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100:00:02,000 --> 00:00:07,139that's landed at a ranch at Corona New

200:00:04,889 --> 00:00:09,899Mexico a rancher turned it over to the

300:00:07,139 --> 00:00:11,849airport writer WW bridge del was the man

400:00:09,900 --> 00:00:14,460who discovered the softens what I

500:00:11,849 --> 00:00:16,969thought was it stars began coming in my

600:00:14,460 --> 00:00:19,679direction at a very rapid rate of speed

700:00:16,969 --> 00:00:21,719the unidentified object which some

800:00:19,679 --> 00:00:23,939tourists thought might be a blimp moves

900:00:21,719 --> 00:00:25,649all around the Pacific coast from Santa

1000:00:23,939 --> 00:00:28,710Monica and disappeared

1100:00:25,649 --> 00:00:30,750south of Long Beach I saw a UFO and he

1200:00:28,710 --> 00:00:33,359went down the river turn right at the

1300:00:30,750 --> 00:00:35,719United Nations turn left and then down

1400:00:33,359 --> 00:00:35,719the river

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1500:00:38,719 --> 00:00:48,239you are full classified no more

1600:00:43,229 --> 00:00:52,500plausible deniability fact fiction or

1700:00:48,238 --> 00:00:55,229the truth you decide and now the new

1800:00:52,500 --> 00:01:01,469voice of the high desert the hostess of

1900:00:55,229 --> 00:01:03,988UFO classified Erica Luke's happy

2000:01:01,469 --> 00:01:06,060fantasy Friday my friends I am Erica

2100:01:03,988 --> 00:01:08,640Luke's and always I look forward to

2200:01:06,060 --> 00:01:11,759Friday evening so I can get into chat

2300:01:08,640 --> 00:01:15,569and see all of my friends I want to give

2400:01:11,759 --> 00:01:18,269a shout out to Bruce Dave Douglas who is

2500:01:15,569 --> 00:01:22,019is new this is awesome libertas northern

2600:01:18,269 --> 00:01:24,118UFO Susan Tim Yannick thank you all for

2700:01:22,019 --> 00:01:26,159tuning in and I know that there are some

2800:01:24,118 --> 00:01:27,989of you who are not in chat but your


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00:01:26,159 --> 00:01:30,420support means the world to me and you

3000:01:27,989 --> 00:01:32,839are the reason that I do this every week

3100:01:30,420 --> 00:01:37,409I hope to get you good information and

3200:01:32,840 --> 00:01:39,539to to to hopefully get the word out that

3300:01:37,409 --> 00:01:41,520this this is a subject that deserves to

3400:01:39,539 --> 00:01:43,649be studied that there are so many things

3500:01:41,519 --> 00:01:45,719that are not tangible that deserve

3600:01:43,649 --> 00:01:48,390funding that we need to study this and

3700:01:45,719 --> 00:01:50,340we also need to shine a light on perhaps

3800:01:48,390 --> 00:01:52,920what the government is doing with some

3900:01:50,340 --> 00:01:55,350of their research but we'll see what

4000:01:52,920 --> 00:01:58,439happens with that my guest this evening

4100:01:55,349 --> 00:02:03,030is someone who I have wanted on my show

4200:01:58,438 --> 00:02:06,419for years and his work to me was was he

4300:02:03,030 --> 00:02:09,899

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is incredibly important because of what

4400:02:06,420 --> 00:02:12,150he did in UCLA at UCLA and one of my

4500:02:09,899 --> 00:02:13,699favorite movies even though we'll talk

4600:02:12,150 --> 00:02:16,650to him about that it wasn't exactly

4700:02:13,699 --> 00:02:19,409accurate was the entity with Barbara

4800:02:16,650 --> 00:02:23,159Hershey that was a great movie and that

4900:02:19,409 --> 00:02:25,079was a case that he investigated I have a

5000:02:23,159 --> 00:02:27,209book sitting here that again is one of

5100:02:25,079 --> 00:02:30,569my go to so it's called aliens above

5200:02:27,209 --> 00:02:33,870ghosts below explorations of the unknown

5300:02:30,569 --> 00:02:36,780by dr. Barry Taff he holds a doctorate

5400:02:33,870 --> 00:02:38,789in psychophysiology with a minor in

5500:02:36,780 --> 00:02:41,519biomedical engineering is a

5600:02:38,789 --> 00:02:43,849world-renowned parapsychologist who

5700:02:41,519 --> 00:02:47,299worked out of UCLA's former

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5800:02:43,849 --> 00:02:51,000parapsychology lab from 1969 through

5900:02:47,299 --> 00:02:51,5401978 as a research associate during his

6000:02:51,000 --> 00:02:54,269fourth

6100:02:51,539 --> 00:02:57,539career dr. Taff has investigated more

6200:02:54,269 --> 00:02:59,879than 4,500 cases of ghosts hauntings

6300:02:57,539 --> 00:03:03,078poltergeists and conducted extensive

6400:02:59,878 --> 00:03:05,310studies in telepathy and precognition

6500:03:03,079 --> 00:03:08,579eventually developing the initial

6600:03:05,310 --> 00:03:10,769protocols and methodologies for what was

6700:03:08,579 --> 00:03:11,819later termed remote viewing that's

6800:03:10,769 --> 00:03:14,730interesting

6900:03:11,818 --> 00:03:17,729he was also himself investigated as a

7000:03:14,729 --> 00:03:19,548psychic subject the results were

7100:03:17,729 --> 00:03:23,759published in the behavioral

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7200:03:19,549 --> 00:03:25,409neuropsychiatry and his cases his what

7300:03:23,759 --> 00:03:28,408happened to him as a child and through

7400:03:25,408 --> 00:03:30,989his his whole life has been fascinating

7500:03:28,408 --> 00:03:34,709we'll talk to him about that he there's

7600:03:30,989 --> 00:03:37,430his bio is incredible and I want to just

7700:03:34,709 --> 00:03:39,870go down and tell you that he has

7800:03:37,430 --> 00:03:40,889appeared on numerous TV and radio

7900:03:39,870 --> 00:03:44,009programs

8000:03:40,889 --> 00:03:45,510he's been unco StuCo CBS News the Joan

8100:03:44,009 --> 00:03:48,149Rivers show I haven't heard that name in

8200:03:45,509 --> 00:03:49,408a long time but The Haunting in

8300:03:48,150 --> 00:03:52,650Connecticut he's been on Ghost

8400:03:49,408 --> 00:03:55,649Adventures so many different things he

8500:03:52,650 --> 00:03:57,419is incredible and in 2010 he wrote the


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00:03:55,650 --> 00:04:01,289book that I have here I highly recommend

8700:03:57,419 --> 00:04:03,359that you get it and dr. Taff I just I am

8800:04:01,289 --> 00:04:05,519really honored and excited to have you

8900:04:03,359 --> 00:04:07,469here tonight Thank You Eric it's a

9000:04:05,519 --> 00:04:10,799pleasure to be here finally I know

9100:04:07,469 --> 00:04:16,108finally we we talked the first time what

9200:04:10,799 --> 00:04:19,348was it like four years ago Wow

9300:04:16,108 --> 00:04:22,348and so because you know we get in the

9400:04:19,348 --> 00:04:24,629UFO world we get so locked into just

9500:04:22,348 --> 00:04:27,199studying UFOs that we don't really

9600:04:24,629 --> 00:04:29,339understand the importance of studying

9700:04:27,199 --> 00:04:32,550parapsychology and how both of those

9800:04:29,339 --> 00:04:34,799things can inter lap you will you tell

9900:04:32,550 --> 00:04:39,079us first of all give us your background

10000:04:34,800 --> 00:04:39,079

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so my listeners know all about you

10100:04:39,139 --> 00:04:45,870background the host showed you by my

10200:04:41,810 --> 00:04:48,990research all right what I the work I did

10300:04:45,870 --> 00:04:51,060at UCLA also I want to say this year is

10400:04:48,990 --> 00:04:53,519the 50th year I'd been doing the

10500:04:51,060 --> 00:04:56,158research so it's now 5:00 to half a

10600:04:53,519 --> 00:05:01,560century rather to make me look older

10700:04:56,158 --> 00:05:03,569than I am you feel like I get a lot of

10800:05:01,560 --> 00:05:04,769different work there to research some in

10900:05:03,569 --> 00:05:07,800the labs some in the field

11000:05:04,769 --> 00:05:11,579and what I did in a lab which was more

11100:05:07,800 --> 00:05:12,960in terms of scholastic stuff we ended up

11200:05:11,579 --> 00:05:15,060developing a number I ended up

11300:05:12,959 --> 00:05:17,339developing a number of patented medical

11400:05:15,060 --> 00:05:19,259devices which are very unique I don't

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11500:05:17,339 --> 00:05:21,568want to go into detail but that's in the

11600:05:19,259 --> 00:05:24,509real world these are device electronic

11700:05:21,569 --> 00:05:27,150devices that that diagnosed people not

11800:05:24,509 --> 00:05:29,669any paranormal way just using technology

11900:05:27,149 --> 00:05:32,519but in the lab in the parapsychology lab

12000:05:29,668 --> 00:05:34,469directly we did two types of work one

12100:05:32,519 --> 00:05:38,490was we have what's called a side

12200:05:34,470 --> 00:05:42,030training group and that ran from 1969

12300:05:38,490 --> 00:05:45,150all the way through actually in 1980 and

12400:05:42,029 --> 00:05:47,519then we left and did work in independent

12500:05:45,149 --> 00:05:49,859facilities like it Westwood then

12600:05:47,519 --> 00:05:52,348people's homes and we discovered that

12700:05:49,860 --> 00:05:55,229ESP remote viewing for lack of a better

12800:05:52,348 --> 00:05:57,899name is not what we think it is it's far

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12900:05:55,228 --> 00:05:59,788more complex and it's it's sort of like

13000:05:57,899 --> 00:06:02,698let's say you're watching a live

13100:05:59,788 --> 00:06:04,740broadcast on TV from New York but you're

13200:06:02,699 --> 00:06:06,658in Los Angeles you don't think of it as

13300:06:04,740 --> 00:06:09,030being three hours in the future now it's

13400:06:06,658 --> 00:06:11,069in real-time and what we've learned that

13500:06:09,029 --> 00:06:13,379our understanding of space and time is

13600:06:11,069 --> 00:06:15,899wrong and it's in a major sense when it

13700:06:13,379 --> 00:06:19,430comes to the paranormal that very likely

13800:06:15,899 --> 00:06:22,079the information that makes up the past

13900:06:19,430 --> 00:06:24,509still exists in a form we can't yet

14000:06:22,079 --> 00:06:26,968understand the information it makes up

14100:06:24,509 --> 00:06:29,908the future very likely already exists

14200:06:26,968 --> 00:06:33,300not the events but the information


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00:06:29,908 --> 00:06:35,218related to those events and what we

14400:06:33,300 --> 00:06:37,288discover in the site training groups

14500:06:35,218 --> 00:06:39,538which we could take normal healthy

14600:06:37,288 --> 00:06:42,360people who were in therapy or a warrant

14700:06:39,538 --> 00:06:44,370analysis who weren't using drugs or they

14800:06:42,360 --> 00:06:47,038weren't alcoholics just normal stable

14900:06:44,370 --> 00:06:50,399people as small percentage of them could

15000:06:47,038 --> 00:06:52,978in fact be trained to become psychic and

15100:06:50,399 --> 00:06:55,408its form of positive feedback and

15200:06:52,978 --> 00:06:57,478reinforcement where you begin to learn

15300:06:55,408 --> 00:07:01,500what it feels like to have an accurate

15400:06:57,478 --> 00:07:03,568psychic experience versus having fantasy

15500:07:01,500 --> 00:07:07,288or delusional thinking or you're just

15600:07:03,569 --> 00:07:08,908drifting off in some other mode the

15700:07:07,288 --> 00:07:12,329

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different types of phenomena we looked

15800:07:08,908 --> 00:07:14,728at in that program was telepathy which

15900:07:12,329 --> 00:07:17,639is mine - mine communication or

16000:07:14,728 --> 00:07:18,719clairvoyance which is mine - perceiving

16100:07:17,639 --> 00:07:22,019an event at Justin

16200:07:18,720 --> 00:07:23,820more like clairvoyance but also could be

16300:07:22,019 --> 00:07:26,129looked at as remote viewing and then

16400:07:23,819 --> 00:07:29,279precognition which ability to see things

16500:07:26,129 --> 00:07:33,209the future and I'm my website I have an

16600:07:29,279 --> 00:07:37,889article called about site site training

16700:07:33,209 --> 00:07:39,389limits I learned it sai-san a becoming

16800:07:37,889 --> 00:07:41,370psychic something like that I've got the

16900:07:39,389 --> 00:07:43,469exact title since I've written it there

17000:07:41,370 --> 00:07:45,329goes into depth of what we learned and

17100:07:43,470 --> 00:07:48,690our whole belief our own understanding

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17200:07:45,329 --> 00:07:50,370of this changed it's in a way that's

17300:07:48,689 --> 00:07:53,089hard for people to grasp even hard for

17400:07:50,370 --> 00:07:57,180us to grasp because there were so many

17500:07:53,089 --> 00:07:59,099blatantly intense instances of accurate

17600:07:57,180 --> 00:08:01,590information perception at a distance

17700:07:59,100 --> 00:08:03,900through space and time that it left

17800:08:01,589 --> 00:08:06,389everyone a little nervous and some of

17900:08:03,899 --> 00:08:07,829our regulars got so upset with the data

18000:08:06,389 --> 00:08:10,139we were getting they dropped out of the

18100:08:07,829 --> 00:08:13,560program because the emotions related you

18200:08:10,139 --> 00:08:15,360were far too intense so that we do that

18300:08:13,560 --> 00:08:17,668in the lab and it worked week after week

18400:08:15,360 --> 00:08:19,379after week after week we were visited

18500:08:17,668 --> 00:08:21,959early on but we didn't know this

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18600:08:19,379 --> 00:08:24,029initially people from central

18700:08:21,959 --> 00:08:27,719intelligence Office of Naval

18800:08:24,029 --> 00:08:28,439Intelligence the NSA DARPA we didn't

18900:08:27,720 --> 00:08:30,000know who they were

19000:08:28,439 --> 00:08:33,059these were pissed wearing normal clothes

19100:08:30,000 --> 00:08:34,879young and they would they eventually

19200:08:33,059 --> 00:08:37,529told us who they were after we

19300:08:34,879 --> 00:08:39,389demonstrated what we could do and they

19400:08:37,529 --> 00:08:41,490said could we do this on a regular basis

19500:08:39,389 --> 00:08:44,009I said yeah it's not that hard if you

19600:08:41,490 --> 00:08:46,289have gifted people and we discovered it

19700:08:44,009 --> 00:08:49,080only a small percentage of people could

19800:08:46,289 --> 00:08:51,509become incredible psychics which means

19900:08:49,080 --> 00:08:53,389you have an inherit n shal we it's sort


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00:08:51,509 --> 00:08:56,399of like we all have muscles we can all

20100:08:53,389 --> 00:08:58,529work out and become stronger and we

20200:08:56,399 --> 00:09:00,809could perhaps to prominence former

20300:08:58,529 --> 00:09:03,449sports I will I used to race cars

20400:09:00,809 --> 00:09:05,579professionally road racing and you have

20500:09:03,450 --> 00:09:07,920to learn how to shift and clutch and

20600:09:05,580 --> 00:09:09,960deal with the g-forces lateral and

20700:09:07,919 --> 00:09:11,069forward back to you forces so it's a

20800:09:09,960 --> 00:09:13,110learning thing you gotta have a good

20900:09:11,070 --> 00:09:15,420depth perception you got to amplify and

21000:09:13,110 --> 00:09:17,580my foot coordination if you don't have

21100:09:15,419 --> 00:09:20,669that you can either die or you're going

21200:09:17,580 --> 00:09:24,420to destroy your car in this respect this

21300:09:20,669 --> 00:09:26,338it's the same thing with the EST only a

21400:09:24,419 --> 00:09:29,909

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small percentage of the people became

21500:09:26,339 --> 00:09:32,430stellar become stars but those that did

21600:09:29,909 --> 00:09:35,309had problems in coping with

21700:09:32,429 --> 00:09:37,559the events because you can control it in

21800:09:35,309 --> 00:09:40,049terms your access a little bit but you

21900:09:37,559 --> 00:09:41,819can't stop it from happening there's no

22000:09:40,049 --> 00:09:43,919lead shield to put up to stop you

22100:09:41,820 --> 00:09:46,800perceiving a traumatic event that has

22200:09:43,919 --> 00:09:49,679not yet occurred so anyway that was our

22300:09:46,799 --> 00:09:51,779our lab research it was fascinating and

22400:09:49,679 --> 00:09:53,819that woman who ran the lab was dr.

22500:09:51,779 --> 00:09:55,649Thelma moss and she was doing her thing

22600:09:53,820 --> 00:09:57,570and there look other people that did

22700:09:55,649 --> 00:09:59,399different things and I did my thing and

22800:09:57,570 --> 00:10:02,370there but the real attention we got

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22900:09:59,399 --> 00:10:04,819wasn't from the site training the real

23000:10:02,370 --> 00:10:07,049attention we got was from fieldwork

23100:10:04,820 --> 00:10:10,830investigating cases of hauntings and

23200:10:07,049 --> 00:10:12,629poltergeists and things like that and it

23300:10:10,830 --> 00:10:14,879Jan Civ you're running into phenomena

23400:10:12,629 --> 00:10:16,559while you're out there real phenomena is

23500:10:14,879 --> 00:10:18,720the chance of winning the lottery I mean

23600:10:16,559 --> 00:10:20,669thousands of cases only a small number

23700:10:18,720 --> 00:10:22,800of them did we experience things and

23800:10:20,669 --> 00:10:26,279that we couldn't explain in any way what

23900:10:22,799 --> 00:10:29,490looked so ever and the cases that were

24000:10:26,279 --> 00:10:32,309active were extremely active my website

24100:10:29,490 --> 00:10:34,200at talk about these called Holly mangas

24200:10:32,309 --> 00:10:34,829good if it get Holly Mon comping as good

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24300:10:34,200 --> 00:10:39,690as it gets

24400:10:34,830 --> 00:10:41,730I'll across the entity case 1974 there

24500:10:39,690 --> 00:10:43,650was a whole bunch of cases we have on

24600:10:41,730 --> 00:10:46,710that I discuss in my book and I'm a web

24700:10:43,649 --> 00:10:48,409site and in the end we now know things

24800:10:46,710 --> 00:10:50,580that we never thought we'd learn

24900:10:48,409 --> 00:10:53,279everything we thought we'd learn we

25000:10:50,580 --> 00:10:56,970didn't things we never expected to learn

25100:10:53,279 --> 00:10:58,769we did and you know we know them we

25200:10:56,970 --> 00:11:01,470understand some of the mechanics of this

25300:10:58,769 --> 00:11:03,449now that we didn't know before but

25400:11:01,470 --> 00:11:06,269there's still many questions left

25500:11:03,450 --> 00:11:09,840unanswered because there's no money to

25600:11:06,269 --> 00:11:11,429do any more research and isn't that


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00:11:09,840 --> 00:11:14,910interesting and I died that is

25800:11:11,429 --> 00:11:17,789unfortunate and you know now we see Tom

25900:11:14,909 --> 00:11:19,559DeLonge and and all of the to the stars

26000:11:17,789 --> 00:11:21,480Academy kind of pushing this out to the

26100:11:19,559 --> 00:11:24,509private sector I mean that'll be

26200:11:21,480 --> 00:11:27,000interesting to see where that shakes out

26300:11:24,509 --> 00:11:30,059in the future but I have to go back to

26400:11:27,000 --> 00:11:34,169you being visited by Naval Intelligence

26500:11:30,059 --> 00:11:35,909the CIA did you have any did you did

26600:11:34,169 --> 00:11:42,539your work inter lap with anything that

26700:11:35,909 --> 00:11:43,449they were doing at Princeton is all

26800:11:42,539 --> 00:11:46,929right

26900:11:43,450 --> 00:11:49,270we they visited us well before as I pro

27000:11:46,929 --> 00:11:52,719the SRO program was going in the reason

27100:11:49,269 --> 00:11:54,789

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they didn't fund us is because UCLA and

27200:11:52,720 --> 00:11:57,399the neuropsychiatric Institute which is

27300:11:54,789 --> 00:11:59,980the medical center would not allow this

27400:11:57,399 --> 00:12:02,289to be formalized it would be political

27500:11:59,980 --> 00:12:04,420suicide dentists it would be now so to

27600:12:02,289 --> 00:12:06,819be safe they said we want nothing to do

27700:12:04,419 --> 00:12:08,349with being funded by the government they

27800:12:06,820 --> 00:12:10,120already had enough problems on their

27900:12:08,350 --> 00:12:12,759hands and with the dominance that would

28000:12:10,120 --> 00:12:13,870ever been negative publicity so they

28100:12:12,759 --> 00:12:15,789couldn't want to close up late we

28200:12:13,870 --> 00:12:17,379demonstrated what we could do over and

28300:12:15,789 --> 00:12:20,589over and over and it kind of blew them

28400:12:17,379 --> 00:12:22,389away but UCLA said don't we won't we

28500:12:20,590 --> 00:12:27,070won't tolerate this so they wouldn't end

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28600:12:22,389 --> 00:12:30,669out with up north and that's history and

