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UD Offers Free Directory of Low-Income HousingLoans and Grants

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Recommended Citation"UD Offers Free Directory of Low-Income Housing Loans and Grants" (1991). News Releases. 7493.

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The University o.l Dayton News Release

Aug. 12, 1991 Contact: Teri Rizvi


DAYTON, Ohio -- Where can a low-income Dayton homeowner get an emergency no-interest loan to repair a leaking roof? What kinds of loans are available for non-profit neighborhood organizations involved in housing development?

Often low-income families and non-profit organizations don't know where to turn to learn about available financing programs-­ones that could mean the difference between whether neighborhood development corporations can acquire and rehabilitate vacant and dilapidated houses in their neighborhoods or low-income families can purchase the American dream: their own house. That's why Daniel Voydanoff, program manager in the University of Dayton's Office of Strategies for Responsible Development-Neighborhood Development and a former banking executive, has compiled a convenient directory of public and private financing sources.

Financing for Low-Income Housing in Dayton: Loan and Grant Programs for Non-Profit Organizations and Individuals, which was printed

by Bank One, lists programs and eligibility requirements: for non-profit organizations for the purchase, rehabilitation and construction of low-income housing;

for low-income owners, purchasers and renters of houses, including those who need a housing subsidy; and

for financing programs for the homeless •

It also highlights programs to be offered under the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act in 1992. For a free copy, contact SRD-Neighborhood Development at 229-4641.

-30-For media interviews, contact Dan Voydanoff at 229-4641 or 435-7439. Voydanoff is a Centerville resident.

OFFICE OF PUBLIC RELATIONS 300 College Park Dayton, Ohio 45469-1679

(513) 229-3241 FAX: (513) 229-3063