



Andrew F. Dupigny

Head, Infrastructure Partnerships

Caribbean Development Bank

December 6, 2016

Caribbean Development Bank

Who are we?

• A member of the Multi-Lateral Development Bank Community

• A Regional Development Bank Serving the Caribbean Region

• The CDB was established in 1970 to contribute to the

harmonious economic growth and development of the member

countries in the Caribbean

• Members of the CDB are either states and territories of the

Caribbean region or non-regional states, which are members of

the United Nations

Regional Borrowing Members

Anguilla Haiti

Antigua and Barbuda Jamaica

The Bahamas Montserrat

Barbados St. Kitts and Nevis

Belize Saint Lucia

British Virgin Islands St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Cayman Islands Suriname

Dominica Trinidad and Tobago

Grenada Turks and Caicos Islands


Other members


Regional Non-Borrowing

Brazil Mexico

Columbia Venezuela

Canada Italy

China United Kingdom


United Kingdom- Caribbean Infrastructure

Partnership Fund (UKCIF) Overview

• Total Fund Amount - £300 mn

• Country Infrastructure Component -£282.75 mn

• Countries may utilise cofinancing in order to finance larger projects (UKCIF resources must compose majority financing)

UKCIF Country Allocations

Indicative allocation by Country of Fund UKP (mn)

Belize 15.0% 42.4

Dominica 9.1% 25.7

Grenada 8.2% 23.2

Guyana 18.8% 53.2

Jamaica 18.8% 53.2

Montserrat 5.1% 14.4

Antigua and Barbuda 4.9% 13.9

St. Lucia 10.1% 28.6

St. Vincent/Grenadines 9.9% 28.0

100.0% 282.7

Project Eligibility

• Both a Technical Assistance (TA) and capital projects will be eligible

for financing from UKCIF. TA interventions from feasibility, through

to preparation, implementation and evaluation of infrastructure

projects will be eligible.

• Projects should be critical drivers of economic growth and be able to

deliver an Economic Rate of Return of at least 12%. Project will be

assessed to ensure compliance with environmental (Incl CVA),

social and gender safeguards.

• Projects must be of an infrastructure nature. Examples of eligible

infrastructure projects include roads; bridges; sea defences;

seaports; airports; water/sanitation/wastewater; and irrigation.

Renewable energy and energy efficiency projects are also eligible

for financing from UKCIF.


• Countries/Territory submit project profiles to CDB. (2/3 per country


• Screening by CDB/DFID to see if proposed projects meet eligibility


• Determination as to whether Technical Assistance relating to

Feasibility/Design Studies etc.

• Appraisal of Capital Projects in accordance with requisite CDB polices

and guidelines

• Procurement of all contracts in accordance with CDB guidelines.

• Certification by independent consultants a requisite for payment by


Potential consultancy (TA) opportunities

• Feasibility and Design Studies

• Environmental and Social Impact Assessments

• Gender Impact Studies/Consultancies

• Climate Change/Variability/Disaster Risk Reduction

• Certification Services

• Project Management Services

Indicative capital projects

Project Name/Type Cost UKP mn

(a) Road Upgrade (A&B) 22.6

(b) Road Re-Construction (Dom) 20.0

(c) New Road Construction (Blz) 43.3

(d) Road Rehab/Upgrade (Blz) 30.0

(e) Coastal/Riverine Infrastructure (Guy) 43.6

(f) New Road Construction (Guy) 62.5

(g) Water Supply Improvement Project



(h) Road Rehab/Upgrade (Gnd) 20.0

(i) Irrigation Project (Jam) 33.0

(j) Irrigation Project II (Jam) 20.2

(j) Port Development Project (Mon) 14.4

(k) Port Development Project (SVG) 74.0

Total 394.6

Potential opportunities – Capital projects

Key features:

• Need for economy and efficiency

• Equal opportunity for bidders from all CDB member countries

• Encouraging development of contractors in BMCs

• Transparency in procurement process


• ICB (In most cases appropriate)

• Alternative contract options that attract interest of both small

and large firms– Individual Contracts (Slices), or Group of

Similar Contracts (Package).

Project procurement

Key features:

• Recipients responsible for executing procurement and enter

into contracts with consultants, suppliers and contractors

• CDB plays a supervisory role to ensure funds used for their

intended purpose and that Bank’s procurement guidelines are


• Awards only made to firms meeting appropriate financial and

work experience criteria

Who can participate?


Restricted to individuals and firms from CDB member countries • Individuals: citizens or bona fide residents of member countries

• Firms:

• legally incorporated or otherwise organised in an eligible country principal place

of business in an eligible country

• >50% beneficially owned by citizen(s) and/or bona fide resident(s) of eligible

country(ies) or by eligible body(ies) corporate

Project procurement policies and procedures

• Procurement undertaken in accordance with CDB

procurement guidelines

• CDB standard bidding documents/forms of contract used for

international bidding

• Procurement policy, procedures and documents harmonised

with other development banks

• CDB procurement policy and procedures are utilised for large

programmes fully or partially financed by other partners

including: UK-Caribbean Infrastructure Partnership Fund,

Sustainable Energy Fund, and Sustainable Energy for the

Eastern Caribbean Program

Project procurement policies and procedures

Guidelines for Procurement

(Goods, Works and Non-Consultancy


Guidelines for Selection and

Engagement of Consultants

(Consultancy Services – Firms and


How to identify opportunities

Business intelligence prior to formal procurement process:

• CDB Strategic Plan 2015-19:


• Country Strategy Papers:


• Board papers and project announcements for approved projects:

• Government strategies/development plans and budgets

• Direct engagement with government agencies

Where are opportunities advertised?

Good/Works/Non-consultancy Services and Consultancy Services >$150,000

Register of Consultants

• Access: or through “projects” tab on website

• Open to firms and individuals

• Information used for CDB consultancy procurements and to assist

recipients undertaking project procurement

• Provides consultants with e-mail updates on new procurement


Thank You!