
J U N E 2014 - I SS U E 197

G l a s s h o u s e M o u n t a i n s

U l yssi a n N e w sl e t t e r o f t h e U l ysses C l u b I n c . G l ass h o use M o u n t a i ns B r a n c h P O B o x 380

M o r a y f i e l d Q L D 4506 g l ass h o use m o u n t a i ns. u l yssesc l u b .o r g


2. Committee 3. President  Report 4 Secretary  Report   5. Brithdays Info:  Bike  Laws  Survey 6. Treasurers  Report 7. Valley  Rally  flyer  2014 8. Cartwheel  Ride  flyer  2014 9 Silky  Oak  Tea  Gardens  Ride 10/11 Alice  Springs  AGM  Report 12/13 Sturgis  2013  Cont 14 Glasshousefieds 15 Advertisements/  BT  Answers 16 Ride  Calendar  &  Sponsor QR  Barcode


1. What occurs once every minute, twice every moment, but never in a thousand years?

2. If there are 2 apples and you take 2 away, how many do you have?

3. Someone who makes it, has no need for it. Someone who buys it, has no use for it. Someone who uses it, can neither see nor feel it. What is it?


P r es i d e n t

Terry ’Dartss’ Sheppard M o b i l e: 0418 711 249 t j . d a r tss@g m a i l .co m

W e b A d m i n is t r a t o r & H is t o r i a n

Averil ‘Slogga’ Hingley DM M o b i l e: 0419 787 302

a v e r i l g r o p e r@o p t usn e t .co m . a u

T r e asu r e r

Don ‘The Don’ Gregory M o b i l e: 0427 326 944 d o n g r eg@o p t us n e t .co m . a u

R a f f l e C oo r d i n a t o r

Lyndell ‘Storm’ Ward M o b i l e: 0439 106 954 t r i k e r c h i c k 57@h o t m a i l .co m

R eg a l i a O f f i c e r Rosemary ’Rosy’ Jarvis M o b i l e: 0433 316 410 r osy .58@h o t m a i l .co m

W e l f a r e O f f i c e r

Hilary ‘Hilly’ Carrozza M o b i l e: 0407 887 670 h i l a r y .c a r r o z z a@g m a i l .co m

A ss is t a n t R i d e C o-o r d i n a t o r

Don ‘Hacker’ Hadley M o b i l e: 0404 575 158 h a c k e r13d o n@h o t m a i l .co m

A ss is t a n t R a f f l e C h i c Myra ’Toots’ E c k a r t M o b i l e: 0434 988 673 k e r r y ec k a r t@b i g p o n d .co m

B r a n c h W e lco m i n g O f f i c e r

Annette ‘Lucky’ Lock M o b i l e: 0401 828 712 o d r u n k n 1. a l@g m a i l .co m

Soc i a l C oo r d i n a t o r

T i e n a ' K e r m i t ' O ' H a n lo n M o b i l e: 0402 507 600 t i e n a o h a n lo n@h o t m a i l .co m

Sec r e t a r y

Christine ‘MissBehavin’ Sheppard M o b i l e: 0416 937 960 m y cof f e ec u p is r e d@g m a i l .co m

N e w sl e t t e r E d i t o r R o b y n M i l l e r M o b i l e: 0422 566 853 g h m n e w sl e t t e r@g m a i l .co m

Disclaimer:   Newsletters  are   produced  monthly.  Opinions  expressed  by   contributors   do  not  necessarily  reflect  those  of  the  Ulysses  Club  Inc  Glasshouse  Mountains  Branch.    The  Editor  and  the  Ulysses   Club   Inc.   Glasshouse   Mountains   Committee   accepts   no   responsibility   for   any   article   or  advertisement  in  this  publication  and  have  the  right  to  refuse  any  piece  for  publication  if  he/she  feels  that  it  will  breach  any  advertising  laws  or  offend  any  person/persons.  It  is  assumed  that  any  photos  submitted  for  the  Newsletter  have  the  permission  of  the  subjects.

