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Types of research and Types of research and theoretical perspective of theoretical perspective of


Zuleima YañezYessica Serna

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According to Kerlinger (1986), research can be conducted as exploratory,

explanatory or descriptive.

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Exploratory researchExploratory research

Exploratory research is about putting one’s self deliberately in a place- again and again- where discovery is possible

and broad, usually (but not always) nonspecialized interest can be pursued’’

Stebbins (2001)

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Explanatory researchExplanatory research

Explanatory research has the aim of finding relationships among variables from

theory based expectations whereas descriptive research aims to describe a situation or context. Malhotra & Grover


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Descriptive researchDescriptive research

- According to Best and Kahn (2006), descriptive research is to find general

attributes in the present condition.

It provides systematic information about social phenomena

observing and describing.

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Theoretical perspective 

“The philosophical stance informing the methodology

and thus providing a context for the process and

grounding its logic and criteria methods and linking the

choice and use of methods to the desired outcomes”

(Crotty, 1998).

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Although they are related, they are not the same.

Each one is the base for the next one

- Epistemology: theory of knowledge- Theoretical perspective: philosophical

position- Methodology: strategies for conducting a


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Some types of theoretical perspectives

- Positivism

- Interpretivism

- Critical inquiry

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Positivism Positivism

- The only authentic knowledge is scientific knowledge.- Researcher should be objective.- Quantitative data- Aim: offers explanations using scientific sciences.

Objectivism (epistemology) Positivism (theoretical perspective) Survey research (methodology) Statistical analysis (method)

(taken from

Crotty, 1998)

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- The methods of natural science are seen as inappropriate for study of people’s behavior.

- The focus of interpretivism is not numbers; it is words.

- Qualitative data

Constructionism Interpretivism Etnography Participant Observation (Crotty,1998)

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Critical Inquiry

- Related to interpretivism

- This takes a critical look at society and tries to identify inequities and ways to remedy them.

- Promotes democracy making differences in different contexts

- The goal of critical inquiry is emancipation of the oppression.

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Crotty, M. (1998). The Foundations of Social Research: Meaning and Perspective in the Research Process. London: SAGE Publications Ltd.

Kerlinger, E. (1986). Foundations of behavioral research (3rd 4.). New York: Holt, Rinehart &Winston

Malhotra, M. & Grover, V. (1998). An Assessment of Survey Research in POM:from constructs to theory. Journal of Operations Management, vol. 16: 17, pp. 407-425

Crotty, M., (1998), The Foundations of Social Research: Meaning and Perspective in the Research Process, Allen and Unwin

Best, J. W., & Kahn, J. V. (2006). Research in education. (10th ed.). Boston: Allyn Bacon

Blaxter. L.., Hughes. C, and Tight. M (2001) How to research. 3 ed. Buckingham: Open University Press.