Page 1: Ultimate Ramadan Guide · 2020-04-30 · 2. Attaining Spirituality in Ramadan 3. Reciting the Holy Quran in Ramadan 4. Performing Salaah in Ramadan 5. Thikr in Ramadan 6. Duas for

Muslim Hands



Page 2: Ultimate Ramadan Guide · 2020-04-30 · 2. Attaining Spirituality in Ramadan 3. Reciting the Holy Quran in Ramadan 4. Performing Salaah in Ramadan 5. Thikr in Ramadan 6. Duas for

CONTENTS1. Introduction

2. Attaining Spirituality in Ramadan

3. Reciting the Holy Quran in Ramadan

4. Performing Salaah in Ramadan

5. Thikr in Ramadan

6. Duas for Ramadan

7. Laylatul Qadr

8. Zakat During Ramadan

9. The Benefits of Fasting

10. Spirituality and Food

11. Declaration












Page 3: Ultimate Ramadan Guide · 2020-04-30 · 2. Attaining Spirituality in Ramadan 3. Reciting the Holy Quran in Ramadan 4. Performing Salaah in Ramadan 5. Thikr in Ramadan 6. Duas for


The Prophet (saw) said:

‘This is a month, the first part of which brings Allah’s Mercy,

the middle of which brings Allah’s forgiveness, and the last part of

which brings emancipation from the hellfire’


The holy month of Ramadan is a time for reflection, contemplationand spiritual growth. Increasing acts of worship, improving one’s

character and engaging in abundant acts of charity and good deeds is encouraged to reap the benefits of Allah’s mercy,

compassion and forgiveness during this blessed month.

We have put together this guide for you to help you prepare for and make the most out of Ramadan both spiritually and physically.


Page 4: Ultimate Ramadan Guide · 2020-04-30 · 2. Attaining Spirituality in Ramadan 3. Reciting the Holy Quran in Ramadan 4. Performing Salaah in Ramadan 5. Thikr in Ramadan 6. Duas for

Attaining Spirituality in


TaqwahThe holy month of Ramadan gives Muslims the opportunity to increase their Taqwa,

an essential quality for any true believer.

‘Indeed, for the righteous is attainment’

[Quran, 78:31]

Taqwa is the Islamic term for piety, being God-fearing or having God-consciousness. To have attained Taqwa, you must be perpetually alert and steadfast in your intentions to not

commit actions that would displease Allah Almighty.

In order to attain Taqwa, you must:

• be steadfast in your Salaah; • have a firm belief in the Holy Quran and the previous scriptures; • have a firm conviction in the Hereafter; • have a firm faith in the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed (saw); • spend in the way of Allah.

Fasting is one of the principal ways of attaining Taqwa during the month of Ramadaan. In the Holy Quran, it states that:

“O you who believe! Fasting is prescribedupon you as it was prescribed to those

before you so that you may attain Taqwa”[Quran 2:183]


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The rewards of reciting the Holy Quran during Ramadan are countless and extremely beneficial in attaining Taqwa. The more onerecites, understands and implements the teachings of the Quran, themore likely that Allah Almighty will elevate their status both in this

life and in the hereafter.

It is said that Allah Almighty blesses those with a reward for everyletter recited. The reward is doubled for a person who makes an

effort, despite finding it difficult to recite the Holy Quran or who isnot well versed with the Arabic language.

It is encouraged to recite the Quran in abundance during the month ofRamadan, as this is what the Prophet Muhammed (saw) did. It is saidthat he would read between one third and a half of a section of theQuran every evening, until Suhoor, and would complete the section

on every third night.

Many Muslims make a niyyah (intention) to recite and complete theHoly Quran in its entirety during Ramadan.

Below is a schedule that can help you to achieve this goal:

*The number of pages to read may differ depending on the Mushaf you are using. This schedule follows a 15 line Quran. It is important that you read the Holy Quran in a slow measured tone, reciting every letter distinctly and understanding the meaning.