Glasshouse Mountains Branch Committee 2014 V i ce P r es i d e n t

Lyndell ‘Storm’ Ward M o b i l e: 0439 106 954 t r i k e r c h i c k 57@h o t m a i l .co m

Exofficio Committee 2014 R i d e C o-o r d i n a t o r

Bill ‘Nuts’ Westaway

M o b i l e: 0416 042 520


Presidents Report – June 2014

Well,  this  year’s  AGM  is  over  and  there  has  been  a  changing  of  the  guard  for  the  National  Committee.  There  were  some  hard  luck  stories,  like  Kermit  and  Lucky  breaking  down  on  the  way  and  there  were  lots  of  stories  and  facebook  posts  telling  of  what  a  great  time  they  were  having  and  while  most  of  the  attendees  are  home  now  there  are  some  like  Shamrock  who  are  still  tripping  around  on  their  way  home.  For  all  the  members  still  on  the  road  to  wherever  they’re  going  we  hope  they  continue  to  have  a  good  time  and  stay  safe  until  we  see  them  again. Don’t  forget  the  all  S.E.Q  branches  combined  “Cartwheel”  poker  run  is  on  this  month  on  the  21st  –  22nd  and  a  top  weekender  has  been  planned  so  put  it  on  your  calendar  to  not  forget. The  Valley  Rally  planning  is  going  strong  thanks  to  Averil’s  dedication  to  the  task  and  it  is  getting  close  to  the  time  when  you’ll  be  called  on  to  help  out  on  the  day  so  our  guests  are  ensured  of  having  a  great  time,  so  have  a  think  about  how  you’d  like  to  help  and  talk  to  Averil  about  what  jobs  are  still  available. Ps.  Bloody  Blues  L Disgracefully  yours, Terry  Sheppard  (Dartss  #53697)

E d i t o rs R e p o r t :

HI All Well! half way through the year already and its winter again. Thank You to Cliff for his write up of the Silky Oak Tea Gardens ride, always a pleasure going there. Thank You to Averil for her AGM write up. I was hoping someone would send me something from the AGM.

So sit back, relax and have a read…...Enjoy!! Closing date for submissions for July newsletter: Wed 25th June

N O T E : C los i n g d a t e fo r a l l su b m iss i o ns t o t h e n e w sl e t t e r is t h e 4t h We d n esd a y of e a c h m o n t h . Any material received after this date will be printed in the following month’s Newsletter u n l ess i t is u r ge n t a n d r e q u i r es t o b e i n t h e co m i n g issu e .

�Storm hosting her 1st

meeting on her own, due to

Dartts going on a holiday.

“Well done Storm”!!

Î Averil receiving her

15 yr badge

“Congratulations Averil”



Ulysses  Glasshouse  Mountains  Branch                   Secretary  Report  June  2014


If  you  missed  the  last  meeting  here  is  where  you  can  catch  up  and  read  your  Secretary’s  report  to  find  out  what  has  been  happening  at  your  Branch.   Last  Members  Meeting  was  held  on  the  7th  May  2014

Another  AGM  over  and  a  change  of  the  guard  with  Helena  taking  most  of  the  votes  to  become  our  Natcom  President.    Congratulations  to  Helena  I  am  sure  she  will  get  straight  down  to  Business.  Its  

great  to  see  all  that  attended  getting  back  home  safety.  I  trust  all  had  a  great  experience.  

Cartwheel  Ride,  this  is  not  too  far  away  and  we  have  now  have  Badges  and  Patches  Available  to  seel.    They  are  $5.00  each.    If  you  are  interested  in  purchasing  one  please  come  and  see  myself.    Remember  proceeds  go  to  our  Memorial  Garden  which  just  to  remind  everyone  is  a  Celebration  of  

10  years  this  year,  so  it  will  be  great  to  have  everyone  involved.   Correspondence  in:     Post:

Bank  Statements Phone  Calls:   -                Received  a  Phone  call  from  Robyn  Musgrove  Marketer  from  Club  Beachmere again  asking  if  we  were  interested  in  holding  a  social  event.    I  passed  Tina's  details  on  to  her   and  they  have  spoken  re:  Christmas  Party.  

Emails: x� Email  from  Foggy  Secretary  -  Lockyer  Branch.  in  regards  to  Lockyer  Poker  run.  Flyer  forwarded  

to  Bill  (Nuts)  and  Don  Hacker   x� Email  from  Foggy  Secretary  -  Lockyer  Branch.  in  regards  to  their  ride  for  Wheels  for  Winter  

Blanket  Run.    Email  forwarded  to  Bill  (Nuts)  and  Don  Hacker. x� Financials  from  Don  GHM  Treasurer  for  filing x� Minutes  From  Averil  Members  meeting  7th  May   x� Thankyou  email  from  Lance  Haslewood.  #6866.    He  wanted  to  thank  all  GHM  Ulysses  for  

attended  the  Woodford  Anzac  Day  Parade.   x� Email  from  Lyn  Sunshine  Coast  Branch  in  regards  to  their  Christmas  in  July,  flyer  forward  to  Bill  

