L. M.Brekhovskikh, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 5, 1959, pp"1018-1021. (See Above)

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ScientificPhysics (Contd)

Fossible Mechanias of Production of "TerrntrialCorpuscular Radiation" Under the Action of CosmicRays, by S. N. Vernov, N. L. Grigorov, I. P.Ivanenko, A. I. Lebedinskiy, V. S. Murzin, A. E.Chudakov, 4 pp. AIPRUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak ,.auk SSSR. Vol CXXIV, Soy Phys - DokladyNo 5, 1959, pp 1022-1025. Vol IV, No 1

A Study of Ultrarelativistic Charges PassingThrough a Circular Aperture in a Screen, byYu. N. Dnestrovskiy, D. P. Kostomarov, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 5, 1959, pp 1026-1029. (See Above)

On the Formulation of the Problem of theInfinity of Space in the General Theory ofRelativity, by A. L. Zel'manov, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 5, 1959, pp 1030-1033. (See Above)

On the Relaxation of Nonequilibrium Conductivityon Recombination Through Traps, by S. M. Ryvkin,N. B. Strokan, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 5, 1959, pp 1034-1037. (See Above)

On the Radiation From a Polarized Electron,by I. M. Ternov, V. S. Tumanov, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 5, 1959, pp 103b-. (See Above)

Localized X-Ray Spectroscopy, by I. B.Borovskiy, S. A. Ditsman, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 5, 1959, pP 1:52-1o44. (See Above)

Diffusional Activity of Metals of ElectrolyticOrigin, by Ya. E. Geguzin, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 5, 1959, pp iO75 -iOk6. (See Above)

Effect of Fused Tin on the Fatigue Strengthof Steel Specimens With Stress Concentrators,by M. I. Chayevskiy, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 5, 1959, pp pO4O-7 (See Above)

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ScientificPhysics (Contd)

Features of the Electronic Structure of NucleicAcids and Their Complexes With Proteins, byL. A. Blumenfeld, e" al.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRj Vol CXXIV,No 5, 1959, 1144-1146, Navy 2297/T-89

Theory of Electrical Discharge in a MovingConducting Medium, by V. N. Zhigulev, 4 pp. AIPRUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV, Soy Phys-DokladyNo 6, 1959, Pp 12-. Vol IV, No 1

Causality in a Theory With Indefinite Metric,by D. A. Slavnov, A. D. Sukhanov, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSS, Vol CXXIV,No 6, 1959, pp 12-. (See Above)

Relationship Between the Constants of Inter-action of Electrons With Phonons and Impuritiesin Metals, by V. L. Bonch-Bruevich, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Dok AN NaukLSSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 6, 1959, pp 1233-. (See Above)

Regarding the Laws of the Kinetics of Deforma-tion as a Function of the Compliance of Loading,by T. K. Zilova, N. I. Petrukhina, Ya. B.Fridman, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Doik Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 6, 1959, pp 1236:1239. (See Above)

Investigation of the Kinetics of Sintering ofNickel, Copper and Molybdenum by the Dilato-metric Method, by R. S. Mints, 3 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV,No 6, 1959, PP 12r0-. (See Above)

The Coefficients of the Transfer of Heat toBoiling Water at Excessive Pressures, by V. M.Borishanskiy.RUSSIAN, per, Energomashinostroyeniye, No 7,1958, pp 5-9. DSIR LIU RTS 1074


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Sc ientif icPhysics (Contd)

Density Determinations by 4-Ray Absorption(Brror Curves), by V. S. ftmzulov.MMD.!A, per, 12writel TeNk, fo 4, 1958,pp 43-45. Infosearch Ltd

Mechanical Output Force During the Emissionof Electro-Magnetic Energy and the Possibilityof Using It for Measuring Purposes, by R. AValitov, P. A. Aleksandrov.RUSSIAN, per, Izmeritel Tekh, No 5, 1957,pp 67-68. RAE 808.

Heat Transfer in Turbulent Motion of Liquidin Tubes, by M. A. Mikheyev, 1. pp.RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otde. TekhNLuk, 1952, pp 14LV-1454. AEC Tr 3760

The Effect of Ultrasonic Vibrations on Weld-Pool Crystallization, by A. A. Erokhin.RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel TekhNauk__, No 1; 195T, pp 140-142. Infosearch Ltd

On the Coefficient cf Resistance to Motion ofBurning Particles, by V. N. Basov, V. A.Popov.RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel TekhNauk, No 8, 1958, p 12. Navy 2308/T-101

On the Use of Native Phosphors for Scintilla-tion Counters, by A. N. Pisarevskiy, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz, No 1,1958, p 23. Infosearch Ltd

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ScientificPhysics (Contd)

Investigation of the Resistance During theMoement of 8temt-Wate- VwLtur in aHeated Boiler P'pe at High Pressures, byA. A. Armnd, G. G. Treshchev, 15 pp.RUSSIAN, per, I: Vees Teplotekh Inst imeniFeliksa Dzerzhinskogo, Vol XVI, 1947,pp 1-5. Awz Lib Tr 816

Effect of Gases on the Hardness of Rimmedand Killed Low-Carbon (O.O8c) Steel, byB. C. Natapov, 2. S. Fal'kevich.RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenly,Chern Metal, No i. 19rb. Pp 95-9b. EB 4622

On the Number of Limiting Cycles of the Equationdy Qx~yT Where P and Q are Polynomials of

the Second Degree, by I. G. Petrovskiy, S. M.Landis.RUSSIAN, per, ?atem-t Sbornik, Vol XXXVII,No 2. 1955, pp 209-250. DSIR LLU RTS 1192

Absorption Spectra of Crystals of PlutoniumSalts, by A. K. Leontovicr, 11 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Optika i Spektro Vol 1U, 1957,pp 695-703. AEC Tr 3716

Relatives f-Values of the Spectral Lines ofScandium, by Yu. I. Ostrovskiy, N. P. Penkin.RUSSIAN, per, Qptika i Spektro, Vol III, No 4,1957, pp 391-393. DSIR LLU RTS 1126

On the Calculation of the Probability ofVibrational Excitation of Molecules byCollisions, by E. E. Nikitin.RUSSIAN, per, 2tika i Spektro, Vol VI, No 2,1959, pp 141. Navy -285/T-167

The Effect of Gas Scattering on SynchrotronOscillations of Particles in Accelerators,by D. G. Koshkarev, 9 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Pribory i Tekh Eksper, No 2,1957, pp 15-18. ABC NP Tr 214

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ScientificPhsis (Cont4)

A Vacuum Flow Meter, by H. I. S&sala&yv, et al.RUSSIAN, per, Pribory i Tekh Sksper, No 2,19586, pp 75-78. Infosearch Ltd

Determination of the Thermal Conductivity ofGases With the Aid of a Universal Flat TwinCalorimeter, by G. H. Levin.RUSSIAN, per, Pribory i Tekh Eksper, No 4,1958, pp 102-105, *AEC

Apparatus for Producing High Pulsed MagneticFields, by V. R. Karasik, 8 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Pribory I Tekh Eksper, No 1,1959, pp 142-145. AEC NP Tr 250

Calculation of Certain Sonic Flows of a Gas,oy P. I. Chushkin.RUSSIAN, per, Prik Natemat i Mekh, Vol XXI,No 3, 1957, pp 353-360. RAE 816.

The Tenth USSR Conference of Spectroscopy,by G. S. Landsberg.iRUSSIAN, per, Priroda, Vol XLV, No 11, 1956,pp 43 -47 . CCT-870B

Activated Adsorption as a Method for StudyingCatalysts, by S. Z. Roginskiy.RUSSIAN, per, Problemy Kinetiki i Kataliza,Ak Nauk SSSR, Inst Fiz Kltim, Metody IzucheniyaXatalizatc.a, Vol V, 1940, pp 256-273. CCT-934B

Equation of State, Thermodynamic Functions andStandard Tables for Water and Superheated Steamto I000 atm. and 10000C, by M. P. Vukalovich,et al.RUSSIAN, per, Teploenergetika, No 4, 1958,pp 46-52. Infosearch Ltd

Experimental Investigation of the Compress-ibility of Water and Steam Near the CriticalTemperature Range, by V. A. Kirillin, et al.RUSSIAN, per,. Tlploenergetika, No 4, 1958,pp 53, 54. Infosearch Ltd

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ScientificPhysics (Contd)

"m fhe mum1 Conductivity of Slap in the 8*114and ,-tolten States, by N. B. Vxxrgaftik, 0. N.Ole shchuk.RU9SIAN, per, Teploenergetika, No 12, 1958.,pp 75 -85.- DsiR u.u nTs ic63

Determination of the Position of a Point ona Plarte Taking Account of Systematic Er~rorsof Yeasu~rements, by M. I. Yudin, 20 pp.RUS3SIAN, per, Trudy GlavnoZ Geofiz Cbserv~imriA. I. Voyelov No 5b tllb), 195b,

pp 9q-7 ABC scL-T-266

Applied Magneto-Hydrodynamics, 127 pp."11USS'LT., per, Trudy Inst Fiz, Ak NaukL~atvia SSR, Vol VIII, 195b.AETr30

Oi. the Theory of Lumines cent Centers in AlkaliHalide Crystal Phosphors, by N. N. Kristoffel.RUSSIAN4, per, Trudy Inst iziki i Astronomiy,Ak Nauk Estonskoy SSRJ Issledovaai~ya po Liwnine-stsentsiy, No 7, Tartu, 195b, PP d55-11. NAVY 2296/NP.L 741

i'be Conversion of Gas Velocity Into Pressurein a Diffuser, by A. G. Lifshits.RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Ural 'skogo PolitekhtEn.-ta, No 41, 1955, pp 112-11t). TIt T 4942

Irregularities of Plastic Deformations ofCrystals, by V. N. Rozhanskiy.RUSSIAN, per, UsehFi ak No 3, 1958,pp 3 87-4c6. Infosearch Ltd

High Speed Spectrometry, by 0. D. Dmitriyev-

RUSSIAN, per, Uspekh Fiz Nauk, No 3, 1958,pp 4]47-492. Infozearch Ltd

An Important Problem of Modern Physics;(Excitons in the Crystal Lattice), by E. F.Gross, 16 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Vest Ak Nauk SSSF, Vol MMVII,No 10, 1958j, Pp 11-19. AEC NP Tr 210


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ScientificPhysics (Contd)

Ie BtUdi of the kiettaon 'Mechanism in Hollow-Cathode Dischargesin Inert Gases, by Chen-Gi-Tkhek.RUSSIAN, per, Vest Lenixrad U.Ser Fizi Khim, No 2, 1956, PP 18-37. Infosearch Ltd

Certain Optical Investigations of a StrongPulse Discharge in Hyd&-gen, by P. S.Kireyev, A. A. Yuzefovich.RUSSIAN, per, Vesk Moskov U,Ser b.teat,Mekh, Astron, Fiz, Knim, No 5, 1959, p 105. Navy 22f/T-163

A Method of Measuring the Densities of aLiquid and Its Vapour at High Temperaturesand Pressures, by A. P. Gritsenko.RUSSIAN, per, Zavod Lab, No 2, 1958,pp 188, 189. infosearch Ltd