28700:12:27,070 --> 00:12:32,260the only was that some of the people and

28800:12:30,669 --> 00:12:34,990we'll give names they're passed away by

28900:12:32,259 --> 00:12:37,509now who we evaluated the remote the

29000:12:34,990 --> 00:12:38,980program removing program an SSRI which

29100:12:37,509 --> 00:12:42,580was quite successful in a number of

29200:12:38,980 --> 00:12:45,220respects beyond well beyond chance that

29300:12:42,580 --> 00:12:48,639one of the debunkers who try to evaluate

29400:12:45,220 --> 00:12:50,259it we did the statistics for the

29500:12:48,639 --> 00:12:52,120Intelligence Committee to make it look

29600:12:50,259 --> 00:12:54,340like the results that were quite

29700:12:52,120 --> 00:12:56,740spectacular were just an error in

29800:12:54,340 --> 00:12:59,110judgment that nothing really happened

29900:12:56,740 --> 00:12:59,950we misinterpreted we misunderstood what

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30000:12:59,110 --> 00:13:03,250was going on

30100:12:59,950 --> 00:13:05,770no ESP no precognition or we milk using

30200:13:03,250 --> 00:13:11,200no clairvoyance it's all a figment of

30300:13:05,769 --> 00:13:12,639our imagination and it's but that you

30400:13:11,200 --> 00:13:15,400know they want to make sure that any

30500:13:12,639 --> 00:13:18,340potential future enemies can't use what

30600:13:15,399 --> 00:13:20,139we're doing against us right so they put

30700:13:18,340 --> 00:13:23,080out just information and no

30800:13:20,139 --> 00:13:25,120disinformation is a big part of ufology

30900:13:23,080 --> 00:13:28,389as well as the paranormal there's lots

31000:13:25,120 --> 00:13:32,320of crap out there or bad information

31100:13:28,389 --> 00:13:34,419that is overlooked or there they say

31200:13:32,320 --> 00:13:36,280things and do things to misguide people

31300:13:34,419 --> 00:13:38,229so they don't pay attention to what's


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00:13:36,279 --> 00:13:40,240really going on the one should look

31500:13:38,230 --> 00:13:42,399instead of looking forward look to the

31600:13:40,240 --> 00:13:46,210side to looking back behind you I look

31700:13:42,399 --> 00:13:49,090up and remember when that book by Annie

31800:13:46,210 --> 00:13:53,019Jacobson came out and I forgot the title

31900:13:49,090 --> 00:13:55,509of it as phenomenon yeah it's terrible

32000:13:53,019 --> 00:13:57,250because it's filled with first of all

32100:13:55,509 --> 00:13:59,049she did a really good job of

32200:13:57,250 --> 00:14:01,529repeating what history's taught out I

32300:13:59,049 --> 00:14:03,609mean all the stuff she talked about the

32400:14:01,529 --> 00:14:06,579technology technological development

32500:14:03,610 --> 00:14:08,350that went on it in aerospace is well

32600:14:06,580 --> 00:14:11,350documented and there's no surprise

32700:14:08,350 --> 00:14:14,019anyone who's read stuff news okay great

32800:14:11,350 --> 00:14:17,379

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and then the great secret was that the

32900:14:14,019 --> 00:14:20,409Roswell incident was actually surgically

33000:14:17,379 --> 00:14:22,360modified children from Russia to crash

33100:14:20,409 --> 00:14:24,370and make us think there's a daily

33200:14:22,360 --> 00:14:27,580invasion so we get all screwed up

33300:14:24,370 --> 00:14:30,399I mean it's people have to understand

33400:14:27,580 --> 00:14:33,940how this information works one way like

33500:14:30,399 --> 00:14:37,090with Anna Jenkinson's words was that at

33600:14:33,940 --> 00:14:39,790the core there's this incredible secret

33700:14:37,090 --> 00:14:42,879it's a lie but it's surrounded by all

33800:14:39,789 --> 00:14:43,959this historical of events that there's

33900:14:42,879 --> 00:14:46,809quite accurate

34000:14:43,960 --> 00:14:50,230oh well everything else is true so I

34100:14:46,809 --> 00:14:52,599guess which of the mcore is true or the

34200:14:50,230 --> 00:14:55,149opposite will be done there at the core

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34300:14:52,600 --> 00:14:57,540there's something quite real but it's

34400:14:55,149 --> 00:15:01,629surrounded by a lot of false information

34500:14:57,539 --> 00:15:05,199so again the truth is destroyed and this

34600:15:01,629 --> 00:15:08,169occurs in politics occurs in ecology it

34700:15:05,200 --> 00:15:10,240occurred in the paranormal and there was

34800:15:08,169 --> 00:15:13,509a famous individual who I can't mention

34900:15:10,240 --> 00:15:15,580his name he wanted us to send him stuff

35000:15:13,509 --> 00:15:17,769from our site training groups and we did

35100:15:15,580 --> 00:15:19,480work with missing person cases for the

35200:15:17,769 --> 00:15:21,309different police departments and

35300:15:19,480 --> 00:15:24,460Sheriff's Department and throughout the

35400:15:21,309 --> 00:15:27,879country this is decades ago and so we

35500:15:24,460 --> 00:15:32,680were doing a study for the I think was

35600:15:27,879 --> 00:15:35,200LAPD and long before was completed I get

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35700:15:32,679 --> 00:15:36,489a call from Omni magazine and they said

35800:15:35,200 --> 00:15:38,020we'd like to talk to you about the study

35900:15:36,490 --> 00:15:39,669I said what studied he mentioned what

36000:15:38,019 --> 00:15:41,169we're doing and I went wait a minute

36100:15:39,669 --> 00:15:44,289what do you mean you want to talk about

36200:15:41,169 --> 00:15:48,009the results well so-and-so from LAPD

36300:15:44,289 --> 00:15:50,049Behavioral Sciences said that it's done

36400:15:48,009 --> 00:15:51,970and it proved to be a failure ago that's

36500:15:50,049 --> 00:15:54,250odd because I haven't turned in the all

36600:15:51,970 --> 00:15:57,180the JT act Hockaday to draw a conclusion

36700:15:54,250 --> 00:16:00,970and it failed he hasn't seen the data

36800:15:57,179 --> 00:16:02,769yes so I warned him that if I warned the

36900:16:00,970 --> 00:16:04,750guy if he publishes stuff on this I

37000:16:02,769 --> 00:16:07,329would have to take legal measures and


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00:16:04,750 --> 00:16:08,710they need never published but yes we're

37200:16:07,330 --> 00:16:09,180trying to do the right thing and the

37300:16:08,710 --> 00:16:11,750right

37400:16:09,179 --> 00:16:14,189and the whole thing was a an attempt to

37500:16:11,750 --> 00:16:17,610Jurgis to the side to make people think

37600:16:14,190 --> 00:16:20,420the failure and there's also a group

37700:16:17,610 --> 00:16:23,370contacted me three and a half years ago

37800:16:20,419 --> 00:16:25,349they were supposedly setting up a pair

37900:16:23,370 --> 00:16:28,649of psychology department at UC Santa

38000:16:25,350 --> 00:16:30,269Barbara okay so they were thinking of

38100:16:28,649 --> 00:16:32,039hiring me to be they went ahead of it

38200:16:30,269 --> 00:16:34,289which would be great and you know I'd

38300:16:32,039 --> 00:16:35,610have to move out of LA which is not too

38400:16:34,289 --> 00:16:38,759bad Santa Barbara's a great place to

38500:16:35,610 --> 00:16:40,830

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live and then my week or ten days go by

38600:16:38,759 --> 00:16:43,169after and he said oh look we've got a

38700:16:40,830 --> 00:16:46,350problem I saw you've written stuff on

38800:16:43,169 --> 00:16:49,079UFOs and this and aliens and we can't

38900:16:46,350 --> 00:16:51,360wait too dangerous does a big aerospace

39000:16:49,080 --> 00:16:53,970company involved in funding and I said

39100:16:51,360 --> 00:16:56,220to the man on the phone I said got a

39200:16:53,970 --> 00:16:59,129problem here did you read the title of

39300:16:56,220 --> 00:17:00,750my book what did you what book you

39400:16:59,129 --> 00:17:01,620didn't do your due diligence to find out

39500:17:00,750 --> 00:17:05,069what I've been writing for the last

39600:17:01,620 --> 00:17:07,650forty some years no I could do one hour

39700:17:05,069 --> 00:17:10,319look now I looked up what they wanna do

39800:17:07,650 --> 00:17:12,540and it was more disinformation instead

39900:17:10,319 --> 00:17:14,399of being a study on precognition it

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40000:17:12,539 --> 00:17:17,700would have been an attempted to just

40100:17:14,400 --> 00:17:20,400guess did not this way to dissing form

40200:17:17,700 --> 00:17:23,819the public is the stuff it's not real at

40300:17:20,400 --> 00:17:26,970their imagination and don't forget it

40400:17:23,819 --> 00:17:28,349but you know the whole thing oh we can't

40500:17:26,970 --> 00:17:31,230hire you because you've written about

40600:17:28,349 --> 00:17:33,269UFOs and it exact repulsion technology

40700:17:31,230 --> 00:17:39,380we can't no he's too big of a risk

40800:17:33,269 --> 00:17:42,720okay fine effect so never got a moment

40900:17:39,380 --> 00:17:45,510now it is never a dull moment and I know

41000:17:42,720 --> 00:17:47,430that just in our two conversations you

41100:17:45,509 --> 00:17:51,240shared some may your life has been

41200:17:47,430 --> 00:17:53,519absolutely fascinating and I have to go

41300:17:51,240 --> 00:17:56,819back to you know when when you were

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41400:17:53,519 --> 00:18:00,480doing this and developing all of this

41500:17:56,819 --> 00:18:03,179research I mean give us more information

41600:18:00,480 --> 00:18:06,089on that how integral was dr. Thelma Moss

41700:18:03,180 --> 00:18:07,019in all of this or was she interested in

41800:18:06,089 --> 00:18:09,779other areas

41900:18:07,019 --> 00:18:11,700well some was first early on she was

42000:18:09,779 --> 00:18:13,349going out in cases with us

42100:18:11,700 --> 00:18:15,450you know investigating cases in the

42200:18:13,349 --> 00:18:17,369field but then and she got caught up

42300:18:15,450 --> 00:18:20,370with what's called curly and photography

42400:18:17,369 --> 00:18:22,799you could look it up it was visually

42500:18:20,369 --> 00:18:24,629interesting but it had no more relevance

42600:18:22,799 --> 00:18:28,440the paranormal they rest then your

42700:18:24,630 --> 00:18:30,090respiration does it was it was the dog


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00:18:28,440 --> 00:18:32,640garbage put forth by the Soviet Union

42900:18:30,089 --> 00:18:35,369and she met a friend a guy came in the

43000:18:32,640 --> 00:18:37,530lab with a Kirlian device and he was

43100:18:35,369 --> 00:18:40,079really up Scott up and obsessed with it

43200:18:37,529 --> 00:18:41,460and I warned her look you know I've got

43300:18:40,079 --> 00:18:43,769to trust the girl I'll bring it with a

43400:18:41,460 --> 00:18:46,799timer and an electrode we can I go

43500:18:43,769 --> 00:18:50,549there's nothing unique about this so she

43600:18:46,799 --> 00:18:52,680got caught up in that and she kind of

43700:18:50,549 --> 00:18:54,659lost her way in terms of doing other

43800:18:52,680 --> 00:18:58,500work so she stopped going out on a cases

43900:18:54,660 --> 00:19:00,509with us and she never came to our side

44000:18:58,500 --> 00:19:02,039development groups because she was too

44100:19:00,509 --> 00:19:05,369busy with the Kirlian photography and

44200:19:02,039 --> 00:19:07,470

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when she was up to be promoted from

44300:19:05,369 --> 00:19:10,289associate from assistant to associate

44400:19:07,470 --> 00:19:13,319professor they they promoted her from

44500:19:10,289 --> 00:19:16,920assistant to associate but then they

44600:19:13,319 --> 00:19:21,059made her a advils it um I forgot the

44700:19:16,920 --> 00:19:22,370term they use an adjunct so was one step

44800:19:21,059 --> 00:19:27,059forward two steps back

44900:19:22,369 --> 00:19:31,169so at that point she left 1980 I think

45000:19:27,059 --> 00:19:34,079it was and that was it's they are in her

45100:19:31,170 --> 00:19:36,779on my own in my website in my book I

45200:19:34,079 --> 00:19:38,809talk about a dream I had about the labs

45300:19:36,779 --> 00:19:40,980ending it was very melodramatic and

45400:19:38,809 --> 00:19:43,019thank God what I dreamt couldn't happen

45500:19:40,980 --> 00:19:45,960and we would have all died you know in

45600:19:43,019 --> 00:19:48,359that facility but it was it was a

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45700:19:45,960 --> 00:19:51,000distorted perception - primary process

45800:19:48,359 --> 00:19:53,639when we're accessing information about

45900:19:51,000 --> 00:19:56,940the future that's - painful painful for

46000:19:53,640 --> 00:19:58,830us to deal with our subconscious mind

46100:19:56,940 --> 00:20:01,860will we'll flavor it in a way that makes

46200:19:58,829 --> 00:20:05,759it tolerable sort of noise to his signal

46300:20:01,859 --> 00:20:08,159and I never forget this because I lived

46400:20:05,759 --> 00:20:09,629to be a hundred and fifty in the dream

46500:20:08,160 --> 00:20:11,970the head of the neuropsychiatric

46600:20:09,630 --> 00:20:14,490Institute comes to the lab now we

46700:20:11,970 --> 00:20:16,980already knew who he was dr. Joley and

46800:20:14,490 --> 00:20:18,599West I mean we knew he didn't like what

46900:20:16,980 --> 00:20:22,950we were doing but in the room he comes

47000:20:18,599 --> 00:20:24,389in and he tells us he's that how much

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47100:20:22,950 --> 00:20:27,299you hate their work and this and this

47200:20:24,390 --> 00:20:29,460and this and suddenly the building and

47300:20:27,299 --> 00:20:31,950the room violently shaked like it's an

47400:20:29,460 --> 00:20:32,610earthquake and we feel were falling like

47500:20:31,950 --> 00:20:35,009in freefall

47600:20:32,609 --> 00:20:36,389oh my God we're gonna die and suddenly

47700:20:35,009 --> 00:20:41,039it stops

47800:20:36,390 --> 00:20:43,440and would now find ourselves moving

47900:20:41,039 --> 00:20:47,308horizontally down the road in a couple

48000:20:43,440 --> 00:20:50,730window and I go what's that it's a big

48100:20:47,308 --> 00:20:53,428blanket of wood and on the planket is an

48200:20:50,730 --> 00:20:56,099emaciated rotted corpse of a dog of

48300:20:53,429 --> 00:20:59,460German Shepherd and of a woman a young

48400:20:56,099 --> 00:21:02,548lady and and their movement like a


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00:20:59,460 --> 00:21:05,970stagecoach and what's this and I what's

48600:21:02,548 --> 00:21:06,539that in in the dream dr. Western oh my

48700:21:05,970 --> 00:21:09,808god

48800:21:06,539 --> 00:21:12,509that's my sister ago what well yeah she

48900:21:09,808 --> 00:21:14,220died of cancer and she wasted way and

49000:21:12,509 --> 00:21:17,548that's her German Shepherd I go what

49100:21:14,220 --> 00:21:22,860yeah he he was hit by a car pretty much

49200:21:17,548 --> 00:21:26,039mangled okay so the room stops moving we

49300:21:22,859 --> 00:21:28,678get out open the door and instead of it

49400:21:26,039 --> 00:21:32,819being a hallway but connecting to a room

49500:21:28,679 --> 00:21:36,210to our lab it was steps letting down to

49600:21:32,819 --> 00:21:38,009dark moist earth and we walk down it

49700:21:36,210 --> 00:21:40,230shrouded in fog like a cheap horror

49800:21:38,009 --> 00:21:44,490movie we look back and there's this

49900:21:40,230 --> 00:21:47,700

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corpse of this dog on the blanket of the

50000:21:44,490 --> 00:21:50,539children to a 18th century funeral coach

50100:21:47,700 --> 00:21:53,490with the luck lamps at each corner and

50200:21:50,539 --> 00:21:55,409well I said what's going on and the

50300:21:53,490 --> 00:21:57,298corpse lady turns to me and she said

50400:21:55,410 --> 00:22:00,240well you're dead and I brought you all

50500:21:57,298 --> 00:22:03,450here to bury you and I jump out of bed

50600:22:00,240 --> 00:22:05,789I'm shaking I'm sweating and I go oh

50700:22:03,450 --> 00:22:08,490this isn't good this is not good

50800:22:05,789 --> 00:22:11,009so I told dr. Moss the next day of the

50900:22:08,490 --> 00:22:12,990dream they said well we'll either die in

51000:22:11,009 --> 00:22:15,960the room in the lab as you drugged about

51100:22:12,990 --> 00:22:18,839probably it's a primary process it's

51200:22:15,960 --> 00:22:21,120noise getting into a obsess signal real

51300:22:18,839 --> 00:22:24,329information at scoop study for me and

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51400:22:21,119 --> 00:22:26,639now that's a lot longer after dr. West

51500:22:24,329 --> 00:22:30,539came and told us he's shutting us down

51600:22:26,640 --> 00:22:33,240this is 1978 and I have to we thought

51700:22:30,539 --> 00:22:35,099we're going to break so we'll hang on

51800:22:33,240 --> 00:22:38,099that thought I want to just say thank

51900:22:35,099 --> 00:22:40,319you if you go to Barry Taff net and you

52000:22:38,099 --> 00:22:43,349can read all of his wonderful articles

52100:22:40,319 --> 00:22:46,079look at his research and make sure you

52200:22:43,349 --> 00:22:47,969go there and get the best book known to

52300:22:46,079 --> 00:22:49,980man in white what am I

52400:22:47,970 --> 00:22:51,690aliens of ghosts below and Eric Lutz

52500:22:49,980 --> 00:22:53,870thanks for tuning in and we'll be right

52600:22:51,690 --> 00:22:53,870back

52700:22:53,930 --> 00:23:00,980[Music]

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52800:22:57,109 --> 00:23:04,069standby this is UFO classified with

52900:23:00,980 --> 00:23:06,680Erica Luke's Erica Luke's the phone

53000:23:04,069 --> 00:23:09,259lines are open now at seven oh two four

53100:23:06,680 --> 00:23:12,259two five nine two three zero that's

53200:23:09,259 --> 00:23:14,509seven oh two four two five ninety two

53300:23:12,259 --> 00:23:19,420thirty worldwide colors use Skype name

53400:23:14,509 --> 00:23:22,970Casey Oh our radio more UFO classified

53500:23:19,420 --> 00:23:25,910with Erica Luke's on the Casey Oh our

53600:23:22,970 --> 00:23:28,240digital radio network after this

53700:23:25,910 --> 00:23:32,470[Music]

53800:23:28,240 --> 00:23:35,390paranormal radio never sounded so good

53900:23:32,470 --> 00:23:37,789join the hosts of the American ghost

54000:23:35,390 --> 00:23:41,870hunters show each week as they shoot

54100:23:37,789 --> 00:23:44,720from the hip without hurting like the


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00:23:41,869 --> 00:23:48,049rest of us live every Thursday night 6

54300:23:44,720 --> 00:23:51,079p.m. pacific 9 p.m. Eastern right here

54400:23:48,049 --> 00:23:54,250on the Casey or digital radio network

54500:23:51,079 --> 00:23:57,669come here some of the hottest authors

54600:23:54,250 --> 00:24:00,109investigators as well as TV and radio

54700:23:57,670 --> 00:24:03,019personalities from around the world on

54800:24:00,109 --> 00:24:07,699the American ghost hunters show survival

54900:24:03,019 --> 00:24:10,369depends upon hauntings UFOs Kryptos if

55000:24:07,700 --> 00:24:13,370it's branded paranormal we'll be talking

55100:24:10,369 --> 00:24:17,179about it the American Ghost Hunters show

55200:24:13,369 --> 00:24:21,529live Thursday nights 6 p.m. pacific 9

55300:24:17,180 --> 00:24:24,500p.m. Eastern exclusively on the kco

55400:24:21,529 --> 00:24:28,309art digital radio network the only

55500:24:24,500 --> 00:24:30,460question you have to ask yourself are

55600:24:28,309 --> 00:24:32,359

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you ready for it yeah

55700:24:30,460 --> 00:24:36,808all right

55800:24:32,359 --> 00:24:36,808[Music]

55900:24:37,980 --> 00:24:52,179the all-new case yo our digital radio

56000:24:41,919 --> 00:24:54,659network a Fenton files there it's all

56100:24:52,179 --> 00:24:54,659connected

56200:24:55,259 --> 00:25:00,788come explore a universe full of

56300:24:58,148 --> 00:25:04,058possibilities every Monday night at a

56400:25:00,788 --> 00:25:07,000p.m. Pacific 11:00 p.m. Eastern the

56500:25:04,058 --> 00:25:09,668Fenton files go where no other show has

56600:25:07,000 --> 00:25:12,460gone before you can deny all the things

56700:25:09,669 --> 00:25:14,410I've seen all the things I've discovered

56800:25:12,460 --> 00:25:16,000but not long

56900:25:14,410 --> 00:25:18,120because too many others know what's

57000:25:16,000 --> 00:25:20,890happening out there whether it be UFOs

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57100:25:18,119 --> 00:25:23,739aliens conspiracies or even

57200:25:20,890 --> 00:25:26,770consciousness your host Lori and Fenton

57300:25:23,740 --> 00:25:28,059has a file for that the Fenton fire and

57400:25:26,769 --> 00:25:31,000environment

57500:25:28,059 --> 00:25:33,369your journey to the truth is but a file

57600:25:31,000 --> 00:25:36,130away live Monday night's 8:00 p.m.