(Nuts)  and  Don  Hacker   x� Email  From  Tim  and  Maggie  Murray  New  members  moved  to  the  area  after  Information  on  

when  we  meet  and  ride  events.   x� Email  received  from  a  Member  Vanessa  Ilott  in  regards  to  Members  helping  out  at  the  Abbey  

Medieval  Festival  2014 x� Many  emails  in  regards  to  Valley  Rally  organisation  from  Averil   Correspondence  out:   x� Email  sent  to  Tim  and  Maggie  Murray  Explaining  when  we  meet  and  where  and  when  we  go  on  

rides.    Sent  them  the  GHM  website  and  Valley  Rally  details.   x� Email  sent  to  Vanessa  to  inform  her  I  shall  bring  her  email  to  the  Committees  attention  for  

consideration   Disgracefully  yours  

MissBehavin  (Christine  Sheppard) #53774  


Don’t  forget  to  get  your  Birthday  Voucher  from  ‘MissBehavin’  when  your  name  is  announced  on  the  night  

7th Michelle  ‘Spyder’  Barnes

11th Barry  ‘XT’  Christiansen

 15th  Daphne  ‘Daphenator’  Graham

       20th    Peter  ‘Ike’  Eichmann

             22nd  Brian  ‘Tow-Bar’  McKeown


Finally a state government (Queensland) is asking motorcyclist for input regarding laws that affect them.

Please type (or copy & paste) the link below to complete the survey.

N.S.W. will see lane filtering legalised on the 1st July, 2014, and the VACC in calling on the Victorian state government to follow suit.

Hopefully Queensland will also follow suit as well.

Being able to buy and wear imported helmets that have the DOT & Snell (USA), ECE (Europe), and SG & JIS (Japan) ratings is also being looked at.

There is no notice advising when the survey will finish, so best to get the survey completed ASAP.

Australian  motorcycle  riders  rights No  doubt  in  an  effort  to  get  riders  on-side,  the  Queensland  Government  are  seriously  considering  legalising  filtering,  allowing  riders  to  buy  international  helmets  and  stretch  a  leg  while  riding!

Please  make  sure  you  have  your  say  and  answer  this  quick  survey.

It  is  important  you  all  fill  it  in  to  get  some  much  needed  changes  to  rules  impacting  on  motorcyclists.


                                   Ulysses  Club  Inc  –  Glasshouse  Mountains  Branch                                      Income  and  Payments  Summary  for    –    May    2014

Branch  Funds  as  at  30th  April  2014  (Bank)                                                             $6,661.09 Plus  Income  for  May  2014  :-            $728.08  Inc    (GST  $65.95)                          =                  $7,389.17                                                               GST  received                            65.95   Raffles                                380.97          (Excludes  GST)         Regalia                              231.36                     “ “ Functions                      0.00     “ “ Membership                                0.00                    “ “ Donations                                              0.00                            “ “ Bank  Interest                2.53   “ “ Advertising                              47.27   “ “ Sundry                  0.00 “                “   Events    (VR  RegaliaSales)                          0.00                    “ “ ATO                          0.00

Less  Expenses  for  May  2014  :-    -(($1,105.75)  Inc  (GST  $24.35))            =                $6,283.42                                                                                                                          GST  paid  out            24.35   Raffles                        720.00        (Excludes  GST) Regalia                        176.36 “ “ Function                                0.00 “ “ Membership                                      0.00                            “     “ Donations  (RFS)                                0.00           “ “ Newsletters                  64.36     “ “ Stationery                              2.68                            “ “ Bank  Fees                                              5.00 “ “ Sundry                                      0.00 “ “ Events                  0.00                            “ “ ATO  (Quarterly  BAS-GST)              113.00                  

Net  Branch  funds  as  at  31st  May  2014  (Bank)  :-                                                                    =            $6,283.42 Made  up  of  :-  Everyday  Account    -                                                        =                  $224.82                                          Sub  Account  (Interest  Bearing)                                                  =            $6,058.60                      

Other  funds  to  be  added  that  are  not  included  in  above  totals  :-   Cash  Float  -  held  by  Regalia  Officer  as  at  010514    =                      $60.00 Total  Branch  funds  as  at  31st  May  2014  :-                                                                                        =          $6,343.42+     VR  Shirts  Sales  &  Other  Regalia  Sales  proceeds                  =                    $???.??                                      held  by  Regalia  Officer

Accounts  to  Pay   1. Expenses  incurred  by  -  Committee  &  Members  not  yet  submitted  -  -($  ??.??)