Accurate Measurement of Large Quantities ofGas, by R. A. Alikhanov.RUSSIAN, per, Zavod Lab, Vol XXII, No 10,1956, pp 1202-120 4SIR .LLU M.460

Ultrasonic Inspection of the Quality ofContact Spot and Seam Welding, by S. T.Nazarov, Yu. P. Panov.RUSSIAN, per, Zavod Lab, No 10, 1958,pp 1214-1217. DSiR LLu M.-488

Use of a Composite Piezoelectric Resonatorfor Determining Modulus of Elasticity andInternal Friction of Solid Bodies, by B. I.Kisin, 6 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Zavod lab, Vol XXIV, No 11,1958; pp 1400-1402. OTIA Tr 31

A Method of Radiographic Examination of SpotWelded Duralumin Alloys, by D. G. Bykhovsky.RUSSIAN, per, Zavod Lab, No 12, 2.958,pp 1458-1459. DSIR Lim M.490

A Volumetric Adsorption Method of Measuringthe Specific Surface of Carbon, by I. N.Dashanzkiy.RUSSIAN, per, Zavod Lab, No12, 195% pp 1463, 1464. *AEC


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Sc ientificPhysics (Corktd)

An Improved Method of the Sample inSpectral Analysis, by 0. F. Chesnokov, Yu. A.Kopeikin.RUSSIAN, per, Zavod Lab, No 12, 1958,pp 1487-1489. *AEC

Transverse Oscillations of an Electron Plasmain a Constant Magnetic Field, by G. V.Cordeyev, 10 up.RUSSIAN, pe-, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz,Vol XXIV, 1933, pp AE5C453 C Tr 3710

Theory of Current in Vacuum. I. The Case ofPlane Parallel Electrodes, by S. V. Bellyustin.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Eksper i ¶.eoret Fiz, Vol IX,1939, pp 742-759. AEC Tr 3650

Isotopic Shift of Curie Point in UraniumHydride and Deuteride, by A. I. Karchevskiy,E. V. Artiushkov, L. I. Kikoin, 4 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz,Vol XXXVI, 1959, pp 636, 637- AEC Tr 3758

Magnetocaloric Effect in Uranium Hydride andDeuteride, by A. I. Karchevskly, 5 PP.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fit,Vol XXXVI, 1959, pp b38,639. -- AEC Tr 3757

On the Observation of%%a¶- ge• * vC Decay,by Yu. A. Budagov, S. Victor, V. P. Dzhelepo,P. F. Ermolov, V. I. Moskalev, 30 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz,Vol XXXVI, 1959, pp iO00-i004. AEC NP Tr 247

Theory of the Separation of a GaEeous MixtureUnder High Pressure, by V. I. Kuz'mich, byI. Z. Fisher.RUSSIPX, per, Zhur Fiz Thim, Vol XXXII, No 2,1958, p 291-297. DSIR L•U RTS 18

The Effect of Ultrasonic Vibrntions on ProcessesWhich Take Place in Metal Alloys, by N. T.Qudtsov, M. N. Gavze. AltinJum Lab, Ltd.RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorg ]him, Vol I, No 7, B Ti-2m1-591956, pp 1533-153d. 0T/3596


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ScientificPhysics (Contd)

On the Mechanism of Internal Friction Peakof Interstitial Atcs in the Facve entieCubic Crystal, by Tsen CMi-?sang.CHINESE, per, Acýa Metallurgica Sinica, No 1,1959, pp 69-74. *BISI 1397

On the Method of Measuring Refractive Index I,by J. Kokta, 10 pp.CZECH, bk, Frantisek Slavik Mem Vol, CeskoslovAkad Ved, 1957, pp 159-166. AERE Tr 817

Thermal Conductivity of Porous and PulverulentMaterials. A Theoretical Study, by G. Ribaud,24 pp.FRENCH, per, Chaleur & Ind, Vol XVIII, 1937,pp 36-43. ABC TT-801

Effective Cross-Sections of ElectrostaticInteraction in Plasmas. Definitions, by M.Bayet, 9 pp.FRENCH, per, Comptes Rendus, Vol CCXLV, 1957,pp i708-1710. 9029280 ACSIL 1071

Applications of Microanalizer to ElectricWelding and Welding Research, by J. Philibert,C. Crussard.FRENCH, per, Rev Met, Jul 1956, pp 461-470. BISI 1353

Definition of the Diffusion Coefficient andFick's Equations, by W. Seith, 46 pp.GERMAN, bk, Dfiffusion in Metallen, Chap II,Berlin, 1955, pp 4-21. AEC Tr 3768

Plasma Phenomena Associated With SuddenPulses, by W. 0. Schumann, 13 pp.GERMAN, per, Ann der Physik, Vol XLIII,No 5, 1943, pp 369-382. 9029281 ACSIL 1048

Combustion With Sinultaneous Heat Transfer,Part I, by R. Jeschar.GERMAN, per, Arch Eisenhuettewesen, Jun 1959,pp 329-335. *BIsI 1428

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Scientifichysics (Contd)

Combustion With Simultaneous Heat Transfer,Part II, by K. Haneen, R. -Jesehr.GERMAN, per, 8 rch Eisenhuetteweseng, Jul 1959,pp 397-405. *BISI 1429

The Calculation of the Gamwa-Radiation Protec-tion in Extensive Radiation Field, by R. Plesch,10 pp.GERMAN, per, Atompraxis, Vol IV, 1958,pp 4o2-4o7. ABC IGIS-7(ED/W)

Comparison Method for the Determination of theHeat Conductivity of Ceramic Materials, byF. Klasse, A. Heinz, J. Hein, 28 pp.GERMAN, per, Ber Deut Keram Ges, Vol XXXIV,1957, pp 183-189. / AEC Tr 3751

Propulsion Through Heating at Supersonic Speed,by K. Oswatitsch.GERMAN, per, Deutsch Vers Anst Luft Berichte.No 90, Mar 1959, 36 pp. RAE 811

Selected Problems of Dynam.c Stability, byK. B. Doetsch.GEFMAN, per, Jahrb Wiss Ges Flugtech, 1954,pp 95-103. RE 803

Fundamentals of a Low-Noise-Level EF Pre-amplifier forX =70-40 Cm, by H. Rieck.GERMAN, per, Nachrichtentechnik, No 7, 1958,pp 306-313. Navy 2196/0NI 524

Problem and Progress of Irradiation ProtectionAccording to the Film Protection Method, by F.Waschsmann, W. Schubert.GERMAN, per, Rontgen-Blatter, Vol XII, No 4,1959, pp *AiC

Limitations in the Evaluation of GammaRadiographs Used for Examining CircumferentialPipe Welds in Accordance With DIN 54 ill, byW. H. Papke.GERMAN, per, Schweissen u Schneiden, No 11,1958, pp 439-44. BISI 1391



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ScientificPhysics (Contd)

Estimates of the Voltage of a Pertoamtt Disk,by H. Hengst.GERMAN, per, Z Angew Mth und MMekh, Vol XVIII,1938, PP 44-4t. *ABC

Stress Peak in Perforated Metal Plates andStrips, by A. Hutter.GEMAN, per, Z. Angew Math und Mekh, Vol XXII,1942, pp 322-335. *AEC

Physical Processes in DiffusioL Pumps andEjector Pumps. If. The Intermixing of Air andOperating Vapour, and Pumping Speed, by H. 0.Noller, 13 PP.GERMAN, per, Z fuer Angew Phys, Vol VII, 1955,pp 225-229. AEC VP Tr 243

The Physical Processes in Diffusion- andEjector-Pumps. III. Comparison of Observedand Theoretically Obtained Flow Diagrams, byHorst Kutscher, 20 pp.GERMAN, pcr, Z fuer Angew Phys, Vol VII, 1955,pp r t9-2ut4--, A:p mP Tr 244

An Explanation of Interference Errors OccurringSystematically in X-Ray-Fluorescence-Spectro-scopic Measurements and Means Whereby TheseInterference Errors May be Eliminated, by F.Ebert, A. Wagner.GERMAN, per,. Z Metallkunde. Dec 1957,pp 646-649. BISI 1177

A Sensitive Luminescent X-Ray DosimeterIndependent of Wavelength, by E. Krokowski.GERMAN, per, Z fuer Naturforschung, Vol XIVb,No 5, 1959, pp 304-306. *AEC

Electron Emission of Metal Surfaces as anAfter-Effect of a Mechanical Treatment ora Glow Discharge, by 0. Haxel, F. G.Houtermans, K. Seeger, 21 pp.GEMAN, per1 Z fuer Physik, Vol CXXX, 951,pp 109-123. ABC SCL-T-259


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ScientificPhysics (Contd)

Surface Examinations of Metals and NormetalsWith Ebelectrons and FHotoelectrons, by

GERMAN, per, Z fuer Physik, Vol CXKOIII, 1952,pp 629-646. *AEC

Temperature and Electron Density in a WaterStabilized Light Arc, by G. Jurgens.GERMAN, per, Z fuer Physik, Vol CMQOIV, No 1,1952, pp 21-41. *AEC

Measurement of the Oscilletor Intensity ofSome 0 I Lines in a Water-Stabilized LightArc, by Gunter Jurgens, 15 pp.GMqMN, per, Z fuer Physik, Vol CMVIII, 1954,pp 613-622. AEC SCL-T-256

On the Study of the Motion After-Image, byA. V. Szily, 7 Pp.GERMAN, per, Z fuer Psychol und Physiol, dSennesorg Hamb U, Vol XLII, 1907, pP 109-114.b49244, ATIC F-TS-9786/III

Determination of the Rate of Deformation inExtrusion and Drawing, by J. Koesis, L. Zachar.HUNGARIAN, per, Kohaszati Lapok, No 1/2, 1957,pp 71-75. *AEC

Investigations Into the Lattice Disorders ofthe Fluorite Lattice and the Cubic Lattice 'C'of the Rare Earth Oxides, by M. Bru.ano, A.Mayer, 9 pp.ITALIAN, per, La Ricerca Sci, Vol XXCVIII,1958, pp 1l68-1173. AEC NP Tr 259


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ScientificPhysics (Contd)

M•aximum and Xinimum Values of the Heat FluxFrm Metal to Boiling Water at AtompbericPressure, by S. Nuklyamn.JAPANESE, per, J Japan Soc of Mech Engr,Vol III, 1934, P 367. *AEC

C4lorifLc Conductivity of Pulverized Bodies,by M. Srnoluchowski.POLISH, rpt, Polska Ak UmieJetnosehi Krakow,Bul Interntl A, 1910, pp 129-153. *AEC

Cherenkov's Radiation, by A. Deloff, 10 pp.POLISH, per, Mlody Teuhnik, No 1, 1959, pp 2-4. ATIC MCL-14/III

The Relation Between the Number of Particlesin the Specific Volume, the Coefficient ofLinear Expansion and the Heat of Fusion ofMetals.S•RIAN. *525th MI Op, H-4641

The Diffusion of Moist Air Through SmallOrifices, by C. H. Johannsson, G. Persson,i0 pp.SVEISH, per, I Vol XIV, Stockholm, 1943,pp 16c-165. AEC SCL-T-263

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ScientificSpace Research

kOn the Calculation of Precise andAppza-•lmte Zpbemr1lea of ArtllclalEarth Satellites, by M. S. Yarov-Yarovoy, et al, (NY-3053).RUSSIAN, per, Astron Zhur, Vol XXXVI,No 3, Mo3COw, 1959, PP 524-534. *JPES

The Sputnik Radioed to Earth, by L. Razorenov,5 pp.RUSSIAN, np, Izv3stiya, No 124, 27 May 1959,

p 4. AF 1256010

New Jump Into the fCosmos.RUSSIAN, np, Koosowolskaya Pravda, No 157,7 Jul 195 9 , P 1i. *ATIC IUL-359/III

Explorers of High Altitudes.RUSSIAN, rip, Pravda, No 189, 8 Jul 1959, p 6. *ATIC XCL-358/III

Soviet Union Launches Cosmic Rocket Toward

the Moon.RUSSIAN, up, Pravda, 13 Sep 1959. *AID

Before Leaping Into the Cosmos.

