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This Study Guide on the topic:

Senate of the New Republic

Has been drafted by:

Tirso Virgós

Batsheva Haber


Star Wars Special Commitee

UC3MUN 2017


[email protected]

C/ Madrid 126, 28903 Getafe

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

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I. Welcome Letters ...................................................................................................... 4

II. About the committee .............................................................................................. 6

A. The Galactic Senate ......................................................................................... 6

B. Functions of the Galactic Senate .................................................................... 7

III. History of the committee ....................................................................................... 8

A. Context ............................................................................................................... 8

B. Previous Actions ............................................................................................... 10

C. Military Disarmament Proposition ................................................................... 11

D. The Galactic Charter ...................................................................................... 13

E. A divided House .............................................................................................. 13

IV. Additional Information and Reminders .............................................................. 15

VI. Position Paper ....................................................................................................... 16

A last remark .............................................................................................................. 17

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Dear Senators,

We are honored to gather here today, the first

democratic representatives of the Galaxy in

quite some time! It is with an overwhelming

sense of joy that I greet you. This republic

represents a dream that many have fought

and sacrificed so much for, in the hopes that

one day, our dream may become a reality.

And today is that day.

However, among our feelings of great

celebration we must not underestimate the

heavy responsibility placed on our shoulders.

For too long, the citizens of the galaxy have

been suffering from rulers who cared not for

them or their interests, but rather sought

personal gain and power. No more.

Today, it is up to us to free the galaxy of those shackles, and to establish a true

democracy, one with freedom and equal rights to all. It will not be simple. It will be

messy, and at times seem almost impossible, but this is our duty. Our duty to those we

represent, to the cause we believe in, and to ourselves.

You were all chosen, because those you represent have faith in you and in your abilities

to rise to the challenges ahead. They believe in you all, and so do I.

My hope and dream is that together we can create a new era, one free of the horrors

of the past. You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope today you will

join me, and the galaxy will be as one.

Good luck senators, and may the force be with us all!

Chancellor Mon Mothma.

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Dear citizens of the galaxy.

Today, on the fifth anniversary of the destruction of

the first Death Star we celebrate the end of the

nefarious Galactic Civil War.

For more than two decades we have seen the

Empire loot our resources, lay waste to our planets

and stablish its atrocious tyranny with the massive

power of its Star Destroyers. But no more! The

enemies are in retreat and the battle of Jakku has

marked the beginning of a new era of prosperity for

the galaxy, an age of enlightening and democracy

with a brave New Republic to raise the flag of


Dear senators! You have been summoned to this beautiful world of Chandrila to

celebrate the first session of a Galactic Senate with real powers in 25 years. Your actions,

your votes and your words will be recorded in the archives of galactic history. Would

you be remembered as the ones who contributed to restore peace in the galaxy? Or

would you fail to meet the aspirations of all those good peoples rallying in their planets

to celebrate the defeat of the oppressive regime we have overthrown?

Long live the Republic, and May the Force be with you.

Vice-chancellor and Admiral Gial Ackbar.

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A. The Galactic Senate

A long, long time ago, in a Galaxy far away…

The Galactic Senate was established in 4 ABY as the New Republic’s legislative branch.

It was founded after the Battle of Endor, in the hopes of replacing the Galactic Empire

with a government based on democratic ideals.1

The Galactic Senate is composed of representatives from all the New Republic member

worlds – mostly worlds from the inner system, along with a few worlds from the outer rim.

The senators are elected democratically by the citizens of the worlds, and are each

granted equal status in the senate; with free speech, and equal voting rights.2 In the

words of Olia Choko, Public Relations Representative of the Galactic Senate:

“This is a democracy… The Empire? They cared nothing for

democracy… They destroyed other voices so that only their own

remained. That is not us. We will not always get it right. We will never have

it perfect. But we will listen to the countless voices crying out across the

1 Wookipedia, Galactic Senate, 2 Ibid, Ibid.

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galazy, we have opened our ears, and we will always listen. That is how

a democracy survives. That is how it Thrives!”3

B. Functions of the Galactic Senate

The Senate stands as the centerpiece of the institutional framework of the New

Republic, drawing its inspiration in the same legislative body which was active during

the times of the Old Republic. The Senate is able to create laws, sign treaties, declare

war and choose a Chancellor to serve as head of the government and representation

of the Republic, although it bears more of a representative role, acting as a mediator

between the varying factions.