Income  Expected 1. Nil

I  believe  this  to  be  a  statement  detailing  the  true  financial  situation  for     The  Glasshouse  Mountains  Branch  of  The  Ulysses  Club  Inc,  as  at  31st  May  2014. Don  Gregory  (#  47659)    Glasshouse  Mountains  Branch  Treasurer  -  Date:-  310514




S u n d a y 25 M a y 2014

S i l k y O a k T e a G a r d e ns Protagonists:

Diesel & Robyn, Judge & Jury, Bret & Dorrie June & Pete, Ike & Kat, Gary, Hacker, Lucky, Nuts

10 Bikes 1Trike

Ride Leader to Pomona: The Judge

From Pomona to Kia Ora: Diesel

We all met at BP North Morayfield. Having a chat with Redcliffe, who were leaving on their ride @ 8.30 am.

The Judge gave the ride briefing and we headed off, spot on 9am, north on the Bruce Highway turning down Steve Erwin way turning left at the traffic light and around and into Beerwah then following Old Landsborough Rd to Landsborough onto Tunnel Ridge Rd for some nice corners onto Eudlo turning right into Ilkley Rd through to Forest Glen then north up the Bruce Highway and at this point in time I put the bike in cruise control never touch the throttle till we were climbing the hill towards the turn off to Cooroy. I was about third rider back from the ride leader and decided that I would leave the ride and go through Cooroy and across Forest Drive, I turned of and happen to look behind me and to my surprise the rest of the riders were behind me, continued onto Pomona where we caught up with the Judge and Gary and we stopped for a break.

We were on our bikes and on the road 11.15 as was discussed I was the ride leader from Pomona to the Silky Oak Tea Gardens. We headed out to Kin Kin were we turned left past the Kin Kin Hotel, traveling for some

time then turning right into Neusvale Rd, for the first K it is dirt but not real bad, following that till the end turning left onto Pomona Kin Kin Rd, some wonderful sweeping corners on this stretch of road, then turning right into Gympie Tin Can Bay Rd, stopping at the Matilda Garage for some to fuel up then on to the Silky Oak. We were made very welcome once again and food was great and some pleasant entertainment, after some discussion we decided that we would call it a day as we all wanted to return different ways, myself and Robyn came home the way we went and The Judge, Jury and Gary going to Kin Kin through another road, Ike & Kate, June & Pete electing to head back down the Bruce. Bret and Dorrie heading out through Kenilworth Robyn and myself had a good ride home. Hacker rode with Nuts and Lucky, got as far as the BP Forest Glen where the bike stopped and refused to go any further and was put on the back of an R A C Q truck for the rest of the journey. Needless to say Hacker is not a happy camper, all in all a great ride great company great food what more could one ask for.

Disgracefully yours Diesel #55776

The  latest  must  have  accessory  for  Winter  riding


2014  UlyssesClub  Inc.  AGM  at  Alice  Springs                                        

Not  having  a  Bike  anymore  wasn’t   going   to   stop   us   from  a ending  the  2014  AGM  at  Alice  Springs  so  we  booked  a  flight  on  the   Red   Kangaroo   and   flew   in.  We   also   had   not   been   to   this  area   of   Australia   before. Next   morning   early   we  caught  a  coach  for  a  3  day  tour  of  Uluru,   Kata   Tjuta   and   Kings  Canyon.   The   weather   was  overcast   all   day   but   that   didn’t  stop  us  from  taking  in  the  beauty  of   the   area.   First   stop   was   at   a  Camel  Farm  where  Groper  had  a  ride  on  a  Camel  (now  he  can  take  that   off   his   bucket   list).   Then  further  down  the  road  the  coach  stopped   to   take   photos   of   Mt.  Conner   in   the   distance,   Mt.  Conner   from   the   road   is  some mes   mistaken   for   Uluru  un l   one   gets   closer   to   it.  While  we  were  stopped  there  with  Mt.  Conner   on   the   le   there   was   a  sandhill   on   the   right  which   a er  climbing  it  (Not  very  big)  over  the  other  side  was  a  huge  Salt  Lake.While  there,  Groper  had  his  usual  sigh ngs   of   small   lizards   and  plant   life,   but   during   this   his  glasses   which   were   supposed   to  be   tucked   securely   in   his   shirt  pocket   slipped  out   into   the   sand  unbeknown   to   him.   A er   the  coach   was   back   on   the   road  again   he   no ced   ‘No  Glasses.’   (On   the   return   trip   the  next   day   we   stopped   there   but  Groper   couldn’t   find   his   glasses)   Anyway   back   to   the   trip,  a er   lunch   at   the   Ayres   Rock  Resort  we  travelled  to  Kata  Tjuta  walked   into   Walpa   Gorge.   That  a ernoon   we   went   to   see   the  sunset  over  Uluru  while  enjoying  Champagne   &   nibbles,   but   with  the   low   cloud   it   was   looking   in  doubt.  2  minutes  before   the   sun  