RUSSIAN, per, Pravda Ukrainy, 5 Oct 1958. *AID

Missiles and Anti-Missiles.RUSSIAN, rip, Sovet Plot, 11 Jul 1959, p 4. Navy 2280/ONI 593

The Modern Reactive Weapon, by V. Nikolayev,6 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Voyennqe Znaniya, No 9, 1958,pp 27, 28. A? 1255949

Secret of the Success of the Soviet Space Rocket,by Erno Nagy, 6 pp.HUNGARIAN, per, Elet es Tudomsay, Vol XIV, No 12,Budapest, 18 Mar 1959, pp 359-362. JPRs-L-1836-D


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Status of Machine Translatio.RUSSIAN, rp". Navy 2299/T-10l

Outline of the University of' Leningraa,by V. V. Mavrodin, 22 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Leninerradsksiy Universitet,1957: pp 71-105. JmFS-L-956-N

Abstracts of the Conference on MathematicalLinquistics, 106 pp.RUSSIAN, bk, Tezisy Sovesbchaniya po Matema-ticheskoy Lingvistike, 1959, pp 1-104. PR-9-D

Science Today and Tomorrow.RUSSIAN, np, IzvestiXa, 9 Aug 1.959, P 3. *AID

Dissertation for Degrees in Science andEngineering Defended at USSR Higher EducationalInstitutions, 19 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Knizhnaya Letopis, No 39-41,1957, pp 93-109. • ' -L-1856-D

The Printed Catalogues and Libliographical.ndexes of Chinas Libraries, by A. Kh.

Rafikov.RUSSI.AN,?er, Sovet Bibliografiya, No 2, 1959,pp 116-118. LLU Tr Bul Aug 1959

Soviet Science in the First Year of the Seven-Year Plan, by A. V. Topchiev, 6 pp.RUSSIAN, per, Vest Ak Nauk SSSR, No 1, 1959,pp 3-10. 9042279 DSI 541 (British)

The Progress of Science in Siberia, by X. A.Lavrent'yev, A. K. Cherneako.RUSSIAN, per, Vest Ak Nauk SSSR, No 1, 1959,pp 65-67. 90422y0 DSI 542 (British)


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ScientificKiseellaneous (Coutd)

Statute of the Academy of Sciences USS, 9 pp.moan pwr Wet A% akm, N o 5*199.

pp 7-17. '" S 5)3 (ItuAb)

The Acadey of Science of M anAd +t)eundaAental Scientific Research, by Prof

NJurice Letort, 6 pp.FRUME, up, Le Moae, 26-27 Apr 1959. iD 2115304

I m m mmm m

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- A Arbulav, B.A. 91.AeBArifov, U. A. M -q.

Abl 4Arkaye v, V.- A.- 13..Abelev, 0 1. 72, 73 Arkharov, V. 78Abelin, I.- 94 Arkbipov, Ye. Ye. I

-Abdullia, G. Z. 164 Armand, A. A 217

Abramova, E. G. 16o Armand, G. 3Adaft~rov, R. A. 213 Artamonova, 0. 1. 150

Agmba~byan, 14. M4. 165 Artamonova, V. A. 171, 172

Agelkin, J. S. 107 Artfushkov, S. V. 221

Ahlerkdorf , W. 189 Asburkov, Ye.- D 2.134

Aizenrnan, B. E. 157 Asmussen, Erling 186Aiz~enshtadt, T. B. 141 Assamn, A. V. 163Ak1habadze, L. V. 144, 146 Astashenkov, P. 66Akimov, V. 1. 169 Atakhaaov, E. 1. 175Aksel'rod, L. S. 80 Avenirova, Z. A. 72, 73Alabyshev, A. F. 82 Aretisyants, L. B. 114Albert, Ph. 91 Avvakumov, V. A. 125

Aleksand~rov, P. A. 101, 216 Avano, T. 200

Aleksandrovskays, M. M4. 173 Ayukhanov, A. Kb. 207

Aleksanyan, A. B. 181 Ayzenberg, G. Z. 102

Alekseyev, L. 1. ug9 Azizova, T. K. 82

Alekseyev, M4. N. 122Al.xandrov, Victor 16 -B-

Aleyev, Yu. G. 1.46Alikhanov, R. A. 220 Baake, R. 112

Alikhanyjan, S. I. 151 Babareko, A. A. 212

Alison, F. 103 Bac, Jan 29, 30

Alor, I. AM. 138L0 Bacbanl, A . A. 107

Alizad, I. A. 1380 Bkagal, E.dA. 207

Altiukhov, V. 15 bagduyev, G. B. 211,

Amirkhanov, Kh. I. 211 Baldakova, Z. L. 72,'73

Arnn'yev, M4. G. 170 Bakulev, A. N. 170Andreyenko, G. V. 71 Balanili, V M4 2

Andreyev', A. 18 Balezin, S. A. 123

Andeyev, S. D. It Ba~lkovets, D. 1.305Andrey-ev, S. V 31.59 Barabaenov, V. F. 119

And~rievL~kiy, t.. 1. 210 Barabeashov, N. P. 6aAndryankin, E. I. 207 Barannikova, I. A. 167

Andryanov, K. A. 82 Baranov, A. 6

Ansheles, 0. M4. 82 Baranova, E. G. 81.Antener, ulse 94 Barashenkov, V. S. 202

Antonov, N. P. 178 Basr-Jienkov, S. 1.5

Antoshins., N. V. 170 Bardenbeuer, F. 197

Aral, Masamoto 95 Pardezgieur, P. 198


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Barlen, S. 24 Birman, I. B. 159Barshchev-sky, I. N. 206 Biryulin. V. 66Barsukov, M. I. 174 Biryuzova, V. I. 143Bertzsch, E. 25 Bleckman, R. 198D"sy, V. K. 194 BD.inov, l. N. 118Bas, E. B. 200 Blinov, M. V. 202Basalayev, M. I. 218 Blokh, G. A. 80Bashenin, V. A. 180 Blumenfeld, L. A. 215Basias, L. Ya. 134 Bluthgen, Ursula 190Baskakov, V. P. 172 Bobehenko, E. S. 173Basov, V. N. 216 Bobikov, P. I. 123Baturin, F. 18 3ochkarev, V. G. 127Bayet, M. 222 Bogachev, V. V. 161Bayevich, V. N. 6 Bogatyrev, I. 0. 74Bayevskiy, Yu. B. 147 Bogoslovskaya, T. M. 81Beck, H. 197 Bogoslovskiy, Yu. V. 105Beckmann 24 Bogrest, V. A. 84Bednyakova, T. A. 142, 162 Boiko, P. N. 69Bekker, V. E. 158 Bokotova, N. A. 145Bekman, M. Yu. 146 Boldyrev, B. G. 157Belik, Klara 4 Boldyrev, P. 6Belikova, T. P. 81 Bolotovskiy, V. M. 178Bellyustin, S. V. 221 Bonch-Bruevich, V. L. 213, 215Belopol'skiy, A. P. 84 Bondarenko, N. V. 145Belorybkina, L., I. 164 Bondln, V. P. 11Belousov, S. L. 118 Bongraad, J. C. 91Belov, N. M. 1 Borishanskiy, V. M. 215Belozerskiy, A. N. 72 Borkov, G. 79Belpzerskiy, A. N. 72 Borovskiy, I. B. 214Belyayev, A. I. 5 Bottger, Rudolph 93Belyayev, D. K. 147 Brachet, J. 184Belyayev, I. N. 86, 87 Braude, A. I. 161Belyayeva, V. N. 141 Braun, A. A. 135Bercovici, M. 32 Braun, M. P. 193Berestnev, V. A. 123 Braynes, S. N. 173Bergol'ts, V. M. 143 Brazhinikov, N. I. 195Berlin, A. A. 1 Brekhovskikh, L. M. 213Berlin, L. B. 159, 164 Breyer, Siegfried 34Bernard, Jean 185 Brezaric, Vjekoslav 33Bernfel'd, M. I. 171 Brodskiy, A. I. 100, 107Bertinov, A. I. 66 Brodskiy, V. Ya. 162, 165,Bielka, H. 188, 189, 210

190 Bronovitskaya, Z. G. 73Bier, K. 203 Brozgul', L. I. 1.10Bierling, Robert 189 Brunner, G. 76Bilen'kiy, S. M. 207 Bruno, M. 225Billignann, J. 199 Brun-Tsekhovoi, A. R. 90Birman, B. M. 135 Brylinski, A. 190

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Bubakovs, Ruzena 91 Chernenko, A. KC. 228Buchytroy, Mikhail 36 Cbernov, V. A. 170Buda~gov, Yu. A 221 Chernov, Z. S. 102Va4akov, N. P. 111 Oarny1, P.12Ruglov, R. D. 17P Chernyshev, V. T. 106Dukhoflove, A. 1. 150 Chervyakov;. P. A. I.Bukhwrich, E. 72 Cbesnokov, 0. F. 221Bulygin, 1. A. 164j Chi, Cheng 48Burmeister, Wl. 112 Chi, Ming-hou 75Burnizovich, V. 1. 102 Chi1, Yer -nien 59Burshtein 102 Ch 'iao, Lin h~.5Butom, M. L. 136 Ch'inj Yu-chen 55Buvaylo, S. A 139 Chistova, N. M. 14&3, 16oBuzov, Venetel 34 Cblaenov, L. G. 181Bykhoe'skiy, B. E. 18 Ch o an, D.4 z-4r1. r23iBykhov*tiy-, Ye.- L. 19Chou, Pin 5Bykhovsky, D. G. 220 Crela-shvili, N. V. 177Bystrova, M. 1. 71 Christensen, Z. Hohvu 186Byunter, E. K. 207 Chu, Huy Man 59

