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UBIMarket Report 2014-2015

Small Ubiquitous development System.

University of Murcia Tel +34 968 36 30 00

Campus Universitario de Espinardo, s/n, 30100 Espinardo, Murcia, Spain

Page 2: UBIMarket

Table of Contents


Introduction _________________________________________________________________ 1

UBIMarket short description ____________________________________________________ 2

UBIMarket some screenshots ___________________________________________________ 4

Implementation _____________________________________________________________ 11

Conclusion_________________________________________________________________ 16

Contact information __________________________________________________________ 17

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Introduction The purpose of this report is to provide a short description of UBIMarket project. We will give

some details about the scenario applied in this project and some details about the structure of

the system and its implementation. UBIMarket is a small ubiquitous system applied to a

supermarket scenario. It is based on the idea of ubiquitous computing in which we have that

computing must appear anywhere and everywhere in our life, helping us more than computers

do actually. The idea behind ubiquitous computing is that every different systems must interact

with each other because in this way they are more powerful helping us, taking autonomous

actions. And then a user using a device can interact with this big system (“ubiquitous”).Taking

in consideration ubiquitous computing, I tried to build this small system that help the

consumers of the supermarket take in real time all the offers published by a producer. The

consumer can use its smartphone or tablet or any other device to interact with the system of

supermarket. In consumer device must be installed a software that provides communication

with supermarket system to get the offers provided by producer.

UBIMarket helps


consumers to

receive in real

time all offers to

which they are

subscribed to.

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UBIMarket short description

UBIMarket short description UBIMarket is composed by 3 types of applications:

1. UBIMarket_Producer_Java_app, a java desktop application that allows the producer to

publish offers.

2. UBIMarket_Producer_Android that allows the producer to publish offers using its

smartphone. This helps the producer to use the system every time.

3. UBIMarket_Consumer_Android that allows the consumer to receive offers in real time.

Producer can publish all types of offers and the consumers are allowed to choose the types of

offers he wants to receive. This is the way the user context as one of the important

specifications of a ubiquitous system. System is developed taking in consideration properties of

ubiquitous computing that specify that the system must be:

1. Autonomous

2. Context aware

3. Distributed

4. Intelligent

Producer can use UBIMarket_Producer_Java_app if he is in his office and working with his

personal desktop computer .Producer can also use UBIMarket_Producer_Android from his

mobile and he can publish offers whenever he/she is located. In both apps the producer first

must select the product and then the product item for which he wants to publish the offer.

Consumer can use UBIMarket_Consumer_Android to express his preferences and see the

offers in real time based on his preferences. So in this case the system can be adapted based

on the user preferences (here is where Context aware takes place).Consumer can select the

products for which he wants to get offers , this process is called subscription and specifies the

user preferences to which the system must behave.

Figure 1 shows a sample idea about things mentioned above.

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UBIMarket short description

Figure 1

But how does this parts of the system communicate with each


From the picture above we see that they are all connected to one single point that is the core of

the system. The core of the system is a broker. The broker establish the connection with the

producer and the connection with the consumer.

How does the broker function?

Broker is a middleware in our system. After receiving messages from producer the broker

distributes the messages to the consumers based on their preferences. More details about the

type of broker we have chosen and the architecture of our broker will be given in the

implementation section.

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UBIMarket some screenshots

UBIMarket some screenshots Taking in consideration the user – system interaction or (HCI) that is one of the properties of

ubiquitous system, the system is very simple to be used and the most part of the work Is done

by the system based on the preferences of the consumer.UBIMarket offers a beautiful GUI and

simple actions to be performed by user, this motivates the user to use app and feel comfortable

with it.

UBIMarket_Producer_Java_app :

GUI of this app is shown in figure 2. As we see the producer in 4 steps places offers into the


Figure 2

After the producer places the offer a successful confirmation message is shown to him.

Figure 3

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UBIMarket some screenshots

UBIMarket_Producer_Android :

Here to better present to the producer the product categories and product items is used

expandable list in which the producer easily selects the product item. In figure 4 is shown the

putt offer interface.

Figure 4

After user selects a product item an input box is shown to him as presented in figure 5.Here

producer puts the percentage of the offer he want to place for this product item.

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UBIMarket some screenshots

Figure 5

After user presses OK button, if everything is ok a confirmation message is shown to the user.

Figure 6

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UBIMarket some screenshots

UBIMarket_Consumer_Android :

If the consumer opens for the first time the app it requires the name of the user as shown in

figure below. This is part of the configuration and is shown to the user only one time.

Figure 7

Then directly to the user is shown the subscription interface which consumer can select the

product to which he wants to get offers. This step is shown in figure 8.

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UBIMarket some screenshots

Figure 8

After the user subscribes now we can say that the app is fully configured. The main interface is

shown to the user, giving information to him about the products subscribed. As we see

consumer is able to change the subscription list or directly can see offers in real time for the

subscribed products. This step is illustrated in figure 9.

