Page 1: Ultralight Metallic Micro Lattices

DOI: 10.1126/science.1211649, 962 (2011);334 Science

et al.T. A. SchaedlerUltralight Metallic Microlattices

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Page 2: Ultralight Metallic Micro Lattices

Ultralight Metallic MicrolatticesT. A. Schaedler,1* A. J. Jacobsen,1 A. Torrents,2 A. E. Sorensen,1 J. Lian,3

J. R. Greer,3 L. Valdevit,2 W. B. Carter1

Ultralight (<10 milligrams per cubic centimeter) cellular materials are desirable for thermalinsulation; battery electrodes; catalyst supports; and acoustic, vibration, or shock energy damping.We present ultralight materials based on periodic hollow-tube microlattices. These materials arefabricated by starting with a template formed by self-propagating photopolymer waveguideprototyping, coating the template by electroless nickel plating, and subsequently etching awaythe template. The resulting metallic microlattices exhibit densities r ≥ 0.9 milligram per cubiccentimeter, complete recovery after compression exceeding 50% strain, and energy absorption similarto elastomers. Young’s modulus E scales with density as E ~ r2, in contrast to the E ~ r3 scalingobserved for ultralight aerogels and carbon nanotube foams with stochastic architecture. We attributethese properties to structural hierarchy at the nanometer, micrometer, and millimeter scales.

The effective properties of low-density ma-terials are defined both by their cellulararchitecture (i.e., the spatial configuration

of voids and solid) and the properties of the solidconstituent (e.g., stiffness, strength, etc.). In theultralight regime below 10 mg/cm3, very few ma-terials currently exist: silica aerogels [density r ≥1 mg/cm3 (1, 2)], carbon nanotube aerogels [r ≥ 4mg/cm3 (3)],metallic foams [r ≥10mg/cm3 (4,5)],and polymer foams [r ≥ 8 mg/cm3 (6, 7)]. Thesematerials have a wide range of applications, suchas thermal insulation, shock or vibration damp-ing, acoustic absorption, and current collectors inbattery electrodes and catalyst supports (8). All ofthe ultralow-density materials mentioned abovehave random cellular architectures. This randomcell structure results in some beneficial properties(e.g., high specific surface area and restriction ofgas flow), but generally the inefficient distri-bution of the constituent results in specific prop-erties (e.g., stiffness, strength, energy absorption,and conductivity) far below those of the bulkmaterial (8). As an example, Young’s modulus,E, of ultralight stochastic materials scales poorlywith density, generally following E ~ r3 (9), incontrast to the well-known E ~ r2 relationship forrandom open-cell foams with higher relativedensities (8). In large-scale structures, it has beenshown that introducing order and hierarchy cansubstantially improve material utilization and re-sultant properties. For instance, the Eiffel Towerpossesses a relative density similar to that of low-density aerogels (10) but is clearly structurallyrobust. The size difference between the smallestand largest structural features will determine thedegree of hierarchy that can be achieved. In thispaper, we present a method for creating orderedhollow-tube lattice materials with a minimumscale of ~100 nm. Coupled with control over mm-to cm-scale structural features, this enables us tobring the benefits of order and hierarchy down

to the materials level. The result is an ultralight-weight cellular material with efficient materialutilization, a Young’s modulus that follows E ~r2, and the ability to recover from >50% com-pression while demonstrating large energy absorp-tion upon cyclic loading.

The base architecture of our metallic micro-lattices consists of a periodic array of hollowtubes that connect at nodes, forming an octahe-dral unit cell without any lattice members in thebasal plane. Figure 1 illustrates how the micro-lattice architecture can be distilled into three levelsof hierarchy at three distinct length scales: unitcell (~mm to cm), hollow tube lattice member(~mm tomm), and hollow tube wall (~nm to mm).Each architectural element can be controlled in-dependently, providing exceptional control overthe design and properties of the resulting micro-

lattice. The architecture determines the relative den-sity of the lattice, with the absolute density dictatedby the film material.

