Page 1: U H L Splayed - The Phillipian

Athletic Events .Tonight's MovieImportant athletic events here

The movie tonight in G. W.

today: Lacrosse vs. Exeter; N. Hall is "Johnny Eager." The

B.V Prep School meet. For other Riveters will play before the

events and starting times, see show begins. Doors open at"?7.30,

Page 3. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~picture starts at 8 o'clock.

Established 1878

-Vol. LXVI'No. 57 PHILLIPS ACADEMY, ANDOVER, MASS., MAY 23, 1942 Ten Cents -'

AK "Old tt Bridge" ~ ~~~~Circle A Meeting LarseT m Fvo dStudent Fittness X-Ray OfUt l Batersea Big" On May 28, at a dinner at Mr.L cos T a aoe

i~~eieaseu -, ~~~,, .. ., ,, , ,, . , ~~~heads of the different bianches

Figures Baldwin'sIhouseIthe

LC of the Circle A will hold their In Today's. Exeter Game

By ;-~~~~~~~~~z ,,;',' -~~~~~~~~~~~~last meeting.

B sanInririnary ~ h inrwsoigialy Captain Jay Naugle Led SqaN Bicycle Tests Taken -"

sheduled for the Log Cabin, W ih H s L s nyG m1. h~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ut due to the distance Wl theO e

By Approximatbly 150 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Log Cabin it was called off. Af-

'e Picked Underclassmen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4. ~ter the dininer the member's of Today, to begin the series of coming battles against Exeter,le ,~~~ Circle A will vote for new of- ~~~~~~~~the Blue lacrosse team plays the Red and Gray on the old

Directly after the open vf ~~~~~~~~~~~ficer$. It will he necessary for campus field. Neeryt a\Aiovrbeaten its rival in this

Dch'ectiy Jnaer theca openi ofe new officei's to take charge

b shooln Jauay pec"ialsso attention the old clothes drive and the particular sport, but seldom has Exeter had to face such a

dents." Andover, like many Other I s~loan library hook drive which tetewoesudi u ocuhteRdschools, has augmented its athletic will ~~~take 1lc the lat week thmohfhl qa s u ocuhteRd

program by instituting "body- schoo~~~~~~~~wll. a ~ a ________________ Last year Exeter defeated a hard-

a building exercises." In order to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -fighting but unco-ordinated Blue

dtriethe level of physical fit- UPHOLDS164magi.Evryn0 ness of the students aifd in an at- ~ ~~~~PHILO U H L Splayed with all his spirit, led on by

nesst o thesudent cange in anhat-temp tomeaurechagesin teir L ~- 'WAR___

their captain, Jay Naugle, who

degree of fitness after a period of a NOS R K S- oghmafucnty llaeo

-fe-w weeks injvarious athletics, Dr. i ~~'overwhelm the opposition. Larry

Gallagher has recently pat a group -' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Randolph, Harris Top Eccles wnhio this year has certainly

of about 150 boys through a simple sunk his share of Andover's tallies,

but very strenuous test. Gostenhofer, Hayrnondla ---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Curt", of L awrnce E igle Tribuneslpetwofatyarsglsio

These 'tests are designed to give Yesterday afternoon the finals of the nets. But, although as indi-

e, an answer to 'the question, "What t Pio dbin turaetviduals the players fought well, as

it sort of condition am I in?" Re- a i nS p le va n ehl.Te ~ cn a team Andover did not -work effec-

search at the Harvard Fatigue Lab- A dd s n G allery wereie - vi en etively. From the beginning the, Ex-

ortr ndohrcetrIntrs Psisting of John Randolph and Leon onian's smoothly fvorking plays and

'O ed in physiology has demonstiated aoeHarris, won 2-1. The subject of well-perfected co-ordination were\/~~~I** II LII] ~~~~~~Ir n ii ~~COACH JAMEStograandvtgeooecm.the relationship between pulse f V r1 idden Sefr-Porrit the debate was the following: "Re-togeaandvtgeooerm.

rates, blood lactate, work, and otatsolved, That the right of labor to But this year, as shown by the

physical fitness. Th htgahaoei er-hsitrainlyfmu otatstrike should be taken away for S CK A NE'teamwork in many of this season'sduction of the self-portrait which ot "My Mother," chose to~ thruaineftewr.phrtero- O gms h Bu srs~ qa a

Conditioning Exercises Started was revealed last week to exist an- duce "Old Battersea Bridge" overthduainotewr.TeohrS IC E'g esteBleacsesqdhs

,I ~~~~~der the oils of James A. McNeill his own likeness is somewhat a ONmwsGore ONnhfradlere yhadpatceadgo

Each boy rides a stationary bi- Whslrspitn,"l atre atro pclto.I s thought Bill Haymond. O L N G coaching how to work as a unit.

cycle t a reorded ate aginst aBridge." -that the artist may have been dis- Randolph was the first construc- Face Exeter After Sterling Players

cosat mutofrssanefr The picture, which has hung in satisfied with the original work. tive speaker for the affirmative. In goal for Andover will be John

five minutes. During this interval the Addison Gallery's permanent and because canvas was expensive, He started out by asserting that Successful Season Doherty, who has been guarding the

and also during a subsequent rest collection for the past eleven years, superimposed a new painting over no one has a right to demand short- Blue nets well this season. lie not

perioda heartrecordis obtaned isthe only Whistler_ painting his own self-portrait. er hours in th-is period of national Th arseta htfcsE.only effectively stops the balls but

on a cardiotachometer. The rate Of known to contain a self-portrait --To themiaked-eye"Iihflattersea emergency. He said that the Gov- eter today has been building up its works smoothly on the clearing out

Ss riding the bicycle and its resistance hidden beneath the existing work. Bridge" presents a typically Whist- erment would prevent employers cnieeadabltevrsceplay's with his defense men. Cap-

tlare sufficient so that every boy who This amazing discovery was first ler painting, representing, as it from taking advantage of their em- the first game of the season. Its ti agewl rv hsyaa

has taken this test found the work made in 1938. but has only recently does, an engaging scene along the ployees, and cited the example of one defeat was the instrument lie did last, a poweirful weapon both

very tiring. And so, considerable been made pub~lic. That the phen- Thames, which the artist sketched Enln ntepeetwr enecessaly to prevent over-confi-insrtadinpyagnttho-

elevations in heart rate and blood omenon is a carious and exciting feunldrgth yashEnshowed ih stresn soaetime dence. but by the excellent ex- ipitnd elingpa hinon the de-

lactate wre found and, asa mat- oe cannot e denied The Galery - case small ubcontrators to ampleploff Deerfied'd'plpylayi togi, tonie-

lactat were ound, nd, asamat-onecannot hoevr de n. th t Gale lived in London. On careful inspec- causessmalesun-cvndactorsetoeo fensehuill be Jim Carrington and

ter of fact, differences in boys of ofcashweemitntathetion, the concealed self-portrait is out of business, thereby holding up pisDh niiulmmbi '~hLc iglow, who have been re-

different degrees of physical fitness value of "Old Battersea Bridge" is barely visible in the lower right- poatninm yfcore, the necessity of teamwork. This sposce fosee'lAdvric

