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Top of FormType of Badhaka SthanaPrashna Maarga explicitly describe about Badhaka Sthana should be seen in Prashna, through it says Prashna charts can studied like natal chart but again it warned that it should be seen for particular problem the native consulting; not for full life. Chapter 15th in Prashna Maarga explains about Badhaka Houses and Badhaka House lords and its effect and remedies.The miseries of man can b due to wrath of Devas (deities), dharma-Devas (family deities; Kula devata), serpents, parents, preceptors, Brahmanic curses (curse of learned), Pitirs (sprits of forefathers from the same family or clan), Pretas (spirits of the dead), Bhootas (spirits with special powers) etc. They may be also due to evil eye, curses, the evil acts directed by enemies and other afflictions. Causes and remedies for such miseries are given in 15th chapter in Prashna Maarga for the benefit of qurrents and astrologers. Thus the causes or reason, why men suffer? may be due to -1)Anger of gods2)Wrath of dharma-devata or Kula devata (family deity)3)Fury of serpent god4)Dissatisfaction of mind and Pitirs (spirits of forefathers)5)The curses of seniors and elders, preceptors6)Curse of brahmins (acharyas or teachers or man of learning) -Not caste brahmins7)Troubles caused by ghosts and also those resulting as a result of wounding words and expressions (Manasa-vaacha-karmana; due to sadness and problems caused to others by mind-words-actions)8)Poisons and Aabhichara karmas (Aabhichara = Big bad deeds done through Black Magic)Whether one's past karma is favorable or unfavorable and in what manner it expresses itself should be carefully defined. Many times own logic cannot reason with known factors for the suffering of a native. All this Prashna texts are developed long back and people with modern outlook need not agree it and no astrologer is against a person getting treatment if the case is psychological. In actual practice nowadays a person consults astrologers only when all methods fails. So please dont direct all accuses against astrologers for spreading superstition or exploiting the ignorant people etc.Here I am presenting the various opinions prevalent in state Kerala and it is what explained in Prashna Maarga as different opinions.1)If Arudha lagna is Chara lagna (Moving sign) then 11th house becomes Badhaka Sthana; If it is Sthira lagna (Fixed Sign) then the 9th becomes Badhaka Sthana; and if the lagna is Ubhaya(Mixed sign) then the 7th House becomes the Badhaka Sthana. This concept is known as Samanya Badha (common houses of harm; This is the most popular and authentic concept about the houses of harm)2)Aquarius is house of harm for all movable signs; Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius have Scorpio as house of harm; for Taurus it is Capricorn; for Aquarius it is Cancer; for Gemini and Pisces the house of harm is Sagittarius. (Sloka 112). This concept is known as Maha Badha (Houses of great harm; This also a well popular and approved concept)As per Prashna Maarga the 3 categories in to which the agents of harm fall into are 1)Hantu kama: Death wishing; the spirits who attack the native wishing to kill him, with an intention of total destruction.2)Rantu kama (Rati kama): Sex wishing; the spirits who attack the native wishing to indulge in enjoyments especially sexual enjoyment.3)Bhoktu kama (Bali kama): Sacrifice Wishing; the spirits who attack the native, wishing to get sacrifices and oblations.[Editor: These categorization points to the underlying base reasons for psychological problems viz, unfulfilled desires and sin feeling, sexual desires and death wish]From the perspective of the ancient astrologer, this can be perceived as Attack of some spirits to attack individual to murder him, to get sacrifices, or to enjoy with the victim.The first one will not leave the victim without killing him, so treatments or remedies will not work usually. (Since the psychologically the native himself dont want to get cured and what to die). The 2nd one will leave those natives after getting their dues (after wish fulfillment), and the 3rd one also generally dont want to leave the natives but they can be pacified and controlled.The ancient astrologers decipher the nature of the problem (psychological disease) from the Prashna chart itself, and by observing the symptoms indications provided by the native.The signs, planets and the symptoms indicate the category of the agent of harm with which the individual is affected. This system should more learned from qualified gurus (who is efficient in mantra, Tantra and astrology).Based on the following two the astrologer categorizes the Badha (Agent of harm) 1)The symptoms shown by native (like crying, climbing tress or heights, bathing too much or even want to be naked etc)2)The planetary positions at the time of Prashna. The astrologer can use friendship/enmity of planets between the lagna/lagna Lord and planets in houses of harm or related to houses of harm etc as well for arriving at proper conclusions.If lagna lord has drishti of Badhakesh (lord of house of harm) then it is Ranthu kama (sex wishing); If Badhakesh (lord of house of harm) has aspect of 6/8 lords it is Hanthu kama (death wishing); Lagna or lagan lord (lagnesh) has (i.e. aspect-conjunct-placement) (drishti-yoga-sthiti) of 6/8 lords it is again Hantu kama (death wishing). If no planets in Badhaka sign and Badhakesh also has no drishti of other planets and lagna /lagna lord with some other planets (other than 6/8 lords) then it is Bali kama (sacrifice wishing).See all indications (lakshanas) and see all those afflictions and see which one is more repeating and declare the result. (Dwi-Tri samvada bhaval; More than 2-3 symptoms indicate one and the same result; This is one of the base rules in astrology). If only 6th Lord has some connection with Badhakesh or place then it may be due to Abhichara (big evil acts directed by enemies, possibly with the help of black magic as well). If lord of Badhaka-Sthana (house of harm) aspects lagna or the lord of lagna then it is Drishti-Badha; If the lord of the 7th is in house of harm or aspected by both lords or joins them then also it should be inferred as Drishti Badha (Drishti Badha means that the native has seen some thing and out of that shock or fear, the mind became imbalanced and the sprit or psychological problem afflicted the native). See the following chart, to know a real life story -29th march 1983, (birth time not given but the mother of the girl told me that she is born in sandhya (late evening) and they dont properly record it as their religion dont care about astrological charts or astrology) 18.45 PM (approx), kottayam, KeralaSee the alpayu combinations in the chart, indicating that less longevity. Now let us see the Prashna Chart -Date:April 14, 2009Time:7:30:33 AMTime Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Place:77 E 13' 00", 28 N 40' 00"Delhi, IndiaArudha lagna is Leo and Udaya lagna (Ascendant; rising sign) is Aries. Note that Sun the lord of Arudha lagna is weak being in Rasi Santhi (sankranthi dosha). This is a case of Drishti Badha and the category of Badha (agent of harm) turns out to be Hantu kama.She has seen a dead body (suicide or killed) of an old person in a lonely place, that is at a hilltop near to her native place at a young age of around 12 yrs, and got psychologically affected. All modern treatments failed. Aries sign represents places where Goats wander and grace/Leo is again hills and mountains where 6th lord Saturn sits and aspected by Badhakesh Mars.She completed her degree education with difficulty but now the sickness is acute. (It was growing graph) and now is showing even suicidal tendencies. This is a feedback given by parents when told her time is so bad and can show these tendencies according to Prashna. Further there is some pitru dosha in family too as indicated by Gulika in cancer sign - a mother sign. With Ketu and Lord moon is in Scorpio in debilitation again Moon is motherly person and 4th house denotes own home. Therefore we infer that, some body is related to mother and a lady died in water, become preta (wandering sprit, which is yet to go to the other world or attain moksha) and may be affecting the family as last rites not performed well.A detailed analysis can be given in this direction, and the major point derived by the astrologer would be that, the native is one affected with Hantu Kama (a psychological patient with suicidal tendencies), and since his horoscope shows less longevity, the native due to her death wish (death desire) will die before the disease being cured itself in an early age. By the help of remedies and treatments things could be kept under control to an extend, but at the end neither the remedies nor the treatment is going to be completely beneficial; that is complete cure cannot be expected. Even though in this case, not much treatment or remedies can be suggested, there would be many cases in which the astrologer reaches the clear conclusion about the cause, remedies and even the possible treatment that will cure the patient.This ancient branch of astrology directly connected with psychology and Ayurvedic treatment should be of interest not only to astrologers, but also to psychologists and Ayurvedic practitioners I bel