The fabrication process begins with solid mi-crolattice templates fabricated by using a self-propagating photopolymer waveguide technique.In this method, a thiol-ene liquid photomonomeris exposed to collimated ultraviolet (UV) lightthrough a patterned mask, producing an inter-connected three-dimensional photopolymer lat-tice (11). A wide array of different architectureswith unit cell dimensions ranging from 0.1 to >10mm can bemade by altering themask pattern andthe angle of the incident light (12, 13). Here, wefocus on architectures with 1- to 4-mm latticemember length L, 100- to 500-mm lattice memberdiameter D, 100- to 500-nm wall thickness t,and 60° inclination angle q, similar to the mi-crolattices depicted in Fig. 1. Conformal nickel-phosphorous thin films were deposited on thepolymer lattices by electroless plating, and thepolymer was subsequently etched out (table S1).The autocatalytic electroless nickel-plating reac-tion enables deposition of thin films with con-trolled thickness on complex shapes and insidepores without noticeable mass transport limita-tions. The ultralight microlattice essentially trans-lates the deposited nanoscale thin film in threedimensions to form a macroscopic material wherethe base structural elements are hollow tubes. Bycontrolling the reaction time, a 100-nm-thick uni-form conformal coating can be achieved, resultingin a cellular material with a density of 0.9 mg/cm3

(Fig. 1). The density is calculated by using theweight of the solid structure but not including the

Fig. 1. Design, processing, and cellular architecture of ultralight microlattices. (A) Polymer microlatticetemplates are fabricated from a three-dimensional array of self-propagating photopolymer waveguides. (B)The open-cellular templates are electroless plated with a conformal Ni-P thin film followed by etch removalof the template. (C) Image of the lightest Ni-P microlattice fabricated with this approach: 0.9 mg/cm3.(D and E) Images of two as-fabricated microlattices along with a breakdown of the relevant architec-tural elements.

1HRL Laboratories Limited Liability Company, Malibu, CA 90265,USA. 2Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,University of California, Irvine, CA 92697, USA. 3Division of En-gineering and Applied Sciences, California Institute of Technol-ogy, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA.

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:[email protected]

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Page 3: Ultralight Metallic Micro Lattices

weight of air in the pores, adhering to the standardpractice for cellular materials. The density of air atambient conditions, 1.2mg/cm3, multiplied by itsvolume fraction would need to be added to ex-press the density of the solid-air composite. Thismethod to form microlattices allows significantlymore control than typical methods for formingother ultralightweight materials, such as foamsand aerogels, where nominally random processesgovern porosity formation.

Characterization of the base constituent bytransmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealedthat as-deposited electroless nickel thin films havean average grain size of ~7 nm,which is consistentwith literature reports (14, 15). Energy-dispersivex-ray spectroscopy confirmed that the film com-position is 7% phosphorous and 93% nickel byweight. Because the films were not annealed afterdeposition, they remained as a supersaturatedsolid solution of phosphorous in a crystalline

face-centered cubic nickel lattice with no Ni3P pre-cipitates present (14). The 7-nm grain size ren-ders electroless nickel thin films harder and morebrittle than typical nano- and microcrystallinenickel. A hardness of 6 GPa and a modulus of210 GPa were measured by nanoindentationand hollow tube compression experiments, re-spectively (16).

Compression experiments on the as-formedmicrolattices showed a nearly complete recovery

Fig. 2. Nickel microlattices exhibit recoverable deformation. (A) Before deformation. (B) 15%compression. (C) 50% compression. (D) Full recovery after removal of load. (E) Optical image of

unit cell unloaded. (F) Example of node buckling under compression. (G) SEM image of node before testing. (H) SEM image of node after six compressioncycles at 50% strain. (The compression test is shown in movie S1.)