set   there   was   a   break   in   the  clouds   and   the   Rock   turned   a  Bright   (and   I   mean   Bright)  Orange.   From   a   blue   purple  green   colour   to   bright   Orange.  Amazing.     Made   the   trip  worthwhile.   Next   morning   we   were   up  early  to  see  the  sun  rise  over  the  Rock   but   again   cloud,   the   sun  finally   came   out   but   nothing  spectacular.   From   there   we  drove   around   Uluru   and   walked  into   the   beau ful   Mu julu  Waterhole   &   viewed   Aboriginal  rock   pain ngs.   A er   lunch   we  headed   for   Kings   Canyon   and  stayed   overnight.   Next   morning  rising   early   again,   we   had   the  choice  of  walking   the  Rim  or   the  walk   into   the  canyon  floor.  A er  seeing  the  stairs  to  climb  up  onto  the   rim   we   decided   to   explore  the   canyon   floor.   Later   that   day  we   drove   back   to   Alice   Springs.   Monday  morning  Groper  &  I   hired   a   car   for   the   week   and  finally  got  to  the  AGM  where  we  had   booked   a   tent   in   Tent   City.  Each   day   we   found   something  different   to   do,   like   driving   to  more  gorges  on  either  side  of  the  Alice   or   visi ng   a rac ons   in  Alice.   Certainly   plenty   do   and  visit  at  the  2014  AGM.   The  usual  Shower  problems  happened   again   and   Groper  decided   to   let   Headquarters  know   ‘Mens   &   ladies   showers  side   by   side   in   one   block,   the  ladies  were  hot  but   as  usual   the  men’s   cold.’     In   doing   this   the  lady  asked  him  if  he  could  put  his  compliant   in   wri ng?   He   reply  was,   ‘If   I  hadn’t   lost  my  glasses   I  would’.   Conversa on   con nued  as   to   the   how   &   whys   then   the  lady   said   we   have   some   Glasses  handed   into   lost   property   and  sure   enough   the   very   first   pair  she  handed  Groper  was  his.  Back  out   there   a   Ulyssian   must   have  

picked   up   his   Glasses   out   of   the  sand   and   decided   to   hand   them  into   the   Lost   property   at   the  AGM.   When   you   think   of   it,   it  was  a  one   in  a  million  chance  of  them   returning   to   Groper.     He’s  grateful  (&  me  also)  The  Ulyssian  didn’t   leave   his   name   so   Groper  couldn’t  thank  him/her. The   traders   this   year   were  down,  Harley  Davidson  being  the  only   motorcycle   company   (and  for   the   first   me)   a ending   the  event   to   give   rides   to   interested  members.   Disappoin ng   but   I  guess   expected   considering   the  distance   involved   to   get   there  &  the  cost. There  were  2600  registered  members  at  this  AGM  and  on  the  Saturday   Parade   probably  around   2000   bikes  were   there.   I  stood   on   the   side   line   and   tried  coun ng  but  gave  up.  We   joined  in   at   the   end   of   the   parade   and  followed   the   bikes   up   through  the   streets   and   Todd   Mall   onto  the   Conven on   Centre.   I   think  most  of  Alice  Springs  were  there  waving  the  bikes  on.  It  was  great  to  see. Later   in   the   a ernoon   the  Annual   General   Mee ng   was  held.   The   AGM   is   usually  a ended   by   what   Natcom   call  ‘the   faithful   500’   the   most   prior  to  this  was  803  in  Mt  Gambier  in  2001.   This   year   706   members  a ended.   I   was   not   surprised  with   the   problems   within   the  club   earlier   this   year,   members  were  genuine  in  wan ng  change.  And   change   they   did,   we   now  have  a  female  President  (the  first  for   the   club)   Helena   Gri on  