57700:25:33,369 --> 00:25:39,819Pacific 11:00 p.m. Eastern exclusively

57800:25:36,130 --> 00:25:42,760on the kco our digital radio network the

57900:25:39,819 --> 00:25:46,980Fenton files incredibly intense the

58000:25:42,759 --> 00:25:46,980truth is just waiting to be discovered

58100:25:48,000 --> 00:25:53,230Monday nights are about to become

58200:25:50,319 --> 00:25:55,269hauntingly good as Reverend Shawn

58300:25:53,230 --> 00:25:57,970Whittington possesses the airwaves with

58400:25:55,269 --> 00:26:00,369Vegas supernatural Vegas now tune in

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58500:25:57,970 --> 00:26:03,000every Monday at 5 p.m. Pacific 8 p.m.

58600:26:00,369 --> 00:26:06,189Eastern for Vegas supernatural

58700:26:03,000 --> 00:26:08,730exclusively on the KCUR vigil will

58800:26:06,190 --> 00:26:08,730network

58900:26:09,140 --> 00:26:12,230there's a war raging between good and

59000:26:11,660 --> 00:26:18,769evil

59100:26:12,230 --> 00:26:20,450the question is tune in Monday nights as

59200:26:18,769 --> 00:26:23,029Reverend Shawn would Eaton sets the new

59300:26:20,450 --> 00:26:24,860standard for paranormal radio as some of

59400:26:23,029 --> 00:26:27,440the most influential personalities in

59500:26:24,859 --> 00:26:29,569the world today Vegas supernatural

59600:26:27,440 --> 00:26:32,539hosted by Reverend Shawn Whittington

59700:26:29,569 --> 00:26:35,720every Monday night at 5 p.m. Pacific

59800:26:32,539 --> 00:26:39,5488:00 p.m. Eastern exclusively on the KC


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00:26:35,720 --> 00:26:39,548walk digital radio network

60000:26:39,609 --> 00:26:42,299one show

60100:26:42,390 --> 00:26:45,650doesn't want you to you

60200:26:47,829 --> 00:26:54,649you're listening to UFO classified with

60300:26:51,529 --> 00:26:56,660Erica Luke's where the truth isn't

60400:26:54,650 --> 00:26:57,230hidden beneath the black lines of a

60500:26:56,660 --> 00:27:00,759sharpie

60600:26:57,230 --> 00:27:00,759that's a craziest thing I've ever heard

60700:27:00,849 --> 00:27:07,339to be on with Erica call seven zero two

60800:27:04,009 --> 00:27:10,839four two five nine two three zero at

60900:27:07,339 --> 00:27:14,2407:02 four to five ninety two thirty

61000:27:10,839 --> 00:27:18,230worldwide colors use skype name k cor

61100:27:14,240 --> 00:27:23,059radio share your thoughts on the show on

61200:27:18,230 --> 00:27:27,130twitter by using hashtag k co are more

61300:27:23,059 --> 00:27:32,179

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over to the live chat at KCUR

61400:27:27,130 --> 00:27:35,970and now your host of UFO classified

61500:27:32,180 --> 00:27:38,430Erica Luc's Erica lose

61600:27:35,970 --> 00:27:40,380happy fan copia Friday I'm here on the

61700:27:38,430 --> 00:27:42,630best digital broadcasting network on the

61800:27:40,380 --> 00:27:45,290planet as always I have to give a big

61900:27:42,630 --> 00:27:49,140shout out to my producer Tina Marie and

62000:27:45,289 --> 00:27:51,000station owner she is exceptional and I'm

62100:27:49,140 --> 00:27:54,420really grateful to be on such a

62200:27:51,000 --> 00:27:57,420respectable grounded Network that that

62300:27:54,420 --> 00:27:59,310operates with just above board it's it's

62400:27:57,420 --> 00:28:02,310incredible I want to thank all of you

62500:27:59,309 --> 00:28:05,339for getting in to chat and for sharing

62600:28:02,309 --> 00:28:07,649information about the show northern UFOs

62700:28:05,339 --> 00:28:10,799you rock thank you for getting my

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62800:28:07,650 --> 00:28:13,530interviews onto YouTube it is that's

62900:28:10,799 --> 00:28:16,230you're amazing and I really rely on on

63000:28:13,529 --> 00:28:17,789you and getting the word out so thank

63100:28:16,230 --> 00:28:20,789you very much for all you do

63200:28:17,789 --> 00:28:24,389my guest this evening is dr. Barry Taff

63300:28:20,789 --> 00:28:27,359who I have been looking into and

63400:28:24,390 --> 00:28:29,160following for quite some time he is

63500:28:27,359 --> 00:28:31,889consulted for government business and

63600:28:29,160 --> 00:28:35,490law enforcement including the CIA awful

63700:28:31,890 --> 00:28:37,890Office of Naval Intelligence the NSA the

63800:28:35,490 --> 00:28:40,700Defense Language Institute Defense

63900:28:37,890 --> 00:28:43,020Intelligence Intelligence Agency and

64000:28:40,700 --> 00:28:46,769many more things you can go to barry

64100:28:43,019 --> 00:28:49,589taff dotnet to check that out his book

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64200:28:46,769 --> 00:28:53,099aliens above ghosts below is a must read

64300:28:49,589 --> 00:28:55,409so get that when we left off dr. tabby

64400:28:53,099 --> 00:28:59,969you were talking about this this dream

64500:28:55,410 --> 00:29:02,580so let's continue so okay the rumors

64600:28:59,970 --> 00:29:04,860stop moving we opened the door and

64700:29:02,579 --> 00:29:07,589instead of being the hallway it's tears

64800:29:04,859 --> 00:29:10,589walk going down to dark moist earth

64900:29:07,589 --> 00:29:12,569covered in fog we turn back and to

65000:29:10,589 --> 00:29:15,659discover the room is turned in to an

65100:29:12,569 --> 00:29:19,230eighth and 19th century funeral coach

65200:29:15,660 --> 00:29:21,390with gas lanterns or with lanterns at

65300:29:19,230 --> 00:29:24,750each end and there is the corpse-like

65400:29:21,390 --> 00:29:26,610woman and the mangled corpse of a German

65500:29:24,750 --> 00:29:29,299Shepherd and we walk I walk down the


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00:29:26,609 --> 00:29:33,409steps and I go where where are we and

65700:29:29,299 --> 00:29:36,029the corpse woman turns to me and goes

65800:29:33,410 --> 00:29:38,370you're I brought you to here to bury you

65900:29:36,029 --> 00:29:43,529because you're all dead I go oh my god

66000:29:38,369 --> 00:29:45,629so I woke up so I thought well how dr.

66100:29:43,529 --> 00:29:47,279Moss about it and she said well all

66200:29:45,630 --> 00:29:49,500they're going to die in the room or I've

66300:29:47,279 --> 00:29:52,109had a accurate perception but my

66400:29:49,500 --> 00:29:53,819distorted it to safeguard my ears from

66500:29:52,109 --> 00:29:55,109the emotional pain of the lab ending

66600:29:53,819 --> 00:29:58,379that sounds better

66700:29:55,109 --> 00:30:00,359okay so few weeks later dr. Joley and

66800:29:58,380 --> 00:30:02,429West comes into the lab and tells us

66900:30:00,359 --> 00:30:04,199he's shutting us down I mean it was no

67000:30:02,429 --> 00:30:06,090

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surprise we knew our days were numbered

67100:30:04,200 --> 00:30:09,120would just didn't know it what day our

67200:30:06,089 --> 00:30:10,889number would be up so is he walking out

67300:30:09,119 --> 00:30:12,928to the back of the corridor he said dr.

67400:30:10,890 --> 00:30:14,009Wes can I speak to you for a moment okay

67500:30:12,929 --> 00:30:16,380but I'm real busy

67600:30:14,009 --> 00:30:17,429don't just a moment did you have a

67700:30:16,380 --> 00:30:22,140sister

67800:30:17,429 --> 00:30:26,009well I did wouldn't mean well she died

67900:30:22,140 --> 00:30:28,679of cancer she wasted away one Oh I said

68000:30:26,009 --> 00:30:31,408odd question did she have a dog because

68100:30:28,679 --> 00:30:33,509she had a dog what type German Shepherd

68200:30:31,409 --> 00:30:36,929what happened to the dog he was badly

68300:30:33,509 --> 00:30:39,929mangled in an auto accident in the dream

68400:30:36,929 --> 00:30:42,809he was the one who recognized the image

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68500:30:39,929 --> 00:30:45,240of the corpse lady and the dog as being

68600:30:42,808 --> 00:30:46,740his sister and how did why are you

68700:30:45,240 --> 00:30:49,140asking me about this stuff I said I'm

68800:30:46,740 --> 00:30:52,380just curious he walked away and that was

68900:30:49,140 --> 00:30:54,390it and then here's the lab shut down but

69000:30:52,380 --> 00:30:57,299she the lab shutting down in the way

69100:30:54,390 --> 00:30:59,700gave us an impetus we didn't have

69200:30:57,298 --> 00:31:01,230because it motivated us the fact that we

69300:30:59,700 --> 00:31:03,929must be doing something right if they

69400:31:01,230 --> 00:31:05,400want to get rid of us one of the events

69500:31:03,929 --> 00:31:06,900that happened in our sight training

69600:31:05,400 --> 00:31:10,590groups was so astounding that it's worth

69700:31:06,900 --> 00:31:13,769it bears repeating we were tired of

69800:31:10,589 --> 00:31:15,899doing the real-time telepathic level and

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69900:31:13,769 --> 00:31:18,839stuff we could do it at E no big deal

70000:31:15,900 --> 00:31:20,220over and over again we did it let's try

70100:31:18,839 --> 00:31:23,428something different

70200:31:20,220 --> 00:31:26,130let's try out their first precognitive

70300:31:23,429 --> 00:31:28,710effort so it was our Wednesday night

70400:31:26,130 --> 00:31:31,950meeting in the lab in the conference

70500:31:28,710 --> 00:31:33,929room pitch is a sense partially sensory

70600:31:31,950 --> 00:31:37,259deprived environment couldn't see

70700:31:33,929 --> 00:31:39,240couldn't hear anything a person would be

70800:31:37,259 --> 00:31:40,950a target and they would think about

70900:31:39,240 --> 00:31:42,960someone or something and we would

71000:31:40,950 --> 00:31:46,650probably expound on perceptions which

71100:31:42,960 --> 00:31:50,640would be recorded okay so this last

71200:31:46,650 --> 00:31:53,640Wednesday night de scape imagine all of


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00:31:50,640 --> 00:31:56,190you that it's one week forward it's this

71400:31:53,640 --> 00:32:00,690date it's the last session which is at

71500:31:56,190 --> 00:32:03,7109:30 at night described with detail the

71600:32:00,690 --> 00:32:06,539target now we don't

71700:32:03,710 --> 00:32:08,819okay so we start talking about a tall

71800:32:06,539 --> 00:32:12,149blue-eyed blonde lady very exotic

71900:32:08,819 --> 00:32:14,730looking when you a tan pants outfit very

72000:32:12,150 --> 00:32:16,920professional looking at the model we see

72100:32:14,730 --> 00:32:21,059you're a big three-story home against

72200:32:16,920 --> 00:32:25,200the hills we see a baby grand piano okay

72300:32:21,059 --> 00:32:29,059and then we see a tall man well but 6-3

72400:32:25,200 --> 00:32:32,1006-4 handsome dressed all in black black

72500:32:29,059 --> 00:32:36,119pants black shirt black boots black

72600:32:32,099 --> 00:32:38,759gloves black mask by cape black hat and

72700:32:36,119 --> 00:32:43,829

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an imposing silver sword you only

72800:32:38,759 --> 00:32:45,779thought if we lost our minds okay that

72900:32:43,829 --> 00:32:48,059was supposed to be for a week forward so

73000:32:45,779 --> 00:32:50,460the next week no one who had been at the

73100:32:48,059 --> 00:32:52,769prior group could invite anyone had to

73200:32:50,460 --> 00:32:55,440be a blind situation so new people came

73300:32:52,769 --> 00:32:58,079in through third parties we gave each of

73400:32:55,440 --> 00:32:59,730them a little packet but no pay envelope

73500:32:58,079 --> 00:33:02,639with a piece of paper

73600:32:59,730 --> 00:33:05,519and a number on it they couldn't see it

73700:33:02,640 --> 00:33:08,460how could we and they came in we sat

73800:33:05,519 --> 00:33:10,259down as okay picks it down there were 24

73900:33:08,460 --> 00:33:11,880chairs they could any one could choose

74000:33:10,259 --> 00:33:17,099whatever chair they wanted except mine

74100:33:11,880 --> 00:33:19,320and I said open your envelopes okay it

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74200:33:17,099 --> 00:33:22,980would open them okay no no it's usually

74300:33:19,319 --> 00:33:24,599back up we roll dice to dice okay look

74400:33:22,980 --> 00:33:27,059at the number open your envelopes

74500:33:24,599 --> 00:33:30,269whatever number corresponds to the dice

74600:33:27,059 --> 00:33:33,509roll let us down this woman goes oh

74700:33:30,269 --> 00:33:35,490that's deep okay no we forgot what we

74800:33:33,509 --> 00:33:38,940said a week earlier easy that's easy to

74900:33:35,490 --> 00:33:41,880do and we gave her the tape to control

75000:33:38,940 --> 00:33:43,980audio tape and I said wouldn't hear a

75100:33:41,880 --> 00:33:47,460comment that's about yourself that's

75200:33:43,980 --> 00:33:50,009relevant that's obviously you stop it in

75300:33:47,460 --> 00:33:53,569comment if the comment it's not relevant

75400:33:50,009 --> 00:33:57,119to you and your life don't stop it okay

75500:33:53,569 --> 00:33:59,490so we do even we have no idea that this

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75600:33:57,119 --> 00:34:02,189woman is the tapes running we describe

75700:33:59,490 --> 00:34:05,099her perfect physical description even a

75800:34:02,190 --> 00:34:08,159clothes we named the chair she'd be

75900:34:05,099 --> 00:34:10,769sitting in on her BF seat then that sat

76000:34:08,159 --> 00:34:14,099in Christine we're going to sit in and

76100:34:10,769 --> 00:34:16,550we were right she sat in her own before

76200:34:14,099 --> 00:34:19,460she was picked as a target

76300:34:16,550 --> 00:34:21,620um hair everything was the same lived

76400:34:19,460 --> 00:34:23,860grew up in a three-story house in the

76500:34:21,619 --> 00:34:25,940Hollywood Hills grew baby grand piano

76600:34:23,860 --> 00:34:28,670and then would come to the pizzette all

76700:34:25,940 --> 00:34:31,880could be coincidence that could be all

76800:34:28,670 --> 00:34:35,389coincidence but then we come to the tall

76900:34:31,880 --> 00:34:37,400man dressed in black with a sword and


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00:34:35,389 --> 00:34:40,400she stops she goes do you know who I am

77100:34:37,400 --> 00:34:43,910and we go what do you mean I'm Tony

77200:34:40,400 --> 00:34:46,639Williams we go and but don't you know

77300:34:43,909 --> 00:34:48,619who I am I said yeah you told us but why

77400:34:46,639 --> 00:34:51,529should we know that name she goes my

77500:34:48,619 --> 00:34:52,779father is a guy Williams he played Zorro

77600:34:51,530 --> 00:34:57,170for Disney

77700:34:52,780 --> 00:34:58,430what late fifties is only on for a

77800:34:57,170 --> 00:35:02,030couple seasons it's really a good show

77900:34:58,429 --> 00:35:04,789and should wait I don't get this where

78000:35:02,030 --> 00:35:07,130did you make this tape a week ago still

78100:35:04,789 --> 00:35:12,289other guy was coming here a couple of

78200:35:07,130 --> 00:35:14,150hours ago how did you exactly how can

78300:35:12,289 --> 00:35:16,880you see a future event if it's not there

78400:35:14,150 --> 00:35:19,730

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what are you seeing coincidence

78500:35:16,880 --> 00:35:22,369probability no I don't know I'm sorry I

78600:35:19,730 --> 00:35:24,679don't buy that so that was a little

78700:35:22,369 --> 00:35:27,380unnerving for some of our regulars of

78800:35:24,679 --> 00:35:31,129the group so let's try it again

78900:35:27,380 --> 00:35:33,410have a look later and same pitch black

79000:35:31,130 --> 00:35:37,190environment you know century depression

79100:35:33,409 --> 00:35:39,500and all right you know would the name

79200:35:37,190 --> 00:35:43,190the next one week later all we keep

79300:35:39,500 --> 00:35:46,639seeing is fire fire fire fire like to

79400:35:43,190 --> 00:35:48,530loosen mine now okay the next day that

79500:35:46,639 --> 00:35:52,400was the Thursday morning I'm in the lab

79600:35:48,530 --> 00:35:54,080and sirens are coming to UCLA to the

79700:35:52,400 --> 00:35:56,630building it to the neuropsychiatric

79800:35:54,079 --> 00:36:00,739Institute which is now called the Semel

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79900:35:56,630 --> 00:36:02,480Institute and fire would go down and

80000:36:00,739 --> 00:36:05,929that conference room we were in had

80100:36:02,480 --> 00:36:07,940caught fire the drapes the curtains the

80200:36:05,929 --> 00:36:10,460socket behind it is shorted out

80300:36:07,940 --> 00:36:10,990sputtered and it caught the drapes on

80400:36:10,460 --> 00:36:13,639fire

80500:36:10,989 --> 00:36:17,509so then wonder why we picked up fire it

80600:36:13,639 --> 00:36:20,359was imminent but it disposes the

80700:36:17,510 --> 00:36:24,710question how could you see something

80800:36:20,360 --> 00:36:27,559that doesn't yet exist yes if you're

80900:36:24,710 --> 00:36:29,360guessing it's going to be random garbage

81000:36:27,559 --> 00:36:29,900you're not going to get a reliability in

81100:36:29,360 --> 00:36:33,079it

81200:36:29,900 --> 00:36:36,500um another exam this is my own personal

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81300:36:33,079 --> 00:36:41,059life 38 years ago I met a girl in

81400:36:36,500 --> 00:36:42,710college my undergraduate and name was

81500:36:41,059 --> 00:36:45,889share and she looked like the actress to

81600:36:42,710 --> 00:36:47,809Jane Krakowski almost had double her so

81700:36:45,889 --> 00:36:50,569we were dating everything was good and

81800:36:47,809 --> 00:36:52,519then came the dreams and in the dreams I

81900:36:50,570 --> 00:36:54,950had they were the same dream I'm the

82000:36:52,519 --> 00:36:57,079backseat of a car I see her in the

82100:36:54,949 --> 00:36:58,939passenger seat but I can't say that I'm

82200:36:57,079 --> 00:37:00,860driving I just see someone's driving

82300:36:58,940 --> 00:37:02,000with dark hair couldn't you the

82400:37:00,860 --> 00:37:04,309dashboard of a car

82500:37:02,000 --> 00:37:06,769we turned down the cul-de-sac to get to

82600:37:04,309 --> 00:37:10,909her home in the defend Fernan San


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00:37:06,769 --> 00:37:12,650Fernando Valley and a large car flies

82800:37:10,909 --> 00:37:15,500out hits his head on a violent collision

82900:37:12,650 --> 00:37:17,210and she's bounced around like a yellow

83000:37:15,500 --> 00:37:20,650like I'm a pebble

83100:37:17,210 --> 00:37:24,619even though she had her seatbelt on and

83200:37:20,650 --> 00:37:26,480fire and glass was pretty bad anok the

83300:37:24,619 --> 00:37:29,210dream kept recurring and recur and go

83400:37:26,480 --> 00:37:32,059this is not good so I finally talked to

83500:37:29,210 --> 00:37:35,809Sharon thinking she'd go oh right this

83600:37:32,059 --> 00:37:37,849is great I'll avoid it but no it wasn't

83700:37:35,809 --> 00:37:40,779her response and I really didn't blame

83800:37:37,849 --> 00:37:43,909her so she knew me but not that well and

83900:37:40,780 --> 00:37:45,620so she thought I was this is the way to

84000:37:43,909 --> 00:37:48,109weasel out of the relationship I mean I

84100:37:45,619 --> 00:37:50,079

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lived in West Los Angeles on the edge of

84200:37:48,110 --> 00:37:53,360Beverly Hills she lived in Northridge

84300:37:50,079 --> 00:37:56,690but in those days gas was 28 cents a

84400:37:53,360 --> 00:37:59,180gallon so who cares I had a really nice

84500:37:56,690 --> 00:38:00,670car I enjoyed robbing this year it was

84600:37:59,179 --> 00:38:05,980great

84700:38:00,670 --> 00:38:08,630she was bencher drinks more on so she

84800:38:05,980 --> 00:38:10,900she thought I was making this up I go

84900:38:08,630 --> 00:38:12,590look you know how much I like to drive

85000:38:10,900 --> 00:38:16,430she's I don't know

85100:38:12,590 --> 00:38:19,309I said little you know I said okay well

85200:38:16,429 --> 00:38:20,569okay we're not seeing each other good I

85300:38:19,309 --> 00:38:24,170changed the future

85400:38:20,570 --> 00:38:28,240wrong sometime later start dating

85500:38:24,170 --> 00:38:30,740someone else I don't know who matter and

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85600:38:28,239 --> 00:38:33,439coming home from the date her boyfriends