In the times of the Old Republic the Senate’s powers were stablished in the Galactic

Constitution, written by Licurgus Organa in 25.000 BBY, during the unification of the Core

Worlds. This document ensured a system of checks and balances which avoided the

concentration of power in one individual, by limiting the possible reelections for the

position of Supreme Chancellor to just 1 term, for a total of 8 years acting as the High

Representative of the Republic. The Jedi Order was placed as a religious/paramilitary

force of sorts in charge of keeping the peace in the galaxy, due to the lack of a

Republic Army since the vanishing of the remnants of the Sith Empire after the Battle of

Ruusan (1000 BBY).

3 Wendig, C. (2015). Star wars: aftermath. New York: Del Rey. Pg. 407

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The Ruusan Reformation, sponsored by the Chancellor

Tarsus Valorum , fixed the number of sectors, each of them

with their own Senator and Minority Representatives, in 1024,

which was the number of seats of the Senate until its

dissolution one day before the destruction of the first Death

Star. During the Galactic Empire the legislative body lost

almost all of its powers, due to the constant reforms of the

Galactic Constitution, amended in order to give Sheev

Palpatine not only the rank of Emperor, but also almost

unlimited power.

The recently born New Republic hasn’t decided on the

definitive functions and compositions of its governing body.

It currently stands as a mere successor of the Alliance High

Command, which was active during the Galactic Civil War,

which constantly adds new planets to the cause. The position

of Chancellor has been recovered from the times of the Old

Republic, with Mon Mothma, from Chandrila, as the first

wielder of the title, and Admiral Gial Ackbar as its vice-

chancellor and commander in chief of the armies of the



A. Context

The Galactic Republic ruled the galaxy for over one thousand years. However, over

time, the Galactic Republic became more and more corrupt, abandoning the

democratic values it was founded on, and instead serving the interests of corrupt

politicians and bureaucrats. Senator Palpatine took advantage of the situation. After

being appointed as Supreme Chancellor, he made significant changes to the Galactic

Constitution, gathering more power to himself. Eventually he was granted emergency

powers, used to create the Republic Army, in preparation for the Clone Wars.

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However, towards the end of the war, the Jedi Order

discovered the difficult truth, that Supreme Chancellor

Palpatine, was actually Darth Sidious – the Dark Lord of

the Sith, who orchestrated the entire war. Palpatine

enacted Order 66, calling for the extermination of the

Jedi Order. Palpatine successfully destroyed the Jedi

Order, turning one of their own to the Dark Side, and

appointing him as his apprentice Darth Vader.4

Returning to the Galactic Senate, Palpatine formed

the Galactic Empire, no longer a democracy, with

himself appointed as Emperor:

“The war is over. The Separatists have been defeated, and the Jedi

rebellion has been foiled. We stand on the threshold of a new beginning…

In order to ensure our security and continuing stability, the Republic will

be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire, for a safe and secure society

which I assure you will last for ten thousand years. An empire that will

continue to be ruled by this august body, and a sovereign ruler chosen

for life.”5

Many opposed the new Empire, amongst them Senators Bail Organa and Mon Mothma

who founded the Rebel Alliance, with the goal of restoring the Republic6:

"We, the Rebel Alliance, do therefore in the name—and by the

authority—of the free beings of the Galaxy, solemnly publish and

declare our intentions:

To fight and oppose you and your forces, by any and all means at our


To refuse any Imperial law contrary to the rights of free beings;

4 Wookipedia, Galactic Empire, 5 Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith 6 Wookipedia, Alliance to Restore the Republic,

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To bring about your destruction and the destruction of the Galactic


To make forever free all beings in the galaxy.

To these ends, we pledge our property, our honor, and our lives."7

The Galactic Civil War, between the Empire and the Rebel Alliance, finally ended after

the Battle of Endor. After a confrontation with his son Luke, Darth Vader redeemed

himself and killed the Emperor, becoming once again the Jedi Anakin Skywalker.8 After

the battle, and another decisive victory in Jakku , the Alliance and the Empire signed

the Galactic Concordance, a peace treaty that ended all

hostilities between the sides. The Empire agreed to stay within

specific boundaries, as well as to stop recruiting Stormtroopers,

and to shut down the Imperial academies.9

Having won the battle, and ending the Galactic Civil War, the

Rebel Alliance finally achieved its goal to restore the Republic. The

New Republic was established in 4 ABY on Chandrila, modeled

after the Old Republic, as a democratic system. Mon Mothma,

leader of the Rebel Alliance, was elected as Chancellor of the

New Republic.10

B. Previous Actions

One of the first actions taken by Mon Mothma as Chancellor of the New Republic, was

the relinquishing of the emergency powers she held due to the decision passed by

Palpatine in the Old Republic:

