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Gandhi was, as always, very happy in prison, where he was allowed to spin and write non- political letters. but for Lord Irwin, Gandhi is arrest made life impossible. indians were angry and ready to fight, and in some parts of the country they fought against the Raj, taking power from the British. The British Prime Minister, Ramsay MacDonald, had called for indian independence, and he too wanted the problems in India to end.

on 26th January 1931, Irwin released Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, and other Congress leaders from prison. Gandhi wrote to lord Irwin asking if they could meet and on 17 th february, they began talks. Gandhi and Irwin met in the Viceroy is new palace and their talks went on for sixteen days. on 5th March, the Irwin - Gandhi Pact was signed. Gandhi agreed to stop the civil disobedience campaign and he promised that the congress would come to the second round table conference in london in the autumn. (the congress had refused to go to the first conference in 1930 and it had been cancelled) the Raj agreed to released everyone who had gone to prison for civil disobedienceand it also now allowed indians to make salt without paying high taxes.

when they heard about the pact, some indians were disappointed because there was no promise of independence or dominion status for india. but many felt that with the release from prison of tens of thousands of people, India had won a great fight. they believed that the pact showed equality between britain and india and between the viceroy and Gandhi.

on 29th august, Gandhi sailed from Bombay for the round table conference in england. he arrived in london on the 12th september and was met by crowds of people. while he was in london, he stayed in a community centre in the east end, a poor area of the city. it was a long journey to and from his meetings in central london and he often arrived back late at night. but he wanted to live among poor people, and in the mornings, he enjoyed walking near the community centre and talking to the men and women of the east end.

it was autunum in england when gandhi arrived, but he wore his usual loincloth with more cloths around him to keep him warm. he dressed like this when he went to buckingham palace to have tea with george V and queen Mary. after this meeting, someone asked him if he had had enought clothes on. 'The King had enough clothes for both of us!' Gandhi replied.

charlie chaplin, the famous film actor, asked to see Gandhi. Gandhi also met General Smuts, his old enemy- turned- friend from south Africa, Lord Irwin and hundreds of others. he spoke to the London Vegetarian society, where he had been a member forty years earlier, and gave many other talks. he visited some famous universities and schools, answered many letters and gave many interviews. he was so busy that he only slept for about four hours a night while he was in london. gandhi also went to Lancashire to meet textile workers. for many of them, life had become harder when indians stopped buying foreign cloth. some had lost their jobs. but here, like everywhere he went in England, Gandhi helped people to understand what was happenning in India. he was always ready to talk to people and because he was honest and kind, he made friends everywhere.

Gandhi won the hearts and minds of the british people, but the round table conference did not go well. the British had invited representatives from the princely states, and also Anglo-Indians, Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Untouchables and Parsis. all these representatives wanted a separate electorate - they wanted their national, religious or caste group to have seats in government that only people from that group could vote for.

Gandhi was strongly against this. anyone wanting to divide India in this way did not understand the country, he said. India was already too divided. Gandhi wanted a new independent India where indians voted for indians, and where religion and caste became unimportant in politics. he believed that india would only win independence if Hindus, Muslims Untouchables and all the other groups worked together.

there was no plan for indian independence at the Round Table Coference, and Gandhi could see that British ministers - under their new government - were ready to come down hard on any campaign against the Raj. 'I came looking for peace', Gandhi said as he left England in December, 'but I am going back afraid of war'.

stopping in Switzerland and Italy, Gandhi arrived home in India on 28th december. the friends who met him in Bombay had bad news. Jawaharlal Nehru and other from the congress had been arrested, and becouse Indians in some parts of the country were refusing to pay rent, the government had made special new laws. the police were now allowed to arrest people and put them in prison without trial, take their homes and money, and stop peaceful demonstrations.

Gandhi asked the new british viceroy, lord Willingdon, for a meeting and told him that the congress would fight agaisnt these new laws. but on 3rd january 1932, Gandhi himself was arrested and taken once more to Yeravda Prison. all congress organizations were closed and almost all congress leaders were put in prison. indians fought against the Raj's special new laws, but Willingdon believed he could bring peace to India quickly with a hard hand. In January and february 1932, about seventy-five thousand Indians were arrested and hundreds of thousands were hit with lathis. it was the strongest and cruellest drive against Indian people since the mutiny of 1857.


Gandhi fue, como siempre, muy feliz en la crcel, donde se le permiti a girar y escribir cartas no polticos. pero por Lord Irwin, Gandhi es arresto hizo la vida imposible. indios estaban enojados y listos para luchar, y en algunas partes del pas que lucharon contra el Raj, la toma del poder de los britnicos. El primer ministro britnico, Ramsay MacDonald, haba llamado por la independencia india, y l tambin quera que los problemas en la India a fin.

el 26 de enero de 1931, Irwin lanz Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru y otros lderes del Congreso de la prisin. Gandhi escribi al seor Irwin preguntando si podan reunirse y el 17 de febrero, comenzaron las conversaciones. Gandhi e Irwin se reunieron en el Virrey es nuevo palacio y sus conversaciones continuaron durante diecisis das. el 5 de marzo, el Irwin - Pacto de Gandhi fue firmado. Gandhi estuvo de acuerdo para detener la campaa de desobediencia civil y prometi que el Congreso llegara a la segunda conferencia de mesa redonda en Londres en el otoo. (El Congreso se neg a ir a la primera conferencia en 1930 y que haba sido cancelado) Raj acord que todos liberada que haba ido a la crcel por disobedienceand civil, que ahora tambin permiti indios para hacer sal sin pagar altos impuestos.

cuando se enteraron de que el pacto, algunos indios se sintieron decepcionados porque no haba promesa de independencia o dominio de estado para la India. pero muchos sintieron que con la salida de la crcel de decenas de miles de personas, la India haba ganado una gran pelea. crean que el pacto mostr la igualdad entre Gran Bretaa y la India y entre el virrey y Gandhi.

