  • 7/27/2019 UCx SRG Administration Guide-V2


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    UCx SRG Administration


  • 7/27/2019 UCx SRG Administration Guide-V2


    UCx 2.1

    May 30, 2012 Page of2 16 Copyright 2011 E-Metrotel Global Inc.

    Table of Contents

    SRG - Introduction _____________________________________________________________________ 4

    SRG Key Benefits ____________________________________________________________________ 4

    SRG Operation ______________________________________________________________________ 4

    SRG - Configuring Nortel IP Phones _______________________________________________________ 6

    Configuring Survivability Options __________________________________________________________ 7

    Configuring Main Office Route Prefix _______________________________________________________ 9

    Configuring Phones for Survivability Mode __________________________________________________ 10

    Configuring SIP Trunk to Main Office ______________________________________________________ 12

    Configuring Outbound Route to Main Office _________________________________________________ 14

    Configuring Inbound Routes from Main Office _______________________________________________ 16

  • 7/27/2019 UCx SRG Administration Guide-V2


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    May 30, 2012 Page of3 16 Copyright 2011 E-Metrotel Global Inc.

    This guide provides information about how to install, configure and administer the UC SRG Add-on Module.x

    The intended audience for this guide is the system administrator of a UC SRG system.x

    SRG - Introduction

    SRG Key BenefitsSRG Operation

    SRG - Configuring Nortel IP Phones

    Configuring Survivability Options

    Configuring Main Office Route Prefix

    Configuring Phones for Survivability Mode

    Configuring SIP Trunk to Main Office

    Configuring Outbound Route to Main Office

    Configuring Inbound Routes from Main Office

  • 7/27/2019 UCx SRG Administration Guide-V2


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    SRG - Introduction

    UC Survivable Remote Gateway (UC SRG) Add-on Module can be used to seamlessly extend servicesx x

    and applications of a larger system at a headquarter site such as a Succession 1000 (CS1000) to remote

    branch offices while ensuring that advanced features are available to users at the remote branch offices in

    the event of WAN/IP network performance issues or a connectivity failure to the main office.

    SRG Key Benefits

    SRG Operation

    SRG Key Benefits

    UC SRG offers the following benefits:x

    High WAN availability and survivability (ensures that services are available to Nortel IP terminals in

    the event of WAN or centralized call server failure)

    Advanced feature set and call processing for users at remote sites/branch offices in the event of main

    office connectivity failures

    E911 support (ensures that emergency personnel will have the information they need to respond

    quickly to the correct location)

    Consistent features and applications (facilitates effective communications between employees

    regardless of their physical location via coordinated dial plans)

    Support for remote workers (allows businesses to reduce costs and retain valued employees)Enables local PSTN access

    SRG Operation

    The UC SRG system is considered the and the Succession 1000 (CS1000) is considered thex branch office

    . All phones at the branch office are configured to connect to the UC SRG system. Nortel IPmain office x

    phones with the UNISTIM firmware (not with the SIP firmware) can be configured in the UC Web-basedx

    Configuration Utility to use the SRG mode (survivable mode).

    The following modes of operation are available for phones at the branch office:

    Normal mode (phones configured to use the survivable mode are registered with the main office


    Local mode (phones configured to use the survivable mode are registered with the UC SRG system)x

    In the Normal mode, Nortel IP phones connected to the same subnet as UC SRG are registered to the mainx

    office call server through the WAN IP connection. Call processing, dialing plan and all other features are

    provided by the call server located at main headquarter site. When 911 is dialed from a phone in the Normal

    mode, the call is routed over the PSTN trunk at the phone's branch office.

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    In the Local mode, phones at the branch office are registered as extensions on the UC SRG system.x

    Advanced features provided by UC SRG are available to phones in the Local mode. Dialing main officex

    extensions from Local mode phones is possible over IP trunks (if connectivity to the main office is available)

    or using the local PSTN gateway. Local PSTN trunk(s) provided with UC SRG can be used to makex

    outgoing calls to the main office, to call external numbers and to dial 911 in emergency situations. While in

    the Local Mode, Nortel IP phones configured to use the survivable mode provide Local Mode status

    indication on their display.

    The UC SRG system sends regular "heartbeat" messages to the main office call server to monitor the IPx

    WAN connectivity health. When a phone configured to use the survivable mode connects to the UC SRGx

    system, the system decides if the phone should use the Normal or Local mode based on the connectivity to

    the main office call server and configurable SRG options. If connectivity to the main office is restored and the

    configurable SRG options allow the use of the Normal mode, all phones in the Local mode are switched to

    the Normal mode (redirected to the main office) as soon as the phones are idle.


    Only Nortel IP phones with the UNISTIM firmware can be configured to use the survivable mode.

    All other phone types (SIP phones, analog phones, Nortel digital phones) always operate as local

    extensions of the UC SRG system.x

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    SRG - Configuring Nortel IP Phones

    No special configuration is required for Nortel IP phones that are to be used in the survivable mode. These

    phones should be configured according to the section in theConfiguring Nortel IP Phones UCx

    . Both server entries (S1 and S2 values) must be configured with the IP address of theAdministration Guide

    UC SRG system.x
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    Configuring Survivability Options

    To enable the SRG functionality of your UC system, you must configure survivability options. At thex

    minimum, you must configure the following settings:

    Enable the SRG Mode

    Specify the (IP address or domain name)Primary Main Office Address

    We also recommend that you review and configure the following settings that define the behavior of the UC x

    system when the connectivity with the main system is compromised to suite your needs:

