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    [] someone -1526 Karma 17 hours ago

    well since no one replied to my comment i wrote in the post about ''hate races'' i

    will post that again here. i personally don't have anything against the chick in the

    photo, she looks hot but that's not the case. i think equality about races is a

    bullshit. and here is why: I think black people sucks. all the poorest countries in

    the world are in Africa and Haiti etc. they were slaved in the past because they

    were clearly inferior to the white man, and that's something no one can deny, tribal

    bosses in Africa sold their own people to the European colonizer m which clearly

    proves that even the high hierarchy black man in Africa didn't care about their own

    people and simply sold them for profit , which proves that they are inferior. Now

    after centuries of discrimination against blacks, they want to claim equality and

    they became even more racist than white people, take a look what happens when a

    black guy makes a joke about a white man, no one cares! but if a white dude makes

    any small joke about black people, they get all furious and that's go to the news

    and they call the cops... how can u expect equality like that? how can u expect

    equality when the government give allowance for black people in universities? can

    they get there by their own effort? will a black man became a doctor based in

    allowance, so how can i trust he is a good doctor and not just someone that became a

    doctor based on his race? if black people wants equality, they should have started

    their own strong empire in the past like the Portuguese and french and England did

    with their own effort and brain, instead ,black people choose to live in jungles,

    living like natives and indigenous people instead of discovering science and

    creating new technologies and dominating the world like the European civilizations

    did, so in my opinion, black people are inferior and that's it, period. until to

    today they have never created any technologist any contribution to the world,

    besides having the highest birth rate in the world where peoples just make babies

    for fun like fucking brainless animals... and then they all flee to Europe jumping

    in the Italy's border fence... how can u call that a respectable civilization? how

    can u expect equality if black people only prove that they are inferior by how much

    poverty they live and not a single black country as great economy or super power?

    take a look in Haiti, what a mess of place! they only keep making babies and then

    everyone start complaining about being poor and flee to US and other neighbor

    nations... how can u call that superior? their ancestors choose to be dominated by

    the white superior man, now pay the price for being less smart. tell me a single

    famous African scientific discovery? tell me a single African made technology? the

    only thing they export from that shit place is their starving people and diseases to

    be arriving in america as refugees, and then they make more babies in america that

    will eventually become what we call niggers. there's no way to say the everyone is

    equal. i choose to believe that like everything in the nature, there is the dominant

    and the dominated one, and saying everyone is equal is not a logical thing, is a

    emotional, human, ''ethical thing'' , but black people were, are, and will forever

    be inferior to the white man until they prove me wrong, and until they show a single

    African nation as super power, i mean, why didn't the African man invaded Europe in

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    the 14th century and made the white man work as slave? the answer is simply: black

    people dint have technology, know-how, organization and culture to do that, they

    were tribal people while the white man was already building dams and spreading

    culture, exploring the oceans, creating the calendar, clock, weapons, and the

    advanced science and university for all, and also were already selling slaves,

    because the tribal bosses of Africa choose to sell their own people instead of

    dominating the white man and dominating the world, so take this words, read it

    carefully and tell me why should we all be equal? Africa is dying in poverty and

    war, which only prove my point: that black people will be extinct if they don't stop

    behaving like animals





    [] shutup 589 Karma 17 hours ago

    heres a comment, no ones gonna read past the first line.





    [] jimmywong 848 Karma 16 hours ago

    u expect us to read the whole thing? why do you think we look through uberhumor?

    cause we want a pic to make us laugh or we want to read a freakin' comment so long

    that it will take so much time and make George Lucas change his mind about Star Wars






    [] someone -1526 Karma 16 hours ago

    i dont care!!! just read it or i will post it over and over again(believe me i have

    a lot of time)





    [] TomateoTamahtoTomato 11 Karma 16 hours ago

    Believe me, we have a lot of time too but dont feel like reading your racist






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    [] someone -1526 Karma 16 hours ago

    yeah im racist and im proud of that, stupid faggot, long live white supremacy!!!

    thanks to white people u can use ur computer and search child pornography on the

    internet tomateotamahtotomato(wat a stupid name)





    [] Rapid 53 Karma 16 hours ago

    No one cares for you misinformed opinion.





    [] wolfjafet 5 Karma 16 hours ago

    meh go ahead.





    [] OldBoy 71 Karma 16 hours ago

    You lost me at "well since no one replied"





    [] someone -1526 Karma 16 hours ago

    but u did replied and that's confusing...





    [] Angelshare1 432 Karma 16 hours ago

    Still not convinced. Can you post it in a different pic please?





    [] S0MEONE 9 Karma 10 hours ago

    dUH look at me. I make accounts and reply to myself. Duh. Look at me.


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    [] S0MEONE 9 Karma 10 hours ago

    DURH I be voting down. Durhh





    [] someone -1526 Karma 3 hours ago

    hahahahahahah u fucking faggot. i wonder who is. i bet you are voltron hahahaha





    [] shandy706 42 Karma 47 minutes ago

    Hey genius. You do know that there are components in the computer/phone/device that

    you're working on that were invented and worked on by black men right? One of them

    was pretty famous. Yet here you are..typing all this stuff up that was probably

    spoon fed to you by some idiot that also didn't know what he was talking about.

    You've been brain-washed. Just like a Jehovah's witness or an Islamic terrorist.

    You're following and believing what some man or group has pushed into your brain,

    instead of thinking for yourself. So congrats...these so called trash blacks that

    you are commenting on...helped give you the device you're using. You wouldn't even

    have a voice here without them. Your post was as ignorant as any person you claim is


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