el 29 de agosto, Gandhi zarp de Bombay para la conferencia de mesa redonda en inglaterra. lleg a Londres el 12 de septiembre y fue recibido por una multitud de personas. mientras se encontraba en Londres, se qued en un centro comunitario en el extremo este, una zona pobre de la ciudad. fue un largo viaje desde y hacia sus reuniones en el centro de Londres y con frecuencia lleg tarde por la noche. pero quera vivir entre los pobres, y por las maanas, que disfrutaba caminando cerca del centro de la comunidad y hablar con los hombres y mujeres del extremo este.

era autunum en Inglaterra cuando lleg gandhi, pero llevaba el taparrabos de costumbre con ms paos alrededor de l para mantenerlo caliente. se vesta como esto cuando fue a Palacio de Buckingham para tomar el t con Jorge V y la reina Mara. despus de esta reunin, alguien le pregunt si haba tenido suficientes en la ropa. 'El Rey tena suficiente ropa para los dos! Gandhi respondi.

Charlie Chaplin, el famoso actor de cine, pidi ver a Gandhi. Gandhi tambin se reuni con el general Smuts, su viejo amigo turned- enemigo- desde el sur de frica, Lord Irwin y cientos de otros. habl con la Sociedad Vegetariana de Londres, donde haba sido miembro cuarenta aos antes, y dio muchas otras conversaciones. visit algunas universidades y escuelas famosas, respondi muchas cartas y dio muchas entrevistas. estaba tan ocupado que slo durmi durante unas cuatro horas por noche, mientras estaba en Londres.

gandhi tambin fue a Lancashire para cumplir con los trabajadores textiles. para muchos de ellos, la vida se haba vuelto ms difcil cuando los indios dejaron de comprar tela extranjera. algunos haban perdido sus puestos de trabajo. pero aqu, como en todas partes se fue a Inglaterra, Gandhi ayud a la gente a entender lo que estaba happenning en la India. l siempre estaba dispuesto a hablar con la gente y porque era honesto y amable, hizo amigos en todas partes.

Gandhi gan los corazones y las mentes del pueblo britnico, pero la conferencia de mesa redonda no sali bien. los britnicos haban invitado a representantes de los estados principescos, y tambin anglo-indios, cristianos, hindes, musulmanes, intocables y parsis. todos estos representantes queran un electorado independiente - que queran su grupo nacional, religioso o casta tener asientos en el gobierno que slo las personas de ese grupo podran votar.

Gandhi estaba fuertemente en contra de esto. cualquiera que desee dividir la India de esta manera no entenda el pas, dijo. India fue ya demasiado dividido. Gandhi quera una nueva India independiente donde indios votaron a favor de los indios, y donde la religin y la casta se convirti poco importante en la poltica. crea que la India slo ganara la independencia si los hindes, musulmanes intocables y todos los otros grupos trabajaron juntos.

no haba un plan para la independencia india en la Mesa Redonda Coference, y Gandhi pudo ver que los ministros britnicos - bajo su nuevo gobierno - estaban listos para entrar con fuerza en cualquier campaa contra el Raj. 'Vine en busca de la paz ", dijo Gandhi como l sali de Inglaterra en diciembre, pero me voy a volver miedo a la guerra'.

parando en Suiza e Italia, Gandhi lleg a su casa en la India el 28 de diciembre. los amigos que lo conocieron en Bombay tuvieron malas noticias. Jawaharlal Nehru y otro del Congreso haban sido detenidos, y lstima pues los indios en algunas partes del pas se niegan a pagar el alquiler, el gobierno haban hecho nuevas leyes especiales. la polica ahora se les permiti arrestar a la gente y los puso en la crcel sin juicio, llevar a sus hogares y dinero, y dejar de manifestaciones pacficas.

Gandhi pidi al nuevo virrey britnico, Lord Willingdon, para una reunin y le dijo que el congreso luchara agaisnt estas nuevas leyes. pero el 3 de enero de 1932, el propio Gandhi fue arrestado y llevado de nuevo a la prisin de Yeravda. todas las organizaciones del congreso fueron cerradas y casi todos los lderes del Congreso fueron puestos en prisin. indios lucharon contra las nuevas leyes especiales del Raj, pero Willingdon crean que poda traer la paz a la India rpidamente con una mano dura. En enero y febrero de 1932, unos setenta y cinco mil indios fueron arrestados y cientos de miles fueron golpeados con lathis. que era la unidad ms fuerte y ms cruel contra el pueblo de la India desde el motn de 1857. 11. A FAST TO DEATH

on 17th august 1932, while he was still in prison, Gandhi learnt that the british prime minister, Ramsay MacDonald, had decided to give the Untouchables a separate electorate in Britains new constitution for india. Gandhi believed that this would make the division between the untouchables and other Hindus stronger than ever. the next day, he wrote to MacDonald and told him that he would fast to death against this decision, beginning on 20th september.

at first, Gandhi did not tell any other people about his promise to fast to death. so when the news came out, on 12th september, people in Britain and India were extremely worried. at meetings all cross india, people asked Gandhi not to fast. thousands of letters arrive at Yerwada prison and at the viceroy is house, and political leaders across India did everything they could to stop Gandhi is fast. but at half-past eleven on 20th september, Gandhi took his last meal of lemon juice and honey with hot water.

something extraordinary now happened in India. Gandhi had said that if Hindus were not ready to turn away from the idea of Untouchability, they should let him die. but Gandhi was the people's Mahatma and they were not going to lose him. the day before Gandhi started his fast, twelve temples in Allahabad allowed Untouchables to pray there for the first time. every day after that, more temples opened their doors to Untouchables, and all over India, Hindus and Untouchables ate meals together and met in streets and temples. Letters arrived at Yeravda from organizations in villages, towns and cities across India which now promised to treat Untouchables equally. untouchables were allowed to walk on roads that had been closed to them and they shared benches and water wells with caste Hindus for the first time. suddenly India was moving forward once more.

while ordinary Indians threw away the prejudices of a lifetime to save their Mahatma, political leaders went to work too. on 20th september, in Bombay, important Hindu leaders met with Bhimrao Ambedkar, the Untouchables reprresentative, who wanted to keep the separate electorate for them. Ambedkar, an Untouchable who had become a lawyer, believed that Untouchables would not feel safe talking about the way they were treated by Hindus and Untouchables. the Hindu leaders could understand this and they now needed to find an agrement that would help with this problem and make Gandhi happy. and of cource the British government had to agree to it too.