“Right now, I put my finger down anywhere on the star map, and our

troops will go. They will fight. Some will die. That is my responsibility, but I

do not want it. I never wanted it. The charter of the Chancellor maintains

the emergency powers granted by Palpatine, and they can persist no

7 Declaration of Rebellion, Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy 8 Wookipedia, New Republic, 9 Wookipedia, The Galactic Concordance, 10 Wookipedia, New Republic,

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longer. They are a poison to Democracy. They undercut my role.” – Mon


Following that decision, the New Republic took first steps to right the wrongs of the

Galactic Empire:

“With the war still ongoing, Mon Mothma, Princess Leia Organa, Sondiv

Sella, and other top officials could not establish total stability. Yet the

provisional Galactic Senate contained only representatives chosen by

the will of the people, and the first laws they’d passed had righted the

worst wrongs of the Empire. Even the bickering on news holos about the

merits of each proposal was wonderful, because it meant people were

free to express their opinions without fear of Imperial reprisal. Resources

weren’t directed only toward the military; mass cleanups of polluted

worlds had already begun, as had reparations for the species enslaved

during Imperial rule… However imperfectly, the course of the galaxy had

turned toward justice and maybe, someday, peace.”12

C. Military Disarmament Proposition

With the goal of achieving final peace, Mon Mothma proposed to the Galactic Senate

an act calling for the dismantling of the military, returning the Republic to its original

format in the days of the Old Republic, before Palpatine established an army:

"It is vital we demilitarize our government so that a galactic war cannot

happen like this again… I will today put up a vote that resolves to cut our

military presence by ninety percent once we are able to officially confirm

an end to this war." – Mon Mothma13

11 Wendig, C. (2015). Star wars: aftermath. New York: Del Rey. Pg. 92 12 Gray, C. (2015). Lost stars. London: Egmont. Pg. 119. 13 Wendig, C. (2015). Star wars: aftermath. New York: Del Rey. Pg. 92

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Protection of the citizens of the New Republic will be in the hands of the Jedi Order

once more, along with a small force of peacekeepers:

“Democracy is not in the need of defense. People are. And it’s why we’ll

keep that 10 percent. A peacekeeping force. The rest of our efforts will

go towards training the militaries of other worlds. We will be a true

Galactic alliance, and not a false one with an authoritarian sun at its


Among those who opposed this proposition is Princess Leia Organa, who felt like there

was still a significant threat posed by forces of the Galactic Empire. This argument was

presented also by Hostis Ij, one of Mon Mothma’s attendance and advisors, as well as

the necessity of a unified military:

“We must show military strength. If we project weakness, the Empire will capitalize

on it… In this time of upheaval, the galaxy will need law and order and you will

grant it only chaos. It is that vulnerability that caused the rise of the Empire in the

first place. The people of the galaxy reaching out, looking for a central authority,

desperate for protection.”15

This proposition was brought before the Galactic Senate today, to be discussed and

voted upon democratically, by the representatives of the member worlds.

14 Ibid, Ibid, pg. 93 15 Ibid Ibid, pg. 92-93

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D. The Galactic Charter

When the Emperor declared the dissolution of the Senate barely one day before the

destruction of the Death Star it was a surprise for no one. The Galactic Constitution,

which ensured a series of checks and balances to keep power divided among the

senators, the Jedi and the Chancellor, was only a fading memory, having served only

as a tool for the rise of Emperor Palpatine. The end of the millenary document was

signed that day, but since the proclamation of the Empire it had only been waste


After the signing of the Galactic Concordance and the

establishment of a provisory Senate, the writing of a new

Galactic Charter has been a very popular demand

among the population and business groups. To set up a

system of clear rules to ensure the free trade and pacific

representation of interests of all citizens is a personal

objective of Mrs. Mothma, and one of the main reasons

behind the creation of the Alliance to Restore the


This Charter aspires to be a binding document for an everlasting republic, so members

of different factions have been invited to this Constitutive Session of the Galactic

Senate, due to the will of hearing all voices. The nascent New Jedi Order, the

Intergalactic Trade Association and members of a wide variety of planets have

gathered to create something which will last for generations.

These are the two topics which will be addressed during the constitutive Session of the

Senate of the New Republic. Good Luck, senators, and May the Force be with you.

E. A divided House

The open conflict between the Populist and the Centrist Faction16 in the Senate will be

a matter of concern for the Republic more than 20 years after the signing of the

16 Gray, C. (2015). Star Wars: Bloodline. Madrid. Penguin Random House Editorial.

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Galactic Concordance, with mixed feelings about the authority of the Chancellor/First

Senator and the extent of the powers of the Senate and the planets. However, in the

tense days after the end of the war, the chamber is equally divided among a big

number of warring factions.