Reciting the Holy Quran in

































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PerformingSalaah in Ramadan

Taraweeh PrayersIn the last year before his death, the Prophet Muhammed (saw) came to the

Masjid one night and performed the Taraweeh prayers. On that night, some people prayed with him. Word quickly spread and more people joined him on the second and third night.

By the fourth night, the Masjid was full of people waiting on the arrival of the Prophet (saw) to lead the congregation for Taraweeh Salaah. However, he did not arrive.

Instead, the Prophet (saw) read the prayer at home by himself. At Fajr Salaah the following morning, he addressed the confused crowd and said,

‘Nothing prevented me from coming out to you, except the fact that I feared it would be made

obligatory for you’ [Muslim]

Since then, Taraweeh prayers have become a Sunnah Muakkadah - a confirmed practice of the Prophet (saw) that is recommended but not compulsory

for Muslims. Taraweeh prayers are performed only during Ramadan and consist of between 8 and 20 raka’ats prayed in sets of two, with a break taken after every 4. The entire

Holy Quran is recited during the month’s prayers.

The virtues of standing in Taraweeh are plenty, as it is said that Allah Almighty forgives the previous sins of anyone who attends Taraweeh prayers. Not only does the Taraweeh prayer

strengthen ones Imaan,but it also encourages Muslims to frequent the mosque and creates unity amongst the Ummah.


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Subhana dhil Mulki wal Malakuti, Subhana dhil izzati wal aDhmati wal haybati

wal Qudrati, wal kibriyaa’i wal jabaroot Subhanal Malikil hayyil ladhi, la

yunaamu wa layamutu, Subbuhun, Quddusun, Rabbul malaa’ikati war-rooh

Allahumma Ajirnee Minan Naar, Ya Mujeero, Ya Mujeero, Ya Mujeer.

‘Exalted is the Possessor of the hidden and the manifest dominion. Exalted is the Possessor of Might, Greatness, Reverence, Power, Pride, and Majesty. Exalted is the Master, the Living, the one who neither sleeps nor dies. All-perfect, All-holy, Our Lord, and the Lord of the angels and the souls. O Allah, grant us refuge from the Hellfire. O Granter of refuge, O Granter of

refuge, O Granter of refuge.’

ة والعظمة والهيبة والقدرة سبحان ذي الملك والملكوت سبحان ذي العزوالكبرياء والجبروت سبحان الملك الحي الذي ال ينام وال يموت سبوح

وح اللهم أجرنا من النار يا مجير يا مجير يا قدوس ربنا ورب المالئكة والرمجير

Dua for Taraweeh(To be read after every 4 rakats)


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Sunnah and NaflPrayers

Aside from Taraweeh, there are immeasurable virtues from performing Nafl Salaah in the month of Ramadan. During Ramadan, Muslims are encouraged to wake up early and perform Tahajjud Salaah before Suhoor as the reward of performing it in Ramadan is magnified.

It is said that duas are readily accepted at the time of Tahajjud.

Other nafl Salaahs that you can read during Ramadan include Ishraq (sunrise prayer), Salaatul Awabeen (6 rak’at after Maghrib salaah), Salaatul Tawbah (prayer of repentance),

Tahiyatul Wudhu and the Nafl and Sunnah Salaah that precedes or follows every Fardh Salaah


Table of Prayer Rakats

Farz Sunnah Nafl NaflWitr Total Rakats








4 2 -- 12

4 4 - - -- 8

- 3


2 -

2 -

- 7

- 14

4 4 2 2 17

2 - - -- 4












Page 9: Ultimate Ramadan Guide · 2020-04-30 · 2. Attaining Spirituality in Ramadan 3. Reciting the Holy Quran in Ramadan 4. Performing Salaah in Ramadan 5. Thikr in Ramadan 6. Duas for

Thikr in Ramadan

Virtues of ThikrThe essence of Ramadan is to remember and glorify Allah Almighty.

Performing Salaah, fasting, reciting the Holy Quran and giving to charity are all acts of Thikr. Making Thikr of Allah Almighty erases sins, expresses our gratitude and love for our Creator, pleases Allah and repels His anger.