Sir Tej Sapru, one of the important Hindu leaders, had a clever plan which Ambedkar felt might work. the idea was to keep the Hindu and Untouchable electorate together, but top protect some seats for the Untouchables. Sapru other leaders travelled throught the night to explain their plan to Gandhi, who asked to meet with Ambedkar. on 22nd september, Ambedkar came to Yeravda, where Gandhi lay on a bed in the prison garden, under a mango tree, with his books and writing paper. the talks went well, but Gandhi was already very weak and ill, and on the 23rd, his doctors warned that he could die at any moment.

more meetings between Ambedkar and the Hindu leaders brought them close to an agreement on Sapru's idea, and finally, on 24th september, the fifth day of Gandhi is fast, the Yeravda Pact was signed. on the 25th it was passed at a conference in Bombay. but the pact meant nothing if Ramsay MacDonald did not agree to it too. it was now sunday in England, and when the words of the pact were sent throught to London, MacDonald and his misnisters were out of the city. Gandhi is friends in London did everything they could to get a quick reply, and Mac donald came back to london quickly and looked at the pact with his ministers until midnight on Sunday night.

Gandhi was now very close to death, and on the morning of Monday 26th september, his great friend Tagore came top the prison to sing songs to him. then, at last, news came from London: the British government agreed to the Yeravda Pact. At 5.15 that afternoon, Gandhi broke his fast with a glass of orange juice and many of his friends and followers cried as they watched.

a few days after the end of the fast, Gandhi was already stronger and was able to spin once more. he had done something extraordinary. Untouchability had not gone completely, but Gandhi had changed Hindu society forever. Untouchables still had the worst jobs and were still at the bottom of society, but people now understood that prejudice against them was wrong and the 'Harijans' had a chance to be free at last.


el 17 de agosto de 1932, cuando an estaba en la crcel, Gandhi se enter de que el primer ministro britnico, Ramsay MacDonald, haba decidido dar el Intocables un electorado independiente en Britain's nueva constitucin para la India. Gandhi crea que esto hara que la divisin entre los intocables hindes y otros ms fuertes que nunca. al da siguiente, le escribi a MacDonald y le dijo que iba a ayunar hasta la muerte contra esta decisin, a partir del 20 de septiembre.

en un primer momento, Gandhi no le dijo a ningn otro pueblo sobre su promesa de ayunar hasta la muerte. as que cuando la noticia sali, el 12 de septiembre, la gente en Gran Bretaa y la India eran extremadamente preocupado. en las reuniones de toda la india cruz, la gente preguntaba Gandhi no ayunar. miles de cartas llegan a la crcel Yerwada y al virrey es la casa, y los lderes polticos de la India hicieron todo lo posible para detener Gandhi es rpido. pero a las once y media, el 20 de septiembre, Gandhi tom su ltima comida de jugo de limn y miel con agua caliente.

algo extraordinario sucedi ahora en la India. Gandhi haba dicho que si los hindes no estaban dispuestos a apartarse de la idea de la intocabilidad, deben dejar que se muera. pero Gandhi Mahatma era del pueblo y ellos no iban a perderlo. el da antes de Gandhi comenz su ayuno, doce templos en Allahabad mascotas intocables a orar all por primera vez. todos los das despus de eso, ms templos abren sus puertas a los intocables, y en toda la India, los hindes y los intocables coman juntos y se reunieron en las calles y templos. Las cartas llegaron a Yeravda de organizaciones en aldeas, pueblos y ciudades de la India, que ahora se comprometi a tratar intocables por igual. intocables se les permiti caminar en las carreteras que haban sido cerradas para ellos y compartieron bancos y pozos de agua con las castas hindes por primera vez. de repente la India se estaba moviendo hacia adelante una vez ms.

mientras que los indios ordinarios tiraron los prejuicios de toda una vida para salvar a su Mahatma, los lderes polticos se pusieron a trabajar tambin. el 20 de septiembre, en Bombay, los lderes hindes importantes se reunieron con Bhimrao Ambedkar, el reprresentative intocables, que quera mantener el electorado independiente para ellos. Ambedkar, un intocable que haba convertido en un abogado, cree que los intocables no se sentira segura hablando de la forma en que fueron tratados por los hindes y los Intocables. los lderes hindes podan entender esto y que ahora es necesario encontrar un asentimiento que ayude con este problema y hacer Gandhi feliz. y de cource el gobierno britnico tuvo que acceder a ella tambin.

Sir Tej Sapru, uno de los lderes hindes importantes, tena un plan inteligente que Ambedkar sinti que podra funcionar. la idea era mantener el hind y electorado Untouchable juntos, pero la parte superior proteger algunos asientos para los intocables. Sapru otros dirigentes viajaron throught la noche para explicar su plan para Gandhi, quien pidi reunirse con Ambedkar. el 22 de septiembre, Ambedkar vino a Yeravda, donde Gandhi yaca en una cama en el jardn prisin, bajo un rbol de mango, con sus libros y papel de escribir. las negociaciones han ido bien, pero Gandhi ya estaba muy dbil y enfermo, y el da 23, los mdicos advirtieron que poda morir en cualquier momento.

ms reuniones entre Ambedkar y los lderes hindes trajeron ellos cerca de un acuerdo sobre la idea de Sapru, y finalmente, el 24 de septiembre, el quinto da de Gandhi es rpido, se firm el Pacto de Yeravda. el da 25 se aprob en una conferencia en Bombay. pero el pacto no significaba nada si Ramsay MacDonald no estaba de acuerdo con ella tambin. ahora era Domingo en Inglaterra, y cuando se enviaron las palabras del pacto throught a Londres, MacDonald y sus misnisters estaban fuera de la ciudad. Gandhi es amigos en Londres hicieron todo lo posible para obtener una respuesta rpida y Mac donald regres a Londres con rapidez y mir el pacto con sus ministros hasta la medianoche del domingo por la noche.