Chut, K'o-chen 127- C - Chuez, NXyan-nin 202

Chuang, Hsi-chtuan 52Cabane, 3. 196 Chubareva, L. A. 153Cagnet, M. 196 Chudakov, A. E. 214~Carius, W. 93, 197 Chuloshni~kov, P. L. 105, 1914Caxr1sen, T. C. 91 Churacek, Josef 22Cesa~rano, C. 203 Chiuwbkin, P. 1. 218Chang, Fan 53 Cizeron, Georges 196Chang, Pan-g-ying 5,6 Cocco, A. -55Chang, iueh-t'ing 46 Coenen, F. P. 198Chany, C. 182 CcnoI MaqO 20r,%ao, Pang-Jimg 145 Coaste, J. 92Chao, SungS-ch' ±ao 48 Courvreur, J. 1182Chao, T'ien-ch'ing 46 Creyssel, R~. 92Chayevskiy, M. 1. 2114 Crussarxd, C. 196, 222Chaykovskaya, M. Ya. 175 Csendes, E. 93Cheburkt.aa, N. V. 83 Czyz., J. 30Chechulin, Zu. S. 160Chen, Hain 56 - DCh 'en, Hsueh-ling 142C~h'en, Li-yen 55 Debagyan, N. V. .142Ch'en, Pleng-rnien 48 ID'Alberto, Th. I90Th'en, Po-ta 55 Dangell, Jan 29

Chen.Z, Chuing 75 Danilan, B. S. .69Chen-Gi-¶Ikhek 220 Danilov, V. 1. 85Che~prakova, Yu. .f. 157 Darenakaya, N. 133Oherednichenko, A. F. 152 Darevfskiy, I. S. 162Cherkasova, T. 1. 159 Darrms, R~. 91


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tD.shanakiy, I. N. 220 Dorokhr; V.- V 209Da~vidove, S. Y&. 136 Dotsento, A. P. 14.9Davidovtch, L. 3 Dovgalev, S. 1. 172

Fhbafln, Lt -A. 71. DrIllie, A. mnDebow, S. 3.S 175 Driubo, A. V. 169Debski, Edward 28 Drobkov, A. A. 151Degenhardt, K. H. 191 Drobot'ko, V. G. 157Dehaller, P.13 Drushinina, A. V. 13.4Delarue, JD18ubin-in, Y70Delita-in, I. S. 122 Dtzbinin, NI. P. 161De1off, A. 226 Dukalor, I. A. 179Delone, N. L. 143 Thuitl1ky, V. M4. 99Deuirk~hsnov, R. A. 2091 i7 %Yen, T1. JT 175Dem'yanmchuk, A. S. 205 Duplan, J. F. 185Denihaur, N. 14 Triu)A. 64

Deniaov, N. Y. iQE, n16 iyufur, 14. S. 1-18Denisov, 'A. Ye.. 117 IDfl'din, A. i14

Denwisova, Z. V. 154i, 163 Dzen', V I. 109

Denk, W. 187 Dzhelepov, V. P. 221

Lx;;rtert, K. 198 Dzhurdztu, T. 175Deryabin, L. N. 157 Drn;elaya, 1.F 120Detlaf, T2. A- 152, 157Didckens, P. 1.99 -E -

Dimitriu, C. Oh. 37Dimitrov, St. 20 Ebert, F. A. 22~4

Dintses, A. 1. u-4 Qberzin, A. G. 118, 3119

Ditaman, s. A. 214 Eckstein, H. J. 11.

Djukie, 18lp5 EdAel'man, M4. S. 125lbiitrenko, I. M4. 21.1 Ef remov, A. 15Thnitriyev, V. N. 106 Egiazaroff, I. 128Thnitrtyevskty, 0. D. 219 Egiazaroff, J. B. 106frdnt7yvS, N. P. N. 156 EsaecH. 9

Dbsrovkhoto, Yu. N. 202, 2l .Elkn, '. . A,133

Doorzhaatsky,M. A. 78 Elanue. N. n.87Doberngo .1 lbr, P. 0.-18Doerktach, K. N. 22 MieVyeav, N. 1. 123Dolinoov A. E. 135 136 ~ Eli'n, r I. . 13Dolmarovsky V. u. 8 C,4'Edresv, HrT.N14

Torhmveskiya, N. A. 28 En.1gad, N. V4. 7273Doernbrg, a Yu. F 194 Ragly.andr, Mace 20317Donetsc, YK. Iý23Eel~oN . 13200

Donshikh, N. V. 163 Epshtein, D. A. 123


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Erban 182 Funke, P. 199

Ergpag, R. 199 Fursov, V. N. 158

Ermolov, P.F. 221 .USwa, E. 94

frokfli, A. A. 216Evreinovn, T.N. 71 GEvseyev, V. A. 162Evstigneyev, V. B. 72 Jadomski, Jan 69

Eydinova, M. B. 168 Caidamovich, S. Ya. 178Galsoleva, A. A. 90

-F - Gal'perin, I. I. 176Galyas, E. 71

Fabrikov, V. A 78 Ganassi, E. E. 172

F&1'kevich, E. S. 217 Gantmakher, F. P. 205

Farber, V. B. 175 Gapocb3ko, K.-G. 180

Fedorov, A. K. 148 Garkavi, P. B. 70

Fedorov, V. K. 153 Garmach, A. A. 121

Fedorova, R. V. 7C Gatovskaya, T. V. 123Fedoseyev, L. 16 Gauze, G. F. 137Fedynaskiy, V. V 124 Gavrilov, 0. K. 179

Fel'dmmn, V. 6 Gavrilova, L. P. 72

Feldmann, H. D. i,8 Gavrilova, V. A. 72Fen, Chun-TsAr -56 Gavrilyuk, V. 13

Fong, Yu-lan 51 Oavvishina, V. E. 139Fetisova, V. M. 192 Gavze, M. N. 221Feuchter, Georg W. 34 Gazaryan, K. G. 154, 167Pialko, Ye. I. 68 Gdynia, Jerzy 27

Fine, J. M. 92 Gebala, A. 187Finn, V. K. 17 Geguzin, Ya. E. 214

Fisher, I. Z. 221 Geinrikh, A. K. 14o, 144

Foarster, Hanw 103 Gefler, I.Foldes, 0. 112 Gel'man, A. D. 88Folik, Marian 30 Gel'man, A. S. 194Fcmdn, V. V. 87, 89, Gellman, N. S. 74

90 Georgiyevskiy, I. 8

Fore).], M. M. 93 Gerard, Francis 61

Forevis, J. 190 Gerasimov, M. 21

Franck, E. U. 92 Germain, J. E. 91

Frank, D. 169 Gershenzon, S. M. i66Free, G. 93 Gershuni, G. Z. 209

Freude, 92 Giela, Zbigniew 28

Frick, E. 188 Giese, W. 186Fridenshtein, A. Ya. 141 Gieseking, R. 186Fridmam, Ya. B. 215 Gindin, L. M. 123

Fridman, Ya. D. 88 Ginetsinskiy, A. G. i44, 146Frolov, I. T. 176 Gin'yar, Ye. A. 108

Fukasz, C-yor•jr 49 Ginzburg, A 4

Fukayt, K. 95 Ginzburg, R. L. 169

Fuks, B. B. 138 Girginov, Girgin 36

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Girs, A. A 126 Gurevich, D A. 80Gladkikh, M. A. 99 Gurevich, M. I. 213Glasko, V. B. 213 Gurevich, Yu. F. 193Glikan, L. S. 166 Gureyev, P. ±401o•8za, A. A 124 Gurvich. A. S. 138Glotov, I. A. 101 Gurovich, E. I. 87Gogoyavlenskiy, Yu. K. 150 Gusak, I. V. 124Gol'bert, K. A. 84 Gusarov, V. I. 9Goldstein, M. 94 Gusev, A. M. 118Golosnitskiy, A. K. 179 Guseva, L. N. 212Goormaghtigh, N. 184 Gushchey, S. 8Gorbachev, S. V. 85 Gutkin, T. I. 209Gorbarenko, P. G. 170 Gutsevich, A. V. 74Gorbunova, I. M. 145, 150Gordeyev, G. V. 221 - H-Gorev, N. A. 6Gorodkov, K. B. 163 Bache, A. 196Gozodova, G. E. 170 Hackmsnn, C. H. 188Gracheva, N. D. 166 Hactmnn, H. 186Grachevskiy, M. M. 122 Hallich, Rlaus 94Graffi, A. 188, 189: Halmos, Laszlo 26190 Hannig, Kurt 187Gramm, M.N. 120 Hansen, M. 223Grandberg, I. I. 165 Harasimovicz, Romuald 29Grashchenkov, N. I. 134 Hasimoto, H. A. 113Grass, G. 197, 198 Haupt, W. illGrassmann, Wolfgag 187 Haxel, 0. 224

Gratsershteyn, I. M. 1, 9 Hein, J. 223Gr•ayevskaya, B. M. 208 Heinz, A. 223Grayevskiy, E. Ya. 210 Heischkeil, W. 112

Grewen, J. 197 Heiskanen, S.Grigorov, N. L. 214 Helm, J. 25Grigoryan, S. S 206, 208 Helmchen, H. 187Grigor'yev, A. N. 179 Hengst, H. 224Gritsenko, A. P. 220 Henry, R. 91Gritsenko, M. V. 124 Herenguel, J. 203Gritsulyak, V. N. 78 Herinckz-Pirlo-c., J. 61Gromakovskaya, M.M. 208 Hertl, A. 113Gromova, T. S. 78 Hertwig, Paula 186Grosozdov, G. G. 180 Heydorn, K. 202Grosmsngin, J. 92 Hirai, K. 95Gross, E. F 219 Ho, Hsing-ning 52Grosspetzsch, G. 24 Horvath, Bela 37Cudtsov, N. T. 221 Hcu, Yung 56Gueronniere, E. 91 Houtermans, F. G. 224Gugovski, Neycho 20 Hsian, Yang 48Gumilivskaya, N. A. 72 Hsiao, Shu-hui 52Gun'ko, A. F. 141 Hsii]h, Ming 43

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Hsu, M' ing 52 " J -

KMn, I-Jag 53Hsu, Sane-yen 48 Jakoubek, M. 23Hsu, T'e-1i 33 Janiche, W. 197

Hu, Chun 54 Jardel, Zygnunt 30

Huang, Chi 60 Jaros, Stanislav 22

Hugel, G. 198 Jemmet, H. 185

Huguenard, P. 184. Jentzen, Harald 38Hulst, D L. 182 Jeschar, R. 222, 223

Hung, Hsi-sheng 54 Joachim, H. 95Hung, Kai-wei 14 Johannsson, C. H. 226

Hung, Yu. 55 Juillard-Feyler,

Hfuszar, Erno Mrs 26 Jacqueline 203

Hutter, A. 224 Jurgens, Gunter 225

-. 1- -K-

Ide, K. H. iii Kabanova-Meller, E. N. 177

Ignatyev, A. I. 132 Kachalov, V. P. 1;4

Il'in, V. P. 17 Kachanov, L. M. 193

Il'in., T. S. 151 Kachanova, N. A. 100

l1'yin, L. A. 171 Kaganev, M. G. 83ll'yina, D. Ye'. 90 Kahuda 182

Ilyushin, A A. 205 Kahuds, DrantSsek 37imoto, Tatsuya 96 K'ai-luan, Lin-hsi 45Imshenetskiy, A. A. 133 Kaiser, H. 199