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UBIMarket some screenshots

Figure 9

Consumer can see offers in real time after he presses View offers button. Figure 10 presents

this interface. As we see to the consumer is show even the time to which the offer was made.

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UBIMarket some screenshots

Figure 10

Chief Executive Name

Chief Executive Title


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Implementation In this section the scenario, how the whole system works will be described. As we mention

before, we have 3 types of applications. Java_producer_app is installed in a desktop pc and

producer can use it from his office to publish offers. As we see the application uses an XML file

to receive the product list and product items, this because this is only a demo version of the

system, but in reality the list must is got directly from supermarket server. So we are using a

static list just for demonstration. All the apps of the system use this XML file. The most

important point of the system, as we discussed before, is the broker server because it establish

the communication between two systems. In the figure below is show a simple illustration.

The Broker

As we mentioned before Broker serves as a middleware for our system. We have used a

broker because the system is efficient and scalable. Broker takes care and manages the

communication between producer and consumer. As we know we have different types of

middleware based on the communication type:

Synchronous communication middleware:

Asynchronous Communication middleware:

The best type for our scenario is Asynchronous Communication, because the client (consumer)

is not blocked waiting for any return message. The message is returned to the after being

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processed and user during that time can actually perform different action without being blocked

until a response is taken.

We have chosen MOM (Message Oriented Middleware) because is one middleware system

that follows an asynchronous communication model. We have a producer that publish offers

and a consumer that is subscribed to offers. There are messages exchanged between

consumer and producer and MOM supports publish–subscribe messaging architecture.

(MOM) is middleware where transactions or event notifications are delivered between

disparate systems or components by way of messages, often via an enterprise messaging

system. With MOM, messages sent to the client are collected and stored until they are acted

upon, while the client continues with other processing. Taking in consideration the

requirements for UBICOMP middleware that are:






Autonomous management

In this case is EMS that considers some of this requirements. EMS systems are facilitated by

the use of structured messages (such as using XML or JSON), and appropriate protocols, such

as DDS, MSMQ, AMQP or SOAP with web services.

We have chosen AMQP as an open standard application layer protocol for message-oriented

middleware. The defining features of AMQP are message orientation, queuing, routing

(including point-to-point and publish-and-subscribe), reliability and security. The reasons why

we have chosen AMQP are:

AMQP is more flexible

AMQP offers interoperability

How AMQP works?

The main components as we see are:



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The publisher in this case represents the producer that publishes offers and the subscriber

represents the consumer that subscribes to the offers.

We see here 2 other important components that are the core of the broker that are:


The core idea in the messaging model in RabbitMQ is that the producer never sends any

messages directly to a queue. Instead, the producer can only send messages to an exchange.

When publisher sends a message he has to specify also an identifier called routing key.

Exchange receives messages from publisher and manages this messages sending them to

specific queue based from the type of the exchange and from the routing key of the message.

Exchange can be direct: The message will be send to the queues when the routing key of the

message is equal to the binding of the exchange.

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Exchange can be fanout : When the consumer joins to a exchange using this type of binding,

it will receives all the events of this exchange.

Exchange can be topic: he consumer joins to exchange using a pattern (topic. Queue.*). If

the routing key of the received messages matches the pattern, the message is sent to the


For this system we have chosen topic exchange type because consumers can subscribe to the

entire product category of the product, for example: they want to get all the offers for drinks,

and we know that drinks is a product category. In this case he can make a subscription using

this pattern: “drinks.*” and all the messages containing a routing key that matches the pattern,

will be stored in this queue connected to the exchange using this pattern


Queue is connected with exchange through binding. A queue is the name for a mailbox, in

which we can store as many messages as we want. Queues are bounded to exchange through

a routing key, so bindings can take an extra routingKey parameter. Consumer in our case

make the subscription using queues. To a queue can be connected more than 1 user, because

there can be users that have the same subscription policy.Also a user can be connected to

more than one queue.

But, MOM unfortunately requires extra component in the architecture, the message transfer

agent (message broker).

On the market there are a lot of message broker software’s, some of them are free some are

open source ect.We have chosen rabbitmq as a message broker for our system.

WHY rabbitmq ?

It is open source

It implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP)

It is cross-platform

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So it provides to us all the things we need to build our system. To implement rabbitmq we have

to download:

1. RabbitMQ Server (must be installed and configured)

2. Official Client libraries (that are used to build client app to interact with the broker)

Using Client libraries of RabbitMQ we are able to:

Declare an exchange

Declaring queues bounded to an exchange based on the routing key

Publish offers

Make subscription to a queue

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Conclusion This is a small system trying to illustrate an example of how a ubiquitous system must be and

how this type of system will help us in the future with everything in our everyday life. In our

case the consumer is directly connected to the supermarket system and the supermarket

system is helping user with the information about offers it provides, but the same idea can be

applied for other cases.

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Contact information

Contact information

Mikel Berdufi

[email protected]

[email protected]

University of Murcia

Campus Universitario de Espinardo, s/n, 30100 Espinardo, Murcia, Spain

Tel +34 968 36 30 00

Fax [Fax]