First House:

Physical stature, general appearance, character and temperament, complexion, form and shape, constitution , action, will, ventures Fifth child; mother-in-law, great grandchildren, childhood in general Important for matters concerning health; one should examine the 1st, 3rd, and 8th houses to ascertain the probable life span Health, vitality and energy, habitual thinking, natural disposition and tendencies; personality and struggle for life, success or failure in attempts. Head and upper part of the face; brain, skin, acne, brain, breath Name, fame, reputation. Happiness or misery Demise of partner, speculative activities of father General candor, dignity and honor, general well-being and prosperity. People in the country, person asking the question. Virtues, longevity View occupants and aspects to Ascendant to determine fortunes and misfortunes in life Appropriating other's money, gambling on other's money. Gains and profits to younger siblings; fame , reputation, and patrimony of mother. Higher studies, life in a foreign place or connection with stranger's to native's children, danger to maternal uncle, speculation of father, neighbors of elder siblings and elder siblings short journeys. In Horary, the first house represents the person who is asking the question

Second House:

Artha (wealth) house, food, right eye, face, neck, glands, nape of the neck, throat and throat ailments Speech and ability to express his/her thoughts verbally, family, close relatives of the native: (grandmother and grandfather, wife, mother, children, brothers, sisters, all close relatives). Voice and vocal chords Money matters, currency, fortune, profit and gain or loss, one's power and resources, worldly attainments, possessions of value, jewelry, precious stones and metals, documents, bonds, securities, stocks and shares, promissory notes, mortgages, bank balances, and exchangeable negotiable assets, law suits, extravagant or economical, loans, money lent or borrowed, national wealth, banking activities, revenue, money of the querist. Efforts in acquisition of wealth, miserliness or liberality, rank, position. Share of profits to partner. Death of individual, common diseases of the natives father. Ability to express one's thoughts, softness of speech, oratorical abilities. One's reputation regarding sports. Second marriage. The second house is eighth to the seventh (representing the first wife), and normally after the death of the first wife one marries for a second time.(Some Astrologer's prefer to use the eighth for the second marriage, as the eighth is seventh [spouse] from the second, which is the death of the first marriage. Vision or power of observation, right eye, memory, imagination, nails, tongue, nose, teeth, cheeks and chin. Protection of others, family members, close dependents. Clothes, gold, good silver, pearls, rubies, minerals, corn, cereals. Gains to native, but losses to younger siblings and their changes, mother's gains and her elder siblings,, profession and success of children, long journey to maternal uncle, purchase of a house, land, or vehicle by elder siblings. Danger to partner, death of partner Illness of grandchildren

