
Ubuntu and The Internet Of Things Snappy Ubuntu Core = The Internet of Things Accelerator

Maarten EctorsVP IoT, Canonical

“How to enable

and accelerate


Micro-Servers: A natural evolution...Ubuntu? Canonical?What is Ubuntu? Who is Canonical? Why should I care?

The default operating system for the Cloud.

63% of OpenStack runs on Ubuntu.

Famous Ubuntu Customers: Google, Amazon, Microsoft, eBay, Yahoo, AT&T, Sony, IBM, HP, Dell, Intel, Cisco, ARM, Broadcom, Qualcomm, Juniper, NEC, Bloomberg, NTT, DT, Lenovo,...

The company behind Ubuntu is...

Micro-Servers: A natural evolution...

Single Purpose Solution +Embedded OS +

Proprietary Hardware

General Purpose Hardware

General Purpose OS

App App App App



Internet of Things (R)evolutionProprietary Single Purpose Converts to Secure Easy to Manage App Ecosystem

Micro-Servers: A natural evolution...Consumer Internet of Things TerminologySensors are single purpose while smart devices / hubs can have many IoT Apps



Dumb Fridge

Smart Lock

Smart Hub

IoT App:IF scale = +1 KGTHEN lock = closedUNTIL fitbit goal = true

Smart HubApp Store

Micro-Servers: A natural evolution...Industrial and B2C IoT TerminologyMicro-Servers, Proximity Cloud, Public/Private Cloud, Big Data

Proximity App:Use machine

learning model to predict if data

is abnormal.

Micro-Server App:Get fridge data

At the edge of the broadband network

Proximity Cloud Public or Private CloudCity / Work / Home

Big Data App:Train & update

models and take action


Controller App:Get pump data



Micro Server

IP Camera

Camera App:Detect Movement

Camera Server

Snappy UbuntuWhat do we need to have Apps Everywhere?Apps need to run securely, be easily remotely upgradeable & run on a small OS.


The OS needs to be small to fit in many devices.

The OS should be extendible to support for

all type of extensions.

Malicious or faulty code can not affect other apps or the OS. Security issues

can be reliably and remotely fixed.


Creating, upgrading and rollback of apps should be

easy. Programmers package and test their software and industrial users get updates

minutes later.

Snappy Ubuntu Core = Ubuntu for Industrial Internet of ThingsUpgrade Ubuntu Core, Snapworks and Snaps transactionally. Faulty updates can be easily rolled back remotely. Each Snap is sandboxed. Only pre-approved capabilities are allowed.

Ubuntu Core

Snappy App Snap Snap

A Snap is just an archive and a config file. You can remotely upgrade and rollback new versions transactionally.

I am a Snappy App or Snap that runs in a secure sandbox. I only have read-only access to Ubuntu.

Hardware Abstraction Layer

Software Innovator


Hardware Innovator

Snappy Framework


I am the thinnest Ubuntu possible. I can be remotely upgraded and rollbacked transactionally.

Snapworks extends Ubuntu Core with specific hardware or software frameworks that are transactionally upgradeable.

Snappy UbuntuWhat is Snappy Ubuntu Core?The Transactional Industrial IoT OS with Secure & Easy Snaps Everywhere

Retrofitting Smart DevicesApp-Enabled Micro-Servers and Industrial Gateways act as Smart Gateways.

What is Canonical’s IoT Strategy?

Industrial IoT Operator

Partner Snap Update 1.6.32243

Industrial IoT Continuous Deployment VisionFast and easy roll-out of new functionality and bug fixes in a secure manner.

Partner Snapwork Update 2.7.52182

Ubuntu Core Security Update


IIoT Operator Snap Update


Automated Testing

Canary UpgradeRolling Upgrade:5%10%20%30%50%*%$# Problem!!!30%10%0%

Private Snap Store

Accelerating the Internet of Things Revolution with Amazing Open Source Solutions!

