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The summit started with a big response, bringing 4,00,000 people in the streets of New York and

thousands others across the globe, marching at the climate walk. It was a high profile event, bringing

together US Secretary of State, UN Secretary General, 100 heads of states and governments, Hollywood

celebrities and over 800 business, finance and civil society leaders.

As a sign of growing support for climate action, US Secretary of State John Kerry, UN Secretary-General

Ban Ki-Moon, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim, and

Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC Christiana Figueres laid emphasis through their speeches in the

opening day of the summit. They shared their visions of vibrant and low carbon economy keeping the

focus of the summit on putting a price tag on carbon.

The summit saw some impressive announcements and new coalitions. The leaders committed to limiting

global temperature rise to less than 2 degrees Celsius and also agreed on a global climate deal in Paris.

The summit witnessed emergence of public pressure, acceptance of science and technology and a vision

to embrace a clean revolution.

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Who Said What!

“Today we see real momentum. Governments representing almost half of the world’s

population and 52% of global GDP have thrown their weight behind a price on carbon as a

necessary, if insufficient, solution to climate change and a step on the path to low carbon

growth.” - Jim Yong Kim, President of the World Bank Group

“Climate disruption is a reality. We need to face it and act now. I will spare no effort to help

deliver an ambitious and universal agreement in Paris in 2015, to put us on the right tracks. I

call on the private sector, national and local governments and all stakeholders to join us in

this crucial effort. Together, we can make the low carbon economy a reality.” - Laurent

Fabius, French Foreign Minister

The launch of the Climate-Smart Agriculture Alliance at Climate 2014 Summit is an important

step in the right direction.

– Kofi Annan, Former UN Secretary General

We are the first generation to feel the impact of climate change, and the last generation that

can do something about it.

– Barack Obama, President USA

"US is prepared to take lead to bring other nations to the table”

– John Kerry, Secretary of State USA

“I’m honored to be here today, I stand before you not as an expert but as a concerned

citizen, one of the 400,000 people who marched in the streets of New York on Sunday, and

the billions of others around the world who want to solve our climate crisis.” – Leonardo Di

Caprio, UN Messenger of Peace

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The key outcomes…

1. 73 national governments, 11 regional governments and more than 1,000 businesses and

investors showed support for pricing carbon. Together, these leaders represented 52% of global

GDP, 54% of global greenhouse gas emissions and almost half of the world’s population.

2. EU countries pledged to reduce emissions to 40% below 1990 levels by 2030.

3. A large-scale commitment to double the rate of global energy efficiency by 2030 by improving

vehicle fuel efficiency, lighting, appliances, buildings and district energy was launched.

4. The insurance industry promised to double low carbon investments to US$84 billion by the end

of 2015.

5. A new coalition of leaders will mobilize over US$200 billion for financing low carbon and

climate-resilient development.

6. 1,000 businesses and investors signaled their support for pricing carbon in a declaration

published by the World Bank.

7. A coalition of institutional investors committed to de-carbonizing US$100 billion by December

2015 and to measure and disclose the carbon footprint of at least US$500 billion in investments.

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8. 10 multinationals committed to becoming 100% renewable power, as a part of a new campaign

initiated by The Climate Group that intends on helping companies become completely


9. A new Global Mayors Compact, representing over 2,000 cities pledged new commitments on

climate action supported by new funding from public and private sources.

10. A new Compact of States and Regions, co-convened by The Climate Group, committed to

provide an annual account of the climate commitments made by state and regional

governments around the world and report their progress.

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By Rahul Choudhury

Media Team - Fiinovation

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