Third House:

Mental inclinations, ability, memory, intellect, inclination to study, restlessness, mental confusion. Arms, fingers, dexterity, adaptability, co-ordination, hands, throat, shoulder blade, collarbone, nervous system, lungs Correspondence, communications, books, letters, papers, writings, accounting, mathematics, press Courage, firmness, valor, bravery, prowess and heroism. Younger brothers and sisters, cousins, kindred, casual acquaintances, neighbors, short travel. Eating unspoiled or pure foods, edible roots and fruits. Vehicles, bicycle, bus, train, or railway, boats, car trips, boat trips. Rumors, gossiping, carrying tall tales. PostOffice, telephone, TV, telegraph, radio, telecommunications, computer, airmail. Library, bookstore, mediator, messenger, reporter, publicity officer, editor, journalist. Change of residence, signature, signing contracts or agreements. Neighboring countries, treaties, roadside places, partition of property. Illness of Mother-in-Law Father-in-Law Children of friends

Fourth House:

Mother, ones home, home life, residence, domestic environment, grave Breasts, digestive organs, digestion, lung problems Emotional disturbances Conditions at the end of life, one's final illness; illness of friends Private affairs, secrets and secret life House, fields, pastures, farms, mines, immovable personal property, property damage from floods Real Estate, buildings, ancient dwellings, monuments, Banks, schools, colleges, public buildings, mansions, entrance into a house False allegations, trust Small wells, water, milk, ponds Vedic and secret texts, herbs, caves Where stolen property is kept Graves, hidden things

Fifth House:

Progeny, inclinations, pleasures, artistic talents Gains to wife, gains to business, partners luck Recreation, entertainment, amusement, sports Romance, courtship, love affairs Acting, drama, music, dance Cards, crossword puzzles, games Lottery, gambling, stock market, Banquets, festive occasions Kidnap, rape, licentiousness Good morals, discrimination between virtue and sin Chanting of Vedic hymns and mantras, religiousness, spiritual practices Wisdom, profound learning Enormous riches

Sixth House:

House of sickness, disease, exhaustion Dietary habits, food, food allergies, digestive nerves, colon, untimely meals Clothing, hygiene, sanitation Favorable results in competition Debts or borrowing money, miserliness Employees, tenants, servants, subordinates Enemies, obstacles in any undertaking Maternal uncle, short journeys of the mother Insanity, intense anguish, incessant eye trouble Theft, calamity, prison Purchase or sale of conveyance by younger brother or sister Sanitation and public health Loss to the partner, investment or purchases made by the partner, loss to the partner Separation from the partner, secret enemies of the partner Occupation or business of the partner Danger to ones elder brother or sister

Seventh House: House of marriage, union, or legal ties Those with whom the native transacts Litigation, duels, arbitrations, war and foreign affairs, open warfare Fines, divorces, legal bondage, contracts Break of journey, influence in foreign countries, honor and reputation achieved there Danger to longevity Recovery of lost property, description of the thief International relationships, international trade, public meetings Mothers immovable property, mothers vehicle Adopted child Second Born Secret enemies danger, difficulties, death Badhakasthana for people born in Dual (Mutable) Signs (Ge/Vi/Sg/Pi) Associates and friends of father, partnership with fathers friend

Eighth House: Longevity or span of life House of Death Second marriage, eighth being seventh [spouse] from the second - eighth [death] from seventh [marriage] - with second being eighth to the seventh.Some Astrologer's prefer to use the second house for the second marriage; please reference second house information above. Inheritance, legacies, wills, insurance, gratuity, unearned wealth, dowry Death natural or unnatural, drowning, fire Accident, suicide Mystery and misery, misfortune, sorrow and strife, worries and privations Delay and dejections, disappointments and defeat, loss and obstruction Blame and ill-repute, danger from enemies, corruption Wrong actions, theft, robbery, fighting Surgeons, medical officers, health inspectors Slaughter houses, butchers, coroners Public mortality and death rate Infection, flood, famine, fire, diseases Earthquakes, natural calamities or grief Financial relations with foreign countries, the nations exports and imports Surrender or loss, debts due to foreign countries, territory of another country Public loans, public debts and interest rates, deficit budget Estate duties and public sales Insurance money of the deceased Difficulties in journeys