Ionov, N. I. 202 Kalchev, L. A. 167

Irikhimovich, A. I. 164 Kalic, D. 185

Isayev, B. M. n6 Kalinchenko, L. P. 83Isenov, M. 5 Kalinin, B. A. 2

Ittenoerg, I. A. 1 Kanclerz, Janusz 29

Iturbide, Rene* 183 Kao, Hsi-t'ang 47ivanenko, I. P. 214 Kapatsina, V. 175Ivvaitskaya, A. F. 208, 210 Kapustin, A. P. 82

Ivanitskaya, L. P. 137 Karapetyan, K. A. 163Ivanov, D. 132 Karasenko, V. A. 195

Ivanov, K. P. 122 Karasev, N. Ye. ' 2

Ivanov, K. V. 171 Karasik, V. R. 218

Ivanov, L. A. 2 Karavayev, N. M. 114

Ivanov, Miron 36 Karavayev, V. G. 172

Ivanov, S. 15 Karchevskiy, A. I. 221

Ivanova, L. N. 144 Karepin, S. 50

Ivanova, S. A. 161 Kargin, V. A. 123

Ivanova, T. V. 1n6 Karmysheva, V. Ya. 155, 156Ivanova, V. P. 71 Karpov, L.I1. 17

Ivlev, D. D. 211 Karulin, B. E. 145, 164

IzmaIlov, N. A. 84 Karyagin, A. V. 2

Izraitel', N. A. 172 Karyagin, I. D. 33

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Kasavina, B. S. 164 Klceinenberg1 S. E. 163Kashcheyev, V. M. 108 Kliener, Yu. H. 119Kashin, K. 1. 124 K1±mov, D. M. 210Kashkovskaya, E. A. 8~4 Klyachko, Yu. A. 195Kate, A. L. 125 flyarrf14&, B. N. 2D5Kaufman, V. P. 6 Krnake, Else 189Kau tsky, Hans 9f K-nepper, Reinhold 1.91Kavecki, Jerzy 28 Knorre, A. G. 134Kawinaki, Stanislaa 28 Kocchetkov, F. V. 13

FKazakar, A. V. 77 Kochetkova, S. N 78Kazanskaya, T. B. 1.66 Koehler, G. 24KazantLsev, V. F 208 Koehler, W. 113Kazblayev, It. A. 211 Koenen, H. 111Kesayev, I. G. 21-1 Koesis, J. 225Khachatryan, S. P. 126 Kogan, Z. B. 99Khandzhimitkhnxnedov, Koganer, V. E. 99

lai. Kh. 207 Kogarko, S. M4. 206Khalifa-Zade, Chi. M. 31.9 Kahn, A. 196Kliamitov, Sit Sli. 209 Kokes, Ortekar 76Kharlcevich, A. A. 102 Kokta, J. 222Kharlova, G. V. 148 Kolarov, P. 36IKaidrogluyan, Six. A. 167 Kolbusz., Fr. 28Thimiishin, F. F. 192 Kolenko, Ye. A. 101Thlebovich, V. V. 153 Kolesntkov, D. E. 73Thlopin, N. G. 143, i6co Kollchenko, K. N. 2Khokholev, K. 1. 105 Kollinar, A. 198Khomyakov, M. V. 99 Kolosov, N. G. 138Khremtsov, N. N. 75 Koloss, E. 1. 154I(hrenovskiy, P. A. 158 Kolpakov, M. G. 156lKiristolyubova, N. 3. 140 Kol~aditskaym-, L. S. 179Knudyskov, S. N. 19 Kolyakov, Ya. E. 175Khvostikov, I. A. 69 Kanar', Ti. p. 85Kiknadze, 1. 1. 148 Komissarov, A. 16Kikoin, L. 1. 221 Komissarov, A. N. 17LKilin, S. F. 81 Komissarov, B. 1. 100Kiradzhiev, Svetlin 20 Komissa~rov, N. E. 174Xireyev, M4. 1. 7 Komnik, Yu. F. 213Kireyev, P. S. 220 Konarev, V. G. 137, 147Kirilltn, V. A. 218 Konev, A. A. u8Kirilov, Yu. 1. 8 Konnov, M4. F. 1Kirpichnikov, V. S. 155, 156 Konosh, 0. V. 138

161 Konstentinov, A. S. 151, 152Kirvalidze, N. S. 195 Kootz, T. .12Kiseleva, I. A. 166 KopeiLkin, Yu. A. 221Kishkin, S. T. 192 Kopp, 1. F. 123Kisin, B. 1. 220 Koptelova, S. N. 117Kladetzky, J. 191 Kopylova, E. N. 213Kiasse, F. 223 Korbut, V. M4. 207


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:Cordyum, V. A. 173 Krofta, Josef 22, 23rarenyako, A. 1. 150 Krokovski, E. 2214

Korolako, T. P. 97 KroI*Vto, S. A. j148

Korobeilnkov, 'V.-P. 206 K-rongaut, A. N. 175Korobko, B. G. 133 Krotikov, F. G. 168

*Korobocbkin, I. Ye. 195 Krotkov, F. 0. 132Korol'kov, G. A. 193 Krupskiy, M4. 15Korycynaki, ?runcalzek z; Krushnaskiy, L. V. 156Korzhinnkiy, D, S. 78 Krutova , I. N. 106

*Koahelev, 1. 1. 109 Krylov, A. 14Koshkarev, D. G. 217 Krylov, D. G. 136Koshtoyants, Th. S. 150 Krylov, Ye. 1. 90Kosikov, K. V. 145 Krym. I. A. 195Koemarskaya, Ye. N. 135 KMan, Ting-hua 2311Kost, A. N. 165 K'uang, Hal-yuan 145Koistenko, P. 16 Kubanakiy, P. N. 205Kostltsyn, L. T. 174 Kubmama, H. 199Kostomarov, D. P. 212, 214 Kucherenko, 1. 13Koatyuk, P. G. 146, 147 Kucherov,, S. 15Kouba, E. F. 123 Kuchina, K. V. 179Koval', Zh. A. 80 Kudr-yashav, B. A. 71, 149Koval'skiy, A. V. 81 Ku1khsrenko, N. K. 205Kotlov, Yu. M4. 12 Kukusbkina, G. V. 71Koziova, L. V. 171 Kuleshov, I. M4. 90Kozlyaninov, M4. V. 127 Kulikcrva, V. G. 171Kramer, J. 225 KuZ'kia, S. G. 161Kramer, K. 190 Ktma'vlchkin, A. 114Krasil'nikov, A. P. 172 Kung, Yu-chih 54iKrasil'nlkov, N. A. 150, 151, Kuc, Mo-Jo 53

165 Kin, Tung-fang 46Krasnoshchekov, N. S. 108 Kurashov, S. V. 134Krasnova, G. V. 80 Kurdizmov, G. V. 208Kratochvil, S. 128 K-Urilofl, Yu. V. 126Kravcenko, C. Ill Kurnakova, A. G. 88Krein, 1M. G. 205 Kushner, V. 18Kramer, H. 190 Kutsther, Horst 224Krentsel, B. A. 90 Kuz'mieh, V. 14Kresta, Jaromir 22 Kuz'mich, V. 1. 221Krest'yaninov, F. 3 Kuz'nin, A. D2. 68Kretovich, V. L. 71 10±z'ininkh, I. N. 80Kripyakevich, P. 1. 210 Kuz'mov, P. N. 6Krisch, A. 197 Knzneateova, A. F. 71Kriscbke, E. 159 Kuznetsov, A. N. 77Krischke, W. 188, 189 Kuzacteov, 0. 1. 125

Krlss, A. E. 143 Kuznetsov, V. A. 1.0

Kristoffel, N. N. 219 Kuznetaov, V. P. 2

Kritskaya, V. K. 208 Kuaznetsova, N. 1. 173Krizhanskiy, L. M4. 202 Kvin5.khidze, G. S. 159


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- L - Li, Chen-ch'uan 42Li, Fan-fu 54

Labinskaya, A. S. 179 Li, K'uang-chih 60

Labkovsky, A. M. 194 Li, Shih 44

Laborit, H. 181 Liang, Kumn-li 46Ladytbenskaya, 0. A. 211 Lffshits, A. 0. 219Lakbuti, D. G. 17 Likhtman, V. I. 209

Lapkin, I. Yu. 120 Lin, Chih-wo 60Lakur, F. 142 Lin, Chlng-yao 53Lambercier, Marc 183 Lindenberg, L. K. 139

Landis, E. M. 217 Lindh, G. 111, 197Landsberg, G. S. 218 Lindstrom 38

Langer, Karl 187 Lipatova, T. E. 73Lapin, L. N. 176 Lipehina, L. P. 73Lapshun, 0. V. 75 Lippert, J. 202

Lashkov, K. V. 179 Lis, Bronislaw 27Latarjet, R. 185 Lisin, D. M. 114

Latiko, P. A. 208 Litvinenko, D. A. 194

Lavrent'yev, M. A. 228 Litvinova, I. B. 210, 212

Lavrinovich, L. P. 2 Liu, Hui 45Lazarov, Nikola 20 Liu, K'o-hsien 46

Le, Vu 59 Liu, Shan 55Lebedeva, M. N. 155 Liu, Tzu-hou 44Lebedeva, N. A. 149 LIvenson, A. R. 171Lebedeva, Z. V. 160 Livshits, G. Sh. 69Lebedinskiy, A. I. 214 Livshits, P. Yu. 99

Lebedinskiy, A. V. 132 Liyamina, G. M. 178Leber, Ad. 95 Loba-nov, P. P. 10

Lebkova, N. P. 140 Lobanov, V. N. 136

Lebl, K. 192 Lobyntsev, K. S. 166Leburton, J. P. 61 Loehner, L. 76Leidholdt, Hans - 103 Lofblad, B. 111, 197Lelong, Marcel 184 Logachev, E. D. 165Lelona, P. 203 Loos, S. M. 97Leontovich, A. M. 217 Lopatko, I. F. 110Lepin, L. K. 77 Lorant, Peter 104Leredoullet, P. 184 Lossievskiy, V. L. 3

Leskevich, I. E. 211 Lovdshiyev, N. 67Lesokhina, G. F. 84 Lu, Chien-kaeng 52

Letichevskiy, M. A. 158 Lu, Kuang-t'ien 47Letort, Maurice 229 Lu, Ya. 48Levin, A. I. 9 Luchnik, N. V. 208

Levin, G. M. 218 Luderitz, 0. 183Levin, V. I. 17 Ludkevich, L. A.-,, 7Levin, Ya. L. 1 Lueg, W. 199

Levshin, V. L. 81 Luferov, V. P. 145

Lewin, Stanislaw 28 Lukavchenko, P. I. 127

Li, Chao, T'e 148 Lukonina, T. I. 206

- 239-

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Lunev, V.v. 131Lunkin, Y. P. 131Luriya, A. R. 1774afLwtk, Ch. V a1ta-iser, T.P. 184Lutkovsi:ly, S. V 127Lutmeako, w.r. 79Lwoff , Andre 18Lvoff, Ma.rguerite 18IkLyaptmov, A. A. 117Lysenko, T. D. 71Lyutkevich, E. M. 117

-240 -

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-M - Mthe, G. 185Jtthe, Georges 185