Gandhi estaba ahora muy cerca de la muerte, y en la maana del lunes 26 de septiembre, su gran amigo Tagore vino encima la prisin para cantar canciones con l. entonces, por fin, lleg la noticia de Londres: el gobierno britnico acord el Pacto Yeravda. En 5.15 de la tarde, Gandhi rompi su ayuno con un vaso de jugo de naranja y muchos de sus amigos y seguidores grit mientras observaban.

unos pocos das despus del final del ayuno, Gandhi era ya ms fuerte y fue capaz de girar una vez ms. que haba hecho algo extraordinario. Intocabilidad no haba desaparecido por completo, pero Gandhi haba cambiado para siempre la sociedad hind. Intocables todava tena los peores trabajos y todava estaban en el fondo de la sociedad, pero la gente ahora entiende que el prejuicio contra ellos estaba mal y el "harijans 'tenido la oportunidad de ser libre al fin.

14 towards Independence By june 1994 , it was clear that the allied forces would soon win the war . ghandhi now felt sure that india could win her Independence and he wanted agreement between the congress and the muslim league . in july , Gandhi wrote to jinnah . they met several times in september , but then talks broke down . jinnah wanted partition he wanted the reas of india where there were more muslimd that hindus to become a separate country , pakistan . Gandhi agreed that people in those reas could vote to decide on partition , but he wanted india to win her freedom first . jinnah wanted partition now , while the british were still in india , and he wanted only muslims to vote for it in june 1945 , lord wavell , indias new viceroy , released several important political leaders who had beenin prison since august 1942 . he also invited indias leaders to a meeting that month and promised a new council . there would be anequal number of hindus and muslims , and an number of congress members and muslim league members on the new council . these would be chosen by wavell from lists the parties gave him . the congress was a much bigger organization tan the muslim league , so this did not seem fair to congress members . but they wanted wavells plan to work so much that they agreed to it Jinnah did not want the plan to work . he said that he wanted to choose all the muslims in the council . but this would mean that the congress could not suggest any of the many muslims in their party , inculuding their new president , azad . also , the congress was a netional and non religious organization . it would be wrong for them to choose only hindu members . the talks came to an end .In july , a new labour government was elected in britain . the war europe had ended in may , and in august , japan stopped fighting too . the labour government and lord wavell called for elections in india that Winter , after which a new constitution would be agreed for an independent india in the elections of december 1945 , the congress won most of the non muslim seats and the muslim league most of the muslim ones . In march 1946 , a group of british ministers arrived to decide how indias new national government would work .

They also needed to decide if britain should give jinnah the separate pakistan he asked for . in may , after long talks with indias political leaders , the ministers published their plan . thay could undeerstand why muslims were worried about living with hindus under indian rule , the ministers said . there were many more hindus thatn muslims in india and muslims were worried that their religin and way of life would not be safe . but in theree of the provinces that jinnah wanted to take into pakistan , there were many hindus . life would be just as difficult for these hindus , the ministers argued. If they made pakistan smaller , sothat it included only the reas where muslims lived , the theree provinces , each with their own languages , histories and traditiond , would be divided . india , the ministerd decided , should stay as one country . but indias new government would only be able to make decisions if the hindus and muslims agreed .

Jinnah was not happy about many parts of the plan , but he agreed to it . the congress talked for a long time before agreeing to the plan . they were not happy about the way members were going to be chosen for the new government which would run india . jinnah believed that the british would now ask him to become prime minister . but when the congress at last agreed to the plan , jawaharlal nehru , who was president of the party once more , was asked to become prime minister of india .

Jinnah , furious , refused to have any role in the new government . the muslim league called for a direct action day on 16 august , and there were violent riots in Calcutta , in which hundreds of hindus were killed . over the next few days , hindus fought back and even more muslims died . violence moved across india into the punjab , bengaland bihar

When Gandhi Heard that hindu muslim violence was moving from the cites into the villages , he feld that he had to do something . Gandhi decided to vist the noakhali rea of bengal , which had seen terrible violence . noakhali was far away in the east of india and many kilometres from the nearest city . when he arrived , he sent his followers to live alone in the villages , where they taught the people t olive whthout violence . From november 1946 until march 1947 , seventy seven year old Gandhi moved from village to village . he stayed for two or theree days in each village , talking and praying , then walked without shoes to the next one , four or five kilometres away . as he travelled around the rea , more and more people came to gandhis meeting and many hindus who had run away from their home began to come back . when Gandhi left noakhali , he had not stopped the disagreements completely , but hindus and muslims were coming together more and more . Gandhi asked a muslim and hindu in each village to keep its people safe .Gandhi now moved to bihar , where there had been terrible riots and more tan five thousand pople , mainly muslims , had died . Gandhi visited muslims who had lost family or their homes , and he collected money for them at his meetings . many muslims had run away from the rea , and Gandhi calle don hindus to welcome them back and make them feel safe .

Gandhi had been in bihar for three weeks when lord mountbatten , indias new viceroy , asked him to come to delhi . the british government had said that britain would leave india before june 1948 , but jinnah was still refusing to join the group that needed to make the constitution for independent india . lord mountbatten now wanted jinnah and Gandhi to fin dan agreement that would give india a peaceful future as a free country .