Ninth House: Wisdom, faith and divine worship, devotion to God, higher communications Religious and philosophical beliefs, philosophy, devotion Fortune, invention, discovery, exploration Churches, temples, mosques, places of worship, pilgrimage to holy places Meditation, intuition, spiritual preceptors, dreams and visions Father, Guru, short trips involving spouse Legal arbitration, law, legal departments Immigration and emigration Long journeys, air travel, sea voyages Publishing of books, long distance communications International affairs, import and export, national trade, circulation of money Charities, visits to holy places sacrifice, good conduct, penance Wells, tanks, water sheds, vehicles of servants Childrens pleasures and speculative benefits ; pleasures derived from sports (5th from the 5th) Mothers illness, spouse of younger sibling (brother or sister in-law), friends to elder sibling Hospitalization of Mother-in-Law Badhakasthana for people born in Fixed Signs (Ta/Le/Sc/Aq)

Tenth House: Reputation, character, morality, honor, dignity, and public esteem Profession, occupation, business Name and fame; power and prestige Success and status, credit and conduct Rank and renown; ambition and authority Worldly activities and responsibilities Promotions, advancements, employer, superior Government, judge, honor from the government, seal of authority Doctor, medicine, prosperity, teaching Thighs Adopted son, Fathers self-acquisition, retirement Health issues of children; debts incurred by children Maraka house to both Mother and Father Mothers opponents Mother-in-Law Danger to younger siblings Head of the State, Presidents, National Leaders Losses to elder siblings and secret activities of elder siblings

Eleventh House: House of friends, society, community, associates, admirers, supporters, advisors, well-wishers, close acquaintances Hopes, wishes, realization of dreams, wealth Devotion to God, fortune Gains, success in undertakings, profits, speculation, writings, incoming wealth Pleasure, prosperity, progress in attempts, Trusts Cure of disease, happy news Elder siblings, paternal aunts and uncles, brother in law Left ear, right foot, left hand, knee Mothers longevity Fathers short journeys Birth of Children, childrens competitors, partners pleasurable pursuits, speculation Recovery from ill health; discharge from hospital Victory over enemies; freedom from misery and pain Jewelry, silk International friendships, government policies and planning, exchange of amenities Government loans, electric companies, gas companies, museums, estates Stores, associations, societies Badhakasthana for people born in Moveable (Cardinal) Signs (Ar/Ca/Li/Cap)

Twelfth House: Losses, impediments, hospitals, prisons and imprisonment, areas of confinement, Asylums, nursing homes, mental hospitals Separation from family; going to a place far away Hidden house; hidden side of life; fear from enemies Termination of employment; unseen or unexpected troubles Soundsleep or not (3rd house shows ones awakening from sleep, the 6th signifies trance, the 9th house relates to dreams). Sorrow and sin; poverty and persecution; limitations and restrictions Mental pain and agitation; anger, deceptive actions Feet, left eye, bodily injury, mutilation, bodily harm Fears, secrets, solitude, silent suffering, inferiority complexes, self-undoing Secret plots and schemes, conspiracy, envy and malice, treachery Intrigue and deception, fraud, scandals, secret sorrows, disgrace Rape, poisoning, crimes in general Suicide, murder, or assassination, banished persons, treason, spies, underground movements, secret and occult societies Exile and extradition; lost goods never recovered, long hidden wrath, disobedience Obstacles, misery, and misfortune, unseen and unexpected troubles Waste and extravagance; expenses Bed comforts, pressures of money, unusual expenses Drudgery and deception Litigation, danger, difficulties, and disappointments to children. Success in places that are remote from the place of birth Success with large animals Sickness of spouse; long journeys of mother Younger siblings profession Fathers permanent possessions Psychic research, occult investigations, detective work Popularity and prosperity Greatest self-sacrifice, unselfish deeds, seclusion, social barriers Donations, charity, institutions and associations with same

. Central signsThe 1, 4, 7 and 10th houses of any sign - They represent the strength of the chart and life as a whole, and give the capacity to achieve the desired goals.

2. Thrikona signsThe 1, 5, 9th houses of any sign - They correspond to the Dharma houses and are the houses of good luck, success, wisdom and knowledge.

3. Panapara2, 5, 8, 11 - Related to stability, preservation, income and material security.

4. Apoclima3, 6, 9, 12 - Planets placed on these houses are considered weak or not very powerful.Those houses correspond in meaning to the dual signs.

5. Upachaya3, 6, 10, 11 - Planets placed in those houses tend to grow and improve over a period of time.

6. Apachaya2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12 - Planets placed in those houses tend to obstruct or harm, become unfriendly over a period of time.