Mache, J. 91 Mathieu, j. 24machova, Dusana 22 Mttricon, M. 103flgans, C. L. 61 Matila, N. 29MAgnitskiy, A. 14 Metveyev, L.N. 124Iagnitskiy, V. A. i16 Matveyev, V. S. 17aier, L. 93 Mstveyeva, A. I. 144, 146

Matorova, E. P. 88 Maupin, B. 185Maiss, 1lse MavrolinI V. V. 228Majewski, Kazimierz 31 Mayer, A. 225Makarov, P. V. 135, 147 Mayorov, V. N. 135Makarova, A. I. 126 Medvedev, N. N. 141, 142Makhorin, K. E. 4 173makovetkiy, P. V. 68 Medvedeva, G. B. i0Maksarev, Yu. 108 Meguri, Haruo H. )6Maksay, V. V. 166 Meissei, Gerhard H, E. 35Maksimov, A. 16 Mekhtiev, D. M. 107Maksyutina, N. P. 73 Mel'nik, A.V. 192Malevitskaya, M. A. 166 Mel'nik, Yu. P. 121Mallnovskiy, V. A. 9 Mende, P. F. 83Malkin, V. I. 85 Merezhinskiy, M. F. 179Mal'tseva, V.8. 195 Merkulov, V. S. 216Malyuga, D. P. 126 Meshkov, A. N. 137Mamikonyants, L. G. 98 Meyer, B. 183Manchev, Nikola 21 Meyer, F. R. 92:anes, S. 32 Yleyersoa, F. Z. 139, 157Manina, A. A. 16o Meyerson, Ya. A. 159Mant'eva, V. L. 144 Michalski, Czeslaw 30Manuilova, E. F. 151 Mikhailov, N. A. 118Mao, Fui-chun 55 Mikhailov, V. P. 135Mardaleishvilli, R. E. 85 Mikhailova, N. V. 152Mardashev, S. R. 71, 175 Mikhaylov, N. M. 8Marek, Frantisek 23 Mikheyev, M. A. 216Mares, Jan 22 Mikheyev, N. B. 9CMargolin, V. A. 10 Mikhul, A. K. 207Margulis, 0. M. 108 Miklukho-Maklay,Margulis, Y. 133 A. D. 117Marinov, A. 1. 194 Milchev, V. A. 195Marns, Marius 32 Mileikovskiy, S. A. 153, 166Markelov, G. A. .1 Milideyev, L. V. 108Markovic, Steven A. 33 Milikhov, V. P. 171Markovich, A. V. 132 Milokhin, A. A. 167Marquardt, Hans 189 Milov, P. 41Martinson, G. G. 151 Minervin, A. 117MartsinkovskLy, B. I. 168 Miniovich, M. A. 123Maryutin, M. 16 Mints, R. S. 215ldaslov, M. 6 Miroshnikov, I. F. 99

- 241 -

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Miroshnikov, I. P. 70 Na~denOVa, Radka 20

M4isebler, Von Helmut 34 Naysahuler, Ye. 15

Misbev, Vasil 21 Nazaroi, S. T. 220

[ MihiS, 1.- 95 Neohayev, 1. A. 151

gl~iti, A.-V. 150 3eeb.yrrap S. V. IQ6

M4isiuna, Wiadyslaw 27 Nernohinova, I. 1. 153

MIBOY, N.- 36 Nealrova, E. K. 68Mitbreyt, I. 1N, 168 Nemkov, (3. I 2.121

Mitakevich, V. Yu. 143 Nesmeyanov, A. N. 79Moiseyevt, V. P. 73 Nesterov, A. P. 170

I'tkeyev&, V. I . 212 Netiberoer, F. 198

Monakov, A. V. 143, 147 Neumann, A. 112

Moniob, V. K. 10 Neumann, H.- 112

F ?onnig, H. 93 Neumann, Jaroslav 23Monad, J. 183 NevzglyadOV, V. G. 209

Morawaki, Jerzy 50 Nezhiniskay&, L. A. 9Mordukchay-Doltovskaya, Nieciumski, Witold 31E. D. 161 Nielsen, 1.aries 1.86

Moreau, J. 196 Nikitenko, M. F. 1)44

Morel, P. 92 Nik~itin, E. E. 217

Moriya, Hiroshi 96 Nikitin, V. N. 2.'49, 153Morozov, H. M. 7 Nikolaychik, N. P. i08Moskalev, V. 1. 221 Nikolaychik, Ye. N. ý

Moskvin, A. 1. 87 Nikolayev, A. V. 77, 86Moskvin, A. V. 81 Nikolayev, L. A. 206

Mosony!1, E. 128 Nikolayev, V. 2Ž7lMostafin, I. S. 84 Nikol'skiy, B. P. 8

Mouren, Charles, 91 Nikol'skiy, N. M. 17bMualler-T-ritbusch, K. 112 Nikoyayev, G. A. 3.05

MurtazscY, A. H. 82 Nailer, H. G. 224

Murzin, V. S. P-14 Novikov, I. 1. 193

Mazykant, L. 1. 164 Novitskaya, N. A. 165Novlyanskaya, K. A. 1831

- N - Novoselova, A. V. 82Novothilov, B. 6

Nabitovich, I. D. 210 Novozhilov, K. V. 83Nadethin, V. M. 151 Nowotny, H. 82

Nagibina, I. X. 206 Nukiyen~a, 8. 226

Nagy, C. 32 Nurlybayev, A. N. 10

Nagy, Erno 227 Nuzhdin, N. 1. 151

Nakai, Yutaka H. 96Napalkov, A. V. 173 - 0 -

Nardefli, G. 2,04

Nasser, Gamil Abdel 40 Obraczka, R. 31

Natapov, B. C. 217 Ctukbova, V. P. 178

Navradze, A G. 171 0chiai: M. 200

Naumann, F. K. 93, 197 Odabasbyan, G,. V. 78Naiaenko, A. 1. i16 Odinokbov, V. P. 205

- 242-

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Offhawi, K. 76 Peckhol12, 1. 188Obtake, T - 200 Pei, Li-sheng 127Oiks, G. N 193 Peive, Ya. V. 70Okufto A. iML~OWV, A. P. 17601einichenko, V. I. 21Pelczyskl, Z. 30Olenov, Yu. M. 138 Peleviria, 1. 1. 73Oleshchuk, 0. N. 219 Pendic, B. 185Olauf'yev, N. 7. 175 Penin, A. V. 9Ordin, Yu. 16 Penkin, N. P. 217Orekhovich, V. W. 175 Peredelskiy, A. A. 74Orlcyv, B.- D.- 191$ Perelygin, V. V. 172.Orloya, G. N. 152 Pergament, M. A. 119Orlova, N. V. 154$ Perlin, I. L. 5Osipova, T. 195 Perlinaki, Jerzy 28Osiplyan, Yu. A. 208 Perona; G. 20-4Oatrovskiy, Yu. 1. 217 Pershin, G. N. 165Qevatitsch, X. 223 Persson, G. 226Oia-yang, Ch'in 44 Perzynski, Z. 2802.aki, Shotaro 49 Petipa, T. S. 1.49Ozuaidov, R. V. 120 Petrashku, M. G. 207Oznoblin, N. 6 Petrov, A. D. 78

Petrov, D. F. 176- P - Petrov, G. 107

Petrov, 1. 133Paikin, D. M. 83 Petrova, L. A. 81Pakhomov,' I. 1. 170 Petrovskiy, 'r. G. 21.7Palatnik,' L. S. 213 Petrukhina, N. 1. 215Palkin, A. P. 87 Petrun', N. M4. 139Pal'mov, Ye. A. 171 Petukhov, R~. 6Palys, Karol 30 Petunin, P. 125Pannese, Ennio 1.91 Philibert, J. 222Panov, D. A. 202 Pi, Hua-chao 45Panov, Yu. P. 220 Piaget, Jean 183Papivin, N. 11$ Pick, Milos 22Papke, W. H. 223 Pienkovski, Antoni. 27Pamamonova, V. 1. 86, 89 Pillpenko: V. G. 180Parfenov ' V. A. 66 Pifle, E. R. 138Parnes, V. 142 Pinkina, L. N. 79Pascal, M. 196 Pirozhaikov, L. P. 12Pastukhov, M. 67 Pisareva, V. V. 68Pavlenko, L. 1. 115 Pisarevskly, A. N. 216Pavienko, N. A. 124$ Platonov, K. 13Pavlikovskiy, A. 207 Platov, V. 174$Paviovskaya, R. A. 147 Pleach, R. 223Pavlovskiy, Ye. N. 74i Plojhar~, 182Pazu~khin, V. A. 193 Plusque2.lec, J. 196Pchelkina, A. A. 145 Pobedinskiy, M. N. 173Pechkovskaya, K. A. 79 Pobiyakho, V. A. 126


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Poddubnaya, T. L1147 Prokhorov, A. T. 179

Podlgayetsktf, V. V. 192 Prokopovich, A. 5Podcbaysv, 1. 1. 123 Prokopovich, A. E. 110

-Po~nrovafls. 0. N. 84 Prusuko, 1. 1. 100, 107 .

Pogodin-Alekzefye, G. 1. 192 Pretasor, V. S. 2

Po~onyan, Kh. P. 1214, 126 Protopopov, A. 1. 202

Pogrebkova, A. V. 158 Protopopov, A. N. 202

Pokrovskaya, G. L. 1141 Prc'topopov, Kh. V. 101

Pokrovskiy, V.- 209 Protsrnko, A. E:. 163Polezno, A. L. 167 Proyavkin, E. T. 127

Polevoy, 72 Prozorovskiy, Yu. N. 101PulezbayVr, E. F: 165 Prudkovakaya, 0. V. 101

Po-li-ya-ko-fu, A. E. 49 Psiienichnov, A. B. 181Polonov, L I.73 Pabenina, T. I. 7

Poloychanho, 1. G. 1914 Pskovakiy, Ta. F. 68Poluektov, N. S. 83 Putermin-Lippert, F. E. j.69

Polyakov, I. Ta. 70 Futsoyko, Z. 212

Palyakov, L. B. 179 PU2.afov, G. 66Polyakov, N~. V. 96, 97Polyakov) V. A. 269Pomerantzev, B. 1. 173Ponomarenko, V. A. 78 4uadbeck., G. 187Ponomarenko, V. V. 139 Quade, G. 199Popov, A. 132Popov, A. F. 168-RPopov, P. S. 17

Ppv tyo36 Rabinovich, V- 1ogPopov V.A.26 Rabkia, D. M. 105

Popo-a, E. N. 1142 Radev, Simeon P 21

Popova, K. M. 50 Radlfinak±, Antoni. 30Popovich, D). 1514 Rafikov, A. Kb. 228Popravko, K. A. 122 Raikov, I. B. 157

Purtigliatti-Barbos, Raikova, E. V. 155Mario 200 Rakbman, B. M. 320

Portnov, F. 181 Raspopov, P. P. 177Postnikov', S. A. 1 Rastvorova, A. M. 155

Potyevskaya, 2. D. 1U9 Basultade, A. A. 107Povolotakiy, A. M. 110 Rayevskaya, 0. G. 1145Pral, 0. 3 Raynus, L. S. 33Predltecbenskiy, N. N. 122 Razorenov, L. 227

