Page 1: UAH Course Scheduler Team Pegasus: John Gleason Julie Poole Steven Boyer

UAH Course Scheduler

Team Pegasus:John Gleason

Julie PooleSteven Boyer

Page 2: UAH Course Scheduler Team Pegasus: John Gleason Julie Poole Steven Boyer

Project Selection Status

First Project - Maintenance Logging System• Contact was made with the customer. • Problems

o Customer is TDY in Georgia until 2 Sept 2011o Isn't available until 5/6 pm at night.

• Currentlyo 2 Emails sent to Customer w/out any response.o Project has been abandoned.

Page 3: UAH Course Scheduler Team Pegasus: John Gleason Julie Poole Steven Boyer

UAH Course Scheduling System

Second Project - Dr. Gaede's Project Suggestion•  Initial Project Idea

o An algorithm that checks the upcoming semester's course against the ideal full time student schedule outlined in the Student Handbook.

• After First Meetingo  We decided on a basic system overview which included

some functionality and where this system would fit in with the overall scheduling process at UAH.

o  Expanded Dr. Gaede's original scope to include additional functionality

Page 4: UAH Course Scheduler Team Pegasus: John Gleason Julie Poole Steven Boyer

Basic Functionality

• Provides a secure user interface for Admin's, Teacher's, and Student's.

• Assists Teachers in scheduling courses for the upcoming semester.

• Assist's students in building their proposed course load.

• Provides a way for a student's adviser to approve/disapprove a suggested schedule.


Page 5: UAH Course Scheduler Team Pegasus: John Gleason Julie Poole Steven Boyer

Future Work

• Each team member will review notes from the meeting, make a list of questions for our customer, suggested requirements, suggested use cases, constraints.

• Follow up meeting with Dr. Gaede in the near future for additional guidance.