7. Day signsSimha, Kanya, Tula, Vrischika, Kumbha, Meena have more strength during daytime.

8. Night signsMesha, Vrischika, Mithuna, Karkata, Dhanu, Makara gain greater strength during nighttime.

9. Watery signsKarkata, Meena and the second half of Makara sign.

10. Human signsTula, Mithuna, Kumbha, Kanya.

The directions of SignsMesha, Simha, DhanuEast

Vrisha, Kanya, MakaraSouth

Mithuna, Tula, KumbhaWest

Karka, Vrischika, MeenaNorth





This can be said as:

1, 5, 9 in the east2, 6, 10 in the south3, 7, 11 in the west4, 8, 12 in the north

Nadi GranthaIn Puranas 72 Granthas but in present time only 22 Granthas available in India. Devakeralam or Chandra Kala Nadi Kapila Nadi Kamlamuni Nadi Shukra Nadi Buddha Nadi Saptarishi Nadi Satya Nadi Soory Nadi Nava Nadi Kumar Nadi Eeshvar Nadi Markandey Nadi Bhrugu Nadi Dhruv Nadi Kuja Nadi Kakbhujandar Nadi Shani Nadi Agast Nadi Garg Nadi Guru Nadi Jemini Nadi Bhrugunandi NadiNadi predictions depends with two reasons. Some nadi grantha predict with Rashi Chakra basis those called Sahinta,some nadi basis of predictions depends on navamansa and Varga basis.Nadi AnshaIn 24 hours 12 Rashi and average time of each rashi is 2 hours. 150 Nadi in one Rashi,called 2x60x60/150 = 48 Seconds time.The time of one nadi is 48 seconds.Shodash VargasSr.No.VargaAnshaPredictionsName of Chart

1RashiEach 30'Predictions of LifeD-1

2HoraEach 15'MONEYof LifeD-2

3DreshkanEach 10'Relations with brothers and sistersD-3

4TuryanshaEach 7.30'Land and PropertiesD-4

5SaptamanshaEach 4.17'Happiness with childrenD-7

6NavamanshaEach 3.20'Happiness with Life mateD-9

7DashamanshaEach 3.00'Karma and businessD-10

8DwadashanshaEach 2.30'Mother father's happiness and diseasesD-12

9ShodashanshaEach 1.52.30'Vehicles and happinessD-16

10VishanshaEach 1.30'Religion and SpiritualityD-20

11Chatura Vishansha1.15EducationD-24

12Nakshtransh or SaptavinyashaEach 1.06.40'Nature Image in social base,inner strengthD-27