Fig. 3.Multicycle compression test results of nickel microlattices.(A) Stress-strain curves of a microlattice with 14 mg/cm3 ex-hibiting recoverable deformation (compare with Fig. 2). (B)History of compressive modulus, yield stress, maximum stress,and energy loss coefficient during the first six compressioncycles shown in (A). (C) Stress-strain curve of a microlatticewith a density of 1.0 mg/cm3. (D) Stress-strain curves of a mi-crolattice with 43 mg/cm3 showing deformation more typicalfor metallic cellular materials. (E) SEM micrograph of post-nanoindentation mark in 500-nm-thick electroless nickel filmdemonstrating brittle behavior. SCIENCE VOL 334 18 NOVEMBER 2011 963
















Page 4: Ultralight Metallic Micro Lattices

from strains exceeding 50% (movie S1). Figure2, A to D, provides images of a 14 mg/cm3 mi-crolattice sample (L = 1050 mm, D = 150 mm, t =500 nm) during compression testing, and Fig. 3Aconveys the corresponding stress-strain curvemeasured at a prescribed displacement rate of10 mm/s. In this experiment, the sample was notconstrained by face sheets or attached to anycompression platens. Because of a small taperin lattice strut diameter, the deformation typ-ically initiates at a particular surface. Upon firstcompression, the lattice exhibits a compressivemodulus of 529 kPa, with deviations from lin-ear elastic behavior starting at ~10 kPa. The stressdecreases slightly after the peak, which is as-sociated with buckling and node fracture events,and a broad plateau is subsequently established inthe stress-strain curve as buckling and localizednode fracture events spread through the lattice.Figure 2C shows the microlattice at 50% com-pression. Upon unloading, the stress drops rapid-ly but does not approach zero until the platen isclose to its original position. After removing theload, the microlattice recovers to 98% of its orig-inal height and resumes its original shape (Figs.2D and 3A).

The stress-strain behavior corresponding tothe first cycle is never repeated during subsequenttesting. Rather, during a second compression, thepeak stress is absent and the “pseudohardening”behavior changes, but the stress level achieved at50% strain is only 10% lower than that after thefirst cycle. Consecutive compression cycles ex-hibit stress-strain curves nearly identical to thoseof the second compression. Stiffness and strengthdiminish with cycle number but remain almostconstant after the third cycle (Fig. 3B). The mi-crolattice also shows significant hysteresis duringcompression experiments. For the first cycle, weestimate the work done in compression to be4.6 mJ/cm3 and the energy dissipation to be3.5 mJ/cm3, yielding an energy loss coefficient(Du/u) of 0.77. This large energy dissipation re-sults from extensive node microcracking andthus is limited to the first cycle. After three cy-cles, a nearly constant energy loss coefficientof ~0.4 is calculated (Fig. 3B). From this esti-mate, we extract a loss coefficient (tan d) of~0.16 (17), an order of magnitude higher thanfor typical nickel foams (18). Figure 3C showsthe stress-strain response of a 1.0 mg/cm3 samplewith larger unit cells (L = 4 mm,D = 500 mm, t =120 nm), illustrating that different microlatticearchitectures in the ultralow-density regime resultin similar behavior [although this sample under-went an additional freeze-drying process step thatcaused some damage (table S1)]. Increasing thedensity and wall thickness eventually led to a com-pression behavior more typical for metallic cellularmaterials. Figure 3D shows the stress-strain curvefor a 43-mg/cm3 sample (L=1050mm,D=150mm,t = 1400 nm), for which recovery upon unloadingfrom 50% strain is essentially absent.

Optical examination of the ultralight micro-lattices during deformation suggests that defor-

mation initiates by local buckling at the nodes(Fig. 2, E and F). A closer inspection of themicrolattices by scanning electron microscopy(SEM) shows that cracks and wrinkles are intro-duced primarily at the nodes during compres-sion (Fig. 2, G andH). This damage is responsiblefor the 1 to 2% residual strain observed after thefirst compression cycle, as well as for the drop inyield strength and modulus during subsequentcompression cycles. Once stable “relief cracks”form at the nodes, the bulk microlattice materialcan undergo large effective compressive strainsthrough extensive rotations about remnant nodeligaments, but with negligible strain in the solidnickel-phosphorous material, thus requiring nofurther fracture or plastic deformation. This prop-erty results in the reversible compressive behaviorshown in Figs. 2 and 3. The extremely small wallthickness–to–diameter ratio is essential for this de-formation mechanism. Increasing this aspect ratioleads to excessive fracture and loss of recover-ability (Fig. 3D).