14 hacia la Independencia

Para junio de 1994, estaba claro que las fuerzas aliadas no tardaran en ganar la guerra. ghandhi ahora estaba seguro de que la India podra ganar su independencia y quera acuerdo entre el Congreso y la Liga Musulmana. en julio, Gandhi escribi a Jinnah. se reunieron varias veces en septiembre, pero luego las conversaciones se rompieron. Jinnah quera particin que quera las zonas de la India, donde haba ms musulmanes que los hindes para convertirse en un pas independiente, pakistan. Gandhi estuvo de acuerdo que la gente en esas reas podran votar para decidir sobre la particin, pero quera india para ganar su libertad primero. Jinnah quera particin ahora, mientras que los britnicos estaban todava en la India, y quera que slo los musulmanes a votar por l en junio de 1945, el seor Wavell, nuevo virrey de India, lanz varios lderes polticos importantes que haban beenin prisin desde agosto 1942. Tambin invit a los lderes de India a una reunin de ese mes y prometi un nuevo consejo. habra un nmero igual de hindes y musulmanes, y un nmero de congresistas y miembros de la Liga Musulmana en el nuevo consejo. stos seran elegidos por Wavell de las listas de los partidos le dieron. el congreso era una organizacin mucho ms grande moreno la liga musulmana, por lo que esto no parece justo para los congresistas. Pero queran wavell's planean trabajar tanto que acordaron que

Jinnah no quera que el plan funcione. dijo que quera elegir todos los musulmanes en el consejo. pero esto significara que el Congreso no poda sugerir cualquiera de los muchos musulmanes en su partido, inculuding su nuevo presidente, Azad. Asimismo, el congreso fue un netional y no - organizacin religiosa. que sera un error para ellos para elegir miembros hind. las negociaciones llegaron a su fin.

En julio, un nuevo gobierno laborista fue elegido en gran bretaa. la guerra haba terminado europa 05, y en agosto, japn dejado de luchar tambin. el gobierno de la mano de obra y seor Wavell llamaron para las elecciones en la India que el invierno, despus de lo cual una nueva constitucin se acord de una India independiente en las elecciones de diciembre de 1945, el Congreso gan la mayora de los asientos no -muslim y la liga musulmn mayor parte de la los musulmanes.

En marzo de 1946, un grupo de ministros britnicos llegaron para decidir cmo funcionara de India nuevo gobierno nacional.

Tambin necesitaban para decidir si Gran Bretaa debera dar Jinnah el pakistan separada que pidi. 05, despus de largas conversaciones con los lderes polticos de India, los ministros publicaron su plan. paseto podra undeerstand por qu los musulmanes estaban preocupados sobre cmo vivir con hindes bajo dominio indio, dijeron los ministros. haba muchos ms hindes thatn musulmanes en la India y los musulmanes estaban preocupados de que su religin y forma de vida no estaran a salvo. pero en theree de las provincias que Jinnah quera tener en Pakistn, haba muchos hindes. la vida sera tan difcil para estos hindes, los ministros argumentaron. Si hicieran pakistan ms pequeo, sothat inclua slo las reas donde vivan los musulmanes, las provincias theree, cada uno con sus propias lenguas, historias y traditiond, sera dividido. la india, la ministerd decidi, debe permanecer como un solo pas. pero de India nuevo gobierno slo sera capaz de tomar decisiones si los hindes y los musulmanes de acuerdo.

Jinnah no estaba contento con muchas partes del plan, pero estuvo de acuerdo en ello. el congreso habl durante mucho tiempo antes de aceptar el plan. que no estaban contentos con la forma en que los miembros iban a ser elegido para el nuevo gobierno lo que ira en la india. Jinnah crea que los britnicos ahora le preguntaban a convertirse en primer ministro. pero cuando el Congreso al fin acept el plan, Jawaharlal Nehru, quien era presidente del partido, una vez ms, fue el encargado de convertirse en primer ministro de la India.

Jinnah, furioso, se neg a tener ningn papel en el nuevo gobierno. la Liga Musulmana pidi un da de accin directa el 16 de agosto, y hubo disturbios violentos en Calcuta, en la que murieron cientos de hindes. en los prximos das, los hindes se defendieron e incluso ms musulmanes murieron. la violencia se traslad toda la India en el Punjab, bengaland bihar

Cuando Gandhi escuchado que la violencia musulmana hind se mova de la cita a las aldeas, que Feld que tena que hacer algo. Gandhi decidi vist el rea Noakhali de bengala, que haba visto una violencia terrible. Noakhali estaba muy lejos en el este de la India y muchos kilmetros de la ciudad ms cercana. cuando lleg, envi a sus seguidores a vivir solo en los pueblos, donde se les ensea a la gente t oliva whthout violencia.

Desde noviembre de 1946 hasta marzo 1947, setenta y siete aos de edad Gandhi se traslad de pueblo en pueblo. permaneci durante dos o theree das en cada pueblo, hablando y orando, luego camin sin zapatos a la siguiente, cuatro o cinco kilmetros de distancia. mientras viajaba por la zona, ms y ms personas llegaron a la reunin de Gandhi y muchos hindes que haban huido de su casa comenzaron a volver. cuando Gandhi dej Noakhali, no se haba detenido a los desacuerdos por completo, pero los hindes y los musulmanes fueron llegando a ms y ms. Gandhi pidi a un musulmn hind y en cada pueblo para mantener a su gente a salvo.

Gandhi ahora se traslad a Bihar, donde haba habido terribles disturbios y ms pople bronceado cinco mil, en su mayora musulmanes, haban muerto. Gandhi visit musulmanes que tenan familiares perdidos o sus hogares, y se recaud dinero para ellos en sus reuniones. muchos musulmanes haban huido de la zona, y Gandhi calle Don hindes para dar la bienvenida de nuevo y hacer que se sientan seguros.

Gandhi haba estado en bihar durante tres semanas cuando mountbatten seor, de India nuevo virrey, le pidi que fuera a Nueva Delhi. el gobierno britnico haba dicho que Gran Bretaa dejara india antes de junio de 1948, pero Jinnah segua negndose a unirse al grupo que necesitaba para hacer la constitucin de la India independiente. Lord Mountbatten ahora quera Jinnah y Gandhi a la aleta acuerdo dan que dara a la India un futuro de paz como un pas libre.