13BhishanshaEach 1.00'Unhappy timeD-30

14RavyedanshaEach 0.45'Happy and Unhappy timeD-40

15AkshavedanshaEach 0.40'Ancients of lifeD-45

16ShashtianshaEach 0.30'Indications of lifeD-60

DevakeralamIn the library of Chennai Tamilnadu has this grantha,it has 9152 Shlokas.This nadi grantha has 150 Nadi ansha.One Nadi ansha also divided by two parts, 48/2=24 seconds time.One is poorva bhaga and other is Uttara bhaga.Prediction of life of human kind depends on these ansha.It is a wonderful science.Nava nadi and Devakerlam Nadi depends on same basis.Names of 150 NadiVashudha,Vaishnavi,Brahmi,Kaalkootahi,Shankari,Sudhakar sama,Saumya,Sura,Mayamanohara Madhvi Manjushwana Ghora Kumbini Kutila Prabha Para Payaswini Mala Jagati Jarjhara Dhruva Moosala Mrugdara Pasha Champaka Damini Mahee Kalusha Kamla Kanta Karala Karikara kshama Durdhara Durbhaga Vishwa Visheerna Vivhala Anila Bhima Vikata Avila Vibhrama Sukhaprada Snigdha Sodara Sursundari Amrutprashini Kala Kaamdhuk Karveerini Gavhara Kundini Vishakhya Vishnashini Narmada Sheetalaa Nimna Preeta Priyavardhini Mandhana Chitra Vichitra Chirjeevani Bhoopa Gadahara Nala Nalini Nirmla Nadee Sudhamrutanshu Kalushankura Trailokyamohakari Mahamaya Susheetala Sukhada Suprabha Gakalika Shobha Shobhana Shivda Shiva Balaa Jwala Gadaa Gadhaa Nootana Sumanoharaa Sumatyansha Somvallee Somalata Mangala Mudrika Sudha Malapavarga Pashyata Navaneetaa Nishacharee Nivruti Nirgata Sara Samaga Samada Samaa Vishvabhara Kumari Kokila Kunjarakruti Endra Swaha Swadha Vahri Peeta Yaksha Achalprabhaa Sarini Mdhura Maitri Harini Harinee Marut Dhanajaya Dhanakaree Dhandaa Kakshpambuja Eshani Shoolini Raudri Shivakari Kala Kunda Mukunda Parata Basita Kadali Smara Kadala Kamini Kalshodbhava Veerprabhu Sangara Shayagya Shatavari Virahapa Stravagi Patlini Nagasa Pankja Parameshvari.Dhruv NadiWriter of this nadi grantha is Jaymuni. Dhruv nadi has 250000 shloka and in 43 parts. Prediction depends on navamansha,also depends on Vaidic regulations.No uses of nadi ansha but predictions depends on 5 Varga.Kapila NadiThis Nadi depends on palmistry and prediction made by Chakra of life,predictions depends on Parashara regulations.Saptarushi NadiPrediction depends on talk with Saptarushi Atri Parashara vashishtha Kaushik Agast Jaymuni Bhujandar Narada and Vidur.From birth to death predictions available in this nadi grantha.Bhrugu NadiIt depends on 150 nadi ansha,this grantha gives prediction from 12th house,by the trikona of 12th house 4th house gives Garbhavastha prediction.It out from Vedic Astrology.Kakbhujandar NadiIt is story of talk with Vashishtha and Kakabhujandar.Mundane astrology depends on this grantha.Shukra NadiPrediction through Ashtak varga and each varga depends on eight parts of life.Markandey NadiIt is a story talk with Vashishtha Vishvamitra and Goddess Parvati. It has prediction of life and indicate reason of life.August NadiPrediction depends on right hand print also makes good knowledge of head lines.Budh NadiIt makes major incidents of life with years of life.Nandi NadiIt is palmistry grantha and has prints of palms.Find Position of birth place.Ascendant is Aries,Rahu having place in first house,Moon and Saturn in third house,Venus and ketu in 7th house,Sun in 8th house,Mercury and Mars in ninth house and Jupiter in 12th house.The birth of native took place near a government place.The surroundings at birth can reasonably by supposed to relate to the first house,sice that house deals with all matters connected with birth. Now government place is represented by two planets viz. Sun and Mercury.Here Mars the lord of the first house is simultaneously the lord of the sign occupied by Sun and as such is in touch with symbols of Government places. Mars located with Mercury again stressing the same fact.Mars aspects the Chandra Lagana and is also influencing Mercury,lord of the Chandra lagana thus with reference to Chandra lagana too birth denotes the influence of Government place.Birth in Mother's houseAscendant is Aries Sun and Venus in first house Mars and Mercury in 2nd house,Rahu in third house,Saturn in fourth house Moon in fifth house Jupiter and Ketu in Ninth house.This birth chart stated by prediction to have been born in his mother's house.This is again a matter where the problem require the study of the influence on Lagana factors.Mars lord of the Lagana fully aspects Moon (mohter) and the lord of the sign occupied by Moon influences Lagana by location.There is thus a mutual link between the first house (birth) and the 4th house (mother) indicating birth in mother's house.Considering the problem from the Chandra Lagana,we see that Mars lord of the 4th house aspects the Chandra Lagana while the lord of the Chandra Lagana i.e. Sun is in association with Venus,lord of the sign occupied by Mars.Here again intimate relation is eatablished between the birth house and the mother's house thereby confirming the truth of the statement in regard to the birth having taken place in the mother's house.Rahu Ketu Saturn always gives tension,negativity,and coldness in life.When Rahu in second house,gives tensions related toMONEYand physical things,Rahu also gives habit to drink alcohols,medicines related to addicts.Rahu makes face to dirty like black spots on face,skin troubles on face,etc.When Ketu in the second house it gives long face and always gives feeling,there are nothing in life.When Saturn in second house,much tensions related to money,no money after hard work,when you want to say anything word power always in freeze and no values of knowledge,personal family also out of reach etc troubles makes by these three stars.Here some well known remedies those are very good after using and not much cost in the are area of remedies.Remedies of AttractionAttraction is must in life to show value of image of body in life,everything possible by the face if there are good face,smile,good talk,imagine power etc.Marigold is the name of flower,there are two colors of marigold,one likeGOLDcolor and one like brown color,golden color require for the remedies of attraction.Marigold related to flower of Jupiter and Venus.If Rahu Saturn Ketu makes bad effects on face then take five flowers of marigold and grind them after dry.mix powder of turmeric one teas spoon with powder of marigold.when you goes to sleep,first make pest of both on face and sleep,wash face in morning,do this seven days continue and see results.Attraction for Husband by WifeHusband is the Mars in the birth chart of female kind by the astrology rules,wife is Venus and Relation is Jupiter.Saturn Rahu Ketu always busy to disconnect relationship form husband and wife.I find and good Mantra from a siddha,and I serve to troubled ladies those was very tensed from their husbands.Mantra is "Aum Asy Shri Suree mantra swarth Nirman Varn Rishi Iti Shipsa Swaha" daily chanting of this mantra after morning wake up 108 time daily,you find good results after 43 days.Do not break chain of chanting mantra.Money Provider RemediesNature at its boasts numerous funds, which they have knowledge, he takes advantage.Vegetables and stones are the head in the area of nature.The lord of everything those related to physical is female,and male only manage like a worker for the female.Kind of Vegetables,many plants are good luck maker in this world.Like basil is a plant and if some one planted that in house in the are area of north-east,it means there are much money and progress in life,the Sun rise gives first ray of positive in that family.Water also money provider,if some one has running water in north-east area,it means there will be every member of that family in job and every member canEARN MONEY FORthe family.If some one has dirty place in this area that means there daily fighting for the money and each member in bad condition.Stopping family fightingBy the confusions and family relations there are much fighting start with family members by time to time,it all by the star,and if anybody not thinking to stop fighting it means there are bread in relations,and much tensions to family members.Fighting between husband and wife is also by the effects of Mars and Venus,and it is good in the love time and bad in normal conditions.there are some remedies to stop fighting in family.By the fighting ghostly strength start to enter in home,start spray milk with honey in every corner of house daily when Sun set.Lite a candle of green color and make a prayer to your own Isht as you like most for the removing faults from house.If there are much using wine or any type addict in family then make try to out this type habits.Buddhi Gyan and SamriddhiLord Ganesha is the head of above three kinds of strength.there are seven mantras for the making good life by the Buddhi gyan and samriddhi.Aum Ganeshay Namhathis mantra can increase power of education,work in office,any you can find good position in your area of jobs.Aum Gam Ganpataye namahaIn life and career this mantra can remove all type of tensions.supreme knowledge can help you in troubles time.