85700:38:30,739 --> 00:38:36,469are having her home the accident I saw

85800:38:33,440 --> 00:38:40,429it did occur she was badly injured and

85900:38:36,469 --> 00:38:42,980her boyfriend died so I didn't change

86000:38:40,429 --> 00:38:43,909anything I just might eagle put me in

86100:38:42,980 --> 00:38:46,519the driver's seat

86200:38:43,909 --> 00:38:48,920well it must be me because she's in the

86300:38:46,518 --> 00:38:51,558passenger seat but that wasn't correct

86400:38:48,920 --> 00:38:54,170so I misinterpreted the future part

86500:38:51,559 --> 00:38:56,059because of my ego and this you know this

86600:38:54,170 --> 00:38:59,000is what goes on all the time our mind

86700:38:56,059 --> 00:39:01,069tends to fill in the blanks our mind

86800:38:59,000 --> 00:39:02,929doesn't like noise your chaos or mine

86900:39:01,068 --> 00:39:06,400doesn't like things that are negative we

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87000:39:02,929 --> 00:39:10,429try to make things feel comfortable um

87100:39:06,400 --> 00:39:12,289when I was 19 with wind JFK was

87200:39:10,429 --> 00:39:16,159inaugurated the day of the inauguration

87300:39:12,289 --> 00:39:18,230I remember I told my parents I said he's

87400:39:16,159 --> 00:39:21,440gonna be killed when around Thanksgiving

87500:39:18,230 --> 00:39:24,259a 63 and they went what I don't know um

87600:39:21,440 --> 00:39:25,730specifics but it's gonna happen how do

87700:39:24,259 --> 00:39:28,579you know I said because I'm seeing it in

87800:39:25,730 --> 00:39:32,298my head they like okay yeah okay go

87900:39:28,579 --> 00:39:37,490bothers kind of ignored me and three

88000:39:32,298 --> 00:39:40,190years later November 22nd the thing you

88100:39:37,489 --> 00:39:41,808know we know what happened and they you

88200:39:40,190 --> 00:39:43,909freaked out really bad my parents they

88300:39:41,809 --> 00:39:47,000didn't speak to me for weeks they just


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00:39:43,909 --> 00:39:54,098liked to stay away from me so you know

88500:39:47,000 --> 00:39:56,539it's you know what do you do it's again

88600:39:54,099 --> 00:40:00,650I've lost a lot of friends because of my

88700:39:56,539 --> 00:40:01,970work I think we all have absolutely you

88800:40:00,650 --> 00:40:03,829know you can't go into this and not

88900:40:01,969 --> 00:40:05,689realize that you're gonna lose real

89000:40:03,829 --> 00:40:09,769loved ones

89100:40:05,690 --> 00:40:11,960this puts a huge strain on everything

89200:40:09,768 --> 00:40:13,548every part of your life right and

89300:40:11,960 --> 00:40:17,028remember it's sort of what another one

89400:40:13,548 --> 00:40:19,429of my articles is called about being

89500:40:17,028 --> 00:40:22,309psychic old it's an article on the

89600:40:19,429 --> 00:40:25,548latter ones I wrote what to call a

89700:40:22,309 --> 00:40:28,670different kind of psychic being a

89800:40:25,548 --> 00:40:31,400

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medical intuitive and this has gotten me

89900:40:28,670 --> 00:40:33,490in more trouble than I can say it would

90000:40:31,400 --> 00:40:37,910take up for four or five shows I

90100:40:33,489 --> 00:40:40,729remember oh this is like in the fifth

90200:40:37,909 --> 00:40:43,159grade you're ten years old in the

90300:40:40,730 --> 00:40:46,009courtyard recesses a little girl named

90400:40:43,159 --> 00:40:48,308Christine Blois blogger walking towards

90500:40:46,009 --> 00:40:51,920me and she's wearing like a sundress

90600:40:48,309 --> 00:40:53,630blue and with a Paisley flower somewhere

90700:40:51,920 --> 00:40:55,818and went up to her I said what's that

90800:40:53,630 --> 00:40:57,710what's that thing under your dress that

90900:40:55,818 --> 00:40:59,719tube going into your body

91000:40:57,710 --> 00:41:03,318she had a colostomy I didn't know what a

91100:40:59,719 --> 00:41:05,358colostomy was you know I'm 10 years old

91200:41:03,318 --> 00:41:07,969and she screamed rounding out the

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91300:41:05,358 --> 00:41:09,798teachers in the principal's office what

91400:41:07,969 --> 00:41:11,959did you look under her dress to speak of

91500:41:09,798 --> 00:41:14,088the girls bathroom I said no I just

91600:41:11,960 --> 00:41:16,818looked at her and he came on he goes

91700:41:14,088 --> 00:41:20,838what came on you know like x-ray vision

91800:41:16,818 --> 00:41:22,369yes huh cuz look you know you could be

91900:41:20,838 --> 00:41:24,889we can have you arrested for this and

92000:41:22,369 --> 00:41:28,510throwing this school so he calls my my

92100:41:24,889 --> 00:41:33,048mom and she says he could do this and

92200:41:28,510 --> 00:41:36,980crystal would what he can do this look

92300:41:33,048 --> 00:41:38,809are you but you think people nuts so he

92400:41:36,980 --> 00:41:41,420hangs up the phone and turns at me and I

92500:41:38,809 --> 00:41:43,220looked at myself if you've got that scar

92600:41:41,420 --> 00:41:46,730that never healed properly from your

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92700:41:43,219 --> 00:41:49,098appendectomy and he turned white as a

92800:41:46,730 --> 00:41:50,650sheet and he said if I ever hear this

92900:41:49,099 --> 00:41:52,910occurring again here I'll throw you out

93000:41:50,650 --> 00:42:02,510and of course it did occur but I did

93100:41:52,909 --> 00:42:06,500talk about so you know the I mean there

93200:42:02,510 --> 00:42:08,839was an incident 1999 it's girl I just a

93300:42:06,500 --> 00:42:11,059date decades earlier showed up we're

93400:42:08,838 --> 00:42:14,538talking outside she sounded a little

93500:42:11,059 --> 00:42:16,369weird and I said to her look a couple

93600:42:14,539 --> 00:42:18,319things I think you need psychic

93700:42:16,369 --> 00:42:21,318psychiatric intervention you sound

93800:42:18,318 --> 00:42:23,389suicidal but I said before that I said

93900:42:21,318 --> 00:42:25,400what's the jellyfish all over your chest

94000:42:23,389 --> 00:42:28,460and she went watches wearing a halter


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00:42:25,400 --> 00:42:31,369top very warm I look like a jellyfish

94200:42:28,460 --> 00:42:34,670earlier I got closer to our no Linda

94300:42:31,369 --> 00:42:36,349it's a it's not on you it in you you

94400:42:34,670 --> 00:42:37,220better go see an oncologist that's the

94500:42:36,349 --> 00:42:38,329mammograms right

94600:42:37,219 --> 00:42:43,159you should breasts are riddled with

94700:42:38,329 --> 00:42:44,960tumors just what I said check it out so

94800:42:43,159 --> 00:42:47,659a couple weeks later should call back

94900:42:44,960 --> 00:42:53,420shad have a radical mastectomy both

95000:42:47,659 --> 00:42:54,920breast for me and you know and then she

95100:42:53,420 --> 00:42:59,440did it having suicide but not because of

95200:42:54,920 --> 00:43:03,440that but she failed fortunately it's I

95300:42:59,440 --> 00:43:06,858don't know it's when Man of Steel came

95400:43:03,440 --> 00:43:08,470out in 2013 the scene of the young Clark

95500:43:06,858 --> 00:43:10,059

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Kent in school when his x-ray vision

95600:43:08,469 --> 00:43:11,769develops right

95700:43:10,059 --> 00:43:15,009yeah my board you know identify with

95800:43:11,769 --> 00:43:18,400that it was I mean wow but I didn't run

95900:43:15,010 --> 00:43:21,100into a cause and start crying and heat

96000:43:18,400 --> 00:43:23,410up those yeah dilash in the doorknob but

96100:43:21,099 --> 00:43:26,529I think is exactly what I went through

96200:43:23,409 --> 00:43:28,629right I learned if you keep talking

96300:43:26,530 --> 00:43:31,390about this people are going to avoid you

96400:43:28,630 --> 00:43:35,440and they do they're afraid what get in

96500:43:31,389 --> 00:43:37,239front of you what you can say well I

96600:43:35,440 --> 00:43:40,539think that's how a lot of people that

96700:43:37,239 --> 00:43:43,659have UFO experiences or you know I mean

96800:43:40,539 --> 00:43:45,610hauntings I mean it's a very difficult

96900:43:43,659 --> 00:43:49,389thing for people to talk about it and

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97000:43:45,610 --> 00:43:53,289effects and can ruin people's lives and

97100:43:49,389 --> 00:43:58,119that's so unfortunate yeah the problem

97200:43:53,289 --> 00:44:00,219is they're like the abductions and it's

97300:43:58,119 --> 00:44:02,199a people if they don't get the proper

97400:44:00,219 --> 00:44:05,919type of support psychological you know

97500:44:02,199 --> 00:44:07,539support they will come apart because who

97600:44:05,920 --> 00:44:09,760do you talk to and will people believe

97700:44:07,539 --> 00:44:11,079you will be ostracized people ridicule

97800:44:09,760 --> 00:44:15,550you they'll think you're mentally ill

97900:44:11,079 --> 00:44:19,119and yes for their Arlene in my book

98000:44:15,550 --> 00:44:21,880there's a my new book I go to a separate

98100:44:19,119 --> 00:44:23,920case that I would go with 41 years ago

98200:44:21,880 --> 00:44:25,800the only girl I could have married and

98300:44:23,920 --> 00:44:29,139she was abducted

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98400:44:25,800 --> 00:44:30,700all my dreams told me that on July 22nd

98500:44:29,139 --> 00:44:32,679relationship would end but I didn't know

98600:44:30,699 --> 00:44:35,379why and that's where she was abducted

98700:44:32,679 --> 00:44:37,359and she just had a complete breakdown

98800:44:35,380 --> 00:44:42,640after that she never thought she'd

98900:44:37,360 --> 00:44:44,260complete literal psychosis and it was

99000:44:42,639 --> 00:44:45,400it's amazing she was very normal it

99100:44:44,260 --> 00:44:47,350suddenly Wham

99200:44:45,400 --> 00:44:49,960she wouldn't seek any kind of

99300:44:47,349 --> 00:44:54,309psychological help psychiatric

99400:44:49,960 --> 00:44:56,800intervention and it's sort of like you

99500:44:54,309 --> 00:44:58,929know when women are right you talk about

99600:44:56,800 --> 00:45:00,670it and they're embarrassing humiliated

99700:44:58,929 --> 00:45:01,169like it's their fault and it isn't their


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00:45:00,670 --> 00:45:03,519fault

99900:45:01,170 --> 00:45:06,369it's the same thing but it's worse

100000:45:03,519 --> 00:45:08,019because it doesn't boast people could

100100:45:06,369 --> 00:45:11,529live out on hundred lifetimes without

100200:45:08,019 --> 00:45:12,759ever hearing of an abduction so it's

100300:45:11,530 --> 00:45:16,540it's a terrible thing

100400:45:12,760 --> 00:45:18,100and there's no easy way out no there

100500:45:16,539 --> 00:45:19,960isn't and I've got it to ask you because

100600:45:18,099 --> 00:45:21,969we've got incredible questions in chat

100700:45:19,960 --> 00:45:23,470and I want to ask a couple before we go

100800:45:21,969 --> 00:45:25,509to break but

100900:45:23,469 --> 00:45:29,139dr. Bruce Cornett wants to know I mean

101000:45:25,510 --> 00:45:31,540he was he asks is the intelligence

101100:45:29,139 --> 00:45:35,009community why do they not want your

101200:45:31,539 --> 00:45:37,210

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research to reach public awareness I

101300:45:35,010 --> 00:45:42,010don't think it's my research in

101400:45:37,210 --> 00:45:44,050particular I just think that no one

101500:45:42,010 --> 00:45:46,030really knows precisely how all this

101600:45:44,050 --> 00:45:48,070stuff works if they did the world would

101700:45:46,030 --> 00:45:49,840be a lot different for everything we

101800:45:48,070 --> 00:45:51,940know think every Ferrari they wouldn't

101900:45:49,840 --> 00:45:55,930think me now there's probably dozens or

102000:45:51,940 --> 00:46:00,929hundreds of things we don't but remember

102100:45:55,929 --> 00:46:04,690our society is based on social

102200:46:00,929 --> 00:46:11,230functionality the last thing we need is

102300:46:04,690 --> 00:46:13,210events that trigger chaos you know like

102400:46:11,230 --> 00:46:16,059every fifth April 15th which we're

102500:46:13,210 --> 00:46:17,679coming up on soon if people start to

102600:46:16,059 --> 00:46:19,630freak out and they don't trust the

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102700:46:17,679 --> 00:46:21,879government they realize that government

102800:46:19,630 --> 00:46:24,369is not God and they can't protect us

102900:46:21,880 --> 00:46:26,530against some things they lie to us for

103000:46:24,369 --> 00:46:28,570their own benefit maybe people wouldn't

103100:46:26,530 --> 00:46:33,550pay their taxes and that would be very

103200:46:28,570 --> 00:46:35,830dangerous it's that simple you don't you

103300:46:33,550 --> 00:46:37,450want to empower people you want to keep

103400:46:35,829 --> 00:46:40,630them where they are if you can't keep

103500:46:37,449 --> 00:46:44,079them ignorant people you know that term

103600:46:40,630 --> 00:46:45,550people use it's not my work per se the

103700:46:44,079 --> 00:46:47,739government's going to great lengths to

103800:46:45,550 --> 00:46:49,960discredit the Paranal because they don't

103900:46:47,739 --> 00:46:53,618want our enemies using it against them

104000:46:49,960 --> 00:46:55,480and problem is there in my book in my

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104100:46:53,619 --> 00:46:56,800website I talk about some of the insane

104200:46:55,480 --> 00:46:59,440things that have happened in the past

104300:46:56,800 --> 00:47:02,680regard that the government's futile is

104400:46:59,440 --> 00:47:05,050diba leverage to shield this ability

104500:47:02,679 --> 00:47:10,588from working and no one knows how to do

104600:47:05,050 --> 00:47:13,750it and so I mean if you personally been

104700:47:10,588 --> 00:47:18,150harassed by anybody in the government or

104800:47:13,750 --> 00:47:18,150told to to stop what you're doing

104900:47:20,010 --> 00:47:25,180throwing back in the wet to mid-70s I

105000:47:23,858 --> 00:47:27,759talked a little bit about our site

105100:47:25,179 --> 00:47:29,618rating groups and I mentioned a few the

105200:47:27,760 --> 00:47:30,130intelligence agencies who had popped in

105300:47:29,619 --> 00:47:33,460on us

105400:47:30,130 --> 00:47:35,440and they got published and the writer


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00:47:33,460 --> 00:47:37,028had made some errors and what he was had

105600:47:35,440 --> 00:47:39,789but it was enough to I

105700:47:37,028 --> 00:47:42,130got some rather nasty calls from these

105800:47:39,789 --> 00:47:44,650groups saying look print a retraction or

105900:47:42,130 --> 00:47:46,568make a life impossible those enough

106000:47:44,650 --> 00:47:47,409errors I could printer if they did print

106100:47:46,568 --> 00:47:49,329a retraction

106200:47:47,409 --> 00:47:52,150they say okay well you know what kind of

106300:47:49,329 --> 00:47:54,429things can you do this well you'll it

106400:47:52,150 --> 00:47:56,199won't be able to get a job every able to

106500:47:54,429 --> 00:47:59,588have a bacon island will get a loan for

106600:47:56,199 --> 00:48:00,818a house and buy a car what would that

106700:47:59,588 --> 00:48:03,009ever happen they could have been lying

106800:48:00,818 --> 00:48:05,349but there were enough errors in the

106900:48:03,009 --> 00:48:08,798

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article that I was able to write

107000:48:05,349 --> 00:48:11,919retraction which they published man you

107100:48:08,798 --> 00:48:14,380know writing for newspapers you know

107200:48:11,918 --> 00:48:17,739there was a I've been in the LA Times

107300:48:14,380 --> 00:48:21,400several times and one night at a June

107400:48:17,739 --> 00:48:23,1082nd of 1976 I believed and it was more

107500:48:21,400 --> 00:48:24,249tongue-in-cheek what could have been a

107600:48:23,108 --> 00:48:26,469lot worse could have been a hell of a

107700:48:24,248 --> 00:48:30,218lot better and that they made us look

107800:48:26,469 --> 00:48:33,938like a bunch of clowns is for the the

107900:48:30,219 --> 00:48:36,009case at all Holly Mont and then of

108000:48:33,938 --> 00:48:38,199course all the debunkers starts chiming

108100:48:36,009 --> 00:48:40,028in and they said oh we're making this

108200:48:38,199 --> 00:48:43,418stuff up you have hundreds of witnesses

108300:48:40,028 --> 00:48:45,759to these things we everyone's lying in

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108400:48:43,418 --> 00:48:47,708concert everyone what's the point it

108500:48:45,759 --> 00:48:49,719made they all if they're lying they're

108600:48:47,708 --> 00:48:55,088making the stuff look like fools in the

108700:48:49,719 --> 00:48:58,989public eye you know social the bottom

108800:48:55,088 --> 00:49:02,429line is that um domestic tranquility is

108900:48:58,989 --> 00:49:07,449the operative term if that fails

109000:49:02,429 --> 00:49:09,749everything we know of collapses so they

109100:49:07,449 --> 00:49:12,099don't want to do anything that

109200:49:09,748 --> 00:49:15,188disenfranchises us for who and what we

109300:49:12,099 --> 00:49:16,659are to keep us stupid we keep doing the

109400:49:15,188 --> 00:49:20,048same thing over and over again

109500:49:16,659 --> 00:49:21,699um this interesting you know all the

109600:49:20,048 --> 00:49:24,579shootings that have recently in schools

109700:49:21,699 --> 00:49:26,380and terrible things I mean it's not

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109800:49:24,579 --> 00:49:29,079surprising to me this happening very

109900:49:26,380 --> 00:49:32,048discouraging I want to know why it's

110000:49:29,079 --> 00:49:34,059happening more so now than ever

110100:49:32,048 --> 00:49:37,719why this seemed to be a recurring

110200:49:34,059 --> 00:49:40,479pattern and it has to go to the social

110300:49:37,719 --> 00:49:42,909structure of our culture and it's more

110400:49:40,478 --> 00:49:45,368than just violent movies voluntee be

110500:49:42,909 --> 00:49:47,108violent use acquired music right well it

110600:49:45,369 --> 00:49:48,548music videos there's something else

110700:49:47,108 --> 00:49:50,650happening and I don't know what it is

110800:49:48,548 --> 00:49:53,050but there is a way that

110900:49:50,650 --> 00:49:55,750would prevent this from happening that

111000:49:53,050 --> 00:49:58,060would not prevent people who want to buy

111100:49:55,750 --> 00:50:00,010guns and getting them but would prevent


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00:49:58,059 --> 00:50:02,259the wrong people from buying them and

111300:50:00,010 --> 00:50:06,400I'm shocked that no one's controlled

111400:50:02,260 --> 00:50:09,550with this back in the 80s I gave a

111500:50:06,400 --> 00:50:11,289lecture for the ACLU in Los Angeles and

111600:50:09,550 --> 00:50:12,940I talked about some technology I was

111700:50:11,289 --> 00:50:16,900developing a new type of lie detector

111800:50:12,940 --> 00:50:18,849and they were upset with me because it

111900:50:16,900 --> 00:50:23,139would take the rights of criminals away

112000:50:18,849 --> 00:50:26,559I went what no it would protect the

112100:50:23,139 --> 00:50:29,889rights of both plaintiffs and defendants

112200:50:26,559 --> 00:50:32,610and all matters so guilty people would

112300:50:29,889 --> 00:50:35,710never be would ever be let go and

112400:50:32,610 --> 00:50:37,960innocent people would never be falsely

112500:50:35,710 --> 00:50:43,889prosecutor didn't blame for things they

112600:50:37,960 --> 00:50:47,980

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didn't do they didn't like that mmm um

112700:50:43,889 --> 00:50:50,889it's I'm like what is it the social

112800:50:47,980 --> 00:50:52,300justice where everyone is you know and

112900:50:50,889 --> 00:50:55,569it's sitting true that you've not been

113000:50:52,300 --> 00:50:58,090proven guilty it's it's just it's

113100:50:55,570 --> 00:51:01,390amazing I feel like I'm I'm trapped in

113200:50:58,090 --> 00:51:03,160the 16th century okay and I do as well

113300:51:01,389 --> 00:51:05,529and I we're going to take a break and

113400:51:03,159 --> 00:51:07,089there I have so many questions in chat

113500:51:05,530 --> 00:51:09,100and so many questions that I want to ask

113600:51:07,090 --> 00:51:13,210you now as this conversation progresses

113700:51:09,099 --> 00:51:15,549please everyone go to very CAF net read

113800:51:13,210 --> 00:51:17,949the articles get aliens above ghosts

113900:51:15,550 --> 00:51:22,560below explorations of the unknown

114000:51:17,949 --> 00:51:22,559America Luke's wing if you write back

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114100:51:24,659 --> 00:51:34,449very carefully say again please this is

114200:51:30,818 --> 00:51:37,329UFO classified live every Friday night 4

114300:51:34,449 --> 00:51:41,439p.m. Pacific 7 p.m. Eastern exclusively

114400:51:37,329 --> 00:51:43,960on the K cor digital radio network the

114500:51:41,440 --> 00:51:46,059truth is out there just waiting to be

114600:51:43,960 --> 00:51:48,429discovered and now if you will accompany

114700:51:46,059 --> 00:51:50,170me on a journey to the future for more

114800:51:48,429 --> 00:51:53,588information on the hosts of UFO

114900:51:50,170 --> 00:51:56,710classified Erica Luke's upcoming guests

115000:51:53,588 --> 00:52:01,298as well as links to the past shows visit

115100:51:56,710 --> 00:52:07,960our website and UFO classified calm UFO

115200:52:01,298 --> 00:52:10,210classified UFO classified this is K cor

115300:52:07,960 --> 00:52:12,369Las Vegas home of the digital radio

115400:52:10,210 --> 00:52:14,650network broadcasting from a shack just

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115500:52:12,369 --> 00:52:17,410south of area 51 wait that doesn't exist

115600:52:14,650 --> 00:52:28,660this is the K cor digital radio network

115700:52:17,409 --> 00:52:31,149now for the news landed at a ranch at

115800:52:28,659 --> 00:52:33,818Corona New Mexico from a rancher turned

115900:52:31,150 --> 00:52:35,588it over to the airport writer WW Brazil

116000:52:33,818 --> 00:52:38,469was the man who discovered the problems

116100:52:35,588 --> 00:52:46,239what I thought was a star began coming

116200:52:38,469 --> 00:52:48,429in my direction might be a blimp moves

116300:52:46,239 --> 00:52:50,139all around the Pacific coast from Santa

116400:52:48,429 --> 00:52:53,199Monica and disappeared

116500:52:50,139 --> 00:52:55,239crowds of Long Beach I saw a UFO and he

116600:52:53,199 --> 00:52:57,848went down the river turned right of the

116700:52:55,239 --> 00:53:00,239United Nations turn left and then down

116800:52:57,849 --> 00:53:00,240the river


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00:53:03,219 --> 00:53:12,769you are full classified no more

117000:53:07,728 --> 00:53:16,998plausible deniability fact fiction or

117100:53:12,768 --> 00:53:19,728the truth you decide and now the new

117200:53:16,998 --> 00:53:24,709voice of the high desert the hostess of

117300:53:19,728 --> 00:53:27,018UFO classified Erica Luke's welcome back

117400:53:24,710 --> 00:53:28,759to the second half of UFO classified I

117500:53:27,018 --> 00:53:31,278want to thank all of you for tuning in

117600:53:28,759 --> 00:53:33,889from all over the world sending me your

117700:53:31,278 --> 00:53:36,498messages I am sorry if I don't reply as

117800:53:33,889 --> 00:53:39,618timely as I should I swear I need to

117900:53:36,498 --> 00:53:41,689clone me and and I would get back to you

118000:53:39,619 --> 00:53:45,318but thank you just please know that your

118100:53:41,690 --> 00:53:47,749support means the world to me I want to

118200:53:45,318 --> 00:53:50,719tell you next week I have the privilege

118300:53:47,748 --> 00:53:53,889

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of having Barry Greenwood and Jen

118400:53:50,719 --> 00:53:56,749Aldrich here at the same time so this is

118500:53:53,889 --> 00:53:59,328important this is preserving history I

118600:53:56,748 --> 00:54:02,028cannot wait to have both of them here at

118700:53:59,329 --> 00:54:04,999this I just I love doing this that's

118800:54:02,028 --> 00:54:07,849incredible my guest tonight is is dr.