As a senator, or representative of your collective, you stand not only for the sake of the

Republic, but also for the prosperity of your planet. The galaxy needed heroes to

overthrow the Empire, but no everybody fought for freedom and democracy, and who

could blame the ones who didn’t oppose Palpatine directly? Fear, starvation, and the

tragic memory of the Clone Wars were still very present in the minds of an awful lot of

citizens. Even today there are some who whisper about the good times of the first days

of the Empire, when no war was unleashed and the galaxy seemed to recover the path

of peace after the years of turmoil since the Separatist Rebellion.

It is up to you to mold you character the way you think it would be, taking into account

its planet, its brief history and the possible ties it could have with the Empire or the

Rebellion before the Galactic Concordate. Of course the characters with an extensive

background cannot be shaped this way, and must act in accordance with their roles.

However, no one can predict what will happen in the Senate, and, consequently, how

these characters would react.

The fate of the galaxy is in your hands, shape it!

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You should read in detail the Rules of Procedure, especially the articles applying to the

dress code of UC3MUN.

“Delegates attire must be at all moments appropriate to the relevance of the event

and the role represented. Therefore, compliance with the so-called Western Business

Attire is mandatory.

• Female: full suit or blazer, with blouse or dress or formal shoe. No jeans or sneakers

are acceptable. Cocktail dresses will neither be accepted.

• Male: full suit or blazer and formal trousers (no jeans accepted), shirt, tie or bow-tie,

and formal shoes. Again, neither sneakers nor cocktail clothes will be accepted.

Since Star Wars is a special committee, the Rules of Dress Code described above only

apply to Tuesday 28th of February and Friday 3rd of March (Days of ceremonies). Both on

Wednesday and Thursday delegates are encouraged to dress like the real Star Wars

characters they represent.

Committee Sessions

“Delegates are expected to be in their respective committee rooms during committee

sessions. In order for Delegates to leave their committee rooms for an extended period

of time, both their Chair and their Head Delegate must be informed ahead of time.

Furthermore, all Delegates are expected to abide by committee dress code.”

For more information about the Conference Policies please take a look at:


At 10:30 on Tuesday, February 28th there will be three workshops on different topics: Rules

of Procedure, Public Speaking, Resolution writing. For more information on the

conference schedule please visit this page:

Please, bear in mind that this schedule is subject to changes by the organization.

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This Committee stands for different rules than the others. While we are in this galaxy, we

represent senators of a wide variety of worlds, and the history of the vast majority of the

representatives sitting in the Senate is a matter of concern only to those who inhabit

his/her homeworld. Due to the lack of information, it is up to the delegates to create

credible stories for their characters, and state their achievements in life, their role during

the Galactic Civil War and their current position and ambitions.

Of course, this rule applies only to those characters who are not fully developed in the

films or the Expanded Universe. It wouldn’t make any sense to have Luke Skywalker

saying that he pledged allegiance to the Empire after knowing the truth of his lineage.

As a character who actually appears in the movies you won’t have so much space for

developing its motivations…but you have a clearer picture of its goals and powers!

Each character should be different from the others, to represent the differences among

the peoples who inhabit this vast galaxy. They don’t need to be heroes or brave rebels

who fought against the Empire. During more than 20 years the evil machine sustained

by Sidious and Vader were perceived as a guarantee of peace and stability in a lot of

planets, which still feared the return of a conflict such devastating as the Clone Wars.

Don’t be afraid to create a character who didn’t stand up against the Empire!

This Study Guide doesn’t provide a sample of a “position paper”, to ensure that each

of you develops a character you can relate to. Remember than even Lando Calrissian,

Watto or Luke Skywalker must have their position papers written (We need to know what

to expect from them in this first session of the Galactic Senate!). Feel free to ask questions

to Chancellor Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar if you need to.

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We strongly recommend you to use the website Wookiepedia for background



For the purpose of this committee, we are using the new canon of the Expanded

Universe. It comprises all of the movies, the TV series (The Clone Wars and Rebels), and

all the books and comics labeled as so by Disney. The new canon timeline is consultable

via Wookiepedia.

We have used some references to events which are no longer canonical, like the

Reformation of Ruusan, but due to the span of time between those events and our

committee we haven’t considered them relevant enough to be excluded. Feel free to

quote the Mandalorian Wars, Darth Revan, Exar Kun or whatever you find interesting

from the times of the Old Republic.

Speaking of what, Knights of the Old Republic is the best game ever!

May the Force be with you, delegates!

P.S: Any and all costumes/props/pet droides will be welcomed in this committee on

Wednesday 1 and Thursday 2!

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The delegation of the French Republic is confident that this upcoming summit will bear

abundant result that will leave all the parties involved satisfied and our world a slightly

better place.