In Negative's Views on Labor best f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~acos soeao has, benneofth tories this season. -Macomber,

In ~ ~ ~~Cnine n ae4the event is one which occurs but the artist's hair, right eye, and NeaiesVeso ao etfrsm er.bcue the

a Continued on Page 4 ~rarely in the annals of art. goatee are faintly visible. Under The next speaker was Gosten- team was well-coached, well-cap- ~Contiied on PageS3

The self portrait was first the X-ray, the entire face shows up hofer of the negative side His main tained, and willing to co-op-erate in

Dr. Brew Lectures inrought to light by a restorer, who to good advantage,. a rgn theme was that we could not hope hard and long pi'actices. oPae2Daily Noticesincleaning and reconditioning te Apparently, Whistler doin-to force labor', and wvent on to sy ~ ContinuedonPg2

IU "~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ painting, detected an irregularity ally placed his canvas vertically, that satisfactory results could be Allboyon___schlarhi

10 T Archaeoloists3 ill the surface" X-r-ay machines sub- for the hidden self-portrait appears otieonybcopiain HeI list w-ho w-ish~ to apply for con-

IS ~~~~~~~~~~~~sequently told the i'est of the story. Lfacing he left side of the frame declar'ed that prohibition failed dur~- Rvtr Tocesbions next year should sign

Harvard Instructor The photograph above is a repro- ve OdBtesaBig"i ing the first Woi-ld War in many Pla upi'hIeitrrsOfc.N

01 Guest -Speaker Here duction of the x-ray negatives, and viewed from the front. In prepar- countries, especialy in Canada, Aus-At ATo i h boy who has not been npproved

shows Whistlei's self-Portrait in Ing the Thames River scene, the At M ovies T ng t by the Bureau of Self Help will

The guest speaker at the latest the advance stages of cmlto.artist evidently shifted the canvas tralia, and England. He also saidie bealwdtcnvsoron

meeting of thle Essex County gioup Just why the renowned Ameri- jfor~ a wider represeiitation of his Chtteih otie ons Page 4 his Gerenig Wasingone thal th dcbsnes

oi the Massachusetts Archaeological can artist, who is best-known for suject. CotneRoae4iveers P.a'shijazz bad, thel du tbus *es *

Society was Dr. J. Brew, Harvard ___________P._A'sjazzband,_will

University instructor. -The meeting s iwing out with a few hot numbers.

MASTER'S DOG DIES; Enterprises To Owing to one thing or anotheroe the oranoher th AtBacalareae Srvie, un

was held in the Archaeology Build- MATRSDOiIS own Ene p ie Degin ro eel boy aentbe bet e o day. June 7. Dark suits and ties,

log on last Wednesday, May 20. u r cesa auoyhventbnaleogtt- black shoes, no hats.The topic nder discssion befoe PincersOf W rProduction Bo r gether before now, so this will he At Graduation Exercises, Fi

the thirty odd members-mostly Sad news to many an Andoverian theirfistvpetersc ar te uner.dyJue1:Becotbe

amiateurs--of the club, and the sev- will be the announcement of the trissei'rtwhitevshoesano hats.

eral P A. stdentswas onthe pr. deat of on of th campu' most As the number of articles being and Bumblebee Corporation, whlich the direction of Sam Rogers.tiswhesirswieflnl

jedyooalPAstdn, wsreyof theo famiia ofigues.f Ase capermnen aost rationed by the government stead- pack sardines and tuna fish, have Fortunately there will b-e quite a trueswhesosnha.

localea (Essexica Countey-otf s theamilaryrs speraeula as ily increases, stores in the town of been for-ced to -slash production 25 few veterans of last year's band***

thegropig o arifctsoilInianthecailln i te MmoralTowrAnd-over are beginning to feel the percent, while Del Monte, the lead- back again squirting their rivets Many dormitories are to be

remains so as to make the placing "Lennie" the dog was practically pincers of the War Production lug firm In the canned fruit line, is tonight . Tal Malcolm is back again used this summer, for the first

of the artifact in life's eras possible, an indispensible fixture in Andover Board more and more each day. Ac- undergoing a 30 percent cut. Thus at the old piano, and really tickels time, by students in the Summer

This topic was led, in discussion, life, cording to a recent survey made by American wholesalers, retailers, those ivories. Bill Stiles and Ben School. It is, therefoie. neces-

by Mr. Bullen, chairman of the On Tuesday night last, death, as The Phillipian, it was found that and consumers share alike in Hammer are both veteran sax play- sary to notify all students that

sponsoring group. it must come to all creatures, came 75 percent of the local merchants shouldering the war business.. ers, while trumpeter Bob Noble is the Academy cannot assume re-

Histry o Arhaeoogy to "Lennie." The exact nature of have been affected in regard to ma- Hartilgan Pharmacy better than ever. Conductoi' Sam sponsibility for propei'ty of stu-

History of Archaeology the dog's illness remains a source jo products. Rogers is again playing the base, dents left in the dormitories dar-

After 'the consideration of the Of mystery. The vetinary diagnosed Of all the business establish- At Hartigan's Pharmnacy it was ns he did last year. There are also ing the sine.Ec bo

subject at hand, Mr. Bullen intro- the case as a form of menengitis, meats in this district, grocery learned that the sugar problem is ton une.Ec o

duced Dr. Brew whose lecture wasbu the cause was 'never deter- stores, sc as Hood's, A. &, raigit ed A reduc- Gib Brown beats itotnthtrp, sialcron rwodnb,but again rearing its head. w~~~~~~~~~hil Stu Arnld i pl a s a bman tieh itl upp securelyb andn iiiarki his

on the Field Mthod ofExcava-mined. There were, however, three etc., have ntrlysfedtohetion in the number of ice cream gotintar.rap, niae a o odr ode btoxeay

tion, with Emphasis on the Awatori Possible reasons for the condition: largest extent because Of the sugar flavors haseanbeen oi'deredt forathe

Expeitin i Noth astrn rt-a shar boreeived on the head, shortage. It Is not only impossible duration, and so chocolate and va- This year the Riveters got start- All such boxes will be stored by

Zona." Beginning with a compli- a virile distemper, or an unusual to procure large quantities, as pre- aiila will appear as the only staple e o ae hnte aei at tesho ni h etme

meat to r. Johnon andr--yer brain --affliction._ Whatever the viously, but it is also illegal to sell types. Coffee is to be abolished en- saos Last year the bwre opening, without charge Any

ew E cusentelvetnvicd no hope for the supplies as heretofore. In ad- trwer ilpoalfor hei wor intheN "Lnni's"recoeryan tho it be available almost regularly. going strong by thme middle -0"I furniture left in students' rooms

field, Dr. Brew introduced his sub- "Lennies"pu recvey aneda te do iln, transportation facilities are Inadto cc-olshpes Fall term. However, this Fall foot- will he stored in the storeroom

ject with a brief history of archae- wsqitypta yTudyeve- being overloaded by war shipments, I diin oacl hpet ball practises and the like prne- of a local furniture dealer at the

ilogy. When he had treated his nin toee reineve.issfeig hc thus making the deliveries of sugar tae being cut t e enable lAe cites vented rehearsals from getting *expense and responsibility of

Subject well, Dr. Brew showed some had Lenne its we unerantghvmr of thecdink.atiNe started. However, they're really go- the student. Tihe co-operation of

elide views-of-t"Lenie"wfirst howedvsign of n~other problem worrying the York or Boston a bottle may be oh- ing to play tonight, even though each student will be appreciated.

tide viewsofthe--Aojetsinxtva her illness about a week and a grocer Is the lack of tin necessary tained practically anywhere, but it will probably be their first and Hen-y S. Hopper. Comptroller.