118900:54:04,998 --> 00:54:10,699Barry Taff who is a parapsychologist

119000:54:07,849 --> 00:54:12,229world renowned he's been on many

119100:54:10,699 --> 00:54:16,608different TV shows you can go to Barry

119200:54:12,228 --> 00:54:19,460Taff net to read his essays and to also

119300:54:16,608 --> 00:54:22,639learn about his book aliens above ghosts

119400:54:19,460 --> 00:54:25,309below he was the lead investigator on

119500:54:22,639 --> 00:54:27,409the entity case which of course you

119600:54:25,309 --> 00:54:29,599probably should watch that movie this

119700:54:27,409 --> 00:54:32,058weekend it's very interesting we're

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119800:54:29,599 --> 00:54:35,028going to talk about that more later in

119900:54:32,059 --> 00:54:36,680the evening but I want to you know on

120000:54:35,028 --> 00:54:40,190the break we always have these great

120100:54:36,679 --> 00:54:41,449conversations and one of the one of the

120200:54:40,190 --> 00:54:44,630things that we were we were talking

120300:54:41,449 --> 00:54:47,298about is the fact that there were there

120400:54:44,630 --> 00:54:50,119was there was a group or people that

120500:54:47,298 --> 00:54:53,298were trying to step in to put the kibosh

120600:54:50,119 --> 00:55:00,200on funding can you tell us a little bit

120700:54:53,298 --> 00:55:02,239more about that well a university exists

120800:55:00,199 --> 00:55:04,098on endowment grants and if that they

120900:55:02,239 --> 00:55:06,679don't get that in they disappear you

121000:55:04,099 --> 00:55:08,749know UCLA is not it's not it's a public

121100:55:06,679 --> 00:55:11,808it's the University of California at Los

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121200:55:08,748 --> 00:55:12,299Angeles it's not USC we paid strawberry

121300:55:11,809 --> 00:55:17,130to

121400:55:12,300 --> 00:55:19,260or whatnot Caltech or Stanford but the

121500:55:17,130 --> 00:55:22,050political environment there even back in

121600:55:19,260 --> 00:55:24,380the late 60s when I got in there it's

121700:55:22,050 --> 00:55:27,360not that open-minded they're very

121800:55:24,380 --> 00:55:32,760close-minded to new things and they care

121900:55:27,360 --> 00:55:36,450for having ly potentially lethal effects

122000:55:32,760 --> 00:55:38,220on in future endowments and that's it so

122100:55:36,449 --> 00:55:41,519if someone in the world would have

122200:55:38,219 --> 00:55:45,239gotten out that hey DARPA or Olin I or

122300:55:41,519 --> 00:55:48,599see a CIA or whatever and are always

122400:55:45,239 --> 00:55:52,109funding remote viewing program you steal

122500:55:48,599 --> 00:55:54,210a kiss their endowment goodbye and I


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00:55:52,110 --> 00:55:55,829don't I mean if I was an interposition I

122700:55:54,210 --> 00:55:57,780would do the same thing just they're not

122800:55:55,829 --> 00:56:00,059going to and also they look like public

122900:55:57,780 --> 00:56:02,310fools every time I appeared on

123000:56:00,059 --> 00:56:04,860television when I worked in UCLA I was

123100:56:02,309 --> 00:56:08,309on I in LA twice I was at two of town

123200:56:04,860 --> 00:56:11,789the LA Times daily Bruin over and over

123300:56:08,309 --> 00:56:13,889again they were they were horrified it

123400:56:11,789 --> 00:56:15,840was they were freaking out because they

123500:56:13,889 --> 00:56:18,389don't want to be linked to this stuff

123600:56:15,840 --> 00:56:22,170because their job is to keep everything

123700:56:18,389 --> 00:56:23,759calm quiet to get more money in yeah and

123800:56:22,170 --> 00:56:27,360they don't want to look like crazy

123900:56:23,760 --> 00:56:32,940people so they stopped it from happening

124000:56:27,360 --> 00:56:34,470

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um it's it being an example another

124100:56:32,940 --> 00:56:38,280example of how strangers

124200:56:34,469 --> 00:56:40,980back in the late 70s I worked on a case

124300:56:38,280 --> 00:56:43,380that was an executive from one of the TV

124400:56:40,980 --> 00:56:46,110networks name and networker irrelevant

124500:56:43,380 --> 00:56:47,550nice man I met him then his wife told

124600:56:46,110 --> 00:56:51,300her I think they're pretty relevant okay

124700:56:47,550 --> 00:56:53,250and he was talking about it people at

124800:56:51,300 --> 00:56:54,000work and they began to think it was

124900:56:53,250 --> 00:56:56,760crazy

125000:56:54,000 --> 00:56:58,980well it evolved into an abduction case

125100:56:56,760 --> 00:57:01,470they were hypnotized for driving up

125200:56:58,980 --> 00:57:04,199north it's in my book and that they

125300:57:01,469 --> 00:57:06,209thought they saw a meteorite coming

125400:57:04,199 --> 00:57:08,279crashing and they followed it up into a

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125500:57:06,210 --> 00:57:09,659canyon they went up north they found

125600:57:08,280 --> 00:57:11,970this thing on the ground these little

125700:57:09,659 --> 00:57:14,429entities and a beam of light and they

125800:57:11,969 --> 00:57:16,859blacked out they woke up hour later

125900:57:14,429 --> 00:57:18,960driving a car in a highway north and

126000:57:16,860 --> 00:57:21,690only went over many months of time that

126100:57:18,960 --> 00:57:24,329some of the story come out anyway it

126200:57:21,690 --> 00:57:25,050destroyed this man's career he started

126300:57:24,329 --> 00:57:26,819talking a little

126400:57:25,050 --> 00:57:30,240about it could work and I thought it was

126500:57:26,820 --> 00:57:32,640insane and he lost his job I had another

126600:57:30,239 --> 00:57:33,839job at another network similar Saint

126700:57:32,639 --> 00:57:37,259talked about it they thought it was

126800:57:33,840 --> 00:57:39,960insane he lost his job I mean I don't I

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126900:57:37,260 --> 00:57:41,940understand why this is being done the

127000:57:39,960 --> 00:57:43,740idea if someone comes into a work

127100:57:41,940 --> 00:57:47,250environment and they're talking about

127200:57:43,739 --> 00:57:49,019strange frightening odd things it might

127300:57:47,250 --> 00:57:52,079create a hostile work environment where

127400:57:49,019 --> 00:57:54,179and other people get so caught up with

127500:57:52,079 --> 00:57:56,369what one person saying they don't do

127600:57:54,179 --> 00:57:59,940their job or they want to leave early or

127700:57:56,369 --> 00:58:02,759they quit and this is why this stuff has

127800:57:59,940 --> 00:58:07,769always been persona non grata if they

127900:58:02,760 --> 00:58:10,110don't it's it's sort of like one of the

128000:58:07,769 --> 00:58:13,079things when I was in CLA in graduate

128100:58:10,110 --> 00:58:15,390school I had had a gonna strike ACT

128200:58:13,079 --> 00:58:17,429wards and you know evaluate people


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00:58:15,389 --> 00:58:19,170listen to them talking and ask you a

128400:58:17,429 --> 00:58:21,539question and it was very depressing

128500:58:19,170 --> 00:58:24,000seeing the conditions that exist then

128600:58:21,539 --> 00:58:27,719much of which still exists today but at

128700:58:24,000 --> 00:58:29,250a small level and you realize that there

128800:58:27,719 --> 00:58:32,129may not be a big of a line between

128900:58:29,250 --> 00:58:34,110people who are considered psychotic and

129000:58:32,130 --> 00:58:36,780people who claim that they've had

129100:58:34,110 --> 00:58:41,030extraordinary experiences that don't fit

129200:58:36,780 --> 00:58:43,290the world we live in so it's hard for

129300:58:41,030 --> 00:58:46,410society at large academia and

129400:58:43,289 --> 00:58:49,920specifically to deal with this it's fun

129500:58:46,409 --> 00:58:51,569and games until it becomes personal then

129600:58:49,920 --> 00:58:53,970they want to get away from you because

129700:58:51,570 --> 00:58:55,530

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they think you're you know you're

129800:58:53,969 --> 00:58:58,230suffering from a psychotic break and

129900:58:55,530 --> 00:59:00,150we've had people that started out normal

130000:58:58,230 --> 00:59:02,309and they do have a psychotic break

130100:59:00,150 --> 00:59:04,349eventually because there are this is a

130200:59:02,309 --> 00:59:07,110few people get into because you're

130300:59:04,349 --> 00:59:09,449looking for answers many times about

130400:59:07,110 --> 00:59:11,490different things and when they can't get

130500:59:09,449 --> 00:59:14,069the answers from the paranormal well

130600:59:11,489 --> 00:59:15,119okay then they'll go to God there's

130700:59:14,070 --> 00:59:17,460nothing wrong with that

130800:59:15,119 --> 00:59:19,799but an old saying from the original

130900:59:17,460 --> 00:59:20,369x-files episode forgot the name of the

131000:59:19,800 --> 00:59:22,769episode

131100:59:20,369 --> 00:59:24,809Mulder sister Scully yeah we thought

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131200:59:22,769 --> 00:59:27,420that we can talk to God all day and they

131300:59:24,809 --> 00:59:30,199call that prayer but was it God but but

131400:59:27,420 --> 00:59:34,470when God talks back your schizophrenic

131500:59:30,199 --> 00:59:36,359very accurate depiction of the way

131600:59:34,469 --> 00:59:38,929things have worked for many many decades

131700:59:36,360 --> 00:59:38,930here

131800:59:38,940 --> 00:59:43,079I haven't got feeling if all this the

131900:59:41,579 --> 00:59:46,109knowledge was brought to the forefront

132000:59:43,079 --> 00:59:48,990of society you would really mess up our

132100:59:46,108 --> 00:59:50,789civilization what if we learned for

132200:59:48,989 --> 00:59:52,949example that we're not who we think we

132300:59:50,789 --> 00:59:54,779are what did we learn if we don't stop

132400:59:52,949 --> 00:59:57,919we don't start a versatile end at death

132500:59:54,780 --> 01:00:01,859it's it's a continuum and we just

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132600:59:57,920 --> 01:00:04,170inhabit a body we were containers where

132701:00:01,858 --> 01:00:07,429we animate it and then we when we pass

132801:00:04,170 --> 01:00:10,880away we go back to where we came from

132901:00:07,429 --> 01:00:13,679it's and I don't blame some of the

133001:00:10,880 --> 01:00:15,930academic academic environments so from

133101:00:13,679 --> 01:00:18,210being so paranoid because they don't

133201:00:15,929 --> 01:00:21,659exist without money that's what it comes

133301:00:18,210 --> 01:00:24,059down to in the end all about money but

133401:00:21,659 --> 01:00:26,219what about the government and the fact

133501:00:24,059 --> 01:00:29,159that there are that they would want to

133601:00:26,219 --> 01:00:33,088weaponize this well what else isn't they

133701:00:29,159 --> 01:00:35,789weaponize everything else one part of it

133801:00:33,088 --> 01:00:38,009is the countermeasures the government

133901:00:35,789 --> 01:00:39,269wasn't great looking for that and if you


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01:00:38,010 --> 01:00:42,359don't know what you're dealing with how

134101:00:39,269 --> 01:00:44,190do you stop it I mean we don't know we

134201:00:42,358 --> 01:00:45,598talk about my book talks about this I've

134301:00:44,190 --> 01:00:48,630already get another book goes into more

134401:00:45,599 --> 01:00:51,000depth on it the evidence suggests if I'm

134501:00:48,630 --> 01:00:54,269able to access your mind from where you

134601:00:51,000 --> 01:00:56,760are from where I am um that time and

134701:00:54,269 --> 01:00:58,289space don't really get involved it was

134801:00:56,760 --> 01:01:00,150you could be anywhere if I wanted to

134901:00:58,289 --> 01:01:02,699access you I could you could do it to me

135001:01:00,150 --> 01:01:04,950so there's no wave or particle we're

135101:01:02,699 --> 01:01:08,068familiar field that we don't have to

135201:01:04,949 --> 01:01:11,879explain this so how can we see things at

135301:01:08,068 --> 01:01:14,190a distance without any way of doing it

135401:01:11,880 --> 01:01:17,010

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that we know of are there comes

135501:01:14,190 --> 01:01:20,159consciousness and the only model of

135601:01:17,010 --> 01:01:23,250consciousness that fits this is a whole

135701:01:20,159 --> 01:01:25,739anomic one real simple take an

135801:01:23,250 --> 01:01:28,440eight-by-ten picture of you you cut it

135901:01:25,739 --> 01:01:31,529for me cut it in half quarters a Twitter

136001:01:28,440 --> 01:01:34,530each piece gets smaller and smaller the

136101:01:31,530 --> 01:01:37,440whole gram you cut it each piece of the

136201:01:34,530 --> 01:01:40,140hologram can still be shown to behold

136301:01:37,440 --> 01:01:42,269because the information that made up the

136401:01:40,139 --> 01:01:44,639hologram is equally distributed in the

136501:01:42,269 --> 01:01:47,068medium now the smaller the aperture of

136601:01:44,639 --> 01:01:49,920the holder the less resolution it has

136701:01:47,068 --> 01:01:52,769but each piece can we create the whole

136801:01:49,920 --> 01:01:54,869they same way all over self

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136901:01:52,769 --> 01:01:58,050the DNA to recreate us which is what

137001:01:54,869 --> 01:02:01,049cloning would be based on if this is

137101:01:58,050 --> 01:02:04,289true this at a consciousness level this

137201:02:01,050 --> 01:02:07,050means that get the past information

137301:02:04,289 --> 01:02:09,480yesterday and we could go a month ago a

137401:02:07,050 --> 01:02:11,730year ago a decade ago on your hundred

137501:02:09,480 --> 01:02:14,880years ago it or still exists not the

137601:02:11,730 --> 01:02:17,429events the information extol existence

137701:02:14,880 --> 01:02:21,000and it suggests that the future at some

137801:02:17,429 --> 01:02:24,960level informational II already exists

137901:02:21,000 --> 01:02:28,050and okay so this ties us together and

138001:02:24,960 --> 01:02:29,429now the clincher is I won't mention a

138101:02:28,050 --> 01:02:31,830certain person's name with I don't want

138201:02:29,429 --> 01:02:35,309to get in more trouble he was a is it MD

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138301:02:31,829 --> 01:02:37,710and a PhD worse to work at Caltech and

138401:02:35,309 --> 01:02:40,799he spent a lot of time discovering by

138501:02:37,710 --> 01:02:45,659accident that our long-term memories may

138601:02:40,800 --> 01:02:48,180not reside in our own brains what like

138701:02:45,659 --> 01:02:50,849that would mean that they're stored in a

138801:02:48,179 --> 01:02:53,399remote power field like a zero-point

138901:02:50,849 --> 01:02:55,980power field and they will access them

139001:02:53,400 --> 01:02:59,490the mechanism is indeed remote meaning

139101:02:55,980 --> 01:03:01,409its paranormal as we understand it the

139201:02:59,489 --> 01:03:03,359short-term memory they believe is in our

139301:03:01,409 --> 01:03:06,719brain but the long-term memory appears

139401:03:03,360 --> 01:03:08,490to be stored outside of ourselves but

139501:03:06,719 --> 01:03:11,609this is the way we function every day

139601:03:08,489 --> 01:03:14,699year after year decade after decade by


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01:03:11,610 --> 01:03:16,559accessing our long-term memory okay well

139801:03:14,699 --> 01:03:19,679if that's paranormal then we're a

139901:03:16,559 --> 01:03:21,659paranormal being well that means there's

140001:03:19,679 --> 01:03:25,730more that there more to this that we

140101:03:21,659 --> 01:03:29,849understand yep that's correct but I mean

140201:03:25,730 --> 01:03:33,599it's the powers that be don't want to

140301:03:29,849 --> 01:03:35,730empower us they want to keep us at a

140401:03:33,599 --> 01:03:39,569very simplistic level to ensure domestic

140501:03:35,730 --> 01:03:43,340tranquility is tomorrow United States

140601:03:39,570 --> 01:03:46,410and let's say the UK not only

140701:03:43,340 --> 01:03:48,300Declassified all the UFO documents but

140801:03:46,409 --> 01:03:50,819it said hey we had contact with these

140901:03:48,300 --> 01:03:52,590beings from different cultures we've

141001:03:50,820 --> 01:03:55,590dealt with them and we've had some

141101:03:52,590 --> 01:03:57,269

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technology and we told them we wouldn't

141201:03:55,590 --> 01:04:01,110interfere with what they're doing here

141301:03:57,269 --> 01:04:03,440if they give us some toys to play how do

141401:04:01,110 --> 01:04:06,030you think that would make people feel

141501:04:03,440 --> 01:04:06,690hmm a lot of people like us might say

141601:04:06,030 --> 01:04:09,150this is great

141701:04:06,690 --> 01:04:12,358let's learn more a lot of people and go

141801:04:09,150 --> 01:04:15,269to church synagogue mosque every week

141901:04:12,358 --> 01:04:15,838and whatever they might freak out hey

142001:04:15,269 --> 01:04:20,130wait a minute

142101:04:15,838 --> 01:04:22,920the one group of beings created us what

142201:04:20,130 --> 01:04:24,450wait a minute so that means we're not

142301:04:22,920 --> 01:04:31,079made of the image of God were maybe the

142401:04:24,449 --> 01:04:33,299image of who what that's it domestic

142501:04:31,079 --> 01:04:39,599tranquility breaks down social

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142601:04:33,300 --> 01:04:44,190infrastructure chaos and then what you

142701:04:39,599 --> 01:04:47,160know Lucas said back in 1980 I was

142801:04:44,190 --> 01:04:49,409dating a girl named Paula lisa

142901:04:47,159 --> 01:04:51,029dimensionless I didn't know it at the

143001:04:49,409 --> 01:04:56,338time but she was part of the DuPont

143101:04:51,030 --> 01:04:59,010family and we're dating and one weekend

143201:04:56,338 --> 01:05:01,400I get a visit from the Defense

143301:04:59,010 --> 01:05:04,170Intelligence and Central Intelligence

143401:05:01,400 --> 01:05:05,700they said look someone is checking you

143501:05:04,170 --> 01:05:07,200out with us an intruder

143601:05:05,699 --> 01:05:10,379what who is it they told me I went

143701:05:07,199 --> 01:05:13,489that's this girl's aunt well that's part

143801:05:10,380 --> 01:05:16,079of the DuPont family ago it is

143901:05:13,489 --> 01:05:19,169apparently Paula told her aunt about Who

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144001:05:16,079 --> 01:05:21,180I am what I've been doing UCLA and she