Thikr to recite in abundance during Ramadan:


I seek Allah’s forgiveness

Subhana-llahi wa bi-ham’dihi Subhana-llah-il adheem

Glory be to Allah and praise Him, glory be to Allah, The Supreme, and praise Him

Subhana-llahi, wa-l-hamdu li-llahi, wa la ilaha illa-llahu, wa-llahu akbar.

Wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa bi-llahi-l-aliyyi-l-azim -

Glory be to Allah, all praise is for Allah, there is no God but Allah, there is no power nor might except by

Allah, Allah is the Greatest

Laailaha illa-llahu waḥdahu la sharika lahu lahu-l-mulku wa lahu-l-ḥamdu, wa huwa ala kulli

shay-in qadir

There is no God but Allah Alone, who has no partner. His is the dominion

and His is the raise, and He is able to do all things

Astaghfirullah al-’adheemal-ladhi la ilaha illa huwal-hayyul-qayyum wa atubu ilaih

I seek the forgiveness of Allah The Mighty, whom there is none worthy of worship except Him,

The Living, The Eternal, and I repent unto Him9

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Duas forRamadan

Wa bi sauwmi gaddan nawaytu min shahri Ramadan

‘I intend to keep the fast for the month of Ramadan’

Allahumma laka sumtu wa bika aamantu wa ‘ala rizq-ika aftarthu

O Allah! I fasted for You and I believe in You and I break my fast with Your sustenance

Rabbana taqabbal minna innaka antaas-sami-‘ul ‘alim

Our Lord! Accept from us this (service) verily You alone are the All-Hearing and the All-Knowing

اللهم انى لك صمت وبك امنت وعليك توكلت و على رزقك افطرت

Dua to Recite at Suhoor

Dua to Recite when Breaking Fast

وبصوم غد نويت من شهر رمضان

ربنا تقبل منا إنك أنت السميع العليم

Dua to Recite on Completing the Recitation of the Holy Quran


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Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil Aakhirati hasanatan

waqina ‘adhaban-nar

Our Lord! Grant us good in this world and good in the

hereafter, and save us from the chastisement of the fire


Rabbana la tu’akhidhna in-nasina aw akhta’na

Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget or fall into error


Rabbana la tuzigh quloobana ba’da idh hadaitana wa hab lana

milladunka rahmah innaka antal Wahhab

Our Lord! (they say), Let not our hearts deviate now after Thou hast guided us, but grant

us mercy from Thine own Presence; for Thou art the Grantor of bounties without measure


نيا حسنة وفي اآلخرة حسنة وقنا عذاب النار ربنا آتنا في الد

ربنا ال تؤاخذنا إن نسينا أو أخطأنا

ربنا ال تزغ قلوبنا بعد إذ هديتنا وهب لنا من لدنك رحمة إنك أنت الوهاب

Duas to Recite Abundantly in Ramadan


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Rabbighfir warham wa anta khairur rahimeen

“O my Lord! Forgive and have Mercy and You are the Best of Merciful”

Dua to Recite During the Days of Forgiveness (the second ten days of Ramadan)

Rabbana fagh-fir-lana dhunoobana wa kaf-fir-’anna sayyi-aatina

wa ta-waf-fana ma-’al abraar.

Our Lord, so forgive us our sins and remove from us our

misdeeds and cause us to die with the righteous.

Allahumma ajirnee minnan Naar

“O Allah! Save me from the Hellfire”

Dua to Recite During the Days of Mercy(the first ten days of Ramadan)

احمين ب اغفر وارحم وأنت خير الر ر

ربنا فاغفر لنا ذنوبنا وكفر عنا سيئاتنا وتوفنا مع األبرار

Dua to Recite During the Days of Salvation From the Hell Fire (last ten days of Ramadan)

اللهم أجرني من النار


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On Laylatul Qadr or The Night of Power, Jibrail (as) descendedfrom the seven heavens to planet Earth and unveiled the teachings

of the Holy Quran to Prophet Muhammed (saw). The Prophet (saw)received the revelation and became the Last Messenger,

the Seal of the Prophets.