The rise in stress at strains of ~40% (Fig. 3A)is a result of increased interaction between latticemembers after localized compression at the nodesand should not be confused with densification,which in these samples does not occur until strainsexceed 90% (fig. S2).

Similar stress-strain curves as presented inFig. 3A are typical for viscoelastic polymer foams(19) and carbon nanotube forests (20) but notfor metal-based materials, implying a nonconven-tional loss mechanism is present. Two energy-lossmechanisms could possibly explain the energydissipation during compression cycles: (i) struc-tural damping because of snapping events (e.g.,kinking or local buckling of the trusses) and (ii)mechanical or Coulomb friction between con-tacting members (or a combination of both). Thismechanical behavior is especially unexpected con-sidering the relatively brittle nature of the constit-uent electroless nickel thin film, as evidenced bythe formation of cracks near a residual indenta-

tion mark (Fig. 3E) and the rapid collapse uponsingle hollow truss member compressions (16).The brittle nature of the film arises from its nano-grainedmicrostructure (~7 nm) that hinders plasticdeformation by dislocation motion (21). How-ever, at the bulk scale microlattices exhibit com-pletely different properties, because the cellulararchitecture effectively transforms this brittle thinfilm into a ductile, superelastic lattice by enablingsufficient freedom for deformation and toleranceto local strains through formation of stable reliefcracks.

Plotting the relative compressive modulus,E/Es, of various fabricated microlattices versustheir relative density, r/rs, shows that the modulusscales with (r/rs)

2 (Fig. 4). This scaling law in-dicates bending-dominated mechanical behaviorsimilar to open-cell stochastic foams (8). In con-trast, other materials with densities < 10 mg/cm3,such as aerogels and carbon nanotube (CNT)foams, exhibit a steeper scaling of E/Es ~ (r/rs)


(Fig. 4) (22, 23), because of inefficient load transferbetween ligaments. (Incidentally, this also affectsthe structural stability of a self-supporting cellularmaterial, imposing a lower bound on density.) Wenotice that, although the relative modulus oftopologically designed periodic lattice materials[such as octet-truss lattices (24)] typically scaleslinearly with relative density (25, 26), we do notexpect the same scaling for the microlatticesdescribed here because of the absence of struts inthe basal plane (26) and the ultrathin-walledhollow nodes, both of which facilitate localizedbending deformation (Fig. 2F). Nonetheless, themarked improvement in mechanical efficiencyover any other existing ultralightweight material,achieved by controlling both dimensions andperiodicity of the architecture, enabled a self-supporting cellular material with a relative densityan order of magnitude lower than previously re-alized. Further, by transforming a brittle Ni-P thinfilm into a three-dimensional cellular material anddesigning a hierarchical cellular architecture at three

Fig. 4. Relative compres-sive modulus (defined asthe measured Young’s mod-ulus, E, divided by theYoung’s modulus of theconstituent solid, Es) of se-lected cellular materialsat low relative density.

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distinct length scales, we demonstrated the emer-gence of entirely different mechanical properties.In addition to possible applications for an ultra-light material with high energy absorption andrecoverability, we anticipate that these results willhelp reshape our understanding of the interac-tion between material properties and structuralarchitecture.

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Acknowledgments: The authors gratefully acknowledgethe financial support by Defense Advanced ResearchProjects Agency under the Materials with ControlledMicrostructural Architecture program managed byJ. Goldwasser (contract no. W91CRB-10-0305) and thankJ. W. Hutchinson and C. S. Roper for useful discussions.A patent application regarding the structure andformation process of the ultralight microlattices has beensubmitted to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The polymer waveguide process has been patented (U.S.Patent 7,382,959, U.S. Patent 7,653,279, and U.S.Patent 8,017,193), but the template can be fabricatedin other ways.