Southwest of Arizona. Continued on Pag 4 for canning foods. The White Rose ~ Continued on Page 4 last performance of the year. _______________

Page 2: U H L Splayed - The Phillipian

- -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __g eN

I I N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

;he stu- ~~~~~~~~~Lacrosse Review-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~might not look too bright; but P. A., if te Cotitu-rm ae

U) ~~~~~~~~~~dents lput their shoulders under the load, will comne Cniudfo ae1

HiiI LEPIA N through a stronger and better institution for its The Blue's opening game was

trials. I The other night a brave man, whom we had against M. I. T. down at Cambridge

TPsi PntILLtPIAN is a member of the Columbia Scholastic Pres' Aiisocia Ogorfinsstpe on April 25. The 10-1 victory over

Stoola elspapso h al rneoinAsoito fF,,rt the honor of listing amon u redsepdTech's squad was an encouragement

School NDeTORspNCHIEF Iout of his dormitory to go to the Library. His after a season of only one win dur.

CEAIGTP. ILBERTF body was found the next morning, ing the year before. However, the

CRAI P. ILBRT ad al arund im wre housnd team bad not really settled down

PHILIP M. DRAKE adal aoudhi wretouanS for this game and was feeling itsWILLIAM L PELAN ssgs~itEio

of hiccupping mosquitoes, too in way to find out its own weak and

The part baseball is to play in this war to most '~~"~ toxicated upon his life's blood to strong points. Larry Eccles wa no

eddo~ ~~~P ~ Tepr bsbl s opa i hswadoms walk or fly. They had assailed him too sure of himself at thi early

ASSOCIATES ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1Period, slipping only one ballC. G. AASSOCATE-S M. L.. BERGHEIxl people is indefinite. Of course, the future of any- as he stepped out of his doorway, through the opposition's goalie. Ted

D. S. AxRSoo H. L. SIMONSC. E. EUING . R. H~s~uAN thingis indefinite, but at least certain definite knocked him over through sheer force of num- Scheft and George Warren each

B. A. HAMMER T. A. HAYMOND things about baseball have been formed. When bers, and then began their binge. anorme io tasto enotr Rand'

SENIOR ADVISERS soee nta none.Rn

N WV. BARRETT D. CHAVCHAVADZE war was declared last winter, the annual baseball That is the state of affairs at present on An- Johnson also showed his worth as

G. D. KiTREDrz B. C. WELCH meeting was in progress in Chicago. For several dover Hill. The insect control-mechanism has gone a strong midfield man n his first

D. BROWN D. MoiX weeks there was much controversy about whether to pot. Of course there are casualties among the varsity game, dashing in to score

CA'.rcUELo D. HoRRO the '42 season should opnor not. Fialon Jan. wigdfoe too. Another friend of ours, a odgame at that early tmc-l

14, the high commissioner, K. M. Landis, wrote a, enough to be alive still, is known as the "Ace." He the spring In its first game, it had

Ba44w-"f lee1me. letter to the president of the United States about is credited with tweny-two victories in action, and only begun its development into a

ASSOCIATE the-situation. For his reply, F. D. R. should be fifteen possibly damaged. Last night a couple of powerful unit.F, F. JORDAN J. IFARRINGTON ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~. Following the M. . T. victory,

C. H. PINEHAI.E C.. FORD, L gienth "player of year" award before the se-fellows who live onthe third floor, left thi i-the Blue swept a weak Tufts squad

b3. GADE J. xsuosBW ST son. even started. dow open, and were attacked by a squadron of 1d-i. The visitors did not play a

WV. F. N EALE. JR. S J. NorRTHOP ihfyn ev oqios"hyso onvr sbectacular game, cvrn

C. G. DAViS,2N WS . T. WOODROW He not only told baseball to go on, but he urged highnlyigehevycmsquioesyThenshobdownvergcoerV. K KIAM. JR.a expansion of night baseball sothat factory fourteen. This morning one of them went to the mnIefcieyadbiggnr

SEIOR ADVISERS~. ~ WELCH j.E.,Rworkers would have a chance for some recreation. Infirmary with a case of malaria, while the other they exprgaieneied frotem, bthi

D. V-REEILAND He pointed out the importance of keeping an ins- one had to be given a transfusion from the First encounter was another step to.

______________________________________titution like baseball going on the grounds that it National --Blood Bank, of Lawrence, Massachu- wards that Exeter game. The boys

________________________________________________________ titution were gaining more confidencee onfidence and

THE P111IL~iPIkN' is published Wiednesda~s and Saturdas during the keeps up citizen morale. Baseball provides recrea- setts. These individual efforts, though valiant, are, ease in their stick-handling, by this

school year by TiiE PHtILLirIA- board g cl ceia afr ntegmadbgnt a teto

Enitered as second class matter at the post office at Andover. Mass., tion for some twenty million U. S. citizens. not enough. Largscl heiawrfeonte amndbanopyatnin

under he ac of Nlrch 3 1879But immediately there ge upabunch of basis of the myis required. These bases aeto offensive and defensive plays.

under the act of March 3. 1579 grew up a enem y are Lai-ry Eccles found himselfLrry atles this h mself t thi

Tders~ Susriation. O aplcthe aro 125te.em snipers, who showed their ignorance by booing located on the waters of the fair Shawsheen, the time, and after scoring five Blue

THE PuttLLIFrt'; is di:stthbuted to subscribers at the Commons and is certain players of questionable status. These puddles on the senior fence, and other stagnant goals against Tufts has played An-

for sate t the Andver In"sipes"bodies wae.Early iwekaboy weknow dover's best offense for the rest of

foiae at theladoern.ThTonmnPesIcPrSte. sips" of course, are the ones to be, criticized ofwtrShisweek.A a wertai the season. After the Blue hadOffie ofpublcatin- Te Tonsmn Prss..Inc. Par Stret. rather than the players they call slackers, merely was canoeing on the hasenAtacran plied up a safe margin over the op.

