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    UJIAN BERKALA 3 2010(Format Kertas 3 SPM)

    NAMA : ................................................ TINGKATAN : ........................

    SECTION AAnswerall question


    1. A student carries out an experiment to study the relationship between the angle ofincidence, i, and theangle of refraction, r, when a light ray passes from air to a semicircular glass block. The apparatus set-

    up for this experiment is shown in Diagram 1.1.

    Seorang muridmenjalankan satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji hubungan antara suduttuju, i, dan sudut

    biasan, r, apabila sinar cahaya merambatdari udara ke blok kacasemibulatan. Susunan radas bagi

    eksperimen iniditunjukkan pada Rajah 1.1.

    Diagram 1.1 /Rajah 1.1

    The ray box is adjusted so that a ray of light enters the semicircular glass block at anangle of incidence, i= 15o.The angle of refraction, r, is measured with a protractor.

    The experiment is repeated with angles of incidence, i= 30o, 45o, 60o and 75o.The corresponding measurements made by the protractor are shown in Diagrams 1.2,

    1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6.Kotak sinardilaraskan supaya satu sinar cahaya memasuki blok kaca semibulatan

    pada sudut tuju, i = 15o.

    Sudut biasan, r, diukuroleh sebuah protraktor.

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    Pengukuran sepadan yangdibuat oleh protraktorditunjukkan pada Rajah1.2, 1.3, 1.4,1.5 dan 1.6.

    i= 15o

    sin i

    =r= .

    sin r


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    i= 30o

    sin i


    r= .

    sin r


    i= 45o

    sin i=

    r= .

    sin r=

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    i= 60o

    si i


    r= .si r


    i= 75o

    si i=

    r= .si r


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    (a) Fort experi ent descri ed on page 1, identi :

    Bagi eksperimen yangditerangkan di halaman 1, kenalpasti:(i) The manipulated variable

    embolehubah dimanipulasikan


    [1 mark](ii) The responding variable

    embolehubah bergerakbalas


    [1 mark]

    (iii) The constant variable

    embolehubah dimalarkan


    [1 mark]

    (b) Forthis part ofthe question, write your answers in the spaces provided in the

    corresponding diagrams.Untukbahagian soalan ini, tulisjawapan anda dalam ruangyangdisediakan

    dalam rajah-rajah yangsepadan.Based on Diagrams 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6:

    Berdasarkan Rajah 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 dan 1.6:

    (i) Record the readings, r, ofthe protractor.Catatbacaan, r, protraktoritu.

    [2 marks]

    (ii) For each value ofi, calculate and record the value of sin i.

    Bagi setiap nilaii, hitungdan catatnilai sin i.

    [1 mark]

    (iii) Calculate sin rfor each value ofrin 1(b)(i).

    Record the value of sin r.

    Hitungsin r untuk setiap nilai r di1(b)(i).

    Catatnilaisin r.

    [2 marks]

    (c) Tabulate your results for all values ofi, sin iand sin rin the space below.

    Jadualkan keputusan andabagi semua nilaii, sin i dan sin r dalam ruangdi


    [2 marks]

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    (d) On the graph paper provided, plot a graph of sin iagainst sin r.

    ada kertas grafyangdisediakan, lukis grafsin imelawan sin r.

    [5 marks](e) Based on your graph in 1(d), state the relationship between sin iand sin r.

    Berdasarkan grafanda di1(d), nyatakan hubungan antarasin i dan sin r.

    ............................................................................................................................. ......

    [1 mark]

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    Graph of sin iagainst sin rGrafsin imelawan sin r

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    2. A student carries out an experimentto investigate the relationship between object distance, u, andthe magnification, m, of a convex lens. The student used different object distance and the corresponding

    magnification is determined. A graph ofagainstu is plotted as shown in Diagram 2.1 on page 9.

    Seorangpelajarmenjalankan suatu eksperimen untukmengkaji hubungan diantarajarakobjek, u,

    dengan pembesaran linear, m, suatu kantacembung.

    elajaritu menggunakanjarakobjek yangberbeza

    dan pembesaran yangsepadanditentukan. Suatu graf melawan u diplotkan seperti yangditunjukkan

    dalam Rajahdihalaman 9.

    (a) Based on the graph in Diagram 2.1,

    Berdasarkan grafdalam Rajah 2.1,

    (i) state the relationship between and u.

    nyatakan hubungan diantara dan u.

    ............................................................................................................................. ...........

    [1 mark](ii) Calculate the image magnification, m, ifthe object distance, u, is 25 cm.

    Hitungkan pembesaran imejjikajarakobjekialah 25 cm.

    [3 marks](iii) Calculate the gradient ofthe graph.

    Hitungkan kecerunan graf.

    [3 marks]

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    (b) (i) Given that 1 ++ =

    , wheref= focallength ofthe lens

    By using the the above equation and the equation oflinear motion, y =mx + c, show the relationship

    between focallength,f, and the gradient of graphagainstu ?.

    Diberikan 1 ++ =

    , dimanaf=panjangfokus kanta

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    Dengan menggunakan persamaan diatas dan persamaan gerakan linear y =mx+c, tunjukkan hubungan

    diantara panjangfokus, f, dengan kecerunan graf melawan u ?

    [2 marks]

    (ii) Calculate the focallength ofthe lens used.

    Hitungkan panjangfokus kanta yangdigunakan.

    [2 marks]

    (c) State oneprecaution that should be taken in this experiment.Nyatakan satu langkah berjaga-jaga yangperlu diambildi dalam eksperimen ini.