Supporting Online and MethodsFig. S1Table S1ReferencesMovie S1

25 July 2011; accepted 12 October 201110.1126/science.1211649

Silica-Like Malleable Materials fromPermanent Organic NetworksDamien Montarnal, Mathieu Capelot, François Tournilhac, Ludwik Leibler*

Permanently cross-linked materials have outstanding mechanical properties and solvent resistance,but they cannot be processed and reshaped once synthesized. Non–cross-linked polymers andthose with reversible cross-links are processable, but they are soluble. We designed epoxy networksthat can rearrange their topology by exchange reactions without depolymerization and showedthat they are insoluble and processable. Unlike organic compounds and polymers whose viscosityvaries abruptly near the glass transition, these networks show Arrhenius-like gradual viscosityvariations like those of vitreous silica. Like silica, the materials can be wrought and welded to makecomplex objects by local heating without the use of molds. The concept of a glass made byreversible topology freezing in epoxy networks can be readily scaled up for applications andgeneralized to other chemistries.

Thermoset polymers such as Bakelite mustbe polymerized in a mold having theshape of the desired object because once

the reaction is completed, the polymer cannot bereshaped or reprocessed by heat or with solvent.In contrast, thermoplastics, when heated, can flow,which permits extrusion, injection, and moldingof objects. Depending on the chemical nature ofthe plastic, during cooling, solidification occursby crystallization or by glass transition. Duringvitrification, as the temperature is lowered belowthe glass transition, the viscosity abruptly in-

creases in a narrow temperature range, and thematerial becomes so viscous that it behavesessentially like a solid with an elastic modulusof about 109 to 1010 Pa (1). Nevertheless, com-pared to processable plastics, cross-linked poly-mers have superior dimensional stability; havehigh-temperature mechanical, thermal, and envi-ronmental resistance; and are irreplaceable inmanydemanding applications, such as in the aircraftindustry. High-performance coatings, adhesives,rubbers, light-emitting diode lenses, and solar cellencapsulants aremade of permanently cross-linkedpolymer networks as well.

Making covalent links reversible could pro-vide away to combine processability, reparability,and high performance (2–6). Networkswith bondsable to break and reform (7–9) or to exchangepairs of atoms (10) can relax stresses and flow.

The challenge is to allow rapid reversible reac-tions at high temperatures or by a convenientstimulus and to fix the network at service condi-tions. In this context, cleavage or exchange reac-tions by addition-fragmentation in the presence ofradicals offer interesting possibilities (5, 11–14).Scott et al. demonstrated photoinduced plas-ticity in cross-linked polymers (11). Similarly,reparability and self-healing can be induced eitherthermally (13) or photochemically (15, 16) inradical systems. However, these systems undergounavoidable termination reactions that limit re-versibility of the networks.

In parallel, a completely different conceptbased on chemical equilibrium between bondbreaking and reforming without irreversible sidereactions has been developed (17–20). In thesesystems, heating has two effects: It displacesthe equilibrium toward depolymerization and itaccelerates the bond breaking and reforming rate(8, 9). The advantage of such reversible links isthat both above-mentioned effects act together tobring fluidity and thus processability (5, 17–19).They are, however, detrimental to the networkintegrity and performance. Chen et al. have shownthat to avoid flow and creep at service temper-atures, one can rely, as in thermoplastics, on glasstransition to quench the system (17). Unfortu-nately, the systems based on chemical equilibri-um between bond breaking and reforming aresensitive to solvents because in the presence of asolvent, the chemical equilibrium is displacedtoward network depolymerization and dissolu-tion (19).

We sought to show that reversible networkscan flow while maintaining their integrity andinsolubility at high temperature. The idea is to

Matière Molle et Chimie, UMR 7167 CNRS-ESPCI, EcoleSupérieure de Physique et Chimie Industrielles, 10 rueVauquelin, 75005 Paris, France.

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:[email protected] SCIENCE VOL 334 18 NOVEMBER 2011 965