Andover. 'Mass, May 23. 1942 because these players are doing their part as point, a group of larvae (baby mosquitoes to you) position, the -coaches sent in themuch asanyone else. M ny of hese balplaye s told im to ull ove to th bank.twon substituteubsteams t tos giveve them

___________________________________________ much as anyone els. Many of these balllayers told himotoepulhoverhto thehbank. he t heshad apractice. ihilettheywwereoontte

Our Thanks ~~~~~~~have families or mothers to support. Still others moneuito teyrinformed whime thuas furere ot as field, Tom Quarles and Howie

propose to play out the season and enlist next fall. -msutteroyw reh anwreota-Weaver each tallied once to help

During the last week, Mr. Charles Morgan, Although the number of players in the armed lowed to go without passports. Our friend said their team. Although the game was

that he wouldn't have taken it from a few larvae, a runaway for the Blue from nearly

prominent English auhradciihsgnr oc§de o e xedta 98fgrteebut there were millions-of them, and adults cruis- squad's teamwork.

ously come to P. A. and offered his services to the are many already inducted. The Washington Sena- igoehato o hssr ftigcntg hnDefedadtedfa

English Department. He has lectured; he has tors have suffered the most, giving up thirteen in vred o.Nwti oto hngcntg hnDefedadtedfa

taken Englis classes; ad he has conerred with en to Uncle Sam already. They include such On. The mosquitoes are so well fed now that they that rocked the Blue stickmen back

stars as Cecil Travis, and Buddy Lewis, and such are getting to like privacy-they throw humans Playing team from Deerfield

sevralstuent ontheproblem and styles of . out, when formerly they would have welcomed a crushed Andover 19-3. The visitors

sevral tdetsonth promising rookies as Anderson and Ai Evans. The good meal. Pretty soon we'll be getting eviction had the upper hand from the first

Hisvist hs ben nvluale nd nlihtnin. PilaelpiaA's have suffered moeta noenotices from mosquitoes who have taken a fancy gun, gradually breaking up the

His visithas been nvaluabl and enlihteningexcept the Senators. They have sent nine players, Blue's teamwork until the final two

At this time we would like to express, in behalf including shortstop Al Brancato, second sacker to our dormitory rooms. We appeal to you, as men guns. Although the individuals onofatoto do something about this pau. the squad played hard, especially

of the school, our heartfelt appreciation and Benny McCoy, outfielder Sam Chapman, and o cin lge Jim Carrington and Captain Naugle,

thans fr hs wrk nd opetha inlatr yarspitcher Porter Vaughn- into the army and -navy, who tried desperately to keep the

thankse for mhis oke and i hoe-vhat nlter years ball away from John Doherty in

to come he might once again re-visit the Hill. - ___________________ they could do nothingould againstng aginstDeer-

A Glance At The Future T 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~dfil'ssueio srnqh.FnalA Glance At The Future ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~near the end of the game, the oppo-

C110 ~~~~~~~~~~~Tonight George Washington Hall will be the sition so rattled the Blue that the

ROBABLY never before in the history of the 'reolossal combination screen and Play-ers playersululdonothholdtthebballii

PRBBYnvrbfrintehsoyoth To the Editor of the Phillipian: scene of a supecosalomitoncre ad their racket or pass effectively and

' school has P. A. ever faced as critical and cru- in connection with the question of bicycles thuat stage show-just like Radio City Music Hall. The Andover went down fighting.

cial problems as it does today. Scarcity of compe- has been receintly raised here, it seems to me that rig Rollbe Taylory Eandr Ltana Th defeb conqumerigsthe Newm

tent instructors and lack of financial returns are an intensely practical solution can be worked out. Hampshire Freshman team three

only a few of them. These problems are serious, It is well known in connection with the English Turner, while on G. W. H's mag- days later, by a large margin. In

books that a certain portion of the under- -~nificent stage will appear Sam the beginning of the- gam it

aduate body cannot receive any privilege with- ~~~~~~~ing to be able to Play aiipiowertulywhat extent these changes will alter our position grautboycntreivaypiilgwth ters closing their year's work with wli

here on the Hill is only conjecture; but, without Out abusing it, and some nieans is needed to aak rosnafrtaperne ite hpootg passg and bsti

being alarmed or excited, we do not be~ieve that sure it will not be abused, in this case, by boys aftersintheistagpeashow's fialenorde awaytinhandlingg ragedl.sTey-e -

P. . cn o wil uncionon "bsiessas sua' recklessly riding over lawns and speeding aroundth lights will dim ad the seod half of the eve- working as a team. But finally, tsey

basis. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~blind corners. Here is a suggestion: each boy who - netimn ilgtudrwy Jhn ieae larosmo the rstpa ofethe

basis. ~~~~~~~~~had a bicycle would receive some sort of identifi- ning' enetimn5ilgtudrwy Jhn ielcos o h eto h

prDictbly sonta we utveel ourfwy bndlyctoauwihwudhaetneatahdth Eager" certainly deserves a fulf four star rating; match. The beginning of tis par-cation tag which would have tthsois b noemenstduetodtheactingtir'ular game was a crisis, the ques-

and slowly. We have settled into an expectationhowever tion being whether or not the Blue

and slowly. We ave settledintanexpectatio bicycle ingplai n view. Any e boy s reotrak ingwa attempts rendered by one Robert Taylor. The would rise above its defeat success-

for a long war, but the Nazis and Japs igh con- an bicyl reuaon woulde have l this taenio awa movie was put out by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and fully. It certainly did, with the

ceivably crumble in a few months; yet W still ~~~was directed by Mervyn LeRoy. wvhole team, especially McNulty,

pnlywould be over and his tag returned to Gault, and Larry Eccles pulling to-

to e radyfor a long, bloody conflict, im peatmgtas eavsbl oatc ml The film starts out with a slightly humorous gether for an ultimate victory.

Almost a dozen masters have already leftfetthrcivnofheagaslaout touch, showing ex-convict Taylor innocently pos- The following Saturday the An-

P. A. for Uncle Seeatomthareceivin ofotheaag, ausmlltamoun asatx rvr-wiemkn i periodical dover stickmen traveled down to

P.llA. for Uncle Saemeland many mre areisued which would be returned at the end of the year to rengr aso taxi drve while. makingr hise don Cambridge on a dark and gloomy

follow. he boysthemseles, as D. Fuesspointedthose who had not broken a regulation. Thus the rpr oteprl or.Hwvr fe on day to defeat the Crimson by a

out, will hae to assumethe responsiility, and se of bicyces couhisbedutyoTaylorisputsyawayohisutcabawhichcais just iscoretofor 9-of For Forwhileitheheplaying

outewil henr tol asueathged repsibitulitanhsoouiycesoudbecnrlld a ruse, and goes back to his steady occupation asI was pretty even for both sides,

msverl senors reo will assigned y as actual he I think that practically everyone wants the priv- nmber one racketeer in the dog-racing world. neither team had the upper hand,

masters. More fred~om will naturlly be giveneth ofbcclubc. u-h amnsraini and both were fighting hard to keep

boys; they will not be as closely watched. TheiegofbclsbakButh ad nsrtons Sluggo Taylor finds romance with the appearance Possession of the ball. At the be-

question then arises whether the boys can shoul- rather squeamish about it for a few important of blonde Lana Turner, the D. A's stepdaughter. ginning of the second half the score

der this and whether they wil11 mature or slide reasons. One of these is the fact that at certain However, it's not long before he K. O's her With Harvd begInAndtove' snaor udrThen

backwards by this self-reliance. For on this the times of a beautiful left hook to the jaw. pressure of the Blue. Biglow, Car-backward by thi self-reianc~e.For on tis the imes ofthe day bicycles are piled high in front aHbeaatifuegleftohookptonthe jaw

succesful xistnce o P. . depnds.of George Washing-ton Hall, Samuel Phillips Hall, Led by Lana Turner, "Johnny Eager" has a rlngton, and Captain Naugle sueO-

