Page 1: Ubiquitous User Interaction - Eudisley Anjos

 Eudisley  Anjos  ([email protected])  

Centro  de  Informá<ca  –  UFPB    

Ubiquitous  User  Interac0on    

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Technology Everywhere It’s a complex world!

Page 3: Ubiquitous User Interaction - Eudisley Anjos

•  Our  ac0vi0es  are  supported  by  a  wide  range  of  devices  and  so9ware.    

•  Our  devices  are  capable  of  sensing  the  context  of  our  ac0vi0es.    

•  Our  devices  and  services  are  s0ll  being  designed  in  isola0on.    

New Interactions are coming!!!

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•  Camera  •  GPS  and  GLONASS    •  Ambient  light  sensor    •  Proximity  sensor    •  Accelerometer    •  Three-­‐axis  gyroscope    •  Digital  compass  •  WiFi  •  3G  and  EDGE  Bluetooth    

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Ubiquitous Computing


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Ubiquitous  interac<on  studies  the  design,  development  and  evalua0on  of  interac0ve  with  users  in  ubiquitous  and  mobile  computer  systems.  

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Home x Mobile

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Leitura!  \0/  

Ubiquitous   Compu0ng:  Defining  an  HCI  Research  Agenda   for   an   Emerging  Interac0on  Paradigm  

Technical  Report              

Page 11: Ubiquitous User Interaction - Eudisley Anjos

Eudisley  Anjos  [email protected]  