144101:05:19,170 --> 01:05:23,639didn't trust me thought I was crazy and

144201:05:21,179 --> 01:05:25,769they won't wouldn't tell her anything

144301:05:23,639 --> 01:05:27,929the intelligence groups but they said

144401:05:25,769 --> 01:05:29,849why why this room doing and I go could

144501:05:27,929 --> 01:05:33,480you're crazy people they have nothing

144601:05:29,849 --> 01:05:34,890else to do so Paula's aunt called me

144701:05:33,480 --> 01:05:35,369again I found that she was having me

144801:05:34,889 --> 01:05:37,440followed

144901:05:35,369 --> 01:05:39,358hey I'm not doing anything illegal

145001:05:37,440 --> 01:05:42,088follow me all you want you'll be bored

145101:05:39,358 --> 01:05:44,639to death but I did tell her I said hey

145201:05:42,088 --> 01:05:48,679you're a fat middle-aged woman you know

145301:05:44,639 --> 01:05:51,210there is myocardial infarction yeah


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01:05:48,679 --> 01:05:54,029Canada said well there is a remote

145501:05:51,210 --> 01:05:54,690influence because what what what mind

145601:05:54,030 --> 01:05:57,329over matter

145701:05:54,690 --> 01:05:59,429you know psychokinesis remotely huh are

145801:05:57,329 --> 01:06:03,329you threatening music I'm not gonna do a

145901:05:59,429 --> 01:06:05,848thing telling you that and she stopped

146001:06:03,329 --> 01:06:07,410bothering me after that fish I did

146101:06:05,849 --> 01:06:10,440threaten her I just brought up some

146201:06:07,409 --> 01:06:12,960potentials so you know we throw the

146301:06:10,440 --> 01:06:17,539crazy at the crazy people it got rid of

146401:06:12,960 --> 01:06:19,420her so define what remote influences

146501:06:17,539 --> 01:06:21,759okay we know

146601:06:19,420 --> 01:06:24,338remote viewing is the perceptions of

146701:06:21,760 --> 01:06:26,230events at a distance okay books have

146801:06:24,338 --> 01:06:28,960

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been published on that articles of you

146901:06:26,230 --> 01:06:31,449know Wemo influence the ability to

147001:06:28,960 --> 01:06:33,699change things at a distance the

147101:06:31,449 --> 01:06:36,338influence electronic technology

147201:06:33,699 --> 01:06:38,139mechanical technology biological

147301:06:36,338 --> 01:06:41,170interfaces such as human beings or

147401:06:38,139 --> 01:06:43,118animals and there has been some success

147501:06:41,170 --> 01:06:45,039in it but nowhere near that of remote

147601:06:43,119 --> 01:06:46,599viewing it's a lot easier to see

147701:06:45,039 --> 01:06:51,699something that it is to break something

147801:06:46,599 --> 01:06:54,010down I might you know it was a man who

147901:06:51,699 --> 01:06:56,679was sort of a mentor of mine he passed

148001:06:54,010 --> 01:06:59,980away to dr. Robert Becker he was um

148101:06:56,679 --> 01:07:02,558Barbara Becker he studied the way and

148201:06:59,980 --> 01:07:06,969phidian's regenerate himself and he

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148301:07:02,559 --> 01:07:09,280applied the knowledge to mammals which

148401:07:06,969 --> 01:07:12,818don't regenerate limbs organs and he was

148501:07:09,280 --> 01:07:17,619able to regenerate limbs bones dendrites

148601:07:12,818 --> 01:07:19,239axons neurons flesh muscle Wow do you

148701:07:17,619 --> 01:07:21,309think this would be great people who had

148801:07:19,239 --> 01:07:23,649accidents or they were in Wars could

148901:07:21,309 --> 01:07:24,460have their limbs regenerated no one did

149001:07:23,650 --> 01:07:27,400anything about it

149101:07:24,460 --> 01:07:29,260okay you also found a way to make your

149201:07:27,400 --> 01:07:31,750bone heal faster if you broken a bone

149301:07:29,260 --> 01:07:33,910said I'm wearing a cast for six to nine

149401:07:31,750 --> 01:07:35,440weeks you put this cast on it's got a

149501:07:33,909 --> 01:07:37,808magnetic induction coil

149601:07:35,440 --> 01:07:39,670our bones are piezo electric it

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149701:07:37,809 --> 01:07:42,280stimulates the Knitting of your broken

149801:07:39,670 --> 01:07:44,440bone and it does so in ten days rather

149901:07:42,280 --> 01:07:52,298than six to nine weeks to which this

150001:07:44,440 --> 01:07:53,760ever followed up no but yeah it's I was

150101:07:52,298 --> 01:07:56,769running around UCLA Medical Center

150201:07:53,760 --> 01:07:58,359decades ago telling people about this

150301:07:56,769 --> 01:08:02,730technology and it said don't bother us

150401:07:58,358 --> 01:08:02,730aren't you interested in this ago no

150501:08:03,298 --> 01:08:08,730okay we're trying to sell a car to a

150601:08:05,500 --> 01:08:13,059caveman here stop talking about it the

150701:08:08,730 --> 01:08:14,858it's it's cognitive dissonance it's not

150801:08:13,059 --> 01:08:17,500relevant to their needs or wants in that

150901:08:14,858 --> 01:08:20,738moment the god forbid a friend family

151001:08:17,500 --> 01:08:24,640member should lose a limb then they'd be


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01:08:20,738 --> 01:08:27,968interested in it we live in a difficult

151201:08:24,640 --> 01:08:31,140a difficult world where people only show

151301:08:27,969 --> 01:08:32,930interest in something if it's related to

151401:08:31,140 --> 01:08:35,300themselves

151501:08:32,930 --> 01:08:38,060several years ago I have a business plan

151601:08:35,300 --> 01:08:40,130written on my medical devices my name is

151701:08:38,060 --> 01:08:43,810no longer in the plan for good reason

151801:08:40,130 --> 01:08:47,600and I'll tell you why we got it to a big

151901:08:43,810 --> 01:08:49,190multinational Technology Group then one

152001:08:47,600 --> 01:08:51,410of their heads of development read it

152101:08:49,189 --> 01:08:53,269and he went nuts this is incredible

152201:08:51,409 --> 01:08:56,119he wrote a note to the head of the

152301:08:53,270 --> 01:08:57,830company start development of three of

152401:08:56,119 --> 01:09:00,079the six patents okay great

152501:08:57,829 --> 01:09:02,600

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months go by must go by no response

152601:09:00,079 --> 01:09:05,689months combine their response finally I

152701:09:02,600 --> 01:09:07,970heard back and the guy said we read the

152801:09:05,689 --> 01:09:10,699patents or worthless or crap there is it

152901:09:07,970 --> 01:09:12,619unreadable and it's there's no evidence

153001:09:10,699 --> 01:09:17,149of any clinical research whatsoever

153101:09:12,619 --> 01:09:19,909I thought what I said sir um did you

153201:09:17,149 --> 01:09:24,349read the planet oh yeah it was crashing

153301:09:19,909 --> 01:09:26,329absolute trash sir stop lying to me tell

153401:09:24,350 --> 01:09:29,480me the truth what you're saying doesn't

153501:09:26,329 --> 01:09:32,329make any sense tell me the truth

153601:09:29,479 --> 01:09:33,819long pause they start talking okay you

153701:09:32,329 --> 01:09:35,720want the truth I'll give it to you

153801:09:33,819 --> 01:09:38,719sounds a little bit like Arnold

153901:09:35,720 --> 01:09:42,320Schwarzenegger his voice with that type

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154001:09:38,720 --> 01:09:44,150of an accent and he said okay I looked

154101:09:42,319 --> 01:09:45,079you up in the minute I saw who you are

154201:09:44,149 --> 01:09:46,879what you've done

154301:09:45,079 --> 01:09:49,729I threw the plan away because you're

154401:09:46,880 --> 01:09:50,539crazy anyone interested in the

154501:09:49,729 --> 01:09:52,489paranormal

154601:09:50,539 --> 01:09:56,750ufology is insane I don't care what

154701:09:52,489 --> 01:09:58,659you're writing about boom gone so no my

154801:09:56,750 --> 01:10:00,850name is no longer or the business plan

154901:09:58,659 --> 01:10:07,279even though my name is on the patents

155001:10:00,850 --> 01:10:10,070well so was one of my colleagues so it's

155101:10:07,279 --> 01:10:12,099like the stuff can really screw up your

155201:10:10,069 --> 01:10:12,099life

155301:10:13,659 --> 01:10:20,470yes it can absolutely and and and so we

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155401:10:18,460 --> 01:10:22,390have to I want to talk when we get back

155501:10:20,470 --> 01:10:25,360this is our last break we're getting

155601:10:22,390 --> 01:10:28,720ready to take but about all of the your

155701:10:25,359 --> 01:10:31,779experiments all of your casework your

155801:10:28,720 --> 01:10:34,869research especially with the paranormal

155901:10:31,779 --> 01:10:36,789and if we could if you could give us I

156001:10:34,869 --> 01:10:40,149mean I know that we're not scientists

156101:10:36,789 --> 01:10:43,210but how would we know what equipment to

156201:10:40,149 --> 01:10:46,119use and what the dangers are and all of

156301:10:43,210 --> 01:10:50,279these things what can we do just as

156401:10:46,119 --> 01:10:52,329people who want to learn more okay I

156501:10:50,279 --> 01:10:57,789know that's kind of a loaded question

156601:10:52,329 --> 01:10:59,920there because you know so I mean but

156701:10:57,789 --> 01:11:01,810it's for me because I mean all I did I


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01:10:59,920 --> 01:11:05,020know that a lot of my viewers or

156901:11:01,810 --> 01:11:08,140listeners we all got into this because

157001:11:05,020 --> 01:11:09,940of our own personal experiences and back

157101:11:08,140 --> 01:11:12,610you know when I was younger I mean I

157201:11:09,939 --> 01:11:14,469used to you know have my EMF detector

157301:11:12,609 --> 01:11:15,909and lived in a hundred house all of

157401:11:14,470 --> 01:11:19,180these things were happening around me

157501:11:15,909 --> 01:11:22,210and so of course you you turn to what

157601:11:19,180 --> 01:11:23,980you're gonna see in the media or you you

157701:11:22,210 --> 01:11:25,659get a Ouija board out or you turn to

157801:11:23,979 --> 01:11:28,329some of these things to try to find

157901:11:25,659 --> 01:11:30,909answers and I know after talking to you

158001:11:28,329 --> 01:11:33,430that that's not the way to go and that

158101:11:30,909 --> 01:11:41,079this it that kind of puts you down a

158201:11:33,430 --> 01:11:43,150

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really dangerous path so give us before

158301:11:41,079 --> 01:11:46,149we go to break and may tell us what why

158401:11:43,149 --> 01:11:48,729that is a dangerous path to go down well

158501:11:46,149 --> 01:11:51,519start with the Ouija board okay put your

158601:11:48,729 --> 01:11:53,439hands up I shed it moves around you let

158701:11:51,520 --> 01:11:55,990a living person take your hand and move

158801:11:53,439 --> 01:11:57,849it around No so I lit a dead person do

158901:11:55,989 --> 01:12:00,489it that's the simplistic way of looking

159001:11:57,850 --> 01:12:02,530at it but we found that people get

159101:12:00,489 --> 01:12:04,510hooked at Ouija boards it's too slow

159201:12:02,529 --> 01:12:07,239eventually they might get into automatic

159301:12:04,510 --> 01:12:09,100writing than automatisms then they start

159401:12:07,239 --> 01:12:11,439speaking in tongues and then they're in

159501:12:09,100 --> 01:12:13,750a psychiatric institution I'm not joking

159601:12:11,439 --> 01:12:16,509about this I've seen more people come

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159701:12:13,750 --> 01:12:18,729unglued from being in this area of our

159801:12:16,510 --> 01:12:20,579subjects that UCLA would work for they

159901:12:18,729 --> 01:12:22,989couldn't handle the stress of accessing

160001:12:20,579 --> 01:12:25,600telepathic learning precognitive

160101:12:22,989 --> 01:12:27,469information it's like opening giving

160201:12:25,600 --> 01:12:30,530someone vision has been blind or

160301:12:27,469 --> 01:12:31,369illogical oh my god it's like and how do

160401:12:30,529 --> 01:12:35,050you stop it

160501:12:31,369 --> 01:12:37,460and once the stuff is kindled and

160601:12:35,050 --> 01:12:40,250triggered within an individual you

160701:12:37,460 --> 01:12:42,319always want to know we want completion

160801:12:40,250 --> 01:12:44,920we want to fill in the missing parts

160901:12:42,319 --> 01:12:47,329wouldn't know what's going on well

161001:12:44,920 --> 01:12:51,020sometimes it's not as good as it sounds

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161101:12:47,329 --> 01:12:57,289so it's better sometimes to know what it

161201:12:51,020 --> 01:12:59,150is as supposed to help oh and it's it's

161301:12:57,289 --> 01:13:01,310so hard because when you look at when

161401:12:59,149 --> 01:13:03,079you think of something paranormal or you

161501:13:01,310 --> 01:13:06,800think of a UFO experience I mean it's

161601:13:03,079 --> 01:13:08,689it's you it is so rare and it's such a

161701:13:06,800 --> 01:13:11,750random occurrence that these things will

161801:13:08,689 --> 01:13:13,579happen that you just you have no respect

161901:13:11,750 --> 01:13:15,350for the subject and so you go out there

162001:13:13,579 --> 01:13:18,529and you try to go to it like they do in

162101:13:15,350 --> 01:13:20,390Ghost Adventures and the more I've

162201:13:18,529 --> 01:13:22,069learned about this the older I become

162301:13:20,390 --> 01:13:24,020the more experiences I've had

162401:13:22,069 --> 01:13:26,389the more I see that it is this is


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01:13:24,020 --> 01:13:29,690dangerous this is there are health

162601:13:26,390 --> 01:13:32,510effects there are for example we saw

162701:13:29,689 --> 01:13:34,549some very interesting continuity out

162801:13:32,510 --> 01:13:36,969aspects to this that a lot of these

162901:13:34,550 --> 01:13:40,180environments have very strong

163001:13:36,969 --> 01:13:43,219electromagnetic fields and very strong

163101:13:40,180 --> 01:13:45,380and/or geomagnetic fields and if someone

163201:13:43,219 --> 01:13:46,698was hypersensitive to these environments

163301:13:45,380 --> 01:13:48,350because they're either shisha prone or

163401:13:46,698 --> 01:13:50,448epileptic being in that environment

163501:13:48,350 --> 01:13:53,390under the right conditions will trigger

163601:13:50,448 --> 01:13:55,429for Aminah and yet other people could be

163701:13:53,390 --> 01:13:57,829there and then nothing happens at all

163801:13:55,430 --> 01:14:01,460it's sort of like if you want to watch

163901:13:57,829 --> 01:14:03,920

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that DVD that's it stay in your hand you

164001:14:01,460 --> 01:14:05,480got to put her in a DVD player got to be

164101:14:03,920 --> 01:14:08,600able to turn it on you got to have a TV

164201:14:05,479 --> 01:14:11,479that eternity TV on any element of that

164301:14:08,600 --> 01:14:15,469is or that ensembles missing you get no

164401:14:11,479 --> 01:14:17,809image on your television so it's it's

164501:14:15,469 --> 01:14:19,640it's the confluence there's a whole

164601:14:17,810 --> 01:14:22,760bunch of things that are involved here

164701:14:19,640 --> 01:14:25,550and I said the fact of the majority of

164801:14:22,760 --> 01:14:27,980people who have these experiences the

164901:14:25,550 --> 01:14:30,680the poltergeist type thing send to the

165001:14:27,979 --> 01:14:33,799other seizure for epileptic have serious

165101:14:30,680 --> 01:14:36,230stress-related dysfunction and what a

165201:14:33,800 --> 01:14:38,060coincidence they keep telling us the

165301:14:36,229 --> 01:14:41,029same stories over and we can measure

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165401:14:38,060 --> 01:14:43,430this in them now you can't

165501:14:41,029 --> 01:14:45,739or biomagnetic seals it's really weak

165601:14:43,430 --> 01:14:48,770you need a superconducting sensor which

165701:14:45,739 --> 01:14:52,489iron arms and they're not terrible in

165801:14:48,770 --> 01:14:55,150your hand yet but the instruments we

165901:14:52,489 --> 01:14:58,609have low-frequency magnetometers are

166001:14:55,149 --> 01:15:01,219full low frequencies the electromagnetic

166101:14:58,609 --> 01:15:05,179spectrum it's low frequency spectrum

166201:15:01,220 --> 01:15:07,699analyzers will measure strong electric

166301:15:05,180 --> 01:15:10,369field from people and weak magnetic

166401:15:07,699 --> 01:15:12,470fields from people that promoted ice age

166501:15:10,369 --> 01:15:14,720injuries it's like a sword thumb you

166601:15:12,470 --> 01:15:17,300just adjust their values emitting

166701:15:14,720 --> 01:15:19,220enormous amounts of power that somehow

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166801:15:17,300 --> 01:15:21,829get focused and deterring the

166901:15:19,220 --> 01:15:23,780environmental part oh and I hear that

167001:15:21,829 --> 01:15:25,880music and so we're gonna take a break I

167101:15:23,779 --> 01:15:28,039am here with dr. Barry Taff we will be

167201:15:25,880 --> 01:15:32,130right back

167301:15:28,039 --> 01:15:35,489standby this is UFO classified with

167401:15:32,130 --> 01:15:38,100Erica Luke's Erica Luke the phone lines

167501:15:35,489 --> 01:15:41,849are open now at seven oh two four two

167601:15:38,100 --> 01:15:44,850five nine two three zero at 7:02 four to

167701:15:41,850 --> 01:15:48,510five ninety two thirty worldwide colors

167801:15:44,850 --> 01:15:53,370use Skype name Casey Oh our radio more

167901:15:48,510 --> 01:15:57,060UFO classified with Erica Luke's on the

168001:15:53,369 --> 01:15:58,489kco our digital radio network after this

168101:15:57,060 --> 01:16:03,030[Music]


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01:15:58,489 --> 01:16:05,579Friday night 9 p.m. Pacific jump onto

168301:16:03,029 --> 01:16:09,210the celestial highway and travel at the

168401:16:05,579 --> 01:16:14,220speed of light into hyperspace

168501:16:09,210 --> 01:16:17,189hyperspace hyperspace hosted by Solaris

168601:16:14,220 --> 01:16:19,890blue Raven she navigates you through the

168701:16:17,189 --> 01:16:23,879cosmic tides of mysticism into the world

168801:16:19,890 --> 01:16:26,369of covert technology UFOs mystical

168901:16:23,880 --> 01:16:29,159sciences and the world of unforeseen

169001:16:26,369 --> 01:16:33,479forces you can really observe enjoy a

169101:16:29,159 --> 01:16:36,899bizarre ride listen live Friday night 9

169201:16:33,479 --> 01:16:38,879p.m. Pacific or hyperspace the one show

169301:16:36,899 --> 01:16:42,139that blows the whistle off power

169401:16:38,880 --> 01:16:45,180government black ops projects hyperspace

169501:16:42,140 --> 01:16:47,850hosted by Solaris blue Raven Solaris

169601:16:45,180 --> 01:16:49,650

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blue Raven exclusively on the KC of our

169701:16:47,850 --> 01:16:52,130digital radio network want to take a

169801:16:49,649 --> 01:16:52,129ride

169901:16:59,829 --> 01:17:04,948broadcasting to you from another planet

170001:17:02,899 --> 01:17:07,259beaming Nero

170101:17:04,948 --> 01:17:10,888entertain this is

170201:17:07,260 --> 01:17:12,500the world-famous kco are now listen live

170301:17:10,889 --> 01:17:15,500online at

170401:17:12,500 --> 01:17:17,779to our like everything about

170501:17:15,500 --> 01:17:19,939this station when do I listen like 24

170601:17:17,779 --> 01:17:22,069hours a day it's my favorite station I

170701:17:19,939 --> 01:17:29,299just love the music it keeps me going at

170801:17:22,069 --> 01:17:31,759work Saturday nights live on this

170901:17:29,300 --> 01:17:35,480station it's a ride into the pair

171001:17:31,760 --> 01:17:38,300abnormal from aliens to UFOs Bigfoot

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171101:17:35,479 --> 01:17:38,989ghosts and anything else you just can't

171201:17:38,300 --> 01:17:40,909explain

171301:17:38,989 --> 01:17:43,519I'm Jeremy Scott I'll entertain you with

171401:17:40,909 --> 01:17:45,199three hours of conversation every

171501:17:43,520 --> 01:17:48,620Saturday night somewhere between

171601:17:45,199 --> 01:17:51,139abnormal and paranormal join me for into

171701:17:48,619 --> 01:17:53,479the paranormal live Saturday nights from

171801:17:51,140 --> 01:18:02,8106:00 to 9:00 on the K cor digital radio

171901:17:53,479 --> 01:18:07,429network there is a world outside that's

172001:18:02,810 --> 01:18:11,090which we live in a realm where fact and

172101:18:07,430 --> 01:18:14,150fiction collide the paradigm matrix a

172201:18:11,090 --> 01:18:16,940paradigm matrix hosted by Willy Miranda

172301:18:14,149 --> 01:18:20,689every Friday night at 6 p.m. pacific 9

172401:18:16,939 --> 01:18:22,939p.m. Eastern the matrix is everyone it

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172501:18:20,689 --> 01:18:24,719is all around us even now in this