The other serius problem wementioned wasand the Commons. But there is plenty of room for pretty good cast-Edward Arnold- turns in an ex-w ceeded In smashing the Crimson's

The other serious pricyeoraksbbhindthesmbuiding.nAntherob-offenivepf- lhug h cr

financial. Obviously the cost of living is rising, biyl ak.eidteebidns nte b cellent job as the district attorney, while gorge- wasf cloe ee tteedoh

jcinis the crossing of Main street. But it will ouwarsaDaeapasontesre gam e eea the sehl nd ovtewhleth vlu f hedola i eceain ad lo usStrrttPtrci jectionsonth srengaearfertettrt al Paoe

wethe valreuen of thestmoears deraslln and alo certainly be less dangerous now that traveling has just enough to make you wish she was there more. was in control of the field until the

siderabl. As a rsult thebudget ill haveto be ben so resricted.Tonight's big double-decker show will get under last minute of play. Harvard hada fairly strong team and the Blue

slashed, and everything, except the essentials, So, let's all work and hope for the return of way at 7:30 p. mn. All you hem-cats who want to did well in beating them. Larry

will be reduced. ~~~~~~~~~~~bicycles to the Andover campus. sqawhr you can' gt agood squint at the solid Eccles tallied twice to ti with

Combined with other curtailments, the picture P. A. '44 jive, had better get there early. Continued on Page 4

Page 3: U H L Splayed - The Phillipian

'1HiIII AN Page Three


Andover Opposes Exeter, Milton Academ y Both the Varsity baseball EXETER HAS MONOPOLIZEDgame with Hebron and the J. V.Prep ~~~~~~~~~~ * ~~~game with Central Catholic

New To Team ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~poned because of rainy weather A d v r D fae y R d F re160 New England Star Athletes ~~~~~~~~~~~New Englaild Prep meet, 1: 15,England Star Athletes ~~~~~~~~~~St. Paul's Contest field events n Al nc u tes SictO ii

On rotersFied tdaythere will be held -the third annual Exeter Meet June 3 LACROSSE

I NwEngland Preparatory School Meet in which 160 track- LastVWedneOdayCthnvarsetyften-PScet wh1 a x

twelve will TO U NC H A f~~avAcaemyclued romearlier games by sinus

reprsentnge oda schoofil, oete. is sad unownedtMlto cadm Round Robin at Governor TO P N H Ring a slight edge oer P. A. All fiildaneuncomilortably close match. Dme.touble, will constitute Andover's

o~lig; h edguAnAifel events willstbegin at30 Carlt Badger played in number 3 Fv usi it~~ i o'clock; the running events will-start at 2:30. ~~Position, since he did not feel very Clmx1-i tak teaing o h midfieldc ponson

Tfeteams that will compete in well, but today he will again be Still Hi tak th lyn f h ifel oiin

today's meet and the number of EXETER GAME.RULES back at number 1 or number 2, says Saxons S ilLead Last Wednesday a rejuvenated and today is certainly the time to

a e epeetigechsholaeMr., Kelley. This afternoon's con- ri uunchard High nine wallopdtesa.Te hremi ofnivmen reprewseningr each school are ISSUED TO STUDENTS test, on the varsity courts, will be %L lub Track Ledoeruayves -4. Smatng weapon for three waill bfenLarry

s follos: Andover 40,n I odr ht hremy enowt S.PExeterey telatAnoerJy15,-4 matngwaLeagueh lu il e ara ma~~~~~~~~~~~~~th St.faul' Aemyn Exter las After more than three weeks of from a 7-1 setback last week, the Eccles, Johnny Gault, and Al Mc-

AcWoresterMito Academy 14, 2ro misnodertatn ahere may bpeca no dmatch befoe meein Eeronclub track competition, the Saxon Punchard team completely avenged Nulty, on whom depends the scor-

Cademyg 12,em Milto Acaem 12,n' miuerstihading about the specilter edaJue3 team has yet to be defeated, and ig.Ahghsoemnofa.tigr uhn cdm 1 S.Jh' ue hchapyfrteEee On the whole, the squad did bet- the hapless Romans have yet to terpeiu eetwt o-m.A ihsoemns a~,ti

Prep 10, Moses Brown 8, Ports- Track Meet, they are stated here-- ter in singles than in doubles. In win a contest. In regard to totaleru1-htaac. TeJyesesoLrysoldlpintlat

It 5 mou Priory ca 7,oven Dmernwih the first mfatch, Bill Schock was de- pntthe Saxons, of course, lead got ten safe htbut thycouldn't four or five tallies, and with the3 Academy 2. Eawih pointstherhitsestohey

I- Acdm .Ec owhte ege oE-feated by Captain Wallace of Mil- with 288, having scored better than seem to bunch them in anyoneteror nt, mst ceck n atton, 6-4, 4-6, 7-9. Bill started off forty points aoenTeGue nigtewy ucaddd hig fhersr than cooropnets.u

d Andover Last Year's Winner te ornmutcckI atwell, winning the first set without hae reor ofet four wins s and igtewyP ddd ige cr hnoropnns

Last year at Tech Field, wher eWsigo Halmmd-mcapaetdfiut. nth thedfasadattlof25 Andover held a one-run lead un- Strong Second Team

the meet was held, Andover ately after the arrival of the special second and third frames, however, points, having recently pulled iltefuhinngwen Pun- James Brayton is Doherty's relief

s. emerged the champion due to a train returning from Exeter and be. Wallace greatly improved, playing ahead of the third-plc Greks ch dorove innfurns ontomnwsAdve' eoneole

Is marked superiority in the field fore dinner. Itilmotnaontcer ietnii r ele' h ae22adtre vitres, chts. drn v thi hafofr thes sevntho masn Phelpors, ski econley gande

e pensEetern and Mosesn ha Brw that this rule applies not only to opinion. He also starred in the with four defeats. The Romans the Jayvees got on to Markert's Rand Johnson are a& second and

11 placedhseccwnd andvthird cnmthatbor-match against Exeter this year, giv- are far from any dream of over-picngadkoed crstw vryoefumdil.Adfro-

der.cnatist year0 ofetese wonasot those who vetemcampu but ng osExtrsbtply, hauling the leaders, having a total tallies. Going into the ninth the fense substitutes Andover has Skip

P- wthsc onts, 1940dExer w onec alo to those whou raemai InrAn. muchove dfiuty. Fraonk ptoto scrboe66pins score was Punchard 4, Andover 3. Eccles, who is close behind his

ie owith 1pon, andoerow was sc o ~B ueyu aei rp okoe h eodpsto e Thd Saxons have a well-rounded Punchard Gets 5 Runs In 9th aon Finnegans whoe should slp

thnd with 3 andaose Brownr was erly checked. Town boys need not cause of Captain Badger's illness, team, but their chief power is in ucarcmeptobtith any shsintoan th Redhol. Dipthirdig th oday, Exetver is rpot was beaten 6-2, 8.6, by Bannister. the field events. The Gauls do not Pucadamuptbtinhe aysositoheRdgl.Dr

le is scofavoredi theover rs Andoverttndfor-hereport.tTheThe trlatterrtic whilevryerratic, hastadingia nvery frseem hetonthdetroutstandingrelaninrranyIobonendMthle t eodfrtI he er. t By tedn h etms steady and fast game "when he is event or group of events, but they te game on ice. Jules' wildness Stevens will be in fighting for An-

any rate, a definite estimation of travel BOTH ways on the special on it, and Is very, very, good," In win their meets byplacing in nearlyanafe tilyhssonurddvrinhiraiusPiinst