Moon Is Best RemediesFind Your birth chart PredictionMoon represents Mother, Vegetation, Flowers, Constituents of Blood, Water, and is a Cool Planet. In a Kundali the moons position indicates the Question or subject in mind. A debilitated Moon relates to Malaria, Moon in 10 th house causes continuous change in Jobs or Business or the persons tendency is such. Persons with moon in 10 th house regularly re-arrange things or articles in the house. Moon Rules : Stomach, Digestive System, Large & Small Intestine.Female genital system, Periods, swings in Mental outlook/Moods, Sadness/Joy, dejection, Bladder.Moon with other Stars in first HouseMoon, Mars: wicked, poor, talkative and not virtuous.Moon, Mercury: good speech, rich, beautiful, passionate, modest and addicted to other women.Moon, Jupiter: good-looking, long-lived, very famous, has attractive eyes and hair on the head.Moon, Venus: interested in good affairs, beautiful face, affluent, interested in being virtuous and dear to king.Moon, Saturn:EARNS MONEY INbad ways, knows only bad things, mean-minded, be attached to others money, won by unsocial elements.Moon, Mars, Mercury: has a fine house to live in, very wealthy, just, free from enemies and knowledge in scriptures.Moon, Mars, Jupiter: happy, very prestigious, attached to his work, virtuous, many friends and a great person.Moon, Mars, Venus: subjected to much grief, vices, highly placed relatives, very intelligent and bright in appearance.Moon, Mars, Saturn: ever modest, fond of guests, donates liberally, very wise and stands to gain.Moon, Mercury, Jupiter: king, attractive physique, valorous and be always happy.Moon, Mercury, Venus: very efficacious, virtuous, no knowledge of arts and well versed in justice.Moon, Jupiter, Venus: marries a highly placed lady, rich food to eat, very happy and donates liberally.Moon, Jupiter, Saturn: not so efficacious (appealing physique-Hora Ratna), firm, eloquent, inimically disposed to the public, will have knowledge of poison and interested in bad deeds.Moon, Venus, Saturn: has sons andMONEY, maintains fasting and other religious observations, methodical planning, bright and good mind.Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter: dark and long body, interested in fighting, suffers blood related disorders and poorly dress himself.Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus: not having sons and wealth, ugly ears, teeth and eyes, a voracious eater, ascetic and wicked.Moon, Mars, Mercury, Saturn: uneven legs, ugly hair and ugly teeth.Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus: ugly physique, ugly nails and ugly sides, indulges in unacceptable deeds and will be a tale-bearer.Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn: very famous, helpful to others, free from enemies, attached to his sons and affectionate to his preceptors.Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus: interested in comforts, always pure and clean, interested in listening to auspicious stories (puranas), a beautiful body and leader of men.Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn: good knees and feet, follows his elders in respect of fame, wealth and happiness, interested in performing sacrifices, worships etc.Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Saturn: more gains, subjected to fear,VENEREALdiseases due to union with poor women and wanderer.Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn: endowed {with happiness, fleet of horses and many friends}, proud, dear to good people and will befriend elders.Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn: loss of horses, practices self restraint, presents an artificial person while his inward nature is different (cunning, diplomatic, unreliable), pious and parents live with him.Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn: has vices and various diseases.Moon with other stars in 2nd HouseMoon, Mars: ruled by the public, dejected wife, looks old, ungrateful, a servant, wicked and bright in appearance.Moon, Mercury: very rich, free from vices and dear to king.Moon, Jupiter: king, splendorous, virtues, destroys enemies, many sons and liked by the public.Moon, Venus: virtuous, wealthy, either a king or a minister, many friends and attached to his son.Moon, Saturn: no wealth, follows bad course, troubled by enemies, argumentative in nature and relatives perish.Moon, Mars, Mercury: vicissitude, harsh in speech, scandalous inMONEYmatters, childless, much anger, diseases and forsaken by his relatives.Moon, Mars, Jupiter: poor in status, devoid of wife, issue and wealth, very greedy and diseases.Moon, Mars, Venus: diseases caused due to phlegmatic disorders, does not respect his preceptors, very justly disposed and banned from the purview of scriptures.Moon, Mars, Saturn: naturally wicked, fond of alcohol, interested in gambling, dejected soul and forsaken by his relatives.Moon, Mercury, Jupiter: a king, insulted much, beautiful and endowed with learning and riches.Moon, Mercury, Venus: affluent, number of friends, learned in scriptures, virtuous, and always affectionate.Moon, Mercury, Saturn: efficacious and helpful, spendthrift, grief on account of his wife, a donor and will cheat others.Moon, Jupiter, Venus: happy, good ideals, a king, very famous, very wise and a questionable (mean) profession.Moon, Jupiter, Saturn: free from anger, interested in good conduct, sweet in disposition, attractive and affectionate to his son.Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter: dear to sages/good people, interested in scriptures and epics, devoted to Brahmins and pleasing to look at.Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus: interested in visiting shrines, religious observations and scriptures, worshipped by others and equal to a king.Moon, Mars, Mercury, Saturn: considersMONEYas most important, agricultural profession, has a fleet of horses, gold, famous, poet, interested in giving donations/gifts and attractive in appearance.Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus: calculative, a scholar and dear to Brahmins.Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn: successful, virtuous children, affluent, honored even by kings, observes religious regulations, owns various kinds of horses, robes and things, free from diseases and virtuous.Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus: interested in performing sacrifices of religious nature and serving the virtuous, able speaker, very wealthy and interested in scriptures.Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn: dear to Brahmins, attractive body, speaks smilingly, always happy and dear to the king.Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn: a chief with the king, respected even by his enemies, much wealth and donates liberally.Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn: chief among many men, respected by kings, is a minister, always happy and famous.Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus: interested in working for his relatives, very wealthy, learned in scriptures and pure.Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Saturn: good friends, modest, disinterested, does not have food to eat and suffers from lung disorders.Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn: devoted to elders and Brahmins, good looking, liberal and skilful in divine undertakings, viz. Puja etc.Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn: has the seas as boundaries of his kingdom, holds the flag of virtue aloft and very famous.Moon is only supporter of humanMoon makes tensions when Rahu gives strength.Moon always freeze when Saturn gives strength.Moon always hot when Mars gives strength.Moon always mad when Mercury gives strength.Moon always donor when Jupiter gives strength,Moon always depends on others when Ketu gives strength,Moon always like machine when pluto gives strength,Moon always sycophant when Uranus gives strength,Moon always soul nature when Neptune gives strength.Worship of MoonAlways worship of new Moon,always walk when full Moon present,always make relations when Moon is wax,always gives donations when Moon not present in night,always keep safety when Moon in 6th or 8th house,always make journey when Moon in front,always do hidden job when Moon in front.