Laylatul Qadr occurs during the final ten odd nights of Ramadan andis very important to Muslims. Its significance is such that an entire

surah is dedicated to it in the Holy Quran.

Laylatul Qadr is a night that is better than a thousand months. Thisis the night that Allah Almighty’s mercy, blessings and peace descends

along with the angels to the first heaven. Any good deeds oracts of worship performed in this night are as though one has performed

the act for 1000 months.

Laylatul Qadr occurs on a peaceful night, when the moon rises like aplate. The night is calm, neither hot nor cold, and the sun that rises

the following morning has no rays.

It is important to engage in abundant ibadaah on Layatul Qadr, make plenty of Thikr, Istighfaar and Du’a, recite the Holy Quran and offer extra Salaah.

Allahumma innaka `afuwwun tuhibbul `afwa fa`fu `annee

“O Allah, You are Pardoning and you love pardon, so pardon me.”

اللهم إنك عفو تحب العفو فاعف عني

Dua for Laylatul Qadr


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ItikaafObserving Itikaaf is a good way of spiritually preparing for the night of Laylatul Qadr.

By secluding oneself in a mosque, during the last ten days of Ramadan, you are better able to engage in abundant Ibadah, seeking forgiveness

and doing away with worldly sins. It is a general practice of the Prophet Muhammed (saw) and is an act of Sunnah.

Ali Ibn Hussain (ra) narrates from his father that the Prophet (saw) said:

‘He who observes the ten days of I’tikaf during Ramadan will obtain the reward

of two Hajj and two Umrah; [Bayhaqi].


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Charity is one of the best and most honoured deeds to Allah Almighty and giving to charity has great virtue and ample reward at any time of the year. Muslims make charitable donations

through Zakat, which is an obligatory duty on each Muslim who has wealth exceeding a certain value. This value is known as Nisaab.

Zakat helps to purify your wealth and keeps you away from sins and ill morale. By letting those that have, help those that don’t have, Allah Almighty strengths the bond of the Ummah, creating empathy between

the rich and poor and thus bringing everyone closer to Him.

“And establish prayer and give zakat

and obey the Messenger so that you may be shown mercy.”

[Quran 24:56]

Those who may receive Zakat are the eight categories of recipients mentioned in

Surat Al-Tawbah, [Quran9: 60]. They include:

1. Al-Fuqara (The poor)2. Al-Masakin (The needy)3. Zakat collectors4. Converts to Islam5. Freeing captives6. Debtors7. In the cause of Allah8. Wayfarer (Travelers)


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Zakat al-Fitr is a form of charity given to the poor, due on every member of a household, including any children or elderly persons and is obligatory

to pay before the day of Eid.

The amount of Zakat al-Fitr is the value of one meal, which must be received by the person in need before the Eid prayer. It is therefore

recommended to pay Zakat al Fitr as early as possible in the month of Ramadan.

On the authority of ’Abdullah ibn ’Abbas, may Allah be pleased with both of them who said,

“The Messenger of Allah (saw) prescribed the Zakat al-Fitr as a purification of the fasting person from empty and obscene talk and as food for the poor. If anyone pays it before the prayer (of Eid), it will be accepted as Zakat. If anyone pays it

after the prayer, that will be a Sadaqah like other Sadaqahs”. [Abu Dawud]

Zakat al-Fitr


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The Benefits of Fasting

“to fast is best for you, if you only knew”

[Quran 2:184]

Although it is a religious duty upon Muslims prescribed to draw closer to Allah (swt), purify the Nafs and empathize with the poor, fasting also has many physical benefits.

The human body quickly adapts in its fasting state. After using all glucose stores, the body starts to use fats for energy, helping to reduce cholesterol levels and aiding in weight loss.

After the body breaks up unused fat, it then begins to detoxify. This process involves the liver dissolving toxins into urea, which is then excreted in the form of urine.

After a few days of fasting, the body begins to create higher than normal levels of hormones called endorphins which increase alertness and enhance mental well-being.