8 thel eetrn temoria for the atai.moboymygioloebyM.Ke.ysetiain every event. Likewise, they do not the inning into a nightmare for An- some point in the game. All in all,

ly b dua mfeth Memorial aye ayu automob ith em ohaenotle.igstr dover. A varied mixture of five the Blue has a powerful, smoothly-

ly baed h afternohe rslsaetb- Disorder of any kind on the train, 220, in which Torrance consistently walks, two hits, two passed balls, working first team, a reserve oflTe meis afteIrgin r omn, oon.clyfrbd In sieof hsicpitCrtIrolIn th ons h resa wild Pitch, and an error resulted good lacrossmen as substitutes, and

Thametwih sto be held den. Badger won his singles match from are strongest in the 100 and the in five runs. the fighting spirit of a squad that

athr oayhsbe made possible rth eewete te Moulton, 6-0, 6-3. Like the remain- 220, in which Torrence consistently Trying hard to stage a last min- should be victorious down on the

k lavrel tMroug thL Be orsof ran After thesM, whdeteradute team ing singles matches, his was an takes first place. They are also ute rally, Norm Wilson was put in old campus this afternoon.

Idthe dovrst mret B. L.e Boyeis worn wemino losese unergraats must easy, routine victory for Andover, fairly well rounded in the other to bat for Laurie Jules. Norm

rd the firstgmee coteeis as onar drmi togdiectherin the standslead- since Milton's first and second men events. The Romans, strangely came through with a solid drive Student Lamps, Electric Fix-

St and is again in full command this ers, and march directly from the were considerably better than their enough, have one of the best club that went for a single. One run, tures, Alarm Clocks,_ Curtainbe year. feld to thestation. Te specialteammates. The other singles athletes on the field, Dixon, who however, was all that the Jayvees Rods, Picture Wire.

he Teha jdeti afear.o fri toith station.c Thedsialy scores were (Andover score first): regularly wins in the 100 and the could get. 'TT . H Lon Thl e he. adjudge th inb after trai wilarta obac Imedstutely Saunders vs. Pettit 6-0, 6-3; Mc- 220, and occasionally in other Nelson Tainitor, who had held the 45 ManSRe TeL.Ln.

Ily assisted by numerous other faculty body at the station. Draken vs. Potter,6-, 6-0 6-1an Laens FridyMteinxnSroledeeekTstrtedonnhe.oun0fo

le, members acting in the capacity of If there is a victory each boy Drkn vs double, ndove was abl to averth rodans totheatne rof Andover. Hie gav upe sevn as,

he timers, judges, scorers, etc. In the must check in at George Washing- In__doubles,_ Caoerwsabetooe teRoastotetieofWrdo temun o

in shorter running events there will ton Hall immediately after the cele- ztfudo ued on Page 4 edonPae d overH in v si p insvnd wal-s Camidge,~d, be several heats, but In the 440, bration. The time will be announced l-owed four runs, all of which came T trner- 180, and Mile runs the winners will by the cheer leaders. He must then -in the fourth. In the sixth, Jules Tuoig CampIly be picked on a basis of time. Five go directly to the movies or else re- A ~ N url ~LIcame in to pitch. Although Jules Opens July isib at Lake Placid, N. Y,

?0 plce will be awarded in each port immediately to his dormitory p.A\. ., Ne tasLead .JoitUaiiers had plenty on the ball, he couldn't Expert tutoring for College

be event (scoring: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1) and or hoswee he wil check th and Prep. School Exams. Also forin medals will behouseiernhtIllaAllplaceF.hL.seem to get the ball over the plate. West Point, Annapolis Air and Naval

in medals will be iven to all placetime of his arrival with his Coun, ~ JH l He gave up six walks in three in- AScatons l sprates4. Special Corte for

nd winners. Besides this, a plaque will selor. A sA*VFL D ,H l Second Schools. a sport. Special Corste for

ulations the last week of D . nings and let in five runs in the Boss who canigs assistin ine Athlenthe otics., c Dasiar-i Athltics DurContnuedon Pge 4 Failure to comply with these reg- Each with two games to play in three wins against no defeats in ninth. ing Summer our Newv York and Wash-

)in ingtoContiuedoonsPagel4be open for special

aw ulations ~~~~~~implies special disciplinary th atwe fthe first series of comparison to their own two wins Andover's ten-hit attack was led tutoring Send for Booklet.OW ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~action. sotalgms .A .adteto one loss, theA. U. V'ers still have by Bardy Smith, who got two hits CAMBRIDGE TUTORING

In A rada In N oengtodaexuewilNurlartidfrfrspacwtha good chance for a second position in three trips to the plate. Captain SCHOOL

'es A Truodway I~~~~~~i~ Nob oranight ovr days wexesk il-etalerntedfr.rslcewt this series. Harry Wieting of the Joe Reisler got a double, the only 612 18th St., N. W. Wash. D. C.

it AND OVER INN be granted overn thist wek-nd.t h four wins apiece. The only con- "U. and George Ettleson of F. L. extra base knock of the game ____________

DINNER $1.00Inxcse Off an, dubcosut h testant within reach of these two is D. are both strong pitches's for their____________________________________

ily IL LUNCHEONS 75cfly AFE~N0N TEA 25c F._._.,whihastheein,_utesecivhose._._LDhs_

Iys AFTERNOON__________ plays the Neutrals for a deciding sligh edebt feris noutr A__ __ _ __ __ _game this Monday. it tee Neutaral s onday r mayY"BOO" TO BAGGAGE BOTHER

~~ PRESCRIPTIONS SE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Both P. A E. and the Neutrals have one loss to put it onl the same t

ec- teams in the softball league. Dave K. 0. A. having on~ win to two J-the The Hartigan Pharmacy ~~~~Toll and Woody Dulaney, equally losses, is fighting for a possible

airI BUY line pitchers, are caught by Fox fourth place against A G. C., itses. -Main at Chestnut- UNITED Fei-guson and Red Reisler, respec- closest rival, which has i-oiled up ..

le STATES tively. These two batteries are the one win adthree losses These

the. PHTNFNSINrS- most effective that have app'eared two teams will contend against the PHOTO F1NISHING WAMPS ~~~~~yet this year in underhand hurling, each other this coming Wednesday,

It), Developing Printing Enlarging However, P. A. 's score for Wed- and this should be a close and ard

to. Loweet Prices ~~~~~~~~~~nesday night does not promise too fought battle etween the two.