    Define the and values (losing the connectivity withLost Connection Count Lost Connection Period

    the main office at least "lost connection count" times during the "lost connection period" indicates an

    unstable connection)Define the (the amount of time for which the SRG Mode is to be suspended whenSuspend Duration

    the connection is unstable)

    To configure survivability options, perform the following steps:

    Open the UC Web-based Configuration Utilityx

    From the tab, selectPBX PBX Configuration

    From the left side column, select Survivability Options

    Set the option toSRG Mode Enabled

    In the field, enter the IP address of the fully qualified domain name ofPrimary Main Office Address

    the primary main office server

    In the field, enter the port number used by the primary main office serverPrimary Main Office Port

    for communication with Nortel IP phones

    In the field, enter the IP address of the fully qualified domain nameSecondary Main Office Address

    of the secondary main office server

    In the field, enter the port number used by the secondary main officeSecondary Main Office Port

    server for communication with Nortel IP phones

    If you want the SRG mode to be suspended when the connection to the main office server(s)

    becomes unstable, enter values in the , andLost Connection Count Lost Connection Period

    field that suit your needsSuspend DurationPress the button to save the configurationSubmit Changes
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    Configuring Main Office Route Prefix

    Once Nortel IP phones are redirected by the UC system to a main office server (to operate in the SRGx

    Normal Mode), calls received by the UC system from PSTN trunks for extensions associated with thesex

    phones must be forwarded to the main office server. To automatically configure forwarding of PSTN calls, an

    outbound route from the UC system to the main office server must be defined and the prefix used by thisx

    route must be configured as the .Main Office Route Prefix

    To configure the prefix used by the outbound route to the main office server, perform the following steps:

    Open the UC Web-based Configuration Utilityx

    From the tab, selectPBX PBX Configuration

    From the left side column, select Nortel Settings

    Scroll all the way down to locate the section of the configuration pageSurvivability Options

    In the field, enter the prefix of the outbound route to the main office serverMain Office Route Prefix

    Press the button to save the configurationSubmit Changes
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    Configuring Phones for Survivability Mode

    By default, Nortel IP phones are configured to operate in the Normal Mode (i.e., registered with the main

    office server) when the SRG Mode is enabled. You can use the section of theSurvivability Options Edit

    configuration page toNortel Device

    Change the default configuration to force certain phones to operate in the Local Mode (registered with

    the UC system)x

    Specify the main office terminal number and node ID for the phone

    To configure survivability options for a specific Nortel IP phone, perform the following steps:

    Open the UC Web-based Configuration Utilityx

    From the tab, selectPBX PBX ConfigurationFrom the left side column, select Nortel Phones

    From the list of extensions on the right side, select the extension that you want to configure

    Scroll down to locate the Survivability Options section of the configuration page

    In the field, select the mode in which the phone will operate when the SRG Mode isSRG Mode


    If the phone will be used in Normal mode, enter the terminal number assigned to the phone on the

    main office server in the fieldMain Office TN

    If the phone will be used in Normal mode, enter the node ID on the main office server in the Main

    fieldOffice Node ID

    Press the button to save the configurationSubmit Changes
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    Configuring SIP Trunk to Main Office

    Routing of calls between the UC SRG system and the main office call server is done over SIP trunks.x

    Therefore, a SIP trunk must be properly configured on both systems.

    To configure the SIP trunk to the main office call server on the UC SRG system, perform the followingx


    Open the UC Web-based Configuration Utilityx

    From the tab, selectPBX PBX Configuration

    From the left side column, select Trunks

    On the page, which presents available trunk types, select the linkAdd a Trunk Add SIP Trunk

    On the page, enter the name you want to use for the trunk in the fieldAdd SIP Trunk Trunk Name

    Fill in all trunk specific parameters. You must configure at least the following fields:

    (a unique name of the outbound trunk)Outgoing Settings - Trunk Name

    (host, type, trunk, qualify, context)Outgoing Settings - Peer Details

    (a unique name of the incoming context)Incoming Settings - User Context

    (context)Incoming Settings - User Details

    Press the button to create the SIP trunkSubmit Changes
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    Configuring Outbound Route to Main Office

    To route calls received by the UC SRG system from PSTN trunks to phones registered in the Normal modex

    with the main office call server (or for calls from phones in Local mode or with the Always Local configuration

    to phones registered in the Normal mode), you must configure an outbound route that uses the SIP trunk to

    the main office call server.

    To add an outbound route to the main office call server, perform the following steps:

    Open the UC Web-based Configuration Utilityx

    From the tab, selectPBX PBX Configuration

    From the left side column, select Outbound Routes

    On the page, enter a name for the route in the fieldAdd Route Route Name

    In the Dial Patterns section, define a dial pattern with the you configuredMain Office Route Prefixearlier in the field (the second field) and a period on the field (the third field)prefix match pattern

    Select the SIP trunk to the main office call server you configured earlier in the Trunk Sequence for

    sectionMatched Routes

    Press the button to save the outbound routeSubmit Changes
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    UCx 2.1

    Configuring Inbound Routes from Main Office

    In order to send calls received by the UC SRG system to appropriate destinations (to extensions, ringx

    groups, auto-attendant, IVR, queues, etc.), you must configure one or more inbound routes. You should

    configure at least the following routes:

    Routes for UC extensions called from the main office call serverx

    A route for emergency calls from phones registered in the Normal mode with the main office call

    server that will send these calls to local PSTN trunks

    The configuration of inbound routes is usually specific for each system. Please follow the instructions in the

    section of the .Adding Inbound Routes UCx Administration Guide