(Adelaide   Branch)   was  overwhelming  voted  in  with  over  500   votes.   Jenny   Woods  (Canberra  Branch)  is  s ll  the  Vice  President.   With   John   Evans  standing  down  at  the  last  minute  that   introduced   Noel   Wiltshire  (Bendigo   Branch)   new   to   the  commi ee   as   Secretary.   Mike  Abberfield   (Newcastle   Branch)  held   onto   Treasurer   with   Ian  Hobson   standing   down   from  Commi ee   which   le   only   2  commi ee   members   so   names  were  called   from  the  floor  and  a  vote   taken   for   the   third                                                                                                  commi ee       posi on   6   names  

were   in   the   ballot   2   came   from  Queensland  but  Paul  Baulch  from  Victoria   won   to   posi on   to   be  beside  Henry  Rokx  (Yarra  Ranges  Branch)   &   Rob   White   (Fraser  Coast   Branch).     An   interes ng  me   ahead   for   Helena   &  

commi ee   this   year.   We  congratulate   all.     A er   a   busy  week   we   le   Alice   Springs   on  Monday   a ernoon   and   arrived  home   late   that   night.     Tired   but  glad  to  have  been  there.                                               From  my   count  we   had   16  Glasshouse  members   a end   this  year.                                                                                                        

Bring  on  Wodonga  AGM.   Which   reminds   me   the  Wodonga   Branch   are   le ng   all  who   intend   going   next   year   and  want   to   book   outside  accommoda on  to  book  NOW  as  there   is  a  Big  Annual  Horse  Race  on   the   same   week.   Also   The  AGM  has  received  the  backing  of  only   the   Wodonga   Council,   the  Albury  Council  pulled  out  so   it   is  called   the   ‘WODONGA   AGM’  Dates   are   March   23rd   to   29th  2015  

Cheers  Averil  DM#24

Alice Springs AGM helps towards sponsoring a horse for the Alice Springs Disable Riding School.

The Alice Springs AGM Committee took on sponsoring a horse for the Alice Springs Riding School for the Disabled.

The horse is named ‘Ulysses’ is an 8yr old Quarter horse Bay Gelding 14.1hh with a heart of gold. Ulysses is well handled, very quiet, calm and very trainable for any rider.

The Central Desert Branch also is assisting in the welfare of Ulysses.

A very commendable effort for the local Branch


Elite  Special  Event  Tours

Sturgis  2013 By:  Bear  (Glenn  McKay)  #  15309

Continued  from  May

Aug  10   Free  day  and  Black  Hills  Harley

This  day  there  were  no  set  tours  we  were  left  to  ourselves  to  have  a  look  around.

I  met  up  with  Rollie,  we  had  decided  to  head  out  to  Black  Hills  Harley  as  a  few  of  our  group  had  already  been,  and  told  us  it  wasn’t  to  be  missed.

Back  out   onto   the   interstate   towards  Sturgis   only   to   turn  off   about   6   miles   down   the   road   to   Black   Hills   Harley-Davidson.   This   place   had  well   and   truly   been   set   up   for  the   influx   of   bikers.   Everything   was   geared   up   for  motorcycles  entering  and  parking,   they  had  ushers  in  the  carpark  to  help  keep  some  order  allowing  more  and  more  bikes   in.   There   seemed   to   be   as   many   bikes   in   the  carpark   here   as   there   were   back   in   the   main   street   of  Sturgis.

Black  Hills  Harley   had   gone   all   out   and   set   up  with   all   their   wares  plus   there   were   as   many   aftermarket   stalls   here   as   there   were   at  Sturgis.  Bit  easier  to  get  around  here  and  if  you  needed  to  talk  to  a  rep  about  what  was  best   for  your  bike  and  how  to  fit   it   this  was  the  spot.  There  were  a  number  of  specials  happening,  just  for  this  show  and   fitting  as  well.  Made  me  wish   I   had  my  bike  with  me,  probably  best   though  as   I  would  have  been   like  a  kid   in  a  candy  store.   I  did  manage  to  grab  a  few  small  items  as  I  was  very  limited  with  luggage  space.   We   spent   most   the   morning   here   wandering   around   the  displays   to   see  what   the   latest   trends  were   that  were  happening   in  the  states,   the   trend  of  massive   front  wheels   finding   their  way  onto  the  custom  bikes  these  days  they  take  almost  all  of  the  travel  in  the  front  end.  We  also  came  across  a  massive  pickup   truck  parked  up  around   the   back,   I   don’t   think   it   would   have   much   trouble   getting  around  in  the  snow,  “the  toys  they  have  in  the  US”.