PreobrazbenakiY, B. K. 89 Razumeyev, P. A. 132Freobrazhenakiy, V. 15 Reber. Gerhard 24

Preuss, L. 200 Reich, ELLIS Joachim, 2Prima, H. 203 Reiniger; M.,B

Priorov, N. N. 169 Rejeweki, B. 30

Frityk~in, D. P. 109 Remesnikov, I. D). 1114

Prokghorov, A. 1. 1714 Remnev, Yu. 1. 210


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Repanai, A. 204 Rusnac, C. 37Reverdy, JT 185 Ryabchenkov, A. V. 83Reverdy, Jean 184 Ryabchikov, D. 1. 79Rev-zin, I. 1. 17 Ryabchikova, V. P. 132Bunak, A. D. 80ya*bukla, A. K. .145, ~Eez~nicbenko, M. S. 73 Ryabushko, 0. P. 205Ribaud, G. 222 Ryazancv, E. V. 206Richter, S. 103 Ryazanov, V. A. 105Rieco, H. 223 Rybni~kov, V. A. 194Riedel, Alfred 187 Ryndln, R. M. 207Riedmiller, S. 76 Hyndin, V. A. 11Bitnik, G. A. 66 Rytikov, A. M, 195Robbe-Foasat, F. 182 Ryvkiu, S M. 214Rodari, P. 187 Ryzhov, 0. S. 207Rudionny, A. I. CIO Rzhepishevskiy, 1. K. 152Rodionov, NI. 7Roesel, W. 24 SRogal, N. G. 166Roginskiy, S. Z. 218 Sadov, I. A. 153Aokotova, I. A. 150 Sagatovskiy, N. V. 126Romanov, V. V. 123 Sakbarov, Yu. 1. 7(0Romanova, H. A. 120 Sakovich, A. A. x00Romanova, N. N. 155 Sakovsky, D. Ya. 103Range, Crete 92 Samoylenkri, V. 1. 101Rosahi, H. 112 Samoylin, A. M. 9Rost, Hans 25 Samoylova, L. G. 172Rostovtsev, S. T. 77 Samsonov, G. V. 201Rozanov, V. G. 107 Sava, V. I. 32Rozen, A. M4. 123 Savitskiý,, P. 1Rozenberg, L. D. 208 .avkina, I. a. :Rozenfeld, I. L. 206 Sav-vinyk', S. 209Rozenshtein, L. D. 209 Sa~wamura, H. 200Rozhanskiy, V. N. 219 Sayanov, V. S. n18Rotman, I. M. 8.1 Sayenlso-ILyubarskaya,Ruban, B. L. 146 V. F. 76Rudali, G. 185 Schabinski, G. 189Rudali, Georges 184 Scheid-Seydel, L. 188Rudenko, A. 1. 2 Schiebler, T. H. 191Rudik, P. A. 134 Schindewolf, U. 95Rufa'il, Wadi' 39 Schleede, D. 93Rukavishnikov, N. F. 1 Schmid, H. H. 191Rumanova, I. M4. 210 Schmidt, W. 23Rumyantsev, V. V. 209 Schmidt; Z. N. 168Rusakov, G. K. 10 Schreiber, W. 94Ruashew, D. 21 Schubert, W. 223Rutsay, S. V. 157 Schulz, Heribert 190Ruttner, J. R. 190 Schumann, W. 0. 222Ruzin, A. M. 170 Schutz, 0. 191


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Schwabe . F. 189 Sharov, A. G. 162Schwarzenbarg, L. 185 Sharov, M. V. 84Set esta, IMikuias 23 Shchigoiev, B. M. 131Seteri, Julius 187 Shcidrenko N. 8. 8_3, 194Se½'-v, A . A. -7 Shtwhkih, ES. D. 0Se 'akin, N. - . 102 Sbcharuvri, V. 207Sc rkh, L. 14 Shelyakhovskiy, M. V. 169S ecer, K. 224 Shenk., N. A. 168;a1', H. S. 132 Shepelin, 0. P. 168egvic, Peter 33 Shevakin, Yu. F. 195

ijeith, ~q. 22Shevandin, E. M. 84Selge, G. 25 Shevchenko, V. B. 88, 89Selifonov, V. 3 Shevkunova, E. A. 164Semenonko, G. 1. 72 Sh±±'man, I. A. 74Semenov, A. E. 193 Shih, Chi-yen 55Semenov, K. 1. 154 Shiiov, E. A. 71Semenova, G. T. 145 Shtlova, S. A. 136Sencuova, L. M. 141 Shimade, A. 95Semenova, L. P. 152 Shimazawa, Elichiro 96Seme~nova, N. P. 50 Shipkovenskiy, N. S. 181Semenov-Tyan-Shanakiy, Sbirokov, M. 1. 101

v. v. 10Shirokov, 0. G. 151Semikova, A. 1. 107 Shishkov, Yu. A. 124Semina, G. 1. 140 Shlyk, A. A. 77Semina, L. A. 71 Sbmal'gauzen, 1. 1. 146Senashko, N. N. 202 Shmarayev, G. E. 8Serabryakov, V. V. 84 Shmurygina, A. A. 179Seravin, L. N. 158 Shneider, G. F. 117Serdiy, A. 0. 205 Shopina, V. V. 74Sergei', 0. S. 175 Shou, K'ang-hou 52Sergeyev, V. V. 121 Shpeizman, V. H. 83Serkovskiy, V. A. 194 Shpigunov, F. A. 180Seulen, G. W. 113 Shtein, N. 1. 102Severtsev, V. A. 17 Shura-Bura, M. R1. 130Stabadash, A. L. 144 Shvarev, Yuriy 13Shabanov, D. A. 193 Shvetsov, N. 1. 50Shafer, Yu. G. 69 Sidorov, i'. P. 2Shakhbazov, G. G. 1148 Siwo~nenko,, D. L. 116Shac, Shih-p'ing 43 Sinitayn, N. M. 77Shapiro, 1. M.. 2IP Sirkovic, Radoinir 33Shapiro, I. S. 4 Sisakyan, N. M. 72Shapiro, M. M. 195 Skalaban, *2). Ku. 170Shapiro, N. 1. 151 Skipetrova, T. 1. 210Shapiro, Yu. G. 169 Skobelev, B. A. 100Shaposbnikov, V. ii. 154 Skryabin, A. K. 85Sbapovalov, M. A. 8o Skrzpek, T. 29Sbarapov, K. 4 Skuratov, S. M. 2o6Sharlov, L. V. 170 Skurkovich, S. V. 169, 173


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S2avin, V. I.119 Stuk, A. 18Slavnov, D. A.- 215 $tuzifikov, V- A. 160Slepov, L. 12 Stutz, Ernst 190

52n~kifl, N. A.- 130 su, Bsaig 57S1*bodav no0 Sukarno56,7

FSlobodov, B . Ta. 125 Sukbaniov, A. D. 215

Smirnov, A. 1. 165 Sukharev, 1. 66F mirnov, G. 8 Sukhariv, S. 1. 2

Smirnova, V. A. 138 Sukhobskaya, G. S. 177Smitten, N. A. 1149 Sukbov, D. K. 2

Smo1uchovski, M. 226 Sun., Yeb-ming 43Sobolev, S. K. 193 Sutuj.CN, Yu. L. 155, 156Sochor, B. 29 Suyetina, I. A. 210

Sokul, MiroslaY 22 Sveshnikov, V. A. 155Sokolov, A. G. 206 avi, P. M. 100

Sokolov, V. 1. 13 Syroechkovakiy, E. K. 168Sokolova, E. 1. 77 Szily, A. V. 225Sokolova, G. A. 138Sokolova, Ye. B. 80 - T -

Sokolov-Sokolenok, L. 66Solov tyev, S. 1. 90 Takemoto, Tsunematsu 96Solov'yev, V. K. 133 Talyeva, M. N. 156Sonin,M. R. 101 Van, Chun-yin 5Sorokin, Yui. 1. 137., 138 Targ, S. N. 130Sawinshi, A. 113 Tarko~v; A. P. 122

Spasibukhov, Yu. I. 206 Tarmosin, F. 13Spasskaya, L. P. 154 Tatarskiy, V. 1. 118Spasskiy, V. A. 13 Teis, R. V. 78Speith, K. G. 94 Temin,. L. S. .120

Spirin, A. S. 72 Teng, Cbao-hsiang 58Stankevich, Ye. S. 169 Teng, Chili 5.Stanyukovich, A. V. 194 Teng, Kuc-fan 181Stanik, I. E. 85, 86 Tereslichenko, M. P. 180

Starodu~btsev, S. V. 207 Ternov, It M. 21

Starostin, S. G. 11 Ternovskaya, A. N. 84Statova, M. P. 1624 Ter-Oganesov, N. A. 123Staub, A. M. 183- Theordorason, P. 202

Stebayev, 1.1V. 161 Thiele, Heinrich 94.Stepanehenok.-Budnik, Thoren, Bagnar 129

G. 1. 73 T'iao, Yoe5

Stepanov, A. V. 212 Tikhonenko, A. S. 14.3Sterlin, R. N. 79 Pirofeyev, N. S. 106

Stoecker, Willi 24 Timofeyev, P. P. 121.Strelkovskiy, V. 1. 144 Tinefli, R. 183Strepkov, S. M. 73 Ting, Baa 53Stroesner, Hans Werner 25 Titov, V. V. 99Strokan, N. B. 2114 Titoan, L. K. 140, 146



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Tkachenko, A. G. 9Tkachenko, B. 1. -143Tbehahnka, I. M. J23 UsaI'teov, A. V. 68 -Mlusty, T. - 25 Udinitaov, P. S. 75Tcimacbev, G. N. 202 Ugolev, A. MA. 139Topchiev, A. V. 228 Ulinich, F. 2U9Topchiyev, A. V. 90 Ulitina, P. D. 1149Toporets, S. A. 120 Urethammer 38Toropova, T. P. 69 Urizko, V. 1. 96Tovarnitskiy, V. 1. 83 Ushakov, K. A. 66Trautretter, Robert 25 Ushakova, V. I. i6oTnaeecki, Adam 27 Usmanakiy, L. 1. 177Treahchev, G. G. 217 Usokina, G. i. 310Tretyakova, L. 1. 108 Utevaky, A. MA. 136Trof imenko, D) 3.S 99 Uthirn, L. 0. 1 147Trofimov, K. 101Troitskaya, S. A. 135 - V -Troitskiy, A. 195Troitakiy, V. L. 172 vacek, J. 198Trostyanskaya, E. B. 82 Vagner, J. 23Trouve, S. 103 Vainshtein, A. Z. 77Trubnikov, B. A. 205 Vainabtein, B. X. 208Vrufanov, V. G. 2 Vakhraneyeva, 1. A. 167Tsanev, R. G. 1414 Valitov, R. A. 101, 216Ts'ao, Chia-hsin 59 Valyev, K. A. 192Ts'ao, Pao-mlng 55 Vn hya5