172601:18:22,939 --> 01:18:27,089variable

172701:18:24,719 --> 01:18:29,520the one-hour show that will surely leave

172801:18:27,090 --> 01:18:32,460you hanging on the edge of the rabbit

172901:18:29,520 --> 01:18:34,969hole the paradigm matrix explores a

173001:18:32,460 --> 01:18:38,130universe of topics from UFOs

173101:18:34,969 --> 01:18:40,800cryptozoology conspiracies as well as

173201:18:38,130 --> 01:18:43,680all things paranormal enter a world of

173301:18:40,800 --> 01:18:46,829the twisted and deformed Friday night 6

173401:18:43,680 --> 01:18:50,400p.m. pacific 9 p.m. Eastern the paradigm

173501:18:46,829 --> 01:18:53,479matrix exclusively on Ocasio are digital

173601:18:50,399 --> 01:19:03,500radio network where fact and fiction

173701:18:53,479 --> 01:19:06,299collide UFO classified with Erica Luke's

173801:19:03,500 --> 01:19:08,399where the truth isn't hidden beneath the


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01:19:06,300 --> 01:19:11,600black lines of a sharpie that's a

174001:19:08,399 --> 01:19:11,599craziest thing I've ever heard

174101:19:11,719 --> 01:19:18,149to be on with Erica call seven zero two

174201:19:14,880 --> 01:19:21,680four two five nine two three zero at

174301:19:18,149 --> 01:19:25,0797:02 four to five ninety two thirty

174401:19:21,680 --> 01:19:29,100worldwide colors use skype name k cor

174501:19:25,079 --> 01:19:34,649radio share your thoughts on the show on

174601:19:29,100 --> 01:19:37,410twitter by using hashtag k cor more head

174701:19:34,649 --> 01:19:42,679over to the live chats at KCUR

174801:19:37,409 --> 01:19:45,609and now your host of UFO classified

174901:19:42,680 --> 01:19:47,460Erica Luc's Erica news

175001:19:45,609 --> 01:19:50,039[Music]

175101:19:47,460 --> 01:19:52,079welcoming back for the final segment

175201:19:50,039 --> 01:19:53,670this always breaks my heart I have to

175301:19:52,079 --> 01:19:56,039

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say I want to thank all of you for

175401:19:53,670 --> 01:19:58,199getting in to chat for sharing

175501:19:56,039 --> 01:20:00,000information about the show definitely a

175601:19:58,199 --> 01:20:03,090big shout out to northern UFOs thank you

175701:20:00,000 --> 01:20:06,479for all that you do I am here every week

175801:20:03,090 --> 01:20:08,539for you and I love having this community

175901:20:06,479 --> 01:20:10,649where we're respectable and

176001:20:08,539 --> 01:20:13,019professionally asked incredibly

176101:20:10,649 --> 01:20:15,389intelligent questions so thank you I am

176201:20:13,020 --> 01:20:18,330here tonight with dr. Barry Taff who is

176301:20:15,390 --> 01:20:21,390a parapsychologist and you can go to

176401:20:18,329 --> 01:20:22,289Barry Taff dotnet to learn more about

176501:20:21,390 --> 01:20:24,090him

176601:20:22,289 --> 01:20:26,850make sure you get aliens above ghosts

176701:20:24,090 --> 01:20:28,500below explorations of the unknown that

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176801:20:26,850 --> 01:20:32,460is a great book I've had it on my shelf

176901:20:28,500 --> 01:20:34,560and I refer to it a lot with regard to

177001:20:32,460 --> 01:20:37,289this but you know doctors have when we

177101:20:34,560 --> 01:20:38,760lift off and we were talking about so

177201:20:37,289 --> 01:20:41,069many things and then we go to break that

177301:20:38,760 --> 01:20:45,239we're talking about the health effects

177401:20:41,069 --> 01:20:48,149of you know strong EMFs and the fact

177501:20:45,239 --> 01:20:50,729that I the people don't understand the

177601:20:48,149 --> 01:20:53,250gravity of the situation and because

177701:20:50,729 --> 01:20:56,369it's not up there in your face we don't

177801:20:53,250 --> 01:20:59,819think this is really dangerous but it is

177901:20:56,369 --> 01:21:02,269if you are messing around with it very

178001:20:59,819 --> 01:21:04,019subjective matter everyone is not

178101:21:02,270 --> 01:21:06,420hypersensitive to these energies

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178201:21:04,020 --> 01:21:08,190something like for example what we

178301:21:06,420 --> 01:21:12,510discovered the common the most common

178401:21:08,189 --> 01:21:15,210link we found or call it somatic link is

178501:21:12,510 --> 01:21:17,760between these unique electromagnetic or

178601:21:15,210 --> 01:21:20,789geomagnetic environments and people that

178701:21:17,760 --> 01:21:23,699are hypersensitive to them and working

178801:21:20,789 --> 01:21:26,939on the Cielo Drive case from 2005 to

178901:21:23,699 --> 01:21:29,6092006 I went to that house 16 times and I

179001:21:26,939 --> 01:21:31,289got sick every time I went there other

179101:21:29,609 --> 01:21:33,899people who went there far younger than

179201:21:31,289 --> 01:21:35,699me who had no knowledge part knowledge

179301:21:33,899 --> 01:21:38,759what was going on there many of them got

179401:21:35,699 --> 01:21:40,979sick and I think it was over like almost

179501:21:38,760 --> 01:21:43,320two-thirds the people go in there felt


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01:21:40,979 --> 01:21:46,159ill some worse than others some less

179701:21:43,319 --> 01:21:48,989than others but too unique Jim

179801:21:46,159 --> 01:21:50,699geophysical environment when they were

179901:21:48,989 --> 01:21:52,079building the homes on that hill they

180001:21:50,699 --> 01:21:53,460were trying to drill and their

180101:21:52,079 --> 01:21:55,680instruments went nuts because the

180201:21:53,460 --> 01:21:58,409magnetic field they had a drill blind

180301:21:55,680 --> 01:22:00,250they found old vacuous magma chambers

180401:21:58,409 --> 01:22:02,590which means long before

180501:22:00,250 --> 01:22:04,539anyone settled here 2,000 years ago

180601:22:02,590 --> 01:22:07,270maybe millions of years there was a

180701:22:04,539 --> 01:22:08,529potential volcano building up and it

180801:22:07,270 --> 01:22:10,420never happened

180901:22:08,529 --> 01:22:12,670imagine this is just north of Beverly

181001:22:10,420 --> 01:22:14,470

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Hills you imagine volcano in Beverly

181101:22:12,670 --> 01:22:17,289Hills

181201:22:14,470 --> 01:22:20,020but that would not be good but the whole

181301:22:17,289 --> 01:22:21,250thing is you go up Beverly Hills it's

181401:22:20,020 --> 01:22:24,090nice you know whatever you want to go

181501:22:21,250 --> 01:22:26,859shopping spend a little money but then

181601:22:24,090 --> 01:22:29,710you go up Benedict Drive would go up

181701:22:26,859 --> 01:22:32,109Cielo Drive and suddenly oh my god why

181801:22:29,710 --> 01:22:34,869do I feel sick up here I'm what what our

181901:22:32,109 --> 01:22:36,699machines go crazy I mean you know we

182001:22:34,869 --> 01:22:39,640took a lot of I took a lot of good into

182101:22:36,699 --> 01:22:42,279this area a geomagnetic emitter which is

182201:22:39,640 --> 01:22:44,770like close to a thousand dollars it's

182301:22:42,279 --> 01:22:47,319not a toy low frequency spectrum

182401:22:44,770 --> 01:22:50,470analyzer air I encounter the good ones

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182501:22:47,319 --> 01:22:55,359and we saw when I decided in the house

182601:22:50,470 --> 01:22:57,159is anywhere from 60% to thousand percent

182701:22:55,359 --> 01:22:59,109stronger than it should be and it's

182801:22:57,159 --> 01:23:00,909polarize go to the editor end of the

182901:22:59,109 --> 01:23:01,689house it's higher and it's reverse

183001:23:00,909 --> 01:23:04,659polarity

183101:23:01,689 --> 01:23:07,539you grab the rail above a stairwell your

183201:23:04,659 --> 01:23:08,529arm goes numb and you feel like you're

183301:23:07,539 --> 01:23:11,890gonna pass out

183401:23:08,529 --> 01:23:14,170the first time I was there 2005 I did

183501:23:11,890 --> 01:23:16,090pass out I woke up on the floor I knew

183601:23:14,170 --> 01:23:19,270in my friends that I'd heard beet-red

183701:23:16,090 --> 01:23:22,180I just fell over I didn't know you know

183801:23:19,270 --> 01:23:24,610the last time I was there in July 2006

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183901:23:22,180 --> 01:23:26,110the same thing I felt funny and I said

184001:23:24,609 --> 01:23:27,339when woke up on the floor looking up

184101:23:26,109 --> 01:23:29,699that's it

184201:23:27,340 --> 01:23:32,319learned enough thank you very much

184301:23:29,699 --> 01:23:35,920luminous anomaly disembodied voices

184401:23:32,319 --> 01:23:39,009things moving around but how to make a

184501:23:35,920 --> 01:23:41,199guess there's a link between the owner

184601:23:39,010 --> 01:23:43,480of the house and the environment and

184701:23:41,199 --> 01:23:45,189because of this link is probably part of

184801:23:43,479 --> 01:23:47,619the reason as to why these things are

184901:23:45,189 --> 01:23:49,719happening on such a frequent level but

185001:23:47,619 --> 01:23:52,599as I told Zach Baggins when he was

185101:23:49,720 --> 01:23:55,180dealing with the David Holman case there

185201:23:52,600 --> 01:23:57,190was no incentive on earth they could get


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01:23:55,180 --> 01:23:58,240me to go back to that house if they

185401:23:57,189 --> 01:24:01,419don't want to go back in the hospital

185501:23:58,239 --> 01:24:03,159again was II this is mean to me when you

185601:24:01,420 --> 01:24:05,260look at the different UFO hot spots

185701:24:03,159 --> 01:24:09,970where you've got the same types of

185801:24:05,260 --> 01:24:13,090activity present you know I it's it's

185901:24:09,970 --> 01:24:15,280the same thing

186001:24:13,090 --> 01:24:17,980okay in nature there are many things

186101:24:15,279 --> 01:24:20,050that produce heat light photons can

186201:24:17,979 --> 01:24:22,379produce heat chemicals can produce heat

186301:24:20,050 --> 01:24:24,699friction reduce heat

186401:24:22,380 --> 01:24:26,409electromagnetic energy reduce heat

186501:24:24,698 --> 01:24:29,589they're all different they can all

186601:24:26,408 --> 01:24:32,229produce the same thing so we're seeing

186701:24:29,590 --> 01:24:35,139

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where different things may produce the

186801:24:32,229 --> 01:24:36,879same effect in us but it doesn't mean

186901:24:35,139 --> 01:24:39,429they're the same it means they may be

187001:24:36,880 --> 01:24:42,250employing similar forces and waves we

187101:24:39,429 --> 01:24:43,510don't understand in the paranormal it's

187201:24:42,250 --> 01:24:46,149only one of several things

187301:24:43,510 --> 01:24:49,030if energies we do know of working in

187401:24:46,149 --> 01:24:50,769ways we don't understand its energies we

187501:24:49,029 --> 01:24:53,618don't know of working in ways we don't

187601:24:50,770 --> 01:24:55,869understand but more likely its energies

187701:24:53,618 --> 01:24:58,029we do know of working with energies we

187801:24:55,868 --> 01:25:01,299don't know in a way we can't conceive of

187901:24:58,029 --> 01:25:03,819the one thing we know now is that the

188001:25:01,300 --> 01:25:07,090way some of this phenomena is triggered

188101:25:03,819 --> 01:25:10,960is through magnetic fields but the

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188201:25:07,090 --> 01:25:15,969energy itself is not magnetic which

188301:25:10,960 --> 01:25:17,170makes no sense and other other academics

188401:25:15,969 --> 01:25:19,149have said in this area

188501:25:17,170 --> 01:25:22,118I'd say it's all part of the zero-point

188601:25:19,149 --> 01:25:25,529power field energy that surrounds us

188701:25:22,118 --> 01:25:28,389constantly that's always there and

188801:25:25,529 --> 01:25:30,579somehow some of us can link into it and

188901:25:28,389 --> 01:25:33,310access information and use it while

189001:25:30,579 --> 01:25:35,349others cannot you know again we could

189101:25:33,310 --> 01:25:38,380all drive cars how many of us could

189201:25:35,349 --> 01:25:40,329drive everyone racist they can't better

189301:25:38,380 --> 01:25:43,090or some we could play a sport but you

189401:25:40,329 --> 01:25:45,399won't become an Olympic decathlon

189501:25:43,090 --> 01:25:47,440but again in nature there are many

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189601:25:45,399 --> 01:25:50,019things who produce the same effect it

189701:25:47,439 --> 01:25:53,500doesn't mean it's the same thing you

189801:25:50,020 --> 01:25:55,659know it's there are people if they we

189901:25:53,500 --> 01:25:59,229noticed that people the phenomena we

190001:25:55,658 --> 01:26:01,448experience seems to be closest ly strong

190101:25:59,229 --> 01:26:04,419electromagnetic fields or German data

190201:26:01,448 --> 01:26:06,460fields and if you put someone who's for

190301:26:04,420 --> 01:26:09,460example seeing for Apple uptick in them

190401:26:06,460 --> 01:26:13,118you're more likely that they'll get ill

190501:26:09,460 --> 01:26:15,368before phenomena will occur we I have

190601:26:13,118 --> 01:26:18,089the favorite theory for some time it

190701:26:15,368 --> 01:26:21,609wrote up a research proposal a way to

190801:26:18,090 --> 01:26:23,889artificially trigger the phenomena at

190901:26:21,609 --> 01:26:26,858linking these sensitive people to the


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01:26:23,889 --> 01:26:29,109right environment okay but you might

191101:26:26,859 --> 01:26:32,050injure or harm them which is unethical

191201:26:29,109 --> 01:26:33,820in the moral City don't do it there are

191301:26:32,050 --> 01:26:36,159people playing around all kinds of

191401:26:33,819 --> 01:26:38,469gizmos to do exactly what I'm talking

191501:26:36,158 --> 01:26:42,188about they may end up short-circuiting

191601:26:38,469 --> 01:26:46,088people's brains and inducing foreign mal

191701:26:42,189 --> 01:26:48,550seizures it's not something to play with

191801:26:46,088 --> 01:26:50,918you got to be really careful if it were

191901:26:48,550 --> 01:26:52,748at the very edge of this and I have to

192001:26:50,918 --> 01:26:55,599ask you though I mean do we know that

192101:26:52,748 --> 01:26:59,279there are people inside the government

192201:26:55,599 --> 01:27:01,989probably that would want to to do this

192301:26:59,279 --> 01:27:03,938certain factions perhaps I don't know

192401:27:01,988 --> 01:27:05,918

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well but there's something called the

192501:27:03,939 --> 01:27:08,649Frey effect where they found a way to

192601:27:05,918 --> 01:27:10,988use Cola mated microwave beans that

192701:27:08,649 --> 01:27:13,479affect the auditory nerve bypassing the

192801:27:10,988 --> 01:27:15,128outer ear they can do so and you'll hear

192901:27:13,479 --> 01:27:17,409a voice in your head thinking it's your

193001:27:15,128 --> 01:27:21,849own voice talking to you but it isn't

193101:27:17,408 --> 01:27:23,009you how well that can be used I don't

193201:27:21,849 --> 01:27:26,139know

193301:27:23,010 --> 01:27:28,989LF or Ulf energy can do strange things

193401:27:26,139 --> 01:27:30,489to make some people sick make the chaser

193501:27:28,988 --> 01:27:34,118behavior their moods

193601:27:30,488 --> 01:27:36,368there's rumors in the first Gulf War and

193701:27:34,118 --> 01:27:40,448even the second one that the huge

193801:27:36,368 --> 01:27:43,118surrenders from the Iraqi soldiers was

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193901:27:40,448 --> 01:27:45,069unprecedented in modern history and the

194001:27:43,118 --> 01:27:48,398belief was that the first time we may

194101:27:45,069 --> 01:27:51,368have used some sort of LF weapon a Ulf

194201:27:48,399 --> 01:27:56,919weapon to make them so depressed and

194301:27:51,368 --> 01:28:00,128unstable they quit mmm yes leave that

194401:27:56,918 --> 01:28:02,469said they found evidence of tactical

194501:28:00,128 --> 01:28:05,469high-energy directed energy weapons use

194601:28:02,469 --> 01:28:11,679where people were melted infused with

194701:28:05,469 --> 01:28:14,139their machinery huh supposedly we're not

194801:28:11,679 --> 01:28:15,849using any directed energy weapons that

194901:28:14,139 --> 01:28:18,338we met other than they're developing

195001:28:15,849 --> 01:28:22,149them for use on aircraft and Nason nasal

195101:28:18,338 --> 01:28:26,219valves Neville vessel have them we paint

195201:28:22,149 --> 01:28:31,149we place in the Phalanx close-in weapons

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195301:28:26,219 --> 01:28:34,088technology you know you hear this stuff

195401:28:31,149 --> 01:28:37,119they listen incident more than 25 years

195501:28:34,088 --> 01:28:39,099ago in Riverside California where

195601:28:37,118 --> 01:28:40,359someone came into a hospital they were

195701:28:39,099 --> 01:28:42,460really sick and

195801:28:40,359 --> 01:28:44,259they started do some surgery maybe I

195901:28:42,460 --> 01:28:46,270don't remember this correctly but they

196001:28:44,260 --> 01:28:48,789cut into the surgery and there let it

196101:28:46,270 --> 01:28:49,630granule eyes and everyone got really

196201:28:48,789 --> 01:28:52,689sick

196301:28:49,630 --> 01:28:57,940the CDC showed up poof disappeared from

196401:28:52,689 --> 01:29:00,189the news kind of weird remember what

196501:28:57,939 --> 01:29:02,618happened in Brazil in nineteen ninety

196601:29:00,189 --> 01:29:05,500six or seven suppose identities were


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01:29:02,618 --> 01:29:07,000seen a crash we said they were people

196801:29:05,500 --> 01:29:09,368got sick when they got here then they

196901:29:07,000 --> 01:29:14,069smelled bad we sent people down and then

197001:29:09,368 --> 01:29:16,979the whole story vanished remember that

197101:29:14,069 --> 01:29:22,179yes I do

197201:29:16,979 --> 01:29:25,118you know remember the day uh in 1980 in

197301:29:22,179 --> 01:29:27,550Dayton Texas the two women and their

197401:29:25,118 --> 01:29:30,250grandchild or whatever in cash syndrome

197501:29:27,550 --> 01:29:32,500yeah cash Landrum and the thing melted

197601:29:30,250 --> 01:29:34,840the highway the car got superheated

197701:29:32,500 --> 01:29:37,750woman one of the woman died radiation

197801:29:34,840 --> 01:29:39,360sickness and they repaired the highway

197901:29:37,750 --> 01:29:42,010there at the very next day

198001:29:39,359 --> 01:29:44,229remember that sugar Chinook helicopters

198101:29:42,010 --> 01:29:46,600

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accompanying and there wasn't that right

198201:29:44,229 --> 01:29:49,448after the Rendlesham forest thing like a

198301:29:46,600 --> 01:29:51,310day or so later I think it was and no

198401:29:49,448 --> 01:29:53,408one bothers to link the two events I

198501:29:51,310 --> 01:29:56,139wonder if the same and then oh they saw

198601:29:53,408 --> 01:29:58,479through cash Landrum they saw this

198701:29:56,139 --> 01:30:04,060vehicle being shepherded by 2300 Cala

198801:29:58,479 --> 01:30:05,169copters so you know there's lots of

198901:30:04,060 --> 01:30:08,440things that can make the cart

199001:30:05,170 --> 01:30:10,840superheated microwaves can do it neutron

199101:30:08,439 --> 01:30:15,009flux gamma rays all of which are toxic

199201:30:10,840 --> 01:30:16,560to humans so what was it was it a our

199301:30:15,010 --> 01:30:19,270technology that wasn't working well

199401:30:16,560 --> 01:30:21,639we'll never and wasn't it that their

199501:30:19,270 --> 01:30:24,040data their medical data on these women

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199601:30:21,639 --> 01:30:27,279vanish from a hospital they were in what

199701:30:24,039 --> 01:30:32,800a coincidence that's the last I heard

199801:30:27,279 --> 01:30:35,229about it right absolutely and I know I

199901:30:32,800 --> 01:30:37,270mean I live in Utah and and Dugway is 80

200001:30:35,229 --> 01:30:40,169miles away and they are there are lots

200101:30:37,270 --> 01:30:43,540of aerospace and defense companies here

200201:30:40,170 --> 01:30:45,850experimenting with things so yet you

200301:30:43,539 --> 01:30:50,889just never know that's great all in the

200401:30:45,850 --> 01:30:52,710name of security but but you know it is

200501:30:50,889 --> 01:30:56,219very interesting that

200601:30:52,710 --> 01:30:59,750that paranormal experiences that UFO

200701:30:56,219 --> 01:31:05,430encounters that all of these things are

200801:30:59,750 --> 01:31:08,850related so explain that well how to make

200901:31:05,430 --> 01:31:11,670a guess I'd say whatever ulis UFOs are

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201001:31:08,850 --> 01:31:14,910we're being visited from beings from