15 partition In his talks with mountbatten , jinnah warned that there would be war between hindus and muslims if india was not partitioned . he wanted pakistan to include all of the punjab and bengal , but mountbatten could see that this was imposible . ghandhi did not want any kind of partition . in june 1947 , mountbatten told india that the people of bengal , punjab and assam would vote on partition . if most people wanted partition , these three provinces would be divided , with one part in india and one part in pakistan . the congress , worried about losing its promised Independence and about a war between hindus and muslims , went against Gandhi and agreed with mountbattens plan . the partition was son oficial . india and pakistan would become separate , disappointed , Gandhi retuned to retuened to bihar after his meeting with mountbatten . he wanted to show people that hindus and muslims could live in peace and that india did not need partition . in bihar , there was some good news . muslims were going black to their villages , with help from hindus and sikhs . if peace began to come back to the villages , Gandhi believed , then it would son come in the cites and across the country on 9 august 1947 , Gandhi went to calcutta , rioting and violence had not stopped since direct action day in 1946 . when people saw Gandhi in the streets of the city the anger between muslims and hindus died down . large crowds came to his prayer meetings every day and after the 14 august , there was a break in the violence When Independence day cameo n 15 august , there were Fireworks and great speeches in delhi , but Gandhi spent the day quietly , spinning , praying and fasting . india was now divided into the indian unin and dominion of pakistan Because of his , Independence was no longer the great change for india that Gandhi had hoped and worked for for so long.

But partition did not bringa an end to the violence . another fight between hindus and muslims broke out on the night of 31 august in Calcuta and Gandhi decided to fast to death . he wanted an end to the violence and he did not break his fast for theree days , until hindus , muslims , chistians and city leaders promised that there would be no more fighting .

On 7 september , Gandhi left calcutta and went to delhi , where he found rioting in the city . millons of hindus and sikhs had begun to move away from pakistan , where muslims were attacking them . and millons of muslims were escaping from the indian unin , where hindus and sikhs were attacking them . over the next few months , more tan fifteen million people left their homes and walked hundreds of kilometres to places where they had no work and nowhere t olive . in the crowds there was hunger and illness , and many people died . When escaping hindus and sikhs reached delhi , many of these refugees had to stay in dirty refugee camps outside the city . Gandhi walked across delhi many times each day , speaking to the people and visiting the camps . he told people to keep clean , to share their food and to live for others as well themselves . he asked people to bring blankets for the refugees as the nights became colder . at his prayer meeting every evening , gandhi asked the people if he could read from the koran . he wantedthem to understand live whith the religions of others Gandhi had helped to stop the terrible attacks and he wanted to go and help the hindus and sikhs in pakistan , but could not do this until muslims were living safely in india . hindus had taken muslims homes from them in delhi and many wanted all the muslims to leave . how could Gandhi be sure that attacks would not start again he could not watch while hindus , muslims and sikhs broke their new countries apart . so on 13 january 1948 , Gandhi began his last fast to death

On the first day of the fast , Gandhi walked to his prayer meeting as usual . but he became weak very quickly . on the he was staying in delhi . his eyes were closed and there was khadi cloth around his face . long lines of people walked past to see him and many cried as they prayed .From the first day of the fast , Dr prasad , the new president of the congress , had organized meeting whith people from different groups and organizations in delhi . he hoped to find a real peace that would stop gandhis fast . on 18 january , prasad came to see Gandhi with more tan ahundred representatives from the city . hindus , muslims , sikhs , jews and chistians , together with representatives from the plice and from all delhis important organizations , had signed a promise that there would be no more violence in delhi . they promised that muslims could move around delhi freely and mosques that had been taken from them would be returned Were these things really true , ghandhi asked , or were people just trying to stop his fast would violence go on in other parts of india pakistan or would these representatives work to stop fighting between religious groups across the countries ?They promised that they would . at last , when Gandhi was sure he could belive them , he broke his fast and drank some orange juice .

Gandhi has always said that he wanted t olive until he was 125 years old . if they could keep their promise , he told the representatives , he would now make that wish once more .

He would live long , working for his people . gandhis fast brought a new hope for friendship . it had stopped religious riots and violene not just in delhi , but across india ans pakistan

15 particin

En sus conversaciones con mountbatten, Jinnah advirti que no habra guerra entre hindes y musulmanes, si la India no se dividi. quera pakistan para incluir todo el Punjab y Bengala, pero mountbatten pudo ver que esto era imposible. ghandhi no quera ningn tipo de particin. en junio de 1947, mountbatten dijo india que el pueblo de bengala, Punjab y Assam votaran en la particin. si la mayora de la gente quera particin, estas tres provincias se dividen, con una parte en la India y una parte de Pakistn. el Congreso, preocupado por la prdida de su prometida la Independencia y cerca de una guerra entre hindes y musulmanes, iba en contra de Gandhi y de acuerdo con el plan mountbatten's. la particin era hijo oficial. India y Pakistn se convertira en independiente, decepcionado, Gandhi reajustada a retuened de Bihar despus de su reunin con Mountbatten. quera mostrar a la gente que hindes y musulmanes pudieran vivir en paz y que la India no necesitaba particin. en Bihar, hubo algunas buenas noticias. musulmanes iban negro a sus pueblos, con la ayuda de hindes y sijs. si la paz comenz a regresar a las aldeas, Gandhi crea, entonces sera hijo venir en la cita y en todo el pas el 9 de agosto de 1947, Gandhi fue a Calcuta, los disturbios y la violencia no se haba detenido desde el primer da de accin directa en 1946. cuando la gente vio Gandhi en las calles de la ciudad la ira entre musulmanes e hindes se calm. grandes multitudes vinieron a sus reuniones de oracin todos los das y despus del 14 de agosto, se produjo una ruptura en la violencia

Cuando cameo da de la Independencia n 15 de agosto, hubo fuegos artificiales y grandes discursos en delhi, pero Gandhi pasaron el da en silencio, dando vueltas, la oracin y el ayuno. India ahora se dividi en la Unin India y dominio de Pakistn

Debido a su, Independencia ya no era el gran cambio de la india que Gandhi haba esperado y trabajado durante tanto tiempo.

