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  • 8/4/2019 Ugc Net English


    Sehgal Classes Compiled from: UGC-NET By: Vikrant Sehgal

    Page 1 of2NNoottee:: FFoorr aannyy eerrrroorr wwee aarree nnoott rreessppoonnssiibbllee iinn aannyy ccaassee.. PPlleeaassee sseeee aallssoo aatt wwwwww..uuggcc..aacc..iinn eemmaaiill:: lliitteerraarriissmm@@ggmmaaiill..ccoomm




    NNOOTTEE: There will be two question papers, Paper-II and Paper-III (Part A & B). Paper-II will cover 50Objective Type Questions (Multiple choices, Matching Type, True/False, and Assertion-Reasoning Type)

    carrying 100 marks. Paper-III will have two Parts A & B; Paper-III (A) will have 10 short Essay type

    questions (300 words) carrying 16 marks each. In it there will be one question with inte rnal choice from

    each unit (i.e. 10 questions from 10 units; Total Marks will be 160). Paper-III (B) will be compulsory and

    there will be one question from each of the Electives. The candidate will attempt only one question (two

    Electives only in 400 words each) carrying 40 (20+20) marks. Total marks of Paper-III will be 200.


    1. Chaucer to Shakespeare2. Jacobean to Restoration Periods3. Augustan Age: 18th Century Literature4. Romantic Period5. Victorian Period6. Modern Period7. Contemporary Period8. American and Other Non-British Literatures9. Literary Theory and Criticism10.Rhetoric and ProsodyPPAAPPEERR--IIIIII((AA))

    1. British Literature from Chaucer to the Present Day2. Criticism and Literary TheoryUUNNIITT--II : Literary Comprehension (with internal choice of poetry stanza and prose

    passage; four comprehension questions will be asked carrying 4 marks each).

    UUNNIITT--IIII : Up to the Renaissance

    UUNNIITT--IIIIII : Jacobean to Restoration Periods

    UUNNIITT--IIVV : Augustan Age: 18th Century Literature

    UUNNIITT--VV : Romantic Period

    UUNNIITT--VVII : Victorian and Pre-Raphaelites

    UUNNIITT--VVIIII : Modern British Literature

    UUNNIITT--VVIIIIII : Contemporary British Literature

    UUNNIITT--IIXX : Literary Theory and Criticism upto T. S. Eliot

    UUNNIITT--XX : Contemporary Theory

  • 8/4/2019 Ugc Net English


    Sehgal Classes Compiled from: UGC-NET By: Vikrant Sehgal

    Page 2 of2NNoottee:: FFoorr aannyy eerrrroorr wwee aarree nnoott rreessppoonnssiibbllee iinn aannyy ccaassee.. PPlleeaassee sseeee aallssoo aatt wwwwww..uuggcc..aacc..iinn eemmaaiill:: lliitteerraarriissmm@@ggmmaaiill..ccoomm


    EELLEECCTTIIVVEE--II : History of English Language, English Language Teaching

    EELLEECCTTIIVVEE--IIII : European Literature from Classical Age to the 20th Century

    EELLEECCTTIIVVEE--IIIIII : Indian Writing in English and Indian Literature in English Translation

    EELLEECCTTIIVVEE--IIVV : American and Other Non-British English LiteraturesEELLEECCTTIIVVEE--VV : Literary Theory and Criticism



    1. Sissy Jupes is a character in

    (A) Lewis CarrollsAlices Adventures in Wonderland

    (B) Dickens Hard Times

    (C) Dickens Christmas Carols

    (D) George Eliots Middlemarch

    2. Which of the following arrangements of English poems is the correct chronological sequence?

    (A) Lapis LazuliLAllegero Lamia Thyrsis

    (B) Lamia Lapis Lazuli ThyrsisLAllegro

    (C) LAllegro Lamia Thyrsis Lapis Lazuli

    (D) Thyrsis LamiaLAllegro Lapis Lazuli

    3. The Words, beaded bubbles winking at the brim occurs in

    (A) Ozymandias

    (B) Ode to Nightingale

    (C) Hero and Leander

    (D) Dejection An Ode


    1. Write an illustrative note on Elizbethan Lyric.


    Write a note on the Romantic Poets use of symbols.

    2. Describe the sources of Eliots allusion in The Wasteland.

    ORExamine Aristotles concept of truth in literature.


    1. Describe and discuss the elements of anxiety and nostalgia in the poetry of the Great Moderns.


    Post-modernism celebrates the fragmentation of master narratives. Discuss.