    ............................................................................................................................. ...........[1 mark]

    3. The figures 3.1 and 3.2 show two electric bells are connected to the similar batteries.Rajah 3.1 dan Rajah 3.2 menunjukkan dualocengelektrik disambungkan kepadabateri


    Figure 3.1 Figure 3.2

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    When the switch is on, the bellin figure 3.2 ring louderthan the bellin figure 3.1 .

    Based on your observation

    (a) State one suitable inference, [1 mark]

    (b) State one appropriate hypothesis that could be investigated, [1 mark]

    (c ) With use of apparatus such as a insulated copper wire , smalliron pins and

    other apparatus, describe an experimentto investigate the hypothesis stated in 3(b)

    In your description, state clearly the following :

    (i) The aim of an experiment

    (ii) The variable in experiment

    (iii) The list of apparatus and materials

    (iv) The arrangement ofthe apparatus

    (v) The procedure ofthe experiment. Describes how to control and measure the manipulated

    variables and how to measure the responding variables.

    (vi) The way to tabulate tabulate the data

    (vii) The way to analyze the data

    [10 marks]

    Prepared By Verified By

    . ..En. Saleh Abdul Wahid Pn. Ashta etchumi

    uru izik Ketua Bidangate & Sains

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    1(a) (i) State the manipulated variable correctlyAngle ofincidence //i 1

    (ii) State the responding variable correctlyAngle of refraction // r// sin r 1

    (iii) State the constant variable correctlyGlass block//Semicircular 2lass block// Refractive index 1

    (b) (i) Record the readings ofrcorrectlyDiagram 1.2 11Diagram 1.3 20Diagram 1.4 29Diagram 1.5 36Diagram 1.6 41N

    ote : 1.A

    ll 5 values correct - 2 marks2. 3 or 4 values correct - 1 mark


    (ii) State the values of siu / correctlyDiagram 1.2 : 0.2588Diagram 1.3 : 0.5000Diagram 1.4 : 0.7071Diagram 1.5 : 0.8660Diagram 1.6 : 0.9659Note :

    1.Accept e.c.f. from (b)(i)2.All 5 values correct - 2 marks3. 3 or 4 values correct - 1 mark4. Not necessary to have consistent number of d.p.


    (iii) State the values of sin rcorrectlyAll 5 values of sin rcorrectDiagram 1.2 : 0.1908Diagram 1.3 : 0.3420Diagram 1.4 : 0.4848Diagram 1.5 : 0.5878Diagram 1.6 : 0.6561

    Note :1.Accept e.c.f. from (b)(i)

    2.All 5 values correct - 1 marks3. Not necessary to have consistent number of d.p.


    (c) Tabulate the results fori, sin i, rand sin r correctly

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    Table with 4 columns correctly labelledsin i/ and sin rconsistentto 2, 3 or 4 decimal places


    Drawa complete graph of sin i against sin rGive a tick() based on the following:A sin i atthe y-axis.sin r- atthe x-axis B Uniform scale at both axes C 5 points plotted correctly

    [Note : 4 points plotted correctly : ]D Straightline of best fitis drawn

    E Minimum size of graph 5x4 big squares (Big square : 2 cm x 2 cm)(From the origin to the last point)

    Marks awarded


    (e) State the correct relationship between sin i and sin rsin i is directly proportionalto sin r


    TOTAL 16

    2(a) (i)increases linearly with u.


    (ii) Show working on graph= 1.5

    m= 0.67



    1(iii) Gradient!

    = 0.1 cm-1

    Show working on graph



    (b) (i)=



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    = Gradian

    (ii) = 0.1 cm


    f= 10 cm


    (c) The object, the optical centre ofthe lens and the screen mustlie onthe principal axis ofthe lens.


    TOTAL 123(a) Menyatakan inferens dengan betul

    Magnetic field strength depends on the number ofturns1

    (b) Menyatakan hipotesis dengan betulThe magnetic field strength willincrease when the number ofturnsincrease


    (c) (i) Menyatakan tujuan dengan betulTo investigate the relationship between magnetic field strength andthe number ofturn on coil


    (ii) Menyatakan pembolehubah manipulasi dan gerakbalas denganbetul

    Manipulated variable : number ofturnsResponding variable : magnetic field strength // number of pin


    Menyatakan pembolehubah yang dimalarkan dengan betulFixed variable : saiz of current//type of core 1

    (iii) Menyatakan alat radas dan bahan secukupnyaRetort stand, softiron core, connector wire, insulated copper wire,smalliron pin ammeter, rheostat, battery.


    (iv) Menyatakan atau melukis susunan radas berlebel


    (v) Menyatakan kaedah mengawalpembolehubah manipulasiThe softiron core is wounf with 20 turn ofinsulated copper wireand set as shown in diagram above


    Menyatkan kaedah mengawal pembolehubah bergerakbalasThe switch is turn on and the reostat adjusted untilthe ammeterreading is 1.0 A. The beaker containing small steel pin then broughtnearthe iron core.Count and record the number of smalliron pin attached the softiron core


    Menyatakan ulangan eksperimentRepeatthe experiment by winding the softiron core with 30, 40, 50 1

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    and 60 turn.

    (iv) Menyatakan kaedah menjadualkan data dengan betul- Tajuk// simbol dengan unit yang betul

    Number ofturns, n /turn Number of pin / pieces






    (iv) Menyatakan kaedah menganalisa data dengan betul 1

    TOTAL 12