Pero particin no BRINGA fin a la violencia. otra pelea entre hindes y musulmanes estall en la noche del 31 de agosto en Calcuta y Gandhi decidi ayunar hasta la muerte. que quera poner fin a la violencia y que no rompe su ayuno para theree das, hasta hindes, musulmanes, chistians y lderes de la ciudad prometieron que no habra ms lucha.

El 7 de septiembre, Gandhi dej Calcuta y fue a Delhi, donde se encontr con los disturbios en la ciudad. Millones de hindes y sijs haban comenzado a alejarse de Pakistn, donde los musulmanes atacaban ellos. Millones de musulmanes y se escapan de la Unin India, donde los hindes y sijs estaban atacando a ellos. en los prximos meses, ms bronceado quince millones de personas abandonaron sus hogares y caminaron cientos de kilmetros a lugares donde no tenan trabajo y en ninguna parte t de oliva. en la multitud haba hambre y la enfermedad, y mucha gente muri.

Cuando hindes y sikhs que escapan alcanzaron delhi, muchos de estos refugiados tuvieron que permanecer en los campamentos de refugiados sucios fuera de la ciudad. Gandhi cruz delhi muchas veces cada da, hablando con la gente y visitar los campamentos. le dijo a la gente a mantener limpio, a compartir su comida y vivir para los dems, as ellos mismos. -le pregunt a la gente a traer mantas para los refugiados como las noches se hicieron ms fro. en su reunin de oracin cada noche, gandhi pregunt a la gente si pudiera leer el Corn. que wantedthem entender vivo un poco con las religiones de los dems

Gandhi haba ayudado a detener los terribles ataques y quera ir a ayudar a los hindes y sikhs en Pakistn, pero no poda hacer esto hasta que los musulmanes vivan de forma segura en la India. hindes haban tomado musulmanes casas de ellos en delhi y muchos queran todos los musulmanes a abandonar. cmo poda estar seguro de Gandhi que los ataques no empezar de nuevo no poda ver mientras hindes, musulmanes y sikhs rompieron sus nuevos pases aparte. as que el 13 de enero de 1948, Gandhi comenz su ltimo ayuno hasta la muerte

En el primer da del ayuno, Gandhi se dirigi a su encuentro de oracin, como de costumbre. pero se debilit muy rpidamente. en el que se alojaba en delhi. Tena los ojos cerrados y no haba tela khadi alrededor de su cara. largas filas de personas pasaron junto a verlo y muchos lloraron mientras oraban.

Desde el primer da del ayuno reunin, el Dr. Prasad, el nuevo presidente del congreso, haba organizado un poco con la gente de diferentes grupos y organizaciones en delhi. esperaba encontrar una paz real que dejara de Gandhi rpido. el 18 de enero, Prasad vino a ver a Gandhi con representantes ahundred ms bronceado de la ciudad. hindes, musulmanes, sikhs, judios y chistians, junto con representantes de la polica y desde todos los delhi's organizaciones importantes, haban firmado una promesa de que no habra ms violencia en delhi. prometieron que los musulmanes podan moverse libremente delhi y mezquitas que haban sido tomadas de ellos seran devueltos

Eran estas cosas realmente cierto, pregunt ghandhi, o fueron personas simplemente tratando de detener su ayuno sera ir en la violencia en otras partes de la India o Pakistn funcionaran estos representantes para detener los enfrentamientos entre grupos religiosos en todos los pases?

Ellos prometieron que lo haran. al fin, cuando Gandhi estaba seguro de poder creer ellos, rompi su ayuno y bebi un poco de jugo de naranja.

Gandhi siempre ha dicho que quera t de oliva hasta que cumpli 125 aos de edad. si podan mantener su promesa, le dijo a los representantes, l ahora hacer ese deseo una vez ms.

Vivira siempre, trabajando por su pueblo. de Gandhi trado rpidamente en una nueva esperanza para la amistad. que haba dejado de disturbios religiosos y Violene no slo en delhi, pero a travs de la india ans pakistan


in the twelve days following the fast, Gandhi was very happy and he soon felt ready to go to Pakistan. plans were made for him to travel there at the beginning of february. Gandhi was now seventy-eight years old, but his mind was still quick and brilliant and he had no problem working long hard days. India now loved him more than ever. around the world, too, people could se that Gandhi was a great and special leader, and an extraordinary man. but on 20th january 1948, someone threw a bomb at Birla house. a prayer meeting was going on when the bomb went off and people were very frightened. but no one was injured and Gandhi, not knowing until later what had happened, was not worried.

friday 30th january began like any other day for Gandhi. he got up at half past three in the morning, said his prayers, and then worked on a speech for a congress meeting. he had a bath and some breakfast, and then slept for a short time. he talked with Delhi is Muslim leaders, and in the afternoon, lay in the sun while the news papers were read to him. he saw visitors, did some spinning, and after dinner he left for his prayer meeting a little later than usual.

as he walked to the prayer meeting, he had on each side of him one of his younger cousins. he walked with an arm on each girl's shoulder, as he often did. when the three of them arrived at the prayer meeting, a man moved towards Gandhi. Gandhi is cousin thought the man wanted to kiss Gandhi is feet and she asked him to move away because they were already late. but the man pushed her away, pulled out a gun and shot Gandhi three times. 'Hey Rama', (oh god) Gandhi said quietly as he fell to the ground.

Gandhi was carried to Birla house and a doctor came after just ten minutes, but he was already dead. Gandhi is followers and friends could not believe what had happened and they sat next to his body crying. Then Prime Minister Nehru arrived. he hid his face in Gandhi is blood-covered clothes and cried like a child. Later, on the radio, he spoke to the indian people.