A- The LOOK. PHOTO SERVICE much for that house when she final- Holding down the i-ear the Fac- 0

115Mai Steet Andover ly meets the Neutrals. In a game ulty have received one defeat after . P-:-.'l---~to I1 anSre against E. D. P. the former won by playing one game. Close below

My ~ ~ ~ ~ oury wsapeceth twoin Bti fothom arn spte ofa valian aEmp D. NDY URPA.K AKCmy Ba fonlyr woru margin. Butote with them are spte lfa froman ae.mD. P.D TAKE Y U R I " 1RE

'lag LEB ~S I ILL INGSi , Inc.* first will nevitably meet in battle against P. A. . Monday, have suf-

Jes, L E O N 'S PROMPT OPTICAL SERVICE and then will be decided which is fered three losses to nowins. After' Don't stat'our vaaincluttered up with lug,'.z(e prob-

trd, For Good Sandwiches Watches and Jewelry Repairing more powerful. their showing on Monday though, lems when a phone call to RAILW\AY EsKREss relicN i I ou

be- Sodas and Ice Cream 36 Main Street Tel. 742 F. L. D. boys who have mounted up their last place. o l uhtobeoeceal.W Icl o tttuk

- ~~~~~~~~~and bags, speed them to your home, and se wu time

ta- CrhEe I II C ~ I JOHN H. GRECOE and expense. The low rates include insurance, and dAouble

suer- Ca lEIEln e WATCHMAKER-JEWELERreceipts, to say nothing of pick-up and deliven it no eraTAILR-- AATCAHMAKbERaiy -oJEWELER~lA

on's TALR-HBRAHRb alIowl P1SA charge within our regular vehidle limits in ll citiIes and

the Free CoilectIon and Dlivery j ~Complete Optical Servce AINDOVER picpltws o a edcleto hn'o sver ____________________________ vrWeekday Spcil RAILWAY EXPRESS. ust phone for infotmattLoI or s~erv ice

te a Full Line Of Qualitythe ~~~Sundaysan Holidays School Jewelry COAL CO.

bad -I udyNt uftSpe 56 Main Street Andover1( ILW . - XP E SSBlue Sna ieBfe uprR--IL AX I S

Andveraioa an ITel. And. 830-R ____ AGENCY INC.

WI 'Anover ationa Book One mle outh of the Aademy "The Bigsgemi- RAleL-AIy t-R SERVICE

ge 4~ IL_________ a n Route 2 Tel. Andover 1401 ............. ATIO-WID

Page 4: U H L Splayed - The Phillipian

Page Four-- - PIHILLI PIAN

Contiedchornas ge3 Coninue from___ Co me c metage ch d le Club Track RationingContinued from Page 3 Continued from Page 1__-omm ncementWeek'S h d lContinued from Page 3 Continued from Page 1----be presented to the team scoring principal dlemocratic right of the a 49-23 score, and the Greeks beat here coca-cola Is scarce. t is ex-the most points. A plaque will also laborer. Sunday, June 7 the Gauls 42-30. In the Saxon-Ro- pected that some method ill bebe awarded to the team making the The next speaker was Haymond, -most improvement over last year. rebuttal speaker for the negative. 4:30 P. M. Baccalaureate Sermon man meet, Dixon took two out of found to relieve the situation,No admission will be charged for He asserted that although the na- by Headmaster Claude M. Fuess Cochran Chapel the three events his team won, the Temple's Record Shopstudents. tion is prepared to make sacrifiesWdeayJue1 100 and the 220. The time of the Mr. Harold Phinney, spokesmanOutstanding Competitors none of us are prepared to sacrifice former was 11.4s, of te latter, 25s. for Temple's Record Store, an.The men to watch for outstand- our most important national rights. 10:00' A. M. Awards of Prizes Meeting Room, G. W. Hall His performance in the 220 won nucssvrlcags esiing aild perhaps recordbreaking The affirmative spake-, Harris, h itncino h none eea cags esiperfoirmances this afternoon aresoedtalbrhdto many hrdy ue1 i etpr first that his present stock of radioMeeker of Worcester in the half rights altogether. He stated that 3:00 P. M. Class Day Exercises Meeting Room form~nce of the meet. -Levin on Is rapidly diminishing and thatmile. Rothwell of Worcester in the it would be a calamity if badly George Washigton Hall the 440 in 62.4s. for te only 'other chanmee fr, getting ew model rhigh hurdles, Sheridan ef Andover needed troops should have to force 6:30 P. M. Class Reunion Dinners -TeComn Rma frsplc.Wtn:toesaein the pole vault, and Hall (Exe- patriotism into a group of striking Hall om on oe aun wirth 9ce fWt -to -slim, because production byEmrter), Disuard (Hebron), and Cullen labor workernd illias Jiooskison and R. C. A. Ithas been stoppedter), Disnard (Hebron), and Cullen laboi- workers.-30 7: M.30tep Singing HSalmuelsPalilwipshHall asutusualhewonogtheeshTotsputioandythe(St. John's) in the mile. This last Next Tuesday evening the Robin- 9:00 P. M. Movies Meeting Room, G. W. Hall discus throw, the former with 37 ft.,event should prove the most excit- son prize debate will be held in Bul- companies was taken in order toIng of them all as these three get finchi Hall. There will be three Friday, June 12 4 in., and the latter with a heave of et acoisxluvlytwrtogether to fight i out. M~eeker. sp~eakers for each side, with a prize 10:00 A. M. Procession Forms Samuel Phillips Hall 92 ft., in. Foster took the broadores

shown better performances than' The subject is: "Resolved. ThatAdrsbyCalsS mo ,LLD teig jump with ft.,6I. and PrescottteMeet records, which, although in the post-,war world the securityAdrsbyCalsS moLLDtehgjupwh f. according to Mr. Phinney, hl theit has been run or oilY two years, of the United States may e most President of Yale College In the Gaul-Gireek meet, Torrance quantity of discs has decreased, ovhas some eeept tonal times and dis- effectively insured by a foreign Awards of Prizes, Scholarships, and ns took the 100 and 20 for- the Greeks ing to the fact that aluminuni sedtances recorded policy based on the use by the Diplomas Cochran Chapel in ii13s. and 25.-is., respectively. for making the original print sOf the rakmen scheduledit ntdSae o teght an 12:30 P. M. Ladies' Luncheon The Commons 'nto h 49i 16.I h vital for defense, as is the shellastart today. those who have been tai a balance of power among the 1 00 P. M. Alumni Luncheon Case Memorial idn I with which a platter is covered.most otztanding this year, and nations of the world." 3:00 P. Al. Baseball Game, Alumni vs. Academyfil ens Hatch, a consistentBleidadOhlblsrenth~ii' best inairks are as follows: - Brothers Field winner-, on te pole iVailt ith btorage foi- the duration, and thisli-yard dash-Pillsbury (MuIi- Registration ft. 6 in.: the shot put was won by has necessitated the transferencetoni and 'Moultoti (St. John's), Lacrosse Review~~~~~~- Bailey with 32ft.. oin.; Stiles, also of Glenn Miller to Victor and 10 2s Coat inued from Page 2 Returning -miaeugdt eitr m eitl la consistent winner,. took the dis-Ben Goda to olmi220-vaird dash-Mc'Mahon (An- upon their arrival in Andover, at the Reunion H-ieadquarter-s n Icus thiiow with 2 ft 9 34In n Decca has climbed from te 3 5-cen(lover) 22Ss.Pillsbry (Mitoil).Johnny Gault for high scorer. Skip Peabody House, -adjacent to the Archaeology Building. thiumig.vntHue Ilae to the 50-ceiit bracket, and only its212 9s Eccles also put a well-executed16f. 0i.n the broad jump, and big stars. such as Bing Crosby an440yar spintXI'eelr (il-backhand shot into the nets to help ,ene able moment for the undergradu- A6df..m1 ion in hjupwt Jimmy Doi-sey. willl be retained.-to-yard 4sprint-WeelAner)u I ndover's victory. "ene ates. Mr. James's he still has 4 t, n It is quite possible that buyers o