Fasting helps:

• Aid in cancer prevention • Boost metabolism and reduce weight • Control blood sugar levels and reduce insulin resistence • Boost Brain Function and Prevent Neurodegenerative Disorders • Enhance heart health by improving blood pressure, triglycerides and cholesterol levels • •Fights inflammation


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Spirituality and Food

To fully benefit from fasting, it is important to eat pure and wholesome foods to maintain high energy levels and stamina required for abundant worship

through out the holy month.

“Eat of the good and wholesome things that We have

provided for your sustenance, but indulge in no excess therein”

[20: 81]

Ramadan is the perfect time to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet and eat the pure foods that He (saw) regularly ate including: dates, watermelon, pomegranate, mushrooms, grapes,

olive oil, barley bread, honey, milk, and gourd.

Dates are especially significant during the month of Ramadan as the Prophet (saw) advised his Ummah to start and break their fasts with dates because of their many health benefits.

The Prophet Muhammed (saw) said

‘The best Suhoor for the believer is dates’

[Abu Dawood]

Dates are easy to digest and are rich in antioxidants, fibre, vitamins and minerals. Giving them many health benefits including preventing certain chronic illnesses,

such as heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and diabetes.

The Prophet (saw) also said

‘Break your fast by eating dates as it is purifying’



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NutritionDuring Ramadan it’s important to maintain a balanced diet which incorporates all the essential

nutrients required to keep fit and healthy. Each meal should include carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals

Foods to Eat:• • Fruits and vegetables• • Complex carbohydrates i.e. grains, beans, lentils, and potatoes• • Lean meat chicken, fish, and eggs.• • Dairy products including milk, cheese, and yoghurt.• • Healthy fats like olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds.

Foods to Avoid:• • Refined carbohydrates like white flour, sugar, pasta, and white rice• • Deep fried food like fries and samosas• • Processed meats• • Cakes, biscuits, chocolates and sweets.

Like at every other time of the year, Muslims should eat in moderation during Ramadan and not overindulge. Overindulging can increase worldly appetites, physical ailments

and hamper spiritual growth.

In a hadith, the Prophet (saw) said; ‘The children of Adam fill no vessel worse than their stomach.

Sufficient for him is a few morsels to keep his back straight.

If he must eat more, than a third should be for his food,

a third for his drink, and a third left for air’

[Tirmidhi]. 19

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Water is essential for the body as it keeps all major organs functioning. It’s easy to become

dehydrated during Ramadan and this can cause fatigue and drowsiness.

In order to stay hydrated, make sure you:

• • Cut down on caffeine and salt as these cause you to urinate frequently and

become dehydrated;

• • Drink plenty of water, in continuous short intervals during the night.

• • Consider taking a small bottle of water with you for Taraweeh or leave it on

the side of your bed;

• • Eat fruits and vegetables that have a high water content such as cucumbers,

watermelon, strawberries, apricots and spinach;

• • Have soup for Iftar, as it is filled with rich hydrating properties;

• • Start and end your fast with a date. Studies show that dates have natural

glucose properties, which allow body cells to retain fluid and store energy.

Lack of food and water during the day can cause headaches, heartburn, indigestion’s,

diabetes or constipation. Ensure that you make the right food choices, stay hydrated and take

medications, where needed to prevent any of these ailments.

If the problem persists, seek medical attention immediately.



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This Ramadan Guide has been created by Muslim Hands to provide basic information for all Muslims so that they can lead a spiritual and healthy Ramadan that is full of

good deeds, for the sake of earning the pleasure of Allah Almighty.

We pray that the Almighty grants us all good health, Imaan,

and Taqwa to have a Ramadan that is exemplary to the

Prophet Muhammed (saw) and grants us all the

highest abode in Jannah, Inshallah Ameen.

Muslim Hands established in the UK in 1993, is an international aid agency and NGO working in over 50 countries worldwide. Helping those affected by natural disasters,

conflict, and poverty by providing emergency relief and establishing long-term projects in the areas of education, healthcare, and livelihoods to tackle the root causes of poverty.

Muslim Hands South Africa is a branch of Muslim Hands UK established in 1996.

To learn more about our work or to make a donation visit or call us on 021-6336413