'the light has gone out of our lives,' he said, 'and there is darkness everywhere. the leader we loved, Bapu as we called him, is o more.

the man who shot Gandhi, Nathuram Godse, hated non-violence and the charkha. he thought that Gandhi had made India and Hindu society weak. he was executed - killed for his crime - against the wishes of Gandhi is sons, Manilal and Ramdas.

around the world, people shared in the deep sadness of India at the loss of the great leader the country had loved so much. on 31st january 1948, Gandhi is body was washed, covered in flowers and taken away for cremation. one and a half million people marched to the crematio ground, and another million watched as Bapu was taken past. two weeks later, following Hindu tradition, Gandhi is ashes were taken to Allahabad by train. at every station, hundreds of thousands of people came to say goodbay to their Mahatma, praying and throwing flowers onto the train. and when at last his ashes were set free in the holy Ganges and Jumna Rivers, thousands more went into the water to be close to their great leader for the last time.

a year after the Mahatma is death, the Indian government set up the Gandhi Peace Prize, which in the year 2000 was given to Nelson Mandela. Mandela has campaigned to win freedom for black people in South Africa, the country where satyagraha had first begun.

today, Gandhi is remembered every year with a national holiday, Gandhi Jayanti, on the day of his birthday. he was not a political or religious leader, but he had an extraordinary power to make people follow him. he showed that non-violence was a great and strong force for change, and his ideas about satyagraha have been used by others fighting for freedom around the world. Gandhi gave his life to help the people of India. he lived in love, peace and truth, and his beliefs still continue to change people is lives.

16. A RAMA

En los doce das siguientes el ayuno, Gandhi estaba muy feliz y pronto se sinti listo para ir a Pakistn. Se hicieron planes para l viajar all a principios de febrero. Gandhi ya tena setenta y ocho aos de edad, pero su mente segua siendo rpida y brillante y no tena ningn problema de trabajar largas jornadas duras. India ahora lo amaba ms que nunca. en todo el mundo, tambin, la gente podra se el que Gandhi fue un gran y especial lder y un hombre extraordinario. pero el 20 de enero de 1948, alguien lanz una bomba en la casa Birla. una reunin de oracin estaba pasando cuando estall la bomba y la gente estaba muy asustada. pero nadie result herido y Gandhi, sin saber hasta ms tarde de lo que haba pasado, no estaba preocupado.

Viernes 30 de enero comenz como cualquier otro da de Gandhi. l se levant a las tres y media de la maana, dijo que sus oraciones, y luego trabaj en un discurso durante una reunin del congreso. tena un bao y el desayuno, y luego durmi por un corto tiempo. habl con Delhi es los lderes musulmanes, y por la tarde, estaba en el sol, mientras que los peridicos se leen a l. vio a los visitantes, hizo un poco de hilado, y despus de la cena se fue a su encuentro de oracin un poco ms tarde de lo habitual.

mientras se diriga a la reunin de oracin, que tena a cada lado de l uno de sus primos ms jvenes. caminaba con un brazo sobre el hombro de cada nia, como haca a menudo. cuando los tres llegaron a la reunin de oracin, un hombre se dirigi hacia Gandhi. Gandhi es primo pens que el hombre quera besar Gandhi est de pie y ella le pidi que alejarse porque ya llegaban tarde. pero el hombre la empuj, sac un arma y le dispar a Gandhi tres veces. 'Hey Rama', (oh dios) Gandhi dijo en voz baja mientras caa al suelo.

Gandhi fue llevado a la casa de Birla y un mdico se produjo despus de slo diez minutos, pero ya estaba muerto. Gandhi es seguidores y amigos no podan creer lo que haba sucedido y se sentaron al lado de su cuerpo a llorar. Entonces el primer ministro Nehru lleg. l escondi su rostro en Gandhi es la ropa cubierta de sangre y llor como un nio. Ms tarde, en la radio, habl al pueblo indio.

'La luz ha salido de nuestras vidas ", dijo," y hay oscuridad en todas partes. el lder que nos encant, Bapu como le llambamos, es o ms.

el hombre que le dispar a Gandhi, Nathuram Godse, odiaba la no violencia y la charkha. pens que Gandhi haba hecho la India y la sociedad hind dbil. fue ejecutado - matado por su crimen - en contra de los deseos de Gandhi est hijos, Manilal y Ramdas.

en todo el mundo, las personas comparten en la profunda tristeza de la India por la prdida del gran lder el pas haba amado tanto. el 31 de enero de 1948, Gandhi se cuerpo se lav, cubierto de flores y se lo llevaron para la cremacin. uno y medio millones de personas marcharon al suelo crematio, y otro milln vieron como Bapu fue tomada pasado. dos semanas ms tarde, siguiendo la tradicin hind, Gandhi se cenizas fueron llevados a Allahabad en tren. en cada estacin, cientos de miles de personas vinieron a decir goodbay a su Mahatma, rezando y lanzando flores al tren. y cuando por fin sus cenizas fueron puestos en libertad en los sagrados Ganges y Jumna Ros, miles ms fueron al agua para estar cerca de su gran lder por ltima vez.

un ao despus de que el Mahatma es la muerte, el gobierno indio cre el Premio de la Paz de Gandhi, que en el ao 2000 se le dio a Nelson Mandela. Mandela ha hecho campaa por la libertad de los negros en Sudfrica, el pas donde haba comenzado primero satyagraha.

hoy en da, Gandhi es recordado cada ao con una fiesta nacional, Gandhi Jayanti, el da de su cumpleaos. l no era un lder poltico o religioso, pero tena un poder extraordinario para que la gente lo siguen. mostr que la no violencia era un grande y poderoso motor de cambio, y sus ideas acerca de satyagraha haber sido utilizado por otros que luchan por la libertad en todo el mundo. Gandhi dio su vida para ayudar al pueblo de la India. vivi en el amor, la paz y la verdad, y sus creencias an continan cambiar a la gente es la vida.