51.Ss In the next to the last battle e- Continued from Page 1 - - - - soale neckties and pajamas that i'ecordings will be made to turn inSS-yard run-Meeker (Worces- foi-e the Exeter' match the Blue hl g.Gaulyhrsgtb-wr onb Lni"a aiu old discs in exchange for their newter)2m s.;Jude (xetr),2m onne Goernr Dnimr 1-3.Thecame impaired, until first one eye, times in her checkered career. Student Fitness ones, It was learned. This idea ay4s. - boys started laying a fine game, then the other, became completely Conti_____ro__Page_ not actually be put into effect, btMile ~~~~appearing the equal of Deerfield or blind. This_ condition was accom- Varsity Tennis IVotnudfo Pg . P. B. officials are, neverthelessMierun-Hall Exeter), Dis- certainly of Exeter, but slowed Cot-e rmPg ~ nodrt tmlt neeti netgtn h atrnai-d (Hebron), Cullen (St. John's), down considerably by the end of panied by a type of paralysis, CotnudfomPge3I ordrca tontiula trs ginve stgtn h atr4-:38. - th first Ilf. For a pei'iod it was which Ilteirfered with the dog's take 6ly the first contest. Bad- th"hsiclconditio and ougive Poland's Sports Store20yard high hurdles-Rothwellodlcos utte h em ability to move about. Her last ger and Stmout, after a shaky start, each boy a cr, hc ecudgoodlacrsse ut hen he tam-three four days were days of n- gained full control of the situation by proper attention to hygiene and At Poland's Sporting GoodsStore(orser) 6. 154;Chnr A-work broke up. A~ndov-er had the tense agony. Mr. James says that and crushed Bannister and Pettit, exercise, hope to improve the re- it was revealed that new tennis,220-yard low hurdles-Rothwell Newburyporters pretty much n- every time the boys walked past 4-6. 6-3, 6-1. McGovern and Saun- lationships between the maximumgofanbseasarvitlyun(Woi-cester), 24.6s. der control most of the way. Mla- the house on the way to the play- deis got off to a very strong start, heart rate, meturn of the heart rate obtainable. Also, the rubber cover-Shot put-Bacon (Exeter) and comber, Phelps, and Johnson ing fields, "Lennie" would whine in defeating Moulton and Warren to normal, and maximum blood lac- Ing on ping-pong racquets has beeMiller (Exeter). 50 ft. played hard in the midfield. The softly, and in her attempt to go ut 6-2, ut were never quite able to tate were also found. accoi-ding to discontinued, and an imitation sub-Pole vault-Sheridan (Andover), defense and offensive tried with and- play with them would only suc- keep up with thei- opponents in the boy's sport, age, height, and stance is being substituted,12 ft. 6 in. -- their utmost, too, but in spite of ceed in knocking ovei- furniture the second and third sets, and lost weight. Scores of subsequent tests The Civilian Defense CommitteeAndover Lineup them imperfect--teamwork held the which-she -could niot-see. - - - 6-8, 7-9, in a very close match. In on the same boys will ffer a basis for the town has urged all citizenssquad back from a higher score. "Lennie" was so named affection- the final contest, Schock and Drake for determining the value from the to conserve materials as much asThe Andover starters this after- The Blue swept the Boston La- ately by the Andover undergradu- fought Wallace and Potter, losing standpoint of improving physical possible. "Wasting products whichnoon will be as follows: 100-T. crosse Club 12-2 last Saturday in ate body, but her real name was the fii'st set of a hotly contested fitness of various sports and pro- are not- being rationed s just asHudner. Sobin. Shepley; 220-T. the final encounter before today's "Tumnmy," and she was a pedigreed match, 5-7. In the second set, they vide a distinct -measuremdnt of im- hlarmful as puncturing tires or spill-Hudne, 'M'.Maon, icou She- gan wth Eeter Playng wth Aredae. A th -tm of her death nnproved sufficiently to wi,. 5 provement n an Individual's pysi- Ing sugar," the committee pointedley; 440-Calder, Ross, Keuffel; only nine nien. aided by Doherty Taiiae wa the time, -SS-Kelty, Lenimon, Hall; Mile- and Brayton who took turns in amywsoly one and a half but completely collapsed in the last Cal condition, out. -Reily, avi. Qinb; 0 High their goal, the Bostonians fought years old. When she was six set, 2-6, because of fatigue.HReily, David. JaQuinny; 21 gais od llfumpros.A montb old she wvas given to the M.Nr. Kelley knows little about the

Low Hudles-eidlei. Thrck: dver wa woi'ing wel as teamJames' by some friends who had to match at Saint Paul's today, thoughLo urlsWeden.Trck.dve as-wrkn el sa emmoveawyfomAdvr "enheepcsitobeaerhntemorton. Siegal; Shot Put-Beirne, spurred on by its captain. Lai-iy awyfo Anve. Ln-lexpcsitobeserhnteHen-on. Tonis; Hamniei-Coleman, ad Skip Eccles, between the two tue" was noted foi' hei' wanderings last one Last year the Royal Blue-Luce, Rockefeller; Discus-Coch- of them, sank six of Andover's 12 about the hill. Leaving the James' defeated Saint Paul's 5-4. However,ran. Hrron.Mc~ee.Mc~ahn; zo l arry' a lydwl l house right after breakfast, se because of the poor weather thisJavelin-Reilly, Bonleisler, Clark, season. and much depends on him would return dead tired only after week, the squad has been abl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~wul rtuntiadtiedony ftr eeth sua hs ee aletJtavelin- ey Bomel er iCark e snnnd m c e en s o i tbe S o'clock bell had ceased ring- engage in but one full length pra-Baic-ker, lBei-sely, High Jump- inpro-eya g atakim a llo ig. "Leminie" and her humnorous tice session, and its style may beJump-Shei~~~~idail. CaI.,-, Sargent.tacgoals anIilatc aesple aynejy xetdt ufra eutCarr. Baker. J.Hunr Boa probably take Lai'ry's place next anishv upidmn nejy xetdt ufra eut __________________Carr___Saget_ y ear in piling up Blue as Except

for this week's practices the defeatTEMPLE'S MUSIC SH P of the L C. was the last step

BOYS' EADQU'ARTER hefoi P today's game, which willFur PORT \Iii. IIHONOGRA "Hb piv6vide a pei-fect chance to end upim,r Da. and runs-,ck finelacorsssesonbyicwi

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