TsrakiL.S.P-8Van Bekkum, D2. W. 185Tseh~ermak-Seysenegg, A. 185 Van der Mandele, K. P. 25Tseng, Ch'ing-min 1+2 Van Elsen, J. 61+Tajen, Chi-Tsiang 222 Vaniscotte, C. 91Tsilosani, Z. N. 123 Van Rijssel, Th. G. 182Tsubomura, Tiroshi 95 Vantroys, M4. 128Taukernik, L. V. 100 Vargaftik, N. B. 219Tukachinskiy, S. E. 73 VatnaA .209Tulebayev, T. 165 Vasilt ev, V. P. 7

TuebyvT.6Vasilivskiy, N. N. 176Tuletrup, N. P. 38 Vasil'yev, A. A. isTumanov, V. S. 214+ Vavilov, V. 11+Tumanova, Z. M. 79 Vazhnov, A. 1. 100Tuxmanyan, M. A. 172 Vdovenko, V. 14M. 86T'ung, Ti-chou 128 Voi,.V.7Turbin, N. V. 176 Vdovinv, V. V.13Turpayeva, E. P. 153 Verchenko, V. P. 105Tuachak, R. 104 ~ Vereiskaya, V. N. 142, 162Tushikova, V. 1. 119 ekB.121Tverskoy, G. B. 167 Verkno, B. N. 211Tyikin M. A. 194- Vershinin, P. V. 71+Tyuryeiov a1+7oI P 2Tzu, Yuan 47eloI.P

-24+8 -

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Viansson-Ponte, Pierre 63 -W -Victor, S. 221Vidinski, Radenko 21 Wagner, A. 224vi1, J. 185 ,h,, t,-, 0. A. 38Vinnikov, Ya. A. i40, 162 Wang, Cheih-hisng 53

163 Wang, Hsin-yuanVinogradov, N. A. 134 Wang, Kuang-wei 55Vinogradova, M. A. 9 Wang, Mao-pal 51Vinogradova, M. S. 164 Wang, Shu-wen 52Vishnyakov, D. Ya. 83 Wang, Tao-chuan 47Vladimirova, 0. B. 137 Wang, Tzu-sung 51Vladimirova, M. G. 142 Wang, Yu-ming 56Vladziyevskiy, A. 5 Waschsmann, F. 223Vlasov, Aleksandr 18 Watanabe, Hisao 95Vlasov, V. I. 9 Weber, G. 112Vies, Fred 75 Wei, Chung-fang 46Vlodavets, V. V. 178 Weill, R. 110Vogel, A. 190 Weiss, L. 199Voitkevich, A. A. 139, 147 Werle, E. 93Voitkevich, A. V. 150 Werthemann, A. 186Voitkevich, G. V. 127 Wessel, W. 190Vol, V. A. 102 Wesslau, Hermann, 95Vol'fkovich, S. I. 79 Westphal, Kurt 189Voluyskaya, Ye. N. 83 Westphal, 0. 183Von Diringshofen, Weygand, F. 93

Heins 183 Wiberg, M. 201Von Ende, H. 197 Wicke, E. 92Von Kamienski, Wiczkowski, Konstnty 26

Elard Stein 189 Will, Heinrich 93Vorob'ev, K. A. 142 Willard, J. J. 183Vorob'eva, L. I. 154 Willems, J. 199Vorob'eva, V. I. 146 Winter, H. 93Vorob'yev, A. V. 132 Wlazlo, Zygmunt 28Vorob'yev, V. G. 192 Wrba, H. 189Voronin, V. V. 136 Wrzodek, G. 2.91Voronova, N. V. 125 Wu, Chih-ch'iang 44Vorovich, I. I. 211 Wu' Ch'ing-chleng 4Voskresenskiy, A. D. 174, 179 Wu, Shan 52Voznesenskly, S. A. 86 Wusatowskl, Z.Vukalovich, M. P. 218

Vyatsky, A. Ya. 206 - y -V'yuntsov, G. M. 2

Yakimv, M. A. 87Yakobson, M. 5Yakovlev, V.O0. 105

Yakovleva, A. V. 124Yakubov, M.K. 80Yakushin, V.1I. 194

- 249 -

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Yaminskaya, S. Ya. 123 Zapol'skly, G. N. 70Yang, Cbien-pai 45 Zaporotheta, A. V. 177Yang, Ta-yen 52 Zaporozhtaeva, A. S. 118[ T msrnqt, Be A. m3 Zmntskly, 1. 1.69Yan tuhin, B. 1. 107 Zasosov, B. 132Yarosahvskiy, H. 0. 177 Zasukhin, D2. N. 164Yarovi, S. T. 100 Zavarsins, N. V. 163Yarov-Yarovoy, M4. S. 227 Zawadzk±, Wi. 31Yarteeva, M. V. 119 Zeitletok, N. A. 138Yasnikoy, A. A. 71. Zelenoy, K. K. 121Yataenko, R. D2. 79 Zelentsov, V. A. 50Yegorov, B. V. 2 Zelepukksa, S. 1. 157Yeidus, L. Th. 140 Zelikmn, A. N. 195Yekkxwaz, Azad 40 ZeiSkian, E. A. 137Yelpat'yevskaya, G. N. 175 Zel'nanov, A. L. 214Yeinlin,' N. 16 Zernay, S. A. 2Yemel'yanova, 0. S. 175 Zeyen, K. L. illYen, Chin 56 Zeyuer, V. V. 117YoUf, N. A. 139, 1i40 Zhebenka, R. P. 10Yu, Cbaa-li 55 Zhedenov, V. Nf. 150, 159Yu, Jen 52 Zhegalov, 1. 10Yuan, Jen-yuan 49 Zhemkova, Z. P. 160Yudanov, 1. G. 1141 Zhenevskaya, Rt. P. 153Yudin, H. 1. 219 Zhigach, K. 7. 79Yudovich, V. 1. 211 Zhigulev, V. N. 213, 215Yu~jiro, Hayashi 4.9 Zhorov, I. S. 169Yurovsky, A. Z. 114. Zhudina, A. 1. 137Yuzefovich, A. A. 220 Zhukhovitskiy, E. M. 209

Zhukov-Verezhnikov,- z - N. ff. 176

Zhuravlev, A. 1. 172Zabiak, 7. 26 Zhuraviev, Yu. 1. 206Zachar, L. 225 Zhuraryev, S. 1. 75Zagarskaya, N. 1- 123 Zieminaki, Viktor 35Zagorets, P. A. 85 ZI1'ber, L.. A. 72, 171Zaidel', R. 14. 207 Vilova, T. K. 215Zaitseva, Z. M. 1514 Zinchenko, V. I. 106Zakbarov, M. K. 165 -Zinder, L. R. 19Zakharova, N. A. 14.4 Zingermn, Ya. p. 96Zakirov, S.* Z. 1147 Zolotukhin, A. A. 125YAks, H. 0. 146 Zatin, A. 1. 157, 158Zakutin~skiyv, D. 1. 134 J*Oakov# V. A. 121Zalkind, S. Ya. 141 Zudrw. JM0 0

Zlnon, L. A. 107 Zuidrabsyi, j A. G 181zalogin, B. S. 125 ZvoyinVPZamakhovskaya, E. M. 168 Zygntiev; D2. G. ZZatbriborshch, F. 3. 159 Zvyagintsev, 0. E. 90

Zaonegi, V. 10 z inteva. .MZaonegin,26 V., 10 EhAIV. 14. 143


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(Received during 8eptember)

A.-tron Zhur, Vol XXXV, No 5, 1958. AP, Vol II, No 5

Astron Zhur, Vol XXXV, No 6, 1958. AIP, Vol II, No 6

Atom Energ, Vol V, No 2, 3, 1958. CB

Biokhils.n , Vol XXIV, No 1, 1959. CB

Bvul Ejkser Biol i Med, Vol XLVII, No 2, 1959. CB

Farmakol i Toksikol, Vol XXI, No 6, 1958. CB

Fiz Rastenjy, Vol VI, No 1, 1959. AIBS

agelog Neft, Vol II, No 8-A, B, 1958. Rev of Russian Geol

Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz, Vol XXII, No 7, 8,1958. Columbia Tech

Iz Ak Nauk SSR. Ser Geofiz, No 2-4, 1958. AGU

Metal i Termicheskaya Obra Metalov, No 1, 1959. RB

Mikrobiol~o, Vol XXVIII, No 1, Jan/Feb 1959. AIBS

Priborostroyeniye, No 1, 1959. Taylor & Francis, Ltd

Problemy Gematologiy i Perel Krovi, Vol III,No 1-6, 1956. PP

Radiotekh, Vol XIII, No 1-6, 1958. PP

Radiotekh i Elektron, Vol III, No 1-5, 8, 9,

195b. PP

Sovet Pe•dagog No 6, 1959. Interutl Arts andIqci PressVol I, No 10

- 251 -

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ft~al, No 1, 1959. E ISI

TwndX Inst Oawaol AIL MMUIL WAQJ Siol 1Mozevbl xx.. 19157. c

Vest Voz Flota, No 1, 1959 ATIC

Voprosy Ekonlomiki, No 3, 1959. Itteratl Arta &ndSci PressVol II, No 3

Voproav Rk-Qonmik No t4, 1959. Interntl Arta andSci PregsVol ii, No 24

Zbur Ehsper i Teoret Piz, Vol XOOCVI (9), AIPNo 2, 1959. Soy Phys -JE'1

Zhur Mikrobiol. * idemiol i Immunobiol,

Vol XXIX, No 12, 1958. pp

Zhur Obshch KhiLm, Vol XXVIII, no 6, 7, 1958. CB

Zhur Prik Xbim. Vol XXXI, No 9, 1958. CB

Zhur Tekh Fiz Vol XXIX, No 2, 1959. AIP

Soy phys-Tech PhysVol IV, No 2


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Ccntia[ Inteiif gence .A'cnci

7 September 2004

Ms. Roberta SchoenDeputy Director for OperationsDefense Technical Information Center7725 John J. Kingman RoadSuite 0944Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060

Dear Ms. Schoen:

In February of this year, DTIC provided the CIA Declassification Center with a referrallist of CIA documents held in the DTIC library. This referral was a follow on to the list ofNational Intelligence Surveys provided earlier in the year.

We have completed a declassification review of the "Non-NIS" referral list and includethe results of that review as Enclosure 1. Of the 220 documents identified in our declassificationdatabase, only three are classified. These three are in the Release in Part category and may bereleased to the public once specified portions of the documents are removed. Sanitizationinstructions for these documents are included with Enclosure 1.

In addition to the documents addressed in Enclosure 1, 14 other documents were unableto be identified. DTIC then provided the CDC with hard copies of these documents in April 2004for declassification review. The results of this review are provided as Enclosure 2.

We at CIA greatly appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Should you have anyquestions concerning this letter and for coordination of any further developments, please contactDonald Black of this office at (703) 613-1415.


Sergio N. AlcivarChief, CIA Declassification Center,Declassification Review and ReferralBranch

Enclosures:1. Declassification Review of CIA Documents at DTIC (with sanitization

instructions for 3 documents)2. Declassification Status of CIA Documents (hard copy) Referred by DTIC (with

review processing sheets for each document)


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