From  Black  Hills  Harley  we  headed  back  to  Rapid  City  to  check  out  some  of  the  local  businesses.  We  were  told  there  was  a  Outdoors  &  Camping  store  not  far  from  our  motel  so  we  decided  to  check  it  out.  Talk  about  sporting  goods  they  catered  for  everything   in   this  place,  all   the  clothing  you  would  need,  cooking,  sleeping,  fishing  gear  archery  and  guns  the  place  was  massive.  

From  here  we  went  up  to  Walmart,  it  is  true  you  can  buy  anything  you  want  here,  we  grabbed  a  few  items  we  had  been  running  short  of  along  the  way.      We  made  our  way  back  to  the  motel  to  get  ready  for  the  ride  out  of  Rapid  City  and  leaving  Sturgis  on  our  way  back  out  towards  Salt  Lake  City  following  the  outlaw  cowboy  trail.

Distance  travelled  approx  20  miles

Aug  11   Rapid  City  to  Buffalo A  few  fuzzy  heads  this  morning  as  we  all  lined  up  to  get  ready  to  make  tracks  again  on  our  outlaw  trail  ride.


We   left   Rapid   City   taking   the   Interstate   90   out   past  Sturgis   continuing   on   the   interstate   through   the   town   of  Sundance   until   we   came   up   to   US14   at   Exit   185.   This  was   all   highway   running   fairly   uneventful   although   we  were   overtaken   by   a   number   of   motorcycles   heading  home  after  the  rally.

We   turned  off   at  Exit   185   linking  up  with  US14  until  we  came  up   to  WY24  where  we   turned   right  on  our  way   to  Devils  Tower   (Close  Encounters  of  a  Third  Kind  movie).  The   road   to   Devils   Tower   was   again   a   nice   gentle  winding  road   leading   through  some   lush  countryside.  As  we  were  getting  closer  the  Devils  Tower  began  to  appear  on  the  horizon  it  looked  like  something  from  

a  movie  quite  different  to  the  surrounding  countryside.  We  finally  came  up  to  the  kiosk  and  viewing  area  and  from  looking  at  the  Tower  it  did  seem  to  be   out   of   place   as   instead   of   being   a   hill   or   mountain   relating   to   the  surrounds   it   seemed   to  me   to   look   like   some   artists   clay  moulding   just  plonked  in  the  middle  of  nowhere.  

We   went   into   the   kiosk   had   a   bit   of   a   look   around,   felt   like   meat   pie  weather  for  me  although  there  was  no  chance  of  grabbing  one  here.  Had  a  look  in  the  fridge  for  a  drink  and  you  wouldn’t  believe  it  there  they  were  big  as  life  “Bundaberg  Ginger  Beer”  from  Australia,  well   just  had  to  have  one  didn’t   I.  Made  myself  a  promise,  as  soon  as   I  got  back  home  I’d  go  down  to  the  local  pie  shop  and  grab  myself  a  pie  n  peas.

We  headed  off  back  along   the   route  we  came   in  on  up   to  US14  then  turned  right  to  head  towards  Moorcroft  for  our  fuel  stop.  Just  across  the  road  from  our  Gas  Station  there  was  a  police  car  parked  up  on  the  foot  path  in  full  view  from  the  main  drag.  I  guess  they  parked  it  up  there  as  a  deterrent   for  speeding  through  their   little   town,  good   idea.  While  we  were  at   the  Gas  Station  a  couple  of  Harleys     rounded   the  corner  and  went   on  by.    A   couple   of  our   group   said   they  had  met   this   couple   at  Sturgis,   turns   out   they   were   Kiwi’s   and   they   had   shipped   their   own  

bikes  over  to  tour  around  the  States.  Good  on  them.  

Back  on  the  road  again,  back  on  the  Interstate  90  heading  west  to  Gillette  and  continuing  on  until  we  came  up  to  Buffalo,  our  stop  for  the  night.

Buffalo   was   another   town  rich   in   the   outlaw   history  with   tales  about   the  gangs  in   the   area   that   would  come  in  from  their  hide  out  at   Hole   in   the   Wall   into  Buffalo   to   conduct   their  business   and   to   let   their  hair   down.   Some   include  the   infamous   Wild   Bunch,  Butch   Cassidy   and   The  Sundance   Kid.   There   are  

still  bullet  holes  in  the  walls  from  some  of  the  shootouts.  Well  worth  a  look.

