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Typological Changes(are inclusivly morphplogical change)These changes depend on each other where the main shift is from synthetic to analytical type of lang.(ex.Eng was a synthetic,now its's analytical).As we already know,there exist 3 types of lang:Isolating,Agglutinating and Inflecting.Genetically related lang.are also typologically similar;through long-term contact lang develop similarities and arise divergences from a common source-one approuach to typology is ti describe the whole system of language.But one lang cannot be easily described if the boundary between a lang and a dialect is fuzzy;also lang are always in a state od flux-there are no homogenous lang.-Another approach from morph. perspective is to classify lang in terms of WO and according to this,to be able to decide to what type of lang it belongs1)Isolating Language-There isnt morphology at all; every word consist of a single morpheme;there are no prefixes or suffixes and no grammatical modifications of any type.Its also known as analytic lang Ex:Vietnamese,West African lang. also it has a high degree of iconicity and is morphologucally transparent(clear).It develops into agglutinating lang by compounding.Word and morphemes concide only root morphemes Ex:in Chinese-there are different items for "I speak" "You speak" each sign is not a sound but a whole concept.Isolating lang have a high degree of iconicity.2)Agglutinative Language-Single word may consist of several morphemes but the morpheme boundary(line) is easy to identify:each morpheme is distinct form,it has a special function;each grammatical morpheme means a single grammatical category;the words are longer.Ex:Turkish,Hungarian Basque=Agg+Inflectional lang are also called "synthetic".Aggl are morphologically transparent and have a high degree of iconicity.It can develop into inflecting by complex phonological changes.3)Inflectional Language-word consist of several morphemes but the morpheme boundaries are different ir impossible to idnetify,the root morphemes and grammatical suffixes arent separated;one marker stands for more than 1 category.Ex:Old English,Proto-Germanic,Indo-European,Latin,Rissian,North-Am.Languages.So they have a messy morphology difficult to analyse.These are also called "Fusional! lang.and together with Aggl.-"Synthetic".Have lower degree of iconicity.4)Incorporating Language-( North American Indian Lang.) the word consist of more than 1 root,the roots are in a syntactic relation(dvugodishen) also a whole sentence can coincide a word:*MdE has Agglutinative charachter: love-loves;dog-dogsIflectional lang. : goose-geese; take-tookIsolating lang. :you must have been sitting in fron of the TVfor hours.Aggulative lang can become inflectional,but not the other way round.In all typological shifts is involved one process:a lexical unit becomes a grammatical marker(ex:verbs of wishing tend to become markers for future tense-->grammaticalization)Those lexical units which are associated with other lexical units can be reduced,not pronounced ,attached to other words. Ex:I had my hair cut-in OE would be not considered as grammatical and it didnt mean what it means today. Ex:Do-used ti be a notional verb(nowadays its not an action but a state). Ex:Instead- in stead(stead was independent lex.item=place + prep. in)*Now we dont express the mng as the sum of all members,so each lexical unit(analytical type) becomes a grammatical marker-reduction/loss (syntactical type) ***According to the Subsystems of Typological Classification,we can distinguish between several word orders=> SVO,SOV,VSO (VOS ,OVS,OSV)When a lang fits almost perfectly into 1 type or another-appears the so called "Typological Harmony" (VO or OV lang-accors=ding to Greenberg)***Human Lang rely to the order of the verb and the sub.Analytical lang usually have the SVO WO this is the most economical way of linear representation of the duer and patient.VSO-ergative lang ex) Basque (intr, sub and Od are treated same and different from transitive verb)a) But there are lang in which the category of subject doesnt exist ex:Japanise lacks in subj it relies on the category of topic-topics have morphological markers.In MiddleEng the sub was a dominant category-in OE it was normal to find subjectless sentences.b)Articles-their positions is important(pre-r post-)The structure of SVO lang is reflected in the structure if the NP;*There are 5 distinct ways od marking possesion in MdE1)My house; 2)John's house; 3)a table of John's; 4)a friend of mine/his; 5)the library of Sydney*According to Greenberg we can devide the lang according ti the classificationof VO or OV or purely through internal changes. Vo lang (engl. Europian lang):1.V precedes Obj 2.Aux precedes main 3.Adj follows N 4.Genetive follows N 5. Relative clause follows head 6.Prepositions 7.Case-marking absent 8.Comparative adj precedes standardOV lang(Japanise,Turkish,Basque):1.V follows Obj; 2.Aux follows main; 3.Adj precedes N; 4.Genetive precedes N; 5.Relative cl. precedes head 6.Postpositions; 7.Case-marking present; 8.comparative adj.follows standard***English has develop from OV language to Vo Language.