201101:31:11,670 --> 01:31:17,130different stars in our galaxy they may

201201:31:14,909 --> 01:31:19,710have developed technology that is

201301:31:17,130 --> 01:31:22,350equivalent to what we call paranormal so

201401:31:19,710 --> 01:31:24,270space and time the consciousness can be

201501:31:22,350 --> 01:31:26,250altered the way we are not familiar with

201601:31:24,270 --> 01:31:28,380the same way if we went back in time

201701:31:26,250 --> 01:31:30,238somehow to a thousand years ago our

201801:31:28,380 --> 01:31:33,600checked around you would seem like magic

201901:31:30,238 --> 01:31:35,609because people back then didn't know

202001:31:33,600 --> 01:31:37,410just flying machines that make a lot of

202101:31:35,609 --> 01:31:38,309noise and light up and they burning you

202201:31:37,409 --> 01:31:41,729to get too close

202301:31:38,310 --> 01:31:44,010gee I mean look at Hospital Portugal


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01:31:41,729 --> 01:31:46,738what happened with the miracle wave our

202501:31:44,010 --> 01:31:48,600Sun with very discreet children the

202601:31:46,738 --> 01:31:50,759these people showed up a trained real

202701:31:48,600 --> 01:31:52,650heavily that's an article there's two

202801:31:50,760 --> 01:31:55,170discussions on my website about that and

202901:31:52,649 --> 01:31:57,659Jacques dr. Jacques Vallee thinks that

203001:31:55,170 --> 01:32:00,029it was a UFO encounter which I agree

203101:31:57,659 --> 01:32:02,069with but people get upset oh no it's

203201:32:00,029 --> 01:32:06,569religious laughter well they thought

203301:32:02,069 --> 01:32:09,659about it last century not this so

203401:32:06,569 --> 01:32:12,899is it all the same thing very likely but

203501:32:09,659 --> 01:32:15,029why then yeah the whole you know the

203601:32:12,899 --> 01:32:18,449train was really really heavily remember

203701:32:15,029 --> 01:32:20,429and then it the Sun came out they saw a

203801:32:18,449 --> 01:32:22,409

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bright something spinning that's what

203901:32:20,430 --> 01:32:24,989the world was ending and everyone got

204001:32:22,409 --> 01:32:26,460dry and then people were healed took a

204101:32:24,988 --> 01:32:30,718picture and you could see the silver

204201:32:26,460 --> 01:32:35,069disc a silver disc at the sky in the

204301:32:30,719 --> 01:32:41,609early 20th century I don't think so so

204401:32:35,069 --> 01:32:44,639what was it that's the problem we can be

204501:32:41,609 --> 01:32:46,079and I gotta fit you know what um I got

204601:32:44,640 --> 01:32:47,789to show you this whatever is being used

204701:32:46,079 --> 01:32:51,479to affect us in ways we don't yet

204801:32:47,789 --> 01:32:53,609understand and they said if they have

204901:32:51,479 --> 01:32:55,289any idea what's happening their desire

205001:32:53,609 --> 01:32:58,819is not to share that with the world at

205101:32:55,289 --> 01:33:02,819large cos you know and all that supposed

205201:32:58,819 --> 01:33:04,889getting opening files from let the

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205301:33:02,819 --> 01:33:06,630British government or French government

205401:33:04,890 --> 01:33:09,030or what everything they talked about

205501:33:06,630 --> 01:33:10,350but known about for years they're not

205601:33:09,029 --> 01:33:13,559telling us something we don't already

205701:33:10,350 --> 01:33:15,900know right right so this is old its old

205801:33:13,560 --> 01:33:17,970strict like reruns reruns we've seen

205901:33:15,899 --> 01:33:21,179this we've seen it give us information

206001:33:17,970 --> 01:33:23,520about who what where and why talk about

206101:33:21,180 --> 01:33:26,190that and then the other weekend couple

206201:33:23,520 --> 01:33:27,240weeks ago in TV or months ago footage

206301:33:26,189 --> 01:33:29,969from the East Coast

206401:33:27,239 --> 01:33:32,279naval footage then West Coast stating

206501:33:29,970 --> 01:33:33,539the pilot said this thing accelerated so

206601:33:32,279 --> 01:33:36,239fast he couldn't believe it

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206701:33:33,539 --> 01:33:40,019like no air traffic along the way right

206801:33:36,239 --> 01:33:43,729no aircraft we have complied aware no

206901:33:40,020 --> 01:33:45,930then you have the Lockheed Martin tr-3b

207001:33:43,729 --> 01:33:49,409it's a lot of this stuff is on my

207101:33:45,930 --> 01:33:50,510website and the more we learn the

207201:33:49,409 --> 01:33:55,590stranger it gets

207301:33:50,510 --> 01:33:58,170that's the problem that's that's uh that

207401:33:55,590 --> 01:33:59,970that's a problem they just it just I

207501:33:58,170 --> 01:34:02,880mean all the stuff that's been on TV I

207601:33:59,970 --> 01:34:05,640think people more or more worried about

207701:34:02,880 --> 01:34:08,069the president and why he how he got

207801:34:05,640 --> 01:34:10,110elected why she didn't get elected or

207901:34:08,069 --> 01:34:13,889whatever to be it's nonsense I'm running

208001:34:10,109 --> 01:34:16,769this new book that links current culture


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01:34:13,890 --> 01:34:19,260pop culture to the paranormal in a way

208201:34:16,770 --> 01:34:22,260that hasn't been done before because if

208301:34:19,260 --> 01:34:24,180there is a link and people are ignoring

208401:34:22,260 --> 01:34:26,190it and if we don't if we ignore it long

208501:34:24,180 --> 01:34:30,270enough we'll be what will pay a dear

208601:34:26,189 --> 01:34:32,419price in my opinion absolutely if people

208701:34:30,270 --> 01:34:35,670want to look at the history of ufology

208801:34:32,420 --> 01:34:37,859the last let's say this century read

208901:34:35,670 --> 01:34:39,869Richard Dolan first two books UFOs the

209001:34:37,859 --> 01:34:41,909national security state volumes what

209101:34:39,869 --> 01:34:45,210Andrew you will not be able to put it

209201:34:41,909 --> 01:34:49,619down it's amazing it's amazing work it

209301:34:45,210 --> 01:34:51,359put out there and it's you know who

209401:34:49,619 --> 01:34:53,550knows that's the problem with you we

209501:34:51,359 --> 01:34:56,699

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just don't know but the see the whole

209601:34:53,550 --> 01:34:58,770point of it is we can't explain one

209701:34:56,699 --> 01:35:02,130phenomenon with another that's

209801:34:58,770 --> 01:35:05,490foolishness it's absurd you look for

209901:35:02,130 --> 01:35:07,500common points and see if there is logic

210001:35:05,489 --> 01:35:09,840over looking at logical data over

210101:35:07,500 --> 01:35:11,279decades of time do you see a pattern at

210201:35:09,840 --> 01:35:13,949emerging yes we do

210301:35:11,279 --> 01:35:16,170that's how you know linked up the stuff

210401:35:13,949 --> 01:35:18,380with you know people have turbo of

210501:35:16,170 --> 01:35:20,359epilepsy or seizure prone and these

210601:35:18,380 --> 01:35:22,940wrong electromagnetic or geomagnetic

210701:35:20,359 --> 01:35:25,460fields that affect us the same thing

210801:35:22,939 --> 01:35:27,109over and over and over and over so how

210901:35:25,460 --> 01:35:30,679many times did it have to get how many

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211001:35:27,109 --> 01:35:32,179coincidences make a factor how many

211101:35:30,679 --> 01:35:35,500times is something after you hit a head

211201:35:32,179 --> 01:35:38,630you go wow wow this is interesting and

211301:35:35,500 --> 01:35:40,609then people I know who were epileptic

211401:35:38,630 --> 01:35:42,170live men were epileptic they stopped

211501:35:40,609 --> 01:35:45,500taking their meds because it makes them

211601:35:42,170 --> 01:35:47,329feel bad and they stopped taking it the

211701:35:45,500 --> 01:35:49,939seizures returned and the phenomenal

211801:35:47,329 --> 01:35:51,979returns they stopped start taking the

211901:35:49,939 --> 01:35:54,559meds their seizures stopped and the

212001:35:51,979 --> 01:35:56,718phenomena stops she does that not

212101:35:54,560 --> 01:35:59,239suggest the same region of the brain

212201:35:56,719 --> 01:36:03,829might be responsible producing both

212301:35:59,238 --> 01:36:05,448things yep but no one's gonna get bobble

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212401:36:03,829 --> 01:36:06,979to study with this because they lose

212501:36:05,448 --> 01:36:10,369their medical life they'd be out of a

212601:36:06,979 --> 01:36:11,988job but it does seem though that they're

212701:36:10,369 --> 01:36:16,238taking this to the private sector you

212801:36:11,988 --> 01:36:18,799know when we see dr. Gary Nolan and and

212901:36:16,238 --> 01:36:20,539you know and some of the people that are

213001:36:18,800 --> 01:36:23,659involved with to the Stars Academy I

213101:36:20,539 --> 01:36:29,260mean they're they seem to be obtaining

213201:36:23,658 --> 01:36:29,259funding through crowdsourcing so

213301:36:30,369 --> 01:36:35,500Hardison understands ourselves because

213401:36:33,529 --> 01:36:40,000we're looking at ourselves to it to a

213501:36:35,500 --> 01:36:41,988distorted land it's gonna be a major

213601:36:40,000 --> 01:36:44,300revision of the way we perceive

213701:36:41,988 --> 01:36:47,689ourselves as human beings so we look at


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01:36:44,300 --> 01:36:49,940our past look at our future what if we

213901:36:47,689 --> 01:36:54,859discovered this is the paranormal stuff

214001:36:49,939 --> 01:36:57,379that we can no longer affect the future

214101:36:54,859 --> 01:36:58,969that we could affect the past we know we

214201:36:57,380 --> 01:37:01,340can't change the past I mean it's

214301:36:58,969 --> 01:37:04,100obvious but what if the same thing is

214401:37:01,340 --> 01:37:07,789true in the future what if what's ever

214501:37:04,100 --> 01:37:09,409there is there um and I get into this in

214601:37:07,789 --> 01:37:12,109my new book I'll get into this over and

214701:37:09,408 --> 01:37:15,649over again and what does it mean I don't

214801:37:12,109 --> 01:37:18,488know that that mean that we're blind we

214901:37:15,649 --> 01:37:20,809were in some large play with being

215001:37:18,488 --> 01:37:26,509manipulated by mechanisms we don't know

215101:37:20,810 --> 01:37:31,820I don't know but it's like that girl I

215201:37:26,510 --> 01:37:34,760

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dated 40 went back to 1970

215301:37:31,819 --> 01:37:37,340if I had brought her to live with me in

215401:37:34,760 --> 01:37:42,320LA would she still be alive today I

215501:37:37,340 --> 01:37:44,720don't know uh you know I talked about

215601:37:42,319 --> 01:37:46,369with the JFK thing predicting that my

215701:37:44,720 --> 01:37:49,930parents didn't know what they did or

215801:37:46,369 --> 01:37:52,399terrified with me if that happened today

215901:37:49,930 --> 01:37:55,970my new president would be assassinated

216001:37:52,399 --> 01:37:58,819and if I call the FBI Homeland Security

216101:37:55,970 --> 01:38:01,190months or years would they then accuse

216201:37:58,819 --> 01:38:09,739me of being the perpetrator if it

216301:38:01,189 --> 01:38:12,319happened probably in mid-70s I was

216401:38:09,739 --> 01:38:13,489having a terrible dream about piloting a

216501:38:12,319 --> 01:38:16,399747

216601:38:13,489 --> 01:38:17,899we're on early initial approach to South

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216701:38:16,399 --> 01:38:22,159Africa don't tell me how I could know

216801:38:17,899 --> 01:38:25,039that was the TWA and suddenly the drill

216901:38:22,159 --> 01:38:28,039of the turbofans quit and we started

217001:38:25,039 --> 01:38:30,920falling and try to restart the engines

217101:38:28,039 --> 01:38:33,229nothing we hit and exploded and I

217201:38:30,920 --> 01:38:35,390thought whoa this is kind of weird it

217301:38:33,229 --> 01:38:37,179was with my girlfriend and what happened

217401:38:35,390 --> 01:38:39,710she what do you know she's a little bit

217501:38:37,180 --> 01:38:41,659747 came into service a few years ago

217601:38:39,710 --> 01:38:44,899they've got a perfect record I said I

217701:38:41,659 --> 01:38:48,349know they're subjecting him she weeks

217801:38:44,899 --> 01:38:53,049later the first 47 747 crashed on

217901:38:48,350 --> 01:38:55,610approach to South Africa it was a TWA I

218001:38:53,050 --> 01:38:58,190didn't know what day and what time I

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218101:38:55,609 --> 01:39:00,159didn't know what flight number so what

218201:38:58,189 --> 01:39:06,129if this happened today and I made calls

218301:39:00,159 --> 01:39:08,630I'd be arrested just the problem is

218401:39:06,130 --> 01:39:12,289we're part of the we're part of the

218501:39:08,630 --> 01:39:14,779problem and until we can grasp the fact

218601:39:12,289 --> 01:39:17,000that we don't stop the Tipler knows that

218701:39:14,779 --> 01:39:19,460the Port Charles right we extended

218801:39:17,000 --> 01:39:21,890consciousness extends through space in

218901:39:19,460 --> 01:39:26,659time in ways we can it not yet

219001:39:21,890 --> 01:39:29,110comprehend and you know it's a hard it's

219101:39:26,659 --> 01:39:31,399a hard thing for people to grasp that

219201:39:29,109 --> 01:39:37,939there's no difference in the future in

219301:39:31,399 --> 01:39:41,569the past they go like what you know life

219401:39:37,939 --> 01:39:44,059is never boring no though it isn't it a


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01:39:41,569 --> 01:39:45,649we've got of course I want to have you

219601:39:44,060 --> 01:39:48,590back because we've got so much more

219701:39:45,649 --> 01:39:51,439about and just really briefly I mean you

219801:39:48,590 --> 01:39:55,090he would mention the fact that there was

219901:39:51,439 --> 01:39:58,669a way that you could induce this type of

220001:39:55,090 --> 01:40:01,460phenomena and I'd honestly I believe

220101:39:58,670 --> 01:40:03,859that Ghost Hunters different people in

220201:40:01,460 --> 01:40:07,369ufology I mean there we are going out

220301:40:03,859 --> 01:40:10,219there and we're trying to do that it's

220401:40:07,369 --> 01:40:12,500dangerous what are people working these

220501:40:10,220 --> 01:40:15,199god helmet things to affect our brains

220601:40:12,500 --> 01:40:17,960with big kind of fields or put straw and

220701:40:15,199 --> 01:40:20,449it's like blind science

220801:40:17,960 --> 01:40:23,090we're not that sure yet or how these

220901:40:20,449 --> 01:40:24,260

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energies affect us remotely but in the

221001:40:23,090 --> 01:40:26,930small percentage of the population

221101:40:24,260 --> 01:40:28,610that's hypersensitive to them many of

221201:40:26,930 --> 01:40:31,909whom are seizure prone or epileptic

221301:40:28,609 --> 01:40:34,639you're courting disaster and you know

221401:40:31,909 --> 01:40:37,159you could electrocute people and what

221501:40:34,640 --> 01:40:38,750good is that gonna do for any of the

221601:40:37,159 --> 01:40:41,809scientific you mean they let alone for

221701:40:38,750 --> 01:40:43,039them so you don't you better know what

221801:40:41,810 --> 01:40:46,070you're doing and you're gonna fry

221901:40:43,039 --> 01:40:49,489someone's brain it's that simple I would

222001:40:46,069 --> 01:40:52,489I mean I years ago we play with the

222101:40:49,489 --> 01:40:55,219early technology on it and you could sit

222201:40:52,489 --> 01:40:57,409around and not get results for years and

222301:40:55,220 --> 01:40:59,930suddenly you hit the right set of

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222401:40:57,409 --> 01:41:04,399variables or parameters in the right

222501:40:59,930 --> 01:41:09,650circumstances and wham things start

222601:41:04,399 --> 01:41:13,939happening you know it's it's hard I mean

222701:41:09,649 --> 01:41:15,379it's it's I I've learned that again for

222801:41:13,939 --> 01:41:17,689every question we answer

222901:41:15,380 --> 01:41:20,840there's hundreds or thousands of more we

223001:41:17,689 --> 01:41:23,569don't begin to understand absolutely

223101:41:20,840 --> 01:41:26,390absolutely and I knew this was going to

223201:41:23,569 --> 01:41:29,269be a great show I I'm so happy that you

223301:41:26,390 --> 01:41:31,640finally came on and you've got so much

223401:41:29,270 --> 01:41:33,980to share with us and I I have to ask you

223501:41:31,640 --> 01:41:35,660just to be you know a little selfish

223601:41:33,979 --> 01:41:36,589here but with all the Tom DeLonge and

223701:41:35,659 --> 01:41:38,569the Bigelow

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223801:41:36,590 --> 01:41:41,270thing did did you ever have any

223901:41:38,569 --> 01:41:42,949interaction with Robert Bigelow you know

224001:41:41,270 --> 01:41:44,260I knew other people that have it it

224101:41:42,949 --> 01:41:47,479wasn't good

224201:41:44,260 --> 01:41:50,329for what I learned you can't play with

224301:41:47,479 --> 01:41:52,819them had come out and present stuff or

224401:41:50,329 --> 01:41:54,680come on in oh no I'm busy I'm busy come

224501:41:52,819 --> 01:41:56,509back another time so it's like a game

224601:41:54,680 --> 01:41:58,820and when I see that happening I'm

224701:41:56,510 --> 01:41:59,420worried that instead of these people

224801:41:58,819 --> 01:42:01,819were

224901:41:59,420 --> 01:42:04,039willing to come forward prevent present

225001:42:01,819 --> 01:42:07,039funding it's just playing a game of

225101:42:04,039 --> 01:42:08,960jerking people around it's like a woman


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01:42:07,039 --> 01:42:10,880who doesn't want a date a guy who keeps

225301:42:08,960 --> 01:42:12,470asking her out okay I'll think about it

225401:42:10,880 --> 01:42:14,300I'll think about it and say no I don't

225501:42:12,470 --> 01:42:16,480want a date shirts on give me a couple

225601:42:14,300 --> 01:42:18,260weeks and you keep asking for a date

225701:42:16,479 --> 01:42:20,899ever

225801:42:18,260 --> 01:42:22,310no I don't know I never met Bigelow I'd

225901:42:20,899 --> 01:42:24,710like to meet him is it feels like a

226001:42:22,310 --> 01:42:26,360colorful individual but in some ways he

226101:42:24,710 --> 01:42:29,779reminds me of how it's used which is

226201:42:26,359 --> 01:42:31,460upsetting that's that's interesting I

226301:42:29,779 --> 01:42:32,989mean there's so much there's so many

226401:42:31,460 --> 01:42:35,689things that we don't know but so many

226501:42:32,989 --> 01:42:37,630games that are at hand which obviously

226601:42:35,689 --> 01:42:39,679

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from what you know is that that's

226701:42:37,630 --> 01:42:42,770nothing different from what we've seen

226801:42:39,680 --> 01:42:45,260over the past few decades but I buried

226901:42:42,770 --> 01:42:47,990thank you dr. Taff thank you thank you

227001:42:45,260 --> 01:42:52,789this has been an incredible show and I'm

227101:42:47,989 --> 01:42:54,409going to have to have you back I love it

227201:42:52,789 --> 01:42:56,659okay I might have to just talk to you

227301:42:54,409 --> 01:42:59,300and pick your brain on that you know not

227401:42:56,659 --> 01:43:02,960on the air but I want to tell all of you

227501:42:59,300 --> 01:43:05,630please go to Barry Taff net reads these

227601:43:02,960 --> 01:43:08,480wonderful articles and get the book that

227701:43:05,630 --> 01:43:10,850I have had on my shelf and I refer to a

227801:43:08,479 --> 01:43:13,339lot which is aliens above goes below

227901:43:10,850 --> 01:43:16,820thank you so much for listening and

228001:43:13,340 --> 01:43:19,010stick around for Whitney Miranda who has

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228101:43:16,819 --> 01:43:22,069been in Schad he's got a great show Tina

228201:43:19,010 --> 01:43:25,310Marie Solaris blue Raven next week I

228301:43:22,069 --> 01:43:27,529will have two of my favorites Jen

228401:43:25,310 --> 01:43:29,800Aldridge and Barry Greenwood on the show

228501:43:27,529 --> 01:43:33,800to talk about nycap in the early days of

228601:43:29,800 --> 01:43:35,750UFOs and the government and all of these

228701:43:33,800 --> 01:43:39,440lovely things so you can find me on UFO

228801:43:35,750 --> 01:43:42,109classified calm or on facebook at UFO

228901:43:39,439 --> 01:43:45,689classified have a wonderful evening be

229001:43:42,109 --> 01:43:48,769safe and we'll catch you next week

229101:43:45,689 --> 01:43:48,769[Music]

229201:43:50,288 --> 01:43:57,319this is UFO classified live every Friday

229301:43:54,679 --> 01:44:01,010night 4 p.m. Pacific 7 p.m. Eastern

229401:43:57,319 --> 01:44:04,038exclusively on the K cor digital radio

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229501:44:01,010 --> 01:44:06,469network the truth is out there just

229601:44:04,038 --> 01:44:08,359waiting to be discovered and now if you

229701:44:06,469 --> 01:44:10,250will accompany me on a journey to the

229801:44:08,359 --> 01:44:13,939future for more information on the hosts

229901:44:10,250 --> 01:44:16,309of UFO classified Erica Luke's upcoming

230001:44:13,939 --> 01:44:18,828guests as well as links to the past

230101:44:16,309 --> 01:44:23,179shows visit our website and UFO

230201:44:18,828 --> 01:44:29,960classified Calm UFO classified UFO

230301:44:23,179 --> 01:44:33,250classified this is K cor Las Vegas home

230401:44:29,960 --> 01:44:33,250of the digital radio news