Distance  travelled  approx  240  miles.                              TO  BE  CONTINUED



$11,000 Well Maintained - Serviced Regularly (just had major service),

2 New Tyres, Auxiliary Plug, Driving Lights, Very Comfy Pillion Seat

2 0 0 9 S U Z U K I B O U L E V A R D - 1 8 0 0 R T C L A S S I C

Ph: Cliff “Deisel” 0423 506 034 Email: [email protected]

FOR SALE $18,350 B O N T R I K E

I M P O R T E D , 1998 m o d e l

3 S E A T E R , 1835 C C T W I N C A R B M O T O R ,

12,000 K M , T O W B A R , T O P B O X W/ L U G G A G E R A C K ,

S I D E P R O T E C T I O N B A R S , G R E E N G E L C O A T P A I N T ,

R E G I S T E R E D Q L D .

S O P H I E : M O B I L E 0405263945

E M A I L so p h i eo l i v e r 2000@y a h oo .co m . a u




For a l l your F astback Suppl ier T r immers Staplers B ind ing Products Shredders G u i l lot ines L aminators Paper D r i l ls

C o n t a c t N i ece y 0732986444 0407 073 919

E m a i l d e n ise@a o m d i r e c t .co m . a u

M t M e e B us Owner/Operator Don Hadley -Hacker #50558 20 Seater bus Available for half & full day tours Group transfers, Airport Transfers, Holiday tours Or get a group together and organize a fun day out Contact Don for a quote. Very reasonable prices

Mobile 0404 575 158 Fax 07 54990003 Email: [email protected]

A d v e r t is i n g p r i c es as o f F e b r u a r y 2014 S i m p l y p u t $1.00 p e r w e e k

B usi n ess C a r d –1/8 o f p a ge $52.00 A n n u a l l y � s i z e p a ge $104 .00 A n n u a l l y � s i z e p a ge $208.00 A n n u a l l y

⇠ s i z e p a ge $312.00 y e a r l y A n n u a l l y F u l l p a g e $416.00 y e a r l y A n n u a l l y

MAY Brain Teasers ANSWERS

1. You’re riding a horse. To the r ight of you is a c l i ff and in front of you is any e leph ant moving a t the same pace and you can’t overtake it. To the left of you is a h ippo runn ing at the same speed and a l ion is chasing you . How do you get to safety?

A. Get off the merry-go-round

2. What number comes next? 2, 2, 4, 12, 48, ___

A. 240. To get the number, multiply the previous number in the series by its position. (ie; 48 is in the 5th position, so 48 x 5 = 240)

3. A man was k i l led on Sunday morn ing. H is w ife found the body and ca l led the pol ice. T he pol ice a r r ived a nd quest ioned the chef, ma id , but ler , and ga rdener . T he i r a l ibis were; C hef – mak ing breakfast, M a id – gett ing ma i l , B ut ler – sett ing the table, G a rdener – water ing the p l a nts T he pol ice immed i ate ly a r rested the gu i l ty person . Who was i t and how d id they know?

A. The maid. Mail isn’t delivered on Sundays.



For more info. Contact Ride Coordinators Nutts: 0416 042 520 or Hacker: 0404 575 158


Sunday 8th

Mooloolaba BP North

9.30 10  am  Dep

Lunch Relax  by  the  water

Saturday 14th

Lowood BP   South

XT’s  60th  Brithday OverNighter

Sunday 15th

Freemasons Sandgate

BP   South

8.30am Bring  a  Spare  Helmet

Saturday 21st

Aratula BP South

6.30am 7  am  Dep


Sunday 29th

Willowbank Australasian  Superbikes More  Info  to  come

10% of f fo r a l l U l ysses C l u b G l assh o use M o u n t a i ns B r a n c h M e m b e rs

35 M O R A Y F I E L D R D C A B O O L T U R E 4510

Josh Hooper Bike Sales & Accessories

Phone 07 5495 1466 Email: [email protected]

Ulysses  Club  Glasshouse  Mountains  Branch

Meets  Socially  at  ‘The  BIG  FISH  Tavern’/459  Pumicestone  Rd,  Caboolture

Approximately  6  pm  every  Wednesday  evening

The  Branch  ‘Members  Meeting’  is  held  the  1st  Wednesday  of  each  month  at  7.30  pm

The  image  below  is  a  QR  (Quick  Response)  barcode.    

It  allows  people  with  smart  phones  to  scan  it  and  go  straight  to  our  web  site.   Ø

At  time  of  printing  this  was  all  the  Info  of  rides  on  offer  for  Glasshouse.    Check  the  website  in  case  of  any  changes  or  other  rides      OR    you  can  always  put  one  forward  yourself.