DREAMSDefinition of dreamIn astrology Rahu is the ruler of dreams,when Rahu makes relation with Moon then dreams comes in the time of sleeping.Some person start to see dreams in day time,some person start to see dreams in the working time,dreams are must to think about realty of nature.Example of DreamsMoon in first house,Sun and fourth house,Mars in second house,Mercury in fifth house,Jupiter and Venus in third house,Saturn in fourth house,and Rahu in sixth house and Ketu in 12th house.Moon always thinks,Sun always sees and Saturn always does,Mercury gives way of next by voice,by expression and by communication,Mars gives strength and Jupiter and Venus gives knowledge of paranormal and physical things,Rahu gives idea those not have any type measurements and destinations,Ketu gives low label and Rahu gives high label.Sun and Saturn in fourth house makes life only for showing image in evening and morning time,the time of Rahu in first part of night and time of Ketu is the last part of night,middle part of night always gives results of full Saturn.In a month Moon makes connectivity with Rahu and Ketu,like 2.25 days when with Rahu or with Ketu,2.25 days when in third house from Rahu or Ketu,2.25 days when in fifth house from Rahu or Ketu,2.25 days when in seventh from Rahu and Ketu and 2.25 days when in ninth house from Rahu and Ketu.True dreams always when Moon makes gochara from birth time Rahu and Ketu,and lie dreams always when Moon with Rahu by time Gochara.Mars in second house gives nature to live by the helps of medicines,Sun and Saturn in fourth house gives works related to home and illness of heart, it also gives weak heart,Saturn always hits Moon of first from fourth house,fourth house is the house of Moon,Moon is a wet star and Saturn is dry star,heart by the dryness makes feelings of nothing with life.When Sun with Saturn Sun always gives illness of heart,like Sun is soul and Jupiter is Jeeva,(breaths),Venus is the physical star,and this start gives helps to Jupiter to take breaths by the physical ways,Before Jupiter is Mars like a doctor and after Mars is Jupiter,means breathing depends on doctor,after breathing Sun means soul Saturn means works,and in fifth Mercury gives connection by plastic tubes in stomach area,and Rahu in sixth gives nature of thinking when Moon in sixth,gives dreams like a person is drinking blood,Mars and Rahu having connection like trikonatmak,and when Moon in 8th house,Rahu gives dreams like a person saivng him by death,and when Moon in 10th house,gives there are supports from family members and some persons going to kill father.By this type many dreams arise,and true dreams always take time like one month,one year,or 12 years time.
